# Subject Category Days Preview 1 Why Young Living's 100% pure essential oils surpass all others! Newsletter 1 Preview 2 Essential Oil Quality: Not All Oils Are Created Equal Newsletter 5 Preview Newsletter 9 Preview 3 Start Living with Everyday Oils! 4 Essential Oils Support your Health in 3 Ways Newsletter 13 Preview 5 Diffusing Essential Oils for Maximum Health Benefits! Newsletter 17 Preview Newsletter 21 Preview Three Key Product Lines: Essential 6 Oils, Essential Nutrition, & Essential Living 7 Why Young Living Started - and Why It Grew! Newsletter 25 Preview 8 Want Proof Young Living Products Work? Newsletter 29 Preview 9 Start Living with Ningxia Red Newsletter 33 Preview 10 Start Living Green with Thieves! Newsletter 37 Preview 11 Are you a Young Living Member Yet? Newsletter 41 Preview 12 Advantages of the Essential Rewards Ordering Program! Newsletter 45 Preview 13 Weight and Toxin Management with Slique Newsletter 49 Preview 14 Health Benefits of the Raindrop Technique Newsletter 53 Preview 15 Young Living Farms - Supplies for a lifetime! Newsletter 57 Preview 16 The Ancient Art Of Yoga And Pure Essential Oils Newsletter 61 Preview 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=9 YL Scents Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Thank you for your inquiry to Young Living Essential Oils! I welcome you and your loved ones to vastly increased wellness through Young Living's 100% pure authentic essential oils. They are one of a kind. In our further communication we will explain why Young Living's Essential Oils are one of a kind. The power of natural oils has been known and used for 6,000 years of recorded history, dating as far back as 4,500 B.C. They are distilled from towering trees, bushes, shrubs, to hidden roots, flowers and seeds. Their oils protect their hosts from disease, viruses, insects, and damaging environmental pollutants. They do the same for any living organism. ONLY Young Living has perfected how to extract them in 100% pure form. Does living healthier and naturally interest you? Even modern science is now recognizing these oils for their positive health benefits, as stated in medical journals and PubMed! 12/20/2012 5:51 PM 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=9 Young Living’s essential oils offer you some key benefits: Greater health and wellness without pharmaceutical side effects. Enhanced quality of life through more energy, mental clarity, and freedom from chronic illnesses. Control of your health, beginning in your home. A natural medicine chest, preparing you for any household mishaps. The ability to earn income, when you choose to become a distributor, once you discover the unbelievable positive effects of Young Living's 100% pure, therapeutic oils. Each point shown is essential to a healthier life for you and your family. You may say: "I receive nature's oils through my lifestyle now!" Do you? Let's look at the facts. Other essential oils: They may be artificial or man-made; certainly not pure. They could be laced with pest killers to make crops flourish; manures to create growth; additives to give you less for more money. Will they harm you or bring you greater health? Skin care, perfumes and hair care products: May contain some synthetic essential oils but many contain ingredients which are proven to cause various cancers and ailments. Will they damage or protect? Pharmaceuticals: Read the labels! The list of side effects and additives often reads longer than the active ingredient. What is different? Our 100% pure oils have made us the World Leader In Essential Oils, starting with our pioneering efforts 30 years ago. They are not only aromatic but also produce measurable positive clinical changes in the body. Our ingredients are open to anyone’s eyes; and our results globally known. As you read these emails, you will discover Young Living has extracted hundreds of pure therapeutic oils from nature. These oils can address almost every issue you or your family face, from physical illness to chronic fatigue. Are You Intrigued Now? At any time you wish to try these 100% pure authentic oils to enhance your health and wellness, contact me or visit my website (the link is found at the top of this page). Or, if at any time you feel others you care for will benefit from reading these emails, please forward it to them. They too may wish to gain from the 100% purity of nature's oils from the world's leading supplier. 12/20/2012 5:51 PM 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=9 Read on. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:51 PM 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=25 YL Scents Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Hopefully, the foods we eat offer the health enhancing nutrition we need. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Many foods carry toxins that interfere with our health and are difficult to eliminate from our body. That is why 100% pure authentic essential oils such as Young Living’s, become increasingly important in today’s society. Young Living delivers only the “diamonds” found in the world of plants to restore or elevate your health, physical being, mental powers, and spirit. I thought you might like to know how and why Young Living delivers this. Let’s begin: As with any type of product, there are varying levels of quality on the market, and the essential oil industry is no different. Some of the varying qualities of essential oils include: 12/20/2012 5:55 PM 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=25 Synthetic Oils – Scientists have figured out how to mimic the smell of authentic essential oils by fabricating the chemicals in a laboratory. This process is relatively easy and inexpensive. Beware of synthetic oils, these products may be dangerous to use on your body. Altered Oils – May be sold as therapeutic essential oils, but do not contain the pure energy of the plant because of intentional or unintentional mistakes while growing, harvesting, or distilling. Growers and distillers cut corners to increase the product yield and keep costs low. Natural Oils – Many oil companies in this category use words like "pure", "certified", and "organic" to promote their products. These companies may do some part of the process well, like the ‘cultivate’ or ‘test’ stages, which is only one step in the entire production process. Authentic Essential Oils SEED to SEAL oils– At the very top of the oil industry are authentic essential oils, capturing the pure energy of the plant. Young Living does not leave any part of the essential oil production to chance, and every step creating the oil is closely watched. Young Living is unique in following the Seed to Seal process from beginning to end. The Seed to Seal process means they understand and monitor all 5 stages; planting the seed, the cultivation and growing the plants, the distillation process, testing the oils produced, and finally sealing the oils into quality bottles. Authentic oils are more difficult and costly to produce. Each of us has a choice. We can protect, heighten, or regain our health by using the Young Living products I have explained so far, or accept what is thrown at us daily and hope for the best? I thought you would appreciate knowing the differences. It is important to be educated on these subjects; I know you will enjoy learning more in the coming emails. Information is critical to making the right choice for your health. Contact me or visit my website if you would like to learn more. Send this email to friends or family who would like to know the differences in essential oil quality and find natural solutions for their health challenges. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% 12/20/2012 5:55 PM 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=25 Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:55 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=21 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Today I am inviting you to a healthier life with Young Living's 100% pure authentic essential oils. More energy, peace, balance, and solutions to support the health of you and your loved ones is waiting for you! You have heard me mention about both Customer and Distributor accounts: Let me clarify for you simply what these terms mean. Customer: You can order directly from Young Living and purchase all products at retail price Independent Distributor: Often referred to as a wholesale account. You will enjoy the benefits of ordering products at wholesale (24% below retail), with the option participating in our essential rewards program, and also sharing the product with others and generating an income, whether to pay for your own products, or potentially a new business venture in the home business industry. With this account, you do not have any sales obligations or monthly commitments. In order to take advantage of this account, simply purchase your Start Living kit and choose your products to start your journey. 12/20/2012 5:56 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=21 One of the most popular collections is our Everyday Oils Kit - for only $150.00 wholesale. You will receive our most popular collection of 9 essential oils, PLUS, you receive a 24% discount on future orders as you discover new oils you need, along with an extra peppermint, lavender, $40 off diffuser coupon, and so much more. Learn about the 9 everyday oils below: Panaway – Created by our founder Gary Young after ligament damage to his leg. This blend is effective for significant pain from the aches of a weekend athlete, to serious back injuries and migraine headaches. Simply apply topically to the painful area and relief will happen quickly! Frankincense – Used by ancient cultures for thousands of years, this essence can assist everything from breathing problems to enhancing the memory. For respiratory ailments, simply rub it on your chest, the aroma may help ease breathing. Since its molecules carry amazing amounts of oxygen, breathing it also improves the memory. To help slow the aging process, add a drop into your moisturizer. It is also reported to reduce depression, strengthen the immune system, and kill airborne germs. When it is used in a diffuser at home or in the workplace, it emits a pleasing aroma while protecting you from airborne bacteria. Peppermint – This do-it-all oil aids digestion, reduces fevers, and delivers lasting energy. For digestion, spread a drop across your abdomen or put it in water and drink it. For fever, rub it on the back of your neck. For energy, apply it to the bottom of feet; or, massage drops into your hands, inhale the aroma, and feel your energy increase. Injured? Rub some on the damaged spot for relief. Headache coming on? Rub a drop or two on the temples, forehead or back of neck. Also recommended for clearing the sinuses. Peace and Calming – Some people refer to this as the stress oil blend. Its ingredients relax the body, put the mind in neutral, yet keep it clear. Hyperactive pre-teens are calmed by it. You can simply spray it in the car, or wherever you need calmness. For a peaceful night of sleep, massage it along the spine, or into the feet. It has been reported to also reduces snoring. Thieves – This oil has a deep history. Based on the legend of thieves in France, who created it to protect them against the black plague. The plague wiped out millions, yet the thieves continued to steal. Today Thieves steals back health for users - it can be rubbed on the soles of the feet to boost your immune system, added to honey and taken orally to ease throat problems, or – and perhaps the best protection – used in a diffuser to infuse the room air with it stopping viruses and bacteria before they ever become a problem. Purification – This is a low-cost solution to eliminating germs, mold, or musty and stale smells in the home, office or vehicle. Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place it in the air vent. Also a favored oil blend to remove irritations caused by scratches, cuts or bites from pesky insects. An excellent, toxin free, effective mosquito repellant that is safe 12/20/2012 5:56 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=21 for even the smallest members of your family AND your pets. Valor – This oil blend has gained favor among chiropractors and physiotherapists when applied to the client’s spine, neck or feet during treatment. Treatments are more effective and results last longer when Valor is used. On an emotional level it boosts courage, confidence and self esteem, so is great for stressful times or hyperactive children. Massage it into the hands, cup them over your nose, and breath deeply. For peaceful sleep, apply it to the soles of the feet before retiring. Lavender – This therapeutic oil is highly recommended to repair or rejuvenate the skin. It can reverse the signs of aging promoting more youthful skin. Lavender helps clear up facial blemishes, cleanse a wound and ease the pain of cuts, bruises and irritated skin. An effective way to promote deep restorative sleep is to apply lavender to the soles of your feet or diffuse it in your bedroom at night. Lemon – Last but not least is this citrus fruit’s oils which has the ability to revitalize and uplift the spirit. Due its germ fighting capabilities, it is recommended for purifying counter tops, cleansing the skin, or added to your laundry. Add a few drops to your water, for a refreshing drink that also supports the cleansing action of your liver and boosts your immune system. Diffusing it into the air also eliminate airborne bacteria You can see why this is a popular starting point. Visit my website and get started today. With the Everyday oils kit, you and your family will have started a wonderful journey experiencing the health benefits of Young Living Essential Oils. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:56 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=13 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Let’s say you become a member of Young Living. The first question many ask: How do I use Young Living’s 100% pure authentic oils? The truth is, the application is simple; the results – effective, pleasing, immediate, therapeutic and safe. There are 3 ways to benefit from them: Inhale your way to wellness Aromatherapy involves inhaling the aroma of essential oils through the nasal cavities. The aroma travels to the brain. Depending on the oil, you may immediately feel emotional negativity disappear, muscle tension relax, or other positive changes. Often called nature’s living energy, these oils support mental, emotional and physical well-being. Some techniques to gain the benefits of the aromas include: Smelling the aroma directly from the bottle. Diffusing the oils into the air using a Young Living diffuser to ensure the oil’s ingredients are not damaged (vs. a heated oil burner). Placing a drop or two on a small cloth atop your humidifier to disperse them. Putting drops into a bowl of hot water, placing a towel atop your head, and lowering your face to the bowl, deeply and slowly inhaling the beneficial aroma. 12/20/2012 5:58 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=13 Apply it to your skin topically Topical application involves letting a drop or two fall into your palms, rubbing them together, and gently massaging the oil into the area desired. Common application areas for most are: Soles of the feet (reflexology and vitaflex points) Top of the head, temples, ears, or the back of the neck Respiratory Tract (front or back of chest, neck) Some prefer the abdomen, upper back, skin over the targeted organs, or ankles/feet. Essentially, applying an oil topically to the area you want to support One of the joys of using Young Living’s oils is the variety of aromas available. Our product line ranges from single oils like peppermint, lemon, orange, lavender, to blends such as Thieves and Valor! One of the highest benefits to using an essential oil topically, is its ability to receive relief and see near immediate positive changes, reduce stress, and many other benefits most people desire as outlined on my website under Essential Oils. Internal Use Young Living’s 100% pure authentic oils are not limited to aromatic and topical usages like other essential oils. Following the French model of aromatherapy, our oils can be used internally for a variety of health benefits as well. Our oils can even be used to flavor foods and add extra health benefits to your cooking, all while delivering therapeutic benefits from nature’s natural medicine chest. Check each bottle for dietary instructions; just be sure you do not use other health foods store oils this way – as you have already learned, there is a huge difference in quality between Young Living and other essential oils. ‘For External Use Only’ warning labels is your first sign of an impure oil – if it really is 100% pure lemon, why would you not be able to use this internally for its health benefits! On my website you can learn the difference between common store-bought oils versus our 100% pure authentic therapeutic oils. Simply go to the “Essential Oils” tab to learn more about our essential oils. Here you will also discover our Everyday Oils kit, the most popular starting point on your essential oil journey. I think you will see more than ever why Young Living’s 100% pure authentic essential oils should be part of your family’s life! Once you experience the therapeutic benefits of pure oils, your life will never be the same. Contact me if you would like more information If you know someone you care about who could benefit from purity of these oils, feel free to forward this email to them, or direct them to my website. The first step to greater health is experiencing the benefits of 100% pure authentic essential oils. Get started today! %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements 12/20/2012 5:58 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=13 are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:58 PM YL Scents 1 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=20 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Young Living has over four hundred 100% pure authentic products to serve almost every ailment known to humankind. One would think 400 natural products is enough, yet Nature’s bounty knows no end. Every time Gary Young digs deeper into nature’s storehouse, he finds another hidden or forgotten ancient oil that belongs in your medicine chest, without fear of pharmaceutical side effects, additives, or complications. Think what that means to you as a Young Living member. For every ailment you have a natural solution in your medicine chest, and can offer solutions to others around you. Once you fall in love with the products, sharing them with those you care about is second nature, and the ability to generate income doing so, is quite lucrative and enjoyable! 400 products is too much to cover here. For a full listing of our products, visit the store on my website. Let's walk you through our 3 key product lines and what they offer. After you look, you will agree that whether you become a customer or Independent Distributor/Wholesale member, having access to these product lines is life changing. And in sharing these products will lead those you care for, and others, to greater wellness and health. 12/20/2012 5:59 PM YL Scents 2 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=20 Your basic oils that everyone wants and needs break down into six categories: *Singles – you will view 80 single bottles of 100% pure authentic oils that support everything from reducing anxiety to relieving muscle tension. * Blends – here you see 70+ essential oil blends, synergistically formulated for maximum effectiveness * Collections –Our pure authentic essential oil collections range from the Raindrop Technique to the Twelve Oils of Ancient Scriptures.. * Massage Oils - a variety of options from pain relief to relaxation * Roll-ons – essential oils in easy to use roll on applicators * Accessories – to store and carry your health products efficiently Will they work for you? Try this. The next time you need a surge of energy on a busy day, put a drop of Young Living’s peppermint oil in a glass of water (not in plastic). Or massage it on your hands; inhale the aroma. Watch how quickly your energy levels can rise! If you tried this with other inferior essential oil products on the market, would you get the same results? Likely not. Only Young Living carries pure authentic essential oils. We didn’t become the World Leader In Therapeutic Oils by accident. According to Dr. Herve Casabianca (Ph.D.), Chairman of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Committee on Essential Oil Standards (a European agency whose acronym is AFNOR), there is only one company in North America who regularly sends samples to the AFNOR laboratory in France for testing to be measured against the international standards for therapeutic quality, and that is Young Living, Inc. “Therefore, "says Dr. Casabianca, "Young Living oils are the only therapeutic grade oils, of which I am aware, produced and/or marketed by an American company." Do you think you could share any of these pure products now with people you care about? Try the products yourself! 12/20/2012 5:59 PM YL Scents 3 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=20 Young Living offers superior nutritional products infused with essential oils, such as: * Antioxidants – Discover Ningxia Red, an industry leading essential oil infused antioxidant functional drink, now with 7x more essential oils than ever before and a 50% higher S-ORAC score. * Meal Replacements (no artificial sweeteners here). * Targeted Solutions – for women, to maintain natural balance and harmony under extreme stress, control weight, and offset glandular changes. And this is only a start. With Young Living, you will find all our supplements in their purest forms to provide maximum benefits, infused with essential oils, enhancing absorption and getting the most out of your supplements. Do you need these aids, or believe you could build a business helping others to health and wellness? "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure…" "In 31 years of clinical practice, using a wide variety of high end nutritional supplements, I have had the best clinical results using nutritional supplements infused with therapeutic grade essential oils from Young Living. Clinical results are seen in 1/3 of the time of any other supplement I have recommended. Fast results equals better compliance" Carla Green BScPT, RegAc. Without realizing it, your home can be a toxic environment with synthetic scents, cleaners, skin care products, etc. Young Living offers a solution with our industry leading essential oil infused Essential Living product line that includes: * Natural Household Cleaners (Thieves) - boosting your immune system while leaving your home refreshed. * Skin Care and Anti-Aging solutions – keeping your skin youthful and supple in our youth oriented world. * Hair and Oral Care -- to not only look your best but to function at your best. * Bath & Shower aids – that promote health as well as natural cleansing. * Cooking, Kid Scents, and Pet Care 12/20/2012 5:59 PM YL Scents 4 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=20 If you haven’t had time to go to my website, I am bringing it to you. What information will you see that will forever benefit your life? Take a look at it now, and consider opening establishing your own Young Living Account (Account Types). You can experience the benefits of Young Living products at wholesale, with the ability to share these products with other to support their own health, while enhancing your financial health. Perhaps you know someone who wishes for better health, please feel free to send them this email. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:59 PM YL Scents 1 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=10 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Young Living Essential Oils began as a one person labor force, as its founder searched to regain his health after a disabling mishap. Gary Young and his wife struggled over their kitchen sink to extract their first 100% pure oils from nature's plants. He completely believed that essential oils held the answer to many problems. To say he succeeded, is an understatement. Young Living grew to 4,500 acres of farmland, located on three continents as of today. Its product line contains over 400 essential oils, nutritional supplements, and personal care items. Gary credits his loyal independent distributors -- people like you -- to the phenomenal success of the company. Young Living's Mission: "To bring Young Living essential oils to every home in the world." And succeed we will. Young Living is the facing unprecedented growth. It is not only the pioneer in creating 100% pure, natural, uncut oils to maintain vital authentic potency. It is the one company any educated essential oil practitioner looks to for high quality oils and product, to move them forward. The company's journey began in 1973. From the first small farm Gary purchased outside of Spokane, Washington, to our most recent expansions into Oman, Ecuador, and Peru. Gary Young and Young Living are on a mission to discover 100% pure authentic oils worldwide. The company's history of accomplishments has been miraculous. As the company founder, Gary Young has: Traveled the globe to discover plants to give the best physical health and emotional wellness. Uncovered the marketing promoting inferior oils, and vowed to deliver only 100% purity Built strong partnerships with suppliers and governments, enabling Young Living to go where no 12/20/2012 6:00 PM YL Scents 2 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=10 others have been able to go. A perfect example of this the addition of our Omani distillery in 2010. Young Living distills boswellia sacra (Sacred Frankincense) for world distribution for the first time ever. Created a global essential oil company and authority, offering the world’s largest line of essential oils and blends. Become the foremost authority on pure essential oil sciences. Creatd the Seed to Seal process to guarantee every sealed product leaving his lands is 100% pure, uncut natural oil delivering maximum health benefits. Young Living is committed to providing pure authentic essential oils for the world. Partnered with Brigham Young University to study the effect of his oils as anti-cancer solutions. Asked by educational institutions to study Young Living oils and their ability to kill airborne bacteria and black mold. And that is just a short list, a very short list, of the company's and Gary's accomplishments. Today Young Living is the world's leader in producing pure authentic essential oils that give measurable, clinical results. Young Living is the largest direct marketing global distributor of pure authentic essential oils in the world. Yet this esteemed researcher, author, lecturer and sought-after expert on the power of nature's 100% pure oils still insists he wants to rely on customers and distributors like you to spread their benefits globally. He began with you; he owes his success to you; he will stay with you. At anytime you wish to order Young Living products to enhance your health, you can become a customer below, or become a distributor/wholesale member and experience these products at a discounted price, with the ability to help others experience the benefits of essential oils. Feel free to send these emails to people you care about at any time. They too may want to enjoy the benefits from Young Living's Authentic Pure Essential Oils. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% PS: Get started today. Your friends and family will thank you for it! Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:00 PM 1 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=17 YL Scents Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, As you seriously consider becoming a Young Living member, you are probably wondering "how do I use pure authentic essential oils to maximize the mental, physical and spiritual benefits they offer?" There are a few ways to experience benefits of essential oils including aromatically, topically, and internally. In this email, I’ll share with you the benefits of diffusing, with your options available from Young Living! Ultrasonic Diffusers Ultrasonic diffusers combine a humidifier, air purifier, atomizer, and aromatherapy diffuser into one product that safely releases essential oils into the air to eliminate odors and create a spa-like atmosphere. There are two available from Young Living, the Home Diffuser, and the Aria. 12/20/2012 5:59 PM 2 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=17 The home diffuser is simple and elegant. Fill with water up to the small line on the inside of the diffuser, add your favorite Young Living essential oil, and hit the on button to begin experiencing aromatherapy in your home or office immediately. The Aria™ Ultrasonic Diffuser has an attractive design that graces any furnished room. Despite its high-tech features, it is simple to use. Just gently pour in some filtered water. Let 10 to 15 drops of your favorite aromatic pure oil fall into it. To commence your enjoyment, press your remote control to ‘On’. You will hear about 12 minutes of relaxing sounds as it diffuses oils into the air. If you prefer your own music simply plug in your audio cable. The Aria diffuses oils into the air for 5 to 6 hours. When the oils and water disappear, it shuts off automatically. If you wish, turn on its relaxing, changing lights. 12/20/2012 5:59 PM 3 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=17 Pure Oil or Cold Air Diffusers Perhaps you desire your oils diffused pure without using water. Several attractive designs to do just that exist with our Therapro and Essential Oil nebulizers How do they work? Through the Venturi effect where droplets are placed into the air individually in an invisible mist. .The cold air method keeps pure oils in your atmosphere for hours to insure you receive ALL their therapeutic benefits. As participants breathe, these unseen oils enters the lungs where the body absorbs them. 12/20/2012 5:59 PM 4 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=17 Cold air diffusers offer superior therapeutic benefits, and a great way to experience the health benefits of essential oils. Dr Edward Close has found that diffusing Young Living Thieves essential oil using pure oil diffusers can reduce/eliminate most black mold spores, right into the drywall. Cold air diffusing also significantly reduces airborne bacteria, viruses and allergens. Travel Diffusers No need to walk away from healthy living if you are a traveler. Your Travel Fan Diffuser allows you to take health with you. Completely portable, it fills a thousand square foot room with any calming oil. The principle: cool air passes through a pad-like barrier before sending the oils into the air to reduce the particle size and make them easy to absorb. This diffuser is very quiet, and has amazing power for its size. Every household or workplace can benefit from diffusing essential oils to support the mental, physical, and emotional health of all who breathe in these amazing products. Any questions, feel free to contact me. Or forward this email to anyone in need. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 5:59 PM YL Scents 1 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=16 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Then you need an essential oil reference guide! Meet Connie Higley: She has a degree in Information Management, and is an avid student of Educational Kinesiology. Connie was fascinated at an early age on how to protect her family by using the therapeutic powers of 100% pure authentic essential oils and herbs. She spearheaded the creation of the "Reference Guide for Essential Oils". If you want proof essential oils work, how they work, and why, this is the book you need. What can you expect from this book? Here’s what one buyer said: “From start to finish it's a winner! I buy it by the dozens (no kidding). The spiral binding, the clear insightful information and the variety of charts. This book makes beginning your essential oils journey easy and enjoyable. The index makes finding things a breeze and the way you can access the oils individually or by symptom makes it simple to find what you need and then research it more deeply. I love it. My beginner's love it, and my advanced students revisit it all the time.” Stephanie B from North Fork, CA United States And that’s just one of many comments she received. What you’ll learn: You’ll discover like thousands have the power of natural oils to build and regain your health and vitality. Connie reveals the natural herbal secrets humankind used for thousands of years to rebalance emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. She delves into why only now science has begun to 12/20/2012 6:01 PM YL Scents 2 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=16 understand the power of these extracted oils to affect the body and mind. Inside you’ll find recent discoveries and references to over 300 published works. This book is essential, and assists you to herbs, essential oils, oil blends, and oil-inspired supplements for hundreds of wellness and health solutions. The reference guide for essential oils is a fantastic book both beginners and professionals practicing the art of living healthy naturally. How much does it cost? This book is inexpensive. You can begin with the Quick Reference guide for quick access to health solutions. Updated and enlarged, it gives rapid solutions to hundreds of health or wellness solutions, plus gives the latest scientific discoveries. The 592 page soft cover edition costs only slightly more. And includes a color-coded method to choose the right natural health solution at the right time, and includes an alphabetical guide to find specific health solutions quickly. For those looking for the sturdiest version, a hard cover edition exists as well! If you are looking for some more education than what I am providing you in these emails, these reference books are the place to start. If you are looking for some third party, medical validation, you need one of these books. Contact me directly if you would like to purchase a copy of one of these books. Want Quick Insight Now? Visit my website for details on all the products Young Living has to offer or contact me for more information! Let the education begin! If you are at all interested in natural health with pure authentic essential oils, then I highly recommend you grab yourself a copy of the reference guide for essential oils. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:01 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=22 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, I’ve shared with you why Young Living’s 100% pure authentic oils are keys to greater health and wellness. Let’s take a close look at Ningxia Red, our premiere antioxidant juice, with 7x more essential oils than in previous formulations! If you lived in the Ningxia district of China you expect astonishing health and a long life. Why? Because wolfberries would be a primary part of your diet, the basis of Ningxia products. Few knew about this isolated region. But when Gary Young heard about the berries in his world travels to find natural secrets of life, he visited the Chinese scientist Dr. Songqiao Chao. He was well educated on the Ningxia wolfberries, the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. By combining wolfberries with his pure essential oils, Gary brought wolfberries into western society. No other drink on the market can compare to NingXia Red. Here’s what some experts say: * Naturopath and Young Living distributor Nathan Forbes, Australia, says he strongly recommends it daily to stabilize moods and maintain high energy. In his view, you need to be healthy to be happy. And NingXia Red provides the first step. He provides it daily to himself, to his children, and recommends it to every patient who comes to see him with health issues – and they are many. 12/20/2012 6:02 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=22 * Mei-Ming Raicer, New Jersey, holds two Science degrees, two in Education, and works in Integrated Medicine. She learned about wolfberries as child from her mother in Indonesia, who said they were good for the heart, good for the eyesight. She sees the health benefits in her family who takes NingXia Red regularly, and recommends them to anyone needs health in their lives. She touts some of the key benefits to be: high mineral content, amino acids, and its availability as an ideal supportive tonic. She says it has personally given her an “abundance of health, and prosperity in (her) life” as a distributor and product user. * Personal fitness trainer and competitive triathelete Heather Butcher, Florida, is also a distributor. She stated competing at age 10, but found as she got older the injuries were more frequent; the healing took longer. After 6 months of taking NingXia Red she saw her body repair itself faster, had a breakthrough in her Ironman performance. She notes that most athletes wear out as they grow older. But she wants to compete in her 60s and 70s for physical activity is her passion. She feels NingXia Red will allow her to compete at a high level for a very long time. 12/20/2012 6:02 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=22 Each of these Young Living distributors, like others, believes and knows Ningxia Red keeps them on the path to an amazing and a longer life. And distributors enjoy an excellent compensation plan, discounted product prices, a point rewards program leading to even greater discounts, and sharing their health with like-minded individuals. And the benefits of these amazing berries – there are more on the site -- are available in four types: * Dried Wolfberries – packed with antioxidants and the health benefits above. These tart tasty berries can be taken as is, used as a trail mix, or used in any recipe where you would normally use a raisin or craisin! * Single 2 oz. packets – are a convenient, portable way to insure you continue your health benefits while travelling, or in your busy "on the go" life. * 750 ml. Bottles – come in packages of 2, 4, 6 and 8 for an invigorating health energy beverage on a constant basis. * Combo packs containing both bottle and singles for additional savings! Whether you are a consumer needing more energy, health or desire long life, or a distributor who wants to share health, take a look at my website to learn more about NingXia Red and what it can do for you. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:02 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=24 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, I told you the story of the Thieves oil blend in an earlier email: created by European thieves during the great plague to protect them while they stole from the plague victims. Now we’ll tell you the GOOD PART! When the thieves were finally caught and the judge was ready to sentence them, he cut a deal instead. "Tell us how you could rob the dead and dying without catching the plague and I’ll grant leniency", he said. Sounds good to me: your head or your secret! Turns out they were all spice traders and perfume dealers, and rubbed themselves with a mixture of aromatic herbs: cinnamon and cloves above all. Take a jump now from the 14th century to 1997. Young Living runs tests on the mixture which had actually been known since the12th century, added rosemary, and found it worked. It killed over 90% of all air-borne germs and bacteria. Studies performed in 1997 at Weber State University confirmed they were right. So the World’s leader, largest producer and biggest distributor of 100% pure therapeutic oils – Young Living -- went to work again. Guess they wanted to get the other 10% of airborne bacteria hanging around, and got them (99.6% to be exact). Wanting to have this powerful oil blend in a variety of products Young Living created the “Thieves Essential Oil” collection. 12/20/2012 6:03 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=24 Now I won’t use up your time by listing ALL the Thieves product lines Young Living created to protect you, your family, friends, and customers. It’s all on my website. But I will list the product lines below and what’s in them: * “A Thieves Essential Oil Kit”-- that not only kills the microbes, but boosts your immune system. You can now ingest a drop of this oil with goat’s or rice milk, or water, and kill those little germs running around inside you! Use Thieves in a diffuser to purify your home or office and rid the space of airborne allergens as well as microbes. A few drops in the dishwasher and you will have the cleanest dishes in the neighborhood. * An Oral Care Line – and yes, it’s different than anything else on the market. Not only does it clean and whiten, it’s made of 100% natural ingredients once again and covers everything from toothpaste, to dental floss, to mouthwash, to lozenges. Regular users of the Thieves oral care line report less visits needed to the dentist for regular cleaning! With the money that alone saves you, you will definitely be smiling! * Thieves Hand Care -- came next. This product line covers bar soaps, foaming soaps, waterless hand purifiers in different sizes, configurations, to meet every need. Like all the Thieves products, full disclosure of all the ingredients is on my site. You will be happy to know these products contain no synthetics, no bleaches, no stretchers that can damage your skin and trigger allergies. * Household Cleaners – With the same germ-killing effectiveness (99.6%) they offer pure health-enhancing products ranging from wipes to polish anything that harbors unwanted microorganisms; to cleaners and sprays deadly to germs but friendly to humans. This is good for you and me: I'm glad to hear someone is not polluting our space for a change. These are 100% natural and every ingredient has received the Green seal of approval. In today’s world we might have beat the plague, but isn’t it time we target the pollutants society's left around, missed or created? The “Thieves Kit” can do this for you, your family, those you care about. The “Thieves” line is already one of Young Living’s big sellers. If it wasn’t, it certainly should be. Again, send this email to anyone who wants to live germ and pollution free. They too might want to see the website and join the crusade against microbes that damage their health. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% 12/20/2012 6:03 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=24 Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:03 PM 1 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=14 YL Scents Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, By now, you have gained deep insight into the health, therapeutic, and mental benefits Young Living’s 100% pure authentic oils hold for you. Perhaps you simply want to be a customer and experience the benefits of our products for yourself. That’s fine! The World Leader in Essential Oils welcomes you. Simply click "Become a Member" to take you, your family, and those you care about to greater health – or even regain health! Why wait? A new world is waiting for you. You might even want to send us an email like this later: "I have used oils and supplements for my three children for the past 8 years, and I have only had to take one child to the doctor." —Jennifer Goulet, Young Living Gold Distributor 12/20/2012 6:04 PM 2 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=14 "Alternative medicine is not a last option — it is a first option." —Ben and Carol Howden, Young Living Platinum Distributors Or perhaps you are an entrepreneur? You may want to consider becoming an Independent Distributor to share your Young Living discovery with all you care for – and many, many more as your network grows. There are benefits, starting with a 24% discount on all personal products you order. The savings are just the tip of the iceberg. As an Independent Distributor, you have the option to share Young Living with others you care about, and generate an income. Who knows, you might be on the cusp of a new career! Let Young Living work for you! You work for yourself and with us! I will work with you to create a community where physical, emotional, and spiritual health needs are filled. My objectives for you are to help you: Prosperity: receive independent financial peace of mind and freedom. Knowledge: learn and experience first-hand the many benefits pure authentic essential oils. Empowerment: reach out and help others build health, confidence and personal growth. Recognition: acknowledgement for your successes may come in many forms, whether it is a stunning tour of our lavender farms, a Mediterranean cruise, or a Caribbean getaway, there are many perks to sharing the benefits of Young Living abundantly. 12/20/2012 6:04 PM 3 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=14 "I was so happy when I found Young Living's essential oils, because they work.My clients know they can count on me, and I know that I can count on Young Living products” —Carol Pliska, Young Living Gold Distributor "At first, I was 100% resistant to hearing about [Young Living's essential oils] or trying them as I had been using about 15 other brands of oils for 14 years in my bodywork practice. I had never seen even one result with these other brands, so I was not interested in buying any more. Months later, I went to a friend for a healing session and all it took was two drops of the Joy blend that resulted in the biggest undeniable emotional shift, within minutes, that I had ever experienced." —Julie Chertow, Young Living Gold Distributor To become a member, click here now Whatever your decision, welcome to the Young Living family. If you ever have any questions, contact me at any time. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% 12/20/2012 6:04 PM 4 of 4 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=14 Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:04 PM 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=15 YL Scents Advantages of the Essential Rewards Program! Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Young Living welcomes customers who want greater health for their families and those dear to them. Have you consider becoming an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils? The rewards are huge; the benefits many. When you network with others, you help them improve their mental, physical and spiritual health, saves you money, and delivers discounts and bonuses. How? It’s all on my website under Abundance. Go one step further and enroll in the Essential Rewards program to save even more and earn points towards free product. Reduce the cost of window shopping at chain stores by knowing exactly what you want and what you are buying. Here are some of the main benefits of Essential Rewards: Reduce Your Costs Essential Rewards members receive discounted pricing on popular exclusive product 12/20/2012 6:05 PM 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=15 packages such as: Slique™ - which supports releasing excess weight in a healthy, nutritionally sound way. NingXia Red® - a powerful whole-body nutrient that for centuries has benefited those who have consumed these legendary fruits with longevity, enhanced vision, strengthened the heart, liver and more. Thieves® - Our most popular product line, benefiting your household wellness, improved immune systems, oral health and much more. …Just to name a few! Reduce Your Shipping Invest money each month, and save money as the result of… Guaranteed shipments monthly of your personal Young Living products. Shipping rates reduce to $6.98 U.S/$9.75 CAN. on your first 5 pounds of product, and only $0.63/$0.70 per pound after per shipment within the Continental U.S/Canada. Air and offshore rates are shown on my website under Essential Rewards. Earn Free Products and Qualify for Bonuses Earn points for every order placed and get free product. Take advantage of monthly promotions, discounted and free products. Qualify for exclusive bonuses like the Team Performance Bonus, Matching Bonus, Star Performance, and more. Reduce your taxes. (Check with your accountant for the many tax savings you are eligible for). Full list of benfits is available on my website! And all this is just a start of what you gain as an Independent Distributor! You can build your own business, find financial freedom, or earn income full or part time. Young Living welcomes customers who want to help their families and those they care for to better health. It pays to become a distributor who wants to help others as well. Congratulations on being one of the few who truly care enough about people to share with them an option for better health. Sometimes people want some hands on practice with the products and experience the benefits themselves before they share their benefits with other people. Either way becoming a distributor guarantees you the wholesale price on your products. The Essential Rewards program guarantees you the lowest pricing and maximum 12/20/2012 6:05 PM 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=15 benefits. Both are what Young Living is all about: helping people live healthier, happier, the natural way. Don't make a choice yet. Click Essential Rewards Ordering Program and read about the benefits, then make your choice. If you have ANY questions, contact me, I am here for you. Send me an email, I appreciate your feedback. Please forward this with the person who you are thinking of right now. There is no time like the present to positively change someone's life. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:05 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=23 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, My last email introduced you to NingXia Red, China’s key to vastly improved health. Close behind it among distributor sales is Young Living’s Slique™ Kit, which will help support you to safely reach your desired weight. In this weight obsessed society and with obesity growing into a major medical problem, the Slique™ Kit attacks two of the main detriments to successful weight control: achieving adequate nutrition and dieting sensibly. This email outlines how Slique insures that you safely obtain these two objectives. Get these two under control, and the third element – exercise—often falls into place. Here’s how the Slique Kit works: The sense of smell and taste play an important part in weight control. * Slique Tea – the pleasing aromas of this special blend of Young Living’s tea satisfy the sense of smell to win the first stage of the battle, while it provides nutrients to deliver energy and maintain normal body functions. 12/20/2012 6:06 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=23 * Slique Essence “Essential Oil Blend” – is another exclusive Young Living esential oil blend of spearment, ocotea, and a variety of citrus essential oils. Citrus Oils include grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, with the addition of ocotea. This combination supports blood sugar balance, and to help suppress olfactory receptors to reduce the desire for food. Stevia is a natural sweetener with no calories, making this a perfect beverage enhancer. * Balance Complete— is a fiber meal replacement that also acts as a powerful energizer and cleanser. High in fibre, high in protein, it contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals needed for a healthy meal. This special formula also absorbs toxins. (present in regular Slique kit) * Slique Slim Caps— Slique™ Slim Caps combine essential oils, dietary fibers, and other key ingredients into a weight-management supplement that may induce feelings of satiation, increase metabolic activity, and decrease excessive eating and over indulgence (present in regular Slique kit) * Slique Gum - Ancient travelers throughout the Middle East used raw frankincense resin for its nutritional content and ability to help control hunger. Slique™ Gum offers those same benefits in a modern delivery system that helps control food cravings and improve oral health. * Power Meal -- is a delicious brown rice-based meal replacement rich in calcium, antioxidants and amino acids that provides you with 20 grams of high quality protein and more (present in Vegetarian Slique Kit) * Detoxzyme† -- is a vegetarian mixture that aids digestive function using essential oils like fennel and cumin. It also cleanses the body and helps remove toxins (present in Vegetarian Slique Kit) The dietary power of the Slique system knows no ends. The citrus oils, when properly extracted - as Young Living’s “Seed to Seal” process allows, reportedly aids in eliminating cellulite from the body! Other benefits of properly extracted citrus oils are to assist the action of kidneys, reduce retention of water, and balance emotions. Emotional balance is critical when battling any addictions or cravings including food additions. Other natural ingredients in the Slique kits help regulate blood sugar for customers plagued with diabetic complaints. Although it appears the Slique system if only for those who are overweight, this is not the case. Those interested in maintaining healthy weight and eliminating stored toxins can also benefit tremendously from this system. If obesity is you or your family’s problem, or you simply want to keep their weight within the healthy range, use the Slique Kit as a start to your solution. The Slique system is also available as a Start Living kit, which can establish your distributor/wholesale account, so you can enjoy the Slique benefits at a discounted price. Find a few friends who would like to attain their healthy weight with you, and you can finance some of your own products through introducing them to something that is as good for them, as it is for 12/20/2012 6:06 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=23 you! Know someone with a weight problem or interested in clearing stored toxins? They will appreciate you forwarding this email and the opportunity to read my website. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:06 PM YL Scents 1 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=19 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Among our members, the Raindrop Technique is one of the most popular items. Raindrop supports physical, mental and emotional balance, plus assists in harmony of the body and mind. Raindrop technique involves the aromotherapy benefits of the essential oils combined with a light technique called VitaFlex (similar to reflexology), on the feet, and gentle massage or feathering techniques along the spine. A DVD and brochure included with the Raindrop collection provide instructions on how to perform a Raindrop technique on those you care about. Young Living’s founder Gary Young created this revolutionary technique, inspired by his encounters with the Lakota Indians. The oils have powerful health enhancing effecting including boosting the immune system. The term "Raindrop" comes from the fact that the oils are dripped along the spine "like gentle raindrops". The oils as then lightly massaged into the skin. These oils have an immediate local effect and also migrate through the body for deep long lasting benefits. Oils Included in the Raindrop Technique Valor: Balances energies to instill courage, confidence, and self- esteem. Nicknamed "chiropractor in a bottle" for its beneficial effects on the spine and nervous system. 12/20/2012 6:07 PM YL Scents 2 of 2 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=19 Oregano: antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. A powerful immune boosting essential oil that is effective against over 90 different bacteria, including many drug resistant varieties. Thyme: antimicrobial, inhibits growth of infectious microorganisms. Together with Oregano provides a powerhouse of immune boosting properties. Basil: antispasmodic properties that relax muscles, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. Cypress: improves circulation, helps heal damaged tissues, relieves spasms and swelling. Wintergreen: anti-inflammatory and aids pain relief. Helps relieve pain, including muscle and joint pain. Marjoram: antispasmodic and muscle relaxing. Peppermint: enhances all the other oils, pain relieving, antimicrobial, stimulates circulation, ideal for those who need an assist with breathing challenges, aids digestion, and scientific studies found it heightens mental awareness and improves accuracy of thought and recall. Aroma Siez: antispasmodic and relaxes sore, tense, and inflamed muscles. Proof of Results Documented case histories also reveal the Raindrop Technique can eliminate unwanted viruses housed beside the spine, and relieve inflamed sections alongside this key structure of the body. To hear what raindrop has done for people just like you, search “Raindrop” on www.oil-testimonials.com and hear directly from other people, the benefits they have experienced with Raindrop. The Raindrop Technique kit is one of Young Living’s most sought after solutions. Now you know why! If you would like to experience the benefits of Raindrop, contact me today, I’d be happy to assist you! %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:07 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=12 Dear %%SUBSCRIBER_NAME%%, Few people realize how large Young Living Essential has grown from its humble beginnings years ago. But customers and distributors alike are now guaranteed an endless supply of nature's 100% pure authentic oils. You can ease physical and mental ills for a lifetime. To give you some insight into Gary Young's reality, I have listed just part of his enormous health-giving farm system below. No matter how many condos, roads, and expansions humankind builds in its mad race to plaster concrete over plants offering life-giving oils, Young Living's farms will be here. This is why Young Living will remain the World's Leader in Essential Oils. There is agrowing need for nature 's medicine, and a stronger need for Young Living to provide that stable global farm expansion. Salalah, Oman - 2010 marks Young Living's acquiring farm acreage in this exotic locale. Now, for the first time in centuries, the rare Boswellia sacra is being distilled in Oman. And Young Living is the first and only company in the world permitted to export it to the Western World. Gary's reputation opened the door, building a strong relationship for years with the Omani government before it was opened. Guayaquil, Ecuador - Since 2005, Young Living has usedits state of the art "Seed to Seal" process (More on this later) to harvest and distill 100% pure authentic oils from ylang ylang, dorado azul, zaragosa, lemongrass, rosa morta, eucalyptus blue, oregano, basil, and more health-giving plants. This is the largest distillery in South America. It's complex! And Young Living owns it! From the time a seed is gently placed in the ripe soil, until the plant harvested, every step is strictly monitored to insure Young Living's oils are the purest, most potent 12/20/2012 6:08 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=12 on this planet. Each seed or plant is authenticated as pure by trained Young Living experts. Third party audits take place. Special steam pressure distillation ensures oil in every bottle is 100% pure authemtic oil before receiving the Young Living seal of purity. And that is just a taste of the complex steps to guarantee each bottle’s sealed health-giving purity. Watch our short, informative video on our seed to seal process More About Our Farms Simiane-la-Rotonde, France - Young Living is the nation's only American-owned farm producing 100% pure health oils from lavender, lavandin, rosemary, and clary sage. Highland Flats Tree Farm, Idaho -Young Living's home to produce pure oils from balsam fir, western red cedar, and pine trees since 2000. Anyone who joins the Young Living family has the opportunity to participate in the annual winter harvest in Idaho. Is winter too harsh for you? Join the annual spring reforestation project to replace the harvested trees. Whispering Springs Farm, Utah - Young Living owns the largest, privately owned 100% pure oil distillery in the world here. Here, research is done constantly. Plants are harvested for world-wide distribution on its 1,600 acres. St. Maries, Idaho - Before Gary purchased this 200 acres of pristine acreage in 1992 he made sure it had never known chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers or any contaminants. This marks the qualities of any Young Living farm purchased. The untouched soil and ideal climate make it perfect for harvesting pure oils from lavender, melissa, and tansy. And that's just a small bit of the growing global farm system. As stated previously, Young Living's mission is: "To bring Young Living essential oils to every home in the world." You can feel the heart of this company and its founder in these farms, and get a clearer picture on why we are the world leader in Essential Oils. Make your decision to contact me now or visit my website What if you could regain, improve, strengthen your mental and physical health? Essential Oils and Young Living products might be your solution. At the very least, please forward these emails to someone you care about who has a greater health need than you. They may need this information and never get it from anyone else. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% 12/20/2012 6:08 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=12 Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:08 PM YL Scents 1 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=18 Yoga is an ancient Eastern philosophy that instills peace to many in the Western world. Ask anyone who practices Yoga and they will tell you that mentally they experience relaxation, peace, and clarity of mind. Physically they experience improved flexibility, strength, and vastly improved health. Spiritually it raised some to higher levels of consciousness, awareness, even euphoria. Do you seek any of these benefits? It’s not by accident the ancients inhaled the aroma of pure oils while practicing Yoga or any exercise designed to give health and peace. Today, aromatherapy and Yoga enthusiasts worldwide appreciate the health benefits of enhancing their Yoga practice with Young Living Essential Oils. Â Our Frankincense Resin Burner For thousands of years the ancients knew the spiritual and mending capabilities of exotic Frankincense resin. Vapors from this burning essence are reported to enhance meditation, relieve stress and tension, and uplift the being spiritually. Even in the biblical tales, the three kings brought frankincense, incense and myrrh as gifts. The specially designed Frankincense resin burner lets the aromas transport you to levels the ancients sought. The list of pure authentic oils that can be used to enhance your Yoga practice is long. Here are a few blends that are a fantastic starting point: Angelica Essential Oils Among the ancient Germanic peoples, it was called the “oil of angels.” It is said to restore happy times from times past, reduce anxiety, and induce peace-filled sleep. Abundance Essential Oil This blend is said to enhance the harmonious energy field that surrounds everyone. This formula was 12/20/2012 6:09 PM YL Scents 2 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=18 blended to attract abundance, wealth and numerous other positive possibilities. Aroma Life Essential Oil This oil is known for its ability to balance the “yin and yang”, and energize the life force waiting to blossom in us all. It is applied over the heart, the seat of energy. Clarity Essential Oil Clarity contains ingredients well known to create a clearer mind and increase mental alertness. At the University of Cincinnati, Dr. William Dember’s study revealed only one of its ingredients – peppermint – increased students’ mental alertness by more than 25%. This oil is also used to regain alertness if you feel fatigued. Practical Applications Essential oils can be inhaled or applied topically to certain areas of the body to increase energy, relaxation or focus, decrease stress, or deepen meditation. Below is a basic guide of how to use oils during your yoga practice. Before Practice * Purify: Diffusing oils like lemon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, Citrus Fresh™ essential oil, Thieves® essential oil or Purification® essential oil before or in between Yoga class will purify the air while bringing a refreshing, uplifting energy to the space. * Cleanse: For cleaning the studio floor, use Thieves Household Cleaner. This non-toxic product is safe for hardwood floors and can also be used for cleaning Yoga mats and bathroom surfaces. During Practice * Meditation (dhyana): Diffuse or directly inhale oils such as lavender essential oil, Peace & Calming® essential oil, or frankincense essential oil for a deepened, more relaxed experience. * Breathing (pranayama): The pure aroma of essential oils such as frankincense essential oil, peppermint essential oil, and Raven™ essential oil assist in opening pathways to a more emotional state of mind via the pineal gland. Directly inhaling peppermint can bring more oxygen to the brain. * Exercise (asana): Topical application of oils such as Deep Relief™ essential oil roll-on, Pan Away™ essential oil, or peppermint essential oil may help alleviate muscle soreness and tension. Peppermint can also increase focus and mental clarity, and when added to a cool glass of water, can help sooth minor stomach discomfort. Lavender essential oil can also be used to decrease post-practice muscle irritation. Young Living and Yoga Journal Young living has a strong relationship with Yoga Journal, and was a proud sponsor of the 2010 Yoga Journal conferences. Young Living Essential Oils partnered with Yoga Journal for the 2009 Yoga Journal Conferences in San Francisco, New York, and Colorado where the two organizations partnered to teach the Yoga Journal community how essential oils and aromatherapy can enhance the lives, practices, and wellness experiences of any yogi. Young Living’s Thieves® essential oil blend was featured in the August 2011 issue of Yoga Journal magazine. The piece, found on page 36, features a round-up of recommended products to soothe and comfort travelers. Thieves was highlighted for its aromatherapy and purification benefits. I look forward to hearing about your experiences on using Young Living Essential Oils to enhance your Yoga practice If you have any questions, contact me, and I will strive to answer them the best I can. %%MY_FIRST_NAME%% %%MY_LAST_NAME%% Phone: %%MY_PHONE%% Email: %%MY_EMAIL%% Our Proviso: The information in this series of emails is to educate and inform only. At no time does it recommend replacing traditional medical treatment or prescriptions for any health disorder. The decision 12/20/2012 6:09 PM YL Scents 3 of 3 http://www.ylscents.com/PreviewEmail.php?eid=18 is up to the wisdom of the recipient. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you do not wish to receive further emails from Us Unsubscribe Here YL$cents Copyright © 2012 | Visit our Website | Forward to a Friend 12/20/2012 6:09 PM
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