Interest, Compound Interest, Simple Interest, Present Value, Interest in

Interest, Compound Interest, Simple Interest, Present Value, Interest in
Advance, and Nominal Interest
A Primer for MATH 393
What is Interest
• When lenders invest money, they usually do so with the expectation (hope) of a financial gain. If an investment K grows to amount S, then the difference S − K is
• The interest may be thought of as rent paid by the borrower for the use of the K.
Historically/Culturally Speaking...
• Western society
• The Catholic Church of the Middle Ages
• The Islamic World
Why do we charge interest?
• Investment opportunities theory
• Time preference theory
• Default risk
Accumulation and Amount Functions
• The amount K of money the investor loans is called the principal. From the borrower’s
perspective, the amount of money borrowed is the principal.
• We’ll call time 0 the time of our initial transaction. Thus we suppose that K is invested
at time t = 0.
Definition. AK (t) is a real-valued function with domain {t|t ≥ 0} such that AK (t) equals
the balance at time t. The function AK (t) is called the amount function for principal K.
We write a(t) for A1 (t) and call a(t) the accumulation function.
FACT: K invested at time 0 grows to AK (t) at time t, and 1 invested at time 0 grow to
a(t) at time t.
Definition. If t2 > t1 ≥ 0, then AK (t2 ) − AK (t1 ) gives the amount of interest earned
on an investment of K made at time 0 between time t1 and t2 . We define the effective
interest rate for the interval [t1 , t2 ] to be
i[t1 ,t2 ] =
a(t2 ) − a(t1 )
a(t2 )
Note that whenever AK (t) = Ka(t), we also have
i[t1 ,t2 ] =
A(t2 ) − A(t1 )
A(t2 )
Observation 1: The effective annual rate of interest earned by an investment during a
one-year period is the percentage change in the value of the investment from the beginning
to the end of the year, without regard to the investment behavior at tinermediate points in
the year.
Observation 2: We can calculate the effective interest rate for any time period [t1 , t2 ],
t2 > t1 ≥ 0.
Simple Interest and Linear Accumulation Functions
Definition. AK (t) = K(1 + st) is called the amount function for K invested by simple
interest at rate s. The function a(t) = 1 + st is the simple interest accumulation
function at rate s.
Observation: When the growth of money is governed by simple interest at rate s,
in =
(1 + sn) − [1 + s(n − 1)]
a(n) − a(n − 1)
a(n − 1)
a + s(n − 1)
1 + s(n − 1)
Hence, {in } is a decreasing sequence that converges to 0. This is a reason why simple interest
is not often used for long period loans.
Ways to Calculate Simple Interest
• Exact simple interest (actual/actual)
• Ordinary simple interest (30/360)
• Banker’s rule (actual/360)
Compound Interest
Definition. We will use a(t) = (1 + i)t for all t ≥ 0 and will call this the compound
interest accumulation function at interest rate i.
• For large t > 1, the graph of compound interest accumulation function lies above the
simple interst accumulation function.
• For a tiered investment account, the function AK (t) 6= Ka(t).
Interest in Advance and the Effective Discount Rate
Definition. When money is borrowed with interest due before the money is released, we
describe the relationship using discount rates. If an investor lends K for one basic period at
discount rate, D, then the borrower will have to pay KD in order to received the use of
K. Therefore, instead of having the use of an extra K, the borrower only has the use of an
extra K − KD = (1 − D)K. The quantity KD is called the amount of discount for the loan.
Observation: In any cashflow with a beginning and ending balance and no withdrawals or
deposits, the amount of interest and the amount of discount are the same; they are both
equal to the change in the balance.
Definition. We define the effective discount rate for the interval [t1 , t2 ] to be
d[t1 ,t2 ] =
a(t2 ) − a(t1 )
a(t2 )
d[t1 ,t2 ] =
A(t2 ) − A(t1 )
A(t2 )
and if AK (t) = Ka(t), then
Usually i[t2 ,t1 ] and d[t2 ,t1 ] are not equal. They are, however, related.
Definition. A rate of interest and a rate of discount are said to be equivalent for an interval
[t1 , t2 ] if for each 1 invested at t1 , the two rates produce the same accumulated value at time
t2 . More generally, two different methods of specifying an investment’s growth (over a given
time period) are called equivalent if they correspond to the same accumulation function.
Observation: On the intervale [t1 , t2 ], an interest rate of it1 ,t2 ] is equivalent to a discount
rate of d[t1 ,t2 ] precisely when
1 = (1 + i[t1 ,t2 ] )(1 − d[t1 ,t2 ] )
Discount Functions and the Time Value of Money
Definition. We define the discount function by
v(t) =
Observation: In general, the accumulation of money over time depends not only on the
length of the time interval but also on where in time the interval lies.
Observation: Fortunately, for compound interest, we only have to worry about the length
of the interval.
FACT: If we wish to invest money t1 years from now in order to have S in t2 years from
v(t2 )
now, we should invest Sv(t2 )a(t1 ) = S a(t
= S v(t
a(t2 )
Definition. We define the discount factor to be
v(t) =
= vt.
(1 + 1)t
Definition. We defined present value with respect to a(t) of L to be received at time
t0 to be Lv(t0 ).
P Va(t) (L at t0 ) = Lv(t0 )
How to compare investments
• Effective rate of interest
Nominal Interest
Banks commonly credit interest more than once per year, say m times per year. They
advertise a nominal (annual) interest rate of i(m) convertible m times per year.
FACT: If an account is governed by a nominal interest rate of i(m) payable m times per
year, the bank pays interest at a rate of i m = [(1 + i) m − 1] per m-th of a year.
Other ways to phrase nominal interest
• nominal interest rate convertible m times per year
• nominal interest rate compounded m times per year
• nominal interest rate payable m times per year
• annual percentage yield (APR)
Observation: With a given nominal annual interest rate, the more often compounding
takes place in a year, the larger the year-end accumulation value will be and therefore also
the effective annual interest rate.