You’ve got three months to do this. But why wait? Diageo Lifestyle Plan. Your personal invitation to join the pension plan. For new members and prospective members of the Diageo Lifestyle Plan from 1 January 2011. What’s on offer? Diageo is committed to providing good quality pension benefits. As a member of the Diageo Lifestyle Plan (the Plan) you will build up credits in a Retirement Account. At retirement you use the value of your Retirement Account to buy a pension that suits your needs and lifestyle. The Company makes a substantial contribution towards providing you with all the benefits outlined below. You can only join the Plan within the first three months of working for Diageo. If you do not join at this time, you may not get another opportunity. This guide is designed to give you some information about the Plan so let’s have a look at what’s on offer: Value Flexibility Each month you will receive a credit in your Retirement Account of 25% of your Pensionable Pay. As a member you will contribute 6% of your Pensionable Pay. You will have the opportunity to retire between age 55* and 75. Your Retirement Account is also increased each year in line with inflation, up to 5%. When you retire you can choose to take up to 25% of the value of your Retirement Account as a tax free cash sum, to spend as you wish. The rest will provide you with an income to suit your needs and lifestyle. * The Retirement Account will be reduced to reflect that it is being paid early, before age 65. Security Portability A minimum of six times your Pensionable Pay will be paid on death in service or incapacity. If you die in service this amount will be paid as a lump sum to your family. If you leave Diageo before retirement and have completed three or more months’ membership you have the option to transfer your benefits to another pension arrangement. If you are unable to work due to incapacity this amount will be used to provide you with an income although you will have the option to take part of it as a cash sum. What’s in it for me? r "3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUDSFEJUFEXJUIPGZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZGPSFBDINPOUIZPVBSFB NFNCFSUIBUXJMMHSPXFBDIZFBSVQUPSFUJSFNFOUJOMJOFXJUIJOóBUJPOVQUP r 0O SFUJSFNFOU UIF óFYJCJMJUZ UP VTF ZPVS 3FUJSFNFOU "DDPVOU UP QSPWJEF ZPV XJUI B QFOTJPO UP suit your needs and lifestyle. r 5IFPQUJPOXIFOZPVSFUJSFUPUBLFVQUPPGUIFWBMVFPGZPVS3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUBTBDBTI TVNUPTQFOEBTZPVXJTIVOEFSDVSSFOUMFHJTMBUJPOQBJEUBYGSFF r *O UIF FWFOU PG ZPVS EFBUI JO TFSWJDF B MVNQ TVN PG B NJOJNVN PG TJY UJNFT ZPVS 1FOTJPOBCMF Pay paid to your dependants. r *GZPVBSFUPPJMMUPXPSLBNJOJNVNCFOFñUPGTJYUJNFTZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZUPQSPWJEFZPV with an income. r 5IF PQUJPO UP UBLF ZPVS QFOTJPO XJUI ZPV JG ZPV MFBWF %JBHFP CFGPSF SFUJSFNFOU 1FOTJPOBCMF1BZJTZPVSCBTJDTBMBSZCFGPSFBOZBEKVTUNFOUGPS4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFQMVTBOZ regular payments specifically stated to be pensionable in your contract of employment. £ £ £ £ 0 ,00 80 £4 £60,000 £ £ 13,150 281,25 0 12,100 258,75 0 11,050 236,25 0 10,000 213,75 0 8,940 14 £ 191,25 0 13 ,800 7,890 168,75 12 ,610 312 0 6,840 11 ,430 287 ,500 146,25 0 5,7 10 ,250 262 ,500 80 123,75 ,0 ,5 0 4,730 8,8 60 237,5 00 101,25 7,6 80 212,5 00 0 3,680 78,750 6,5 90 187,5 00 2,630 5,3 10 162,5 00 56, 250 4,1 20 137,5 00 1,570 33,750 2,9 40 112,5 00 1,7 60 87,50 00 70 62,5 0 37 00 ,50 0 £ 0 250,00 11,510 0 230,00 10,590 0 210,00 9,670 0 190,00 8,750 0 170,00 7,820 0 150,00 6,900 0 130,00 5,980 0 110,00 5,060 90,000 4,140 70,000 3,220 50,000 2,300 30,000 1,380 £ The e Benefits B Calculator Wheel &ODMPTFEXJUIUIJT leaflet fle is a benefits wheel. You can use this to get an o the value of your Retirement Account and ideaa of V BOOVBMQFOTJPOQBZBCMFGSPNBHF1MFBTFGPMMPXUIF ru instructions below: p 1 The outer edge of the wheel shows different pay Step re You should move the wheel so that the window figures. liness up with the pay figure that is closest to your own Pensionable si Pay at the date of joining the Plan. £ 0 ,00 00 £ £360,000 £42 0,0 00 £3 + - &# ! %! ! , ! * ! , . , & + ! ! . , ! / &# !% $ " . , ) , ' , ! ! ( " ! " ! ,,!! ! ! £ 00 0,0 8,2 20 187,50 0 7,560 172 ,500 6,900 157 ,500 6,250 142 ,50 0 £ 5,590 9,8 127,50 0 9,0 60 4,930 112,50 8,2 70 218,7 0 4,270 97,500 7,5 80 201,2 50 3,610 6,7 00 183,7 50 82,500 5,9 10 166,2 50 2,960 67,500 5,1 20 148,7 50 2,300 4,3 30 131,2 50 52,500 1,640 3,5 40 113,7 50 37, 500 2,7 50 96,2 50 980 22, 500 1,9 60 78,7 50 1,1 70 61,2 50 80 43 50 26 ,750 ,25 0 1 £2 £240,000 £27 0,0 00 ! " ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! £ 0 375,00 16,440 0 345,00 15,130 0 315,00 13,810 0 285,00 12,500 0 255,00 11,180 0 225,00 9,860 0 195,00 8,550 0 165,00 7,230 ,000 135 5,920 ,000 105 4,600 75,000 80 3,2 45,000 1,970 £150,000 £18 0,0 00 ! " £ 00 20,0 £1 £ rvice in Se m DeathLump Su £ An Pennual at 65sion ment Retireccount A at 65 0 156,25 6,570 0 143,75 6,050 0 131,25 5,520 0 118,75 5,000 0 106,25 4,470 93,750 3,940 81,250 3,420 68,750 2,890 56,250 2,360 43,750 1,840 31,250 1,310 750 780 18, 19,730 437,50 0 18,150 402,50 0 16,570 367,50 0 15,000 332,50 0 £ 13,420 23 297,50 0 21 ,020 11,840 262,50 19 ,180 500 0 10,260 17 ,340 460 ,000 227,50 ,50 0 ,00 4 8,680 1 2 0 0 5 0 192,50 0 13 ,650 380 ,000 7,100 157,50 11 ,810 340 ,000 0 5,520 10 ,970 300 ,000 122,500 ,1 ,0 3,940 8,2 30 260,0 00 87,500 6,4 80 220,0 00 2,360 52,500 4,6 40 180,0 00 2,7 00 140,0 00 60 100 00 60 ,000 ,00 0 £ £ 3,280 93, 750 3,020 86,250 2,760 78,750 2,500 71,250 £ 2,230 4,9 63,750 1,970 4,5 30 56,250 4,1 30 125,0 1,710 48,750 3,7 40 115,0 00 1,440 3,3 50 105,0 00 41,250 2,9 50 95,0 00 1,180 33,750 2,5 60 85,0 00 920 2,1 60 75,0 00 26,250 650 1,7 70 65,0 00 18,750 1,3 70 55,0 00 390 00 4 8 11,250 98 0 3 5,000 59 0 2 5,000 5 0 15 ,000 ,00 0 £90 ,00 0 £ 500 310 62, 26, 500 210 57, 24, 500 100 52, 22, 47,500 000 20, 42,500 890 17, 500 780 37, 15, 500 680 32, 13, 500 570 27, 11, 500 70 22, 9,4 500 60 17, 7,3 500 60 12, 5,2 7,500 50 3,1 Step p 2 Down the side of the window are ages. You should u find the age, which is closest to your age at the datee of joining the Plan. £ £ Step 3 The figure to the left of the window in line with your age is the value of your Retirement "DDPVOUBUBHFBTTVNJOHZPVSFNBJOJOUIF1MBOVOUJMUIBUEBUF5IFñHVSFUPUIFSJHIUPGUIF window is an illustration of the annual pension that you could buy with your Retirement Account based on current market rates. The benefit wheel makes a number of assumptions and is for illustration purposes only. What will it cost me? As a member of the Plan, you will contribute PGZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZ How do I pay my pension contributions? Pension contributions not deducted through the 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGPS1FOTJPOTBSSBOHFNFOUBSF automatically deducted from your Pensionable 1BZCFGPSFUBYJTEFEVDUFE5IJTNFBOTZPVXJMMHFU UBYSFMJFGPOZPVSDPOUSJCVUJPOTBUUIFIJHIFTUSBUF appropriate to your pay. What is Salary Exchange? 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFHJWFTZPVBOE%JBHFPBO opportunity to save money by the way your pension contributions are paid to the Plan. Whilst contributions deducted from your Pensionable Pay BUUSBDUJODPNFUBYSFMJFGZPVXJMMTUJMMQBZ/BUJPOBM *OTVSBODF/* POUIJTQBSUPGZPVSQBZ6OEFS 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFUIF$PNQBOZQBZTZPVSQFOTJPO contributions to the Plan by reducing your salary by the amount of your pension contributions. This means that both you and Diageo pay lower /*DPOUSJCVUJPOT How does Salary Exchange work? r :PVSTBMBSZXJMMCFSFEVDFECZBOBNPVOU equal to your normal pension contribution PGZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZ 5IJTJTLOPXO BT4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF"EKVTUNFOU r %JBHFPXJMMJODSFBTFJUTDPOUSJCVUJPOTUPUIF1MBO by an amount equal to your normal pension contribution. r :PVSOFUQBZUBLFIPNFQBZ XJMMJODSFBTFCFDBVTF ZPVXJMMCFQBZJOHMPXFS/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTBTB result of being paid a lower salary. How will Salary Exchange affect me? r 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXJMMOPUBíFDUUIFMFWFMPGQFOTJPO contributions going into the Plan and all retirement and death benefits will be the same as JGZPVEJEOPUQBSUJDJQBUFJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF r 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXJMMOPUBíFDUBOZPUIFS salary-related payments or benefits that you receive from the Company, such as salary increases, freeshares, bonuses and overtime. These will also be based on your Reference 4BMBSZXIJDIJTZPVSBOOVBMTBMBSZCFGPSFUIF 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF"EKVTUNFOU r :PVS3FGFSFODF4BMBSZXJMMCFUIFBNPVOUTUBUFEJO BOZQFSTPOBMPîDJBMMFUUFSTGPSFYBNQMFNPSUHBHF letters, loan applications or job references. r 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXJMMOPUBíFDUZPVSJODPNFUBY position as both employee and employer pension DPOUSJCVUJPOTBUUSBDUUBYSFMJFG *GZPVEPOPUXJTIUPUBLFQBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF ZPVXJMMBMTPOFFEUPDPNQMFUFUIF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF for Pensions section on the ‘Yes, I will join the Plan’ form and return this form to the Diageo Pensions Team (address can be found at the back of this guide). Should I participate in Salary Exchange? We believe that almost all employees will benefit GSPN4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFBOETPZPVXJMMBVUPNBUJDBMMZ be included from the date you join the Plan unless ZPVDPNQMFUFUIF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGPS1FOTJPOT section on the ‘Yes, I will join the Plan’ form. However, there are a few instances where participation in 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFNBZOPUCFBQQSPQSJBUFBTJUJTOPU FYQFDUFEUPQSPWJEFZPVXJUIBOZñOBODJBMCFOFñU "TTVDIZPVBSFOPUFMJHJCMFUPQBSUJDJQBUFJO4BMBSZ &YDIBOHFBOEXJMMCFBVUPNBUJDBMMZPQUFEPVUJGBOZ of the factors set out below apply to you: r *GZPVFBSOMFTTUIBOUIF&BSOJOHT5ISFTIPMEGPS/* $POUSJCVUJPOQVSQPTFTXIJDIJTDVSSFOUMZbB ZFBS ZPVXPVMEOPUNBLFBOZ/*TBWJOHT BOEZPVS4UBUFCFOFñUTDPVMECFBíFDUFE r *GZPVXPSLMFTTUIBOIPVSTBXFFLZPVS+PC 4FFLFST"MMPXBODFDPVMECFBíFDUFE r *GZPVSIPVSMZSBUFGBMMTCFMPXBNJOJNVNFBSOJOHT MJNJUXIJDIXJMMJOJUJBMMZCFTFUBUbBTBSFTVMU PGUIF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF"EKVTUNFOUUIF/BUJPOBM .JOJNVN8BHF/.8 GSPN0DUPCFSJT bGPSXPSLFSTPWFS %JBHFPEPFTOPUQBZ BOZFNQMPZFFBUBSBUFCFMPXUIF/.8 r *GZPVSBOOVBMHSPTTSBUFPGQBZJTMFTTUIBOUIF NJOJNVNFBSOJOHTMJNJUDVSSFOUMZTFUBUb or if you fall below this level at any time during the year. This is because you could lose entitlement to DFSUBJO4UBUFCFOFñUT 1MFBTFOPUFUIBUUIFTFMJNJUTBSFTVCKFDUUPSFWJFX and you will be advised of the new limit if this applies to you. If your salary increases in the future, then you will BVUPNBUJDBMMZUBLFQBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGSPNUIF OFYUBWBJMBCMFQBZSPMMEBUFQSPWJEFEZPVSTBMBSZJT above the minimum earnings limit at that time and you do not complete the 4BMBSZ &YDIBOHF for Pensions section on the ‘Yes, I will join the Plan’ form. If you are still unsure whether you should take QBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXFSFDPNNFOEUIBUZPV take independent financial advice. You can find an Independent Financial Adviser in your area by visiting Yes, I will join the Plan If you’ve decided to join the Plan, please complete this form and return it to the Pensions Team. My personal details1MFBTFVTF#-0$,$"1*5"-4 4VSOBNF 4FY.BMF'FNBMF %BUFPGCJSUI 'JSTUOBNFT 5JUMF /*OVNCFS Home address: Postcode: Marital status: 4JOHMF.BSSJFE$JWJM1BSUOFSTIJQ%JWPSDFE-FHBMMZ4FQBSBUFE8JEPXFE Company location: Date joined company: &NQMPZJOHDPNQBOZ UIJTXJMMCFPOZPVS$POUSBDUPG&NQMPZNFOU Please delete as appropriate My confirmation and consent I wish to join the Diageo Lifestyle Plan and confirm that the details I have given are correct and that I have read and understood the summary Diageo Lifestyle Plan information made available to me. For the purpose of UIF%BUB1SPUFDUJPO"DU*DPOTFOUUPUIF5SVTUFFTPGUIF%JBHFP-JGFTUZMF1MBOLFFQJOHSFDPSETBOEVTJOH information about me for the purposes of administering the Plan and paying benefits under it. Please note J :PVSNFNCFSTIJQPGUIF1MBOXJMMDPNNFODFPOUIFTUEBZPGUIFNPOUIBGUFSUIJTGPSNJTSFDFJWFEBOE accepted by the Pensions Team. (ii) All benefits and contributions are subject to the Rules of the Diageo Lifestyle Plan which may change from time to time. 4JHOFE %BUF 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGPS1FOTJPOT 1BSUJDJQBUJPOJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFJTOPUBDPNQVMTPSZQBSUPGNFNCFSTIJQPGUIF1MBO*GZPVXPVMEMJLFUP opt outPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFQMFBTFSFBEBOETJHOUIFEFDMBSBUJPOCFMPX#ZPQUJOHPVU r :PVBHSFFUPUIFEFEVDUJPOPGFNQMPZFFQFOTJPODPOUSJCVUJPOTGSPNZPVSQBZJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIF3VMFT of the Plan. r :PVXJMMMPTFUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPCFOFñUGSPNBOZSFEVDUJPOJOUIFBNPVOUPG/BUJPOBM*OTVSBODFZPVQBZ r *GZPVDIBOHFZPVSNJOEZPVXJMMPOMZCFBCMFUPPQUCBDLJOUP4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFBOOVBMMZFBDI+VMZ 5IFEFDJTJPOUPPQUPVUPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFJTZPVSTBMPOFCVUZPVTIPVMEHJWFDBSFGVMDPOTJEFSBUJPOCFGPSF doing this and you may wish to take independent financial advice. I fully understandUIFJNQMJDBUJPOTPGPQUJOHPVUPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF 4JHOFE %BUF If you have any questions about this form, please contact the Pensions Team on or email [email protected] &YQSFTTJPOPGXJTI It is important that you complete either (a) or (b) below. If you do not tell the Trustees about your dependant(s) or nominate a person(s) to receive benefits, in the event of your death, any lump TVNEFBUICFOFñUTQBZBCMFXJMMCFNBEFUPZPVSFTUBUFBOENBZCFTVCKFDUUPJOIFSJUBODFUBY a) Information about my Immediate Dependant(s) Please provide details below of your Immediate Dependant(s). An Immediate Dependant is defined as your spouse, civil partner or a Dependent Child. The Trustees’ decision as to whether someone is your Immediate Dependant will be final. /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI b) Nominated Person(s) If you do not have any Immediate Dependant(s), please provide details below of of any /PNJOBUFE1FSTPOT ZPVXPVMEMJLFUPSFDFJWFCFOFñUTJOUIFFWFOUPGZPVSEFBUI /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU 3FMBUJPOTIJQ PGCFOFñU /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI /BNF %BUFPGCJSUI Questions What options do I have when I retire? 8IFOZPVSFUJSFUIFPQUJPOUPUBLFVQUPPGZPVS3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUBTBDBTITVNVOEFS DVSSFOUMFHJTMBUJPOQBJEUBYGSFF :PVUIFOVTFUIFCBMBODFPGZPVS3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUUPCVZB pension to suit your needs and lifestyle. You have a number of options regarding this pension, including a choice of how much your pension will increase each year as well as an option to provide a pension for your spouse or dependants, payable when you die. How do I purchase a pension? When you retire your Retirement Account will be used to buy you a pension from an insurance company. The Trustees of the Plan have appointed an annuity service provider who will work on your behalf to get the best market rates for you when you retire. As you approach retirement, you XJMMSFDFJWFEFUBJMTPGUIFPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMFUPZPVBOEUIFTFXJMMCFGVMMZFYQMBJOFECZUIFBOOVJUZ service provider, allowing you to make an informed decision. Diageo will pay the cost of providing you with the annuity service provider. How is the death in service benefit calculated? Your lump sum death benefit is calculated as the greater of: 4JYUJNFTZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZBUUIFEBUFPGEFBUIBOE 5IFBNPVOUJOZPVS3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUJNNFEJBUFMZCFGPSFEFBUI How is the incapacity benefit calculated? Your incapacity benefit is calculated as the greater of: 4JYUJNFTZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZBUUIFEBUFPGMFBWJOHTFSWJDFPOBDDPVOUPGJODBQBDJUZBOE 5IFBNPVOUJOZPVS3FUJSFNFOU"DDPVOUJNNFEJBUFMZCFGPSFZPVSEBUFPGMFBWJOHTFSWJDF :PVXJMMCFBCMFUPUBLFVQUPPGUIJTBNPVOUBTBUBYGSFFDBTITVN You then use the balance to buy a pension. What happens if I leave before retirement? If you leave within two years, you will be able to take a refund of any normal pension contributions ZPVIBWFQBJE5IFSFGVOEXJMMOPUJODMVEFBOZ$PNQBOZDPOUSJCVUJPOTPS4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF DPOUSJCVUJPOT"TBOBMUFSOBUJWFJGZPVIBWFNPSFUIBONPOUITQBSUJDJQBUJPOJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFZPV will be given the option to defer your benefits in the Plan until retirement or the option to transfer your benefits to another suitable pension arrangement. How long will Salary Exchange last? %JBHFPQMBOTUPPQFSBUF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFJOEFñOJUFMZ)PXFWFSJGUIFUBY/BUJPOBM*OTVSBODFSFHJNF or the law changes, or it is no longer viable for Diageo to operate this arrangement, Diageo reserves UIFSJHIUUPXJUIESBXPSBNFOE4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFPOPOFNPOUITQSJPSOPUJDF 4IPVMEUIJTIBQQFOZPVSQBZXJMMCFBEKVTUFECBDLUPZPVS3FGFSFODF4BMBSZMFTTBOZPUIFSTBMBSZ conversion arrangements that you participate in) and you will begin making normal pension DPOUSJCVUJPOTBHBJO)PXFWFSZPVXPVMEOPUIBWFUPQBZCBDLBOZPGUIF/*TBWJOHTBMSFBEZNBEF What is the Government’s view about Salary Exchange? ).3FWFOVF$VTUPNTBSFGVMMZBXBSFPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFBOESFDPHOJTFTVDIBSSBOHFNFOUT5IFZ QSPWJEFJOGPSNBUJPOBCPVU4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFPOUIFJSXFCTJUFBOEXFBSFOPUDVSSFOUMZBXBSFPGBOZ QMBOTUPDIBOHFUIFUBYPS/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTUSFBUNFOUPGTVDIBSSBOHFNFOUT If I participate in Salary Exchange, will I be able to opt-out later? :PVIBWFUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPPQUPVUPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXJUIJOPOFNPOUIPGUIF$PNQBOZCFJOH NBEFBXBSFPGZPVFYQFSJFODJOHBMJGFTUZMFDIBOHFTFFCFMPX *GZPVFYQFSJFODFBMJGFTUZMFDIBOHF and want to opt out you should contact the Diageo Pensions Team on or by email at [email protected] :PVXJMMDFBTFUPCFFMJHJCMFUPQBSUJDJQBUFJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFJGZPVMFBWFUIF1MBOPSJGZPVSTBMBSZ GBMMTCFMPXBNJOJNVNFBSOJOHTMJNJUXIJDI%JBHFPXJMMJOJUJBMMZTFUBUbPSJGZPVSIPVSMZSBUF PGQBZGBMMTCFMPXBBNPVOUJOJUJBMMZTFUBUbBMMPXJOHGPSBTBGFUZNBSHJOBCPWFUIF/BUJPOBM Minimum Wage. If your salary in the future increases to over these limits you will automatically be PQUFECBDLJOGSPNUIFOFYUBWBJMBCMFQBZSPMMEBUFTFFCFMPX 1MFBTFOPUFUIBUUIFTFMJNJUTBSFTVCKFDUUPSFWJFXBOEZPVXJMMCFBEWJTFEPGUIFOFXMJNJUJGUIJT applies to you. What is the definition of a lifestyle change? r r r r r r r r r #JSUIPSBEPQUJPOPGBDIJME /PUJñDBUJPOUPUIFFNQMPZFSPGQSFHOBODZ .BSSJBHFPSSFHJTUSBUJPOPGBDJWJMQBSUOFSTIJQ 3FUVSOJOHGSPNNBUFSOJUZMFBWF %JWPSDFPSTFQBSBUJPOPSEJTTPMVUJPOPGBDJWJMQBSUOFSTIJQ %FBUIPGBTQPVTFQBSUOFSPSDIJME 3FEVDUJPOJODPOUSBDUVBMXPSLJOHIPVSTBOEPSQBZPGBUMFBTU 4QPVTFPSQBSUOFSTMPTTPGFNQMPZNFOUUISPVHISFEVOEBODZ "CTFODFEVFUPTJDLOFTTMFBWFXIJDIDBVTFTZPVUPCFJOSFDFJQUPGTUBUVUPSZQBZNFOUT If you experience this lifestyle change you will (if necessary, in order to prevent a Salary Exchange Adjustment being made from your statutory payment) be automatically opted out of Salary Exchange. If I am automatically opted out, can I choose to take part? /PJGZPVBSFBVUPNBUJDBMMZPQUFEPVUZPVXJMMOPUCFBCMFUPDIPPTFUPUBLFQBSU)PXFWFSZPVS situation will be reviewed on a monthly basis, to check that it is still appropriate for you not to take part. If your salary has increased over the minimum earnings limit which Diageo will initially set at bBOEJTBCPWFUIFIPVSMZSBUFPGbBMMPXJOHBTBGFUZNBSHJOBCPWFUIF/BUJPOBM.JOJNVN 8BHF ZPVXJMMBVUPNBUJDBMMZUBLFQBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGSPNUIFOFYUBWBJMBCMFQBZSPMMEBUFVOMFTT you have completed the 4BMBSZ &YDIBOHF for Pensions section on the ‘Yes, I will join the Plan’ form. If I opt out of Salary Exchange, will I be able to participate in the future if I think Salary Exchange is right for me? :FTZPVXJMMCFBCMFUPPQUJOUP4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFBTBU+VMZFBDIZFBSXJUIUIFñSTUPQQPSUVOJUZ CFJOH+VMZ Will Salary Exchange impact any benefits I get from the State? &OUJUMFNFOUUPTPNF4UBUFCFOFñUTTVDIBTTUBUVUPSZTJDLQBZJODBQBDJUZCFOFñUBOEKPCTFFLFST BMMPXBODFBSFCBTFEPOUIFBNPVOUPG/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTZPVQBZ *GCZQBSUJDJQBUJOHJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFZPVSHSPTTTBMBSZJTSFHVMBSMZbBZFBSPSMFTTUIJTXPVME BíFDUUIFBNPVOUPG/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTZPVQBZBOENBZNFBOUIBUUIFTFTUBUFCFOFñUTBSFSFEVDFE "TTVDIZPVXJMMDFBTFUPCFFMJHJCMFUPQBSUJDJQBUFJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFBOEZPVXJMMCFBVUPNBUJDBMMZ PQUFEPVUPG4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFJOPSEFSUPQSFTFSWFZPVSFOUJUMFNFOUUPUIFTFCFOFñUT 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXJMMOPUJNQBDUUBYDSFEJUTZPVNBZSFDFJWFGSPNUIF4UBUFTVDIBT8PSLJOH5BY Credit. Will Salary Exchange have any effect on any pension I’m entitled to from the State? 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXPOUBíFDUZPVSCBTJD4UBUFQFOTJPO *OBEEJUJPOUPUIFCBTJD4UBUFQFOTJPOUIFSFJTBMTPBOBEEJUJPOBM4UBUF4FDPOE1FOTJPO41 5IF BNPVOUPG41ZPVSFDFJWFEFQFOETPOZPVSFBSOJOHTBOEZPVS/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTPWFSZPVSXPSLJOH MJGF*GZPVFBSONPSFUIBOb BZFBSBGUFSUBLJOHBDDPVOUPGBOZTBMBSZDPOWFSTJPO CFOFñUTBOE4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF"EKVTUNFOU ZPVS41JTOPUBíFDUFECZ4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF*GZPVFBSO CFUXFFOBSPVOEbBOEbBZFBSBGUFSUBLJOHBDDPVOUPGBOZTBMBSZDPOWFSTJPOCFOFñUT BOE4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF"EKVTUNFOU UIFSFNBZCFBTNBMMSFEVDUJPOJOZPVS41XIFOZPVSFUJSF CFDBVTFPGUIFSFEVDFE/*ZPVXJMMQBZPOZPVSFBSOJOHTCFUXFFOUIFTFBNPVOUT)PXFWFSUIF/* ZPVTBWFXJMMCFHSFBUFSUIBOUIFSFEVDUJPOJOZPVS41CFOFñU 5IFUBCMFCFMPXDPNQBSFTUIFFTUJNBUFEBOOVBMMPTTPG41XJUIUIFBOOVBM/*TBWJOHTGSPN4BMBSZ &YDIBOHF5IFUBCMFTIPXTUIFSFEVDUJPOJO41GPSBTTVNJOHBOFNQMPZFFQFOTJPO DPOUSJCVUJPOPGBOE4UBUF1FOTJPO"HFCFJOHSFBDIFEJOBOE Estimated reduction in S2P for year 2010/11 &BSOJOHT "OOVBM41SFEVDUJPOCBTFEPOTUBUFQFOTJPOBHF "OOVBMTBWJOHTGSPN4BMBSZ &YDIBOHFSBUFT b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 5IFBCPWFUBCMFJTJOUFOEFEUPHJWFBOJOEJDBUJPOPGUIFFTUJNBUFEMPTTJO41FOUJUMFNFOUGPS illustrative purposes only, the actual impact varies for each individual member as the calculations are CBTFEFBSOJOHTMFWFMTBOE/*DPOUSJCVUJPOTPWFSZPVSXPSLJOHMJGF*GZPVXPVMEMJLFNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO about your state pension benefits please contact 5IF1FOTJPO4FSWJDF on . :PVNBZXJTIUPTFFLJOEFQFOEFOUBEWJDFBCPVUJOWFTUJOHUIFTBWJOHTZPVSFDFJWFUISPVHI4BMBSZ &YDIBOHFXJUIBWJFXUPDPVOUFSBDUJOHBOZ41SFEVDUJPO Will Salary Exchange affect repayment of my student loan? Repayment of student loans, via payroll, is triggered where annual earnings are currently above bBMUIPVHIUIJTUISFTIPMEJTMJLFMZUPJODSFBTFVOEFS(PWFSONFOUQMBOT*GQBSUJDJQBUJOHJO 4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFSFEVDFEZPVSFBSOJOHTCFMPXUIJTMFWFMUIFOSFQBZNFOUTNBZSFEVDFPSTUPQ5IJT may mean that it will take longer to repay any student loan, however, you can request to make voluntary contributions towards your student loan if you wish to do so. How will Salary Exchange affect mortgage reference letters? .PSUHBHFSFGFSFODFMFUUFSTXJMMTUBUFZPVS3FGFSFODF4BMBSZJFTBMBSZCFGPSF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF Adjustment) as will your payslip. What happens if I go on maternity leave? :PVXJMMDPOUJOVFUPUBLFQBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFXIJMFZPVSFDFJWF$PNQBOZ.BUFSOJUZ1BZ'PS any period when you are receiving just statutory maternity pay, you will continue to build up your QFOTJPOCFOFñUTCBTFEPOZPVS3FGFSFODF4BMBSZCFGPSFHPJOHPONBUFSOJUZMFBWF &NQMPZFFTPONBUFSOJUZMFBWFXJMMOPUCFEJTBEWBOUBHFECZUBLJOHQBSUJO4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF What happens if my pensionable pay changes during the year? *GZPVS1FOTJPOBCMF1BZDIBOHFTCPUIUIF$PNQBOZTDPOUSJCVUJPOBOEUIF4BMBSZ&YDIBOHF Adjustment will be adjusted accordingly. 'VSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOSFHBSEJOHUIF%JBHFP-JGFTUZMF1MBOBOE4BMBSZ&YDIBOHFGPS1FOTJPOT is available from the pensions website XXXNZEJBHFPQFOTJPODPNEMQ1BHFT)PNFBTQY Further information Please visit: Home.aspx If you have any further questions contact the Diageo Pensions Team in Edinburgh on 0131 519 2100 or email [email protected] Please remember that the Pensions Team cannot give you individual or financial advice. If you are unsure about whether or not you should participate in either the Plan or Salary Exchange, you can speak to an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA). You can find an IFA in your area by visiting Important If you decide to join the Diageo Lifestyle Plan, you must return the ‘Yes, I will join the Plan’ form to this address within three months of starting to work for Diageo, to: Pensions Team Diageo plc &EJOCVSHI1BSL -PDITJEF8BZ &EJOCVSHI &)%5 This guide is only a summary of the Plan benefits. This could mean that details which are important to you are not given and you should be aware that this guide does not confer any enhancement or override the legal Trust Deed and Rules which govern the Plan. %FDFNCFS
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