What is the purpose of

What is the purpose of an interview? An interview is an important tool for candidates, the Human
Resources Team at G&J and the Hiring Manager for each position. It gives you, the candidate, the
opportunity to expand on the information that you provided in your resume and Application for
Posted Job Opening form. You will have the opportunity to really sell your ability to perform the
requirements of the position and explain why you are the best candidate for the position. It is also a
way for you to find out more about the company and the position – the pay rate, the requirements,
the work schedule and the expectations for the position. This will allow you to make an informed
decision about whether or not this position and/or company is right for you.
How do I prepare for an interview?
• The best way to prepare for an interview is to learn more about the position you are applying
for, as well as information about G&J. You can learn more about the position by reading the
position description on our Careers page. In addition, if you know of a current employee
working in the position, you can ask them specific details for the position to help you
determine if this will be a good fit for you. We also encourage you to explore our website to
learn more about G&J.
• Plan your answers. During most interviews, candidates will be asked the following questions:
o Why are you interested in this position?
o What are your strengths?
o What are your weaknesses?
o Why should we hire you for this position?
You generally will be asked to provide examples of how you have handled different situations
in the past. Spend time thinking about your past successes and failures and what you have
learned from each situation and be prepared to share these during the interview.
• Practice! If you have never interviewed before, or if it has been several years since you’ve had
an interview, the best way to feel more comfortable with the process is to practice. You can
ask a friend or family member to ask you sample questions.
What should I do the day of the interview?
• Dress appropriately. Dressing up for an interview is not a requirement, but if you feel good
about your appearance, it may help your performance during the interview.
• Be on time for the interview – never arrive late. If you are running late, it is expected that you
call and let the interviewer know what time you will be arriving.
• Leave your cell phone off. If you do bring a cell phone to an interview, it should be either
turned off or set on “silent” mode.
• Be prepared. It may help you to bring a copy of your resume for you to refer to during the
interview. If you have any questions about the job, the requirements or the responsibilities be sure to write those down and bring them with you.
• Show confidence. You may be nervous during the interview, but maintaining eye contact and
speaking in a confident voice will help you project a confident and professional image.
• Listen and answer the question being asked. Make sure that you are listening to what is being
asked and what is being said. Many times candidates do not answer the question that was
asked. Make sure that you understand what is being asked, and if you don’t, ask for
clarification. Be sure that you fully answer the question. Pause and think before answering a
question. If you do not know the answer, don’t make one up.
• Give specific examples. One specific example of your background and experience can be more
meaningful that several vague stories. During the interview, tell the stories that you thought of
during your preparation for the interview that showcase your qualifications, background and
• Ask questions. The interview is truly your opportunity to learn more about the position, the
requirements and what the supervisor’s expectations are. You should ask any and all questions
you have during the interview.
• Don’t be afraid sell yourself. The interview is your opportunity to really showcase yourself,
your knowledge, your skills and your abilities to perform the job. Don’t be nervous about
sharing your accomplishments. The interview is your opportunity to shine.
• Be honest. Don’t overstate or exaggerate your past experience or qualifications for the
Other resources: Some of these websites may be helpful in preparing for an interview: