What is there to be explained about glasses and glassformers ? Facts, questions, views Gilles Tarjus (LPTMC, CNRS/Univ. Paris 6) 1 III Supercooled liquids and the glass ‶transition″ What is there to be explained ? Salient properties (1) Dynamical facts Part I One of the most spectacular phenomena in all of physics in terms of dynamical range !"#$%&'&&( )$")$*+*%&%,%+-./%&01+$12134+% 53&+$34%1+1"4&01+$/#%/&/%+&6*2141/&)3$&7/&!".)"$+/./4+&6/&73& 01%!"%1+* ! 8*2141+1"4&3$91+$31$/&.31%&!".."6/& Arrhenius plot of the viscosity: Log(viscosity/poise) versus 1/T. /:)*$1./4+37/./4+;& (Angell, 1995) </)$*%/4+3+1"4& Conventional (arbitrary) A$$>/41#%B& definition of Tg: Viscosity = 103 Poise 7"C?+/.)%@& 2"4!+1"4&6/&'DE; Similar results for relaxation time τ measured by various techniques. <*%#7+3+%&%1.1731$/%&)"#$&6/%&+/.)%&6/&$/73:3+1"4&./%#$*%&)3$&&6=3#+$/%&.*+>"6/% ?+/.)%&6/&$/73:3+1"4&", #" @ ! One of the most spectacular phenomena in all of physics in terms of dynamical range FIG. 1. Frequency dependence of the dielectric constant in PC at various temperatures. The solid lines are fits with the CD function performed simultaneously on , ! . The dotted line is a fit with the Fourier transform of the KWW function. the KWW function is more widely used nowadays, in the authors’ experience dielectric loss data in glass-forming materials are often described much better by the CD function !22,26,27,47". The inset of Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence of the frequency # $ !1/(2 % & $ ' ) which is virtually identical to the peak frequency # p . Here & $ ' denotes the mean relaxation time !48" calculated from & $ ' CD ! ( CD$ CD for the CD function and & $ ' KWW! $ KWW / ( KWW")(1/( KWW) () denoting the Gamma function* for the KWW function. The results from the CD +circles* and the KWW fits +pluses* agree perfectly well and are in accord with previously published data !37,38,41–43,49". # $ (T) ωpeak ∼ Frequency-dependent dielectric susceptibility (imaginary part) for liquid propylene carbonate (Lunkenheimer et al., JCP 2001) FIG. 2. Frequency dependence of the dielectric loss in propylene carbonate at various temperatures. The solid lines are fits with the CD function, the dotted line is a fit with the Fourier transform of the KWW law, both performed simultaneously on , " . The dash-dotted line indicates a linear increase. The FIR results have been connected by a dashed line to guide the eye. The inset shows # $ !1/(2 % & $ ' ) as resulting from the CD +circles* and KWW fits +pluses* in an Arrhenius representation. The line is a fit using the VFT expression, Eq. +1*, with T VF!132 K, D!6.6, and # 0 !3.2"1012 Hz. 1 τrelax Fragility Arrhenius plot with T scaled to Tg. (Angell, 1993) 2 quid/Glass Physics Tm TA sensitive to Xtal structure Tv Landscape Collisional ted Transport rt dic condensed molecular phase a dilute gas and a frozen glass. rature, Tm the melting point. e signalling the crossover to aclly but not always below Tm . Tg ture which depends on the time Tg the system is out of equilibuzmann temperature (see text). which signals the quantization FIG. 2: The viscosities of several supercooled liquids are plotted as functions of the inverse temperature. Substances with almost-Arrhenius-like dependences are said to be strong liq- Interlude: Explanations of slow dynamics • Non-cooperative: Arrhenius T-dependence for chemical relaxation time τ ∼ exp ! E T τ " E with a roughly constant activation energy E. • Cooperative: Critical slowing down of relaxation (approaching a critical point at Tc) ✴ Diverging correlation length: ✴ Diverging relaxation time: ξ ∼ |T − Tc |−ν τ ∼ ξ z ∼ |T − Tc |−zν practice unattainable, phase transition would occur at a temperature T0 < Tg, if the experiments were carried out sufficiently slowly that local equilibrium could be maintained5–8. Presumably, this dynamically unattainable transition would be a thermodynamic transition from a supercooled liquid to a state referred to as an ‘ideal glass’. It has also been suggested9–11 that there is a well-defined crossover temperature, T*, at which the characteristic collective behaviour evinced by the supercooled liquid begins. This crossover could be thermodynamic10, Interlude (contd.) However... correlation function, so if the puta order is of a more subtle type, perh could have eluded detection. Attem to measure multipoint correlations obviously of central importance, b have not been successful so far. Conversely, there are two obse that are challenging for those theo with no fundamental involvement thermodynamics. The first is the fa Kauzmann paradox15. The excess e ΔS, which is defined as the differen between the entropies of the super liquid and the crystal, is a strongly decreasing function of T from Tm t and extrapolates to 0 at a temperat which, for fragile glass-formers, is 20–30% below Tg. Even though the is, as we argued above, not relevan physics of the supercooled liquid, sensible rationale for considering Δ fragile glass-formers are molecular in which a significant fraction of th entropy is associated with intramo motions. By subtracting the entrop crystal, one hopes to eliminate mo contributions from extraneous deg freedom. A large change in the ent something to be taken very seriou The second observation is that an empirical relation between ΔS a slow dynamics5,16. Specifically, ther to be a correlation between the dec of ΔS(T) and the increase of Δ(T) decreasing temperature. • Viscous slowing down of relaxation seems of cooperative (or collective) nature... T-dependent effective activation energy 30 15 τ ∼ exp ! E(T ) T 5 " 25 m -Toluidine ∆(T )/T * log10(!) 10 GeO2 20 15 Glycerol 10 0 o -Terphenyl ! 5 1 0.5 "# $ ! molecular ? "# $ 1.0 Tg/T 1.5 T */T collective ? Figure 1 Temperature-dependent effective activation energy of several supercooled liquids (see equation (1)) in units of the empirically determined crossover temperature scale, T *. Ortho-terphenyl is one of the formula 0 liquids, whereas GeO2 most ‘fragile’ glass-forming is relatively strong. The original data are taken from references listed in refs 3 and 4. • ... But with an activated T-dependence: e.g., empirical fit to VTF τ ∼ τ exp 832 ! " C IMPORTANT DYNAMICAL FACTS T − T0 The most important experimental about fragile, supercooled liquids i ! ! n © 2008 Macmillan Publishers Limite What is there to be explained ? Salient properties (2) Thermodynamical and structural facts mum !FWHM"% and a Q range !ii" 6.5 Å with 'E!25 # eV and sample transmission was about d was used for relative detector quency and temperature range, all observables are expected to have the same spectral distribution. This implies in particular that the neutron-scattering law S(Q, ) ) factorizes into a Q- and a ) -dependent part: No marked changes in the (pair) static S ! Q, ) " !S ! Q " A G ! ) " . !2" structure In Fig. 3 we show the rescaled intensities roups of 3 He detectors was connumber of points by regrouping ning time channels, keeping the und of typically 10"2 . The data constant Q with step 'Q!0.05 Q S(Q, ) )/S(Q)A Q !G( ) ) for different wave numbers Q. presentative experimental spectra arbitrary but the same for all Q emperatures at Q!1.45 Å "1 !a" mbers at T!293 K !b" are shown e recognizes a strong quasielastic temperatures which vanishes for es way to a distinct inelastic scatn peak". We notice that the specdifferent for different Q. atic structure factor S(Q) as mea) max(Q) d ) S(Q, ) )%. The double0 nd the temperature dependence of well with the one measured on 0%. One recognizes particularly ns around 0.85 Å "1 , a region not FIG. 2. Static structure factor of S(Q) of deuterated for three Static structure factor S(Q) liquid o-TP atOTP several temperatures fraction experiment $20%. different temperatures. The inset shows the temperature dependence from justatbelow to justbyabove the glass of S(Q) selectedmelting values of (Tm=329K) Q which are indicated the arrows LING REGIME transition (TgThe =243K). in the figure. S(Q) have been scaled to their values at 320 K kable predictions of MCT is the (Tölle for clarity. Note the strong temperature variations of S(Q) at et al.,1997) e + relaxation: In a certain fre- Q!0.85 Å "1 and Q!1.95 Å "1 . Rapid decrease of the entropy Kauzmann ‶entropy paradox″ 1.0 !S / !Sm B2O3 0.5 Tg n-propanol salol o-terphenyl m-toluidine Tg TK 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 T / Tm ‶Configurational″ entropy, normalized by its value at melting versus T/Tm. ∆S = Sliquid − Sxtal What is there to be explained ? Salient properties (3) Dynamical facts Part II ./%&01+$12134+% Nonexponential and multi-step 5$34%2"$.3+1"4&634%&7/& relaxation (1) 6".314/&6/%&2$*8#/4!/% !"#$%&'&&( )$")$*+*%&%,%+-./%&01+$12134+% !99:";<&)3$+1/&1.3=1431$/&6/&73&5>&6/&!:+; Time versus frequency domain: χ!! (ω) ∝ ω !" ! #99:";<&)3$+1/&1.3=1431$/&6/&73& +∞ %#%!/)+1?171+* iωt dte −∞ φ(t) #99:";&@&"A:BC5;&&!99:"; %&7/& 4!/% /&6/&73&5>&6/&!:+; /&6/&73& "A:BC5;&&!99:"; Time-dependent response/correlation function Frequency-dependent dynamic susceptibility Nonexponential and multi-step relaxation (2) ‶Stretched″ α-relaxation: φ(t) ! e −( τt )β (K.W.W.) (χ0 − χ∞ ) χ(ω) = χ∞ + (1 − iωτcd )βcd a 0.9 b 0.8 2 ""(!) 0.7 K.W.W. C.D. 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 0.3 Debye spectru -1 0 0.1 0.0 -0.1 0 -2 0.2 Debye spectru autocorrelation function 1.0 1 log 10 (!! Hz) 2 3 4 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 t , sec Stretched relaxation of liquid m-toluidine: left, dielectric spectrum (Debye and Cole-Davidson fits); right, photon correlation spectroscopy (exponential and Kohlraush-Williams-Watt fits) (C. Alba-Simionesco,2001) Nonexponential and multi-step relaxation (3) W. KNAAK et al.: 1 .o 0.8 v 0.6 v) 3 W. !5. v v) 0.4 0.2 Neutron experiments OBSERVATION O F SCALING BEHAVIOUR OF DYNAMIC CORRELATIONS ETC. 533 Computer simulations 20 this case, the dynamic correlation function C(t) coincides with the incoherent intermediate scattering function Fs (q, t) [41], which is normally measured 363 in experiments. In systems other than liquids, ϕk (t) can be any -*-a-& meaningful observable carrying a real space label (be it particle or spin). The correlation function C(t) measures how quickly correlations within the system decay in time. At high temperatures we expect a very short-time ballistic regime (for Newtonian dynamics), where particles move freely with no mutual interactions, followed by a dissipative regime, described by a normal exponential relaxation, 0 10-l~ 10- C(t) lo-” = C0 exp(−t/τ ). 10-’0 t(s) 10-~ (56) Fig. 3. - Normalized density correlationthe functions calculatedtime by Fourier transformation andparticresolution In principle relaxation τ depends on the correction of TOF spectra (solid lines) and measured by NSE (data points) experiments. The solid lines ular observable ϕ. However, it is natural to expect that extended by the broken ones to long times were used in calculating the backtransformed solid lines in at high T there is only one intrinsic time scale in the sysfig. 2. tem, for example the(normalized) shear relaxation time τR , and that Time dependence of the dynamic all the other time scales are a simple rescaling of it. structure S(Q,t)/S(Q) for liquid CKN at various The main feature offactor thealready predicted density fluctuations is the existence of two scaling We know that by lowering the temperature the regions governed by two scaling frequencies temperatures as obtained fromvery neutron relaxation time τR grows sharply,time-of-flight so that the decay and neutron experiments. of C(t)spin-echo is increasingly slower approaching Tg . Therefore, from a quantitative point of view, the dynamic corre(Knaak et al., 1988) lation functionof differs significantly from the parameter the transition and D-1THz is a structural characteristic where E is the control correlation function, which shows dramatic tempermicroscopic frequency. To first order E is proportional to the no distance from some critical temperature To. Theature exponent parameters close a and bto (0 c 0.5, 0 c b c 1) are not dependence Tga.<However, were theuniversal, sharp increase of τ the only effect of lowering T , there would be no qualitative signature of approaching glassiness. But this is not what happens. Fig.11 shows the typical behaviour of the dynamic correlation function at various temperatures, down to a temperature that is above, but close to Tg . What the figure shows is that the qualitative Time11: dependence of the self-intermediate scattering Figure Two steps relaxation The dynamic correlation function C(t) in a Lennard-Jones system. In this case C(t) is function Fs(Q,t) at various temperatures for a binary the incoherent intermediate scattering function Fs (q, t), evalLennard-Jones model. uated at the value of q where the static structure factor has the 1995) main peak. At high(Kob-Andersen, temperatures the decay is exponential, but when the temperature get close to Tg a plateau is formed and relaxation proceeds in two steps. (Reprinted with permission from [52]; copyright of American Physical Society). cal significance, after all, because something qualitatively new shows up in the equilibrium properties of a liquid close to Tg . Let us describe more carefully the shape of the correlation function at low T (Fig.11). The time-scale over which the correlation function arrives to the plateau does Nonexponential and multi-step relaxation (4) FIG. 1. Frequency dependence of the dielectric constant in PC at various temperatures. The solid lines are fits with the CD function performed simultaneously on , ! . The dotted line is a fit with the Fourier transform of the KWW function. the KWW function is more widely used nowadays, in the authors’ experience dielectric loss data in glass-forming materials are often described much better by the CD function !22,26,27,47". The inset of Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence of the frequency # $ !1/(2 % & $ ' ) which is virtually identical to the peak frequency # p . Here & $ ' denotes the mean relaxation time !48" calculated from & $ ' CD ! ( CD$ CD for the CD function and & $ ' KWW! $ KWW / ( KWW")(1/( KWW) () denoting the Gamma function* for the KWW function. The results from the CD +circles* and the KWW fits +pluses* agree perfectly well and are in accord with previously published data !37,38,41–43,49". # $ (T) Frequency-dependent dielectric susceptibility (imaginary part) for liquid propylene carbonate (Lunkenheimer et al., JCP 2001) FIG. 2. Frequency dependence of the dielectric loss in propylene carbonate at various temperatures. The solid lines are fits with the CD function, the dotted line is a fit with the Fourier transform of the KWW law, both performed simultaneously on , " . The dash-dotted line indicates a linear increase. The FIR results have been connected by a dashed line to guide the eye. The inset shows # $ !1/(2 % & $ ' ) as resulting from the CD +circles* and KWW fits +pluses* in an Arrhenius representation. The line is a fit using the VFT expression, Eq. +1*, with T VF!132 K, D!6.6, and # 0 !3.2"1012 Hz. Nonexponential relaxation Variation with temperature of stretching exponent !"#" $%&' ( )*+,-&. */ $*-01,234&..'-5 6*.'73 89: ;8<<<= 9>:? M[ Stretching exponent β, from t φ(t) ∼ exp[−( )β ] τ Temperature dependence of the stretching exponent beta for various glass-forming liquids, from dielectric and light scattering data. (Ngai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`^[_ #$+,&3& K!N8 H!U K"N8 @%$@:+<&3B&3& K$N '35 L'+$+ K#N. L)$;3 '+0$ '%& # $- $%#)$#&%@)&3:+ KA/UN K,N '35 #$+,&3& K!N $<#'13&5 -%$2 5:3'21( +1")# 0('##&%13" 5'#'. /)& 3$%2'+1B&5 #&2@&%'#,%&0 !" "!! 1351('#&5 <: *&%#1('+ '%%$;0 '%& -$% @%$@:+<&3B&3& KU!aN '35 H9<%$2$@&3#'3& KH!UN '35 #$+,&3&. /)& 3$%2'+1B&5 #&2@&%'#,%& !" "!4 10 3&'%+: #)& 0'2& -$% '++ +17,150 '35 10 1351('#&5 <: ' 013"+& *&%#1('+ '%%$;. /)& &%%$%0 13 #)& *'+,&0 $- # '%& #:@1('++: +\$\G. !! ! ! ! !" #$ %&'() #)& *'+,& $- "! "!" # '# !" . /)& 0121+'% ()'3"&0 '(%$00 !4 '35 !! $- #)& 613( )1")&% #&2@&%'#,%&0 <: 1#0 4%%)&31,0 5&@&35&3(& EMO8MMGPMMQI. /)& 3&'% ($13(15&3(& $- !! '35 !# Heterogeneous dynamics (1) When19approaching J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2007) 113102 A glass formation: fast and slow moving regions Topical Review B Figure 5. From [99]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Three-dimensional rendering of 3-D visualization (confocal of aparticles concentrated colloidal colloidal samples with locations ofmicroscopy) the fastest moving (large spheres) and other particles !t . glass The samples (A) supercooled with φ = 0.56 and (smaller spheres), over a fixedand time(B) suspension in (A) liquid states.areLarge spheres:liquid fast(er) = 0.61.during Clearly,τin ).the supercooled fluid, one can see large clusters of (B) glassy sample with moving particles (0.5φ diam. α fast moving particles (there are 70 red particles clustered together), while these clusters are absent (Weeks et al., 2000) in the glassy sample. ! Heterogeneous dynamics (2) Meyers: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science — Entry 37 — 2008/4/18 — 17:06 — page 12 — •Suggestive observations: nonexponential relaxation and translation/rotation decoupling 0 behavior between periods of fast and slow motion • Suggestive12observation: IntermittentGlasses and Aging: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective in a region of PVAc at 300K by AFM experiment (Vidal-Russel & Israeloff, 2000) Glasses and Aging: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective, Figure 10 Time series of polarization in the AFM experiment performed by Vidal Russell and Israeloff [161] on PVAc at T = 300 K. The signal intermittently switches between periods with fast or slow dynamics, suggesting that extended regions of space indeed transiently behave as fast and slow regions P orientational correlations, c(r; 0; t) / VN N i; j r i )Y(˝ i (0))Y(˝ j (t)), where ˝ i denotes the an scribing the orientation of molecule i, r i (0) is t tion of that molecule at time 0, and Y(˝) is some priate rotation matrix element. Here, the ‘localit probe comes from the fact that it is dominated by term involving the same molecule at times 0 and the contribution coming from neighboring molecu dynamic susceptibility !4 (t) can thus be rewritten Z !4 (t) = " d3 rG4 (r; 0; t) ; + Exptal. evidence in molecular liquids and polymers where by selection of a subclass of slow(er) molecules G4 (r; 0; t)etc...) = hıc(0; 0; t)ıc(r; 0; t)i ; (4D NMR, photobleaching, dielectric hole burning, 864 865 866 the spin glass susceptibility measuring the extent of amorphous long-range order in spin glasses. In this subsection, we introduce these correlation functions and summarize and translational invariance has been taken into (" = N/V denotes the mean density). The above eq show that !4 (t) measures the extent of spatial cor between dynamical events between times 0 and t a ent points of the system, i. e., the spatial extent of d Heterogeneous dynamics (3): Spatial correlations in the dynamics and associated length scale ! Meyers: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science — Entry 37 — 2008/4 RK ust 17, 2000 114 9:10 EDIGER Need multi-point space-time correlation/response functions... AR109-04 Experimental challenge!!!! Annual Reviews Solid-state NMR in a polymer Glasses and Aging: A Statistical Mechan Computer simulation of Lennard-Jones model where the multi-poin by ˇ @F(t) ˇˇ !T (t) = @T ˇ N; In this way, the expe which quantifies th functions F(t) to an i be used in Eq. (7) to over, detailed numer TS2 ments [21,22] strong Time dependence of the 4-point susceptibility. Figure 7 Solid-stateEstimate NMR measurements (66)of of the the size of regions of heterogeneous of the size dynamic Glasses and Aging: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective, Figure 11 dynamics ξ het for polyvinylacetate at Tg +for 10 K. Data are shown for experiments using (7) actually provides heterogeneities polyvinyl acetate at The maximum shifts in time with τα and its fluctuaTime dependence of !4 (t) quantifying the spontaneous spin diffusion (one-filter experiment, used to obtain spin diffusion coefficient) and using Tg+10K: size 2-4 nm (Tracht et al., 1999) increases withfunction decreasing T (Berthier- a lower bound. tions ofamplitude the intermediate scattering in a Lennard-Jones both spin diffusion and dynamic selection (two-filter experiment). The two-filter experiment Using this metho Biroli, 2009) supercooled liquid. For each temperature, !4 (t) has a maximum, decays somewhat slower than the one-filter experiment, indicating that ξ het is larger than 13 able to obtain the ev the average distance between C labels in the system. Fitting indicates that ξ het is inwhich the shifts to larger times and has a larger value when T is derange of 2–4 nm. (Reprinted with permission from Reference 66.) creased, revealing the increasing lengthscale of dynamic hetero- many different glass geneity in supercooled liquids approaching the glass transition regime. In Fig. 12 we A selection of questions and topics about the viscous slowing down and the glass transition What is the important characteristic temperature ? No consensus!!! 14 (T-dependent viscosity of o-TP) Experimental: Tb, Tm, Tg Extrapolated: T0, TK Crossover: TA, T*, Tc, TB, Tx,... 12 Tg 10 8 log10 ( ! / poise) Illustration of the variety of possibly important temperatures for characterizing the viscous slowing down and the glass transition. 6 Tm 4 2 Tb 0 TK Tc T T B x -2 TA T0 T* -4 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 0.0035 1 / T ( K-1) 0.0040 0.0045 0.0050 Is there a growing correlation length ? More than one ? What is its (their) charateristic size ? What is its (their) nature ? ure in (τL); shear n this quite from ant to How universal is the alpha relaxation ? J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 100, No. 31, 1996 13207 Comparison of experimental techniques 16 8 35 Glass 30 4 12 25 2 log 10 ( !!/ sec ) 0 14 E(T) / T* Tg 10 20 8 -2 T* / T 15 6 1.0 -4 4 -6 -8 supercooled liquid log 10 ("!/poise) 6 2 0 -10 -2 -12 Liquid Tm -14 -4 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 Figure 8. The log of the peak frequency νp as a function of inverse temperature forDielectric four samples: glycerol (]), propylene glycol (open symbols) versus specific heat(4), salol (0), and o-terphenyl mixed with o-phenylphenol (O). The open spectroscopy (filled33% symbols): symbols show Log dielectric relaxation data, andfortheo-TP, corresponding solid of peak frequency vs 1/T salol, symbols show propylene results from specific heat spectroscopy. glycol, glycerol (from left to right) For these samples, excellent agreement is observed between these two techniques. (Dixon et al., 1991) Reproduced with permission from ref 81. Copyright 1991 NorthHolland. can be answered using quasi-elastic neutron scattering. In nonpolymeric liquids, “structure” at high temperatures exists T, K Calorimetry and dilatometry, photon correlation and dielectric spectroscopies, depolarized light scattering, neutron scattering, viscosity measurements: Log of relaxation time or viscosity vs T for m-toluidine (Alba-Simionesco, 2001) Fig. 1 Universality... however, Stretching exponent is usually technique dependent! Structural relaxation in glass-forming liquids 559 558 Figure 4. D. Prevosto et al. Figure 3. a-relaxation time of the KWW function obtained from OKE measurements (^) and dielectric spectra (&) ®t (for the procedure see the text). It should be noted that OKE relaxation times rescaled for a constant factor (~) superimpose on the dielectric values. Stretching parameters of the KWW function obtained from OKE measurements Comparison(*) beween dielectric spectroscopy and optical and dielectric spectra (&) ®t. Kerr effect in liquid phenyl glycidyl ether. Left: KWW stretching exponent melting point of the system: Tm ˆ 276:6 K. This ®nding of an almost constant scald o Right: Relaxationingtime factor (½KWW k) in the high-temperatur e region (T Tg ) seems to be a =½KWW general result. Indeed very similar results have been even found in previous studies the interval explored; in fact, all the values are consistent although the spread is wide, (Prevosto et al., 2002) o comparing the relaxation processes of propylene carbonate (PC) (Schneider et al. except that at 333:4 K. The mean value of these data results in !KWW ˆ 0:91. On the d other hand it can be seen that !KWW shows a decreasing behaviour as the temperature is lowered, varying by about 13% in the whole temperature range. This diŒerence could be due to the larger temperature range investigated by dielectric spectroscopy or to a diŒerent in¯uence of the temperature on the relaxation process obtained by the two spectroscopies. However, concerning the former hypothesis it can be noted that, even in the temperature region where data from both experiments d are available, !KWW presents a more pronounced decreasing behaviour. At this moment it is therefore di!cult to explain the reason for this diŒerence and a more 1999) and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA) (Comez et al. 1999) measured by dielectric spectroscopy and light scattering experiments. However, it should be noted that, according to Schneider et al. (1999), in a PC glass former the a processes are characterized by faster relaxation times in the light scattering spectra with respect to the dielectric spectra with a scaling factor of about three, while in the DGEBA sample, according to (Comez et al. 1999), the a-relaxation time scales are longer from optical spectroscopy than from the dielectric technique with a scaling factor of about 0:13. In these comparisons all the tested glass formers (PC, DGEBA and PGE) have very similar dynamic behaviours concerning the slowing down of the a processes; however, the epoxy resins DGEBA and PGE show a scaling factor k < 1, Y" P1: FRK August 17, 2000 hem. 2000.51:99-128. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org US Jussieu - Multi-Site on 12/15/09. For personal use only. Supercooled Liquids and Glasses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eviews AR109-04 +-D* ,6.6 8-O* .)* O-/, +)4</ -/ S-0' R! 63* 363*' C/ 6,,-.-4/ .4 .)* 84;68 +*07*/.68 74.-4/$ 6 W4+. -+4.)*3768 7*;)6/-;68 3*86>6.-4/ ,6.6 -/ .)* 24897*3 )6+ 84/0*3 8*/0.)=+;68* 74,*+ 45 74.-4/ 8-.*36.13* <*3* .6O*/ :9 6 +-/08* -/+.317*/. )6D-/0 -/D48D-/0 263. 45 .)* ;)6-/ 43 .)* */.-3* ;)6-/' C5 6 .-7* 43 53*?1*/;9 <-/,4< 45 6 5*< ,*;6,*+' .)* ;)6-/+ 63* +1E;-*/.89 +)43. +4 .)6. .)*9 ,4 /4. @8.)410) +.3-;.89 .)* -+4.)*3768 7*6+13*7*/.+ 45 */.6/08*,$ .)* F41+* 74,*8 74,-G*, 543 1/,-81.*, .)* +)*63 74,181+ !!""$ .)* ;4728*> +)*63 74,= 24897*3 H!IJ& 0-D*+ .)* :*+. ,*+;3-2.-4/ 45 .)* 181+ !# !#" 6/, .)* ;3**2 ;4728-6/;* # !"" ;6//4. ;)6-/ 74,*+' C5 .)* ;)6-/+ 63* */.6/08*,$ .)*3* 63* :* +)-5.*, .4 +12*324+*$ 6/ 62234>-76.* 76+.*3 74,-G*, F41+* 74,*+ :*.<**/ ;4/+*;1.-D* */= .6/08*7*/. 24-/.+$ 6 31::*39 */.6/08*7*/. 286= DYNAMICS IN SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS 115 .*61$ 6 .*37-/68 ,-+2*3+-4/ 6/, .)* D-+;41+ K4<' ()* Chem., 6228-;6:-8-.9 .)* No. F41+* J. Phys. Vol.45100, 31,74,*8 1996-+ ;4/G/*, 13207 <-.)-/ .)* 086++L31::*3 .36/+-.-4/ A+45.*/-/0B 3*= 0-4/' ()* 286.*61$ .)* .*37-/68 ,-+2*3+-4/ 6/, .)* D-+;41+ K4< 3*?1-3* 513.)*3 ,*+;3-2.-4/ +1;) 6+ 23424+*, :9 .)* .1:* 6/, 3*2.6.-4/ 74,*8 H!IM&' N)*.)*3 .)* 24897*3 ;)6-/+ 63* */.6/08*, 43 /4.$ 74,*8+ ,*+;3-:*, -/ .*>.:44O+ 6++17* .)6. 688 74,*+$ -/;81,-/0 .)* 84;68 +*07*/.68 74.-4/$ .)* F41+* 74,*+ 6/, .)* .*37-/68 ,-+2*3+-4/ AD-+;4+= -.9B$ +)-5. -/ .-7* 43 53*?1*/;9 <-.) .*72*36.13* :9 *>6;.89 .)* +67* 6741/.' ()-+ 2342*3.9 45 .)* +2*;.317 -+ ;688*, .)*3743)*4840-;68 +-728-;-.9' ()-+ 6++172.-4/ .13/+ 41. .4 :* 568+* 6+ G3+. +)4</ :9 P86Q*O 6/, ;4=<43O*3+ 4D*3 .)* 86+. .)3** ,*;6,*+ H!"#$!"%$!#"L!#J& 6/, 3*2*6.*,89 ;4/G37*, :9 4.)*3+ -/ 76/9 24897*3+ H!"#$!"%$!RI$!R#$!#ML!%%&' S43 6 3*D-*< +** F*5+' H!"#$!"%&' Universality... however, 9:10 Annual !"#!# $%&' ()*+,-*./ 0+%&'1 +21.2&*+3 4)*5(+/6 Figure 8. The log of the peak frequency νp as a function of inverse temperature for four samples: glycerol (]), propylene salol S43 */.6/08*, 24897*3+$ .)*glycol 84;68 (4), +*07*/.68 (0), and o-terphenyl 3*86>6.-4/ mixed with.-7* 33%!"o-phenylphenol The open )6+ +-0/-G;6/.89(O). +.34/0*3 .*7= S-0' R!' X-T*3*/. .*72*36.13* ,*2*/,*/;*+ 45 .)* D-+;4+-.9 6/, Figure 7. Variation of several relaxation times with temperature in symbols show dielectric relaxation data, and the.)* corresponding solid 2*36.13* ,*2*/,*/;* .)6/ +)-5. 56;.43 45 .)* 84;68 +*07*/.68 3*86>6.-4/ .-7* 45 6.6.-; 2489234298*/* +)4</ Ca(NO3)2‚3KNO3: longitudinal relaxation time for phonons (τL); symbols show results from ,-+2*3+-4/ specific heat spectroscopy. For -/ these :9 .)*-3 3*+2*;.-D* +)-5. 56;.43+ 6+ 51/;.-4/+ 45 .*72*36.13*' ()* .*37-/68 43 .)* D-+;4+-.9$ <)-;) .13/ Figure 8 Translational (D ) and rotational (D = 6/τ ) diffusion coefficients in 5347 o- F*5+' H!#I$!%I$!%%& <*3* 4:.6-/*, -+4.)*376889 ,6.6 .6O*/ t c in reorientation Decoupling time (τreor); conductivity relaxation time (τσ); shear samples, excellent agreement is observed between these two techniques. -+ +.34/0*3 .)6/r .)6. 45 .)* +)-5. 56;.43 45 .)* Terminal versus segmental Rotation-translation decoupling o-TP between :9 6 ;47:-/6.-4/ 45 ;3**2 ;4728-6/;*$ ,9/67-; +)*63 74,181+ time (τH). In thisas a function viscosity relaxation time (τs); enthalpy relaxationterphenyl Reproduced permission from -/ref.)* 81.+45.*/-/0 Copyright 1991 North(12) of with viscosity and74,*+ temperature. Translation: self-diffusion (solid F41+* ,-+2*3+-4/ H!"IL 6/, ,9/67-; 8-0). +;6..*3-/0 in 7*6+13*7*/.+' ()* .*72*36.13* relaxation a polymer (Chang et al., 1994) conductivity and structural multicomponent system, different relaxation processes show quite Holland. !"%&' ()*+* ,36+.-;6889 ,-T*3*/. ,*2*/,*/;*+ 45 .)* .<4 7*;)6/-+7+ 4D*3 6 ;4774/ .*72*36= circles); tracer diffusion for two probes (open box and open.*72*36.13* triangle).,*=Rotation: selfdifferent temperature dependences. Reproduced with permission from 2*/,*/;*+ 63* +)4</ )*3* 543 4/* *>6728*$ .)* .13* 36/0* 63* ;8*6389 ,-T*3*/.' ()* *3343+ -/ .)* +)-5. 56;.43+ 63* (Ngai, 2000) relaxation times in ionicdiffusion for deuterated o-terphenyl 67432)41+ ( filledquasi-elastic and open Full A6PPB lines η−0.75 ref 8. Copyright 1991 North-Holland. .92-;6889 <-.)-/ 6 56;.43 45 ! *-.)*3 <69' 6.6.-; diamonds). 2489234298*/* can be answered using neutron scattering. In show glassformer CKN and η−1 dependences. Translational diffusion has a weaker dependence on viscosity be- nonpolymeric liquids, “structure” at high temperatures exists The question of one or many R processes is most relevant to only Translational on time scales and shortrotational compared diffusion to molecular reorientalow 290 K than above. have different tempeature (Angell, 1991) a fundamental understanding of supercooled liquids in the case tion.82,83 Unfortunately, present there are used no experiments dependences below 290 K. (Adapted from at Reference 12 and with permission.) of single-component systems. Figure 3 shows that four different which directly probe structural relaxation on time scales much experimental techniques give very similar results for the R longer than a nanosecond (on the relevant length scale of 0.5process in o-terphenyl. Very nearly this same temperature 10 nm). The appropriate time scales can be probed on longer dependence is also observed for probe molecule reorientation66 84 dramatically of the same molecule arescales compared here, datacorrelation emphasizes that the length with visible lightthis photon spectroscopy. 4 and viscosity over 14 decades in each of these quantities. For X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy probes structural relax79 between this well-studied system and others, the connection different temperature dependences for rotation and translation in Figure 8 cannot ation on the relevant length scales but for the present lacks the viscosity and various measures of molecular reorientation be ascribed to the sensitivity. fact that85rotation of one molecule (OTP) was being compared seems well established, at least to a good approximation. In with translation of another (a probe).indicate [Over that the some rangerelaxation where rotation and transRecent experiments times some cases, small differences between the temperature dependassociated structure may be considerably longer than ences of these variables have been interpretedlation as evidence for measurements can bewith made on neat OTP, these results arethe in good accord time scale for molecular rotation near Tg. This implies that a diverging length scale as Tg is approached.80 Others have with the probe results shown in Figure 9 (46).] Respective roles of density and temperature ✴ Density driven ✴ Temperature driven congestion, jamming thermal activation Use additional info from pressure measurements At constant P, variation of T implies both change of T at constant rho and change of rho at constant T τ (P, T ) → τ (ρ(P, T ), T ) Respective roles of density and temperature: Empirical rescaling of density effect in When no high-T data are available , glassforming liquids polymers extension to polymers withand e(!) $ E%(!) How well established ? 4 ! 4 PVAc 2 0 2 !#=0.62 PVME log x=2.7 Patm 50MPa 100MPa 150MPa 200MPa 250MPa 300MPa -6 -8 -10 0.0020 0.0025 e(rho)/T PVME 0 0.0030 0.0035 !x/T !x/ T 0.0040 0.0045 %$ &) /log ( (!, -4 x= 1.4 323 K 333 K 343 K 353 K 363 K 373 K 383 K 393 K 403 K 413 K sec) # !( " ( /sec),T) -2 " e(!) ' x e(ρ) ( ) log("# (!, T ))=log(τ F *( (ρ, where e ! = ! or e(! )=! $!* % T )) = F T α ) & T -2 -4 -6 PVAc -8 !#=0.29 -10 0.0008 e(rho)/T 0.0012 0.0016 (!"!# ) /T !"!#/ T 0.0020 0.0024 e(rho)/T 31 Scaling L-J of themixtures relaxation time with e(rho)/T: (a) Binaryliquid Lennard-Jones Molecular(PVME) liquid (o-TP); Binary molecular (oTP) model; (b)polymers (c) Polymer (PVME) (Alba-Simionesco et al., 2002-2005) However... not observed in soft ‶jamming″ systems Figs. 2a, 2b where we plot nd WCA for all densities beon of the inverse of the scaled construction all curves coperature above some ‘onset’, the viscous regime roughly imple Arrhenius fit becomes t temperature, we find that se onto a master curve (with he lowest density of 1.1), as or the three highest densities dence between LJ and WCA hose densities, and the curves s the density to reach values rcooled liquids, i.e. ρ = 1.2 The isochoric ‘fragility’ of density-dependent, which is found in dense fluids of har. This is clearly at variance choric fragility of the LJ. play in Fig. 2c the density τα (ρ, T )/τ∞ 106 (a) ρ = 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 104 102 Scaling ! Standard binary Lennard-Jones model LJ exp(E∞ /T ) 100 10 τα (ρ, T )/τ∞ e data at high T with a good effective activation energy n then be used to compare esence and in the absence of temperature scale T /E∞ (ρ) ove hypothesis. No emphasis g of this Arrhenius fit, which d nonsingular representation Example from computer simulations: binary Lennard-Jones model versus 3 purely repulsive WCA model 0 2 4 E∞(ρ)/T 6 8 (b) ρ = 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 104 102 No scaling ! Truncated, purely repulsive, Lennard-Jones model (WCA): model for soft jamming systems WCA exp(E∞/T ) 100 0 2 20 (c) 10 5 (Berthier-Tarjus, 2009) 6 E∞ ∝ ρ5 4 E∞(ρ)/T 6 8 Empirical correlations al. 2003 l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orrelations among characteristics of Buchenau et al. 2004 slow dynamics "! & $ #!" ! "W# =)$+$ " $ G1 ;)$ $F*/&$&! " =%( /9($+N$' !/ "&5 ,+$%($ ="!) "&,+$%("&D !+%,$+ ("7$ !/ %**+/%,) .&"!E1 ;)$ X0+%,!"/&%-Y >!/?$@A"&(!$"& !E*$ /0 9$5 )%N"/+ +$*+$($&!$' 9E AZ1 8W: )%( 9$$& 0/.&' 0+/# "/&", #/9"-"!E %&' N"(,/("!E "& $-$,!/-E!", (/-.!"/&( &$%+-E GJJ E$%+( %D/ QGCGS1 ;)$ *)$&/#$&% =$+$ ,/&P+#$' "& 2;< QOB3R[@ RRS 9E ,/#*%+"&D !)$ '"4.("/& /0 *+/9$ #/-$,.-$(3 =)",) )%N$ !)$ (%#$ ("7$ %( 2;< #/-$,.-$(3 ="!) !)$"+ +/!%!"/&%- !"#$ ,/++$-%!"/& 0.&,!"/&(3 !"%#1 ;)$ !"#$ '$*$&'$&,$ /0 !"%# =%( P!!$' !/ !)$ (!+$!,)$' $F*/&$&!"%- 0.&,!"/& %( !"%# ! !"J# $F*'%"%##, #$ (! "[# =)$+$ $ "&,+$%($( !/=%+'( G %( !)$ !$#*$+%!.+$ +"($(1 ;/ Z.%&!"0E !+%&(-%!"/&%- $&)%&,$#$&!3 !)$ *+/'.,! "! #, &/+#%-"7$' !/ !)$ N%-.$ /0 !)"( *+/'.,! *+$'",!$' 9E !)$ >A %&' !)$ \>A $Z.%5 !"/&(3 "1$13 ""! #, #>A!\>A ! H!(H #I3 "( .($' QOB3R[@RRS1 ]& 2;< !)$ $&)%&,$#$&! /0 !$!+%,$&$ !+%&(-%!"/& #>A!\>A ( "( %9/.! H1[+ #$%(.+$' 9E -/D '" ! #, #""! #,fragility Correlation between '$,%'$( &$%+ $D 1 \"4$+$&! 9$)%N"/+( %+$ ()/=& 9E+ Böhmer etexponent al. 1993 and stretching (Bohmer et al., 1993) _"D1 W1 `/++$-%!"/& 9$!=$$& $&)%&,$' '"4.("/& Correlation between translation-rotation -/D '"! #, #""! #, #>A!\>A ( %! $D %&' !)$ K/)-+%.(,) $F*/&$&! /0 !)$ decoupling and stretching at Tg for liquids *+/9$ +/!%!"/&%- ,/++$-%!"/& 0.&,!"/& %! $D "& 0/.+ #%!+",$(3 2;<3 and ;TM3polymers */-E(!E+$&$ 8<>: %&' */-E(.-0/&$ 8<>_:1 ;)$ *+/9$((Ediger, %+$ !$!+%,$&$3 2000)+.9+$&$3 %&!)+%,$&$3 %&' M<A^1 ;)$ (E#9/-( +$*+$($&!a <>b!$!+%,$&$ 8+:3 <>b+.9+$&$ 8,:3 <>_b!$!+%5 ,$&$ 8!:3 <>_b+.9+$&$ 8":3 2;<b!$!+%,$&$ 8!:3 2;<b+.9+$&$ 8#:3 2;<b%&!)%+,$&$ 8$:3 2;<bM<A^ 8":3 ;TMb!$!+%,$&$ 89-%,? )/.+D-%((:3 ;TMb+.9+$&$ 8/*$& )/.+D-%((:1 \%!% %0!$+ V$0(1 QR[@RRS3 +$*+/'.,$' 9E *$+#"(("/&1 Correlation fragility & nonlinear relaxation Universality of alpha relaxation + Density/temperature scaling + etc... ature effects on correlations between fragility and glassy properties – p.2/18 Correlations between slow dynamics and thermodynamics 7 7 40 Data 2 R =0.52 Data 2 R =0.52 !Cp (kb per particle) 30 !Cp (kb per particle) 30 40 20 10 20 0 0 50 100 150 m Correlation between heat capacity jump at Tg and fragility for FIG. 3: Left: Illustration of the Adam-Gibbs correlation: plot of log 10 τα /τ0 as a function of the inverse configurational entropy, molecular liquids revealing a reasonably linear region between 10−7 sec. (corresponding to T = T ∗ ) and 10 sec. (T ≈ Tg ). From [18]. Right: 0 2005) correlation between the fragility parameter m and the jump specific heat a collection of 20 molecular glasses 0 50 of (Stevenson-Wolynes, 100 at Tg , ∆Cp , for 150 10 for which we were able to cross-check the results from different m sources. The correlation is significant, albeit far from perfect (R2 = 0.52). The regression gives ∆Cp ≈ 0.15m. A better correlation, with much less scatter, is obtained when ∆Cp is counted “bead” the [37]. inverse of Log(τ/τ0per ) versus + Correlation between dynamic and thermodynamic T times the configurational fragilities (Ito et al.,1999) entropybetween Sc for liquid the two2-MTF is deemed fortuitous. We will come back to this point in sections VI A,VI B. FIG. 3: Left: Illustration of the Adam-Gibbs correlation: plot of log 10 τα /τ0 as a function of the inverse configurational entropy, Finally, 1998) as discovered more recently, dynamics is glasses is spatially heterogeneous and temporally intermittent [40, + Correlation (Richert-Angell, revealing a reasonably linear region between 10−7 sec. (corresponding to T = T ∗ )between and 10 sec. VTF (T ≈ T Tg0).and FromKauzmann [18]. Right: TK 41]. A number of experimental, numerical and theoretical papers have established that the slowdown of supercooled correlation between the fragility parameter m and theisjump of specific heat atbyTthe of 20 molecular g , ∆C p , for etc... liquids as temperature reduced is+accompanied growth of aa collection purely dynamical correlation glasses length ξd , with no for which we were able to cross-check the results from different sources. The correlation is significant, albeit far from perfect static counterpart. This length can be for example defined by measuring how a local perturbation of the system (for (R2 = 0.52). The regression givesexample ∆Cp ≈a0.15m. A better correlation, much less when ∆Cp isξdcounted local density change) influences with the dynamics at ascatter, distanceisr obtained from the perturbation, is the decay length of this response function (see [42, 43]). per “bead” [37]. The fact that dynamics in glasses is heterogeneous is thought to have observable consequences on macroscopic β quantities [40, 41]. For example, the stretched exponential nature e−t of the relaxation is often interpreted in terms of a mixture of exponential functions with different local relaxation time, reflecting the coexistence of slow and fast Correlations between slow dynamics and fast dynamics (in liquid or glass) Boson Peak and mP Example: Large intensity of boson peak small fragility Sokolov et al. 1993 gDB (ω) g(ω) (T = Tg ) R = IIquasi BP Novikov et al. 2005 Correlations between slow dynamics and fast Correlations dynamics (in liquid or glass) Correlations Correlations between fragility and: Poisson ratio of elastic moduli, relative amplitude of Boson peak, mean-square displacement, ergodicity parameter at Tg, etc... Correlations Sokolov et al. 1993 Sokolov et al. 1997 Buchenau et al. 2004 Sokolov et al. 1993 Sokolov et al. 1993 Scopigno et al. 2003 et al. 1997 Sokolov etSokolov al. 1997 Yannopoulos et al. 2000 Buchenau et al. 2004 Scopigno et al. 2003 Yannopoulos et al. 2000 Yannopoulos et al. 2000 et al. 2000 Yannopoulos Scopigno et al. 2003 Novikov et al. 2004 Novikov et al. 2004 Yannopoulos et al. 2000 Buchenau et al. 2004 + Correlation Huang et al. 2000 between alpha relaxation time and shear modulus oral. meanBöhmer et 1993 square displacement (Dyre), etc... Density versus temperature effects on correlations between fragility and glassy properties – p.2/18 Huang et al. 2000 Böhmer et al. 1993 Density versus temperature effects on correlations between fragility and glassy properties – p.2/18 Caution!!! •Correlation does not mean causality •Large body of data and systems are required to ascertain correlation •Large error bars •Correlations may not be robust when studying effect of additional control parameters (pressure, molecular weight,...) cf. work by Alba-Simionesco, Niss et al. Scopigno et al. 2003 Assessment of correlation between ‶kinetic″ and ‶thermodynamic″ fragilities for large data set 2004 Correlation between dynamic (from relaxation time) and thermodynamic (from heat capacity) fragilities (Huang-McKenna, 2000) Huang et al. 2000 Böhm Diversity of views on glasses, glass formation and the glass ‶transition″ • Variety of questions... • Variety in the scope of systems under study...
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