How To Successfully Ace a Job Interview 2014 Workplace Readiness Series

Workplace Readiness Series
How To Successfully Ace a
Job Interview
Workplace Readiness Series
 Resume Writing
 Job Search 2014
 How To Successfully Ace a Job Interview
 Workplace Etiquette
 Taking Charge of Your Career
Types of interviews
Screening Interview
Telephone interview
Stress interviews
One-on-one interview
Panel interview
Committee interview
Surprise interviews
Top Interview Tips…
 Know who you are interviewing with – research the company
 Tailor your resume to fit the job (Resume Writing)
 Practice, practice, practice!
 Prepare for the phone interview
 Dress for success (Workplace Etiquette)
 Insider advantage – who you know (Workplace Etiquette)
 Reinforce your interest
Tailor your resume to fit the job
Include ALL of your jobs if you are very young or have very little work
Omit your earliest job if you’re worried about age discrimination.
Include ALL of the jobs that show experience related to your job objective,
even if they were short-term or unpaid.
Omit jobs that are brief – unless they are needed to fill in a skimpy work
Include jobs that are not particularly related to your current job goal IF they
help to create a picture of stability – but don’t describe them in detail
Include unpaid work if it helps you prove pertinent skills and experience or
it fills a gap.
Common vs. Behavioral Interviewing Questions
• Behavioral based interviewing is interviewing based on
discovering how the interviewee acted in specific
employment-related situations.
• The logic is that how you behaved in the past will predict how
you will behave in the future i.e. past performance predicts
future performance.
Common Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself?
Why do you want to work here?
Why did you leave your last job?
What are your best skills?
What are your major weakness?
Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
What are your career goals?
What are your hobbies?
What salary are you expecting?
What have I forgotten to ask?
Practice, Practice, Practice
Components of a Job Interview
Phone interview
Building rapport
Providing behavioral examples
Take notes
Ask inquiring questions
Dress for Success – for WOMEN
 A straight-forward business suit is best.
 Wear sensible pumps.
 Be moderate with make-up and perfume.
 Wear simple jewelry.
 Hair and fingernails should be well-groomed.
 Bring pen and notepad to jot down any information you may
need to remember
Dress for Success – for MEN
A clean, ironed shirt and conservative tie are a must.
A simple jacket or business suit is a good idea as well.
Shoes should be polished.
Face should be clean-shaven; facial hair should be neatly trimmed.
Hair and fingernails should be well-groomed.
Use cologne or after-shave sparingly.
Bring pen and notepad to jot down any information you may need
to remember
Part II - Role Play!
Using the interviewing questions provided, be an interviewer
and an interviewee.
Interviewer of a company looking for a very specific
candidate with the following skills:
a. Communication
b. Customer Focus
c. Team work
2. Interviewee for a customer service position
Thank you for attending the
How to Ace a Job Interview