COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Athanasius Bulletin # 511245 Date of Publication August 19, 2007 Marie Skroly, (718) 236-0124 Extension 10 John Fruner, (718) 236-0124 Extension 44 Please remove Deacon Frank’s name from the bulletin cover. He died this week. Also, under SUNDAY MASSES: please remove Korean Mass: 4:00p.m. (Lower Church) Thanks! Page Two ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH Rev. Msgr. David L. Cassato, Pastor Rev. Ron D’Antonio, Parochial Vicar Rev. Gabriel Toro, Parochial Vicar Rev. Dr. Gerald Emem Umoren, Parochial Vicar Rev. Deacon Dante Colandrea Mrs. Marie Skroly, Pastoral Administration Mr. Steven LaPlante, Music Ministry Mr. Joseph Barbieri, Lay Pastoral Leader Mrs. Carmela Colandrea, Lay Pastoral Leader Ms. Joanne Bruccoleri, Lay Pastoral Leader Mr. John Fruner, Pastoral Associate & Social Worker Ms. Linda Hicks, Mental Health Counseling Intern Ext. 11 Ext. 13 Ext. 14 Ext. 17 Ext. 19 Ext. 10 Ext. 25 Ext. 44 Ext. 44 Ext. 44 Ext. 44 Ext. 44 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK th SUNDAY, August 19, 2007 20 Sunday Ordinary Time 8:30 Elia Navarrete Maya 10:00 Lena Mercurio & Joseph & Liliian DeLuca 10:00 Spanish Mass (Lower Church) 11:30 Purgatorial Society 11:30 Italian Mass (Lower Church) Riccardo Battista 3:00 Wedding Mass (Spanish) Virgilio de la Cruz & Diana de la Cruz 6:00 Rose Marie Brandon MONDAY, August 20, 2007 9:00 Peter Giannettino UTUESDAY, August 21, 2007 9:00 Petronilla & Domenico Vitulli UWEDNESDAY, August 22, 2007 9:00 Anthony & Dave D’Amico Madeline & Thomas Greco THURSDAY, August 23, 2007 9:00 Giuseppe, Filomena & Loretta Marinelli Vito Roca FRIDAY, August 24, 2007 9:00 Vito & Petronilla Innamorato Antonio Clemente USATURDAY, August 25, 2007 9:00 Frank Bruno & Richard DeVita 10:30 Memorial Mass- Peter Quartulli 2:00 Wedding Mass – Scali & Mineo 5:30 Joseph Schicchi st SUNDAY, August 26, 2007 21 Sunday Ordinary Time 8:30 Elia Navarrete Maya 10:00 Joseph Sacchi 10:00 Spanish Mass (Lower Church) 11:30 Purgatorial Society 11:30 Italian Mass (Lower Church) Gaetano & Amelia Pisano 2:00 Wedding Mass – Gambino & Davi 6:00 Vincenzo Ferrotta August 19, 2007 PASTORAL CARE Please don’t forget to inform us if you are going to be hospitalized so one of our priests can visit. Provide us with your name, hospital, room number, phone number and, when possible, how long you will be hospitalized. If you are unable to attend Mass, due to poor health, illness or advanced age, please call so a Eucharistic Minister can bring Communion to you. Anointing of the Sick may be requested because of scheduled surgery or treatment for a life-threatening illness. Call us prior to your surgery or treatment. Anointing of the Sick at Mass may be celebrated before you go into the hospital. Directly inform one of our priests or leave this information on Ext. 44 WHEN WE FIND OURSELVES ARRIVING TO CHURCH ANGRY OR ANXIOUS, WHY NOT SAY THIS PRAYER TO PREPARE FOR WORSHIP? “Empty my mind Lord, that I may reflect upon your Word. Calm my spirit, that I may feel your presence. Open my heart, that I may receive You.” “Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and you will see what miracles are." - St. John Bosco MAKE A VISIT TO THE CHURCH AND PRAY IN THE PRESENCE OF JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Don't forget our Upper Church is open Monday-Friday from 6:30a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday & Sundays 7a.m. to 7p.m. OUR CALL TO CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP Loving God, we give in confidence, knowing the seeds we plant today will sprout and produce a harvest that will feed body, mind and soul and “as each has received a gift, we employ it for one another as good stewards of God’s grace.” (1 Peter 4:10) August 12, 2007 $7, 297 Last Year (2006) 7,004 Our weekly expenses reflects what is needed for salaries, insurances, utilities, bills as well as the costs of the many programs, ministries & services we offer here at St. A’s. SUNDAY COLLECTION ENVELOPES Every parishioner is encouraged to use the Sunday collection envelopes. We invite you & your family to register at the rectory by stopping in, up until 8p.m., for a “Welcome Packet.” HOSTS FOR THE WEEK- donated in loving memory of Raymond Michael Alessi requested by Mom & Dad, Ann & Ray. WINE FOR THE WEEK - donated in loving memory of Marie Harkness requested by Corrine Hayes. ALTAR CANDLES FOR THE WEEK. SANCTUARY LAMP One sanctuary lamp is donated in loving memory of Aldo Uttaro requested by BYA Ladies Auxilliary. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL BEEPERS, PAGERS & CELL PHONES UPON ENTERING CHURCH SO ALL CAN PRAY & WORSHIP. Additionally, we ask that you do not answer any calls during Mass. Kindly take advantage of your voice mail to capture a message that you will respond to after you leave the church building. Page Three ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. A’ s for the most generous donation of clothing made on Sunday August 5, 2007 to the Society of St. Vincent DePaul. This clothing as many of you know, will be utilized to maintain the dignity of the poor and needy in the diocese. August 19, 2007 In your kindness please pray for those who are sick Jerry Agrusa, Carol Andry, Vivian Antonelli, Guy Ateniese, Faith Arent, Kimberly Arent, ATTENTION WOMEN OF ST. A'S! Sisters in Faith, St. A’s new faithCatherine Arrighetta, sharing group for women, will have its first monthly meeting on Wednesday, Patricia Aurigemma, Antionette Benfante, September 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Nazareth Institute library. You’re invited to Carole Brooks, (John Fruner’s sister) join us as we explore the many ways we can connect our faith to our daily lives. Among John Bernard, Nicholas Bottiglieri, the themes we will cover are prayer, discovering God's mercy, forgiveness, hearing God in Ann Bricese, Vincent Calvoni, Scripture, dealing with temptation, finding purpose, and balancing work and family. The Judith Carminitte, Cynthia Carponetto, book we will use is Living As A Beloved Daughter Of God: A Faith-Sharing Guide For Ben Castellano, Patricia Civiletti, Catholic Women by Patricia Mitchell and Bill Bawden, ISBN: 1593250525, List Price: Bruce Dalton, Jennie DeGregoria, $9.95. You can order it from your favorite bookseller. This group is facilitated by Lay Celest DeLeonardas, Joan DeMeyer, Pastoral Leader Joanne Bruccoleri. Marie D’Atre, Josephine D’Auria, Celeste DeLeonardus, Joseph Delgardo, Joan Demeyer, Joe DePinto, DOES YOUR CHILD ATTEND A PUBLIC SCHOOL & YOU WANT YOUR Rachel DePinto, Amedeo DiLullo, CHILD TO GO TO ST. A’s FOR SEPTEMBER 2007 BUT JUST CAN’T Millie DiNardo, Barbara Doyle, AFFORD THE TUITION? Financial aid, from $500 to $2,100, is available determined Maria Esemplare, Olwell Ellis, by the family’s income from THE BISHOP’S SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM working with Carolyn Farbelkp, Frances Falzetta, The Children’s Scholarship Fund Futures in Education of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Helen Felcetto, Anthony Felicito, Each family will have to pay a portion of the tuition as well as any additional costs. Chalres W. Fontana, Leron Francis, (uniforms, book bills , technology fees, fundraising) Scholarship Forms are in the Beverly Gaynor, Joseph Genuso, rectory, printed in English & Spanish. THERE IS A LIMITED NUMBER OF Sal Giuffrida Matthew Guadagno, SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE & THEY ARE AVAILABLE ON A FIRST COME-FIRST Linda Guida, Dolores Horgan, SERVE-BASIS. Diana Ingravallo, John Jadazeewski, Carmen Jiménez, Stephen Kelleher, ITALIAN CHAPEL IN THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE IMMACULATE Arlene Lautermilch, Marie Liberti, CONCEPTION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. Plans are in the works to contruct a chapel Rosemarie Liberti, Richard Liberti, in honor of Our Lady of Pompei. To this point there is no chapel to honor the faith and John Liberti, Ellen Mary MacDougall, devotion of the Italians and Italian-Americans. We all have the opportunity to contribute to Ellen Mackey Fontana, Paul Marchese, this project and have loved ones remembered in the Shrine. Please call 718.326.1911 for Michael Matrascia Grace Martino, more information. Tom Martocci, Eleanor Marando, Christopher Marzullo, Paul Modica, REGISTRATION FOR OUR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM WILL TAKE th Lucia Montella, Josephine Morotta, PLACE BEGINNING MONDAY AUGUST 20 Presently the Religious Bridget Murphy, Julie Murray, Education Office is closed for Summer Vacation. We are preparing for our Grace Pecorella, Assunta Pellegrino, school year 2007-2008, and we need all present students and all NEW students to James Pelliccio, Sr., Joe. P, Pat Pennisi, register in our Religious Education Office, Monday to Thursday 10a.m. to 2p.m. If you Cathy Petrik, Steve Rinaldi, Polo Rios, need another time, please call the Religious Education Office at 718-331-8811 to Beatrice Rizzo, Hila Rodriguez, make other arrangements. A new registration form must be completed for ALL Eileen Ryan, Florence Fontana Sakeles, returning students as well as new students. TUITION IS $100. Anyone registering for Fortunato Salzano, Giuseppe Sasso, the first time must present a copy of a Baptismal Certificate. Donna Schiavoe, Josephine Schiavo, Dawn Scola, Carol Sidoti, John Susino, THE ROSARY SOCIETY IS SPONSORING A DAY RETREAT TO ST. Suzanne Taranto, Tabatha Tsihiis, ALFONSO RETREAT HOUSE Thursday September 6. We are leaving at 8a.m. Diane Twibell, Elaine Turcellino, and a light breakfast is included. Offering is $45. The day includes lunch as well. For David Vega, Stella Viscardi, reservations call Laura Taran at 718-256-9862 or Marie Ferlazzo 718-259-1218. All Catherine Vermericci, Angelina Vonelli, women are welcome. Corinne Wehrle, Ralph Zulferino BENSONHURST CLUSTER LAY FORMATION PROGRAM Application are now In your kindness please pray being accepted for the Bensonhurst Cluster Lay Formation Program from practicing for those who have died. Catholic women and men of the Bensonhurst Cluster Parishes, who are either in ministry Rosa Cuadrado or who are desiring to do ministry and serve in some form of leadership role in their parish. We send our prayers & condolences to For further information about the program and its requirements or to receive an application the deceased’s family. form in the mail, please speak to Sister Pat Conroy, R.S.M., the Cluster Liaison of the Program at 718.449.8263 ext. 19, or send an email to [email protected] . TO ADD A NAME, (or keep a name) Classes begin in the Fall. please call ext. 44 on Monday, spelling the name. If you wish the name to remain on the list you must call each week. PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR CHOICE OF SUMMER CLOTHES WHEN COMING TO MASS, especially since we have air conditioning here at St. A’s. The Lord is definitely more conncerned with the attitude of our hearts than with our clothing, however, what we wear conveys the value we place on celebrating the Eucharist. While we welcome all, some items of clothing are inappropriate for Prayer and Worship. As a courtesy to your fellow parishioners and to maintain a prayerful atmosphere during mass, kindly lower the kneelers as gently as possible, especially during Mass. Page Four ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH PASTORAL CARE & PASTORAL MINISTRY DO YOU NEED A MINISTER OF CARING? Is someone in your family ill, homebound, hospitalized or in a care facility (assisted living or nursing home)& wishes a visit or a phone call from a MINISTER OF CARING, please call Bensonhurst Cluster Lay Minister Palma Parmese at 718. 837.1752. DO YOU NEED HELP? Our Bensonhurst Cluster Outreach Office is located at Our Lady of Guadalupe Rectory. A referral telephone operator is now waiting for your call so (s)he can provide you contacts for professional social services. Please call 718-232-6268. FREE INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING AVAILABLE FROM Master’s in Mental Health Counseling Intern LINDA HICKS who is here on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10a.m. to 3p.m., Linda can be contacted to make appointments by calling 718.236.0124 Ext. 44 of the rectory. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY PRAYING THROUGH GRIEF & LOSS The Bensonhurst Cluster Parishes are committed to supporting people through times of grief and loss. “Praying through Grief and Loss” provides time and space to recognize the reality of grief, in a safe and nurturing environment. Through prayer, reading from the Psalms, quiet song, & shared discussion, we acknowledge our vulnerability before God and allow ourselves to be touched by grace. Come join Sr. Barbara Murtha, C.S.J., & Elaine Sarcona, for conversation, prayer, & fellowship on Mondays AUGUST 20 at 7:30p.m. to 9p.m. in the Library nd of the Nazareth Institute, corner of 62 Street & Bay Parkway in the Convent Basement. DIVORCED & SEPARATED SUPPORT GROUP Are you separated? Thinking about Divorce? In the midst of a Divorce? Already Divorced? Ending a long term relationship? OUR DIVORCED & SEPARATED SUPPORT GROUP resumes in SEPTEMBER. We are taking the Summer off! In September we will meet in the Nazareth Institute on Wednesday September19 from 7:309p.m. August 19, 2007 NEWS ABOUT OUR CAPITAL CAMPAIGN We have received $975,500 so far in contributions towards our Capital Campaign. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! DID YOU EVER RUN OUT OF FOOD & HAVE A HELPLESS FEELING KNOWING THAT IT WOULD BE 2 or 3 DAYS BEFORE YOU WERE PAID TO BUY MORE? Many of our parishioners respond “yes,” even here in Bensonhurst! The St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Pantry assist those who say “yes.” We need food- any kind of non-perishable food. Please leave food at the St. Joseph Altar each time you come to mass each Sunday. We have been turning people away because the demand is greater than what we have! REACHING-OUT COMMUNITY SERVICES 2334 BATH AVENUE BKLYN, NY. 11214 718-373-4565 WWW.REACHINOUT.ORG FOOD PANTRY HELPING FAMILIES IN NEED WITH GROCERIES FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY: LOW INCOME, ELDERLY, DISABLED, UNEMPLOYED, ETC. PANTRY HOURS: MONDAY 1 PM – 5 PM TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 10 AM – 3 PM FRIDAY (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY) Thomas Neve, its Director, is a St. A’s Parishioner! CANCER SURVIVOR SUPPORT GROUP Every other Wednesday at 7p.m. at Physique Fitness Club for Women 7005 13th Avenue 718-837-3711 AS WE ENJOY OUR SUMMER REST & VACATIONS, we ST. ATHANASIUS SCHOOL pray for all of those traveling our highways and skyways. St. Athanasius School will reopen on th Wednesday September 5 for th Grades Kindergarten through 8 . Arrival time for students in grades 18 is 8:15a.m. Kindergarten arrival time will be 9a.m. Please check you school calendar for OPEN HOUSE dates for Pre-K and Nursey. All families whose financial obligations are up to date will receive a summer letter, summer calendar, and their child’s/children’s admission cards in the mail before school begins. If you have any questions, the school office will th reopen MONDAY AUGUST 27 at 9a.m.- 12p.m., however, the office will be closed Friday August 31, 2007. Parents, please remember to have your child/children have his/her admission card on the first day of school. These are used to take opening day attendance and no child will be admitted to class without a card. We pray for health and safekeeping, so we may enjoy restful times with families and friends. We pray that we remain mindful of our calling as Christians, and use every opportunity we have to reach out and be Jesus to someone. THIS YEAR, MORE THAN 240,000 WOMEN IN THE U.S. WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER. Nearly 41,000 will die of the disease. yet, there are over 2 million breast cancer survivors in America today. In order to survive this disease, they need access to medical care, screenings, education and treatment…and ultimately, a cure. please join the American Cancer Society in our making strides against breast cancer walk on Sunday, October 21st at Prospect Park. To learn more or to organize a team of family and or friends, please call Marlyn Bristol at 718-237-7851 ext.9136 for more information. Page Five ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH August 19, 2007 U FAITH SHARING QUESTION OF THE WEEK We encourage you to talk about the readings & reflection question in the car on the way home from Mass, at dinner on Sunday, or at parish meetings. Faith sharing opens the door for us to meet, know & walk with Christ in our everyday lives. OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN IS POSTED ONLINE. You can find a link to the site on our parish website ( The bulletins are in Adobe Acrobat format. The exact address of the page is g.asp?p=5&ID=10819. What can Jesus mean by his statement that he will bring division instead of peace? Have you ever experienced the kind of division he talks about? OUR BENSONHURST CLUSTER YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE THURSDAY MORNING SCRIPTURE REFLECTION & FAITH SHARING GROUP meets every Thurs day, after the 9a.m. Mass, in the Nazareth Institute to discuss the upcoming Sunday's Scriptures. Join Lay Pastoral Leader Joe Barbieri for spirited discussions on next Sunday’s Bible readings. WAYS TO REMEMBER THOSE WHO DIED The Tree of Life is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it is a link between heaven & earth as we remember our loved ones. WHY NOT CONSIDER DONATING A LEAF OR STONE ON OUR ST. ANTHONY-ST. JOSEPH TREE OF LIFE? A gold leaf is available for a donation of $1,800, a copper leaf for $1,000 and small stones for $10,000. All memorials can be paid on an installment plan. Please come in to the rectory and speak to Marie Skroly or Msgr. Cassato to reserve your Tree of Life memorial. SUNDAY BULLETIN & DEADLINES The Sunday Bulletin must be e-mailed to our printer by 5p.m. Monday. All announcements must be submitted in WRITTEN form only (handwritten, typed, computer, fax, e-mailed, etc) by 12 noon Monday. Announcements received after the deadline will be published the following week. No one on the parish staff will assume the responsibility for your ministry’s articles. Include your bulletin articles in your advance planning for your event. ALL FLIERS NEED TO BE APPROVED BY A STAFF MEMBER, and MUST BE SUBMITTED ON DISC or Emailed ONLY. They can be e-mailed to [email protected] Faxed copies & hard copies are not accepted. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS WHO WILL BE APPLYING TO CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS THIS FALL In order to apply to the 20 Catholic High schools in Brooklyn and Queens, students in the 8th grade must take the 2007 TACHS Exam. The TACHS (Test for Admission into Catholic High School) will be given on Saturday, November 10, 2007 at all 20 Catholic High Schools in Brooklyn and Queens. For more information (including registration), visit or call 1-86661TACHS. has a website. Visit To contact The Bensonhurst Cluster Youth Ministry Office email [email protected]. By phone call 718-2594636. In person visit The Libutti Center at 2001 Bay Ridge Pkwy, next to St. Dominic’s Rectory. YOUTH GROUP AND MASS- NOTE CHANGE UNTIL THE FALL: The Sunday afternoon Youth Group that meets at St. Athanasuis will no longer meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays for the rest of the summer, and the 6pm mass will not be a youth mass until the Fall. In the fall look for us to resume our youth group and youth mass. If any young person or adult are interested in becoming part of a Liturgical Committee that will help to plan and organize the future youth masses, please call the rectory or email Kenny. YOUTH SERVICE PROJECT The Office of Youth Ministry is looking for young people 12 and older, who are willing to help serve the elderly and handicapped in our community for a day. Please email Kenny at [email protected] or call 718-490-4469, to find out more details and to get on a contact list. These dates may begin soon, if we get enough people. CAN WE HELP YOU? Do you know of any elderly or handicapped people in our parish that need a helping hand? Then email the Office of Youth Ministry or Call the above number. We would like to know who the youth of our community can serve, to do general housekeeping, yard work, small repairs, shopping and much more. We plan to have service out reach days over the rest of the summer and year round, where small teams of youth with an adult leader will visit these individuals to assist them with tasks in their household. Please call us, if it is for you, a relative, or a neighbor! PARENTING CLASS Parenting through Endurance with Social Worker Renee Royal will meet on Mondays from 7:30-9p.m. in the Rectory Conference Room. For more information, call Renee Royal at 917-558-7642. Page Six ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH August 19, 2007 Attention the St. Athanasius Class of 1975 ITALIAN APOSTOLATE & PROCESSION The St. A's class of 1975 is planning a reunion this fall. Mass in Honor of St. Padre Pio of Poetrelcina If you are a graduate of the class of 1975 or know of On September 30, 2007 the Italian Apostolate will once someone who graduated that year and would like more again honor Padre Pio and celebrate Italina culture with information please contact Robert Braccia at a procession and Mass celebrated by Bishop Caggiano. [email protected] The procession begins at 3p.m. at St. Margaret Church We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community. —Dorothy Day ARE YOU 18 YEARS OR OLDER? INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? WANT TO RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION or CONFIRMATION? If you are not baptized, baptized in another Christian Church, or baptized Catholic but have not received First Communion or Confirmation, you are invited to participate in The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) where new members are welcomed into the Christian community of St. A’s. If you believe that there is a unique way of living the Christian life in the Catholic tradition, which embraces all people and all cultures, we invite you to explore our Catholic tradition and discover if it is right for you. Classes begin in early September. You attend the 11:30a.m. Mass and class takes place after Mass until about 2:30p.m. each Sunday. To register, please call Fr. Ron D'Antonio on extension 13 of the rectory. You could find yourself on the journey of a lifetime! Boy Scouts meeting resumes on Wednesday Sept. 5, 2007 at 7p.m. in the Parish Hall. WAYS TO GET MORE OUT OF THE MASS: Your guide to a richer experience # 11 Make a great entrance. If you find yourself arriving at Mass anxious or angry for any reason, take a moment before getting out of the car or entering the building to acknowledge your feelings, take a deep breath, and center yourself. You might say a short prayer like, “Empty my mind, that I may reflect upon your Word. Calm my spirit, that I may feel your presence. Open my heart, that I may receive You.” AN INVITATION FROM THE ITALIAN APOSTOLATE OF ST. MARY MOTHER OF JESUS St. Mary’s Italian Apostolate invites you to: th Sunday October 14 - The Feast of St. Gerard at St. lucy’s Church in Newark, N.J. Bus departs at 9a.m. tickets are $30. Join us for a processions and outdoor Italian Festa. th Saturday November 24 - Trip to Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets in Central Valley, N.Y. The bus departs at 9a.m. Tickets are $39. Join us for a fun filled day of shopping just in time for the holidays. For Information call Cynthia Bellantuono at 718.372.400 or email her at [email protected] in Middle Village and ends at Our Lady of Hope Church. Please join us for this important event. Additionally, there is a raffle in which you can win $5,000. Please call 718.326.1911. A bus will leave St. Athanasius in order to make it possible for you to attend the day. WATCH THE BULLETIN FOR MORE INFORMATION. PROCESSION e MESSA IN ONORE DI S. PIO. Alle 3 del pomerriggio cominiciando dalla chiesa di S. Margaret in Middle Village. Processiamo alla chiesa di Our Lady of Hope dove il vescovo Caggiano celebrerà la S. Messa. “Raffle” con l’opportunità di vincere $5,000! Contattare 718.326.1911 per biglietti. THE ANNUAL DINNER DANCE FOR ADULTS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES from Torre Residence. The Dinner Dance Committee is thankful that we have been able to sell raffles to raise money for the dance for the last few years at Saint Athanasius. This year’s Dance will take place once again at Russo’s on the Bay on September 24, 2007. The weekend of September 8th & 9th raffles will be sold in the narthex of our church. PLEASE HELP HEART SHARE continue their ministry to those with developmental disabilities. For those who have aborted a child due to POOR PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS You are invited to a Day of Prayer & Healing SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 Our Lady of New York Convent 9:30am -5p.m. One Cardinal Spellman Place, Bronx, New York, 10466 (718.881.8008) Hear the story of God’s mercy through the testimony of one couple. The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and the Church does not doubt that in may cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. NARROWS COMMUNITY THEATRE will be holding auditions for its Fall 2007 production of “Music Man, ” to be presented at St. Patricks’ Church in Bay Ridge. Auditions will be on Sept. 11 & 12 from 7:30-9:30p.m. in St. Patrick’s th th Auditorium, 97 Street & 4 Avenue. For information and volunteer opportunities please call 718.482.3173 or email [email protected]. THE STRIVELLI PLAYERS will be holding auditions for their Fall production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at St. Bernadette’s School, 1313 nd Dyker Heights.) Audition dates are Monday THANKS SARA RUBINO FOR SEWING IN 82 Street, th st MEMORIALIZATION LABELS into our new altar server August 20 (6-8p.m) and Tuesday August 21 (6-8p.m.). Call 718.907.3422 for appointment or information. Walk ins albs. She sewed many labels. Thank you! are welcome too! Page Seven ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH Parrocchia Sant’Atanasio Bollettino Settimanale Messa in Italiano ogni Domenica alle 11:30am (Chiesa di August 19, 2007 12 agosto 2007 XVIIII domenica del giu’) tempo ordinario SABATO, 22 SETTEMBRE 2007 ANNUALE CELEBRAZIONE DEDICATA A SAN PADRE PIO LE RELIQUE DEL SANTO SARANNO ESPOSTE TUTTO IL GIORNO NELLA NOSTRA CHIESA Dal nostro DIACONO DANTE COLANDREA Riflessione del mese di agosto MESE DEDICATO AL PADRE FESTA NEL SANTUARIO MADONNA DELLE LACRIME – SIRACUSA – Testimonianze La relazione giurata, presentata alla Curia Arcivescovile di Siracusa, circa l'analisi delle lacrime della Madonnina di gesso, eseguita il giorno 1 e 2 Settembre 1953, e la relazione analitica del liquido sgorgato dagli occhi della Madonnina in Via degli Orti 11 in Siracusa, in data 17 Ottobre 1953 sono state depositate presso il Tribunale Ecclesiastico di Siracusa dal Dott. Michele Cassola. E qui mi piace ricordare quanto il 24 Agosto 1966 il Dott. Tullio Manca a Camaldoli mi confidò: al momento della lacrimazione della Madonnina lui era il medico curante della Antonietta Giusto. Ha visto lacrimare la Madonna e per assicurarsi mise le dita negli occhi, se le bagnò di lacrime e istintivamente si asciugò nel fazzoletto, che purtroppo perdette per averlo dato ad una ammalata. È una testimonianza ma è bene conoscere che il 25 Settembre il Tribunale speciale ecclesiastico costituito con decreto arcivescovile del 22 Settembre 1953 iniziò i suoi lavori per l'esame del fatto della lacrimazione dell'immagine del Cuore Immacolato di Maria in via degli Orti. Furono citati ed ascoltati sotto la santità del giuramento ben 201 testimoni oculari, i quali tutti hanno attestato la realtà storica del fatto della Lacrimazione del Cuore Immacolato di Maria in via degli Orti. È a tutti nota l'eco che il prodigioso miracolo delle Lacrime di Maria ebbe in ogni categoria di persone in Città, mentre la notizia per le vie della stampa e della radio raggiungeva anche paesi e regioni lontane. Via degli Orti divenne luogo di preghiera, mentre file interminabili di pellegrini, sani e malati, accorrevano da ogni parte fra canti e invocazioni. Ho potuto seguire giorno per giorno, direi ora per ora, vere folle di fedeli che venivano ad implorare grazie ai piedi della Madonnina. Un sentimento unanime di commozione toccava i cuori di tutti e li spingeva decisamente a penitenza. PREGHIERA DI GIOVANNI PAOLO II ALLA MADONNA DELLE LACRIME - Madonna delle Lacrime, Madre nostra addolorata, Tu ci hai aperto il Tuo cuore, scegliendoci come destinatari e custodi delle Tue Lacrime. Il Tuo pianto, o Madre, segno del tuo dolore, è reliquia del Tuo amore e pegno della Tua intercessione. Prega per noi il Padre delle misericordie, perchè tocchi i nostri cuori induriti, pieghi le volontà ribelli, ci scuota dal torpore spirituale, ci converta al suo amore fedele. Con le Tue Lacrime intercedi, o Madre, presso il Tuo Figlio, perchè guardi con bontà alle nostre lacrime: nell'attesa che siano asciugate per sempre, Egli le raccolga perchè non vadano perdute, le custodisca come perle nel suo cuore, le trasformi in dono di redenzione. Chiedi, o Vergine Santa, allo Spirito d'Amore, che inondi di luce di grazia i tuoi figli, perchè vedendo la turpitudine del peccato, versino lacrime di compunzione; rispondendo con docilità al Maestro interiore, anelino con amore grande alle vette della santità: imitando la tua carità sollecita, sappiano condividere e asciugare il pianto dei fratelli. O Madre, veglia su questa Città e sulla Diocesi che ti onora con questo Tempio, benedici tutti coloro che si affidano alla Tua protezione, libera l'Italia, l'Europa, il mondo intero dal flagello della guerra, ottieni all'umanità la sospirata pace e l'universale fraternità. Amen. PADRE PIO- 22 SETTEMBRE 2007 – questo è il programma dell’annuale giornata che la nostra parrocchia dedica a San Padre Pio. 9:00AM Messa in onore di San Pio 4:30pm – Santo Rosario di San Pio in Italiano e Inglese 5:30pm – Santa Messa 6:30pm – Processione con la statua di San Pio. Le relique saranno esposte tutto il giorno. SIGHT & SOUND – teatro religioso a Lancaster sabato, 13 ottobre, 2007. Soltando 110 biglietti disponibili. Spettacolo In the Beginning, la storia di Dio e della creazione dell’universo. Per prenotazioni telefonare al Diacono Dante al 917-602-3793. PELLEGRINAGGIO A LOURDES E FATIMA - Dal 14 al 21 Aprile 2008 si terrà un pellegrinaggio a Lourdes e Parigi con il vescovo Nicola DiMarzio per la celebrazione del 150esimo anniversario dell’apparizione di Nostra Signora a Santa Bernadette. Il costo di $2,100 a persone comprende il volo, hotel, tasse, colazione ogni giorno e 5 cene. Si visiterà la Grotta a Lourdes, Sacro Cuore e Notre Dame. Il pellegrinaggio si può estendere dal 21 al 24 aprile con il Vescovo Cisneros per 3 notti a Roma per un costo ulteriore di $999 a persona che comprende volo, tasse, hotel e cene. Oppure 3 notti a Fatima per costo ulteriore di $799 con il Vescovo Caggiano. La prenotazione e pagamento per questo pellegrinaggio deve essere fatta entro il 15 gennaio 2008. Per informazioni dettagliate telefonare al Diacono Dante al 917 – 602 – 3793. Page Eight ST. ATHANASIUS CHURCH August 19, 2007 Iglesia Católica de San Atanasio BOLETIN HISPANO Misa en Español: Domingos 10a.m. (Iglesia Abajo) Padre Gabriel Jaime Toro Rivas Tel (718) 236 01 24 Ext 14 Reflexión Dominical “Que angustia siento hasta que no se haya cumplido” (Lc 12,50) Este pasaje pone en evidencia el sufrimiento que la misión causó a Jesús y que supone que debe padecer todo hombre llamado a seguirlo. Lo que se lee en estos versículos es una anticipación del Sufrimiento descrito en el huerto de los Olivos, en donde Jesús llega a sudar sangre ante su pasión. Pero dicho sufrimiento es acogido y vivido por Jesús que arde en deseo de que el hombre entre definitivamente en la comunión con El y con el Padre”. Pregunta para la semana: Qué tipo de sufrimientos padecen ustedes en familia o a nivel personal?, Qué hacen por evitarlo y cómo lo asumen en sus vidas? HORARIO DE OFICINA EN VERANO Miércoles y Viernes de 10 AM - 3 PM en la Rectoría a las 7:30 PM. Los Jueves todo el día y el Primero y Cuarto Sábado del Mes de 10 AM en adelante. En otras horas han de llamar y conseguir cita con el Padre. Necesitamos más ministros y servidores. Favor los interesados en llenar la aplicación y entregarla a la salida de la Misa o al padre Gabriel. Gracias. EN CUANTO AL CORO PARROQUIAL: Queremos Felicitar a nuestro Coro por su entrega y deseo de BAUTIZOS EN ESPAÑOL cada mes tenemos la celebración en el crecer y mejoramiento continuo… Hacen falta algunos recursos último Sábado. Hacer cita previa para recibir la información. Traer para comprar instrumentos. Si desean donar algo para este fin, les el acta de nacimiento y nombre de los padrinos. agradecemos. Pues la parroquia ofrece una donación de $1000, la cual no es suficiente. Les informaremos de alguna rifa o viaje a PREPARACIÓN MATRIMONIAL: Todos Los interesados deben Atlantic City para lo demás. Gracias al coro por su esfuerzo. hacer cita y venir a la entrevista privada donde se les informará sobre requisitos y proceso a seguir: Tener Certificados de El pasado 15 de Agosto celebramos la fiesta de la Asunción de la Bautismo y Confirmación, Actas de divorcios anteriores si fueron Stma Virgen al Cielo y es por eso que la recordamos de manera civilmente y testigos. Las fechas para las próximas charlas del especial con estas palabras: “Bendita tú entre todas las mujeres” curso serán el día Sábado 18 de Agosto a las 7:30 pm en la (Lc 1,42). Desde los tiempos antiguos la comunidad cristiana se Rectoría, Domingo 16 de Septiembre de 3-6pm en la Iglesia de ha sentido atraida por la singular figura de María y su papel en la Abajo; Octubre 20 a las 7:30-9pm en la iglesia abajo Finaliza - historia de la Salvación. María es modelo de los creyentes, de los Planifiquemos juntos su BODA que seguimos a Cristo desde la humildad de nuestro corazón. Por eso el saludo de Isabel a María es: “Felíz tú que has creido”. CATEQUESIS DE ADULTOS: Mayores de 12 Años que no María no solo es bienaventurada por ser la nueva “arca de la hablen Inglés y que les falte algún Sacramento deben llenar la Alianza”, sino porque ha entrado en la profundidad solicitud que encuentran a la salida del templo y traerla con la del misterio de la Fé. Demos gracias a Dios a través de su Madre documentación que se les pide y el abono a la cuota de $100 por Santa y pidámosle que nos ayude siempre a hacer la Voluntad valor del curso. El programa iniciará el día 2 de Septiembre. Divina en nuestras vidas. Amén. Inscríbase Ya! Y las clases serán en San Dominic todos los ******************* domingos de 11:30 am – 1:00pm. Y luego tendremos la Misa en Pensando en una buena programacion de actividades pastorales Español allí mismo. Bienvenidos! para desarrollar de manera adecuada el crecimiento paralelo de la Comunidad Hispana, considero que es muy importante que como CATEQUESIS DE NIÑOS: Tambien tenemos las aplicaciones familias y miembros del Cuerpo Mistico de Cristo que es la Iglesia, disponibles a la salida de la Misa y deben traerla con los participemos todos en los diversos eventos que a lo largo del Año requerimientos que se piden… Favor hágalo ahora! La oficina de Litúrgico vamos celebrando. Educación Religiosa estará abierta el día Martes 14 de Agosto de 7am – 2pm. Favor registrar a sus hijos ese día. 1. Recuerden que todos los Lunes tenemos la Lession Divina. INTENCIONES MISA DOMINICAL: Pueden hacerlo al llegar al Este es un grupo de reflexión, formación y de crecimiento templo antes de iniciar la Misa y dar una donación voluntaria y el espiritual de grupo. A las nombre de la Familia que la envía. Gracias. 7 y 30 pm en la iglesia de abajo. Es una gran ayuda a las familas. Les esperamos y deben traer la MISAS ESPECIALES: Deben pedir cita con anticipación según el Biblia. motivo. 2. Tambien les recordamos que todos los viernes tenemos el grupo Carismático de Oración de 7 a 9 pm. Es el momento de INSCRÍBASE TAMBIEN EN EL GRUPO DE DANZAS… no alabar, orar juntos y recibir la Palabra de Vida Hay animación importa la edad, solo su alegría y buena voluntad… favor hablar musical y experiencias de sanación y transformación interior. con la Sra Marta Castro los interesados a la salida de la Misa. Bienvenidos todos! Bienvenidos y apoyemos la Cultura de nuestros Paises. 3. Los Bautismos en Español se celebran por lo general el último sábado del mes a las 2 y 30 pm en la iglesia de abajo. Hacer cita con anticipación y traer certificado de nacimiento, nombre de los padrinos y atender la clase de preparación en la fecha indicada. St. Athanasius 7 th Annual Parish Picnic Saturday September 15, 2008 11:00am – 6:00pm at Nansen Park in Staten Island, NY Nansen Park’s private grounds have a covered pavilion and a shaded area with picnic tables. Ample parking is available. The park opens at 10:30 and closes at 6:30. Activities offered include softball, basketball, volleyball, shuffleboard, horseshoes, bocce ball, chipping green, sand box and playground. Equipment, except for gloves, is provided. Food, Soda and Bottled Water Included To drive to Nansen Park - Once you cross the Verrazano Bridge take the Staten Island Expressway (US 278 West) to Exit 10, Victory Blvd. Turn left at the light onto Victory Blvd. Drive 1.4 miles. Nansen Park is on the right. To Take the bus to Nansen Park – Meet in front of the church at 9:30am. The buses will leave promptly at 10:00am and return at approximately 7:00pm. Tear off form below and return to the Rectory with full payment by September 5. Tickets will be distributed after Masses on September 8 & 9. *** NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED INTO NANSEN PARK WITHOUT A TICKET *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name__________________________ Address_________________________ Phone - Day_____________________ Phone - Evening__________________ Will take the BUS Adults Children 6-14 Children under 6 Total How Many ______ ______ ______ ______ X X X Price Per Person $ 45 $ 15 No Charge = Total = = _______________ _______________ $______________ Will drive own CAR Adults Children 6-14 Children under 6 Total How Many ______ ______ ______ ______ X X X Price Per Person $ 35 $ 10 No Charge = Total = = _______________ _______________ $______________ SAINT ATHANASIUS NIGHT AT THE RACES Saturday September 22nd St. Athanasius Auditorium 6120 Bay Parkway Doors open at 6:30pm, Post Time 7:00pm Tickets $25 per person Includes: Sandwiches, Beer, Wine, Soda, Chips, Cookies & Coffee (Must be over 21 years of age to attend) Any questions please contact any of the following: Bob McKenna (718-676-2102) Bill Finn (718-236-6680) Mike Garthaffner (718-331-2406) Please complete this form and return it along with the appropriate amount of cash or check payable to St. Athanasius to the Rectory (2154 61st Street) Attention: Night at the Races Tickets. Tickets will be delivered to your address. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________________ Please enclose the following: Number of tickets: __________ X $25 = $___________ Seating for this event will be assigned. Tables of 10 can be reserved. Please note below the names of people attending with these tickets or if you wish to be seated at a specific table: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lourdes & Paris Pilgrimage APRIL 14 – 21 2008 Marian Shrine at Lourdes, Sacre Coeur & Notre Dame $2,100 per person includes airfare, hotel, all taxes, breakfast daily, and 5 dinners. Join Bishop DiMarzio as we celebrate the th 150 Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparition to St. Bernadette TOUR EXTENSIONS: APRIL 21 – 24 ROME - 3 NIGHTS FATIMA - 3 NIGHTS $999 per person includes additional air, $799 per person includes additional air, taxes, hotel and dinners. taxes, hotel and dinners. Bishop Cisneros, Spiritual Director Bishop Caggiano, Spiritual Director Reservation & Payment by January 15, 2008 Deacon Dante Colandrea 917 – 602 - 3793 Sight & Sound Theatres Saturday, October 13, 2007 “IN THE BEGINNING” BUS LEAVES SAINT ATHANASIUS AT 8:30 AM The phenomenal story of creation! Experience God's pleasure at his most awesome creation, Adam and Eve, and the complete beauty of their unbroken relationship with God. The Garden of Eden appears before you - the waters, vegetation, and animals of the newly created world enveloping the Millennium Theatre! ADULTS $100 TEENAGERS $87 CHILDREN $70 DONATION includes transportation, show, & lunch ONLY 110 TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR THIS PERFORMANCE RESERVATION AND PAYMENT BY SEPTEMBER 13 CALL DEACON DANTE 917 – 602 – 3793 B4C Bensonhurst Cluster Office of Youth Ministry “Calling all Youth of Bensonhurst” There are many new programs that will begin this coming fall, and some of the previous offerings will continue and expand. To be most informed, we need you to take the time to fill out the attached form and to have you return it to the Rectory at St. Athanasius. This way we can get information to you, and allow you to make informed decisions and also learn of the many opportunities offered. Secondly, we encourage you to visit the website, for additional information and for ongoing updates. Youth Ministry Information Sheet Youth Profile First Name _____________________ Last Name ____________________ Email __________________________ Phone Number _________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ DOB ________________________ Grade ________ Parish Affiliation ____________________ School Attending _______________ If in High School grade school that they gradua ted from. _________________________ Parent Profile (Only fill in information that is different from youth’s.) First Name(s) ______________________ Last Name ____________________ Email __________________________ Phone Number _________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Number _________________ ( ) Interested in volunteering in a program. ** Please return to the Rectory at St. Athanasius. ** This information will be used primarily for communications of Cluster programs to you and your child, and will only be used at St. Athanasius Church Youth Ministry.
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