Special Interest Groups 15 active Special Interest Groups that run meetings 3 – 4 times a year AFSUG is an organisation of CUSTOMERS for CUSTOMERS. Through the sharing of our own experiences and the provision of expert insights into SAP and Partner service offerings, the goal of AFSUG is to demonstrate how SAP's technologies can deliver business value whilst lowering the TCO. In this booklet, we take the opportunity to bring you information on some of AFSUG's services and the membership fees. A key feature of these forums is the to be value gained in talking with many other customers within the African User Community. Special Interest Groups are core to the user interaction and are geared to bring you customer success stories. rete) (Disc e v i t mo - Auto try nship Indus er Relatio tom - Cus gement ent Mana ion nagem t a a c M u l pita - Ed ity an Ca ustainabil m u H S rprise - Ente C nt GR geme a n M a r e M EP ycle weav - Net uct Life-C d - Pro il & CPG stry u a - Ret ultural Ind ies c tr i - Agr ss Indus nship e c io t - Pro lier Rela t and p p emen - Su gement g a n a Mana Chain M y l p - Sup stics Logi ility - Mob es ices iti - Util cial Serv n a - Fin Customer Collaboration What is it and how can I participate? What is the process? A program that SAP have put in place to assist Customers with development requests that will be more effective in processing them timeously and not as before, where should the request take longer than a specified time, the request becomes invalid. We encourage participation in the Customer Connection Programme in order for you the customer to have your say and utilise the enhancements that SAP make. Program Overview Direct input and feedback from our customers and user groups is essential for us to improve the solutions in productive use. To structure the input and feedback, we run three major programs, each with a different focus: - Customer Connection - Customer Engagement Initiative - Customer Advisory Councils How to get involved Improvement Vision Innovation Today’s Solution Planned Solution Future Directions Customer Connection Customer Engagement Initiative Customer Advisory Councils Improvements Next Products and Solutions Strategic Concepts Customers who are interested in participating should contact their local user group and find out whether it participates in the program and what focus topics are currently in process. For more information on Customer Connection visit SAP Service Marketplace: www.service.sap.com/customer-connection (new users can register at www.service.sap.com/request-user) Search for available improvements delivered in the Customer Connection: www.sapimprovementfinder.com. 2 Customer Connection Programme Key characteristics of customer connection - A program which is open to all customers who are organized in one of the SAP user groups. The program is directed at incrementally enhancing and improving the products and solutions that SAP customers are using today. It offers AP customers the opportunity to suggest small enhancements to products and solutions in mainstream maintenance, for fast and nondisruptive delivery via notes and support packages. - Following a project approach, the program is fully customer-driven and structured by focus topics (e.g. Banking CML, CRM Marketing… ) suggested by the participating user groups: - Customers submit improvement requests using an online collaboration tool - By subscribing to an improvement request, customers express support for the request and that they plan to use the suggested improvement productively after its delivery - Improvement requests supported by a relevant number of customers are evaluated by SAP and selected for development - During the development phase, participating customers are involved in reviewing specifications and testing - Improvements are typically delivered through notes. This allows customers to deploy the incremental enhancements independent of support package and enhancement package schedules. - Transparency and close interaction between SAP and the participating customers is at the heart of Customer Connection. We hold regular virtual meetings throughout the process, giving customers detailed feedback on status and decisions related to their improvement requests. 3 Executive Exchange Starting in February 2012, it has been AFSUG's intent to work in close collaboration with SAP AG and other User Groups worldwide to bring a series of value adding forums and events exclusively for User Group Members. In doing so, our aim is to provide you with in-depth knowledge of SAP's strategies, interact with senior SAP executives and to provide you with a platform to directly influence SAP's product development. We intend to continue this over the coming years. • We invite CEOs as well as CIOs and CFOs to be a part of this network, to find out what industry standards are. • Bring HOT TOPICS that you need to know about from key people within SAP Globally. • How to make the correct decisions when buying and lot’s more. AFRICA the Bigger Picture for AFSUG The African SAP User Group is driving expansion into Africa, and 2012 saw the launch of West Africa, (WASUG) and planned for 2013, Angola Mozambique – (AMSUG), and SADC regions. We have set-out the detailed membership options for customers who fall under AFRCIA: - South Africa - East Africa - West Africa - Angola and Mozambique - SADC Regions The South Africa model of the user group will be mirrored into these areas and also over 48 Special Interest Group meetings will be run in these regions in 2013!!! We will be looking for volunteers to sit on Regional Committees for each region and the monies collected by AFSUG will be funnelled back into events and driving the SAP User Group message into the user community. Should you be interested in being a part of the Regional Committee, please send your details to Tracey Greig – [email protected]. Region Breakdown 1 - SAP Represenatives 3 - Customer Representatives 1 - Partner Representatives The AFSUG Board of Directors will govern each Regional Committe Africa Region Chairman Cuan Kloppers AFSUG Customer Representative 1 Vice Chair Richard Thorpe AFSUG Customer Representative 2 AFSUG Treasure Nic Grobelaar AFSUG Customer Representative 2 Marketing Manager Tracey Greig AFSUG Partner Representative 3 Membership fees are listed both in ZAR and USD, and will be payable by the 1st March 2013 in order for your company to be included in the event programme for 2013 as well as any additional information that AFSUG is able to share on a weekly basis such as: • SIG Events - more than 60 a year - network with your peers, find out what other customers did • Partner Hot Topics events • Customer Connenction Programme - What is it? • Access to Executive Exchange - CIO's and CFO's - what are industry standards and hot topics • Annual Conference's - User Group • SUGEN - Knowledge Transfer Programme - How do you particpate and get the information • Global User Group - Webinar's • Local Webinar's We encourage you as a company leader, to sign-up without delay and get the early bird membership fee should you pay before December 2012 and save 10%. Membership fees are enclosed For detailed information on any of the above topics please visit: www.afsug.co.za or speak to Tracey Greig – 27 11 235-6141 or [email protected] 5 SUGEN – SAP User Group Executive Network AFSUG is a key member of the SAP User Group Executive Network (SUGEN) that was founded in 2007 to foster the information exchange and best practice sharing among SAP User Groups and to coordinate the collaboration with SAP for strategic topics. It is a united network of 16 User Group Communities across six continents. In this area, you can find general information about SUGEN. Objective SUGEN is the Global Network of SAP User Groups that will provide a collective view of strategic issues that need to be addressed by SAP. It will be a powerful, international voice that unites regional SAP User Groups in an open, honest dialogue between members and SAP that ultimately drives the market towards excellence, innovation and success. Core Purpose The purpose of SUGEN is to create and sustain collaborative bodies that foster the sharing of information, expertise and experience users and SAP cannot find anywhere else. SUGEN will identify strategic priorities and act on programs to advance and apply technology for the greater gain of the SAP customer community. It is fostering international market views including customers’ short and long term demand drivers, major challenges and business imperatives. Furthermore, SUGEN is guiding and inspiring SAP in delivering worldwide aligned support for the mutual benefit of the user communities and SAP. Main deliverables As the collective voice of SAP User Groups, SUGEN is the channel to provide SAP with a consolidated view on influential priorities. These can vary from case to case on SAP products, services or anything else from the SAP ecosystem. If applicable, charters are founded to build a task force working on a particular topic for a certain period of time. In these task forces, several members from local user groups and SAP employees engage. In addition, SUGEN provides a method for communication among User Groups and SAP. New and urgent topics from both sides can be addressed in an open dialog. Thereby, it assures a proper documentation of the priorities. Furthermore, the user groups who are members of SUGEN share best practices amongst each other and SAP. These best practices can focus on the organization of the groups and different programs that are executed. 6 SUGEN Member User Groups • African SAP User Group (AFSUG) • Americas' SAP Users' Group (ASUG) • ASUG Argentina (website under construction) • ASUG Brazil • ASUG Mexico • Asociación de Usuarios de SAP España (AUSAPE) • German speaking SAP User Group (DSAG) • Indian Users of SAP (INDUS) • Japanese SAP User Group (JSUG) • SAP UK & Ireland User Group • SAP Svenska Användarförening (SAPSA) • SAP Australian User Group (SAUG) • SAP Users Group-Middle East & North Africa (SUG-MENA) • SAP Brukerforening Norge (SBN Norge) • Utilisateurs SAP Francophones (USF) • Vereniging Nederlandstalige SAP Gebruikers (VNSG) Current active SUGEN charters Licensing Engagement Due to the rapidly changing technical and business environment, SAP’s software licensing model has evolved over the years and their Price List and customer contracts have become more complex. As a result, customers do not believe they have a clear understanding of what they have or have not licensed and they are looking to obtain a better understanding of their existing contracts. Additionally, customers are interested in SAP’s long-term product strategy in order to understand how it will impact them from a licensing standpoint. HANA SAP’s introduction of in-memory computing technology on the SAP HANA platform created a lot of interest. Customers and User Groups want to have a clear understanding of the capabilities of the new In Memory (IM) technology and SAP’s go-to-market strategy for SAP HANA. From a customer perspective it is important to understand when and how to adopt and implement HANA. Additionally these parties are asking for a roadmap to adopt SAP’s latest innovation Knowledge Transfer Purpose of this charter is to increase adoption rate of SAP Innovation and enable customers to achieve Continual Improvement from their existing installation by understanding SAP product and service in collaboration with entire eco-system in local level. The SUGEN Knowledge Transfer Charter evaluates the requirements of an enhanced and simplified knowledge transfer between the User Groups, its members and SAP. The goal is to facilitate knowledge transfer in an easier and enhanced way and provide a “knowledge transfer package”. Expected customer benefit: • Provide an approach that focuses on the real usage of knowledge transfer at the local level and its process inside SAP, SAP to partner and SAP to customers. • Simplify the way for knowledge transfer which may apply across all regions by involving real usage of knowledge transfer assets of each user group. 7 Partner Programme 2013 We encourage all partners to sign-up for 2013. We offer partners a 5% discount should they pay before the end of December 2012. Please note, that going forward into 2013, for all Special Interest Group meetings, AFSUG will only allow partners who are part of the attached price-list and a level 2 member present at any of our SIG’s - it is no longer open to partners who are not a part of the programme in totality. This decision has been made at Board Level after Partner input at a round table held on the 26th September 2012. You will understand the programme is designed to give partners a formal platform to utilise the AFSUG Database and showcase any service offerings or products that are pertinent to the SAP Customer / Prospect Community. We also have included how to go into AFRICA with AFSUG and expect a huge growth curve in the area but we can only do this in conjunction with partners who have a footprint into Africa. • Note - Travel AFSUG do not pay for any flights for Partners who are speaking at any of the events throughout 2013, only customers flights, accommodation and additional costs are covered. We do allow different Partner speakers to take the speaking slot in each region to assist you with travel costs should the need arise. Should you require any additional information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact Tracey Greig – [email protected] Customer - Membership Fees 2013 Company name: Contact person (SAP Champion) Email Contact CIO: Billing Address: VAT Number: Email Contact Number Contact Number SIGN DATE Please tick which option your company will fit into: Customer More than 701 Users Between 401-700 Users Between 201 – 400 Users Between 51 to 200 Users Less than 50 Users Customer All-in-One / Business One Individual Event (Per SIG - only for SIG's) Africa - All Regions South Africa or East Africa or West Africa The below membership covers your members for all 3 regions. 40,000 35,000 28,000 21,000 12,000 9,000 1,100 USD Rate (Africa) Value Matrix TICK option you are confirming TICK option SIG Webinars you are Attendanc confirming e - South Africa or Any African Region 4900 4300 3400 2500 1500 1100 150 Newsletter Customer Connection Programme SUGEN Updates - Global User Knowledge share - on-line Conferen ce Collaboration Discount AFSUG Paying Events discount ed rates apply 9 Partner - Membership Fees 2013 Company Name Contact Person 1 (SAP Champion) Contact Person 2: Billing Address VAT Number Should you have a CIO please supply details: Email Email Contact Number Contact Number Email Contact Number Sign Date PLEASE TICK BELOW IN BOX TO ALLOCATE WHAT PACKAGES YOU WISH TO SIGN UP FOR. Level 1 BASE - Description of value to you as the partner TICK Below to Individual Regions: confirm option SADC (Includes South Africa) or East Africa or West Africa The below membership covers your members for all 3 regions that pertain to where your head office is. Description Above 100 Employees 51 - 100 Employees Less than 50 Employees All in One and Business One Less than 5 Employees Individual Event (Per SIG - only for SIG's) for Independent Consultant TICK Below to USD TICK Below to Each Region with confirm option SADC (Includes South confirm option Africa) Either : East Africa or West Africa (E.G. Or East Africa with South Africa) USD 50,000 35,000 20,000 10,000 4,000 5,900 4,200 2,400 1,170 470 1,100 150 60,000 45,000 25,000 12,000 7,060 5,300 3,000 1,500 N/A TICK Below to Full Membership TICK Below to USD confirm option confirm All 3 Regions : option SADC - South Africa East Africa (SAPHARI) West Africa (WASUG) Angola Mozambique 70,000 50,000 30,000 15,000 N/A SIG Attendance Africa Sponsorship entitles partner to attend all activities in area of 8,300 preference 5,900 3,600 1,800 SUGEN Global User SUGEN Webinars Customer Conference Knowledge Connection Updates Transfer Discount Programme Knowledge share - on-line Collaboration X Level 2 *"Premier Partner " Programme - add on to above (BASE Level 1 is a prerequisite) Description Cost Gold Silver Bronze Speaker Slot (single) TICK Below to confirm option 30,000 20,000 10,000 7,500 USD TICK Below to *Speaker Slot - SIG's confirm option 3,600 2,400 1,200 890 Webinars Online logo displayed 6 4 2 1 X Newsletter Online logo displayed X Website presence RSVP List X X Note: * More than 48 SIG's run per year - see attached Event Calendar Level 3 *AFSUG Partner - Seminar Series (Base Level 1 and Level 2 is a prerequisite) Description 6 Partner Seminar Series - add onto SIG Partner utilises the AFSUG database and infrastructure to run / host event where they are able to showcase own service offerings and products. (You may book external venue at your own cost otherwise the SAP Offices will be used). Purchase below as add on to Base: Example : SA Membership: 50 000 + Gold - 30 000 + Seminar Series - 70 000 = 150 000 for 2013 Cost USD *Speaker Slot SIG's 1 Per Series = 6 70,000 Webinars Online logo displayed Newsletter - Online logo displayed Website presence Invitation RSVP List customised to suit partner's Catering Costs Included up to 60 People per event, with networking drinks only Wine and Beer. 7,500 10
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