SRHE Annual Research Conference 12-14 December 2012 SRHE Newer Researchers Conference 11 December 2012 CALL FOR PAPERS AND CONFERENCE REGISTRATION What is Higher Education for? Shared and contested ambitions Celtic Manor, Newport in South Wales, United Kingdom We are returning once again to the Celtic Manor Resort in Wales by popular request from previous delegates and from many researchers who have yet to sample this opportunity and hope to attend this year. The SRHE extends a very warm invitation to all who wish to participate in one or both of these conferences by submitting papers for presentation and/or by attending as a delegate and contributing to the many different discussions and debates within this vibrant three-day event. Conference Theme and Call for Papers The SRHE Annual Conference addresses a theme of special interest through the contribution of keynote speakers from around the world, and provides a major platform for the presentation and sharing of research in every aspect of higher education. This international conference draws participants from over 40 nations and supports the sharing of knowledge and experience enriched by national and international perspectives. The theme this year focuses on a key question currently being asked about higher education across the globe: What is Higher Education for? This question has become rich territory for politicians, economists, financiers and business enterprises, social commentators, journalists and broadcasters. The voice of higher education has been muted and at times stifled by the imperative to react to the demands of economic concerns and, in such a diverse and richly varied environment, this “voice” can never be a single one. The need to define shared goals and articulate a vision which responds to the challenges of economic, social and political ambitions, and embraces intellectual and moral ones, has never been greater. The keynote speakers at this year’s SRHE Conference will examine many perspectives on what Higher Education is for and speakers will explore the ways in which research into higher education can support and strengthen shared ambitions and illuminate contested ones, by taking a broad and multi-faceted view of the nature and purpose of higher education. 1 The Society for Research into Higher Education takes seriously its role of providing a platform for wide-ranging academic discussion and bringing together researchers from around the world to share and debate knowledge and ideas. Its annual research conferences offer not just an opportunity for the presentation of current research work and ideas in a variety of formats but also a highly participative forum in which researchers with a range of different perspectives and experiences examine and debate deeper theoretical and scholarly issues. We will explore these ideas within the conferences, encompassing current debates regarding policy, globalisation, economic and social challenges, governance, leadership and management, pedagogic and learning development, quality and space management, the student experience, e-learning and marketisation and examine how these might apply to postgraduate as well as undergraduate study. Call for papers The information which follows refers only to the SRHE Annual Research Conference. There will be a separate Call for Papers for the SRHE Newer Researchers Conference which operates to a different format and later timescale for submissions. Presentation formats You are invited to contribute to this debate in a variety of ways: by presenting a paper, sharing in a symposium based on your own and others’ research or scholarly work (including work of a conceptual or theoretical nature) or by organising a round table on any aspect of this year’s theme or your own research interests. Empirical and scholarly research from a wide range of perspectives is welcome. Research domains Papers are invited for presentation under one of five broad research domains. Submissions must be linked with one of the research domains specified and authors should choose the domain which fits most closely with the content of the presentation. It is recognised that it is not always obvious which domain provides a best fit but authors are encouraged to submit proposals in the domain in which they would like their paper to be timetabled. Papers will be timetabled for presentation within these research domains as far as possible. Research Domains • Academic practice ,work, careers and cultures • Higher education policy • Learning, teaching and assessment • Student experience • Management, leadership, governance and quality 2 Research topics The Conference welcomes submissions on all research topics and the selection of papers for presentation is based on quality alone. However, the following broad outline of topics, whilst in no way offered as prescriptive, may provide some useful initial guidance. • Policy Exploring policy developments in: • The economic profile of universities; the global economic crisis affecting higher education • Student fees, broadening of the social bases of universities, trends of massification, widening participation, diversity and inclusion, system expansion alongside economic challenges • International student recruitment, globalization, mobility, global engagement, competition • E-Learning, flexible and distance learning, virtual learning and social networking • Policy developments and assumptions regarding employment, skills, economic development and social engagement, local, regional and international communities • Changes and challenges to the higher education curriculum and the role of universities in, for example, the Bologna process and Melbourne Model • Employment-related dimensions of quality assurance; the relationship of higher education to businesses and employers • The public and the private and the concept of higher education as a public good • Learning Exploring learning, teaching and student experience in: • Academic and professional identities and roles within a massified, diversified and globalised higher education sector; teaching, learning and widening participation developments • Changing student experiences of higher education and evolving identities of students • Pedagogic and learning debates about academic standards, practices and literacies in the context of increasing numbers of international, older and parttime students; e-Learning, distance and flexible educational trends and developments • New learning spaces and facilities, the changing profile of academic disciplines • Disciplinary developments in quality; the challenge of research assessment regimes • Space management and systems, distance education and e-learning. 3 • • Management Exploring leadership, governance and management development and quality in: • Government-led and other global and national policy developments: their impact on governance, leadership and management in higher education • New public management, new managerialism, professional and academic identities • The strategic management of higher education: curriculum, finances, staff and students, equality, diversity, ethnicity, widening participation and globalization • Collegiality versus power and control in the academy, competing cultures • The changing role of the university and its governance and public profile • The relationship between higher education and employment: the skills debate • League tables, research, teaching and assessment regimes, quality assurance systems, benchmarks and processes, student and staff quality monitoring in higher education Global contexts Exploring Policy, Learning and Management topics in national and international and global contexts. Author submissions All submissions are subject to a blind peer review process. Proposals are invited for: Individual Papers Each paper accepted for individual presentation will be allocated a minimum of 30 minutes for presentation and discussion. Discussion Workshops If the number of abstract submissions is as high as in recent years contributors may be invited to present their work, along with other contributors, in the format of a discussion workshop. These workshops will not offer the opportunity for full individual presentations of papers, but will provide time for discussion of papers submitted on related themes. Symposia These provide the opportunity for presentation of related papers on a single theme; the minimum number of papers is 4 and a maximum is 6 papers per symposium. Symposia submissions can be made by one individual and all papers can be submitted together. Alternatively, a planned symposium can be set up and contributors may then add their papers individually using the online submission system. Proposals must state clearly the rationale for the theme, the names of the convenor and/or the chair of the symposium, a discussant, if appropriate; the names and details of all participating presenters plus the title of each presentation planned. The symposium proposal should include an abstract and a paper for each presentation. Round Tables These comprise discussions of linked contributions for which there is an overall chair/discussant and a minimum of three paper presentations for each session. The 4 Roundtable format may be especially suitable for ‘work in progress’ submissions, providing a platform for discussion with other researchers working on related topics. Proposals for roundtables must make clear what links the presentations and must include an abstract and a paper for each presentation. The proposal must include the name(s) of the chair/discussant and all participating presenters. Timetable for submissions All proposals must be submitted electronically, via the SRHE website at Authors will find here all the instructions needed on what is required in making a submission. The deadline for submission of all proposals for the SRHE Annual Research Conference is Friday 29 June 2012. This date will enable all decisions on acceptances to be communicated to authors in good time for presenting authors to register for the Conference by 30 September 2012. Registration as a conference delegate by 30 September 2012 allows presenters to take advantage of the early booking discounts offered and have accommodation at the Celtic Manor Resort guaranteed and will enable international delegates especially the opportunity to take advantage of the best travel deals.. Conference registration will remain open up to the date of the Conference but accommodation may need to be at adjacent hotels for late bookings. Call for papers- Format for submissions To maintain the high quality of papers presented at the conference, and ensure that the review process has access to a sufficient level of detail on paper proposals to take an informed view, submitting authors are asked to provide a short paper for peer review in two parts. Please note that both parts will be required at the point of first submission, but there will be no subsequent call for fuller papers for accepted abstracts. • Part 1 Abstract: a 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the published conference programme and also made available at conference on the CD Rom. • Part 2 Outline: a maximum 1000 word paper (not including references) to be available at conference on the CD Rom and conference website. The Society uses a bespoke electronic submission website for Conference and all the data entered at the point of initial submission flows through to the final programme. Authors are asked to take care that important information is entered carefully and correctly (e.g. the title of the paper on which the abstract is based, the name of the authors and their affiliations as they should appear in the conference proceedings, the name of the person or persons who will be presenting the work at the 5 conference, again with the affiliations as they should appear in the conference proceedings, email addresses etc). Submissions must be made under one of the research domains specified and authors should choose the domain which fits most closely with the content of the presentation. Papers will be timetabled for presentation within these research domains. Research Domains • Academic practice ,work, careers and cultures • Higher education policy • Learning, teaching and assessment • Student experience • Management, leadership, governance and quality Conference Venue Celtic Manor has gained the reputation of being one of the finest conference and golf resorts in Europe and is set in 1400 acres of panoramic parkland in the Welsh Usk Valley. For delegates who wish to extend their stay, the resort offers many other activities which can be found on their website: Location: Celtic Manor is only 90 minutes from London Heathrow, 45 minutes from Bristol and Cardiff-Wales International Airport and 5 minutes from the Severn Bridge (M4 Motorway). It is located close to inter-city rail services at Newport, with direct trains to Cardiff, London Paddington, and Birmingham. Conference programme The Conference programme will include a varied and diverse range of contributions: • peer-reviewed paper presentations, symposia, roundtables • plenary sessions addressing the main Conference theme from a range of perspectives with input from invited speakers of world renown • a forum for international delegates to discuss and share research knowledge and interests • open discussion workshops exploring current research topics organised and led by convenors and members of the Society’s special interest Networks • a linked one-day conference for postgraduate students and newer researchers in higher education to be held at the same venue on Tuesday 11 December 2012 Conference timetable and events SRHE Annual Conference is a participative event at which delegates presenting their own work also participate in the discussions in plenary sessions and the 6 presentations of the work of others. The Conference programme is planned on the basis that delegates will attend the whole event over the three days. The SRHE Annual Research Conference will begin on the morning of Wednesday 12 December 2012 (11.00 am) and will end after lunch on Friday 14 December 2012 (3.00pm) The SRHE Newer Researchers’ Conference will begin on the morning of Tuesday 11 December 2012 and will end with a drinks reception in the early evening. Networking with colleagues is an integral part of the SRHE Conference and social events are carefully structured to offer excellent opportunities for participants to meet and converse in a relaxed atmosphere. This year, there will be a number of events: Welcome Drinks Reception on Wednesday 12 December, open to all participants at the Conference, followed by the chance to take dinner at one of four restaurants in the resort and arrange to meet with specific colleagues or mingle with other delegates at tables set aside for conference delegates. For resident delegates this dinner is included in their conference fees. Non-resident delegates may also take dinner at the hotel on this evening for an additional fixed charge. Conference Gala Dinner on Thursday 13 December at the Celtic Manor Resort. There will be a pre-dinner drinks reception sponsored by Routledge/Taylor and Francis and the cost of the dinner (£42.00) includes a three-course menu and wine. The senior overseeing chef at the Hotel is an award winning restaurateur who has been awarded a Michelin star for his associated restaurant nearby. Conference Registration To register for the SRHE Annual Research Conference 2012 and/or the Newer Researchers Conference please register online via the Conference website at Special discounts on delegate fees are available to SRHE members. Early registration also attracts discounts and guarantees accommodation at the Celtic Manor Resort. After the early registration deadline date accommodation may need to be at adjacent hotels. To obtain the ‘early registration’ discount and have accommodation at the Celtic Manor guaranteed you must register by 30 September 2012. SRHE Membership offers a wide range of opportunities and important benefits; our highly valued SRHE NEWS, published quarterly, which provides a digest of news, comment and analysis from around the world; free and highly discounted Journal subscriptions and access to research grants are just some of the many benefits. 7 SRHE Membership Non-members of SRHE wishing to take advantage of member discounts for conference can join the Society at the time of registering, or before at: Delegate Accommodation Full details of all delegate fees and options can be found on the conference website. Residential Rates All delegates choosing the residential package will have single occupancy accommodation reserved for two nights, 12 and 13 December 2012. This package includes breakfast, lunch, teas and coffees throughout, the Welcome Reception, and dinner on the Wednesday evening, the pre dinner evening drinks reception on the Thursday and attendance at all Conference sessions and plenary events. Dual occupancy is also offered at a discounted rate and additional nights before and after the conference can also be booked at special rates. The Society has secured preferential rates for delegates taking the residential package and we strongly advise Conference delegates to take this option as it will represent a substantial saving on overall costs. Accompanying partners; Delegates who wish to bring partners are welcome to do so at a reasonable additional cost. Details can be found when booking on-line. Non-residential Rates Delegates not taking the residential package and requiring accommodation for the duration of the Conference will be responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements at prevailing commercial rates. The non-residential package includes attendance at all sessions and plenary events, lunches, teas and coffees and the Welcome Drinks Reception. Day Delegate Rate A day delegate rate is available for the middle day of the Conference, Thursday 13 December, only. This rate includes attendance at all sessions and plenary events, lunch, teas and coffees on this day only. 8 Further Information For all abstract submissions, conference registrations, further information and updates on the Conference please access the Conference website at If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the SRHE Conference Team: Email: [email protected] Conference Director: Helen Perkins Director, SRHE Conference Organiser: Francois Smit, [email protected] Society for Research into Higher Education 73 Collier Street, London N1 9BE Tel +44 (0) 20 7427 2350 Fax +44 (0) 20 7278 1135 Registered Charity No: 313850 Company Limited by Guarantee: 868820 9
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