Online: The Natural’s Way How To Ignore The Usual Dating Advice And Win The Girl By Being Yourself Phantom The Natural's Way How To Ignore All The Dating Advice And Win The Girl By Being Yourself By Phantom © 2013, All Rights Reserved. Table Of Contents Why This Book Was Written…And How It's Different ....................... 3 Why Everything You Need To Know Is NOT Included ...................... 5 How To Use This Book .............................................................. 10 PART I: BEING WHO YOU NEED TO BE Chapter 1: The Attractive Man................................................... 16 Chapter 2: Why Are Women So Attracted To Confidence .............. 20 Chapter 3: How To Get Confident - In About 10 Minutes ............... 23 Chapter 4: Beliefs .................................................................... 35 Chapter 5: Nine Natural's Beliefs ............................................... 51 Chapter 6: Eliminating Fear And Approach Anxiety....................... 59 Chapter 7: Understanding Women ............................................. 80 Chapter 8: Look The Part .......................................................... 85 Chapter 9: Live Your Life .......................................................... 94 PART II: DOING WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Pre-step: Go Where The Women Are .........................................103 STEP 1: Say Something ...........................................................105 STEP 2: Keep Saying Something...............................................111 STEP 3: Play ..........................................................................119 Step 4: LEAD To The Next Step ................................................136 Do It All Over Again ................................................................142 Legal Stuff...Just To Be Clear This book is copyright 2013, with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of derivative works of this book. When you purchased this book, you agreed to the following: "©2013, All Rights Reserved. You are not permitted to copy, steal, or distribute all or any part of my book without permission. By purchasing this book, you agree to the following: You understand that the information contained in this book is an opinion and it should be used for personal entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own behavior, and none of this book is to be considered legal or personal advice." Now that we’re finished with the legal stuff, let’s learn about how to be a natural around women. :: 3 :: Why This Book Was Written…And How It's Different This isn't the first or the last book on dating success. During the last several years, there was an explosion of books written on the topic of dating. So what makes this book so different from any other out there? If you study any of the books written for dating success, you'll quickly discover that most authors made dating seem much more COMPLEX than it really is. Most books go into so much detail in telling you what to do, that it can make your head spin. But what if you just want to start a conversation with a girl behind the counter and get a date? Do you really need all that information? Now, I do want to acknowledge all the people teaching dating for taking the effort and time to study this in depth, and provide us with the knowledge of what's really happening. But is getting a girl to go on a date with you and have fun really THAT difficult and complex? :: 4 :: Why Everything You Need To Know Is NOT Included If you could remember when you first started learning how to walk, you would probably remember how you took your first step – and then fell on your butt – several times. What you probably wouldn't remember is how your parents gave you a motivational seminar with a slide show presentation on how to take one step, and then the next, and then the next. You didn't get that. None of us has. We didn't learn to walk by listening to hours of explanation on how to step and transfer our weight on one leg, then to move and to transfer the weight on the other etc. No. We all learned to walk by: 1. Observing how others did it and 2. Doing it for ourselves, until we finally could do it. But the traditional dating advice does just that – it wants to teach you how to date by giving you EVERY piece of information available out there. But the thing is, you don't need to know EVERYTHING. Self-correction process You see, there is this thing called the natural self-correction process. And the natural self correction process is how your body NATURALY self corrects itself to reach a desired outcome. Just like when you were a baby – you kept trying to take those steps, and by trial and error your body self-corrected itself until you knew how to walk without falling. And the reason is because you body somehow already KNOWS what you need to know. And it’s the same with dating. You ALREADY know what you need to know to get a date. :: 5 :: And let me show you how this is true. Think of all the people that had to figure out how to get a date for you to show up. From your parents, grandparents, grand-grandparents, and all the way up to your ancestors far in the past. They ALL had to learn how to get a date. And when you were born, you got their DNA. Your DNA is basically a formula for your body… if somebody would want to create somebody who is exactly like you, they would only need a piece of your hair, and from that they would be able to extract your DNA and duplicate you – just like they did it with a sheep. Your DNA stores all of the information that your ancestors learned. This information comes out in a form of an INSTINCT. With your DNA, you inherited all the information about how to get a DATE from your ancestors. So all the knowledge about how to get the girl is already inside of you in the form of an INSTINCT. If you allow your body to follow it's natural instinct for speaking with women, a lot of dating information that you *think* you need just won't be necessary. Your BODY will give you the answers through the self-correction process. So for instance, if you feel anxiety about starting a conversation with a girl you like, once you start talking with her – that self-correction process will kick in and the anxiety will slowly fade away. Why? Because the body is realizing, "Ok, there's no bear or a lion chasing me. So the anxiety I'm producing is not necessary, let me tone it down a bit and let the man get a date!" So the self-correction process is going to do the work for you. However, one thing will surely stop this process from working, and it's called… :: 6 :: Interference What is interference? When I was a kid, we had a satellite dish at our house. When the weather was fine, the picture was fine as well, because it had no interference. However, if the weather was bad, the picture would get distracted because of the interference it was getting during the process of receiving the signal. Just as the satellite dish is receiving the picture through a process, your mind and body are working with the same process. Your body is sending a signal and your mind receives it and vice versa. This internal process works perfectly in harmony. However, we interfere. The need for information A common mistake I see many guys make when they want to become better with women, is they try to learn as much theory as they possibly can. They fill up their mind with every possible detail of what they should do in every situation. But guys who do that usually become masters in theoretically understanding this, but they never DO what they learn. The reason being because, when you want to know every detail of everything, or you want to know too much, you're causing the "bad weather", and you're interfering with the signal of your body, that already knows what to do. And this paralyzes your body from DOING it. So, the information doesn't help us. The information actually damages us. Clogging the process Let me give you a metaphor for you to grasp this idea better. Your car engine needs an OPTIMUM amount of oil to function properly. If it has less than needed, it can cause engine damage. If it has more than needed, then that will CLOG the engine, causing it to BREAK. :: 7 :: I remember making my first camping fire as a kid. I did everything I thought I needed to do. I brought the best and biggest wood and laid it all on a pile. But when I tried to start the fire, the fire would quickly diminish and stop burning. I later discovered that, if you want the fire to start, it's important to put JUST ENOUGH WOOD on the pile. If you throw every piece of wood you can find on a pile, and then you try to set it on, you will suffocate the fire. And just like too much wood suffocates the fire and too much oil clogs the engine, too much information clogs the brain and body from doing what they already know how to do. So what's the solution? Trust The SOLUTION to not clogging the process of self-correction when fear kicks in, is TRUST. What is trust? Trust means that you don’t have any evidence about something, but you still believe it. Now your rational mind can’t understand how can you believe that something is there, even though you don’t have the evidence in front of you. So you try to CONTROL the process of learning this. But when you trust that your body already knows the answers, you're giving oxygen to the part that already KNOWS. You don't try to INTERFERE with excess information or the need to know EVERYTHING. So if you want the self-correction process to work for you, you HAVE to GIVE UP CONTROL. And this can be hard. But if you can let go and trust that your body that it has all the answers, the answers will come to you. In this book, I will give you tools to help you eliminate your anxiety about approaching a woman. :: 8 :: I will teach you how to be confident in front of ANY woman, no matter how hot she is, and I will give you the specifics on how to start and keep a conversation going. But as you're reading through this and learning these tools I want you to remember this: You already have everything you need to know stored inside of you. Have the GUTS to trust your body to give you the answers that you’re looking for. To conclude this introduction, let me give you an analogy. Imagine there is a GIANT within you. And this giant inside you knows everything that you think you need. It has ALL the answers. But here’s the problem. The giant is asleep. How are you going to wake him up? Awakening the Giant You might try screaming at him, yelling, pleading – but it won't work. There is only one way for the giant to wake up. And that way is for you to PUT yourself in the situation that you want to be good at, and trust that this giant will give you the answers you need. This will awaken him. To make it clear, if you want to become better with women, GO where the women are, and start TALKING with them – and as you do, allow your body to wake the giant inside of you. So let's start this journey of awakening your giant. :: 9 :: How To Use This Book This book has 2 parts. The first part talks about who you need to BE. This is the inner game, the stuff you need to work on inside yourself before you go out to meet women. The second part shows you what you need to DO. This is the outer game, the how-to, and the specifics on how to talk to women. I want you to follow a simple sequence, not just for learning how to become more successful with women, but for everything which you want in life. The sequence is this: BE - DO - HAVE First step to anything you want to do is to first become who you need to be. If you want to lead people, you need to become a LEADER. If you want to do business, you need to become a businessperson. If you want to run a marathon, you need to become a runner. But who do you need to become if you want to be more successful with dating women? You need to become YOU – the NATURAL you. You probably agree that right now, you're not your natural self around women. You probably behave different with women then you behave with your friends. Maybe you're tenser, maybe you think that you have to pretend to be someone else to get her to like you…maybe you have some feelings of inferiority etc. But that’s not the real you. You see, when you were born, you only had 2 instinctive fears. One of them was the fear of HEIGHTS, and the other was fear of LOUD NOISES. You’ve learned all the other fears throughout your life. They’re not a part of who you are naturally. :: 10 :: So to be a NATURAL you, you need to get rid of a lot of stuff that just isn’t the REAL you. Makes sense? Imagine it this way – imagine yourself as a bright, shiny diamond – as corny as this sounds. But over the years, you’ve covered up that diamond with a lot of stuff that have no place being there. Stuff like limiting beliefs, doubt, and fear. And my goal in the first part of this book is to lead you through a process of getting rid of what isn’t you – so you can become your NATURAL you. And once you get rid of the stuff that are limiting you from being your natural self, then you need to start DOING. The thing that you need to do is to go out and actually MEET women. I know, profound. But doing means starting conversations with women, keeping the conversation going, showing them that you want to be more than just friends…, etc. And that’s what the second part of this book is about. When it comes to DOING and meeting women, there are 3 main stages you want to go through. Stage I: Get over yourself about saying something The first stage you need to go through is getting over yourself about saying something to a woman, or approaching her. In this stage, you need to get over your own fears, anxieties, and excuses. I'm going to give you some tools that will make this stage very easy for you, but even the best tools won't help you, if you don't understand that you have the responsibility, to deal with everything that comes up. :: 11 :: If you don't know what I mean by this, go out and try to approach a beautiful woman. If you can't make yourself to do it, then that's what I mean. You can try all the techniques, but when you get in front of that girl and you want to open your mouth to say something…you’re going to feel uncomfortable…and you’ll have to find the courage deep inside yourself to step up and say “Hi”. And I can’t do that for you – you have to do it. After you get over yourself, there is the next stage. Stage II: Get over the initial conversation When you manage to get over yourself and your excuses about approaching a woman and starting a conversation with her, the next stage is getting over that initial conversation. You did it. You were looking at her for half an hour, and you finally got enough guts to do it to go over and say something. Now what? How do you keep that conversation going? What if you get stuck, and can’t think of anything to say? In this second part of the book, I will lay out for you everything you need to know about continuing that conversation after the initial "Hi". Again, this will be frustrating for you. It will take practice; it will take you working on it. It's your responsibility. Get over this stage. Stage III: Get over taking it to the next level After you deal with continuing that initial conversation, the third stage is the stage of taking it to the next level. You had a great conversation. She obviously likes you and you like her. She's smiling. How do you ask her out? What if you want to show her that you want to be MORE than JUST friends? :: 12 :: What if you want to kiss her after the date, but you don't know how to go about it? I'm going to show you exactly how you do each of these steps later in the book. But this is the final stage. Can This Book Really Help You? I've spent the last 7 years studying this… and in the course of my research, I read every book I could find on dating, on human psychology and influence and persuasion. I've studied hours and hours of seminars, literally sleeping away at night while the seminar still running in the background. And after these 7 years of research, applying what I learned in the real world, AND teaching guys all around the world to achieve the dating success they were after, I believe I’m bringing you something that will change your life. So make no mistake – I did my part in bringing you the best tools to the table. However, for this book to actually work for you, there is something that YOU need to do. You need to GET SERIOUS with yourself. Too many times, I meet guys who say they want to get better in this area, but they aren't serious with themselves about it. They make no effort to move forward. They know they have a problem with saying those first words to a woman, but they don't WORK on it. They know they have challenges with keeping that conversation going, but they don't WORK on it. Somehow these guys think that this area of their life called meeting women will improve by reading a book, watching a program or going on a seminar. That’s nonsense. And if you find yourself to be in the mind-frame of “I’ll just read something and my problems will be solved”, I suggest you snap out of it. :: 13 :: The only way to handle this area of your life is by being SERIOUS and WORKING on it. If you're not serious about handling this area of your life, then don't even bother reading this book. Because, you're going to read it, and you won't do the exercises I say. You're going to find something that's working, but you'll stop using it soon. The difference between somebody who is SERIOUS about handling this area of his life, and somebody who is not, is that the person who is serious with himself ACTIVELY searches for a solution, and he WORKS on implementing those solutions in his life. So if you can’t be serious with yourself about this process…and you can’t commit to WORKING on this area - then do a both of us a favor, just throw this book away, and send me an email to receive a refund. However, if you can be SERIOUS about handling this area of his life, and you can commit to WORKING on it, then here’s my promise: If you do what I say in this book, and you work on this, at the end, you'll know how to: - Start a conversation with a girl you find attractive, Continue that conversation in a NATURAL way, And take that conversation to the next level And this means you’ll have dates, a normal sex life, or just this internal feeling that you are able to attract women. Women will approach YOU. Women will check YOU out. Women will want to be around YOU. You’ll have this POWER over women, that nobody will know how to explain – not even YOU. So, if this promise excites you, then by all means, let's begin. :: 14 :: :: 15 :: Chapter 1: The Attractive Man Let's start this journey with a question: what do women find attractive? What is it that women love about men? Why are they attracted to certain guys and pity others? Why do they do crazy things for some guys and leave other guys crying and writing love songs about them? I remember watching a TV show about a guy who was named the "Don Juan of the TV network". Unfortunately, I don't remember his name or the TV he was on. But here's what happened. They announced that they were going to reveal a real Don Juan of today's age, a guy who seduces women. Then they showed him walking down the street. When I saw him, I thought they were joking. The guy was skinny, wearing a sweat suit and a baseball cap. Trust me when I say, there wasn't ANYTHING special about him. Nothing special at all. So I was about to switch the channel, when they showed a very attractive woman on the phone, standing there, talking. So this Don Juan walked up to her, leaned on the wall next to her, and said, “2 minutes. Tell her you'll call her back.” The girl looked at him, got confused… then hung up the phone, and started TALKING with him. Now the question is, WHY? Why did she start talking with him, when we all know women aren't attracted to skinny guys with baseball caps? Was he famous? No. Was he attractive like Brad Pitt? :: 16 :: No. Was he rich beyond belief? No. Did he say something hilariously funny or profound? No. So what's the difference between him and some average guy on the street, who merely observes women from a distance? To be able to answer this question, we need to take a closer look at… What we generally believe women find ATTRACTIVE Looks Some people say that women want guys who look good. So if a guy looks like Brad Pitt, he will get any woman he wants. But Brad Pitt himself once said that until he was famous, he had challenges with getting a date. So is looking good really the key to having women be crazy about you? I think it might help, but I don't think your looks are THE key. Money What about having money? If you're rich, women are attracted to you, right? After all, Zsa-Zsa Gabor, a woman known for her scandalous affairs said, "No rich man is ugly". But then we see guys like our Don Juan, who have no money, and are still able to get the girl. So is money really it? I think money can help, but it's not THE key. Fame How about being famous? This surely must be it. If you're famous, women love you. :: 17 :: If you're a famous rock guitar player, or a member of a famous rock band, you have as many women as you want. But do you really NEED to be famous to get the girl? After all, was the Don Juan I mentioned before a famous person? No, he wasn't. He was just another guy from the street. So fame can help, but it's not the reason why you couldn't get the girl. Personality Traits What about certain personality traits, like humor, fun, dominance and social skills? Are these qualities attractive to women? If a guy can make a girl laugh, she'll probably like him and be attracted to him. If he can show he has a lot of friends and that he's popular, women will probably find him more attractive. However, our Don Juan didn't say anything too profound or funny to show some special personality traits, and still was able to meet the girl. So what's difference? Why was he able to get the girl to stop what she was doing, and talk to him? Although I agree that women DO want men who are famous, rich and handsome and have certain personality traits, it is NOT the DECIDING factor on whether you get the girl or not. What Are Women *REALLY* Attracted To The difference that made the difference was that even though our Don Juan was just ANOTHER guy from the street, he was able to show CONFIDENCE. Confidence is the key to being an attractive man. Women are primarily attracted to your CONFIDENCE, and secondary to whatever you think they are attracted to, be it fame, money, looks or other personality traits. :: 18 :: When a guy can approach a woman with BALLS out, state what he wants in an assured and congruent manner, he gets her ATTENTION, and differentiates himself from ALL the other guys, who are timidly walking around, ashamed for even liking a woman. Again, I do think things like fame, money, looks, and personality traits can help you be more attractive to women, but they aren't the KEY. The deciding factor is your CONFIDENCE. But what exactly is confidence? While we all kind of get the idea of what confidence is, if you ask random people, most of them can't give you a direct answer. They say things like "being confident means that you feel good about yourself", or "that you can comfortably talk with others"… but what is confidence really? :: 19 :: Chapter 2: What Is Confidence And Why Are Women So Attracted To It? So what is confidence? What do we mean when we say somebody is confident? If we take the example of our Don Juan before, what was it about him that we can describe as "confidence"? Is it the way he moves, the way he talks, or the way he feels about himself? And as we're describing confidence, are we describing a natural human quality or are we describing something else? Let me give you the answer. Confidence, as it is attractive to women means that you are in a STATE of feeling SURE about yourself, and of what you're doing. What do I mean? If you look up the word “sure” in the online dictionary, one of the definitions is “free from doubt”. And if you think about it, most guys are the exact opposite from free of doubt – they are FULL of doubt. They feel unsure about themselves (or about anything) all the time. So when they want to talk to a girl, they feel unsure…if they want to ask her out, they feel unsure. But guys who are confident around women on the other hand, are SURE of themselves. When they talk to a girl – they are sure of themselves. When they ask her for her number, they say it in a sure way, where there is no doubt. That is why, when our Don Juan said to that girl “2 minutes, tell her you'll call her later”, she actually did hang up and talk to him. It's because he demonstrated that he is totally sure of what he was doing. He didn't flinch; he didn't act nervous…but was just completely SURE of himself. :: 20 :: Makes sense? If I could give you only ONE piece of advice on how to be more successful around women, it would be this: Be SURE about what you do or say to a woman. You can say ANYTHING to her, as long as you are SURE of it, and it WILL work. So why is that? Why are women so attracted to guys who show that they are confident? Well, the reason why women are so attracted so much to confidence is because it fulfills one of their basic needs in life – to feel SAFE. You see, women, for the most part, feel unsafe in their life. And I don't mean unsafe as being paranoid of walking down the street, but unsafe as being mildly aware that there is a threat out there. Why do you think that women are number one buyers of the "pepper spray", a spray used to defend yourself from an attacker? They are always aware that down in the “dark”, there could be some danger. So when a man comes along that shows that he is SURE of himself, he is projecting safety to her. She considers that a guy who is sure of himself will be more able to handle a possible attacker, and protect her, so she will feel SAFE. But more than feeling physically unsafe, women feel EMOTIONALLY unsafe. What do I mean? You see, we were all kids once. And as kids, we were all OPEN to other people. But somewhere along the way we learned, that if we are too open, some people take advantage our openness, and we get HURT. Maybe we said something as kids and other kids laughed at us… Maybe we opened our true feelings to somebody, and that person rejected us… :: 21 :: So we slowly stopped being so open, and learned how to be less open, to prevent from getting hurt again. We learned to behave and talk in a socially acceptable way, where we don't have to show ourselves completely. However, when we were open, we were able to feel CONNECTED with people. And while guys can live with this dysfunction their entire life, women have a strong need to feel connected. But to feel connected, she first needs to feel SAFE with you…so she can open up again. So as men mainly seek sex with women, women mainly seek a man who they can feel physically and emotionally feel SAFE with…and to who they can completely open up. Deep down, ALL women are little girls of 8 inside. And they want a guy who they can squeeze to on a cloudy Sunday day, feel safe and secure with him, and be that little 8 year old girl. So when a woman sees a guy who is sure of himself, that triggers that “safety” button inside of a woman, and she thinks to herself, “Now there's a man I could feel safe to open up.” Of course, most women aren't conscious of this. They don't rationally think about this. They just feel this strange ATTRACTION to a guy, and they don't even know why. So the natural question is... :: 22 :: Chapter 3: How To Get Confident…In About 10 Minutes So how can you get confident? How can you get into that state of feeling SURE of yourself and of what you're doing? We can divide confidence in 2 categories – one is general confidence that you have for your life, and the other is confidence that you have in the moment. For example, you might be confident overall in your life…but when you get around a beautiful woman, you don’t feel like you have any confidence at all. If you want to have that general confidence in your life, you need to spend time working on yourself, so you can free yourself from limitations and doubt in your life in general. But it doesn’t matter if you have general confidence in your life, if you can’t show confidence in that specific moment when you start speaking to a woman - she’s not going to perceive you as confident. When it comes to women, what really matters is the confidence that you show in the MOMENT. So instead of spending years developing that general confidence, which I encourage you to do down the line, you need to focus on something you can do TODAY, so you can start having conversations with women, and get dates. And what is that something you can do today? It’s to learn how to TURN ON your confidence at any moment you want. Luckily for you, just like you can turn on the lights in your room, you can turn on your feeling of confidence any time you want. How is that? The reason is because… :: 23 :: Confidence Is a STATE of Feeling Have you ever woken up in the morning, and you felt you were as light as a feather…and the entire day went great. Everything you did seemed effortless, and you felt like you were on a roll. And also, have you ever had days when you woke up, and you felt so heavy….and the entire day was sour. Nothing seemed to go your way, and nothing you tried worked. What do you think was the difference between those two days? Is it the weather? Is it because you got a good night sleep the first day, and a lousy night sleep on the second? The real reason is in the STATE you were in. In the first example, you were in a STATE of feeling light and great… and in the second example; you were in a STATE of feeling heavy and sour. You see, STATE is how you feel at any given moment. You can be in a state of feeling happiness, excitement, confidence…or in a state of feeling sadness, anxiety, or fear. When you’re around a woman, you can be in a state of anxiety, or a state of CONFIDENCE. Most guys think that they have no control over the state they are in. They think they are the victims of their state – that they have no control of their state and that it somehow HAPPENS to them. But the truth is the exact OPPOSITE. Not only can you be in total control and create the kind of state you want to be in…but you are ALREADY creating your state right now. Every state you are in, whether it be anxiety, fear or confidence, YOU have created it by using your MIND and BODY in a specific way. How? There are 3 parts to creating a state inside you. 1. First part has to do with how you use your BODY. :: 24 :: 2. Second part has to do with what you FOCUS on. 3. And the third part has to do with how you TALK with yourself. Let me explain this in more detail. Part 1: How you use your BODY Try this simple exercise right now: Put a big, wide smile on your face, and as you do, try to think about something that makes you feel depressed. Can you get yourself to feel depressed when you have that big smile on your face? Chances are, you can’t. And the reason is because EMOTION follows MOTION, and vice versa. Whatever positions you put your body in; your emotions will follow it. So if you put a smile on your face, soon you’ll feel emotions of happiness in your body. If you put up an angry face, you’ll soon feel angry. Every emotion has its PHYSICAL external sign on the body. A confident person holds his body in a specific way – which is very different from how a person who is anxious and fearful holds his body. Right now, think of a confident person. From the top of your head, tell me, how is the person you’re imagining holding his body? Is his body slouched, or erect? Where are his shoulders – leaned backwards or slouched forward? What is his face expression? You probably thought about a person who walks erect, with his shoulders back and a relaxed face expression. And if you hold your body in the same position, you will soon feel confident – because emotion will follow motion. If you put your body in a position where your posture is slouched, and your breath is shallow, and you tense up your muscles in your body – you’ll feel anxious. :: 25 :: Part 2: What you FOCUS on Imagine you’re at a party, and you decide to start filming parts of the party with your camera. You film people dancing, kissing and generally having a good time. Then, you see two guys fighting in the back of the room, but you decide to ignore it and keep the camera rolling on the people dancing and having fun. Later you show that video to somebody who wasn’t at the party – what will they think of it? Probably that it was a good party, full of fun and people having a good time. Now imagine you are at that same party, and you take your camera and only record how the two guys are fighting. You don’t record anything else, just the two guys fighting. Now you show the video to a person who wasn’t at the party – what will that person think of the party? All fights and no fun! Although it was the same party, the person didn’t SEE how other people were having a good time – he only saw what the camera lens caught. Your focus works the same way. Imagine your focus as being a camera in your mind – and it records only what the lens of the camera captures. So if you’re around a hot woman, and you focus on how she is hot and you’re not…how she would probably reject you if you said something to her, and how she doesn’t want to be approached…then you’re going to start feeling anxious. However, if on the other hand, you focus on the things that make you an attractive person, on how she would probably enjoy having a conversation with you and meet you…and how she's probably a little bit nervous herself…then you'd feel your state changing into confidence. :: 26 :: Your focus will direct how you feel inside…and because emotions follows motion, so does motion follow emotion. So when you focus on all the bad things that can happen, and on your weaknesses…you put your body in a negative or anxious state. But if you FOCUS your mind on the good things that can happen, and your strengths, then you're going to put yourself into a confident state. Let’s take a look at the next part of a state. Part 3: How you talk to yourself – your LANGUAGE We all talk to ourselves – some of us do it out loud, and some do it in our head. And the way we talk with ourselves is going to affect the state we are in. If we talk in a negative way to ourselves, than that is going to be reflected in our state. If you see a hot girl, and you start saying to yourself, “She’s going to reject me”, and “She would never be into me”…then you’re going to put yourself into an anxious state. However, if you start saying to yourself, “She wants me to talk to her”, and “She probably likes me”, then you will again put yourself into a different state. Do you now see how you create your state? And even though you don’t consciously do this, you still do it. So if you feel anxious when around a beautiful woman, understand that you've created that state by the way you use your body, what you focus on and how you talk to yourself. People who are confident around women have learned to create a confident state inside of them, and people who are anxious, have learned to create an anxious state inside of them. That's the entire story. So if you want to BE CONFIDENT, and give the woman that feeling that she’s safe around you… then you need to become AWARE of this process of creating your state, and learn how to TURN ON your confidence whenever you want it. :: 27 :: So how do you do it? How To Put Yourself Into A Confident State Easily, you do it often. If you often create a state of feeling anxious, you will become a worldclass master at putting yourself into an anxious state - and you'll be able to create it whenever you want it – or don't want it. And similarly, if you often create a state of feeling confident, you will become a world-class master at creating that too. Some people have mastered creating states that they WANT, and others have mastered creating states that they DON'T want. The question is then, how do you master creating a state that you do WANT? To learn how to put yourself into a confident state, it’s useful to show you how you create an anxious state first. Creating a state of ANXIETY Right now, stand up, and put your body in an anxious position. Imagine there is a hot girl in front of you, and you feel anxious about starting a conversation with her. Stand the way you'd be standing if you were anxious right now. Hold your body the same way as you do when you feel anxious, breathe the same way, hold your shoulders the same way and put your hands in the same position as you put them, when you feel anxious. As you do this, notice what exactly do you do with your body? Where do your shoulders go? What happens with your breathing? What do you do with your hands? Do you relax or tense up your shoulders? Is your breath shallow or deep? Where do you feel tension in your body? Now FOCUS on the same things as you do when you feel anxious. Focus on how she has all the power…how she is higher status than you are, how she has more value, how you are lower and less than she in every way is. Focus on how she would reject you and push you away. :: 28 :: Now TALK with yourself in a way that’s disempowering you. Say to yourself stuff like, “She’s probably going to reject me…she would never fall for a guy like me…I’m not what she’s looking for” etc. And now notice how you feel. Are you in an anxious state right now? By changing these 3 things, you were probably able to put yourself into an anxious state. And just like you put yourself into an anxious state, right now I want you to put yourself into a state of CONFIDENCE. So shake your body up, so you neutralize your state. Creating a state of CONFIDENCE Ok, so right now you’re going to put yourself into a confident state. Now, imagine there is a hot girl standing next to you, but this time you feel completely CONFIDENT about talking to her. 1. Change Your BODY Stand up, and stand the way you’d be standing if you were totally confident and sure of yourself about talking to her Stand the way you’d be standing if you were absolutely confident about yourself… breathe the way you’d be breathing and hold your shoulders the way you would hold them, if you felt totally confident. Notice, what do you do with your shoulders? How do you breathe differently than when you were in an anxious state? What’s your body posture now? What do you do with your hands? How do you stand? Is your breath any deeper? Do you breathe in your chest or deep in your stomach? Is your posture slouched or erect? Are your hands relaxed or tense? Is the way you stand more grounded and firm? 2. Change Your FOCUS Now FOCUS on the same things as you would focus on, if you were absolutely sure of yourself around this girl. :: 29 :: Instead of focusing on your insecurities and on how she is more than you…focus on your good qualities, on how valuable you are…on how she can’t wait for you to start talking to her. Instead of focusing on how she would reject you or push you away, focus on how she would smile and be kind of nervous about talking to you. Focus on how good you feel inside…and on how you have total control over the situation. 3. Change Your LANGUAGE And now TALK to yourself the way you’d talk if you were absolutely confident and sure of yourself around this girl. Say to yourself what you said when you felt totally confident. Use the same words. Maybe it's : "Yea, you got this. You can handle this easily.” And notice how you feel now. When you combine your body, your focus and how you talk to yourself – you find yourself in a confident state. If you did everything the way I described, there is a very good chance that you are in a confident state now as well. From this position of confidence, would you speak differently with a woman you find attractive than from an anxious state? How would you talk to her differently? Would you talk faster and more confused, or would you talk slower and more directed? Would you lean into her or would you lean back? Would you lead her, or would you follow her? Would you smile nervously, or make her smile nervously? I've done this literally numerous times when coaching guys. Within minutes, a guy would go from an insecure, shy guy, to a confident, masculine man. :: 30 :: The next question you might have is: "Yea, that's awesome but how do I keep this state when I go out and actually see that woman I want to talk with?" The answer to this is a simple technique called... Anchoring We all know what an anchor is. It's the thing that you throw off the boat to keep the boat on one desired spot. And anchoring a state is just that – a way of keeping that state from floating away. But even more than that, an anchor serves you as something you use to call back that state at any time you want. It would be kind of awkward for you if you had to go through the same process of putting yourself into a state whenever you see a woman you’d like to talk to. That’s why, to shorten this process, you create an ANCHOR, that serves you as a way to recall your state in an INSTANT. Ivan Pavlov did his famous experiment with dogs. He would take a pack of dogs, and not feed them for a while, until they felt really hungry. He would then show some food, and the dogs would drawl. At that point, he would ring a bell. He would then repeat that so many times, that after a time, he would just ring a bell and the dogs would start drawling even when there was no food in sight. It’s because he was able to create an ANCHOR for the food. The dogs connected the bell with food – so they started drawling at the sound of it. An anchor is a TRIGGER of a state. An anchor can be a sound, like a clap of hands; it can be an image or an object. You probably already have anchors in your life right now that direct your state. Maybe seeing a picture of a Gladiator puts you in an empowering state. Maybe hearing your favorite song puts you into a vibrant and energetic state. :: 31 :: Maybe seeing a face of a beautiful woman puts you in a really anxious state… You probably didn't consciously create your anchors. Chances are, your anchors were created by accident. For example, have you ever had an argument with somebody that got you so angry…that just seeing the persons face now triggers a state of anger inside of you? The reason for that is because the state of feeling angry, and the sign which was his face got stuck together in your mind. And you can use the same process to trigger your confidence whenever you want it. If you want to keep your state of confidence, you need to anchor it so that you can call it back whenever you need it. How to anchor yourself The way anchors are created is by doing 2 things: 1. Being in an intense emotional STATE 2. Experiencing an external SIGN So the first thing that I want you to do is stand up right now, and put yourself into your confident state. Do the same process you did in the previous exercise. If you want this to work effectively, you need to make sure you really feel your state. 1. Put yourself into a STATE you want to anchor The first step to anchor a state is to put yourself into the state you want to anchor. In your case, it’s CONFIDENCE. So right now, stand up, and stand the way you'd be standing if you were totally confident Breathe the way you'd be breathing, have the face expression you'd have it if you already were the master of talking to women, and if talking to them is the easiest thing in the world. :: 32 :: It is really important that you put yourself into a state, where you feel very INTENSE confidence. If you just put yourself into mild confidence…than the anchor you’re creating isn’t going to be very strong. So make sure you experience an intense state of confidence. 2. CREATE an anchor To anchor your confidence, you’re going to use the word “YES”, and a clap with your hands as your anchor. So right now, as you’re in your confident state, say the word "YES" and clap your hands. While you're totally in this state, say the word "YES" again and clap your hands. Do it again, and again, an again, and every time you do it, feel your state getting stronger and stronger. 3. REPEAT it so that you connect the anchor with the state If you want the anchor to really connect with the state, repeat it at least 30 times so that you really anchor your state to the word YES and clap of your hands. Remember, the more intense the state, the stronger the anchor will be. So every time you say the word “YES” and you clap your hands, feel your confidence intensifying more and more. 4. TEST your anchor Once you have anchored your state, now test it. Do something else for couple of minutes. Watch a video on YouTube or something, and then stand up and say the word "YES" and clap your hands. Notice if that puts you in the confident state. If it does, you now have a new anchor. If it doesn't, then you haven't been in a strong enough state to anchor it. You need to do it again, this time make sure your state of confidence is really at where you want it to be. 5. USE your anchor :: 33 :: When in a situation where you feel you would want to be confident, use your ANCHOR to change your state to confidence. Congratulations, you just did the first thing toward being who you need to be. You learned how to use the number one thing that all women are attracted to – your confidence. Instead of shaking in anxiety, you can now show your confidence. But the natural question is, if creating confidence is so easy, why doesn’t everybody do it? Why does somebody STAY in an anxious state, even though it is so easy to change it to confidence? The answer to this question are your… :: 34 :: Chapter 4: Beliefs There is a story of a man, who was working in a butcher shop, and stayed after work to clean the freezer. As he was cleaning it, he accidentally locked himself in. The man panicked, and started saying to himself, "Nobody knows I'm here, my co-workers won't be here until morning. It's freezing here, I'm going to die". Sure enough, the man sat down, crumbled, and froze to death. When they opened the freezer in the morning, they were surprised to find the man on the floor, dead. And the reason they were surprised was not because the man was dead. The reason why they were surprised was that the man died even though the freezer WASN'T even turned on. So the man literally died in a normal room temperature. How could this be? How could this person die even though the temperature was normal enough for him to live? The answer to that question is BELIEFS. What are beliefs? Beliefs are IDEAS that you hold in your mind about what you THINK is true. Ideas about how attractive you are, or what would happen if you approach a woman, or whether or not you can have sex with women before marriage…or that the freezer is on and you're going to freeze to death. Your beliefs can SUPPORT or LIMIT you. They can work as your ally, as your friend on the side…or as your enemy who will do everything to stop you from succeeding. Beliefs that support you are beliefs like, “Women enjoy being around me”, “I am attractive to women”, “Women enjoy when I start talking to them” etc. :: 35 :: Beliefs that limit you are beliefs like, “Women don't enjoy being around me”, “I am unattractive to women”, “Women hate when I start talking to them”, etc. If most of your beliefs limit you, then you won’t have much SUCCESS in dating… you won’t know how to make women LIKE you and want to be around you, or how to make them RESPECT you as a man. The more your beliefs support you, the easier it will be for you to succeed at dating. A guy who is a natural around women probably has beliefs that support him. He believes that he is attractive, and that women enjoy being around him. But a guy who has challenges with women, probably has beliefs that limit him. He probably believes that women don't find him attractive, and that he doesn't know how to talk to them. Beliefs are a KEY part of becoming more successful with women, because they direct how you behave, think, and feel around women. But most importantly, your beliefs DIRECT which STATE you are going to put yourself in. Let’s see how. The Pilot In Your Head There is a scene in the movie Men in Black part I, when Will Smith becomes agent J, and his mission is to save an alien's life, who is disguised as an old jewelry store owner. However, he is too late, because when he arrives at the jewelry store, the jewelry-owner-disguised-alien is already shot and dying. As he approaches the dying old man, suddenly, his head opens up and inside is a small alien, with control sticks of the body. That little alien was the PILOT of the body, and he was controlling the body with his control sticks. So if he wanted the body to walk erect, he would pull a control stick and the body would walk erect. If he wanted the body to sit, he would just pull another control and the body would sit. :: 36 :: And that's how your beliefs work. Beliefs are the pilots of your body. If you have a belief that says, “Women don't find me attractive”, then that pilot inside your head will put you in a non-attractive state. He will direct you to BEHAVE, THINK and FEEL like a guy who women don't find attractive. He will pull those control sticks and make you walk around with a slouched posture, with your head and shoulders down. He'll make you buy clothes that don't fit you or don't look good on you. He'll make you talk to yourself in a down-playing way, like, “I'm not attractive”, and "Women don't want to be approached". And he'll create an image in your mind of you being a guy who women don't find attractive, but push away. And even if you're not so bad looking, because you believe that you are, you will be perceived as such. The opposite is also true. If you have a belief that says, “I AM attractive”, then that pilot in your head will direct you into a state of a person who IS attractive. He will do EVERYTHING to make you behave, think, and feel attractive. He will put your body in a confident, attractive position. He will create images in your mind of you as a guy who women chase after and want to be around. You'll start talking to yourself in a way that encourages you, like, “Go for it” or “She's been waiting for you to show up”. In short, that pilot in your head will direct what you will do, how you will feel and think. The Human Projector You can imagine yourself as being a projector and your beliefs as the image you're projecting. :: 37 :: So whatever you believe inside, you're projecting that to other people, and they can sense it. We people have developed a way of noticing small signs in the other person's behavior. You know this is true when you can “sense” how the other person is feeling. You probably had an experience when somebody said, “I'm fine”, but you could feel that the person wasn't fine. You could sense there was something in the background. Why could you feel this? You could feel it because the person was PROJECTING. And when you hold a certain belief, like “I'm not attractive”, you project that belief to women and people around you, and they perceive you as a non-attractive person. And the opposite is also true. If you have a belief that says, “I AM attractive”, then you will project that belief to women and people, and they will perceive you as an attractive person. Makes sense? And even though you CAN change your state from anxiety to confidence in a heartbeat, that pilot in your head called a belief, will direct IF you'll change it. Beliefs work much as self-fulfilling prophecies. Whatever you believe, be it true or not, that pilot in your head will make it TRUE for YOU. Sometimes when I talk about beliefs, some of my coaching members ask me, “But aren't my beliefs actually true?” For example, one of my members believed that, if he approaches a woman, she would reject him. When I asked him how he knows that to be true, he said that when he approached women in the past, they have mostly rejected him. This sounds like a reasonable proof that a woman will reject him, and that his belief is true. :: 38 :: So the question is… Are Beliefs The Truth? The easiest and simplest way to get to the bottom of this is to give you this simple example. Let's say I take your favorite book and place it in front of you, so that the cover of the book is facing your side, and the back cover of the book is facing my side. At that point, I look at you and say, “This book doesn't have a front cover.” Because you're facing the front cover, your obvious answer is, “Of course it does.” Again, because I can only see the back cover, I say to you, “No, it doesn't.” What would you say? Well after you'd look at me like I was stoned, you'd probably say, “Yes, it does – I can see it with my own eyes.” So who would be right? From my perspective, the book doesn't have a front cover – from your perspective it does. So whose perspective would be the truth? The obvious answer is, mine, of course, because I'm always right. Seriously, the truth would be that the book DOES have the front cover; I just can't see it from my PERSPECTIVE. For me to see it, I would have to SWITCH perspective. And that's the secret of beliefs. Beliefs are only PARTIAL PERSPECTIVES, not the ENTIRE TRUTH. So if you have a belief that says: “If I approach a woman, she will reject me…”, and you believe that because women rejected you in the past, then you’re only talking about a partial perspective. Truth is, you don't know if a woman will reject you or not. The reason why a woman rejected you in the past could be anything. :: 39 :: Maybe she was in a hurry to see a dentist… Maybe her cat died and she wasn’t in the mood of talking with no one… Or maybe it was about the WAY you approached her. If you came up to her all nervous and insecure, then maybe she just got a weird feeling from you and ran away. So the truth is that if you approach a woman in a way that’s not nervous and insecure…but confident, she will probably smile and start talking with you. So your belief that a woman will reject you if you approach her is just a PERSPECTIVE. It’s actually not true. When I sit down with a new coaching member to improve his confidence with women, one of the first things that I look for is some of the key beliefs that are limiting his success with women. And when I ask him about what his challenge is, what I’ll often hear is, “I have no success with women.” When I hear that, I usually look at a guy and say, “I'm not surprised.” You can imagine a somewhat startled look I get from him when I say that. He expected me to go into rescue mode and show him all the cool things that he can do, to become better with women. But what's really happening here? A person who comes in and says, “I have no success with women”, is really talking about a BELIEF. And as long as he holds that belief of having no success with women, that pilot in his head will not allow him to have the kind of success that he wants. I could give him the best, full-proof techniques and strategies for how to talk to women, and they wouldn't work, because he sees himself as a guy who doesn’t have success. Even if a woman sits on his lap, he won’t have any success, because his belief won’t allow him to have that success. Makes sense? :: 40 :: The success with women game is played with your BELIEFS. Whatever you believe, true or not, will ultimately become true for you. So what does that mean for you? If you have a belief that is limiting you, does that mean that the game is over for you? Are you condemned to a life without women because your limiting beliefs won't allow you to have success? No, you are not. The good news is, you CAN do something about your limiting beliefs. You Have the Power You see, you weren't born with your beliefs. You came on this world as a blank sheet of paper. And you LEARNED all of your beliefs through life. And just like you learned them, you can also UNLEARN them. To understand how you can unlearn your limiting beliefs, let's take a closer look to how you learned them in the first place. Where Do Your Beliefs Come From Because we know that beliefs are nothing but ideas that we believe to be true, the natural question is, who gave us those ideas? To make it very simple, you got your beliefs in two ways: 1. Other people created them for you 2. You created them yourself How other people created your beliefs You see, in every person's life, there are KEY people who give him ideas about who he is, what he can do, how much he deserves, where he belongs etc. You also had your key people in your life. They could have been: - Your parents, Teachers, Peers in school and schoolmates, :: 41 :: - Your neighborhood, Your role models, Books, Movies, A specific girl from your past These key people then gave you ideas about what is true and what is not. Maybe your peers called you a loser in elementary school, and you created a belief, “I am a loser.” Maybe a girl said to you, “You are one ugly SOB…”, and now you believe you're the ugliest person alive. Maybe your mom told you that having sex before marriage is wrong and you'll go to hell for doing it, so now you have an incredible internal conflict between going to hell and having sex. How you created your beliefs The other way you got your beliefs was by creating them yourself. And you either: - Created beliefs based on what you EXPERIENCED Created beliefs based on what you OBSERVED others experiencing Maybe you had a crush on a girl, and when you asked her out, she rejected you harshly, so you made a belief, “If I ask a girl out, she's going to reject me.” Maybe you observed guys trying to approach women, and when you saw them getting rejected, you created a belief about women rejecting guys. So to achieve the kind of success you want with women, you need to DISCOVER which beliefs are LIMITING you…and then work on CHANGING them. How? :: 42 :: Eliminating Your Limiting Beliefs As you already learned, beliefs are only partial perspectives of anything. They are not the entire truth. And if you don't want your beliefs to control you anymore, you need to stop seeing only the partial perspectives, but see ALL of the perspectives. And the first step to doing that, is to discover which beliefs are limiting you exactly. So the first step is to… 1. Uncover Your Limiting Beliefs The best way to uncover your limiting beliefs around women is to PUT yourself in a REAL-WORLD situation with a woman, and NOTICE what comes up for you. Beliefs usually come in a form of an internal language. If, as you’re around a woman you’re attracted to, you start saying to yourself, “Women don't want to be with me…who am I kidding…they would never fall for a guy like me…”, then you have discovered your limiting beliefs. What I want you to do at that moment is to become very AWARE of them, and if you can, WRITE them down on a piece of paper. After you have them written down, look at them, and recognize them as BELIEFS, not as facts. Most guys consider their beliefs to be the ultimate truth. But as we said, beliefs are only PARTIAL perspectives of the truth. So just by recognizing them as partial perspectives and not as truths, you take away a lot of their power to limit you. 2. Divide Your Beliefs Into 3 Categories As I discovered, we can divide our beliefs into 3 separate categories. Category 1: Beliefs about men and women in general The first category of beliefs has to do with what do you believe about the relationship between men and women in general. How do women look :: 43 :: at men? How should a man behave towards a woman? Do women enjoy sex? Do women enjoy being approached by a man? You can have limiting beliefs, like: - Women don't like men approaching them Women don't like sex with men Women hate men Sex between a man and a woman is evil And you can have supporting beliefs as well: - Women enjoy men Women enjoy sex with men Women just love when a man starts talking to them Category 2: Beliefs about YOU and women The beliefs in this category are beliefs about you and women. In this category, you have beliefs that determine who you are compared to women. Who has the value – you or the woman? Who has the power – you or the woman? Who is choosing who – are you the one who is choosing women, or are women the ones who decide about you? Example of limiting beliefs are: - Women don't find me sexually attractive Women don't enjoy when I'm around Women have all the power over me, and I have none over them Example of supporting beliefs are: - Women find me sexually attractive In any conversation, I have the most value and power Women enjoy talking with me Category 3: Beliefs about what will happen IF; The IF, THEN… beliefs This category of beliefs are beliefs about what you believe will happen if you do something. If you approach a woman, what will most likely to happen? If you ask her out, what will she probably say? If you turn the conversation into being more sexual, what will the woman do? :: 44 :: An example of a limiting belief is: - If I approach a woman, then she will reject me If I ask her out, she will laugh at me If I turn the conversation into sexual, she’ll think I’m weird and run away Again, you can have a supporting belief as well. For example: - If I approach a woman, she's going to smile and say hello If I ask her out, she’s going to say yes If I tell her to write down her number for me, she’s going to do it After you recognize your beliefs, and you arrange them in these 3 categories so you know exactly which beliefs are limiting you in your dating life, the next step is to... 3. See ALL Perspectives We learned that belief is only a PARTIAL perspective on anything. And because beliefs play such a big part in controlling how we behave, does it make sense to operate on something that is only partially true? Of course not. That’s why, if you want to stop that belief from limiting you, you need to look at ALL perspectives. For example, if you hold a belief, “Women don't enjoy having a conversation with me”, you're only talking about a partial perspective. It's not the entire truth. Maybe the reason because women didn’t enjoy having a conversation with you in the past is because you were all nervous and anxious…so you weren’t able to connect with them. But if you put yourself in a different state, like a confident state where you can think clearly, chances are the woman would actually enjoy a conversation with you. So it’s not true that women don’t enjoy having a conversation with you…it’s just that women don’t enjoy having a conversation with you when you are in an anxious state…and if you change your state, women would probably enjoy talking with you. :: 45 :: Does this makes sense? What you’re doing here is you’re seeing the TRUTH. You recognize ALL the perspectives, not only one. By doing this, you don’t lie to yourself, but you recognize your own intelligence. If a belief is only a partial perspective, then you're insulting your intelligence by holding that as the wholly truth. Be intelligent. Look at what's the real truth. So right now I want to give you a very powerful tool for changing your limiting beliefs that I use to help guys change what they believe about themselves and women. It’s called… 360° Belief Destroyer Over the course of working with guys from all over the world, I've noticed that most of them have the exact same beliefs, and the exact same ways of eliminating them. So I've come up with this simple, yet extremely effective way of eliminating limiting beliefs. I called it, the 360° belief destroyer. The basic concept of this tool is to give you a 360° perspective on of any belief – so that you are able to see the ENTIRE TRUTH. Let me explain to you how it works. 1. You take a sheet of paper, and you mark the 4 sides of the paper. The 0° at the bottom of the paper, the 180° on the top, the 90° on the right side, and 275° on the left side of the paper. Now you have 360° on paper. 2. Next, you take a belief that is limiting you. Next, you take the belief that is limiting you, and you put it to the 0° angle. This is your starting point. :: 46 :: So for example, let's take a belief, “If I approach a woman, she's going to reject me.” You write that belief at the 0° side of the paper, so at the bottom. 3. Next, you write the opposite of this belief at the 180° side, so at the top of the paper. So at the top of the paper, the 180° angle, you write, “If I approach a woman, she's going to smile and say hello.” What's important when writing an opposite belief is to never write it in a negative way. So you never say, “If I approach a woman, she isn't going to reject me.” You need to state it in the POSITIVE opposite. What will happen INSTEAD of her rejecting you? Will she jump on you from delight and give you a big kiss on the lips? Will she rip your clothes off and chase after you? Write the opposite belief in the positive. Now you have your limiting belief, and you have an opposite belief. 4. Next, you write the 90° angle. And here's how you do it. First, you affirm the first belief. So you say, “If I approach a woman, she will reject me.” But then you add the words: “Except when…” and you write an EXCEPTION to when a woman wouldn't reject you. So you might write, “Except when I approach her in a confident state, and I speak with a clear, determined voice… THEN she will smile and say hello.” :: 47 :: Do you see what you do here? You force your mind to THINK of what would need to happen on your part, so that the woman doesn't reject you, but smiles and says hello. You try to discover a RECIPE for what you need to do, so that the woman doesn't reject you. When you write your exceptions, it's important to never put the responsibility onto others. So you can't say: “Except when a woman likes me”, or “Except when a woman is in a good mood.” You need to write something that YOU can do, that would act as an exception. You never give the control to others with exceptions, but you're always keeping control. Makes sense? 5. Once you've write out your exception at the 90° angle, now it's time for you to go to the 275° angle. In the 275° angle, you do the same as you did in the 90°, just the opposite. So instead of affirming the 0° belief and then finding the exception to it, you affirm the 180° belief and you find the exception to that. You say: “If I approach a woman, she's going to smile and say hello, EXCEPT WHEN I come in an anxious state, behave all weird and creepy and scare the woman away, THEN she will reject me.” So what are you doing here? You're forcing your brain to THINK of your recipe for REJECTION. By doing that, you have 2 recipes – one for what you need to do to :: 48 :: AVOID being rejected, and the other for CREATING being welcomed with a hello and a smile. By doing this process, you uncover all the other perspectives and you learn the truth. And the truth is always, that if you do certain things, you will receive certain results. With this process, you'll put some light onto which things you need to do, to receive your desired results. 6. Do it all over again After you've worked on a belief, take another belief and work on it as well. This process might uncover some other beliefs. If it does, work on those beliefs as well. The outcome you're searching for is a feeling of RELIEF and CLARITY. When you work on your belief, there is a moment when it all comes into place…when you can see how a belief has been limiting you in the past, and how it isn't true anymore. This process takes work. This isn't easy or done quickly. And it is one of the most important, if not THE most important part of your success with women. So take time to do it. Now take a sheet of paper, and begin with this process right now. If you want to learn this process more in depth, you can go to my member area at and receive more information about it. Ok, so you've learned about what beliefs are and how they affect your success with women. You've learned how they can limit you, and you learned how to unlearn and change them so that they no longer limit you. :: 49 :: Also, some guys want to know what are some supporting beliefs that they can adopt for themselves? That’s why I've dedicated the next chapter to… :: 50 :: Chapter 5: The Natural's Beliefs In this chapter, I’ve put together a set of beliefs that I observed on almost every natural I ever met. You might want to consider adopting them to yourself. Belief #1: Getting women is easy The first belief that every natural has is that getting women is EASY. The usual dating advice tells you that meeting women is like picking up an African gorilla... Truth is, it's pretty easy. You just need to LET it be easy. You see most of the time, all you need to do is just SHOW UP and be at least OK… and women will want to be with you. You don’t need to do all that much…but we make things way too complex than they really are. But as Woody Allen says, “80% of success is showing up.” Most of the time, you just need to show up, and at least not screw it up. You don't need to deliver all these incredible stories about your Ferrari and billions of dollars. Women love men, and they want to you to approach them. Again, most guys over complicate this. They elevate this to feel like it’s rocket science and make this way too hard. But in reality, if you BELIEVE that it’s easy, it will become easy for you. Belief #2: Women like and enjoy men As weird as this might sound, but yes, women actually LOVE men. Believe it or not, when they are alone with themselves, they're not fantasizing about a girl. For the most part at least. They are fantasizing about a MAN. :: 51 :: They love the man’s scent, they love the man’s empty-headiness… they like how we walk, how we talk, how we take care of things. They love our casualness and how we don't worry so much about everything. They enjoy being around a man…it’s in their nature to enjoy it. So adopt this belief, and you’ll notice a shift in how you feel around women. If you’re talking with a woman, and you believe that she enjoy men and likes to be around you, then that’s going to make your conversation far more pleasurable for both of you. Belief #3: Women like when men approach them – it’s a GAME to them For us, it's about achieving a goal – to conquer the mountain, and to get the girl in bed with us. For them, it's about the game, the emotions, the fun – the variety. They love the ATTENTION. This game is not logical. In this game, you need to use your EMOTIONS, and at least in this game, women are in charge. It's their world. Women love when men are seducing them, they love when they chat them up and ask them out on a date. They wouldn't miss it for the world – and they get jealous if their girlfriend gets approached and they don’t. They feel left out if no man is approaching them. So do the poor girl a favor…and say something to her. Have mercy, please. Belief #4: Beautiful women are really insecure about how they look This one was a big one for me to get. It was just mind blowing for me that a hot woman could ever feel insecure. But she does. Later in the book, I’ll present to you with a talk that a former super model gave about how these girls feel about themselves. :: 52 :: But in essence, hot women are insecure because they have to THINK about how they look like all the time. So don’t assume they have perfect confidence just because they look good. Very often, the exact opposite is true. Belief #5: I deserve beautiful women just like any other guy does So the other guy is buff, athletic and he's got millions of dollars. So what? You deserve to have a girl just because you're a man. You were born with the right to date any woman you want. So forget about unwritten social rules of who is in whose league. You are in the league that YOU put yourself in. You DESERVE and you have PERMISSION to date ANY woman you want. Period. Belief #6: I expect the woman to invest energy into a conversation as well Underline expect. Brian Tracy, a big success guru said, that there is this law of expectation. It is simply, whatever you expect to happen, usually does. Most guys think that they have to do ALL the work for both of them, and they don’t expect the woman to invest energy into making the conversation work. But trying too hard, and doing everything without expecting the woman to invest energy into talking with you is perceived as low status behavior to a woman… and that isn’t attractive. But the natural expects women to invest their energy in talking to him. And women can then see his expectation through his behavior, his face expression, his walk, talk, the way he carries himself… and this is perceived as very attractive to women. :: 53 :: After adopting this belief myself, a lot of women told me, “I got a feeling that I need to work and prove myself to you, but I didn't know why.” I know why - because I INTERNALIZED this belief…and she could feel it. It's kind of ironic, but if a girl isn't expected to invest her energy, she will assume you have no value. So don't try so hard to do everything - EXPECT her to invest her time as well, and be willing to WALK AWAY if she doesn’t. She will sense your expectation - and perceive you as much more valuable. Belief #7: I expect women to respond positively to me Again, expectation. I can't emphasize this enough but you really need to expect a girl to respond positively to you. I expect woman to stop, to look at me and smile gently, feel excited because I said something to her, to engage in the conversation or a comment I say to her - because I feel I have value - I am important - and that she should respond positively. It's kind of being on the inner circle of cool people - you always expect other people to respond to you positively, because you're among this circle of cool people. And I've internalized this expectation that when I see a woman's face, I immediately see her responding to me positively, long before I even speak with her. I trained my mind to do that. Before, I would freak out - I would see her rejecting me, blowing me off, giving me a weird look and laugh at me. Not anymore. I see women as people who want to meet a guy like me. I expect it, and it is real for me. :: 54 :: Belief #8: I’m am INDIFFERENT to the outcome of a conversation, because there will never run out of beautiful girls, and I can always meet another one Realize, that there is always another prettier, more sexy, more fun and more something girl out there, waiting for you to show up. If you take this attitude, you will be far more attractive than if you only focus on her looks and how you can get her. Don't care. Some guys even tell me, that sometimes when they speak to an attractive girl, they feel like she is the last woman on the planet. Then they focus only on her sexy parts and how good she looks, and think that if she leaves, they might never get another chance to talk to another girl in their life. Do you feel like that as well sometimes? If you do, I have news for you: There are 3 billion women on this planet. Guess how many of them are hot? A lot. Guess how many of them are single? A lot of them. Guess how many of them want to meet a guy to have a good time with? A lot of them. And to make matters even better, they even make MORE of them. Thousands of women all around the world, turn 21 years old EVERY DAY. So there is NO LACK of beautiful women. And when you talk to a girl next time, and you get that attached feeling and needy thoughts, just remember this - there is probably one more attractive woman around the corner, so just let go. :: 55 :: Belief # 9: I am ATTRACTIVE This one is crucial. Most guys are walking around and feeling like they have nothing to offer, like they are losers, and like they don't deserve a beautiful woman. And to be honest, when I started developing myself, this is how I used to see myself as well. You can divide people in two groups. One group is a group of people that consider themselves attractive, and the second group is the group of people who consider themselves as not attractive. Just like in high school, some guys and girls were dating, and some didn’t. And here’s the big news: YOU, not others, put yourself in whatever group you want to be in, believing where you belong. If you believe that you belong among the inner circle of guys who are attractive, who are dating and who have no problem with dating success, then you will be perceived like that. And if you believe that you belong among guys who are NOT attractive, who women don’t enjoy talking to…then you will be perceived like that as well. You put yourself in whatever group you want. So put yourself in the “attractive” group. After working on myself for a lot of time, I now see myself as a person who women desire, who is on this “inner circle” of attractive people, and a person who has options with women. I assume that women like me, and enjoy spending time with me. I believe I am as attractive to a woman just like any hot woman is attractive to me. And women can FEEL my belief. Because you’re a human PROJECTOR, whatever you believe about yourself - others will believe too. :: 56 :: So believing that you’re attractive is CRUCIAL if you want to have predictable success with women. So internalize this belief, and start seeing yourself as attractive. How To Internalize A Belief Now besides eliminating your key limiting beliefs with the 360° Belief Destroyer, you also want to INTERNALIZE some supporting beliefs. So right now I want to give you something you can do to internalize whatever belief you want to have. Relax, I’m not going to make you do affirmations… because they simply don’t work. So I want to give you a cool exercise that you can use right now to INTERNALIZE a belief you’d like to have. Here’s what you’ll do: 1. Choose a belief you’d like to internalize. I suggest you start with I am attractive belief, as this one is the most important one, but you can choose which ever you prefer the most. 2. Go to a public place, like a shopping mall, park or a bar where there are lots of the kind of women you’d like to meet. 3. As you’re walking, put yourself into a state of feeling that belief. In our case with the belief “I am attractive”, put yourself in the state of feeling attractive by adjusting your body, your focus, and your internal language. Walk the way you would walk if you felt absolutely attractive. Breathe the way you’d be breathing and have the same face expression on your face. Focus on the same things as you’d focus on if you felt attractive, and start saying to yourself “I am attractive”. 4. Make an intention to PROJECT your belief to your environment, and notice how people around you start behaving differently. The purpose of this is for you to start playing with projecting your beliefs onto women. As you do, notice how women respond to you. :: 57 :: This is a very powerful way of internalizing a belief that you’d like to have. Affirmations don’t work because you’re not in the STATE of feeling that belief. However, if you put yourself into a STATE of feeling that belief, then your brain internalizes this belief. So right now, choose a belief you’d like to have, and do this exercise. :: 58 :: Chapter 6: Fear and Approach Anxiety What happens if you put yourself into a confident state, you work on your beliefs, you go out…, but when you see the woman that you’d like to talk to, you get this strange feeling in your stomach that stops you? We call this feeling FEAR. What is FEAR? So let me ask you, what is fear? What do we mean when we say, “I'm afraid?” Well, fear is an emotional STATE. And as we learned in the chapter on states, we create our state inside ourselves, by how we use our body, what we focus on and how we talk to ourselves. But in this chapter, I’m not going to talk about how to change your state from fear. In this chapter, I want to focus on fear itself, because I believe that fear is a very important part of your success with women. You see, you can learn WHAT to do around a woman…you can learn the lines or the words to SAY to her…but ultimately what determines whether you’re actually going to USE what you learn is how you handle your FEAR. It could be fear of saying the first words to a woman to start a conversation… It could be fear of showing her that you want to be more than “just friends”… It could be asking for her number or asking her out on a date… In every step you take with a woman, fear is in the passenger seat. If you never learn to overcome your fear, and you let it stop you from taking the kind of action you’d like to take with women, then you’ll probably never be successful in meeting and dating them. You’ll never have that freedom to pick and choose your ideal woman. You won’t have any power on the “choosing” process, and you’ll be totally dependent on the woman choosing – or not choosing you. :: 59 :: That means dating the kind of women either who approach you, or who you meet by random luck. And that just sucks. But if you do learn to overcome your fear, then you’ll have the freedom to choose your woman. You won’t be just an outside observer of beautiful women, but you’ll be the guy who other guys observe while you’re talking with one of them. Having this kind of power gives you this internal feeling of total independence and strength, when you know that you can meet ANY woman you want. I can’t even describe to you the feeling when you know that you can go ANYWHERE…and meet new women, hang out with them and generally have a good time. So I want to talk about WHAT fear is, WHY we feel it, and HOW you can overcome it so it doesn’t STOP you from taking ACTION. So besides fear being an emotional state, fear is an automatic reaction of your body, when you reach the edge of your…. Comfort Zone What is a comfort zone? Imagine standing in sand, taking a stick, and drawing a circle around you. Now imagine, that once you drew that circle, the rule would be to never step outside of it. In our mind, we all draw our imaginary circle around us. It’s called our comfort zone. Our comfort zone is a zone of everything that we feel comfortable doing. So we feel very comfortable watching TV or playing video games, because that’s WITHIN our comfort zone. But whenever we want to do something that’s OUTSIDE of our comfort zone, like saying something to a girl that we find attractive, then we may feel extremely uncomfortable – we feel FEAR. :: 60 :: In the book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways, Susan Jeffers explains, that the underlying reason for why we feel fear is because we feel we can’t HANDLE something that could happen. So if you fear starting a conversation with an attractive woman, the reason why you feel fear is because you feel like you couldn’t HANDLE the pain of feeling REJECTED…or that you couldn’t HANDLE having a conversation with her. Whenever you try to do something, and you feel like you can’t HANDLE it, you’re going to be OUTSIDE of your comfort zone… and feel fear. Fear is the border of your comfort zone. It's the LINE that divides what you feel you CAN handle, and what you feel you CAN'T handle. Most of us live our lives in our COMFORT ZONE. We live in our safe little bubble, locked in our house, away from any danger. Most of us AVOID situations that we feel we can’t HANDLE, like talking to a woman, because that would risk REJECTION. And we think we couldn’t handle that… Living in our comfort zone however, makes us feel NUMB… it takes away the sensations of life. It’s very ironic, but our safe comfort zone, is the most DANGEROUS place to live in. Staying in your comfort zone WILL cost you success that you want, because EVERYTHING you want is OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! So in life, it’s extremely important for you to develop the ability to continuously PUSH yourself OUTSIDE of your comfort zone. One of the best things about our comfort zone is that it can EXPAND… and things that you used to feel uncomfortable doing can become comfortable to do. Expanding Your Comfort Zone Right now, think of something you feel comfortable doing, like driving a car for example. :: 61 :: Now try to think about the time when you just started learning how to do drive a car. You were nervous…anxious and awkward. You had to put your FULL attention to driving. You couldn’t think about anything else. Now think how comfortable you feel driving your car today. You’re holding your phone in one hand, eating a sandwich with another, and checking out a hot girl with the corner of your eye. Why? It’s because you’ve EXPANDED your comfort zone by doing what you felt uncomfortable doing. So while driving your car was completely OUTSIDE of your comfort zone in your past, it is WITHIN your comfort zone today. So let me give you a VISUAL for this, so you can better understand how comfort zone works. So as you can see, the thing that you feel uncomfortable doing is outside of your comfort zone. However, if you step outside of your comfort zone enough times, then after a while, your comfort zone will EXPAND, and that thing will be INSIDE of your comfort zone. :: 62 :: However, when most guys think about stepping outside of their comfort zone, and DO something they feel uncomfortable doing, they do the most natural and intuitive thing every guy could do… Run away. Now this is OK to do in certain situations. You see, there are, what you might call GOOD situations, and BAD situations. One of my coaching members told me about how he went on a hiking trip through the Canadian forests, and as he was walking, he suddenly saw a bear. He said that moment was the scariest moment in his life. So he slowly stepped back and avoided the bear. Now that's a BAD situation. But when you see a woman you’d like to talk to, and she’s all by herself and smiling at you, then that is a GOOD situation. :: 63 :: However, no matter if the situation is good or bad, most guys AVOID it. I’ve literally met guys who spent their ENTIRE life living in their comfort zone, running away from fear, never challenging it, and letting fear take away their chances with women. Have you seen the movie The 40 year old virgin? I’ve actually met one. So what's the solution? How can you overcome your fear and step outside of your comfort zone? Confront Your Fear I want to clear my throat and tell you what I REALLY want to tell you. Because I have a hunch that you’d like to hear about some magic potion that’s going to eliminate your fear. So I’m not going to beat around the bush here. Truth is, yes, I do have some techniques and tools that can eliminate your fear of talking to women extremely fast. But that’s not what I want to talk about here. Because to be honest with you… sometimes the techniques I give to guys can be a double edged sword, because they can work as something that they HIDE behind – and not deal with the REAL problem. So while techniques can and do work, I want you to tell you about what I believe is the REAL way to overcome your fear for EVER. You see, the most effective way to overcome your fear is to CONFRONT the SITUATIONS that you feel fear about. I know, it doesn’t sound like much fun. But let me give you a personal example from my life. I used to fear rejection A LOT…I mean, fear of rejection was the controlling force of my life. I would do everything to avoid it. :: 64 :: Well, when I realized how much I was missing out in my life because of it, I started purposefully EXPOSING myself to rejection. I started confronting my fear of rejection by doing things that could result in rejection, like starting a conversation with a woman. I CONFRONTED my fear face to face, looked it in the eyes, and said, “Give me your best shot”. And you know what? The fear blinked. I discovered that my fear was bluffing…it had nothing but fluff and air, and nothing BAD that I thought would happen actually happened. In addition, after I did the thing that I felt fear about… I don’t know if you ever felt the excitement of your home team winning a championship… but that feeling comes close to this. I felt like I’m going to BURST from excitement and PRIDE. My whole body was shaking from adrenaline. I was pumped. My fear of rejection is now gone…I laugh at it. It’s not even in my conscious awareness. I don’t even know how that fear feels like anymore. So the REAL way to overcome your fear is to CONFRONT it on a regular basis. When you regularly step outside of your comfort zone, you EXPAND it, and you feel more comfortable doing things you previously felt uncomfortable. So if you feel fear about starting conversations with women, CONFRONT that fear by going out and starting conversations with them… and you will expand your comfort zone to a point where starting conversations with women isn’t going to feel uncomfortable anymore. It will become COMFORTABLE for you. The Yes Man When I talk about confrontation, I always mention the movie called "The Yes Man". :: 65 :: It stars Jim Carey and it's about a guy who went through a break up and began to withdraw to himself. He stopped going out, and disconnected from the society in general. He got used to saying NO, and living his life in his comfort zone. So a friend encourages him to go to a seminar about this Yes Man and try it out. At this seminar, he decides that he’s going to start saying YES to whatever offer he gets in life. So as he's driving home, a bum asks him for a ride. So he says yes to him. Sure enough, the bum directs him to the middle of nowhere, takes his phone, and runs away with it. After unsuccessfully trying to chase him, he gives up and decides to drive back home. But as he does, he runs out of gas – so he has to walk umpteen miles to the nearest gas station, where he meets a girl… and then things get really interesting. I highly recommend you watch the movie to get the full story. But the lesson is that you need to start stepping OUTSIDE of your comfort zone by continuously confronting what feels uncomfortable and in general, say YES to life a lot more. How to start? If you've stayed in your comfort zone for a while, it might be challenging for you to immediately start walking up to women and have conversations with them. So the simplest way to start confronting your fear is to start SMALL. Start with something that you're MILDLY uncomfortable with, and then just continue up the ladder. So if you're in your house more than you're outside around people, the first step is to just GET OUT of your house and around people. Go to places where people are. If you’re uncomfortable being around women, then start going to places where there is lots of women. :: 66 :: Hang around, and let that self-correction process do its thing. After you expand your comfort zone by being around women, and you feel comfortable around them, then you might want to start talking with them. Ask them a question or make a comment. Or just say hello to them. The important thing is to ask yourself what’s the first thing that makes you feel uncomfortable? And then do that first thing. You want to use the metaphor of a snowball. When you're making a snowball, you first start with a small ball that fits in your hand. Then, as you start rolling it, the ball gets bigger and bigger and in no time, you have a huge ball. And just like the snowball gets big very fast, so will your comfort zone expand… and you will get more and more comfortable being around women, about saying something to them etc. Techniques For Fear Earlier I bashed on the techniques because I don’t want you to start DEPENDING on the techniques to do the work for you. Techniques are meant to be used as tools, as something you can help yourself with – not something that you depend on. Sometimes the initial fear can be so strong, that it stops you from doing anything – even taking that first step. So this is where techniques can help you. Techniques can help you in reducing fear to a level where it’s not paralyzing anymore, so you can take that first step. Because after you push yourself to do something for the first time, whether it’s starting a conversation with a woman or asking her for her number, that then builds on itself, and can inspire you to take more and more action. :: 67 :: So to get you started, I’ve prepared couple of my favorite techniques for you to go through, and help yourself with your fear. #1: Worst Case Scenario I think we can all agree that a dark cave is scarier than a light cave. Something scares us about the dark. Dark implies unknown, so we avoid it. A big part of fear is an element of the unknown. We know it's something bad, but we're not sure exactly what it is. Would you be more afraid of a snake in a room with the lights on, or a snake in the room with lights off? If you watched the movie Home Alone, you remember a scene when little Kevin was scared of the furnace in the basement. He would imagine the furnace eating him. However, once he confronted the furnace, he saw it wasn't such a big deal. So a key part in eliminating fear is eliminating the UNKNOWN. And this is exactly how this tool works. With this exercise, what you do is you illuminate the fear a little bit, so you KNOW what you are afraid of exactly. It's kind of turning the light in a dark room or turning on a huge reflector into the dark cave. Here's how you do the Worst-Case Scenario 1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen, and write down what you are afraid of, like saying something to a girl 2. Next, write down the worst possible scenario for what you fear might happen if you say something to her. For example, you might write, “If I say something to her, she's going to give me a weird look, ignore me and walk away, and everybody around me is going to see what I've done and judge me, and I'll be embarrassed. Then she'll tell everybody I know about what I did, and I'll get out casted from the society and won't be allowed to play with other kids anymore.” :: 68 :: 3. When you stop writing, look at what you wrote, and ask yourself, “Is this really going to happen?” 4. You will see that your usual answer is No. What you secretly believe will happen is not probably going to happen. However, as you look at your worst-case scenario, say to yourself these words, “I can HANDLE it.” When you say “I can HANDLE it”, you will feel a shift inside of you, and that fear won't have as much power as before. Why? Because for the first time, you will see what the WORST THING that can happen is, and you'll affirm to yourself that you CAN handle it. And remember, you don't need to eliminate the fear completely. What you need is to just bring yourself to a point where you feel you’re not PARALYZED from fear, so you can take that first STEP. So right now, take a clean sheet of paper and do this exercise. #2: The Rocking Chair The way this exercise works is, you take something that you feel fear about, and then you imagine yourself being 80 years old, sitting on your rocking chair. And as you're imagining yourself sitting there, you ask yourself, “Would I feel regret about not doing this when I'm in that rocking chair?” If the answer is yes, you will notice that this can be a powerful way of seeing the big picture and beyond your fear. This was a very powerful technique for me, because it opened my eyes to what my life really was – and to what I wanted it to be. So I decided I’m not going to be stopped by my fear, but live my life fully. So again, take a sheet of paper, and write something you’re afraid of doing. Then write this question down, “If I was 80 years old now, would I regret not doing this?” Then think about the answer. It might shock you. :: 69 :: Approach Anxiety Has it ever happened to you, that you were standing somewhere, like in a club or a coffee shop, just minding your own business…and as you turned around you suddenly saw HER. And she was so nice and beautiful, she was just the kind of person that you would want to get to know. And at that moment, a thought went through your mind, “I should say something to her.” But right as you took that first step, and you were about to open your mouth and say something, you felt this SINKING feeling in your stomach, your mind went BLANK, your hands started SWEATING, and all you could do was stand there like a deer caught in the headlights… If you ever had this happen to you, then you were what you were experiencing was a state of APPROACH ANXIETY. Approach anxiety is a term we use to describe a state when you want to say something to a girl that you like, but all you can do is, well, nothing. Approach anxiety is very common for guys, so you're not alone in this. We established that fear is what stops you. So what is approach anxiety then? Approach anxiety is a form of fear…but it’s a specific kind of fear because it combines MORE fears in one. Approach anxiety is such a specific fear because it’s a combination of more than one fear in one moment. So how to handle it? How to deal with approach anxiety When it comes to approach anxiety, I’ve discovered that you can’t deal with it with usual advice “Just do it” etc. Merely trying to eliminate your anxiety with logic and saying to yourself, “I don’t have anything to be afraid of…I should just do it…” just doesn’t work. :: 70 :: What works is if you combine MULTIPLE solutions. So you do want to understand your fear logically, but you also want to use some techniques that will deal with your fear on an EMOTIONAL level. I'm going to share with you some of the techniques at the end of this chapter, first let's understand what's behind your approach anxiety. Let’s discover what are you REALLY afraid would happen if you approach a woman. In the past few years, I’ve been actively helping guys overcome their approach anxiety. I even got a reputation as being the “The Approach Anxiety Go-To Guy”. And after working with literally hundreds of guys, I’ve discovered that there are 5 fears that are common to every single guy who feels approach anxiety. I call them the… 5 Scary Bears If you feel approach anxiety, then you’re probably going to find yourself within these 5 fears. 1. Fear of being rejected and ignored 2. Fear of being perceived as weird or creepy 3. Fear that her boyfriend is close and might cause a problem 4. Fear of how to handle the situation if the woman actually accepts you after you say "Hi" 5. Fear of EMBARASSEMENT; Worrying what her friends or people around might think of you Let's take a closer look at each fear. 1. Fear of being rejected and ignored The first fear that most guys have about approaching a woman is the fear of being rejected by the girl. They fear that when they go over to say something to a girl, she will push them away or reject them in some way. :: 71 :: While this can be true, it's not nearly as true as we would think to be. Women don't wake up in the morning, hoping that they will have an opportunity to violently reject a guy. Sure, some specific women like the idea of rejecting a guy, but women who do this are insecure themselves, and want to regain some of their sense of value by putting down a random guy. And that's not the majority of women. The majority of women are normal human beings, with friends, family, their own problems, dreams, and aspirations. They want to be considered nice, not a bitch. So a lot of women will respond nicely, or will not respond in a rude way. If she's not interested in you, a lot of women will smile and tell you that. If you keep pushing it, she'll slowly leave with a smile. But very few of them will push you away, hit you or spit you in the face. Dude. So don't be afraid that a woman will reject you, because chances are, she's going to smile and be nice to you. 2. Fear of being perceived as weird or creepy This one is big fear for most guys. Most guys feel weird and awkward, and they legitimately think the woman would give them the "who the hell is this creep and what does he want from me" look. The reason I say legitimately is that most guys are so anxious and tense that the woman would probably think of them as weird – and would give them the weird look. We all have in our mind an image of a drawling stalker and we are scared to death that a woman might perceive us as one. Here's a secret: Whatever you focus on with strong enough emotion tends to happen. So if everything you imagine is a woman giving you a weird look, and thinking of you as, "Who's this weirdo", and you approach her in that state… then you will PROJECT that state to her, and create a very good chance that she will respond to you that way. So the cure is to stop focusing on it! :: 72 :: Instead of imagining a girl giving you a weird look, see her SMILING, being somewhat anxious herself (which in 99% of the cases she is), and having her face brighten up when you say something to her. Close your eyes and imagine that a couple of times before you say something. 3. Fear that her boyfriend is close and might cause a problem The next fear guys have is this idea of her boyfriend being near, and starting a problem if he see's you with her. In my experience, guys don’t tend to start a problem if they see you talking with their girl. Most guys are actually kind of cool about it, as they don’t want to appear too jealous… although they probably aren't happy about it. If it ever happens to you that you start a conversation with a girl, and her boyfriend shows up, here’s what I suggest you do: You're talking with a girl. Her boyfriend shows up. You go: Hey man, that's your girl? Great catch, I hope you have a great time together, bye. And then leave. There is some advice out there that teaches you how to get your way around this as well. However, why bother? If she has a boyfriend – why do you need her? Move on to the next girl. 4. Fear of not knowing what to say after Hi I hear guys say that all the time - I won't know what to say next. I fear I'll get nervous, fumble over my words and mess everything up. As I discovered, most guys are so caught in the mind frame of, “she's going to reject me”, that they can't even imagine a girl actually liking them after they say “Hi” to her. Believe it or not, if you say something to a girl in a normal surrounding (one that's not a loud night club where guys are hovering around her like :: 73 :: bees around honey), there is I would say about 99% chance that a girl will respond positively to you. And when she does, then what? I will teach you the skill on continuing the conversation later in section two of this book, so you will feel confident and competent that you know how to continue after Hi. But the main thing to remember is that you CAN HANDLE it. If you can have a conversation with your friend, you can have a conversation with a girl. You don't need to know everything. Your body will give you all the answers when you start talking. TRUST it. 5. Worrying what her friends or the people around might think It's very common that the girl that you want to talk to is not alone, but with some other people. It might be her friend or more friends, or just people around you. And most guys worry what those people around might think. They worry the people might think of them as creepy, weird, or just laugh at them. However, most people don't really care about you or what you're doing. Think about from your own perspective. Do you walk around focused on what other people are doing, or are you in your head thinking about your life? Most people are too busy thinking of THEMSELVES. They are too busy thinking about their imaginary problems, so they don't have time to think about your imaginary problems. Dude, I think you can tweet that. In addition to most people not caring about you, if they would see you talking with their friend, most people would actually support you. “Ooo that's so cute.” :: 74 :: In addition, most people are somewhat insecure themselves, so when you start talking they assume you must be very confident. But it is your ASSUMPTION that they will think of you badly that causes you problems. I remember changing my thinking from assuming people would judge me, to thinking that people would find it kind of cute and would smile and giggle in a “wow I would love to do it too” way. So instead of imagining a group of people looking at me while approaching a girl and pointing their index fingers at me, I started imagining them giggling in a "o that's so cute" way. And guess what? That actually started happening. I was approaching women among people, and people just found it adorable. They smiled with me, and a lot of them even encouraged her to go out with me. Now that's what I call a supporting audience. We are all creatures of love. We need love in our life. Yes, there's a lot of hate, but if we see somebody sharing the love, i.e. approaching a girl, most people find it adorable. So there is NO SHAME in pursuing love. On the fear of getting EMBARASSED I don’t know of any other fear that makes us waste our life as much as the fear of being embarrassed. In my opinion, a life without embarrassment and occasional humiliation is a very boring life. That’s why I suggest you accept embarrassment and humiliation as not only a fact of life, but as a sign that you're doing something RIGHT. Think about it. If you sit in your room all day, and you never go out or do anything, what are the chances of you getting embarrassed or humiliated? Probably very slim… unless of course your friends beat you on star craft. :: 75 :: That’s just humiliating. If you're getting embarrassed, then at least you're doing something. I know people who try to be so cool and never get embarrassed or humiliated, that they act like machines. Screw that. At the end of our life, when we're in that rocking chair, we will ask ourselves: “Did I live my life?” At that point, I think we will mostly regret the things we DIDN’T do than the things we did do. So if there is a chance for me to do something that I really want to do, but I risk being embarrassed or humiliated, so what? Ask yourself what’s the WORST thing that can happen if you get embarrassed?” Will you die or lose a leg? Chances are, you won't die, and you won't lose a leg either. You will be just fine. You'll be stuck with just another story to laugh over with your friends. And you can handle that. So open your armor shield, let go of the act, and start living your life through embarrassment! Eliminate your approach anxiety in 3 steps I want to share with you a technique that can help you eliminate your approach anxiety. It's called OWNING your anxiety. When most guys experience approach anxiety, what they’ll most often do is try to FIGHT it. They'll say stuff like, “O man why do I feel this anxiety…I shouldn't feel it…I wish it would go away…” But when you try to fight your anxiety, this creates even MORE anxiety. :: 76 :: It’s kind of like getting angry at yourself for being angry. It only makes things worse. That's why you don't want to fight it…you want to do the OPPOSITE of what most guys do. Instead of FIGHTING your approach anxiety, you want to ACCEPT it and EXPERIENCE it FULLY. You want to OWN it. What do I mean? Well let’s say you're at a shopping mall, and you see a cute girl, and maybe she’s looking at you and showing you signs that she wants you to talk to her. And then you feel it…first you feel it in your stomach, and then it starts to build up through your entire body. At that point, instead of saying to yourself, “O I shouldn’t feel this anxiety…why do I always feel this” and running away, you want to do the following: 1. Recognize that your anxiety is there. Recognize where do you feel that anxiety, recognize how strong it is, recognize in which part of your body you feel it exactly...try to even figure out the color and the temperature of this feeling. 2. Once you recognize where it is, ACCEPT it… feel it deeply. BREATHE into the emotion, and OWN it. Don’t try to fight it to leave. Accept that it is there, and even go a step further – WELCOME it. In your mind say, “I accept the fact that I feel approach anxiety right now…I accept it fully and welcome it. Thank you for being here”. You see, the purpose of fear is always to PROTECT you, not harm you. So it doesn't make sense to hate…thank it for being there. 3. After you do this, you’ll notice your anxiety slowly becoming weaker and weaker until eventually dissolving into thin air. When that happens, ACT on what you want to do. If you want to start a conversation, OPEN your mouth and start talking. You’ll notice it will be a lot easier for you to say something after you’ve owned your anxiety. :: 77 :: This is a POWERFUL technique, but in order for this to work, you need to expose yourself to an intense emotional experience, where you can REALLY feel it. And when that happens, follow the 3 steps. Approach Anxiety Destroyer Now, if you want to use something that you could use from your home, I've spent 7 years developing a technique that would work as a “magic pill” which you could take and eliminate your anxiety. And I finally discovered it. It's called whiskey. You can get it in your nearest liquor store. I'm kidding of course. The real technique is called “The Approach Anxiety Destroyer”, and the way it works is it puts you in the mind of a woman for a minute, and by doing that, it eliminates your approach anxiety. The technique is very effective, and it literally helped hundreds of guys all around the world eliminate their approach anxiety from the comfort of their home. The technique leads you through a 3-part process that lasts about an hour. - Step 1 is you listen to a 30 minute recorded lesson from me Step 2, you do a short 15 minute exercise Step 3, you listen to a 13 minute visualization exercise, which puts you in a hypnotic trance and eliminates your approach anxiety. You can check it out at I recommend you combine the OWN exercise with the Approach Anxiety Destroyer. Together they will destroy your approach anxiety. So let's review what did you learn about fear: 1. You learned that fear is a state, just like confidence or anxiety. 2. You learned about comfort zone, and that fear is the line that divides your comfort zone. :: 78 :: 3. You learned that your biggest fear is that you won’t be able to HANDLE if something happens. 4. The way to kill the fear is to start confronting things that make you feel uncomfortable, not avoiding them. Don't avoid life. 5. Your biggest fears are not so bad. Women don't really want to reject you, people don't really want to judge you – we are mostly driven by love not by hate. 6. At the end of our life we will ask ourselves: "Did I really live?" So make sure you do something when you really want to, even though you might feel embarrassed or humiliated. You are strong enough to handle it. You've learned a lot by now. If you apply what you learned in the previous three chapters, you will have the base for becoming the natural. :: 79 :: Chapter 7: Understanding Women A very common question I get from guys is, "What is she thinking when I start a conversation and talk with her?" Most guys want to know what goes through a woman's mind because usually a woman's mind is a complete mystery for guys. I think the reason why so many guys ask me this is because of that element of unknown which we talked about in the chapter on fear. So now I'm going to explain to you what EXACTLY goes on through a woman's mind at that moment. This just might be the most important chapter you read about women, ever. Two things are important when it comes to knowing what goes on through her mind when you talk to her. The first thing has to do with what guys wrongly assume that women WANT (obviously). And the second thing has to do with what guys wrongly assume, about how confident hot women feel. First, let's shed some light into Wrong Assumption #1: Women and Men think want the SAME things Some guys think that women want the same things as men, and some think that women want very different things than men. So who is right? Well, they are both right and wrong. The truth is somewhere in between. The main idea is this: Women DO want the same things as men, but they EXPERIENCE it differently. So if we take sex as an example. Both men and women do want sex, but women experience sex differently than men. For women, sex is the climax of teasing, playing, and building sexual tension. For men, sex is taking your clothes off and doing the job. There's nothing before or after. So it's the same outcome, but with a different experience. :: 80 :: Both men and women want to feel sexy. But women feel sexy by wearing a sexy dress, and men might feel sexy when they're in their garage, covered with grease. It goes the same for conversation. Women and men do enjoy having a conversation, but men experience conversation as more LOGICAL, while women experience it as more EMOTIONAL. Men like to talk about tools, sports, doing something, traffic directions, all in certain sequence; 1,2,3 etc. Women like to talk about drama, gossip, secrets, and emotions. They don't think in sequence; they think in colors and feelings and sounds. Again, we both want a conversation, but we experience it differently. So what happens when you want to have a conversation with a woman that you don't know? Well, when a guy wants to start a conversation with a woman, he assumes that she wants the same experience as he does. So he starts talking logic, and ignores emotion. He talks about his career, he talks about what he does at work, he starts asking her logical questions like "Where are you from" and "where did you go to school", thinking that this kind of conversation will create a bond and make the woman like him. But usually, this kind of conversation is bores the woman out, because it's too logical and dry (which keeps the guy dry too). However, if a guy has a conversation with a woman, and in the middle of the conversation he says to her, "You know, there's something about you…it's weird, because on the one hand you seem like a nice girl, but underneath that there's something like evil adventurous about you" …Then this kind of talk is going to have a PROFOUND difference in how a woman feels about a guy. This kind of a conversation doesn't make sense to guys. I mean, why would anyone want to talk like that? Well, talking like that accomplishes a lot of things. One, it creates mystery; it creates a little bit of drama and shows unpredictability. This kind of conversation is EMOTIONAL and not logical. :: 81 :: It has JUICE of life, emotions, and women LOVE it, because it's just how they function. If you want to learn more about how women function, go and read some romance novels, like Fifty Shades Of Gray by E.L. James or Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie. You'll understand how LOADED with emotion and juice these books are…and they are best sellers. So keep this in mind; The dryer the conversation you make, the dryer you'll bee. And you can tweet that. BAM! So women and men do want the same things, however, the difference is in how they EXPERIENCE what they want. Wrong Assumption #2: Hot Women Have Perfect Confidence Let's go on to the next BIG wrong assumption guys have – How confident hot women really feel. Most guys believe, that if a woman is attractive, her life is PERFECT. They assume she has no insecurities, that she has no problems, that she has perfect confidence and self-esteem, etc. Most guys can't even begin to IMAGINE that the woman might have normal life problems like every person on the planet. They can't even imagine a hot woman could feel insecure about how she looks. They can't even imagine that a woman can actually feel approach anxiety and fear of rejection about talking to men. So the first and biggest mistake most guys make when it comes to women, is assuming that hot women are perfect. But this can't be further from the truth. :: 82 :: The women's CHATTERBOX In the book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways, Susan Jeffers talks about a chatter box in our head. She gives an example of a woman who went out on the first date with a guy, and he didn't call her the next day. So her chatter box turns on, “He doesn't like me. Did I do something wrong? I probably did. O stupid. But could it be him? No, it's not him, it's me. Is he going to call? Maybe I should call him and apologize. But for what? For not calling me? That bastard! O I'm such a loser. I should call him…” If you're making a weird face in confusion right now, don't. That's the life of a woman. This chatterbox is never quiet. It's ALWAYS on. They are constantly questioning everything, second-guessing, asking her friends for advice and opinion (who have their chatterboxes turned on too). So I'm not saying that most women walk around broken and feeling like they aren't worth anything, but I'm saying that most of them don't have the rock-solid confidence that most guys assume. And if you don't believe me, who better to ask than a former super model. I recently watched a TED talk by a former super model, Cameron Russell. In her talk, she said, and I quote: “People often ask me what is it like to be a model. And I think the answer that they are looking for is, if you are a little bit skinnier and you have shinier hair, you will be so happy and fabulous. And when we're back stage, we give an answer that maybe makes it seem like that. We say, it's really amazing to travel and it's amazing to get to work with creative, inspired, and passionate people. And those things are true, but they are only one half of the story. Because the thing that we never say on camera, that I have never said on camera, is, I am insecure. And I'm insecure because I have to think about what I look like every day.” As you can see, just because a woman is hot, it doesn’t mean that she has a rock-solid confidence. In fact, most of the time, she feels insecure BECAUSE she is hot. A hot woman is expected to look a certain way…and she has to THINK about how she looks like all the time. :: 83 :: That's why what a woman is looking for is somebody who will see PAST that…who will be strong enough so she can relax and be who she really is around him. There's a saying that men date women for what they're not, and they leave them for what they are. So they date women for their good looks…, their physical attractiveness, but leave them once they find out who they are inside. As a natural, you want to see past her looks, and understand that she's a REAL person behind that "hot babe" mask. She has her insecurities, doubts, and fears. She's not perfect. So as you're talking with her, don't treat her like a goddess just because she's hot. Don't elevate her above yourself and give her some special treatment because she's beautiful. Treat her just as you would treat anybody else. :: 84 :: Chapter 8: Look Good I was in high school on my lunch break, when I overheard 2 girls talking. I was a geek back then, so they weren't paying any attention to me. I eves dropped on the conversation, just for fun. They were talking about what makes a guy good looking. And one of them said something that stuck with me to this day. She said: “It doesn't really matter if a guy is handsome or not. The thing that matters is that a guy takes care of himself. I want him to look at least ok so that I can show him to my friends and not be embarrassed.” It was the sweetest 2 minutes of my life. Well, second sweetest. You know what I mean. But anyways, up until that moment, I always thought that women look at guys the same way as we look on them. I thought they look how “cute” or “beautiful” face we have. But the more I researched, the more I realized, that women play a completely different ball game. I discovered guys who were well, downright UGLY, and still were dating these amazing hot women. Do you know how Casanova looked like? Google him. He’s not that pretty. He has a baby face and a crooked nose. Gee's. And he wrote his autobiography describing relationships with around 1000 women. And it wasn’t because of his beautiful face. That being said, he didn't LOOK like a bum from the street either. :: 85 :: It’s not your LOOKS, It’s Your LOOK that matters For us, it's about how a woman's face looks. The more a woman’s face is symmetric, the more attractive she looks. If her facial features are not symmetrical, then we consider her as less attractive. But when it comes to what women want in a guy, they don't pay as much attention to our facial symmetry as they do to how we LOOK. I'm not saying that how your face looks isn’t going to help… I'm just saying that even if you're downright ugly, the game is still not lost. You can make it up with your confidence and LOOK. Your Look So what do I mean by your look? Your LOOKS are how you face looks like. But your LOOK is your overall appearance…the way you dress, the way you carry yourself, your body language, your energy and state, your face expression etc. It’s how you LOOK. When it comes to your look, there are 3 categories that you want to pay attention to: - Your PHYSICAL shape Your personal HYGIENE The CLOTHES you wear If the color of your belt doesn’t match the color of your shoes, women have a problem with it. If you can’t take 3 steps up the stairs before catching a breath, women will notice it. If you have let yourself go so much that you have hairs growing from your ears and nose, and they are noticeably visible, women are going to have a problem with it. :: 86 :: 1. Get into at least OK shape The first thing I want to encourage you to do is to get into an at least OK shape. You don't have to be Mr. Universe, but try to remove that excess spare tire around your hips. Do some push-ups and sit-ups every morning, tone down on the burritos, and you will feel the changes soon. One of the things that I have noticed about guys with no physical activity is their posture. Their posture tends to be slouched, shoulders down in a somewhat submissive position. Physical activity is also the best way to eliminate excess nervousness and tension. When you run for example, your body releases endorphins that act like a drug in your body, so it releases all that tension and excess anxiety. Also, having some physical activity helps you be more comfortable in your body. You get used to putting your body in different positions, so you look more flexible when you walk, and you feel more natural with yourself. Here are some examples of exercises you can try: Running I love running because it is the simplest form of exercise. You don't need much – just put on your shoes and get moving. You can get awesome results from just a few minutes of running. Trampoline Exercising with the trampoline is, in my opinion, the most fun. You just jump up and down, and when you get comfortable, you can start doing flips (just be careful not to land on your head). With this exercise you will totally relax your body and become more flexible. I highly recommend it. Dancing If you have the opportunity to join a dancing class, dancing is a great way of exercise. With this exercise, you're not only exercising, you're also getting into your body, you're meeting people (women love dancing), and you're getting used to the opposite sex holding and grabbing you. I would recommend this especially if you're really awkward with women. :: 87 :: You can also go on YouTube and search "dancing lessons". This is a low cost method of learning a few moves. And lastly, just putting up some music and dancing however you feel like is also a great idea. Just make sure those fancy moves actually look fancy before you hit the club. Marshall Arts Marshall Arts are good because you let go some of your aggressive energy, you learn to defend yourself and you really become more comfortable around people. The main reason for this is because that fear of confrontation isn't there anymore. You get kind of OK with the idea of getting into a confrontation. I would suggest that you try to combine Marshall Arts with dancing. With the first, you will learn to be firm, with the other you will learn to be gentle. Like a real gentleman. Fitness and lifting weights This one was a big one for me. Lifting weights helped me construct my body the way I wanted it. And women noticed it. Remember, it's not your facial symmetry that is important, but your look is. If your shoulders are narrow and your hips wide, and your body is shaped like a pyramid, it's not going to look that good. Again, this is not a rule. These things can and will help you, but are not the rule. Can you be successful with women even though you're not shaped like Schwarzenegger in his prime? Do you remember what I said in the beginning about the modern Don Juan? He wasn't buffed, he wasn't fashionably dressed – and he still had more success than most guys will ever dream of. What I want to encourage you is to be your BEST self. If you feel you would like to have a more cut body, then do that. Don't try to get all buffed in the gym because Phantom said so. Group sports – Basketball, football, beach volley etc. I like group sports because they are fun. These sports engage you entire body and mind. You are fully there so to speak when you do them. You also get very comfortable with interacting with people. In beach volley :: 88 :: you get to play with women as well…so that's an extra bonus. So find some groups that accept new member, and get moving with a group sport. Yoga, Tai Chi and similar exercises Yoga can actually do a lot for you. It can get you out of your head, and into your body…and it can make your body look really toned. So I recommend it. There are even some online tutorials you can find online, and start practicing. Overall I would encourage you to create a ritual in your life, where you take regular time to do some physical exercise. 2. Your Personal Hygiene I want to emphasize this issue of personal hygiene, and lay out the parts that go beyond just taking a shower. Showering This one is an obvious one. Every morning, when you get out of bed, take a 2 min shower. It will help you wake up, it will refresh you and you will smell good. Also, every evening before you go to bed, take a 2 min shower. You'll keep your sheets clean and you will feel better. Ears Ears can be a source of a lot of filth. So make sure you trim the hair in them and clean them good. Hair and hair cut Your hairs are something that is visible all the time. One very important thing about hair is to make sure they aren't greasy. Try to choose a shampoo that works well with the type of your hair. Also, your hair cut can make a lot out of you. So you might want to consider investing a little bit more in your hair cut so it suits your face. Body hair Women tend to notice your neck hair a lot. So make sure the hair on your neck is trimmed. It shows you're taking care of yourself regularly. :: 89 :: As far as it goes for the rest of your body hair, trim it. The word you want to keep in mind is "not too much". So anything that's excessive won't work. If you notice you have too much hair somewhere, just trim it. If you wear a beard, make sure it's not too much and that it's neatly trimmed. You can have a beard and mustache if you keep them trimmed and not lose to rage on the world. Nails Keep your nails trimmed. Don't bite your nails. If you have a habit of biting on your nails, your hands look weird. If you have a habit of biting your foot nails, then they look really weird. That was for my own entertainment. But you get the point. Clothes & Underwear Make sure your clothes don't have any grease stains or other dirt. Again, women notice this, so keep a schedule on your laundry. As for the underwear, I probably don't have to emphasize changing it every day. Not turning it around, changing it. Shoes Most guys buy a pair of shoes and never clean them. Women tend to look at your shoes a lot. A lot of dust and dirt get on them, so cleaning them weekly would probably be a good idea. If you have white shoes, use a whitening tool. Smell We men have different smell then women do. Although women tend to like how we smell naturally, using a nice perfume can go a long way. Go to the perfume store and have the clerk there (make sure she's a woman) help you pick one. Smelling good can be the difference between women wanting to be around you and avoiding you like a plague. If you feel comfortable using per spirants, use them. They stop that awful smell from your armpits to come on the surface and suffocate the woman. Breath Keep your breath fresh at all times. Period. Don't ever catch yourself having a bad breath. So brushing your teeth is obviously a must, and I also recommend keeping a mouth refresher handy. :: 90 :: Your Car This one is not obvious to most guys. If you have a car, make sure you keep it clean and smelling good. Clean and wash your car at least once per week. Buy some car perfume and have your car smell nice. I've noticed women really like the smell of strawberries. Get a garbage bag to throw stuff in, like receipts and lunch boxes. And empty it often. Avoid eating in your car, as we tend to make a mess. Don't keep clothes or sox all over your car. Your Place Keep your place of living tidy. Don't have food left over's on the table. Keep your bathroom clean. Keep your bed made. The reason you want to keep your place tidy is because you want to be ready at any time to have a girl come over. If your place is a mess, then in the back of your mind you will always have that thought: "But my place is a mess". To recap everything with one word, keep yourself and your environment TIDY. Keep your clothes tidy, yourself tidy, your hygiene, your place, your car – everything. If this wasn't a habit of yours until now, I suggest you start doing that from now on. You will also project this quality onto others. Believe it or not, people can sense whether you are a tidy person or not. 3. The Clothes You Wear Ok, so it's time for some fashion advice for you. Teaching you fashion can be a book by itself. This topic is big, so we’re just going to scratch the surface here. When it comes to fashion, you don't have to be a male model to know about it. When it comes to fashion, the most important thing to remember is the colors. You need to know which colors go together and which ones don't. An example of a color that doesn't match really good is red and green. It's probably not a good idea to wear green pants with a red shirt – unless your name is Rasta and you have kids that you don’t know about. :: 91 :: Ya man. Wear Matching Colors When combining clothes, make sure you have a color MATCH. If you look at women, their shoes, hand bag, and belt match. So if she's wearing black shoes, her hand bag is probably black too… and she has one piece of clothing, like her belt, to match the her hand bag and shoes. What you won't see is a woman in PINK shoes, with a GREEN belt and a BLACK top. Women are great color matchers. When it comes to colors, you can follow the old classics – BLACK and WHITE. WHITE or BLACK are neutral colors, so you can match a neutral color with any color you like. And also, when it comes to colors, you want to remember the rule of 3. This means that at most, you're wearing 3 different colors. So don't have brown shoes, white pants, blue shirt and black belt. If you're wearing BROWN shoes, you can wear BLACK or GRAY pants, BROWN belt and a WHITE shirt. So only 3 colors. Also, make sure you wear clothes that FIT you. I sometimes see guys wearing clothes that are just too big on them. Make sure your pants aren’t too wide around your waste, so you have that spare pants around. It just doesn’t look good. If you’re wearing a shirt, make sure it’s the right size. Don’t wear XXL size when you only need XL or L. I always suggest that if you want to dress nicely, you get somebody to help you out. You probably know at least one friend who knows how to dress well. Ask for his or her help. One of the best ways to dress nice is to go to a clothing store, and ask the clerk for help. :: 92 :: Just say: “Hey I want to buy some shirts and pants. Can you help me find something that would work for me, I'm kind of a geek when it comes to this stuff.” And let yourself be treated. Don't worry; they won't pick the most expensive one, just state the price range you're looking for. But I recommend that you study fashion a little bit. Study which clothes look good on you and which ones don’t, so you develop your own STYLE of clothing. :: 93 :: Chapter 9: Live Your Life So we came to the last chapter of who you need to be. So far, you've learned what women are really attracted to – your confidence. You also learned that confidence is merely a state, and that you can turn it on whenever you want to, just by changing three things – your body, your focus and your language. You've learned the power of your beliefs and how they control your behavior and your thinking. You also learned nine beliefs that every naturally confident man has. You've learned what fear is and how to overcome it, and you also learned how to make yourself LOOK good. Now I'm going to share with you something that could be its own book in itself. This concept is so important that if you're not following it, everything you learned is going to be useless on the long run. It's the concept of living your life. Quit thinking, start living Do you LIVE your life? When I ask this question to my members, I usually get a response of silence. It's my belief that very few of us actually LIVE our lives. If you're in your house, watching movies or playing video games all day - unless that is what you REALLY want to do with your life, I'm going to suggest that you're not really living your life. Your life is living you. To live your life means that you're on some path where you are GOING AFTER WHAT YOU WANT in your life. If you're in a job you hate, and you still wake up every day and go to work because you don't know what else you would do…I suggest you take a moment to think about what are you actually doing with your life? Is this what you were dreaming about when you were growing up? :: 94 :: You see, putting yourself into a confident state to be more attractive to women can and will work. However, if you are going after what you want in your life FULL BLOWN, then this is going to give you that state AUTOMATICALLY. You see, a natural has this air of “I'm on my way to somewhere.” When you see a natural, you don't feel like he's somebody who wanders around. A natural knows what he wants in life and he goes after it…which gives him this underlying energy and enthusiasm for everything he does, as opposed to the NUMBED feeling that you can see in most guys. As Henry David Thoreau said, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation.” Most guys THINK their life… they think about what's “realistic” for them and what not, instead of TAKING ACTION and really doing what they want to do. So quit thinking…and start LIVING. How To Live Your Life Now that’s an interesting title. Look at me, teaching you how to live your life. I’m not actually going to tell you how to live your life; I’m going to tell you how to LIVE your life. I’m going to show you what you need to do to feel like you’re truly ALIVE in your life. Align Yourself With Your Heart's Desire The first step to living your life is to ALIGN yourself with what your heart really wants. What do I mean? Well, what do you really want in your heart? Are you dreaming to be a musician? Do you want to be a film writer or an actor? :: 95 :: Do you want to travel the world? Maybe it’s not something big…maybe you just want to live your life in some other way, doing something else then you now do. But as you think about what you would want, inevitably some form of SHAME will show up. Shame comes out as a form of self-doubt, insecurities, and disempowering self-talk. You say to yourself, “O who am I to think I could do that” or “Other people can, but I can't.” You convince yourself OUT of your true desires, because shame kicks in. The source of this shame could be your friends, your teachers, your parents or social programming. DON’T feel shame about your desires. If you have a desire, it's legitimate and it is your duty to listen to it. I used to have this job that I hated. I hated the industry, I hated the conversations I had to have with clients, – and everything in my body was telling me to leave. But I didn’t listen to that part of me, because when I thought about doing what I really wanted to do, I would feel shame and convince myself out of it. I will never forget my days in that job – when it feels wrong, walk away from it. Are you doing something that doesn't feel quite right for you, but you can’t imagine yourself doing it? I'm suggesting you to reach deep, very deep in your heart and ask yourself, “What is my heart really telling me?” Act On Your Heart Desire The second part of living your life, besides being true with yourself and aligning with your heart's desire, is to ACT on your heart's desire. It's not enough to only feel what your heart truly desires, you need to step up and act on it. But here's the tricky part. :: 96 :: Every time you want to act on your heart's desire, you face with your FEAR. You will feel like you're stepping into a dark, unknown cave. I have a friend who since he was a little boy wanted to be a CEO of some kind. He used to say to everybody, “When I grow up, I'm going to be a CEO.” He made a goal for himself that he's going to be a CEO by the age of 24. Sure enough, he made it. But soon he felt miserable in his job. He didn't feel like this was really what he should be doing in his life. After a time of soul searching, he discovered that he was really a CEO because he thought that was what his parents wanted him to be. He remembered that as a kid, his parents would praise and admired people who were CEO's so he connected the two – I want to make my parents and family proud, so I'm going to be a CEO. But deep in his heart, he wanted to be connected with something else. He wanted the connection with sports. But when he thought about the idea of quitting his job and doing something that would be connected with sports, SHAME kicked in… He thought of all the reasons why he couldn’t do it…he would make excuses and have all kinds of doubts about it. He'd thought about what his parents and his family would think of his decision to quit his job and pursue some “wild dream” of his… Finally, he got rid of shame, broke through his fear, and acted on his desire. He cut his job loose and threw himself into sports management business. Today, he’s living his life. When I ask him about his decision today, he just says: “This is it.” :: 97 :: So realize that as you're thinking about what you want to do, shame and FEAR are going to show up. But when that happens, I want you to take that is a sign that that path is the right path for you. It is your JOURNEY. A book I always recommend to all of my coaching members is a book called The Hero's Journey. In this book, the author Joseph Campbell combined all of the stories of all the heroes throughout history. He then combined all the stories into one, universal story that repeats itself over and over again. So every story you know of, Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings or Star Wars, they all have the same structure. And the structure is this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Call to adventure Refusal of the call Meeting the mentor Crossing the Threshold Facing challenges, enemies and allies The dark cave – facing his greatest fear Conquering his greatest fear Reward Return Living with a new understanding When you align yourself with your true heart's desire, you will get a call. It may come in the form of an idea, a flash, or a feeling. When that happens, you will probably refuse the call. - “I could never do that” “I don't have what it takes” “I'll do it someday…but not now“ The way you refuse the call is by shame. You start listening to your doubts and insecurities, and you convince yourself out of it. When you picked up this book, you’ve meet me as your mentor. :: 98 :: If you're read this book so far, then you’re reading it for a reason. You can use some of the tools in this book to overcome your initial fears and doubts. But you need to understand, that the entire journey is on you. I can help you – but I can't do it for you. You have to do it. If you manage to let go of your fears, doubts and insecurities, you will move on to crossing the threshold. A threshold is a point when you leave your everyday world and you set out on your journey. It's like a gate in the airport, or a line between a sunny prairie and a dark forest. It's taking the first step into the dark cave. After you take that first step and you cross the threshold, you face the challenges - doubts and insecurities, the frustration and failures, and your greatest fear. Maybe it's one of the fears that we've been talking about in the chapter on fears, maybe it's some other fear that you hold. Just know, that when you set out on your journey, you will have to face it. After you face it, you will get the reward that you’re after. And when you return to your normal life, you’re not going to be feel the same. You’ll feel different. I’ve went through this journey myself. And I can tell you, that until I set myself to do what I REALLY wanted to do, I never felt that I was living my life. When you respond to the call to what you REALLY want to do, you will feel like you're LIVING your life. So as you’re reading this, you probably already know what the thing that you really want to do is… and you probably have your own excuses as reasons that you tell yourself for why you can’t do it… :: 99 :: So just know, as you’re thinking about the thing that you really want to do, that no matter how scary the path seems to be ahead of you, at the end, things always turn out OK. Somehow, the universe helps you. You probably heard the saying “Fortune favors the brave.” There’s an old Bosnian saying: “Luck follows the stupid.” They're not talking about the stupid in the traditional sense or ignorant. They are talking about the stupid in the sense of somebody who doesn't think about the consequences too much, and actually does it. So luck follows them. So when it comes to living your life and doing something that your heart really desires…here’s my advice: Become the stupid. Become stupid enough to do it. Luck will favor you and it will be on your side. I promise you that. :: 100 :: :: 101 :: Congratulations! You've arrived to the DOING part. If you learned the main things from the previous part, this next section shouldn't be a problem for you. In this part, I will explain to you the HOW-TO. I this part, you will learn: - Where to go to MEET the kind of women that you want to meet, - How to START a conversation with a beautiful woman, - How to CONTINUE that conversation after you say something, - How to show that you want to be more than JUST friends with her, - How to take it to the next step, with taking her number or asking her out In this part of the book, there are 4 main steps and 1 pre step. I could make it 13 main steps if I wanted to make it more complex and make myself seem cooler and smarter. But I wanted to keep it simple and to the point. So let's discover the exact steps from the beginning to the end of an interaction. :: 102 :: Pre-step: Go Where The Women Are Ok, so now you’ve done some work…you’ve worked on getting yourself into a confident state, you worked on eliminating your limiting beliefs, and you learned how to deal with your fear. You also got yourself to look at least ok by taking care of the shape you’re in, taking care of your hygiene and wearing clothes that fit you and match. The next step is for you to start COMMUNICATING with women. But to do that, there is one crucial pre-step that you need to do. And that is to GO WHERE THE WOMEN ARE. And even this step is kind of obvious; surprisingly a lot of guys think that they can meet a woman while sitting at home, reading a book. If you want to get together with somebody, you need to go where that person is, or have that person come to where you are. I haven't really figured out a way to have women knocking on your doors to meet you – if I ever do, you'll probably pay me a million bucks – so you need to stick to the traditional way for now. So where are women? When most guys think of meeting women, a lot of them automatically thinks about bars and clubs. However, this is only a small percentage of all the places you can meet women. So here are some of the places where you can go to meet women. - Art classes, Photography classes, Cooking classes, Yoga classes, Dancing classes, Self-improvement classes, Concerts of your favorite group Group field trips Coffee shops, Book stores, Libraries, :: 103 :: - Online dating (this can actually work with having women delivered to your door), - Personal adds, - Speed dating, - Mall, - Street, - Parks, - Sport activities, - Bus stations, airports, train stations, - Meet-up groups, - Company cocktail parties, - Networking events Make a list of the places you could go to…maybe some activity that interests you. And then make your point to go there. The main thing is that you avoid being home alone where you have no social contact. Get Comfortable With The Environment After you go where the women are, spend some time getting comfortable with the environment. Chances are, when you get to a new place, you’re going to feel a little bit uncomfortable. Be it a mall, a bar or a yoga class – you will need some time to adjust. Do you remember what I said about everything NOT being included in the book? If you put yourself in enough social situations, your body will start the self-correction process and any discomfort you feel will slowly dissipate. So join various activities where you will be around women, and your body will naturally get comfortable being around them. :: 104 :: STEP 1: Say Something Ok, so you’re where the women are. You're in a confident state, and you've adopted some of the natural's beliefs. Now you see her. She's beautiful. What now? How do you make that first step? How do you start a conversation with her? I mean, what do you do? Do you just walk up to her and just start a conversation with her? Before I explain to you exactly how you say something to her, I want to talk about a common mistake I see almost every guy make when it comes to saying something to the girl. It's called being a… Hanging Dick So what is a hanging dick? I came to this expression after sitting in fast food restaurant and eating my salad, when this hot woman came in to order. There were probably around 10 other guys in the restaurant, and when she came in – they all went quiet. They were all just munching their sandwiches, but with one eye, they kept eyeballing the woman. When you are in the presence of, or in a close proximity of an attractive woman, and all you do is just "hang" there, with your dick in the air, and you don't say anything to a woman – even though you would want to – then you're being a hanging dick. I'm sure you can remember at least one time when you did this. Maybe you were at a super market, buying groceries, when you saw her – and she was gorgeous. All of the sudden, your mind wasn't focused on the can of beans anymore – it became focused on the woman, on how great she looks – while looking at the can of beans! Then you went into your head and you began “the conversation”… :: 105 :: “O man she looks good. U mamma, look at those legs. I wonder what could I say. Nothing, she wouldn't be interested in me anyways.” Notice that when you’re having “the conversation”, you’re putting yourself into a NERVOUS state. You’re not putting yourself into a confident state. If you want to break this Hanging Dick state, next time you catch yourself in it, break that state by adjusting your body to a confident position. Change your focus – instead of imagining her rejecting you, focus on how she's probably there because she wants to start a conversation with you. And then change your language. Start saying to yourself: “Is she really expecting me to fall for that old - O I'm just looking for beans and can you help me choose the right sort trick?” Then, once you’re in that confident state, do the first step. SAY SOMETHING. Sounds easy right? Just open your mouth and you say couple of words. But this can be a lot harder than it seems. Because here's the problem: When it comes to saying something, most guys aren't really sure WHAT to say. The entire situation is totally new for them, so they're not sure how to say something. They “worry” about what to say. They try to think about a fancy line to say. They try to construct the perfect “line” to say to a girl in their head, like, “Your eyes are really beautiful…”, before they walk over to her. The traditional dating advice teaches you that you have to come in with an opener, a prepared script for what you're going to say, like asking her for an opinion about something. It's the, “Hey, can I get your opinion on something” opener. :: 106 :: And this can work, but in my experience, just thinking about asking her for her opinion can create a lot of fear of her rejecting you, simply because in your head you are preparing for a 2 minute long conversation. So a prepared script for what you say can work. But it's not the most convenient tool for starting a conversation. So How Do You Say Something? The first and the biggest mistake in saying something to a girl, is thinking that you need to say something clever the first time. You see, the only thing you need to do is just SAY SOMETHING. And that's the first step. You don't need to have a prepared script of what you're going to say word for word. You don't have to think about or worry about what's going to happen if… All you need to think about is your next 2 words. That's it. The only 3 ways to start a conversation As I observed it, there are only 3 ways to say something and start a conversation. 1. Say or gesture HELLO 2. Make a COMMENT 3. Ask a QUESTION The first way you can say something is by saying or gesturing hello. For example, the other day I was walking down the street when I saw this beautiful girl walking. I was quite behind her when she stopped to cross the street and looked back to see the traffic. When she did, she looked in my direction. I instinctively raised my hand and waived at her. She stopped, leaned towards me and said: “Do we know each other?” I said, “That's like the worst pick up line ever. If you wanted to meet me you could just say Hi.” :: 107 :: So what did I do? I just WAIVED my hand. I said HELLO with a gesture. So that's the first way you can start a conversation. Say hello. Notice I didn't invest much energy into it. It was almost like an impulse. I didn't worry about what's going to happen. I didn't allow my mind to go that far. So let’s say you are sitting at Starbucks, and a girl is sitting next to you, all by herself. How could you say something? Instead of thinking of a fancy line to say to her, you can just turn to her, and say, “Hey”. That’s it. Another way to say something is to make a COMMENT. An example of this is, when I was at the mall the other day, and there was this girl promoting cheese. As I walked by her, she was almost asleep. She was totally in her head, not even noticing me – or anybody else for that matter. I said, “Looks like you’re having fun…I wanted to try some cheese but I was afraid you may wake up and bite my arm…” And I started the conversation. So what did I do? I made a COMMENT. Let’s say you’re at a bus station, waiting for a bus, and a hot girl is sitting next to you. You notice she’s typing something on her phone. Again, the way you can start a conversation with her is to make a comment. So you could turn to her and say, “That’s a cool phone”. Nothing more. No opener. No opinion. Just making a comment. And the third way of starting a conversation is to ask a QUESTION. :: 108 :: One day I was buying some fruit at the grocery store, and when I came to the banana stand, the bananas had these weird dots on them. Suddenly I noticed this tall, dark and very attractive girl (as Will Smith would put it, her picture was in the dictionary next to the word SHEBANG!!), and she was looking at bananas too. So I said, “Do you have any idea what are these dots?” She looked at me and said, “No, I've never seen dot's like these before.” What did I do? I asked a QUESTION. Pretty simple right? Now you might be thinking, that it's easy to say something, but what do you say afterwards? How do you continue that conversation without coming across as weird or awkward? This is what the next chapter is about. I'm going to teach you exactly how to continue the conversation after you say something. But first, let me answer the question you're probably have in your mind, and that is… What if the woman doesn't respond well? What do you do, if the woman acts weird or doesn't even respond to my question, comment or a hello? Most guys put this pressure on themselves that a woman HAS to respond every time they say something – because if she doesn’t, the ARMAGEDON is going to happen. But in reality, if the woman doesn't respond, SO WHAT? If she ignored you, you can ignore her. If she doesn’t say “Hi” back, who cares? You haven't invested too much energy or time into saying Hi, into making a comment or asking a question. So if she doesn’t respond, here's what I want you to do: Don't take it personally. :: 109 :: There are multiple reasons for why the woman doesn't respond well sometimes. And believe it or not, a lot of times it’s more about the WOMAN, and not about you. Maybe she has a bad day, maybe she's in a committed relationship, or her boyfriend just cheated on her and she hates the male gender. Who knows? You're not a psychic, so stop trying to pretend you are one. Women have their own reasons for functioning that are unfamiliar to you in that moment. But over time, through the self-correction process you will learn what you need to do to improve your chances or women responding well to you. Maybe you’ll need to say it with a little bit more ENERGY, maybe you’ll need to speak in a little bit more authoritative way – or just be more decisive. Just avoid making her response to be about YOURSELF. Don’t start saying to yourself, “O I’m a loser” because she didn’t respond to you. Because the sure way to FAIL at this is, to attach yourself to every response you get from women and then feel BAD about it. Take whatever happens as a LESSON, as LEARNING experience to change your approach next time, and don't take it personally. Learn from it, and then move on. :: 110 :: STEP 2: Keep Saying Something Ok, so you've said something. You said Hello, made a comment, or you asked a question. The girl responded to you by saying hello back, or answering to your comment or a question. Now what? You start feeling anxiety in a second, and you feel like you have NO IDEA on what to say NEXT. I call this state… Brain Stuck The most common thing that happens right after you say something is Brain Stuck. Being Brain Stuck means being stuck with not knowing what to say next. You just stand there as a deer caught in the headlines, getting more and more anxious and nervous and WORRYING about what she thinks of you. The less you are used to having conversations with women, the more likely it is that you will experience Brain Stuck. When most guys get Brain Stuck, they immediately go into their head and start "the conversation" again. “O boy, what should I say next? Quick, time is running out. Let me ask her where she went to school and gain some time to think about what else could I say…” When this happens, guys usually respond in one of two ways: 1. They say NOTHING, and run away Some guys never recover from this state. They burn to the ground. They just keep quiet, never say anything, until eventually either they or the woman leaves. 2. They go to SAFE GROUND :: 111 :: Safe Ground means that guys in their panic turn to LOGIC and sequential thinking. As I mentioned in the chapter on understanding women, most guys feel comfortable in having logical conversations with their buddies about the things they are interested in, like sports or cars. They aren't comfortable with having emotional conversations with women about things they aren't really interested in, like drama or gossip. So when they hit that uncomfortable feeling, that comfort zone boundary, and they feel like they can't HANDLE talking with a woman, what do they do? They go to where they are most comfortable, which is talking LOGIC. They try to make the conversation with a woman to be just like the conversation they have with their buddies. They use logic, and start asking the woman… Interview Questions “So where are you from? What do you do? Where did you go to school? How many kids do you want to have?” I was watching a show on dating, the name of the show escapes me, and there was this guy who at the start of a date would say to women: “We're not going to have that interview like questions”… and right after saying that, he would go into asking her interview like questions. Talk about a confused guy. Interview Questions are where a guy just asks question after question after question. So the conversation looks something like this: Guy: So where did you go to school? Girl: I went to XYZ school. Guy: That’s awesome. So what kind of music do you listen? Girl: Mostly rock music. Guy: Rock music. That’s awesome. So where do you live? :: 112 :: Girl: On planet earth. You should visit sometimes. Bye! Get it? Asking interview questions makes the woman feel uncomfortable…she feels disconnected from you and soon wants to leave. So what's the cure? How do you avoid that and have a natural conversation? Making A Natural Conversation With Free Flow Instead of suffocating the woman with questions, you want to do something else. You want to use the conversation model that I’ve developed after reverse-engineering my own conversation, and the conversations of other naturals. I discovered that usually the conversation flows in the structure of asking 2 questions, and then making 1 comment based on the other person answers. So instead of asking question after question after question, you only ask 2 questions, and then you add a comment. So let me show you how this works: You might to ask the woman, “So what do you do?” And she might say: “I go to college” And you might say: “O cool – what do you study?” (notice the second question) And she might say: “Law” You might say: “Wow, law. That's heavy. I have couple of friends who went to law mainly because of Ally McBeal episodes and wanted to be just like her…” (making a comment). Not, the reason I was able to make this comment is because I was PAYING attention and I LISTENED to what she was saying. Then I said the FIRST thing that came to my mind. I’ll talk about how to do this exactly a little bit later in the book. :: 113 :: After you make a comment, you start the process AGAIN, with a new question that RELATES to the comment that you just made. So you might ask her: “Is that the same story with you or did your parents force you go to law school?” You can literally go on and on and on using this formula. Ask 2 questions, then make 1 comment. If you’re thinking to yourself that you don’t know WHAT to ask her next or what kind of a comment you could say, let me show you this simple technique. Let’s take an ordinary sentence that you hear almost every day: “A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asks him what's with the long face…” LOL, now that’s a sentence you get to hear a lot. Seriously, let’s take a sentence that you might hear in a real conversation. “I go to college and plan to be a lawyer.” That’s a normal sentence, right? So if we wanted to make a conversation out of that sentence, how could we do it? We could do it by taking out the KEY words, and then EXTENDING them into conversational TOPICS. What are the KEY words in this sentence? Well, the main key words in this sentence are COLLEGE, PLAN and LAWYER. Now the next step is to use them as topics by either commenting on them, or asking a question about them. Let’s take the key word college. You could ask a question about it, and say something like, “Really, you go to college? Where do you go?” And you continue the conversation. :: 114 :: You could also make a comment about it, like, “Uuu a college girl…I love college girls, you all look so dorky”. And you have a new topic to keep the conversation going. You can do the same with the other two key words, LAW and PLAN. For example, you could ask a question about law. For example you could say, “Law? Why did you decide to study law?” You could also make a comment about it: “Yea law is great…you get a big advantage when you’re stopped by a police and the police are afraid of you…” Get it? You can literally continue for as long as you want with this. By doing this, you will avoid looking like you're asking her interview like questions, and the conversation will come to life. Listen and pay attention If, as she's talking, you're only looking at her boobs, and you're thinking about what to ask her next, and you don’t pay ANY attention to what she’s saying…then you’re not going to hear the KEY words… and the conversation isn’t going to work out. So LISTEN and pay attention to what she's talking about. Also, if you try to consciously THINK about how to make a conversation happen, it's going to create a somewhat rigid vibe. It kind of sucks when you have to THINK about how to do this process of asking 2 questions and making 1 comment. Making a conversation has to come NATURALLY. And I've discovered that the best way to do this is if you just… Become CURIOUS about her If you really want to have a natural conversation, then become curious about the woman. Curiosity opens up your natural conversational channel inside your head. :: 115 :: Just think about it, how do you feel when you're talking with somebody and you're curious about what they're talking about? Does it flow naturally, or do you have to think what to say next? If you're curious about her, when she mentions that she's studying law, you want to know stuff about it. Why did she go to law? Is there a secret reason she has for studying law, like fighting crime or something? You'll notice that becoming curious about the woman is the BEST way to get out of your head and reduce that nervousness you feel. So instead of thinking of what you could say next to her, start being CURIOUS about her as a person. What is she talking about? O she’s talking about college…I wonder why she went to college? Let me ask her about it… Makes sense? So next time you’re in a conversation with a woman, start being curious about her. You’re going to see how the conversation will instantly become more NATURAL and easier to do. Improv Keith Johnstone wrote a book in the 60' called Improv. The book was written for actors but it has extremely good points for making conversations. Improv is about improvising a conversation. So with actors, they would start a scene and then actor A would say: “I'm John, and this is my house.” The actor B would then say, even though the actor A made everything up: “Hi John, you have a beautiful home. I especially love the flowers and the decor.” The actors would go on and on, developing a story with improvisation. :: 116 :: Improv is especially good for developing your free flow skills for the conversation. Remember, while we usually think in sequence, the conversation with women is mostly not sequential, but free flowing. I recommend you take time to study improv with your friends or join some improv clubs or classes. You might want to read the book, or you can take these few guidelines about how to have a natural conversation: 1. Be PRESENT The first thing you want to remember when it comes to being able to have a natural, free-flowing conversation is to stay PRESENT. Most guys are stuck in their head, thinking on what to say next. But this basically kills any chance for a conversation. Have you ever had an experience, where you were talking with somebody, but you noticed that his person wasn't completely “there” with you? You could feel the person was thinking about something else? Well, that's exactly how you appear to a woman, when she’s talking with you, and you're stuck in your head thinking of what to say next. Staying present can be a challenge – especially if you're the kind of guy who likes to think a lot. So there are some exercises that you can do, to help you stay more present. Meditation One of most useful exercises is to start doing meditation. You do this by just sitting in your chair, closing your eyes and just breathing into your stomach, focusing on your breath. I recommend you do 5 minutes of meditation every morning; Just sit there and try not to think about anything. This can definitely be hard, especially in the beginning. But as you do it more often, you will stop those thoughts and you'll be able to stay more present. Centering Exercise Another exercise is what I call, “Centering” exercise. :: 117 :: This exercise is extremely effective, and in a very short period of time, you can train your mind to stay present more. The way you do this exercise is you sit in your chair, and you find something to look ahead of you – it could be anything, the main thing is that it serves you to focus. As you look at the thing in front of you, slowly, without moving your eyes, turn on your peripheral vision, and try to see how much you can see on your right. Again, don't move your eyes as you do this. Then, try to see how much you see on your left. Next, try to see how much you can see above you. And then, how much can you see below you. Remember, you do all this while you're still looking at that object or a spot in front of you. The purpose of this exercise is for you to start focusing on the MOMENT, and get you OUT of your head. Notice that, when you focus on all 4 sides of your peripheral vision, you can NOT THINK of anything. Your brain just can't think when you are aware. So I recommend you do this exercise for 3 minutes every morning for the next 7 days. You'll notice the first changes after 3 days. 2. Notice the first thing that comes to your mind As I already mentioned, while you're talking with a woman, you'll hear certain key words. The second step to doing Improv is to take a KEY word, and notice what’s the FIRST THING that comes to your mind. For example, if I say the word flower, without you thinking about it too much, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? You might think of a rose. Then when I say “a rose”, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? :: 118 :: Maybe it’s something that you know about a rose…or maybe you remember when as a kid you gave a rose to your mom. 3. Don't say NO Then when you think of saying something, don’t say NO to it. SAY it. Don’t keep it to yourself. In the example that I gave you before, when a girl told me she was studying law, I remembered a friend of mine saying to me that her friends were studying law because they wanted to be like Ally McBeal in the episodes. So I made a comment about it…I mentioned it. I didn’t keep quiet. You want to do the same. When you hear a KEY word and something comes up for you – make a comment or ask a question about it. If you pay attention and stay present, you'll notice how this will become easier for you. You'll be talking with somebody, and the person will say something about how the weather is sunny today. Immediately, your mind will take you to a time when it was sunny and you did something with your friends. When that happens, SAY what's on your mind. Say something like, “Yea I love sunny weather. One time we went with a couple of my friend to this place, and it was really cool.” To recap, here's how to keep the conversation going with a woman: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be curious about her, Pay attention to what she's saying, Observe what comes to your mind first, and SAY it. I don't think it can get any simpler than this. :: 119 :: STEP 3: Play So you're talking with her for couple of minutes, the conversation is flowing, everything is going ok. But then you think to yourself, talking to her is all nice and well, but how do I show that I want to be more than JUST friends with her? How do I make the conversation more SEXUAL? And this brings us to the next step. You see, when a normal guy starts talking with a woman, he probably starts the conversation because he LIKES her. Maybe he likes her smile, her legs, or her overall look. But that conversation usually turns into being something other than liking her. It turns into some boring and LOGICAL conversation, about where they're from, about what they do or about the weather. Why? Simply because the guy that's talking with a woman doesn't know HOW to show to her that he wants to be MORE than "just friends". Most guys have NO IDEA on how to talk to a woman in a sexual way. So they either don't do or say ANYTHING, or they do something that actually HURTS their chances of winning the girl. Some guys shower a woman with COMPLIMENTS, hoping that that will win the woman's affection. They know this works with other people, so they assume that it will work with women as well. Some try to come out on the open, ADMIT their feelings, and let the woman know how they really feel. And some don't do anything. They simply HIDE the fact that they like her. But the problem is that neither of these ways don't give a woman the FEELING that she REALLY wants. What a woman REALLY wants is to feel ATTRACTION for the guy. :: 120 :: What am I talking about? What Is ATTRACTION? Attraction is a term we use to describe a feeling, of being sexually drawn to another person. That feeling that you feel, when you're walking down the street, and you see that HOT girl walking, and you become DRAWN to her… Well, that's ATTRACTION. Attraction is a powerful mechanism inside of us that kidnaps our entire body, and can make us do the wildest things to be with the other person. When a woman is attracted to you, no amount of logic or persuasion could make her not feel attraction for you. I have a friend, and couple of years ago, she was very in love with this guy. But he was a mess – he constantly got into fights, drank like there was no tomorrow, and was an overall crazy guy. When she got engaged to him, her parents offered her something like $30.000 NOT to marry him. But she still went ahead and married him. It's because she was ATTRACTED to him. And no amount of logic could convince her otherwise. And a woman wants a man to trigger that attraction inside of her. She wants a guy to give her that feeling of WANTING him. If a guy doesn't create attraction with a woman, then she will put him in… The Friend Zone The friend zone is a zone that a woman puts all the guys that she sees as "Just Friends", and not as potential romantic partner. If you act all friendly and nice, trying to make the woman to like you, by doing nice things for her - then she'll put you in the friend zone. If you act NEEDY and you want the woman to be with you because you're such a NICE guy, and you tell her how you REALLY feel about her she'll put you in the friend zone. :: 121 :: If you never say or do anything to create attraction with a woman, but you behave like a FRIEND to her - then she's going to treat you like a friend, and again, put you in the friend zone. When a woman puts a guy in the friends zone, there is very little chance that he’ll ever be able to hook up with her in the traditional sense of a date. To avoid the friend zone, you need to learn how to trigger ATTRACTION inside of a woman. The question is how? Is there a certain way of saying something that makes the woman feel attraction? Is it something you DO or SAY? To learn how to trigger attraction, first you need to understand… How Attraction Gets Triggered A big mistake is that most guys assume, that because they feel attraction by just seeing a hot woman, that a woman feels attraction the same way. However, as we said before, while men and women do want same things, they experience them differently. There are TWO major differences in how we experience attraction. The first difference is that we guys are attracted to what we SEE. Guys are primarily attracted to how a woman LOOKS on the outside. If her face is symmetrical, and her body is nicely sexy curved, we are attracted to it. But women aren't attracted to what the guy looks like as much as they are attracted to how a guy COMMUNICATES…the sound of his voice, his body language, the words he uses, and his overall confidence. I'm going to come back to how exactly you communicate to a woman to make her feel attraction later in the chapter, now let's take a look at the second difference. :: 122 :: The second difference is that for guys, feeling attraction is like an ON and OFF switch. When we see a hot woman, that switch goes to ON, and we INSTANTLY feel attraction. However, for women, the process is a little bit different. For women, it's not like a light switch that goes on or off, but more like a thermostat. They start at cold, and then they GRADUALLY get more and more attracted. So while for us guys it's, “Hot woman - LET'S GET NAKED!” …for women, it's more like: “Who is this guy? He's probably boring…O he's kind of interesting…But I'm sure he's going to mess it up soon…No, he's actually kind of fun…Let me try to mess with him a bit…O my god, my game isn't working, who is this guy?...I kind of want him…Let me cool down first…Where is he going…No, I want him…What is he doing…O my god, I like it… – LET'S GET NAKED!” So for women, attraction is a PROCESS, not an instant event. And just for the record, I've shortened the process above by about a hundred. Now that you know what's going on in the background, let's go back to our original question from the beginning - How to show to a woman that you want to be more than just FRIENDS? Creating Attraction In physics, attraction is a term we use to describe an event, when two opposite poles of something pull together, like two magnets. You know what I mean by poles – we have the North Pole, where polar bears live, and the South Pole. In electricity, we have a positive pole and a negative pole. For example, if you take two magnets and you turn their poles so they face each other opposite pole, they will by nature, ATTRACT. And they attract because they are OPPOSITES. This is the BASE for creating attraction with a woman. Imagine the conversation with a woman as being a play of two poles. :: 123 :: When you're having a nice and LOGICAL conversation, you're only being at one pole. But to create attraction, you need to add its OPPOSITE pole. And what's the opposite of logic? Right, it's EMOTION. So as you're having that logical and serious conversation with her, you want to mix in some emotion and fun… and PLAY with her. Let me give you an example of how this works. Let's say you're in a conversation with a woman, and after asking her about what she does, she tells you that she's a lawyer. So you guys end up having a very logical and serious conversation about law, and the justice system and how it needs improvements. Obviously, that kind of conversation is very serious. But to create attraction, you need to add the opposite of serious, which is nonserious. So you might want to add a comment like: “Yea, the justice system really needs improvements. They probably need more handsome guys like me to make things at least LOOK better.” Get it? What you've done here is you've combined serious conversation with humor. You’ve PLAYED a little bit. When you do this, you are using opposites, and you're creating ATTRACTION. Once you create that moment of attraction and chemistry, you want to keep doing it. You can't just say one line and then stop. Building attraction needs more time. So you want to keep combining the opposites, stacking them one on top of the other, until you feel you are ready to take it to the next level. :: 124 :: This could be taking her phone number, having an instant date with her, or asking her out on the spot – but we'll talk about how to do this in the next chapter. The kid in a man The easiest way to understand how to create attraction is by understanding this. A woman wants a serious MAN who she can feel SAFE. But at the same time, she also wants a KID who she can PLAY with. So to create attraction, you need to combine your serious, logical MAN, with that playful and emotional KID inside. And we all have that kid inside. And as you're talking with a woman, put that kid into the conversation. Use it, PLAY with her. Don't try to be all serious and logical. And when you're kidding and having fun with her, don't go too far as to becoming a clown. Underneath all of your playfulness, show that you are a secure, mature MAN who has his life handled. And that's the NATURAL'S way. Learning how to create attraction with a woman is not like learning to fix an engine, where you put one part on its place and then the second part etc. Learning to create attraction with a woman is like learning to surf. You need to get a FEEL for it. Because when you stand up to that surfing board, you WILL fall down the first time. But over time, as you get a feel for it, you'll start to get better and better. Tools To Play With A Woman Ok, so by now you've learned that the name of the game is about creating attraction with a woman, and not about showing her that you like her. You've learned what attraction is, how it works and you've learned that to create it, you need to combine the OPPOSITES in the conversation. :: 125 :: Now you may be asking, “I get the theory, but how can I APPLY this in the REAL world?” Are there any tools to use to create attraction while having a real conversation? Yes, there are. And here are some of my favorites. Push-Pull The first tool is called Push Pull. The way this tool works is by combining Pushing with Pulling. Let's say you're talking with a girl…and as you're talking, you notice something that you like about her, her smile for instance. So you compliment her about it. You say, “You have a really nice smile.” Now, what you've done is you’ve shown one side, the positive, warm and tender side of you. That's called a PULL. Now that you have pulled, you need to combine opposites by what? That's right, PUSHING. And if a pull was a compliment, the opposite is an INSULT. However, you can't go in with pure insulting her. You can't say, “Nice smile, you dirty bitch!!!” That's too much. So push doesn’t really mean insulting the woman, but it's more like TEASING her. So when you give her a compliment about her smile, and she smiles and say's thank you, you can TEASE her about having something between her teeth. As she smiles, you can say, “Umm, I think you got something between your teeth…” “What?” (Tries to remove it with her tongue) “Nah I'm just kidding…” That's going to create that moment of play, and the magic will happen. :: 126 :: Push pull goes beyond just complimenting and teasing. Pull refers to everything you ever do to show INTEREST to a woman, and push everything to show DISINTEREST. Pull is everything you do to show tenderness and sensitivity, push is everything you do to show aggression and toughness. And push can be as small as teasing her about having something between her teeth, or establishing a boundary by saying NO to her. Guys who just pull, pull and pull, often get put into the friend zone. It's because they are not using OPPOSITES. There's not attraction. Push-Pull is one of the basic tools for creating attraction. Not only that you want to use it, you want to INTERNALIZE it as a way of communicating with women. The more you do it, the more this way of communication is going to become a part of you. So learn how to use push pull. Play with her. Have fun. Stealing her frame Now this is another tool to have some fun and play with a woman. Let's say you meet a woman and she perceives everything you do as if you're trying to hit on her. So what you do is you STEAL her frame, and you pretend that everything she does is her attempt to pick YOU up. So for example, let's say you're sitting at a coffee table and the waitress comes over and says, “More coffee?” You might go, “O that's a cheesy pick up line. If you wanted to talk to me you could of just say Hi or something.” Again, you want to have fun with this, and not be so serious as you're saying this. Let's say you're in a night club and there's a girl looking at you the whole night. You might go over there and say, “You know what, I just came here to tell you, that I feel really uncomfortable with you looking me like that… I :: 127 :: mean, I know I'm handsome and all, but I'm not just a piece of meat, I have feelings too…” Right? You're stealing her frame and you're taking her role. This is a great tool to create fun moments and spark attraction between you two. Acting too comfortable around her This one is probably the most effective and the easiest to do. So as you're with her, instead of being tense, you purposefully relax and you pretend that you are TOO comfortable. Pretend you’ve known her for YEARS, and behave the same way as you behave with a friend that you know really well. Say stuff like, “I can't believe you're suck a goof…” When you say this, ELONGATE the pronunciation of a word. An example of this can be the saying “Shut up.” You can say shut up by having a serious face and saying it with a straight, cut voice. But if you want to show that you're too comfortable around somebody, you can say “Shuuut uuupp”…and be all casual about this. Makes sense? This is going to create this feeling of comfort and casualness, and the woman is just going to go along with the game. I recommend you watch some Conan O'Brien show clips on YouTube. Type in “Conan travels”, and just notice how casual and comfortable he acts around new people. Don't give her a direct answer Most guys give answers to a woman like they would in a job interview. So if a girl asks them, “What do you?”, they answer her immediately. But a question like that is a great opportunity to PLAY with her a little bit. So for example, if she asks you about what you do, you might say: :: 128 :: “I'm not sure I can tell you, because if I do, I'm going to have to kill you.” And you smile and wink at her. Or you could give her a ridiculous answer, like “I fix light bulbs…” or, “I’m an ass model”. Of course she’s going to know you’re kidding. But that’s the whole point – to show your other side – a that KID side of you. You can tell her what you do later… but you want to play with her a little bit at the start. Set Boundaries This isn't what most guys intuitively think of doing. But as you're talking with a woman, and you're being playful with her, you want to show that other side of you – the MAN side. The easiest way you to do this is you set a boundary with her as soon as possible. So let’s say you’re on a date, and you walk into a restaurant. She says, “let’s sit here…”, and points to a table. Instead of agreeing with her, say, “No, let’s sit here…”, and you choose another table. Remember, attraction is played by opposites. So always balance playing with seriousness, balance the man with a kid. So these are some of the tools you can use to help yourself with creating attraction. I also want to mention that the intention here is not for you to rely on techniques. The intention here is to invoke that kid-playfulness inside of you, and use that with women. That's the natural's way. Remember, it's about combining your serious man with playful kid. And you have both of you inside already. So now I want to mention a most common reason for why most guys KILL attraction with a woman. :: 129 :: Chasing Women and Being NEEDY One of the fastest way to KILL any attraction you have with a woman, is to start chasing the woman or being NEEDY. So it’s very important to remember that you should NEVER chase women. Start a conversation, continue the conversation – but never chase them. Don't get needy and insecure. Picture it this way – women are like cats. If you start running after a cat, even if the cat knows you, it’s going to run away. It’s just what cats do. So with women, never chase them. Start a conversation with them, continue it – but don’t try to “force” her into liking you. Instead, you want to show an air of INDIFFERENCE. Function with this beliefs: “If you want to stay, great. If you don’t, well – I wish you best.” But this is not what most guys do. Most guys chase a woman and develop this needy feeling. But if a woman senses that you're needy, than that creates the opposite of attraction. It creates REPULSION. A woman feels the need to RUN away from you. So don’t do it. Stay indifferent. Be willing to leave at any point in the conversation. Remember when we talked about a belief that every natural has – there will never run out of beautiful women. Keep that belief in mind. Know that there is always another woman around the corner, so don't become fixated on ONE specific girl. Here's what I discovered in life: If I work on myself continuously, the right people come to me. I might initiate the conversation or a contact, but I never chase them. So never chase women. Work on yourself, and the right women will show up. :: 130 :: “Don't chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people - the ones who really belong in your life - will come to you. And stay.” - :: 131 :: Will Smith Tests From Women I want to take a moment to write about this important aspect of talking with women – testing. So what are tests? Do you remember when we said that the number one thing that a woman wants in a man is a feeling that she can be SAFE with him? If you remember, we said that the way women sense if they can feel safe with a man is through his CONFIDENCE. Well, how do you suppose a woman can MAKE SURE if a guy is really that confident about himself as he is showing himself to be? She can ask him… She can ask his friends… She can take her crystal ball and a look inside for an answer… Or she can do the most reliable thing in the world – TEST him, and see how he responds. How a woman tests a man The way a woman tests a man is not by conscious effort. Most of the time a woman isn’t even AWARE that she’s testing a man. She does this intuitively… by being her WORST self…and then sees how a man RESPONDS. So if it ever happened to you, that as you were talking with a woman, all of the sudden, she became moody, or irrational, or just plain bitchy… That was a TEST to see how you’ll respond. These tests are also called *shit* tests…because a woman behaves as the name implies, the woman gives you *shit*. With tests, a woman wants to see if a guy is going to STOP being SURE of himself and of what he’s doing, or will he KEEP his SURE attitude, and not let her test faze him. :: 132 :: Guys who fail at women’s test, instantly KILL attraction…but guys who pass their tests, AMPLIFY that attraction, and make the woman want them MORE. How to pass a woman’s tests With tests, a woman wants to test your strength…your firmness in holding your ground, and almost your mental power. She wants to see if she can “Get” to you, and throw you off balance. And mainly what she wants to know is if she has any POWER over you. Because if she finds out that she has, then she’ll figure that she can never open up to you, and be safe to be who she really is. Makes sense? I know it doesn't…but hey, that's women. They don't have to make sense to us. But anyways, how to pass her test? You see, guys who are powerful inside don’t let women affect them. If she behaves like a spoiled brat, they don’t get angry…they LAUGH. If she plays a high demanding drama queen, they don’t yell at her…they make FUN of her behavior. They don’t FOLLOW the woman and her mood…they stay on their own course. In other words, they stay unaffected by her behavior. They stay in their state of CERTAINTY. But guys who aren’t powerful inside, follow the woman. If she starts whining, they REACT to her whining. If she get’s bitch, they REACT to her bitching. Some guys just even WUSS out…they put their head down, and do as the woman wants. Some get angry and yell at the woman…but that’s just a different side of the same coin; the woman was able to get to them, and they reacted. So the way to pass her test is to not let her test AFFECT you. :: 133 :: Instead of REACTING to her tests, you want to RESPOND to them. What’s the difference? The difference between reacting and responding is that when you react, you do it without conscious thought. But when you respond, you take a moment to think about what’s going on, and you find an appropriate response. If you step on a cat’s tail, and she jumps up and scratches you, that’s a reaction. But if the cat would to respond, she would have to stop, notice that you stepped on her tail, turn around and politely ask you, “Could you please get your foot off my tail…” So let me give you a real-world example of this. “I have a boyfriend" Let’s say you’re talking with a woman, you’re building attraction with her…when all of the sudden, she says to you, “You know, I have a boyfriend…” When this happens, most guys get lost for words…they don’t get the mixed signal that this girl is sending to them. They lose their state of CONFIDENCE. But the reason she mentioned her boyfriend is because she wants to see how you’ll handle it…will it throw you off track and make you lost for words, or will you stay unchanged and unaffected? So how would you pass this test? One of my coaching members told me how he went out, and this girl told him she has a boyfriend. In response, he said to her, “I have a dog”. He said the woman burst out laughing when he said that. BAM. Test passed. Why? :: 134 :: Because he'd shown her that he doesn't care…he stayed in his state of being sure of himself. Let’s say you tell a woman to write her number down, and she says: “I don’t know if I should give you my number…” Now most guys would get confused on to what to do. But when you develop that feeling of being SURE of yourself, this doesn’t faze you. You just say, “It’s ok…write it down…I’m only going to call you 10 times per day…” Let’s say you say Hi to her, but she ignores you. Most guys would just run away feeling insulted, but you could say, “Hey, I said Hi, didn’t you hear me?” …And you smile and wink at her. Get it? By doing this, you show that you’re not easily fazed…that you are in charge of your reality, and that you don’t back down that easily. If you want to know how this looks like, rent the movie Hitch, and observe the scene when Will Smith's character and Eva Mendez's character meet for the first time. Right before they meet, a guy approaches her - gets tested – and fails miserably. You might want to go on YouTube and search for this scene – I think it even has the commentary added, so you can get a better understanding of it. So now you’ve learned about tests. Just realize that as you’re talking with a woman, she’s probably going to test your confidence in your conversation. So be prepared to pass those tests. Whatever you do, don’t lose your state of confidence or feeling sure of yourself. Keep it there at all times. After you pass her tests, she will let go of her shield…she’ll open up, and be who she really is with you. Because she’s going to know that you are someone who is strong enough. :: 135 :: Step 4: LEAD To The Next Step After you build attraction, and you play with a woman, you want to do the next step – which is what? What is your next step? Is it getting her phone number? Is it going on an instant date with her? Is it setting up a date for some other day? First you need to decide what is your next step with her. Truth is, there will ALWAYS be another next step. You see, after you get her number, the next step is to call her up and set up a date…, and when you’re on a date, the next step is becoming physical and kissing. So the question is HOW? How do you lead to the next level? If it’s asking her for her phone number, or asking her out on a date, or kissing her for the first time, how do you do that? One of the most important concepts of this book and of being a natural, confident man is to LEAD the woman. What does it mean to lead? If you start a conversation by saying something, LEAD that conversation where you keep saying something. And when you get comfortable with keeping that conversation going, LEAD the process to creating attraction with her. And when you create attraction with her, LEAD to the next level. The main thing is this; you are the man, and you need to LEAD. Don’t argue with me over this. Just take my word for it. Some guys get “upset” about them having to lead. Sometimes guys say to me, “But why should I lead all the time? Why do I need to do all the work, and she doesn’t have to do anything?” She actually does many things…but she doesn’t lead. She relies on YOU to lead. :: 136 :: Accept this as the reality of the world. If you don’t like it, when you get your own planet, you can change it to be the way you want it. For now, know this; YOU need to take the RESPONSIBILITY for taking stuff to the next level – and not “hope” that somehow she will lead. Women HATE when a guy wants them to lead. So don’t try to make her to lead. So right now let’s dug deeper into the *HOW-TO* of leading to the next step. Getting her phone number Let’s talk about how you ask her for her number. You’ve been talking with her for couple of minutes, you’ve built some comfort, you’ve built some attraction - now you decide that you’d like to have her number – how do you do that? It’s very simple actually. While most guys will go around this subject, and usually ASK the woman to give them their number, like: “Hey, maybe I can get your number and we can get together sometimes”… and be overwhelmed by insecurity - you want to do something else. You see, when guys ask her for her number like that, what they are actually doing is they are trying to put the responsibility for number-giving to HER. They don’t lead her through the process – they want the woman to lead them, and give them her number on their own. But again, you want to LEAD her to that number. You want to take the entire responsibility on you. So instead of asking her to give it to you, you TELL her to give it to you. You say, “Ok, it was really nice talking to you…here (you take out your phone and give it to her), put your number in my phone…and I’ll give you a call sometime when I’m all drunk and lonely…” She’s going to take your phone, and she WILL put her number down. If she tests you, and gives you an excuse, like “I don't know if I should give :: 137 :: you my phone number…”, then that’s a test, and you know how to handle it. Remember, as you do this, you’ll be getting outside of your comfort zone. You may feel some discomfort and fear. Know that this is normal. Just don’t let your fear stop you. Recognize that you feel fear about telling her for her number. Then accept this as a normal thing. Accept your fear, and stop fighting it. Everybody has it, so it’s ok. When she puts her number in your phone, don’t immediately go away. It’s going to create a weird situation, as if her number was the prize that you just won. TALK to her for a minute…or more, depending on the time you have. And then say, “Ok, I gotta go now…it was nice meeting you, you seem like you’re going to make a good FRIEND. Talk to you again, bye” Saying she seems like a good friend sends a mixed signal. Taking her number is a strong Pull, where you obviously showed that you are interested in hearing or seeing her again. To balance it, you need a Push, which amplifies that attraction. Setting up the date When you have that number in your pocket, don’t go for that whole “wait for 3 days before you call her” stuff. If you think she’s a nice girl, call her or text her the next day. Also, don’t sit in your room and look at your phone for 45 minutes before you decide to call her. You don’t want to sound freaked out on the phone. So I suggest you call her up while you’re on the way to somewhere, because this relaxes your mind. For example, as you're going to your friends house, you pick up the phone and call her up. Why? Because when you have something to do AFTER you hang up with her, you have a certain energy that can be felt in your voice. :: 138 :: When you call her and she picks up, relax, and say, “Hey, what’s up dorky, remember me?” Sometimes the woman won’t remember you…so if you create a nickname for her as you’re talking with her, like “dorky”, than that’s a cool way to anchor yourself so she instantly remembers you. Then you say, “Yea I know you were looking at your phone the whole time waiting me to call you…so I thought of giving you a ring…what's up? Then have couple of seconds of a normal conversation, and then ask, "What are you doing tomorrow at 4pm…I thought we could go hang out on a cup of coffee”. If she starts acting weird, and saying stuff like, “O I can’t tomorrow…”, know that this can be a test. So don’t play catch-me-if-you-can with her. Don't go, “Well, how about day after that, or the day after that, or the weekend…” Just ask her, “Ok, when are you available then?” When she suggests a day, then you suggest the hour, so you show that you are leading again. When you set up an hour, you be the one who ends the conversation…because again, by doing this, you show that you're leading. Women flake When you set up a date, prepare for the possibility that a woman doesn’t show up. She can “change her mind” and not show up. If you think the woman will flake on you, just bluntly ask her, “What are the chances that you flake and don’t show up?” Don’t be aggressive now Rocky…just ask a normal question. Ways to Start Being Physical KINO sequence Once you’re with a woman, one of the most important things to do is to touch her as soon as possible. But don’t grab her tit or something; you need to learn how to do this in a NATURAL way. :: 139 :: KINO sequence is basically a natural sequence of how you start being PHYSICAL with a woman. For example, there are some natural steps from meeting to kissing. You don’t immediately after meeting a woman start kissing with her – well, unless she’s a different kind of girl – you feelin’ me right… The natural PHYSICAL steps from meeting to kissing are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Touching Hand holding Hugging, caressing Kissing However, even when you know these steps, you don’t go through them like you would go through a checklist. Ok, touch her – did this. Hold her hand – did this. Let me get a kiss now. No. With women, you want to use this sequence: 2 steps forward, 1 step back Instead of going straight to the score (GOOAAAL!) … With women, you take 2 steps forward, and then you take 1 step back. Do you remember when we talked about 2 questions and 1 comment sequence. Well that was for conversations…but you use the same principle when touching a woman. So maybe you touch her by her shoulder… and then you let her go completely. Then you touch her shoulder and you hold her hand… and then you let go of her hand and you just touch her shoulder. Then you hold her hand and maybe touch her hair…and you look at her in the eyes… :: 140 :: Then you gently kiss her… And then you stop. So it’s 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Also, you might be asking, how do you do that EXACTLY? You probably don’t just grab her shoulders or her hands and start touching her? Of course not. Touching When you just meet a woman, maybe you start playing with her and tease her… and then you gently push her by her shoulders. For example, if she say’s that she’d been out yesterday, and that she’s still kind of tired, you can tease her about it and say, “Whoa I think you still have some alcohol in you…don’t fall on me here”, and push her shoulders gently in a kidding way. If a girl does something that I approve of, like she says she likes the same team as I do, I’ll take as an opportunity to give her a high five, or even hug her in a cheering way. “You like the same team? O that's awesome…” and I hug her while saying that. Makes sense? If I’m out on a date with a woman, and we’re at a restaurant, I like to play being too comfortable with her, and take something that I’m playing with, like a napkin – and just gently, in a kidding way, stroke her with that. Why? Because I want to show that I’m too comfortable with her, which makes her relax and become more comfortable around me. Hand Holding One of the easiest ways to start holding a woman’s hand is to learn some palm reading techniques, where you can read a person’s palm and tell them stuff about them. :: 141 :: Just get a book on palm reading on Amazon or type in “palm reading techniques” on Google, and do a little bit of research. And the next time you're with a woman, and you want to hold her hand, you can say, “You know, you can know a lot from a person’s hands...”, and you gently take her hand, open it up, and read it. Even if you don't know how to read her palm, you can just pretend that you know how to. It’s a fun game you can play with women, and women just love it. I remember one time, I hooked up with a group of girls and they invited me to sleep over in their apartment (I know, I know…I’m the man). Well, I started doing this palm reading on this one girl, and soon they all lined up to get their palms read. Of course I made a lot of stuff up, like that they’re about to fall in love with an incredibly handsome guy that’s sleeping over, and then that they will fight with their friends over him. Which actually happened, but that’s a different story… So you want to have fun with this. Kissing So you’re on a date, you’re having a great time, you’re talking…and now you two are alone, maybe in your car or some other place. You’ve done some Kino, where you touched her and she touched you, and now you feel like you want to KISS her. What you do is you look at her, and you gently touch her hair. If she looks back at you and likes it, then gently lean in closer to her lips…but don’t kiss her immediately. Let her come a little bit closer. Then slowly kiss her. If you want to tease her a bit, you might come closer to her as if you’re going to kiss her, and then say…not yet. If you’re kissing for the first time, don’t go rolling on her like you haven’t seen a girl in ages (even if that’s true). Gently kiss her, and then slowly escalate to more “heavy” kissing. :: 142 :: Do It All Over Again This last chapter of this book is called do it all over again. So what do I mean by that? Let's say you're on a date with the woman. What do you do now? Well, on that date, you will probably have a conversation. So you learned how to do that. You will probably have some fun and play with her – you also learned how to do that. The woman will probably test you to see how confident you really are – and you learned how to pass those tests as well. At the end of the night, you’ll want to kiss her – which is going to make you feel uncomfortable and you’ll feel some fear. You also learned how to do that as well. So when I say do it all over again, I'm basically saying that now you know the foundations – and you want to build on them. I once heard a quote that mastery is just learning fundamentals really well. So master these fundamentals. Do them over and over again until they become a part of you. And even though I gave you the steps of meeting to kissing in a sequential order…they are not meant to be used strictly in that sequence. The purpose of a sequence is to serve you as a learning vehicle. The structure from meeting to dating is there so you use it until you get a hang of it. But as you gain experience, and you learn how to do each step, you can mix the steps. For example, instead of saying something and then keep saying something, you can immediately start creating attraction by playing with a girl within seconds of meeting her. :: 143 :: You can be at a grocery store, and when the cashier girl wants to take your credit card, you play with her by taking it away when she reaches out to take it. By doing that, you create that fun spark – and then you can start a conversation. So the steps laid out in this book are here so your learning experience can be easier. But when you get a hold of them, you can use them in your own sequence. Makes sense? Remember what I said before; you already know what you need to do. You have it in your DNA. So just do it, go out and start talking to women, and everything that you need, will come out on the surface. So don't try to learn too much. Just learn the fundamentals and then do them repeatedly. I challenge you to learn these steps. I challenge you to become who you need to be and then to do what you need to do. I challenge you to prove to yourself that you already know this. I thank you for your commitment to learning and developing yourself and allowing me to share with you the simple ideas that helped me have the success I have today. To conclude, I want to leave you with a quote that I already mentioned in this book. "Luck favors the stupid. So be stupid enough to actually do it." :: 144 :: Make It Happen Congratulations! You’ve finished the book! You probably feel different by now…you may even have used some of the stuff in the book. And although I did my best to keep things simple, the information in this book can be overwhelming, especially when you just want to start DATING. And because of that, a lot of guys might read the book, and then not do anything with what they learn. I thought about what I could do about it, and after much thinking, I've decided to give some of you an opportunity to get a free, 30 minute session with me personally, called “Make It Happen”, in which I will help you overcome your BIGGEST CHALLENGE, whether it be: - Approach Anxiety and starting conversations with women, - Continuing the conversation after you say something, - Creating Attraction, avoiding the friend zone and taking things to the next level Working on your KEY challenge can work as a snowball effect…because if you eliminate one thing that is stopping you, that can work as a snowball and inspire you to take more and more action. During this powerful 30-minute "Make It Happen coaching session" we’ll work together to... - Create a crystal clear vision for the kind of women you’d like to be dating and how you’d like your dating life to look like - We’ll uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success with women and dating - You’ll leave the session renewed, reenergized and inspired to take consistent action in your dating, and love life so that you can finally have the success with women that you’ve always wanted. To claim your FREE “Making It Happen” coaching session, simply visit my and fill out the questionnaire. :: 145 ::
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