Prostate Woes

Prostate Woes
Testimonials taken from:
All testimonials are particular to those stating them. In no way is this to diagnose or treat your health challenges.
PSA lowered using essential oils Author: Lisa Distin
My PSA was a 4.95. My doctor recommended a biopsy, but I declined. Since this was so invasive, I wanted to put essential
oils to work. My doctor said that I had six weeks, then he would retest the PSA. If the count was still high, he would strongly consider
the biopsy. I followed the recommended oils from the EDR. Since I am a Priest, I was happy that the oils recommended were biblical
oils. I used a rectal retention consisting of 10 drops Frankincense, 15 drops Myrrh and 3 drops Sage mixed with 1 tbsp. extra virgin
olive oil. I used this 3 times/week for 6 weeks. I also used this mixture on the vita-flex area on the foot inside the ankles every day. This
was followed by diluting the same essential oils mixed with 50% olive oil (using 2-3 drops per application) and applied topically between
the rectum and scrotum daily. I also took Pro-Gen daily. Well, after six weeks, my PSA was 2.5! My doctor said that I no longer
needed a biopsy. What a Blessing! I am continuing this regimen for another month or so. I felt that this message of my healing needed
to passed on so I praised the essential oils to my parishioners. Halleluiah! Sincerely, Fr. Clarence Cerwonka
PSA from 5.6 to .5 in four months on ProGen
Author: Chuck Graff
On 12/16/02 a routine PSA test showed a level of 5.6 (above 4.0 is cause for concern and investigation) with enlargement of
prostate via 'DRE'. It was advised to have biopsy by doctor as well as by a family member who was a nurse. Respectfully, I declined
the offer. I started shortly thereafter on ProGen from Young Living, per recommended daily intake with no other protocol. On
4/16/03, follow-up exam and PSA showed .5 with very slight enlargement. I reduced daily intake to one per day. Each six month follow
up has shown same number. Am I happy or what!!? No slice and dice! Urology doctor says my number is better than his!! (No, he
wasn't interested in how I did it.)
Frequent urination during the night
Author: John Gerullis
About in my mid 60s I began to have a problem with sleeping through the night. I had to get up at least once (or twice) a night
to pee. I asked my VA doctor if there was something he could give me but he said the side effects were not worth it. It also seemed that
I was thirstier in the 3-4 hours before bedtime. I tried Young Living's Prostate Health caps after learning of them at a meeting. I kept
track of using them for the first 77 days. I only had to get up in the middle of the night to pee 4 times! Gee, it's great to get 7-8 hours of
sound sleep. Now, I will say that the first thing you want to do when your feet hit the floor in the morning is to go straight to the
bathroom. Thank you, Gary for your wonderful (non-drug) products and a better night’s sleep.
Oils in the Bible used on cancer
Author: George Rilkoff
I had prostate cancer some months ago. In addition to some other products and therapies, I used essential oils, as mentioned
in the bible, to massage the affected area. These home treatments healed the cancer
PSA dramatically lower in 4 weeks
Author: Jessica Nail
I have a client who had gone through radiation for Prostate Cancer about 1 year ago. On a follow-up visit to the doctor which
included blood work he found that his PSA level had been gradually increasing beyond a comfortable level (5.4). The doctor wanted to
remove his prostate. He decided to give the oils and supplements a chance, 'What have I got to lose'. He started the following regiment
on Jan. 1st: 2 ounces of Ningxia Red daily, ProGen as directed, Mister on his perineum, Balance Complete, Longevity, and Protec
enema nightly (1 tablespoon). His doctor wanted him to take another PSA level in two weeks. He pushed the doctor off so that it would
be a month before the next PSA to give the products a chance to work. He called me crying on Feb. 2. His PSA level had dropped to
1.8!!!! Besides the wonderful news about his new PSA level, he has more energy, and is getting complements from everyone he knows
about his renewed health. Color is great, bounce in his step, better attitude. 'I just feel great, younger!' Thank you Young Living for
continuing to make our lives and the people we love lives better.
Lowered prostate antigen level
Author: Jamie Malag
My husband had a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) level of 4.1. The doctor recommended that he have a biopsy. He told the
doctor he wanted to first try an alternative method to lower the PSA level. He applied Mister oil daily and also applying the oil to the
inner left ankle. He also drinks Berry juice. At his 3 month check-up the blood work determined that his PSA level had lowered to 2.96!
No biopsy needed! The doctor was in awe that the PSA level had lowered and told him that he was the first patient he had seen that
had used his own method of treatment with success
Various subjects……..
I am done with blood pressure meds!
Author: Diane Laffoon
Why would anyone not desire a switch from drugs to essential oils? It just boggles the mind. The only upside I see
to choosing a pill over a natural remedy is that health insurance may pay for it. It is frustrating to know the FDA and drug
companies have so much control. I've been on high blood pressure meds for a couple of years now. Even with daily
medication, I was averaging 140's over high 80's. About a month ago I started a daily regimen with Young Living
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Every morning I put 2 drops of Marjoram Essential Oil on the bottom of both feet. I
then follow it by 2 drops of Aroma Life Essential Oil (which smells like Cypress - so nice to smell!) My blood pressure has
been consistently in the 120's over 70's! So I decided to wean myself off the meds. I didn't take them over the week-end at
all. Just took my blood pressure - after a Monday of work and what is it? 119 over 74! I said “WOW! Wow! Wow!”
High blood pressure Author: Jerry Robinson
I have been on blood pressure medication for almost three years. When I was introduced to essential oils, I began to search
for a natural blood pressure remedy. I found that clove was recommended for high blood pressure and I began using it along with
drinking one ounce of Ningxia Red per day. I apply three drops of clove over my heart area and also pulse points approximately two
times a day along with four to five drops in a '0' size capsule morning and night. I have been off of blood pressure medication for almost
two months now with blood pressure checking normal at 116 over 78.
Lemongrass for varicose veins
Author: Miriam Lorenzi
I come from a long line of hereditary Varicose Vein disease and at age 33 was already displaying the infamous exaggerated
'road map' blue cords all over my legs. Not only were they unsightly and embarrassing for me, but also having the veins is painful and
causes leg fatigue. Fortunately I came across all the uses of Lemongrass E.O. in the Essential Oils Desk Reference book and decided
to give it a shot. At first I applied the oil directly to my legs, which caused slight irritation and redness. Now I dilute 1 part Lemongrass
with 4 parts organic olive oil or grape seed oil. Within minutes my legs are invigorated and the dull, achy vein pain disappears! Even
better, after a couple of months of applying diluted Lemongrass directly to my legs once or twice a week, the actual veins have
diminished and are but a fraction of the sight that they used to be. I am no longer embarrassed to wear shorts! Amazing and versatile
Lemongrass can be used for: bladder infection, respiratory/sinus infection, digestive problems, parasites, torn ligaments/muscles, fluid
retention, varicose veins, Salmonella
Pain relief that works like natural cortisone! Author: Carol Raitt
If you mix equal parts of PanAway and Relieve It together, I have discovered it helps tremendously to relieve pain. I use it
often in my practice and it never fails. My clients now ask for the magic concoction for their pain solution. Thank you Young Living. You
have certainly changed my life for the better!
Recipe when dealing with infection Author: Dr. Wanona Wellspring
ND Skills: Naturopathic
The Infection Blend consists of using 12 drops of Thieves, 6 drops of Oregano and 2 drops of Frankincense. Put these into a capsule
and take three times a day, and can safely be taken every two hours in severe situations. If the Thieves is too hot, you can cut the
amount into half and fill half of the capsule with olive oil, but in that case you take two capsules to get the same amount of essential oil.
I have used the Infection Blend for kidney infection and have not had to take antibiotics, which I refuse to take anyway. I also take
NingXia Red to boost the immune cells, as well as a few drops of Immu-Pro in water, but I especially like to take the Inner Defense
blend with this as well. I am a Raw Food Chef, so of course I am going to recommend lots of raw smoothies and salads, etc. I can't
stress enough that the Infection Blend can be trusted and there is no need to take pharmaceutical grade antibiotics.
To prevent infection, take Inner Defense daily, along with NingXia Red several times a week, and drink plenty of water every day. Stay
away from cooked foods as much as possible, and only steam some vegetables. Blending into smoothies makes it easier to digest, and
dehydrating will help warm things rather than boil the life out of them.
For more questions on the Living Food Lifestyle and how it can treat many diseases, check out the Creative Health Institute blog, and
Spring Creek Holistic Center (coming soon).
Many blessings,
Doc Wah
In no way is this attempt to diagnose your health challenges. Always consult a physician.
To order Young living Products:
or call Chris Anderson 801-471-3159