ujarati What is the Tenant Compact? Your questions answered What is the Tenant Compact? The Tenant Compact is an agreement between London Borough of Hounslow, its tenants and leaseholders and Hounslow Homes The Compact sets out how you can help us to deliver our housing services. It will tell you: •how to influence decisions that affect you •about support and information available to help you get the best from your housing services •ways to get involved •what resident involvement has achieved Why should residents get involved? Because you can help Hounslow Homes make decisions help build stronger communities access training opportunities help improve your local environment The more residents get involved, the more you can influence services What can residents become involved in? • H ousing Management Forums have been set up to which tenant and leaseholder representatives are elected. They, together with staff, Board Members and local Councillors, look at the performance of Hounslow Homes’ services. • R epairs and Capital Monitoring Group looks at how well the repairs service is operating and help decide how best to organise the money so that we can make improvements to homes • S heltered Forum looks at housing services for the over 60’s and what changes are needed to improve this specialised housing for older people • D isability Forum is for residents who are recipients of the Services Review and recommend changes to improve support across the range of services • L easehold Forum meets quarterly to look at strategic issues that affect the leasehold service and consult leaseholders on ways to improve the service • A range of informal involvement opportunities for every resident enables true involvement in housing and community services • H FTRA (Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations) supports all resident groups, tenants and leaseholders in the Borough. They monitor all the services that the London Borough of Hounslow and Hounslow Homes provide to residents and through HFTRA you can join several borough-wide decision-making committees Other involvement options for residents Residents may also wish to contribute their views through a range of flexible and enjoyable involvement options which include: mystery shopping, discussion groups, consultation groups, estate inspections, telephone panel, reading groups and special projects. What has the Compact achieved so far? You said you wanted more Estate Monitoring Officers • T here are now six Estate Monitoring Officers across the Borough ou asked for a more flexible Y repair service • ou can now have a one-stop Y repair service up until 8.00pm each weekday You asked for an improved warden service • e now have nine more W wardens covering estates across the Borough, making a total of 20, reporting on housing management issues such as graffiti and anti-social behaviour You asked for more say in who does the work • esidents are now fully R involved in the tendering of new service contracts eg central heating and planned maintenance contracts If you would like a copy of the Compact or further information on Tenant Participation, please call 020 8583 4602 Brentford and Chiswick 020 8583 4380 Bedfont, Hanworth and Feltham 020 8583 4035 Hounslow, Isleworth, Heston and Cranford 020 8583 3725 The Hounslow Federation of Tenants and Residents Association is also able to offer help with resident involvement and HFTRA membership 020 8569 5823 [email protected] www.hftra.com www.hounslowhomes.org.uk Translations If you need this leaflet in another language or format please call our translations service on 020 8583 2299, Minicom on 020 8583 3122. Albanian Nese keni nevoje te keni kete fletushke ne gjuhen shqipe ose ndonje format tjeter ju lutemi thirrni njesine tone per perkthime ne 020 8583 2299 ose minikom 020 8583 3122. Gu ArabicFarsi 020 8583 3122 020 8583 2299 Farsi ﻟﻄﻔﺎ ﺑﺎ ﺧﺪﻣﺎت،اﮔﺮ اﻳﻦ ﻧﻮﺷﺘﺎر را ﺑﻪ زﺑﺎن ﻓﺎرﺳﯽ ﻳﺎ ﺷﮑﻞ دﻳﮕﺮﯼ ﻣﯽ ﺧﻮاهﻴﺪ . ﺗﻤﺎس ﺑﮕﻴﺮﻳﺪ020 8583 3122 ﻳﺎ ﻣﻴﻨﯽ ﮐﻮم020 8583 2299 ﺗﺮﺟﻤﻪ ﺑﺎ ﺷﻤﺎرﻩ Hindi Gujarati Ωı ÷‹fiı ±Î ’ÏhοÎfiÌ Ï‰√÷ √…flÎ÷Ì‹Î_ ±◊‰Î ⁄ÌΩ ¿˘¥’HÎ w’‹Î_ Ωı≥÷Ì Ë˘› ÷˘, ‹Ëıfl⁄ÎfiÌ ¿flÌ ÀˇÎLÁ·ıÂfi Áω˝Áfiı Á_’¿Û ÁΑ˘— 020 8583 2299 ±◊‰Î Ï‹Ïfi¿˘‹— 020 8583 3122 Hindi yaid Aapkao yah pi~ka ihMdI maoM yaa iksaI Anya $paMk maoM caaihe tao kRpyaa T/aMslaoSana yauinaT kao 020 8583 2299 pr yaa imanaIka^ma Wara 020 8583 3122 pr saMpk- kroM. Panjabi jykr quhwnUM ies prcy dI kwpI pMjwbI jW iksy hor Skl ivc cwhIdI hY, qW ikRpw krky tRWslySn Xuint nUM ies nMbr ’qy sMprk kro: 0208 583 2299 jW imnIkwm kro:0208 E 583 3122 Urdu Panjabi I4Óh$ Ôy¯kS Ãkzu èEjG ZR, x™Ó Z' , ƒg »gŠ~^z¯&K M F, &IF, gzZ Ëc* y!* izŠg Q8 »q -Z Å« ;kS Ã\W¤ /Z ,™‚Zg6,0208 583 3122 ÔxÃ*c*0208 583 2299 Somali Haddii aad doonaysid warqaddan oo ku qoran Af Soomaali ama qaab kale, fadlan soo wac adeegga turjumaada 020 8583 2299 ama minicom 020 8583 3122 February 2010 Hounslow Homes Ltd. Registered Office: St. Catherine’s House, 2 Hanworth Road, Feltham, Middlesex TW13 5AB Registered in England and Wales - Company No. 4375061
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