Document 237889

Gravitational force is commonly measured in " g ' s " one
g being equal to the normal
gravity on earth. If an astronaut
riding in his capsule experiences
two g's he is forced down into
his seat with tsvlce the normal
gravity. This would be caused
by ail Increase of speed at the
rate of twenty-two miles par
hour cadi second. This force
is added 10 the normal gravitational for.-e of one g. When this
astronaut returns to earth his
speed may lessen bv twenty-two
miles per hour each second, and
this would have the same effect
as before: the astronaut "pulls"
^pilot jargon) two g's, twice the
normal gravitation.
What Is Gravity?
What made the apple fall on
Isaac Nusvtou's head?
What makes a wooden object
fall as fast ns load?
What makes this hall heaved skyward fall to earth instead?
The Law ofUniversalGraviraiion,
What makes the earth go 'round
our sun up in the sky?
What impedes man's efforts to
send rockets oh-so-high?
What pins an astronaut down
and crushes the poor guy?
The Law ofUniversalGravitatlon,
Gravity i s a phenomenon
vaguely familiar to all of us;
we presumptuously assume that
whatever goes up can generally
be expected to return to its point
of origin. What gravity is has not
yet been clearly defined by physics, but what it does has been
known for centuries: Gravity
creates a force between any two
objects in the universe. The magnitude of the force is directly
proportional to the product of
the masses of the tsvo objects
over the squares of the distance
between their centers.
Normally, one sees this as a
force pulling atiy object to the
LJar!h, The distance between an
object near the earth and the
earth's center varies nciiligiblv
in every day life and she earth's
mas* dous not change, The force,
therefore, pulling anythinu toward the earth is direcilv proportional to its i:\asfi, >iiwc
inertia of resx, a force resisting
gravity, is also directly proportional to the mass, all objects
will accelerate toward the earth's
center at the same rate. During
In the rain and mud last F r i each second of its fall, an object's
the Scotch Plains ninth grade
velocity increases by a fixed
defeated a strong Springamount, measured a: about
| field eleven, 13-7, This brought
twentv-two miles per hour.
the Raider record to the .500
If you start your car and ac- level with three wins and three
celerate to twenty-two miles re- defeat* to date. Next Friday, an
hour in one second, you will f#el away game with Hillside, will
a gravitational force pulling you ;ell whether the season will be
back in your seat equal to :he a winning one or not barring a
force pulling you down. This tie. Coaches Morrell and Oraziul
force is caused by the tendaney feel that the squad will take this
of your body to stay still while next one,
Greg Tack, who caught three
the car seat pushes you forward.
Forces produced in this manner passes, scored first for the
by acceleration are indisting- Raiders when he took a 40 yard
pass from Bob Chambliss, off
uishable from gravity.
Football Team Wins
Junior High Jabber
The freshman football team
won their game l a s t Friday
against Springfield. The score
was 13 to 7, and the field was
All the authors would like to
sincerely wish Jim Boettner a
very Happy Birthday. His birthday is November 15,
Miss Brash and Miss Burger
took a few of their students into
the Union County Technical Institute to see IBM computers at
Can you imagine in the Junior
High School:
A coordinated g i r l ' s gym
a pitchout. Williams scored the
extra point and the Raiders led,
7-0, Springfield came back and
knotted the count shortly after.
In the third period, Bob Chambliss, Mr, Everything for the
Raiders this year, scored on a
slithering lOyardrun.Chambliss
had help from Ernie Green, Greg
Mr. Moskal without his curly
A visual - aides boy svho r e membered to put the plug in?
Laura without Matt?
The Knitting Club having a
joint dsnee with the Chef's Club?
Mr, Dezort as a street cleaner?
A certain group of girls getting
to lunch on time?
Mr. Miller without his striped
shirt and plaid jacket?
Kathy Jordan answering the
door when people ring the doorbell?
Karen Denholm going to
Our ninth grade being nice to
the seventh grade?
Tack and Steve Williams offensively last Friday.
On defense, the entire line
showed to tremendous advantage
with Kevin Gannon, Roy MacPherson, Harold Torkelson, Ken
Arnesen, Bill Lee, and Warren
Freeman standing out.
Astronomers Invite Public To Meeting Psychologist
The public is invited to attend the moderator, Mr, Lewis C,
the coming regular meeting of
Thomas, North Plainfield, and
the Amateur Astronomers, Inc. past president of the society, has
which will be held this Friday, arranged some unusual and inNovember 15, 1963, at 8-QO P.M. t e r e s t i n g presentations, Mr.
at Union Junior College in Cran- Thomas' flair for research in
scientific curiosity is well worth
T A detailed report will be presented by several members of the
. Mr. Edward T, Pearson of
society who participated in the
Westfleld, member of the expediexpedition this summer to Pleastion, will also be heard from.
ant Pond, Maine, where official
The program will be rounded
sites were provided for scientific
out from among the other memstudy along the eclipse path of
bers of the expedition who include
Mr, William Sattaglia of New
Mr, Roger W. Tuchill of Moun- Market, Mr. Anthony Paone and
tainside, Vice-Presldent:, and Dr. M.C. Reed, both of Westfleld,
member of the expedition, will be
Will Speak
Dr. Carl Einhorn, staff psychologist at Lyons Veterans Hospital, will be guest speaker at the
School One PTA meeting on November 20 at 8-00 P.M. in the
junior High School cafeteria.
Dr. Elnhorn's subject will be
"Parents Behavior and It's Effect On Children." Dr. Einhorn
also teaches at Falrleigh -Dickenson University in Madison and
is a consultant a t Stevens Institute of Technology inHoboken,
Refreshments will be served
following the business meeting
Local Resident At Conference
Many students experience the
frightening feeling of not knowing
what they are going to do after
college or even more exasperating, not knowing what they want
to do. By deciding early one may
orient his college program so as
to obtain the greatest benefit from
a most expensive education.
In keeping with this idea, St.
Lawrence University of Canton,
N.Y. has initiated in the last few
years the Career Conference, a
program which provides excellent opportunities for young menand women to investigate various
career fields. Among the alumni
invited to return to the campus
on November 2 to participate in
the Conference was Mr. Francis
J. Kelly, Jr. '54 of 340 Victor
St., Scotch Plains.
A Supervisor in the Agency
Dept, of the Aetna Casualty and
Surety Co. Mr, Kelly provided a
brief insight into his own field
of endeavor, In 1960 he was.
awarded the designation of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter following an extensive"
course of study and series of
examinations. He is a member of
the New jersey Chapter of the
C.P.C.U. and the New jersey
Fialdmans Club, He is the 1963
co-chairman of the Central New
jersey Alumni Fund Drive,