May 29, 2014 May Thur. Fri. Sat. June Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. Mon. Fri. Fri. Wed. Fri. ____________________________________ 29 Teacher Job Action – No Classes 30 -9:00am PAC Annual General Meeting in Library 30 Last day for Placement Input Forms and Edu-Pac School Supply Orders 31 –10:30am “Get Dirty” (see PAC Bulletin) ____________________________________ 3 Teacher Job Action – No Classes 4 -6:30pm “What is IB?” Parent Info Session 6 Deadline for “Alice” DVD orders May 29th “Fun Lunch” 7 Community Day 9 All Library Materials due 13 June 6 “Fun Lunch” 13 -3:00-4:30 Free the Children Club - Annual Fair 18 Summer Reading Club Presentations 20 Acti-Jeux (Sports Day) – Early dismissal at 12:30 “ALICE” DVD’s – Deadline extended again! – As a result of high demand, the deadline for ordering DVD’s of the performance has been extended to Friday June 7th. DVD’s are available by donation. (Minimum donation $20.) . Alice order forms can be found in Publications on the school website. Drop off your order at the school office. All money raised will support the 2015 Quebec trip. “WHAT IS IB?” INFORMATION NIGHT – DATE CHANGE - Mme LaBounty will host a “What is IB?” information evening on Wednesday June 4th from 6:30-7:30. Please RSVP to Mme Vaartnou if you will be attending this event, or sign up in the office. TRACK MEET – Congratulations to all of the Track athletes who participated in the District Track Meet on May 27th. The Hawks were very spirited this year and won many ribbons at all grade levels. The Track coaches would like to thank all of the parents who volunteered to marshal and supervise students at the meet. It is not too late to sign-up for the Child Run on Sunday, June 1st. Registration is available on the day of the race from 7:30-8:30am. See you all next season, Coach Mlle Jessica Hall GO HAWKS! FUN LUNCH RESCHEDULED – Thank you to the quick-thinking and fast-acting parent organizers under the leadership of Mandy Davies, May 29 pizza and smoothie Fun Lunch has been rescheduled to Friday, June 6 and June 3 Foodie Kids has been rescheduled to Friday, June 13. ELEMENTARY BAND PROGRAM 2014-15 – School District 45’s popular Elementary Band program will continue next year. Students in Grades 6 and 7 are eligible to participate. Registration this year is on-line and payment can be made by credit card. For more information and for the link to the registration form, please check the School District 45 website and click on the link for Elementary Band Registration. The instrument demonstration was held this morning. If you missed it, please see Mme Stewart before school Monday or Thursday. STUDENT SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR NEXT YEAR – DEADLINE TOMORROW for pre-ordering school supplies through Edu-Pac and having them delivered to the school in September. Supply lists are posted on the school website in Publications or order on-line and pay by credit card. Please make sure you select the list for the grade your child will be entering next year. Parents may choose to purchase their own supplies rather than order through Edu-Pac. If so, please ensure that all supplies on the lists are brought to school by Wednesday September 3rd. IT'S OUR 2ND ANNUAL FAIR! - Please mark your calendars and plan to attend, with your children of course! The fair will be held after school Friday, June 13th, from 3:00-4:30 PM. There will be face painting, a "Jumble" sale, a bake sale, an arts & crafts table and games. The "Free the Children Club" is hosting this last fundraiser of the school year and, as always, we appreciate your support. DONATIONS NEEDED - Please donate small toys, jewelry, dishes, decor and other household items for our "Jumble Sale" to be held June 13. Donations can be dropped off in the library June 2-13. No clothing or large, dirty or broken items please. Items not sold at the Fair will be donated to the Thrift Store in North Vancouver. PLACEMENT INPUT FOR 2013-14 – DEADLINE TOMORROW - In May and June of each year, we begin the process of planning for the next school year. Plans are tentative, as enrolment can change over the next few months which necessitates the need for flexibility in our planning. The process of assigning students to classes will be happening in June, but will not be finalized until September 2014. Our class placement process ensures that thoughtful consideration of each child’s social, emotional and academic needs is aligned with the need to create balanced and effective learning environments. The assignment of students to classes is decided by a team, which includes the School Based Resource Team, a child’s current teacher, non-enrolling teachers, support staff and the administrators. This professional team considers each placement carefully as they create classes that include a wide range of students who learn in a variety of ways. In addition to individual circumstances, criteria considered in the placement process include: 1. Workable instructional groups considering: the child’s academic needs and strengths; teaching and learning styles; the child’s work habits 2. Positive social groups considering: placements where a child can work positively and productively with other children in the class; peer support or conflicts; establishing the presence of positive leaders in each class 3. Balanced classes considering: gender (male/female) students with Special Needs English Language Learners social, emotional and academic needs and abilities leadership abilities 4. Other Information considered: School-Based Resource Team recommendations If there is information that the current classroom teacher and/or the principal does not have and should consider when placing your child, parents may wish to complete the Placement Input Form in Publications-> Forms. Please submit any Input Forms to Ms. LaBounty no later than May 30th, 2014. Information sheets received after May 30th will not be considered for student placement for the 2014-2015 school year. Please consider the placement criteria referenced above when describing your child’s needs. If you are requesting placements that involve other students (one or two at most) please think carefully before making your request and provide an explanation for that request. Please focus on the needs of your child. The information that you provide in your information sheet will be given to the team of professionals described above, to be used along with the criteria listed above in the placement of your child. Please note that it may not be possible to meet all requests as classes are determined. Teacher assignments are tentative and subject to change, along with enrolment and school organization changes. Reminder: Please note that no information sheets will be accepted if names of staff members are used in outlining your requests/concerns. Letters containing staff names will not be used in the class building process. Our goal is to meet the needs of all students at Cedardale in order to maximize their growth as learners. We appreciate your support in this complex multi-level process of arranging educationally sound and balanced classes. TERM 3 REPORT CARDS – Term 3 Report Cards will not be distributed until the afternoon of Thursday June 26th. If you will not be here on that day and would like your child’s report mailed to you, you must provide the office with a stamped self-addressed 9 x 12envelope contained $2.50 in postage before you leave. Otherwise, you may pick up your report in September. BC CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL CHILDRUN – Sunday June 1, 9:00a.m. – It is not too late to sign-up for the Child Run on Sunday, June 1st. Registration is available on the day of the race from 7:30-8:30am. For info, go to The race takes place at West 33rd Avenue and Heather Street in Vancouver. All Cedardale Hawk track team members, other Cedardale students and their families are encouraged to come out and participate in this event to raise funds for childhood cancer. Our team race packages for those already registered were distributed by Mlle Hall on Wednesday. As this is an event on the weekend, participation is voluntary and parents will be responsible for the supervision and transportation of their child. SD45 ONE – An Exhibition of West Vancouver Students Past and Present – April 9 – May 31, 2014 at the West Vancouver Museum, 680 17th Street. Come and see the art of a number of professional artists who are graduates of School District 45 schools, as well as some of our current budding artists – including six of our Cedardale students. SAFE ARRIVAL ASSISTANCE URGENTLY REQUIRED – The Safe Arrival program ensures the safety of your children each day. This critical program is in need of a new coordinator. To find out more about the job or to volunteer, please contact the PAC volunteer coordinator, Krisztina Szakaly. Please contact Krisztina if you can help with this important task for about 40 minutes (from about 8:50 to 9:30). FOLLOW US ON TWITTER – @EcoleCedardale for exciting up-to-the-minute school news! PLANNING AHEAD? CALENDAR 2014/2015 – Need to plan future vacations? To see when next year’s school breaks are scheduled, check out the recently released Board approved calendars for 2014-15 and for 2015-16 posted in Publications under Annual Calendars. SEPTEMBER SCHOOL OPENING – School re-opens for students on Tuesday September 2nd at 9:00. If you will not be arriving until after that date, please inform Mme Vaartnou in the school office of your planned return date before September 2nd . COMMUNITY NEWS AND EVENTS __________ WEST VANCOUVER GRAD ART SHOW - Please join us for the opening reception of the 2014 Grad Show on May 30 from 6-8 pm at the Ferry Building Gallery. The show runs from May 27June 8, and includes spectacular mixed media artwork created by West Vancouver's 2014 grads. For more information, see the West Vancouver Grad Art Show poster in Publications. SPARTAN VOLLEYBALL CAMP – Sentinel Spartans are hosting a volleyball camp for current Grades 6 and 7 students (boys and girls) on Tuesdays and Thursdays in June. Interested in developing your volleyball skills? Check out the Spartans flyer in Publications for details. Register and pay online at . NO MORE SECRETS – Youth Mental Health Forum - The West Vancouver School District, working in collaboration with the District of West Vancouver and Vancouver Coastal Health, is hosting a forum on youth mental health on May 29 from 6:30-9 pm at the Kay Meek Theatre. Positive mental health is more than the absence of a mental illness. The purpose of this forum is to demystify youth mental health issues, increase understanding and develop a shared knowledge of existing services and how to access them. For more information, please see the attached No More Secrets poster. Parents and students are invited to register for this event at: PARENTING A TEEN or PRE-TEEN –One sessions left!- This free four-part parenting seminar series presented by Hollyburn Family Services encourages parents of youth aged 12 – 18 to understand their role in shaping and influencing their children/youth’s behaviour. For more information re dates and registration, please refer to the Parenting a Teen or Pre-Teen flyer in Publications. GLENEAGLES ARTISAN FESTIVAL – Saturday May 31st, 11:00 – 4:00 at the Gleneagles Community Centre. For more information, please refer to the Gleneagles Artisan Festival poster in Publications. WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY DAY – Saturday June 7 - The District of West Vancouver is once again hosting Community Day at Ambleside beach on Saturday, June 7. You are invited to join them for a day of play and activities at Ambleside beach. Please see the Community Day Poster in Publications for more information. COPS FOR CANCER TOUR DE COAST – One of our Cedardale parents, Constable Carlos Rockhill will be participating with his colleagues in the 2014 Cops for Cancer ride in September. He needs to personally raise a minimum of $6000 in order to participate. For more information or to find the link for donating to Carlos’ campaign, check out the Cops for Cancer flyer in Publications. NORTH SHORE GSL FOOTBALL - Registration is now open for the North Shore GSL Football League. Don't miss the early bird discount. The North Shore GSL Football League gives children on the North Shore the opportunity to play flag and tackle football from the ages of 6 through 13. The season runs from September through November, with most games played at Norgate Fields on Sundays. Please go to to register your child or for additional information. SUMMER PROGRAMS________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FOR SD45 SUMMER LEARNING OPEN NOW - Upgrade, deepen or enhance your child’s education this summer through the West Vancouver School District’s Summer Learning program. Available to students in grades 4-12, this year’s options include core academics, English language support and a brand new course in self-regulation, social skills and organization for students in grades 6 and 7. Courses include a range of credit and non-credit offerings and are taught by West Vancouver School District teachers. Summer Learning sessions for elementary programs will be held at Ridgeview Elementary School. Be sure to register early. Some programs require your child’s Personal Education Number (PEN). To obtain your PEN, please contact Mme Vaartnou. To preview this year’s summer learning options, please visit the district website: SUMMER FENCING CAMP - The West Vancouver School District will be offering a fencing camp this summer at Ridgeview Elementary school. Taught by Igor Gantsevich, a 10-year member of the Canadian National Fencing Team, this camp offers a week-long introduction to the sport for ages 7 and up. All levels welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information and to register, please see the Summer Fencing Camp Flyer in Publications. LEGO SUMMER CAMP – Create Robo is hosting summer camps at Gleneagles Community Centre for 7 to 10 year olds. For more info, see the Create Robo Summer Camp poster in Publications or check out their website SUMMER YOUTH GOLF TOURNAMENT - The Gleneagles senior men's and women's golf clubs are sponsoring two youth tournaments this summer. Students play in foursomes accompanied by a club member, and the tournament closes with an award ceremony hosted by Mayor Michael Smith. Please see the Golf registration form in Publications to register your girl or boy aged 7-17. TRAMPOLINE AND DIVING CAMPS - The District of West Van and the North Shore Dolphins Dive Club will be offering 9 weeks of trampoline /diving camps at the West Vancouver Community Centre this summer! These camps are designed to introduce youth aged 7-12 to the Olympic sport of springboard diving in a fun & safe environment. The first part of the camp is spent on the trampoline in the gymnasium. For the second half, the kids head to the pool to dive. Children must be 7-12 yrs old and comfortable swimming in deep water. For more info visit . OTTERS SWIM CLUB SUMMER PROGRAMS – Book early to reserve your spot for the Otters Summer Swim Program - The West Vancouver Otters Swim Club is offering a Summer Swim Program for kids Kindergarten to Grade 7 at the West Vancouver Aquatic Centre. Program begins June 30 until the week of August 25. You may choose to enrol your swimmer in a few weekly sessions which will be offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Contact the registrar at otters.registrar@gmail or visit the website for more information. WVBC SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMPS - Registration for the West Vancouver Basketball Club's summer camps is well underway. The camps are filling up quickly, so register soon to reserve your child's place. For more info, please go to CAMP RIDGEVIEW SUMMER CAMP 2014 - Backyard Adventures & Sunsational Expeditions! - This is the twentieth year that Camp Ridgeview has operated a Summer Program. Once again we have 9 Fun-filled theme weeks. Weekly Registration. Care from 7:30am-6:00pm. Receipts for Tax purposes given. Ministry subsidies welcome. Inclusive prices (no hidden extras). Two snacks provided daily. The program is most suitable for children 4 years (Kindergarten age) to 8/9 years old. Registration for this year’s Summer Camp is now open and Registration Forms can be obtained from our website SUMMER ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING & SCIENCE – Children who will be entering Grades 5 to 8 are invited to check out the inspiring summer engineering and science camps sponsored by the Summer Academy of Engineering & Science. Go to for more information.
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