Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 2011 SOCIAL PUBLICITY & BOOK LAUNCH CAMPAIGNS WWW.FSBASSOCIATES.COM Did You Know? What is Social Publicity? • Facebook has more tha n 500 million active users who spend 700 billion minutes per month on the site. • The website’s “Like” fea ture increases referral tra ffic to blogs by 50%. • Twitter has 145 millio n users who send 50 millio n tweets per day. • 80% of companies are using LinkedIn as their pr imary tool to find employees. Social Publicity is the integration of Web Publicity and Social Media The role of a publicist has always been to promote the public image and reputation of people, products and businesses. traditional publicity methods to the web environment, all the while listening, responding, and adding value to your message, socially. It is our job to develop a strategy, shape a consistent message, work with the media, and create exposure. This job has never been more important or multifaceted than right now. As a result of influential social media tools, the responsibility of a publicist is moving and growing, creating a very robust and exciting time for the industry. In this new decade, FSB is changing in an exciting and fundamental way. The tools to monitor, research, build relationships, and develop strategy have never been better. Our campaign will utilize these tools to encourage a brand and platform for you on the web. In our efforts, we will incorporate 180 Mount Airy Road, Suite 205 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Social connections are intertwined with traditional publicity methods online. Our portfolio To view our most recent campaigns, and bestsellers, visit us on our website and on Twitter @FSBAssociates Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 Online Features Reviews The declining book review sections in traditional media channels have paved the way for a strong online community of reviewers and book lovers. We will tap into a direct and established audience online for your book, reaching consumers directly with book reviews. Content Development & Guidelines Guest Blogs Alternatively to maintaining a regular blog on your own, guest blogging presents a great opportunity for an expert to take advantage of the traffic of an already established blog. We will encourage features in communities that resonate closely with your book and expertise, increasing awareness and building a brand for you online. Raffles Engaging and relevant, we will encourage sites and blogs to offer a free copy of your book along with a review or content placement. Book giveaway features encourage a response online that can result in increased Twitter followers, Facebook fans, traffic to your site or blog, and increased visibility for your and your book overall. Interviews/ Online Events We w i l l e n c o u r a g e i n t e r v i e w opportunities and exclusive online events with top sites and blogs for your book. Features can include an email or phone interview, exclusive article, slideshow presentation, or highlighted excerpts from the book, providing a dynamic experience for the book online. “One of the major reasons that The Prosecution of George W. Bush has made it on to The NYT Bestseller list, without any print ads or major media coverage is because of the passion, innovation & creative energy of FSB Associates...” -Roger Cooper, VP, Publisher, Vanguard Press We request that the author write at least one article for distribution, and as many as three to give us every advantage to deliver the best campaign possible. Below are a few guidelines to help you get started. The online crowd is looking for a quick read. Something around 700-1,000 words in length works best for online. No more than 1,200 words should be used. State your point right at the start. Try to lay out your argument in the first paragraph to keep the reader interested. Don't use the article as a promotion for your book. The best way to promote yourself and your book is to write a solid and informative feature article. Many editors will not run articles that promote a book too heavily. Your book will be mentioned along side the article in most cases. Give the complete picture. Editors want content that is self contained and stand alone. The reader should be able to understand your argument fully without having read your book. The content you give them will be what encourages them to follow up and purchase a copy. Write for a specific audience. Choose what you think is one of the major audiences for your book and write the article for them. It is always a good idea to speak with FSB about what audiences will be rece ptive to articles. Some audiences respond better than others online. Sometimes controversial articles can be good publicity, but not always. You do not want to be confrontational or Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 Content Guidelines, cont. negative about an audience you are trying to sell yourself to. Create a Twitter-Friendly title. Your content, and especially your title, should be easily shareable a m o n g s o c i a l m e d i a o u t l e t s. Developing a title in less than 140 characters is ideal, and make sure there is enough room for a link to the piece. S e n d t h e fi n i s h e d a rt i c l e completely polished. FSB is happy to look over drafts of your articles for errors and make suggestions. We are not professional editors by trade. It is best to have someone qualified proof your article thoroughly so it is error free when the final draft is sent to us for use. Below are some examples of top sites we work with regularly who have featured our clients. Click the link to see some sample features. 800 CEO Read CafeMom The Huffington Post Christian Personal Finance Inc. AdPulp CNet iVillage AOL January Magazine Ask Men Daily Beast Leadership Now Asylum Daily Kos Babble Daily Om Basil & Spice MSNBC Beatrice BeliefNet Examiner Pajamas Media Betty Confidential Exec Digital Psychology Today Fast Company Salon BNet FitCeleb Boing Boing Slashdot Bookgasm Fox Business Slate BookSlut Glamour Starpulse Business Pundit Good Housekeeping Suite 101 Business Week Head Butler USA Today Types of Content Tips An article that gives readers tips. “Thank you for an amazing job. When I look at the list of things you’ve accomplished in such a short time, I’m not just impressed -I’m astonished.” -Alan Alda Opinion-Editorial Opinion editorial pieces simply reflect your opinion about a certain topic or issue. We would suggest an op-ed of this nature if you wish to comment on a political issue, current event, or are reacting to a news story in the media. How To Your expertise will especially come into play with this article. You can build on content from your book, previous blog posts, or new pieces based on your knowledge. Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 FSB on For our clients... • Each member of our staff runs their own Twitter and Facebook feeds, helping to cultivate relationships with contacts and clients on a one on one basis. We offer tips, ideas, news, and highlight recent features on the web. • @Love of Reading features our latest placements, reviews, giveaways and more from each of our clients. Followed by bloggers, reviewers, and book lovers, this feed is especially crucial to connect with key influencers for your book as well as consumers directly. • Find FSB Associates on Twitter and Facebook. Join us for the latest industry news and statistics, tips for managing social media, and our latest campaign results. • @WebSnapshot and @fauziaburke run by Fauzia, is the feed to follow for social media news, tips, and the most up to date resources for maintaining your own social presence. & Why FSB? Experience. In a time when relationships mean more than ever, we have had 15 years to cultivate relationships with site editors and bloggers, having access to opportunities that others do not. Research. All campaigns are customized and organic. We conduct extensive research and pitch each and every site individually, avoiding any cookie cutter campaigns and protecting your reputation online. Cutting-edge. We are at the forefront of developing a new kind of publicity for books. We stay abreast of constantly changing trends and are sure to take advantage of every opportunity possible for your book. Resources. Our staff of 8 is completely focused on promoting books and authors on the web. We are all available to speak with you anytime via phone or email, so never hesitate to connect with us. Focus has its benefits. The Importance of Social Media “When it comes to publicizing a book on the web, nobody has the range and expertise of FSB Associates.” -Larry J. Kirshbaum, LJK Literary Management People will hire you, work with you, or buy from you only if they know and trust you. To be an author in today’s competitive market, you need to consider developing your online platform and brand as an extension of your job as a writer. If you are not already on Twitter or Facebook, signing up and maintenance is easy and free. Set up goals for your feeds and a schedule for posting so you can integrate them into your daily routine. Here are a few links that may be helpful to get you up and running: • Twitter 101: Tips to Get You Started by Fauzia Burke • 6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan from • 5 Things that Don’t Work on Facebook (and5 That Do) by Aliza Sherman • Twitter Hashtags - Understand Their Value and How to Use Them from Find more tips and resources on Fauzia’s Huffington Post Blog! Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 Publicity Reports Your campaign will be assigned a senior publicist who will provide you with a bimonthly report. This electronic document will include live, clickable links so that you may track the progress of the campaign. Every two weeks from your start date, your report will be sent to you via email and include the following: Review quotes We will pull highlighted quotes from the reviews we receive during our outreach and list them for you. You may use these quotes for your additional promotional materials or list them on your Web site. Social Media We monitor the conversations about you and your book as well as track the growth of your SM activities. Posted Placements This section will grow and become more prominent after the first four weeks of your campaign. Pending Features This means that your publicist has pitched a site editor, sent a review copy, and is awaiting confirmation of the feature. Sites Pitched This can be found at the end of your report. This is a brief list of sites and blogs that have been pitched, yet have not responded. We will follow up with each of these throughout the campaign. Report Schedule Your report will be sent every two weeks from your scheduled start date. As the campaign progresses, reports may also include these additional sections. (Features will vary based on the response received from your campaign.) This electronic document will include live, clickable links so that you may track the progress of the campaign. Every two weeks from your start date, your report will be sent to you via email and include the following: Online Events This section would include information on both pending and live features such as Interviews, Q&As, and scheduled guest blogging. Top Hits As requested by the client, we will highlight any major coverage in this section, if any. We cannot guarantee coverage by any major site. Email Fauzia Burke: [email protected] Phone 908-204-9340 FSB Associates runs, a site for web editors and bloggers, and two consumer sites: This site features all of our novelists, cookbooks, memoirs, and guides from experts for everyday life. Business, politics, and current events is featured on this site, showcasing prominent experts in their fields. Social Publicity Campaign Options Length & Fees The length of our campaigns run from eight weeks through six months and beyond. We will work with you to develop the best possible plan for your needs and budget. Please contact us for our current pricing. 908-204-9340 [email protected] Getting started on a campaign is easy! Send us a copy of your book, plus any additional materials useful for considering an online campaign to: FSB Associates, LLC 180 Mount Airy Road, Suite 205 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 We will carefully review your book and any supportive materials to evaluate a potential campaign for you online. From there, we will set up a time to discuss your goals and answer any questions before preparing a proposal. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions, comments, or assistance. Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Thank you for your interest! I look forward to speaking with you soon about developing your online brand!
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