Worship Fully: Why Not? Sunday Order of Service

Sunday Order of Service
Worship through Music
Ministry Moment
Giving of Tithes and Offerings
K-6 Children can be dismissed after offertory for Children’s Church (FH)
Worship Fully: Why Not?
Pastor Mike Neely
God’s Provision for His Church
Last Week’s Attendance: Saturday, 40 | Sunday, 416
December 21-22 Giving: $20,770
December Budget: $69,895 | Weekly Giving Required: $13,979
Ministry contacts
Senior Pastor, Mike Neely ([email protected]) x304
Connection Ministries, Julie Morgenstern ([email protected]), 952-847-3886
Growth Ministries, Steve Budd ([email protected]), 651-707-0645
Reach Ministries, Mark Morgenstern ([email protected]), 952-847-3885
Care Ministries, Lottie Rike ([email protected]), 651-423-9741
Worship Ministries, Penny Voxland ([email protected]) x307
Youth Ministries, Bruce Hibbard ([email protected]) x306
Children’s Ministries, Jeff Larson ([email protected]) x305
Nursery Ministries, Sandy Dahlen ([email protected]) x311
Administration, Jacque Finley ([email protected]) x301
Communications, ([email protected]) x302
Facility, John Johnson ([email protected])
Overseer Board
Mark Birtzer
Steve Budd
Perry Buckland (vice chair)
Dan Christiansen
Doug Gerrelts (chair)
Dell Mather
Pat Moore
Todd Sauvageau
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Worship Service (FH)
Adult Bible Fellowships
Preschool-12th Grade Sunday School
Worship Service
Preschool Children’s Church (E167)
Elementary Children’s Church (after offertory – FH)
*nursery care available throughout Sunday morning for children born after 9/01/10
Church Office Closed for New Year’s
Jan 1
Jan 5
Jan 6
Jan 9
Jan 12
Jan 17-26
Financial Peace begins (E253)
Women’s Evening Bible study social
Women’s Book Club (JR)
Baptism Service
Community Life Gathering (JR)
Missions Involvement Week
FH = Fellowship Hall | JR = Journey Room | CR = Conference Room
Reach • bring • CONNECT
grow • serve
YEAR-END GIVING: Gifts must be postmarked by Dec 31 to be
counted for 2013. Online giving options available at www.ssefc.org.
MEDICAL BACKGROUND? If you can help with blood pressure
checks occasionally, please contact Grace Duclos at 612-708-3979 or
[email protected] to be included on the 2014 schedule.
Financial Peace: Sundays 6:00-8:00pm beginning Jan 5. Register
at the table in the foyer. Questions? Email [email protected].
Women’s book club: Join us Thursday, Jan 9 at 7:00pm in the
Journey Room to celebrate the new year! Bring a wrapped, previously
read book to exchange. We will discuss "The Snowflake" by Jamie
Carie. Questions? email [email protected].
BAPTISM: If you sense God calling you to take this step of faith please
speak with Pastor Mike or email [email protected] to join in the baptism
service on Jan 12 at 11:45am.
Winter wipeout: Our winter retreat at Camp Shamineau will be Jan
10-12. Cost is $94 for you and friends are $49! Register by Dec 30.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Prayer Needs:
Please notify the church office if anyone can be removed from this list.
BUNDLES OF LOVE: Join us Saturday, Jan 11 from 10:00am to noon
to make baby cards for Bundles of Love, a local ministry that serves
mothers of newborn babies. No experience necessary!
Feed My Starving Children: Partner together with other
churches to pack 5 million meals for hungry children worldwide. Give
time: Invite family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to join you Feb 7
and/or 9. Give finances: Our goal is to raise $5000 for this project. More
info at www.fundraising.fmsc.org/southmetro/ssefc
Please send all bulletin announcement requests to [email protected] by Tuesday.
Worship Fully: Why Not?
Romans 1:16ff. and Genesis 1-3
We can’t worship fully if we don’t _________ God ____________.
We must believe ____________to worship _________.
“If we do not believe ____________, what do we believe?”
The ______every ________whispers. Romans 1:25
exchanged truth for the _____… AND worshiped & served
the ___________rather than the ___________.
THE LIE: “God is not…” Genesis 3:1-7
Line 1. “God is not ___________.”
“In the beginning _______ ___________…” Genesis 1:1 et al.
 If God did not create us then we have no true ___________.
Therefore we have no true ___________…, __________, ____________…
 If God did not create us then we are _______-determined.
Therefore if we do not worship God as creator we worship ________.
Line 2. “God is not ________.”
“Indeed! Has God ________…?”
 Does God speak ____________?
“God __________…”
 Does God speak _____________?
“You will be like God,
 Do God’s commands bring _____? “You surely will not ____.”
If God’s word can’t be trusted we must trust ___________.
“…the woman saw…delight…desire…wise… she took & gave…”
Challenge: How, then, can we worship fully and truthfully?
1. __________the lie. Romans 1:16-23; 8:26-32
What ____________is there?
 “What has been _______” reveals His invisible ___________.
 “The __________…reveals…the righteousness of God.”
 The testimony of ______________lives. 26-30
“…we do not know (26)…we know God causes…”
 The testimony of God’s ________. 31-32
If he didn’t spare ______ ______, will he not _____ ______?
2. __________God truthfully. John 17:3 in context
We come to know God personally in:
 ____________and ________Ezekiel 14:6; 2 Timothy 2:25-26
 Life ____________Psalm 34:8, 46:10; Titus 1:16
 ___________ ____________Ezek. 24:24-25:14; 2 Th. 1:8
3. __________our idols.
God will not accept ___________worship.
Do I truthfully ________God or am I worshipping __________?
This week my life will say either: “________God” or “______god.”
Worship Fully: Why Not?
Discussion Guide -Romans 1:16ff. and Genesis 1-3
Opener: Define idolatry in a single-sentence. Revise after discussion.
Send to [email protected]. Best definition gets pulpit time!
1. Read Exodus 20:3-4 (Deut. 5:7-8) 1 John 5:21 and discuss
these texts in light of 2 Cor. 11:4; Phil. 3:19 and 1 Cor. 8:4-6.
2. Agree or Disagree: God will not accept worship mixed with
idolatry. How does your answer fit with God’s commands
concerning idolatry? Use your concordance to look up what
God says about “idols.”
3. How did God respond to the worship of His people in Isaiah
What made their worship unacceptable?
(Idolatry isn’t mentioned here, so quit trying the obvious. )
4. Agree or disagree: We can’t worship fully if we are
theologically ignorant or theologically accommodating.
(Intentionally broad – you discuss.)
More specifically: We can’t worship fully if we practice idolatry
(worship false gods) or ignorance (worship God falsely –
worship God without knowing who He is).
5. Have you, personally, ever been tempted by or practiced
What was the object of your worship-devotion-pursuit?
How did it turn out? Was it satisfying?
6. If you couldn’t share anything in #5 read the first and last of
the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:17; Deut. 5:21) and
compare to Colossians 3:5-6 and Matthew 22:36-37. Now
7. Note Luke 10:27 repeating the first and second
commandments. Make any observations regarding both the
previous and following contexts. What do they have to do
with “worshipping fully?”
Prayer Target: Hearts freed from idolatry to worship fully.
Worship Fully: Why Not?
Romans 1:16ff. and Genesis 1-3
Miss a blank? Now we are including the key! Take notes at
your leisure; the answers are provided should you need them.
We can’t worship fully if we don’t know God truthfully.
We must believe truthfully to worship fully.
“If we do not believe truthfully, what do we believe?”
The Lie every idol whispers. Romans 1:25
exchanged truth for the lie … AND worshiped & served
the creature rather than the Creator.
THE LIE: “God is not…” Genesis 3:1-7
Line 1. “God is not Creator.”
“In the beginning God created…” Genesis 1:1 et al.
 If God did not create us then we have no true image.
Therefore we have no true knowledge…, purpose, responsibility…
 If God did not create us then we are self-determined.
Therefore if we do not worship God as creator we worship self.
Line 2. “God is not good.”
“Indeed! Has God said…?”
 Does God speak truthfully?
“God knows…”
 Does God speak authoritatively? “You will be like God, knowing.”
 Do God’s commands bring life? “You surely will not die.”
If God’s word can’t be trusted we must trust ourselves.
“…the woman saw…delight…desire…wise… she took & gave…”
Challenge: How, then, can we worship fully and truthfully?
1. Refute the lie. Romans 1:16-23; 8:26-32
What evidence is there?
 “What has been made” reveals His invisible attributes.
 “The gospel …reveals…the righteousness of God.”
 The testimony of transformed lives. 26-30
“…we do not know (26)…we know God causes…”
 The testimony of the God’s gift. 31-32
If he didn’t spare His Son, will he not give all?
2. Know God truthfully. John 17:3 in context
We come to know God personally in:
 Repentance and belief Ezekiel 14:6; 2 Timothy 2:25-26
 Life experience Psalm 34:8, 46:10; Titus 1:16
 Wrathful judgment Ezek. 24:24-25:14; 2 Th. 1:8
3. Destroy our idols.
God will not accept idolatrous worship.
Do I truthfully know God or am I worshipping falsely?
This week my life will say either: “Know God” or “no god.”