Document 249054

Published quarterly since 1996 for those left behind.
Summer 2012 Vol. 17 Issue 1
“ Traveling Companion on Your Life Journey”
Why Are We Afraid to Talk About Death?
A question that has always intrigued me
is: "Why are we so afraid to talk about death?" I
remember when my Godmother was dying.
It was the summer of 1966. She and my
uncle had gone to Taiwan to visit their twin
sons who are Maryknoll priests. When she
returned to the USA she got very sick. The
doctors thought she had picked up an
intestinal bug but when they opened her up
they discovered she was so full of cancer
there wasn't anything they could do for her.
I went to Escanaba to visit and was
instructed that I absolutely could NOT say
anything to her about the fact that she was
dying. I felt so sorry for her and wondered if
that was what she really wanted. I found
myself pondering why anyone would want
to walk that final journey all alone.
Whether we talked about it or not, death
was going to happen in a relatively short
time. To this day I still wonder if I did the
right thing in not giving her the option to
talk about her death if she wanted to.
Over the years I've
noticed that things haven't
really changed all that
much. When I started
working for the Quad-Parish
about six years ago, I found
that when I visited our seriously ill
parishioners in the hospital I would get the
same instruction if a person was possibly
dying-don't mention death or dying! I talked
about this dilemma with our Pastor one day
and he gave me some great advice. He said,
Choosing a
Bereavement Group
Finding the appropriate group was
similar to trying on clothes - I needed a
good fit, both with the type of group and the
group leader. Some groups were specialized.
Others charged a fee and required an intake
interview; I knew I would resent paying for
any group that, under other circumstances,
I could lead. I finally choose a group that
met close to my home. Ease of getting there
seemed as good a selection criterion as any.
On the day of my first meeting, I felt
vulnerable. Walking into the room, I was
puzzled by the circular arrangement of the
chairs, common for a psychotherapy group
but not for what was to be a support group.
I chose a seat anyway, and a surge of
feelings forced my head down-dread about
the group, fear that I would cry, fear that I
wouldn't cry, worry that I would be the
youngest and have nothing in common with
anyone else, and an equal dread that I
really did belong there.
Eventually, others wandered in and took
seats. The group leader began by asking us
to introduce ourselves. The woman next to
me stuttered through copious tears, that she
by Judy Schreiber-Mosher, LCSW
Three months after my husband died,
one of my friends suggested I join a
bereavement group. My response was
negative. For one thing, as a therapist I
understood the value of groups but couldn't
imagine that any bereavement group would
be equipped to address my main concern: I
wanted my husband back and didn't want
to feel the pain of missing him anymore. I
also felt I had to find my own way through
this mourning process. In addition, I was
not sure I would be able to tolerate the grief
of others when I could barely endure my
own. I pictured a group of widowed men
and women sitting in a circle with a huge
box of Kleenex being passed to the person
who was talking - a mourner's game of hot
potato. I detested the image but ultimately
decided to brave a bereavement group in the
hope it would help.
"Ask the patient what he or she
wants you to pray for."
by Sister Pat Clement, CSJ
That was especially helpful when I was
visiting a patient where some of the family
wanted to pray for a happy death while
others didn't want it mentioned. Of
course, that doesn't solve my
dilemma when the patient is not
able to speak for himself or herself.
Some people don't want to talk
about death because they think it's
a morbid topic. Others think they are just
asking for trouble if they talk about it. Still
others haven't figured out how they feel
about their own death and prefer to just
avoid the topic for the time being. Others
are so frightened of death they can't
conceive of their loved ones or of themselves
dying and fight for life with every fiber of
their being. In these situations death is the
enemy, a negative that can't be verbalized
had lost her best friend of fifteen years, her
pet poodle. I was horrified. I knew pets
were important but how could she talk
about the death of her pet in the same room
with men and women who were struggling
with the death of a spouse? I clamped my
PROKO-WALL Funeral Home publishes TOMORROW™
as a service to the families who trust us in the hours
of their greatest need. TOMORROW will be sent to
all of our families for one year following their loss.
It is designed to provide our families with an
understanding of their yesterdays, support for their
todays, and a promise of hope for their tomorrows.
Licensed Funeral Directors:
Robert Walczyk, Jr. • Robert Walczyk, Sr.
Keith Lohrentz • Alex Bahrke
Betsy Frenzel • Jeane Smits
Certified Preplanning Counselor: MarLynn Ohlfs
Office Manager: Kelly Wiegand
Office Support: Joan Faltynski
PROKO-WALL Funeral Home & Crematory
1630 E. Mason St., Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone: 920 468-4111 or 800 750-4222
Fax: 920 468-3540 •
© 2012 Proko-Wall Funeral Home and Crematory
...FROM PAGE 1 / Why Are We Afraid
or alluded to in any manner. Still others
think they are protecting their loved ones by
not bringing up this awful topic.
I've come to the conclusion that we owe
it to each other to ask the one who is dying
what he or she wants. Most people who are
seriously ill know in their gut they are sick
unto death. I've heard story after story where
the dying person whispers to a friend or
family member, "Nobody thinks I am dying,
but I know I am." How important that
moment of connection is for the one who is
dying. What a relief it must be to be able to
speak the "truth" out loud.
When my dad was dying he was blessed
with a whole week where all of us gathered
in his hospital room each day and we shared
stories and memories. The pastoral associate
came on Thursday afternoon and prayed
with Dad. She was so frank in asking God for
the blessing of a happy death. I sensed the
mixed reactions of family and friends
gathered around Dad. Some were
comfortable with her prayer while others
were horrified that she spoke so frankly.
On Sunday I was with my Dad. The
others had gone home for supper. Dad
turned to me and said, "I didn't know it
would be so hard to die." Once my Dad
made up his mind about something, he did
it. On Thursday he had told me he was
ready to die. I think he thought that since he
came to that decision he'd just quietly slip
away in his sleep. So on Sunday when he
was still dealing with his tenacious hold on
life I was grateful I was there so he could
talk about it. (Dad did die peacefully in his
sleep early Tuesday morning.)
We all know how important
communication is in any relationship-the
better the communication, the better the
relationship. Since death is the final thing
we do, we owe it to ourselves and our loved
ones to approach death with the dignity and
reverence we've given to all the other sacred
moments of our lives. We've all faced fear of
the unknown before. Perhaps one of the
biggest challenges of our lives was taking the
first step onto our adult journey. We had
dreams and hopes about what we wanted to
do but no assurances that we were choosing
the right path.
We got through that first gigantic step
because we talked about the pluses and the
minuses, the risks, the rewards and any
loopholes we might have missed. Dying
deserves the same care. What are we afraid
of? How can our family and friends be of
help? Does the dying person want to plan
any of the details that follow death? Do we
have insights or beliefs about the next life
that might be a sign of hope or consolation
for the one who is dying?
Most importantly we must respect the
wishes of the dying person. We know what
those wishes are if we aren't afraid to ask the
question, "Would you like to talk about what
you are going through?" or "Are you afraid
of dying?" Take your cue from the one who is
dying. Sometimes the only thing we can do
is just be there, holding the loved one's
hand, praying quietly in our hearts. The
power of our presence is felt to its full
potential when both of us are aware of the
significance of this moment and both of us
have acknowledged the end is here. Joined
physically by touch, mentally by common
understanding, and emotionally by our
presence the final step isn't taken in isolation
but in peace and companionship. 
...FROM PAGE 1 / Choosing a Group
mouth shut so I wouldn't scream.
When my turn came I simply said, "My
husband died in July." Those were the only
words I uttered during the entire session. I
stayed until the end of it, but knew I would
not return. I left thinking I had failed but
then decided it simply was not a match.
For several weeks, I avoided thinking
about bereavement groups. But soon I
worried that I might be leaning on my friend
too much. So I decided to "shop around" for
another bereavement group, aware that not
all such groups are the same, not all
mourners have the same needs, and group
leaders have different styles. I then
discovered a bereavement group that met
in the town where my therapist had her
office, and I liked the name of the sponsor,
"Hospice by the Sea," which reminded me of
the tranquility of sailing.
I listed the pros: it was near my therapist
and it met at a convenient time. I was
feeling quite alone with my grief and wanted
to know how others were coping and what
solutions they might have found.
I reviewed the cons: I didn't want my
husband to be dead and I really didn't want
to talk about it. I hated the last group. I
had a fear that if my grief lessened, I would
forget my husband. I tallied the pros and
cons and concluded that the pros
outweighed the cons. Reality had won over
denial and I decided to try this new
bereavement group. The new group
immediately felt better. The woman sitting
at the head of the table had soft gray hair,
warm eyes and a smile that invited me in.
She introduced herself as Sally, the leader.
one another. Upon
receiving my first hug,
I realized how much I
missed being touched.
Feeling supported, I
decided to keep
It was with this
unusual group of
women that I began to share my experiences
of grieving. Sometimes they expressed
amazement at my ability to deal with bills,
children and work. This surprised me, but I
welcomed the acknowledgment of
competence, something my husband used to
provide. We were soldiers in the battle of life.
We laughed at each others' mistakes, made
fun of the weaknesses and took pride in our
accomplishments. I learned to laugh at
myself and not feel guilty for enjoying life.
I was grateful to these women who
supported my grief, allowed me to give some
of my unspent caring and love to them and
reminded me that I was a worthwhile person
apart from my husband. Over time, the
hole in my heart began to heal a little bit.
My grief didn't go away, and I cried a lot,
both by myself and with the group, but a
slow change was occurring. After a year, I
told the group I was leaving. "This is my last
day. I will stop by now and then to let you
know I'm okay." I said with tears in my eyes
"This is a very safe place to be.
It’s okay to cry. We talk about our
experiences with death and life.”
When it was my turn to speak, I said "My
husband died three months ago of liver
cancer." The grayish-blonde woman sitting
next to me touched my shoulder gently. I
turned slightly to my left and we smiled at
each other. I saw my smile reflected back to
me from her gold-rimmed glasses and knew
I was in the right place.
I was attracted by the diversity of this
group. There were women from all stages of
life and all income levels with vastly
different experiences. When I provided
pertinent information, I felt needed in a way
I had not experienced since my husband
died. We shared the powerful experience of
death and the need to talk about it.
While I was the youngest in the group, I
felt enfolded in their maternal caring. For
the hour and a half that we were together,
we became a close-knit sorority, protective of
all our sisters. At the end of the session, we
participated in a closing ritual of hugging
Sister Pat Clement is Pastoral Associate
for the Quad Parishes in Green Bay.
For parents who have lost a baby through
miscarriage, still birth or early death. 2nd
Thurs. of every month 7pm-8:30pm.
McKenna Library, Room 2838 at St.
Vincent's. Upcoming sessions: 6/14, 7/12,
8/9; at 7pm. Please contact Lana Reinke
or Theresa Shuck at 433-8634.
Green Bay - For family and friends to
cope with the loss of a loved one due to
suicide. Second Monday of every month
7-8:45pm at Bellin Mezzanine, 2020 S.
Webster (former Lindy's Grocery); Meetings
6/11, 7/9, 8/13. Jonna Bostedt 437-7527.
Two Rivers - Meetings held at St. Peter the
Fisherman Church, 3218 Tannery Rd. on
the second Wednesday of the month from
7-8:30pm. Upcoming meetings: 6/13,
7/11, 8/8; 920-794-7454 or 920-794-1572.
Designed to support grieving families with
children & teens ages 6-18.
Complimentary dinner followed by
separate support groups for parents &
children. Upcoming dates: Thursdays,
6/14, 7/12, 8/9; from 5:30 - 7:30 pm Unity
Campus, 2366 Oak Ridge Circle, DePere.
Registration required. Contact Lisa
DeSieno at 338-1111 or 800-990-9249.
Web site provided by In-Sight Books free
of charge
One time overview of grief; Thurs. 7/17
from 6:30-8pm; St. Vincent Hospital
(Heritage C conference room).
Contact: Tom Bekkers 433-8797. 
Beyond Sorrow Christian Reflections on Death and Grief
by Herb and Mary Montgomery • Review by Joan Faltynski
Death frequently
Faith-based perspectives
deals a paralyzing blow
are offered in these
to our typical
reflections to the
independent nature. In
following questions that
a matter of minutes our
are typically raised during
sense of
the grieving process.
self-confidence and our
decision-making ability
• Why did it have to
begin to be questioned
during the grief process.
• Is there no end to
We feel something similar
"God does not take away
to an imagined
• Where do I turn?
trials or carry us over them,
• Where are my
but rather strengthens us
In the best of times,
when all of life's challenges through them." - E.B. Pusey
• Will I always feel
call forth the best of our
giftedness, we are energized to
• How long will I drift?
respond wholeheartedly. There is never
• What will tomorrow bring?
a challenge that, with the help of God,
• Is it worth picking up the pieces?
we feel incapable of handling. More often
than not we probably have to admit that
In the words of E.B. Pusey, "God does not
the bulk of our accomplishments are
take away trials or carry us over them,
attributed to our own doing rather than
but rather strengthens us through them." 
to a partnered dependence on God.
Reviewed by Joan Faltynski, former teacher
Now, when we feel weak and vulnerable,
and principal, and current office
having a Higher Power to lean on is both
assistant at Proko-Wall.
comforting and welcomed. Herb and Mary
Montgomery, in Beyond Sorrow, provide
seventeen single-page reflections that give
credence to the pain we are experiencing in
the early stages of grief; faith-filled support
during the duration of the journey; and
hope for the day when some sign of
wholeness and normalcy returns to our life.
as I gave Sally a big hug. I had completed
the credits of this course and wanted to go
out and apply my knowledge.
Now when I talk to clients whose
partners have died, I encourage them to
find an appropriate bereavement group.
The mourning process is very important, I
explain, and a bereavement group can
either support or interfere with it. Going to
just any random group is not helpful.
Rather, we need to honor ourselves and
find a suitable group-one where we feel
comfortable, cared for and safe. It may
take one or two tries but it is definitely
worth the effort. 
Reprinted with permission of Grief Digest Magazine
Quick Italian Turkey from Fit Zones. com
• 1/2 tsp. olive oil
• 1 4-ounce turkey
breast fillet
• 1/2 c. spaghetti sauce
• 1/2 c. shredded fat-free
mozzarella cheese
• 1-1/2 tsp. Parmesan
Heat oil in a heavy
nonstick skillet over
medium high heat. Add
turkey and season with
salt and pepper to taste.
Saute 8-10 minutes,
turning occasionally,
until just cooked
throughout. Pour
spaghetti sauce over
turkey and cook until
sauce is hot. Serve turkey
with sauce and cheeses
sprinkled over the top. 
“Shared tears and laughter are healing; trying to help others is a potent pain reliever.”
—Erin Diehl, who lost her husband of 43 years to cancer.
Open to all faiths and all ages. Third
Wednesday of month at 6:30pm. At
Assumption B.V.M. in the church basement
in St. Clare Room. Enter at the southwest
door. No registration required. 822-3223.
St. James Parish, Cooperstown; Session, July
29 from 6-8pm. Contact: Tom Bekkers,
Grief support provided by St. Philip the
Apostle. Upcoming sessions: Mondays,
Aug. 13, 20, and 27 from 2:30-4:30pm in the
Adult Center. Please contact Sr. Helen Keyzer
in advance, 468-7848.
For adults; four-week session; Wednesdays
from 1-2pm, Aurora Baycare Hospital
Chapel, 2845 Greenbrier Road. Call for
schedule, 288-3094 or email
[email protected].
Ecumenical grief support group open to
anyone. Meetings held on Tue. From 1:303:00 pm St. Jude, Room 110. Use Kellogg
St. parking lot. Enter Door #2. Sessions:
Aug. 21, 28; Sept. 4, 11, 18. Call Sr. Pat
to register 496-2160.
Heartland Hospice Support Group:
5 week sessions throughout the year in
Green Bay, Shawano & Peshtigo. For more
info on dates and locations, and to register,
call bereavement coordinators 336-6455 or
Asera Care Hospice Support Group - Green
Bay; 1294 Lombardi Ave., call Mandy for
schedule, 497-4672.
Appleton - Meetings every 1st Tuesday at
2:30 pm at Thompson Community Center,
820 W. College Ave.
Men Journeying through Grief. Meetings
every 1st Wed. at 6-8pm at 816 W.
Winneconne Ave., Neenah. Pre-registration
is not required, but appreciated for meal
planning purposes. Men Only.
Peace through Grief: Looking at the many
pieces of life that are affected by a loss; 6week informational and support program
looking at the emotional, physical, spiritual
and social aspects of the grief experience.
Pre-registration required. Call 727-2000 or
1-866-236-8500. for any of above. 
1630 E. Mason St. • Green Bay, WI 54302
Support group for people experiencing the
death of a loved one.
Pilgrim Lutheran Church - Green Bay;
1731 St. Agnes Dr. Videos and discussions
to find comfort and healing from grieving
the death of someone close. Registration
appreciated. Contact 965-2233 for schedule.
Central Church - 831 Schoen St., Grief
Support available by contacting "From
Mourning to Hope" at 920-737-2790.
Unity Hospice's Adult Bereavement
Support: Green Bay Area: Unity Office,
2366 Oak Ridge Cr., De Pere.; Tuesdays, July
10 through August 7 from 6-7:30pm;
Registration required, call 338-1111 or
Women's Luncheon: monthly on 3rd
Wednesday from Noon-1:30pm at a local
restaurant for conversation & support. Call
338-1111 for location. Lunch is available for
purchase off the menu.
For parents and grandparents grieving the
loss of a child.
Door County - 2nd Thursday of each month
at 7pm. Meetings 6/14, 7/12, 8/9. 6:30pm
at United Methodist Church in Sturgeon
Bay. We welcome bereaved parents, siblings
and grandparents. Contact Dawn Sandusky,
920-854-9801. Voice message number
Green Bay - Meetings 3rd Thursday of
month: 6/21, 7/19, 8/16; 7pm at First United
Methodist Church, 501 Howe St., 7pm,
—Calendar of Events—
Meyer Theatre, 494-3401,
St. Norbert College, 403-3950 arts/tickets
Fox Valley PAC, 730-3760,
Green Bay Visitors & Convention
Bureau, 494-9507, 24 hour service
call 494-1111.
Wisconsin Travel Information,
Neville Public Museum Exhibits:
The Port of Green Bay (thru 7/23/12
thru 12/31/12); Fertile Ground: Art and
Agriculture 8/11/12 thru 12/2/12);
Football: The Exhibit 5/19/12 thru
9/9/12); MuseumPLACE: A Celebration of
Community (6/23/12 thru 12/29/13);
Selections from the Green Bay Art Colony
(6/16/12 thru 8/5/12)
Salvation Army: Social Group
Women's, Tuesdays at 6 pm; Men's,
Tuesdays at 6 pm, 626 Union Ct.
Village of Bellevue Leisure Services:
All are welcome
Book Club; 3rd Tues. of month;
2:30pm; Jitter Bean Café, Monroe Rd.
Bingo; 3rd Thur. of month;
1-3pm; Community Center.
Movie Matinee; 2nd Thur. of month;
1:30-3:30pm; Bellevue Community
Center, 1811 Allouez Ave.; $1.00
Heritage Hill: 448-5150. Fees: $7-$9;
under 3 free; or special events prices.
Music on the Green: Mon. 6/11-8/27
at 6pm.
Father's Day at Heritage: Sun. 6/17;
Civil War Re-Enactment: Sat.-Sun.
6/23-24; 10am-4:30pm.
Heritage Players: Sun., 6/17-7/29; 1pm.
Limited Edition, Free: Mon. 7/9; 6pm.
Hops on the Hill Beer & Food Tasting:
Thur. 7/12; 6pm.: $30 or $40 at door.
Laura Ingalls Wilder Days: 7/27-28;
Budweiser Clydesdales:
Tue.-Sun. 7/31-8/5.
Kids Free Week: Tue.Sun. 8/21-26.
Green Bay Botanical Garden:
Sat.-Sun. June 2-3 28th Annual Garden
Fair; Sat. 8am-4pm; Sun. 9am-3pm;
Sun. June 17 Father's Day Open House;
9am-8pm; admission FREE for dads.
Mon. June 25 Kid's Day Open House;
9am-8pm; Admission FREE for all kids.
Wed. July 4 Independence Day Open
House; 9am-8pm; FREE for Veterans.
Sat.-Sun. July 14-15 24th Annual
Garden Walk; Sat. 8am-4pm; Sun.
9am-4pm; $10-members; $15-non.
Thur. Evenings July 12, 19, 26; Aug.
2, 9, 16, 23 Concerts in the Garden;
6-7:30pm; Agnes Schneider Terrace;
bring your own chair; Admission:
general garden admission pricing.
Hazelwood Historic House:
Admission $4-adults; $3.50-Senior
Citizens; $2.50-children (ages 5-17);
children under 5 free. 437-1840.
Museum Tours; Thurs.-Sun., 12pm4pm; 6/1 thru 8/26.
Haviland & Blooms; Fri.-Sun. June 8-10
Flower Fairy Tea Party; Sat. June 23
1pm-3pm; Reservations required.
Celebrate the 4th: Wed. July 4;
11:30am-4pm, 1pm Heritage Players.
Cooking with Herbs; Tue. Aug. 7, 2:305:00pm; $10/person; Reservations req.
Green Bay Bullfrogs Baseball:
May 30-Aug. 12; Joannes Park; Tickets
$5-$8. 497-7225.
Farmers’ Markets:
Green Bay Farmers' Market: Saturdays,
6/2-10/27; 7am-noon; Downtown
Green Bay. 448-3030.
Farmers' Market on Broadway
Wednesdays, 6/610/17; 3pm-8pm;
Broadway District;
Farmers' Market Bay
Park Square Mall; Mondays 6/11-10/ 8;
Oneida Farmers Market; Oneida One
Stop-Hwy. 54; Thursdays 6 /28 thru
10/11; Noon-6pm. 496-7423.
Butterflies & Friends on Parade:
June 5 thru Aug. 20; Downtown Green
Bay; 884-8800.
Dine on the Deck; Wednesdays, June
6 thru Aug. 29; 11:30am-1:30pm; City
Deck; 437-5972.
Summer in the Park Concert; Thurs.
June 7 thru Aug. 30; 11:30am-2pm;
Jackson Square Park. 437-5972.
National Railroad Museum; "Day Out
With Thomas"; June 13-17; 8:30am6pm; $16; 437-7623.
Fridays on the Fox June 22 thru Aug.
17; 6pm-9pm; City Deck. 437-5972.
Concerts in the Park; Wednesdays,
June 27 thru Aug. 15; Klipstine Park.
Free Admission. 492-2331.
Live on Main; Tuesdays July 10, 17,
24, 31; 5:30-8pm; Whitney Park;
Admission free.
Knights on the Fox; Tuesdays July 10
thru Aug. 7; 6:30-8pm, St. Norbert
College; Admission free. 403-4011.
Sun. June 3 St. Matthew Parish Picnic,
June 8, 9, 14-16; 21-23 The Carlton
West; Meyer Theatre; Tickets $29.
Sat.-Sun. June 9-10 St. Agnes Parish
Summer Festival; Sat. 4-11pm,
Children's Activities; food & beer
garden, cash raffle; Sun. 10:15 Polka
Mass; 11am-6pm, Salute to Service &
Emergency Personnel; craft, plant &
vendor market, food, silent auction,
raffles, Bungee Bounce.
Sun. June 10 St. Mary of the Angels
Parish Picnic; 10am-5pm; corner of
Cass St. & Irwin Ave.; games,
refreshments, booyah, burgers, Polish
sausage & kraut, homemade desserts;
silent auction until 3:30pm.
June 13-14; 16-17; 20; 22-24; 27-28
South Pacific; St. Norbert Music
Theatre; Webb Theatre;, 8pm June 13;
7:30pm June 14, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23,
28; 2pm June 24, 27; $29-$33.
Thur. June 14 "If Tombstones Could
Talk"; Fort Howard Cemetery Walk;
6:30pm; reservations required;
Admission $6/person or $14/family.
Fri. June 15 Barry
Manilow; 7:30pm,
Resch Center; Tickets
$20-$120; 494-3401.
Fri. June 15 Summer
Music Academy Concert 2012; 7:30pm,
Walter Theatre, St. Norbert College;
Free admission. Sun. June 17 Marty
Stuart & Connie Smith; 8pm, Radisson
Three Clans Ballroom; $25. 494-4500.
Sun. June 17 Father's Day at the Zoo;
9am-6pm, NEW Zoo; $4-$6; 434-7841.
Mon.-Wed. June 18-20 Rockin' Elvis
Fest; 7:30pm, Oneida Lounge. Free.
Tues-Sun June 19-24 Billy Elliot the
Musical; Fox Valley PAC, Appleton;
$63 and Up. 920-730-3760.
Sat.-Sun. June 23-24 Holy Cross Picnic
& Craft Show; Sat., 5-10pm; Sun. 10am
Polka Mass; 3002 Bay Settlement Rd.
Sat-Sun. June 23-24, St. Bernard-St.
Philip 6th Annual Summer Blast, Sat,
4-9 pm; Sun, 9:30 bring chair for
outdoor Mass , picnic to 3:30
Mon. June 25 Kids Day; 8am-8pm,
Green Bay city parks. 448-3365.
Thu. June 28 5-Milers Folk Music
Benefit Concert; Fox Valley PAC,
Appleton; $15-$16. 920-730-3760.
Fri. June 29 Glen Campbell Goodbye
Tour; 7pm Meyer Theatre;
Tickets $50-$55. 494-3401. 
Wed. July 4 Festival
Foods Fire Over the Fox;
Downtown Green Bay.
Sun. July 8 Billy
Gardell; 8pm Oneida
Casino Three Clans Ballroom; $35.
Sat.-Sun. July 14-15 World War II ReEnactment; 9am-5pm; National
Railroad Museum. 437-7623.
Sun. July 15 Titletown Bike Tour;
8:30am, YMCA in Howard; $25 or
$55/family. 498-2285.
Mon. July 16 8th Annual Senior Picnic,
sponsored by Bellevue Leisure
Services; 4:30-7pm, Josten Park.
Mon.-Wed. July 16-18 The
Hollisters/Bill Kirchen; 7:30pm, Oneida
Casino Lounge; free. 494-4500.
July 19-22 Pulaski Polka Days; Pulaski
Polka Grounds; Thur. $1 (5pmmidnight); Fri.-Sat. $10 (4pm-1am);
Sun. Free (12:30pm-6pm). 822-3869.
July 19-20, 22, 24-29 The Sound of
Music; Walter Theatre, St. Norbert
College; 8pm, July 19- 29; $29-$33;
Fri.-Sat. July 20-21 Savour Green Bay;
food, produce, music, wine and beer;
Downtown Green Bay; 435-5220.
July 20, 21, 26-28 The Guernsey Boys;
Meyer Theatre; Tickets $29.
Sat. July 21 Vendor Fair & Craft Market;
Bridge Point Church, 2421 West Point
Road; 9am-3pm; Free; 496-0048. 
Thur. Aug. 2 Taste on Broadway;
5pm-11pm; Broadway District;
Free Admission; 437-2531.
Aug. 2-18 The Guernsey
Boys; Meyer Theatre;
Tickets $29.
Mon.-Wed. Aug. 6-8
Billy Dean; 7:30pm, Oneida Casino
Lounge; Free admission; 494-4500.
Mon. Aug. 6 Feast with the Beasts;
NEW Zoo; 9am-6pm; $4-$6; 434-7841.
Fri.-Sun. Aug. 10-12 Algoma Shanty
Days; Algoma; 800-298-4888.
Mon. Aug. 13 & Thur. Aug. 16 "If
Tombstones Could Talk"; 6:30pm,
Allouez Catholic Cemetery; Admission
$6/person or $14/family. 437-1840.
Wed.-Sun. Aug. 15-19 Brown County
Fair; Brown County FairgroundDePere; 336-7292.
Thur. Aug. 16 Kids from Wisconsin
2012; 7:30pm; $12-$14; St. Norbert
College. 403-3950.
Aug. 17-18, and 23-25 Salute to Our
Veterans; Daddy D Production;
Riverside Ballroom; $43/person
(dinner & show); $27/person (show
only). 544-4244.
Sat.-Sun. Aug. 18-19 Rock The Lakes;
Franklin Graham & Christian
Concert; 4pm Leicht Park; 661-0950.
Sun. Aug. 19 Annual Ultimate Shrine
Motorcycle Show; for Shrine Hospitals;
9-4, Green Isle Park; 471-2361.
Tue.-Sun. Aug. 21-26 Mama Mia; Fox
Valley PAC, Appleton; $25-$81;
Fri-Sun. Aug. 24-26 Artstreet;
Downtown Green Bay; free; 435-5220.
Wed. Aug. 29 Morning Bird Walk; 7am,
Wildlife Sanctuary; 391-3671. 
Proko-Wall has gathered information on
as many local events as possible.
Proko-Wall is not recommending any
particular event and lists them only as a
public service.