WHAT IS OBJECTIVE JAIL CLASSIFICATION? A formal process for separating and managing inmates and administering facilities based upon agency mission, classification goals, agency resources and inmate program needs. The process relies on trained classification staff, use of reliable and valid data, and conducting process assessment and outcome evaluation. GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF OBJECTIVE JAIL CLASSIFICATION Reliable Reflects the degree of consistency in decision-making among classification staff; Valid Reflects the degree of prediction attributed to classification instruments; Security Reflects the architectural design and staffing resources provided by the facility-protection of the community and the public; Custody Reflects the level of supervision the inmates require based on the classification score or decision point - protection for staff and inmates from themselves and others within the facility; Equitable Produces classification decisions that are even-handed, justifiable and defendable; Easily used Uncomplicated for staff to understand and use Behavior based Recognized behavior (past and present) as a primary predictor of risk to security, self, others, and the community; Least restrictive housing Promotes efficiency of operations and maximizes existing facility resources in light of custody and security requirements; Programs based upon needs Inmate programs should be selected and evaluated (if offered) based upon valid and reliable data made available by the objective jail classification system. OBJECTIVE JAIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS Agency mission statement Sheriffs’ agencies or departments of corrections may have an overall mission statement. If so, the OJC goals should be consistent with the statement (i.e., an agency mission statement is not mandatory in order to have an OJC system). Classification goals and objectives Clearly stated expectation of what the OJC system is expected to achieve for the jail, (e.g., reduced inmate violence, reduced escapes, reduced facility vandalism, reduce unnecessary inmate movement, proper inmate program assignments). Classification policy and procedures Concise statements of what tasks are required to complete all steps of classifying an inmate. Identify which staff persons are responsible for completing the tasks and how the tasks are to be completed; Risk Assessment Instruments Initial screening - first step in collecting information during booking - looking for life safety, security, and obvious health concerns Initial custody - conduct primary classification based upon verified objective data, prior to placement in inmate housing Needs assessment - screens inmates for program needs and services, inside or outside the facility (optional) Override - reflects those cases in which staff recommend a departure from the scored classification level (i.e., not a free-standing instrument - included on the initial custody form). In general, classification systems should produce an override rate of no more than 15%. The distribution of these overrides should be evenly balanced (50% upward and 50% downward). Reclassification - reconsider classification status of inmates generally after a period of time (e.g., 30 to 90 days.) Jail behavior and other established variables may be considered to possibly change the inmate's classification. Change in classification may affect housing assignments, program eligibility, etc. Data dictionary Definitions of data elements, abbreviations, codes, etc. Inmate housing plan The housing plan describes where each custody level of the inmate population is housed in the facility. Remember that maximum and minimum custody inmates must be housed separately, and that the custody level of the inmates may not exceed the construction level of the housing in which they are placed (e.g., you cannot house a maximum custody inmate in a dorm built to medium or minimum security). Staff training Staff must be trained on the principles, procedures and instruments of OJC for assessments, housing assignments, reassessments and inmate needs. Process evaluation or assessment Prescribed tasks and responsibilities designed to ensure that all tasks and functions of the OJC process are achieved in a proper and timely fashion. Management reports A database that includes the critical elements necessary to produce essential management reports and information required to establish jail program policies, facility planning, agency budgets, inmate programs, human resources needs, etc. POINT ADDITIVE SCALES VERSUS DECISION TREES These are the two OJC systems approved for use in Texas. No strong guidelines can be given regarding the relative merits of the two approaches. Preferences among jail staff for either approach vary. Some pertinent issues include: Predictive Accuracy There is no clear advantage to either method in terms of making accurate predictions. New research work may be required to investigate this issue. Organizational Flexibility Both methods can produce differing numbers of categories (3, 4, 5, 6, etc.). This choice depends on how many categories a facility wishes to use and how best to coordinate the inmate categories with available bed space. Again, both methods are flexible and can be tailored to meet the requirements of the particular facility. Legal Issues Both methods appear to equally comply with the legal requirements of objective data, rational decision rules, clarity, and logic. Face Validity/Ease of Understanding Decision trees are generally more "face valid" and intuitive. Thus, if staff resistance, staff training, and staff "understanding" of the classification system are prioritized, then the "decision tree" approach may be preferred. Ease of Use If the classification system being used is not computerized, then the "decision tree" approach may again be preferred, since it does not involve arithmetic and is easier to use. However, if the system is computerized, then the level of arithmetic is irrelevant, and there may be little difference between the two approaches. Note that if a computerized version of the Decision Tree is to be used, it must be purchased from Northpointe (see page 79, paragraph 1 B). Vulnerability to Erroneous Data Both methods are highly vulnerable to errors in the risk factors, although they are vulnerable in different ways. Decision trees will provide totally wrong classification assignments when there are errors in the yes/no responses (risk factors) used early in the process. Point scales are vulnerable if there are errors in those risk factors that receive high point values (e.g., past violent convictions, escape attempts, etc.). They are relatively immune to errors in risk factors that receive small point values (e.g., social stability factors). Clarity of the Classification Categories The decision tree assigns inmates to categories that are clearly defined by splits on the tree. There is high precision and little ambiguity in the meaning of each category. The point scale, by contrast, especially if there are only three levels (maximum, medium, and minimum), produces categories that are quite ambiguous. There are several ways an inmate could obtain the points needed for the maximum or medium categories. Thus, if clarity of meaning and unambiguous definitions are important, the decision tree may be the preferred alternative. THE ADVANTAGES OF AN OBJECTIVE JAIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Regardless of its size and complexity, a jail’s primary responsibility is to safely and securely detain all individuals remanded to its custody. Classification is an essential management tool for performing this function. By definition, classification is the process of placing things or people into classes according to some rational idea or plan. A good system of classifying inmates will reduce escapes and escape attempts, suicides and suicide attempts, the unnecessary incarceration of non-threatening prisoners, and unwarranted inmate-on-inmate assaults. All of these outcomes conserve valuable resources by reducing expenditures for legal fees and court costs, overtime pay, and medical expenses. Moreover, inmate classification can lead to more effective jail operations and more consistent decision making regarding the assignment of inmates to appropriate custody levels. An effective classification system is one that meets its identified goals and objectives while adhering to the fundamental principles of inmate management. A consistent classification system is one that facilitates the same classification and screening conclusions among all classification staff and assures fair and equitable processing of the inmates. Effective and objective classification systems will save money by moving inmates inappropriately held in highly secure, costly housing to less secure, less expensive settings. Consistent classification allows for the redistribution of personnel according to the custody requirements of inmates, which permits better daily administration and crisis management. However, it is not reasonable to expect classification, by itself, to reduce the level of staffing needed in jail facilities. The advantages of an objective system go beyond those associated with cost savings and improved management. An effective classification system will also provide: Standardized inmate custody profile information and other inmate-specific data, in support of ongoing management, planning and policy development; Improved security and control of inmates by identifying and providing surveillance for the appropriate group, and by assisting the corrections staff in knowing what “kind” of inmate is where; Assistance in the effective use of personnel based on an understanding of inmates’ differing program and custody needs; Information for monitoring and evaluating program goals; Assistance in population management by identifying those inmate groups who may be eligible for various release programs, and by helping decision-makers project the level of security required for future bed space needs. Objective inmate classification contributes to efficient jail operations. Information about the inmate is collected and a program is developed based upon custodial requirements and the inmate’s needs. An orderly method is furnished for assessing the varied needs and requirements of each inmate, from commitment to release. ISSUES IN IMPLEMENTING OBJECTIVE JAIL CLASSIFICATION Most jail classification systems may be categorized as either subjective or objective. When using the subjective approach, decisions are reached based upon the agency’s correctional philosophy, the jail’s physical design, and the inmate’s own characteristics. The assumption underlying such systems is that experienced staff know the inmates and will make the most appropriate decisions. Problems arise because not all staff are experienced, they do not all possess equal ability to make classification decisions in a consistent or valid manner, and it is unlikely that staff know all inmates well enough to classify them accurately. Objective systems employ standardized screening instruments and assessment tools to determine inmates’ custody and/or program needs. Completion of the forms leads to recommendations for custody designation and programming. The role of staff expertise and judgment is confined to agreement or disagreement with these recommendations. Objective classification systems are characterized by the following elements: Using test and classification instruments that have been validated for inmate populations; Using the same components and decision criteria approach with all inmates; Fostering similar decisions among classification staff on comparable cases; Assigning inmates to custody levels consistent with their background; Structuring classification decision-making authority while minimizing overrides; and Limiting discretionary decision-making to ensure uniformity in agency operations and minimizing the potential for unfavorable litigation. T C J S - STANDARDS CLASSIFICATION AND SEPARATION OF INMATES CHAPTER 271 .1 Objective Classification Plan (a) Each sheriff/operator shall develop and implement an objective classification plan approved by the Commission by January 1, 1997. The plan shall include principles, procedures, instruments and explanations for classification assessments, housing assignments, reassessments and inmate needs. Plans utilizing an objective classification system shall be submitted and approved by the Commission. The following principles and procedures shall be addressed: (1) inmates shall be classified and housed in the least restrictive housing available without jeopardizing staff, inmates or the public, utilizing the following risk factors which include any or all of the following: (A) current offense or conviction; (B) offense history; (C) escape history; (D) institutional disciplinary history; (E) prior convictions; (F) alcohol and/or drug abuse; and (G) stability factors. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) classification criteria shall not include race, ethnicity or religious preference; custody levels and special housing needs shall be assessed to include minimum, medium and maximum custody levels and the placement and release of inmates to and from special units including protective custody, administrative separation, disciplinary separation and mental and medical health housing; minimum and maximum custody level inmates shall be housed separately. All other custody level inmates should be housed separately. When under direct, visual supervision, inmates of different custody levels may simultaneously participate in work and program activities; juveniles shall be separated by sight and sound from adults in accordance with the Family Code, §51.12; female inmates shall be separated by sight and sound from male inmates. When under direct, visual and proximate supervision, males and females may simultaneously participate in work and program activities; when housed together and separately from all other inmates, contracted TDCJ-ID and federal inmates may be classified solely by approved TDCJ-ID and federal classification policies and procedures, respectively. Housing units for contracted TDCJ-ID and federal inmates shall be approved by TDCJ-ID and federal officials, respectively, to ensure that the inmates’ custody level does not exceed the construction level of the assigned housing; Classification and Separation of Inmates – 271 (8) (b) (c) .2 .3 persons assigned to a detoxification cell shall be transferred to a housing or holding or holding area as soon as they can properly care for themselves; (9) the status of persons confined to a violent cell shall be reassessed and documented at least every 24 hours for continuance of status; (10) inmates who require protection or those who require separation to protect the safety and security of the facility may be housed in administrative separation. The status of inmates placed in administrative separation shall be reviewed and documented at least every 30 days for continuance of status. Inmates housed in administrative separation shall retain access to services and activities, unless the continuance of the services and activities would adversely affect the safety and security of the facility; and (11) single cells may be utilized for disciplinary or administrative separation. Inmates in administrative separation shall be provided access to a day room for at least one hour each day. Inmates in disciplinary separation shall be provided a shower every other day. The following classification procedures shall be conducted utilizing the approved classification instruments: (1) Intake Screening. To be completed immediately on all inmates admitted for purposes of identifying any medical, mental health or other special needs that require placing inmates in special housing units; (2) Initial Custody Assessment. To be completed on all newly admitted inmates prior to housing assignments to determine custody levels. (3) Custody Reassessment/Review. A custody reassessment shall be conducted within 30 – 90 days of the Initial Custody Assessment and immediately upon any disciplinary action and/or change in legal status which would affect classification. A documented classification review to determine the necessity for a complete reassessment shall be conducted every 30 – 90 days thereafter. A Needs Assessment Instrument may be used to assess the needs and qualifications of inmates for participation in vocational, educational, mental health, substance abuse and other treatment or work programs. Housing Scheme. Each sheriff/operator shall establish a housing scheme designating the construction security level (minimum, medium, maximum) of each facility, housing unit and bed. Custody level assignments shall not exceed the construction security level. Training. The plan shall provide that all staff whose duties include classification, shall undergo at least four hours of training on the principles, procedures and instruments for classification assessments, housing assignments, reassessments and inmate needs. .4 Appeals. The plan shall provide that a documented appeals process shall be provided for classification assessments, housing, work and program assignments and reassessments. .5 Validation. Prior to implementation, classification instruments other than those recommended by the Commission and documentation of validation shall be submitted for approval. .6 Records. Records shall be maintained on classification assessments, housing, work and program assignments, reassessments and appeals. .7 Audit. The plan shall provide that an annual, internal audit shall be conducted on the classification system. Audit records shall be maintained for Commission review. The audit shall assess the following features of the objective classification system: (1) inmates are classified prior to placement in inmate housing; (2) inmates are housed according to their assigned custody levels; (3) the override rate is acceptable; and (4) classification instruments are completed in an accurate and timely manner. DISCIPLINE AND GRIEVANCES CHAPTER 283 .1 Inmate Discipline Plan. Each sheriff/operator shall develop and implement a written disciplinary plan, approved by the Commission, governing inmate conduct. The plan shall provide for the firm, fair, and consistent application of rules and regulations. Facilities housing contracted TDCJ-ID inmates may adhere to TDCJ-ID disciplinary policies and procedures for these inmates, when they are housed together, and separately from all other inmates. Facilities housing federal inmates may adhere to federal disciplinary policies and procedures for these inmates, when they are housed together, and separately from all other inmates. For purposes of inmate discipline, violations of institutional rules and regulations shall be divided into Minor Infractions and Major Infractions. (1) Minor Infractions. Violations of rules and regulations which do not represent serious offenses against persons and do not pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Sanctions shall be limited to: (A) counseling; (B) verbal or written reprimand; (C) in podular, direct supervision facilities, temporary restriction to cells for a period not to exceed twenty-four hours; (D) loss of privileges for a period not to exceed fifteen days; and (E) disciplinary separation for a period not to exceed fifteen days. (2) Major Infractions. Violations of rules and regulations which constitute serious offenses against persons and property and pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Sanctions may include: (A) loss of good conduct credit; (B) loss of privileges for a period not to exceed thirty days; (C) removal from work details or programs; and (D) disciplinary separation for a period not to exceed thirty days. (3) Disciplinary Due Process Requirements. (A) provisions shall be made for a disciplinary hearing before a neutral and impartial board or officer which shall not include anyone involved in the claimed violation or charges; (B) provisions shall be made for the selection of a disciplinary board and disciplinary officer. In facilities of 50 capacity or less, this may be one person. Disciplinary hearings may be conducted by a disciplinary officer for incidents defined as Minor Infractions; (C) provisions shall be made for at least twenty-four hours written notice to be given to the inmate of the claimed violation or charges against him/her; (D) (4) provisions may be included for inmates to waive the right to a disciplinary hearing provided proper notification is given prior to the signing of the waiver. The waiver shall include the appropriate identification of charges, the allowable sanctions, and the sanctions offered by the waiver. A waiver shall not include the loss of good time as a sanction; (E) provisions shall be made for the disclosure of the evidence against the person charged with the violation, although confidential informants may be protected; (F) provisions shall be made for an opportunity to be heard in person and to present documentary defensive evidence when not unduly hazardous to institutional safety and correctional goals. (G) provisions shall be made for inmates to call relevant witnesses on his or her behalf for disciplinary hearings when not unduly hazardous to institutional safety and correctional goals; (H) provisions shall be made permitting the inmate to seek the aid of another inmate if the inmate is illiterate or where the complexity of the issue makes it unlikely that the inmate will be able to collect and present the evidence necessary for an adequate comprehension of the case. If that is not permissible, substitute aid from the staff or from an inmate designated by the staff should be provided; (I) provisions shall be made for a written statement by the disciplinary board or disciplinary officer at the conclusion of the hearing indicating the evidence relied upon and reasons for the disciplinary action taken. The statement shall be delivered to the inmate and the Sheriff/Operator and shall be placed in the inmate's disciplinary file; and (J) provisions shall be made for a documented appeals process, if requested by the inmate, by a person or persons not a member of the disciplinary board. The following sanctions are prohibited: (A) deviation from normal feeding procedures; (B) corporal punishment; (C) administration of any form of disciplinary action or supervision by inmates; (D) deprivation of clothing or bedding; inmates who destroy bedding or clothing may be deprived of such items. This shall be reviewed and documented every twenty-four hours; (E) use of a violent cell; (F) deprivation of items necessary to maintain an acceptable level of personal hygiene; (G) deprivation of correspondence privileges when the offense is unrelated to a violation of the institutional rules and regulations regarding correspondence. In no case shall privileged correspondence be suspended; and (H) deprivation of physical recreation or physical exercise. Discipline and Grievances - 283 .2 Inmate Rules and Regulations. Every facility shall have prescribed rules and regulations governing inmate conduct. A copy of the institutional rules and regulations shall be made available to each inmate and read to illiterate inmates. A written acknowledgement by the inmate that the rules have been explained shall be retained. A translation shall be provided in an understandable language when necessary. The rules and regulations shall outline both Major and Minor Infractions, the types and ranges of possible sanctions for each category, due process requirements and specific procedures for filing a grievance. The rules and regulations, as provided to the inmate, shall be submitted to the Commission for approval. .3 Inmate Grievance Plan. Every facility shall have and implement a written plan, approved by the Commission, for inmate grievance procedures. This plan shall be an administrative means for the resolution of grievances. It supplements, but does not replace any informal grievance procedure. Each plan shall: (1) provide for the selection of member(s) to constitute a grievance board. In facilities of 50 capacity or less, this may be 1 person. An inmate may also be a member; (2) provide details on what constitutes grounds for initiation of a grievance: (A) violation of civil rights; (B) criminal act; (C) unjust denial or restriction of inmate privileges; (D) prohibited act by facility staff. (3) provide maximum time limits not to exceed 60 days with interim response not to exceed 15 days for written replies by the grievance board; (4) provide for the expeditious handling of emergency grievances where delay could subject the inmate to personal injury or other damages; (5) provide safeguards to prevent reprisals against the inmate in the resolution of a grievance; (6) provide for meaningful relief of a substantiated grievance (i.e., reinstatement of good time, additional visitation privileges); (7) provide a documented appeals process if requested by the inmate by a person or persons not a member of the grievance board; (8) provide for the release of information to inmates and employees only when specifically approved by the sheriff/operator or designee. New Information Contracted Inmates Reassessments Probation & Parole Violators Classification Interview CONTRACTED INMATES Standards now allow contracted TDCJ-ID and Federal inmates to be classified according to TDCJID or Federal classification policies, provided these inmates are all housed together and separate from all other inmates. TDCJ-ID and Federal officials must approve housing for their inmates, to ensure that their inmates’ custody level does not exceed the construction level of the assigned housing. Standards now also allow facilities housing contracted TDCJ-ID and Federal inmates to adhere to TDCJ-ID or Federal disciplinary policy, provided these inmates are all housed together and separate from all other inmates. REASSESSMENTS When conducting a reassessment, several considerations must be kept in mind. Since the original classification was based on objective information that is recognized and accepted by the courts, the reassessment must be an extension of the initial or primary classification. To do this, the reassessment should consider all of the objective criteria that was used during the first assessment in addition to any new information that may be available either due to the period of time that has elapsed since the last classification or by an incident or status change triggering the review. When this documented information is coupled with the previous classification information, it produces a fair and consistent on-going classification which will assist in the assessment of the inmate’s potential for greater or lesser assaultive risk, greater or lesser risk for escape, an established pattern of non-compliance with facility rules and regulations, demonstrating an improvement in compliance with facility rules and regulations, and involvement or lack of involvement in needed self-help programs offered within the facility. Remember to review any identified detainers, warrants or holds to determine continued validity. Some of these may have been satisfied or determined to be of minimal seriousness, such as traffic warrants. Holds, detainers or warrants other than for the charges for which the inmate is incarcerated would typically not allow an inmate to be reclassified lower than medium custody. When considering reclassifying an inmate to minimum custody it is important to revisit the stability factors or family/ties employment information, as this may affect program eligibility. Those inmates having ties to the community may be more appropriate for certain programs, as may misdemeanants versus felons. The classification officer should ensure adherence to objective and fair standards while protecting staff, inmates, public safety and the security of the facility. A custody reassessment shall be conducted within 30 – 90 days (select a regular time period within this range) of the Initial Custody Assessment and immediately upon any disciplinary action and/or change in legal status which would affect classification. Following this first reassessment, a documented classification review to determine the necessity for a complete reassessment shall be conducted within your regularly scheduled cycle (30 – 90 days). You need only to develop a form or method to document that these reviews have been conducted. A common suggestion is to staple a form to the inside cover of the classification file, with spaces for the date, the officer’s initials, and notation to the effect that the review was conducted and no full reassessment was found to be necessary. PROBATION & PAROLE VIOLATORS Point Additive: If the offender is brought in on a technical probation or parole violation with no new criminal charges, score it as a moderate (2 pts). Then consider the entire criminal history to identify the most severe conviction in the criminal history to score the offense history section. If there is a new criminal charge, determine the severity of this offense and score the most severe. Then consider the entire criminal history to identify the most severe conviction in the criminal history to score the offense history section. Decision Tree: A technical parole or probation violation will be considered non-assaultive (answer no); the probated or paroled offense will be considered in the second box (was it an assaultive felony or not?). If there is a new criminal charge, the question is whether or not the new charge is assaultive, and the second box will address the question of whether the probated or paroled offense was an assaultive felony. CLASSIFICATION INTERVIEW If you are not currently conducting classifications with face-to-face interviews, it is recommended that you consider implementing this procedure. The average time to classify with an interview is 15 minutes – not a great deal of time, especially given that it helps to ensure accuracy. Interviews serve to provide the officer with information that is often not found in arrest reports and criminal histories, particularly information regarding community ties; i.e., family, employment. The more you know about your inmates, the better you’ll be able to make accurate decisions about where they should be housed and what programs or privileges they should be provided. The interview will also add to the inmate’s understanding of the process that determines his housing, work and program assignments. ADDITIVE SYSTEM National Council on Crime and Delinquency NCCD Model EXPLANATION OF INITIAL CUSTODY ASSESSMENT SCALE The Initial Custody Assessment Scale is used during initial classification to establish a recommended custody rating. The custody rating is based upon the numerical score assigned to seven risk factors. The seven risk factors are Severity of Current Offense/Conviction; Serious Offense History; Escape History; Institutional Disciplinary History; Prior Felony Convictions; Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse; and Stability Factors. 1. CUSTODY EVALUATION Items A, B and C are used to identify inmates who pose a serious risk to persons, property and institutional order and safety. An additive score of seven or higher in Items A, B and C automatically assesses a Maximum Custody Rating. A. SEVERITY OF CURRENT OFFENSE/CONVICTION Determine the most serious, current offense, detainer, warrant, or conviction by using the Severity of Offense Scale. If the offender is brought in on a technical probation or parole violation with no new criminal charges, score it as a moderate (2 pts). Then score the offense for which the probation or parole was granted in the Offense History section. If there is a new criminal charge, determine the severity of this offense and score the most severe. Again, the probated or paroled offense will be scored in the Offense History section. B. SERIOUS OFFENSE HISTORY Determine the most serious, prior conviction by using the Severity of Offense Scale. When determining prior convictions, consider the conviction a felony or misdemeanor, as reported, based upon the category of the convicted offense at the time it was committed. Note also that a probated sentence IS a conviction. C. ESCAPE HISTORY Consider any previous offenses of Escape from (Secured) Custody, Escape from Felony Arrest or Jail, to include attempts, and Unauthorized Absence from a Community Corrections Facility or Assigned Program, excluding current offense if scored in Item A (definition in CCP 38.06, Escape). Add the three scores assessed in Items A, B and C and enter the cumulative score in the subtotal box. An inmate scoring 7 or more points on sections A, B, and C shall be assessed as Maximum Custody. The total score will be 7, maximum custody. Note: the remaining items may be completed if the inmate scores 7 or more, but do not total the score. This information may then be considered on the reassessments. Items D, E, F and G identify inmates who do not pose a serious risk to persons, property and institutional order and safety. D. INSTITUTIONAL DISCIPLINARY HISTORY Consider entire disciplinary history, where a finding of guilt has been assessed, including current incarceration. Minor Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which do not represent serious offenses against persons and do not pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Major Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which constitute serious offenses against persons and property and pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. E. PRIOR FELONY CONVICTIONS Determine the number of prior convictions, excluding the current offense. This should include the last 5 years of ‘street time.’ If juvenile felony conviction information is available, this should be included if they fall within the last 5-year period. Note that a probated sentence IS a conviction. F. ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG ABUSE Determine whether substance abuse has led to emotional, social, economic and/or legal difficulties. The degree of personal disruption can provide insight. Self-reporting and prior arrest histories are the most frequent sources of information. G. STABILITY FACTORS Stability Factors provide an opportunity to lower the custody score. Add the scores in D, E and F, and subtract the score in Item G. Enter the sum in the subtotal box. Add the two subtotals and enter the cumulative score in the area designated COMPREHENSIVE CUSTODY SCORE. 2. SCALE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CUSTODY CLASSIFICATION CHART Based on the scores assessed in the Custody Evaluation Section, use the Custody Classification Chart to determine the appropriate custody rating. Excluding the current offense(s), determine whether there are any outstanding warrants, detainers or pending offenses which may pose a security risk. B. CUSTODY LEVEL Circle the appropriate custody level. C. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT CONCERNS This Item is designed to address management issues that may warrant specific attention in the form of housing and supervision required. Check or circle the applicable concerns. Note that these concerns often are the determining factor in housing decisions. For the most part, housing decisions should not affect custody level. (A decision to utilize separation or single housing should not require an override.) D. OVERRIDE OF SCALE CUSTODY LEVEL If there are factors that warrant a custody level different from that which is indicated by the point total (i.e., court ordered, etc.), circle yes and document the specific reasons in the designated area. Otherwise, circle no. E. RECOMMENDED CUSTODY LEVEL Circle the appropriate custody level. F. SIGNATURE OF ASSESSMENT STAFF MEMBER AND DATE ASSESSMENT COMPLETED Classification Officer signature and date of assessment. G. SUPERVISORY REVIEW OF OVERRIDE Supervisory personnel indicate whether the Recommended Override is approved or disapproved. 1. WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF DISAPPROVAL Supervisory personnel document the specific reasons for the decision to disapprove in the designated area. 2. FINAL CUSTODY LEVEL Supervisory personnel circle the Final Custody Level. 3. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR AND DATE OF OVERRIDE REVIEW Supervisory personnel sign and date. H. RECOMMENDED HOUSING ASSIGNMENT Indicate the recommended housing assignment. CUSTODY LEVEL DEFINITIONS Maximum Custody Level: Inmates receiving a maximum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for serious offenses of violence, who possess an extensive level of criminal sophistication and who may or may not have demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. Such inmates require close supervision and maximum security. Medium Custody Level: Inmates receiving a medium custody assessment level are identified as those usually confined for felony offenses, who possess a moderate level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. Such inmates require moderate supervision, may participate in certain work and program activities, and qualify for medium security. Minimum Custody Level: Inmates receiving a minimum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for lesser offenses, who possess a lower level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting or a disregard for the institutional rules and regulations. Such inmates require less supervision, may participate in work and program activities, and qualify for minimum security. EXPLANATION OF CUSTODY REASSESSMENT SCALE The Custody Reassessment Scale is used to reassess a custody rating. The reassessed custody rating is based upon the numerical score assigned to seven risk factors. The seven risk factors are Severity Of Current Offense/Conviction; Serious Offense History; Escape History; Number of Disciplinary Convictions; Most Serious Disciplinary Conviction; Prior Felony Convictions; and Alcohol and/or Drug Abuse. 1. CUSTODY EVALUATION Items A, B and C are used to identify inmates who pose a serious risk to persons, property and institutional order and safety. An additive score of seven or higher on Items A, B and C automatically assesses a Maximum Custody Rating. A. SEVERITY OF CURRENT OFFENSE/CONVICTION Determine the most serious current offense, detainer, warrant, or conviction by using the Severity Of Offense Scale. If the offender was brought in on a technical parole or probation violation, score it as a moderate (2 points); the probated or paroled offense will be considered in the Serious Offense History section. A new criminal offense will be scored as any other, and the paroled or probated offense will be scored in the Serious Offense History section. B. SERIOUS OFFENSE HISTORY Determine the most serious prior conviction by using the Severity of Offense Scale. C. ESCAPE HISTORY Consider any previous offenses of Escape from (Secured) Custody, Escape from Felony Arrest or Jail, to include attempts, and Unauthorized Absence from a Community Corrections Facility or Assigned Program, excluding current offense if scored in Item A (definition in CCP 38.06, Escape). Add the three scores assessed in Items A, B and C and enter the cumulative score in the subtotal box. An additive score of seven or higher in Items A, B and C classifies the inmate with a Maximum Custody Rating. At this point, stability factors from the initial assessment maybe considered, although an override would still be required for a level less than maximum. Facilities desiring to use this option should provide written procedures. Items D, E, F and G are used to identify inmates who do not pose a serious risk to persons, property, institutional order, or safety. D. NUMBER OF DISCIPLINARY CONVICTIONS Indicate the number of disciplinary convictions since the last classification assessment. E. MOST SERIOUS DISCIPLINARY CONVICTIONS Rate the most serious disciplinary conviction since the last classification assessment. F. PRIOR FELONY CONVICTIONS Determine the number of prior felony convictions, excluding the current offense. Again, note that a probated sentence is a conviction. G. ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG ABUSE Determine whether substance abuse has led to emotional, social, economic and/or legal difficulties. The degree of personal disruption can provide insight. Self-reporting and prior arrest history are the most frequent sources of information. Add the four scores assessed in Items D, E and F; subtract the score in item G and enter in the area designated subtotal. Add the 2 subtotals together and enter the total score in the designated Total Comprehensive Custody Score. 2. SCALE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. CUSTODY CLASSIFICATION CHART Based on the scores assessed in the Custody Evaluation Section, use the Custody Classification Chart to determine the appropriate custody rating. B. CUSTODY LEVEL Circle the appropriate custody level. C. SPECIAL MANAGEMENT CONCERNS This Item is designed to address management issues that may warrant specific attention and staff intervention in the form of housing and supervision. Annotate the applicable concerns. D. OVERRIDE OF SCALE CUSTODY LEVEL If there are factors that warrant a custody level different from that which is indicated by the point total, circle yes and document the specific reasons in the designated area. Otherwise, circle no. E. RECOMMENDED CUSTODY LEVEL Circle the appropriate custody level. F. SIGNATURE OF REASSESSMENT STAFF MEMBER AND DATE REASSESSMENT COMPLETED Classification officer sign and date. G. SUPERVISORY REVIEW OF OVERRIDE Supervisory personnel indicate whether the Recommended Override is approved or disapproved. WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF DISAPPROVAL Supervisory personnel document the specific reasons for the decision in the designated area. FINAL CUSTODY LEVEL Supervisory personnel indicate the Final Custody Level. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR AND DATE OF OVERRIDE REVIEW Supervisory personnel sign and date the review. H. RECOMMENDED HOUSING ASSIGNMENT Indicate the recommended housing assignment. CUSTODY LEVEL DEFINITIONS Maximum Custody Level: Inmates receiving a maximum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for serious offenses of violence, who possess an extensive level of criminal sophistication and who may or may not have demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. Such inmates require close supervision and maximum security. Medium Custody Level: Inmates receiving a medium custody assessment level are identified as those usually confined for felony offenses, who possess a moderate level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. Such inmates require moderate supervision, may participate in certain work and program activities, and qualify for medium security. Minimum Custody Level: Inmates receiving a minimum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for lesser offenses, who possess a lower level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting or a disregard for the institutional rules and regulations. Such inmates require less supervision, may participate in work and program activities, and qualify for minimum security. DECISION TREE SYSTEM Corrections Management, Inc. (CMI) The Primary Security Level Assignment Form is copyrighted and may not be altered or transformed into an automated version without a licensing agreement from CMI. EXPLANATION OF DECISION SPLITS FOR PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION CURRENT OFFENSE ASSAULTIVE FELONY Is the inmate's current charge(s) or convictions) one of the offenses listed on the ASSAULTIVE FELONY CRIME list requiring a "YES" response? NOTE: A technical parole or probation violation will be considered non-assaultive (answer no); the probated or paroled offense will be considered in the second box (was it an assaultive felony or not? as found in the Assaultive Felony Offense list). If there is a new criminal charge, the question is whether or not the new charge is assaultive, and the second box will address the question of whether the probated or paroled offense was an assaultive felony. PRIOR ASSAULTIVE FELONY CONVICTION Does the inmate have a conviction history of one or more of the assaultive felony type offenses listed on the ASSAULTIVE FELONY CRIME list? While a "yes” response is required if a history of prior felony assault convictions exists, consideration may be given to the elapsed time of the prior conviction which could be grounds for override consideration after completion of the tree. For example, a prior conviction for felonious assault ten years ago may be given override consideration if the classification officer feels it is warranted. When determining prior convictions, consider the conviction a felony or misdemeanor, as reported, based upon the category of the convicted offense at the time it was committed. Note also that a probated sentence IS a conviction. ESCAPE HISTORY Is there a current offense or prior record of an Escape from (Secured) Custody, Escape from Felony Arrest or Jail, or an Attempt to Escape from (Secured) Custody, Felony Arrest or Jail? Note: If there is a record of a walk-away from a non-secure facility or court ordered program such as a half-way house, work release center, or residential program, answer “no” to this risk split. The circumstances of the “walk-away” should, however, be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If it is felt that the circumstances surrounding the walk-away presently warrant an escape security concern, use the override option documenting your reason for the concern and assign the appropriate security/custody level. THREE OR MORE FELONY CONVICTIONS Is there a record of three or more prior felony convictions, not including the current offense, in the past five years of street time? (Street time is defined as that period of time not spent in a correctional facility.) Juvenile felony-type convictions are included if they fall within the last five-year period. DETAINER, WARRANTS OR PENDING OFFENSES Excluding the current offenses(s), are there any outstanding warrants, detainers or pending offenses (excluding the charges for which the inmate is being booked) which may pose a security risk? For example, an outstanding traffic warrant with a limited "pick-up" radius may, by department consensus, not be considered as a “yes” response in the tree. You may also wish to designate probation/parole violation holds which are still pending a disposition decision as a “Yes” response here as well. KNOWN PAST/PRESENT INSTITUTIONAL BEHAVIOR PROBLEM Are there any major infractions during this or previous incarcerations? (Refer to list of major infractions) A serious behavior problem is one in which assaultive behavior or serious acts or threats of aggression against staff or other inmates have occurred. PRE-SENTENCE OR POST SENTENCE Is the current offense(s) pending or has a sentence been rendered? If there are multiple offenses, all offenses must be resolved before an inmate may be considered post sentence. F1, F2, F3 FELONY; OR FS FELONY OR MISDEMEANANT Is the most serious, current pending offense a Capital Felony, First Degree Felony, Second Degree Felony, or Third Degree Felony; or a State Jail Felony or Class A, B or C Misdemeanor? Note: The intent is - based on the current charges and offender’s criminal history is this inmate likely to receive a prison sentence if convicted? CURRENT OFFENSE FELONY OR MISDEMEANOR Is the most serious current conviction a felony or a misdemeanor? If the most serious offense is a civil offense consider it as a misdemeanor for purposes of the decision split. COMMUNITY TIES Is there immediate family in the community? Has the inmate resided in the area for longer than a year? Has the inmate been steadily employed in the area for six months or longer? Note: This decision split is intended to determine the inmate’s ties to the community. Each jail will need to determine what constitutes their geographic range definition of "community". HIGH RISK FACTORS If the inmate poses a grave threat to self, staff, or fellow inmates, check the specific reason in the designated area. A high risk designation may or may not require an override, depending on housing options. (A decision to utilize separation or single housing should not require an override.) SPECIAL CONDITIONS If an inmate has a need or condition which requires special attention, check the specific reason in the designated area. A special condition may or may not require an override, depending on housing options. (A decision to utilize separation or single housing should not require an override.) EXPLANATION OF DECISION SPLITS FOR PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION SECOND PAGE: OVERRIDE If it is determined that circumstances require deviation from the initial custody level assignment, it is considered an override. If an override is used, circle yes and document the reason in the designated area. If not, circle no. Override reasons may include: Assaultive threats toward staff Increased risk of escape Serious institutional behavior history Inmate under investigation for additional crimes New charges may be added Hold, detainer for assaultive felony offense Known gang leader Suspected drug trafficker Inmate faced with lengthy prison term (20+ years) Mentally unstable Lengthy period of street time since last assaultive offense Notorious/particularly heinous offense Inmate well known to staff Developmentally disabled RECOMMENDED SECURITY DESIGNATION Circle the recommended security designation. SIGNATURE OF ASSESSMENT STAFF MEMBER AND DATE ASSESSMENT COMPLETED Classification Officer signature and date of assessment. SUPERVISORY REVIEW OF OVERRIDE Supervisory personnel indicate whether the recommended override designation is approved or disapproved. WRITTEN EXPLANATION OF DISAPPROVAL Supervisory personnel document the specific reasons for the decision in the designated area. FINAL CUSTODY DESIGNATION Supervisory personnel indicate the Final Security Designation. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR AND DATE OF OVERRIDE REVIEW Supervisory signature and date of override review. RECOMMENDED HOUSING ASSIGNMENT Indicate the recommended housing assignment. CUSTODY LEVEL DEFINITIONS Maximum Custody Level (High and Close Custody – Levels 1 & 2): Inmates receiving a maximum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for serious offenses of violence, who possess an extensive level of criminal sophistication and who may or may not have demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. They may also have other holds or detainers concerning such types of crimes or may be individuals who have displayed a significant disciplinary problem within the facility or display a need for close supervision and maximum security housing. Medium Custody Level (Medium Assaultive & Escape, Medium & Medium PreSentenced – Levels 3, 4 & 5): Inmates receiving a medium custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for felony offenses, who possess a moderate level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting. Medium security inmates should be treated as an escape risk and may prove to be slightly uncooperative or resistant to jail rules but may not display a significant disciplinary problem. Such inmates require moderate supervision, may participate in certain work and program activities, and qualify for medium security. Minimum Custody Level (Minimum Pre-Sentence, Minimum, Low Minimum & Very Low Minimum – Levels 6, 7, 8, & 9): Inmates receiving a minimum custody level assessment are identified as those usually confined for lesser offenses, who possess a lower level of criminal sophistication and who have not demonstrated a propensity for violence in an institutional setting or a disregard for the institutional rules and regulations. Such inmates require less supervision, may participate in work and program activities, and qualify for minimum security. Federal and TDCJ Inmates: Standards now allow contracted TDCJ-ID and Federal inmates to be classified according to TDCJ-ID or Federal classification policies, provided these inmates are all housed together and separate from all other inmates. TDCJ-ID and Federal officials must approve housing for their inmates, to ensure that their inmates’ custody level does not exceed the construction level of the assigned housing. Standards now also allow facilities housing contracted TDCJ-ID and Federal inmates to adhere to TDCJ-ID or Federal disciplinary policy, provided these inmates are all housed together and separate from all other inmates. EXPLANATION OF DECISION SPLITS FOR RECLASSIFICATION At the time of an inmate's classification review it may be determined that a reclassification of the inmate's current custody assignment is necessary. The reason for a reclassification will fall into one of two categories: "aggravating" or "mitigating" circumstances. Aggravating Circumstances If it is determined that a reclassification is warranted and that the reclassification may be higher than the current classification due to aggravating circumstances such as a disciplinary infraction, a change in legal status (i.e., serious new felony charges added), status change from sentenced back to unsentenced (due to new charges being added), etc., use the Reclassification for Aggravating Circumstances Tree. Start on the left side of the tree by circling the inmate's current custody level and move through the tree from that point to the reclassification assignment to the right (middle of the form). Circle the resultant reclassification custody level. Serious assaultive or escape related disciplinary infractions may require use of the override option when warranted. Mitigating Circumstances If it is determined that a reclassification is warranted and that the reclassification will be lower than the current classification or that the current classification may likely stay unchanged, use the reclassification for Mitigating Circumstances Tree. Mitigating circumstances are those such as periodic review for positive program involvement, positive attitude change, court/staff compliance, an extended period of disciplinary-free good behavior, a change in legal status from unsentenced to sentenced, removal of detainers, warrants, or holds, etc. For those jails which house sentenced inmates for several years, the inmate's balance of sentence falling under two years may also trigger a reclassification. Start on the left side of the tree (middle bar) by circling the inmate's current custody level and move through the tree from that point to the reclassification assignment to the far right. Circle the resultant reclassification custody level. If when conducting the classification review it is determined that the current classification is still appropriate, simply record the date, time, and reviewing officer’s name and indicate no change in current classification level. Classification staff should refer to their Department's specific training and classification policy and procedures for more detailed guidance in conducting classification reviews and reclassifications. EXPLANATION OF DECISION SPLITS FOR RECLASSIFICATION (continued) Aggravating Circumstances Tree Serious Assault/Escape Behavior Problems: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate committed a serious major disciplinary infraction e.g. threatened or assault staff or other inmates, or attempted or made threats of an escape? Serious Non-Assault or Escape Behavior Problem: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate committed a major disciplinary infraction causing serious institutional disruption or concern other than for assault or escape? Less Serious Behavior Problem: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate committed a major rule infraction or multiple minor rule infractions other than a major assault or escape? Serious Behavior Problem: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate committed a serious major disciplinary infraction e.g. threatened or assaulted staff or other inmates, attempted, made threats of an escape or since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate committed a major disciplinary infraction causing serious institutional disruption or concern other than for assault or escape? Legal Status Change: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate had additional serious charges added or, if a sentenced minimum security inmate, have any new charges been added for which disposition is pending including any new Detainers or Warrants from other jurisdictions? Fl, F2, F3 Felony; or FS Felony or Misdemeanant: Is the inmate's most serious charge a Class 1, 2, or 3 Felony or is it a Class FS Felony or Misdemeanor offense? Mitigating Circumstances Tree Marked Improvement in Compliance or Positive Attitude Change: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate shown a marked improvement in his/her attitude and/or cooperation with staff and facility routine? Program Effort, Positive Attitude Change or Court/Staff Compliance: Since last classified and/or reviewed has the inmate made positive steps in in-house program participation addressing his/her assessed needs, and/or has the inmate shown a marked improvement in his/her attitude and cooperation with staff, facility routine and recommendations? Note: An inmate is not eligible for a Custody Level lower than 4 if previously classified as a Custody Level 1 or 2 during this incarceration, unless an override is used and documented. Detainers, Warrants or Balance of Length of Stay Greater Than 2 Years: Does the inmate have any outstanding detainers, warrants or other pending charges (not including those currently incarcerated for), or is the inmate's sentence balance greater than two years? Sentenced: Is the inmate sentenced on all outstanding charges for which he/she is currently incarcerated? EXPLANATION OF DECISION SPLITS FOR RECLASSIFICATION (continued) Fl, F2, F3 Felony, or FS Felony or Misdemeanant: Is the inmate's most serious charge a Class 1, 2, 3 Felony or is it a Class FS Felony or Misdemeanor offense? Felon or Misdemeanant: Is the most serious current offense a felony or a misdemeanor? Community Ties: Does the inmate have immediate family in the community and/or has the inmate resided in the area for one year or longer and/or has the inmate been steadily employed in the area for six or more of the last twelve months? Note: This decision split is intended to determine the inmate’s ties to the community. Each jail will need to determine what constitutes their geographic range definition of "community". Overrides: If it is determined that circumstances require a deviation from the Reclassification Decision Tree, resulting in a security designation that is other than what would routinely occur by following the tree, it is designated an override. If you find it necessary to override the reclassification tree, complete the tree through the normal procedure, then circle the appropriate override custody level (on the manual form) and note your reason in the designated area. High Risk: Is a red flag identifying an inmate as being a grave threat to him/herself (suicidal) or to the staff or fellow inmates (system risk)? As a result of a high risk designation, a special high visibility or isolation placement may be warranted. If a high risk designation is warranted, (or still applicable if previously assigned), check the appropriate high risk box. A high risk designation may or may not require an override to the reclassification tree. If it does require a deviation from the reclassification tree, complete the tree through normal procedure, note the override and reason and assign the appropriate custody/security level. Special Condition: Is a flag identifying an inmate as having a need or condition which requires special attention or housing such as a physical or mental handicap, diet restrictions, alcohol or drug withdrawal, protective custody, etc.? If a special condition designation is warranted (or still applicable if previously assigned), check the appropriate special condition box. A special condition may or may not require an override to the reclassification tree. If it does require a deviation from the reclassification tree, complete the tree through normal procedure, note the override and reason and assign the appropriate custody/security level. LICENSE AND USE AGREEMENT FOR TEXAS JAILS NOTICE: USE OF THE JICS MANUAL INSTRUMENTS CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AS DESCRIBED HEREIN. Northpointe Institute for Public Management, Inc, a Michigan Corporation, whose address is 1764 Forest Ridge, Traverse City, Michigan, 49686, is hereinafter referred to as Licensor. Licensor agrees to furnish to Licensee and Licensee agrees to accept, the “JICS Manual Classification Instruments”, issued pursuant to the terms and conditions of this agreement, and which is herein incorporated by reference. 1. LICENSE A. Grant of License. Licensor hereby grants to Licensee and Licensee hereby accepts from Licensor, a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the JICS Manual Classification Instruments in accordance with this Agreement during the term specified in Section Two. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the JICS Manual Classification Instruments is the proprietary information of Licensor and that this Agreement grants Licensee no title or right of ownership in the JICS Manual Classification Instruments. B. Restriction on Use. Licensee is authorized to use the JICS Manual Classification Instruments for Licensee’s internal purposes. Licensee agrees that the JICS Manual Classification Instruments are protected by federal copyright law and shall be reproduced solely for use by the correctional/classification staff and the facility. Licensee agrees that it, nor a third party software vendor, shall not convert any manual, or “hard copy” JICS Instrument to an automated version of the product, nor shall Licensee modify any of Licensor’s JICS Manual Classification Instruments in any manner without the prior written permission of Licensor. C. Documentation. Licensor, through the Texas Jail Commission shall provide Licensee with the JICS Manual Classification Instruments and supporting materials. Licensor grants to Licensee permission to duplicate all printed JICS Manual classification Instruments and supporting material for Licensee’s internal use. D. Proprietary Markings. Licensee agrees not to remove or destroy any proprietary markings or proprietary legends placed upon or contained within the JICS Manual Classification Instruments or any related materials or documentation. 2. TERM The license granted under this Agreement shall commence upon the use of the JICS Manual Classification Instruments and shall continue for so long as the Licensee continues to use them or until an automated version of JICS is installed. LICENSE AND USE AGREEMENT FOR TEXAS JAILS (continued) 3. WARRANTY Licensor hereby warrants its ownership and/or marketing rights to the JICS Manual Classification Instruments, and that the JICS Manual Classification Instruments is capable of operating conformance with the JICS Manual Classification Instruments current applicable specifications as set forth in the product descriptions in technical manuals. Any modification or attempted modification of the JICS Manual Classification Instruments by Licensee or third party or any failure by Licensee or third party to implement any improvements or updates to the JICS Manual Classification Instruments as supplied by Licensor shall void this warranty, unless Licensee has obtained prior written authorization from Licensor permitting such modification, attempted modification, or failure to implement. 4. INDEMNIFICATION Licensee agrees to pay Licensor promptly for all loss, destruction, or damage to Licensor’s property and to indemnify and save Licensor harmless of and from any and all claims, demands, or liability whatsoever by reason of damage to or destruction of property of other persons or by reason of the death or injury of third persons, including but not limited to employees or invitees of Licensor or Licensee which damage, destruction, death or injury results from or is caused by any act or omission of Licensee, its employees, servants, agents, or representatives. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY LICENSOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF BUSINESS, OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS, LOSS OR DAMAGE ON ACCOUNT OF DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY OF OTHER PERSONS OR BY REASON OF THE DEATH OR INJURY OF THIRD PERSONS, WHICH MAY BE CAUSED BY, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE INADEQUACY OF THE JICS MANUAL CLASSIFICATION INSTRUMENTS FOR ANY PURPOSE OR USE THEREOF OR BY ANY DEFECT OR DEFICIENCY THEREIN. 6. MISCELLANEOUS This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. Classification Audit OBJECTIVE CLASSIFICATION AUDIT REVIEW Minimum Standards, in Chapter 271 (Classification), require that all facilities conduct an annual, internal audit of their classification system. The audit must address all features of the system included in the Standards (listed below), as well as provide a sampling of records in all assessment categories. If a facility does not have any records of a particular category, it should be noted on the audit report. It may be beneficial to utilize the facility housing scheme to obtain records from each category. Records can be audited monthly rather than annually. The records to be audited must be selected in a random and systematic manner, such as every eighth file, and must represent both inmates presently incarcerated and those previously detained. Audit records shall be maintained for Commission review. The audit shall assess the following features of the objective classification system: 1) inmates are classified prior to placement in inmate housing; 2) inmates are housed according to their assigned custody levels; 3) the override rate is acceptable (up to 15%); and 4) classification instruments are completed in an accurate and timely manner. SAMPLING OF CASES: To ensure an appropriate sample study is obtained for an audit, a sampling of records must be collected from completed classification instruments on inmates currently incarcerated and inmates previously detained. The method of selecting records must be systematic and random. As an example: 1. A die is tossed. 2. The numeric symbol that appears on the face of the die is the number that initiated the method of record selection. 3. Using a list of inmate names such as a roster or a file drawer of records, count to the number appearing on the die. This is the inmate name or inmate record that determines the starting point of the random sample process. 4. Toss the die again. 5. The numeric symbol on the face of the die is the number that is used to systematically select the name or records to be examined. 6. For example, if the number is 6, from the starting point, count to the 6th file and every sixth file through the record file. MONTHLY CLASSIFICATION AUDIT Month______________________, ___________ MAXIMUM CUSTODY: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ MEDIUM CUSTODY: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ MINIMUM CUSTODY: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ OVERRIDES HIGHER: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ OVERRIDES LOWER: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ REASSESSMENTS HIGHER: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ REASSESSMENTS LOWER: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ NO CHANGE: 1. Classified prior to placement in inmate housing: Yes_______ No_______ 2. Housed according to custody level: Yes_______ No_______ 3. Instruments completed in a timely manner: Yes_______ No_______ Name: _____________________________________________ S.O. #_______________________ IS OVERRIDE RATE ACCEPTABLE: (up to 15%) Yes_______ No_______ AUDIT CONDUCTED BY: _________________________________________________ **This form should be completed on a monthly basis. This form will help you identify and eliminate any and/or all errors in the classification process. **Note: Federal and TDCJ-ID inmates do not have to be classified if they are housed in the same living area. If you mix local inmates and federal inmates, you must classify all of the inmates. Classification of Offenses, Severity of Offense Scale, and Disciplinary Offense Scale Classification of Offenses 1. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES Offenses are designated as misdemeanors or felonies: A. CLASSIFICATION OF MISDEMEANORS Misdemeanors are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into three categories: 1. Class A Misdemeanor: MA Punished By: A. B. C. 2. Fine not to exceed $4,000; Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or Both such fine and imprisonment. Class B Misdemeanor: MB Punished By: A. B. C. 3. A fine not to exceed $2,000; Confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; or Both such fine and imprisonment. Class C Misdemeanor: MC Punished By: A. B. A fine not to exceed $500. CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES Felonies are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into five categories: 1. Capital Felony: FC Punished By: A. An individual adjudged guilty of a capital felony in a case in which the state seeks the death penalty shall be punished by confinement in the institutional division for life or by death. An individual adjudged guilty of a capital felony in a case in which the state does not seek the death penalty shall be punished by confinement in the institutional division for life. B. In a capital felony trial in which the state seeks the death penalty, prospective jurors shall be informed that a sentence of life imprisonment or death is mandatory on conviction of a capital felony. In a capital felony trial in which the state does not seek the death penalty, prospective jurors shall be informed that the state is not seeking the death penalty and that a sentence of life imprisonment is mandatory on conviction of the capital felony. Classification of Offenses (cont) B. CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES (continued) 2. First Degree Felony: F1 Punished By: A. B. 3. Confinement in the institutional division for life or for any term not more that 99 years or less than 5 years; and A fine not to exceed $10,000. Second Degree Felony: F2 Punished By: A. B. 4. Confinement in the institutional division for life or for any term not more that 20 years or less than 2 years; and A fine not to exceed $10,000. Third Degree Felony: F3 Punished By: A. B. 5. Confinement in the institutional division for life or for any term not more that 10 years or less than 2 years; A fine not to exceed $10,000; and State Jail Felony Punishment: FS Punished By: A. B. C. An individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony shall be punished by confinement in a state jail for any term of not more than 2 years or less than 180 days; A fine not to exceed $10,000; Punished for a third degree felony if it is shown that a deadly weapon was used or exhibited during the commission of the offense or during immediate flight following the commission of the offense. Severity of Offense Scale The Severity of Offense Scale is a listing of offenses addressed in the Penal Code. The offenses are ranked according to their severity. Revised 9/28/2010 Assaultive Charges are listed in BOLD text. Decision Tree System will need to verify whether the charge is Felony or Misd. OFFENSE SCALE SECTION CLASSIFICATION SEVERITY ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE 22.041 FS MODERATE ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD IMMINENT DANGER BODILY INJ 22.041 F2 HIGHEST ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD W/INTENT TO RETURN 22.041 FS MODERATE ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD W/NO INTENT TO RETURN 22.041 F3 HIGH ABANDON OF ASSUMED BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL NAME BCC MA LOW ABUSE OF CORPSE WITHOUT LEGAL AUTHORITY 42.08 MA MODERATE ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY 39.01 MA MODERATE ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $500 < $1,500 39.02 MA MODERATE ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $1,500 < 20K 39.02 FS HIGH ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $ 100K < $200K 39.02 F2 HIGH ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $20 < $500 39.02 MB MODERATE ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $200K 39.02 F1 HIGHEST ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY = > $20K < $100K 39.02 F3 HIGH ACCEPT CONTRIBUTION OF CASH > $100 EC MA LOW 36.07 MA LOW ACCEPT REBATE ON TEXTBOOKS EDC MB LOW ACCEPT UNLAWFUL BENEFIT FROM ABC VIOLATION ABC M* LOW ACCIDENT BOATING PWC MA MODERATE ACCIDENT BOATING DEATH/SERIOUS BODILY INJURY PWC F* HIGH ACCIDENT INVOLVING DAMAGE TO VEHICLE > $200 TRC MB LOW ACCIDENT INVOLVING INJURY/DEATH TRC F* HIGH ACCIDENT REPORT FALSE INFORMATION TRC M* LOW LC MA LOW ACQUISITION OF BEVERAGE RESALE FROM OTHER LICENSEE ABC MA LOW ACT PROHIBIT DURING CANCEL/SUSPEND LICENSE ABC M* LOW ACT PROHIBIT DURING PERMIT SUSPENSION ACCEPT HONORARIUM ACQUISITION OF ALL/PART OF BUSINESS VIOLATION ABC M* LOW ACT W/INSURANCE AGENT WHOLESALE LIC IS REVOKED IC F* LOW ACUPUNCTURE ACT W/OUT LICENSE OC F3 LOW ADJUTANT GENERAL ILLEGAL RELEASE OF CELL GC M* LOW ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION TO RESIDENT HSC MB LOW ADOPTION OF RULES PUBLIC POWERS WC M* LOW ADVERTISE CREDIT SERVICES W/OUT REG STATEMENT FNC MB LOW ADVERTISE PLACEMENT CHILD 25.09 MA MODERATE ADVERTISE PLACEMENT CHILD W/PREVIOUS CONVICTION 25.09 F3 HIGH AFFIDAVIT AND AFSTENTION FROM VOTING REQUIRED LGC MA LOW AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED/LABOR/CONSTRUCTION MATTER PRC MA LOW AFFIXING TAX STAMP TO CIGARETTES TC MA LOW AGENT ISSUE DUPLICATE ORDER BILL OF LADING BCC F* LOW AGENT ISSUE FRAUDULENT BILL OF LADING BCC F* LOW AGG ASSAULT AGAINST PUBLIC SERVANT 22.02 F1 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT AGAINST SECURITY OFFICER 22.02 F1 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT BY PUBLIC SERVANT 22.02 F1 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT CAUSES SERIOUS BODILY INJURY 22.02 F2 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT DATE/FAMILY/HOUSE W/WEAPON 22.02 F1 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT IN RETALIATION 22.02 F1 HIGHEST AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 22.02 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING 22.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING BI/SEXUAL ABUSE 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING BI/SEXUAL ABUSE SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING FACILITATE 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING FACILITATE SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING FOR RANSOM/REWARD 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING FOR RANSOM/REWARD SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING INTERFERE PERFORMANCE 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING INTERFERE PERFORMANCE SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING RELEASE VICTIM SAFEPLACE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING TERRORIZE 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING TERRORIZE SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING USE AS SHIELD/HOSTAGE 20.04 F1 HIGHEST AGG KIDNAPPING USE AS SHIELD/HOSTAGE SAFE RELEASE 20.04 F2 HIGHEST AGG PERJURY 37.03 F3 LOW AGG PROMOTION OF PROSTITUTION 43.04 F3 MODERATE AGG ROBBERY 29.03 F1 HIGHEST AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT 22.021 F1 HIGHEST AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 22.021 F1 HIGHEST AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT OF ELDERLY/DISABLED PERSON 22.021 F1 HIGHEST AGREEMENT TO ABDUCT FROM CUSTODY 25.031 FS HIGH AIDING SUICIDE/SBI 22.08 FS HIGH AIR CONDITIONING/REFRIGERATION CONTRACTOR LICENSE VCS MB LOW ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IN DRY AREA ABC MB LOW ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IN DRY AREA 2+ TIMES ABC FS MODERATE AMUSEMENT RIDE SAFETY INSPECTION OC MB LOW ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM ORDER ENH AG MB LOW ANNUITY INVEST FOR PUBLIC EMPLYEES VIOLATION VCS MA LOW APPROPRIATION PROCEEDS SALES BY AUCTION COMMS AGC M* LOW APPROPRIATION PROCEEDS SALES BY COMMS MERCHANT AGC F* MODERATE AREA QUARANTINE COMMUNICABLE DISEASE HSC F3 LOW AREA QUARANTINE FOR ENVIROMENTAL/TOXIC AGENT HSC F3 LOW ARSON 28.02 F2 HIGHEST ARSON CAUSING BODILY INJURY/DEATH 28.02 F1 HIGHEST ARSON INTEND DAMAGE HABITAT/PLACE OF WORSHIP 28.02 F1 HIGHEST ARSON OF BLDG/HABITAT/VEH W/INT INJURY OR DAMAGE 28.02 F3 HIGHEST ARSON W/MAN OR ATT MAN CONT SUB 28.02 FS HIGHEST ARSON W/MAN OR ATT MAN CONT SUB CAUSE BI/DEATH 28.02 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT AGAINST ELDERLY OR DISABLED INDIVIDUAL 22.01 MA HIGHEST ASSAULT AGAINST GOVERNMENT CONTRACTOR/EMPLOYEE 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT AGAINST SPORTS PARTICIPANT 22.01 MB HIGH ASSAULT CAUSES BI CONVICTED ANOTHER STATE 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT CAUSES BI RETALIATION W/GOVERN 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY 22.01 MA HIGHEST ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY DATE/FAMILY/HOUSE 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLANCE 22.01 MA HIGHEST ASSAULT FAMILY MEMBER 1ST TIME 22.01 MA MODERATE ASSAULT FAMILY MEMBER 2+ 22.01 FS HIGH ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE 22.01 MA HIGH ASSAULT ON SECURITY OFFICER 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT/TYC/TDC 22.01 F3 HIGHEST ASSEMBLE OPERATE AMUSEMENT RIDE W/INTOX 2ND 49.09 MA MODERATE ASSEMBLE OPERATE AMUSEMENT RIDE W/INTOX 3RD/MORE 49.09 F3 HIGH ASSEMBLE OPERATE AMUSEMENT RIDE W/INTOXICATED 49.065 MB LOW ASSEMBLE/OPER AMUSE RIDE W/PREV INTOX MAN CONV 49.09 F3 HIGH EC MA LOW ASSISTING VOTER VIOLATION ASSISTING VOTER VIOLATION ENH EC FS LOW ATHLETE AGENT REGULATIONS OC MA LOW ATTACK BY DANGEROUS DOG RESULTING IN SBI/DEATH HSC MA HIGH ATTACK ON ASSISTANCE ANIMAL 42.091 MA MODERATE ATTACK ON ASSISTANCE ANIMAL - CAUSES DEATH 42.091 F3 HIGHEST ATTACK ON ASSISTANCE ANIMAL - CAUSES INJURY 42.091 FS HIGH ATTEMPT PURCHASE OF ALCH BY A MINOR 3RD-ENH ABC M* LOW 38.14 FS HIGH AUCTIONEERS FRIVOLOUS CLAIM OC MB LOW AUCTIONEERS REGULATIONS W/O LICENSE OC MB LOW AUDUBON SOCIETY FOR CAMERON CO LAND PWC MB LOW AUDUBON SOCIETY FOR KLEBERG CO LAND PWC MB LOW AUTH ACTIVITIES PRIVATE CLUB ABC M* LOW AUTH ACTIVITIES RETAIL DEALERS OFF PREMISE LIC ABC M* LOW AUTH ACTIVITIES W STORE PERMIT ABC M* LOW AUTOMATIC DIAL ANNOUNCING DEVICE VIOL TUC MA LOW ATTEMPT TO TAKE WEAPON FROM AN OFFICER AXLE LOAD RESTRICTION W/PREV CONVICTION TRC M* LOW BAD FAITH MALICIOUS/RECKLES HEALTH FACILITY HSC MA MODERATE BAIL BOND SURETY PROH RECOM/SOLICITATIONS OC MB LOW BAIL BOND SURETIES RECORDS OC MB LOW BAIL BOND SURETIES REGULATIONS OC MB LOW BAIL BONDSMEN W/O LICENSE OC MB LOW BAIL JUMPING AND FAIL TO APPEAR 38.1 MA MODERATE BAIL JUMPING AND FAIL TO APPEAR FELONY 38.1 F3 HIGH BAIT SHRIMP DEALER W/O LIC 2ND PWC MB LOW BAIT SHRIMP DEALER W/O LIC 3RD PWC MA MODERATE OC M* LOW BARRATRY ILL OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT 38.12 MA LOW BARRATRY ILL OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT 38.12 F3 MODERATE BARRATRY ILL OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT W/PREV CONVICTION 38.12 F3 HIGH ABC M* LOW BIGAMY 25.01 RANGE F3-1ST LOW BILL OF SELL FOR TREES/TIMBER NRC M* LOW BINGO REGULATIONS OC F3 LOW BINGO REGULATIONS AWARD FRAUD PRIZES OC F3 MODERATE BINGO REGULATIONS FALSE STATEMENT ENH OC MB LOW BINGO REGULATIONS MAINTAIN RECORDS OC MA LOW BINGO REGULATIONS W/O LICENSE OC MA LOW BINGO/DOOR PRIZE OF ALCOHOL PROHIBITED ABC M* LOW LC M* LOW PWC MA LOW BARBER SALE SUPPLIES/OTHER BUSINESS BEVERAGE W/CERTAIN ALCH CONTENT PROHIBITED BLACKLISTING EMPLOYEES BOATING EDUCATION COURSE REQUIRED BOATING INTOX W/PREV INTOX MANSLAUGHTER CONV 49.09 F3 HIGHEST BOATING WHILE INTOXICATED BOATING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND 49.06 MB LOW 49.09 MA LOW BOATING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE 49.09 F3 MODERATE CCP MB LOW BODY DISINTERRED / CREMATED VCS MB LOW BODY PIERCE PROH FOR PERSON U/18 YOA W/FALSE ID HSC MB LOW BODY PIERCING PROH W/O PARENTAL CONSENT HSC MA LOW BOILER REGULATIONS HSC MB LOW BOND INVESTMENT COMPANY FAIL TO MAKE DEPOSIT BODY DISINTERRED OR CREMATED FNC M* LOW BOOK RECORDS ON CIGARRETTE TAX TC F3 MODERATE BOOK RECORDS ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS TC F3 MODERATE 33.02 RANGE 2ND-1ST LOW BREACH COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH OF PEACE RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT ABC M* LOW 36.02 F2 MODERATE HSC MA LOW BURGLARY HABITATION INTEND OTHER FELONY 30.02 F1 HIGH BURGLARY HABITATION INTEND SEX OFFENSE 30.02 F1 HIGH BURGLARY HABITATION W/INTENT TO COMMIT THEFT 30.02 F2 MODERATE BURGLARY OF BUILDING 30.02 FS MODERATE BURGLARY OF COIN OPERATED/COLLECTION MACHINE 30.03 MA LOW BURGLARY OF HABITATION 30.02 F2 MODERATE BURGLARY OF RAIL CAR 30.04 FS MODERATE BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 30.04 MA MODERATE EC MA LOW NRC M* LOW TC MA LOW CANCEL SUSPENSION OF PERMIT ABC M* LOW CANCEL SUSPENSION OF PERMIT PRIVATE CLUB ABC M* LOW CANDIDATE PAYMENTS TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY EC MA LOW CANDIDATE REIMBURSE/PAYMENT ON CERTAIN LOANS EC MA LOW CAPITAL MURDER ANOTHER PERSON IN PRISON 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER BY TERROR THREAT/OTHER FELONY 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER FOR RETALIATION JUDGE/JUSTICE 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER OF A PEACE OFFICER OR FIREMAN 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER OF MULTIPLE PERSONS 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER PERSON UNDER SIX YEARS OF AGE 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER PERSON WHILE ESCAPING/ATTEMPT 19.03 FX HIGHEST CAPITAL MURDER WHILE REMUNERATION 19.03 FX HIGHEST CARGO MANIFEST REQUIREMENTS NRC F3 LOW EC FS LOW BRIBERY BUILDING LOCATION OF TATTOO/BODY PIERCING STUDIO CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION IN CERTAIN PUB BUILDINGS CAMPAIGN IN STATE AUTO/ON STATE TIME CANCEL OF CIGARETTE STAMP CARRIER ENVELOPE ACTION BY ASSISTING VOTER CARRIER ENVELOPE ACTION OTHER PERSON THAN VOTER EC MB LOW CATCHING MENHADEN W/O MENHADEN BOAT LIC ENH PWC MB LOW CAUSE PERMIT OR ALLOW PUB NUISANCE ENH HSC M* LOW CEMETERY GENERAL PROVISIONS HSC M* LOW CERTAIN ACTS RELATED TO RADIO ACTIVE WASTE HSC MA LOW CERTAIN ACTS RELATED TO RADIO ACTIVE WASTE ENH HSC M* LOW CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP/ORIGIN/WEIGHT OF CITRUS AGC MB LOW CHANGE RECEIPT OR SCALE WGT TICKET AGC F2 LOW CHARGE RECEIPT OF CONSIDERATION BEFORE COMPLETION FNC MB LOW CHARGE RECEIPT OF CONSIDERATION OF REFERRAL FNC MB LOW CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT ATTEMPT TO INTER W/INV FC MB MODERATE CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT FAL REPORT W/INT+PREV CONV FC F3 HIGH CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT FALSE REPORT W/INT FC FS HIGH CHILD LABOR LAW LC MB LOW CHILD LABOR LAW UNDER 14 YOA LC MA LOW CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE ACT OC M* LOW CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE ACT W/O LICENSE OC MA LOW CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE ACT W/O LICENSE ENH OC F3 MODERATE CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE ACT WHILE INTOXICATED OC FS LOW CIGARETTE PRODUCTS W/O VALID PERMIT TC MA LOW CITIZENSHIP OF PERMITTEE/SUBTERFUGE ABC M* LOW CITRUS FRUIT COLORING MATTER VIOL AGC MB LOW CITRUS FRUIT MATURITY STANDARDS VIOL AGC MB LOW CITRUS FRUIT STANDARDIZED/INSPECTION CERT VIOL AGC MB LOW CITRUS MARKETING AGREEMENT/LICENSES AGC MB LOW CIVIL COMMITMENT REQUIREMENT HSC F3 LOW CIVIL INVESTIGATIVE DEMANDS/ANTITRUST BCC M* LOW CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE FRAUD >$10K GC F2 MODERATE CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE FRAUD >$200 <=$10K GC F3 LOW CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE FRAUD AID ANOTHER GC MA LOW CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE FRAUD/DECEIT GC MA LOW CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE W/PREVIOUS CONVICTION GC F3 MODERATE CLOSED MEETING ACT GC M* LOW COERCE SOLICIT INDUCE GANG MEMBERSHIP 22.015 FS LOW COERCE SOLICIT INDUCE GANG MEMBERSHIP BI 22.015 F3 MODERATE COERCION EC F3 MODERATE COERCION OF POLICE FIRE W/POLITICAL CAMPAIGN LGC M* MODERATE COERCION OF PUBLIC SERVANT/VOTER 36.03 MA MODERATE COERCION OF PUBLIC SERVANT/VOTER THREAT OF FELONY 36.03 F3 HIGH COIN OPERATED MACHINE BY FRAUD LICENSE OC F2 MODERATE COIN OPERATED MACHINE FAIL TO REPORT OC MB LOW COIN OPERATED MACHINE PROH TRANSACTIONS OC F3 MODERATE COIN OPERATED MACHINE PROHIBITED SALE OF ALCH ABC M* LOW COIN OPERATED MACHINE REMOVE TAX PERMIT OC MB LOW COIN OPERATED MACHINES W/O LICENSE OC MA LOW COLLECTION OF CIGARETTE TAX KNOWING VIOL TC F3 LOW COLLECTION OF CIGARETTE TAX W/PREV CONV TC MB LOW COMMERCIAL BRIBERY 32.43 FS LOW COMMERCIAL FEED RULES - DRUGS IN FEED AGC MB LOW COMMERCIAL FINFISH LICENSE PWC MB LOW COMMERCIAL JOINT FISHING VENTURES ENH PWC MB LOW COMMERCIAL MATTERS REGISTRANT/DISPENSER HSC FS LOW COMMODITY EXCHANGES VCS F* LOW COMMON NUISANCE WHERE ALCH BEV STORED ABC M* LOW COMMUNICATING GAMBLING INFORMATION 47.05 MA LOW COMPELLING PROSTITUTION BY FORCE/THREAT 43.05 F2 HIGH COMPELLING PROSTITUTION VICTIM UNDER 17 YOA 43.05 F2 MODERATE COMPETITIVE BIDDING COUNTY OFFICER/EMPL LGC MB LOW COMPETITIVE BIDDING MUNICIPAL OFFICER/EMPL LGC MB LOW COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIRED PURCHASE/CONTRACTS COMPETITIVE SPORTS/BOXING REGULATION WC MB LOW OC MA LOW COMPONENTS OF EXPLOSIVES 46.09 F3 HIGH COMPONENTS OF EXPLOSIVES WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 F2 HIGHEST COMPUTER ASSISTED REMOTE HUNTING PWC MB LOW COMPUTER ASSISTED REMOTE HUNTING W/1 + CONV PWC MA LOW COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH 33.02 MB LOW COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH < $1,500 33.02 MA LOW COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH < $1,500 2 + PREV CONV 33.02 FS LOW COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH > $200K 33.02 F1 MODERATE COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH > = $1,500 < $20K 33.02 FS LOW COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH > = $100K < $200K 33.02 F2 MODERATE COMPUTER SECURITY BREACH > = $20K < $100K 33.02 F3 MODERATE CONCEAL CANCEL PERSON DIRECTIVE W/O CONSENT HSC MA LOW CONCEAL CIGAR/TOBACCO PRODUCT TAX TC MA LOW CONCEAL CIGARETTE PRODUCT TAX TC MA LOW CONCEAL COMMUNICABLE DISEASE/EXPOSURE HSC MB MODERATE CONCEAL REMOVE ANIMAL/VEHICLE W/DISEASE HSC MB LOW CONDUCT MARRIAGE CEREMONY OF A MINOR FC F3 MODERATE CONDUCT MARRIAGE CEREMONY W/O AUTHORIZATION FC MA LOW CONFIDENT OF CERTAIN DOG/CAT REGISTRY INFO HSC M* LOW CONFIDENT OF CERTAIN RABIES VACCINE INFO HSC M* LOW CONFIDENT OF PRECONFINEMENT DNA RECORDS GC F3 LOW CONFIDENT POLYGRAPH RESULTS OC MB LOW CONFIDENT TEST RESULTS HSC MA LOW CONFIDENTIAL INFO ON PROPERTY TAX APPRAISER TC MB LOW CONFIDENTIALITY OF DNA RECORDS GC FS LOW CONFLICT OF INTEREST/FAIL TO FILE AFFIDAVIT LGC MA LOW CONSENT TO INSPECTION VIOLATION ABC M* LOW CONSIGNMENT SALE OF ALCOHOL PROHIBITED ABC M* LOW CONSPIRE TO CIRCUMVENT SECRET DELIBERATIONS GC M* LOW CONSPIRE TO COMMIT PERSON TO MENTAL HEALTH FAC HSC M* LOW CONSUME ON PREMISES PROHIBITED ABC M* LOW CONSUMING ALCOHOL WHILE DRIVING 49.03 MC LOW CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL BY A MINOR 3RD-ENH ABC M* LOW CONSUMPTION RESTRICTED TO PREMISES ABC M* LOW CONTACT LENS ACT OC MB LOW CONTAINER OF BEER IN ILLEGAL SIZE POSS/SELL/TRANS ABC M* LOW CONTAINER OF LIQUOR <6OZ POSS/SELL/TRANS ABC M* LOW CONTEMPT OF COURT DISOBEDIENCE OF COURT ORDER GC M* LOW CONTEMPT OF COURT REFUSES TO TESTIFY CCP M* LOW CONTEMPT OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE GC M* LOW CONTEMPT OF MEAT/POULTRY ACT HSC M* LOW CONTEMPT OF MILITARY COURT GC M* LOW CONTENT OF INVOICE SECONDHAND WATCH BCC M* LOW CONTEST AND GIFT GIVEAWAY ACT BCC MB LOW CONTEST AND GIFT GIVEAWAY ACT 2ND BCC MA LOW CONTEST AND GIFT GIVEAWAY ACT 3RD BCC F3 MODERATE CONTINGENT FEES ON EMPLOYEE OF LEGISLATION GC F3 MODERATE CONTINUE ADEQUATE SERV DISC/REDU/IMPAR SERVICE WC F3 MODERATE CONTRABAND CORRECTIONS FACIL EMPLOY/VOLUNTEER 38.11 MB LOW CONTRIBUTE DURING REGULAR LEGISLATIVE SESSION EC MA LOW CONTRIBUTE EXPENDITURE IN ANOTHERS NAME EC MA LOW CONTRIBUTE EXPENDITURE W/O CAMPAIGN TREASURER EC MA LOW CONTRIBUTE FROM EXECUTIVE /JUDICIAL OFF/EMPLOY GC M* LOW CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL SER/MONEY SPEAKER/CANDIDA EC MA LOW CONTRIBUTE TO DELINQUENCY OF HABITUAL DRUNKARD HSC M* LOW CONTRIBUTE TO DELINQUENCY OF NARCOTIC ADDICT HSC M* LOW EC F3 MODERATE CONTROLLED KILLING/INJ WILD ANIMAL PWC MA LOW CONTROLLED KILLING/INJ WILD ANIMAL 2ND PWC F* MODERATE CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS OF SHOOTING RANGE HSC MA LOW CONVERSION FO ERS FUNDS CONFISCATE/FALSE STMNT GC F* MODERATE CONVERSION FO ERS FUNDS SALARY/SUBTITLE VIOL GC M* LOW CONVERSION OF TEACHER FUNDS SALARY/SUB VIOL GC M* LOW COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS W/STATES ON FUEL TAX TC RANGE A-3RD LOW COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS W/STATES ON FUEL TAX X3 TC F2 MODERATE CORPORATE ENTERS CONTRACT OF ACCEPTANCE UNL VCS M* LOW CORPORATE LOANS EC F3 MODERATE CORPORATE PERSON VIOL COND/SURFACE COAL MINING ACT VCS M* LOW CORPORATE REF TO ALLOW AG OFFICE EXAM OF DOCUM VCS M* LOW COTTON PEST CONTROL RULE/RESTRICTION CONTRIBUTE TO POLITICAL PARTY AGC MB LOW COUNTERFEIT CIGARETTE STAMP TC F* LOW COUNTERFEIT TAX PAYMENT CERTIFICATE TC F3 LOW COUNTY EMERGENCY BOARD REFUSES MILITIA DUTY GC M* LOW COURT INTERPRETERS LIC SUSPENDED GC MA LOW COURT INTERPRETERS UNETHICAL CONDUCT GC MA LOW CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE 32.31 FS LOW CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$1,500<$20K 32.35 FS LOW CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$100K<$200K 32.35 F2 MODERATE CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$20<$500 32.35 MB LOW CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$200K 32.35 F1 MODERATE CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$20K<$100K 32.35 F3 MODERATE CREDIT CARD TRANS LAUNDERING >=$500<$1,500 32.35 MA LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $1500 < $20K DESTROY SCHOOL 28.03 FS MODERATE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF < $1500 DAMAGE HABITATE/ANIMALS 28.03 FS MODERATE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF < $1500 IMPAIR PUB COMM/SUPPLY 28.03 MA LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $1,500<$20K 28.03 FS LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $100K<$200K 28.03 F2 MODERATE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $200K 28.03 F1 MODERATE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $20K<$100K 28.03 F3 LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $50<$500 28.03 MB LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >= $500<$1,500 28.03 MA LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF DAMAGE/DESTR WORSHIP/SCHOOL 28.03 FS LOW CRIMINAL MISCHIEF FOR MAD COW DISEASE 28.03 F1 MODERATE CRIMINAL NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE 19.05 FS HIGH CRIMINAL NONSUPPORT 25.05 FS LOW CRIMINAL SIMULATION 32.22 MA HIGH FNC F* LOW 15.03 F2 HIGH CRIMINAL SLANDER AGAINST SAVINGS & LOAN CRIMINAL SOLICITATION (1ST DEGREE) CRIMINAL SOLICITATION (CAPITAL OFFENSE) 15.03 F1 HIGH CRIMINAL SOLICITATION OF A MINOR 15.03 1 CATEG LOWER HIGH CRIMINAL TRESPASS 30.05 MB LOW CRIMINAL TRESPASS HABIT/SUPERFUND/INFRASTRUCTION 30.05 MA MODERATE CRIMINAL TRESPASS W/DEADLY WEAPON 30.05 MA HIGHEST CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (PARAGRAPHS 1,5,6,7,8) 42.09 FS LOW CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (PARAGRAPHS 2,3,4,9,10) 42.09 MA LOW CRUELTY TO ANIMALS W/2 PREV CONV (1,5,6,7,8) 42.09 F3 MODERATE CRUELTY TO ANIMALS W/2 PREV CONV (2,3,4,9,10) 42.09 FS MODERATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE/TRANSPORT VIOLATION FNC F3 LOW DAMAGE FOR UNAUTHORIZED HARVESTING NRC M* LOW DAMAGE FOR UNAUTHORIZED HARVESTING BY TRUSTEE NRC FS LOW DAMAGE MARKERS W/PREV CONVICTION PWC MB LOW DAMAGE OR DESTROY AMERICAN INDIAN CARVING NRC M* LOW DANGEROUS DOG OWNER REQUIREMENTS VIOL W/PREV CONV HSC MB MODERATE DEADLY CONDUCT 22.05 RANGE 3RD-1ST HIGHEST DEADLY CONDUCT DISCHARGE FIREARM 22.05 F3 HIGHEST DEADLY WEAPON IN PENAL INSTITUTION 46.1 F3 HIGHEST DEALER OR AGENT W/O REGISTRATION VCS F* LOW 32.42 RANGE C-A LOW BCC M* LOW DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICE 32.42 MA LOW DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICE W/PREV CONVICTION 32.42 MA LOW BCC M* LOW LC MB LOW DEFAMATION OF FINANCIAL CONDITION CREDIT UNION FNC F3 LOW DEFRAUDING VETERAN AND STATE NRC F* LOW DEL ALCOHOL AWAY FROM LIC PERMISE ABC M* LOW DEL C/S MARIJ TO A MINOR HSC F2 MODERATE DEL C/S MARIJ TO A MINOR W/USE OF CHILD HSC F* MODERATE DEL MARIJ < = 1/4 OZ HSC MB LOW DEL MARIJ < = 1/4 OZ REMUNERATION HSC MA LOW DEL MARIJ < = 1/4 OZ DRUG FREE ZONE HSC MA MODERATE DEL MARIJ < = 1/4 OZ REMUNERATION DRUG FREE ZONE HSC FS MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 1/4 OZ < = 5LBS HSC FS MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 1/4 OZ < = 5LBS DRUG FREE ZONE HSC F3 MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 2,000 LBS HSC F* MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 50LBS < = 2,000LBS HSC F1 MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 5LBS DRUG FREE ZONE HSC F* MODERATE DEL MARIJ > 5LBS < = 50LBS HSC F2 MODERATE DEL MARIJ W/USE OF CHILD HSC F* MODERATE DEL OFFER DEL OF DANGEROUS DRUGS HSC FS MODERATE EC MB LOW DEL TO MINOR CS AT A BUSINESS HSC FS MODERATE DEL TO MINOR CS ON SCHOOL PREMISES HSC F3 MODERATE DEL TO MINOR NITROUS OXIDE HSC MB LOW DEL TO MINOR VOLATILE CHEM HSC FS MODERATE DEL TO MINOR VOLATILE CHEM W/O PERMIT HSC MA LOW DEL TO MINOR VOLATILE CHEM W/PERMIT HSC MB LOW DEL TO MINOR VOLATILE CHEMICAL HSC MB LOW DECEPTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICE DECEPTIVE TRADE CIVIL INVESTIGATIVE DEMANDS DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES REPORTS/EXAMINATION DECLARATION OR PUBLICATION OF ENJOINED PICKETING DEL PRESERVATION KEY TO BOX NO 3 DEL W/INT SELL OR COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENT TRC MA LOW DELIVERY/SELLING GLUE/PAINT DELIVERY/SELLING INHALANT PARAPHERNALIA HSC MB LOW HSC MA LOW DEMOLISHERS RECORDS TRC M* LOW DENIAL SUSPEND REVOKE INS ADJUSTER LICENSE IC MB LOW DENTAL HYGENISTS ACT OC M* LOW DENTAL HYGENISTS ACT VIOL OC M* LOW DENTAL HYGENISTS ACT VIOL W/PREV CONVICTION OC F3 MODERATE DENTAL LAB SERVICE VIOL OC RANGE MA-F3 MODERATE DENTISTRY ACT VIOL OC M* LOW DENTISTRY ACT VIOL W/PREV CONVICTION OC F3 MODERATE DEPOSIT GRAIN W/O TILE AGC F2 MODERATE DESECRATION OF CEMETERY HSC F3 MODERATE DESTRUCTION ALIENATION LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECORD LGC MA LOW DESTRUCTION CONFIDENTIALITY OF DNA SAMPLES EC MB LOW DESTRUCTION OF U.S./TEXAS FLAG 42.11 MA LOW DESTRUCTION OF WATER WORKS WC F* LOW DESTRUCTION PUBLIC DIPPING FACILITY W/PREV CONVICTION AGC MB LOW DESTRUCTION REMOVAL/ALTER OF PUBLIC INTO GC M* LOW DETENTION HEARING STATUS OFFENDERS/NON OFFENDERS FC MB LOW DIETITIANS REGULATIONS OC MB LOW DISCARD RUFUSE IN COUNTY PARKS W/PREV CONVICTION HSC MA LOW 42.12 MA LOW DISCHARGE FROM POINT SOURCE WC M* LOW DISCLOSE DISTR OR SELL CONFIDENTIAL DATA HSC MB LOW DISCHARGE FIREARM IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES DISCLOSE FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION TC M* LOW DISCLOSE HOSPITAL DATA W/O REMOVING COFID INFO HSC MB LOW DISCLOSE HUMAN SERVICES DEPT INFO HRC MA LOW DISCLOSE OF INFORMATION ON TAX REPORT TC M* LOW DISCLOSE OF INTEREST IN PROPERTY GC MA LOW DISCLOSE REGISTRY/ADOPTED CHILD FC F2 LOW DISCLOSE REGISTRY/CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE FC MA LOW DISCLOSE UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION HSC F3 LOW DISCRIMINATE DENIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE HSC MB LOW DISCRIMINATE DENIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE INT DEATH HSC F3 HIGH DISCRIMINATE DENIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE W/SBI HSC MA MODERATE DISCRIMINATE OF PERSON SEEKING EMPLOYMENT VCS M* LOW DISCRIMINATE PROHIBITED ACTS CPRC M* LOW DISEMINATE PUBLISH INTERNET MOTOR VEHICLES RECORDS TRC MA LOW DISORDERLY CONDUCT 12.43 MC LOW DISORDERLY CONDUCT +3 PRIORS 12.43 MB MODERATE DISORDERLY CONDUCT DISCHARGE/DISPLAY FIREARM 42.01 MB MODERATE DISPENSE DANGEROUS DRUG/CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE HSC MA MODERATE DISPLAY HANDGUN LICENSE REFUSAL 2ND GC MB LOW DISPOSE LITTER IN CAVE 2 OR MORE CONVICTIONS HSC F3 MODERATE DISPOSE LITTER IN CAVE W/PREVIOUS CONVICTION HSC MA LOW DISPOSE OF WILDLIFE CARCASS BY PERMITTEE PWC MB LOW DISPOSING OF OIL & GAS WASTE VIOLATION WC M* LOW DISRUPT ACTIVITIES PRIVATE/PUBLIC SCHOOL EDC MB LOW 42.05 MB LOW DISRUPT MEETING OR PROCESSION DISTB COMM FERTILIZER W/O REG/LABEL/INSP/FEE ENH AGC MB LOW DISTB COMMERCIAL FEED W/O LICENSE ENH AGC MB LOW DISTB CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION GC M* LOW DIVERSION CS PROPERTY OR PLANT HSC FS LOW DIVERSION WATER ON INTERNATIONAL STREAM WC M* LOW DOG FIGHTING 42.1 MA LOW DOG FIGHTING CARE/FACILITY/PROPERTY 42.1 FS LOW DOMESTIC EXOTIC FOWL REGISTRATION AGC MB LOW DRIVER LICENSE/ID FALSE TRC MA LOW DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE MINOR 3RD-ENH ABC M* LOW DRIVING WHILE DISQUALIFIED/COMM VEH W/PREV CONVIC TRC MA MODERATE DRIVING WHILE DISQUALIFIED/COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRC MB LOW DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 49.04 MB LOW DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND 49.04 MA LOW DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE 49.09 F3 MODERATE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED W/CHILD UNDER 15 YOA 49.04 FS MODERATE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED/OPEN ALCH CONT 2ND 49.09 MA LOW DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED/OPEN ALCH CONT 3RD OR MORE 49.09 F3 MODERATE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED/OPEN ALCH CONTAINER 49.04 MB LOW DRIVING WHILE LICENSE INVALID TRC M* LOW DRIVING WHILE LICENSE INVALID W/PREV CONV TRC MA LOW DRUG TREATMENT FACILITY W/O LICENSE HSC MA LOW DUTY ON STRIKING FIXTURE/HWY LANDSCAPE>=$200 TRC MB LOW DUTY ON STRIKING UNATTENDED VEHICLE TRC MB LOW 49.09 F3 HIGH DWI W/PREV INTOXICATION MANSLAUGHTER CONVICTION ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF RESIDENTS ROOM HSC MB LOW ELECTRONICALLY READABLE INFO ON DRIVERS LICENSE TRC MA LOW ELIGIBILITY TO REPRESENT INMATES GC MA LOW EMERG RESPONSE PROVIDER LIC VIOL W/PREV CONV HSC F3 MODERATE EMERG RESPONSE PROVIDER LIC EMPLOYER W/PROV VIOL HSC MA LOW EMERG RESPONSE PROVIDER LIC FALSE PRINTS/PHOTO HSC F3 LOW EMERGENCY MEDICAL VEHICLE/REPRESENT EMS PERSON HSC MA LOW EMERGENCY POSSESS ABANDON CHILDREN DISCLOSE FC MB LOW EMISSION SYSTEMS REQUIRED W/PREV CONVICTION TRC MB LOW EMPLOY DEVICE SCHEME DEF SECURITY <$10K VCS F* LOW EMPLOY DEVICE SCHEME DEF SECURITY >=$100K VCS F* MODERATE EMPLOY DEVICE SCHEME DEF SECURITY >=$10K<$100K VCS F* MODERATE EMPLOY HARMFUL TO CHILDREN 43.25 MA LOW ENDANGERING A CHILD 22.04 FS LOW ENFORCE GENERAL BY PROSECUTING ATTY LGC MB LOW ENFORCE MUNICIPAL & COUNTY REGULATION LGC MA LOW ENFORCE PURCHASE CONTRACT PROCEDURES EDC MB LOW ENGAGE ACTIVITY W/O REQUIRED CERTIF OF LICENSE OC MA LOW ENGAGE BUSINESS AS SHRIMP HOUSE OP W/O LIC 2ND PWC MB LOW ENGAGE BUSINESS AS SHRIMP HOUSE OP W/O LIC 3RD PWC MA LOW ENGAGE IN ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY 71.02 RANGE MA-F1 HIGH ENTER AMERICAN INDIAN CAMPSITE W/O CONSENT NRC MB LOW ENTICING A CHILD 25.04 MB MODERATE ENTICING A CHILD W/INT FELONY 25.04 F3 MODERATE OC MA LOW ENTRY/INSP PREMISES FOR POSSIBLE STOLEN VEH INFO ESCAPE CAUSE BODILY INJURY 38.06 ESCAPE CAUSE SBI/THREAT OF DEADLY WEAPON ESCAPE FROM CUSTODY ESCAPE WHILE ARRESTED/CONFINED FELONY EUTHANASIA OF ANIMALS VIOL F2 HIGHEST 38.06 F1 HIGHEST 38.06 MA HIGHEST 38.06 F3 HIGHEST HSC MB MODERATE EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH W/PREV CONVIC OR SBI 38.04 F3 HIGH EVADING ARREST DETENTION 38.04 MB MODERATE EVADING ARREST DETENTION W/VEHICLE 38.04 FS MODERATE EVADING ARREST DETENTION W/VEHICLE CAUSING DEATH 38.04 F2 HIGHEST EXCESSIVE MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS W/PREV CONV TRC MB LOW EXECUTION OF CAPIAS OR ARREST WARRANT OC FS LOW EXHIBIT FIREARMS ON CAMPUS OR SCHOOL BUS EDC F3 HIGH EXOTIC HARM FISH/SHELLFISH/AQUATIC PLANTS PWC MB LOW EXOTIC HARM FISH/SHELLFISH/AQUATIC PLANTS 2ND PWC MA LOW EXOTIC HARM FISH/SHELLFISH/AQUATIC PLANTS 3RD PWC F* MODERATE EXOTIC SPECIES RULES AGC MB LOW EC MA LOW EXPENDITURE FROM UNL CONTRIBUTION FABRICATING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 37.09 F3 LOW FACILITATING AN ESCAPE 38.07 MA HIGHEST HSC MA LOW 38.19 MB LOW FAIL OR REF TO NOTIFY OF CLOSING FACILITY FAIL PROVIDE NOTICE OF DEATH RESIDENT/INSTITUTE FAIL REFUSAL OF OFFICER FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION GC M* LOW FAIL TO COMPLY W/FINAN STATEMENT REQUIREMENTS TRC MB LOW FAIL TO COMPLY W/INSPECTION FIRE HAZARD LGC MB LOW FAIL TO DELIVER ELECTION RETURN/BALLOTS EC MB LOW FAIL TO DELIVER VOTER APPLICATION W/INT EC MA LOW FAIL TO DIP LIVESTOCK AGC MB LOW FAIL TO DISCLOSE ON HEALTH CARE OC MA LOW FAIL TO FILE FINANCIAL REPORT LGC MB LOW FAIL TO FURNISH TAX REPORT W/2+PREV CONVIC TC MA MODERATE FAIL TO FURNISH TAX REPORT W/PREV CONVIC TC MB LOW FAIL TO HANDLE INFECTED ANIMAL PROPERLY AGC MB LOW FAIL TO IDENTIFY FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE 38.02 MB LOW FAIL TO IDENTIFY FUGITIVE INTENT GIVE FALSE INFO 38.02 MA LOW FAIL TO IDENTIFY GIVING FALSE/FICTITIOUS INFO 38.02 MB LOW FAIL TO MAINTAIN ANIMAL DEALER RECORDS AGC MB LOW LC MA LOW FAIL TO MAINTAIN CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT PRC MA LOW FAIL TO MAINTAIN DANGEROUS DRUG RECORDS HSC MB LOW FAIL TO MANITAIN DANGEROUS DRUG RECORDS ENH HSC MA MODERATE FAIL TO MAINTAIN SMOKE DETECTORS IN HOTEL HSC MB LOW FAIL TO MONITOR/REPORT PERPETRATOR RETURN FC MA LOW FAIL TO PAY EMPLOYEE WAGES LC F3 LOW FAIL TO PAY TAXES COLLECT $100K OR MORE TC F2 LOW FAIL TO PAY TAXES COLLECT $10K < $20K TC FS LOW FAIL TO PAY TAXES COLLECT $20K < $100K TC F3 LOW FAIL TO PLACE CANDIDATE NAME ON BALLOT EC MA LOW FAIL TO PROVIDE TICK-FREE STOCKYARD FACILITIES AGC MB LOW FAIL TO REGISTER AIRCRAFT/FAA TRC F3 MODERATE FAIL TO REMIT TAX BY DEALER $100K < $200K TC F2 LOW FAIL TO MAINTAIN CONFIDENTIALITY WORKERS COMP FAIL TO REMIT TAX BY DEALER $1500 < $20K TC FS LOW FAIL TO REMIT TAX BY DEALER $200K TC F1 LOW FAIL TO REMIT TAX BY DEALER $20K < $100K TC F3 LOW FAIL TO REPORT ABUSE RESIDENT MENTAL HEALTH INST HSC MA MODERATE FAIL TO REPORT ABUSE/NEGLECT ELDERLY/DISABLE HRC MA MODERATE FAIL TO REPORT AGG SEXUAL ASSLT OF CHILD 38.17 MA HIGH FC MB LOW FAIL TO REPORT COMMUNICABLE DISEASES HSC MB LOW FAIL TO REPORT CURRENCY/FOREIGN TRANS FNC MA LOW FAIL TO REPORT CHILD ABUSE FAIL TO REPORT DEATH OF PRISONER 39.05 MB LOW FAIL TO RETAIN PRESCRIPTION PHARMACIST HSC MB LOW FAIL TO RETAIN PRESCRIPTION PHARMACIST ENH HSC MA MODERATE FAIL TO SURRENDER PRIVATE INV/SECURITY REGIST OC MA LOW 38.02 RANGE C-B LOW WC F* LOW 38.17 MA MODERATE TC RANGE B-3RD MODERATE FALSE ALARM REPORT 42.06 MA LOW FALSE ALARM REPORT OR REPORT EMERGENCY 42.06 FS LOW FALSE APPLICATION ON DRIVERS LICENSE TRC MA LOW FALSE APPLICATION REPORT /DOCUMENT NRC F* LOW FAILURE TO ID FAILURE TO PROPERLY USE POLLUTION CONTROL FAILURE TO REPORT FELONY W/SBI OR DEATH RESULTS FAILURE TO STOP & RENDER AID FALSE CLAIM AGAINST STATE COMPTROLLER GC F* LOW FALSE CLAIM OF PRODUCE RECOVERY FUND AGC MB LOW FALSE CLEANUP PREVENT DISCHARGE/SPILL REPORT WC F3 MODERATE FALSE DRUG TEST FALSIFICATION DEVICE HSC MB LOW FALSE DRUG TEST MAN/DEL SUBT/DEVICE HSC MA MODERATE TC F3 LOW FALSE HOLD ONESELF OUT AS A LAWYER 38.12 F3 LOW FALSE ID AS POLICE OFFICER 37.12 MB LOW FALSE MAKING INCORRECT RECORD BIRTH/DEATH VCS F* LOW FALSE NAME INFO/FORGERY VEHICLE REGISTRATION TRC F3 LOW FALSE OR FICTITIOUS WRITE STMT FARM/RANCH PROGRAM AGC F3 LOW FALSE OR FORGERY STATEMENT VEHICLE REGISTRATION TRC F3 LOW FALSE OR MISLEAD REPRESET/STMT OF CREDIT SERVICE FNC MB LOW FALSE RECORD FOR/ON BIRTH/DEATH CERTIFICATE HSC F3 LOW FALSE REPORT CHILD CARE/FAM HOME COMPL ENH HRC FS LOW FALSE REPORT CHILD CARE/FAM HOME COMPLIANCE HRC MA LOW FALSE ENTRY FAIL TO ENTER IN TAX RECORDS FALSE REPORT FAIL TO GIVE REPORT MEAT/POULTRY ACT HSC F* LOW FALSE REPORT OF ABUSE ELDERLY/DIASABLE HRC MB LOW FALSE REPORT STATEMENT OFFICER/AGENT HMO IC MB LOW FALSE REPORT TO INSURANCE BOARD IC F* LOW FALSE REPORT TO POLICE-PEACE OFFICER/LAW ENF EMPL 37.08 MB LOW FALSE REPORT TO RAIL ROAD COMMISSION NRC F3 LOW IC F* LOW FNC F3 LOW FALSE STATEMENT BY INSUR OFFICER FOREIGN COMPANY FALSE STATEMENT DOC/DISTR CREDIT UNION RECORDS FALSE STATEMENT FOR MHMR ASSISTANCE HSC F3 LOW FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $100K<$200K 32.32 F2 MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $1500<$20K 32.32 FS MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $200K 32.32 F1 MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $20K<$100K 32.32 F3 MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $50<$500 32.32 MB LOW FALSE STATEMENT FOR PROPERTY/CREDIT $500<$1500 32.32 MA LOW FALSE STATEMENT MANUFACTURE LICENSE ABC F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT ON ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSE ABC F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT ON LOTTERY GC MA LOW FALSE STATEMENT OR MISAPP BY MUTUAL COMPANY IC F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT RETAIL DEALERS LICENSE ABC F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT RETAIL DISTRIBUTOR LICENSE ABC F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT SECURITIES <$10K VCS F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT SECURITIES >=$100K VCS F* MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT SECURITIES >=$10K<$100K VCS F* MODERATE FALSE STATEMENT TO OBTAIN MOTOR VEH RECORDS TRC MA LOW FALSE STATEMENT TO SECURE BOND REGISTRATION VCS F* LOW FALSE STATEMENT TO STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE IC F3 LOW FALSE STATEMENT VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION EC MB LOW FALSE STATEMENT W/OPERATING REGISTRY ADOPTION FC F3 LOW FALSE/CONVERT RECORDS TEACHER RETIRE SYSTEM GC F* LOW FALSE/DECEP STATEMENT CONCERN EMS STAFF/EQUIP HSC MA LOW FALSIFICATION FINGERPRINTS PHOTOS OC F3 LOW FEE ON DELIVERY OF PETROLEUM REF/STOP NO MANIFEST WC MA LOW FEE ON DELIVERY OF CERTAIN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WC RANGE MB-F2 LOW FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION PROH UNDER 18YR HSC FS HIGHEST FICTITIOUS COUNTERFEIT INSP/INS DOC FOR DISPLAY TRC MB LOW FICTITIOUS COUNTERFEIT INSP/INS DOC TO MAKE/POSS TRC F3 LOW FICTITIOUS COUNTERFEIT INSP/INS DOC W/INT FRAUD TRC F2 LOW FILE FALSE CORP DOCUMENT W/SECRETARY OF STATE VCS MA LOW FILING FINANCIAL STATEMENT BY DIRECTOR LGC MB LOW FILING FINANCIAL STATEMENT BY MEMBER OF GOVERN LGC MB LOW FILING FINANCIAL STATEMENT BY TRUSTEE EC MB LOW FINANCIAL SERV REGULATIONS OR LOSS OF 10K>100K OC F3 MODERATE FINANCIAL SERVICES REGULATIONS OC MB LOW FINANCIAL SERVICES REGULATIONS OF =>100K OC F2 MODERATE FINANCIAL SERVICES REGULATIONS OR LOSS OF <10K OC FS LOW FIRE DETECTION & ALARM DEVICE REGULATIONS IC MB LOW FIRE EXTINGUISHER REGULATIONS IC MB LOW HSC MB LOW FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS REGULATIONS IC MB LOW FIREARM RESTRICTIONS FOR PI/SECURITY OFFICER OC MA LOW FIREWORKS REGULATIONS OC MB LOW FISHING IN CERTAIN MANMADE WATERWAYS PWC MB LOW FLEEING POLICE OFFICER TRC MB LOW FIRE MARSHALL ORDER FAIL TO COMPLY FLEEING POLICE OFFICER IMMINENT DANGER SBI TRC MA HIGH FLYING INTOX W/PREV INTOX MANSLAUGHTER CONV 49.09 F3 HIGH FLYING WHILE INTOXICATED 49.05 MB LOW FLYING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND 49.09 MA LOW FLYING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE 49.09 F3 LOW FOOD STAMPS UNAUTH POSS (ALL TYPES) HRC RANGE MA-F3 LOW FORGE ALTER LOTTERY TICKET <=$10K GC F3 LOW FORGE ALTER LOTTERY TICKET >$10K GC F2 LOW FORGE ALTER PRESCRIPTIONS HSC MB LOW FORGE ALTER PRESCRIPTION W/PREV CONV HSC MA LOW FORGE NAME PERMITS/TENDERS FOR OIL/GAS NRC F* LOW FORGERY - TO DEFRAUD OR HARM OF ANOTHER 32.21 MA LOW ABC F* LOW FORGERY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT 32.21 FS LOW FORGERY GOVT/NATIONAL GOV INSTRMONEY/SECUR 32.21 F3 LOW HSC MA LOW 32.34 RANGE MA-F3 LOW FREE ON DELIVERY OF CERTAIN PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WC F3 LOW FREE PASS LAW VCS F* LOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMING REGULATIONS OC MB LOW 42.05 MB LOW OC MB LOW FORGERY COUNTERFEITING ALCOHOL BEVERAGE STAMP FORM OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE INFO RELEASED FRAUD (ALL TYPES) FUNERAL SERVICE DISRUPTIONS FURNISH REPORT DEPT METAL DEALER/RECYCLE FURNISH REPORT DEPT METAL DEALER/RECYCLE ENH OC MA LOW GAMBLING 47.02 RANGE MC-MA LOW GAMBLING PROMOTION 47.03 MA LOW GENERAL LIMITATION ON NETS 2ND PWC MB LOW GENERAL LIMITATION ON NETS 3RD PWC MA LOW GIFT POLITICAL CONTRIB FORMER LOTTERY OFFICER/EMPL GC MA LOW GIFT POLITICAL CONTRIB LOTTERY OFFICER/EMPL GC MA LOW 36.08 MA LOW GIFT TO PUB SERVANT BY PERSON IN HIS JURISDICTION GIVING FAL EVIDENCE TO OBTAIN SURVEY/LICENSE VCS MB LOW GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE (ALL TYPES) BCC MA LOW GRAFFITI (ALL TYPES) 28.08 RANGE MA-F3 LOW GRAIN WAREHOUSE (ALL TYPES) AGC RANGE MB-F3 LOW HARASSMENT 42.07 MB LOW HARASSMENT BY PERSON IN CORRECTIONAL/DETENTION 22.11 F3 MODERATE HARASSMENT OF HUNTERS, TRAPPERS, & FISHERMAN PWC MB LOW HARASSMENT W/PREV CONVIC 42.07 MA LOW HARBORING RUNAWAY CHILD 25.06 MA LOW HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION NRC F* LOW HAZING EDC MB LOW HAZING CAUSING DEATH EDC FS HIGHEST HAZING W/SBI EDC MA HIGHEST HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION REVIEW W/O CERT IC MA LOW HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION REVIEW W/O CERT ENH IC F3 MODERATE HEALTH SPA INTERF W/INVESTIGATION OC MA LOW HEALTH SPA REGULATIONS OC MA LOW HINDER APPREHENSION/PROSECUTION/KNOWN FELON 38.05 RANGE MA-F3 MODERATE HINDER PROCEEDINGS BY DISORDERLY COND 38.13 MA LOW HINDER SECURED CREDITORS (ALL TYPES) 32.33 RANGE MA-F1 LOW HOAX BOMB WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 FS MODERATE HOAX BOMBS 46.08 MA MODERATE HUNT AT NIGHT PWC MA LOW HUNT AT NIGHT ENH PWC FS LOW HUNT FROM VEHICLE PWC MA LOW HUNT FROM VEHICLE ENH PWC FS LOW HUNT POSS EXOTIC ANIMALS PWC MA LOW HUNT W/LIGHT PWC MA LOW HUNT W/LIGHT ENH PWC FS LOW HUNTING DEER W/DOGS PWC MA LOW HUNTING DEER W/DOGS W/PREV CONVICTION ID FLOATING CABIN W/2 + PREV CONVICTION PWC FS LOW PWC MB LOW IDENTIFY SIGNS ON COMMERCIAL TRUCK/TRACTOR AGC MB LOW IDENTIFY THEFT BY ELECTRONIC DEVICE BCC MB LOW ILLEGAL ATTEMPT TO VOTE EC MA LOW ILLEGAL BARTER/EXPEND INVEST IN MARIJ>50LBS<2K HSC F2 MODERATE ILLEGAL BARTER/EXPENDITURE OF PROPERTY/FINANCE HSC F1 MODERATE ILLEGAL CLAIM LOTTERY PRIZE FROM ANOTHER/>$10K GC RANGE F2-F3 LOW ILLEGAL DISPOSITION OF UNFIT/UNL SHELLFISH (ALL TYPES) ILLEGAL DIVULGENCE PUB COMM GAIN/SCRAMBLE ILLEGAL DUMPING (ALL TYPES) ILLEGAL PRICING PRACTICE INSURANCE ILLEGAL RECRUIT OF ATHLETE (ALL TYPES) HSC RANGE M-F LOW 16.05 RANGE MA-FS LOW HSC RANGE MA-FS LOW IC MB LOW 32.441 RANGE MA-F1 LOW ILLEGAL SELL OF IMPROPERLY HANDLED SHELLFISH HSC RANGE M-F LOW ILLEGAL USE BOWS & ARROWS W/PREV CONVIC LGC MB LOW ILLEGAL USE OF CREDIT UNION LABEL VCS MA LOW ILLEGAL VOTING EC F3 LOW 37.11 F3 MODERATE OC MA LOW IMPLEMENTS FOR ESCAPE/DEADLY WEAPON 38.09 RANGE F3-F2 HIGHEST IMPROPER CONTACT WITH VICTIM/WHILE CONFINED IMPERSONATE PUBLIC SERVANT/PEACE OFFICER IMPERSONATE SECURITY OFFICER 38.111 RANGE MA-F3 HIGH IMPROPER DISPOSAL OF DISEASED CARCASS AGC MB LOW IMPROPER EXPORT IMPORT OF CATTLE/CARCASS AGC F* LOW IMPROPER INDUCED APPRAISAL FOR MORTGAGE LOAN BCC MA LOW 36.04 MA MODERATE PRC MB LOW IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING AROUSE/GRATIFY 21.15 FS LOW IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSENT 21.15 FS LOW IMPROPER RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EDUCATOR/STUDENT 21.12 F2 HIGH IMPROPER SELL/USE BRUCELLOSIS VACC LIVESTOCK AGC MA LOW INDECENCY W/A CHILD EXPOSURE 21.11 F3 HIGH INDECENCY W/A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT 21.11 F2 HIGHEST INDECENT EXPOSURE IMPROPER UNFLUENCE IMPROPER OBTAIN POSS AIRCRAFT SUBJ LIEN 21.08 MB MODERATE INDUCE ISSUANCE OF FRAUD BILL OF LADING BCC F* LOW INFLUENCING SELECTION OF LOTTERY WINNER (ANY AMOUNT) GC RANGE F3-F2 LOW INFO PROVIDED BY INSURANCE CO VIOL PRIVACY TRC MB LOW INFO PROVIDED SELLER METAL DEALER/RECYCLE OC MB LOW INFO PROVIDED SELLER METAL DEALER/RECYCLE ENH OC MA LOW INHALANT PARAPHERNALIA (ALL TYPES) HSC RANGE MB-MA LOW INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLE RECKLESS/SBI/MENTAL 22.04 F2 HIGHEST INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLE W/INT BODILY INJURY 22.04 F3 HIGHEST INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLE W/INT SBI/MENTAL 22.04 F1 HIGHEST INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLED CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE 22.04 FS HIGH INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLED RECKLESS BODILY INJURY 22.04 FS HIGHEST INJURY DESTROY PIPELINE FACILITIES NRC F* LOW INSPECT OF BOOKS/RECORDS VIOLATION ABC MA LOW INSPECTION OF PREMISES VIOLATION ABC MA LOW INSURANCE FRAUD RISKING BODILY INJ/DEATH 35.02 F1 HIGHEST INSURANCE FRAUD 35.02 RANGE C-1ST LOW INT/KNOW UNAUTH DISCHARGE WASTE WC F* MODERATE INT/KNOW UNAUTH DISCHARGE/KNOW ENDANGERMENT INT/KNOW UNAUTH DISCHARGE/KNOW ENDANGERMENT WC F* MODERATE WC M* LOW INT/KNOW VIOL MEDICAL WASTE AND ENDANGERMENT WC F* MODERATE INTERFER RAILROAD PROPERTY (ALL TYPES) 28.07 RANGE C-1ST LOW INTERFER RETALIATE AGAINST OMBUDSMAN HRC MB LOW INTERFER W/AUDIT INVESTIGATION BY STATE AUDIT GC M* LOW INTERFER W/CHILD CUSTODY 25.03 FS LOW INTERFER W/DUTIES ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 38.15 MB LOW INTERFER W/EMERGENCY CALL 42.06 MA LOW INTERFER W/EMERGENCY CALL W/PREV CONVICTION 42.06 FS MODERATE LC MB MODERATE HSC MB LOW INTERFER W/POLICE SERV ANIMAL DEPRIVE HANDLING 38.15 MA MODERATE INTERFER W/POLICE SERV ANIMAL INJURY 38.15 FS HIGH INTERFER W/POLICE SERV ANIMAL KILLING 38.15 F3 HIGH INTERFER W/POLICE SERV ANIMAL THROWS OBJECT 38.15 MB MODERATE INTERFER W/PUBLIC DUTIES 38.15 MB MODERATE INTERFER W/RIGHTS OF GUARDIAN OF WARD 25.1 FS MODERATE INTERFER W/SEALED WAREHOUSE INSPECTION OR INV AGC F3 MODERATE INTERFER W/STATE MILITARY FORCES GC M* MODERATE INTERFER W/EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS INTERFER W/INSPECTION OF LIVESTOCK INTERFERENCE W/INVESTIGATION OF ABUSE/NEGLECT FC MB MODERATE PRC MA MODERATE INTOXICATED ASSAULT 49.07 F3 HIGH INTOXICATED ASSAULT W/VEHICLE SBI 49.07 F3 HIGHEST INTOXICATED MANSLAUGHTER W/VEHICLE 49.08 F2 HIGH INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER 49.08 F2 MODERATE ISSUE BAD CHECK (ALL TYPES) 32.41 RANGE C-B LOW ISSUE OF FAL CERT OF WEIGHT/MEASUREMENT AGC MB LOW KEEPING A GAMBLING PLACE 47.04 MA MODERATE KIDNAPPING 20.03 F3 HIGHEST KIDNAPPING AGGRAVATED 20.04 RANGE 2ND-1ST HIGHEST GC F* MODERATE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL COMPUTER ACCESS/DAMAGE GC MA LOW LEWD/IMMORAL/INDECENT CONDUCT ABC M* LOW 46.13 MA HIGH MAN DANGEROUS DRUG HSC FS MODERATE MAN DEL CS PG (ALL AMOUNTS) HSC RANGE F3-1ST HIGH MAN DEL CS NOT IN PG HSC MA MODERATE MAN DEL CS NOT IN PG DRUG FREE ZONE HSC FS MODERATE MAN DEL CS PG (ALL AMOUNTS) DRUG FREE ZONE HSC RANGE F3-1ST HIGH INTIMIDATE INTERFER W/FAIR HOUSE ACT LEGISLATIVE BRIBERY PROMISE/THREAT MAKE FIREARM ACCESSIBLE TO CHILD DEATH/SBI MAN DEL CS PG 1A USE OF CHILD (ALL AMOUNTS) MAN DISTRIBUTE/ADVERTIZE MULTICHANNEL VIDEO MAN HOUSING SALES TAX MAN HULL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER MAN IMPORT REPACK HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE HSC F* HIGH 31.13 MA LOW TC MA LOW PWC MB LOW HSC MA LOW MAN POSS/DEL UNL TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICE 33A.03 F3 LOW MAN SALE DISTRIBUTE TV DECODING/CABLE 31.13 MA LOW MAN SALE/POSS/USE CONTERFEIT DISABLE PLACARD TRC MA LOW MAN W/INT SELL OF COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENT TRC F3 MODERATE MANSLAUGHTER 19.04 MARKET CULTURED REDFISH/SPECKELD SEA TROUT W/O LIC AGC MB LOW MEDICAID FRAUD (ALL AMOUNTS) OC RANGE MB-F1 MODERATE MISSAPPROPRIATION FIDUCIARY/FINAN PROP (ALL TYPES) PC RANGE MB-F1 MODERATE MISLEAD STATE COMPTROLLER/CIGARETTE TAX TC MA LOW MISLEAD STATE COMPTROLLER/TOBACCO PRODUCTS F2 HIGHEST TC MA LOW MISUSE OF OFFICIAL INFORMATION 39.06 F3 MODERATE MONEY LAUNDERING (ALL AMOUNTS) 34.02 RANGE F3-F1 MODERATE MURDER 19.02 F1 HIGHEST MURDER UNDER INFLUENCE OF SUDDEN PASSION 19.02 F2 HIGHEST OBSCENE PROMOTE/PRODUCE/DIRECT 43.23 MA LOW OBSCENE PROMOTE/PRODUCE/DIRECT W/DEVIANT SEX ACT 43.23 FS HIGH OBSCENE WHOLESALE PROMOTION 43.23 FS MODERATE OBSCENE WHOLESALE PROMOTION W/DEVIANT SEX ACTS 43.23 F3 HIGH OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION 36.06 F3 HIGHEST OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION AGAINST JUROR 36.06 F2 HIGHEST OC FS MODERATE OFFICIAL OPPRESSION 39.03 MA LOW ONLINE SOLICIT MINOR TO MEET W/INT SEX/CONTACT 33.021 F3 HIGH ONLINE SOLICIT MINOR TO AROUSE/GRATIFY 33.021 FS HIGH ONLINE SOLICIT MINOR UNDER 14 YOA 33.021 F2 HIGH OPERATE A SPECIAL CARE FACILITY W/O LICENSE HSC MB LOW OPERATE BOAT/MOTOR W/O PAY REQUIRED TAX TC MB LOW OPERATE DRUG TREATMENT PROGRAM W/O PERMIT HSC MA LOW OPERATE MOTOR VEH ON/NEAR PUB WATER FACIL ENH WC MB LOW OPERATE MOTOR VEH PROTECT WATER AREA PWC MB LOW OPERATE MOTOR VEH PROTECT WATER AREA W/1 + CONV PWC MA MODERATE OWNER/OPER/EMP GROUP/NURSE W/INT DISABLE/EXPLOT 22.04 F3 MODERATE OWNER/OPERATOR/EMP GROUP/NURSE NEGLIGENT 22.04 FS MODERATE OWNER/OPERATOR/EMP GROUP/NURSE RECKLESS 22.04 RANGE FS-F2 MODERATE OWNER/OPERATOR/EMP GROUP/NURSE W/INT VIOL 22.04 F1 MODERATE PASS EMERGENCY VEH CAUSING BODILY INJURY TRC MB MODERATE PASSING SCHOOL BUS CAUSES SERIOUS BOD INJURY TRC MA HIGH PASSING A SCHOOL BUS WITH PREVIOUS CONVICTION TRC FS MODERATE PERFORMING SURGERY WHILE INTOXICATED OC FS MODERATE PERJURY (ALL TYPES) 37.02 RANGE MA-F3 LOW PERMIT FACILITATE ESCAPE 38.07 MA HIGHEST PERMIT FACILITATE ESCAPE CORRECTION FACILITY 38.07 F3 HIGHEST PERMIT FACILITATE ESCAPE DEADLY WEAPON 38.07 F2 HIGHEST PERPETRATOR OF CHILD RETURNS FC MA LOW PERPETRATOR OF CHILD RETURNS ENH FC F3 LOW OCCUPATION RELATE TO LAW ENF/SECURITY W/CONVIC PERSON RIDE IN TRAIL/SEMI-TRAILER DRAWN TRUCK TRC MB LOW PESTICIDE HERBICIDE CAUSING INJURY AGC MA MODERATE PESTICIDE HERBICIDE CAUSING INJURY ENH AGC F3 HIGH PESTICIDE HERBICIDE LICENSE/REGULATION VIOLATION AGC MB LOW PHYSICIAN ASST ACT W/O LICENSE OC F3 LOW PLACE EXPLOSIVE/HARMFUL SUBSTANCE IN WATER PWC MB LOW PLACE SERIAL NUMBER W/INT TO CHANGE INDENTITY TRC F3 LOW PLACE UNAUTHORIZE PERSON OF ADOPTED CHILD FC MB LOW 46.03 F3 HIGH PLACE WEAPONS PROHIBITED POSS TRANSPORT ANHYDROUS AMMONIA HSC F3 MODERATE POSS CS PG (MISDEMEANORS-ALL AMOUNTS) HSC RANGE MB-MA MODERATE POSS CS PG (FELONY-ALL AMOUNTS) HSC RANGE F3-F1 HIGH POSS CS NOT IN PG HSC MB MODERATE POSS CS NOT IN PG DRUG FREE ZONE HSC MA MODERATE POSS CS DRUG FREE ZONE (MISDEMEANORS-ALL AMOUNTS) HSC RANGE MB-MA MODERATE POSS CS DRUG FREE ZONE (FELONY-ALL AMOUNTS) HSC RANGE F3-F1 HIGH POSS DANGEROUS DRUGS HSC MA MODERATE POSS DEL DRUG PARAPHERNALIA HSC MA LOW POSS DEL DRUG PARAPHERNALIA TO PERSON UNDER/18YR HSC FS MODERATE POSS GAMBLING DEVICE/EQUIPMENT/PARAPH 47.06 MA LOW POSS OF ILLEGAL FISHING DEVICES PWC MB LOW POSS OF ILLEGAL FISHING DEVICES W/PREV CONVICTION PWC MA LOW POSS ITEM W/UNPAID CONTROL SUBSTANCE TAX TC F3 LOW POSS MAN DISTR INSTR TO COMMIT RETAIL THEFT 31.15 MA LOW POSS MARIJ DRUG FREE ZONE (MISDEMEANOR-ALL AMTS) HSC RANGE MB-MA LOW POSS MARIJ DRUG FREE ZONE (FELONY-ALL AMTS) HSC RANGE F3-F2 MODERATE 43.26 F3 HIGH LGC MB LOW POSS W/INT TO PROMOTE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY 43.26 F2 HIGH PRACTICE ADVERTISE LEGAL SERVICE W/O LICENSE HRC MA LOW PRACTICE AS EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN HSC MA LOW PREVENTION DETECTION OF FRAUD MEDICAL ASST HRC FS LOW PRIVATE INVESTIG/SECURITY AGENCY REG W/PRE CON OC F3 LOW PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR/SECURITY AGENCY REG OC MA LOW PROH ACTIVITIES BY PERSON YOUNGER THAN 18YRS ABC MA LOW PROH ACTS BY FORMER OFFICERS/EMPLOYEES HSC MA LOW PROH SEXUAL CONDUCT 25.02 F3 MODERATE PROH SEXUAL CONDUCT OF COUSIN 25.02 F2 MODERATE PROH SUB CORR FACIL-ALCOHOL/DRUG/PHONE/TOBACCO 38.11 F3 HIGHEST PROH SUB CORR FACIL-ATTEMPT 38.11 F3 HIGHEST PROH SUB CORR FACIL-POSS DEADLY WEAPON 38.11 F3 HIGHEST PROH SUB CORR FACIL-PROV DEADLY WEAPON 38.11 F3 HIGHEST PROH THE PURCHASE/SALE HUMAN ORGANS 48.02 MA MODERATE PROH WEAPON 46.05 F3 HIGH PROH WEAPON SWITCHBLADE/KNUCKLE WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 FS HIGH PROH WEAPON SWITCHBLADE/KNUCKLES 46.05 MA HIGH PROH WEAPON/WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 F2 HIGH PROMOTE PROSTITUTION 43.03 MA LOW WC MB LOW PROSTITUTION 43.02 MB LOW PROSTITUTION W/3RD OR MORE 43.02 FS MODERATE PROSTITUTION W/TWO PREV CONV 43.02 MA MODERATE PUBLIC INTOXICATION (ALL TYPES) 49.02 RANGE MC-MA LOW PUBLIC LEWDNESS 21.07 MA LOW PURCHASE FURNISH ALCOHOL TO A MINOR ABC MA LOW PYRAMID PROMOTIONAL SCHEME BCC FS LOW RACING ACT (ALL TYPES) VCS RANGE MB-F3 LOW RACING ON HIGHWAY TRC MB LOW RACING ON HIGHWAY CAUSING BODILY INJURY TRC F3 HIGH POSS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY POSS USE LAW ENFORCEMENT ID IN POPULOUS AREA PROPOSAL PROCEDURES FOR COMPETITIVE BIDDING RACING ON HIGHWAY CAUSING SERIOUS BODILY INJURY TRC F2 HIGH RACING ON HIGHWAY W/2 PREV CONVICTIONS RACING ON HIGHWAY W/PREV CONV OR W/DWI TRC FS MODERATE TRC MA MODERATE RECKLESS DRIVING TRC MB LOW RECORD OF FRAUDULENT COURT 37.13 MA LOW RECORD OF FRAUDULENT COURT 2+PREV CONVIC 37.13 F3 MODERATE REFILL PRESCRIPTION W/O AUTHORIZED PHARMACIST HSC MB LOW REFILL PRESCRIPTION W/O AUTHORIZED PHARMACIST ENH HSC MA LOW REPEAT/HABITUAL FELONY OFFENDERS 12.42 F* HIGH REPEAT/HABITUAL MISDEMEANOR OFFENDERS 12.43 M* MODERATE GC MA LOW RESIST ARREST SEARCH OR TRANSPORT 38.03 MA MODERATE RESIST ARREST SEARCH OR TRANSPORT DEADLY WEAPON 38.03 F3 HIGH RETALIATION 36.06 F3 HIGHEST RIGGING PUBLIC EXHIBITED CONTEST 32.44 MA LOW RIOT PARTICIPATION (MISDEMEANOR) 42.02 RANGE MB-MA MODERATE RIOT PARTICIPATION (FELONY) 42.02 RANGE F3-F1 HIGH ROBBERY (ALL TYPES) REPORT AND RECORD LOTTERY VIOLATION 29.02 RANGE F2-F1 HIGHEST SALE TO MINORS - ALCOHOL ABC MA LOW SEAL PREMISES OF DECEASED PERSON CCP MB LOW SECURE EXECUTION DOC DECEPT (ALL TYPES) 32.46 RANGE MB-F1 LOW SELL DIST DISPLAY HARMFUL ACT BY/MINOR 43.24 F3 MODERATE SELL DIST DISPLAY HARMFUL MATERIAL/MINOR 43.24 MA LOW SELL LOTTERY TICKET AT ILLEGAL LOCATION GC MA LOW SELL LOTTERY TICKET GREATER THAN FIXED PRICE GC MA LOW SELL LOTTERY TICKET UNAUTH PERSON GC F3 MODERATE SELL OR PUCHASE CHILD 25.08 F3 LOW SELL OR PUCHASE CHILD FOR SEXUAL PERFORMANCE 25.08 F2 HIGH SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER 10YRS CCP FS HIGH SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER LIFE/90DAY CCP F2 HIGH SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER LIFE/ANNUALLY CCP F3 HIGH SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER W/PREV CONV CCP F* HIGH SEX OFFENDERS FAILURE TO COMPLY/CIVIL CCP F2 HIGH SEXUAL ASSAULT 22.011 F2 HIGHEST SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 22.011 F2 HIGHEST SEXUAL ASSAULT BIGAMY 22.011 F1 HIGHEST SEXUAL ASSLT PROH/PURPORT SPOUSE 22.011 F2 HIGHEST SEXUAL ASSLT PROH/PURPORT SPOUSE UNDER 14YOA 22.011 F1 HIGHEST SEXUAL PERFORM CHILD EMPLOYEE/INDUCE/AUTHORIZE 43.25 F2 HIGHEST SEXUAL PERFORM CHILD PRODUCE/DIRECT/PROMOTE 43.25 F3 HIGHEST SILENT ABUSIVE CALLS TO 911 SERVICE 42.061 MB LOW SIMULATING LEGAL PROCESS 32.48 MA LOW SIMULATING LEGAL PROCESS W/PREV CONVIC 32.48 FS LOW SOLICIT ACCEPT REFERRAL FEES OR GIFT BY JUDGE GC MB LOW SOLICIT MEMBERSHIP IN CRIMINAL STREET GANG 71.022 F3 LOW SOLICIT MEMBERSHIP IN CRIMINAL STREET GANG ENH 71.022 F2 MODERATE STALKING 42.072 F3 MODERATE STALKING W/PREV CONVIC 42.072 F2 HIGH STEALING RECEIVING STOLEN CHECK TAKE WEAPON FROM AN OFFICER 32.24 38.14 MA F3 LOW HIGHEST TAMPER FABRICATE PHYS EVID/FAILS REP HUMAN REMAINS 37.09 MA LOW TAMPER FABRICATE PHYS EVID W/INTENT TO IMPAIR TAMPER W/IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS PERSONAL PROPERTY 37.09 F3 LOW 31.11 MA LOW TAMPER W/WITNESS 36.05 FS LOW TAMPER W/CONSUMER PRODUCT 22.09 F2 LOW TAMPER W/CONSUMER PRODUCT SBI 22.09 F1 HIGH TAMPER W/CONSUMER PRODUCT THREAT 22.09 F3 LOW TAMPER W/DIRECT RECORD ELEC VOTE MACHINE 33.05 F1 MODERATE TAMPER W/DIRECT RECORD ELEC VOTE MACHINE-ATTEMPT 33.05 F3 LOW TAMPER W/ GOVERNMENT RECORDS (ALL TYPES) 37.1 RANGE MB-F2 LOW TAMPER W/LOTTERY EQUIPMENT GC F3 LOW TERRORISTIC THREAT (ALL TYPES) 22.07 RANGE MB-F3 LOW THEFT (ALL $ AMOUNTS) 31.03 RANGE MC-F1 LOW THEFT OF SERVICE (ALL TYPES) 31.04 RANGE MC-F1 LOW THEFT OF TRADE SECRECTS 31.05 F3 LOW THEFT OF PROPERTY (ALL TYPES & AMOUNTS) 31.03 RANGE MB-F1 LOW THEFT TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE (ALL AMOUNTS) 33A.04 RANGE MB-F1 LOW TRADEMARK COUNTERFEITING (ALL AMOUNTS) 32.23 RANGE MB-F1 LOW TRADEMARK SERVICE MARK REG W/INTENT DEFRAUD/HARM BCC FS LOW TRADEMARK SERVICE MARK REGISTRATION BCC MA LOW TRAFFICKING A PERSON CAUSING DEATH 20A.02 F1 HIGH TRAFFICKING A PERSON 20A.02 F2 LOW TRAFFICKING A PERSON YOUNGER THAN 14 YOA 20A.02 F1 LOW TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF CONCEALED HANDGUN LIC 30.06 MA LOW UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE COMMUNITY CORRECTION FACILITY 38.113 FS HIGH UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW 38.123 MA LOW UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW W/PREV CONVICTIONS 38.123 F3 LOW UNAUTHORIZED TELECOMMUNICATION (ALL AMOUNTS) 33A.02 RANGE MB-F1 LOW UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE 31.07 FS LOW UNLAWFUL ACCESS STORED COMMUNICATION BENEFIT 16.04 FS LOW UNLAWFUL ACCESS STORED COMMUNICATIONS 16.04 MA LOW UNLAWFUL CARRY HANDGUN LIC HOLDER 46.035 MA HIGH UNLAWFUL CARRY HANDGUN LIC HOLD ALCH PREM/CORR FAC 46.035 F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPON (ALL TYPES) 46.02 RANGE MA-F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL INSTALLATION OF TRACKING DEVICE 16.06 MA LOW UNLAWFUL INTER/USE/DISC WIRE/ORAL ELEC COMMUNICATE 16.02 RANGE FS-F2 MODERATE UNLAWFUL MEDICAID PROGRAM BENEFIT (ALL AMOUNTS) 36.131 RANGE MB-F1 MODERATE UNLAWFUL POSS FIREARM BY FELON (ALL TYPES) 46.04 RANGE MA-F2 HIGH UNLAWFUL POSS METAL OR BODY ARMOR BY FELON 46.041 F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 20.02 MA HIGH UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT EXPOSE TO SBI 20.02 F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT LESS THAN 17 YRS OF AGE 20.02 FS MODERATE UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT OF PUBLIC SERVANT 20.02 F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL TRANSFER CERT WEAPONS U/18 WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 F3 HIGH UNLAWFUL TRANSFER CERTAIN WEAPONS/WEAPONS FREE ZONE 46.11 FS HIGH UNLAWFUL TRANSFER HANDGUN UNDER 18YOA 46.06 FS MODERATE UNLAWFUL TRANSFER OF CERTAIN WEAPONS 46.06 MA MODERATE UNLAWFUL TRANSP OF PERSON FOR PECUNIARY BENEFIT 20.05 FS MODERATE UNLAWFUL USE OF CRIMINAL INSTRUMENT 16.01 RANGE MB-F2 MODERATE UNLAWFUL USE PEN REGISTER/TRAP AND TRACE DEVICE 16.03 FS MODERATE USE ACCIDENT REPORT INFO FOR PECUNIARY GAIN USE OF CHILD FOR SALE/SOLICITATION 38.18 MB LOW LC MB LOW VIOLATION CIVIL RIGHTS PERSON IN CUSTODY 39.04 MA MODERATE VIOLATION CIVIL RIGHTS PERSON IN CUSTODY VIOLATE/SEXUAL 39.04 FS HIGH VIOLATION COURT ORDER ENJOINING ORGANIZED CRIME ACT 71.021 MA HIGH VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER 25.07 MA MODERATE VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER 2+PREV CONVICTION 25.07 F3 HIGH VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER BY ASSAULT/STALKING 25.07 F3 HIGH VIOLATION PROTECTIVE ORDER ISSUED BASED ON SEX OFF 38.112 MA HIGH VIOLATION PROTECT ORDER BIAS/PREJUD W/2+PREV CONVIC 25.071 F3 HIGH VIOLATION PROTECT ORDER BIAS/PREJUD 25.071 MA MODERATE FEDERAL OFFENSE SEVERITY SCALE The Federal Offense Severity Scale is a list of the Federal Offenses for Federal Inmates. OFFENSE SCALE Federal Felony High Federal Misdemeanor Moderate Smuggling Aliens into the U.S. Moderate Illegal Entry into the U.S. Low “OTM” Awaiting Deportation Low INSTITUTIONAL INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE The maintenance of safety and order in an institutional setting depends on firm, fair and consistent application of rules and regulations. For purposes of inmate discipline, violations of institutional rules and regulations shall be divided into two categories; MAJOR INFRACTIONS and MINOR INFRACTIONS. A. MAJOR INFRACTIONS Major Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which constitute serious offenses against persons and property, and pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Examples of Major Infractions are as follows: MAJOR INFRACTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Acts Classified as Offenses under State Law: Acts Classified as Offenses under Federal Law: Inciting Riotous Behavior: Fighting: Inciting a Fight: Threatening: Coercion: Setting Of Fires: Sexual Abuse: Sexual Solicitation: Nudity: Indecent Exposure: Possession of Stolen Property: Trafficking: Impeding Inmate Headcounts: Impeding the Security of Housing Units: Falsely Reporting an Emergency: Bribery: Recklessness: Tampering: Destruction of Property: Mutilation: Possession of Tattoo Paraphernalia: Possession of Altered Items: Possession or Manufacture of Weapons: Possession or Manufacture of Escape Devices: Possession or Manufacture, Distilling or Brewing Alcoholic Beverages: Possession or Manufacture of Inhalants: Possession or Manufacture of Chemical Agents Possession or Manufacture of Unauthorized Drugs or Medication: Possession or Manufacture of Narcotics/Narcotic Paraphernalia: Hoarding Medication: Feigning Injury or Illness: Excessive Noise: Throwing or Propelling Objects or Substances: Interference With Court Related Proceedings: DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE Highest Highest Highest Highest High High High Highest Highest High Moderate High Highest Highest Moderate Moderate High Highest High Highest Highest Highest High Moderate Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest Highest High Moderate Highest Highest INSTITUTIONAL INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE MAJOR INFRACTIONS 37. 50. 51. Interference With Official Communications or Communication Devices: Interference With Security Operations: Disruption of Any Institutional Activity: Violation of Feeding Procedures: Violation of Mail Procedures: Violation of Visitation Procedures: Violation of Program Procedures: Violation of Recreation Procedures: Violation of Commissary Procedures: Violation of Medication Consumption Procedures: Violation of Work Assignment Procedures: Violation of Treatment Program Activities: Inciting or Encouraging Communications with Persons Outside the Facility: Refusal to Follow Written or Oral Directives: Disrespect to Staff: B. MINOR INFRACTIONS 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE Highest Highest High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Minor Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which do not represent serious offenses against persons and do not pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Examples of Minor Infractions are as follows: MINOR INFRACTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Gambling: Abuse of Intercom System: Present in an Unauthorized Area: Entering or Exiting an Area Without Permission: Unauthorized Equipment Use: Unauthorized Taking of Items Into or Out of Units: Unauthorized Absence from Work or Activity: Malingering: Smoking: Unauthorized Changing of Bed Assignment: False Self-Identification: Failure to Respond to Staff Questions: Possession of Unauthorized Clothing, Linen or Bedding: Possession of Contraband: Defacing Property: Unauthorized Contact: Unauthorized Passing of Items: Horseplay: Disrespect to Other Inmates: Lying To or About Other Inmates: Yelling at Other Inmates: Disorderly Cell or Bunk Area: Inadequate or Partial Uniform: Inadequate Personal Hygiene: Violation of a Written or Posted Rule: Sexual Activity: Obstruction of View: DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Low Low Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Low Low Low Low Low Low INSTITUTIONAL INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE The maintenance of safety and order in an institutional setting depends on firm, fair and consistent application of rules and regulations. For purposes of inmate discipline, violations of institutional rules and regulations shall be divided into two categories; MAJOR INFRACTIONS and MINOR INFRACTIONS. A. MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE Major Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which constitute serious offenses against persons and property, and pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Examples of Major Infractions are as follows: 1. Acts Classified as Offenses under the laws of the State Of Texas, such as: Murder Escape Riot Assault Sexual Assault Theft Arson Criminal Mischief SCALE: Highest 2. Acts Classified as Offenses in Violation Of Federal Law Riotous Behavior: The advocacy, promotion or participation in a major disturbance SCALE: Highest 3. Inciting Riotous Behavior: Encouraging, abetting or instigating riotous behavior SCALE: Highest 4. Fighting: Combative behavior resulting in physical confrontation such as pushing, shoving or striking another SCALE: Highest 5. Inciting a Fight: Encouraging, abetting or instigating combative behavior through verbal, written or physical means. SCALE: High 6. Threatening: Placing a person in fear of physical injury or death, including verbal and physical overtures SCALE: High MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 7. Coercion: Attempting to control the behavior of others by force, threat or intimidation SCALE: High 8. Setting Of Fires: The setting of fire to any material of a combustible or incendiary nature SCALE: Highest 9. Sexual Abuse: Committing, inciting, or forcing others to participate in sexual activities SCALE: Highest 10. Sexual Solicitation: Approaching, requesting, urging, enticing or propositioning another to engage in sexual activities SCALE: High 11. Nudity: Being fully unclothed, devoid of covering SCALE: Moderate 12. Indecent Exposure: Exposing the breasts, buttocks or genitals to arouse others or offend others SCALE: High 13. Possession of Stolen Property: Possessing or controlling any property appropriated from another, including property belonging to another inmate as well as department or agency property SCALE: Highest MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 14. Trafficking: Buying, selling, trading or transferring such items as: Tattoo Paraphernalia Chemical Agents Weapons Altered Items Alcoholic Beverages Unauthorized Drugs, to include Tobacco if applicable Intoxicants Unauthorized Medications Inhalants Narcotics Escape Devices Narcotic Paraphernalia Contraband as Defined SCALE: Highest 15. Impeding Inmate Headcounts: Behavior which impedes performance of headcounts such as hiding, moving or impersonating another inmate SCALE: Moderate 16. Impeding the Security of Housing Units: Behavior which impedes staff efforts to secure housing units such as avoiding, delaying or obstructing staff action SCALE: Moderate 17. Falsely Reporting an Emergency: SCALE: High 18. Bribery: Giving or promising to give money or favors to a staff member for the purposes of inducing, impairing or influencing judgment or conduct SCALE: Highest 19. Recklessness: An action or behavior which endangers self or others, including hanging or jumping from tiers, railings, fixtures or vaulting down a flight of stairs SCALE: High MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 20. Tampering: Altering or tampering with such items as: Fire Equipment Alarms Monitoring Devices Safety or Security Devices Televisions Telephones Plumbing Light Fixtures Locking Devices Doors Intercoms SCALE: Highest 21. Destruction of Property: Deliberately destroying, damaging, altering, modifying, misusing, tampering or abusing material or property belonging to others, including department or agency property SCALE: Highest 22. Mutilation: Self-inflicted injury induced through granting permission or assisting in the physical injury or mutilation of a person, including tattooing, cutting or piercing self or others, or similar behavior SCALE: Highest 23. Possession of Tattoo Paraphernalia: SCALE: High 24. Possession of Altered Items: Possessing or controlling items which have been altered or changed from its original condition SCALE: Moderate 25. Possession or Manufacture of Weapons: Possessing or manufacturing weapons, including all items which could be used to inflict injury SCALE: Highest 26. Possession or Manufacture of Escape Devices: SCALE: Highest MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 27. Possession or Manufacture, Distilling or Brewing Alcoholic Beverages: SCALE: Highest 28. Possession or Manufacture of Inhalants: SCALE: Highest 29. Possession or Manufacture of Chemical Agents: SCALE: Highest 30. Possession or Manufacture of Unauthorized Drugs or Medication: Possessing or manufacturing unauthorized drugs or medications, including prescription drugs SCALE: Highest 31. Possession or Manufacture of Narcotics or Narcotic Paraphernalia: SCALE: Highest 32. Hoarding Medication: The storing, keeping, distributing, trafficking or selling of unconsumed medication SCALE: Highest 33. Feigning Injury or Illness: Pretending or self-inducing an injury or illness SCALE: High 34. Excessive Noise: Inappropriate behavior such as: Screaming Yelling Kicking Aggressively Loud or Boisterous Talking Pounding Striking Windows, Walls, Doors, Table Tops SCALE: Moderate MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 35. Throwing or Propelling Objects or Substances such as: Furniture Books Food Spitting Televisions Water Beverages Body Fluids and Wastes SCALE: Highest 36. Interference With Court Related Proceedings: SCALE: Highest 37. Interference With Official Communications or Communication Devices: 38. Interference With Security Operations: SCALE: Highest SCALE: Highest 39. Disruption of Any Institutional Activity: SCALE: High 40. Violation of Feeding Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 41. Violation of Mail Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 42. Violation of Visitation Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 43. Violation of Program Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 44. Violation of Recreation Procedures: SCALE: Moderate MAJOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 45. Violation of Commissary Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 46. Violation of Medication Consumption Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 47. Violation of Work Assignment Procedures: SCALE: Moderate 48. Violation of Treatment Program Activities: SCALE: Moderate 49. Inciting or Encouraging Communications with Persons Outside the Facility, such as: Yelling Pounding Signaling Gesturing SCALE: Moderate 50. Refusal to Follow Written or Oral Directives: SCALE: Moderate 51. Disrespect to Staff: Inappropriate behavior such as the use of profanity or indecent, vulgar or derogatory remarks or gestures to or about staff, including but not limited to: Cursing Shouting Arguing Refusing To Answer Questions from Staff Lying To or About Staff SCALE: Moderate MINOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE B. MINOR INFRACTIONS Minor Infractions involve violations of rules and regulations which do not represent serious offenses against persons and do not pose a serious threat to institutional order and safety. Examples of Minor Infractions are as follows: 1. Gambling: Staking or risking something of value based upon the outcome of a contest or game of chance SCALE: Moderate 2. Abuse of Intercom System: Unnecessary or continuous pressing of intercoms for reasons of a non-emergency nature SCALE: Moderate 3. Present in an Unauthorized Area: Being in or at any location not designated by job assignment, scheduled activity or staff directive SCALE: Moderate 4. Entering or Exiting an Area Without Permission such as: Entering Elevators Leaving Housing Units Walking Away From Staff Members SCALE: Moderate 5. Unauthorized Equipment Use: SCALE: Moderate 6. Unauthorized Taking of Items Into or Out of Units: SCALE: Moderate 7. Unauthorized Absence from Work or Activity: Unauthorized absence from work or activity without a verifiable reason or having been officially excused SCALE: Moderate MINOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 8. Malingering: Failure to complete assigned tasks, failure to keep assigned living areas clean or slow movements apparently intended to impede operational activities SCALE: Low 9. Smoking: Smoking tobacco products without staff directive SCALE: Low 10. Unauthorized Changing of Bed Assignment: SCALE: Low 11. False Self-Identification: Failure to identify self correctly to staff by purporting to be another inmate or using a fictitious name SCALE: Moderate 12. Failure to Respond to Staff Questions: SCALE: Moderate 13. Possession of Unauthorized Clothing, Linen or Bedding: SCALE: Low 14. Possession of Contraband: Possessing or controlling any items not sold, issued or authorized SCALE: Moderate 15. Defacing Property: The marking or disfigurement of department or agency property or the property of others SCALE: Moderate 16. Unauthorized Contact such as: Including verbal or physical gestures or contact between inmates SCALE: Low 17. Unauthorized Passing of Items: Trafficking, trading, passing or transferring of unauthorized items among inmates or between inmate living areas, such as food, commissary, notes, messages and property SCALE: Low MINOR INFRACTIONS AND DISCIPLINARY SEVERITY SCALE (continued) 18. Horseplay: Inappropriate behavior such as teasing or verbally harassing another SCALE: Low 19. Disrespect to Other Inmates: Inappropriate behavior such as the use of profanity or indecent, vulgar or derogatory remarks or gestures to or about other inmates SCALE: Moderate 20. Lying To or About Other Inmates: SCALE: Moderate 21. Yelling at Other Inmates: SCALE: Moderate 22. Disorderly Cell or Bunk Area: SCALE: Low 23. Inadequate or Partial Uniform: SCALE: Low 24. Inadequate Personal Hygiene: SCALE: Low 25. Violation of a Written or Posted Rule: SCALE: Low 26. Sexual Activity: Participating in the following types of behavior: Intercourse Masturbation Kissing Fondling Touching Holding Hands Lying in the same bed as another Manipulation of a person's private parts SCALE: Low 27. Obstruction of View: Covering cell or unit windows, impeding visibility into the cell or unit SCALE: Low
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