•a — -• Ull Hoag & Sons' Book Bindery ^ringport, Hich. T e n Cent# Colcroa, Michigan, T h u r s d a y , May 19, 1966 A. 81 — No. 46 RECOGNIZE ANYONE? 3 2 0 0 see new high school 'ifofjr. 1 : 1 ^ w * HH. Iff • • T li T V M O T . 4 - • Jason Robinson, Lloyd Kniebes, Ingar Bccht, Virginia ( D u k e s h e r e r ) H a m m o n d , Howard W a l t h e r , J o a n (Hosbein) Reinhardt, Shirley ( H a r r i s ) Lynch, Tessie Golumb, Dan Strong, Earl Krieger, Martin Krieger, Norris A r e n t , F r a n k Stoffle, Lolita (Ump h r e y ) Piedt. See if you can spot them. (Picture courtesy of J o a n R e i n h a r d t ) / A«V % TTJiv.?•ri'iV Tml,T AO-E-O SET FOR FURDAY I (Sec story on page 1 v) ;• .I. f .1.»»» I' II"* • School vote light • notm tm down K-12 Only about ten per cent of eligible voters went to the polls Monday to vote on the proposed K-12 re-organizaLion plan for Berrien County schools. Unofficial figures indicate that 2,114 vote against the proposal, with 1,951 for It. The next step is an independt -8. John Miller suffered exent vote in each of districts invc bums in a gas explosion volved. , h ripped out two walls of The new vote must come with1 aant house la.'it Friday on in three to six months. In the a m home at Friday and meantime the Courier will try itain Roads. to get more Information on the s. Miller said she entered subject so as to better inform - louse, smelled gas, and .1 the stove pilot lit. The THUEK CANDIDATES 'sion occurred as she turn.vay. The fire was extinThree candidates are seeking icd by the Ck)loma fire de- election to the Coloma school nent. board's one vacancy In the •s. Miller is reported as do- June 13 election. vell at the Watervi'.et Com. John Walter is seeking rety hospital, after suffering eIectlon(he Is current board and second degree bums president). Opposing him a r e er face, hands and feet. two newcomers to school board elections are Frank Kolesar and Mrs. Irene (Peter) Stanklewicz. Kolesar operates the Coloma News Agency. Mrs. Stanklewicz is a housewife and the mother of five. IS. JOHN MILLER M O IN J L0SI0N MISS HALEY TO BE 1IO.NOKED SUNDAY Airs. John Miller CLASS OF '41 PLANS RE-UNION Tlie 25th anniversary of the Coloma graduating class of 1911 will be celebrated July 15 al Ed a Cafe, according to Joan Ronhardt, chairman. s? THE 25th ANNIVERSARY of the Coloma hi^h | school g r a d u a t i n g class of 1941 is scheduled for Jun ly 16 at Ed's Cafe. The picture above was t a k e n M when the class was in the 9th grade. Many of the 'kids' still live in this area. Included a r e Ed Vollrath, Jr., L e n Dolezan, Kenneth Lawson, W i l b u r W a r m a n , Geraldine (Ryno) Cook, M a r g e ( D u n c a n ) Kibler, Ruth (Woods) Hazen, W a r r e n Williams, • T •T J. r -• V TH More than 3,2C0 persons vlv lied the new Coloma high school, recently completed, at liunday't open house held fror.i i to 5:30 p j n . Refroshmenta were served during the afternoon.. At a 3 p.m. ceremony in the new auditorium the Disabled American Vcteranj presented an American Hog, which has flown over our n a i i c n s capitol in Washington, D.C., to John Walters president of the Board o£ Education. A dedication of the new school will be held sometime In August. Miss Mina Haley will be the guest of honor at an o p e n h o u s e reception S u n d a y (May 22) from 3 to 5 p.m. a t Coloma elementary school. The event is sponsored by the kindergarten mothers. Miss Haley, who has been teaching kindergarten in the Coloma schools since 1958 is retiring this year. All friends of Miss Haley, former and present students and their famlllea, are Invited. phn the readers about the proposal. (Usually the Courier is deluged with "propaganda' but it was not the case in this Instance.) "Letters to the Editor" will also be welcome. CANNING CO. ADDS CHERRY PIT The Coloma Co-operative Canning Co. is adding a cherry pit for mechanically harvested cherries, according to B e r t Cole, Manager. The pit will be approximately 12 by 16 feet and six feet deep. The mechanically harvested cherries, which are brought to the plant in water-filled tanks holding 1,000 pounds c£ cherries, will be dumped directly from the trucks to the holding pH. A speo al conveyor will carry the cherries into the plant. City fathers end discussion on well A second letter to the Courier regarding the award of contract for a new city well, from the Dunbar Drilling Company. The letter listed wells drilled by the company In this area. The publisher of the Courier offered the city commission an opportunity for rebuttal, but instead they voted to drop the matter. The annnal Poppy Day Is Saturday, May 21. Thru the American Legion Poppy D a y program more than 25 million poples are made by disabled veterans and all contribution go to aid the disabled w a r veterans or their families. M M-itl-m tH-Hi Other committee members are Shirley Harris Lynch, Leonard Dolezan, Dan Strong, and Ed Vollrath. This will be the fifth re-union of the class. Athers were held at 10, 15, 17, and 20 years. Anyone who was in the class of 19il is urged to contact Mrs. Reinhardt, whether gradualing with the class or not. Her number is HO 8-3562. The eight teachers in the high school in 1941 are also being invited to attend the ra* union. There were 37 in the graduating class. If anyone has a copy of the class prophecy or class will, it will be appreciated If you will contact Mrs. Reinhardt. Any mementos of class activities will be helpful. What is it ? Last week's "What Is it?" almost stumped everyone that is —with the exception of Mrs. Joseph Picone, whose answer of a pancake tu ner w a • the right one. Another mystery picture a p . today. Please read the rules on page 15 before entering your guess. What is it ? The company recently purchased the property of the late Al Umphrey, just off Logan, adjoining the canning company properly. The old home and rental units will be torn down end the site used for expansion of the plant. COMMUNITY -CALENDARa Public Service of Davidson Funeral H o m e THURSDAY, MAY 19 Brotherhood Bethany, St. Paul a Church of Christ —Continued m page 18 W H A T I S ITT — See story for rules oa t h e mystery picture. (Leety Photo), -* I 1 ho Coloma Courier, Coloma, M i c h i g a n r a g e i wo Thursday, May 19,1966 FLOOR PLAN OF COLOMA'S NEW HIGH SCHOOL Servicemc ROBERT 0 . LufiROA ZZLZT-~ " PI1V5IC3- CHIMliltN km 4 aan — i fcr^iocv blCXOGY tXlfllHT. Ci :! z m OtICVIHC t d i jr ""1 MtCIWClli i t m LaGrow and other mer|; of the M t h Engineer B a l practiced the latest and est means or large scale tical river crossings. ITT H I bUlLCrtlC TJiDf KCUU . 5ruDit2. ( A r m y P F C Robert 0 . L h a s completed an 8-day en training exercise on the 1 River near Leehetm, Gen " yiHIfH LaGrow, a combat coig; tion specialist in the hatt; Company D near Bad Il'.jr entered the Army in J • | 1965, completed basic trn a t Fort Knox. He arrived seas the following June. I the son if Mr. and Mrs. 1 LaGrow and attended Col.; high school [ItCTBOtHCx'- mzm CWlTtfcu UlCJWl MK3P SOCUL ' WdjioriUm cmdits JOHN A REIST Marine Lance Corporal A. Reist has been p r o m , his present rank while so with the Ist Battalion. 3) Marines in DaNang, Viol tHCll Reist s promotion w a s 1on lime in service and rat military appearance, and knowledge of selected ;ii subjects. His g r o u p s pri mission is to meet and c; or destroy the enemy by ons fire, maneuver, or sh( action. R c i s t s regiment c duels search and destroy sions a g a nst the Viet C( and provides defense for Da Nang airba.se. - KgOgtPWC mm usr," ~ ~ •'•'J ^ i " ' ^ " T ' n i O "" '" 111" M Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Wells of , The quens arc Christine Adkin of Fennvlle representing ,oloma are busy this week louring in the South and East the apple industry, Diane L. vith three Michigan agricultural F o s t e r of Fairgrove representing bean industry, and Linda erts promoting the state's prominent farm products in Hale of Boyne City, the state s cherry queen. connection with Michigan Voek, Mr. Wells is tour manager HOVINGAS ENTERTAIN n l Mrs. Wells is chaperone. MR. and Mrs. G. R. Hovlnga Thin year s trek included appearances in Detroit. Chicago, of East Logan entertained Mr. and Mrs. Willard North of Tew Orleans, Washington, and Grand Rapids Sunday. The two Tew York City. ladies are sisters. •INK A N D BLUE SHOWER Mrs. Charles Kibler enterained about twenty guests Monday evening a t her home on •Yiday road. The occasion was pink and blue shower honorng Mrs. James Butzbach. lames, refreshments, and the .pening of many g i f t s occupied he evening. {FECIAL SERVICE TONIGHT iT F A I T H LUTHERAN An Ascension Day service .ill be held tonight (May 19) I t F a i t h Lutheran church, according to the pastor. Rev. R. t Schaller. This is a special j?rvice on the thi rd of the jreat festivals in the life of Issus. Sunday school children will |ike p a r t and a group of oldyouths will give special ladings. The choir will s j i g (Draw Us to Thee." The public invited. A m m I Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Vogler are f l a k i n g nn extended visit in Ohio and enjoying their grandchildren. The Voglers have sold one of their Paw Paw Lake properties to Mr. and Mrs. Carl 13. Myers of Glen Ellen, III, and rented the other one until October. P r H i^Jww«x£'T'. mmi f * mmaM pBiV-vi* a y . H e r e some interested s p e c t a t o r s view a v a r i a b l e speed l a t h e in one of t h e l a r g e m a c h i n e shops. T h e prog r a m is u n d e r Instructor W e s A r e n t . (Courier p h o t o ) J A Y C E E MRS. Last week's meeting of the J a y c e e Mrs. started a t the Ceramic shop of Mrs, V e r a WaKhers w h o presented the a r t of m a k ing ceramics and showed m a n y beautiful articles of the ere f t . Following the exhibit the group went to the home of Mrs: P a u l Friday for the business meeting and election of officers. Mrs. Bernard Peterson w a s elected president; Mrs. Michael Wells, vice president; Mrs. Rodney Krieger, secretary and Mrs. Rodney Corder, treasurer. Plans were dscused for the coming Road-e-o. Club members will serve both breakfasts and lunch for the the June Road-e-o a t the Coloma Elementary school building. The driving test will be at the new school grounds. The next meeting of the club will b« Monday, J u n e 13. HEl£NV06T PASSES AWAY IN FLA. Mrs. Helen P n n c e Vogt died Tuesday, May 10, in a nursing home at Ormand Beech, Florida. Funeral services were held a t Ormand Beach Friday, May 13. Mrs. Vogt was born in Chicago October 13, 1880, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Prince. The family spent m a n y summers a t P a w Paw Lake. Mrs. Vogt is survived by a sister, Betty Prince, of Ormand Beach, Florida, and a brother, James Prince, of Clearwater, Florida. COLOMA'S SHARE OF HIGHWAY FUNDS OVER $6,000 Coloma's share of the Michigan Motor Vehicle Highway fund collections for January, F e b r u a r y and March of 1968 amounts to J6.777. The s t a t e highway department started to distribute collections to counties and Incorporated d t i e s and villages last week. L n d a Faulkner, d a u g h t t l Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fai is one of more than 400 i*. members of Phi Kappa T national scholastic honorr chapter, a t Michigan S t a ' iversity. Membership to the or? tion is limited to juniors, iors, and graduate studen with outstanding a c a d e m n standing and to faculty i bers who have made out.' ing scholastic contributio MSU. Linda, who is a junior chemistry, was a 196,1 gr. of Oolcma high school wJ she was an honor student. CUDDIES HAVE DAITGI Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ci of Coloma are the parent daughter bom May 14 at Watervliet Community 1 al. The baby weighed tix and 3 ^ oz. Berrien county received 5680,fi36 from the fund that amounted to |86.994,11€ throughout t b s state. All atate- gasoline and diesel fuel taxes, license plate f e e s and a small amount of misoellaneoui fees are deposited in the motor Vehicle Highway Fund. ORDER O F E A S T E R N STAR Mothers were honored a t a recent meeting of the O.E.S. held In the Coloma Masonic Hall. Mrs. Anna Truhn received a token gift for having the olde s t child; Mrs. Alice Arent had the most children and grandchildren of a n y one present Chapter. Light refreshments were served during the soo'al hour by Mrs. Robert Morlock and Mrs. Don Smith and their committee. Y O C N G — RUDOl EIGHTY - EIGHT YE. BERKY shown on his ' birthday, May 9. F o r oocasion Mr. Berky • sported a boutonnlere! ATTENDING WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerlach spent the weekend in Fremont to attend the wedding of a cousin, Dan Gallean, to Miss Laurie Walker. LT. MILLER HOME LT. John Miller came to Colom a for the past weekend, a f t e r hearing of the accident his mother suffered last Friday. (See story.) NEW H O N O R SOCIETY MEMBERS — New m e m b e r s w e r e n a m e d to t h e W . L. Alwood C h a p t e r of the National Honor Society recently. Pictured are, back r o w : D e b o r a h Wilkens, Christine S u n d m a n , D o n n a Sel- vidge, Cynthia W a l t h e r , D y a n n a Pearson, and P e g g y Galles. B a c k r o w : C a s e DeGroot, J r . , Robert C a m p , Peggy H a r b i n , M a r j o r i e Hofm a n , Robert W e s t f a l l , a n d Wesley Abler. (Leedy p h o t o ) Ride with The Dodge Boys Riverside News -^T4- / i : -- •• -sa,':.- VOGLERS NOW IN OHIO DRAWS LARGE CROWD — The vocational e d u c a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t of t h e new Coloma hi^h achool d r e w big crowds at t h a o p e n h o u s e last Sun- TAKE PART IN MICHIGAN WEEK PROMOTION Reist is the sen of Mr. Mrs. John R. Reist of roi! Coloma. LINDA FAIMNER JOINS PHI KAPPA PHI AT MSU Page Thre# Coloma Courier, Coloma, M i c h i g a n Thursday, May 19,1966 a, The Commission on Education the Riverside F i r s t Methodist l u r c h met at the home of Mrs. j m e Skanes Wednesday even- I mS H Maggie Haigler has resigned ; Sunday School Supcrintennt and Charlene Neel has been | ocied to the office. __ P l a n s are under way for a J H ' i i l d r e n ' s Day Service for Suny J u n e 5th to be held at the looming Worship Service 9:30 VM. All children of the Sunday hool are to attend with their rents. Also plans were made for a r lurch Picnic to be in late Au- ll51 " | On Mother s Day the younger | i'.dren presented a short pro• am during the closing excrcit and each person attending jiis given a pansy plant for | Mr mother. IrfDue to the lack of teachers the Vacation Bible School it [ill be cancelled for this year. : The Riverside W.S.C.S. had : ;ir final meeting of the year j Wednesday, May 18, a t the I bcrt Preston home on Eamon | f f a d . Meeting at 10 a.m. Pot ; ck Picnic at noon. All Caliar Project money and Self nial Banks were turned in a t s meeting. The Finance Commission and . Building Comittee of Rivcre First Methodist Church t a t the church last F r i d a y tnlng with the Rev. Dean :hardson of t h e National ird of Missions of the Meth* at Church, Department of F i ice and Field Service, for a ^ussion of t h e scheduled ; Iding Fund Crusade. The Rev. hardson has been assigned , this church for the end of je, but a f t e r due considerar \ of the short time to get the sade starated and the probi of summer vacations, a i t i n g of the Official Board i called for Sunday a f t e r h, .t the Sunday meeting t h e r d decided t o postpone the jade until fall: The time t o it the discretion of the N a al Board. R e v . Richardapproved our new site on m Road, and the necessity a new building and the com.eas are t o be set u p and The Dodge Boys are ridin, drivin', poundin' leather to get you and a great new Dodge together. Step up, pardner; it's your deal. And with the good guys, you know everything's stacked in your favor. it win. , J• DAA You can tell they're good guys; they all wear white hats. 11 L: king. I Geisler Motors, Inc., Coloma, Mich. O06SI ®ov§ i no coioma courier, coloma, Michigan THurtday, May 19,196« L Churches honor Grads Faith Lutheran Church Siuiday May 22 all graduateg of college, high cshool, and Sth p a d e wll be honored by the F a i t h Lutheran Chinch. • SALEM L U T H E R A N CHURCH Youth Sunday was observed a t the 10:30 worship service a t Salem Lutheran church when 11 seniors of the Coloma graduating class were honored. Special music was presented by the junior choir. The partor, Rev. Frederick Klpp, gave a sermon especially for the graduates. • COLOMA METHODIST CHURCH Ninteen Ooloma seniors of the Methodist church will be honored at the 11 a.m. service Sunday, May 22. Seniors will wear caps and gowns and be seated together. They will each be SWEETIE PIE • CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Congregational church members will honor high school and 8th grade graduates tonight (May 19) a t the family night supper. Miss Susan Bushman of South Haven will be in charge of the program. Each graduate will be presented with a gift from the church. COLOMA METHODIST CHURCH The adult Fellowship of the Methodist church met Sunday for a one p.m. cooperative dinner in the Fellowship hall, wth 26 present. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Alwood of Kalamazoo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Urick of Benton Harbor. Rev. and Mrs. Leon Andrews and Mr. and Mrs. John Wooley were hosts for the dinner. Mrs. Helen Flook presided during the short business meeting. Plans for the summer rummage sale were discussed. Cullen Child showed pictures of Europe. The June 14 meeting will feature guest night, starting with a cooperative supper. • VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Don Hafer are leaders of zone 1. Hall is the son of Mrs. Maby P. Stookey of Coloma. Member Michigan Press Association National Advertising Representatives Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. Established In 1885 78 Faw Paw St. • • • , f Auto Glass • Furniture Tops • • Mirrors • Auto Radiator Repair # • Battery Service • • Auto P a r t i • i S ORTIIO 1S-S4-10, 16-16-16, 10-20-20 WA 5-21S6 800 Territorial Road Pliers, Files, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Shovels — — Pruning Shears and Saws — CHLORIDE and BOCK SALT FOR WATER SOFTENERS Corter's Farmers Supply n ^ BULLDOZING imiimiiiiiiiitimiiiiniiimmiiiim iiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiHtiiiiiiiiiim Electric Motor Repair RUTZ-SMITH AGENCY DR. EARL W. REID iiiimimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimit # Contractors Service Co. • GARAGES MARINE ittmimiiiiiiiimimiiimmmmiiii Centra! Garage PHILLIPS "66" SERVICE • GENERAL REPAIRS e 110 8-4011 Colunu Complete Dr u g Services X Phone IN 8-8164 iimiiimiimiimmiimimiimiiiiii iiimiifiiiiiiiiiimimimiiimiiiiiiii 1 Watervliet r s ZENITH & GE Fidelity BIdg Benton Harboi SERVICE STATIONS IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIilllllllMMIIIINimii HAROLD BACHMAN Standard Oil Products iiiiiiiimiiiHiiiiitiiimimiiiiiiinm SIGNS HHNIimilHIIHIIMIIIIIIIINIIimillll CRYSTAL BAIT A MARINE A g Pegg and McCoy have opened a first class restau|at and lunch room in connection with their O. K. keiy in the Baker block. Y e a r s A g Graduates at the high school this year are LuisetBertrand, Lawrence Hosbein, George Besemer, Maue Jackson, Ethel Byles, Ruth Kibler, Samuel Conneli Clyde Koob, Beulah Carpenter, Elizabeth Carpeni, Elizabeth Lorenz, Florence Campbell, Norval Mari, Ernest Fritz, Florence Morlock, Lois Guy, Claude igborn, Harold Habel, Raymond Prescott, Chester cker, Helen Scherer, George Hughes, Dorl Sawat, and Viola Villwock. - Authorized Salea & Service 3 1 Service on all makes ;i • Complete antenna sales and service t t Full line major ] appliances ix Red Arrow Highway Btuveeo Culoma & Watervll PUONE IN 8-4181 i S Y e a r s A g o Mrs. Herman Butzbach and Mrs. George Morlock t Sunday for St. Louis, Mo., where they will attend ] onvention of the Order of White Shrine of the UnitStates and Canada. Attorney E. A. Westin has been named to deliver '• Memorial Day address in Coloma according to an •louncement made by Harry DeField, commander of 11 Coloma American Legion post. The telephone company has announced that there lising for competitive bids f o r adequate post office imimiiiiiHJiiiiuiiHiiiiimiimii Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rider and daughter and Mr. i Mrs. Martin of P a w Paw Lake made a business p to Indiana Sunday. TRAVEL See RuU-Smith, Insurance Raymond Ostrom h a s returned to Pensacola, Fla., er a visit here. Raymond is €nlisted in the army. IHIIIIilHimiUlllllillilllUIIIIIHIM UPHOLSTERY Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kreitner have moved into the ) Picone residence on North Park street. « ALL TYPES SIGN PAINTING t Interior • Exterior ' Hettinger Bros. —Upbolstering — Recovering High Grade Work • ReasuDail • Y e a r s • A » g o Phone 925-8070 WA 5-1810 The United States Post Office department is readrtising f o r competitive bids f o r adaquate post office nlities f o r Coloma on a lease basis. - Bolko Trailers • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Box 50, Territorial BENTON HARBOR Mrs. W a y n e Stephenson and Mrs. Ivan Goode were tiated into the Order of Eastern Star last Friday. mmimiiiiimmimiiiimimmMm i * v h COLOMA PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Mon., Wed., Fri., and S a t — 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday — 10 a.m. to B p.m T h u n . — 10 to 5 & 7 to 9 iiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimi Corn is high in energy, ^ New M Horn (Summer Schedule) FULL SERVICE BANKING IN BANK LOBBY Monday thru Thursday - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday - Closed LIMITED SERVICE BANKING AT OUR DRIVE-IN WINDDW Monday thru Thursday - 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to Noon « Riverside Road HO 8-5186 '! . ' r t i ij i BILL VOW On Paw Paw Lake •• o Lone Star - Thompson Storage, Repair, Dockage • ' o AeroCraft - Aluma-Craft Pontoon Boats • Johnson Mtre. Marine Supplies Molded f i b e r Glass : D. Tinkham has been appointed street commisj-ner in Coloma f o r one month and Percy Crumb lii-shall for the same period. iiiiiiiiiiHiiimmiiiiiimmimini iiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiHHiiiiiii llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll COLOMA PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday — 10 a.m. to 5 pan Thura. - 1 0 t o 6 A 7 t o » Mon., Wed., Fri., and S a t — 2 to 6 p.m. HUTCH1NS Drug Store Prescribing Contact Lenses Church A Center Streete HO 8-8789 Coloms Back Hoeing & Trucking DRUGS Optometrist iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimRHiiimim IIUIHIIINMIIIIIIIIHMIIHMIIIIilMlllt iiiimmiiiimiiiiiiimmiimiMimii a lllllllllllllllllinilllllMMIIIilllllMI Long's Television & Appliances * • Culoma it Riverside Roads Phone WA 5-SIS2 WA 6 - l W i sn iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii BULLDOZING lUversM* .v TV SERVICE iiiimiiimiimmmimmimiiiiimii C. W. Far re 11 e Mrs. Charles McMullan has purchased 41 lots at 5 north end of Paw Paw Lake and will have several .v cottages constructed. OPTOMETRISTS RIVERSIDE ELECTRIC SERVICE Y Phone HO 8-4281 - Red Arrow Highway, Coloma INSURANCE Life — Auto — Fire — Bonds Your security our only concern 310 N. Main 463-6773 Watervliet ' A. H. Woodward has purchased a fine new speed at t h a t is capable of making a record of 16 miles per | ur. l i e expects to enter it in the power boat races at w P a w Lake this year. ELECTRIC REPAIR iiiitiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiimiii v, i Hugo Sawatzki has accepted a position at Guy's Ipartment store and on Monday moved his household jods from Benton Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Sawatzki will Icupy the same flat they did before moving to the l l a r Ir. CORN — CLOVER — ALFALFA — LAWN SEED lUiuuiiiiufUiiiiiinTnnHiiiiiiiiuuuuiiigiiiiL'iii^ DON VOUNG AGENCY • INSURANCE • HOME or BUSINESS • * Nugreen - 45% Nitrogen — Nutrtleae Liquid Fertilizer miimiiitiiiiumiimmiiiimi'.Mii:! Gearmotors • Power Tools • Jet Pump Motors • Uelio • General Electric • Dayton - Master • Flint & Walling - Reliance Reeves Drives • Red Jacket v •• Chemical Sprays Materials — Garden Sprays and Dusts imiiiimimiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiitiHifi Phone 925-7051 •' ' A E-Z-FLO, ORTIIO, NIAGARA A GENERAL IN 3-5701 General Insurance • • Travel Service • 131 E. Main St.. Benton Harbor •• ; In bag or bulk — Bulk Spreaders Available iiiiiiiimiimmmmmmmmmim Automotive Electrical Service — Starters — Generators — — Regulators — Alternators — — Delco Batteries — - i AGRICX) * 8 4 0 0 0 FERTILIZERS Business and Professional Directory CHET NICHOLS' AUTO SERVICE CO. r . i I I D iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmi • Howard T. Kosbau, Publisher Gail B. Kosbau, Editor ' T H E FARMER'S DEPARTMENT STORE" AUTO GLASS 1 A progressive, independent weekly n e w s p a p e r Farmers - Orchardists - Gardeners jnUHwSe.'.-rf.p nmimmmimiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii Coiorr.a Mich. HO 8-5441 ISAAC HALL jseccnd Class postage paid at U.S. Post Office, Coloma, Michigan) with V Comer SUBSCRIPTION RATES 10 c e n t flngie Copy — ' One year, to Berrien, Van Buren & Cass County addresses 53.00 One year to other addresses — 535* FLOWER81 MIDWAY FLORISTS CheCdom Chief Engineman Isaac J. Hai USN, has returned to his Nor J folk, Va., homeport aboard tl attack carrier USS Forresta.'j, from an 8-month deployment with the Sixth Fleet in the j' Mediterranean. Mrs. Howard Wooley was hostess at the recent meeting of the Susanna Wesley circle. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was served. Mrs. Roger Carter presided and Mrs. Don Smith gave the devotional meditation. During the business meeting nil officers were re-elected for the coming year. "Well, we can always cat those sardines you're using for bait!" The Price of Freedom f Pvt M/chael Zavec 1« In Co! m a for a six-day leave, at the home of his parents, Mr. and " Mrs. Joseph Zavec. He flew ink Chicago last Saturday and Wikj met there by his parents. | A cooperative supper will be held by Zone 1 members Saturday night (May 21) at the home of Mrs. Mabel Stark. Assisting hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brewer, Mrs. Sadie J a f f k e and Mrs. Helen Flook. Tills is a family party and those attending should bring a their own table service and a Games are planned for tlie served promptly a t 6 p.m. dish to pass. Supper will be youngsters. • Send Best WLshoi P a g o FIVJ Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan lursday, May 19,1966 presented with a gift from the church. We are open Friday evenings till 6 p.m. to serve you. i" 31 k. Free public library service,,, the U. S. began in 1731. , i! Italy Joined the UN in 10 1 A used car enterprise was opened recently by jnn Franzel on the comer of Center and Paw P a w eets where the J o h n Wolff tire shop was located unit was destroyed by fire in 1953. William Boehm of Coloma has graduated from I'i Army's Anti A i r c r a f t Artillery school at Fort Bliss, xaa. I THE STATE BANK OE COLOMA COLOMA. MICHIGAN Thursday, May 19, 1 9 6 6 P a g e SIX —1 T— 4 in l i e 1 qdrclen REV, WALDEN OW WILL ANSWER YO BIBLE QUESTIO Question: "Rev. Owen, wl'j the land of Israel so impoij in the Bible?" The land of Israel is impoi By Mrs. A. C. Stark because it Ls the land con ing which God made prnmi.+++Mvr^:-+r+vI-MX++>-H-J--HH-^++++++|.+++-!-+.:•++++•> Abraham that it should beloi, With May already In the mid- and insert cuttings in moist him and to his people fori month its time to move house sand, sterilized potting soli or Also included in God's pr« plants ounde where they will water. Roots will form In two to Abraham was the fact through his "Seed" (singul have a chance to renew their vi- or three weeks. Cuttings made Genesis 23:18) ". . .all the tality in the fresh air and sun. in December or January will bo tions of the earth shall be b Full sun for blooming plants but ready for spring and summer ed." The Apostle Paul revea flight protection fcr Begonias bloom. us in Galatians 3:16 that and Violets; semi shade for foilWhen grown from seed ger"Seed" is Jesus Christ. age plants and a shady spot for aniums require a b o u t six Since God's Son went Ferns. It is advised that most months. If you have plenty, Into Heaven, God has been p plants after careful renovating, p ant them in masses, use in ering together out of the vai Bhould be plunged (still in the borders or tubs on the terrace nations of the world "a jh pots) during t h e summer and you will be surprised at the for His name" (Acts 15:14.) months. Bury in soil clear to the betauty all summer long. group is called in Scripture rim of the pot, being sure that a The oxalis is still a popular body or, the Church. One concave place is establ shed ov- plant with the older generation. comes a member of this o r er the drainage hole to keep it This dlminultive clover - like ism by means of being bom a open. plant is rarely found an flower (i.e. receiving Jesus Chris Although we are glad for their shops. It is a fast growing plant one's personal Savior). beauty and cheerfulness during with vine-like stems (each tiny We are told in Acts 1:11 winter months, we will likewise stem bearing three leaflets. As the Lord Jesus is coming be glad to get them outdoors the plant grows it will produce again. He will return when I thru the warm months of sum- small bell shaped flowers of finished with His present either white or lavender-pink, mer. Overdry air of homes durof completing His divine fa ing the winter is one of the chief which are a constant pleasure. by means of the new birth. •r.emies of indoor plants, so now The oxalis is often called the 15:16 & 17 teU us what V shamrock and is dearly loved in we get them outside. going to do when He c( Ireland. again: "After this I will ret The most popular plants for AND THE BEAN ( ? ) STALK" Not Jack but A plant will last for years but and will build again the ti outdoor gardens are the gerKathy Salay appearing to climb u p into the clouds. This needs a rest period. I cut mine nacle of David, which is f: aniums. coleus and begonias. down at least once a year and Rose Norman composite picture is of a tiny poppy pod in down; and I will build agai Although the original home of let It come up fresh from the ruins thereof, and I will S( the foreground and an inch high copper shaving upon the geraniums was South Afriup: That the residue of tiny bulblets. They make good ca, they were favorites In the which the young lady appears to climb. might seek after the Lord, rock garden plants, for hanging homes of our great grandmothall the Gentiles, upon whom baskets, or just as pot plants. ers. It is hard to find any other name is called, saith the Their clover-like leaves and frost tender plant which repays, who doeth all these things." flowers close at night. Culture with a little care, so much blosEvery one of the afore is easy for jt is fast growing, som beauty tioned events are spoken i free blooming, likes good air taking place in the land of Ls A well groomed geranium Is circulation and all possible sunIn contrast to the many c tall, bushy, and has a strong light. nations which were c o n t m trunk and hard branches. It ary with Israel and Judah will live outdoors the year By AUDREY SHANE as the Ammonites and Moal around in warm climates and the Canaanites and the PI grows to enormous s i z e (for I'm all for the naturalist's spring rain, Sn a scraggly tree, tines, the Babylonians and plants) in southern California. hanging to a slippery branch, pica for keeping the balance of means, the Assyrians and Geranium blossoms may be nature in order, yet somehow was the sorriest, most miserable Hittites, none of which can either single or double and are that Nature is setting the up- looking woodchuck that ever longer bo found on a map ol borne in m i n d clusteres, eft en The Paw Paw Lake Yacht per hand here at our place. Not got treed by a dog. I don't know world—God promised that as large as baseballs. Few oth- club held their Pot Pourn last only do we have more than the how long the beast d u g to his would never make a full ci er plants can equal their color Saturdaly and Sunday with 59 usual number of sparrows, grac- uncomfortable-looking perch, but Israel (Jeremiah 30:11; range which Includes white, nu- sailers. kles and meadowlarks flying a- I'm-sure it was he who got his 9:8). merous shades of pink and red Breakfast, luncheon and din- round and making their nests revenge at the expense of our We are living in an age v and a combination of colors. ner were served on Saturday, where the water should drain vegetable garden. many of God's ancient pi * • * T h o r leaves are attractive and breakfast and dinner on out of the caves or where they ecies concerning the land o have easy acess to our cherries and are in many forms. Some Sunday. May 8 was Mother's Day, yet rael and its people are being (what little are left!) we also for Mrs. Gordon Willmeng it entirely green, green with white There were 16 beats t a k l r g f i l l e d . Ezekiel prophesie edges, white centers and green part In the races. Two were held have every rabbit and gopher also turned out to be Grand- verse 27 of chapter 34: "An (hat ever twitched a nose—not mother's Day for it was then edges and one which combines on Saturday and one on Sunday. tree of the field shall yield to mention the driving hordes she learned of the birth of young bronzy red and yellow. There Is The winners were: No. 1 of gnats, mosquitoes, flys and Joseph Scott Willmeng. Mr. and fruit, and the earth shall the ivy leaf geranium, lemcn, •Lynx' sailed by Ernie Hanmer, what-ever-the-other-things-are - Mrs. Jerry Willmeng of Clare, her increase, and they shal nutmeg end rose geraniums and Southern Lake Erie Fleet from t hat-chew-the-human-flesh. T o Michigan, are his parents. Mr. safe in their land, and others whose leaves arc very know that I am the Lord, \ Cleveland, Ohio. Crew. J a y Dorthis list I can add half a dozen Willmeng is a current student fragrant. I have broken the bands of mln. No. 2 " D g If" sailed by noisy, cocky pigeons and a pair at Central Michigan University. The love sunlight in either yoke and delivered them oi Tom Adams, Sheridan Shore of woodchucks that in due time • • • window or garden. If they grow the hand of those that se Yacht club, Wilmette, III. Crew will probably reduce whatever The younger four grades of themselves of them." Israel too tall cut them back to the G. Vandenberg. No. 3 "Escape" watermelons the family garden Cribbs School, their teacher, Mrs. n't had forests for hundrer desired height; keep the bransailed by by Bill Pleknor from produces to a couple of gnawed- Alice Ubler, and several parents years and yet, since the ches nipped back to make more Gull Lake, Mich. Crew, Dave out rinds! traveled to Mishawaka a n d 1950's there have been liter compact plants. Picknor. Now don't misunderstand—I South Bend, Indiana for the an- millions of trees planted. Geraniums are easy to propOther competing boats were think the naturalness of wild nual school trip on May 10. In Rain is clearly on the incr ogate from cutings or seed. For from Belmont Harbor Yacht animals is great and should be Mishawaka they toured the Co- in Israel. We read in Joel 2<cuttings take four to six Inch preserved—as long as they stay club, Chicago; Jackson P a r k ca-Cola Company and Pottawa- "Be glad then, ye childrer branches from old plant with a in their forests and fields and tamie Park while in South Bend Zion, and rejoice in the 1 Yacht club, Michigan and Paw sharp knife, remove lower leaves out of our lawns and gardens. they visited the zoo. Paw Lake Star Fleet. your God: for he hath given Vice-commodore, Bob Hutch- Startling is a mild word to deThursday, May 19, marks the the former rain moderately, Ecribe the sensation of the sudinson was in charge in the abday for the annual trip of the he will cause to come down eence of Commodore Wllhelmsen den sight of u glowing pair of Upper Room of Cribbs school. you the rain, the former i isiOK Mf^ncn: tir.tsT t h i p u . who was ill. The trophies were eyes that often greets us in the With their instructor, Mr. Den- and the latter rain in the handled by rear - commodore driveway any time after sun- nis Cullinan, and several par- month." This is an interes down. The family cat It someents, the students visited the verse because for hundred; Jack Werner. The trophies were today thru Tues. May 19-24 times is, but more often than Museum of Science and Industry years there has been no reg presented to the winners by Miss not it's Peter Cottontail and and Brookfleld Zoo. The trip rains .n Israel. Now. how( Coloma Dyanna Pearson. RearTHE FUGHT OF THE everyone of his broUiers and was made by bus. long-time residents of Israel commodore B o b Hutchinson sisters who have decided to take speaking of good rainy sea • • * PHOENIX wishes to thank all the ladles a midnight stroll! being enjoyed at the pre Get well wishes go to Mr. who cooked such fine meals and Nothing yet has topped the James Stewart time. One Jewish magazine Edward Balers who, at this writalso thanks to Miss Pearson f c r sight outside of a window here tide stated: ". . .For nigh Richard Ettenborough taking time out to present the at the house about a year ago. ing, is a patient in the Water1900 years the Jew rema vliet , Community hospital. Peter Finch trophies to the winners. There, a m i d a downpour of outside his own country, a r< * • * Ernest Borgnlne try which had become desr .'UXUOVUE The upper grades of Rain- waste without the early ind SALT DELIVERY SERVICE bridge Center School recently ter rains: unproductive and enjoyed their annual school trip ran, though once it had fit? for your Wed. thru Tues. May 25-31 to Battle Creek. Michigan, to with milk and honey." Then Semi or Automatic Water Conditioner visit the Kellogg's Cereal plant. markable thing happened. At Now Available Deliveries Mon., Wed., Sat. On (he way back, they visited beginning of this century, wi| Biodegradable Afternoons — Call 468-6040 Western Michigan University's the memory of some now 11 v Laundry Compound Best Quality $2.25 per 100 lbs. campus grounds. Their teacher, the rains began to fall again Steven Boyd Rust sUiIn remover Special rate for Mr. Don Wilson, and several par- cr 1600 years of drought." Elke Sommer Chemical Bed Cleaner Larger quantities ents accompanied them. There are yet to be some Eleanor P a r k e r rible things take place to Is. BITTNER'S MUton Berlo NEW PAINT according to prophecy, but v Joseph Gotten ,• SOFTENER SALT SERVICE Have you noticed t h a t the she fulfills her prophetical!^ C&O depots, both in Coloma and vealed destiny, then the e Coloma Watervliet, have been painted? (Cont. on Poge 11, Col. imurj^irKn: BAINBRIDGE BRIEFS YACHT CLUB STARTS SEASON LIBERTY THE OSCAR E YOU ELIGIBLE? -plication blanks for edumal benefits under the new Bill a r e now avaUable a t Administration Offices ughout the country and a t najor colleges, universities, schools and educational ers, Mr. Robert M. FitzManager of the Regional ,e announced today, "ormation pamphlets and bnal assistance in filling ^the applications can be ob}d a t any VA Office at coland other educationnl intlons. rliest date for courses unVA payment has been set 1 iw as June 1, 1966, with icnt to be made the month H'Ving each m o n t h s study, will be ample time for who expect to enter sumn e s s i o n to ccmplete the nccJy paperwork before the 11 date, he said. jrmal Summer school en)KS .ARE .MAJOR .ERS ON STATE FARMS ictors are Involved in 40 per cent of the fatal accidents in Michigan, reFrank Madaskl, Berrien ty Extension Agricultural t ps" and "flips" account for jt half of the tractor fa>9. the past five years, over Ichigan Farm people havo killed when a tractor has d backwards.' says Rich}. Pfister, Michigan State !rsity extension safety enr. "Another 75 have had , injuries in side tips." le 'tricycle type' tractors lore likely to tip sideways wide front end tractors, a r e more unstable on the /ay. In turns and on side Wide front end tractors preferred for young boys u-e learning how to drive jr farmers who must trav•al reads." prevent tractor accidcnts, r warns drivers to slow on slopes and during and to watch out for 1 terrain and hidden obs. He also warns against a high hitch above the il draw-bar level. 1 t the real key to tractor !• is the driver," contends r. "Tractor tips are caustwo types of driver fall• Either the driver doesn t ilze a setup for an upset he fails to handle the r properly. tractor driver should be enced to drive on rural Almost one-third of the r accidents on rural roads to youth who are too • to be licensed. ) Co u n t y Agricultural joins Pfister in recomng that tho new trianguaped slow moving emblem ced on tractors and equlpmoved along rural roads, shing red light can and be added when on a road h t to avoid being a "sittick" for high speed traf- rollment is expected, according to VA officials, with the big rush for enrollment coming in September for the Fall semester. This post-Korean Educational Program will be open to all veterans with more than 181 days active duty service, any part of which occurred In or after Feb* ruary 1, 1955. The veteran must have a discharge that is other than dishonorable or if less than 181 days he must have been dis- charged or released tor A service-connected disability. These veterans will be eligible for one month of education for each month or fraction of a month that they were on active duty. Courses may be taken at approved colleges and universitties, vocational schools, correspondence schools and at high school level. Approval of the institution will be made by State Approving Agencics. Foreign course approvals will be by VA. The VA will pay $100 a month to those veterans with no dependents who take full-time courses. Veterans with one dependent will receive $125 a month while ttoose with more than one dependent will receive $150 a month. Proportionate rales will be paid those taking part-time courses. Earned income of the veteran I T ' S OUR SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENIS (ALL MAGNAV0X MERCHANDISE EXEMPTED) * FREE FAVORS FOR ALL * FREE REFRESHMENTS I'i SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU MAY 28 In this age of huge retail operations and giant chains, we're proud to celebrate our 3 0 t h y e a r as a family-owned, independent appliance dealer. It's true w e ' r e not the oldest, nor are we the largest. We don't even claim to sell the most. But, we have spent 3 0 years in the same location making friends out of customers and satisfying people with first-line products and dependable service. This sale is our w a y of saying " t h a n k s " for helping us make it all possible. We invite you to come down and share in our success. m fit ii gvf ? i $ Valuable Door Prizes * * * * * 16" RCA-Vidor Portable Television Prolan MeUmine Dinncrware Set Hoover Spray and Steam Iron RCA Victor Clock Radio Pepperell 7 2 " x 9 0 " Blanket fri Ai NOTHING TO BUY — JUST REGISTER DRAWINGS WILL BE HELD SAT., MAY 2 8 t h Bob and Don Yeske OET ABOUT with this new NO-FROST REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER HANDY GLIDE-OUT SHELF • FOR DIABETIC UEN jetio Children from 8 to eligible to attend a medsupervised summer camp held July 10-31 a t Camp and Winds, tho former 1-Palmer site near Dry[ichigan. ert H. Baker, Executive or of the sponsoring •an Diabetes Association, pplications are now being ed at the association larters, 10737 W. Mcs, Detroit, 48221. irly 200 children atlendi'i camp last year in two periods," Baker said, ire urging early appllcaInce tho camp's capacity tedcost Is $50 per 10-day Special arrangements • made tot ft eampership millea unable to pay. will not affect his monthly VA payment. Maximum education will be 36 months. There is no deadline as te when a veteran must enter upon hla education. VA payment will be made only to the eighth aim. ua*. anniversary of hi3 discharge from active duty wth the exception that all veterans will bf able to partiopate in the pro* gram until May 31, 1974, r » gardlcss of fbeir discharge datfc SUPERSTDRAGE DOOR Defrosting drudgery is a thing of the past with this RCA WHIRLPOOL, because frost never builds u p in "zero-degree" freezer or big refrigerator. And both freezer and refrigerator have separate cold controls. Both doors seal in cold with a "million" magnets, no latches. Come see it! SALE PRICES IN TWIN CRISPERS ALL DEPARTMENTS HOLD A BUSHEL RCA WWIUPOOt AeelUftCH It :VodJ:tl ol Wv-rlpscl Co<pon»on. Bwiton Hrtw, McMgM T-ltfWWU RCA tnd ^ uMd By iutNc^ of o«o*. Cofpofrton of Amtnck,1 Model E F T - 12N 1 5 5 Colfax WA 6 - 6 2 0 4 Dowotovm Benton Harbor YESKE'S SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY HOURS: Mon., Wed., Fri. Till 9 : 0 0 p . m . Tues. Thur., Sat. Till 5 : 3 0 p . m . TKurtday, May 19,1966- T h e Coloma Coarltr, Coloma, Michigan P a f t ElgLi Page Nine Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan urs'day. May 19.1966 THANK YOU! Twelve Corners News Mrs. Minnie Mauley WA 6-6030 Pvt. Alien Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fisher, haa completed his basic training a t Ft. Knox and is home on a 10day leave. Fisher, who joined the Army in March, will attend U.S. Army Engineers school a t Ft. Bolvoir, Va., upon return from man getting a prize. The lad j served homemade cookies, iccj. crcam, apples, and coffee t o all. i Anyone who has never beei to a gathering of this sort . cannot know what it means i to the veterans who were de<j ly appreciative and enjoyed f themselves. And they gave a J* vote of thanks to the m o t h e ' i (P.S. We enjoyed It as imie, as the men!) leave. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kotelliut and children s p e n t the weekend a t Iron River in their new camper-trailer. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lucker of Winter Haven, Fla., have returned to Michigan and will visit various relatives before taking a trip north. The Luckers have retired from farming and sold their farm on Elliott road last fall. C o l o m a a r e a S a f o Driving Road-E-O, a n d t h e second i • t h e s t a t e - w i d e Road-£-0, scheduled for next month. JAYCEES PREPARE FAR STATE D R I V I N G ROAD-E-O — M e m b e r s of the Coloma J a y c e e s a r o busy prepar> ing f o r t w o event* u n d e r t h e i r sponsorship. T h e first is this S a t u r d a y — (Leedy photo) FLUOKIDE PROGRAM RET TV DRIVERS TEST SET Thn Coloma fluoride program * 1 1 be held at the Washingtoa building from June 6 thru the SlUi according to the chalrmw, Hrfl. Wright Smith. The 1966 nationai drivers lest w m be telcviBed b y C B g ^ ^ ,r ,A ni M n i ' t0 10 P-m. Coloma Ume. HOSPITAL NEWS Watervliet Community Hospital ADMITTANCES Coloma — Mrs. J e r r y Foster, Nicolo Pizzo, Mrs. Homer Strasser, Mrs. John W. Miller, Mrs. Eileen McGuire, Randall Kniebes. Watervliet — Mrs. lola Barnhart, Howard Sli'neraan, M r s. Mary Kolenko, Claude R o w e, Mrs. Stanley L. Ferry, Mrs. Minnie Reents, Joseph Martin, Mrs. Orvil Robertson, Georga Rtheridge, Margaret Barr. DISCHAGES Coloma — Mrs. Hugh Gard •icr, Mrs. Daniel Kiser, Vin•cnt Hildebrand, James Kimbrough, Mrs. Michael Drake, Mrs. Charles Nolton, Donna DStrom, Mrs. C a rl Hoadlcy, lohn Benson, Mrs. Homer Strasar. VENING BELLES HOLD EASON* LAST MEETING KEY T O T H E CITY — M a y o r Glenn R a n d a l l h a n d s over t h e k e y to t h e city to Q u e e n D y a n n a P e a r s o n w h e n t h e c a l v a l c a d e of Blossom Queens stopped in Coloma. (Leedy photo) T D o w n t o w n Coloma H O 8-6071 Morton 4 99^ Cudahy 2lb SMOKED PICNICS • -^1.09 • ">• 39* W e b e r ' s — H o m e Style BREAD • • • loaves 5 for $| i ()g P r o d u c e r s - Vanilla, Chocolate, Neopolitan ICE CREAM 1//2 g a l - 59* Grade A — Large EGGS • • doz. 49* '4 n • • • The cooperation and Interest n this year's float was widespread. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller a l son Steve have returned froii a w e e k s vacation in Mount,j, View, Arkansas, where they f , visited their parents, Mr. an# Mrs. William Miller and Mr. | and Mrs. Ervin Treat. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cy [ ver spent Sunday in Kalamau zoo where they visited with i mother, Mrs. Mable Culver, t • •and f a m i f Mr. David• Nagle of Wilmette, 111., and Miis N i l cy Nagle of Grand Rapids spent Mothers' Day at the • home of their mother. Mrs. Evelyn Nagle. • • • Mr. Thomas Andreason haf* returned home from a stay lr tlie hospital and is feeling mu better. • • • Family night supper was held a t the Church t h e Satu day before Mothers' Day. On Sunday morning Mrs. Roy Harrington, Sr. waa honored the outstanding Mother. Her four children participated ir the sen-ices and also sang a song dedicated to their nwtli KEEP FREEDOM IN YOUR FUTURE WITH U.S. SAVINGS BONDS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • for CREAM PIE SKINLESS FRANKS Members of the Evening Uelles held their last meeting of the season on May 11 at the home of Mrs. Jack Wetzle. New officers for the coming year were elected. They are — Mrs. Harold Vawter, president: Mrs. Allen Otte, secretary; Mrs. Donald Gross, treasurer; and Mrs. James Lynch, reporter. Projects leaders are Mrs. Carl Hansen and Mrs. Jack Wetzle; sunsh ne chairman, Mrs. Robert Stolz. During the sesion, tlie group planned for next year s meetings, and also a beach party to be held In August. Following the business meeting, the hostess and assisting hostess, Mrs. Joan Hlgginbottom, served refreshments. • Miss L'la Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson of Town Line Road was united in marrige to Mr. Myron Apple of Baroda at 3 p.m. Saturday a t the Zion Church of Christ In Baroda. Matron of honor was a sister, Mrs. James Bower. Bridesmaids were Mrs. William Cayo and Mrs. James Kolosowsky. The couple left on a two weeks' trip to Arizona. Upon their return they will be a t home in Benton Harbor. • • • Five ladies of the Community Service Mothers and two sons of Mrs. Susie Griffls went to the Battle Creek hospital to give a party for 125 veterans Sunday. Games were played with every (A letter uf thank* from BUI Seinaud, float chairman, to the people of Coloma.) IXTH G R A D E R S SET F O R P L A Y he s t a g e set f o r t h e 6 t h g r a d e p l a y i:heduled f o r n e x t M o n d a y in t h e Pementary b u i l d i n g a l l - p u r p o s e pom w a s m a d e b y t h e s t u d e n t s . Pic- TH GRADERS " PLAY MAY 23 | ien Geofrge Denda s 6th ;r8 present their original based on the story of • White and the Seven f s . May 23, it will climax • > i t two months of prepara- 3 students wrote the play, the scenery, and made own costumes — and even I the money for tlie mat; thru baked goods sales. members cf the class have :ipatod in the production i will be shown to the pubi May 2:5 a t 7 p.m. in the larpose room a t Coloma '. ntarary school. NEW HYDRANTS 15 fire department has ask! r three new fire hydrants. I ; 3 is requested for the city j ng lot, one in front of i {' and the other on main j ; between Logan and Centreets. t u r e d h e r e a r e C h e r y l Davis, q u e e n ; David Cobb, k i n g ; a n d g u a r d s J o e Barton and John Berry. T h e guards' costumes a r e m a d e of p a p e r , sprayp a i n t e d with gold. (Leedy photo) GARY MCDANIELS GETS AAWRD Gary McDaniels, a graduate student at the Univera ty of Michigan, has been awarded the National Defense Education aid graduate fellowship for the fall term at the university. The NEDA fellowship is awarded annually to one person, with the necessary scholl a s t c rating, who is working for a doctorate in education for college teaching. It is a 3-year, all-expense award. Gary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. McDaniels. He w a s a 1958 Coloma high school graduate. NEW BOOK A first hand report on the impact of spiritual healing on the Kves of men and women in m a n y parts of the world has been published in connection with the Centennial cf Christian Science. The book, called "A Century of Christian Science Healing " draws on thousands of published and tape-recorded testimonies, volunteered and verified by witness, which have become p a r t of church records. The Coloma P T A and the Berrien County Health department, in co-operation with the Michigan Department of Health, is planning its first vision and hearing screening for three and four-year olds here In June. The purpose of the program is to detect hearing loss or eye troubles e a r l y enough for correction before permanent damage can be done. There is no charge for the service. Letters concerning the program have been sent by mail to parents in this area. If you did not receive such a letter, please contact school authorities. "Dutch Boy" LATEX H O U S E PAINT The last word in exterior p a i n t - a revolutionary flat finish for wood tiding, trim, shakes and masonry surfaces. It's long-wearing, smooth flowing, quick-drying, with an amazing color retention. Cuts your painting time in halfl Quality Millwork — Lumber — Builder's Supplies 151 Paw Paw Ave. COLOMA Pbone HO 8-3151 Dawn on favorable flying days finds the Allegan airport, headquarters for the aerial treatment program, bustling with ac. tivity. Planes are readied for take-off, and ground crews t h a t guide the pilots w i t h colored balloons called kytoons' are at their stations before dawn in the areas to be sprayed. Some 750,000 acres are to be treated in the counties of Allegan, Barry, Berrien. Cass. Eaten, Ionia, Kent, Ottawa, St. Joseph, and Van Buren. In this area parts cf Bainbridge and Watervliet townships are under this spray treatment program. Four especially equipped Navy bomber planes skim along the flight strips spraying the pesticide m a l a t h o n at the rate of four ounces per acre. An observer aircraft, in radio communication with ground crews, flies overhead. At the rate used in the program, which has the approval of both state and federal pesticde groups, malathion is not h a r m , ful to man, wildlife, birds or fish. But it is 95 per cent effective in destroying over-wintering adult cereal leaf beetles which emerge in early spring to mate and feed on growing oats, wheat, barley, rye. and some kinds of grasses. The pest is one of the most dangerous threats to growing grain known. The cereal leaf beetle program is operated jointly by the Michigan epartment of Agriculture's Plant Industry Division and the USDA's Plant Pest Control Division. Michigan Shore - your headquarters for painting accessories, too . . . . brushes, rollers, drop cloths, etc. Coloma Store Only MICHIGAN SHORE LUMBER & SUPPLY It s an early bird's jc4) — this winning the battle againt the beetle in southwester Michigan where men and low-flying planes are pitted against billions of cereal leaf beetles In parts of ten counties. Cool weather last week slowed down the emergence of the pest In the area to be treated, and treatment was delayed In starbjig. Weather permitting, treatment should be finished by May 16. '•ATHxh SCREENING SET FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Beetles FUTURE TEACHERS CLUB E W O F F I C E R S F A R F T A — New o f f i c e r s f o r le F u t u r e T e a c h e r s C l u b of Coloma h i g h School re shown, f r o m i e f t — A r t h u r P u p e d i s , Carol oenigshof, Cheryl C o l e m a n , E v e r t M a r t i n , Rita ^ l a n n , Carol Esaeltine, a n d David H o w a r d . Not (Lefcdy p h o t o ) i o w n , W i l l i a m Moser. New officers of the Future teachers club were installed In a candlelight service recently.Taking the oath of office were Arthur Pupedis, president, Carol Koenigshof. vice president; Cheryl Coleman, secretary; Evert Martin, treasurer; William Moser, historian; Rita Klann, librarian; Carol Esseltlne, parliamentarian; David Howard, reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kudnsky aided In every way — fi«m fssembllng a group of women for our major effort — making leaves and flowers (IItl«»n) to assembling the vines on tho flrat (Andy). (Mr. Kuclnsky was ovcr-r.ll quren chr.in.iai this year.) Of coureo there are always many more poople who spend time and effort toward this civic project. My co-work:r and designer. Eldon K.-ocning. ofieied many hours of spare time work. He is a repairman in the service department a t Avion Coach and of course his skill helped make a better float possible. Eldon's wife, Judy, sewed our bed cover and showed understand'ng in Eldon's being away from home evenings. Thanks, Judy! The next member of our team Is a very talented lady. Mrs. Beverly (Duane) Rockwell. She put our prince costume together. She worked very diligently and even with her many other projects going, she still did a very professional job. We had a fine pnnce, too — and special thanks to Gerry Zuhl for playing the part of the prince for the Sleeping Beauty. We wish to mention the ladles whom we couldn't do without— My family of four girls; Mrs. Marion Potts and daughter Susie; Mrs. Victor Heirsoth for pillows: Mrs. Walter Mooney who was our "man Friday" and her husband who helped In so many ways to keep things going. Mrs. Mooncy was our first phone volunteer and we took advantage cf her generous nature for which I hope she will forgive us. Our queen committee. Helen Earnshaw, Fern Betz, Millie B«ige«nt, aad M - c t u n u a * Jackie tonu^bulW a Irlendy l.".r>»r« pon. Tli«rKs to our i1i.v«r< 0«»dcn Noacti w.d U J o n Kr«%nlA^ Tbwi.-!!, wo, l^r I'-andall for n d i r g ih tl>e par^J*. It itiWe cur i*piesenc(«r>n to mucn moro conip.»i«. The poU< e e^oricd o u r float a-^d Ad their u s j a l iln« job. Last, bat not least — our Hunks fo« the i&ot that the Thar building waa made available to ns 9gala t;ii< year. Bill Semand P.S. V/e would have shown tho float on Sunday as p o m b e d . in spite of the rain, but we want to show it in South Haven ;ii the Blueberry parade. My flr.al words I think best describe the effort of the oora* petition of this great annual event — It's something Eldon said to me one night whon we were working on the float. He sat d he was asked why he worked so many extra hours c.a the float — was it bocausc ha liked to do It? He said, "Yes, and I'll like .-.no better, too. lor doing It. Enlg t l oa CAMPGROUND DIRECTOKY A new edition of the popular Michigan Campground Directory is now available for distribution, according to the Michigan Tourist Council. The directory lists more than 17,330 prepared campsites in 350 state parks and recreation areas, state and national forest campgrounds, and county, township and city parks. Camping is also permitted throughout most of the more than seven-million acres of pub. lie forest land in the northern two-th rds of the state. Copies of the Campground Directory and other Michigan vacation planning information can be obtained by writing the Michigan Tourist Council. Ste. vens T. Mason Building. I^ansing, Michigan, 18926. SUPER MARKET AL'S SAVfc AT YOUR SPARTAN STORl S and H Green Stamps Cold beer and w i n e to go T h i c k Sliced RING BOLOGNA BACON 4 9 , ib. 2 lb. pkg. Fresh Pork NECK BONES Fresh Home Made ib. w = PORK SAUSAGE I 4 0 ^ lb. Shafer's F a m o u s Such Crust BREAD Mich. Sand G r o w n POTATOES 1 10 lb. bag. = E g()c Eckrich | SMORGAS - PAK 20 oz. loaves E 16 oz. pkg. 5 for ^ . Q O | 79' Open Sunday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - P i g e TEN TiwniMj, a Cu* ftiii i/aw ' f j i i f a j Mif l§f f f S I Tliuriday, May 19, 1 9 6 6 Page ELEVEN ANSWERS FOR YOUR BIBLE QUESTIONS (Continued from page 6) i [ I M PIANOS A us«d in ins 8 ^gnus a Both j n . Call .ISCELLA ^cdl-a-way Radio, el« ' o e t w . ma , ill C o m e r i-adl Ed I Ip m N |L nules. \ ILM y Sink. V xjokcase comtoiatlon. Tea Cart, Hutch Tahlf. tUWroad Stoves and -w Tthie, lovely sweoond H Beds, Chain. KfOi to < - V-4.D0 USED TV SETS. f O t A S . A JOHNSON * AH « N. M»4i»3trwt_ ( ArtnanO, Ed ^ i a** will have peace. The knowledge of God will then cover the earth as the waters cover the sea, and righteousness, justice and peace will prevail on this earth for the first time in history among all the peoples of the earth. No chastisement, no worldwide dispersion, no haired and persecution by the nations of the world, no long periods of apostasy and disobedience, will prevent the sure fulfillment of God's promise: "I will b r i n g them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: and I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever . . . .1 will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.. . .1 will bring upon them all the good that I have promised them" (Jeremiah 32: 37-42). The land of Israel is important because it is a land uniquely as- Two Teachers To Be Honored On T u e s d a y evening, May 24th, at 7:30 the Watervliet North School P. T. A. has planned an evening in honor of two retiring teachers. several grandchildren and on« great-grandson. Mr. and Mrs, Hewitt live on a farm north of Coloma and she with har husband e n j o y many interesting hobbies. Mrs Gladys Hewitt, f o u b t h grade teacher, has lived in Berrien County most of her life, and has taught school off and on since 1919. She taught in rural schools many years. Some of her first students were Boric Dominy of Now Bufalo, and John Brule, postmaster of Watervliet. She has a BS degree from Western University. Mrs. Hewitt has two children, a daughter who ii the Coloma Public Library librarian, and a son who is an engineer at the Heath Company. She hai Mrs. Ma-xine Mlnshall. sixth grade teacher was bom near Paw Paw, Michigan, and h a | lived in and around Dowagiaa most of her life. Mrs. Mlnshall started her teaching career in 1920. and has taught county and town schools for the past '.'<9 years. She went intermittently to summer school, nic;ht school, and on Saturdays in order to teach after 1932, thus acquiring a BS degree in 1959. Mrs. Mlnshall Bves alone in Sister Laket since her husband Carson Minshall, p a s s e d away in recent years. She has one son residing in Lansing, and seven grandchildren. Mrs. Minshall has a varied interest in art activities, sowing, and fishing. sociatcd with the promises of God that have to do with present as well as future blessings for a worn and weary world. One can but say with the psalmist: "He sheweth his word unto Jacob, His statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation. . . ." (Psalms 147:19 & 20). flove your good clothing mothproofed free at Lashley'a Cleaners. —ADV. Parts Fftbrtcatow- D. C B u r e t t e and Sendee for all makes, ta- FOUR GENERATIONS PRESENT — The motheri d a u g h t e r b a n q u e t held at t h e W a t e r v l i e t MethoIdist c h u r c h w a s h i g h l i g h t e d by f o u r g e n e r a t i o n s in o n e f a m i l y . Shown, b a c k r o w , Mrs. W a y n e Stanley, Mrs. Lyle Rorick. Second r o w , Mrs. Glenn Walling, Mrs. F r a n k T r u m a n . F r o n t , Lori Stanley, lulie Rorick. (Leedy photo) 5 p « d Qu«n. Maytajt, Good trmosDor^,' m* T ' l t f "L^MTE S-TttS itler ore, Hotpotut, Beat/ 5 IJ. at 'Tmontat TANK^-i tton hose *t fioxilant . • iAtttocaT __ Tll#^ 4<MB.V irfumWrr? TOioTlS? Hwy EbeRczar RTINENT RAGRAPHS datte. AMIno. w m m , Dpm CMS total of 3,012 farms was ited In Berrien County dur the 196-i census of agrlcul i the last previous census >9). the total was 3,809. • • • VEY le grand total of monies col?d for Michigan motor ve[•! registration (licenses, tletc.) during 1965 "was ! •.136,609.31. • • f •rCIIINSON REPORTS t iring the past year the war ' /letnam apparently gained ilar support in Michigan's unty Fourth Congressional rict, according to a comparof public opinion surveys ucted by Congressman Edl Hutchinson in February, , and late March of this YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN BOTH PAPERS - $1.00* JUST ONE CALL OR VISIT WILL DO IT Call or visit •CASH CheiCdom Comer milffMA a muM HO 8-5441 - Coloma •mplete withdrawal of U.S. •s from South Vietnam was favored by 17.5% of those ending to R e p . Hutchin'J 1965 survey. This year's results of which w e r e unced recently — showed 7.7% In favor of such a se. Wever, the Michigan Con'•jman po nted out t h a t most le questionnaires were fillit in March before the anti: rican demonstrations I n | h Vietnam. Since the demo t i o n s , he said the bulk of , nail has been strongly op. J to continuing the war. • • • t -'S • chlgan Department of Agture predicted that reports inldentifled flying objects be common throughout uvest Mlch gan during the jir three week period the denent Is fighting the battle e cereal leaf beetle.;-ange balloons, low-flying l-aft, and a flashing light ring over treetops are used ie aerial treatment to sup! the plant pest. Or mm mm •Qk • • • SSIJRED DRIVERS j cording to the latest flgthe number of uninsured "rs in Michigan Lj a t about ('120,000 m a r k . la believed t h a t there a r e IN 3-3461 - Watervliet v PEOPLES SAVINGS FOUR GENERATIONS Mrs. Glenn Walling of Hartford was the key figure in an unusual four generation combination at the recent MotherDaughter Banquet a t the W a t ervliet Methodist church. Mrs .Walling is the great grandmother of Lori Stanley and Julie Rorick. The two youngsters are the granddaughters of her daughter Mrs. F r a n k (Camille) Truman. Mrs. Truman Is the mother of Mrs. Lyle Rorick. Julie s mother, and Mrs. Wayne Stanley, Lori's mother. Mrs. Walling s daughter, Mrs. Truman, is visiting at her home f r o m Hollywood, California, and her grand daughter. Mrs. Wayne Stanley of Buffalo, New York is also visiting here, which had made the all-girl four-generation fanvly gathering possible. Mrs. Lyle Rorick of Coloma. Is the second granddaughter of Mrs. Walling In the four generations gathering. quite a few drivers who bought llabiKty insurance to avoid the $35 extra fee when obtaining 1966 licenses. Then they either permitted the insurance to lapse but were turned down for Insurance. Uninsured drivers face loss of driver's 1'censes as well as license plates for a full year. o m a THEATRE ^ Showing continuous from 0:30 ASSOCIATION OF 3 E N T O N H A R B O R MICHIGAN SAVINGS ACCOUNT SAVE THEN FIRST SPEND Ihe "greatest feeling in the world a passbook of your own There is nothing more gratifying than knowing you hove Starting June 3 Every night except Wed. money to meet emergency purposes... supply educoHon Fri., Sat., Sun. hove a Peoples Savings passbook account to back you up. May 20-21-23 Debbie Reynolds iw THE SINGING NUN — and — MGM'S BIG PARADE OF COMEDY AO Fabulous Stars! for your children... or just to feel satisfied because you So get this "greatest" feeling , . . open your account today. Save any amount any time. First in Savings and Home Financing PEOPLES SAVINGS ASSOCIATION MAIN OFFICE 115 W. MAIN, BENTON HARBOR FAIRPLA1N - Napier at Colfax WATERVLIET - Main St. at Red Arrow UKESH0RE - John B « m Bd. at Clmland 4 % : Per innum MMBUMW F a s * Twelve Senior of the Week Coloma Covrler, Coloma, Michigan School P n o k t baa Francisco police hive had a fence constructed in hopes of quelling the latest teenage fad. Officers said teenagers r e c e n t l y have itoleo can, set them afire and ahoved them orer ritffa "just for the thrill of watching them explode." Auto theft inspector Kudy Nieto said, "It's become quite a fad among the Ugh school kids." Hot Issue Mrs. Robert Harvey, of Pueblo, Colo., went from the fire to the frying pan, but her kitchen went to the blazes. While she watched rural firemen put out a nearby haystack fire, Mrs, H a r v e y noticed smoke pouring from her house. She had forgotten a pan of grease on the stove, which boiled over and set her kitchen afire. LYN SHAXKLAND Lyn Shankland, who f o r t h e e n t i r e school y e a r h a s been the a u t h o r of the "Senior of the W e e k " series for the Courier Is chosen for the honor this week. Lyn is t h e d a u g h t e r of Mr. a n d Mrs. Bud Shpnkland of Bayview Drive in Coloma. She is 17 y e a r s old and w a s oorn In Benton Harbor, J u n e 20, 1948, end has been a t t e n d i n g Coloma High School for f o u r y e a r s and has been in the school system f o r five years. Her activities in t h e school s y s t e m have been varied and m a n y , including: SOPHOMORE — F u t u r e T e a c h e r s of America, Laiin Club, and Girls' Club. J U N I O R — D r a m a t i c s Club, Vox S t a f f . Gold Leaf S t a f f , L a t i n Club, Girls' club, Junior and Senior Prom and banquet committees and t h e all-school play. S E N I O R — Class t r e a s u r e r , all-school play cast. F u t u r e D r a m a t i c s Club, Vox S t a f f , Gold S e c r e t a r y Club, S e c r e t a r y of Leaf S t a f f , all-school play, s t u dent director and a writer of t h e ' Senior of the W e e k " column in the Courier. Her hobbies a r e almost aa m a n y as her school activities. T h e y include swimm/ng, bowling, w a t e r skiing, b o a t i n g and modeling. Lyn s favorite colors a r e blue, green and beige. She w i l l a t t e n d W e s t e r n M i c h g a n University this fall and will m a j o r in guidance and counseling. Foreign Aid A group of London businessmen who traveled to Tokyo to urge Japanese to "Buy British" goods returned home from the tour with an average of 1560 in goods pur. in Japan. E i g h t y per cent of all types of industry a r e found within Michigan. Michigan became the 26th s t a t e when It was a d m i t t e d to t h e Union J a n u a r y 26, 1837. The second annual s a i e driving R o a d - E - 0 f o r Coloma, sponsored by t h e Jaycees Is scheduled for S a t u r d a y , May 21 which will be held on West S t r e e t in f r o n t of t h e old high school as waa t h e c a s e l a s t ye a r. WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Musical Instrument BOUEONTAt SlUct count circuits ] Depicted 4 Epistlt («b.) musical SBsK Instrument I It consists of f Far (prefix) 7 Fruit drinks — plates SDefecndants M Adjusted 14 Unit vt weight • Tungsten 15 Bite ( a b -) jjOUy 10 Within (comb. compound lorm) 28 Horse's neck hairs 18 Time measure" CaK« game J» Belongs to U 12 English city 33 It is pliyed with a 20 Nuisance# 17 Pronoun 34 Drug 31 Worthless 25 Pant 36 Dweller leaving 28 Cuned . 37 Small drums 22 NegaUve reply molding 23 PreposiUon 27 Greek god of 41 Small drink war 42 Encounter 24 Therefor# 27 Prayer ending 39 SUver (symbol) 90EgypUan , sun god 31 Compass point 32 HaU an cm 33 Wish 35 Chair 38 Apud (ab.) 3J Bachelor of Arts (ab.) 40 Among 42 Men 47 Bon* 48 Damage 49 Run tofethcr 80 Stir ' 91 Russian . storehouse n ** $3 Reclaim 63 Send iT *r JBHomt J a y c e e J i m Polashak i n f o r m ed t h e City Commission t h a t the s t a t e - w i d e s a f e driving R o a d - E - 0 will be hosted by t h e Coloma club with t h e finals scheduled J u n e 4. 91 The c o n t e s t will be held on the p a r k i n g lot of t h e new high school s t a r t i n g a t 10 a.m. a f t e r t h e w r i t t e n test Is taken. Between 80 and 100 contest a n t s f r o m all over the s t a t e will converge on Coloma tor the event. A visit to Deer F o r e s t by t h e c o n t e s t a n t s is scheduled for 2:30 In t h e a f t e r n o o n and a banquet In t h e evening a t Htldegarde's a t which the winner will be announced. A ^iwrtorg ®f ffioloma J W a ffll|itrrl| •MMHklfeJK 43 Indian mulberry 44 Italian coin 45 Paradise 46 Denomlryrtio* 47 Rant 32 Mixed type 54 Chemical suffix Sunday Masses — 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a m . Weekday Mass — a t 8:00. Confessions: Thurs. a f t e r Novena Devotions & S a t 3 to 6 A 7 t o 9. Thui*., 8 p.m. P e r p e t u a l Help More than 100 plants a r e Novena Devotions. named In t h e Old and New Testaments. i The driving p a r t of the contest will be conducted In t h e new M e r c u r y cars, f u r n i s h e d by the Rogel Motors In W a t e r v l i e t Local c o n t e s t a n t drivers will also t a k e their driving test in Mercurys. ITZ B r - m r Michigan has more t h a n 13,000 m a n u f a c t u r i n g establishments, t h e i r employment totaling m o r e t h a n 800,000. VEITlCAL 1 Doglike 2 Reviser sT sT First Congregational Church 1 K il J United Church of C h r i s t Sunday School — 9:30 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Free Methodist Church Whatever you deliver, Watervliet, Michigan Rev. Robert L. Bowrn CHEVY'S GOT YOU COVERED! Sunday School, 10 a.m. Divine Worship, 11 a.m. Y o u t h Fellowship, 6:15 p.m. Mid-week P r a y e r and B l b l # Study, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. S u n d a y evening, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Calvary Bible Church Territorial Road a t Benton Center Road S u n d a y School — 9;45. Morning Service — 10.45. Youth Meeting — 6:00. E v e n i n g Service — 7:00. Midweek Service — 7:45 Wed. Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church P a w P a w Ave.. E a s t of Bridge Rev. it. E. Schaller S u n d a y Scnool, 9:30 a.m. Divine Worship, 10:30 a.ra. Children Instruction Classes, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. and Sat., 9:00 a.m. Choose the low-cost Chevy-Van...pick from a pair of panels...or 11 basic Step-Van models. If you've got a load to keep undnr cover-?.ny size load from 175 cubic feet to 4 9 7 outtcfect-Cnev-y'i equipped to handle it for you In the most economical manner. In fact, your Chevrolet des^er oTferi; the widest range of covered dtlivery vehicles on the m a r k e t Ail delivering lower costs because of famous Chevrolet engine efficiency-and because of tough chassis and t o d y construction t h a t helps] reduce maintentnee expense. For any type o f j length of route-dty or rural, thruway or alleyway, - a Cbevy can cover your delivery needs b e s t S e e your Chevrolet dealer and s a v e . / Select from the most complete line of covered delivery trucks...at your Chevrolet dealer's. MOVE OUT IN HAY t i e Cbamlet Way, COME TO A N I M A L WONDERLAND RIOf SAFAR' TRAIN THRU AFRICAIAND PAW PAW LAKES C O L O M A , M I C H 11-1801 BRIDGES GARAGE M 2 N. MAIN ST. Watervliet, Michigan IN 3-3101 . Bainbridge E. U. B. Church Rev. C u r t i s C r u f l S u n d a y School, 9:49 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 a.m. Evening Worahip, 7:00 p.m. Mid-week Service — Wednea- St. P a u l ' s United Church of Christ Thurs. — 10 to 5 & 7 t o 9 Youth Fellowship — E v e r y other Sunday aternoon. Rev. C. J . BcHilcr Sunday School — 9:45 a.m. Worship scrvice — 11:00 a m . Lake Shore Bible Church Lake Michigan Bench Rev. Ray J e f f r i e s , p a s t o r 9:45 — S u n d a y School. 6:00 p.m. — Christian Youth Feliowshiik 10:45 — Worship Service. Christian Science Society Sunday Service. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service, 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY S E R V I C E O F MAY 2?, 1966 The s t o r y of Job will form t h e basis for a Bible Lesson on ' S O U L A N D B O D Y ' a t Christ i a n Science church services t h i s Sunday. E x p l a n a t o r y passages f r o m t h e denominational textbook, "Science and Health with Key t o the Scriptures" by Man,' B a k e r Eddy, will emphasize the t h e m e t h a t m a n s real existence is spirituau - in God • and t h a t t o accept this gives m a n dominion over t h e m a t ; r i a l hotly. Included will be these lines: "Man Is t r i b u t a r y to God, Spirit, and t o nothing: else . . . having one God, one Mind, unfolds the powe r t h a t heals t h e sick, and f u l fills these s a y i n g s of Scripture, 'I am the Lord t h a t healeth thee,' and I have found a ransom. " 1 mile east of Red Arrow Hwy. Rev. Waldes O w n The Soo Locks at Sault Ste. Marie. Michigan, a m a j o r travel a t t r a c U o n f o r m o r e t h a n a century, handle m o r e t o n n a g e in t h e seven-month G r e a t L a k e s shipping season than the P a n a m a Canal In a year, according t o the Michigan Tourist Council. Sunday School, 9:4S a m . Worahip Service, 11:00 a.m. Evening Wonblp, 7:00 p.m. Prayer Serrice, W e d , 7:00 p.m. Followed by choir rehearsal Communion Service, l a t Bun. each month. Youth Fellowship. 6:00 p.m. Michigan h a s m o r e t h a n 150 waterfalls, m o s t of t h e m in t h e u p p e r peninsula, according t o t h e M i c h i g a n T o u r i s t Council. T a h q u a m e n o n Falls, n e a r N e w berry is t h e second l a r g e s t waterfall e a s t of t h e Mississippi River. Midway Baptist Church VanZant Heating DEER ' /^FO-REST St. Joseph's Catholic Church Lucinda Lane, W a t e r v l i e t F t . R. Q. Thelen T h e j o y of t h e L o r d is y o u r strength. — ( N e h 8:10); HO 8-6326 P a g e Thirteen I (DuBtbli Oil O G a s F u r n a c e s e Space Heaters 0 W h e r e Quality Counts e 0 24 Hour Service e Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan JAYCEE SAFE DRIYINO IIIHUBMUUUlllUilUH A s we a p p r o a c h our senior, y e a r s , we should continue to e n j o y t h e b r e a t h in ua t h a t C o d h a s g i v e n , a n d to live h a p p i l y a n d j o y o u s l y . We too are children of God, and w h e n o u r m i n d s are filled with the t h o u g h t of happy l i f e i s f o r l i v i n g t h e n w e r e f u s e to g i v e w a y to n e g a t i v e o p i n i o n s or appearances. Through prayer w o keep in t u n e w i t h the heali n g p o w e r of God. lursday, May 1 9 , 1 9 6 6 H r a r t d a j r , M a y 1ft, I f f Coloma Church of God Red Arrow Highway Rev. Noah C o m b s Sunday School, 9:45. Evangelistic Service, 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, Sat. and Bun. at 7:30 p.m. Young People meeting Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Salem Lutheran Church Missouri Synod P a r k and Marvin street Frederick E . Klpp, Pastor Sunday School & Bible Classai 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a. m. — S u n d a y Worship Service. Communion Sen-Ices — Second and last Sundays of Uie month. First Methodist Church of Riverside Rev. J a y Gunnett Morning Worahip, 9:30 a.m. S u n d a y School, 10:40 a.m. M.Y.F., 6:30 p.m. Coloma Bible Church Corner West & Wilson S t Sunday School — 9:45. Morning Service — 10:45. Sunday Evening Service begiin Nov. 7th. Mid-week Thurs. Service — 7:3(^ Missionary Baptist Church Washington a n a P a r k Street Rev. George W r i g h t | Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. B.T.O, 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p m. Youth Fellowship, Tues., 7:30. P r a y e r Service, Wed., 7:30. First Methodist Church Rev. Leon Andrews Sunday School. 9:30 a m . Worship Services, 8:S0, 11 a m . J r . A Sr. M.y J 1 , S.-M p.m. Sr. Choir practice, 1 p.m. Wed. J r . High Choir practice, 1:30 a m . , S a t u r d a y . S u s a n n a Wesley Circle, 3nd Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. W.S.C.S. Genera] Meeting, 4tJ» Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. . — Classified Ads — - K Shingle Diggins By MIKE q U I G L E Y SSNSK Mi&-. ^'k»... • • Customers who think waiters are rude - should see the management. • • • May — This is the birthday of Mrs. W a l t e r Martin, Mrs. Emma Scherer, Mrs. Barbara Green and Deborah Gehring. Telephones were tested f o r use in Altoona, Pa., railroad shops in 1877. The first general conference of Seventh Day Adventists took place in 1863. • • • An old farmer when asked why he never married explained: 'I'd rather go thru life wanting something 1 didn't have than having something 1 didn't want. • • • May 22 — Aaron Burr's trial f o r treason began this day in 1807. Trinity College was founded at Hartford, Conn., also on this day in 1823. This is the birthday of Robert E. Faulkner, Jean Marie (Morlock) Jarvis, Marie Ghinta, Otilge Bellinger and Mrs. Clyde Fetters. The Impartial Observer and Washington Advertiser was first published in the nation's capitol in 1795. • • • The trouble with success is that the formula is the same for a nervous breakdown. • • • May 23 — This is the birthday of Virginia Reinhardt, Mrs. Adolph Steinke and Mrs. Andrew Sipla. The British Cabinet agreed to American independence this day in 1782, and Los Angeles was made the Mexican capital of California this day in 1835. Kit Carson, the famous scout, died at Fort Lyon, Colo., this day in 1868. • • • Very few participants in marriage ceremonies recall the " f o r poorer" phrase. • • • May 24 — The Rogers Bill consolidated the Foreign Service of the United States this day in 1924, and the first Bessemer rails were made at Chicago this day in 1865. This is the birthday of Mrs. Evelyn Scheffler and Ernest Warman. The Brooklyn Bridge was opened in 1883. • • • How's this for a definition: Collegebred — a 4year loaf on father's dough. a • • • May 25 — Washington was elected president of the Federal Convention in Philadelphia this day in 1787, and Ralph Waldo Emerson was born this day in 1803. Locally this is the birthday of Mrs. Vina Hocker, Esther Walling and Gracie Arent. The final appropriation for the Cumberland Road was made this day in 1838. 5% 5% You can get 5 % Interest on the Short Term Community Finance Company notes. Write, phone or stop in for detailed information. As little as $100.00 will purchase one of these short term liquid investment notes. We invite your inquiry. COMMUNITY FINANCE CO. WA 5-1132 91 Wall S t |R S A L E — g a r d e n t m o t o r rith tools, and power tools, 'hone HO 8-3572 a f t e r 6 p.m. C 5-12,19pd COLOMA — 8.2 A C R E S U p long graveled drive to 6 year old alu m in u m sided home witJi a t t a c h e d g a r a g e 40 x 28. P a n eled and ceiling s q u a r e s decor followed t h r o u g h o u t . 5 large closets. L a u n d r y , f u r n a c e (oil) and s u m p p u m p in basement. Well insulated. Deep well and e x t r a large septic system. Price $11,500. WANTED / A N T TO BUY — Good used ide-a-bed. Must be clean. W r i t e i Dept. M. c / o Coloma Courr, Box i28l Coloma. CR 5-19 • May 20 — This is the birthday of Lynda Marie Strine and Nancy E. Allen. This was a ' d a m p ' day in South Dakota 45 years ago this date. For cloudbursts blocked most highways for 21 d a y s . Amelia Earhart et-arted the first solo flight by a woman across the Atlantic this day in 1932. • REAL ESTATE DDING • B I R T H D A Y - OR ,11 occasion c a k e s m a d e t o orr. Mrs. P a u l Ryan, phone -4323. C 5-19pd The average taxpayer is the first of America's natural resources to be exhausted. • FOR SALE ly two men's suits instead of ne a t these low prices. $19.50. Jnger's, 108 West Main St., enton Harbor. CW-TF May 19 — This is the birthday of Eileen Scheffler, Mrs. Herbert Watts, Mrs. E. M. Shumar, V e m W a r m a n , Ann Lennartson, LeUoy Peterson and Elaine Wolgensinger. On this day in i780 the "Dark D a y " took place in New England. Gloom began at 10 a.m., continued adjourned in f e a r Judgment Day had come. To a simitlll night. The Connecticut House of Representatives lar motion by a member of the Council at Hartford, Rev. John Davenport, founder of New Haven colony, replied: "The Day of Judgment is either approaching or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause f o r adjournment. If it is, I choose to be found doing my duty." • • • • Benton Harbor, Mich. YACHT CLUB MEMBERS T H I N K I T S SPRING — The first tail boat races were held last Saturday and A N T E D — L a d y t o live in )me and c a r e for elderly woan. Not on Invalid. S 7 0 a n t h . Can 927-2888 or 9?B84. CR 5-19pd Sunday by members of the Paw Lake Yacht club. Here sail boats into the w a t e r prior to the star r a (Courier pho RAINBOW EA.MSTRESS and alteration dy wanted. Steady work. )me experience necessary, ge no handicap If you can talify. Phone 463-5241. L a s h y Cleaners. CR 4-14 tf The s u m m e r installation of t h o Ooloma Rainbow Assembly waa held S a t u r d a y evening in t h e Masonic Temple. Bows in rainbow colors m a r k e d the various s t a t i o n s and yellow and violet were used n the dining room. SERVICES AVIS F E E & SON Miss D.anna B o r a h was installed as w o r t y advisor and Corst S.-m'.n as associate, advisor. Cleaning Service Commercial - Industrial ^^iwn Mowing - Yard Work 468-3768, Coloma Other officers a r c P a t r i c i a Coleman, c h a r i t y ; Kyle Winch, hope; Joyce Andrews, f a i t h ; M a r y Krell, chaplain; -Paula A n d r a s , s e c r e t a r y ; Gloria Smith, t r e a s u r e r . Also, Shirley Hucko, drill leader; Jacqueline Smith, love; Elizabeth Hake, religion; K a r la Turner, n a t u r e ; Debbie Hake, i m m o r t a l i t y ; Robyn Loshbough, fidelity; S a n d r a Bouma, P a t riotism; J a n e Cole, service; P a m Gordon, confidential observer; Sheila Brewer, outer observer; Susan Crocker, musician P a m Hulsey associate drill leader; Linila Langer, Debbie Messal and Melody Sexton, choir. Miss Cindy Eltzroth, r e t i r i n g w o r t h y advisor, w a s t h e installing officer along with Veronica Linville, P W A , marshall; T r u d y Snyder, P W A , recorder; Sherry Bookout, P W A , chaplain; Marjorie Krell, musician; Connie H a r t m a n , soloist. I A R P S A W S CUT F A S T E R ID L A S T L O N G E R . We Joint. I n . set and s h a r p e n h a n d j ws and all circular s a w s in| \ d i n p metal saws, also re•th old discarded hand saws, ecision sharpened by m a c h j. Work g u a r a n t e e d . Pick-up 1 delivery a t Red Arrow V&S J.rdwai e. KBAN S S H A R P E N |,G S E R V I C E . Phone 463-6529. 5-12.6-16 i Miss Diunna B o r a h A MAN'S HOME AUTOMOBILES IjMC S A L E — Used Rumlilcrs, •)6 to 1964 All body styles. }ur Rambler h e a d q u a r t e r s . ! V. Godlcw - Bangor Phone •-7959. : AUTO REPAIR RED McCRERV BODY and P A I N T S H O P repair a n y t h i n g f r o m small •ratohes to serious d a m a g e •jf Free e s t i m a t e s ^ ittlo Paw Paw Lake Roud Phone 110 8-3500 Mrs. L a r r y E c k o f f , worthy m a t r o n of the O.E.S., welcomed the guests. I n t r o d u c t i o n s were made by Cindy Eltzroth. The invocation and benediction were given by E a r l L. Hulkinger of South Bend, Miss Borah s uncle. UR C L A S S I F I E D AD IN i space would cost o n l y y cents — c a s h ! The p a s t w o r t h y advisor s Jewel waa presented by E d i t h Eltzroth who also presented m e r i t bars. • The B e r r i e n C o u n t y Coverlet Guild met with Mrs. Glenn Closson of M-139 f o r a dessert luncheon, Wednesday, May 11. Mrs. N e t t i e Ellsworth w a s cohostess. I t waa reported t h a t Uie y e a r books a r e a t the p r i n t e r s and will be distributed a t the n e x t meeting. T h a t m e e t i n g will be tho a n n u a l luncheon t o be held a t B;il K n a p p s a t 1 p.m. M a y 25. { Anyone n o t p r e s e n t a t l a s t ; week's m e e t i n g w h o plans t o a t t e n d t h e luncheon is r e q u e s t e d to noUfy Mrs. l o n e McDole Immediately. L A K E VIEW Feel the lake breeze f r o m largetwo story — 3 or 4 bedroom home. E n j o y s e p a r a t e dining room, see t h e lake f r o m enclosed porch, or u p p e r bedroom, Ext r a room n e a r k.tchen is used f o r sewing. Ironing and could be another bedroom. Home has 1% baths, b a s e m e n t with oil f u r nace, s u m p pump, fru'.t storage and laundry faculties. S h a r e t h e shade of walnut a n d beech trees. P l a y ball with bases marked In cement. Income f r o m cottage on 80 x 240 plot. Price $10,500. NEAR LAKE Quiet s t r e e t leads to paneled 2 bedroom or 3 by using enclosed and heated porch. Gas furnace. L a r g e walk in closet and linen closet. 85 f o o t well. 2 phone Jacks. Bus service t o Coloma and W a t e r v l i e t Catholic school. Lot 55 x 161. Price $9,500. B L U E C R E E K REALTY CORPORATION REALTORS, P . O. Box 113, F a i r p l a i n Plaza Call WA 5-9645, E d i t h Eltzroth, Realtor. I I E A R I N O ON A M E N D M E N T TO COLOMA T O W N S H I P ZONING O R D I N A N C E Notice is hereby given t h a t t h e Zoning Board of Coloma Township, B e r r i e n C o u n t y . Michigan, will meet a t the Coloma Township Hall In Coloma Township, Berrien C o u n t y . Michigan, on Monday, May 23, 1966 , a t 8:00 o clock in the evening of said day for the purpose of determ ning if the zoning classification of t h e follow. Ing described p r o p e r t y Lot 32.5. & 21, T3S, R17W Lot 32.6, Sc(. 21, T3S, R17W Lot 32.7, S . c . 21. T3S, R17W Lot 32.9, See. 21, T3S, R17W Lot 32.10 Sec-. 21. T3S. R17W should be changed f r o m Agricultural t o Residential. At the above time and place all p a r t i e s interested will be given an opportunnity to bo heard. Coloma Township Zoning Board Steve Bearty, Secretary May 5, May 19, 1966 *++•- mHP U B L I C LIBRARY HOURS Mon., Wed., Fri., and Sat. — 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday — 10 a.m. to 5 p.m COLOMA MYSTERY PICTURE CONTEST RULES R e f r e s l i m e n t s were served by Mrs. Catherine Clapsaddle a n d Mrs. RuUi Hipskind. BERRIEN COUNTY COVERLET GUILD Page Fifteen The Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan Thursday, May 19,1966 TKunday, May 19, Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan P a g e Fourteen Call by phone or in person to register your fti^ss. BUT THE COST OF INSURme THEM IS DOWN J i your present Homeowners Insurance policy enough for your ca: Chances are, it Isn't INA — Insurance Company of North Ame •— suggests you check your current policy very carefully t o be i It's enough for today's values. Real estate values are up and yo Undoubtedly added appliances, hi-fi or some other expensive acces: t o your home in the past few years. 'T »! J I » m Homeowners costs have gone down. It will pay you to call u; A discuss these new trends, For instance, you may qualify for Mi i Rating If you've had a claims-free record with INA. We'll try to save you money — just give us a chase*. The first eight to register correct guesses will receive a year's subscription to the Courier for half price ($1.50) plus a free ticket to the Loma Theatre. Members of families previously registering correct guesses are not eligible. PLEASE No calls before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m. No Sunday calls. unuuauwucj. |f Coloma, Michigan STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE TYPING ABILITY — Here student* show their typing ability to visitora at the CITY COMMISSION Minutes of R e g u l a r Meeting of t h e Coloma City Commission The regular meeting of the Coloma City Commission waa callcd to order a t 8 p.m. Mon., eve.. May 9, 1966 by M a y o r Glenn Randall. P r e s e n t ; Com. Bachman, Barricklow, C a r r o t h ers, E m h o f f , F e u r y and Munchow. Mayor Randall and City Clerk Davia. A b s e n t : none. Visitors t o the meeting were D ll Baugher, J a m e s Polashak David Vogie, a n d Bill Bale. Mr. B a u g h e r appeared relative to the Little League ball club.. Mr. P o l a s h a k and Mr. Vogie appeared relative t o the Road-eO b a n g staged in Coloma on So. W e s t St., May 21st, requesting barricades. Request g r a n t e d . Local finals to be held June 4th. Mr. Bale presented s u g g e s t e d locations for more fire h y d r a n t s In the City and bringing some p r e s e n t h y d r a n t s up to a b e l t e r level for connecting hose. T a k e n under consideration. open beuse last Sunday at Coloma's new high school. An estimated 3200 people visited the new school. (Courier photo) 46, Street Fund; $1,330.13, W a t e r and Sewer F u n d . Motion by Com. B a c h m a n bills be allowed. Supported by Com. Emhoff. Carried. Salary of J a c k Merrill to be increased t o $77.00 weekly beginning M a y 19lh, Com. Barricklow had nothing to r e p o r t as yet, oa I n s u r s n c e p a c k a g e for City. Com. Emhoff reported on s a f ety Com. report on location of additional speed signs for City. Motion sign be InstaUed. Police report presented Com. E m h o f f . Accepted. by Commissioner C a r r o t h e r s reported on S t r e e t DepL activiUea and m a d e a motion to hire Lyndon Thorton aa p a r t - t i m e s t r e e t employee. MoUon C a r rled. Com. Munchow reported on progress of driUing new well. Henry Compton waa hired to put » replacement of 2" main on E. Center St., to a 6" main for approx. 200 ft. Com. Munchow m a d e a motion s u m m e r w a t e r rates be effective as of J u n e 30th billing and Sept. 30th biUing. Supported by Com. Request f r o m Telephone Co., Feury. R a t e s effeoUve for residential only where w a t e r is used f o r underground installations on for lawns. E. Red Arrow Highway g r a n t e d . Com. Feury reported on Fire Bills read in the following a m o u n t on the various f u n d s : Dept. and Health Dept. investi$2,168.04, General Fund; $1,754.- gations. Request from Town and Country Club for a R u m m a g e Sale LEGAL NOTICE a t the Odd Fellows Hall May 13 and 14 granted. Motion by H E A R I N G ON A M E N D M E N T Com. E m h o f f . clerk be instrucTO COLOMA T O W N S H I P ted to advertise for bida on a ZONING O R D I N A N C E new poUce car, according to Notice Is hereby given t h a t specifications of Police Dept. the Zoning boaid of Coloma PubUc h e a r i n g set for Budget Township. B e r r i e n County, a t a special meeting called b y Michigan, will meet a t t h e OolMayor Randall for 8 p.m., Mon. o m a Township HaU in Coloma eve., at *he City Hall. May 23. Township, Berrien C o u n t y , 1966. Millage tentatively set a t Michigan, on Monday, M a y 23, the s a m e r a t e as last year, 18 1966 a t 8:00 o'clock in t h e evenmills. ing of said f o r t h e purpose of All business to come before d e t c r m i n g If the zoning claathe Commlsson a t this t i m e havsificaUon of t h e foUowing desing been completed, a motion cribed p r o p e r t y w a s m a d e by Com. E m h o f f , supOwn. 323.33' E. of W » i , ported b y Com. Barricklow m e e t i n g be a d j o u r n e d . Meeting Th. N. 188.87' W. t o B . H. adjourned. SL J . R y . * LL Co., Th. Florence B. Davis, NE'ly t o point on E ly line City Clerk * of said R y . t h a t la 443.7' N. 30° 40' on an 8* c u r v e t o r i g h t 620.8' th. S. 8 8 ' W B. 697' th. S. to E. Jk W.>4 line Sec. 21 th. t o beg. 17.45 A. with the excepUon of t h e E a s t 300 f e e t bordering on Mid-water P a r t i Bubdivlson. should be changed f r o m Residential to Commercial. At t h a t t i m e and place all p a r U e s interested will be given an opportunity to be h e a r d . Coloma Township Zoning B o a r d Steve Bearty, S e c r e t a r y May 5. May 19, 1965 WATCH \F0R ' T U R N I N G CARS WINNll. AAA TIAIflC 5AKTT rom/i c o n t u t YOUR C H I L D R E N The S t a t e Police have issued their annual warning about child molesting Incidenta — which increase in s p r i n g and s u m m e r when children a r e o u t doors more. P a r e n t s should caution youngeters about possible d a n g e r f r o m strangers. Molesting dangers can best be thw-arted by cooperation of parents, children, school a u t h orltles, and police, accord ng t o S t a t e Police Sgt. George L j b dell. The initial responsibility, however, falls heaviest on p a r e n t s and children. P a r e n t s should set g u delines of outdoor acUvity for their children, explain the importance of such rules and see t h a t they a r e followed. P a r e n t s should report any molesting i n o d e n t to police because this can help check t h e menace. N a m e s of y o u n g s t e r s involved In such Incidents are n o t made public, except where w a r ranted in cases of abduction o r murder. STRICTLY FRESH A well-informed man Is one whose wife has just told him what the thinks of hi"', l • * * -j If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, It's another nonconformist who doesat conform to the prevaling standard of nonconformity. • • e • • • An efficiency expert is ene who Is smart enough to UU yoo bow to run your business and too smart to start one of his own. -rrd • • • Money icnt everything, but it's the best substitute for credit. e e • | "Why does it take three guys to change one burnt out light bulEr the foreman asked. . • "Well," replied an as* slstant, "Jim holds the bulb while Frank and I turn the ladder." • • • V The guest who keeps saying he really must be going doesnt mean it an* more than you do when you askt "What's your h u r r y r ^ Thursday, May 1 9 , 1 9 6 8 The Coloma Courier, Coloma, Michigan Ps.g» SUleOB life W.'ili The Rimples SHAWEONy3U.TAM\! M/kMA t ^ e \F W E ' D M U T A K E T I M E T O COUNT OUR BLE5S1KGS W E D A L L B E MORE /"Vv-xv VCr^ltSV j BY Les Carroll FIRST YOU HAVE ME. THINK WHAT VOUR LIFE VOULD BE L\KE WITHOUT M E . THANKS. TOMr. THAT THOUGHT ALONE W U . CHEER ME FOR months; CALENDAR Continued f r o m P a g e I F a m i l y night supper, g r c g a t i o n a l church A l i a r Guild and M a r y Ma Guild, Salem L u t h e r a n c h u r . Coloma N e e d l e c r a f t Guild S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 21 J a y c e e s Safe Driving Ro" O. MONDAY, MAY 23 Township 7oning board. C i t y Commission (bu hearing). School Board. W o m en 's Auxiliary. Mis a r y B a p t i s t Church. T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 20 Coloma Lions Club. Jaycees. S u n d a y school teachers, U) division, Salem Luth Church. J A Y C E E S WIN' P L A Q U Coloma J a y c e e s h a v e woi a w a r d over 100 c o m p e t i n g cee clubs for t h e best prom of h e a l t h and s a f e t y . Softball season starts here Coast-to-Coast, Town and C o u n t r y Gas, and the Spot Tavern were winners as t h e Coloma Athletic club Softball league opened t h e season on Sunday. Gus Hinkleman, P a u l S m i t h and Tony Scheuer each had two h ts as the Ccast-to-Coast t e a m pounded out 12 hits on a host of Johnson TV e r r o r s to win a 12-4 game. Wednesday evening a t 6:30, t h e W a s h i n g t o n Men s club tackles the Town and Country team. Duffleld's Fruit Market OPEN FOR SEASON Full line of fruits and vegetables! Town and Country Gas, led b y Bill M e k e r s with two hits, won over L a r r y ' s B a r b e r s by a 10-7 count. T h e winners pulled off a triple play in t h e 7th inning. In a g a m e Monday, Spot Tavern scored 13 r u n s in the f i r s t two innings to trounce t h e W a s h i n g t o n Men s club by a 21-4 score. F r a n k Kolesar and Dan Wells hit homers for the winners. F o r t h e losers, W e s Hazen and Gene Roebuck hit f o r the circuit. STUDENT COUNCIL — Officers elected are, from l e f t : Case DeGroot, president; B o b Camp, vicepresident; Nancy Kolenko, secretary; Dave Durfee, treasurer. (Leedy photo) Spnday at 2:00 Johson's TV t a k e s on Spot Tavern, followed b y the Coast-to-Coast a g a i n s t Larry's Barbers. PAST MATRONS CLUB Hostesses for the l a s t spring meeting of the P a s t Matrons, club, OES, were Mrs. Pauline Woodhams, Mrs. Ben A r r a , Mrs. Ethel Becker, Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. George Morlock. A one p.m. luncheon w a s served a t tables g a y w i t h s p r i n g flowers. Mrs. Cecil Eltzroth presided at the short business meeting when t h e p r o g r a m s f o r the coming y e a r were read and accepted. The club will resume meetings In November. m-m The plaque w a s presents a statewide m e e U n g of clubs a t Lansing l a s t wee" D a v e Vogie waa elected ident of the local club f o r 1966-67 year. US-33 North - 1-196 H a g a r Shore Exit IGA REINHARDT'S Foodline US-12 at East Center Smucker's — 12 oz. ICE CSEAM TOPPINGS - 4 ' ° ' $ 1 0 Dainty Lunch ASSORTEDJEIIIES 1 8 0 1 4 , o r $ 1° IGA CORN • TOMATOES - PEAS FRUIT COCKTAIL 5'" S p INGRAHAM GARDEN CLUB J I n g r a h a m Garden club m e m bers enjoyed t h e i r l a s t T h u r s day's m e e t i n g at t h e home of Mrs. Floyd Bronson. A one p.m. luncheon w a s served and t h e r e g u l a r meeting held. The m e e t i n g f o r M a y 26 will s t a r t w i t h a luncheon, a f ter which t h e g r o u p will visit Shady A c r e s flower and s h r u b gardens. R E T U R N S FROM V I S I T SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS — Four members of the Coloma high school National Honor Society have received $100 scholarship awards. They are from left, Patricia F r e e d , Chrisine Sundman, Elizabeth Scheuer, and Larry Braiwer. (Leedy photo) Mrs. Rachel Rorick r e t u r n e d this week f r o m a w e e k ' s visit with relatives In a n d around Morris, HI. H e r jdater, Mrs. C l a r a A r e n t of Benton H a r b o r , aocompanied her. Northern TOILET TISSUE • • 4 roU pack 25( c Boston Butt PORK ROAST California lb 49i New LONG WHITE POTATOES £0|
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