F FBT AN ND EM EMPLO OYM MEN NT T TAX XES: TH HE WH HAT T, HOW W A AND D WHY W Y… C CPD hours h s: 3 hrrs day 20thh Februa ary 201 12 Date: Mond Time e: 9.00a am - 12 2.30pm (registrration from 8.3 30am) Venu ue: Interrcontine ental Ad delaide e, North h Terrac ce, Ade elaide Register Are e you curre ently y adviising clien nts on n FBT T and d Emp ploym ment Taxe es? Save time, t r registe er onlin ne xinstitu ute.com m.au at tax Base ed on th he very practic cal and comprrehensivve apprroach to FBT iin The Tax T Institute’s Certific cate in Ap pplied T Tax, thiss FBT a and employme ent taxe es workkshop w will refre esh you ur understandin ng of FBT, includ ding revvisiting how a fringe b benefit arises. Topic cs cove ered inc clude: Definition of a fringe e beneffit, type e 1 benefits, tyype 2 be enefits,, calcula ations, exemp pt oyers, m meal en ntertain nment, c car parrking, lo oans, de ebt waiiver LAF emplo FHA an nd ESO OPs Moto or vehicles (botth statu utory formula a and ope erating cost) Prope erty and d expen nse payyment b benefitss (includ ding oth herwise e deduc ctible and exemptions such as worrk-relate ed, min nor, in-h house). O Online e Mail M GPO Box 1694 1 Sydneey, NS SW 20 001 Fa ax 02 82 223 00 077 Wh ho sho ould atten nd Those e with 3 3-6 yea ars prac ctice exxperienc ce who o advise e clientss on FB BT and Employyment Taxess. Ben nefitss of atttend ding Learn n from a an expe erienced practtitioner Practtice app plying th hese co onceptss to wo orkplace e situattions Partic cipate in n discu ussion o on real-life casse studies Rece eive a co ompreh hensive e workb book forr future referen nce. Pre esente er Jenn nifer Ree es FTIA A, William Buckk Jenn nifer is a Manag ger with h William m Buckk. Her p primaryy focus is taxattion com mplianc ce and plannin ng mall and medium bussinesse es in a vvariety o of indusstries. S She is a also invvolved in for sm n assignmentss such as fam mily resttructure es, due diligence and busine ess acq quisition ns. Jenn nifer is actively a y involve ed e professsion in ncluding g being g a pastt chair o of the T Tax Insttitute’s SA membersh in the hip com mmittee e and sshe is a lecture er in the e Applied Tax module of the e Tax E Educatio on Prog gram. taxin nstitutte.com m.au Proud dly Sup pported By: FBT and Employment Taxes – The What, How and Why.. – SA Division REGISTRATION TAX INVOICE 5120219M1/WD Register This document will be a tax invoice for GST on completion and payment. Please retain original copy for your records. Please photocopy for additional delegates. All prices quoted include GST. ABN 45 008 392 372 Online Save time, register online at taxinstitute.com.au Mail GPO Box 1694 Sydney, NSW 2001 Fax 02 8223 0077 Registration Please register me for the FBT and Employment Taxes session: Adelaide (member) Adelaide (non member) $395 $495 For event enquiries, please contact the SA team on 08 8463 9444 or email [email protected] For registration enquiries, please contact [email protected] 3 CPD hours allocated for the event. CPD hours will be allocated to the designated attendee. Promotional code: Dietary requirements: Date of issue: 13/12/12 Delegate contact details Title: (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other) Company: First name: Last name: Position: Member no: Tel: Postal address: Mobile: State: Suburb: Email: Postcode: Fax: Please tick this box if you do not wish your name to be included on the delegate list provided to all attendees for networking purposes. Payment method Please note: all registration payments must be made prior to the event, unless other arrangements have been made with The Tax Institute. I enclose a cheque* for Card no. $ / / / *Please make cheque payable to The Tax Institute in Australian dollars. Expiry date: Please charge my credit card $ Cardholder’s signature: Card type: AMEX Visa MasterCard Diners Replacements Please note: registrations for the event are not interchangeable but replacements are acceptable. Please notify us at least two days prior if you intend on sending a replacement. CPD hours will be allocated to the designated attendee. If the replacement is not a member, the non-member registration fee will apply. Cardholder’s name: Cancellations The Tax Institute must receive cancellations in writing five working days prior to the seminar. No refund will be given for cancellations received within five working days of the event. A replacement may be nominated. Further details on The Tax Institute’s cancellation policy can be found at taxinstitute.com.au Membership and education program promotion I am interested in becoming a member of The Tax Institute, please send me further details. I am interested in learning more about The Tax Institute’s education program, please contact me. Marketing and business alliance partner exclusions I no longer wish to provide my contact details to The Tax Institute’s contracted business partners. I no longer wish to receive marketing correspondence from The Tax Institute. We take your privacy seriously, and our policy can be viewed at taxinstitute.com.au/go/footer/privacy
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