AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS LAB Information Processing in Robotics Lecture 2 Dr. Rudolph Triebel Ralf Kaestner Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zentrum Tannenstrasse 3, CLA 8092 Zürich, Switzerland ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Overview Bayes Filter and Monte-Carlo-Localization • • • • Introduction to localization problems Basics of probability theory The Bayes-Filter Monte-Carlo-Localization ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 2/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction to Localization Problems Example: Mobile Robot Indoor environment The Robot has to fulfill a given task, for example: Cleaning ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 3/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction First Idea: 1. Start cleaning at current position 2. Move straight until an obstacle is encountered 3. Choose a new direction of motion 4. Go back to step 2. This is called a Reactive Agent ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 4/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Problems with Reactive Agents: • When are we ready? • What is a good decision for a new direction? • Can we guarantee that the whole room will be cleaned? • What if the robot needs to refill or recharge? ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 5/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Second approach: 1. Obtain a map of the environment 2. Plan a path using the given map 3. Move along the obtained path 4. While moving: find position in map 5. End when the whole map is covered This is called a Model-based Agent ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 6/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Advantages of Model-based Agents: • Ready when the path is traversed • Easier to decide what to do next • We can guarantee that the room will be cleaned at some time • The robot can include the refilling station into its path ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 7/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Examples: Roomba vacuum cleaner Electrolux Trilobite vacuum cleaner Reactive Model-based ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 8/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Two major requirements for Model-based Agents: 1. Mapping: We need an accurate map of the environment. The map is created with sensor measurements. We need to know where the robot sensed the env. 2. Localization: We need to know where the robot is with respect to our map ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 9/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction The chicken-and-egg problem: mapping Known positions Known map localization ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 10/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction Solution to the chicken-and-egg problem: Robot positions and map are computed simultaneously This is usually called: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 11/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Introduction SLAM techniques are probabilistic. This means that they • Model the uncertainty of the robot’s sensors using probability theory • Compute the most likely solution for the robot positions and the map Textbook: Thrun, Burgard, Fox: “Probabilistic Robotics” ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 12/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS LAB 1. Basics of Probability Theory Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zentrum Tannenstrasse 3, CLA 8092 Zürich, Switzerland ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Basics of Probability Theory Definition 1.1: A sample space is a set of outcomes of a given experiment. Examples: a) Coin toss experiment: b) Distance measurement: Definition 1.2: A random variable is a function that assigns a real number to each element of . Example: Coin toss experiment: Values of random variables are denoted with small letters, e.g.: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 14/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Discrete and Continuous If is countable then is a discrete random variable, else it is a continuous random variable. The probability that takes on a certain value real number between and . It holds: Discrete case is a Continuous case More detailed: see, e.g. P. Brémaud: “An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling” ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 15/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM A Discrete Random Variable Suppose a robot knows that it is in a room, but it does not know in which room. There are 4 possibilities: Kitchen, Office, Bathroom, Living room Then the random variable Room is discrete, because it can take on one of four values. The probabilities are, for example: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 16/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM A Continuous Random Variable Suppose a robot travels 5 meters forward from a given start point. Its position is a continuous random variable with a Normal distribution: Shorthand: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 17/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Joint and Conditional Probability The joint probability of two random variables and is the probability that the events and occur at the same time: Shorthand: Definition 1.3: The conditional probability of is defined as: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) given 18/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Independency Definition 1.4: Two random variables independent iff: For independent random variables and and ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) are we have: 19/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Law of Total Probability Theorem 1.1: For two random variables holds: Discrete case and it Continuous case The process of obtaining from by summing or integrating over all values of is called Marginalisation. ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 20/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Bayes Formula Theorem 1.2: For two random variables holds: and it “Bayes Rule” Proof: I. (definition) II. (definition) III. (from II.) ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 21/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Bayes Rule: Background Knowledge For it holds: Background knowledge Shorthand: “Normalizer” ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 22/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Computing the Normalizer Bayes rule Total probability can be computed without knowing ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 23/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Conditional Independence Definition 1.5: Two random variables and are conditional independent given a third random variable iff: This is equivalent to: and ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 24/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Expectation and Covariance Definition 1.6: The expectation of a random variable is defined as: (discrete case) (continuous case) Definition 1.7: The covariance of a random variable defined as: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) is 25/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS LAB 2. Bayes-Filtering Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zentrum Tannenstrasse 3, CLA 8092 Zürich, Switzerland ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Informationsverarbeitung Information Processing in Robotics in der Robotik (Lecture (Teil 2)2) Bayesianism vs. Frequentism Bayesianism Frequentism (Bayes) (Fisher, Neyman, Pearson) • The state of nature can be modeled as a random variable • Probabilities can be assigned a-priori to arbitrary Obviously lacks statements objectivity • Subjective (through opinion) or objective (through data) • Popular in decision theory • The frequency of occurrence of an event determines its measure of probability Built-in only result from • Probabilities subjectivity random well-defined experiments • Conservative but guaranteed to be objective • Empirical, sampling theory ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 27/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Simple Example of State Estimation Suppose a robot needs to know the state of a door. It obtains a measurement from its sensor. What is ? ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 28/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Causal vs. Diagnostic Reasoning Searching for is called diagnostic reasoning. Searching for is called causal reasoning. Often causal knowledge is easier to obtain. Bayes rule allows us to use causal knowledge: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 29/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Example with Numbers Assume we have: Then: “ raises the probability that the door is open” ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 30/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Combining Evidence Suppose our robot obtains another observation . Question: How can we integrate this new information? Formally, we want to estimate . Using Bayes formula with background knowledge: ? ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) ? 31/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Markov Assumption “If we know the state of the door at time then the measurement does not give any further information about ..” Formally: “ given and are conditional independent .“ This means: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 32/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Example with Numbers Assume we have: (from above) Then: “ lowers the probability that the door is open” ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 33/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM General Form Measurements: Markov assumption: and are conditionally independent given the state . ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 34/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Example: Sensing and Acting Now the robot senses the door state and acts (it opens or closes the door). ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 35/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM State Transitions An action is modeled as a random variable where in our case means “close the door”. State transition example: 0.9 0.1 open closed 1 0 If the door is open, the action “close door” succeeds in 90% of all cases. ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 36/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM The Outcome of Actions For a given action we want to know the probability . We do this by integrating over all possible previous states . If the state space is discrete: If the state space is continuous: ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 37/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Back to the Example ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 38/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Sensor Update and Action Update So far, we learned two different ways to update the system state: • Sensor update: • Action update: Now we want to combine both: Definition 2.1: Let be a sequence of sensor measurements and actions until time . Then the belief of the current state is defined as ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 39/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Graphical Representation We can describe the overall process using a Dynamic Bayes Network: This incorporates the following Markov assumptions: (measurement) (state) ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 40/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM The Overall Bayes Filter (Bayes) (Markov) (Tot. prob.) (Markov) (Markov) ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 41/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM The Bayes Filter Algorithm Algorithm Bayes_filter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. : if is a sensor measurement then for all do for all do else if is an action then for all do return ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 42/43 Introduction Basics Bayes Filter MC-Localization Mapping SLAM Bayes Filter Variants The Bayes filter principle is used in • Kalman filters • Particle filters (Monte-Carlo-Localization) • Hidden Markov models • Dynamic Bayesian networks • Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 43/43 Summary • Model-based agents maintain an internal representation of their environment. They are capable of localizing themselves in the environment by means of filtering techniques, such as the Bayes filtering. • The Bayes-Filter applies Bayesian probability theory and the Markov assumption in order to recursively estimate state (e.g. pose) from observations (e.g. range sensor readings) and actions (e.g. robot motion). • The Bayes-Filter is a statistical filter, it estimates distributions over random state, observation, and action variables. ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 44/43 Summary 2 • The belief is a key concept of Bayesian state estimation. It distinguishes the robot’s true state from its internal belief with regard to the that state. • Various methods exist to represent the belief distribution. Some of these methods apply approximation techniques to overcome complexity issues (see Monte-Carlo methods). ETHZ – ASL – Dr. Rudolph Triebel – Information Processing in Robotics (Lecture 2) 45/43
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