Document 235272

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. It’s a legal
document which is a written agreement between you and the
school. This annually written plan is a “map of your child’s
education services”. The IEP defines the special education and
related services that your child with disabilities will receive. The
IEP ensures that your child’s unique needs will be met. Every
child receiving special education must have an IEP.
The IEP is written by a Team. The Team works together,
collaborates, and decides by consensus not by vote. Everyone on
the team has an equal voice.
• Parents/Guardians
Parents are equal partners in the IEP process and critical
members of the decision-making team. Parents should be
actively involved with developing, reviewing and revising
the IEP. Parental input and attendance at all meetings is
one of your rights!
• Your child (when appropriate)
• At least one general education teacher of your child
• At least one special education teacher of your child
• A school or district administrative representative (such as
the school administrator or the Intervention Specialist)
• Someone qualified to explain assessments and evaluation
reports (such as a psychologist or speech pathologist)
The school and/or parents may request other individuals to
attend the IEP meeting. For instance, it may be helpful to
invite someone who can provide additional information,
support, or expertise about your child such as a neighbor,
relative, friend, private therapist or parent advocate. Please
keep in mind that these guests may provide valuable input
about your child.
Parents, you are your child’s best advocate! By learning to be a
good advocate, you will help ensure that your child receives the
appropriate education to which s/he is entitled under law.
• Description of your child’s abilities (strengths &
needs) and present level of performance
• List of goals for the year that are meaningful,
specific and measurable. No goal should last
forever. If progress is not being made, the IEP team
must meet to review the IEP and, if needed, to revise
• Description of related services that your child will
receive such as speech, occupational therapy,
physical therapy, assistive technology etc. This
description should include how often, when and
where the services will be received
• Description of how your child’s progress will be
measured and by whom. The data collected on
progress will be reported back to parents at regular
• Description of how much time your child will spend
in a general classroom, known as Inclusive Practices
or Inclusive Education. The goal is to keep your
child in the Least Restrictive Environment which
means that according to federal law, students with
disabilities must be educated with their non-disabled
peers to the maximum extent appropriate based on
the students needs.
• Details about necessary accommodations or
modifications. Accommodations do not change
curriculum. They only change the way your child is
taught or allowed to respond or test (such as in the
timing, formatting, setting, scheduling, response
and/or presentation of assignments). Modifications
do change the type and/or amount of curriculum
taught and are used when the student is expected to
learn less or different content. Modifications can
include less content for struggling students.
Modifications help customize assignments, tests,
worksheets, and other classroom materials.
• Transition Planning after high school (begins at age
• Whether your child will receive ESY (Extended
School Year)
• IDEA does not include the Functional Behavioral
Intervention Plan (FBIP) as a required component of
the IEP; it merely states that problem behaviors must
be addressed by the IEP team.
• The purpose of the IEP meeting is to focus on the
child’s educational services and work towards
finalizing and agreeing upon goals. Parents should
receive a copy of both the IEP and the meeting minutes
• The IEP is reviewed at least once a year, or more often
if needed, to see if revisions are needed
• The child is re-evaluated at least every 3 years
(Triennial), or more often if needed, to determine if
child still has a disability and what are the educational
• No changes can be made to the IEP unless parents have
had the opportunity to participate in the decisionmaking process and have received Prior Written Notice
of the IEP team’s decision. All changes must be
supported by current data
• If concerns have not been fully addressed and agreed
upon, parents need to request that this is documented in
the meeting minutes with a plan for follow-up
• By signing the IEP, it is only an indication you were
present and participated in the IEP meeting
Before IEP meeting parents should
• Be proactive
• Organize and collect your own data
• Communicate with other members of the Team
ahead of time, including your own child
• Review child’s current IEP (if applicable)
• Make a list of child’s academic and functional
strengths and needs
• Consider what motivates your child and what is
your child’s learning style
• Create a list of desired goals that you would
like for your child to achieve
• Submit all of your lists to the Service
Coordinator at least 2 weeks prior to the IEP
• Request that you receive a copy of the IEP
“Rough Draft” prior to the actual IEP meeting
so that you can keep working on continued
concerns or desired changes. Remember, this
is only a draft
• Be prepared to work as an integral part of the
Team in order to best meet the needs of your
• Be realistic and think “outside of the box”
During IEP meeting parents should
• Bring copy of IEP “rough draft”, along
with questions and concerns that you may
still have
• Ask for a copy of the IEP Meeting Agenda
• While not an official part of the IEP, ask
who is taking the minutes for the meeting so
that you may obtain a copy before leaving
• Take personal notes to include concerns, as
well as positive feedback
• Address these 5 areas:
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
How are we going to get there?
What does success look like?
How will progress be reported?
• Ask for a copy of the finalized IEP and
meeting minutes
• Be assertive, not aggressive
* stay calm, be proactive, and focus on the needs of your child *
After IEP meeting parents should
• Periodically review IEP to compare it with class
work and child’s progress
• Continue to communicate with other Team
• Frequently talk with your child about school and
encourage your child to learn self-advocacy skills
• You can request a meeting at any time if concerns
• When things are going well, tell your Team
Not all concerns require a formal IEP meeting with the entire
Team. First try to communicate and resolve concerns by calling,
emailing, writing the appropriate teachers, therapists, etc. Perhaps
an informal conference with the appropriate people will remedy a
Some reasons to request a formal IEP meeting:
• To discuss unresolved concerns and CHANGES that need to
be made in your child’s program/IEP such as: child has met
a goal, child does not appear to be making progress, you feel
additional services are needed or services are no longer
needed, child has experienced a major change such as illness,
surgery, injury, death of a family member.
• To request that school re-evaluate your child
Practical Dispute Resolution
• Attempt to address the issue with teacher(s) first
• Document concerns and efforts you made to resolve
• Use the following road map after you have talked with
your child’s teacher and feel there are still unresolved
Talk with your child’s service coordinator
Talk with your child’s IEP Team Intervention
Talk with your child’s school principal
Request an IEP review meeting
Work with your IEP Team
• Request your school’s Student Support Services
Facilitator come to a formal IEP meeting
• If after following the above road map there are still
unresolved problems contact one of the Student Support
Services Managers or the Director of Student Support
Services. See DVUSD webpage:
Formal Dispute Resolution
• Mediation – is the most informal dispute resolution
option. Mediation is a voluntary process that is held
only if both parties (the parent and the district) agree to
mediate. A mediator is provided by Arizona
Department of Education/Exceptional Student Services
(ADE/ESS) at no expense to either the parent or the
• State Complaint – Administrative complaints must be
in writing, signed and filed with the ADE. Complaint
investigators have authority to investigate alleged
violations of state and federal special education laws.
Once a complaint containing all the required
information is received by our ADE/ESS, an
investigator is assigned to the case and has 60 days to
complete the investigation and issue a Letter of
• Due Process Hearing – is the most formal of the dispute
resolution options, Parents, districts or attorneys for
either party submit a signed, written request for a
special education due process hearing. ADE/ESS
forwards this request to the Arizona Office of
Administrative Hearing where the case is assigned to
the Administrative Law Judge, who will case manage
and ultimately conduct the hearing.