ESCO MODULE for Thermal Energy Conservation W hat is ESCO ? The Company/ Orga ni zation whi ch i dentifies and evaluates energy saving potentials i n the process i ndu strial un it or util ities by usi ng their expertise and recommen ds the project for imp rovements i n the existi ng system whi ch wil l pay for itself t hroug h the savi ngs out of it. Y.D.Chavan. Opel En ergy S ystems Pvt .Lt d. Pune. WHY ESCO ? Objectives for Esco - n Few Facts…. n Every bo dy wants to sav e ener gy but d on’t kn ow ho w to start. n There is h uge p otenti al for en ergy co nserv atio n in pr ocess ind ustry but top man age ment a nd dec isi on mak ing author ities are not giv in g pri orities for this activity. n Existing eng ine eri ng / mainte na nce staff don’t have time to conce ntrate for en ergy co nserv ation act ivities. n In many in dustrie s there is n o sep arate Enc on team o r ener gy mana gers ar e ap poi nted w ith some tar get for ener gy conserv atio n. n Always E ncon i s cons ider ed as a se con d pri ority by mana gem ent an d does n’t wa nts to invest in E nergy conserv atio n pro jects. n There are alw ays some i ncent ive sch emes for the staff incre asin g pro ducti on b ut what ab out those who ar e trying to save en ergy for com pan y and u ltimate ly for Nati on… How to start Esco Project1.Esco should first conduct walk through Energy audit. 2.The list of Encon potentials should be given to the Client with *the equipment required *cost of the equipment / modification *possible savings out of the project. *pay back period for the investment. n To Conserve Energy for Nation through Energy Conservation Projects in Industry with simple cost effective ideas. n ESCO should not only suggest Encon projects but they should execute the Encon projects from concepts to commissioning basis with performance guarantee. S .No P ro ject Descrip tio n Eq u pi men t Req uired An n u al S av ing s. ( Rs.In Lacs) P ro ject Co st (Rs.In Lacs) P ay b ack p erio d (M o n th s) 1 Waste Heat Re co v ery o n 2 Ton F u rn ace WHRS 2 No s. 3 3 .6 0 3 2 .0 0 10 2 Waste Heat Re co v ery o n 3 To n F u nr ace WHRS 2 No s. 5 8 .8 0 4 0 .0 0 08 3 Waste Heat Re co v ery o n 5 To n F u nr ace. WHRS 1 No . 5 6 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 07 4 F .O. Con serv ation Sy stems fo r Ho t Water Gen erato rs F .O. S y stem 4 No s 9 0 .0 0 1 2 .0 0 02 5 Ex o -g as Heat Reco v ery Ho t water Gen erato r. 64 3 2 .0 0 06 6 Ex o -g as Heat reco v ery Ho t water g en erato r. 5 5 .0 0 2 2 .0 0 05 7 S o lar S team Gen eratio n P lan t fo r can teen Waste. 8 S o lid fu el fired Ho t water g en erato r in stead o fF .O. ( CONCIDERING 3 0 0 0 T IS F .O.CONS UM P TION.) WHRS 3 To n 2 No s WHRS 5 Ton . S o lar S team P lan t 1 0 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 36 03 S o lid fu el fired HWG. 3 0 0.00 6 0 .0 0 TOTAL- 6 6 7.00 2 5 8.00 1 How to start Esco Project3.After getting this list client should decide the priority for the project to be implemented through ESCO. 4. ESCO should submit detailed offer for this project with performance guarantee in terms of energy saving figures. 5. P ayment terms/contract should be finalized on paper with mutual understanding . 6. ESCO will design, manufacture, install and commission the project within committed period. While Implementing ESCO Project1. ESCO should take care of the existing sy stem/equipment while designing and installing the Encon modifications. 2. ESCO will have to take care of environment while retrofitting for the energy conservation. 3. Project should be completed jointly , the end user will have to support ESCO during project execution. 4. Project should be completed committed period without disturbing the production. Salient Features of ESCO module.. Responsibility of ESCO The project installed by ESCO should meet or exceed the savings committed to Client. Responsibility of CLIENT. Client should honor the repayment terms committed to ESCO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T here is no investment by client. Esco to identify encon project to replace / modify existing inefficient system. Design,manufacturing,installation and commissioning is ESCO’S scope during contract period. Contract period can de decided mutually by client and ESCO. Energy sa ving is shared between Esco and client depending upon the reco very. Esco recovers the project cost with interest and overhe ads out of the ene rgy sa vings. Few of the examples for ENCON projects which can be implemented on ESCO basis. Few of the examples for ENCON projects which can be implemented on ESCO basis. n Conversion of electric al heating system s/equipments to fuel firing which may sa ve up to 40% of cost. n Waste heat r ecov ery s yst em s on D.G.Sets, Furnaces, Ovens can sa ve up to 30 % of Energy cost. n Conversion of liquid fuel fired thermal equipments to solid fuel firing , saves up to 40 % of energy cost. n Airprehe ater s/ Economizers of Boilers can s ave 5% of fuel. n Coating from inner side or insulating from outer surface s of the furnaces, ovens, kilns can save up to 10% of the energy. n Furnace oil Emusification Projects can sav e up to 10 % of Fuel. n Airprehe ater s on heat treatm ent furnace s/ ovens can s ave up to 20% of fuel costs. n Furnace oil Emusification Projects can sav e up to 10 % of Fuel. n Fuel saving devices can sa ve up to 10 % of fuel. n Cer amic coating and replace ment of inefficient burners can result in 10-20 % of savings in fuel consumption. 2 ESCO COMPANY- Credentials for OESPL n Opel Energy Systems Pvt.Ltd., Pune. n An ISO 9001-2008 Company. n Empanelled as ESCO with BEE. n Awarded first as ESCO by MEDA. n 15 Years of experience in energy field. n More than 100 Encon project in v arious Office no. 12, Anantnagar, Pune- 4 3. Ph.Nos. 020 24377646, 09 921000930. Email- [email protected], response@opelenerg industries are saving energy worth Rs. 600 lacs per year. Websites- www.opelenerg www.e nerg ENCON P rojects form concept to commissioning with performance guarantee. Solar Steam Generating Plant n We conduct thermal energy Audit without any charges from Industry, who are really interested in doing energy conservation,this is to achieve our Motto, of saving energy for nation. 1) Waste Heat Recovery Systems on Furnace. n n n n n n n Equipment Exhaust T emp Out Put Quantity Savings in elect Annual cost saving Pay back pe riod - Decarb Fu rnace 250 De g.C Steam at 5 kg/cm2. 25 kgs/h r. 15 kwh/ hr. Rs. 4.2 lac. 9 months. WHRS on Furnace Hot Air Generator 2. Fuel saving devices on Burners. n Proj ectFuel saving D evices on Boiler. n Therm al equip ments- Steam Boilers. n Equip ment ins talle d – Flu x maxio x fuel saving devices- 3 nos. at Burne r inlet. n Ou tp ut i ncreased – 4 % with clean combustion. n Cost s av ing per year - 12.8 lacs. n Inv estment for th e fl ux dev ices- 1.35 lacs n Payback peri od - 1.5 Month. 3 3) Waste Heat Recovery on D.G.set Exhaust at Auto ancillary unit. n Equipment n Stack Temp. n Out Put - n Heat recovered n Fuel Savings n Annual Saving n Pay back period - 750 kva.D.G. Set 2 nos. 450 Deg.C Hot Water 473000 Kcal/hr 40 kg/hr LPG Rs. 20 lacs. 10 months. 4) Waste Heat Recovery on D.G.set Exhaust at Engg. Industry n Equipment > Stack Temp. n Steam Out Put n Heat recovered n Fuel Savings n Annual Saving n Pay back period - Steam Boiler on 2 nos.625 kv a.D.G. Sets - 500 Deg.C - 600 kg/hr - 425000 Kcal/hr - 40 kg/hr HSD - Rs. 42 lacs. - 6 months 4 5) Waste Heat Recovery System on Annealing Furnace. n Equipment - Annealing Furnace n Exhaust Temp. - 300 Deg.C n Out Put - Hot Water n Heat Recov ery - 100,000 kcal/hr n Cost of fuel saved- 18 lacs/year. n Pay back period- 9 months. 6 Waste Heat Recovery system on Oven Exhaust –TATA MOTORS. FUEL SAVING THROUGH WASTE HEAT RECOVER Y Heat recove ry unit inst alled at oven chimne y for heati ng t he a quatherm wat er. This recovery uni t will mainta in t he aquatherm wat er t emp t ill the oven burner is runni ng. If add iti onal heat is required th en only aquathe rm wi ll get start aut omat ically to mai ntai n t he wat er t emp . Earli er t he wat er t emperat ure was mai nt ained by swit ching aquat herm as per t he water temperature feedb ack. Ea rlier syst em After M odific ation WASTE HEAT REC OVE RY ON OVEN EX HAUST n n n n n n n n n Equipment – Paint baking oven Fuel in use- LPG. WHRS- Pressurized hot wate r gene rator. Working tempe rature- 120 /14 0 deg. C. Reduction in flue gas temp.- 250 to 150 deg.c. LPG saving pe r hour - 2.4 kgs./oven T otal Cost saved per ye ar- 22 lacs. Project cost- 10 lacs. Pay back pe riod- 6 mon ths. Aft er Insu lation 7) F.O. Conversion System Core Drying Oven in foundry. F.O.Heating & pumping unit. n Equipment n Fuel in used - Core drying ovens. - HSD. n System changed to - Furnace Oil. n Annual Cost saving - 100 lacs. n Project cost8.5 lacs. n Pay back period - 1 month Only. 5 8) Insulation to avoid surface losses n Equipment- Core baking oven. n Fuel consumption -60 lits/hr. n Av erage surface temperature- 70 Deg.C. n Temp. after insulation- 40Deg.C. n Losses avoided – 345 kcal/ n Total area insulated- 220 n Cost saved in terms of F.O.- 11.32 lacs. n Pay back period- 6 months. 9) WaterEmulsification System for F.O. Conservation on Thermopacks. n Equipment - Thermic Fluid Heaters. - 6lac kcal/hr. -4 nos. n Fuel in use - F.O.. n Encon project - Emulsification n F.O.Saving achieved- 5 %. n Annual Cost saving – 13.5 lacs n Pay back period - 3 month Only. 10) Conversion of F.O.FIRED Equipment to Solid fuel f iring. ( Biomass Briquettes ) n Equi pme nt- Pressuriz ed H ot water ge ner ator. n Fuel firin g rate- 1 200 l its of Furnace Oi l. n Equi pme nt instal led – S oli d fuel fire d HWG. With operatio na l contract inc lu din g sup ply of fuel. n Cost of the fuel sav ed pe r day - Rs. 200 00 / day. n Project cost inc lu din g civi l cost- Rs. 30 lacs. n Savin g ach ived per ye ar- Rs. 60 lacs. n Simpl e pay b ack per io d- 6 months. Solid Fuel Fired HWG Non Conventional Energy Generation Projects. n 1) Solar Ste am Gener atio n Pla nt for Industrial heati ng app licati on. n 2) Industria l Cant een o n no n-co nvent ion al Ener gy – wh ere Solar ste am is use d for cooki ng & Bio gas g en erate d from waste food. n n n n n Industria l Bio gas Pl ants at1) Cummi ns Indi a Ltd 2) Kirlosk ar pn eum atic Co. Ltd. 3) Kirlosk ar Ferro us Industri es Ltd. 4) Emerso n Clim ate Tech nol og ies (Ind ia) Ltd. 6 Solar Stea m Gene rat ing Pla nt. n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Tata motors ltd. Emerson climate technologies( india) ltd. Cummins india ltd. Associated capsules Ltd. Sundaramgroup of companies Ltd. Varroc engineering Pvt Ltd. Godrej & Boyes Ltd. Tube investment of india Ltd. Honeywell automations India Ltd. . Scrubber Dynamix Dairies india Ltd. Jayhind Industries Ltd. Sterlite Industries Ltd. Proctor & Gamble home products Ltd. Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd. Amtek Industries Ltd. 7 Import an ce o f ENCON in industry . REMEMBER If you are wasting energy you are doing crime against Nation! AND If you try to save energy you will be doing prestigious work for Nation! Call yourself URJA RAKSHAK for NATION! For more detailsn Opel Energy Systems Pvt.Ltd., Pune. Office no. 12, Anantnagar, Pune- 4 3. Ph.Nos. 020 24377646, 09 921000930. Email- [email protected], response@opelenerg Websites- www.opelenerg www.e nerg 8
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