How to be Dissatisfied Speaker: Pastor Rodney Murphy Coming Up This Week

March 16, 2014
9 am & 11 am
Rodney D. Murphy, Lead Pastor
How to be Dissatisfied
Speaker: Pastor Rodney Murphy
Coming Up This Week
6:00 PM
Life Groups
Prayer & Fasting Emphasis– Please pray that we would find our
contentment in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
7:00 PM
Family Night
6:00 PM
Celebrate Recovery
Family Life Center
9:00 AM
Men’s Small Group (BYOC)
Conference Room
7:00 AM
CrossOver Guy’s Night
Family Life Center
All day
A.M.P. Basketball Tournament
3 Locations
Thank you for joining us in worship today. We praise God for what He is doing and how lives
are being changed. At Faith Assembly of God, our services are designed to be powerful and
inspiring. Our goal is to incorporate video, drama, multi-media, and a blend of contemporary
music with heartfelt worship to complement the Biblical message of the day. We talk about the
issues you face every day and connect God’s wisdom and Word to your life. Our prayer is that
our services challenge and touch you as you grow in your relationship with Christ and with
those around you.
Sharing Life Together,
Rodney Murphy
Lead Pastor
Connection Card...We Want to Hear From You!
 Visitors & Newcomers—We are here to serve you!
Please complete the Connection Card located in the pew in front of you and drop it
off at the church office for a free Hershey’s bar.
 Regular Attendees—Please fill out the red attendance booklet in your pew; Complete
the Connection Card if any pertinent contact information has changed.
 Prayer Requests—Please fill out the back of the Connection Card with your prayer
request and give it to the ushers during the offering.
Friendly Reminders
 Cell Phones—Please “silence” your phones while in the sanctuary.
 Small Children—If you have small children, please help us by sitting near one of the exits
and taking your child out of the service if he or she becomes uncomfortable. We do have a
volunteer staffed nursery available for infants thru age 3, Preschool church for ages 3-5, and
Club 21:16 for grades K-6th grade.
 Driving—Please consider our neighbors and watch your speed along Fox Manor Road.
25 M.P.H. is reasonable. Please enter our parking lot through Fox Manor Road, and refrain
from using the Fine Line Homes driveway. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Faith Assembly of God
34 Fox Manor Road, Hazle Township, PA 18202
PHONE: (570) 459-2410 FAX: (570) 459-2863 email: [email protected]
Faith Assembly Hot Sheet
Catch up on what’s new at Faith Assembly and mark your calendars for upcoming events!
Sunday Night Life Groups
Sharing Life Together!!
Join us tonight at 6:00 PM for life groups; kids, youth, men, women, and prayer small groups!
AMP Basketball Tournament
March 22 & 23, 2014
Volunteers are needed at 3 locations; 4 volunteers at each school for 4 hour shifts. Duties will
include collecting admissions fees from spectators and working concession stands. Please sign up
in the foyer under the shift you’d like to volunteer for. See Guy Scatton for more information.
Family Fun Night– Game Night!!
Friday, April 4, 2014
6:00 PM
Bring your whole family to our game night! Bring a snack to share. Sign up in the lobby!
Fine Arts Night; Dinner and a Show
Sunday, April 6, 2014
6:00 PM
You’re invited to Dinner and a Show to benefit Speed the Light. As you enjoy the performances
from our students, you will be served a spaghetti dinner! Donations will be received. This night
will also give our students an opportunity to practice in front of an audience for the district-level
Fine Arts Festival.
Women of Purpose “Beauty for Ashes” Spring Event
Saturday, April 12, 2014
9:00 AM
Berwick AG
Deadline for sign-up: March 23. Cost: $25 per person, includes lunch. The van is available for
those who do not wish to drive. Please sign up in the lobby. This year’s special project offering is
for “Dare to Dream.” There is more information in the lobby about this special project.
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
This week’s nursery serving schedule:
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
7:00 PM
Cindy Riddle
Volunteer Needed
Sunday, March 23, 2014
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Marvin & Terri Mashack
Volunteers Needed
Mayra Castro & Maryann DiSpirito
Stephanie Murphy
This week at
Bear with me
What' s the Point? God calls us to bear fruit!
What' s the word? Bear fruit: to perform a desired function or produce a
desired product.
What' s the verse? God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you
can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.
Ephesians 2:8
Kids Fun Arts 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Kids– Its time to sign up for Fun Arts!! There are forms in the lobby.
Parents– We need your help, too! Please sign up to help encourage
our kids in their gifts and talents.
Children’s Ministry Training
Adaptable me
Saturday, April 5, 2014 at Peckville Assembly of God
Children’s Ministry Training for ALL who are interested in Children’s
Ministry! Cost: $10, includes lunch. Please sign up by March 16!
CrossOver Youth Ministry
Small Groups Tonite!
ALL guys– Conference Room
ALL girls– Pastor Jims Office
Starts at 6pm tonite!
Grades 7-12
Youth Convention 2014
Check out our page!
April 17 & 18 in Hershey, PA
Sign-up & $40 deposit due by
March 26!
Total cost: $80 plus food money
...for upcoming events and
serving opportunities...
Guys Nite Out
Pre-Convention Rally
It’s the guy’s turn!
We’re meeting in the FLC at
7pm on Friday, March 21.
Friday, March 28 6:15pm-9:30pm
Mountaintop Family Center
Guest Speaker: Lee Rogers
VFCC band leading worship
Free Event, free pizza!
(bring money for an offering)
Doing the 3 F’s; food, fun, and
flicks! Sign up at CrossOver!
Night is over at 11pm.
This is a free event!
Faith Assembly Ministries
Wish List Donations
Gifts received as of March 13, 2014
Cost: Amount Given:
LED Sanctuary Light Bulb Conversion
Still Needed:
LED Outdoor Dusk to Dawn Lighting
Web Cam Upgrade
New Building Signage
Family Life Center Doors
6 Smart TVs (TV, DVD, Brackets, Installation)
Wireless Network
Down Payment on a New Church Van
Asphalt Patching, Parking Lot Repair
New Speakers and Sub-Woofers
Commercial Vacuum
Sound System (Total of $16,000.00)
Digital Sound Board
Thank you for your support with these projects!
Surviving Together Support Group
Thursday, April 3, 2014
6:00 PM
Geisinger Hazleton Cancer Center
“Surviving Together,” a free support group of the American Cancer Society– Greater Hazleton
Unit, will meet on April 3 at 6:00 PM in the Geisinger Hazleton Cancer Center, 1740 East Broad
Street, Hazleton. Speaker will be Caroline Kush, PharmD, Geisinger Pottsville Medical Oncology.
Her topic is “Meet your pharmacist: Your everyday medicine questions answered.” Please call
Joan, 570-427-8222 or Lorraine, 570-454-4598 to make a reservation by April 1st.
Faith Assembly Ministries
Collecting Dolls for the DR Missions Trip
Contact Linda Peiser for more information; 570-751-6219
We are collecting dolls, both old and new, along with doll clothes and accessories, to take to the
Dominican Republic in July to bless the children with. Contact Linda with any questions.
24/7 Single Moms Ministry
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
7:00 PM
Room G-12
If you are a single mom, you’re invited to this new small group! We will meet once a month and
we will be focusing on “Hope & Help for the Single Mom.”
Truth or Tradition
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
7:00 PM
Conference Room
Hal Bryan will be hosting a new small group on Wednesday evenings beginning this week.
Celebrate Recovery
Thursdays Nights at 6:00 PM in the FLC
Celebrate Recovery has achieved gratifying results by offering “wholeness” to people
everywhere. This program is not simply to recover from past sins and hurts, but to become
Christ-like in character. Celebrate Recovery is not just a means of ‘recovery’ for those struggling
with drugs and alcohol. It is for individuals dealing with overeating, sexual addiction, shame and
guilt, co-dependency, and other hurts, habits and hang-ups. Celebrate Recovery provides a safe
environment where people can deal with their issues in anonymity and experience life-change.
Groups meet weekly on Thursdays from 6:00 PM– 9:00 PM in our Family Life center.
Registration is not necessary to participate and you do not need to be a member or attendee of
Faith Assembly to attend.
How to be Dissatisfied
1 Timothy 6:6-8; Luke 12:16-21
How to be dissatisfied
1. Become great at being ______________________.
Hebrews 12:28
2. Compare what you ____________ to people who have ____________.
2 Corinthians 10:12
3. Pursue _____________________ possessions over ________________ treasures.
Luke 12:15
4. Resent ______________ for where you are in life.
Psalm 43:2
5. Develop an attitude of __________________________.
Romans 6:23
How we live reveals what we believe
What __________________ offers is not as ___________ as what this world offers.
Philippians 3:7-8
Think About It
1. What is your biggest dissatisfaction with your life?
2. Of the five steps to be dissatisfied, which one do you identify with the most? Why?
3. How we live reveals what we believe. Many people live as if what Christ offers is not
as good as what the world offers. Read Philippians 4:11-13. How is Christ more than
enough in your greatest dissatisfaction?