Senior Salutations Congratulations! Your little boy or girl is finally all grown up and only has one year left of high school. We know it’s tough to see them grow up, leave home and join the real world. Therefore, we came up with a way for you to say good-bye and congratulate your senior on his or her achievement that will be remembered for the rest of his or her life. You can do this by sending the yearbook staff a professional picture of your son or daughter and some words of love, encouragement and wisdom from you and your family. *All senior salutations must not exceed more than 100 words! To reserve a spot in the yearbook the cost will be: t t t 2VBSUFSQBHF JGMBUF )BMGQBHF JGMBUF 'VMMQBHF JGMBUF 1JDUVSFT 1JDUVSFT 1JDUVSFT :PVSDIJMENBZCSJOHJOUIFTBMVUBUJPOUPUIFTFOJPSTBMVUBUJPOTFEJUPST3FCB1BVM+PMFOF7FSBHBVXFO"NBOEJMJ $PSEFSPPSUIFZFBSCPPLBEWJTFS.ST"EBNTJOSPPNćFZNBZBMTPCFFNBJMFEUPMCTFOJPSTBMT!ZBIPP DPNBMPOHXJUIQJDUVSFTCFGPSF.POEBZ%FDFNCFSUI)PXFWFSQSJPSUPEPJOHUIJTUIFGPSNBOENPOFZNVTUCFUVSOFEJOUPUIFTDIPPMPSNBJMFEJO8FXJMMBDDFQUTBMVUBUJPOTMBUFCVUUIFSFJTBMBUFGFF3FNFNCFSTFOJPSTBMVUBUJPOTBSFBHSFBUXBZUPTBZGBSFXFMMUPZPVSTFOJPS"MTPZPVNBZQVSDIBTFBZFBSCPPLGPS with the purchase of a senior salutation. You can also purchase a yearbook online at Thank you, 1BUSJPUT1SJEF:FBSCPPL4UBČ Love, %BE.PN+BDLBOE,BUJF +PMFOF7FSBHBVXFO 3FCB1BVM "NBOEJMJ$PSEFSP -#)41BUSJPUT1SJEF 4BOE-BLF3PBE "MUBNPOUF4QSJOHT'M Caroline. There is so much about you that makes us smile, but mostly we love your selflessness, sense of humor and dedication to family. Now you’re on your way to college and although we will miss you, we love you and we will always be here for you. Attn: Christie Adams Student Name: _________________________________________________________ 1BSFOU/BNF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %BZUJNF1IPOF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1MFBTFBUUBDIZPVSNFTTBHFPGXPSETPSMFTTBOEZPVSQSPGFTTJPOBMQIPUPHSBQI 1BSFOU4JHOBUVSF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *By signing above you acknowledge that the yearbook is a student produced and published work, and that any FSSPSTJOQVCMJTIJOHBSFOPUJOUFOUJPOBM'VSUIFSNPSFZPVXJMMOPUIPMEUIF1BUSJPUT1SJEF4UBČSFTQPOTJCMFGPS misprints. 1BSBNÈTJOGPSNBDJØOFO&TQB×PMQPSGBWPSDPOUBDUBSB"NBOEJMJ$POEFSP
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