Archetypes of Food Cravings Why We Crave What We Crave Tessa Cason, MA Faith Shevlin, MS, RD, HHC Institute of Applied Wisdom 5694 Mission Ctr. Rd. #213 San Diego, CA. 92108 [email protected] [email protected] © Tessa Cason and Faith Shevlin, 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, published, or transmitted electronically without express written permission from the publisher. Copyright of all images used in this book belong to their respective owners. Legal Notice and Disclaimer: From author and publisher: The information in this book is not intended to diagnose or treat any particular disease and/or condition. Nothing contained herein is meant to replace qualified medical or psychological advice and/or services. The author and publisher do not assume responsibility for how the reader chooses to apply the techniques herein. Use of the information is at the reader’s discretion and discernment. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application contained in this book. Nothing contained in this book is to be considered medical advice for any specific situation. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice or medical care of a Physician prior to taking any personal action with respect to the information contained in this book. This book and all of its contents are intended for educational and informational purpose only. The information in this book is believed to be reliable, but is presented without guaranty or warranty. By reading further, you agree to release the author and publisher from any damages or injury associated with your use of the material in this book. Archetypes of Food Cravings... Why We Craving What We Crave by Tessa Cason, MA Faith Shevlin, MS, RD, HHC Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Descriptions of the Food Craving Archetypes and Emotional Significance Dairy Bread Sweets Chocolate Fatty Foods Salty Spicy Crunchy Archetypes of Food Cravings Why We Crave What We Crave Introduction Our bodies are constantly giving us clues as to what they need. * When we are not able to take another step, the body is tired and needs to rest. * When we can’t keep our eyes open any longer, the body needs to sleep. * When we are thirsty, the body needs water. Those are physical clues. We also have emotional clues: * We laugh when we are happy. * We cry when we are sad. * We clench our teeth when we are angry. What about mental and spiritual clues? Those would be our mind chatter and food cravings. Mind chatter provides the mental cues: * I’m not deserving. * My dreams will never come true. * I’m worthless. The mind chatter is that part of us giving ourselves assignments so we can be deserving, have worth, and our dreams can come true. A food craving is a strong desire for a specific food that, if unfulfilled, produces a powerful physical and mental suffering. Food cravings are also indications of what we need to heal. Food cravings are symptoms of deeper issues. * Craving sweets might indicate a lack of joy in our lives. * Craving crunchy foods might be an indication of frustration we are feeling. * Craving bread might be providing the fullness we lack in our lives. Our bodies function as a whole unit...physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. —1— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. Food cravings are possible indications of: Physically: A need for fun, excitement, love, romance, more energy, and/or intimacy. Mentally: Feeling stressed, tension, anxiety, fear, and/or frustration. Emotionally: Loneliness, emptiness, anger, resentment, depression, bitterness, insecurity, shame, lack of joy, sadness, and/or comfort. Spiritually: Lack of purpose, fulfillment, and/or contentment. Knowing the significance of our food cravings can provide insights into what we really are craving. We have selected eight different food types to discuss: * Dairy * Bread * Sweets * Chocolate * Fatty Foods * Salty * Spicy * Crunchy We have also related each food type with an archetype based on the emotional significance. An Archetype is a universal set of behaviors that would describe a pattern or role or label. Drama queen, diva, knight…we know the behavior that would be attributed to these roles. The Archetypes for each food group include: * Dairy – The Mother * Bread – The Friend * Sweets – The Dreamer * Chocolate – The Romantic * Fatty Foods – The Gossip * Salty – The Farmer * Spicy – The Daredevil * Crunchy – The Critic —2— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. Description of the Food Craving Archetypes and Emotional Significance Dairy (Cheese, Ice Cream, Milk, Pudding) Millie The Mother - Mother’s love is the only unconditional love. She is nurturing, nourishing, and caring. She is the symbol of life-giving. A mother is devoted and protective of her children. Think Jackie Kennedy. Emotional Significance of Dairy: • • • • • • • • A craving for comfort. A yearning for being nurtured. Needing soothing. Looking for safety and security. To manage depression. To ease worry and anxiety. Feeling life is very tough and turbulent. Desire for life to be a little easier. The Mother may crave dairy when they are in need of nurturing, compassion, and comfort. Mothers need nurturing as well. Bread Felicity The Friend and Companion – A friend is loyal, supportive, and comforting. They offer encouragement, companionship, and love. They nourish our lives. Friends add richness and a depth to our lives that one can not achieve on their own. Could you imagine Pooh without Tigger? Emotional Significance of Bread: • • • • • • • An attempt to soothe tension, stress, and/or anxiety. Wanting to fill an inner emptiness. Looking for calm and comfort; reassurance. Feeling unsatisfied with life. A desire to ease pain. A desire to slow down. Calming and relaxing. One will attempt to fulfill a need for friendship and companionship with bread. A craving for bread may emerge when one is missing the encouragement, support, and assurance a friend would provide. —3— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. Sweets (Candy, Desserts, Donuts, Pastries, Cake, Cookies, Ice Cream) Donna the Dreamer – Dreamers live in a world of imagination, ideas, and concepts that are beyond the ordinary mind. They spend a great deal of time in their heads and imagination. Many dreamers are introverted and very independent. Think Cinderella. Emotional Significance of Sweets: • • • • • • • • • • • A craving for sweetness in life. A lack of joy in life. A lack of self-care and “me” time. Wanting a reward. Seeking pleasure. Unable to process sadness and grief. Feeling that change and healing are hopeless. A desire to avoid disappointment. Needing a boost of energy. Don’t feel “sweet” enough. Feeling exhausted. Dreamers crave sweets when they think their dreams may not become a reality. They may have big dreams and wishes for what they want their lives to look like. They reach for sweets when they are missing the joy, pleasure, and sweetness that are only in their imaginations. Chocolate Rebecca The Romantic – A romantic is an idealist who’s beliefs and attitudes center around love. They are characterized by a preoccupation with love and/or by the idealizing of love. Their ideas and hopes may not be realistic. Romantics are usually sensitive and affectionate. They feel deeply and attach a lot of meaning and significance to those feelings. Think Cary Grant in An Affair to Remember. Emotional Significance of Chocolate: • • • • • • Craving for love, intimacy, and/or romance. A need for calm. To lift one’s mood, a “feel-good” boost. Looking for energy, passion, and/or excitement. Used as an anti-depressant. Unable to process sadness and grief. Romantics reach for something chocolate when the romance and excitement of love is missing. —4— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. Fatty /Fried Foods (Fried Foods, Ice Cream, HighHigh-fat Dairy) Gabby The Gossip – The gossip is associated with passing along unconfirmed information about others that may be exaggerations. Think Norman Rockwell’s painting “The Gossip.” Emotional Significance of Fatty Foods: • • • • • • • • • • • Fills the emptiness when feeling unsatisfied and/or unfulfilled. Yearning for the richness of life. A lack of inspiration in life. Lacking self-esteem and/or self-worth. Attempting to feel important. Unwilling to accept one’s own power. Shame and apathy. Desire to accept our own authenticity. Desire to be powerful. Desire to heal, old emotional wounds. Looking for self-worth and self-esteem. The Gossip eats fatty foods trying to find richness in their life. If they don’t feel they are important or worthy, they might fill up their emptiness with fatty foods. Salty Frank The Farmer – A farmer is a person who cultivates the soil as a way of live. Think Ree Drummond’s, the Pioneer Woman on Food Network. Emotional Significance of Salty: • • • • • • • • • • • • A desire for grounding, stability, and/or security. A lack of flow and/or trust in our lives. A need for down time and relaxation. A craving for more movement. Unable to release emotions and/or holding onto emotions. “Salt of the earth.” Trying to control people, circumstances, and/or life. Desire to heal emotional stagnation. Desire to let go of stress. Desire to replenish what’s been lost. Desire for inner strength. Might be about stress, anger, anxiety. The Farmer may crave salty food when they need to feel more grounded and less stressed, —5— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. Spicy Dante The Daredevil – Daredevils are dashing heroes that perform feats of acrobatics. They are reckless and enjoy engaging in dangerous activities. Daredevils are thrill-seekers, adventurers, and swashbucklers that are dauntless, fearless, gutsy, impetuous, impulsive, and rash. Think Chuck Yeager, the first pilot to have traveled faster than sound. Emotional Significance of Spicy: • • • • • • • • A craving and drive for intensity and excitement. Searching for passion. Response to boredom. Rev the imagination. Wanting more adventure. Looking for action in our lives. Need to “spice up” our life. Searching for drive and motivation. Daredevils may crave spicy foods when needing adventure, excitement, and passion in their lives. Crunchy/Crispy Charles The Critic – A critic is a person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something; a person who judges, evaluates, and/or criticizes. A critic is one who is given to harsh or captious judgments. Think Spencer Tracy in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Emotional Significance of Crunchy/Crispy: • • • • • • • • • • • An attempt to relieve anger, irritation, anxiety, and frustration. A need for attention. Holding back something we want to express. A need to hide and avoid conflict. Stress relief. Impatience and/or dissatisfaction. Lack “texture” in our lives. Feeling restrained. Criticism – of self, from others, and/or towards others. Longing for comfort and reassurance. Might be about anxiety, betrayal, depression, embarrassment, fear, grief, insecurity, regret, sadness, self-doubt, shame, bitterness and/or resentment. The Critic needs crunchy foods to relieve their frustration, anger, and anxiety. —6— © Tessa Cason, Faith Shevlin, 2014. About the Author – Tessa Cason, MA Tessa Cason has been a Life Coach since 1996 and an EFT Practitioner since 2000. She is a mentor, author, teacher, creator, and lecturer. In 2000 she learned EFT Tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique. At that time, she had some clients that were willing to try something new and a bit unusual. After witnessing the success her clients had with EFT, she focused her practice around this simple, yet very effective tool. One of the most important elements with EFT Tapping is the statement that is spoken as we tap. Knowing that beliefs precede all of our thoughts and feelings, choices and decisions, actions, reactions, and experiences, Tessa created 43 Books for Practitioners and 43 Workbooks for Everyone that are filled with mis-belief EFT Tapping statements. Tessa has a very diverse background. She has both her BA and MA in Physical Education from SDSU, San Diego State University. She taught Physical Education at SDSU as well as Grossmont Community College. In 1977, she began a company that manufactured greeting cards and stationery. Within 8 years her company was grossing a million dollars on 50 cent greeting cards. Tessa purchased a newly constructed home in La Jolla in 1985. Unbeknownst to her, a natural gas pipe had been severed during construction and not properly repaired. The gas leak went undetected for 2 1/2 years, 850 days. In 1988, she closed her business to focus on her health. While working on her health, she ran a medical clinic in which she was able to correlate a patient’s illness with dysfunctional beliefs. In 2005 Tessa was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. In her research, she discovered that 20 years after exposure to natural gas, thyroid issues would result. From the time she was diagnosed and had surgery, for those 6 weeks Tessa only focused on the issues dealing with the thyroid and tapped. In the recovery room after surgery, the surprised doctor told Tessa that even though two different labs came back with the diagnoses of cancer, it was not cancer. Tessa knew the EFT Tapping had changed the energy of the cancer to non-cancer. — 42 — Currently, Tessa is creating several EFT Tapping Statement Programs, including an EFT, Weight, and Emotional Healing, “Shame to Enlightenment, Moving Up David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness,” “Reaching the Pinnacle: Achieving Greatness,” as well as programs for other authors and practitioners. Her Workbooks for Everyone and her Kindle eBooks can be found on Amazon. The eBooks for Practitioners and eWorkbooks can be found on her Publisher’s (White Sage Publishing, Inc.) website: Tessa’s website is: — 43 — A bout the Author – Faith Shevlin, MS, RD, HHC Faith’s passion is helping others to find their joy. This passion set her onto a path of selfdiscovery. Her experience with holistic healing sparked her enthusiasm to dive even deeper into her own emotional and personal growth. In the process of self discovery, she learned valuable transformational tools and concepts. The impact these powerful tools had on her own life ignited her determination to master these tools in order to support others in their own transformations, toward finding their joy. Faith discovered that to experience a truly joyful and fulfilling life one must have meaningful relationships, a rewarding life purpose, healthy emotions, a whole food diet, self care practices, and a positive attitude. Now as a Holistic Wellness Counselor, this is her focus with her clients. She also understands the challenge to find balance given the fast paced world we live in. Faith assists and supports her clients in their transformation as well as to find the balance they need in their lives. Pulling from her extensive education, she combines it with the principles of holistic healing and life coaching to treat and nourish the “whole person.” Currently, Faith is the Director of the EFT, Weight, and Emotional Eating Program (information can be found @ Faith’s website is: Credentials: Bachelors Degree in Food and Nutrition Masters Degree in Food and Nutrition Registered Dietitian Holistic Health Counselor Certified EFT Practitioner Theta Healer — 44 — The End
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