How much does it cost? What is Suffolk Links? The journey will be charged like a bus fare. Suffolk Links is a Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) service which provides connections to bus and train links in rural areas. Free Travel Bus Pass holders will be entitled to free travel on all journeys made within the statutory scheme hours, 9.30am to 11.00pm Monday to Friday and all day weekends and Bank Holidays. Usual fares will apply to journeys made outside of these hours. You will be advised of the fare when you book your journey and a ticket will be issued when you board. Where & when can I go? The map inside shows the area served. The service is available from 7.00am to 7.00pm, Monday to Saturday (except Public Holidays). The bus will take you to Hadleigh or any of the villages within the service area shown on the map. Connections can be made for onwards travel to places further afield such as Ipswich, Sudbury or Colchester. Contacting Suffolk County Council Passenger Transport Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk, IP1 2BX General enquiries 0345 606 6171 [email protected] How does Suffolk Links work? BRETT LINKING SUFFOLK TO YOU Visit our website: Suffolk Links Brett booking number 01473 826242 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, Suffolk County Council cannot be held responsible for any errors or changes in the information given. Please check with the relevant operator before travelling. Where appropriate the service will connect with bus services for onward travel to further destinations. For journeys within the service area where connecting to other services is inappropriate, end to end journeys will be possible. Your guide to Demand Responsive Transport for Hadleigh, Bildeston & surrounding areas. Valid from April 2013 Who runs the service? If you wish to travel in the area covered by Suffolk Links Brett and are not able to access a bus service directly, the service will pick you up from a convenient point. Simply call 01473 826242 up to a week before you wish to travel and book your journey. Suffolk Links Brett will then pick you up at the point agreed and take you where you want to go within the defined area. The booking service is open from 8.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday (except Public Holidays), making it easier for you to plan ahead. The service is operated by Hadleigh Community Transport Group. 225-ESE-161110 Is the vehicle accessible? The vehicle is fully accessible with low steps, hand rails and a lift for wheelchair access. Let us know when you book if you require assistance. Bookings are on a first come, first served basis. Two return bookings are allowed at any one time in order to allow equal use by all. For the same reason, we may occasionally seek to change journey times to accommodate others. Suffolk Links Brett service area Other services in the area Suffolk Links Brett serves the area between Suffolk suffolk Links Cosford to the northwest, Suffolk Links Claydon y on on Gipping South to the north and Suffolk Links Bildeston ildeston ton Lavenham Lav venham Naughton gh Buzabout to the east. The area served covers Brentt Eleigh Bildeston, Hadleigh, Capel St Mary, Stratford St Your online guide to exploring Suffolk’s countryside Lower Somersham m Monks M onks nks k Eleigh gh Elmsett Mary, Stoke-by-Nayland, Brent Eleigh and the Whatfield fie villages in between. Hintlesham nt am Buses: Hadleigh dleig eigh i h Suffolk Links Brett can provide connections with the bus services detailed below or take you direct Sudbury Sudb bury Great Cornard Gr G Discover the perfect place to spot wildlife, fly a kite, listen to birdsong, have a paddle, go for a ramble, cross-country cycle, walk your dog or even hug a tree! Layham m Boxford when no buses are available, just ask the operator when you ring 01473 826242. Polsteadd Raydonn LLeavenheath e heath th Stoke-by-Nayland Nayland *Other main bus services include: Great reat W enham Wenham Capel Stt Mary 661-ESE-010911 East Bergholt Be Be and Ipswich. 93: Every two hours between Ipswich, East Bergholt and Colchester. 111: Four times a day between Bildeston, Somersham and Ipswich. *Information correct as of February 2013 Link goes a long way A little * Please note that there are restrictions on journeys made wholly within Hadleigh. Manningtree Man anningtree ingtree reee The Suffolk Link scheme provides regular short breaks for disabled children and young people and their families. Bergholt and Colchester. 94: Every two hours between Hadleigh, East Holton St Mary Stratf Str Stratford Ma St Mary 91: Hourly service between Sudbury, Hadleigh Ipswich p wich h By volunteering to be a Link carer or befriender you could make a big difference to the lives of a local family. Useful Links Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Passenger Transport Babergh District Council Discover Suffolk Community Transport Online Greater Anglia We need Link carers who can offer regular short breaks from as little as a few hours a week to a weekend every month. Contact us now to find out more 0800 328 2148 Everyone who works for, or with Suffolk’s Fostering Service is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We need and welcome foster and Link carers of all backgrounds and ethnicities who will share this commitment
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