September 2013 The Magazine of the Society for Technical Communication Project Management and the Technical Communicator: Why It Works 6 9 13 Style Guides: Personal and Practical Tips on How to Get Started and Keep Going 16 Lessons Learned in Marketing Communication Over Barbecue 20 te ed Do You Really Want to Say That? Writing in a World of Jargon, Slang, Corporate Catchphrases, and Technical Pseudo-Terms M em 16 be $1 Se rs pt hi 9 r 5 p en d e i m Op Ew s c be e al o u r nt r ns a An Interview with Owner’s Manual Costar Marcus Hunt Information. Anytime, Anywhere. A Complete Suite of Tools to Create Professional Documentation for Any Audience, Language or Format Showcase True Single-sourcing Social Collaboration Right-to-Left Language Support Print Output HTML5 Output Mobile Output * Don’t Forget Great Tech Support! 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IN THIS ISSUE 13 9 September 2013 Volume 60 | Issue 8 5 From the Editor Features Project Management 6 Project Management and the Technical Communicator: Why It Works By Liz Herman The skills we refine over time as technical communicators have a critical place in project management. This article explains how and why it works. Conversations 9 An Interview with Owner’s Manual Costar Marcus Hunt By Nicky Bleiel STC’s president interviews Marcus Hunt, costar on the new AMC television program Owner’s Manual, which takes a familiar dichotomy of human nature—that some people read instructions when assembling furniture or installing home electronics, while others don’t—and accelerates it in scale and riskiness as two men operate powerful and potentially dangerous vehicles (trains, planes, race cars, a sailing ship) with which they were previously unfamiliar. As the instruction-manual reader on the show, Marcus explains his appreciation for the work of technical communicators in this interview. Writing and Editing 13 Do You Really Want to Say That? Writing in a World of Jargon, Slang, Corporate Catchphrases, and Technical Pseudo-Terms By Harry Calhoun and Dave Wright What are jargon, slang, catchphrases, and pseudoterms? How can we avoid them when writing for a professional audience? This article defines the terms and provides guidelines for clear writing. 1 Continue Your Learning with STC Education! STC offers a wide variety of online education options throughout the year. Whether you need an introduction to a subject, an in-depth review, or just a brush-up, STC has what you need. Advance your career with STC’s varied collection of online education. Live Web seminars Multi-week online courses Virtual conferences Recorded webinars And free archived seminars (members only) IN THIS ISSUE 20 16 Style Guides: Personal and Practical Tips on How to Get Started and Keep Going By Karina Lehrner-Mayer A practical guide for documentation teams in creating documentation guidelines, this article helps team leaders and writers without a formal style guide to start thinking about creating one. It also includes tips for teams with existing style guides who would like to increase acceptance and use of their guides. Marketing Communication 20 Lessons Learned in Marketing Communication Over Barbecue 25 32 Society Pages 22 The 2012–2013 Salary Database Is Now Available for Download and Purchase Advancing Your Career 28 Advancing Your Career through Progressive Information Disclosure By Jack Molisani 22 2014 Membership Season Now Open 23 Reminder of Deadlines for Awards and Honors 23 Have You Seen STC’s Notebook Lately? 24 Intercom’s 2014 Editorial Calendar DEPARTMENTS FYI 31 Mark Your Calendar Organization Events Across the Globe My Job 32 Dear Technical Writing: A Love Story By Anonymous 24 STC Communities and Staff Win APEX Awards ADVERTISERS By Kevin Cuddihy Do you send or receive a lot of marketing emails? If so, you know that email marketing can be an annoyance or an important method of communication. It can be spam or a great sales or informational tactic. The author uses an example from a restaurant to show how to keep email communications on point and your audience happy to hear from you. COLUMNS The Strategic IA 25 Play to Your Strengths, Shore Up Your Weaknesses: The Dynamic Duo of Project Manager and Strategic Information Architect By Andrea Ames and Alyson Riley C3 Adobe C2 Doc-To-Help 15 Johns Hopkins University C4 MadCap Software 2 STC Education 30 STC Membership 4 Summit@aClick 3 Did You Miss the Summit? Don’t miss this second chance at attending the Summit—from the privacy of your home or office! You can “attend” all the 2013 sessions that interest you . . . at a time and place of your choosing and without having to travel. SUMMIT@aClick lets you attend the conference you missed! Content of almost every session was captured (audio and visuals) and will be available at the STC Live Learning Center. Members who did not attend the Summit can purchase SUMMIT@aClick now—see the STC website for details! STC is the only meeting in the technical communications field that offers this ability to attend the conference sessions without having to travel. Note: SUMMIT@aClick was included in the full registration fee for the Summit. Attendees should have received an email with username and password. SUMMIT@aClick MEET THE STAFF A Note from the Editor This month’s Intercom includes articles and columns focused on project management, writing and editing, marketing communications, career advancement, and an interview by President Nicky Bleiel with the costar of AMC’s new show Owner’s Manual, Marcus Hunt. If you haven’t seen or heard of this show yet, Owner’s Manual takes a familiar dichotomy of human nature—that some people read instructions when assembling furniture, installing home electronics, or operating software, and others don’t—and accelerates it in scale and riskiness as two men operate powerful and potentially dangerous machinery (e.g., trains, planes, race cars, a sailing ship) with which they were previously unfamiliar. As the instructionmanual reader on the show, Marcus enthusiastically explains his appreciation for the work of technical communicators in this interview. In the feature article, Liz Herman describes why the fields of project management and technical communication work so well together. She uses traits described in the Project Management Institute’s Body of Knowledge (PM–BOK)to compare the professions. Harry Calhoun and Dave Wright offer suggestions on writing in a world of jargon, slang, corporate catchphrases, and technical pseudo-terms and how can we avoid them when writing for a professional audience. Karina Lehrner-Mayer reminds documentation teams of the importance of style guides and provides tips for how to start and upkeep a guide. And finally, Intercom’s Assistant Editor Kevin Cuddihy has written a fun article about marketing emails he received from a barbeque restaurant chain that provide a lesson on how to keep email communications on point and audience appropriate. In the two columns published this month—The Strategic IA and Advancing Your Career—we learn how to strengthen our professional development and career opportunities. Like the feature article by Liz Herman, Andrea Ames and Alyson Riley have paired up another tech comm “dynamic duo”—project manager and strategic information architect. They use Tom Rath’s StrengthFinder 2.0 as a tool to explain why effective partnerships between PMs and IAs are important to the success of teams and projects. In his column, Jack Molisani provides advice about how to advance your career through progressive information disclosure, which is an interaction design technique that allows technical communicators to provide the right amount of information where, when, and how the user wants it. Society news also in this issue and of interest to STC members: the 2014 membership season opens on 16 September, and there is a special member appreciation rate for renewing members of $195 for a limited time. In addition, the 2012–2013 Salary Database is now available for download and purchase, and the Intercom 2014 editorial calendar has been published at Take a look at the themes of the issues planned for next year, and consider writing an article on a subject of interest to you! Intercom, the magazine of the Society for Technical Communication, is published to provide practical examples and applications of technical communication that will promote its readers’ professional development. Publisher Society for Technical Communication Editor Elizabeth E. (Liz) Pohland Assistant Editor Kevin Cuddihy Contributing Editors Scott Abel, Meet the Change Agents Andrea Ames and Alyson Riley, The Strategic IA Thomas Barker, The Academic Conversation Nicky Bleiel, The Essentials Marc Lee, Media Matters Jack Molisani, Advancing Your Career Neil E. Perlin, Beyond the Bleeding Edge Linda Roberts and Lisa Pappas, All Access Derek Ross, Ethics Brian Still, Trends in Usability Editorial Advisory Panel Barrie Byron, Elizabeth (Bette) Frick (Chair), John Hedtke, Jack Molisani, Andrea Wenger STC Board of Directors Officers Nicoletta A. Bleiel, President Kit Brown-Hoekstra, Vice President Alan Houser, Immediate Past President Jane Wilson, Treasurer Alyssa Fox, Secretary Directors Bernard Aschwanden, Ray Gallon, Deanne Levander, Ben Woelk Society for Technical Communication 9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300 Fairfax, VA 22031-1803 +1(703) 522-4114 | +1(703) 522-2075 fax Send questions and correspondence to the editor at the above address. General information about STC: [email protected] or Address Changes: [email protected] Intercom Editorial: [email protected] Reprint Permissions: Intercom (ISSN 0164-6206) is published 10 times a year (monthly, except for August and December) by the Society for Technical Communication, 9401 Lee H ighway, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22031-1803, a nonprofit educational organization, as a service to its membership. Membership in STC includes a subscription to Intercom. Periodicals postage paid at Fairfax, VA, and additional offices. Postmaster Send address changes to Intercom, Attn: Membership, c/o Society for Technical Communication, 9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22031-1803. Copyright © 2013 by the Society for Technical Communication. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. All articles in Intercom are copyrighted by the authors unless otherwise indicated. Anyone interested in reprints, reproductions, or reuse must contact the authors for permission. To advertise in Intercom, contact Stacey O’Donnell at [email protected], Society for Technical Communication, 9401 Lee Highway, Suite 300, Fairfax, VA 22031. Ph: +1(703) 522-4144; Fax: +1(703) 522-2075. —Liz Pohland [email protected] 5 Project Management and the Technical Communicator: By Liz Herman | Senior Member Life Graphic Why It Works 6 September 2013 Proj e ct Mana g ement As a long-time technical communicator, the role I play as a project manager and the reasons why I succeed in project management make perfect sense to me. To others, however, the connection is not so clear. The skills that we refine over time as technical communicators have a critical place in project management. In addition to the actual act of communicating content skillfully, technical communicators work to understand what the users need and how the users prefer to access and consume information. At a microscopic level, we intimately understand the role formatting plays in documentation, we know the questions to ask of our subject matter experts to extract the detailed answers, and we recognize the value of checking our work once, twice, and three times over. At a macroscopic level, we see firsthand how organizational culture affects information sharing, we know the importance of keeping stakeholders informed, and we can identify pain points caused by communication breakdowns across an organization. We also do pretty well at communicating with tact and diplomacy. These skills can be directly applied to the art of project management and can even give us an advantage in ensuring project success. If you have not thought about project management before, it is time to see how your skills as a technical communicator can lead you to a project manager position. About Project Management Project management is about leadership, team building, motivation, communication, negotiation, conflict management, political and cultural awareness, trust building, coaching, and decision making. These traits are, in fact, listed as the necessary interpersonal skills of a project manager in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBOK (pronounced PIM-bock). Technical communicators possess these traits and exercise them on a daily basis. Whether you are coaching a new editor, motivating yourself to write a blog entry for your STC chapter website, or leading a new release of online help, you are putting these project management skills into practice each and every day. Similar to STC’s dedication to advancing the field of technical communication, PMI is a professional association that is dedicated to advancing the field of project management. Its members attend local chapter events as well as national and international conferences. PMI members can become certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs) similar to STC members becoming Certified Professional Technical Communicators (CPTCs). PMI bases its project management guidance around five process groups called initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing. Within these process groups are knowledge areas related to time, cost, and scope, which are known as the triple constraint in managing projects. There are also knowledge areas related to communications management, stakeholder management, and quality management among others. When I am asked about my own PMP certification and involvement in PMI, I see the benefits of being a technical communicator in every process group and in every knowledge area. Let us take the knowledge area of human resource management as an example. In this knowledge area, the project manager must acquire, develop, and manage a project team. While the human resources department within your organization can help you acquire and develop your team, the management aspect falls largely in your lap. As a technical communicator, you are most likely already skilled at working with different personalities and you have figured out how to motivate people to share information. You understand the intricacies of working with virtual teams and how to overcome cultural and geographic barriers that can sometimes derail projects. Even if you are not currently in a management role, your work as an individual technical communicator is positioning you for a project management role in your future. Keep in mind that this management role extends beyond a technical communication project. These skills can be applied to implementation of a talent development program, to an engineering software upgrade, or to the debut of a new company website. The people skills that you already possess can lead you to successfully managing a team for any of these projects. If you have not thought about project management before, it is time to see how your skills as a technical communicator can lead you to a project manager position. The Voice of the Project As a project manager, you serve as the voice of the project. You will regularly communicate with the project sponsor, stakeholders, executive leadership, your team, and your customer. Once again, technical communicators are in a great position to be project managers. Why? We are expert communicators. We know how to take complex information and make it accessible and understandable. We think about how the weekly status report will look and whether our end users will be viewing the report on a mobile device or a laptop. This is one thing that definitely differentiates us as project managers: We think about our end users and their needs at all times. Who better to do a needs analysis of an audience than a technical communicator? We can determine by completing a needs analysis whether a two-page dashboard status report is sufficient or if the stakeholders want the full 10-page PDF file with all the details. We understand the benefit of asking our team members what they need and when they need it. We 7 If you do not have experience with budgeting, scheduling, or managing scope, these might be things to which you can gain exposure through your current work environment. may not be the one actually designing the report, but we have this knowledge that we can convey to the designer that ultimately helps foster communication and delivery of content across the project team. The PMBOK, in its section on communications management, details these types of considerations. It also highlights the communications skills that are helpful for a project manager to possess: active listening, fact-finding, educating, summarizing, and outlining next steps. Do these sound like skills that technical communicators possess? I think so too. Within the past year, I was asked to implement a mentoring program across the division in which I work. As the project manager and voice of the project, I needed to determine how best to communicate this new program to employees. I understood that they would need guidance as to how the program worked. Because of my technical writing background, it was easy for me to recognize that some type of online reference guide should be created and made available and easily accessible to the program participants. The guide explains the role of the mentor and mentee, provides suggestions on possible topics, lists resources, and clearly identifies who across the organization can answer questions. While I still needed to initiate a project charter, manage the schedule, adhere to a budget, and focus on quality, the communications aspect was made simpler because participants had something, the guide in this case, to reference. influence. An organization’s political and cultural climate can make or break communication efforts. As a technical communicator, you are probably aware of how the climate in your organization fosters or hinders communication. For example, some colleagues may tend to hoard information because it gives them power. Others may tend to be more transparent with information because they see the value of sharing. As a project manager, you need to possess skills to maneuver through these challenges. As a technical communicator who reaches out to others for information, your maneuvering skills at obtaining that information are most likely already in place. You have worked with the stubborn subject matter expert, tactfully demanded the software release schedule, or presented a business case that shows how technical communicators add value. All of these experiences will help you in your role as project manager. Beyond Communication Why It Works There is more to project management than communication. As a project manager, you do need to understand the financial aspect of your project as well the schedule to which it is aligned. You also need an understanding of the scope of your project so that you can manage expectations around the final deliverable. There is also a key component of managing risk that you should understand as well. If you do not have experience with budgeting, scheduling, or managing scope, these might be things to which you can gain exposure through your current work environment. You might also try to gain this kind of experience through a volunteer project outside of work. You could, for example, manage a project for an event sponsored by your local STC chapter. This would provide you with some initial experience with budgeting and scheduling and overall project management. The common trait shared among technical communicators is that we are lifelong learners. I witnessed this trait at this year’s STC Summit. It was wonderful to be among a learning community. Therefore, if you do not have this experience now, I know as a lifelong learner that you can gain these skills to complement your already-strong skill set as a technical communicator. An additional interpersonal skill mentioned earlier in this article and stated in the PMBOK is that of being politically and culturally aware. This means that you have a sense of the political climate and cultural climate of the organization. The PMBOK calls this organizational 8 The technical communicator turned project manager works because of the unique skill set that we bring to the project. The interpersonal traits suggested by the PMBOK are traits that we possess. They are traits that we put into practice on a daily basis. Moreover, other technical communicators have successfully made the transition to the project manager position. Results from an informal survey I conducted in July 2013 using Twitter and SurveyMonkey shows that there are self-identified technical communicators who are PMP certified. Some reasons for their pursuit of the PMP certification include owning a consulting business, using PMI principles to lead projects that are more technical and complex in nature, and using PMI’s communication principles to ensure that everyone understands the project. PMP certification is not a requirement for transitioning to role of project manager. There are many projects that do not require a PMP-certified project manager. What is required is that you apply your technical communication skills because they have positioned you to be a successful project manager. gi Liz Herman ([email protected]), PhD, PMP, is a communications leader with 19 years of demonstrated achievements delivering knowledge management solutions ( She is a senior member of STC and is active in STC’s Eastern Iowa Chapter and PMI’s Eastern Iowa Chapter. She is already looking forward to the 2014 STC Summit. September 2013 C on ve rsati o ns An Interview with Owner’s Manual Costar Marcus Hunt By Nicky Bleiel | Senior Member To Watch the interview online, visit watch?v=n9QYknuw52s. Nicky Bleiel: Welcome to STC Intercom conversations. I’m Nicky Bleiel and today I’m pleased to be speaking with Marcus Hunt, costar of Owner’s Manual. Owner’s Manual, which airs Thursdays at 10:00 PM on AMC, tests one of the most common divides among men— those who read the manual and those who do not. Marcus reads the manuals. His compatriot, Ed Sanders, chooses not to read them. Since the members of the Society for Technical Communication write the manuals, we know which approach is correct. Hi Marcus, thanks for joining me today. Marcus Hunt: STC are my kind of people. That’s all I have to say. Team STC all the way. NB: Thank you. We’ve been saying “Team Marcus,” so that works well. Just to let you know, Marcus, STC’s members write the manuals and develop the help systems, videos, training manuals, and more for heavy machinery, aerospace, software, hardware … you name it. You can see why we’re interested in your show. MH: Absolutely. NB: So far, your challenges on Owner’s Manual have involved stunt planes, locomotives, dune buggies, and tall ships, rock quarries—this is a lot of fun stuff— … MH: It is. NB: … and logging are coming up in the next few weeks. Which one was the biggest challenge for you, personally? 9 MH: Whew. I would have to pick two. I would have to pick the tall ship, which hasn’t aired yet. It is a 136‑foot, 120‑ton tall ship. For those of you who don’t know what a “tall ship” is, it’s basically like an old pirate ship—the old wooden, big pirate ships. This was one of my childhood dreams and almost an epic adventure. Basically, it was nighttime, it was windy, we had hail, we had seas coming over the bow, and we had a crew of ten. In all the other scenarios, all the other shows, we were basically responsible for our own doing, and in this one, we had to command ten people. They were never put [in danger]—obviously, if we just said something so stupid or tried to give them a command that was so stupid, they wouldn’t do it—but they were asked to do everything we told them to do, whether it was right or wrong. Just having to command that many people in those types of conditions. The crew were all over the boat. That was, by far, the biggest challenge for me. The second one would be in Oregon, 21 degrees, the yarder, crazy logging system, 30,000 pounds of lifting. It was just so cold the entire time that it’s one of those where you can barely move for three days straight. I don’t want to leave him out of this, but it’s also the product owners as well. Everyone wins. When did you come to the realization that reading the manual made your life easier? NB: Those do sound really, really challenging, and also with the tall ship, getting that command experience I’m sure was very interesting. NB: Well, you definitely have the genes for it. We may have to recruit you at some point if this acting thing doesn’t work out for you. You have a lot of challenges on the show, and they’re really not for the faint of heart. You’re doing a lot of dangerous things. You and Ed Sanders work together very well, although technically you’re supposed to be competing in this battle of “book smarts” versus “street smarts.” MH: For your bucket list, though … Bucket list stuff. It was amazing. NB: That’s very, very true. Which challenge of all of them had the best documentation, do you think? MH: I was a geek as a little kid. Not that people who read manuals are geeks; I just peg myself out as that guy because I am that guy. When I was a little kid, my parents used to buy me little science kits and little projects to do. I remember taking something apart and not being able to put it back together properly, and I pretty much ruined it, because it was pretty complicated. What I would do is, I would actually create my own little manuals. What I would do is take my paper, I would draw in colors a diagram of what went to where. I’d have my little parts list, and then when I put it back together, I would be able to do it no problem. That kind of stuck with me all the way through. It’s my personality, and funny enough, I’d probably fit in…. It is a very patient and meticulous and oriented-to-detail type work that you guys do. Could I do it? I don’t know, but I definitely could be an amateur STC‑er. MH: Right. MH: [laughs] OK. You know, funnily enough they actually all had very good documentation, but the best would have probably been the locomotive. They actually gave me the original manuals from the 3100, which was the locomotive that we used; it’s a 275,000‑pound locomotive. Then they gave me no end of manuals for hand signals, for … you had to know how many toots to toot when you’re crossing a crossing where there’s going to be pedestrians or there’s going to be cars. If they didn’t have the owner’s manuals for them, I would try to look it up. I would YouTube it or just go online and research it. Then again, if I couldn’t find it then, a lot of the time they would actually give me manuals on set, and I would read them there. NB: Well, technical communicators made it happen. MH: Yeah, they did. NB: We reduce the liability for you, the user—and I’ll count Ed in that—we’re going to talk more about Ed later. 10 NB: Was there any time you thought Ed might actually be in danger because he hadn’t read the manual, or was there any time you recall thinking you might have been in danger if you hadn’t? MH: I like to think of Ed as Herman Munster or the missing link between ape and man. Just kind of the guy who goes in there pressing buttons, like [grunts]. The truth is, he’s a smart guy. We’re both smart enough to appreciate each other’s opinion, and respect that if he has a better way to do it, I’m going to listen, and if it’s better I’m going to do it. The same goes for me. We had experts on every show, off in the distances, so were we ever in “I’m going to rip my arms off and die” danger? No. But was there absolutely real danger? Yes, there was, in most every episode. The tall ship, as I said, we had to strap ourselves in and hook in because we’re sliding all over the decks. Yarder, we had 30,000 pounds of logs hanging from cranes and Ed was down in the brush. September 2013 C on ve rsati o ns NB: You’ll have to look. You creamed Ed both times. MH: Good. NB: Not so much on the dune buggy. Now, how much time do you spend reading the docs to prep for each episode? You’ve said in other interviews that you not only read the manuals, you also watch videos. MH: I do. Jordin Althaus/AMC NB: Do you prefer one over the other, or just different approaches for different things? Marcus Hunt (right), and Ed Sanders, costars on Owner’s Manual But to answer your question, probably the airplane for Ed. While I don’t think it was so much a safety issue of the plane having an issue, Ed was a bit motion sick so he blacked out twice, he threw up, and he almost pooed his pants. Maybe a little more information than you need to know, but I got a heads‑up on that. I learned the G straining maneuver, which is very funny to look at. If you don’t know what it is, it’s the … G‑LOC is the loss of concentration. It’s where you just kind of black out like this [demonstrates]. Well, to do it properly you tense up all the muscles in your body, and you’ve got to take these real short breaths. It looks stupid, but it’s like [demonstrates]. It looks just that silly, but what that does is it allows the blood to stay in your brain so you don’t black out. Because I read the manual, it made me better off and less sick, and Ed not so much. To answer your question, I think that would be a good example of where reading the manual versus not reading helped me out, being safe. NB: That would be the example. I, of course, watched all the episodes and in that episode you cut most of what you described out … MH: OK, how long do I spend? I spend quite a bit of time, actually. For the first two episodes alone I had about 250 pages of manuals that were given to me beforehand, and then I watched … I probably watched an hour’s worth of clips on fighter pilots and things like that, which may not seem like a lot but it’s a lot of information to cram into a few days. Do I prefer … when I have to cram a lot of information that quickly I prefer visual things, especially when it’s technical data, just because you may know what it says and you may even know what it is, but when you see it all of a sudden it snaps like that for me. I really appreciated, like for the locomotive, getting to see where all the different pieces were inside that locomotive in order to start it: all the different buttons, what switches had to be done, and all the different colors and the hand signals and stuff like that. I’m probably visual, 10 to 1. NB: It makes sense. That’s part of the reason that technical communicators provide so many different types of documentation, because people have different preferences. I’m glad to see that that’s the way you stand on it. MH: Yeah. NB: Can’t end an interview without talking about the zombie apocalypse, for some reason. MH: Yeah. MH: [laughs] NB: … of how sick Ed was, and I would like to say thank you to your editors for that. NB: It’s just a very popular topic. MH: [laughs] Yes. He would, too. MH: Ed’s stupid zombie apocalypse. Go ahead. NB: [laughs] I did want to mention, I don’t know if you noticed this—you probably did—that AMC posts a poll on their website after every episode, and the question is, “Whose approach worked better? Ed’s or Marcus’s?” You won the stunt plane and locomotive polls by a wide margin. NB: Ed … I don’t know why, maybe it’s all the movies, but Ed defended his approach—you know, the not reading the manual approach—in an interview you both did with Popular Mechanics. His explanation was, “If there is a zombie apocalypse, no one will have time to read the manual to figure out what to do.” Therefore, his gut approach is correct. MH: Nice. I did not know that, but I’ll have to go look at it. 11 Now, I’d argue that this is an apples-and-oranges kind of analogy. I mean, the zombie apocalypse is an event. It’s not something that needs to be operated correctly. MH: I pretty much think that everybody on the planet would argue against Ed’s defense of zombie apocalypse. I’m actually working on a serum to create zombies so I can create a zombie apocalypse to prove him wrong. I don’t even know where he came … he comes up to me like, “Oh, the zombie apocalypse and the manual….” That’s the last thing you would be doing. Let’s say you ran to a plane or something, the first thing you’d do would be to shut the dang door, lock it, and then I guarantee you if you don’t know how to start that plane, you’re going to find a manual or something to figure out how to start that plane. I don’t even know why he came up with the zombie apocalypse, but if it happens I guess it’s going to be a good tell‑tale, which is right. NB: Yes, and by then we won’t care. NB: Great, and you appreciate the fact that the … high-quality manuals, because you’ve obviously been reading a lot of information that you have found to be of great quality. MH: What’s funny is that you read them and you [know] there are some better than others, and you really appreciate the well‑written ones, after having to read so many. You can tell. Some were just kind of, “I’ve got to make this because it probably needs to be made,” and then some you could tell that probably the STC‑ers, you really love what you do[….] Some may think it’s an absolute boring thing, but I’m one of those people who I’m very meticulous and I love to write that stuff down. I’m always the one to record what I’m doing and make sure that … I even create manuals; I own an old RV. I created a fifteen‑page book with pictures and arrows and how to dump the tanks and how to turn on the generator and all that stuff. While people are like, “Oh, it’s that guy,” the second they open it, they are so happy to have it. MH: You may or may not matter anyway. NB: That’s right. That’s why people use that argument, I think. NB: Awesome. Well, we’re definitely going to have to consider you an honorary member of the Society for Technical Communication, Marcus. MH: Yeah. MH: I’ll take it. NB: Now, the show’s pretty heavy adrenaline, you have a danger kind of vibe because there are dangerous things going on, but at its core it really does confirm that you need to consult the documentation to do a job correctly and safely. NB: I really thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me today. Please tell Ed that even though … I could tell he’s a really nice guy. MH: Yes. MH: He is. He’s a very nice guy. NB: That’s why you named the show Owner’s Manual, right? NB: We all think he’s really nice, but the members of STC are going to keep continuing to root for Team Marcus … MH: It is, and it’s a … there’s no doubt. You cannot argue the fact that having a manual is not better than not having a manual. The show shows that street smarts versus book smarts … it shows two very different personalities. It shows adventure. The truth is, every single thing we stepped into this season, you absolutely have to have a manual to even figure out how to start it. Maybe not the one where Ed had the one up on me on the cars. Those you could figure out. You could sit there and you could flick buttons and figure it out, but in an airplane and in a locomotive, there were seven things that you had to do before you could start that locomotive, and they were 15 feet apart. You were switching switches inside, having to walk around and on the other side open doors, prime pumps, press things for it to glow and then heat up. There is no way that Ed would figure that out just by pressing buttons, so I am an absolute true believer in manuals and I don’t think you can argue that point. 12 MH: I like it. NB: … in the weeks to come. Have a great day. Thank you so much. MH: Nicky, thank you so much and thanks to everybody at STC for watching. gi Nicky Bleiel ([email protected]) is the lead information developer for Doc-To-Help ( She has 19 years of experience in technical communication and in writing and designing information for software products in the documentation, media, industrial automation, simulation, and pharmaceutical industries. She’s @nickybleiel on Twitter, and you can see a complete list of her presentations and articles at Nicky is the president of STC. September 2013 W r iting and E diting Do You Really Want to Say That? Writing in a World of Jargon, Slang, Corporate Catchphrases, and Technical Pseudo-Terms By Harr y C alhoun and Dave Wright Who among us has not been surrounded by jargon, slang, corporate catchphrases, and technical pseudo-terms? But what, exactly, are these elements, and how can we avoid them when writing for a professional audience? Most writers and editors probably define jargon as something similar to what our own coworkers suggested: “Shortcut language that’s used at work, words and phrases that are specific to a company or profession but that shouldn’t be used elsewhere.” Several dictionaries indicate that this is only one definition, however, and usually not the first. The first definition of jargon at Merriam-Webster online, which is typical of other dictionaries, is “confused unintelligible language.” If you want to reach a general audience, jargon has its limitations, obviously, as does slang. And is there a difference between the two? In “What is Jargon?” on the Suite 101 website, author Jennifer Silva offers this definition: “Although functionally similar, jargon and slang are still quite different. In general, slang is much more informal and includes street language that would be considered unrefined and inappropriate in most professional settings.” Along these lines, a sailboat captain might use the following jargon, ”When you sheet in after reefing, check the topping lift,” and a fifteen-year-old might put sunglasses on a dog and say, “He’s so fly!” In either case, only the speaker’s peers are likely to understand. The limitations tied to jargon and slang can likewise apply to corporate catchphrases. Have you used or heard anyone say “new news,” “drinking from a fire hose,” or “spot on”? (Apparently we now have not just news, but “new news”!) These catchphrases—corporate or otherwise—remain popular for a time. They might add color to conversation, but they’re usually poor choices in our professional writing. Lastly, a type of technical pseudo-term deserves a mention. With the rise of computers and the Internet, we regularly encounter words that seem appropriate but really aren’t. Instead of using “deinstall,” “demount,” or “deregister,” for example, we probably want to continue with uninstall, dismount, and unregister, respectively. 13 The online site NetLingo exists, according to its own claim, “To track new Internet terms and text and chat acronyms.” Just going to the “B” section of NetLingo, for instance, reveals “banana project,” loosely meaning a task so easy a gorilla could do it, and “ham” to refer to good email—that is, not spam. What You Write and Why You Should Write It Well We all know that our writing reflects our profession and professionalism. As writers in business and technical environments, we find ourselves creating a variety of materials, all of which require precise language. A marketing writer, for example, must clearly define a product’s selling features and why it should be purchased. A technical writer must create instructions that are correct and concise. Reading poor writing is like listening to music that’s filled with static—and who enjoys that? The quality of our writing, however, affects more than just the immediate target audience. What if your writing will be translated into other languages? What if people will search the Internet for your work? With regard to translation, English slang and other idiomatic expressions generally fail to translate well into non-English languages. Consider these examples from Laura Stampler in the 17 May 2012 issue of the Business Insider online magazine: 44The Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan “Finger lickin’ good” translated into Chinese as “We’ll eat your fingers off.” 44The seemingly harmless and cheery Pepsi Cola slogan “Come alive with Pepsi” apparently translated into Chinese as “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead.” 44That lovable symbol of Green Giant vegetables, the Jolly Green Giant, became the “Intimidating Green Monster” in Arabic. (“Hey mom, let’s buy some green beans from the intimidating green monster!”) 44Finally, Coca-Cola, depending on the Chinese dialect, translates to either “female horse stuffed with wax” or “bite the wax tadpole.” (“Bartender, I’d like a rum and bite the wax tadpole, please.”) While most North American readers understand “hit the ground running,” a successful translation requires something closer to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of “to begin or proceed quickly, energetically, or effectively.” The IBM Word Usage database lists terms such as “deep dive” as among those to avoid in favor of more descriptive and translatable terms, such as “in-depth analysis” or “technical review.” It’s also better to use a simpler form of the word or one devoid of negative connotations. Hence, “utilize” becomes “use,” for example, while we should avoid “exploit” altogether because it can be read, according to Merriam Webster, as using someone or something “meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage.” When writing copy that will be on the Internet, keep in mind the role of search engine optimization, or SEO. 14 Writing for SEO helps drive search engines to find and cite a specific website or article. Google’s webmaster guidelines state: “Create a useful, information-rich website, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content” ( en&answer=35769). James Mathewson, editor in chief of, emphasizes the value of SEO: “Content quality is obviously very important for search effectiveness, perhaps more important than site architecture.” A Strategy for Good Word Usage A word usage repository can clarify for everyone in a company or workgroup what should and should not be used. And sometimes the benefit extends beyond just better text. If an item in your company is described by multiple terms, people reading those terms can easily believe that they refer to different items. Not helpful or efficient, right? If you do not already have some type of word usage repository, it might be time to start one. You can set up your word usage repository to address any concern—general consistency, preferred terms, or trademarked items, for example. Does everyone know the trademark limitations tied to terms like Kleenex, ZIP, and InstallShield? Does everyone use a term to reflect a single definition? Both writers of this article have access to the expertise of the IBM Style and Word Usage Council, the IBM Style database, and the IBM Word Usage database, to Words and Their Usage The following is a list of categories and terms that might appear in a word usage repository. Francis DeRespinis, technical editor and co-lead of the IBM Style and Word Usage Council, helped compile the list. Wordy phrasesAlternative at this point in time at that point in time each and every one of you for the purpose of now then each of you to Consistency Use acknowledgment, not acknowledgement Use schemas, not schemata General usage Bufferpool or buffer pool? Use buffer pool. CRUD. Do not use. Use “create, retrieve, update, and delete.” Telnet. Do not use as a verb. Anticlockwise? Use counterclockwise. Trademarked items ZIP® InstallShield® September 2013 W r iting and Ed itin g name a few resources. If you want to create a word usage repository, the categories discussed here might provide good starting points. You could include the various terms mentioned here, perhaps, and then search for websites that have related information. (In preparing this article, the authors found a number of relevant Internet sites.) Once you start developing a usage repository, new and experienced writers will soon have a ready reference and everyone will benefit. A Last Word on Repositories According to Rita Roque, IBM Storage and Technology Group terminologist, word usage repositories grow over time, usually when a word or phrase is submitted by writers or developers for consideration. A submission is first examined with regard to its usage in IBM, in the computer industry, and in general throughout the world. A usage proposal is then evaluated through stakeholder reviews. The conversation about terms is ongoing, with some terms taking far longer to resolve. “Term usage and definitions can be delineated by product, if necessary, or they can be defined across a company,” Rita says. “The team works to avoid using multiple terms for the same thing and multiple definitions for the same term. In the long run, there’s a much greater benefit to the customer.” Here’s to clear writing! gi The authors are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of IBM. The information presented here does not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies, or opinions. The authors would like to thank Francis DeRespinis, technical editor and co-lead, IBM Style and Word Usage Council; James Mathewson, editor in chief of; and Rita Roque, IBM Storage and Technology Group terminologist, for their contributions to this article. Harry Calhoun ([email protected]) is a content developer in IBM ITSO Global Content Services. His 30-plus years of writing experience includes work published in magazines such as Writer’s Digest and Mississippi Arts and Letters and an award-winning career in marketing. In his IBM career, he has won several STC awards and has worked on projects ranging from brochures to email campaigns and Flash presentations. Dave Wright, PhD, ([email protected]) is a senior software engineer and information developer in IBM’s Storage and Technology Group. He shares responsibility for product user information across multiple storage products, and has had pieces in various publications including Northwest Review, American Literary Review, and Quarterly West. HOPKINS IS ADVANCING COMMUNICATIONS Johns Hopkins University offers flexible graduate programs for communications professionals seeking to advance their careers, and scholars looking to continue their education. Master of Arts in Communication Immerse yourself in an innovative curriculum that integrates digital technology with strategic communication and strong writing skills. Location: Washington, DC Campus and Online. Master of Arts in Writing: Science-Medical Writing Gain the skills you’ll need as a writer or editor in health, technology, medicine, nature, space, energy, or other fields. Location: Online, plus a 7-10 day residency. Register today for an on-site or online Open House Learn more: 15 Style Guides: Personal and Practical Tips on How to Get Started and Keep Going Yan Song By Karina Lehrner-Mayer | Member This article provides a practical guide to documentation teams for creating documentation guidelines that are actually used by team members. It helps team leaders and writers who are still struggling in their day-to-day work without a formal style guide to think about starting one. It also includes tips for teams with existing style guides who would like to increase acceptance and use of their style guides. The article is based on my personal experience when I built and introduced a style guide to a documentation team of 11 writers and reveals what worked and what didn’t. 16 September 2013 W r iting and Ed itin g Do You Have a Style Guide? In the perfect world of a technical writer, every documentation team or publication department has a style guide that is proudly given to every new writer joining the team. We all know that this world is not perfect and when I joined the documentation team in an Austrian software company almost three years ago, there wasn’t a department guide to turn to. The reasons why no writing guidelines were in place soon became obvious: All of the writers were too busy with the complex content and the sheer amount of documents that needed to be updated, written from scratch, and maintained, some of them in two languages. No one had the time to do the research such as consulting existing industry standards that precedes the act of writing a rule down. And neither did anyone have the nerve or willingness or patience to write down guidelines. On my new job, it was clear from the beginning that among writing tasks one of my responsibilities would be creating a documentation style guide (during the job interview I had boldly asked for the team’s style guide). Although a style guide had never been number one on the agenda of writers who were struggling with a heavy work load and faced with complex content and numerous documents, I was going to build one that would make the writers happy. (At least that’s how I saw it.) If you are in a similar position as I was or, as a manager, wonder if and how to create a style guide, you’ll find helpful information in this article. And if you already have a style guide, read on to find out how to keep it alive. Before You Start In my experience, two factors are most important for starting a style guide project: 1) a single person (or, in large documentation departments, a dedicated style-guide team) responsible for the project and 2) support of this person’s style guide activities. As the style guide supporter, forget all of the historic reasons for why no style guide exists and stress the benefits of creating a style guide. Have arguments ready for all of the things you might hear. For a quick reminder, see the summary of benefits in the list “Quick reminder: Why every team should have a style guide” below and learn it by heart. There can be only one There must be one (only one) person or dedicated team that is responsible for the style guide, its content, and updates. It helps if the style guide team member has an eye for details and recoils at the inconsistent sight of user-friendly and user friendly in one document. A neurotic disposition to have everything done the same way and look alike and according to rules is also helpful. Do you read publication style guides in your free time? If your answer is yes and you are not afraid to enforce a rule, this may be the perfect task for you. If you tend to think of user friendly vs. user-friendly in terms of artistic freedom, you will probably have a hard time seeing the need for consistency and convincing others of it. Bring the manager on board (if they are not already there) … It’s vital that the manager and team leaders back up your style guide activities. This does not mean that they need to devote time to formulating rules or taking part in lengthy discussions (because they will have other things to do anyway) but that they will support your efforts. This means assigning you the time to research, write, and communicate style guide rules, as well as standing in when a decision or more information is needed. The good thing is, the time needed for style guide activities will gradually decrease as the style guide grows and questions are answered. Still, whenever an existing rule needs to be updated or a new rule must be added, someone who is responsible should be able to free some time for these tasks. … and your co-workers In general, a documentation style guide helps writers to concentrate on content and not lose time thinking about how to spell or format or phrase something. You cannot stress this enough. Repeat this like a mantra—to the managers and to the writers. Sometimes writing conventions may seem time-consuming and irritating, but in the end the style guide serves only two ends: 1) to help the company sell more products by increasing user satisfaction and 2) to make the lives of the writers easier. Getting Started Look and listen, research, write, communicate A good starting point to build a style guide from scratch are existing industry standards (remember, the books you are reading in your free time), as well as other style guides you have encountered in other organizations. If there is a company style guide or another department’s style guide, take a good look (in my case, there wasn’t one). When new persons join a team and familiarize themselves with the products and existing documentation, this is also the perfect time to start the style guide. There is a certain period when inconsistencies in style and terminology and other relevant issues stand out. When the person is not new anymore, they are most likely not noticing these things anymore or getting used to the way things are. So, if you are new, get started soon with the style guide. If not, ask people who have just joined your team or another department and use their feedback. Did you notice any inconsistencies in the documents you have read or taken over? Did you hear any informal discussions going on the hallway between writers about how to spell user-friendly? These are also starting points for your style guide. 17 And, of course, do not forget the rules that are not broken but complied with and are still noteworthy because they need to be explained every time a new writer joins the team. Choose your tool and format It might seem irrelevant whether you write the style guide as a Word document or create it with any other tool. On the other hand, consider the chances you have if you use exactly the same help authoring or documentation system that you use for creating your official documents: you can make the style guide itself an example of a document that follows the rules. The examples in the style guide will look just as they should in the official document, and if something is not working as the rules say (for example, due to restrictions of the documentation system), you will find out immediately when you try it out in the style guide. Researching Agree with your manager on which industry style guides to turn to. Do the research alone and present your suggestion (or, if there are more candidates for a solution, make one suggestion your favorite one). Have your answers ready for why you prefer one version over another. There is often no right or wrong and other factors make the decision, such as is a rule already followed by the majority of writers, is a rule accepted by the team, is it easy to follow, etc. Find your allies This is not essential, but it can make your life easier. There might be other writers who share your enthusiasm for rules and regulations (well, at least a bit). Turn to these teammates for brief discussions on an issue to be decided. You might also need their backup if it comes to taking a vote. Decision-making time As Krista Van Laan wrote, there is more than one right way to do things and sometimes it is a matter of taste which way you go. In a situation where there are two or more equal solutions, I always like to go with the solution that comes with the least effort and works best for the writers. Let the writers and the documents take a vote. Always involve the team leader and, for sensitive issues, always involve the manager (for example, terminology issues regarding product names and branding are usually sensitive). Communicating Even as important as writing a style guide rule is making this rule known to and accepted by all team members. This is where I had to learn the most to find out what worked and what did not. It turns out that a combination of written rules, style guide meetings, short emails, and brief informal discussions works best. For introducing the first version of the style guide and for presenting new or more complex issues, I found a team meeting with a presentation and discussion appropriate. 18 For minor additions and to brush up on existing rules, short emails to the team members seem sufficient. I have made it a habit of sending a style guide newsletter, although not each week, but I try to keep it fairly regular. Also, I try to keep all the rules in mind (or at least know by heart where to find each one) and happily answer any questions that are directly addressed to me. If you provide a mix of different means of communication, you increase the chances of reaching each and every one of your coworkers. Give examples What I hear very often from my teammates is that they want to have each rule illustrated by examples. While the first version of the style guide did not include examples for all the rules, I now make a point of providing useful examples whenever I write a new section in the style guide or send a style guide newsletter. It seems that the examples get the most attention. Keep the Fire Burning When you start from scratch, you will spend a lot of time researching and writing and communicating. But as the style guide grows, you will find that you need less and less time for your style guide because the important issues have already been dealt with. Even then, it is essential not to forget about the style guide altogether. Even when you have your own workload of documentation to do, keep an eye on the style guide and your ears open to discussions. Be prepared to devote a certain amount of time to style guide activities. Watch out for issues that still come up in discussions between team members even if they are already solved in the style guide. These topics are candidates for a quick reminder, either by email or in a short presentation. P is for Pragmatic—this is your team’s style guide I am always open to what goes into our style guide—the writers decide. Even if a topic is not strictly speaking a stylistic one, why not include it in the style guide, as it’s better than to forget about it altogether. Sometimes it turns out that a topic is first dealt with in the style guide and then deserves its own place. For example, we had a terminology section in the style guide that soon outgrew the guide and is now a separate document. Also, when we began to create instructional videos and tutorials, the video style guide started out as a chapter in our documentation style guide. Based on the individual background and makeup of a team and the specific authoring environments, make this style guide a special, individual one. For example, we have a fastgrowing, multinational team with writers from all different kinds of linguistic and educational backgrounds. Although we write documentation in English, there is only one native speaker of English on the team. This is why our style guide also addresses questions of basic English grammar. September 2013 W r iting and Ed itin g Some of our documents are translated into and maintained in German, so our style guide features sections on German grammar and conventions and all examples in the style guide are given for English and German. Stylistic Pitfalls Keep it short—don’t provide too much background information Working with Style Although you often have to do some research where you consult various industry style guides and collect detailed information, be ready to explain the pros and cons of a specific solution in two sentences. For example, I had once prepared a detailed four-page document arguing for a rule to solve a certain problem that I (and also the other writers) desperately thought needed to be decided. As it turned out, the manager did not want to read the paper, but a short meeting where I and the team leader presented the gist of the four-page document in a few minutes was sufficient to reach a conclusion. As disappointing as it sounds for the style-guide writer, managers and other writers are not interested in the research details; they only want a quick and professional solution for their problem. Keep it small—don’t solve too many topics at once Break down stylistic areas into smaller chunks. It is much easier to solve little bits one after the other than a huge set of rules in one go. (However, don’t forget to keep the bigger picture in mind.) For example, we wanted to provide rules for the structure of our documents. As we have several different types of documents, from administrator guides to reference guides to course guides, we started to define the structure for one document type first, then for the next one, and did not do them all at once. Resistance is futile, or is it? Don’t expect that everyone follows the style guide Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone happily did as the style guide says? This is rarely the case in a fast-paced documentation world where every writer must meet tight deadlines, focus on complex products, and simply forgets about those rules that mean so much to the person who wrote them. If you notice that a rule is not being followed and is clearly explained in the style guide (with a lot of examples), it is your job to do something about it. Do the writers not know about the rule? Send a short email reminder that sums up the rule and gives examples. REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED READING Does the rule require too much effort and time to master with tight deadlines? Or are there other reasons, such as restrictions of the documentation system, that make it too time-consuming for the writer to follow a rule? Consult with our team leaders and managers on how to address these issues. Building style guides is fun and a welcome change to writing tasks. It is also very rewarding because you can see the results of your work directly in the documents. The writers, the documents, and the whole company will benefit from a documentation style guide that is actually used. So go ahead and start a brand new one or polish up the old one you have. Good advice 44Make one person or team responsible. 44For more solutions, present one as your favorite. 44Keep rules simple. 44Be pragmatic. 44Always include examples. 44Communicate in different ways to reach everyone. Not so good advice 44Try to solve too many issues in one go. 44Present too much information at once. 44Involve too many people in the decision-making process. 44Insert a rule into the style guide and think this is it—the guide is complete. Quick reminder: why every team should have a style guide 44It helps new writers become familiar with the documentation quickly. 44It is a time-saver—writers can concentrate on content. 44It increases the language competence of the team (if approached by members of other teams on an issue, you can refer them to the documentation style guide). 44It leads to a more professional look of the documents. 44It increases user satisfaction. gi KARINA LEHRNER-MAYER (karina.lehrner-mayer@isis holds a degree in translation and has over 15 years’ experience in technical communication. She works as a technical writer at ISIS Papyrus Europe AG, an Austrian-based company offering end-to-end solutions for inbound and outbound business communications. One of these solutions is also used as authoring system by the documentation team. Apple, Inc., April 2013. Apple Style Guide. IBM Press, 2004. Developing Quality Technical Information. A Handbook for Writers and Editors. 2d Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. IBM Press, 2012. The IBM Style Guide. Conventions for Writers and Editors. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Microsoft Corporation, 2012. Microsoft Manual of Style. 4th Ed. Redmont, WA: Microsoft Press. Microsoft Corporation, February 2008. Microsoft German Style Guide. Public Version 1.0. Sun Technical Publications, 2003. Read Me First: A Style Guide for the Computer Industry. 2d Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: SunSoft Press/Prentice Hall. Van Laan, Krista, 2012. The Insider’s Guide to Technical Writing. Laguna Hills, CA: XML Press. 19 3Dmask Lessons Learned in Marketing Communication Over Barbecue By Kevin Cuddihy One July day, I woke up to an inviting offer in my email. Famous Dave’s, the barbecue chain restaurant, sent me a special offer: “Today only” I could get 20 percent off the entire check for lunch or dinner! Awesome! I came into work and persuaded a coworker to join me at the nearest Famous Dave’s, and we saved 20 percent on our lunches. What a deal! Then came the next day. I received another email from Famous Dave’s with another special offer. The day after that came one more. And again. And again. Every day, a new “one-day” deal for saving at Famous Dave’s. That “special” offer didn’t seem so special anymore. In one short week, I got emails with the following subject lines: 4420% off adds up to big savings 44Get through hump day with a deal on BBQ 44Kevin, act fast! This offer is valid today only 44$10 off $30 today. Or, you could pay full price somewhere else. You choose. 44Save some bones on your BBQ today 44Sunday Special: 20% off And they haven’t stopped. I don’t know why Famous Dave’s all of a sudden started sending emails every day (they’d had my email address for months), but send them they have. However, it’s had an unintended effect. The first time I received the email caused a positive reaction: I went to the restaurant when I wasn’t already planning on doing so. They offered me what I interpreted as something special and I took them up on that offer. But the 20 repeated emails—a different email every day, and often the same offer over and over again—has prompted a completely different reaction. Now I no longer look forward to these emails as a reason to have lunch at Famous Dave’s. Instead, I know that the next time I want to have lunch at Famous Dave’s, there will be a coupon waiting for me in my inbox. The difference is subtle but important. In the first instance, they’re getting me into the restaurant when I wasn’t otherwise planning on eating there. They’re creating an “event” for me. In the second, however—what this overexposure has done—is simply cost them money. I’m not visiting the restaurant more, but rather the times I do visit (and I was a somewhat regular customer already), they’re actually costing themselves money. I’m not visiting the restaurant any more often but I am spending less when I do go thanks to these coupons. Contrast Famous Dave’s with another of my favorite chain restaurants, The Buffalo Wing Factory. I get perhaps four or five emails from them every year. When I see an email from BWF in my inbox, I know something special is going on. A Super Bowl special. New Monday night football hours. A holiday sale. But only four or five emails a year seems low. There’s a wide gap between “daily” and “quarterly” in terms of emails received that they will get more of my business. Contrast these marketing emails also with “flash sales” that a number of companies (including STC) have done recently. A flash sale is usually online-only and over a specific time period: 4 hours, 12 hours, or one day. Hold September 2013 W r iting and Ed itin g these “flash sales” too often, however, and you’re not gaining customers so much as losing money that they likely already would have spent. As with me and Famous Dave’s, instead of seeing a flash sale and acting when they might not have otherwise, they’re waiting for the inevitable sale email and buying items they already wanted but at a steep discount. Space them out right, and they’re a lure to bring the fish in fast and furious. The communications department at STC is the “gatekeeper” of outgoing emails, and we’re constantly trying to walk a fine line between informing STC members about benefits and offerings, and annoying them with too much email. We look for ways to combine messages, to provide information on multiple events or opportunities in one email. We’ve introduced sidebars to most of our emails to remind members about other events rather than sending another full “reminder” email. And we’ve used our e-newsletter, TechComm Today, and social media outlets to share multiple messages together as well. Still, we’re aware that there are some weeks that—like Famous Dave’s—we might send an email a day. However, we try very hard to make sure that we have something important to say and that the topics, methods, and layouts of our communications are different. Recall the list of subject lines from Famous Dave’s emails; they all were essentially saying “save on BBQ.” Contrast that with a recent week of STC subject lines: 44STC Members Receive Special Discount to AMWA’s 73rd Annual Conference 44Visualize an Engaging Customer Experience with this STC Webinar 44Great savings start with great tools. #douwriteright? 44The Latest Issue of Intercom is Online 44Introducing the STC Tryout recruitment campaign In this collection of emails, we sent out several different messages—an offer from one of our partner organizations, information on a webinar, product details from one of our corporate partners, the publication of Intercom, and the announcement of a short-term “member-get-a-member” campaign. The messages are completely different and offer something new each time. While our emails are not always that varied, we make an effort to space out education emails, to not send membership renewal emails too often, and to keep information about the Summit to once a week or less. We also try to include a different header image for each type of email to differentiate them. So while the amount of overall email is high, the topics aren’t repetitive and the view isn’t always the same. (And we like to think it’s just evidence of everything you get by being an STC member!) We also keep an eye on what’s probably the biggest debate in email marketing: what days and times are best for sending emails? Doing a Google search for “best day for email marketing” finds articles with the following conclusions as to the best day: Thursday. Midweek. Weekends. Tuesday and Thursday. Friday. Sunday. The only thing the studies agree upon is that Garfield had it right: I hate Mondays. Time has the same variety. One article claimed “early morning email delivery has the lowest open rates.” Another said “post-work peak” is the best time. Still another, “email opens increased after noon.” Want another suggestion? Try 8:00–10:00 AM. Or how about “middle of the day, usually 11:00 AM–2:00 PM.” Suffice to say, if you want to justify a specific day and/ or a specific time to send an email, you can find a study to back whatever you want to do. But for all the studies conducted, the only thing that matters to you is when your emails are best received. If you’re using a service such as Constant Contact or MailChimp, take full advantage of their reports. Compare and contrast various emails on various days. MailChimp has an option to download all reports into one Excel spreadsheet, with day of week and time of day included along with the important information on opens, clicks, and opt-outs. It’s very easy to become familiar with the reporting structures of the two sites, and once you’re familiar it’s also very easy to see at a quick glance when a particular email or subject isn’t well received. In the past, we’ve changed course in a planned month-long membership campaign thanks to reviewing the numbers, and we’ve adjusted subject lines based on what’s succeeded and what hasn’t (with both A/B testing and simply reviewing open rates of similar emails with different subjects). One thing we’ve tried recently is to send similar emails on the same day of the week; during membership season we sent most of our membership emails on Thursdays. When we were publicizing the Summit, most of those emails went on Tuesdays. Especially with sending multiple emails per week, it’s a way to help recipients know when to look for the specific material—either out of interest or in order to ignore it. While members ignoring STC emails is obviously not ideal, it’s greatly preferable to the alternative of opting out of all emails from us. But if Joe Member gets an STC email on Tuesday, he knows without even seeing the subject line or the topic-specific header that it’s about the Summit. If he’s interested in that information, he can read. And if not, it’s a simple click of the delete button. Not everyone is going to be interested in every email we send, but we want them to be able to easily and quickly determine if they are interested. Overall, email marketing communication is still a very fluid and subjective science. The best day is debatable. The best time is debatable. The key phrase “for you” (or “for your company”) should be your biggest concern. See what works for you, what works for your customers (or members, in our case), and adapt. gi Kevin Cuddihy ([email protected]) is media manager at STC and assistant editor for Intercom. He coordinates or assists with email communications for STC, his homeowners association, and UMPS CARE Charities, the official charity of Major League Baseball umpires. He’s the coauthor of the trivia book Christmas’s Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Kris Kringles, Merry Jingles, and Holiday Cheer. 21 SOCIETY PAGES The 2012–2013 Salary Database Is Now Available for Download and Purchase The 2012–2013 Salary Database is now available for download. All members receive a free copy of the Salary Database PDF, which includes charts, maps, and an evaluation by STC’s economist, and nonmembers may purchase the publication for $49. Visit products/salary-database for full details (and see infographic on page 23 for a sneak peek of the results). The STC Salary Database is a tool that can be used to conduct more powerful job searches, make a strong case for a raise, or prepare department payroll budgets. The data in the Salary Database are drawn from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Occupational Employment Statistics (OES), the main resource of human resource departments across the United States. Use the STC Salary Database if You Are: 44An employee looking for solid facts to back up a raise request 44A manager seeking salary figures to assist with setting budgets or bidding for projects 44A freelancer investigating average hourly fees for a different industry or city 44A job-seeker needing insight on what industries and what geographic areas hold the most new jobs 44A global technical communicator looking for rates to charge or pay for a project or consultant in the United States 44Any technical communicator in need of either annual or hourly wage information 2014 Membership Season Now Open The 2014 STC membership season opened on 16 September! Renew your membership today and enjoy the benefits that make you a better technical communicator. There are a few new things in 2014 that make membership even move valuable: 1. The SIG Value and Gold Education membership levels have been combined and become the Gold Value Package membership, with dues of $425 for the year. This option takes the previous Gold Education level and adds the option of membership in all STC Special 22 Interest Groups—without raising the price! Gold members will be able to select membership in any and all desired SIGs now when they renew or join at this level. Gold membership still includes: one chapter, five free Web seminars, and half off of one online course. 2. All Student memberships now include membership in the Academic SIG. 3. The limited-time Early Renewal Discount is for renewing members only. Only 2013 members will be able to save $30 on dues during the early renewal period. This brings This year’s data offers new insights into how the emerging recovery has and will continue to influence the demand for technical writers. The most dramatic story is the growing importance of export markets to the U.S. economy, but the Database also shows a shift from traditionally large markets for technical writers both regionally and by industry. The new sections for 2012–2013 highlight the largest and fastest-growing industries and geographic areas in terms of both wage growth and job growth. Members can also purchase the data in Excel spreadsheets to format, analyze, and manipulate the data easily. Visit salary-database for more information on the Salary Database, to purchase Excel spreadsheets, and to download the publication at any time. gi a Classic membership down from $225 to $195, but you must renew early to get this discount! And, of course, all memberships continue to receive the same great benefits you’ve come to expect from STC—online subscriptions to the award-winning Intercom and Technical Communication; access to the Salary Database; our library of over 140 free, on-demand, archived seminars; discounts from HP, LifeLock, Hyatt, MadCap, Lenovo, ComponentOne, and others with our Affinity Program; significant price reductions on STC webinars, online courses, recorded sessions, and the annual Summit; a 14-day advance viewing on all jobs posted to the Job Bank; and networking opportunities across the globe. So renew your STC membership today and be a part of your Society. Visit for more information or email membership@ with any questions. We look forward to a great 2014! gi September 2013 Technical communicaTion Jobs Reminder of Deadlines for Awards and Honors Top Ten areas for Tech Comm Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV New York-Northern New JerseyLong Island, NY-NJ-PA Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA Philadelphia-CamdenWilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD Chicago-Joliet-Naperville, IL-IN-WI Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI Top Ten industries with the largest Technical Communication Job Gains 20% Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services Employment Services 14% 12% Other Have You Seen STC’s Notebook Lately? 9% Engineering Services 9% Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers 11% Testing Laboratories Other Information Services 12% Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting 13% Salary ranges for Technical Writers in the Ten largest MSas Metropolitan StatiStical area (MSa) annual Wage range Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Division 55K–93K New York-White Plains-Wayne, NY-NJ Metropolitan Division 48K–93K Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA NECTA Division Metropolitan StatiStical area (MSa) annual Wage range Dallas-Plano-Irving, TX Metropolitan Division 49K–77K Los AngelesLong Beach-Glendale, CA Metropolitan Division 62K–90K 61K–99K San Diego-CarlsbadSan Marcos, CA 60K–86K Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA Metropolitan Division 73K–105K Minneapolis-St. PaulBloomington, MN-WI 50K–77K San Jose-SunnyvaleSanta Clara, CA 77K–115K Denver-AuroraBroomfield, CO 50K–76K The deadlines for nominations for many of STC’s awards and honors are upcoming. Please see the STC website,, for more information or to find out how to nominate someone. 44Associate Fellow Recommendations: 15 October 44Fellow Nominations: 15 October 44Sigma Tau Chi and Alpha Sigma Honors Societies: 26 October 44Jay R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching Technical Communication: 2 November 44Ken Rainey Award for Excellence in Research: 2 November 44Distinguished Community Service Awards: 2 November 44Community Achievement Awards: 21 January 2014 44Community Pacesetter Awards: 25 March 2014 gi The annual Salary Database is a benefit of membership. Join Today! To learn more, visit STC’s Notebook is the official blog of the Society for Technical Communication, with news, announcements, marketing, and more. It’s often the first place new information is released and the best way to stay up to date on your Society. Starting earlier this year, it’s also a great way to stay up to date on technical communication as well! We’ve introduced a number of guest bloggers to STC’s Notebook, on topics such as business matters, freelancing, publishing, usability, design, editing, tech comm in the UK, and more. We’ve even invited a few of our sponsors to blog with special offers and invitations. Visit and see for yourself—then bookmark it and visit regularly, or sign up for our RSS feed to get every post delivered to your email inbox. gi 23 SOCIETY PAGES Intercom’s 2014 Editorial Calendar For more information on these themes or writing for Intercom, visit January 2014—Personal Productivity: Work Smarter, Not Harder Submissions due: 11/1/2013 Ads due: 11/15/2013 February 2014—Plain Language and Information Design: Case Studies Guest Editor Karen Schriver Submissions due: 12/1/2013 Ads due: 12/15/2013 March 2014—Career Planning: Transitioning, Cross-Functional Roles, Professional Development and Education, Social Networking and Job Hunting Submissions due: 1/1/2014 Ads due: 1/15/2014 April 2014—The Bleeding Edge: Emerging Trends and Technologies Guest Editor Neil Perlin Submissions due: 2/1/2014 Ads due: 2/15/2014 May 2014—Content Is a Business Asset: Content Marketing, Branding, Metrics, Value Guest Editor Jack Molisani Submissions due: 3/1/2014 Ads due: 3/15/2014 June 2014—The Art of Professional Writing: Technical Writing and Rhetoric, Writing for Industry, Manufacturing Writing, Medical Writing, Policies and Procedures Submissions due: 4/1/2014 Ads due: 4/15/2014 STC Communities and Staff Win APEX Awards Four STC communities and members of the STC staff recently were named winners in APEX 2013, the 25th Annual Awards for Publication Excellence. APEX Awards are based on excellence in graphic design, editorial content, and the ability to achieve overall communication excellence. APEX Grand Awards honor the outstanding works in each main category, while APEX Awards of Excellence recognize exceptional entries in each of the individual categories. Of the thousands of entries, just 100 won APEX Grand Awards. Congratulations to the following STC winners: 44STC Carolina Chapter: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of Newsletters— Electronic and Web 24 44STC Chicago Chapter: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of Newsletters— Electronic and Web 44STC New York Metro Chapter: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of Newsletters—E-Mail 44STC Technical Editing SIG: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of One-to-Two Person– Produced Websites 44Elizabeth Pohland and Intercom: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of Magazine and Journal Writing 44The 2011–2012 STC Salary Database, written and compiled by Rick O’Sullivan: APEX Award of Excellence in the category of One-of-a-Kind—Custom Published Publications July/August 2014—Content Strategy: Converting Legacy Content, Conducting a Content Analysis Submissions due: 5/1/2014 Ads due: 5/15/2014 September 2014—API Documentation Guest Editor Tom Johnson Submissions due: 7/1/2014 Ads due: 7/15/2014 October 2014—Rescue Me! How to Rescue Troubled Technical Communication Projects and Teams Submissions due: 8/1/2014 Ads due: 8/15/2014 November/December 2014— Agile Technical Communication: Using Methodology from Agile Software Development for Agile Technical Documentation and Agile Teams Submissions due: 10/1/2014 Ads due: 10/15/2014 44And last but not least, and Webmaster Kobla Fiagbedzi: APEX Grand Award in the category of Websites—Nonprofit Small Office The APEX judges said of the STC website: “Just an exceptionally well-prepared, cutting-edge website that offers an appealing design, functional layout and navigation, and extensive, valuable editorial content. It’s definitely worth bookmarking if you are a technical communicator— or even if your interest in the field is more general. It’s a professional site for a professional audience.” Congratulations to all the winners, especially Kobla for the APEX Grand Award! For more information on the APEX Awards and a full listing of winners, visit gi September 2013 The Strategic IA Play to Your Strengths, Shore Up Your Weaknesses: The Dynamic Duo of Project Manager and Strategic Information Architect By Andrea Ames | Fellow and Alyson Riley | Senior Member In our roles as strategic information architects (IAs), we’ve both had some exceptional partnerships with project managers working on product content teams. We decided to explore the essence of those experiences to provide some insights and practical advice for IAs and project managers on a professional relationship that is seldom explored: that of the IA and the project manager. We’re huge fans of Tom Rath’s book StrengthsFinder 2.0. We use this tool frequently to communicate with others about who we are, what we do, and what we don’t do; to understand the unique gifts of our colleagues; to This column explores maximize the the strategic aspects of capabilities information architecture and of our teams; the tools to equip information and to ensure architects (IAs) for success. that we stay Topics will address the business, strategy, focused on user experience, and work that implementation of strategic plays to our information architecture, strengths. including organizational, We’d like content management, and tactical considerations. Send to use the your comments, questions, StrengthsFinder and suggestions for future framework articles to thestrategicia@ here to discuss why effective partnerships between project managers and strategic IAs are so important to the success of teams and projects. Let’s begin by taking a look at some very specific StrengthsFinder strengths. In addition to what you can find in StrengthsFinder resources in print and online, Rachel DuBois contributes an interesting classification scheme that will help in our analysis. DuBois groups the strengths into four categories: “strategic thinking, relationship building, influencing, and executing strengths, (although we prefer the term delivery to execution, sensitive as we are to implications). Here’s what we look like from a StrengthsFinder 2.0 + DuBois perspective (plus a quick-and-dirty description for each strength, for those of you who are new to this stuff): 44For both of us: 66Strategic thinking—Strategic: You “see patterns where others only see complexity.” 66Strategic thinking—Ideation: “You are fascinated by ideas … always looking for connections … [and] new perspective on familiar challenges.” 66Influencing—Activator: You believe that “Only action can make things happen.” 44For Alyson: 66Strategic thinking—Input: “The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety and complexity.” 66Influencing—Maximizer: “Excellence, not average, is your measure.” 44For Andrea: 66Strategic thinking—Futuristic: You “see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling you forward, into tomorrow.” 66Influencing—Command: You “take charge … take a stance and ask [people] to move in a certain direction.” As you can see, DuBois classifies most of our strengths as strategicthinking strengths, although we each have strengths that she classifies as influencing strengths. Our top five strengths are very different from those you would typically see in those focused on execution (or delivery). For DuBois, execution-related strengths tend to include things like: 44Arranger: “You are a conductor … you enjoy managing all of the variables, aligning and realigning them until you are sure you have arranged them in the most productive configuration possible.” 44Consistency: “Balance is important to you.… people function best in an environment where the rules are clear and … where people know what is expected.” 44Deliberative: “You like to plan ahead so you can anticipate what might go wrong.” 44Responsibility: “When assigning new responsibilities, people look to you because they know it will get done.” 44Discipline: “Your world needs to be … ordered and planned. So you instinctively improve structure on your world.” 25 The Strategic IA 44Focus: Goals “serve as your compass, helping you determine priorities and make the necessary corrections to get back on course.” Don’t those things all sound like the strengths of a great project manager? And does it come as any surprise that those are not our top strengths? And where are we going with all of this? We know that not every strategic IA looks exactly like us from a StrengthsFinder perspective, but we’re guessing we have some things in common—namely, that we’re stronger in the vision stuff but weaker on the management stuff. One of the big ideas from StrengthsFinder 2.0—and the heart of our message in this column— is that “You cannot be anything you want to be—but you can be a lot more of who you already are” (page 9). We’ve been around long enough to realize that we’re happiest being who we are— and we’re not happy when we’re trying to be project managers. StrengthsFinder 2.0 is built on the idea that people are most happy and do their best work when they are doing things that align with their core strengths. Execution is not our core strength. On the contrary, we work best when we acknowledge that fact and shore up our weaknesses by pairing with people for whom execution is a core strength—the people who are happiest doing project management things and not doing the kind of stuff that we do. Beautiful things happen when a strong, strategic IA pairs with a strong, execution-focused project manager. But don’t just take our word for it. We sat down with a handful of excellent IBM project managers— Colleen Enright, Katherine McMurtrey, and Tim Hogan—to talk about the good things that happen when we play to our strengths and shore up our weaknesses with strong IA and project management collaboration. Here’s what we discovered while reflecting together on successful IA-PM partnerships. Project Managers Need IAs Our colleagues in project management told us that IAs 26 provide tremendous value to them and the projects they manage by ensuring that they and their teams stay focused on the highest value, highest priority areas of work. “As a project manager, you want to make sure that your team is working on the highest value content,” they told us. “Resources are limited and you can’t do everything.” Given this reality, the project managers observed that “the IA has knowledge about high value content” that the project manager can leverage in order to “move resources around and put the eggs in the right basket.” The project manager and the IA share the common goal of wanting “the best content possible for our users,” and the IA helps provide the big picture sense of strategic priorities. One project manager said, “Oftentimes, I’m so deep in the details—I’m looking at [our project management tools] and making sure that the team isn’t overburdened.… it’s difficult to pull out and look at things at a high level.” Others echoed this theme, noting that “I also don’t have the time—I know I should make the time, but I can’t invent time!—to see what other teams are doing. Am I consistent with everyone else?” IAs strengthen project managers by providing insight into strategic content best practices across teams and projects along with a higher-level view of client needs and the overall content architecture. And this collaborative process can lighten the load. One project manager noted, “When you’re collaborating with someone who has a different perspective, it makes work more fun and interesting—we’re learning from each other all the time. We’re coming at the same problem with a different approach.” The rest of the group agreed: the “synergistic division of labor made us enjoy our jobs more.” In other words, “I hate [doing] this but I like [doing] that—and vice versa. What we like doing is in balance with our strengths and the likes or strengths of the other person.” (A little StrengthsFinder philosophy in action!) IAs Need Project Managers It should be no secret from our introduction that as strategic IAs we are highly dependent on an effective, symbiotic relationship with strong project managers. In our conversation, we defined strong project managers as those who excel at classic project management thinking and activities, but who do so strategically, thinking about work that matters relative to the end goal and ensuring that the right work gets the right focus. From an IA perspective, it’s extremely important that project managers “get it.” “They don’t have to do [information architecture],” said one of our interviewees, “but they have to understand it enough so that they can make decisions and prioritize things at a [more granular level of detail].” Effective project managers make good decisions about allocating and managing resources based on a strong understanding of strategy. They prioritize work based on a shared understanding of the big picture. This is crucial to IA success: a vision without an effective implementation plan is worthless (In true Activator style, Alyson has a sign hanging over her desk that says, “Ideas become real at the point of action.”) Project managers support IAs (and their teams in general) by ensuring that strategy items make it into a plan and are assigned appropriate resources. We cannot overemphasize the importance of project management in managing “the plan”—their strong roots in the “here and now” and their savvy management of what it takes to achieve a vision are critical. Project managers also are critical in making sure that schedules allow enough time for IAs to bring the team into the conversation by planning and delivering education and evangelism prior to winning the team’s acceptance of the strategy (more on this topic in the next section). IAs also need the support of project managers to ensure that the team that must implement the information architecture understands and buys September 2013 into the strategic vision. “More than one person backing up the direction is helpful from a team management perspective,” our project managers told us. “It’s mutual reinforcement.” Often the PM goes beyond mutual reinforcement to actually helping the IA “sell” the vision more broadly to the team. For example, there are times when a strategic IA will propose a new vision that is very aggressive or involves something different from what has been done in the past. It is natural for some team members to think that it’s impossible to “get there from here,” to face such a proposition with concern or even fear. In those instances, a strong project manager will strengthen the IA’s vision by showing how it is indeed possible to get there from here. A good project manager who understands the vision can help calm fears and bring the discussion down to an implementation level that provides a degree of comfort to the team while addressing critical “doability” issues. This way the strategic IA can stay “in the clouds” and incite enthusiasm for a better vision for tomorrow, while the PM can be the balancing influence that ensures a strong implementation plan and instills comfort in (and thus buy-in from) the implementation team. The project managers we spoke with backed up this idea, citing instances such as “when you’re new to writing or new to a team, and you don’t trust the direction that someone is telling you to go—having both an IA and a [project manager] telling you that this is the direction, the right direction, and the reasons [behind it]” is highly effective. IAs and project managers can work together to tell the story behind the strategic vision; given their unique strengths, each will tell the story in a unique way, focusing on different aspects, and in so doing, win team support. The vision becomes a plan with the collaboration of the IA and project manager working together. What IAs Should Know About Collaborating with Project Managers When we asked our project managers about what IAs could do to better work with them, the response we got was both quick and loud. “The IA has to be able to sell it!” they said. In other words: “Give me the information I need, but do it with such confidence that I am convinced it’s the way to go. If I struggle with it, then I have a hard time convincing others that it’s the way to go. This is a skill set and an action. Be able to articulate a future vision well!” Others continued with this thread: “Show the passion and value—get others signed up and excited.” This means not “OK, now I have this plan and I need some resource to do it.” On the contrary, this means that the IA should envision their strategy work as “a collaborative process … team building and selling a vision.” Our project managers encouraged IAs to “treat people the right way” by bringing them along on the strategy journey, involving them in the data gathering, learning, synthesis, and ideation that is core to our work as IAs. The project managers asked for “true collaboration, not a handing-down-of-an-edict.” This means “building trust—building friendship—where learning can happen. Then you get more comfortable going into new places because you’re doing it with someone you trust.” One of the best ways that IAs can achieve this goal is to involve their project managers early on in the strategy and design process. Take-Aways For the project manager: We know you don’t like the strategy stuff (the project managers we talked to actually used the word “hate”)—but work with your IA to understand it. If your IA isn’t doing a good job selling the strategy, say so. Hold the IA accountable for an effective communication plan and for driving the vision and culture of the team. Sign up to support the IA by actively selling the vision. For the IA: Avoid the temptation to throw your strategy over the wall and move on to the next project. Yes, you need to be focused on the future while your implementation team is focused on today’s delivery—but you need to bring the team along with you. Start to look at the hearts and minds of your team as a deliverable. Gauge your success by how well your team members can explain the strategy, how they fit into the big picture, and why their work is important. You know you’re doing a good job when your team members are passionate about the strategic value of their work and can articulate it in ways that resonate with those outside your team. Leverage your project manager in this process and encourage open, honest feedback about your work, communication, and leadership. For all of us: The oracle at Delphi gave us some advice somewhere between the 6th and 4th centuries BC, and the ancient Greeks thought it was important enough to carve it into the stone of Apollo’s temple. “Know thyself”—once a wise and novel idea, and now a cliché. In his StrengthsFinder 2.0 book, Rath quotes Peter Drucker who said, “Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong.” Maybe we ought to revisit that ancient Greek cliché and find in it very freeing advice for those of us harried by the pace of the modern world. Figure out your strengths and focus your energies there. Be free to be who you are, and be confident and comfortable with who you’re not. Go be you and build partnerships with people who aren’t you. Value what you don’t have and be intentional about finding smart, fun people to help fill in your gaps. And consider taking the StrengthsFinder test—how often is the answer to one of life’s significant questions “go take an online quiz”? gi DuBois, Rachel. Strengthsfinder’s 4 Categories of Strengths: A Creative Reworking. The Touchwood Project. strengthsfinder-4-categories/. Rath, Tom, 2007. StrengthsFinder 2.0. Gallup. References 27 Advancing Your Career Advancing Your Career through Progressive Information Disclosure newart By Jack Molisani | Fellow I had a fundamental, careerchanging realization that I’d like to share with you. But first, a question: What do the following have in common? 44TV or radio news 44Press releases 44Procedural documentation 44Job interviews Answer: Progressive information disclosure (or lack thereof). What is Progressive Information Disclosure? I have been doing progressive information disclosure most of my writing career, and newspaper editors have been doing it since the invention of paper. So what is progressive information disclosure (PID)? Wikipedia states that “progressive disclosure” is an interaction design 28 technique that sequences information and actions across several screens in order to reduce feelings of being overwhelmed for the user ( disclosure). In its most formal definition, progressive disclosure means to move complex and less frequently used options out of the main user interface and into secondary screens. In a LavaCon conference session titled “When Worlds Collide: Improving the User Experience by Applying Progressive Information Disclosure,” Andrea Ames offers that progressive information disclosure: 44Enables you to provide the right information in the right place at the right time 44Defers display of novice information, background information, concepts, etc., until the user needs and requests it 44Reduces complexity by revealing only the essentials for a current task, and then reveals more information as users advance (To find Ames’s session slides, search Google or for “Andrea Ames #LavaCon.”) In printed media, newspapers support this brilliantly. So do wellwritten press releases: 1. You skim the headlines to find a topic of interest. 2. You read the first sentence to get the essence of what is being communicated. 3. You can continue reading the first paragraph or two for more information. 4. Then, if you are interested, you continue reading the rest of the piece. I believe procedural documentation can be equally brilliant. For example: 1. Chapter titles introduce the subject of that chapter. 2. Multi-level headings (Heading 1, This column addresses Heading 2, job hunting and career etc.) subdivide advancement, focusing topics. on various aspects of career growth. It’s written 3. Numbered steps give you from the perspective of the procedure. someone who has been a technical writer, technical 4. Then, if you communication manager, need more and recruiter, and who help, you can worked as a captive (fullread sub-steps: time) employee and an 1a, 1b, 1c, etc. independent contractor before finally starting his Let’s take this own company. If you have concept a step questions or suggestions further and apply for a future column, email them to jack@ it to writing for online media. with “Career Question” in the Subject line. September 2013 PID in Online Media Back in the pioneering years of writing for online help (and later for the Internet), it was observed that readers consume information differently when reading online content vs. reading printed documentation. There is less real estate (room) on a screen to display information, so we had to write more concisely, learning to “layer” information. For example, a high-level procedure for running end-of-year payroll reports could be: 1. Select one or more companies. 2. Select one or more employees. 3. Select the report(s) needed. 4. Run the reports. To “layer” the information, you would expand one of the steps: 1. Select one or more companies. a. From the File menu, select Company. A list of companies will appear. b. Click on a company, or hold down the <Control> key and click on multiple companies. c. Click OK. 2. Select the employees. 3. Select the report(s) needed. 4. Run the reports. Technically, we first accomplished this with secondary windows and later (with the advent of dynamic HTML) by expanding the steps using drop-down icons. This is progressive information disclosure: giving consumers the exact level and amount of information they want, when and where they want it. One could apply this concept further by providing a link to even more information (on the Internet, in a local PDF document, etc.). 1. Select one or more companies. a. From the File menu, select Company. A list of companies will appear. b. Click on a company, or hold down the <Control> key and clicking on multiple companies. c. Click OK. For more information about running reports for multiple companies, read Running quarterly payroll reports. Content consumers today are used to seeing “for more information” links on Facebook, in blog posts, etc. In fact, I’d say those of us who regularly consume online content expect to see them and even get annoyed when we don’t. We like progressive information disclosure—it enables us to receive just the right amount of information we want on any given topic. This is especially true for people who (by choice or necessity) have to review large quantities of information in one sitting. Also consider how many channels of information one might have to monitor. Personally, I sometimes feel overwhelmed keeping up with people I follow on Twitter, friends on Facebook, daily news, trade magazines (such as Intercom), etc. I have to be able to scan and quickly identify which topics I can live with just knowing that they happened (a headline), which topics I want to read a little more about (an interesting event), and which topics I really want to dig into (such as new development in my field). Which brings me to my careerchanging realization. TMI! While driving to work listening to NPR News, they played a segment about Nelson Mandela that was interesting … for the first minute or so. But then they kept providing more and more information (much of it repetitive). Finally, I thought to myself, “TMI!” (“too much information!”), and I turned off the radio. I’m so used to progressive information disclosure online that I got frustrated not having control over how much information was coming at me (well, more control than just turning off the radio). Consider that the next generation of content consumers are used to communicating by text message, playing fast-paced video games, and watching fast-edited movies and music videos. Like me, they just don’t have the patience to read long, boring reams of Too Much Information. In the silence that ensued after I turned off the radio, I realized I’ve had that “TMI!” reaction before. In fact, it happens often. For example, I asked a simple question recently while interviewing a job candidate by phone that required a yes/no answer—“Do you have experience creating printed and online help from a single source in Flare?” The candidate, in turn, started talking about how long he’s used Flare, why single sourcing is a good idea, the projects he’s done, etc. Finally, I had to interrupt him (TMI!) and say, “Thanks, but just answer the question, please.” If his answer was “No,” I could have gone on to the next question. If it was “Yes,” I could have said, “OK, tell me about it,” or, “Great, here’s the next question.” But he didn’t give me that option—he just kept giving me information, information, information. I suppose I could have waited for him to get to the point, but I didn’t have time. People are constantly asked to do more with less, and managers these days have more direct reports than ever before, so time management is critical. I know I’m not the only person to have such a reaction to too much information. A client of mine has a great response when one of her employees gives her TMI: “Good usability includes ideas like progressive disclosure where you show a small number of features to the less experienced user to lower the hurdle of getting started and yet have a larger number of features available for the expert to call up.” —Jakob Nielsen, author of Prioritizing Web Usability 29 Advancing Your Career Manager: “Is the project done?” Employee: “Well, I first I had to do this, then I had to do that.…” Manager (interrupting): “Don’t tell me about the labor pains. Just show me the baby.” PID and Career Advancement So how can you apply this idea about not providing TMI to further your career? 44Actually listen to the questions you are asked and answer accordingly. This applies in a job interview, in a meeting with your boss, etc. 44Look for visual clues and feedback as to how much information each person wants. Start with just a sentence or two and pause. If the person wants more information, they’ll tell you. 44Pay attention to the types of information particular people want more or less of. For example, your boss might consistently want more information about project status and less information about, say, problems with co-workers. The saying “know thy audience” absolutely applies to progressive information disclosure. 44Be aware that the higher a person is on the organizational chart, the less time he/she has to spend with individuals. You might get a whole hour to pitch your proposal for buying a content management system to your boss, but five minutes to pitch that same idea to your company’s CFO. By using progressive information disclosure in both your printed and verbal communication, you can address the information needs of multiple audiences. 44Finally, realize that how much information is “too much information” varies from person to person, and even day to day (or hour to hour) for any single person. Your spouse might ask you daily, “How was your day?” and normally be interested in an hour-long discussion. But if (s)he’s tired or hungry, you might cross the TMI threshold in 30 seconds. Part of communicating is observing the reaction of the others involved and adjusting accordingly. Monitoring and adjusting the amount of information you provide others is a learned skill, one you may need to practice. Chellie Campbell, author of Zero to Zillionaire, says it takes three weeks of daily practice before an action becomes a habit. Progressive information disclosure is providing just the right amount of information where, when, and how the consumer wants it. Sharpen your workplace PID skills and see if you don’t start getting more praise, better assignments, and increase your standard of living. gi i*KPJOFE45$BGUFS*UPPLBKPCTFWFSBMZFBSTBHP BTBMPOFXSJUFS45$CFDBNFBOJODSFEJCMZ WBMVBCMFSFTPVSDFGPSNFGPSFEVDBUJPOGPS MFBSOJOHBCPVUUIFQSPGFTTJPOBOEKVTUGPS NFFUJOHBOEDPOOFDUJOHXJUIPUIFSQFPQMFJOUIF ëFME"T*IBWFCFDPNFNPSFBDUJWFJO45$*IBWF HPUUFOFWFOHSFBUFSWBMVFGSPNNZNFNCFSTIJQ ɥFMFBEFSTIJQFYQFSJFODFIBTCFFOJOWBMVBCMF BOE*IBWFGPSHFEGSJFOETIJQTXJUITPNF BNB[JOHMZUBMFOUFEQFPQMFw .org/renew 30 September 2013 FYI Mark Your Calendar Organization events across the globe 2 1 7 5 3 64 F.Y.I. lists information about nonprofit ventures only. Please send information to [email protected]. 310–12 Oct The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) is holding its annual meeting in Cincinnati, OH, at the University of Cincinnati. For more information: CPTSC 1 30 Sept–4 Oct The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) will hold its 57th annual meeting at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront in San Diego, CA. For more information, contact: HFES +1 (310) 394-1811 [email protected] HFESMeetings/2013 annualmeeting.html 4 26–29 Oct 210–12 Oct The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA) is holding its annual conference in Vancouver, WA, at the Hilton Vancouver Washington from 10–12 October. For more information, contact: RMMLA The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) hosts their international conference, “One World: Connection. Community. Collaboration” at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia, PA. For more information, contact: PRSA +1 (800) 350-0111 InternationalConference/ 66–9 Nov 51–6 Nov The American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) will hold its Annual Meeting, with a theme of “Beyond the Cloud: Rethinking Information Boundaries,” at the Centre Sheraton in Montreal, QC, Canada. For more information, contact: ASIS&T [email protected] am13cfp.html The American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) will hold its 73rd annual conference in Columbus, OH. For more information, contact: AMWA +1 (301) 294-5303 [email protected] events_annual_conference 76–9 Nov The American Translators Association (ATA) will hold its 54th annual conference at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX. For more information, contact: ATA +1 (703) 683-6100 [email protected] 31 My Job Dear Technical Writing: A Love Story Dear Technical Writing, I know I said I wouldn’t contact you again, that it’d be a clean break, but it’s not. Not at all. I guess I was kidding myself, so I’m going to lay it all on the line. I’m definitely not that girl in the rom-com movies who rassles up her self-esteem and gets her groove back. Because truthfully, you are my groove. And I do want you back. I know I left you. I’m going to shoulder all the blame here. How could I have ever known? The grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s just . . . dead grass. That’s sort of how I’ve been feeling without you. Won’t you come along and mow, reseed, resod, and grow me again? It was so great while it lasted, wasn’t it? Heck, it was great from the start. I’m not afraid to admit we met through the classifieds. I’d proudly tell anyone I found you in the paper. I don’t know how you felt about me, but it was love at first sight. I just knew. Yeah, it’s a classic movie cliché. But when you know, you know. I took for granted my first job with you, writing .NET software guides, but I didn’t know any better. But I learned. I actually really did learn. Remember? I went to counseling for it even. And when I graduated from that counseling with a master’s degree in technical communication, you were right there by my side. There were always the haters. People who just didn’t understand us. Those who didn’t know or get it. Those who think the words “nerd” and “geek” and “smart” are insults. They said, don’t you want someone more creative? They said, how can you stand to do that day in and day out? Don’t you feel constrained? Oh, lordy, no. I’ve never felt more satisfaction than sitting down and working through things with you. Because you understand. You get the thrill, the romance of documenting it all. Every punctuation mark in its place. Every sentence needed, justified, checked. We made sense together, in all senses of the word. For a while, after I left a bad job and began freelancing full time for myself, it was just you and me, babe, against the world. We were killing it. It was so good. And then, like an idiot, I left you. In all fairness, I tried to take you with me. But in packing up a house and a cat and moving entirely across the country, I lost you. I didn’t mean to, I thought you were coming with me. Yet when I arrived and I unpacked every single box, I couldn’t find you. As much as I 32 scraped, checked under rocks, pounded the pavement, and called out your name, you were gone in the wind. But I wasn’t about to just let you go. Wherever you were, I would find you. The problem is, I haven’t yet. It’s not that I haven’t been looking. When I settled into my place on the West Coast, I rushed out to where I thought you were waiting. It felt like our first date all over again. But you weren’t there. I feel like my ties to you are being shredded. Where are you, my love? /ra2studio By Anonymous I’ve tried to find you so many ways. And then—I’m too upset to admit it, but I have to be honest—I settled. There’s someone else. His name is Marketing and, well, I guess we’re “together” now. He’s not you. He’ll never be you. He doesn’t know about you, either. He doesn’t know that while I seemingly enjoy our dates of blogs, PR, and promotional offers, I’m thinking of you. Well, he may have a clue. A couple weeks into our “relationship,” I got into such a knock-down, drag-out fight about punctuation with a coworker that it may have been a little obvious. You would never doubt me on an Oxford comma. You would never allow printed material to go out with typos. It’s you, it’s always been you, and it will always be you. I know you’re out there. I miss you so, so much. I’ve never given up trying to find you. I know I have “him,” but I will remain looking for you until I find you. You have my word and all of my love, and as you know, it’s punctuated correctly. gi September 2013 Author XML/DITA content faster and smarter Upgrade to Adobe® FrameMaker® 11 Scan to read what industry experts have to say about Adobe FrameMaker 11. Adobe, the Adobe logo, and FrameMaker are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
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