ASL Course Fee Bob Rumball Associations for the Deaf

Fall Classes for Level 101 , start eve-
ASL Course Fee
A S L L e v e l 1 - $ 1 8 5 .0 0
A S L L e v e l 2 - $ 1 8 5 .0 0
A S L L e v e l 3 - $ 1 8 5 .0 0
A d d i t i o n a l M a t e r i a l F ee
$ 9 0 . 0 0 i n c l u d e s b o t h w o r kbook and DVD for
nings on Tuesday, September 21 OR
mornings on Saturday, September, 25.
Duration: 3 hours/class/week.
Evenings: 6-9pm
Saturdays: 10am-1pm
Fall Classes for Level 103, start evenings Wednesday, September 22
Evenings: 6-9pm
Fall Classes for Level 102 - not available at
this time, however, if interested in ASL102
please call our office.
No previous experience in American
Sign Language (ASL) is required if you
are registering for the introductory level
ASL Level 1, 2, 3.
Learn American Sign
Language (ASL)
In Halton Region
A s t u d e n t w o r kb o o k w i t h
D V D h a v e b e e n d e s i g ne d t o
For more information on learning sign
a c c o mp a n y e a c h l e v e l o f t h e
language at the Bob Rumball Associations
S i g n i ng Na t u ra l ly c u r r ic u l u m.
M a t e r ia l s a r e n o n -
Bob Rumball Associations
for the Deaf
for the Deaf, please visit our website at or contact.:
Debbie LaPlante
Learn a new language &
explore a unique culture.
Milton Day Centre
refundable. Students who
h a v e p r e - pa i d f o r t h e i r
ma t e r i a l w i l l b e a b l e t o
7801 #5 Sideroad
Milton, ON L9T 2X9
Phone: 905-878-4932 ext.201
p i c k u p t h e i r ma t e r i a l
TTY: 905-875-4368 Fax: 905-878-4934
d u r i n g t h e f i r s t c la s s .
Email: [email protected]
What is American Sign
Language (ASL)?
Course Cancellation
American Sign Language (ASL) is the native
We offer 3 easy ways to register for ASL
language of Deaf individuals in North Amer-
ica. The Bob Rumball Associations for the
1. Mail – Mail the completed registration
Deaf offers courses in ASL, as a second lan-
form with payment to:
guage. Our courses are non-accredited, gen-
Mailing Address:
eral interest classes. However, to progress
The Bob Rumball Associations for the Deaf
Withdrawals & Refunds Course fees can be
among the levels, students must receive a sat-
Sign Language Services
isfactory standing.
P.O. Box 338
refunded or deferred to another class in the next
Curriculum The Bob Rumball Associations
Milton, ON
for the Deaf uses the Signing Naturally cur-
L9T 4Y9
riculum. Stressing a functional notional ap-
2. In Person – Bring your completed registration
proach, the Signing Naturally curriculum en-
form and payment to our office during regular
sures that the language you learn is the lan-
business hours.
guage used in everyday conversation. By
3. Fax – If you are paying by VISA or MasterCard,
learning language functions in interactive
you may fax your completed registration form to
contexts, you also develop conversational
skills in confirming and correcting informa-
ate in an ASL immersion style no-voice environment. This means that you will be asked to
keep your voice turned off during all classes.
A written request to withdraw must be received
by Sign Language Services on or before the
third class of the current semester. The amount
of the refund or deferral will be determined on
a pro-rated basis according to the number of
classes attended at the time of the refund or
deferral. Requests for refunds or deferrals will
not be accepted after the third class.
the attention of Sign Language Services at (905)
Please Note: Workbooks and DVD’s are nonrefundable.
tion, expressing degrees of uncertainty and for
clarification and repetition. Our classes oper-
Courses may be cancelled if an insufficient
number of students enroll. Every effort will be
made to notify students by phone. A full refund
will be made for cancelled classes. Please allow three to six weeks for mail delivery.
Full payment for the course and materials
For more information on learning sign language at the Bob
Rumball Associations for the Deaf, please visit our website
at or contact.:
can be made by cash, cheque, money order,
VISA or MasterCard. Cheques and
Minimum Age Students from grade eight and
money orders payable to: B.R.A.D.
up can register for our classes.
Registration is on a first come first serve
basis. Post-dated cheques will not guarantee
your place in a class.
Debbie LaPlante
Milton Day Centre
7801 #5 Sideroad
Milton, ON L9T 2X9
Phone: 905-878-4932 ext.201
TTY: 905-875-4368 Fax: 905-878-4934
Email: [email protected]