iv Un er BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE/DEGREE WITH HONOURS IN Multimedia Communication sit Final Year Project Report Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire fH yO Self-Learning Guide of how to play piano Supervisor Scarlett Aiting Xiao April 2007 ire sh rd Date tfo Dhiresh Patel er Report by DECLARATION STATEMENT iv Un I certify that the work submitted is my own and that any material derived or quoted from the published or unpublished work of other persons has been duly acknowledged (ref. UPR AS/C/6.1, Appendix I, Section 2 – Section on cheating and plagiarism) Student Full Name: Dhiresh Patel er Student Registration Number: 03057725 yO sit Signed: ………………………………………………… ire sh rd tfo er fH Date: 17 May 2007 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire ABSTRACT iv Un This report consists of the stages of designing and implementing a self-learning guide of how to play piano. It includes a learning cycle of how each stage was developed. The purpose of the project was to design an application that would assist children age from 8-14 years on how to play the piano. The following stages have been discussed in detail: feasibility, system analysis, system design, implementation, testing, evaluation er and maintenance. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit Dhiresh Patel i Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv Un I would like to firstly thank my supervisor Scarlett Xiao who has helped, guided and supported me in throughout my final year project. I would also like to thank M.Virdee the Nursery HR Manager for being easy to contact and I would like to thank the nursery staff and the children for participating in the er testing and evaluation of the application. sit Finally I would like to thank my family and friends who have given me the confidence and courage in completing the project. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO Dhiresh Patel ii Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire TABLE OF CONTENTS iv Un DECLARATION STATEMENT................................................................................... i ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ iii LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................... vii er GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................. viii 1. sit 1.1 Product marketability.....................................................................................1 1.2 Background of a piano ...................................................................................1 1.3 Aims ..............................................................................................................2 1.4 Objectives......................................................................................................2 yO 2. Introduction ...........................................................................................................1 Methodology .........................................................................................................3 2.1 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).......................................................3 fH 2.1.1 Stages of SDLC ............................................................................................3 2.1.1 Stages of SDLC ............................................................................................4 2.2 Feasibility..............................................................................................................6 3.1 Macromedia Flash 8.......................................................................................6 3.2 Adobe Photoshop...........................................................................................6 3.3 Adobe Premiere Pro.......................................................................................7 tfo System Analysis ....................................................................................................8 rd 4. er 3. Project Management ......................................................................................5 4.1 Target audience ...................................................................................................8 4.2 Primary research methods....................................................................................8 ire sh 4.2.1 Questionnaire................................................................................................9 4.2.2 Observation...................................................................................................9 4.2.3 Documentation..............................................................................................9 4.3 Analysis of results ...............................................................................................9 4.3.1 Questionnaire analysis ................................................................................10 4.4 Secondary research ............................................................................................14 4.4.1 Similar applications which are available in the market ................................15 Dhiresh Patel iii Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.4.2 Different types of pianos available ..............................................................15 4.4.3 History of the piano ....................................................................................15 4.4.4 Seating positions .........................................................................................16 iv Un 4.4.5 Piano layout ................................................................................................16 4.4.6 Beat count...................................................................................................17 4.4.7 Finger Exercise ...........................................................................................17 4.4.8 Nursery rhythms .........................................................................................17 5. System Design.....................................................................................................18 er 5.1 Contents flow diagram.......................................................................................18 5.2 Navigational flow diagram.................................................................................18 sit 5.3 Storyboard .........................................................................................................18 5.4 Format ...............................................................................................................19 Implementation stage...........................................................................................20 yO 6. 6.1 Creating the piano in Macromedia Flash 8 .........................................................20 6.1.1 Creating the lower piano keys .....................................................................20 6.1.2 Creating the upper (Sharp#) piano keys.......................................................21 fH 6.1.3 How the Movie clip was created .................................................................21 6.1.4 Script / Labels .............................................................................................22 6.1.5 Sound..........................................................................................................22 er 6.1.6 Lower keys created .....................................................................................23 6.1.7 Upper (Sharp #) keys created ......................................................................23 tfo 6.1.8 Creating the goKey function .......................................................................24 6.1.9 Creating stop action ....................................................................................24 6.2 Features which were used in implementation .....................................................25 rd 6.2.1 Text ............................................................................................................25 6.2.2 Text on the buttons......................................................................................25 ire sh 6.2.3 Text on shapes ............................................................................................25 6.2.4 Adding text to the piano ..............................................................................26 6.3 Buttons and images............................................................................................26 6.3.1 Buttons .......................................................................................................26 6.3.2 Images ........................................................................................................28 6.4 Music and sound................................................................................................28 6.5 Finger Exercise and animated arrows.................................................................29 Dhiresh Patel iv Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.5.1 Finger Exercise ...........................................................................................29 6.5.2 Animated arrows.........................................................................................30 6.6 Creating test scenes............................................................................................30 iv Un 6.6.1 Test one ......................................................................................................31 6.6.2 Test two ......................................................................................................31 6.6.3 Test three ....................................................................................................33 6.7 Time indicator and demonstration of song .........................................................33 6.7.1 Time indicator.............................................................................................33 er 6.7.2 Demonstration of song ................................................................................34 6.8 Summary ...........................................................................................................34 sit 6.9 Investigation on how the application can be interfaced with hardware tool and problems encountered and solutions ........................................................................35 yO 6.9.1 Investigation ...............................................................................................35 6.9.2 Problems occurred and solutions .................................................................36 7. Testing / Evaluation.............................................................................................37 7.1 Testing Methods ................................................................................................37 fH 7.2 Errors occurred ..................................................................................................37 7.2.1 Errors in Buttons.........................................................................................38 7.2.2 Errors in animated animations .....................................................................39 er 7.3 Evaluation .........................................................................................................39 7.3.1 Nursery after school children ......................................................................40 tfo 7.3.2 Nursery Teacher..........................................................................................40 7.4 Objectives met ...................................................................................................40 7.5 Evaluation sheet analysis ...................................................................................41 rd 7.5.1 User Friendly ..............................................................................................41 7.5.2 Interactive user interface .............................................................................42 ire sh 7.5.3 Functionality...............................................................................................42 7.5.4 Variety of self assessment ...........................................................................42 7.6 Feedback ...........................................................................................................43 7.6.1 Time indicator.............................................................................................43 7.6.2 Hand identifier ............................................................................................43 7.6.3 Animated arrows.........................................................................................43 8. Maintenance ........................................................................................................44 Dhiresh Patel v Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 9. Conclusion and Future Development ...................................................................45 9.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................45 9.1.1 Brief outline of project work .......................................................................45 iv Un 9.1.2 Critical outcome of the project ....................................................................46 9.1.3 Aims and objectives ....................................................................................46 9.2 Future Development ..........................................................................................47 REFERENCES............................................................................................................48 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................49 er APPENDICES ............................................................................................................50 Appendix A – Images of the three different types of pianos. ....................................50 sit Appendix B – Initial Gantt chart ..............................................................................52 Appendix C – Revised Gantt chart...........................................................................54 yO Appendix D - Questionnaire ....................................................................................58 Appendix E – Results from questionnaire ................................................................61 Appendix F – Contents Flow Diagram.....................................................................68 Appendix G – Navigational Flow Diagram ..............................................................69 fH Appendix H – Storyboard ........................................................................................70 Appendix I – Testing sheet ......................................................................................75 Appendix J – Error testing sheet ..............................................................................91 er Appendix K – Revised testing sheet.........................................................................92 Appendix L – Evaluation sheet ................................................................................93 ire sh rd tfo Dhiresh Patel vi Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire LIST OF FIGURES iv Un Figure 1- System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) MODEL. .......................................3 Figure 2- Image of lower piano Key ............................................................................21 Figure 3- Timeline of script label layer ........................................................................22 Figure 4- Timeline for sound layer key frame ..............................................................23 Figure 5- Action script for lower keys of the piano ......................................................23 er Figure 6- Showing the goKey function action script. ...................................................24 Figure 7- Text added in a shape. ..................................................................................25 sit Figure 8- Showing the piano with text, this represents the keys ...................................26 Figure 9- Button with 'up' states...................................................................................26 yO Figure 10- Button with 'over and down' states..............................................................26 Figure 11- Back button with 'up' states. .......................................................................27 Figure 12- Back button with 'over' states. ....................................................................27 Figure 13- Back button with 'down' states....................................................................27 fH Figure 14- Showing the motion tweening on a timeline. ..............................................29 Figure 15- Scene showing animated arrows. ................................................................30 Figure 16- Testing scene 1...........................................................................................31 er Figure 17- Testing scene 2...........................................................................................32 Figure 18- Time indictor..............................................................................................33 tfo Figure 19- Demonstration timeline. .............................................................................34 Figure 20- Summary scene of the application. .............................................................35 ire sh rd Dhiresh Patel vii Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire GLOSSARY Action Script: - Programming language used in Macromedia Flash 8. iv Un Keyframes: - Used to turn or move images, which is used in the Timeline. Layers: - Layers are used to make multiple layers within the application. er Gain: - Adjustment of volume. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit Dhiresh Patel viii Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 1. Introduction The purpose of this project was to create a self-learning package to teach the chosen iv Un target audience how to play the piano. The project has been conducted using a learning methodology; it also provides users with highly interactive learning aids, different types of feedback and self-assessments methods. An investigation on how the application can be interfaced with hardware tools is also included. The report introduces how the application was researched for the self-learning guide er on how to play the piano, how it was designed, the way it was implemented and the methods that were used to test and evaluate the application. sit Product marketability yO 1.1 The market has been researched thoroughly and it has been found that there is a gap in the market for this particular age group, 8-14 years. Although many books have been found for this age group, there are no easily available CD-ROM applications for them. fH The CD-ROM self-learning guides are either too basic aimed at a very young age group or too advanced and aimed at adults. Therefore there is a great possibility that this product will be well liked if produced on the market. tfo Background of a piano er 1.2 A piano is a musical instrument, the sound is played through strings, which are stroked by a hammer, and are stretched out to trigger the sound. The piano can be rd played out loud or soft depending on how hard the keys are pressed within the piano. A man called “Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence, Italy” [1], invented the piano. ire sh There are three different types of modern pianos, which are used in today’s world. They are the Grand piano, the upright pianos and the digital piano. Modern pianos have 88 keys on the piano and include three pedals. See Appendix A showing images of the three different types of pianos. Dhiresh Patel 1 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire There are various types of methods available in the market to learn how to play the piano. Personal piano teachers are available to teach how to play the piano where appointments are booked however are usually very expensive. Books are also another iv Un method in which people use to learn how to play the piano. Computer applications are also encouraging users to learn by themselves such as CD-ROM’s, which can be brought from shops, and the Internet by purchasing the courses on line as they go through each level. er 1.3 Aims sit The aim of the project is to develop a learning package to teach how to play the piano. It must include highly interactive learning by having feedback and self-assessments. Objectives yO 1.4 The following objectives must be met for the user: - fH User friendly · To create an interactive user interface · Step by step learning method · Functionality, about the piano, beginners level, intermediate level and advance · Variety of self-assessment. ire sh rd tfo level. er · Dhiresh Patel 2 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 2. Methodology System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) iv Un 2.1 The methodology that was used throughout the project is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to ensure that the project is going to run effectively and smoothly. It creates guidance on how to complete each task from the various stages. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Figure 1- System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) MODEL. [2] Dhiresh Patel 3 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 2.1.1 Stages of SDLC There are 6 stages within the SDLC, which are described in brief below: iv Un Stage 1: Feasibility In this stage an initial investigation needs to be conducted to see what software needs to be used to implement the application. er Stage 2: System Analysis: In this stage a target audience needs to be identified. Then collection of data will occur from the user requirements for the application, and analysing the user sit requirements and looking at similar applications that are available within the market. yO Stage 3: System Design: Within this stage the designs for the application need to be created, how they are going to link together and how the user will navigate through the application and finally the user requirements need to be met within the design. fH Stage 4: Implementation: In this stage, using the software packages the production of the application will occur. tfo er Stage 5: Testing/Evaluation: Within this stage testing will need to be conducted to see whether the application is error free and a process of measuring whether the objectives have been met or not. rd Stage 6: Maintenance: occasion for e.g. updates, correction and monitored. Dhiresh Patel ire sh In this stage once the application is created, changes may be required every certain 4 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 2.2 Project Management Project management is an important aspect of the project, to make sure all tasks are iv Un completed on time and efficiently. Therefore a Gantt chart was produced to show each task and when it was going to be completed. It allocated the major tasks, and broke them down into smaller individual tasks so they are easier to tackle. The Gantt chart did not give enough time for the application to be connected to the USB keyboard, due to problems which occurred in the laboratories, and major time er constraints, time had to be prioritised to make sure that the other tasks were not left behind because of one problem. Therefore the major application had to be completed sit first. Appendix B shows the initial Gantt chart and Appendix C shows the revised Gantt chart, the green bars in the Gantt chart represents the revised time management. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO Dhiresh Patel 5 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 3. Feasibility In the first stage of the SDLC, an investigation was conducted on the programs that iv Un could be used to create the application. There were various types of software packages, which could have been used, however they were only beneficial in certain areas, and did not provide sufficient overall use of the package. Below are the final packages, which were used to create the application. er 3.1 Macromedia Flash 8 sit The use of Macromedia Flash 8 [3] [4] [5] was decided upon after extensive research. The investigation conducted was based upon what the application needed to be able to yO do and what it actually did. Macromedia Flash 8 provides various types of functions within the program. It allows the designer to: create scenes, make interactive buttons, use various types of colours, fH the use of drawing tools to create simple shapes, create movie clips, the ability to import images and sounds in the library from other files, add text to the scenes, create action scripts, allowing create the scenes by using layers for the timeline, and finally er to be able to test the scenes. tfo The above features were used to create the user interface for the application; it enabled the designer to create attractive animations, which provided more focus and fun for the user. Macromedia Flash 8 also uses a basic action script language; this was rd used to implement the application with more interactive features and all scenes had to be put together to create a step-by-step learning guide. Therefore action scripts were ire sh required. This met all the objectives of the project stated in 1.4 of the report. 3.2 Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is an application, which enables the user to: create images and edit existing graphical images. This can be manipulated by resizing, cropping, adding or replacing colour and text. This application was used for specific images such as the piano and the hands. They were manipulated to suit the application such as changing Dhiresh Patel 6 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire the colour, resizing, cropping and adding text to the pictures so the user can clearly visualise the image rather than it being distorted and unclear. iv Un 3.3 Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe Premiere Pro software provides high quality audio editing efficiency. It provides an audio mixer, which can manipulate the gain of the audio. This makes the audio clearer and provides a timeline, which enables the designer to edit sound more er efficiently. This software was used to manipulate the sounds for the self-learning guide, e.g. the beat count had to be edited and the music played when the application sit is opened and the final summary of completion of the course. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO Dhiresh Patel 7 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4. System Analysis In this stage of the SDLC it covers the following topics, identifying the target iv Un audience, research on similar applications that are currently available in the market and also why this application will be different what the unique selling points are compared to the applications that are currently available in the market. To analyse these points, the following research was conducted. er 4.1 Target audience sit To identify the target audience, research on similar application was made, and the research showed that mainly the similar application were for adults, there were not a yO lot of similar applications for young children; this is the main reason why the target audience was chosen for the age of 8-14 years. fH 4.2 Primary research methods There are many methods of doing research, below are a few different types of methods that can be undertaken in conducting research. · Face by face interview · Observation · Documentation rd tfo Questionnaire er · The three methods, which were implemented in this project in conducting research, ire sh were questionnaires, observation by the teacher, and documentation, the three methods are explained more in detailed. Dhiresh Patel 8 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.2.1 Questionnaire A survey of twenty questionnaires was conducted targeting children aged between 8 iv Un to 14 years. The questionnaire was specifically designed for the information needed to create the self-learning guide of how to play a piano. The reason why a questionnaire was chosen was to find out information from the target audience of whether they would actually be interested in an interactive self-learning guide. Thirteen questions were asked in which each question was specifically written to get information for the er designer to be able to find out what the target audience would like to have within an application to learn the piano. Appendix D shows a copy of the questionnaire. sit 4.2.2 Observation yO Once the self-learning guide application was completed, it was send to a nursery which tested out the application on their after school children which are my target audience. The teacher then carried out an observation of how the children responded fH to it. This process was used to get feedback from the target audience, it gave excellent feedback of what the target audience thought of the application and if they had any difficulties in using and concentrating on the program. tfo er 4.2.3 Documentation The documentation that was used was an evaluating sheet. This was sent to the nursery to see what the teachers and the target audience thought of the application, 4.3 Analysis of results ire sh rd and also provided information to see if the user requirements were met. After analysing the questionnaire, this enabled to identify the requirements from the target audience and if there were any changes to be made. The questionnaire had thirteen questions, and then the answers were used to produce the designs to meet the user requirements. Dhiresh Patel 9 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.3.1 Questionnaire analysis Question 1 iv Un The first question in the questionnaire was asked to make sure that the participants that were being asked did fall into the category of the targeted audience. The reason for this was to get the best information from that age group of 8 – 14 years, so that the application although not designed specifically for that participant would be generally for the target audience of similar view points. The results show the variation of the er different ages within category. See appendix E, Chart 1 showing results for question 1. sit Question 2 yO The second question that was asked in the questionnaire was to find out what gender the participant were. The main reason for this question was because it was important to make sure that both genders would be interested in learning a piano and that there was not a pattern whereby one gender may be more interested than the other. This fH would affect the target audience because it would be narrowed and it is important to keep it as broad as possible. See appendix E, Chart 2 showing results for question 2. ‘Do you have easy access to a computer’, er Question 3 tfo The reason for asking this question was to establish whether or not the participants have access to a computer. This is because in order to use the application a standalone computer would be essential. The statistics show that people in 2001/2002 in rd Great Britain with low incomes are less likely to have PC’s in their homes, people classed as high earners generally 83% have PC’s in their homes. In contrast the lower ire sh income group generally 18% have PC’s in their homes. [6], however it was unreasonable to ask the participants of that age what their parents earn. The results from the questionnaire showed that 85% of the participants questioned did have access to a computer and only 15% did not. They did express that they could have access to a computer at school, at the local library and at other families homes. See appendix E, Chart 3 showing results for question 3. Dhiresh Patel 10 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 4 ‘Do you find it easy to use the Internet or software CD, i.e. plug and play’? iv Un This question was asked to determine whether the application would be better to create on a web site or on a CD-ROM. The results from the questionnaire show 67% of the participants would prefer to have the learning guide on a CD-ROM, and 33% of the participants would prefer it on the Internet. er Although there is not an absolutely clear preference based, on other factors such as: the user would have to have an Internet connection for usage, a fairly fast connection sit for it to be fully functional, the application will have highly interactive features which will take time to download which will cost the user money, they would need yO Macromedia Flash Player for the application to work. An article, which is relevant on children’s usage on the Internet, has shown that “Nearly one in three UK children have not had any lessons on how to use the Internet fH safely…”[7]. Thus parents will be wary of their children using the Internet especially of the target audience that has been chosen. Based on the above factors and the article it had been decided that the application is to be created on a CD-ROM. See appendix ‘Are you interested in music?’ tfo Question 5 er E, Chart 4 showing results for question 4. This question was to find out whether the participants were interested in music or not. rd The results showed that 70 % of the participants were interested in music, 30 % of the participants were not interested in music. From this the results show that the target ire sh audience of that age category do enjoy music, this is an important key factor because it must be established whether the self-learning guide on how to play a piano is a feasible application, and if the targeted audience would actually be interested in music. See appendix E, Chart 5 showing results for question 5. Dhiresh Patel 11 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 6 ‘Do you know how to play the piano?’ This question was asked to find out whether the age group between 8-14 years, iv Un already knew how to play the piano. This was important because it gave the opportunity to see how many participants did and did not know how to play the piano, and from this it was more clearly shown that the users that did not, would be possible participants in using the application. The results showed that only 15% of the participants knew how to play the piano and 85 % of the participants did not known er how to play the piano. Therefore it is clear that there is a feasible market for this application. See appendix E, Chart 6 showing results for question 6. sit If the participant answered ‘yes’ to Question 6, that they did know how to play the yO piano then they had to answer Question 7 and 8 and then jump to Question 11. If the participant answered ‘no’ they then had to answer Question 9 and onwards. The reasoning behind this procedure was to allow the gathering of specific information from the participants that knew how to play the piano by asking them different fH questions to the participant that did not know how to play the piano. Question 7 er ‘What method do you use to learn, how to play the piano?’ This question was asked to the participants that knew how to play the piano, to find tfo out how they were learning how to play the piano. The results show from the three participants that knew how to play the piano, one of them learnt from school, one of them learn from Internet programs, one of them learnt from CD software, and there rd were no participants that learn from piano lessons. Although these are participants that already learn how to play the piano it was good knowledge to know what ire sh methods they use. See appendix E, Chart 7 showing results for question 7. Question 8 ‘What method do you find easier or most effective to learn?’ This question was asked to find out whether participants are still using a piano teacher to learn how to play a piano. The results show from the questionnaire that all three participants found it easier to learn from other methods such a computer and it is more Dhiresh Patel 12 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire effective. It can be seen that self-learning is the only way in which participants learn. See appendix E, Chart 8 showing results for question 8. iv Un Question 9 ‘Would you be interested in learning how to play the piano?’ This question was asked to the participants that did not known how to play the piano, to see whether they would be interested in playing the piano. From the results it shows that 82% of the participants were interested in learning how to play the piano and er 18% of the participants were not interested. This is important information as, from the results it shows that there is an interest in the project. See appendix E, Chart 9 sit showing results for question 9. yO Question 10 ‘Would you want to learn the piano at (i) your leisure time, (ii) school or (iii) piano lessons?’ This question was asked to participants that did not known how to play the piano, to fH see what method they would prefer to use. The results show from the 17 participants that did not known how to play the piano, 12 participants would like to learn at their own leisure time, 5 participants would like to learn at school and there were not any er participants that would like to learn from the piano teacher. This shows that there is not really an interest in piano teachers now days, participants prefer to learn at there Chart 10 showing results for question 10. ‘Can you read or write any musical notes?’ ire sh rd Question 11 tfo own leisure when they are free on in there own time or at school. See appendix E, This was asked to see whether any participants knew how to read or write any musical notes. The results show that only 25% of the participants knew how to read and write musical notes from different instruments e.g. violin and 75% of the participants did not known how to read or write any musical notes. Therefore in the application there will not be any advanced musical scripts because it would be difficult for them to understand the basic concepts. The only symbols that would be included will be signs for the beats. See appendix E, Chart 11 showing results for question 11. Dhiresh Patel 13 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 12 ‘What would make learning the piano more interesting for you?’ This question was asked to see what would make it easier and more helpful for the iv Un user to learn efficiently. The results show that 17 participants said colours would help, 13 participants said shapes and 17 participants said images would be more effective. This was important to know because the participants have stated what would be more effective therefore all three must be incorporated in the application. See appendix E, Chart 12 showing results for question 12. er Question 13 sit ‘Do you find it easier to learn with sound and music?’ This was to determine whether sound and music would make it more interesting for yO the user. The results show from the participants that 85% would find it easier to learn from sound and music and only 15% of the participants said no to sound and music. Therefore the application should contain both sound and music, in order to meet user requirements. See appendix E, Chart 13 showing results for question 13. fH 4.4 Secondary research er Secondary research had to be carried out to obtain information on the piano. The main sources of information used were the Internet, books, Piano learning centers, Musical tfo shops and leaflets. These sources were used to do the research, mainly due to the easy access and relevant information, which was found in order to produce the Selflearning guide. rd A large amount of research was required to find out what the piano was, how to play ire sh the piano, the methods of what to teach the target audience, what and how to test the target audience. Below shows what information was required about the piano and how the research was conducted. Dhiresh Patel 14 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.4.1 Similar applications which are available in the market Research had to be carried out on what products are currently available in the market. iv Un To do this many sources were used, the Internet, CD Software, and books. After carrying out the research it showed there were many different types of applications available all with advantages and disadvantages. The Internet had many different types of application for the piano, which were er interactive and attractive, but they were mainly targeted to a higher age group, there were not enough of application for the children. sit CD software [8] was also researched and a few ideas were found of how the yO information was put together to teach how to play the piano. It also gave ideas of how different step-by-step user guides look like, and gave ideas on how the topics were divided in to chapters. fH Books were also used to see how the learning was illustrated to teach users how to play the piano. After conducting the research from books it showed there were more books for children as well as adults, but after conducting the questionnaire it was sound, picture, images and colours. tfo er clearly shown that children can learn more easier with interactive media such as 4.4.2 Different types of pianos available Research on different types of pianos was conducted to find what each piano looks rd like and what each one does. This was done through a piano shop, books and the Internet. This information was required for the application to teach the target 4.4.3 History of the piano ire sh audience, the different types of the pianos that are available in the market. Research on the history of a piano and who invented the piano was conducted. This information was required to get background knowledge on the piano. This research was done through the Internet and books. This information was required for the application to give the background knowledge to the users. Dhiresh Patel 15 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.4.4 Seating positions Research on the seating position of the user was investigated, this was to find out how the user should sit on the chair and how to position their body. This research was done iv Un through a children’s piano book. This information was essential so that the user knew how to sit properly, comfortably and learn the basic concepts when getting started on learning how to play the piano. 4.4.5 Piano layout er Research on the piano key layout, and how it looks like on the piano was essential to teach the user, this provided an image for the user. This information was conducted sit through the Internet, which gave basic knowledge of pianos. Books where also used to find images & pictures of the piano and finally a visit to the music shop was yO conducted to have a good insight of the piano. High and low notes on the piano: - Research was conducted to find out where the high and low notes are placed on the fH piano. This was essential for the user, for them to get knowledge of the piano keys and where the high and low notes are placed in the piano. It also shows to the user what part to play when they are playing the piano for certain songs or keys they want er to play. This information was gathered from the piano books and the Internet. tfo Lower keys of the piano: - A large amount of research on lower keys was required. This was very significant for rd the user, which allowed the user to know the names and locations of the lower keys on the piano. This research was done through the Internet and the books. ire sh Upper keys (Sharp keys #) of the piano: - A large amount of research on the upper keys (Sharp keys #) was also required. This was very significant for the user, which allowed the user to know the names and location of the upper keys on the piano. This research was done through the Internet and the books. Dhiresh Patel 16 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 4.4.6 Beat count Research was carried out for the beat count, this was a very important aspect to consider, this enabled the user to learn how to count beats when playing the piano, iv Un how long to hold the note on each key, and also giving the opportunity for them to learn the symbol for the individual beats. The research was done through the Internet and Software CD-ROM for pianos. er 4.4.7 Finger Exercise Research was done for finger exercises, which was beneficial for the user, because sit this exercise would help the user to know which hand and finger to press on the piano when playing basic key or playing a song. It also allows the user to use correct fingers yO whilst playing on the piano. It is a highly interactive feature that will also encourage the users to understand and play with confidence. The research was done through the Internet, CD-ROM software and books. fH 4.4.8 Nursery rhythms Research was conducted on nursery rhymes, this was because all children know how er to sing a nursery rhyme, and this will give a great opportunity for the user to play the song on the piano. It will also motivate the user, in which they know they are tfo learning. Research was conducted to see which nursery rhymes are more popular and after doing some research from the Internet and looking at books, a final song was chosen, ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’. ire sh rd Dhiresh Patel 17 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 5. System Design In this stage, the information that was received from the system analysis, the user iv Un requirements had to be met in the system design. It is an important stage to consider, because if the system was developed, it does not meet the user requirements then it will not only be very expensive but will also be very time consuming and irritating. The other point, which had to be considered in this stage are the economical factors er and how to maximise the use of each application. An investigation was taken on how individual programs are going to work and how each specific program will be used to yO sit meet the user requirements. The following steps were taken: - 5.1 Contents flow diagram A contents flow diagram was created in a hierarchical structure, which provides a user with user-friendly contents. The reason why this contents flow diagram was used to fH illustrate the overview of the application from one diagram is because it gives a broader understanding of what is happening within the application. See appendix F showing the contents flow diagram for the application. tfo er 5.2 Navigational flow diagram A navigational diagram was created to illustrate how the user will navigate within the application, it provides the user with sequences of step-by-step stages of the 5.3 Storyboard ire sh rd application. See appendix G showing the navigational flow diagram. Storyboards were created to make the interface design for each scene in the application. SEE appendix F shows some examples of storyboards. Dhiresh Patel 18 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 5.4 Format The format also had to be considered within the application. The size that was used within the application was 800 X 600 pixels. The colour was also considered for the iv Un application, it had to be chosen on the basis of being bright, and attractive in order to appeal to the targeted users. Therefore mainly primary and fluorescent colours were used. The colour that was chosen for the background of the application was light blue, the reason for the choice of this pale colour was to enable the instructions, titles and er buttons to stand out using bright colours to catch the eyes of the user and prevent the colours from clashing with one another. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit Dhiresh Patel 19 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6. Implementation stage iv Un This stage of the SDLC discuss’s the creation of the application, from designing the piano interface, to creating the different levels such as ‘about the piano’, ‘beginners level’, ‘intermediate level’ and ‘advance level’. By designing these different levels it has provided the user with a step-by-step guide, as well as testing and providing feedback on each stage. Below shows the stages that were used to implement the er application. sit The features, which were used to implement the application, included tweening, adding audio in movie clips, creating flash movies, creating layers and frames on the yO timeline, designing a motion hand for the finger exercises. The application was created using different scenes, which were then put to together step by step so that the user does not get confused. The user would then have a test straight after each section they have learnt something and the application would then provide feedback on what fH they have learnt in each stage. er 6.1 Creating the piano in Macromedia Flash 8 Creating the piano was the main part of the application; this was interactive and was tfo required for the application. The first step that was undertaken was to create the interactive piano. To create the piano a tutorial from the Internet was used which was created by (Estrella, 2004) [9]. The followings step where conducted to create the ire sh 6.1.1 Creating the lower piano keys rd piano in Macromedia Flash 8. A button was created in a rectangle shape for the lower keys in the piano; from this rectangle shape, another rectangle shape was created for the upper (Sharp #) keys on the piano, which was 60% in size of the lower keys. Dhiresh Patel 20 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire The button consisted of four states, which are Up, Over, Down and Hit. For the Lower keys the colour for ‘up’ is red, ‘over’ is blue and for ‘down’ it is yellow. ‘Hit’ basically means the area that the button can be clicked over a mouse. Below shows an iv Un image illustrating where the work was carried out. er fH yO sit er Figure 2- Image of lower piano Key 6.1.2 Creating the upper (Sharp#) piano keys black, ‘over’ is white and for ‘down’ it is green. ire sh rd 6.1.3 How the Movie clip was created tfo This was then repeated for the upper (Sharp #) keys. For ‘up’ states the colour is A movie clip was created, which held the entire piano. To create this, ‘insert’ was selected in the window of Macromedia Flash 8, then ‘choose new symbol’ and this created a new movie clip, which was called ‘keyboard’. Within this movie clip a layer was inserted called ‘keys’. Dhiresh Patel 21 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.1.4 Script / Labels There after another layer was inserted which was called ‘Script/labels’, within every five frames in the timeline, key frames were inserted and then it was labeled as n60, iv Un n61 until it reached n72. Figure 3 on the next page illustrates the area used to carry out the work. This is where it was labelled n60 to n72. yO sit er Figure 3- Timeline of script label layer fH An action script was used through out the application, to implement the application. It was also used to put all the scenes together. The action script was required for each individual button within the application and in the timeline. tfo er 6.1.5 Sound The next stage involved inserting sound to the piano keys. Each key sound had to be downloaded from the website (Estrella, 2004) [9]. These 13 pitch sounds were in the rd MP3 format. This sound was required to play the pitch for each individual key when pressed. ire sh Then another level was created which was called ‘sound’. Key frames were created in every five frames. Then from the properties palette a dropdown menu was chosen to assign the appropriate sound to play with every 5 key frames. Figure 4 illustrates the timeline for the sound. Dhiresh Patel 22 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire iv Un Figure 4- Timeline for sound layer key frame 6.1.6 Lower keys created After the sound was completed the lower keys of the piano was created on the stage. er The process included dragging the white key button from the library, which was created, and dropped into the stage. The stage was the movie clip where the user sit could see the piano layout. The lower key button was duplicated seven times. Then action scripts were written on the ‘keys’ layer on frame 1 which is illustrated in figure Figure 5- Action script for lower keys of the piano tfo er fH yO 5. rd This script means that when the mouse is pressed for the specific key, a value of ‘60’ is passed to a function called ‘goKey’, The goKey() function is illustrated in chapter goKey (60) it was changed to 62, 64,65,67,69,71 and 72. 6.1.7 Upper (Sharp #) keys created ire sh 6.1.8 of the report. This was then repeated for the rest of the lower keys where it states After the lower keys of the piano were created using the action script, the upper (sharp #) key button was created, which was dragged and dropped into the stage. The upper (sharp #) was duplicated four times. Then the action script was written on the ‘keys’ Dhiresh Patel 23 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire layer on frame 1. The procedure was exactly the same as the lower keys, which is shown above in Figure 5 but the goKey was changed to 61, 63, 66, 68 and 70. iv Un 6.1.8 Creating the goKey function The goKey function was then created which was required for the piano. The following action script was required see figure 6. yO sit er Figure 6- Showing the goKey function action script. fH The action script shown on figure 6 was required in the ‘Script/Label’ layer on frame 1 of the timeline. This goKey function provided two functions firstly it silences any sound that may be playing which is the ‘stopAllSounds ( );’ command. Secondly it er uses ‘gotoAndPlay ( )’, this command recalls the script that was written before called the ‘goKey( )’, This determines the label of the frame on the timeline. tfo 6.1.9 Creating stop action rd A ‘stop’ action was required in the movie clip; if the ‘stop’ action were not placed then it would play the movie clip from the beginning of each note of the piano to the keys, which will trigger the sound. ire sh end. The reason for applying the stop action was to allow users to click on specific The action script for the stop command was placed on the timeline for the ‘script/label’ layer. In frame 1, 14, 19,24,29,34,39,44,49,54,59,64 and 70, this command will stop before the second note is played. Dhiresh Patel 24 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.2 Features which were used in implementation Many features were required within the application for the self-learning guide. Below will state each feature that was used to implement the learning guide. iv Un 6.2.1 Text Text was used in the application for the user to see instructions and to find out information about the piano. This was done through Macromedia Flash 8, using the er text tool, it creates a text box in which the text can be typed in. The title in each scene is on the left top corner; this was done due to avoid confusion for the user. sit yO 6.2.2 Text on the buttons Text was also used on the buttons, to illustrate where the button will be directed. An example of this button can be viewed in figure 9 and 10. fH 6.2.3 Text on shapes Shapes were also used in the application to make it more attractive for the user and er make it more fun and enjoyable to learn. It has been shown from the questionnaire that the user finds it more interesting to learn with shapes, this is the reason why tfo shapes where used. Different shapes were used to create a focal point within many scenes to enhance information put across to the user. Figure 7 shows an oval shape with text providing instructions to the user. Dhiresh Patel ire sh rd Figure 7- Text added in a shape. 25 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.2.4 Adding text to the piano Text was added to the piano, this was done through another layer called ‘key names’. iv Un The reason why the text was added to the piano as it allows the user to identify what each key represented. See figure 8 for an example. yO sit er Figure 8- Showing the piano with text, this represents the keys 6.3 Buttons and images fH 6.3.1 Buttons Within the application there were many interactive buttons designed. Below shows Figure 10- Button with 'over and down' states. Dhiresh Patel ire sh Figure 9- Button with 'up' states. rd tfo er two examples of the buttons: - 26 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire This example shows how the buttons were applied to the application. Figure 9 shows how it would look while it is on the application. This is called the ‘up’ states; there are 4 states, ‘up’ ‘over’ ‘down’ and ‘hit’. Figure 10 shows an example how it would look iv Un like when the mouse is ‘over’ the button and when the mouse is ‘down’ on the button. er Figure 11- Back button with 'up' states. yO sit Figure 12- Back button with 'over' states. tfo er fH Figure 13- Back button with 'down' states. The figures 11, 12 and 13 show the back buttons, which are used in the application for rd all scenes; this allows the user to go back a scene. Figure 11 shows the ‘up’ states, figure 12 shows the ‘over’ states and finally for the ‘down’ state is shown in figure 13. ire sh These interactive buttons were created because the users are children age between 814 years; these buttons are more cartooned and animated. This allows the user to be more interactive with the application, and not letting them get bored with the application. These buttons were used throughout the application, which enables the user to access it more quickly. The layout of the buttons was consistent for each level, which gave the user easy navigation to the application. Dhiresh Patel 27 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.3.2 Images iv Un Images were used throughout the application. This gave a great opportunity for the users to learn more efficiently. From the questionnaire that was conducted, it showed from Appendix E chart 12 that the user requirement show images were more interesting when learning. It provides a visual image of what it looks like. See appendix A that shows images of different types of pianos that were included in the er application and about the different types of pianos that are available in the market. sit 6.4 Music and sound yO Music and sound were used mostly within the application. The sound was required for the piano, to hear different types of pitches for different keys in the piano. Music was also used within the application in the introduction and in the advance level in the fH summary. This was used to make the application more practical; it provided users with more learning styles and different types of learning achievements. It also provided a more er interactive application for the user and more pleasant to play. The music and sound was edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and it was then imported in to the application. tfo Within the questionnaire that was analysed it showed from the results that 85% of the rd participants learnt more easily with music and sound, so this objective from the users was achieved by having music and sound within the application. ire sh Dhiresh Patel 28 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.5 Finger Exercise and animated arrows 6.5.1 Finger Exercise iv Un Finger exercises were used within the application; this was an animated hand, which was drawn from Macromedia Flash 8 using the drawing tools. There were altogether two hands, one was for left hand and the other was for the right hand, the reason for this was that the user would learn how to play the piano with both their hands. er This gave enormous benefits to the user; it provided the user with interactive sit animation, which they can use to gain their own learning after looking at the animation from the application. This also provided users to know which key needs to be pressed and along with which hand to use and which finger. yO Motions tweening was used within the application to give the appropriate animation at a certain time. Motions tweening was used a lot in the intermediate level and the fH advance level of the application. To create motion tweening in Macromedia Flash 8, motion tweening needs to be added in the frame between the starting and ending which is illustrated in Figure 14. Shows the frame where the end of the Motion Tweening is ire sh rd tfo er Shows the frame where the start of the Motion Tweening is Figure 14- Showing the motion tweening on a timeline. Dhiresh Patel 29 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.5.2 Animated arrows Animated arrows were used in the application throughout. It provided the user with animated features and provided spontaneously encouragements when learning. This iv Un was the reason why the animated arrows were used within the application. Motion tweening was used to make it interactive. An example of animated arrows is shown on figure 15. er These are the animated arrows, which move up and down. tfo er fH yO sit Figure 15- Scene showing animated arrows. 6.6 Creating test scenes ire sh rd It prompts the user, to learn the keys with the bouncing arrows, which are moving up and down after reading the instruction box Tests were created within the learning guide. This was because it gave an opportunity for the user to test what they have learnt. There were three different types of test, but altogether 14 mini tests, were included within the package. Dhiresh Patel 30 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.6.1 Test one One of the tests, which were included, consisted of multiple-choice question, which was also again interactive. Four answers were given, and only one was correct. Figure iv Un 16 shows an example of the test. This is the odd coloured key the question that was asked to Correct answer is A # fH the user. yO sit er This was Figure 16- Testing scene 1 er When the user clicks on the correct answer then a message will appear saying tfo ‘Correct answer well done’. If the user clicks on the wrong answer then a message will appear on the screen saying ‘Sorry wrong answer try again!’ rd Using buttons the four states that were ‘up’, ‘over’, ‘down’ and ‘hit’, created this type of test. In the ‘down’ states of the button, a text box was applied where the message ire sh was displayed. Four different types of buttons were designed for each test. 6.6.2 Test two The second type of test was included which consisted of multiple-choice question again, which was also again interactive, it involved listening to a sound, which were the beats. The aim of this test was to identify whether the user knew how to count Dhiresh Patel 31 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire beats, this was a crucial test, and the user was required to learn how to count beats. Four answers were given, and only one was correct. Figure 17 shows an example of the test. iv Un The user was required to click on this button and listen to the beat count. for the Multiple- yO sit user er Question choice buttons fH Figure 17- Testing scene 2. er When the user clicks on the correct answer then a message will appear saying ‘Correct answer well done’. If the users click on the wrong answer, then a message tfo will appear on the screen saying ‘wrong answer’. Using buttons of four states, which were ‘up’, ‘over’, ‘down’ and ‘hit’, were used to rd create this type of test. In the ‘down’ states of the button, a text box was applied where the message was displayed. Four different types of buttons were designed for ire sh each test. To implement the Play button and listen to the beats, the properties palette, a dropdown menu was chosen to assign the beat sound to play. The beats were captured from a children’s piano book, which included a CD [10]. These sounds was edited in Adobe premiere Pro and then imported into the windows library in Macromedia Flash 8. Dhiresh Patel 32 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.6.3 Test three The third test that was implemented in the application this was more different from the other two tests. It was a self-assessment test, where the user can test themselves as iv Un to whether they are capable of playing the piano, but some interactive features where added which were the finger exercise, but there were not any sounds within the test. It was used to allow the user to play the song on their own with the help of the finger exercise if they got confused. The aim of this test was to allow the user to get er confidence and let them play independently, where the sound would be outputted from their own piano. This test was implemented in the advance level. sit 6.7 Time indicator and demonstration of song yO 6.7.1 Time indicator A time indicator was added to the application to enhance the children’s learning, by having the time indicator it shows the user how to play with the beats. The time fH indicator was animated for specific beats for e.g. 1, 2, 3 and 4, this provided the user with how long to hold each key down when playing the keys. This Time indicator animation was implemented by using the time line. Figure 18 shows an example of The yellow colour moves to the right, showing the time that the user should hold for three beats holding E key. The green colour moves to the right, showing the time that the user should hold for two beats holding G key. ire sh rd tfo The purple colour moves to the right, showing the time that the user should hold for two beats holding D key. er the time indicator. Figure 18- Time indictor. Dhiresh Patel 33 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6.7.2 Demonstration of song A Demonstration was included within the application. Which showed the animated iv Un movie, how to play a nursery rhyme which was ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’. The animation, which was included within this demonstration, was the finger exercise as well as sound, which were embedded together so that it would play together. Both of the animations hand & sound were implemented through the timeline using different er layers. Figure 19 shows an example of the timeline and how two animations were played together in time. sit This timeline is for This timeline is for the the finger exercise yO sound pitch for ‘F’ key. for an F Key. 6.8 Summary rd tfo er fH Figure 19- Demonstration timeline. A summary was created for the user to get feedback of what they have learnt in each stage, this gives a great opportunity for the user to see what they have achieved, and it ire sh also encourages them to learn. There was three summaries of what the users have learnt in each stage, this was included in the application at the end of each level, which were Beginners, Intermediate and Advance. The summary of what the users have learnt was implemented by using a basic layout, with bullet points. Figure 20 shows an example of the summary feedback. Dhiresh Patel 34 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire iv Un sit er Figure 20- Summary scene of the application. yO 6.9 Investigation on how the application can be interfaced with hardware tool and problems encountered and solutions fH 6.9.1 Investigation An investigation was conducted on how the application can be interfaced with the Midi keyboard. The following questions were considered whilst the investigation was tfo er carried out. Where to purchase a midi keyboard? · How to connect a midi keyboard to the computer? · What extra components will be needed to connect it to the computer? · Software applications required to capture the signals? ire sh rd · The midi keyboard was researched and from the findings it showed that the midi keyboard could be purchased from many places such as high street shops and the Internet websites. An investigation was conducted on how a midi keyboard will be connected to a computer. Many sources were used to find this information there was one website which had excellent information, it also provided diagrams to illustrate how the midi Dhiresh Patel 35 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire keyboard can be installed to the computer, which is the following website. (http://www.musiconmypc.co.uk/art_keyboard_connection.php) iv Un The extra components had to be considered, which was a midi interface, this was required to capture the midi signals from the midi keyboard. This can be done by using a flash midi player and a software for midi input, there are two software’s which can be downloaded free from the internet from the following website http://www.alexisisaac.net/products/flashMidi. This website also covers all the action er scripts which will be required for the Macromedia Flash 8. sit 6.9.2 Problems occurred and solutions yO Whilst implementing the application a few problems did occur, mainly to do with sound, the sound pitch on the piano was not working correctly. To overcome this problem extra tutorials were done on sound and the action script was rechecked and the problem was noticed and changed. The second problem, which occurred within fH the application, was that the music in the background for the ‘intro’ scene was not functioning properly; therefore additional action scripts were required to solve the problem. er Finally the last problem that occurred in the implementation stage was in the tfo laboratory, software was required in the computer which was Macromedia Flash 8, the technician staff could not get the Macromedia Flash installed on the computer due to technical problems. This was required to implement the midi keyboard to the rd application and the only access to the midi keyboard and the midi interface was in the laboratory room. Therefore the midi keyboard could not be interfaced with the Dhiresh Patel ire sh application. 36 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7. Testing / Evaluation iv Un 7.1 Testing Methods Tests had to be carried out throughout the application, the reason why testing was conducted was to make sure the application is error free. To test the application by the developer a testing sheet was produced. er This was produced to test the interactive features within the application, which were buttons, to make sure they are interactive, making sure it plays the right sound at the sit right time and contents within the applications, making sure that all the contents is in the perfect position e.g. title, instructions, shapes and boxes. This procedure was done yO for all the scenes within the application. See appendix I that shows how each stage was tested, the actions that needed to be tested and the expected outcome and what the actual outcome was when the fH application was tested. Testing was done throughout the implementation stage but after the implementation er stage was completed and all the scenes were put together, the application was tested using the testing sheet, a few errors did occur which are stated below: - tfo 7.2 Errors occurred Whilst the application was been tested the errors that occurred within the application rd were noted down on the testing sheet. Appendix K shows the errors, which incurred whilst testing the application. ire sh Dhiresh Patel 37 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7.2.1 Errors in Buttons Some of the buttons had a few errors, below will show how they were corrected: - iv Un Test 8: The button was not functioning properly, therefore the action script had to be checked, it was incorrect it had ‘intermediate’ in the action script where it was meant to state ‘main_advance’ this was then corrected. er Test 38: The multiple choice test was wrong, to amend this the button had to be re done with different messages appearing on each button, for C the message was sit correct, and for the buttons for G, E and F the message was placed with ‘Wrong answer try again’. yO Test 77: This error was on the beat count where for beat one and beat four, the correct beat sound was not playing when the mouse was clicked on the button. To correct this error the button had to be checked and the ‘down’ status of button was fH incorrect. Therefore from the properties palette, sound dropdown menu the sound had to be changed to one beat for the one beat button and 4 beats for the four beats button. er Test 94: This error was on the multiple choice test for the beat count, the error that occurred was that for the play button it did not play the correct beat, it played the 2 tfo beats instead of playing 3 beats, to correct this button the properties palette, sound dropdown menu the sound had to be changed to three beats. rd Test 141: Was on finger exercises where the replay button should have played the finger exercise and along with sound pitch of the key together with the right hand, to ire sh correct this scene, the action script was looked at over and amended to make the replay button function properly. Test 197: Had an error which was on the ‘intermediate_11’ scene, the back button was not functioning properly, to correct this problem the action script was viewed and corrected. Dhiresh Patel 38 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7.2.2 Errors in animated animations Some of the animated animations had a few errors, below will show them and how they were corrected: - iv Un Test 17: Had an error on the animated line, which was created, it was not positioned at the right place and to correct the error a new tweening motion was added to the line in the timeline. er Test 131: Had an error on the ‘intermediate scene, where the right and left animated text did not appear underneath the hands. To correct the error the timeline for text or sit checked over again and amend the tweening motion to become visual underneath the hands. yO Test 163: Had an error on the animated ‘time indicator’ it was not functioning correctly. To correct the error the timeline of the scene had to be viewed and seen why the time indicator was not working. The problem that was identified was it was fH not placed in the correct place, this was changed and the time indicator was functioning correctly. er After all the errors were identified in the application and amended, another test had to be carried out, making sure that all the above errors were corrected and to see whether tfo the errors have been successfully amended. Appendix K shows a testing sheet of the errors have been amended and tested again. ire sh rd 7.3 Evaluation In this stage, the main aims of the Self-learning guide of how to play piano was successfully designed and developed. The application had to be evaluated to see whether the user requirements have been met therefore an evaluation sheet was produced. See appendix L showing the evaluation sheet and also enclosed letter from the Human Resource Manager. Dhiresh Patel 39 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire The application was shown to the users to see whether the objectives were met and the functionality within the application was working such as buttons, animated animations, and sounds. iv Un 7.3.1 Nursery after school children The after school nursery children tested and evaluated the application; the reason why this approach was taken was to have a greater idea for evaluating the application. The er after school children age between 8-14 years evaluated the application and the teacher observed the children whilst the application was being evaluated. sit 7.3.2 Nursery Teacher yO The nursery teacher observed the children to get a feedback from the target audience. This gave an exceptional chance to see what the users thought of the application, whether they stayed focused and enjoyed it or whether it just confused them when they used the application. fH 7.4 Objectives met er The following questions were asked in the documentation to see whether the objectives have been met. The answers were given in tick boxes, what they thought if Layout · Usage of Text: · Usage of Diagrams / Images · Colour Scheme · Use of animation · Navigational- (step by step guide) · Self assessments tests within the application · Enough theory work covered for each stage · Interactive · Buttons · Sounds Dhiresh Patel ire sh · rd tfo it is ‘poor, fair, good or excellent’. 40 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7.5 Evaluation sheet analysis After analyzing the results from the evaluation sheets, the following objectives were iv Un achieved on this project: - 7.5.1 User Friendly It has easy navigation throughout the application, from the evaluation of the user, it shows that the navigation was excellent it allowed the user to go back, next and go er back to the main menu from each scene. sit Having a simple layout, from the evaluation it shows the layout was excellent, it allowed the user not to get confused within the application. yO The colour scheme was plain and basic throughout with the main points being bright and user friendly, the application was given an excellent again from the evaluation from the user. fH The usage of text size within the application was different throughout; this was done to make certain text, which was larger, more eye catching for the user, this was done er to highlight important information to them. Certain text, which was smaller, was sized in such a way because it needed to be in the scene however was not that important. tfo The font that was used throughout the application for the text was ‘Arial’; the reason why this was chosen was because it does not get the user confused whilst using the application with different fonts, which may not be clear. rd The use of images were decided upon on whether it was important and if the user ire sh would gain more knowledge from the images and diagrams rather than plain text. From the analysis of the evaluation the users rated the use of images and diagrams as ‘good’. Dhiresh Patel 41 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7.5.2 Interactive user interface The interface for the application was very interactive; it had many extra interactive iv Un features including finger exercises and sound included within the application. From the analysis of the evaluation from the user has shown that the user found the application interface well interactive for animation and sound, it was ticked with ‘excellent’. Also having the interactive buttons where it had the four states, ‘up’, ‘over’, ‘down’ and ‘hit’ were also rated ‘excellent’ in the evaluation as well. er The use of animations within the application were used highly throughout, one feature sit which was highly rated in the feedback was the animated arrows (SEE 7.6.3 of the report on feedback), it provided the user with an interactive feature where it made it yO easier to learn and eye-catching for the user. The step-by-step guide was included within the application to enable users to access the application. It allowed the user to learn the basics of how to play the piano without fH having a teacher there to explain it. From the analysis of the evaluation, it showed that enough theory work was covered in each stage, and the progression from stage to stage was gradual; this was rated ‘excellent’. tfo er 7.5.3 Functionality There were many functions included within the application, it had different stages of levels which provided the user to know which stage they were at, and what they have 7.5.4 Variety of self assessment ire sh rd completed e.g. about the piano, beginners level, intermediate level and advance level. There were various types of self assessments included within the application, there were multiple choice questions, listening to sound beats and choosing the correct answers, and also self assessments which were used in the advance level, where there was only a bit of help where the finger exercises were included but the sound did not play. From the analysis of evaluation, it shows for the self-assessment test it was rated as ‘excellent’. Dhiresh Patel 42 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 7.6 Feedback The feedback which was given from the teacher of the nursery, was the following: iv Un 7.6.1 Time indicator The feedback that was given was that the time indicator in the intermediate level was not very noticeable. Therefore the time indicator was made larger and the box was actually used as a time indicator. See figure 18 for an example of the change of the time indicator. er sit 7.6.2 Hand identifier The second feedback that was stated in the evaluation sheet was that the left and right yO hands were not clear for the children when they played in the intermediate level and in the advance level for the finger exercises. Therefore text was added to the animated finger exercises to illustrate which hand is playing at the time, and when the hand changes the text changing for each individual hand as well. fH 7.6.3 Animated arrows er Finally, the last feedback given was that the children loved the animated arrows; they found it very amusing and stayed focused on the scenes. When the children were the advance summary scene. ire sh rd tfo asked what there favorite part of the application was the majority said the arrows and Dhiresh Patel 43 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 8. Maintenance The maintenance, which will be required for the applications are stated below: iv Un · Changing test scenes · Updating new nursery rhymes · Checking up regularly to see if the application is functioning properly · Checking for any new updates that may be required due to new software’s ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er upgrades. Dhiresh Patel 44 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 9. Conclusion and Future Development iv Un 9.1 Conclusion 9.1.1 Brief outline of project work The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology was applied though out the project. This was used to give guidance on how to carry out the project and ensure er that it runs efficiently. The work, which was carried out throughout the project, was the following: Research on self-learning guide how to play the piano. · A Gantt chart produced showing how each task was completed. · Various types of packages were researched to see which software packages yO sit · were required to implement in the application. · Primary research was conducted from the target audience to identify what the user requirements were. Secondary research was conducted to find out what information was required fH · to implement in application e.g. contents. · Sketches and diagrams were draw up to illustrate the design of the application · The final design was then implemented with the use of the appropriate tfo researched software packages. · er to make sure that the user requirements were achieve. Testing and evaluation was conducted for the application, by the developer and the user to make sure the application was error free and the aims and ire sh rd objectives were met. Dhiresh Patel 45 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 9.1.2 Critical outcome of the project The major findings from the project were found from the analysis of the iv Un questionnaire, which had shown that children do not like to learn how to play the piano from a piano teacher. They prefer to self learn at their own pace through interactive and modern methods. Therefore the objectives for the interactive user interface have been met. er Another finding in carrying out the project, from the evaluation feedback had shown and proved that children preferred to learn with interactive animated tools. The sit animated arrows were received as an exciting learning tool for the user within the application. Also having the animated hand fingers animated for specific keys yO children found very attractive. Having summary pages within the application gave an opportunity for the user to identify what they have learned and encouraged them to learn more. fH 9.1.3 Aims and objectives er The aim of the project was to develop a self-learning guide of how to play the piano. This aim was successfully achieved as from the results obtained from the evaluation guide on how to play a piano. tfo sheet that illustrate that the application is satisfactory and provides a step-by-step rd The objectives were to design a user-friendly application included with an interactive interface along with a variety of self-assessments and mini tests. From the results ire sh obtained in the evaluation sheets proved that a user-friendly application was achieved. During the system analysis process the questionnaire which was created, provided the necessary user requirements for the application. This information provided the basis of how to create the application in regards to user requirements. Dhiresh Patel 46 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 9.2 Future Development The future development for the application would be to provide users with more mini test, which will provide users with more interactive features and would be more iv Un enjoyable for the user within the application. Secondly by adding more stages of functionality, this will enhance the users to learn more on how to learn the piano. Future developments for this application can be to connect the external keyboard to er the application, by using a programming language to capture the signal from the external keyboard through a midi interface. This would make the application more sit interactive for the user and this development can be considered as another set of selfassessments for the user. ire sh rd tfo er fH yO Dhiresh Patel 47 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire REFERENCES [1] http://www.ukpianos.co.uk/piano-history.html iv Un [2] http://www.startvbdotnet.com/sdlc/sdlc.aspx [3] Ulrich, K. Macromedia Flash 8: for Windows and Macintosh, 2006: Peachpit, 2006. [4] Hoggett , B.P[et al]. Flash 8 essentials, 2006: Berkeley : Apress. [5] Finkelstein, E. Macromedia Flash 8 for dummies, 2006: Hoboken : Wiley er [6] http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=1006 [7] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/4248113.stm (9th of Feb 05 BBC sit News) [8] CD-ROM- Teaching you keyboard skills. (An easy way to learn to play the yO keyboard) ISBN: 1-84326-133-2, Publisher: Focus multimedia [9]www.makepages.com/freepages/flashpianolesson.html (Dr.Steven G. Estrella 2004) [10] CD ROM- Haughton’s, A. Play piano: A course for young beginners, 2006: fH Kevin Mayhew LTD: Buxhall: Book1. Websites: er 1) www.fouldsmusic.co.uk/pianos.htm (Piano image) grand piano 2) http://www.bohemiapiano.cz/digitalpianos/digitalpianos.jpg (Upright image of tfo piano) 3) www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/.../product_id/14259 (Digital Piano) 5) www.cancomuk.com 6) http://www.scan.co.uk/ ire sh rd 4) http://www.argos.co.uk 7) http://www.musiconmypc.co.uk/art_keyboard_connection.php 8) http://www.alexisisaac.net/products/flashMidi Dhiresh Patel 48 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) http://www.musiconmypc.co.uk/art_keyboard_connection.php - Information on iv Un how to connect the midi keyboard to the computer. 2) http://www.ukpianos.co.uk/index.html - History of piano Books: er 1) Haughton, A. Play piano: A course for young beginners, 2006: Kevin Mayhew LTD: Buxhall: Book 1. sit 2) Haughton, A. Play piano: A course for young beginners, 2006: Kevin Mayhew yO LTD: Buxhall: Book 2. 3) Hall, P. Drayton, P. Fun For Ten Fingers: Easy pieces and puzzles for young pianists, 2006: Oxford University Press: Oxford. fH 4) Hall, P. Tunes For Ten Fingers: A first Piano Book, 2006: Oxford University Press: Oxford. er 5) Hall, P. More Tunes For Ten Fingers: A Second piano book, 2006: Oxford ire sh rd tfo University Press: Oxford. Dhiresh Patel 49 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire APPENDICES iv Un Appendix A – Images of the three different types of pianos. yO sit er (Source: www.fouldsmusic.co.uk/pianos.htm) ire sh rd tfo er fH (Source: http://www.bohemiapiano.cz/digitalpianos/digitalpianos.jpg) Dhiresh Patel 50 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire iv Un sit er (Source: www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/.../product_id/14259) ire sh rd tfo er fH yO Dhiresh Patel 51 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un Appendix B – Initial Gantt chart ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 52 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 53 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un Appendix C – Revised Gantt chart ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 54 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 55 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 56 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 57 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix D - Questionnaire Date: iv Un I am researching on what children aged between 8 – 14 would like to see on an interactive self learning guide on playing the piano. By filling out the following questions I can meet these requirements when building my program. 1. Age: 12 Years Male 10 years 13 Years 11 Years 14 Years yO 2. Gender: 9 Years sit er 8 Years Female fH 3. Do you have easy access to a computer? er Yes No tfo 4. Do you find it easy to use the Internet or software CD, i.e. plug and play? Software CD Yes Dhiresh Patel No ire sh 5. Are you interested in music? rd Internet 58 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 6. Do you know how to play the piano? iv Un Yes No If yes go to question 7 If no go to question 9 Piano Lessons sit er 7. What method do you use to learn, how to play the piano? Internet Programs School Lessons CD Programs yO 8. What method do you find easier or most effective to learn? Teacher - Go to question 11 fH Piano Computer er 9. Would you be interested in learning how to play the piano? No time School Lessons 11. Can you read or write any musical notes? Yes Dhiresh Patel ire sh Your leisure Piano rd 10. Would you want to learn the piano at: - tfo Yes No 59 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 12. What would make learning the piano more interesting for you? Colours Shape Images iv Un 13. Do you find it easier to learn with sound and music? Yes No er Thank you for your time and co-operation ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit Dhiresh Patel 60 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix E – Results from questionnaire iv Un Question 1 ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 2 Dhiresh Patel 61 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 3 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 4 Dhiresh Patel 62 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 5 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 6 Dhiresh Patel 63 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 7 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 8 Dhiresh Patel 64 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 9 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 10 Dhiresh Patel 65 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 11 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Question 12 Dhiresh Patel 66 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Question 13 iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Dhiresh Patel 67 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un Appendix F – Contents Flow Diagram ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 68 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering University of Hertfordshire BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report Un Appendix G – Navigational Flow Diagram ive rsi ty Of He rtf or ds hir e Dhiresh Patel 69 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix H – Storyboard iv Un Introduction scene Image sit er Button Title yO Image ire sh rd tfo er fH Title Buttons Dhiresh Patel 70 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Sub menu iv Un Title Buttons sit er Main menu yO tfo er Title fH Beginner’s level button Piano layout Back ire sh rd Contents Next button button Main menu button Dhiresh Patel 71 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Beginner’s level – test scene iv Un Title Piano sit er Buttons button Intermediate scene Back button Dhiresh Patel Text Text Piano ire sh button rd Replay menu tfo Main menu Button Main er Title Next fH yO Back Next button 72 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Intermediate Scene playing with beat count iv Un Title Time indicator Back yO sit er Piano next Main menu tfo er Title fH Summary Scene Buttons ire sh rd Text Next Back Main menu button Dhiresh Patel 73 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Advance level scene demonstration iv Un Title button menu button yO Back Main sit Replay er Piano Next button Hand ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel 74 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix I – Testing sheet Scene Name Actions Expected Outcome Actual Outcome Intro Sound Playing Correct sound was playing. 2 Intro Treble Cleff image 3 Intro Piano Image 4 Intro Start Button 5 Main About the piano button Sounds starts playing when application is loaded. Treble Cleff moves up and down. Piano image comes across from the left of the scene. To go to the appropriate Scene. To go to the appropriate Scene. 6 Main Beginner level button To go to the appropriate Scene. 7 Main 8 Main 9 Main 10 main_about_piano Two sub buttons 11 main_about_piano Main menu button 12 about_piano_1 Back button 13 about_piano_1 Next button 14 about_piano_1 Contents Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 15 about_piano_2 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 16 about_piano_2 Next button 17 about_piano_2 Animated line To go to the appropriate scene. Line is animated and in correct position. 18 about_piano_2 Contents iv Un Test No. 1 yO sit er To go to the appropriate Scene. Advance level button To go to the appropriate Scene. Sound playing Sound continuing from scene ‘main’ To go to the appropriate Scenes. er fH To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown ire sh rd tfo Dhiresh Patel Intermediate level button It was moving correctly. Image came across correctly and at the correct time. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘main_about_piano’ Correct scene was opened ‘main_begginners’ Correct scene was opened ‘main_intermediate’ Incorrect scene was opened, it opened ‘intermediate’ scene Correct sound was playing. Correct scene ‘about_piano_1 and about_piano_2’ was directed to the appropriate scenes when each button was clicked with a mouse.. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘about_piano_2’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘about_piano_1’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Incorrect line was animated at the wrong position. Correct contents 75 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire in the appropriate area 19 Main_begginners To go to the appropriate Scenes. To go to the appropriate Scenes. Arrow is Animated. iv Un Nine sub buttons Main menu button 21 begginners Animated arrow 22 begginners 23 begginners 24 begginners 25 begginners To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 26 begginners_2 Animated arrow 27 begginners_2 Back button 28 begginners_2 Next button 29 begginners_2 Main Menu button 30 begginners_2 Contents Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 31 begginners_3 Animated arrow 32 begginners_3 Four multiple buttons 33 begginners_3 Back button 34 begginners_3 Next button Back button Next button Main Menu button Contents Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. Appropriate answers are given for each button. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel sit Main_begginners yO er 20 appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scenes ‘begginners, begginners_2, begginners_3, begginners_4, begginners_6, begginners_7, begginners_8, begginners_8.3 and begginners_9 were directed to the appropriate scenes when each button was clicked with a mouse. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct arrow was animated at the correct time. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at C key, which was correct. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_3’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at ‘F’ Key, which was correct. Correct answers were given which ‘C, E and G’ the answers was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘F’ the answer was given ‘Correct’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_2’ Correct scene was 76 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire scene. 35 begginners_3 Main Menu button 36 begginners_3 Contents iv Un To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area begginners_3.1 Animated arrow Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. 38 begginners_3.1 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 39 begginners_3.1 40 begginners_3.1 sit er 37 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 41 begginners_3.1 42 begginners_3.1 yO To go to the appropriate scene. 43 begginners_3.2 Animated arrow Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. 44 begginners_3.2 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 45 begginners_3.2 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 46 begginners_3.2 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Next button Main Menu button To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Contents begginners_3.2 Contents 49 begginners_4 Animated arrow Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. ire sh 48 Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_3.2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at ‘D’ Key, which was correct. Correct answers were given which ‘A, E and C’ the answers was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘D’ the answer was given ‘Correct’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_3.1’ rd Main Menu button tfo begginners_3.2 er fH 47 Dhiresh Patel opened ‘begginners_3.1’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at ‘C’ Key, which was correct. Incorrect answers were given were ‘C, E and F’ was the wrong answers and the correct one was ‘G’, this was wrong the correct answer meant to be ‘C’ and not ‘G’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_3’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_4’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at ‘C#’ Key, which was 77 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 50 begginners_4 51 begginners_4 iv Un Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area begginners_4 Main Menu button 53 begginners_4 Contents 54 begginners_5 Animated arrow 55 begginners_5 56 begginners_5 sit er 52 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area yO To go to the appropriate scene. 57 begginners_5 58 begginners_5 59 begginners_6 Odd coloured key Correct odd coloured key was applied. 60 begginners_6 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 61 begginners_6 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 62 begginners_6 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Contents Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. ‘A#’ was the odd coloured key which was Red. Correct answers were given which ‘F#, C# and D#’ the answers was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘A#’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_5’ rd tfo er fH begginners_6 Main Menu button 64 begginners_6 Contents 65 begginners_6.1 Odd coloured key Correct odd coloured key was applied. 66 begginners_6.1 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6.1’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. ‘D#’ was the odd coloured key which was Orange. Correct answers were given which ‘G#, C# and F#’ the answers ire sh 63 Dhiresh Patel Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_5’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Arrow was animated and pointing at ‘C#, D#, F#, G# and A#’ Key, which was correct. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_4’ Arrow is Animated and pointing at the right Key. Back button Main Menu button correct. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_3.2’ 78 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire begginners_6.1 68 begginners_6.1 iv Un 67 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area begginners_6.1 Main Menu button 70 begginners_6.1 Contents 71 begginners_6.2 Odd coloured key Correct odd coloured key was applied. 72 begginners_6.2 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 73 begginners_6.2 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 74 begginners_6.2 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area er begginners_6.2 Main Menu button 76 begginners_6.2 Contents 77 begginners_7 Four Play buttons 78 begginners_7 Back button 79 begginners_7 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. begginners_7 Main Menu button 81 begginners_7 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 82 begginners_8 Play button tfo 75 Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_7’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Incorrect sound beats were played for 1 beat and 4 beats. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6.2’ Appropriate sound beat ire sh rd Appropriate sound beat is played according to the beat symbol To go to the appropriate scene. 80 Dhiresh Patel Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6.2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. ‘C#’ was the odd coloured key which was Creme. Correct answers were given which ‘F#, D# and G#’ the answers was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘C#’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6.1’ fH yO sit er 69 was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘D#’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_6’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 2 beats were played 79 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 83 begginners_8 Four multiple buttons iv Un 84 begginners_8 85 begginners_8 should play Appropriate answers are given for each button. er Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area begginners_8 Main Menu button 87 begginners_8 Contents 88 begginners_8.1 Play button 89 begginners_8.1 90 begginners_8.1 91 begginners_8.1 yO sit 86 Four multiple buttons Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.1’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 4 beats were played which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 2 beats and 3 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘4 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8’ Appropriate sound beat should play Appropriate answers are given for each button. fH To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area er Back button begginners_8.1 Main Menu button 93 begginners_8.1 Contents 94 begginners_8.2 Play button Appropriate sound beat should play 95 begginners_8.2 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 96 begginners_8.2 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Incorrect beats was played, it played 2 beats where it should have played 3 beats. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 2 beats and 4 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘3 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.1’ ire sh rd tfo 92 Dhiresh Patel which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 3 beats and 4 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘2 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_7’ 80 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 97 98 begginners_8.2 begginners_8.2 iv Un Next button To go to the appropriate scene. Main Menu button To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area begginners_8.2 Contents 100 begginners_8.3 Beat symbol Appropriate symbol is displayed 101 begginners_8.3 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 102 begginners_8.3 103 begginners_8.3 sit er 99 To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. Main Menu button To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area yO Back button begginners_8.3 105 begginners_8.3 Contents 106 begginners_8.4 Beat symbol Appropriate symbol is displayed 107 begginners_8.4 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 108 begginners_8.4 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 109 begginners_8.4 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 110 begginners_8.4 Main Menu button 111 begginners_8.4 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 112 begginners_8.5 Beat symbol Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.4’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 3 beats symbol was displayed in the box, which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 2 beats and 4 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘3 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.3’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.5’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 1 beats symbol was Appropriate symbol is ire sh rd tfo er Dhiresh Patel fH 104 Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.3’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 2 beats symbol was displayed in the box, which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 3 beats and 4 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘2 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.2’ 81 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire displayed 113 begginners_8.5 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. iv Un begginners_8.5 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 115 begginners_8.5 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 116 begginners_8.5 Main Menu button 117 begginners_8.5 To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 118 begginners_8.6 119 begginners_8.6 120 begginners_8.6 121 begginners_8.6 sit Contents yO Beat symbol Appropriate symbol is displayed Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. fH Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. tfo er 122 er 114 Main Menu button begginners_8.6 Contents Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 124 begginners_9 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 125 begginners_9 Next button 126 begginners_9 Main Menu button 127 begginners_9 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 123 Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_9’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ rd begginners_8.6 Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.6’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. ire sh Dhiresh Patel displayed in the box, which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘2 beat, 3 beats and 4 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘1 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.4’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.6’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 4 beats symbol was displayed in the box, which was correct. Correct answers were given for ‘1 beat, 2 beats and 3 beats’ the answers was given was ‘Incorrect answer’ and for ‘4 beats’ the answer was given ‘Correct Answer well done’ Correct scene was opened ‘begginners_8.5’ 82 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 128 Main_intermediate To go to the appropriate Scenes. To go to the appropriate Scenes. To stop in an appropriate position. Main_intermediate Main menu button 130 Intermediate Hand Image 131 Intermediate Left and Right Text 132 Intermediate 133 Intermediate 134 Intermediate 135 Intermediate Contents 136 Intermediate_2 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. 137 Intermediate_2 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 138 Intermediate_2 Back button 139 Intermediate_2 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. 140 Intermediate_2 Main Menu button 141 Intermediate_2 Replay button 142 Intermediate_2 Contents sit er 129 yO iv Un Eight sub buttons Next button Main Menu button Left and Right text well positioned under the right hands. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Right hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the ‘OVAL’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_3’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it did not replay the scene. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel Back button Correct scenes ‘Intermediate, Intermediate_2, Intermediate_4, Intermediate_5, Intermediate_7, Intermediate_9, Intermediate_10, Intermediate_12 was directed to the appropriate scenes when each button was clicked with a mouse. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Well appeared on the scene when stopped, on time and well positioned. Left and right text did not appear on the scene. 83 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 143 Intermediate_3 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. iv Un Intermediate_3 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 145 Intermediate_3 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 146 Intermediate_3 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 147 Intermediate_3 Main Menu button 148 Intermediate_3 Replay button 149 Intermediate_3 150 Intermediate_4 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. 151 Intermediate_4 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 152 Intermediate_4 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 153 Intermediate_4 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 154 Intermediate_4 Main Menu button 155 Intermediate_4 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area ire sh rd Dhiresh Patel tfo er fH yO sit er 144 position. Right hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the ‘RECTANGLE’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_2’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_4’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the right hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Right hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the ‘TRIANGLE’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_3’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_5’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the right hand, which was 84 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Intermediate_4 Contents Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 157 Intermediate_5 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 158 Intermediate_5 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 159 Intermediate_5 Main Menu button 160 Intermediate_5 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area. 161 Intermediate_6 Finger Exercise 162 Intermediate_6 163 Intermediate_6 164 Intermediate_6 Back button 165 Intermediate_6 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 166 Intermediate_6 Main Menu button 167 Intermediate_6 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 168 Intermediate_6 Contents Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 169 Intermediate_7 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. iv Un 156 yO sit er Fingers to play the appropriate keys. Play appropriate sound pitch. Time indicator Time indicator appears in the appropriate time. To go to the appropriate scene. Dhiresh Patel ire sh rd tfo er fH Sound correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_4’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_6’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Right hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the box indicator and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Time indicator did not function properly. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_5’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_7’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together according to the time indicator with the right hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the ‘OVAL’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. 85 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Intermediate_7 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 171 Intermediate_7 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. iv Un 170 Intermediate_7 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 173 Intermediate_7 Main Menu button 174 Intermediate_7 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 175 Intermediate_7 176 Intermediate_8 177 Intermediate_8 Sound 178 Intermediate_8 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 179 Intermediate_8 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 180 Intermediate_8 Main Menu button 181 Intermediate_8 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 182 Intermediate_8 Contents Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 183 Intermediate_9 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. sit er 172 yO Finger Exercise Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Fingers to play the appropriate keys. fH Play appropriate sound pitch. ire sh rd tfo er Dhiresh Patel Contents Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_6’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_8’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the left hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the ‘RECTANGLE’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_7’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_9’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the left hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the 86 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire 184 Intermediate_9 iv Un Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. Intermediate_9 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 186 Intermediate_9 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 187 Intermediate_9 Main Menu button 188 Intermediate_9 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 189 Intermediate_9 190 Intermediate_10 191 yO sit er 185 Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Intermediate_10 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 192 Intermediate_10 Main Menu button 193 Intermediate_10 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area. 194 Intermediate_11 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. 195 Intermediate_11 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 196 Intermediate_11 Time indicator Time indicator appears in the appropriate time. 197 Intermediate_11 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. Dhiresh Patel ire sh rd tfo er fH Contents ‘Triangle’ shape, and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_8’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_10’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the left hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_9’ Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_11’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left hand Fingers were played with the correct keys from the box indicator and the Tweening was correct on each key and on time. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the finger exercise. Time indicator was played according to the beats which was ‘two beats, three beats and then again two beats. Did not function properly. 87 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Intermediate_11 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 199 Intermediate_11 Main Menu button 200 Intermediate_11 Replay button To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 201 Intermediate_11 202 Intermediate_12 203 Intermediate_12 iv Un 198 Correct contents shown in the appropriate area sit er Contents Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_12’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together according to the time indicator with the left hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_11’ Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 204 Intermediate_12 205 Intermediate_12 yO To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 206 Main_advance Four sub buttons To go to the appropriate Scenes. 207 Main_advance Main menu button 208 Advance Back button 209 Advance Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. 210 Advance Main Menu button 211 Advance Contents 212 Advance_Level_2 Finger Exercise Next button Main Menu button Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area Fingers to play the appropriate keys. ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene ‘Advance, Advance_Level_2, Advance_Level_3 and Advance_Level_4’ was directed to the appropriate scenes when each button was clicked with a mouse.. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_2’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left and right hand Fingers were played with the correct keys. The Tweening was correct on each key and on time. 88 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Advance_Level_2 Left and Right Text Left and Right text appears appropriately in the Hand. 214 Advance_Level_2 Sound Play appropriate sound pitch. 215 Advance_Level_2 Back button 216 Advance_Level_2 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. To go to the appropriate scene. 217 Advance_Level_2 Main Menu button 218 Advance_Level_2 Replay button 219 Advance_Level_2 yO 220 Advance_Level_3 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 221 Advance_Level_3 Next button To go to the appropriate scene. 222 Advance_Level_3 Main Menu button 223 Advance_Level_3 Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 224 Advance_Level_3.1 Finger Exercise Fingers to play the appropriate keys. 225 Advance_Level_3.1 Left and Right Text Left and Right text appears appropriately in the Hand. 226 Advance_Level_3.1 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 227 Advance_Level_3.1 Next button To go to the appropriate iv Un 213 sit er Correct contents shown in the appropriate area ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. Left and right text was displayed when hands were swapped when playing which was correct. Correct sound pitch of the keys was played according to the nursery rhythm, ‘Twinkle twinkle little star and with the finger exercise. Correct scene was opened ‘Advance’ Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_3’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the left and right hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_2’ Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_3.1’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. Left and right hand fingers were played with the correct keys. The tweening was correct on each key and on time. Left and right text was displayed when hands were swapped when playing which was correct. Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_3’ Correct scene was 89 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire scene. 228 Advance_Level_3.1 Main Menu button 229 Advance_Level_3.1 Replay button iv Un er Contents To go to the appropriate scene. Replay the finger exercise. Advance_Level_3.1 Correct contents shown in the appropriate area 231 Advance_Level_4 232 Advance_Level_4 233 Advance_Level_4 Sound 234 Advance_Level_4 Back button To go to the appropriate scene and the sound to stop playing. 235 Advance_Level_4 Next button To go to the appropriate scene and the sound to stop playing. 236 Advance_Level_4 Main Menu button 237 Advance_Level_4 Contents To go to the appropriate scene and the sound to stop playing Correct contents shown in the appropriate area sit 230 yO Animated balloons Move appropriately within the scene. Move appropriately within the scene. fH Sounds starts playing when scene was loaded. ire sh rd tfo er Dhiresh Patel Animated box opened ‘Advance_Level_4’ Correct scene was opened ‘main’ When the mouse clicked replay button, the finger exercise was animated and it was playing according to the nursery rhythm ‘Twinkle twinkle little star’ according to the keys, with the left and right hand, which was correct. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. It appeared appropriately, came from the bottom, moved Left to the right, and stopped in the centre, which was correct and on time. It appeared appropriately, came from the sides’ left and right, moved up and down, and then stopped in the sides, which was correct and on time. Did not function properly, it did not play any music from clicking next from ‘Advance_Level_3.1’ scene. Correct scene was opened ‘Advance_Level_3.1’ and sound was stopped. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ and sound was stopped. Correct scene was opened ‘main’ and sound was stopped. Correct contents appeared on the screen at the appropriate position. 90 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix J – Error testing sheet iv Un Scene Name Actions Expected Outcome Actual Outcome 8 Main Advance level button To go to the appropriate Scene. 17 about_piano_2 Animated line Line is animated and in correct position. 38 begginners_3.1 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 77 begginners_7 94 begginners_8.2 131 Intermediate Left and Right Text Incorrect scene was opened, it opened ‘intermediate’ scene Incorrect line was animated at the wrong position. Incorrect answers were given were ‘C, E and F’ was the wrong answers and the correct one was ‘G’, this was wrong the correct answer meant to be ‘C’ and not ‘G’ Incorrect sound beats were played for 1 beat and 4 beats. Incorrect beats was played, it played 2 beats where it should have played 3 beats. Left and right text did not appear on the scene. 141 Intermediate_2 Replay button 163 Intermediate_6 Time indicator 197 Intermediate_11 Back button 233 Advance_Level_4 Sound yO sit er Test No. Four Play buttons Play button Appropriate sound beat is played according to the beat symbol Appropriate sound beat should play fH er Left and Right text well positioned under the right hands. Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. ire sh rd tfo Time indicator appears in the appropriate time. To go to the appropriate scene. Sounds starts playing when scene was loaded. When the mouse clicked replay button, it did not replay the scene. Time indicator did not function properly. Did not function properly. Did not function properly, it did not play any music from clicking next from ‘Advance_Level_3.1’ scene. Dhiresh Patel 91 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix K – Revised testing sheet iv Un Scene Name Actions Expected Outcome Actual Outcome 8 Main 17 about_piano_2 Advance level button Animated line To go to the appropriate Scene. Line is animated and in correct position. 38 begginners_3.1 Four multiple buttons Appropriate answers are given for each button. 77 begginners_7 94 begginners_8.2 131 Intermediate Left and Right Text 141 Intermediate_2 Replay button Replay the finger exercise and with the sound again. 163 Intermediate_6 Time indicator Time indicator appears in the appropriate time. 197 Intermediate_11 Back button To go to the appropriate scene. 233 Advance_Level_4 Sound Sounds starts playing when scene was loaded. Correct scene was opened ‘main_advance’ Correct line was animated at the right position in which it was required. Correct answers were given which ‘G, E and F’ the answers was given was ‘wrong answer try again’ and for ‘C’ the answer was given ‘Correct’ Correct sound beats were played for 1 beat, 2 beats, 3 beats and 4 beats. 3 beats were played which was correct. Left and right text was stopped at a great positioned underneath the two hands. When the mouse clicked replay button, it Played the finger exercise as well as the sound pitch of the key together, with the right hand, which was correct. Time indicator was played according to the beats which was ‘two beats, three beats and then again two beats. Correct scene was opened ‘Intermediate_10’ Correct sound was playing. yO sit er Test No. Appropriate sound beat is played according to the beat symbol Play button Appropriate sound beat should play Left and Right text well positioned under the right hands. ire sh rd Dhiresh Patel tfo er fH Four Play buttons 92 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Appendix L – Evaluation sheet iv Un Date: ………………………………….. Tested By: ……………………………. I am sending you an evaluation sheet and also including my Self Learning Guide How er to Play the Piano application on the CD-ROM. Can you please check my application and add any comments on this evaluation sheet. Can you also give me your feedback sit from the children age 8 – 14 years, what the children found good and what problems they had while using this application. Can you also tick the tick boxes of what you yO thought after looking at the children using the program? (TICK BOXES BELOW FROM THE FEEDBACK FROM THE CHILDREN (Ö) ire sh rd tfo er fH Dhiresh Patel 93 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire Any Further comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… iv Un ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… er ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… sit ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… yO ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… fH ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… er ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… tfo ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… rd ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ire sh ………………………………………………………………………………………… I would like to thank you and the children, for participating in my project. Dhiresh Patel 94 Department of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering BSc./BEng. Final Year Project Report University of Hertfordshire iv Un ire sh rd tfo er fH yO sit er Dhiresh Patel 95
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