What is the Langlands Programme? Shaun Stevens University of East Anglia 6th March 2012 Number Theory Finding non-trivial solutions of polynomial equations over Z or Q, or even their existence, is hard: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups • x5 − 2x + 3 = 0; • 3x2 + 4y 2 − 5z 2 = 0; • 3x3 + 4y 3 + 5z 3 = 0; • y 2 = x3 − 4x + 4. Number Theory Finding non-trivial solutions of polynomial equations over Z or Q, or even their existence, is hard: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands • x5 − 2x + 3 = 0; • 3x2 + 4y 2 − 5z 2 = 0; • 3x3 + 4y 3 + 5z 3 = 0; • y 2 = x3 − 4x + 4. Other groups There are simple necessary conditions for the existence of solutions in Z: • the existence of a real solution; Number Theory Finding non-trivial solutions of polynomial equations over Z or Q, or even their existence, is hard: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands • x5 − 2x + 3 = 0; • 3x2 + 4y 2 − 5z 2 = 0; • 3x3 + 4y 3 + 5z 3 = 0; • y 2 = x3 − 4x + 4. Other groups There are simple necessary conditions for the existence of solutions in Z: • the existence of a real solution; • the existence of a solution modulo n, for all n ∈ N ⇐⇒ the existence of a solution modulo pr , for all p, r Number Theory Finding non-trivial solutions of polynomial equations over Z or Q, or even their existence, is hard: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands • x5 − 2x + 3 = 0; • 3x2 + 4y 2 − 5z 2 = 0; • 3x3 + 4y 3 + 5z 3 = 0; • y 2 = x3 − 4x + 4. Other groups There are simple necessary conditions for the existence of solutions in Z: • the existence of a real solution; • the existence of a solution modulo n, for all n ∈ N ⇐⇒ the existence of a solution modulo pr , for all p, r ⇐⇒ the existence of a solution in Zp := lim Z/pr Z. ←− Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Motivation Local Class Field Theory As well as the usual absolute value, Q has a p-adic absolute value for each prime p: a n for ab coprime to p. p = p−n , b p Representations Local Langlands Other groups Thus pn → 0 as n → ∞. Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Motivation Local Class Field Theory As well as the usual absolute value, Q has a p-adic absolute value for each prime p: a n for ab coprime to p. p = p−n , b p Representations Local Langlands Other groups Thus pn → 0 as n → ∞. This valuation is non-archimedean: |x + y|p ≤ max {|x|p , |y|p } . Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Motivation Local Class Field Theory As well as the usual absolute value, Q has a p-adic absolute value for each prime p: a n for ab coprime to p. p = p−n , b p Representations Local Langlands Other groups Thus pn → 0 as n → ∞. This valuation is non-archimedean: |x + y|p ≤ max {|x|p , |y|p } . Qp is the completion of Q with respect to | · |p . ∪ Zp = {x ∈ Qp : |x|p ≤ 1}, the ring of p-adic integers. ∪ pZp = {x ∈ Qp : |x|p < 1}, the unique maximal ideal. There is only one prime in Zp . Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Some properties of Qp : • Q is dense in Qp and Z is dense in Zp . Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Some properties of Qp : • Q is dense in Qp and Z is dense in Zp . Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups • Every non-zero α ∈ Qp can be uniquely written α = X an pn , n≥n0 with an ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1} and an0 6= 0; moreover |α|p = p−n0 . Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Some properties of Qp : • Q is dense in Qp and Z is dense in Zp . Motivation Local Class Field Theory • Every non-zero α ∈ Qp can be uniquely written α = Representations Local Langlands Other groups X an pn , n≥n0 with an ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1} and an0 6= 0; moreover |α|p = p−n0 . • Every non-zero α ∈ Qp can be uniquely written α = pn0 u, with u ∈ Zp a unit. Local fields: the p-adic numbers Qp Some properties of Qp : • Q is dense in Qp and Z is dense in Zp . Motivation Local Class Field Theory • Every non-zero α ∈ Qp can be uniquely written α = Representations Local Langlands Other groups X an pn , n≥n0 with an ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1} and an0 6= 0; moreover |α|p = p−n0 . • Every non-zero α ∈ Qp can be uniquely written α = pn0 u, with u ∈ Zp a unit. • Every ball B in Qp is both open and closed; every point of B is the centre of the ball! Local-Global (Hasse) Principle The Qp and R = Q∞ are the only completions of Q so: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups The existence of solutions in Qp , for all p ≤ ∞, to a rational polynomial equation should say something about the existence of solutions in Q. Local-Global (Hasse) Principle The Qp and R = Q∞ are the only completions of Q so: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups The existence of solutions in Qp , for all p ≤ ∞, to a rational polynomial equation should say something about the existence of solutions in Q. • The existence of local (p-adic or real) solutions is much easier to determine because we can use analytic techniques. Local-Global (Hasse) Principle The Qp and R = Q∞ are the only completions of Q so: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups The existence of solutions in Qp , for all p ≤ ∞, to a rational polynomial equation should say something about the existence of solutions in Q. • The existence of local (p-adic or real) solutions is much easier to determine because we can use analytic techniques. • The existence of p-adic solutions, for all p, to a rational quadratic form does imply the existence of a rational solution (Hasse–Minkowski). Local-Global (Hasse) Principle The Qp and R = Q∞ are the only completions of Q so: Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups The existence of solutions in Qp , for all p ≤ ∞, to a rational polynomial equation should say something about the existence of solutions in Q. • The existence of local (p-adic or real) solutions is much easier to determine because we can use analytic techniques. • The existence of p-adic solutions, for all p, to a rational quadratic form does imply the existence of a rational solution (Hasse–Minkowski). • 3x3 + 4y 3 + 5z 3 = 0 has p-adic solutions, for all p, but no rational solution (Selmer). Galois Theory If there are no solutions, where do solutions exist? Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Galois Theory If there are no solutions, where do solutions exist? Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Example: x2 + 1 = 0 has no solutions in R, but two solutions x = ±i in C. Nothing distinguishes i from −i. Galois Theory If there are no solutions, where do solutions exist? Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Example: x2 + 1 = 0 has no solutions in R, but two solutions x = ±i in C. Nothing distinguishes i from −i. Other groups field isomorphisms f : C → C such that Gal(C/R) = f (x) = x for all x ∈ R = {1, c}. Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups x5 − 2x + 3 = 0 has no solutions in Q, but five solutions α1 , . . . , α5 in C, but • we cannot write them down; • they are indistinguishable if starting from Q. Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups x5 − 2x + 3 = 0 has no solutions in Q, but five solutions α1 , . . . , α5 in C, but • we cannot write them down; • they are indistinguishable if starting from Q. Put L = Q(α1 , . . . , α5 ), a subfield of C. • L is a Q-vector space, of finite dimension over Q. field isomorphisms f : L → L such that Gal(L/Q) = f (x) = x for all x ∈ Q ' S5 . Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups x5 − 2x + 3 = 0 has no solutions in Q, but five solutions α1 , . . . , α5 in C, but • we cannot write them down; • they are indistinguishable if starting from Q. Put L = Q(α1 , . . . , α5 ), a subfield of C. • L is a Q-vector space, of finite dimension over Q. field isomorphisms f : L → L such that Gal(L/Q) = f (x) = x for all x ∈ Q ' S5 . Moreover, Gal(L/Q) acts as Q-linear maps on L; we get a (linear) representation of Gal(L/Q) which is the regular representation of S5 . Absolute Galois Theory Put all such fields together: Q = algebraic closure of Q (in C) α ∈ C such that α is a root = of some fα (X) ∈ Q[X] Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Then field isomorphisms GQ := Gal(Q/Q) = f : Q → Q such that f (x) = x for all x ∈ Q is a big group! It acts linearly on L via its quotient GQ /GL ' Gal(L/Q) ' S5 . Elements (really conjugacy classes) are hard to write down! Absolute Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands • What finite groups are quotients of GQ ? Given K a field K, V a K-vector space, and a representation ρ : GQ → AutK (V ) with finite image, put Lρ = {x ∈ Q : σ(x) = x for all σ ∈ ker ρ}. Other groups Then Gal(Lρ /Q) ' GQ /ker ρ ' im ρ. Absolute Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands • What finite groups are quotients of GQ ? Given K a field K, V a K-vector space, and a representation ρ : GQ → AutK (V ) with finite image, put Lρ = {x ∈ Q : σ(x) = x for all σ ∈ ker ρ}. Other groups Then Gal(Lρ /Q) ' GQ /ker ρ ' im ρ. Note that, if ρ is 1-dimensional, then Gal(Lρ /Q) is abelian. 1-dimensional representations of GQ correspond to abelian extensions of Q. Absolute Galois Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups • Representations of GQ occur via action on solutions of diophantine equations, for example via (´etale) cohomology. GQ acts on the points of order dividing `n on the elliptic curve E : y 2 = x3 − 4x + 4, E [`n ] ' (Z/`n Z)2 ; taking the inverse limit we get a representation of GQ on E [`∞ ] = lim E [`n ] ' Z2` , ←− i.e. a two-dimensional representation. Local-Global Again Motivation Local Class Field Theory Since Q is dense in Qp , we get an injective map GQp := Gal(Qp /Qp ) ,→ GQ Representations Local Langlands Other groups so we can try first to understand GQp , for each p. Local-Global Again Motivation Local Class Field Theory Since Q is dense in Qp , we get an injective map GQp := Gal(Qp /Qp ) ,→ GQ Representations Local Langlands Other groups so we can try first to understand GQp , for each p. The idea of the (local) Langlands programme is to understand the representations of GQp in terms of representations of certain matrix groups over Qp . Start with 1-dimensional representations; that is, understand the abelian extensions of Qp . Basic structure of Q× p We have a group homomorphism Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups × | · |p : Q× p → R+ , with image pZ and kernel the group of units Up = Z× p : we have a split exact sequence 1 −→ Up −→ Q× p −→ Z −→ 0, p 7−→ 1. Up is compact open in Q× p , with filtration Upn = 1 + pn Zp , n ≥ 1. Algebraic extensions of Qp Qp F/Qp algebraic | · |p extends uniquely to F Qp Zp Fp Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Zp ∪ pZp ring of integers maximal ideal oF ∪ pF Fp residue field kF = oF /pF p prime element If F/Qp is finite, pF = $F oF $F Other groups pZp Algebraic extensions of Qp Qp F/Qp algebraic | · |p extends uniquely to F Qp Zp Fp Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Zp ∪ pZp ring of integers maximal ideal oF ∪ pF Fp residue field kF = oF /pF p prime element If F/Qp is finite, pF = $F oF $F Other groups pZp Unramified F/Qp : only extend the residue field kF /Fp . Totally ramified F/Qp : only extend the image |F × |p of | · |p . The Weil group For F an algebraic extension of Qp , there is a natural map Motivation Gal(F/Qp ) / / Gal(kF /Fp ). Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups If kF /Fp is finite then Gal(kF /Fp ) is generated by Frobenius Frob−1 : x 7→ xp . The Weil group For F an algebraic extension of Qp , there is a natural map Motivation Gal(F/Qp ) / / Gal(kF /Fp ). Local Class Field Theory Representations If kF /Fp is finite then Gal(kF /Fp ) is generated by Frobenius Local Langlands Frob−1 : x 7→ xp . Other groups 1 / Ip / GQp / Gal(Fp /Fp ) /0 The Weil group For F an algebraic extension of Qp , there is a natural map Motivation Gal(F/Qp ) / / Gal(kF /Fp ). Local Class Field Theory Representations If kF /Fp is finite then Gal(kF /Fp ) is generated by Frobenius Local Langlands Frob−1 : x 7→ xp . Other groups 1 / Ip / GQp O / Gal(Fp /Fp ) O /0 1 /I p ? /W p ? / hFrobi /0 Wp is the Weil group, the inertia group Ip is open in Wp . Local Class Field Theory Motivation There is a natural isomorphism of topological groups ab ap : Q× p −→ Wp , Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups in which p 7−→ Frob; we have 1 / Up 1 ap / I ab p / Q× p /Z /0 /Z / 0. ap / W ab p Local Class Field Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Dualizing, we get a natural bijection irreducible representations 1-dimensional ←→ representations of W of GL1 (Qp ) p Representations Local Langlands Other groups We will identify these sets. Local Class Field Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Dualizing, we get a natural bijection irreducible representations 1-dimensional ←→ representations of W of GL1 (Qp ) p Representations Local Langlands We will identify these sets. Other groups The local Langlands correspondence (Harris–Taylor, Henniart) generalizes this to n-dimensional representations of Wp . Local Class Field Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Dualizing, we get a natural bijection irreducible representations 1-dimensional ←→ representations of W of GL1 (Qp ) p Representations Local Langlands We will identify these sets. Other groups The local Langlands correspondence (Harris–Taylor, Henniart) generalizes this to n-dimensional representations of Wp . • Do we just change 1 to n? Local Class Field Theory Motivation Local Class Field Theory Dualizing, we get a natural bijection irreducible representations 1-dimensional ←→ representations of W of GL1 (Qp ) p Representations Local Langlands We will identify these sets. Other groups The local Langlands correspondence (Harris–Taylor, Henniart) generalizes this to n-dimensional representations of Wp . • Do we just change 1 to n? • What sorts of representations? Representations of p-adic groups Motivation Local Class Field Theory A smooth (complex) representation of G = GLn (Qp ) is a homomorphism π : G −→ AutC (V), for V a complex vector space, such that Representations Local Langlands Other groups StabG (v) is open, for all v ∈ V. Representations of p-adic groups Motivation Local Class Field Theory A smooth (complex) representation of G = GLn (Qp ) is a homomorphism π : G −→ AutC (V), for V a complex vector space, such that Representations Local Langlands StabG (v) is open, for all v ∈ V. Other groups The only finite-dimensional irreducible smooth representations of G are 1-dimensional, of the form g 7→ χ(det(g)), × for χ : Q× p → C a (smooth) character. Representations of p-adic groups Motivation Local Class Field Theory A smooth (complex) representation of G = GLn (Qp ) is a homomorphism π : G −→ AutC (V), for V a complex vector space, such that Representations Local Langlands StabG (v) is open, for all v ∈ V. Other groups The only finite-dimensional irreducible smooth representations of G are 1-dimensional, of the form g 7→ χ(det(g)), × for χ : Q× p → C a (smooth) character. Schur’s Lemma holds so every irreducible smooth representation π of G has a central character ωπ : Z(G) → C× . Langlands Parameters Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups A Langlands parameter for G is a smooth semisimple n-dimensional representation ϕ : Wp −→ GLn (C). Note that we do not require irreducibility. Langlands Parameters Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations A Langlands parameter for G is a smooth semisimple n-dimensional representation ϕ : Wp −→ GLn (C). Local Langlands Note that we do not require irreducibility. Other groups Given nowPa number of representations ϕi : Wp → GLni (C) with n = i ni , we can form their direct sum M ϕ= ϕi : Wp −→ GLn (C), i with image in a Levi subgroup. Parabolic (Harish-Chandra) induction Given P = M n N a parabolic subgroup of G, we have Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups P/N ' M ' GLn1 (Qp ) × · · · × GLnk (Qp ), P with i ni = n. Any irreducible representation of M decomposes as a tensor product ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk , for ρi an irreducible representation of GLni (Qp ). Parabolic (Harish-Chandra) induction Given P = M n N a parabolic subgroup of G, we have Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups P/N ' M ' GLn1 (Qp ) × · · · × GLnk (Qp ), P with i ni = n. Any irreducible representation of M decomposes as a tensor product ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk , for ρi an irreducible representation of GLni (Qp ). We can form the (normalized) parabolically induced representation ρ1 × · · · × ρk := Ind G P ρ1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ρk . The semisimplification of this representation is independent of the order of the representations ρi . Parabolic (Harish-Chandra) induction Motivation Local Class Field Theory An irreducible representation of G which does not appear as a submodule of any properly parabolically induced representation is called cuspidal: Representations Local Langlands Theorem (Harish-Chandra, Jacquet) Other groups For any irreducible representation π of G, there is a cuspidal representation ρ of a Levi subgroup M such that π is a submodule of Ind G P ρ, for some P = M N a parabolic; moreover (M, ρ) is unique up to conjugacy. Example: GL2 (Qp ) M = GL1 (Qp ) × GL1 (Qp ) has representations χ1 ⊗ χ2 . Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands ±1 • If χ1 χ−1 2 6= | · |p then χ1 × χ2 is irreducible; • If χ1 χ−1 2 = | · |p then χ1 × χ2 has length 2, with 1-dimensional submodule; the quotient is called a Steinberg representation: Other groups −1/2 0 → 1G → | · |1/2 → StG → 0. p × | · |p −1 • If χ1 χ−1 2 = | · |p then we get the same composition factors, reversed. All other irreducible representations of G are cuspidal. Example: GL2 (Qp ) M = GL1 (Qp ) × GL1 (Qp ) has representations χ1 ⊗ χ2 . Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands ±1 • If χ1 χ−1 2 6= | · |p then χ1 × χ2 is irreducible; • If χ1 χ−1 2 = | · |p then χ1 × χ2 has length 2, with 1-dimensional submodule; the quotient is called a Steinberg representation: Other groups −1/2 0 → 1G → | · |1/2 → StG → 0. p × | · |p −1 • If χ1 χ−1 2 = | · |p then we get the same composition factors, reversed. All other irreducible representations of G are cuspidal. Following Deligne, we use the representations of SL2 (C) to distinguish StG from 1G . Local Langlands Correspondence for GL2 Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands There is a canonical bijection (smooth irreducible ) (msmooth W -semisimple ) p ←→ representations representations of GL2 (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → GL2 (C) [Kutzko, 1980] Other groups irreducible χ1 × χ2 ←→ χ1 ⊕ χ2 , 1G ←→ 1 ⊕ 1, StG ←→ 1 ⊗ St2 , cuspidal ←→ irreducible as Wp -representation. Local Langlands Correspondence for GLn Representations There is a canonical bijection (smooth irreducible ) (msmooth W -semisimple ) p ←→ representations representations of GLn (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → GLn (C) Local Langlands [Harris–Taylor, Henniart 1998] Motivation Local Class Field Theory Other groups Local Langlands Correspondence for GLn Representations There is a canonical bijection (smooth irreducible ) (msmooth W -semisimple ) p ←→ representations representations of GLn (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → GLn (C) Local Langlands [Harris–Taylor, Henniart 1998] Motivation Local Class Field Theory Other groups The local Langlands correspondence for GLn reduces to (irreducible cuspidal ) ( irreducible smooth representations of GLn (Qp ) ←→ semisimple representations Wp → GLn (C) ) Local Langlands Correspondence for GLn Representations There is a canonical bijection (smooth irreducible ) (msmooth W -semisimple ) p ←→ representations representations of GLn (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → GLn (C) Local Langlands [Harris–Taylor, Henniart 1998] Motivation Local Class Field Theory Other groups The local Langlands correspondence for GLn reduces to (irreducible cuspidal ) ( irreducible smooth representations of GLn (Qp ) ←→ semisimple representations Wp → GLn (C) • What does canonical mean here? ) Local Langlands Correspondence for GLn Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands There is a unique system of bijections (smooth irreducible ) (continuous W -semisimple ) p rn −−→ representations representations of GLn (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → GLn (C) such that Other groups • r1 is given by local class field theory; • rn (π ⊗ χ ◦ det) = rn (π) ⊗ r1 (χ); • r1 (ωπ ) = det rn (π); • rn respects L-functions L(π1 × π2 , s) and -factors of pairs of representations. Cuspidal representations of GLn (Qp ) In order to make use of the Langlands correspondence, it would be helpful to have an explicit correspondence. Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Cuspidal representations of GLn (Qp ) In order to make use of the Langlands correspondence, it would be helpful to have an explicit correspondence. Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Theorem (Bushnell–Kutzko, 1993) There is an explicit list of pairs (J, λ), consisting of a compact-mod-centre open subgroup of G = GLn (Qp ) and an irreducible representation λ of J, such that: Other groups • every irreducible cuspidal representation of G is equivalent to some Ind G J λ; G 0 0 0 • Ind G J λ ' Ind J 0 λ iff (J, λ) is conjugate to (J , λ ). [Howe–Moy for p > n.] Cuspidal representations of GLn (Qp ) In order to make use of the Langlands correspondence, it would be helpful to have an explicit correspondence. Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Theorem (Bushnell–Kutzko, 1993) There is an explicit list of pairs (J, λ), consisting of a compact-mod-centre open subgroup of G = GLn (Qp ) and an irreducible representation λ of J, such that: Other groups • every irreducible cuspidal representation of G is equivalent to some Ind G J λ; G 0 0 0 • Ind G J λ ' Ind J 0 λ iff (J, λ) is conjugate to (J , λ ). [Howe–Moy for p > n.] Using this, for p - n, Bushnell–Henniart have given an effective description of the Langlands correspondence. Local Langlands Conjecture for Sp2n Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups Local Langlands Conjecture for Sp2n Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups There is a canonical surjective map (smooth irreducible ) ( smooth W -semisimple ) p −→ representations representations of Sp2n (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → SO2n+1 (C) with finite fibres, called L-packets. Local Langlands Conjecture for Sp2n Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups There is a canonical surjective map (smooth irreducible ) ( smooth W -semisimple ) p −→ representations representations of Sp2n (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → SO2n+1 (C) with finite fibres, called L-packets. • The fibre over ϕ should be in bijection with the set of irreducible representations of Aϕ = π0 ZSO2n+1 (C) (ϕ)/Z(SO2n+1 (C)) . Local Langlands Conjecture for Sp2n Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups There is a canonical surjective map (smooth irreducible ) ( smooth W -semisimple ) p −→ representations representations of Sp2n (Qp ) Wp × SL2 (C) → SO2n+1 (C) with finite fibres, called L-packets. • The fibre over ϕ should be in bijection with the set of irreducible representations of Aϕ = π0 ZSO2n+1 (C) (ϕ)/Z(SO2n+1 (C)) . • One would like to reduce to cuspidal representations, but unfortunately things are not so easy. Local Langlands Correspondence for Sp4 Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups × Let ω : Q× p → C be the unramified quadratic character (trivial on Up and with ω(p) = −1). For G = Sp4 (Qp ), we have the Langlands parameter ϕ = ω ⊗ St3 ⊕ ω ⊕ 1. Here Aϕ is the Klein 4-group so the corresponding L-packet has cardinality 4. Local Langlands Correspondence for Sp4 Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups × Let ω : Q× p → C be the unramified quadratic character (trivial on Up and with ω(p) = −1). For G = Sp4 (Qp ), we have the Langlands parameter ϕ = ω ⊗ St3 ⊕ ω ⊕ 1. Here Aϕ is the Klein 4-group so the corresponding L-packet has cardinality 4. Two of the representations come from Ind G P ω| · | ⊗ ω, where P = M N with M ' GL1 (QP ) × GL1 (Qp ), but the other two are cuspidal! Local Langlands Correspondence for Sp4 Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups × Let ω : Q× p → C be the unramified quadratic character (trivial on Up and with ω(p) = −1). For G = Sp4 (Qp ), we have the Langlands parameter ϕ = ω ⊗ St3 ⊕ ω ⊕ 1. Here Aϕ is the Klein 4-group so the corresponding L-packet has cardinality 4. Two of the representations come from Ind G P ω| · | ⊗ ω, where P = M N with M ' GL1 (QP ) × GL1 (Qp ), but the other two are cuspidal! Note: the image of ϕ is not contained in any proper Levi subgroup of SO5 (C). Discrete series representations Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands The Local Langlands correspondence for GLn (Qp ) reduces to ( irreducible discrete ) ( ) semisimple representations series representations ←→ Wp × SL2 (C) → GLn (C) of GLn (Qp ) with image in no Levi sbgp Other groups • There is a classification of discrete series representations in terms of cuspidal representations (Zelevinsky): they are generalizations of Steinberg representations. Discrete series representations The Local Langlands correspondence for Sp2n (Qp ) reduces to Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups ( irreducible discrete ) ( ) semisimple representations series representations −→ Wp × SL2 (C) → SO2n+1 (C) of Sp2n (Qp ) with image in no Levi sbgp • There is a classification of discrete series representations in terms of cuspidal representations (Sally–Tadi´c for n = 2; Mœglin–Tadi´c in general). For Sp4 , the two irreducible subquotients of Ind G P ω| · | ⊗ ω are discrete series representations. Cuspidal representations of Sp2n (Qp ), p 6= 2 Theorem (S. 2008) Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups There is an explicit list of pairs (J, λ), consisting of a compact open subgroup of G = Sp2n (Qp ) and an irreducible representation λ of J, such that: • every irreducible cuspidal representation of G is equivalent to some Ind G J λ. [For sufficiently large p, this is also due to Kim–Yu (for a general connected reductive group).] Cuspidal representations of Sp2n (Qp ), p 6= 2 Theorem (S. 2008) Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations Local Langlands Other groups There is an explicit list of pairs (J, λ), consisting of a compact open subgroup of G = Sp2n (Qp ) and an irreducible representation λ of J, such that: • every irreducible cuspidal representation of G is equivalent to some Ind G J λ. [For sufficiently large p, this is also due to Kim–Yu (for a general connected reductive group).] The hope is to use this to make the local Langlands correspondence for Sp2n explicit, at least when p - n. Motivation Local Class Field Theory Representations What is the Langlands Programme? Local Langlands Other groups Shaun Stevens University of East Anglia 6th March 2012
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