REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RfP) FOR HIRING OF AN ESCO FOR CARRYING OUT PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT OF VINIYAMAK BHAVAN, DELHI ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION (DERC) BUILDING, NEW DELHI & R. K. KHANNA TENNIS COMPLEX BUILDINGS, DELHI LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION, NEW DELHI Prepared by Bureau of Energy Efficiency 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram New Delhi - 110066 March, 2015 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Letter of Invitation .................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION........................................................................................ 5 2.1 The Energy Conservation Act, 2001...................................................................................... 5 2.2 Functions of BEE .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 PRESENT STATUS ............................................................................................................... 6 3.0 Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 8 4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9 5.0 Clarification and Amendment of RFP Documents ................................................................... 9 6.0 Proposal Validity................................................................................................................... 10 7.0 Preparation of Proposal ......................................................................................................... 10 8.0 Pre-Bid Conference ............................................................................................................... 10 9.0 Evaluation Criteria of Proposal ............................................................................................. 11 10.0 Bid Processing Fee............................................................................................................... 13 11.0 Award of Contract .............................................................................................................. 15 12.0 Timelines for Completion of the project and Termination ................................................. 15 13.0 Liquidated Damage (LD) ................................................................................................... 15 14.0 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................... 16 15.0 FORCE MAJEURE ............................................................................................................ 16 16.0 Documents comprising the proposal................................................................................... 17 16.1 Envelope A: ........................................................................................................................ 17 16.2 Envelope B:......................................................................................................................... 17 17.0 Instructions to ESCO .......................................................................................................... 18 18.0 Forms for submission of proposal ...................................................................................... 20 Page 2 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 19.0 Terms of Reference ............................................................................................................. 36 19.1 Scope of Work .................................................................................................................... 36 19.2 Deliverables in the Detail Project Report (DPR) & Implementation plan.......................... 40 20 Release of payment ............................................................................................................ 40 21.0 Data for DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi ...................... 42 22.0 Evaluation criteria for Technical Proposal ........................................................................ 47 Page 3 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Section-I 1.0 Letter of Invitation 1.1 Advertisement This Request for Proposal (RfP) is for Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) empanelled with BEE for carrying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC New Delhi and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi. In order to promote implementation of energy efficiency measures in the existing buildings, the Government of India has approved a scheme to provide assistance for conducting Investment Grade Energy Audits (IGEA) for government buildings at central as well as state level. Interested ESCOs may download the RfP document from the website . The submission of the RfP document must be accompanied with the payment of the bid processing fees of Rs.5,000/- (INR Five Thousand only). The payment will be accepted in the form of crossed demand draft on any scheduled bank, payable at par in New Delhi in favour of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi. Last Date for Submission of RfP: 15:00 hrs (IST) on 22nd April, 2015. In case of any clarifications, ESCOs may contact Shri. Sanjay Seth, Energy Economist, BEE Tel:(+91)-112617-9658, Fax: (+91)-11-2617-8352, Email: [email protected] . Secretary, Bureau of Energy Efficiency Page 4 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Section 2 Instructions to ESCO 2.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (ECA) forms the core of the legal framework put in place by India to promote energy efficiency and conservation. ECA came into force with effect from March 1, 2002. Some important sections of ECA relevant to BEE are: Section 1 – Short title, extent and commencement Section 2 – Definitions Section 3 – Bureau of Energy Efficiency-creation, administration Section 12 – Transfer of Assets and Liabilities of Energy Management Center to BEE Section 13 – Powers and functions of the BEE Section 14 – Power of Central Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and its Conservation Section 15 -Power of State Government to Facilitate and Enforce Efficient use of Energy and its Conservation Section 16 – Constitution of State Energy Conservation Fund Section 17 – Power of Inspection Section 18 – Power of Central Government to issue directions Section 26 – Penalties and Adjudication Section 52 – Power to obtain Information Section 56 – Power of Central Government to make rules Section 57 – Power of State Government to make rules Section 58 – Power of BEE to make regulations Section 62 – Power to remove difficulties 2.2 Functions of BEE The mission of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is to develop policy and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act (EC Act), 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. This will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors. The setting up of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) provides a legal framework for energy Page 5 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi efficiency initiatives in the country. The Act empowers the Central Government and in some instances the State Governments to: Notify energy intensive industries, other establishments, and commercial buildings as designated consumers. Establish and prescribe energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers. Direct designated consumers to designate or appoint certified energy manager in charge of activities for efficient use of energy and its conservation. Get an energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and intervals of time. Furnish information with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor to the designated agency. Comply with energy consumption norms and standards, and if not so, to prepare and implement schemes for efficient use of energy and its conservation. Prescribe energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation in commercial buildings State Governments to amend the energy conservation building codes to suit regional and local climatic conditions. Direct owners or occupiers of commercial buildings to comply with the provisions of energy conservation building codes. Direct mandatory display of label on notified equipment and appliances. Specify energy consumption standards for notified equipment and appliance. 2.3 PRESENT STATUS Overview There is a huge potential of energy savings in existing buildings. Energy Audit studies conducted in several office buildings, hotels and hospitals indicate energy saving potential of 23% to 46% in end uses such as lighting, cooling ventilation, refrigeration etc. Energy efficiency measures bring about energy savings due to reduced energy consumptions. Energy savings are determined by comparing energy baseline with energy consumed after implementation of EE measures. Energy cost savings resulting from EE measures directly benefit building owners and occupants over the life cycle of the building. ESCO is an organization engaged in a performance-based contract with a client firm to implement measures, which reduce energy consumption and costs in a technically and financially viable manner. There are various models of ESCO in energy efficiency business for example, (a) ESCO may only provide energy audit and consultancy for implementation of energy efficiency measures, (b) ESCO may provide energy audit and operation and maintenance of retrofitted equipment with performance guarantee and (c) ESCO may provide audit, finance and implement the measures under performance contract with shared savings. Page 6 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi In order to promote implementation of energy efficiency measures in the existing buildings, the Government of India has approved a scheme to provide assistance for preparation of Investment Grade Energy Audits (IGEA) for government buildings at central as well as state level. In addition, the State Designated Agencies (SDAs) /other Government agencies are being encouraged to take up implementation of energy efficiency measures in their government buildings. The approved scheme provides funding of IGEA for buildings being arranged by the SDAs/Other Government agency. It is therefore, necessary, to co-ordinate with the Central and State Governments/ Agencies for taking up energy efficiency improvements in their existing buildings/facilities. Page 7 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Part I Standards 3.0 Definitions (a) “Employer” means BEE who has invited the bids for the services and with which the selected ESCO to sign the Contract for the Services and to which the selected ESCO shall provide services as per the terms and conditions and TOR of the contract. (b) Energy Service Company (ESCO) means BEE accredited ESCOs, who may provide or provides the Services to the Employer under the Contract. (c) “Project specific information” means such part of the Instructions used to reflect specific project and assignment conditions. (d) “Day” means calendar day. (e) “Government” means the Government of India. (f) “Instructions to ESCO” (Section 2 of the RFP) means the document which provides Service providers with all information needed to prepare their Proposal. (g) “LOI” (Section 1 of the RFP) means the Letter of Intent being sent by the Employer to the short-listed service providers. (h) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the ESCO assigned to perform the Services or any part thereof; “Foreign Personnel” means such professionals and support staff who at the time of being so provided had their domicile outside the Government’s country; “Domestic Personnel” means such professionals and support staff who at the time of being so provided had their domicile in India. (i) “Proposal” means the Technical and Financial Proposal. (j) “RFP” means the Request for Proposal prepared by the Employer for the selection of ESCO. (k) “Assignment / job” means the work to be performed by the ESCO pursuant to the Contract. (l) “Terms of Reference” (TOR) means the document included in the RFP as Section 4 which explains the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be performed, respective responsibilities of the Employer and the ESCO, and expected results and deliverables of the Assignment/job. Page 8 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Present proposal: This RFP calls proposal from ESCOs for carrying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex building, New Delhi 4.0 Introduction 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 The Employer named in the Part II Data Sheet will select service providers/organizations (the ESCO) from those to whom the RFP has been addressed, in accordance with the method of selection specified in the Part II Data Sheet. Detailed scope of the assignment/ job has been described under the Terms of Reference in Section 4. The date, time and address for submission of the Proposal have been given in Part II Data Sheet. The empanelled ESCOs are invited to submit their Proposal, for Assignment/job named in the Part II Data Sheet. The Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed Contract with the selected ESCO. ESCO should familiarize themselves with Local conditions and take them into account in preparing their Proposal. To obtain the first hand information on the assignment/job and local conditions, the ESCOs are encouraged to meet the employer’s representative named in Part II Data sheet before submitting the proposal. The proposal in complete would be submitted to the organizations representative as mentioned in Part II of the Data Sheet. ESCO shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their Proposal and contract negotiation. The Employer is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the selection process at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the ESCO. 5.0 Clarification and Amendment of RFP Documents 5.1 5.2 ESCO may request a clarification on any clause of the RFP documents up to the number of days indicated in the Part II Data Sheet before the proposal submission date. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic means to the Employer’s address indicated in the Part II Data Sheet. The Employer will respond in writing, or by standard electronic means and will send written copies of the response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) to all ESCO. At any time before the submission of Proposal, the Employer may amend the RFP by issuing an addendum in writing or by standard electronic means. The addendum shall be sent to all Consulting agencies and will be binding on them. Consulting agencies shall acknowledge receipt of all amendments. To give ESCO reasonable time in which to take an amendment into account in their Proposal the Employer may, if the amendment\ is substantial, extend the deadline for the submission of Proposal. Page 9 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 5.3 A pre-bid conference is organized for any clarifications on the RFP on the date and time as mentioned in the Part II Data Sheet. 6.0 Proposal Validity The Part II Data Sheet to ESCO indicates how long ESCO’s Proposal must remain valid after the submission date. During this period, ESCO shall maintain the availability of Professional staff nominated, services offered in the Proposal and also the financial proposal unchanged. The Employer will make its best effort to complete negotiations within this period. Should the need arise however the Employer may request ESCO to extend the validity period of their Proposal. ESCO who agree to such extension shall confirm that they maintain the availability of the Professional staff nominated, services offered in the Proposal and their financial proposal remain unchanged, or in their confirmation of extension of validity of the Proposal, ESCO could submit new staff in replacement, who would be considered in the final evaluation for contract award. ESCO who do not agree have the right to refuse to extend the validity of their Proposal; under such circumstance the Employer shall not consider such proposal for further evaluation. 7.0 Preparation of Proposal This RFP is for selecting an ESCO for carrying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi for baseline identification and energy assessment. Consequent to energy assessment of the building, ESCO firm will submit detailed implementation plan for retrofit based on performance contracting mode. Implementation plan would be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee constituted by the building owner and comprising of representation from BEE, administrative and financial officers of building owner and other representatives nominated by building owner. Building owner may hire an independent consultant for evaluation of the implementation plan proposal and for verification of energy saving achieved after & during retrofitting. Interested ESCOs shall submit one single proposal constituting technical as well as financial bids in separate envelopes. The Proposal as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the ESCO and the Employer shall be written in English language. In preparing their Proposal, ESCO are expected to examine in detail the documents comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal. 8.0 Pre-Bid Conference A pre bid conference for bidders shall take place on 13/04/2015 in BEE conference room at 11:00 hrs to clarify any doubts/queries pertaining to the RFP. Page 10 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi The ESCO can visit the building; examine all relevant system structures and equipment, familiarize themselves with the existing conditions and limitations, and review any additional information made available by the customer during visit to building. 9.0 Evaluation Criteria of Proposal 9.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria The ESCO interested in being considered for this project must fulfil the following criteria and submit the documents in support thereof as mentioned below. RfP submitted without supporting documents shall be considered as non-responsive and the proposal shall not be evaluated: SN a b c d e f PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The ESCO should be enlisted in the list of empanelled ESCOs of Bureau of energy efficiency The ESCO should have carried out at least five energy audits in govt. buildings/commercial complexes with a minimum load of 700 kW in last 03 years. The ESCO should have at least three years of experience in preparation of Investment Grade Energy Audit Reports of govt. buildings/commercial complexes The ESCO should not be involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or compromising the delivery of services as required under this contract The ESCO must not be blacklisted by any central/state government/ Public sector undertaking in India Consortium of bidders is not allowed The ESCO is desired to have experience in implementation of govt. buildings/commercial complexes SUPPORTING DOCUMENTs BEE LETTER Summary sheet of IGEA mentioning connected load Completion certificate from SDA, BEE, Building owner Self-undertaking Self-undertaking Self-undertaking energy efficiency projects in 9.2 Preliminary Scrutiny Preliminary scrutiny of the proposal will be made to determine whether they are Complete, whether required process fee has been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. Proposal not conforming to such preliminary requirements will be prima-facie rejected. Page 11 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 9.3 Evaluation of Proposal Bid Evaluation Methodology Single Stage – Two Envelope Procedure: Bidders should submit, one soft and one signed hard copy of the RFP, in two sealed envelopes simultaneously, the first named ENVELOPE (A) containing the Technical Proposal and the other named ENVELOPE (B) containing the Financial Proposal, along with a cross demand draft as a bid processing fee. All these enclosed together in an outer single envelope initially, only the Technical Proposal will be opened at the date and time advised in the Bidding Document. The Price Proposal would remain sealed and held in custody by BEE. The Technical Proposal would be evaluated by the bid evaluation committee. No amendments or changes to the Technical Proposal are permitted. Following the approval of the technical evaluation, and at an address, date and time advised by the BEE, the financial Proposal will be opened. The financial proposal would be opened for the technically pre-qualified bidders and lowest (L1) bidder would be awarded the work. In the event of any difference between the soft copy and the submitted hardcopy, hardcopy will be considered as final. Alternate bids will not be allowed. Preliminary Evaluation: The technical proposal will be reviewed for deviations, acceptance of terms and conditions, adherence to scope of work, formats required, etc., In case of noncompliance on any of the above, bids will be considered as technically non-responsive. Technical Evaluation: The technical evaluation will be based on the Technical Proposal submitted by the Bidders with Bid document in ENVELOPE (A) in respect of technical approach and methodology, Site Specific Approach, risk analysis and mitigation plan and Measurement and Verification experience and plan. Technical proposal submitted by ESCO shall duly evaluated based on the guidelines provided in Annexure B. ESCOs are requested to go through the details of it before submitting their proposals. The details of the scoring weight for these criteria are depicted below. Characteristic Proposed Approach Approach to carry out energy audits/measurements of government buildings Approach to do Baseline Estimation Approach to Implementation Approach for M&V of Government Buildings Understanding of Buildings /Site in consideration Work Plan/Staffing Marks 50 15 15 10 5 5 20 Page 12 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Team Work Schedule Experience of firm Experience of firm in performance contracting in Buildings Experience in M&V of Buildings and designing of M&V protocols Risk /Mitigation Plan for auditing/implementation in Govt. Buildings 10 10 20 10 10 10 The project experience, CV credentials of the team, approach to energy auditing, experience in performance contracting etc, would be evaluated and scores would be given (out of 100). The Proposal with score of less than 70% in Technical evaluation will be rejected straight away and be considered as technically disqualified. Financial Proposal Evaluation: The Financial Proposal should be prepared using the attached Standard Form 1 and Form 2 of Envelope B. It shall list all costs associated with the Assignment/job Financial Proposal of only such firms will be considered whose offers have been declared technically qualified. The financial Proposal of technically qualified Bidders will then be considered for further evaluation. Financial proposal should be un-conditional, failing which the bid shall be summarily rejected. Work shall be awarded only to the lowest (L1) bidder after technical evaluation Note: Each evelope containing Technical and Financial proposal should be written with i.e “Bid submission for the RfP of performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi” and “Not to be opened before the 22/04/2015 at 15:00 hrs” 10.0 Bid Processing Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) All RFPs must be accompanied by a bid processing fee of INR 5000 (INR Five Thousand only) in the form of a crossed demand draft drawn on any nationalized/ scheduled bank payable at par in Delhi, in favour of “Bureau of Energy Efficiency”, payable at Delhi. All bidders are required to deposit a demand draft of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) as EMD in favour of “Bureau of Energy EFficiency” alongwith the proposal. EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be Page 13 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi returned after the award of work and BEE will keep only EMD of successful bidder for the contract period.The Demand draft should be submitted separately in an outer envelope apart from Envelope A and Envelope B. 10.1 Submission, Receipt, and Opening of Proposal a. The Financial Proposal shall contain no interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the ESCO themselves. The person who signed the proposal must initial such corrections. Submission letters for Financial Proposal should be in the format FIN. b. An authorized representative of the ESCO shall initial all pages of the original Financial Proposal. The authorization shall be in the form of a written power of attorney accompanying the Proposal or in any other form demonstrating that the representative has been dully authorized to sign. The signed Financial Proposal shall be marked “ORIGINAL”. c. The original Financial Proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” followed by the name of the Assignment/job. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address and reference number. The Employer shall not be responsible for misplacement, losing or premature opening if the outer envelope is not sealed and/or marked as stipulated. This circumstance may be case for Proposal rejection. If the financial proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly marked as indicated above, it will be straight away rejected and shall be considered as disqualified. d. The Proposal must be sent to the address/addresses indicated in the Data sheet and received by the Employer no later than the time and the date indicated in the Data sheet, or any extension to this date in accordance with Para 4 above. Any proposal received by the Employer after the deadline for submission shall be returned unopened. e. Date and time for opening of Financial bids of technically qualified bidders would be be intimated subsequently Page 14 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 10.2 Proposal Evaluation From the time the Proposal is opened to the time the Contract is awarded, the ESCO should not contact the Employer on any matter related to its Financial Proposal. 10.3 Public opening & evaluation of the Financial Proposal o Financial Proposal shall be opened publicly on the date & time specified in the Data sheet, in the presence of the ESCO’s representatives who choose to attend. o Financial bids of technically pre-qualified bidders would be opened and work shall be awarded to the lowest (L1) bidder. 11.0 Award of Contract 11.1 The Employer shall issue a Letter of Intent to the selected ESCO and promptly notify all other Consulting agencies who have submitted Proposal about the decision taken. 11.2 The ESCO will sign the contract after fulfilling all the formalities/pre-conditions within 15 days of issuance of the letter of intent. 11.3 The ESCO is expected to commence the Assignment/job on the date and at the location specified in the Part II Data Sheet. 12.0 Timelines for Completion of the project and Termination The agency is expected to carry out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex, buildings New Delhi work within 90 days from the date of signing of the contract. Timeline for the second stage work of retrofitting on performance contract mode would depend on the approval of time line Implementation Plan by the evaluation committee/ competent authority appointed by building owner. 13.0 Liquidated Damage (LD) In case of default of adhering to the time schedule, Liquidation Damages (LD) to the extent of ½% of the total contract value per week subject to a maximum of 5% of the total contract value Page 15 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi would be levied. For any delay beyond 3 months, BEE reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason(s) & have right to carry out the pending assignment at the ESCOs risk & cost. 14.0 Confidentiality Information relating to evaluation of Proposal and recommendations concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the ESCO who submitted the Proposal or to other persons not officially concerned with the process, until the publication of the Award of Contract. The undue use by any ESCO of confidential information related to the process may result in the rejection of its Proposal and may be subject to the provisions of the Employer’s antifraud and corruption policy. 15.0 FORCE MAJEURE FORCE MAJEURE shall mean and be limited to the following: a) War/hostilities b) Riot or Civil commotion c) Earthquake, flood, tempest, lightening or other natural physical disaster. d) Restrictions imposed by the Government or other statutory bodies which prevents or delays the execution of the Contract by Bidder. In the event of any force majeure cause, the bidder or the employer shall not be liable for delays in performing their obligations under this order and the completion dates may be extended, for a period not exceeding the period of delay attributable to the causes of Force Majeure. Neither employer nor Bidder shall be liable to pay extra costs provided it is mutually established that Force Majeure Conditions did actually exist. The Bidder shall at all times, Indemnify and keep indemnified, the employer and its officer’s servants and agents, from and against all/any claims whatsoever, arising as a consequence of, or in the course of execution of the work (including but not limited to property loss and damage, personal accident, injury or death of or to property or person, of the ESCO or any JV partner or subcontractor, and / or the servants or agents of the ESCO, or any other JV partner or any sub contractor and / or of the firm/department). Page 16 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 16.0 Documents comprising the proposal 16.1 Envelope A: The Technical proposal prepared by the firm shall comprise the following components: Form 1: Letter of Proposal Submission (refer Para 18.1 in Section 3) Form 2: Organizational Profile (refer Para 18.2 in Section 3) Form 3: Prior Experience (refer Para 18.3 in Section 3) Form 4: Comments and Suggestions (refer Para 18.4 in Section 3) Form 5: Approach and methodology for performing the assignment (refer Para 18.5 in Section 3) Form 6: Composition of the team personnel and task(s) of each team Para 18.6 in Section 3) member (refer Form 7: Format of curriculum vitae (CV) for proposed professional staff (refer Para 18.7 in Section 3) Form 8: Work Schedule (refer Para 18.8 in Section 3) Form 9: Performance Contracting and Measurement and Verification experience of the ESCO (refer Para 18.9 in Section 3) Form 10: Risk Analysis and Mitigation Plan (refer Para 18.10 in Section 3) 16.2 Envelope B: The Financial proposal prepared by the firm shall comprise the following components: Form 1: Financial Proposal Submission Form (refer Para 18.11 in Section 3) Form 2: Financial Cost Split (refer Para 18.12 in Section 3) Outer enevelope comprising Enevelope A Enevelope B Form 3: Declaration Letter (refer Para 18.13 in Section 3) Supporting documents for pre-qualification criteria (Refer para 9.1) Page 17 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Bid processing fee of INR 5000. Registered Power of Attorney executed by the firm in favor of the Principal Officer or the duly Authorized Representative, certifying him/her as an authorized signatory for the purpose of this proposal 17.0 Instructions to ESCO Part II Data Sheet Sr.No Clause Subject Particulars 1 2.2 Name of Employer and BEE Project Hiring of an ESCO for carrying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi 2 2.3 Last Date/ Time and 22/04/2015 15:00 Hrs Venue for submission Address: BEE office, 4th floor, Sewa Bhawan, R K of bids Puram, New Delhi 3 2.5 4 2.6 Nodal officer for Shri Sanjay Seth issuing clarifications Energy Economist BEE office, 4th floor, Sewa Bhawan, R K Puram, New Delhi Tel-011-26179658 email:[email protected] Contact person for Shri Girja Shankar submission of the bids Asstt.Energy Economist BEE office, 4th floor, Sewa Bhawan, R K Puram, New Delhi Tel-011-26179699 email:[email protected] 5. 3.1 Last date for seeking 13/04/2015 in writing or by email to persons and clarifications address mentioned in 3 above. 6. 3.3 Pre-bid Conference 7. 11.1 8. 4.1 A Pre-bid conference will be organized on 13/04/2015 in BEE conference room at 11:00 hrs Financial bid opening Date and time for opening of Financial bids of technically qualified bidders would be be intimated subsequently Validity of the The Proposal must remain valid till 120 days from Page 18 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Sr.No Clause Subject Particulars Proposal the date of submission of bids. Original financial bids (sealed in envelope) to be submitted. Financial bids of technically pre-qualified bidders would be opened and work shall be awarded to the lowest (L1) bidder. ESCO will sign the contract after fulfilling all the formalities/pre-conditions within 15 days of issuance of the letter of intent. The agency is expected to complete the project within 90 days after the signing of the contract. 9. 7.3 Submission of bids 10. 11.2 Method of selection 11. 12 12. 13.1 Expected date and place of commencement Expected date of completion of the project Page 19 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Section 3 Standard Form 18.0 Forms for submission of proposal Detailed technical and financial proposal is to be submitted in the following format along with the necessary documents as listed. The bidders are expected to examine all terms and instructions included in the RfP document. Failure to provide all requested information will be at the bidders risk and may result in rejection of their proposal. 18.1 Form1 LETTER OF PROPOSAL SUBMISSION [Location, Date] To Shri ---------, Secretary, BEE Address Dear Sir, Sub: Hiring of an ESCO for carrying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi 1. The undersigned Bidders, having read and examined in detail all the RfP documents in respect of appointment of an ESCO for cayying out performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi, do hereby submit their proposal to provide services as specified in the scope of work. 2. Correspondence Details: Our correspondence details are: 1 Name of the Bidder 2 Address of the Bidder 3 Name of the contact person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender 4 Designation of the person to whom all references Page 20 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi shall be made regarding this tender 5 Address of the person to whom all references shall be made regarding this tender 6 Telephone (with STD code) 7 E-Mail of the contact person 8 Fax No. (with STD code) 3. Document forming part of proposal Envelope (A)- Technical Proposal Form 1: Letter of Proposal Submission Form 2: Organizational Profile Form 3: Prior Experience of the firm in energy efficiencyExperience in IGEA of Govt. Buildings/ performance enhancement Form 4: Comments and Suggestions Form 5: Approach and methodology for performing the assignment Form 6: Composition of the team personnel and task(s) of each team member Form 7: Format of curriculum vitae (CV) for proposed professional staff Form 8: Work Schedule Form 9: Performance Contracting and Measurement and Verification experience of the ESCO Form 10: Risk Analysis and Mitigation Plan Envelope (B)- Financial Proposal Form 1: Financial Proposal Submission Form Form 2: Financial Cost Split Form 3: Declaration Letter EMD in the form of Demand Draft of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) and Bid processing fee of INR 5000/- in form of DD drawn in favor of BEE. Page 21 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Registered Power of Attorney executed by the Bidder in favor of the Principal Officer or the duly Authorized Representative, certifying him/her as an authorized signatory for the purpose of this proposal We hereby declare that our proposal is made in good faith and the information contained is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Thanking you, Yours faithfully (Signature of the Bidder) Name : Designation : Seal : Date : Place : Business Address: Witness: Bidder: Signature Signature Name Name Address Designation Company Date Date Page 22 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.2 Form2 Organizational Profile Sr.No Details of the Company/Firm 1.1 Name of the Company / Firm 1.2 Year of Registration / Incorporation in India* 1.2 Type of Organization /Manufacturer/Consultants etc.) 1.3 Present ESCO Grading 1.4 Number of Permanent Employees 1.5 Number of key Personnel working with the company since last two years 1.6 Number of employees working in areas of Energy audit / Performance Contracting 1.7 Organization’s number of years of experience as an ESCO 1.8 Organization’s number of years of experience in energy auditing for government/commercial buildings 1.9 Mailing address 1.10 Telephone No. 1.11 Fax No. 1.12 Email 1.13 Annual Turnover ** FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 1.14 Annual Profits** FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 (Service Page 23 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Grade as per BEE empanelment: *Enclose a copy of Registration document **Enclose a copy of Audited Financial Statement with respect to information furnished in 1.13 and 1.14 Witness: Bidder: Signature Signature Name Name Address Designation Company Date Date 18.3 Form3 Prior Experience of the Organization In this, the bidder needs to provide following documents to support their experience. 1) One page giving details of at least five energy audit carried out in govt. Buildings/commercial complexes having connected load of 700 kW or more. 2) Credentials to support experience in preparation of Investment Grade Energy Audit Reports thereafter in the last 3 years. 3) Completion certificates from above mentioned establishments would be desirable. 4) Experience in energy efficiency. 5) For more clarification kindly refer to Para. 9.1, Section 2 (part I) Page 24 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.4 Form4 Comments and suggestions [Suggest and justify here any modifications or improvement to the scope of work, tasks to be performed, timeline, deliverables, payment terms etc. to improve performance in carrying out the Assignment. Such suggestions should be concise and to the point.] (Maximum One page) 18.5 Form5 Approach and methodology for performing the assignment a) Approach to carry out energy audits/measurements of government buildings: In this, the ESCO shall outline their approach and methodology to identify energy consuming operations of buildings, existing status and performance of operations, which includes measurements, saving potential and ways to achieve the savings and cost benefit analysis of different options. This portion would highlight ESCOs past experience in working for government buildings. b) Approach to do Baseline Estimation: An accurate estimation of Baseline consumption plays a vital role in implementation of energy audit reports. Explain your approach to ensure that an accurate estimation of baseline consumption is presented in the final report. ESCO need to mention various factors, which are key for estimating baseline energy consumption and approach to capture these parameters. c) Approach to Implementation: This activity shall result in implementation of proposed measures in these buildings. ESCOs shall mention what are the critical parameters, which are important to be addressed in Investment Grade Audit report, which shall give true implementation potential and can be directly adopted for implementation. This shall also discuss operational as well as administrative parameters. ESCO shall discuss their approach in capturing these parameters keeping implementation in mind. d) Approach for M&V of Government Buildings: Monitoring and Verification is key when going for implementation through Performance contracting mode. ESCO shall mention key requirements to be addressed in IGEA regarding M&V aspects in the government buildings and approach to capture these requirements. e) Understanding of Buildings /Site in consideration: ESCOs should bid after having understanding about the site/buildings in question. Explain your understanding of the state of affairs at the site in consideration including the aspects pertaining to various Page 25 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi agencies involved in operation and maintenance of different facets of the building and their roles and responsibilities. (Maximum ten pages) 18.6 Form6 Composition of the team personnel and task(s) of each team member 1. Key Professionals Sl. Position Name No. Details of Tasks Assigned 1. Team Leader 2. 3. 1. Team Members Sl. Position Name No. Details of Tasks Assigned 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. Certified Energy Managers/Auditors in the key team members Sl. No Name Year of Registration The bidders should propose separate teams for different buildings. Page 26 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.7 Form7 Format of curriculum vitae (CV) for proposed professional staff Proposed Position: ______________________________________ Name of Firm: _________________________________________ Name of Staff: _________________________________________ Profession: ___________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________________ Years with Firm/Entity: ____________ Nationality: _____________ Membership in Professional Societies: _________________________ ____________________________________________________ Detailed Tasks Assigned: ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Key Qualifications: [Given an outline of staff member’s experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment. Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. Use about half a page.] ______________________________________________________________________ Education: [Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of schools, dates attended, and degree obtained. Use about one quarter of a page.] __________________________________________________________ Page 27 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Employment Record: [Starting with the present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing organizations, titles of position held, and locations of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and client references, where appropriate.] ________________________________________________________ Relevant experience: [No. of similar assignments (preparation of bankable IGEAs for government buildings); duration, value & scope of similar assignment; brief tasks undertaken in such assignments_____________________________________________ Languages: [For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair, or poor; in speaking, reading and writing] __________________________________________________________ Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications, and my experience. _______________________________________ Date: ______________ [Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the Firm] Day/ Month/ Year] Full name of staff member: __________________________________ Full name of authorized representative: _______________________________ Page 28 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Note: Detailed CVs of Key Professionals are required to be submitted as per Form 7. CVs of Team Members shall need to be submitted separately in the same format. Page 29 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.8 Form8 Work Schedule Sl. Name Activity No. Total Number of Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. (1) Sub-total 2. (2) Sub-total 3. (3) Sub-total 4. (4) Sub-total 1. Indicate all main activities of the assignment/job, including delivery of reports and other benchmarks Signature: ____________________ (Authorized Representative) Full Name: ___________________ Title: _______________________ Address: _____________________ Page 30 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.9 Form9 Performance Contracting and Measurement and Verification experience of the ESCO Using the format below, provide information on each performance contracting and monitoring and Verification assignment of energy efficiency projects for which your firm, and each associate for this assignment, was legally contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association, for carrying out ESCO services in government/commercial buildings similar to the one under this assignment. The Bidder should give information about minimum of one previous project of similar nature and scale as under this assignment. Explain in detail the Measurement and Verification approach adopted and challenges faced in M&V in each of these assignments. Name of Bidder/Firm: Assignment/job name: Nature of Assignment: [Mention the major areas/industry covered in the assignment] Description of Project [Should mention the objective, scope & nature of the final deliverable in the assignment] Approx. value of Energy Savings Achieved (in Rupees, percentage and Kwh): Country: Location within country: Duration (months) of Assignment/job Name of Employer: Address and contact details: Total No of staff-months of the Assignment/job: Page 31 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Start date (month/year): Completion date (month/year): Name of associated Bidders, if any: No of professional staff-months provided by associated Bidders: Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved and functions performed. Description of actual [Should mention the exact roles, Assignment/job provided by responsibilities, deliverables and impacts] your staff within the Assignment/job: Note: Please attach Letter of Intent or Purchase Order or certificate of successful completion for each project, from the respective Client(s). Witness: Bidder: Signature Signature Name Name Address Designation Company Date Date Page 32 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.10 Form10 Risks Foreseen in conducting the Energy Audit/Implementation and proposed mitigation plan Explain your understanding of the risks foreseen/barriers in doing Investment grade energy audit and doing implementation in government buildings from technical point of view to operation and administration point of view and proposed mitigation strategy for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output. This will show ESCOs past experience in working in government buildings. (Maximum two pages) Envelope B 18.11 Form1 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORM [Location, Date] To: [Name and address of Employer] Dear Sirs, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the Assignment/job for conducting energy Audits in Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings , New Delhi in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date]. Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of [Insert amount(s) in words and figures, for cluster]. This amount is inclusive of all taxes. We hereby confirm that the financial proposal is unconditional and we acknowledge that any condition attached to financial proposal shall result in reject of our financial proposal. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. before the date indicated in clause 4.1 of the Part II Data Sheet. Commissions and gratuities paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Proposal and Contract execution, if we are awarded the Contract, are listed below: Page 33 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Name and Address of Agents Amount and Purpose of Commission Gratuity We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. We remain, Yours Sincerely Authorized Signature [In full and initials]: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Address: 18.12 Form2 Financial Cost Split SUMMARY OF COSTS S.No. Particulars 1 Remuneration* (carrying out Performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex buildings, New Delhi) 2 Total Amount Rupees in Amount words in * Cost includes the work of conducting investment grade energy audit of the building for baseline identification, energy assessment and designing of detailed implementation plan for retrofitting Authorized Signature Name: ........................................................................................... Designation ....................................................................................................................... Name of firm: Address: Page 34 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 18.13 Form3 Declaration letter Declaration Letter on official letter head stating the following: We are not involved in any major litigation that may have an impact of affecting or compromising the delivery of services as required under this contract We are not black-listed by any Central / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking in India Witness: Bidder: Signature Signature Name Name Address Designation Company Date Date Section 4 Page 35 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 19.0 Terms of Reference Part I Objective and Scope of Work 19.1 Scope of Work The scope of work would include conducting investment grade energy audit of the building for baseline identification, energy assessment and designing of detailed implementation plan for retrofitting. Review of present electricity, fuel oil & estimation of energy consumption in various load centers like lighting, Air-Conditioning, Water Pumping etc. for defining of baseline, static factors and independent variables etc. A detail study for energy conservation options of various energy sources like Electricity and Fuel oil in the building and recommend actions for reducing the same. Following are the indicative list of systems for performance evaluation, but not limited to, a) Electrical Distribution System a. Review of present electrical distribution like Single Line Diagram (SLD), transformer loading, cable loading, normal & emergency loads, electricity distribution in various areas / floors etc. b. Study of Reactive Power Management and option for power factor improvement. c. Study of power quality issues like Harmonics, current unbalance, voltage unbalance etc. d. Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in electrical distribution system. b) Lighting System a. Review of present lighting system, lighting inventories etc. b. Estimation of lighting load at various locations like different floors, outside (campus) light, pump house and other important locations. c. Detail lux level survey at various locations and comparison with acceptable standards. d. Study of present lighting control system and recommend for improvement. Page 36 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi e. Analysis of lighting performance indices like Lux/m2, lux/watt, lux/watt/m2 and its comparison with norms. f. Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in lighting system. c) Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning System (HVAC system) a. Review of present HVAC system like central AC, window AC, split AC; package AC, Water Coolers, and Air Heaters etc. b. Performance assessment of window AC, Split AC and Package AC system. c. Performance Assessment of Chillers, Cooling Towers, Air Handling Units (AHUs) and cold insulation system of central AC. d. Analysis of HVAC Performance like estimation of Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER i.e. KW/TR), Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) of Chilled Water Pumps, Condenser Water Pumps, AHUs etc and comparison of the operating data with the design data. e. Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in HVAC system. d) Diesel Generator (DG) Sets a. Review of DG set operation b. Performance Assessment of DG sets in terms of Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC i.e. KWH/Liter), c. Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in DG Sets. e) Water Pumping System a. Review of water pumping, storage and distribution systems. b. Performance assessment of all major water pumps i.e. power consumption vs. flow delivered, estimation of pump efficiency etc. c. Exploring the Energy Conservation Options (ENCON) in Water Pumping System. f) Thermic Fluid Heaters / Boilers a. Performance assessment of hot water generators or thermic fluid heaters like estimation of efficiency etc. b. Exploring the ENCON options in this systems g) Motor Load Survey a. Conducting the motor load survey of all drives to estimate the % loading. b. Exploring the ENCON options in electric drive system. h) Energy Monitoring & Accounting System a. Detail review of present energy monitoring & accounting system in terms of metering, record keeping, data logging, periodic performance analysis etc. Page 37 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi b. Recommend for effective energy monitoring & accounting system. i) Others a. Performance analysis of building envelope components and suggestion for improvement in these b. Review of present maintenance practice, replacement policies and building safety practices as applicable to high rising buildings and recommend for improvements. Cost-Benefit Analysis of each ENCON options indicating simple payback period, return on investment (ROI), internal rate of return (IRR). Preparation of a comprehensive Investment Grade Energy Audit Report, baseline report and submission of the same to BEE / Building owner. Designing & presentation of detailed implementation plan with break-up of basic implementation cost, Investment cost calculations, Energy calculations, O&M cost estimation, M&V estimation & protocol etc. for each measure together complete package. Evaluation Committee finalised the Implementation Plan and may instruct the ESCO to amend and revise the proposed plan and select the final proposal for implementation. Building owner is free to modify the proposal of ESCO and selection process thereafter. ESCO have to implement the retrofit project and report the saving and achievements to building owner and BEE. Flow chart gives the indicative steps of complete assignment. Page 38 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Performance enhancement of Viniyamak Bhavan, DERC and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building BEE Scheme for Existing Building X OptionA: performance enhancement based on energy assessment & retrofitting BEE will pay ESCO for BEE Invites ESCOs through bidding process baseline identification & EA work Assistance PRGF /VCFEE Assistance Bid Evaluation ESCO selection for baseline identification and energy assessment Submission of Implementation plan along with M&V and O&M by ESCO Third Party (M&V) Measurement & Verification Finalisation of Implementation Plan, PC & M&V EE Implementation through PC BEE will provide support for verification & reporting of savings achieved Building owner will report enhanced performance of building NO Evaluation Committee (SDA/ BEE/ BO/ ESCO) Acceptance YES X Page 39 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 19.2 Deliverables in the Detail Project Report (DPR) & Implementation plan The IGEA report should contain the following information: Methodology adopted for the study. Present energy scenario & performance of the building. Detail analysis of the data obtained through field visits, trial measurements by portable gadgets, discussion with concerned personnel etc. Data collection, information related to the equipment as per the suggestive template format provided in Annexure B. Recommendations for energy saving options in all possible areas with complete costbenefit analysis. Technical Specifications for all retrofit options. List of suppliers / manufacturers of energy efficient technologies. Detailed baseline parameters including assumptions, static factors, independent variables, inventory of energy consuming gadgets etc. Detailed Implementation Plan for retrofitting together with break-up of different cost estimation for basic cost, M&V cost, M&V protocol for EEMs; O&M cost, methodology for calculation & assumptions for operation of hours, measurements, energy saving calculation etc. Information related to Buildings mentioned under viz. area, air condition status, controlling authority, electricity/fuel consumption is provided in Annexure A The Investment grade Energy Audit should take into consideration the areas of study in the formats as per the suggestive templates provided along with this document. The template in Annexure B is not an exhaustive list but only indicative of the minimum depth of work to be done. 20.0 Release of payment 20.1 The ESCO shall submit the invoice for the payment when the payment is due as per the agreed terms. The payment shall be released as per the payment terms indicated under Para 20.3. 20.2 Once a milestone is completed, the ESCO shall submit the requisite deliverables as specified in this Contract. The Employer shall release the requisite payment upon acceptance of the deliverables. However, if the Employer fails to intimate acceptance of the deliverables or its objections thereto, within 30 days of receipt of it, the Employer shall release the payment to the ESCO without further delay. a) Final Payment: The final payment shall be made only after the final report and a final statement, identified as such, shall have been submitted by the ESCO and approved as satisfactory by the “Employer”. The Services shall be deemed Page 40 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi completed and finally accepted by the “Employer” and the final report and final statement shall be deemed approved by the “Employer” as satisfactory ninety (90) calendar days after receipt of the final report and final statement by the “Employer” unless the “Employer”, within such ninety (90) day period, gives written notice to the Consultancy Agency specifying in detail deficiencies in the Services, the final report or final statement. The ESCO shall thereupon promptly make any necessary corrections, and thereafter the foregoing process shall be repeated. Any amount, which the “Employer” has paid or caused to be paid in accordance with this Clause in excess of the amounts actually payable in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, shall be reimbursed by the ESCO to the “Employer” within thirty (30) days after receipt by the ESCO of notice thereof. Any such claim by the “Employer” for reimbursement must be made within twelve (12) calendar months after receipt by the “Employer” of a final report and a final statement approved by the “Employer” in accordance with the above. b) For the purpose of payment under acceptance means acceptance of the deliverables by the Employer after submission by the ESCO and the ESCO has made presentation to the Employer (Mention this if presentation is required) with /without modifications to be communicated in writing by the Employer to the ESCO. c) If the deliverables submitted by the ESCO are not acceptable to the Employer reasons for such non-acceptance should be recorded in writing; the Employer shall not release the payment due to the ESCO. This is without prejudice to the Employer’s right to levy any liquidated damages under clause 9. In such case, the payment will be released to the ESCO only after it re-submits the deliverable and which is accepted by the Employer. d) With the exception of the final payment under (a) above, payments do not constitute acceptance of the Services nor relieve the ESCO of any obligations hereunder, unless the acceptance has been communicated by the Employer to the ESCO in writing and the ESCO has made necessary changes as per the comments / suggestions of the Employer communicated to the ESCO. e) In case of early termination of the contract, the payment shall be made to the ESCO as mentioned here with: (i) Assessment should be made about work done from the previous milestone, for which the payment is made or to be made till the date of the termination. The ESCO shall provide the details of persons reasonably worked during this period with supporting documents f) ESCO firm then will only receive the cost for IGEA, baseline identification and Implementation plan for retrofitting work only from BEE. In case building owner denied to implement the work then building owner have to deposit the IGEA cost to BEE and ESCO firm would be paid by BEE. Page 41 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi g) After selection of ESCO for second stage work for implementation of retrofit work then BEE would support the cost of third party verification work needed for verification of energy savings accrued from the retrofit project. 20.3 Payment terms: The release of payment to the ESCO would be as follows:- 30% Completion of Energy audit work of buildings 70 % on acceptance of the DPR, implementation plan by the building owner/BEE to the building owner. Annexure A 21.0 Data for Building-1: DERC building General Information Building Name : DERC buildings Building owned by : Government of India, Planning Commission Name and Designation of Nodal officer / person for Energy Audit : Mr. Nikhil Kumar, Dy. Director purpose (T&D) DERC, New Delhi, Contact Details of Nodal Officer: Mr. Nikhil Kumar, Dy. Director Phone No: 09650099346; 011-26673613 Email ID: [email protected] Building Area Details Block Total Built-up No. area (Sq. Mtr.) Conditioned area (Sq. Mtr.) Nos. of floors 1 1209 Two buildings with Ground+2 floor 1349 Conditioning Nature of status Activity (Office / (FAC/PAC/NAC) Shopping / parking) 89.6% (FAC) Office 2 Page 42 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Conditioning Status FAC - Fully air conditioned, PAC-Partially air conditioned, NAC-Non air Conditioned Centralized and Unitary units at some places (1) 84.9 Ton Whether air conditioning is centralized / individual number of AC plants with plant capacities, Type (2) Split Package, Split Unitary and window systems Number of buildings in the complex and their individual loads Number of metering points, their connected load and total connected load Total contract demand and contract demand at individual metering points Two building Two metering point, 121 Kw, 21 kVA Contract Demand- Installed DG capacities and HSD consumption: NIL DG No. Year Capacity (KVA) Working Hours 1 HSD Consumption Ltrs ... 2 3 4 Total Electricity Consumption per annum (2 years) Meter No. Year Yearly Units (Kwh) Yearly Units (Kwh) Meter 1 Meter 2 Page 43 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Jan 2013- Dec 2013 224634 10338 Jan 2014- Dec 2014 221276 18506 MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY Administrative body in-charge of overall controls with contact details Controlling Body for operation and maintenance with contact details Shri Nikhil Kumar Dy. Director (T&D) 9650099346 Data for Building-2: R. K. Khanna complex buildings New Delhi General Information Building Name : DERC buildings Building owned by : Delhi Lawn Tennis Association (DLTA) Name and Designation of Nodal officer / person for Energy Audit : Col. A. K. Bhogal, General purpose Secretary, DLTA, New Delhi, Contact Details of Nodal Officer: Col. A. K. Bhogal, Phone No: 09711227004; 011-26176280 Email ID: [email protected] Building Area Details Block Total BuiltNo. up area (Sq. Mtr.) 1 2 3700 3300 Conditioned Nos. of floors area (Sq. Mtr.) Conditioning Nature of status Activity (Office / (FAC/PAC/NAC) Shopping / parking) buildings Office Old with Ground+First floor S. Block G+3 Media G+2 Office Page 44 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi 3 185 Tennis G+1 Block Office Conditioning Status FAC - Fully air conditioned, PAC-Partially air conditioned, NAC-Non air Conditioned Centralized and Unitary units at some places (1) 195 Ton x 2 nos. Screw type water cooled plants (2) Split Package, Split Unitary and window systems Whether air conditioning is centralized / individual number of AC plants with plant capacities, Type Number of buildings in the complex and their individual loads Number of metering points, their connected load and total connected load Total contract demand and contract demand at individual metering points Three building (Old Block, New Block, Tennis block) Two metering point, 350 Kw, 1000 kW Gross Contract Demand- 1350 kW Installed DG capacities and HSD consumption: NIL DG No. Year 1 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2012-13 2013-14 2 3 Capacity (KVA) 500 Working Hours 500 500 HSD Consumption Ltrs 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 4 Total Electricity Consumption per annum (2 years) Page 45 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Meter No. Year Yearly Units (Kwh) Yearly Units (Kwh) Meter 1 Meter 2 Jan 2013- Dec 2013 977288 671092 Jan 2014- Dec 2014 1095353 688738 MM/YYYY-MM/YYYY Administrative body in-charge of overall controls with contact details Col. A. K. Bhogal, General Secretary, DLTA, New Delhi, 09711227004 Controlling Body for operation and maintenance with contact details Col. A. K. Bhogal, General Secretary, DLTA, New Delhi, 09711227004 Page 46 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Annexure B 22.0 Evaluation criteria for Technical Proposal Technical Proposal Evaluation Criteria Proposed Approach Approach to carry out energy audits/measurem ents of government buildings Approach to do Baseline Estimation Approach to Implementation Maximum Score Clarity and completeness about preliminary data collection methodology(Viz by questionnaire or informal meet with site personnel's) Identification of sensitive administrative issues related to govt buildings 2 Approach in preparation/mapping different points for energy auditing Identification of facilities to be addressed for energy auditing Measurement techniques proposed for the building Approach proposed in identifying energy intensive areas in buildings Approach in addressing O&M measures in different operations Other important parameters Maximum Score (15) List of measuring instruments that would be used during measurement Approach on measurement techniques( point by point or by metering measurement) Mentioning of various factors that affects annual energy consumption pattern e environmental, operational etc. Reliability/comments about existing data and statistical tools/models proposed for Baseline estimation Maximum Score (15) Approach in identifying viable/implementable options in buildings Approach in engaging facility owners/top management in designing implementation options Approach in identifying administrative requirements for implementation of measures 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 15 2 3 5 5 15 3 2 2 Page 47 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi Work Plan/Staffi ng Action plan/schedule for implementation Maximum Score (10) Approach for M Approach in Identifying status of facility to & V for govt carry out M&V in govt buildings buildings Approach in identifying factors which can affect true M&V Approach for M&V plan in buildings Approach in identifying needs /support which can aid in M&V Maximum Score (5) Understanding of Ownership and operation of buildings buildings/ site Age/Construction of building considerations Current status of building in terms of major energy consumption equipments( Viz. HVAC, Lighting) Maximum Score (5) Proposed Approach Total Maximum Score Qualification of Technical Graduate Team Member Technical Diploma Other Graduate Maximum Score (2) Experience of >=10 years of Experience in Energy Sector Team Leader >=7to <=9 years of Experience in Energy Sector >=3 to <=6 years of Experience in Energy Sector <2 years of Experience in Energy Sector Maximum Score (3) BEE Certified Energy Auditor Certification Certified Energy Manager Other Relevant Experience in Energy Audit Maximum Score (2) >=5 Energy Audit Experience in Govt. Buildings ( >Connected Load1000kw) 0r >=10 Energy Audit Experience in Private Buildings ( >Connected Load1000kw) >=2 to <=4 Energy Audit Experience in Govt. Buildings ( >Connected Load1000kw) or >=7 Energy Audit Experience in Private Buildings 3 10 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 2 5 50 2 1 0 2 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 Page 48 RfP for hiring of an ESCO for carrying out Performance enhancement of DERC building and R. K. Khanna Tennis Complex Building, New Delhi <2 Energy Audit Experience in Govt. Buildings ( >Connected Load1000kw) or >=3 to <=6 Energy Audit Experience in Private Buildings ( >Connected Load1000kw) Maximum Score (3) Work schedule Approach in engaging BEE/Building during various key activities Submission of progress reports/final deliverable Maximum Score (10) Work Plan/ Staffing Total Maximum Score Experience Experience of the Firm having done at least one performance firm in contracting for buildings gets complete marks ( of Firm performance It may be one completed or ongoing project ) contracting of Firms having no experience in performance buildings contracting experience in buildings get no marks Maximum Score (10) Experience in Firm having done at least one M&V for M&V of buildings gets complete marks ( It may be one Buildings and completed or ongoing project ) or if designing of Organizations having M&V certified M&V protocols professionals The firms having no experience in M&V or no team for M&V gets no marks Maximum Score (10) Experience of Firm Total Maximum Score Risk/Mitig Risk /Mitigation Identifying risks/barriers in identifying energy Plan for auditing/implementation in govt buildings ation Plan auditing/impleme Mitigation plan to successfully ntation in Govt. execute/implement the project Buildings Risk/ Mitigation Plan Total Maximum Score Total Score of Technical Proposal 1 3 5 5 10 20 10 0 10 10 0 10 20 5 5 10 100 Page 49
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