what is a Heights Man?

What is a Heights Man?
Headmaster’s Letter
Revenue and Expenses
is a
By the Numbers
Crescite Fund
annual report 2011-2012
Above and Beyond
These photos, taken from
textbooks, art, and iconic
images throughout the School,
provide a quick glance of our
liberal arts curriculum.
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
n A l u mn u s
n Fa c u lt y
n Friend
n Pa r e n t
n Pa r e n t o f A l u mn u s
n Student
Above and Beyond
Crescite Fund
Revenue and Expenses
Headmaster’s Letter
What is a Heights Man?
is a
By the Numbers
A “Gentle” man proud to possess the Freedom to Exercise his conscience as it is continues to
be formed. n A Heights Man will still kiss his mother goodbye — even if his friends are watching!
n A gentleman who serves others. n Does his work with attention to detail, arrives on time, well
dressed & well groomed. n A guy who doesn’t need to show off to feel manly. n Faithful, Fearless,
& Fun ! n Someone who can set a goal and overcome all obstacles to achieve it. n A knight in
shining armor!! n A Heights Man is a scholar and an athlete, a student and a teacher, a follower
and a leader, a friend and a brother. n A Heights Man is someone who comes home muddy but
still learns a lot! n A Heights Man is one who knows how to take on responsibility, do well with it,
and have fun with it at the same time. n A Heights Man is someone who knows how to think for
himself, is reliable in a pinch, and is a well-rounded person in sports, the arts, and academics. n
A great Heights Man has a brave mother willing to snap on those rubber gloves and dig through
the Lost & Found. n A Heights Man should defend the weak, like maybe someone who is smaller
and getting picked on. n A Heights Man’s special talent is that he is passionately curious. n A
Heights Man stands up for his friends, and whatever he believes in. n A Heights Man will always be
adventurous, like going to Gettysburg or Antietam. n A Headmaster smiling and greeting each boy
by name every morning, rain or shine at the school entrance! n A Heights Man, from whichever
clan, is a true friend (just don’t get a big head, Red Rose). n A Heights Man’s curiosity survives
“formal” education. (funny - kind of) n I can’t believe I’m saying this...doesn’t play video games
all day. n A Man Fully Alive! n A man of character and virtue; wit and zeal; one of kindness and
brotherhood. Being a Heights Man is an example of a real man. n A man of conviction and strong
faith who knows how to be a good friend. n A man of conviction and strong faith. n A man of
strong character and integrity; someone you would be happy for your daughter to marry. n A
man who goes to mass every day to stay strong in his faith. n A man who has been educated in
the truth and can listen to the falsehoods shouted around him while still knowing inside him he
is right. n A man who stands up for what is right and works to never stray from the river of truth;
no matter the odds or consequences. n A man with conviction, someone that will not sell himself
out for personal gain. He is a man who sticks up for others not because he has incentive to do
so, but because he knows it is just. n A person who tells the truth to their friends. n A Respectful
Gentleman. n A smart strong young man. n A Strong Leader. n A third grade Heights Man does
not ask for help on his Math homework. n A warrior poet ! n Always opens his mom’s car door. n
Confidence with humility. Strength with flexibility. n Confident in Christ. n You can’t be scared of
much; you have to face your fears. If something goes wrong, you have to keep going. n Does the
dishes for his wife. I think my brother is a great Heights Man and, seriously, his wife has never
had to do the dishes. n Earlier this year I got stung by a bunch of bees and Mr. Heil helped get
them all off of me. So he’s a Heights Man. n Everlasting Tenacity. n Loving, caring, kind, helpful,
strong, holy, smart. n Giving someone your lunch when they forget it. n Goes about his work
without any fanfare and completes the job to the best of his ability. n Greets you with a firm
handshake. n Has a sense of humor. n He is a young man whose only school supply is a pen. n
Heights Man = Heights Boy + Crescite n Holds the door and insists that you go first. n Honest.
Efficient. Innovative. Goal setter. Honorable. Trustworthy. Successful. Modest. Awesome. Nice.
n I liked the definition that I heard from the headmaster along the lines of: “a protector”, however
I prefer the word defender. A free man, I would add. n It’s how you shake hands and how you look
people in the eye. I think this is part of how you show respect to teachers. n Looks for what is,
and not for what he thinks should be. n Maintains character regardless of adversity or temptation.
n Sometimes sleeps late… n One who steps out of the pew and lets his mom go ahead of him to
Communion. n A Heights Man dives for the ball, then turns right around and helps an opponent up
off the ground. n One who understands the importance of the family. n A Heights Man is a fighter,
one who is strong enough to stand up to the culture. n One who, as a college junior, can be seen
on a national architecture blog wearing a Gold Cross clan shirt. n Passionate about what they
do. n Prudence, to know what is right. Courage, to do it. n Rough and Tough. n Most importantly,
a Heights Man is someone who can take the talents that he has been given and multiply them,
changing the world one soul at a time. n Someone who gets back on his bike after a bad fall
and rides the remaining 200+ miles to complete a goal he set with his friends. n A Heights
Man looks you in the eye because he hopes to look God in the face. n A Heights Man preserves
communities. n A Heights Man serves his mom breakfast in bed on Mothers Day! n Someone
who is civil to all, friendly to the mean, and friends with the good. n Someone who secretly
acquires wisdom; then displays it perfectly at the right time...perhaps just a few months after
he graduates. n A cavalier. n Spontaneously volunteers to say the blessing at dinner. n Stands
up for someone who is bullied on. n To be a gentleman in all that you do, like being a good
sportsman or helping a friend learn something they don’t know. n Universal, well rounded. n
Well read, and covered in mud. n When something bad happens and things are a lot different
for you, you might decide to give up something you really like and adapt without whining. n
Exec. Vice President,
Summit Marketing
William M. Kipp
President, Youth Service
International, Inc.
Anthony Falcone
CEO of a well-established
privately held Real
Estate Company
Scott M. O’Connell
Financial Analyst, Ruane,
Cunniff & Goldfarb
The Honorable
Michael A. Ferguson
Chairman & CEO,
Ferguson Strategies
John F. Reim
Executive Director,
Morgan Stanley
Kimberly M. Herman
KMH Financial Services
Kathleen W Reitz
Vice President,
Whalen Properties, Inc.
D. Patrick Kilner Jr
President, Superior
Structures, Inc.
Damian von Stauffenberg
Chairman and Founder,
MicroRate, Inc.
Patrick R. Kilner
Real Estate Consultant,
Keller Williams
Capital Properties
Thomas C. Wahle
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.
As we pause to reflect on the 2011-12 school year, I want to thank all of you whose gifts and time
made it possible for us to carry on with this mission. Through your gifts, you were an integral part of
every class, relationship, and success. By all accounts, your support this year was again remarkable:
I am convinced that this generosity is a product and reflection of the outstanding work of our
faculty. It’s their skill and commitment that creates the margin of excellence at The Heights, and
your gifts that support them as they work to develop Heights Men. It has always been thus at The
Heights, and with your continued partnership, it will stay that way.
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
What is a Heights Man?
exceeded our $650,000 Crescite Fund goal, marking more than 30% growth in annual giving
since 2009
126 donors chose to increase their year-over-year gift size
More than 300 volunteers partnered with us to fundraise, organize, communicate, and celebrate
e had a blockbuster auction that raised more than $100,000 for the first time in the history of
the School
A number of families made gifts above and beyond their Crescite Fund commitments to
establish scholarships and support our faculty
n W
s we prepared to release this year’s Annual Report, we asked many of you to answer
the question: What is a Heights Man? So many of your answers - featured in the front
of this publication - paint the picture of a journey from boyhood to manhood. And not
just physically. After all, as former Heights teacher Eddie Smith used to say, “Being a male is a
biological characteristic. Being a Man is a question of character.” It’s no surprise that many of your
responses speak in terms of ideals: discipline, courage, humility, dedication. I think this is right.
At the core, our mission is about the pursuit of ideals. In a world where the vision for education is
sometimes limited to filling young minds with information, pressing on to also mentor the pursuit
of noble ideals stands out as a bold yet necessary challenge. It’s necessary for the happiness and
success of our students, and it’s necessary for the society we hope they will form and serve as
husbands, priests, professionals, and, yes, “The kind of man you want your daughter to marry.”
Headmaster’s Letter
Dear Friends,
Revenue and Expenses
Pat A. Cipollone
Partner, Stein, Mitchell,
Muse & Cipollone, LLP
Crescite Fund
Board of directors
Above and Beyond
By the Numbers
from the Headmaster
Denis N. Harper
Ac t u a l Tuition and Fees (Net)$7,470,369
School Programs
Gifts for Operations
General and Admin
Dividends and Interest
Debt Service (P&I)$917,476
Auxiliary Programs
Buildings and Grounds (Includes Capex)$1,104,127
Above and Beyond
ex p en s e s Ac t u a l Crescite Fund
B&G does not include depreciation expense.
Tuition and Fees (Net)85.6%
Gifts for Operations
Dividends and Interest 0.8%
Auxiliary Programs
fter 13 consecutive years of full
enrollment, demand for the School
is higher than ever. Applications
have particularly increased in the Upper
School since the construction of the new
building and chapel in 2007. Though tuition
continues to be the bedrock of our finances,
both restricted and unrestricted gifts for
operations have grown significantly over the
last few years and now represent more than
12% of our revenue.
Lower School students enjoying one last
adventure during the 3rd and 4th grade
camping trip this May.
What is a height’s man?
School Programs
Debt Service
Buildings And Grounds
I nv e s t i n g i n o u r C om m u n i t y Y e a r S t u d e n t s D o l l a r s Awa r d e d
The Board of Directors renewed its commitment
to ensure that ability to pay full tuition not be
2007-08142 $972,985
a deciding factor in determining whether a
2008-09134 $1,114,760
promising young man can attend the School.
Board member Damian von Stauffenberg
2009-10149 $1,297,550
explains, “We want our students to experience
the incomparable worth inherent in every
person. The Heights community provides a
formation that transcends social, economic,
or ethnic boundaries. It prepares boys to grow into men for whom these
values are not just lofty thoughts, but Truths that shape their lives.”
annual report 2011-2012
What is a Heights Man?
Headmaster’s Letter
General And Admin
Since the economic crisis, and in particular
since the re-financing of our building loan
with Capital One, expense management
has been a significant focus of the
administration. A major success of the year
included transition to a self-funded model
for our health insurance plan. The move
provides an added and necessary level of
control over rapidly rising health care costs.
Our savings over the next five years will
likely be several hundred thousand dollars.
Revenue and Expenses
By the Numbers
Revenue and Expenses
R e v en u e s 2011-12
Mr. Mitchell’s 6th grade class
discussing how volcanoes
are formed - an explosive
Parent Participation
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
This year, under the leadership of Crescite
Fund Committee Chairs, Sarah and Matt
James (Patrick ’20), our parent committee
raised $674,029, exceeding the Board-set
goal of $650,000 and covering roughly
8% of total 2011-12 expenses. With a
record 532 donors, 24% of whom increased
their year-over-year giving, our annual
giving program has begun to achieve
much-needed stability across all gift
levels. Sarah James comments, “More and
more people are starting to see that the
future of The Heights, and retaining the
faculty we all love and respect, depends
on the continued generosity of all those
impacted by this place. We saw that this
year in strong participation numbers, new
scholarships, and growth in the Crescite
Fund. I think there’s a sense in the
community that, ‘We’re all in this together,’
and that’s very exciting.”
Revenue and Expenses
Headmaster’s Letter
What is a Heights Man?
ver the last three years, the
Crescite Fund has rebounded
after taking a tumble during
the economic crisis in 2008. Since 2009,
while the overall economy has remained
relatively stagnant, we’ve experienced
more than 34% growth in annual giving,
a testimony to the parents, alumni, and
friends committed to meeting the needs of
the School.
By the Numbers
Crescite Fund
Crescite Fund
Above and Beyond
Crescite fund
2011-12 crescite fund grows 16%
Above and Beyond
Peter Vincent Galahad
Blatty Scholarship
Crescite Fund
In 2007, alumni parents Julie and Bill
Blatty generously endowed two full fouryears scholarships for qualifying ninth
grade applicants. This is a memorial
scholarship program named for their
late son Peter, a 2005 graduate who died
unexpectedly in November 2006.
Cavalier Scholarship
Alumni parents who wish to remain
anonymous have enowed a full four-year
scholarship to be awarded to a qualifying
African-American ninth-grade student.
Revenue and Expenses
he Heights’ mission depends on a
meaningful partnership between
parents and faculty in the education
and formation of our students. We would like
to thank those familes who have embraced
this partnership in a special way by giving
above and beyond their Crescite Fund gifts
to support our students and faculty. This
partnership was significantly advanced in
September 2011 by the generosity of parents
who wish to remain anonymous that came
forward with a generous gift to augment
faculty salaries and increase professional
development opportunities.
O’keefe-Gidley Faculty
Development Fund
Headmaster’s Letter
In 2010, current parents Bridget and
Mark Gidley generously started a fund
to support faculty compensation and
professional development.
The graduating Class of 2012 gets
a few last words of encouragement
from Headmaster Alvaro de Vicente
moments before Commencement
Ceremonies on June 3rd, 2012.
annual report 2011-2012
By the Numbers
What is a height’s man?
Congratulations and thank you to the
Class of 2020 who won this year’s
Parent Participation challenge!
What is a Heights Man?
And the winners are...
Above and beyond
Growing The
Parent-Teacher Partnership
We’re proud to recognize the outstanding work
of this year’s 13 Jackson Scholars. Under the
guidance of a faculty mentor, and program
director Matthew Mehan, these Seniors get a
glimpse of the rigors of college and professional
life as they research, write, and defend a thesis
of their own making.
Looking Back 2011-2012
Only at the Heights
Herrick, Logotherapy:
A Path to Humanity and Sanctity
n I van
Harrangozo, Socialism in America:
A Significant Threat to Free Market Principles
n Peter
Fairbanks, A Universal Morality
n Kyle
McCauley, Fortitude During the D-Day
Invasion: A Historical Review of the
Challenges Faced
Advisory: The Inside Scoop
n James
Temple, The Progress of Friendship
through the Addition of Christianity
n Greg
n Michael
Allen, Alcibiades and the Fall of
Athenian Democracy
n Gabriel
Pereira, Clauswitz and Greene:
A Fundamental Theory of War
Cipollone, Why Can’t We Be Friends:
The Role of Facebook in Friendship
n Luke
Soltero, Natural Law: A Guide for Man’s
Life and Society
n Anthony
Hadford, To Kill or Not to Kill:
The Questions of Capital Punishment
n Danny
Pluta, The Theatre’s Purpose for Actor
and Audience
Billy Campbell ’13 shows some emotion
during this year’s production of Agatha
Christie’s who dunnit thriller, “And Then
There Were None.”
annual report
report 2011-2012
Only at The Heights
n Frankie
Program Highlights
Buono, Objective Judgment of Music
n Philip
This year Heights students went on a
combined 58 field trips and “non-traditional”
learning experiences. Whether it’s
whitewater rafting down the Youghiogheny
river, all-campus Capture the Flag for
Clan Day, a flight to Rome and Venice
during Crescite Week, or even a cooking
class in the faculty lounge, these
experiences are much more than just a
change of pace. As Middle School Head
Andy Reed put it, “These were 58 chances
to inspire a spirit of adventure that
develops a student’s willingness to stretch
beyond limits of personal comfort; 58
ways for students to develop friendships
through shared experiences; 58 moments
that furthered our students’ appreciation
of nature and the beauty of creation.
58 unique opportunities for mentoring
between students and faculty. It’s not just
a change of pace, it’s part of who we are.”
What is
is aa height’s
height’s man?
Hadley, Re-examining the Media Today
Parent Survey Results
n Michael
Looking Back 2011-2012
Partnering with parents in the education and formation
of our students is central to our mission. How well do you
think we partnered with you this year?
5 3
Excellently 5
101 40%
During the 2011-12 school year, how well have we met your expectations in the following areas:
Character Formation
Exceeded Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
131 52%
Met Expectations
168 66%
Met Expectations
108 43%
Did Not Meet Expectations
11 4%
Did Not Meet Expectations
Not Sure
Not Sure
My son’s advisor is a key ally in helping me
mentor my son.
advisor is key ally
Faculty as Educators
Exceeded Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
106 42%
Met Expectations
123 48%
Met Expectations
133 52%
Did Not Meet Expectations
Did Not Meet Expectations
13 5%
Not Sure
14 5%
Not Sure
Strongly Agree
123 48%
Strongly Disagree
Since coming to The Heights, my son...
is more likely to spend
leisure time reading
Faculty as Mentors
Exceeded Expectations
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
132 52%
The parents of our baseball team truly “knocked
it out of the park” this year when they gave
above-and-beyond their Crescite Fund
commitments to help re-grade the infield, rebuild
the pitchers mound, improve the bleachers,
and install a new scoreboard just in time for
the varsity team to win the Maryland State B
Tournament for the second year in a row!
shows greater
interest in learning
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
132 52%
168 66%
Met Expectations
Did Not Meet Expectations
24 9%
Did Not Meet Expectations
15 6%
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
Not Sure
has improved as a writer
Fine Arts
Strongly Agree
132 52%
Exceeded Expectations
Met Expectations
148 58%
Did Not Meet Expectations
14 5%
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
What is a height’s man?
Parent Survey Results
Advisory: The Inside Scoop
annual report 2011-2012
Only at The Heights
Poorly 1
places greater value on
his relationship with God
Strongly Agree
101 40%
134 54%
15 6%
Strongly Disagree
Program Highlights
Parent Survey Results
s part of our efforts to continually improve The Heights, each year we conduct an anonymous parent
survey. We are grateful to the more than 250 parents who participated this year, providing valuable
feedback for our program administrators and the Board of Directors.
Looking Back 2011-2012
Advisory: The Inside Scoop
Parent Survey Results
Conor Moore
Class of 2018
“My advisor will pull me out of class or lunch to walk around the courtyard
and talk. He asks, ‘How was your day? Having any trouble with your
classmates? What sorts of jobs are you doing around the house? Do you
want to go over the questions you missed on your last quiz?’ If you’ve
been acting up or did really bad on a quiz, going to the meeting can be
nervewracking. But it’s kind of like waiting in line for a rollercoaster.
You’re like, ‘It looks so scary.’ But then you get on, and it’s really fun.”
ANd r e w m c D o n a l d
Class of 2014
“My advisor focuses on three things: spiritual life, academic life, and my
interests and social life. Feedback is really important. If I just sit there
and don’t say anything, that’s not a good advisory meeting. But when
we do talk, I feel like my advisor knows a lot about me and he’s not just
giving me boring advice. I’ve had him as a teacher, and a baseball coach
too. If you think someone really wants to help you grow as a person, it’s
always good to hear the truth.”
Only at The Heights
his year there were more than 2,500 one-on-one advisory meetings between faculty and students.
For those who aren’t as familiar with this unique, mission-critical program, we’ve asked some of
our students to give you an insider’s perspective.
M at e o W o l f e
Class of 2014
“Advisory is an opportunity to meet with a teacher to discuss personal
aspects of every day life. Really about anything: family matters,
issues outside of school. Like, Mr. Moss, we were tied to each other at
20,000 feet during last year’s Crescite Trip Week to Ecuador. Any time we
rock climb, he’s my belayer. It’s that Heights relationship that makes me
feel comfortable to talk about anything. There’s not really a designated
time to meet. It’s up to the student to schedule a time. I guess you just
get out of it what you put in.”
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
Program Highlights
advisory: the inside scoop
Looking back 2011-2012
86.7% of AP students achieve
3 or higher on AP exams.
NewAdvent.org features blog
post on fatherhood by 5th grade
teacher Tom Steenson.
Middle School introduces
integrated Latin/English core
curriculum to improve students’
writing skills.
Class of 2012 graduates
48 Heights Men:
Valedictorian: Philip Allen
Salutatorian: Greg Hadley
Headmaster’s Award: Anthony Hadford
Cardinal Hickey Award: Danny Pluta
Heights A’capella releases CD
recorded at St. Peterskirche
chapel in Austria.
Washington Post names
Robbie Yosaitis ’13 and Chas
Bassing ’12 All-Met Varsity
Golf, First Team and Honorable
Mention, respectively.
Varsity Cross Country Team
wins Maryland State Tournament
for third consecutive year.
Oc t o b e r November December
Upper School students
participate in 39th Annual March
for Life in Washington, DC.
A p r i l M ay
Henry Song ’13 wins first place
in the visual arts category of the
James C. MacDonald Fine Arts
Scholarship Competition.
Good Samaritan Club raises
more than $500 for the
non-profit, Amputee Coalition.
After strong academic, poetry,
and Clan Day performances,
Gold Cross captures this year’s
Clan Competition!
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
December 11, 2011
The Heights on Treasure Island!
February 4, 2012
March 25, 2012
Event Giving Circles
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
This year’s Golf Classic, hosted again at Blue Mash Golf
Course, attracted over 120 students, parents, alumni and
friends. Thanks to the support of a record number of sponsors,
golfers enjoyed boxed lunches, cigars, a beverage cart, and
a delicious barbecue dinner during our awards ceremony.
Congratulations to the 2011 winning foursome: Phil
O’Beirne ’08, Colin Gleason ’99, Rob Mitchell ’02 and Gerry
Mitchell. Many thanks to our co-chairs, Max Ferentinos and
Kevin O’Neill, whose hard work and dedication led to another
fun and successful fundraising event.
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
October 10, 2011
Christmas Around The World brought together The Heights
Family during Advent in preparation for Our Lord’s Birth. Under
the leadership of Chair Stacy Kuzma, it was a grand gathering
of students, parents, brothers and sisters to celebrate our
different Christmas traditions, and to gain a better appreciation
of their meaning and beauty for all of us. Sharing a bountiful
feast of both international and family favorites, singing carols,
and simply visiting with other families made the occasion a
good way for The Heights to celebrate our common gratitude for
Our Savior’s Nativity.
Event Summaries
2011 Chair Ruth Heinssen – after leading the Garden Party
committee for three years – knew how to plan for any weather.
Fortunately, the week-long rains ceased, the stars sparkled, and
our 375 guests enjoyed every aspect of the party – from the hors
d’oeuvres passed by student waiters, to the Crooked Hat Jazz
Band’s music, a beautiful buffet dinner, and drinks. As always, it
was gratifying to see so many parents, alumni, parents of alumni
and long-time friends come back to celebrate the new school year.
Once we set sail for Treasure Island, there was no turning back!
Over 400 “passengers” arrived on the legendary isle (the gym)
resulting in a record-setting fundraiser to benefit the School!
The auction committee – a hard working but equally fun loving
crew chaired by M’Liz Riechers, Treacy Krisztinicz, Rose Kolb and
Roxanne Smart – steered The Heights on a steady course with
a great spirit of adventure. Our online auction – another first
– proved very successful, as did the “fund-an-item” in the LIVE
auction which successfully raised all the funds necessary to
bring high speed internet access to our classrooms!
Our premiere event drew over 400 guests to the beautiful and historic
Organization of American States. From the first note of “To The Heights”
sung by Heights students, to the humorous but heartfelt clan toasts,
and student/faculty skit celebrating a Heights gentleman’s journey
through the Valley to his parting senior year, it was a wonderful
celebration of The Heights founding and mission. Thank you to co-chairs
Barbara and Alvaro Pereira and committee for making this Heights
tradition feel brand new.
What is a height’s man? 20
annual report 2011-2012
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Event Summaries
September 24, 2011
We lc o m e Ta b le
Kelly McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10,
Paul ’15, Thomas ’21)
Tracey Moss (Alex ’10, Hugo ’16)
Gwen Richards (Aaron ’14)
Alejandra Segura (Juan Pablo ’06,
Manuel ’10, Federico ’11, Nicolas ’14,
Felipe ’17)
Cr o o k e d H at J a z z B an d
(www. crookedhatjazz.com)
Charlie Gilak ’14
Andrew Kett ’15
John Kett ’15
Andrew McDonald ’14
Ryan O’Connell ’15
St u d e n t Wa i te r s
Reagan Andersen ’15
Ryan Andersen ’15
Carlos Brooks ’18
Andrew Contrera ’18
Jack Contrera ’15
Jacob Cremers ’19
Lucas Cremers ’18
Blayney Del Priore ’14
Joey Foeckler ’16
Fred Kime (Nolan ’11, Griffin ’13,
George ’16) and
Ron Friddle (Harlan ’08, Jack ’11,
Michael ’12, Josh ’14, Patrick ’16,
Joey ’17), Head Bartenders
Dan Beatty (John ’07, Jim ’09, Joe ’11,
Chris ’12, Danny ’16, Nick ’19)
Frank Buono (Michael ’12, Vincent ’16)
Art Carroll (Thomas ’06, Michael ’13,
James ’16)
Greg Chapman (Scott ’15)
Joe Contrera (Jack ’15, Andrew ’18)
Dan Foeckler (Michael ’06, Mark ’11,
Joey ’16)
Greg Gilak (Charlie ’14)
Curt Herrick (James ’12, Stephen ’18)
Tom Krisztinicz (Tommy ’19)
Ignacio Lulli (Andres ’14)
Matt Maloney (Paul ’10, Joe ’14)
Mike McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10, Paul
’15, Thomas ’21)
Bob McHale (Robert ’15, Louis ’16,
Joseph ’17)
Shaun Pacious (Daniel ’03, Shaun ’07,
Patrick ’12, Brian ’14)
The Brothers Quine (Mike ’05, Pat ’06,
Tim ’08, Kevin ’10)
Mark Weber (Sam ’12, Joe ’15)
Chr i s tma s a rou nd
t he world
V o l u n t ee r Le a de rs hip
Stacey Kuzma (Paul Henry ’18), Chair
Melanie Brown (William ’14, Gavin ’16,
Austin ’17, Thomas ’19), Food Chair
Dan Beatty (John ’07, Jim ’09, Joe ’11,
Chris ’12, Danny ’16, Nick ’19)
Art Carroll (Thomas ’06, Michael ’13,
James ’16)
Colin de Sa (Aaron ’13, Andrew ’15)
Mike Ferguson (Jack ’16)
Dan Foeckler (Michael ’06, Mark ’11,
Joey ’16)
Ron Friddle (Harlan ’08, Jack ’11,
Michael ’12, Josh ’14, Patrick ’16,
Joey ’17)
Rose Kolb (Brandon ’11, Michael ’13),
Treacy Krisztinicz (Tommy ’19),
M’Liz Riechers (Will ’19), and
Roxanne Smart (Riley ’16, Aidan ’18,
Grady ’21), Co-Chairs
Carolina Agostini (Stefano ’13)
Kathleen Anderson (Flanagan ’19)
Maria Apostolaros (Peter ’17)
Robbie Archer (Will ’13, Edward ’16)
Lourdes Arguello (Xavier ’18, Santiago ’20)
Louise Babirak (Kyle ’12)
Nancy Bassing (Chas ’12)
Missy Beall (Brooks ’18)
Jean & Dan Beatty (John ’07, Jim ’09,
Joe ’11, Chris ’12, Danny ’16, Nick ’19)
Stefanie Behrends (Joey ’19)
Melanie Brown (William ’14, Gavin ’16,
Austin ’17, Thomas ’19)
Patti Buggé (Jonathan ’18)
Debbi Campbell (Billy ’13)
Susan Case (Thomas Grant ’13)
Julie Chapman (Scott ’19)
Alexandra Clement (Thomas ’17,
Theo ’19, Paul ’21)
Suzanne Contrera (Jack ’15, Andrew ’18)
Lauren Cottone (Harry Cherdak ’19,
Charlie ’21)
Sally Croarkin (Rory ’21)
Mary-Frances Daly (Jack ’19)
LeeAnn Dance (William ’18)
What is a height’s man?
The Brooks Family, Spain
The Cremers Family, Bolivia
The Hill Family, Germany
The Kilcullen Family, Louisiana Cajun
The Nichols Family, Mexico
The Scharen-Guivel (Little) Family,
The Segura Family, Argentina
The Swiacki Family, Poland
The Tanner Family, Greece
De corat ions , Se t up & Se rv ing
The Foeckler Family
The Hamilton-Cotter Family
The McDonald Family
The Messenger Family (Hot Cocoa Heroes!)
The Regan Family
The Schuler Family
Ba rt e nde rs
Joan Shannon (Johnny ’12, Patrick ’14),
Terry Siegfried (John ’10), PALS
Sophia Tanner (John ’14, Matthew ’17)
annual report 2011-2012
Noemi Neville (Johnny ’15 )
Jodi Noah (Chase ’19)
Michelle O’Connell (Brendan ’14,
Ryan ’15, Patrick ’19 )
Susanna Olen (Nathan ’16)
Patricia Paterno (Tim Flanagan ’13)
Barbara Pereira (Gabe ’12)
Faye Phillips (Jim McCrery ’15)
Mary Beth Riordan (Danny ’14)
Debbie Ryan (Brendan ’19, Matthew ’21)
Yanick Sainvilier (Dudley ’07, Ben ’10,
Josh ’17)
Carolina Schindler (John ’18, Thomas ’20)
Lisa Sciortino (Jay ’20)
Alejandra Segura (Juan Pablo ’06,
Manuel ’10, Federico ’11, Nicolas ’14,
Felipe ’17 )
Kristen Swiggett (DJ ’19)
Suzanne Tsintolas (Charles ’16)
Susie Twetten (Walt ’12)
Christine Voce (Danny ’15)
Event Giving Circles
Int e rnat iona l Fa re
Campus Decorations Leadership
Courtney Diederich (John ’19)
Laura Digges (William ’16)
Mary Alice Dragone (Michael ’19)
Mary Ferentinos (Zack ’17)
Ellen Finnell (Tim ’11, Joe ’18 )
Melissa Fowler (Luke ’13, Gabe ’16,
Isaiah ’18)
Christina Friddle (Harlan ’08, Jack ’11,
Michael ’12, Josh ’14, Patrick ’16,
Joey ’17)
Trish Fuldner (Nicholas ’16)
Bridget Gidley (Jack ’11, Ned ’14)
Kathy Gilday (Pete, , Michael ’18,
Jamey ’18)
Renetta Glenn
Chris Goodwin (Jess ’05, Sam ’13,
Peyton ’15, Cormac ’16)
Meghan Gurdon (Paris ’15)
Kerry Gutowski (Steven ’18, Michael ’21)
Jeannie Herrick (James ’12, Stephen ’18)
Mary Sue Himpler (Billy ’11, Jack ’15)
Lisa Hyland (John ’12)
Joanne Kehrli (Joseph ’17, Michael ’19)
Angie Kilcullen (Ian ’18, Sean ’21)
Toni Kilner (Pat ’97, Joe ’00, Bobby ’06,
Michael ’09)
Kathryn & Fred Kime (Nolan ’11,
Griffin ’13, George ’16)
Stacey Kuzma (Paul Henry ’18)
Caroline Lulli (Andres ’14)
Cheryl Lulli (Nicolas ’09, Daniel ’13,
Alex ’16)
Lisa Maco (Patrick ’19)
DeeDee Maloney (Paul ’10, Joe ’14)
Kim Manthei (Nathan ’19, Nicholas ’20)
Sally Marvin (Will ’13, Luke ’15)
Kelly McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10, Paul
’15, Thomas ’21)
Catherine Bourassa McNish (Carter ’20)
Traci Mellor (Calvin ’21)
Mary Ann Messenger (George ’17,
John ’20 )
Abby Moffat (Spencer ’17 )
Denise Mohler (Trey ’17 )
Tracey Moss (Alex ’10, Hugo ’16 )
Mary Elizabeth Naegele (Leo ’09,
Elias ’10, Isaiah ’17, Timothy ’18, ’07)
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
B a r t en d e rs
Fred Kime (Nolan ’11, Griffin ’13,
George ’16)
Tom Krisztinicz (Tommy ’19)
Mike McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10,
Paul ’15, Thomas ’21)
Kevin O’Neill (Shane ’06, Casey ’08,
Cullen ’13, Brian ’15, Liam ’17)
Ted Smart (Riley ’16, Aidan ’18, Grady ’21)
Phil Spencer (Phillip ’16)
Gus Stathes (Niko ’16, Stefan ’17)
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Ruth Heinssen (Michael ’14), Chair
Melissa and Romney Anderson
(Ryan ’15, Reagan ’17)
Jean and Dan Beatty (John‘07, Jim ’09,
Joe ’11, Chris ’12, Danny ’16, Nick ’19)
Suzanne and Joe Contrera (Jack ’15,
Andrew ’18)
Meg Foeckler (Michael ’06, Mark ’11,
Joey ’16)
Christina and Ron Friddle (Harlan ’08,
Jack ’11, Michael ’12, Josh ’14,
Patrick ’16, Joey ’17)
Bridget Gidley (Jack ’11, Ned ’14)
Mari Anne Hamilton (Zach
Hamilton-Cotter ’11)
Bobby Heinssen (Michael ’14)
Fred and Kathryn Kime (Nolan ’11,
Griffin ’13, George ’16)
Cristina McCarthy (Dayton ’18)
Noemi and Peter Neville (Johnny ’15)
Nildi Melendez-Muñoz (JavierAndrés ’04, Francisco-Javier ’06,
Pablo-Antonio ’08, Ricardo-José ’10,
Andrés-Sebastián ’15, AlejandroJosé ’16), Decorations Chair
Fred Kime, (Nolan ’11, Griffin ’13,
George ’16), Bartenders Chair
Helen Syski (Sister of Heights alumni),
Children’s Craft Chair
Dolores Gomez-Acebo (Santiago ’14)
and Ester Brooks (Joaquim ’16,
Carlos ’18), Performances Co-Chairs
Rose McCauley (Kyle ’12) and
Mary Beth Riordan (Danny ’14),
Haberdashery Co-Chairs
Crooked Hat Jazz Band, Entertainment
& Music
Event Summaries
Vo lu n te e r L e a d er sh ip
Ned Gidley ’14
Michael Heinssen ’14
Alejandro-José Melendez-Muñoz ’16
Andrés-Sebastián Melendez-Muñoz ’15
George Messenger ’17
Guaya Montes de Oca ’17
Adrian Quinonez ’18
Josh Sainvillier ’17
Sergio Summitt ’17
Chris Warner ’15
Crescite Fund Parent Committee
Chairs, Sarah and Matt James,
came prepared - boots and all to this year’s Fall Garden Party.
A little mud can’t keep us down!
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Fa l l ga r d en par t y
Sarah & Matt James (Patrick ’20),
Frank Buono (Michael ’12, Vincent ’16)
Maria Calandra (Justin ’16)
Courtney & Alex Diederich (John ’19)
Maureen & Mike Ferguson (Jack ’16)
Christina & Ron Friddle (Harlan ’08,
Jack ’11, Michael ’12, Joshua ’14,
Patrick ’16, Joey ’17)
Angie & Dennis Kilkullen (Ian ’18,
Sean ’21)
Kathryn & Fred Kime (Nolan ’11,
Griffin ’13, George ’16)
Austin & Fred Malloy (Mac ’19)
Sally & Frank Marvin (Will ’13, Luke ’15)
Mary Ann & John Messenger (George ’17,
John ’20)
Mary Beth Riordan (Danny ’14)
Lory & Mike Stabolepszy (Chase ’20)
Event Giving Circles
The Executive Committee coordinates
all volunteer activities and organizes
school-wide events. Thank you to
the committee for your year-long
efforts ensuring that our events
and activities reflected the School’s
warmth, family spirit, and, of
course, support for our Heights gents.
Kelly McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10,
Paul ’15, Thomas ’21), President
Caroline Lulli (Andres ’14),
Vice President
Joanne Kehrli (Joseph ’17, Michael ’19),
Class Parent Representatives
Sophia Tanner (John ’14, Matthew ’17),
Hospitality Coordinator
Nancy Bassing (Chas ’12), Fundraising
Maria Luisa Perez-Lavaud (Andy ’09,
Joe ’13), Service Coordinator
Ruth Heinssen (Michael ’14),
Fall Garden Party Chair
M’Liz Riechers (Will ’19), Auction
Treacy Krisztinicz (Tommy ’19), Auction
Rose Kolb (Brandon ’11, Michael ’13),
Auction Co-Chair
Heights faculty member,
James Erickson, enjoys our
Treasure Island-themed
auction with his son, Finley.
Roxanne Smart (Riley ’16, Aidan ’18,
Grady ’21), Auction Co-Chair
Barbara Pereira (Gabe ’12), Gala Chair
Rose McCauley (Kyle ’12), Haberdashery
Mary Beth Riordan (Danny ’14),
Haberdashery Co-Chair
6th Grade
7th Grade
CPR’s , short for Class Parent Reps, are
at the heart of each class and serve
a vital function in communicating
important information to fellow
parents in a timely, accurate, and
friendly way. From welcoming
new families, to publicizing events,
or letting other parents know of a
family’s special needs, the 2011-12
CPR’s kept their classes connected and
well-informed. Thank you again for a
job well done.
Joanne Kehrli (Joseph ’17, Michael ’19),
3rd Grade
Angie Kilcullen (Ian ’18, Sean ’21)
Erin Willcox (Garrett ’17, Cameron ’21)
4th Grade
Kim Manthei (Nathan ’19, Nicholas ’20)
Lisa Sciortino (Jay ’20)
Danielle Jones (William ’20)
Guests enjoy cocktails and
conversation in the foyer of the
Organization of American States
before the festivities begin for
this year’s Maryland Day Gala.
What is a height’s man?
5th Grade
Courtney Diederich (John ’19)
Kathleen Anderson (Flanagan ’19)
annual report 2011-2012
Ester Munt-Brooks (Joaquim ’16,
Carlos ’18)
Maureen Reim (Brendan ’11, Kevin ’18)
Mary Elizabeth Naegele (Leo ’09,
Elias ’10, Isaiah ’17, Timothy ’18,
Dylan ’07) Kathy Gilday (Michael ’18,
Jamey ’18)
Sandy Conway (Ryan ’17)
Alejandra Segura (Juan Pablo ’06,
Manuel ’10, Federico ’11, Nicolas ’14,
Felipe ’17)
8th Grade
Jeanne Swiacki (Joseph ’16)
Ellen Guarente (AJ ’08, Christian ’16)
Tracey Moss (Alex ’10, Hugo ’16)
9th Grade
Kelly McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10, Paul
’15, Thomas ’21)
Suzanne Contrera (Jack ’15, Andrew
10th Grade
DeeDee Maloney (Paul ’10, Joe ’14)
Sophia Tanner (John ’14, Matthew ’17)
11th Grade
Carolina Agostini (Stefano ’13)
Zita de Sa (Aaron ’13, Andrew ’15)
12th Grade
Nancy Bassing (Chas ’12)
Monica Wolfe (Nick ’12, Mateo ’14)
Ha b er da sher y
Thanks to this team, Cavaliers and
their families can drop by a wellstocked school store at convenient
hours throughout the year. Thank
you to our chairs and committee for
lending us your marketing savvy
and organizational skills, and for
being such a knowledgeable and
helpful sales team to help shoppers.
Go Cavs!
Rose McCauley (Kyle ’12), Chairperson
Mary Beth Riordan (Danny ’14),
Catherine Bourassa McNish (Carter ’20)
Ester Munt-Brooks (Joaquim ’16, Carlos ’18)
Lydia Dolan (Peter ’21)
Cynthia Feldman (Nathan ’18)
Ellen Finnell (Tim ’11, Joe ’18)
Dolores Perez (Santiago ’14)
Katie Gorka (Paul ’17)
Lee Kolasch (Max ’18)
Cristina McCarthy (Dayton ’18)
Merita McCormack (Kevin ’15, Edy ’17)
Kelly McGiffin (Danny ’08, Joe ’10,
Paul ’15, Thomas ’21)
Noemi Neville (Johnny ’15)
Hilary Chung (Andrew ’20)
Kerry Regan (Brendan ’15)
Maria Perla Vargas (Diego ’15)
Karen Walker (Garrett ’17)
Laura Weiss (Evan ’17)
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Thank you to our fundraising heroes,
whose leadership in the community
helped us meet our Crescite Fund
goal for the first time in three years!
Mothers executive
Club committee
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Barbara & Alvaro Pereira (Gabe ’12),
Carolina Agostini (Stefano ’13)
Lourdes Arguello (Xavier ’18,
Santiago ’20)
Nancy Bassing (Chas ’12)
Ester Munt-Brooks (Joaquim ’16,
Carlos ’18)
Karin Brough (Peter ’16)
Maria Calandra (Justin ’16)
Julie Chapman (Scott ’19)
Suzanne Contrera (Jack ’15, Andrew ’18)
Meg Foeckler (Michael ’06, Mark ’11,
Joey ’16)
Christina Friddle (Harlan ’08, Jack ’11,
Michael ’12, Josh ’14, Patrick ’16,
Joey ’17)
Julie Gilak (Charlie ’14)
Lisa Hyland (John ’12)
Stacey Kuzma (Paul Henry ’18)
Therese Lipovsky (Greg ’14)
Deanne de Mariño (Daniel MariñoRamirez ’13)
Abby Moffat (Spencer ’17)
Cre s cite fu nd
parent c omittee
Cathy Wilkes (David ’15)
Lawrence Willcox (Garrett ’17,
Cameron ’21)
Event Summaries
M a r y l a nd
day G a l a
Suzanne Patrick (Shane ’20)
Gabriela Quiñonez (Adrian ’18)
Sarah Shin (Michael ’21 )
Mellicent Singham (Jacques ’20)
Karen Staines (Johnny ’12, Michael ’15,
Jim ’16)
Suzanne Tsintolas (Charles ’16)
Cathy Wilkes (David ’15)
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Marie Welsh (Troy ’13, Ethan ’16, Luke ’21 )
Joanna Willard (Jared ’09, Jordan ’09,
Titus ’13, Sam ’14, Joseph ’18)
Erin Willcox (Garrett Willcox ’17,
Cameron ’21 )
Monica Wolfe (Nick ’12, Mateo ’14)
Barb Yosaitis (Robbie ’13)
C ava l i e r C i r c l e
BMF LTD Partnership3+
Ester & Arthur Brooks3+
Nancy & Mike Christiani5+
Becky & Pat Cipollone3+
Sc e p t e r C i r c l e
Melissa & Romney Andersen
Mary & Frank Cannon 3+
Julie & Greg Chapman 3+
Sandy & Jan-Hein Cremers
Fidelity Investments, Inc.
Isabelle & Gary Funari 3+
Sarah & Matt James
Treacy & Tom Krisztinicz 3+
Diane & Scott Major
Austin & Fred Malloy
Sally & Frank Marvin 3+
Beth & Ed McFadden 3+
Darian & Dean Packard 5+
Leadership Giving Society
The Leadership Giving Society
is a donor recognition society
honoring alumni, parents, friends,
and faculty who provide annual
leadership gifts to the Crescite
Fund greater than $3,000. To honor
the unmistakable impact their
generosity has on our faculty and
students, members are invited to
a dinner each year hosted by the
Headmaster and Board of Directors.
annual report 2011-2012
Charter Circle
Anonymous (5)
Giant Bonus Bucks Program10+
Stephen Alexander ’95
Maria & Anthony Apostolaros3+
Kelly & Brian Baker3+
Laura & Jim Beglis ’95
Connor Breed ’073+
Mary & Jerry Breed
Karin & John Brough
Tami & Tom Casey
Helga & Oswaldo Castro3+
Margaret & Dean Cates3+
Therese & John Cermak
Haven & Mike Clancy3+
Suzanne & Joe Contrera 3+
Zita & Colin de Sa 3+
Michelle & Mike Delaney ’843+
Alba Sierra-Di Maria
& Robert Di Maria
Tanya & Michael Dietz 3+
Judy & Greg DiGioia 3+
Janine & Michael Donlon
Nuni & Ralph Fairbanks5+
Cynthia & Warren Feldman
Mary & Max Ferentinos3+
Meg & Dan Foeckler5+
Kim & John Francis
Trish & Erich Fuldner3+
Irene & Mat Gbetibouo3+
Sheila & Kevin Greene
Margaret & Mike Guilday
Meghan & Hugo Gurdon 5+
Kerry & Tony Gutowski 3+
Lucia & Nick Harper ’05
Sheherazad & David Hartzell 3+
Lauren & Stephen Higgins3+
Mary Sue & Bill Himpler3+
Lorraine & Virgil Huber
Lisa & Jim Hyland 5+
Agnes & Patrick Jenkins5+
Danielle & Ward Jones
Azy Halati & Rob Kamrad
Jeff Karpinski 3+
Angie & Dennis Kilcullen 3+
Kathryn & Fred Kime3+
Armelle & Justin Kouakou 3+
Jan & Randy Lawson
Missy & Scott Lesmes
Caroline & Ignacio Lulli ’835+
Patty & Henry Mazariegos
Cristina & Chase McCarthy
Rose & Pete McCauley5+
Marylou & Andrew McDonald 5+
Callie & Phil McGovern10+
Kate & Denis Mitchell ’92
Germana & Gerry Mitchell 3+
Denise & Rigg Mohler
Debbie & Paul Moore
Nancy & Charles Moynihan
Angela & Michael Moynihan 3+
Mary Elizabeth & Tobias Naegele3+
Patricia & Jim Nash
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Patricia Becerra & Vicente Notario5+
Cathy & Bud Patterson 3+
Brooke & John Potthast
Private Sector Initiatives Foundation, Inc.
Anne & Brian Quinn 3+
Gabriela & Alfonso Quiñonez 3+
Peg & Don Redlinger5+
Cecilia & Tony Rowedder
Terri & Andrew Rudy10+
Debbie & Lane Ryan 3+
Lisa & John Sciortino
Roxanne & Ted Smart 5+
Cindee & Jacques Smith
Jeanne & Bill Swiacki 3+
Myrna & John Temple3+
Jennifer & Frederic Van Roie3+
Christine & Daniel Voce3+
Deborah & Ed Whelan 3+
Anne & Harvey Williams5+
Agnieszka & Janusz Wnek 3+
Monica & Tom Wolfe5+
Irina Zhukov3+
10+, 5+ or 3+ f
ff c
Years of Consecutive Giving
One Faculty Sponsorship
Two Faculty Sponsorship
Captain’s Club Ticket Holder
Event Giving Circles
What is a height’s man?
S t e wa r d s h i p C i r c l e
Nancy & Charlie Bassing 5+
Mary-Frances & Justin Daly
Maureen & Mike Ferguson5+
Melissa & Matt Fowler
Bridget & Mark Gidley
Kim & Scott Herman10+
Lisa & Paul Maco3+
Mary Ann & John Messenger5+
Susan & Rob Pate
Shannon & Anthony Provenzano
Charlotte & Phil Sechler
Forough Parvizian-Yazdani
& Shawn Yazdani
Nancy Kim & Tae-sik Yoon
Barb & John Yosaitis5+
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Honor Circle
$1,000+ Anonymous (3)
Andrew Acevedo3+
Robbie & Reyn Archer3+
Terry Balazs10+
Bank of America Corporation
Anne & Allan Beers
Bernadette & Dave Berset
Bob Best 3+
Celeste & Bill Blumenauer3+
Kimberly & Charles Briggs3+
Patti & Vincent Buggé
Capital One Financial Corporation
Alexandra & Paul Clement
Combined Federal Campaign of
The National Capital Area (CFC) 10+
Rebecca & Chuck Conaty5+
Nela & Joe Crnkovich5+
Laura & Eric Dreiband
Sally & Todd Ewing
Anna-Maria & Anthony Falcone10+
Patricia & Mark Flanagan 5+
Mary Kay & Brett Gamma
Ted Gancayco ’80
Darby & Monte Gingery10+
Susan Case & Tom Grant 3+
Patricia & David Haresign
Maricel & Charlie Heeter
Henry Safford Peacock Foundation 3+
Jackie & John Hoffman
Emma & Jaime Infante
Lisa & Randall Jennings
Elizabeth & John Junghans ’06
Toni & Pat Kilner3+
Dandy & Bob Korzeniewski
Kim & David Livaudais5+
Madeleine & Don Longano3+
Jun Chen & Tom Lu
Gail & Mark Lynch5+
Mario Mansilla 3+
Chris & Tom McCreary3+
Linda & Chuck McDonough 5+
Kelly & Mike McGiffin10+
Terry & Michael McLaughlin
Betsy & Bill Moss
Jodi & Marc Noah 3+
Hilary Chung & Steven Oh
Carol & Kevin O’Neill10+
Kathleen & Mike Ortiz 10+
Pat & Shaun Pacious5+
Sandra & Alvaro Ramos3+
Anissa & Charlie Rembert
James Royals ’07
Ceci & Tom Royals10+
Patty & Tom Sanders5+
John Sargent
Tamara & Paul Schmidt
Donna & Bob Searby
Joan & John Shannon5+
Liz & Phil Spencer
Leanne & Keith Strubhar
Mary & Jim Towey
Ann Wrobleski & Phil Truluck
Maria Perla & Hernan Vargas3+
Verizon Communications, Inc.
Lina & Damian von Stauffenberg 3+
Karen & Don Walker
Mike Waller3+
Wells Fargo & Company3+
Bob Wheeler5+
Cathy Wilkes
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Headmaster Circle
Kammie & Scott Bell5+
Catherine Bourassa McNish
Miriam & Frank Buono3+
Catholic Coalition for
Special Education (CCSE)
Alvaro de Vicente ’8310+
Sherry Edwards Denis & Paul Denis5+
Rob McNish
Jeanne & Mark Pim5+
Consuelo & John Pluta 5+
Maureen & John Reim10+
Mary Beth & Dan Riordan5+
Helen & Peter Syski ’04
Sophia & Stephen Tanner5+
The Shepherd Foundation
Suzanne & Steve Tsintolas
Lois & Darren Willcox
Erin & Lawrence Willcox 3+
Event Summaries
Crescite Circle
Clark-Winchcole Foundation
Christina & Brian Mahoubi 3+
Kathy & Marv Reitz 5+
Marina Kotova
& Seyfeddin Roustamov3+
Wendy & Victor Sellier5+
Lory & Mike Stabolepszy
LeeAnn & Glenn Dance3+
Weed & Greg Forte3+
Maribeth & Denis Harper10+
Ruth & Bobby Heinssen5+
John Hillen
Maura & Frank Kelly
Amy & Steve Kett 5+
Sally & Leonard Leo
Karin & Steve Linehan
Kim & John Manthei 3+
Faye Phillips & James McCrery3+
Michelle & Scott O’Connell5+
Trish & Gene Scalia 5+
The Sciortino Foundation
Tom & Glory Sullivan Foundation, Inc.
Kathy & Mark Weber 3+
Lynn & Tom Welch5+
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Tower Circle
Marge & Vince Bartozzi 3+
Debbi & Greg Campbell
Stacy & Chris Carey3+
Mattias Caro ’98
Greg Carroccio ’98
Susan & Art Carroll
Mary & Jim Carroll
Victoria Checa
Richard Collier
Joan & Brian Condon
Sandy & Greg Conway
Paul Coppola
Mari Anne Hamilton-Cotter
& Dennis Cotter5+
Steve Coyne ’835+
Maria & Ben Creitz
Sally & Paul Croarkin
Sue & Ed Crooks
Barbara & Allen Currano
Mary & Stas Cynkar ’07
Jackie Czecha 3+
Anne & John Dardis
Bill Dardis
Manny Datiles ’03
Barbara & Matthew Dauchess ’76
Becka & George Davis
Terri & Philippe de Raet ’82 3+
Lillian & Todd Del Priore3+
Lisa & Jim Delaney
Valli & Steve Dell’Acqua
Paula & Michael Dent 5+
Denise & Bill Dermody
Patricia & Joe DeSanctis
Courtney & Alex Diederich 3+
John Diederich ’19
Laura & Edward Digges3+
Mary Dix
Peter Dixon ’06
Lydia & Chris Dolan
Mary Alice & Tom Dragone
Marit & Sean Duffy 3+
Cathy & Nick Dujmovic3+
Jenna & James Erickson
Cecilia & Jimmy Escobar ’763+
Thomas Fagan ’03
Kathy & Joe Famulare
Marilyn & Jim Ferstl
Melissa & Norm Fichthorn 3+
Ellen & Bob Finnell5+
John & Deirdre Folley
Helene & George Forster3+
Tracy & Jim Frelk 3+
Anna & Attila Freska 3+
Christina & Ron Friddle
Betty Funari5+
Anne & Alex Gabriel ’94
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
10+, 5+ or 3+ f
ff c
Years of Consecutive Giving
One Faculty Sponsorship
Two Faculty Sponsorship
Captain’s Club Ticket Holder
Event Giving Circles
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Friends Circle
Up to $500
Anonymous (7)
Carolina & Yuri Agostini
Maria Emma & Aldemaro Algarra
Philip Allen ’12
Kathleen & Robert Anderson 3+
Lourdes & Xavier Arguello
Nany & Babo Babendreier ’8010+
Louise & Milton Babirak 3+
Pete Bancroft 3+
Salvador Barreiros ’92
Missy & Tim Beall
Jean & Dan Beatty10+
John Beatty ’07
Stefanie & Paul Behrends3+
Mary & August Bequai5+
Tracy & Christopher Berns
Jill & Ryan Berry3+
Jenn & Joe Bissex 3+
Jane & Gregory Bloss3+
Laura & Chris Breslin 5+
Elizabeth & Joe Breslin ’01
Dave Brown 3+
Melanie & Will Brown
Carolyn & John Bruchalski 3+
Kathleen Burgess
Rita & Dan Callahan 3+
Erika & William Monroy
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Tracey & Shaun Moss10+
Leah & Rich Moss ’01
Eddy Moss ’07
Meredith & Justin Myers3+
Theresa & Frank Nava
Nancy & Jim Nelson 5+
Noemi & Peter Neville
Frank Nice
Robin & Paul O’Donnell ’77
Susanna & Bill Olen
Maria Roseuo & Elmer Oliva
Cecilia & Varnum Ouyang 5+
Elena & Steve Owen ’86
Suzanne & Scott Patrick
Maria Luisa & Leo Perez-Lavaud10+
Potomac Pond
Homeowners Association
Steve Primosch ’95
Eleanor & Ed Prozeller5+
Pinky & Ron Puno ’95
Theresa & Jimmy Quine10+
Pat Quine ’06
Nick Reaves ’08
Sue & Chris Reilly5+
Dorothy Reilly5+
Blanca & Bob Reilly3+
Julie & George Rest
Emily & Chris Richardella ’99
Lia & Louis Ridout
M’Liz & Gene Riechers3+
Joanna & Terry Roberts3+
Daniel Robey ’19
Leanne & Chris Robey
Julia Romano3+
Clare & Shannon Rowan 3+
Edward Rowny
Brenda & Barry Royden
Ben Sainvilier ’10
Dudley Sainvilier ’07
Yanick & Pete Sainvilier3+
Jen & Jeff Santa Rita
Hilda Scharen-Guivel
Event Summaries
Hats off to the Quine brothers
– Mike ’05, Pat ’06, Tim’ 08,
Kevin ’10 – for continuing the
tradition of bar tending in the
alumni tent at this year’s Fall
Garden Party.
James Kolakowski ’03
Todd Kolasch
Lee Kolasch
Tricia & Andy Kolesar
Dick Kolf
Efthalia & Ted Koutris3+
Francoise & Komlavie Kpetemey
Mary & Eric Kreins
Michele Krohn 3+
Stacey & Paul Kuzma 3+
Cynthia & Jason Leaver3+
Susan & John Lenczowski5+
Dan Lewis ’04
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Anita & Michael Lorek
Trish & Jack Loria ’743+
Eileen & Dick Loria ’753+
Cheryl & Juan Lulli ’775+
Rick Lundregan 3+
Peter Lynch ’03
Joanne Lyons3+
Joan Maginnis3+
Linda & Bob Maher 5+
DeeDee & Matt Maloney10+
Andreas Maple ’10
Conn & George Martin ’83
Lizann & Jose Martinez
Brice Maryman ’95
Joseph Masdeu
Lianna & Ed McCabe ’05
Kelly & Tom McCabe3+
Merita & John McCormack
Annemarie & Travis McGavin 5+
Carol & Bob McHale
Annette & Brian McIntee
Barbara & Brian McNiff
Clare & Jim McNiff ’98
MedImmune, LLC
Natia & Greg Meehan
Molly & Matthew Mehan
Mary & Tom Mehigan 3+
Toni & Andrew Melnyk
Merridy & Robert Menna
Sam Messner
Microsoft Corporation
Elise & Barry Miller
Boh Mitchell ’07
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Peggy & Stephen Gabriel5+
Christian Gadiano ’193+
Chris & Willem Gadiano5+
Anita & Richard Gaggioli 3+
John Gallagher ’06
Kathleen & Mark Gallagher
Gannett Co., Inc.
Julie & Greg Gilak
Kathy & Kevin Gilday5+
Theresa & Rich Giuntini5+
Nicole & Colin Gleason ’99
Jess Goodwin ’05
Chris & Lee Goodwin 3+
Ana Cristina & Marcus Gopalan ’94
Katie & Sebastian Gorka
Molly & Brian Graham
Susan & Rob Greving 3+
Mary Lou & Thomas Gross
Ellen & John Guarente
Michael Guilday, Jr. ’01
John Gwynn
Nada & Tony Haddad
Kate & Jerry Hadley3+
Jennifer & Gary Hale3+
Elisa & Leo Hall
Becca & John Hanssen ’95
Cornelia & Ivan Harangozo
Brad Hawley
Erin Hawley
Eric Heil 3+
Jennifer & Matt Heil
Christina & Mike Hernandez ’833+
Joyce & Tomas Hernandez
Jeannie & Curt Herrick 3+
Irene & Mike Hill
Cornelius Holden, III ’11
Patty & Michael Hude3+
Peggy & Roberto Iraola 5+
Annie & Bill James3+
Maura & Larry Kaiser3+
Yuka & Tomohiko Kanno3+
Joanne & Mark Kehrli5+
Barbara & Bill Kelley
Pam & Spencer Kelly
Ann & James Kendrall5+
Kathleen & Gordon Kingma
Melody & Webster Knight
Cl a s s of ’ 9 8
Class of ’08
Dick Loria
Mattias Caro
Greg Carroccio
Jim McNiff
Dave Sushinsky
C l as s o f ’ 7 6
Cl a s s of ’ 9 9
Andreas Maple
Elias Naegele
Ben Sainvilier
Jack Loria
C l as s o f ’ 7 5
Matthew Dauchess
Jimmy Escobar
C l as s o f ’ 7 7
Juan Lulli
Paul O’Donnell
C l as s o f ’ 8 0
Babo Babendreier
Ted Gancayco
C l as s o f ’ 8 2
Philippe de Raet
C l as s o f ’ 8 3
Steve Coyne
Alvaro de Vicente
Mike Hernandez
Ignacio Lulli
George Martin
C l as s o f ’ 8 4
Mike Delaney
C l as s o f ’ 8 6
Steve Owen
C l as s o f ’ 8 7
Cornelius Holden
Charles Short
Dan Sushinsky
Stefan Syski
Class of ’12
Philip Allen
Fa c u l t y
Anonymous (2)
Andrew Acevedo
Babo Babendreier ’80
Pete Bancroft
Joe Bissex
Connor Breed ’07
Chris Breslin
Joe Breslin ’01
Cl a s s of ’ 0 1
Joe Breslin
Mike Guilday
Rich Moss
Cl a s s of ’ 0 2
Cl a s s of ’ 0 3
Manny Datiles
Thomas Fagan
James Kolakowski
Peter Lynch
Jake Sellier
Arts in the Courtyard
Cl a s s of ’ 0 4
C l as s o f ’ 9 2
Cl a s s of ’ 0 5
Alex Gabriel
Marcus Gopalan
Class of ’11
Cl a s s of ’ 0 0
Sebastian von Stauffenberg
C l as s o f ’ 9 4
Class of ’10
Colin Gleason
Chris Richardella
Dan Lewis
Peter Syski
Salvador Barreiros
Denis Mitchell
Nick Reaves
Joe Zischkau
May 26, 2012
B ri a n S e a rby ’9 9, Cha i r p e r s o n
The 3rd annual Arts in the Courtyard once
again showcased the musical talent of
Heights alumni and friends, featuring
eclectic sounds ranging from rock, to The
Heights’ own A’capella group. As the bands
played, vendors provided tantalizing treats,
kids soared on the moon bounce, and
alumni caught up on old times. A special
thanks to Brian Searby who has chaired
the event for three consecutive years, and
all the sponsors and volunteers who helped
make AiC possible!
Jess Goodwin
Nick Harper
Ed McCabe
Cl a s s of ’ 0 6
Peter Dixon
John Gallagher
John Junghans
Pat Quine
Tom Senftle
Andrej Stare
What is a height’s man?
Dave Brown
Rebecca Conaty
Steve Coyne ’83
Ben Creitz
Stas Cynkar ’07
Bill Dardis
Alvaro de Vicente ’83
Peter Dixon ’06
James Erickson
Mike Ferguson
John Folley
Julie Gilak
Colin Gleason ’99
Rob Greving
Jerry Hadley
Eric Heil
Mike Hernandez ’83
Michael Hude
Larry Kaiser
Larry Kilmer
Toni Kilner
Kathryn Kime
Linda Maher
Phil McGovern
Matthew Mehan
William Monroy
Rich Moss ’01
Michael Moynihan
annual report 2011-2012
Justin Myers
Jim Nelson
Mike Ortiz
Dorothy Reilly
Tom Royals
Bob Searby
Jake Sellier, ’03
Joel Sellier
Gojko Stare
Tom Steenson
Dan Sushinsky ’00
Stefan Syski ’00
Jose Tavara
Jeff Thompson
Ivan Vallejo
Sam Vanderplas
John Winkowitsch
Rob Wright
10+, 5+ or 3+ f
ff c
Years of Consecutive Giving
One Faculty Sponsorship
Two Faculty Sponsorship
Captain’s Club Ticket Holder
Event Giving Circles
John Beatty
Connor Breed
Stas Cynkar
Boh Mitchell
Eddy Moss
James Royals
Dudley Sainvilier
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
C l as s o f ’ 7 4
Class of ’07
Stephen Alexander
Jim Beglis
Jack Hanssen
Brice Maryman
Steve Primosch
Ron Puno
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
Cl a s s of ’ 9 5
Event Summaries
Michaelyn & Clint Woofter
Laura & Rob Wright 3+
Lisa & Craig Yantiss
Julia Young 3+
Alice & Jon Zischkau10+
Joe Zischkau ’08
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Elizabeth & Fritz Scheuren
Carolina & John Schindler
Leanne & Jake Sellier ’033+
Charlotte & Joel Sellier3+
Tom Senftle ’06
Chris & John Sheehan 3+
Sarah & Edward Shin
Charles Short ’005+
Mellicent & Shanker Singham
Patsy Smart 3+
Pat & David Smith5+
Reese Smith ’19
Andrej Stare ’06
Angela & Gojko Stare3+
Melissa & Tom Steenson 3+
Diane & Chas Stuart
Emily & Steve Sullivan 5+
Monica Summitt
Ana & Dan Sushinsky ’003+
David Sushinsky ’98
Nancy & George Sushinsky5+
Ann Marie & Jonathan Sushinsky
Kristen & Darryl Swiggett
Ida & Jerry Swiggett
Valerie & Stefan Syski ’003+
Lia & Zoltan Szabo
Beatrice Szele-Hadford 5+
Jose Tavara
Anne & Ralph Taylor-Smith
The Heights Class of 2019
Tanya & Bob Thomas
Jeff Thompson
Tiff Advisory Services
Katherine & Justin Torres
Rosa & Pietro Tundo3+
Susie & Walt Twetten
Claudia & Ivan Vallejo
Ellie Vance3+
Meredith & Sam Vanderplas3+
Victoria & Peter Virador5+
Sebastian von Stauffenberg ’87
Mary Anne & Tom Wahle3+
Dorothy & Mike Warner
Maggie & Jordan Watts
Laura Weiss
Marie & Rick Welsh
John Winkowitsch
$5 0 0 +
Melissa & Romney Andersen
Miriam & Frank Buono
Sherry Edwards Denis & Paul Denisfff
Anna & Attila Freska
Ruth & Bobby Heinssen
Sarah & Matt James
Sally & Leonard Leo
Karin & Steve Linehan
Beth & Ed McFadden
Germana and Gerry Mitchell
Joanne & Joe O’Donnell
Barbara & Alvaro Pereira
Mary Beth & Dan Riordan
Marina Kotova & Seyfeddin Roustamov
Lois & Darren Willcox
$2 5 0 +
Jean & Dan Beatty
Monica & Tony Brown
Mary & Frank Cannon
Mari Anne Hamilton-Cotter
& Dennis Cotterf
Mary-Frances & Justin Daly
Laura & Eric Dreiband
Nuni & Ralph Fairbanks
Anna-Maria & Anthony Falconef
Melissa & Matt Fowler
Trish & Erich Fuldner
Isabelle & Gary Funari
Bridget & Mark Gidley
Maribeth & Denis Harper
Maricel & Charlie Heeter
Lisa & Jim Hyland
Lisa & Randall Jennings
Francoise & Komlavie Kpetemey
Mary & Eric Kreins
Madeleine & Don Longano
Melissa & Mark Maglin ’83
Sally & Frank Marvin
Cristina & Chase McCarthy
Fa c u l t y S p o n s o r
Missy & Tim Beall
Jessica & Gerald Blackieff
Therese & John Cermak
Becky & Pat Cipollone
LeeAnn & Glenn Dance
Courtney & Alex Diederich
Carlie & Lee Dixon
Lydia & Chris Dolan
Maureen & Mike Ferguson
Mary Kay & Brett Gamma
Monica & Charles Gebbert
Darby & Monte Gingery
Susan Case & Tom Grant ff
Nella & Michael Hennessy
Karen & Paul Hoganff
Carol & Bill Hogan
Jane & Mike Hogan
Treacy & Tom Krisztinicz
Michele Krohn
Eileen & Dick Loria ’75
Lisa & Paul Maco fff
Austin & Fred Malloy
Joyce & Vinnie McCarthy
Rob McNish
Abby Moffat
Debbie & Paul Moore
Theresa & Jimmy Quineff
Maureen & John Reimff
Anissa & Charlie Rembert ff
M’Liz & Gene Riechers
M.L. & Jack Roe
Fr. Andrew Royals
Terri & Andrew Rudy ff
Tony Rowedder
Summit Marketing (Denis Harper)
Up to $300
Scott Graham
Ma r y la n d Day G a la
up t o $ 9 9
Sally & Todd Ewing
Marilyn & Jim Ferstl
Trish & Cornie Holden
B e n e fa c t o R
Fa c u l t y S p o n s o r s h i p
Sherry Edwards Denis & Paul Denis
Christina & Brian Mahoubi6
Barbara & Alvaro Pereira
Diane & Norm Salem
Ester & Arthur Brooksff
Rafael Checaff
Becky & Pat Cipollone
Judy & Greg DiGioia
Marit & Sean Duffy
Mary Kay & Brett Gamma
Alyce Girardi & Bill Moracaff
Maribeth & Denis Harper
Barbara & Bill Kelley
Mary & Eric Kreins
Stacey & Paul Kuzma
Madeleine & Don Longano
Rose & Pete McCauley
Kelly & Mike McGiffin
Joanne & Joe O’Donnellff
M.L. & Jack Roe
Trish & Gene Scalia
Alejandra & Enrique Seguraff
Myrna & John Temple
Tanya & Bob Thomas
Karen & Don Walker
Lisa & Craig Yantissff
P at r o n
Miriam & Frank Buono
Carolina Sartori & Juan Pablo Correa
Emma & Jaime Infante
Sally & Leonard Leo ff
Golf C la ssic
C ava l i e r S p o n s o r
Chesapeake Finishing (Scott Bell)
Gerry Mitchell
Dinner Sponsor
The Meltzer Group (Chris Romano ’89)
Great American Landscapes
(Kevin O’Neill)
Hole-in-One Sponsor
The Yosaitis Family
Beverage Cart Sponsor
Angler Environmental (Lee Goodwin)
Executive Foursome
The Welch Family
Bob Best
Mark Flanagan
The Loudon Hounds (Vic Sellier)
Tee Sponsor
Game Day, Inc.
Wye River
What is a height’s man?
Kathy & Marv Reitz
M’Liz & Gene Riechers
Mary Beth & Dan Riordan
Carla & Nabil Rizkalla
Diana Spencer
Leanne & Keith Strubhar
Suzanne & Steve Tsintolas
Kathy & Mark Weber
Joanna & Glenn Willard
Melissa & Romney Andersen
Nancy & Charlie Bassing
Karin & John Brough
Mari Anne Hamilton-Cotter
& Dennis Cotter
LeeAnn & Glenn Dance
Laura & Eric Dreiband
Anna-Maria & Anthony Falcone
Bridget & Mark Gidley
Marcia & Bob Hellmuth
Sarah & Matt James
Lisa & Randall Jennings
Angie & Dennis Kilcullen
Lisa & Paul Maco
Austin & Fred Malloy
Sally & Frank Marvin
Faye Phillips & James McCrery
Callie & Phil McGovern
Rob McNish
Michelle & Scott O’Connell
Consuelo & John Pluta
Maureen & John Reim
annual report 2011-2012
Up to $100
Terri & Philippe de Raet ’82
Sally & Todd Ewing
Theresa & Pat Fagan
Yanick & Pete Sainvilier
Arts in the Courtyard
Class of 2003
Eddy Moss ’07
Ignacio Lulli ’83
Leah Moss Interiors
Mattias Caro ’98
Paper Love (James Kolakowski ’03)
Patriot Shredding (Grant DiGioia ’05)
PetPlanit (Jake Sellier ’03)
Phillip De Raet ’82
Summit Marketing (Dan Pacious ’03)
Vytas Maginnis ’01
Whisked Away (Cara Bocek,
sister of Charlie Tarone ’02)
Ben Kaczmarski ’98
B e n e fa c t o r
Marina Kotova
& Seyfeddin Roustamov
P at r o n
Carolina Sartori & Juan Pablo Correa
Sherry Edwards Denis & Paul Denisf Federal Title and Escrow
(The Ewing Family)
Ruth & Bobby Heinssen
Kolb Electric (The Kolb Family) Diane & Scott Major
Northern Virginia Roofing Company
(The Francis Family)
Consuelo & John Plutaf
Bob Wheeler
Kammie & Scott Bellf
Rafael Checaf
Nuni & Ralph Fairbanksf
Cynthia & Warren Feldman
Gym Décor Sponsorf
Maureen & Mike Fergusonf c
Missy & Scott Lesmes
up to $500
Andre Francis ’02
Chic Desserts
Event Giving Circles
P at r o n
$300 +
Crescite Fund Giving Circles
Marge & Vince Bartozzi
Cigar Sponsor
Our Irreplaceable Volunteers
$1 ,0 0 0 +
Trish & Gene Scaliaff
Lisa & John Sciortino
Donna & Bob Searby
Alejandra & Enrique Seguraff
Lory & Mike Stabolepszy
Emily & Steve Sullivan
Sophia & Stephen Tannerff
Suzanne & Steve Tsintolasff
Karen & Don Walker
Deborah & Ed Whelan
Joanna & Glenn Willardff
Event Summaries
B e n e fa c t o r
Rose & Pete McCauley
Faye Phillips & James McCrery
Callie & Phil McGovern
Mary Ann & John Messenger
Laila & Ridley Nelson
Kathleen & Phil O’Beirne ’98
Pat & Shaun Pacious
Consuelo & John Plutaf
Leanne & Keith Strubhar
Tanya & Bob Thomas
Kathy & Mark Weber
Barb & John Yosaitis
10+, 5+ or 3+ f
ff c
Years of Consecutive Giving
One Faculty Sponsorship
Two Faculty Sponsorship
Captain’s Club Ticket Holder
Events, Volunteers, Giving Circles
Event Giving Circles
Fa l l G a r d en Par t y
10+, 5+ or 3+ f
ff c
Above and Beyond
Crescite Fund
Vivian & Jose Alfonsof
Melissa & Romney Andersenf
Kelly & Brian Bakerf
Missy & Tim Beallf
Kimberly & Charles Briggsf
Mary & Frank Cannonf
Julie & Greg Chapmanf
Becky & Pat Cipollonef
Mari Anne Hamilton-Cotter
& Dennis Cotterf
Sandy & Jan-Hein Cremersf
Sue & Ed Crooksf
LeeAnn & Glenn Dancef
Becka & George Davisf
Terri & Philippe de Raet ’82
Courtney & Alex Diederichf
Janine & Michael Donlonf
Laura & Eric Dreibandf
Sally & Todd Ewing f
Ellen & Bob Finnell
Melissa & Matt Fowlerf
Trish & Erich Fuldnerf
Mary Kay & Brett Gammaf
Great Falls Eyecare
Sheila & Kevin Greenef
Debbie & Richard Hildreth
U p t o $1 0 0
Revenue and Expenses
The 6th Grade Class
The 8th Grade Class
Nancy & Charlie Bassing f c
Anne & Allan Beersf c
Catherine Bourassa McNishf c
Miriam & Frank Buono c
Alexandra & Paul Clement f c
Mary-Frances & Justin Dalyf c
Ethics and Public Policy Center Inc.
Anna-Maria & Anthony Falcone
Patricia & Mark Flanagan c
Isabelle & Gary Funari c
Bridget & Mark Gidley f
Maribeth & Denis Harper
Kim & Scott Hermanf
Bill Kipp
Rose & Paul Kolb c
Jan & Randy Lawsonf c
Karin & Steve Linehanf c
Sally & Frank Marvin c
Faye Phillips & James McCreryf c
Callie & Phil McGovern
Michelle & Scott O’Connell
Graciela & Mark Ovenf c
Melissa Owens
Blanca & Bob Reillyf
Kathy & Marv Reitz
M’Liz & Gene Riechersf c
Karen & Chris Romano
Headmaster’s Letter
10 0 +
Mary Sue & Bill Himplerf
Maura & Frank Kelly f
Rose & Pete McCauleyf
Merita & John McCormack f
Charles McCoy f
Linda & Chuck McDonoughf
Beth & Ed McFadden
Mary & Tom Mehiganf
Traci & David Mellorf
Tracey & Shaun Mossf
Robin & Paul O’Donnell ’77f
Gina Talamona & Mark Pollaf
Maureen & John Reimf
Anissa & Charlie Rembert f
Debbie & Lane Ryanf
Trish & Gene Scaliaf
Tamara & Paul Schmidt f
Lisa & John Sciortinof
Charlotte & Phil Sechlerf
Mellicent & Shanker Singhamf
Sophia & Stephen Tannerf
Suzanne & Steve Tsintolasf
Karen & Don Walkerf
Deborah & Ed Whelanf
Joanna & Glenn Willardf
Laura & Rob Wright
Forough Parvizian-Yazdani
& Shawn Yazdanif
Years of Consecutive Giving
One Faculty Sponsorship
Two Faculty Sponsorship
Captain’s Club Ticket Holder
Lory & Mike Stabolepszyf
Lois & Darren Willcox c
Erin & Lawrence Willcox c
Barb & John Yosaitisf c
What is a Heights Man?
Event Giving Circles
Kim & John Manthei
Tanya & Bob Thomasf
Auction Puts the wind in our sails!
What is a height’s man?
annual report 2011-2012
By the Numbers
When we asked the community during this year’s
Winter Auction to help fund the installation of
high-speed internet for our classrooms, 58 families
stepped forward to meet our needs. With gifts
ranging from $50 to $2,500, we exceeded our
$15,000 goal, raising an impressive $31,000...in
under 5 minutes! Crews came out over the summer
to dig and make all the connections in time for
the new school year. On behalf of our teachers and
students, “Thanks for putting the wind in our sails!
Download photos from this publication and more at
Our Mission
The Heights School is a private, independent, preparatory school for
boys, grades three through twelve. The School assists parents in the
intellectual, moral, physical, and spiritual education of their sons.
Dedicated teachers impart rigorous academic training in all major
areas of the liberal arts. Formation in virtue fosters respect for every
person, a desire to serve God and others, and an optimistic attitude
toward life’s challenges. The School’s Christian orientation and
spiritual formation are entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature
of the Catholic Church.