Wexford Conservancy 2014-2015 PROPERTY OWNER's GENERAL/FULLPOWER PROXY FORM If you are unable to attend the Annual Meeting of the Wexford Conservancy to be held on 17, April 2014, at the Montclair Country Club located at 16500 Edgewood Drive, Dumfries, VA 22025 at 7:00 p.m. you must complete and return this Proxy. Fill it out, initial and sign where required, then mail it to the Association Secretary at the address located at the bottom of page two of this form. You may also hand deliver this proxy to any member of the Board of Trustees. You may grant either a LIMITED / DIRECTED PROXY or you may grant a GENERAL PROXY. Each type is explained below. IT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAT YOU EITHER PERSONALLY ATTEND THE MEETING OR RETURN THIS PROXY SO THAT THE ASSOCIATION CAN FUNCTION AND CONDUCT BUSINESS. Your Proxy may be placed in the name of any member or Officer of the Board of Trustees by name or title, or anyone you know who will personally attend the meeting. Proxies must be submitted to the Secretary of the Wexford Board of Trustees prior to the convening of the meeting. If you are determined not to be a “Member in Good Standing” prior to any meeting that this proxy may be used for it may be limited in its use and may only be used for the purpose of establishing a quorum. PROXY I, Owner needs to add their name here , the owner of the property located at Owner to enter their mailing address here , hereby grant this Proxy for purposes as described in Article IV, Sections 3, 4, and 5, of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) of the Wexford Conservancy Homeowner Association. This Proxy carries with it the intent of the undersigned to be represented at the meeting of members specified herein by the individual specified to whom this Proxy is issued. THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, do hereby issue the aforementioned Proxy to: Enter person's name or title here who will be my true and lawful Proxy at any meeting of the Wexford Conservancy (Townhome Association) at a date, time, and place to be held per official Meeting Notice or as otherwise stated, noted, or published elsewhere by the Board of Trustees, or any continuation meeting thereof, pursuant to the Governing Documents of the Association and in accordance with Virginia Code or Statutes. Choose one of the following four (4) options: 1. This Limited Proxy is to be used to represent me for purposes of a quorum only at any meeting of the Wexford Conservancy General Membership. Initial here -- DO NOT TYPE: Initial here if option 1 is your choice. Leave blank if this is not your choice. ____________ 1 of 2 You can enter any person's name here or delegatePage your Proxy to any Officer on the existing Board of Trustees by entering Wexford President, Wexford Vice President, Wexford Secretary, or Wexford Treasurer. Wexford Conservancy 2. This LIMITED/DIRECTED Proxy is to be used to represent me for purposes of a quorum at any meeting of the General Membership and to vote for Candidates for the Wexford Board of Trustees at the annual meeting. I have included my official ballot with my choice of Candidates for the Board of Trustees and votes on questions before the Board of Trustees or Amendments to Wexford’s Governing Documents. Initial here if option 2 is your choice. blank if this is not your choice. Initial here -- DO NOT TYPE: Leave ____________ 3. This LIMITED/DIRECTED Proxy is to be used to represent me for purposes of a quorum at any meeting of the General Membership and to vote for Candidates for the Wexford Board of Trustees at the annual meeting. I have not included my official ballot and my designee may cast a vote on my behalf as they see fit for Candidates for the Board of Trustees and to vote on questions before the Board of Trustees and Amendments to Wexford’s Governing Documents. Initial here if option 3 is your choice. blank if this is not your choice. Initial here -- DO NOT TYPE: Leave ____________ 4. This is a GENERAL PROXY that may be used by the individual named herein by name or office to exercise my vote on my behalf on any and all issues brought before a meeting requiring a vote by the General Membership. Note to Member: Be very careful in choosing this option as it is the most easily misused. Use this only if you explicitly trust the person holding this proxy. Initial here if option 4 is your choice. Leave blank if this is not your choice. Initial here -- DO NOT TYPE: ____________ Enter date you wish this proxy to expire if not 11 months from now This proxy expires Eleven Months from the date signed or this date: ___________________________ As a member of the Wexford Conservancy (Townhome Association), I hereby execute this Proxy. SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ Person witnessing the filling out of and Witness: signing of this proxy needs to sign here Mail to: Wexford Conservancy C/o RH1 Management, LLC. 18319 Triangle Shopping Plaza Suite 216 Dumfries, VA 22026 Page 2 of 2 DATE: ________________________
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