Remote Cloud Influences on the Double ITCZ Problem DARGAN M. W. FRIERSON UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON YEN-TING HWANG NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY GRAND CHALLENGE WORKSHOP, 3/24/14 Cloud Radiative Effects Often discussed in terms of how they affect global climate sensitivity, or local climate But patterns of heating have a strong influence on atmospheric dynamics Today I’ll mostly focus on how cloud biases over the Southern Ocean spread all the way to the ITCZ ITCZ Response to High Latitudes Pioneering work by Chiang and Bitz (2005) showed strong sensitivity of ITCZ to high latitude sea ice and land ice in Last Glacial Maximum conditions ITCZ shifts away from Drying cooled NH Paleoclimate data is consistent with such a shift Moistening From Chiang and Bitz (2005) See also simulations by Zhang and Delworth 2005, Broccoli et al, etc Extratropical Influences on ITCZ Sarah Kang’s thesis (2009): Two aquaplanet GCMs w/ idealized forcing only in the extratropics: Forcing SH warming Think glaciers + sea ice in NH, plus warming in SH (to keep global mean temperature the same) NH cooling From Kang, Held, Fri., & Zhao (2008, J Clim) and Kang, Fri. & Held (2009, JAS) ITCZ Changes In response to forcing, ITCZ precipitation shifts towards warmed hemisphere Tropical precip in aquaplanet GCM With strong forcing, ITCZ shifts up to 18 degrees Control case: ITCZ located on the equator Maximum amplitude of forcing = 0, 10, 30, 60 W/m2 From Kang, Held, Fri., & Zhao (2008, J Clim) and Kang, Fri. & Held (2009, JAS) Mechanism for Energy Transport Change Eddies modify fluxes in midlatitudes Quasi-diffusively: moist static energy transport proportional to moist static energy gradient See also Hwang & Fri. (2012), Hwang, Fri. & Kay (2013) Anomalous Hadley circulation modifies fluxes in tropics See Kang, Held, Fri., & Zhao (2008, J Clim) & Kang, Fri. & Held (2009, JAS) for more Role of Cloud Responses ITCZ shift is hugely sensitive to cloud feedbacks! Factor of 2 difference in response even for the same forcing! Varied Tokioka entrainment limiter in Relaxed ArakawaSchubert convection scheme Caused large SW CRF differences primarily in midlatitudes & subtropics Kang et al (2008, J Clim) Theoretical Framework Based on Energetics We predict tropical rain will shift towards the hemisphere with more heating Heating not just at the surface though – also SW/LW effects of clouds (or clear-sky effects) In CMIP3 slab runs, model spread in ITCZ shift projections is due to extratropical cloud feedbacks (Fri. & Hwang 2012) Let’s apply to the double ITCZ problem next… GPCP Annual Mean Precipitation 1985~2004 Black: GPCP Tropical Precipitation Biases: (1) Precip minimizes too much at the EQ CMIP5 Ensemble Mean (2) Too much tropical precip in the SH compared with the NH (3) SPCZ too horizontal (not tilted) Focus: GCMs do not simulate the hemispheric asymmetry in tropical circulation in observations 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 mm/year GPCP Annual Mean Precipitation 1985~2004 Zonal Mean (each line is one GCM) NP Black: GPCP with its standard deviation of year-toyear varibility 50N 30N 15N EQ CMIP5 Ensemble Mean 15S 30S 50S SP mm/yr 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 mm/year Cross-EQ Atmospheric Energy Transport (PW) Too much heating of the SH atmosphere Zonal Mean (each line is one GCM) NP 0.4 Black: GPCP & ERA-I reanalysis Gray lines: standard deviation of interannual variability 0.2 0 Black: GPCP 50N 30N 15N -0.2 EQ -0.4 15S R=-0.88 -0.2 30S -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Precipitation Asymmetry Index (EQ~20N - EQ~20S) / 20S~20N Too much precipitation in SH tropics (compare with NH) 50S SP mm/yr Biases in Shortwave Cloud Radiative Effect Black: CERES CMIP5 Ensemble Mean Biases in SWCRE (compare with CERES satellite observation 2000~2011) 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 W/m2 See also Trenberth and Fasullo 2010 for CMIP3 2 SW CRF: CERES and Biases SW CRF in CERES Multi-model Mean Bias in SW CRF Too little reflection from marine stratocumulus regions, Southern Ocean storm track, N. Pacific storm track S. Ocean bias: Williams et al 2013, Bodas-Salcedo et al 2012 2 Surface temperature in SH is affected all the way to the tropics Red Models: Larger northward cross-EQ atmos. energy transport NH minus SH NH wetter 2 More precipitation in the SH tropics SH wetter NH less cooling Less cooling from clouds in SH mid-to-high latitudes SH less cooling (reflection) Anomalously warm in SH mid-to-high latitudes (compare with NH) NH warmer SH warmer Cross-EQ Energy Transport (PW) Interhemispheric Temperature Gradient (K) R=-0.88 NH wetter Precip Index SH wetter R=0.73 Precip Index SWCRF 20N~NP 20S~SP W/m 2 NH minus SH NH less cooling SH less cooling (reflection) NH warmer R=0.64 SH warmer Cross-EQ Energy Transport (PW) Interhemispheric Temperature Gradient (K) 20N~NP - 20S~SP W/m2 20 R=-0.88 15 Precip Index 10 5 R=0.73 0 Precip Index SWCRF 20N~NP 20S~SP W/m 2 black cross: CERES observations -5 -10 R=0.64 R=0.80 without the open circle -15 SW CRF explains most of the GCMs spread and biases Same cloud biases are correlated with mean jet latitudes SH Jet Latitude vs. SW Cloud Radiative Forcing -44 Too much solar poleward shifted storm track Anomalous warming in midlats shifts baroclinicity poleward, results in poleward shifted jet Jet Latitude -46 -48 Obs are not on the best fit line though – there must be additional problems -50 -52 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 2 SW cloud forcing (W/m ) Ceppi, Hwang, Frierson, and Hartmann Clouds cause the jet latitude changes… Examine interannual variability of jet latitudes & shortwave cloud forcing in extreme models In each GCM, all years have similar cloud forcing, despite very different jet latitude Imposed heating simulations confirmed that heating over the storm track causes a poleward shift Ceppi et al 2012 Other Uses of this Attribution Procedure Ocean heat transport by the MOC is why the ITCZ sits in the Northern Hemisphere in the current climate (Frierson et al 2013) Net radiation into SH is greater than NH! Ocean compensates Sulfate aerosols and a southward shift of precip in the late 20th century (Hwang et al 2013) Sahel drought linked to N American/European aerosols Conclusions Clouds affect circulation: energy transports, ITCZ shift Moist static energy diffusion is a good approx for how energy spreads in the atmosphere Southern Ocean clouds cause part of the double ITCZ problem One of many examples of extratropical heating affecting tropical rainfall How Much Bias Does this Effect Cause? Multi-model mean bias Correlation coeff b/w asymm index and precip bias Equatorial minimum, ITCZs too far off-equator will not be fixed Top of the Atmosphere Radiation Budget 90 SH receives more energy 2 than NH (1.5W/m)! -50 Sahara 0 The reflects SW, and radiates more easily to space. W/m 2 50 50 30 NH EQ SH -150 -50 50 W/m2 Ocean circ heats NH more Upward Surface Flux (ERA-I MSE Divergence minus CERES TOA Budget) NP 50N 30N EQ 30S 50S -60 -50 0 50 W/m 2 0 40 W/m 2 Removing the ocean heat divergence from a GCM shifts ITCZ to SH • Experiments with full and symmetrized surface heat flux Control Symmetrized Structure of Drought Rain gauge data: 1971-1990 minus 1931-1950 Drying on northern side of the tropics, moistening on southern side Structure of Simulated Drought CMIP3/5 data (28 models): 1971-90 minus 1931-50 Modeled drought is not limited to the Sahel! It’s a global southward shift Correlation of precip shift w/ energy flux Well-correlated with cross-eq atmospheric flux (hemispheric difference in heating) • Sulfate aerosols are most important for S’ward ITCZ shift Atmospheric feedbacks cause a lot of spread though… Hard to say how much of the observed shift was from aerosols Southward • Northward Attribution of Multi-Model Mean Shift The Effect of Cloud Biases over Southern Ocean on ITCZ in GCMs I T C Z colder 30S EQ 30N warmer The Effect of Cloud Biases over Southern Ocean on ITCZ in GCMs I T C Z too much incoming solar radiation due to deficient clouds (or too little reflection) too 30S high SST EQ 30N warmer The Effect of Cloud Biases over Southern Ocean on ITCZ in GCMs weaker SH Hadley Cell I T C Z weaker poleward energy transport too 30S high SST EQ 30N warmer The Effect of Cloud Biases over Southern Ocean on ITCZ in GCMs weaker poleward energy transport double ITCZ is more persistent (Mar. ~ Oct.) than in the real I world T (only Mar.) C Z too 30S high SST I T C Z EQ 30N warmer
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