P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 PART 3 Project Program Design – Build SOF Cafeteria P-132, FY-10 Work Order Number 871672 NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex Virginia Beach, Virginia March 22, 2011 SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGAM P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM WON 871672 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 PART THREE - PROJECT PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION......................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT OBJECTIVES........................................... 1 2.1. Mission Statement 2.2. Facility Function 2.3. Project Specific Priorities 2.4. Appropriate Design 2.5. Workflow Process 2.6. Special Design Challenges 2.7 Adaptability and Flexibility 3.0 SITE ANALYSIS......................................................... 9 3.1 Existing Site Conditions 3.2 Site Development Requirements 3.3 Permits 4.0 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS.................................... 13 4.1 Space Tabulation 4.2 Space Relationships 4.3 Exterior Character 4.4 Interior Character 4.5 Food Service 5.0 ROOM REQUIREMENTS.......................................... 21 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS......... A10 Foundations A20 Basement Construction B10 Superstructure B20 Exterior Enclosure SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE - PROJECT PROGRAM 69 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia B30 Roofing C10 Interior Construction C20 Stairs C30 Interior Finishes D20 Plumbing D30 HVAC D40 Fire Protection D50 Electrical E10 Equipment E20 Furnishings G10 Site Preparations G20 Site Improvements G30 Site Mechanical Utilities G40 Site Electrical Utilities WON 871672 Part 3 contains the project description, functional and performance requirements, scope items, and expected quality levels that exceed Part 4. Part 4 identifies design criteria, verification requirements, and performance and quality requirements of products. See "Order of Precedence" paragraph in Part 2 for relationships between all parts of this RFP. SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE - PROJECT PROGRAM P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Design and build a 1,258 SM (13,541 SF) Cafeteria on the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG) compound at Naval Air Station Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The command cafeteria facility will provide nutritional breakfasts and lunches to NSWDG personnel – from command staff, both military and civilian, to operators involved in extraordinarily physically demanding training. Design and build a one-story (capable of supporting future second and third floor office spaces, which will impact the architectural and engineering designs of this project) structural framed building with special foundations, structurally supported ground floor slab, and a single-ply roof. Include all necessary cafeteria functions, to include servery, kitchen, storage, point-of-sale, office, delivery and other spaces. See section 4.0 building requirements for a full list of spaces. A menu focused on the special nutritional requirements of Special Operators is planned. Additionally, the facility will serve as a command gathering space and should become a focal point for the surrounding campus and compound. Interior and exterior lighting must accommodate evening and early morning functions. Design the entire facility as a controlled access area in accordance with Information Assurance Protected Distribution System (PDS) Publication, Chief of Naval Operations/United States Marine Corps, IA PUB-5239-22, September 2008. 2.0 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 2.1 Mission Statement The purpose of this project is to design and build a 1,258 SM (13,541 SF) Cafeteria on the NSWDG compound. The command cafeteria facility will provide nutritional breakfasts and lunches to DEVGRU personnel – from command staff, both military and civilian, to operators involved in extraordinarily physically demanding training. Design the facility using Metric units and all applicable codes. 2.2 Facility Function Dining facility functional design is driven by the number of personnel to be served, meal schedule and duration, payment style, food delivery and eating methodologies, and any additional functions accommodated in the specific facility. These functions and how they drive the design of the facility are described in detail in UFC 4-722-01, July 2007, Ch2, Food Service Planning Determinations. 2.3 Project Specific Priorities A kitchen planning professional consultant is required for the design of this project that is a member of Foodservice Consultants Society or other equal certifying organization. Design and build a one-story (capable of supporting future second and third floor office spaces, which will impact the architectural and engineering designs of this project) structural framed building with PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 1 1 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 special foundations, structurally supported ground floor slab, and a single-ply roof. Provisions for progressive collapse shall be designed in this phase for the future floor additions. Proposed design should clearly indicate the locations of future stairs and elevators for future second and third floor office spaces; also, clearly indicate the future second and third floors limits. Care should also be given to consolidate roof penetrations from first deck to maximize future decks contiguous square footage. 2.3.1 Sustainable Design Integrate sustainable strategies and features into the design to minimize the energy consumption of the facilities; conserve resources; minimize adverse effects to the environment; and improve occupant productivity, health, and comfort to reduce the total cost of ownership of the project using a whole building, life-cycle approach. In accordance with Engineering & Construction Bulletin 2008-01 and other directives, the facility and all site features shall be designed and constructed using USGBC LEED-NC. Incorporate sustainable design strategies and features to the fullest extent possible, consistent with mission, budget and client requirements. The contractor will register the project with USGBC under LEED-NC. The minimum sustainable design rating level for the project is to achieve LEED-NC v3.0 Silver and the constructed facility shall be certified by the USGBC as having met the USGBC LEED-NC v3.0 requirements for the required rating level. The following LEED-NC v3.0 credits and additional requirements are mandatory unless not applicable to the project due to project scope. a. SS-6.1 Storm Water Design, Quantity Control b. SS-6.2 Storm Water Design, Quality Control c. PRE 1 Water Use Reduction: 20% Reduction d. WE-1 Water Efficient Landscaping: Reduce by 50% e. EA-1 Optimize Energy Performance. For new construction achieve a 30% energy use reduction below ASHRAE 90.1-2007 or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for low rise residential facilities. For renovations, reduction shall be 20% below pre-renovations 2003 baseline. Reduction shall be calculated in accordance with US Code of Regulations 10 CFR 433, 434, 435 dated Dec. 4, 2006. f. EA-3 Enhanced Commissioning g. EA-4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management. Reduce use of Ozone Depleting and Global Warming Compounds. Eliminate the use of ozone depleting compounds during and after construction where alternative environmentally preferable products are available. h. EA-5 Measurement and Verification. Install permanent building level meters on all utilities. Use the Energy Star Benchmarking Tool and enter measured data and lessons learned into the High Performance Buildings Database (www.eere.energy.gov/femp/highperformance/index.cfm ) i. MR-2 Construction Waste Management: Divert 50% from Disposal. PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 2 2 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 j. MR-4 Recycled Content: 10%. For EPA Designated products, use products meeting EPA's recycled content recommendations. k. MR-6 & MR-7 Renewable Products: Use products made from rapidly renewable resources and certified sustainable wood products. l. EQ-3.1 & EQ-3.2 Construction IAQ Management: During Construction & Before Occupancy m. EQ-4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Low Emitting Materials. Specify materials & products with low pollutant emissions, including adhesives, sealants, paints, carpet systems and furnishings. n. EQ-7.1 Thermal Comfort: Design. Design to ASHRAE Standards 55-2004 for Thermal Comfort and 62.1-2004 for Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. o. EQ-8.1 Daylight & Views. Achieve a minimum daylight factor of 2% excluding direct sunlight in 75% of all space occupied for critical visual tasks. Provide automatic dimming controls or accessible manual controls and appropriate glare control. p. Moisture Control. Establish and implement a moisture control strategy for controlling moisture flows and condensation to prevent building damage and mold contamination. q. Bio-Based Products: For USDA designated products use products meeting or exceeding USDA's biobased content recommendations. r. Energy Efficient Products: All energy using products shall either be Energy Star or FEMP recommended efficiency. Where Energy Star or FEMP recommendations have not been established, efficiency shall be in the top 25% for the type of product procured. All energy using products shall also meet FEMP requirements for low standby power consumption. The following LEED-NC v3 credits are not applicable to the project and must not be used by the Contractor to obtain the LEED certification. a. EA-6 Green Power Ensure sustainable strategies and features in the design phase are incorporated in the construction phase. 2.3.2 Storm Water Management (Low Impact Development) Provide low impact development strategies for compliance with DoD Policy on Implementing Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), dated 19 January, 2010 and Penn Memo/NAVY Low Impact Development (LID)Policy, dated 16 November, 2007. Comply with UFC 3-210-10N "INTERIM TECHNICAL GUIDANCE: LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT". These policies are in addition to State or Local storm water management program permit requirements. The DOR shall balance all requirements, Federal, State, Local, LEED and the above stated policies, and acquire required regulatory permits when managing storm water generated. PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 3 3 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 2.3.3 Energy Conservation Energy conservation shall be in accordance with UFC 3-400-01, Design Energy Conservation. 2.3.4 Building Commissioning Provide Enhanced Commissioning to meet the requirements of USGBC LEED Rating System version 3.0 and UFGS section 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control. At a minimum, commission the following systems: HVAC systems and controls, lighting controls, and if provided, day lighting controls, refrigeration systems and controls (coolers and freezers), renewable energy systems, and domestic hot water systems. See the following "Engineering System Requirements" sections in Chapter 6 of the Project Program to determine any additional systems to be commissioned. The designated Commissioning Authority (CA) shall meet the qualifications of USGBC LEED Rating System version 3 and UFGS section 01 45 00.05 20, Design and Construction Quality Control. The CA shall report results, recommendations, and findings directly to the Government. 2.3.5 Accessibility Requirements Provide barrier-free design in accordance with the requirements of the DEPSECDEF Memorandum "Access for People with Disabilities" dated Oct 31, 2008. The memorandum updates the DoD standards for making facilities accessible to people with disabilities. The US Access Board issued an update of the accessibility guidelines which the DEPSECDEF Memorandum implements with military unique requirements specified in the memorandum attachment. The new DoD, "ABA (Architectural Barriers Act) Accessibility Standard" and the DEPSECDEF Memorandum are located at http://www.access-board.gov/ada%2Daba/abastandards-dod.cfm . 2.3.6 Antiterrorism Criteria Design this facility in accordance with United Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings. UFC 4-010-01 is a multi-discipline UFC, therefore all architectural/engineering disciplines need to be aware of the requirements. For example: Civil engineers need to be aware that UFC 4-010-01 will affect site location of buildings, roadways, parking, access roads, and landscaping. Mechanical engineers need to be aware that UFC 4-010-01 will affect air intake design and location, utility routing, mail room ventilation, HVAC controls, HVAC equipment support, and the site location of chillers, compressors and other heavy equipment. Electrical engineers need to be aware that UFC 4-010-01 will affect HVAC controls, utility routing, electrical equipment support, mass notification, and site location of substations, transformers, generators, and other heavy equipment. Structural engineers need to be aware that even if AT/FP standoff distances are met, windows, window frames, and structural window jambs must satisfy the requirements of UFC 4-010-10. PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 4 4 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Facility will have an occupancy designated as primary gathering in accordance with UFC 4-01001. Facility may, through future efforts not included in the current scope of this project, expand to three (3) stories and will therefore be required to meet progressive collapse avoidance standards. Therefore as part of this design effort the roof structure shall be designed as a future floor and the entire structure shall incorporate design for progressive collapse mitigation. Facility is within a controlled perimeter. Develop the site to provide the standoff requirements listed in UFC 4-010-01. The structural engineer will comply with UFC 4-010-01 for ATFP considerations for the installation of windows, window frames and window jambs. In addition if the setback requirements of UFC 4010-01 are not met, building hardening will be required. 2.4 Appropriate Design Comply with UFC 4-722-01, July 2007, Dining Facilities, for planning and design requirements for this project (UFC square footage requirements do not apply). 2.5 Workflow Process 2.5.1 Hours of Operation The facility will serve breakfast and lunch meals, Monday through Friday. This facility may also be used as a command gathering space during non-meal hours and evenings. 2.5.2 Staffing/Occupancy Type of Occupancy No. of Persons Description of Activity Staff Office 4 Handles procurement and accounting for cafeteria facility Dish Wash 1 Kitchen Staff 30 Prepares food for consumption Dining Room 213 Area for patrons to eat Conference/Dining Room 20 Room for VIP dining and conferences Sign In/POS 2 Point of sale cashiers Maximum Occupancy 270 PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 5 5 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 2.6 Special Design Challenges Site/Civil Site layout must be designed to meet UFC 4-010-01. The design will also need to pay close attention to adjacent projects slated for this area. Structural Comply with AT/FP requirements of UFC 4-010-01 for window framing and equipment bracing. Consider general building hardening if AT/FP standoff requirements cannot be met. Design the building to accommodate a future second and third floor; thus, design the building structure for collapse prevention per UFC 4-023-03 and design the roof for future occupancy loading. Architectural Lake views are important for the dining occupants inside the facility as well as on the outdoor dining area. Careful consideration should be made with placement of louvers and other utilities due to the strong street appearance and focal point of this facility. Special consideration should be given to all roof penetrations. Consolidate all items that may interfere with the addition of future floors to the facility to prevent rework if possible. Consider all major cooking equipment to be built-in equipment, including items such as salad bars. Provide dedicated electrical and other connections specifically for each piece of equipment. FF&E may include all movable furniture and furnishings with description of FF&E listed in E20. HVAC and Plumbing Provide a solar domestic water heating system sized for 30% of the facility’s annual consumption. Proposers are required to include a system sized to meet 50% of the annual consumption as an option. With the exception of kitchen hood fans, roof mounted equipment is expressly prohibited. Coastal coil protective coatings are mandated for all coils exposed to outdoor air. Advanced metering and Enhanced Commissioning are mandated. Electrical A Standby Generator is required for the Cafeteria; sized to operate the entire facility for 72 hours operation. A matching automatic transfer switch shall be provided. AV and VTC systems and equipment will be designed by the Contractor. Project will provide all backbone conduit and cabling. AV and VTC equipment will be part of the FF&E package and will be funded by other sources. The FF&E including AV and VTC will be awarded as a planned contract modification. Contractor will provide high security X09 locks on interior doors that access rooms that serve as hubs for communications and IT and all exterior doors. Food Service PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 6 6 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Design storage to maximize durability, facilitate access and provide security for stored product. Design refrigerated storage to allow for proper temperature maintenance in a power outage, with power provided by a standby generator. Design walk-ins with a floorless design with insulated slabs and 4” sealed concrete wearing surfaces. Base layout and equipment selection on the requirements of a 21-day cycle menu. Include cooking elements, such as fryers and pizza ovens, in the serving area. Control and cashiering shall take place at the entrance. The headcount/cashier shall be located as distant from the entrance as possible to allow as long a queue as possible. Design the server to be a scramble system with self-serve soup/salad bar and self-serve beverage bar(s). Décor shall be upscale with a masculine theme and appeal. Minimize food shields to emphasize the food while providing protection for the displayed items. Prominently display nutritional information for menu items; signage shall direct diners to the appropriate counters. Locate electronic menu boards in the headcount/cashier area at entry. Include an accumulator conveyor for tray deposit, a conveyor warewasher and a pulping system in the warewashing system. 2.7 Adaptability and Flexibility The design of the roof structure should be considered and capable of supporting future second and third floor office spaces. The design should be easily adaptable to be able to convert the roof into the second floor slab in the future. If parapets are provided, they must be constructed to be easily removed when the upper floors are constructed. The design and placement of the optional solar panels and solar hot water system for the facility should also be considered and adaptable. If placement of the panels is on the roof, they must be aesthetically pleasing or screened in a manner that does not distract from the aesthetics of the elevation. The panels and screens should be designed to be relocated to the roof of the upper floors when the building is renovated to add the future floors. PART 3 - CHAPTER 2 - Page 7 7 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 8 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 3.0 SITE ANALYSIS 3.1 Existing Site Conditions 3.1.1 Natural Constraints Topography: Elevations on-site range from mean sea level to 1.5 m (5’) above mean sea level, with a maximum elevation of 2.1 m (7’). Vegetation / Landscaping: Mostly developed with some lawn areas. Wooded buffers exist along the majority of shoreline. Wildlife: Minimal due to developed condition. Wetlands: Wetland areas exist around the proposed SOF Cafeteria site. Geotechnical Soils Report: Titled as “Revised Preliminary Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services for P-132 SOF Cafeteria at Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia” by G E T Solutions, Inc. (www.getsolutionsinc.com , 757-518-1703). 3.1.2 Man made Hazardous Material: Per “Geotechnical Soils Report” identified in section 3.1.1 above, laboratory testing of two soil samples were performed (see Section 2.2 Laboratory Testing section within geotech report). The two samples indicated that it does not appear that significant environmental contamination is present at this site. However, the report also states that prior to development of this site, an environmental assessment is advisable. 3.2 Site Development Requirements The SOF Cafeteria site is located west of existing Building 307 and the temporary HP tents. The site is approximately 5.1 acres in size. Locate the building near the existing parking lot. Design parking and pedestrian walkways to provide access to the facility. Locate storm water management on-site to address water quantity and quality. Domestic water, fire water, sanitary sewer, and natural gas are available adjacent to the proposed site. Include LID strategies in the site development plan where applicable. The site shall adhere to ABA requirements. A multi-level outdoor dining area shall be provided and shall provide views of Redwing Lake. The outdoor dining area shall not be accessible by grade and should have a dedicated emergency exit. The outdoor dining area shall have adequate lighting to enable nighttime events. The building location and site features mentioned above shall adhere to Antiterrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) standards presented in UFC 4-010-01. Wetlands Jurisdictional wetland locations have been developed by USACE and NAVFAC. Final cost estimates and permit requirements related to wetlands disturbance cannot be finalized at this time. Project should be designed to avoid wetland impacts. Non-mission critical impacts to wetlands are not authorized. Consider all options to avoid wetland impacts. Contact Thad McDonald (757-341-0494), NAVFAC ML Core NR office for additional information. PART 3 - CHAPTER 3 - Page 1 9 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Grading Establish finished floor elevation above the 100-year flood plain elevation as indicated on the latest edition of the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate maps. Provide positive drainage away from the building in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, and UFC 3-100-10, Architecture, paragraph 3-2. Fill material shall be brought in order to raise the site to finished grade elevations around the new facilities. The grading operations shall be performed in a manner that will minimize impacts to the surrounding wetlands. All FEMA mandated flood studies for filling within a floodplain shall be completed as required. Stormwater Management Design the stormwater management system in accordance with NAVFAC requirements. Design should address water quantity and quality to achieve LEED V3.0 Sustainable Sites Credits 6.1 and 6.2. Include LID strategies in the site development plan where applicable. Pedestrian Circulation Provide a 1.83 m (6’) minimum wide concrete sidewalk from the existing Pump Station to Building 302, as shown on sheet C101. The sidewalk will follow the south side of Regulus Avenue. Place a curb on the south side of Regulus Avenue to provide separation between the sidewalk and roadway. This curb will protect pedestrians as they use the sidewalk. Provide drainage structures as necessary to collect concentrated runoff from the curbing. Provide courtyard area between SOF Cafeteria and asphalt parking lot (see sheet C101). The courtyard and/or sidewalk shall incorporate varying color and/or shapes of integral materials in the sidewalk material at the entrance of the facility to add interest. The color and shapes shall also be reflected on the surface of the outdoor dining area. The courtyard shall have incorporated seating and landscaping and is not to be a flat open area. Broom finished concrete will not be acceptable for the courtyard and outdoor dining area. Access to the courtyard from the asphalt parking lot shall be restricted by removable bollards. Provide a walkway or “boardwalk” to link the proposed site to the bridge south of Building 372, see sheet C101. The walkway shall be 2.44 m (8’) minimum in width and should support pedestrian only traffic. The walkway shall be constructed of a durable material that will not require maintenance. Pressure treated lumber is not acceptable for the walkway. A durable product such as Trex or an approved equal is preferred. The walkway shall be designed in accordance with ABA and AASHTO regulations. The walkway shall be raised 0.30 m (1’) minimum above the 10-year flood elevation. Lighting shall be provided along the walkway to provide safe walking conditions for nighttime pedestrian traffic. Vehicle and Truck Circulation Provide an asphalt parking area. A minimum parking load requirement does not exist for the project and as a result the number of spaces provided should be maximized and determined by the “leftover” area from the following projects and AT/FP setbacks (see sheet C101): SOF Cafeteria HP temporary tents Pump Station (southeast corner of site) Interior curbing and landscaping will not be required within the asphalt parking lot. Provide reserved VIP guest parking for 5% of the total spaces. The parking lot shall have lighting to ensure safe pedestrian flow throughout the entire lot. PART 3 - CHAPTER 3 - Page 2 10 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Locate the loading dock and dumpster area west of the building. Conceal this area from Regulus Avenue by a screen wall (3.66 m (12’) minimum height), complimentary to the building construction and appearance. Chain link fencing is not acceptable. Trucks will enter the loading dock and dumpster area from Regulus Avenue. Removable bollards will be placed at this location to restrict access. There will also be a sliding gate to restrict access and provide screening at the entry. The facility will require one loading dock. The dumpster requirements are as follows: 2 dumpsters for trash collection 1 dumpster for recycling (LEED) wood palette storage area for recycling (LEED) Utilities Domestic water is available adjacent to the site. Fire water (high-pressure line) is also available adjacent to the site near Building 355. Sanitary sewer is available adjacent to the site. NAVFAC owns and operates the water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater systems. Provide a grease trap for the facility. The domestic water, sanitary sewer, and natural gas supply shall be sized for the facility described in this RFP, including a future second and third floor. The future second and third floors will have office occupancy for utility sizing purposes. The Contractor shall coordinate the location of the geothermal system with adjacent projects. Contact government for additional information. Constructability and Phasing Building 307 will be removed from the project site prior to the construction of the project. The existing temporary HP Equipment Tent will be relocated as a part of this project. The Contractor shall ensure that relocated HP Equipment Tent is fully operational after its relocation. Items to be newly constructed and/or relocated include but are not limited to the following: concrete pad, adjacent pull-up bars, power, water and phone service, and CMU wall (approx. 10’x12’)l. The Contractor shall also demolish the former HP Equipment Tent location and all appurtenances as a part of this project. The temporary location of the relocated tent is critical, in that the HP Equipment and Turf Field tents are operationally linked and should be located near one another (see sheet C101). The Contractor shall remove the existing heli-pad and all its appurtenances as a part of this project. The Contractor shall take into account the following site constraints: Wetland impacts AT/FP setbacks Relocation of existing HP Equipment Tent structure Landscaping Landscaping shall be provided per section G2050 Landscaping. The landscaping shall adhere to AT/FP and NAVFAC requirements. Additional landscaping shall be provided along the loading dock and dumpster screen wall to limit visibility of the wall structure. PART 3 - CHAPTER 3 - Page 3 11 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 3.3 Permits Utilities Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, state and local regulatory requirements associated with this work. The Contractor will submit the Permits Records of Decision (PROD) form with the first design submittal package. The Contractor will determine correct permit fees and pay said fees. Copy of all permits, permit applications, and the completed PROD form will be forwarded to the Contracting Officer. In addition, the Contractor’s Design of Record will complete the NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic Utility Connection Permit Application. Stormwater Management This project will disturb more than one acre, therefore coverage under the construction general permit will be required. The Contractor should submit an application for coverage to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), with a copy to the Contracting Officer, at least 30 days prior to start of construction. An Erosion Control and Sedimentation Plan shall be approved prior to the Contractor submitting a Construction General Permit. In addition, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed to include an integrated erosion and sediment control plan. The SWPPP must be prepared prior to submitting a registration statement for permit coverage to DCR. The SWPPP is to be retained at the construction site along with a copy of the permit and permit coverage letter. This plan shall be submitted to MIDLANT Environmental, Phillip Winslow (757-341-0382) for approval prior to the start of construction. NAVFAC MIDLANT requires the Contractor to comply with COMNAVREG MIDLANT Instruction, Subject: Post Construction Stormwater Runoff Management Instruction and Subject: Virginia Stormwater Management Program Construction Permit Instruction. The Contractor is required to obtain coverage under the Virginia Stormwater Management Plan (VSMP) and shall submit a registration statement and the appropriate fee to DCR prior to commencing construction. Storm drainage and stormwater management shall be designed in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, UFC 3-210-10, Low Impact Development and the Virginia DCR criteria and policies. Erosion & Sediment Control The Contractor is responsible for preparing an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and obtaining final plan approval from the NAVFAC MIDLANT Regional Environmental Group EV14. The plan shall be in accordance with Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCH), latest edition. This plan shall be submitted to MIDLANT Environmental, Phillip Winslow (757-341-0382) for approval prior to the start of construction. PART 3 - CHAPTER 3 - Page 4 12 4.0 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Space Tabulation Space Name Covered Entry Vestibule Queue Gear Check Sign-in/POS Men’s Head Women’s Head # of spaces Unit SF (Net) Total SF (Net) Total SQM (Net) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 80 300 100 100 197 127 44 80 300 100 100 197 127 4.08 7.43 27.87 9.29 9.29 18.30 11.80 Ideal Dimensions Ceiling Height (ft) Ceiling Height (cm) 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 304.8 274.32 304.8 304.8 274.32 243.84 243.84 # of Occupants Remarks Covered Entry counted as half space. Covered Entry 88 SF. 2 This area includes the Beverage Line, Scatter Design, Regular Food Line, and Fast Food Line. Minimum ceiling height over server points is 243.84 (8’) Servery 1 2450 2450 227.61 10 304.8 Dining Area VIP Dining/ Conference Room Dish Wash Utensils Kitchen and Preparation Areas 1 4246 4246 394.46 10 304.8 212 1 1 1 400 540 330 400 540 330 37.16 50.17 30.66 10 9 274.32 20 1 1 1240 1240 115.20 9 274.32 30 Dry Storage Non Food Storage Refrigerator/Freezer Office Staff Toilets Lockers 1 1 1 1 2 1 350 60 400 240 70 140 350 60 400 240 140 140 32.52 5.57 37.16 22.30 13.01 13.01 9 9 9 8 8 8 274.32 274.32 274.32 243.84 243.84 243.84 Include Patron Circulation within this space. Occupant load for entire kitchen area. 4 13 Space Name Janitor Can Wash Receiving Mechanical Room Electrical Room Comm Room Loading Dock Trash/Recycling Outdoor Dining Area Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. # of spaces Unit SF (Net) Total SF (Net) Total SQM (Net) 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 40 200 600 140 110 50 40 200 600 140 110 4.65 3.72 18.58 55.74 13.01 10.22 1 1 100 50 1 Subtotal Net Area Net to Gross Factor TOTAL GROSS AREA 100 50 0 12774 1.06 13540 9.29 4.65 0.00 1186.74 1.06 1257.95 Ideal Dimensions Ceiling Height (ft) Ceiling Height (cm) 8 9 9 243.84 274.32 274.32 # of Occupant s Remarks 20' x 30' 10' x 14' 11' x 10' 9 8 274.32 243.84 0 Covered loading dock counted as half space. Loading dock 200 SF. 93 SM (1000 SF) (not part of Building Size) The design build contractor shall provide actual area in both square feet and square meters in proposals. The square footages shown are not based on the latest UFC-3 100-10, 2-15.3. The design team should review the square footage of the Comm Room based on the current requirements of UFC 3-580-01 at the time of design. The Total Gross Area cannot exceed the allowable per the DD-1391 limitation of 1258 SM (13,541 GSF.) 14 4.2 Space Relationships 15 4.3 Exterior Character The exterior design of the facility shall be in keeping with the newly constructed P899 Operations Building project located across Redwing Lake from the Cafeteria site. Rendering of P899 is included in Part 6 of this RFP. The facility should portray a feeling of prestige as in keeping with a college campus setting as opposed to a typical military chow hall. The clientele here will be more of a mature age as opposed to the 18 year old boot camp recruit. The footprint of the facility should create interest and should not be a simple rectangle. Due to the constraints of the site the facility should evolve organically. Since the building site is part of the DEVGRU compound it does not follow the standard Dam Neck IAP and the finishes are not dictated by the surrounding buildings. It is the intent that the design of this facility takes elements from P899 Operations Building and incorporates them into the new SOF Cafeteria to establish not only a pedestrian link between the buildings, but also a visual link. The use of metal panels, thin stone, colored architectural precast or other high end finish should be considered to create an inviting environment for the facility. The facility will be constructed as a one story structure; however it should be designed to accommodate a second and third floor in the future. Roofline and roof construction should be considered when designing the original structure to accommodate the second floor addition. All roof penetrations from first deck should be collocated to maximize the future second floor addition. There shall be no internal roof drains due to the future second floor addition. The second floor addition should encompass approximately 9,000 SF of the total floor space of the original structure and should avoid the kitchen area to accommodate exhaust hoods and other kitchen equipment. The entire building is required to be built on a 5ft high crawl space and it shall be accessed from the inside of the mechanical room through a floor access door. The mechanical equipment, dumpster enclosure (must meet ATFP standoff distance) and service areas will be screened by a screen wall complimentary to the building structure. Provide a sliding gate at the opening of the screen wall to control access to the facility while keeping an upscale feel for the facility. Other pavement markings will be used at the drop off areas to keep vehicles from parking within the AT/FP set back areas. The exterior walls of the facility will be designed to withstand the required blast resistance set forth in UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings. The design should incorporate sufficient glazing to facilitate an inviting elevation. The design will not only embrace a view of the lake, but also focus on the proposed courtyard between the Cafeteria and the proposed HPC facility. The exterior glazing should not only meet the required AT/FP and hurricane wind requirements, but also be capable of providing sound buffering from the noise inherent to the site. The glazing should also be provided with counter intelligence film to protect from security eavesdropping. To further enhance the visual experience of the cafeteria, a multi level outdoor dining area will be provided to the largest extent as allowed by the site and budget, minimizing the impact to wetlands, but a minimum of 93 SM (1000 SF) and maintaining a lake view by dropping the level of the deck. 4.4 Interior Character The Cafeteria is to have an enclosed vestibule opening into a lobby/queue line area that leads to a point of sale station. The point of sale will be a built-in casework piece. The casework will be faced with porcelain tile, decorative and/or glass tile as well as wood visual laminate, metal, glass, or decorative acrylic and have a quartz countertop. The point of sale is to be a u-shape, sized so that two personnel can work back to back. The walls in the lobby and vestibule will be impact resistant gypsum wall board with porcelain tile, decorative, and/or glass tile, metal, glass, or decorative acrylic. The vestibule is to have glazing. The floors will be resinous terrazzo in a minimum of five colors. The base will be resinous terrazzo. The lobby floor will have a command logo and a feature wall will have an upscale material such as decorative and/or glass tile, wood veneer, glass, and decorative acrylic. Provide adjustable cable mounted art displays with acrylic sheets for protecting artwork. Wood casework display cases will divide the lobby circulation from the dining areas. The display cases can be see through with glass doors and interior glass shelves. Provide the wood display cases with interior lighting to highlight command trophies and other display items. The lobby area will have an LCD screen for menu display. 16 Off of the lobby area will be a gear storage space for diners to store their gear during lunch. The gear primarily consists of all-weather jackets, body armor, and other bulky items. The gear can be stored in open solid plastic cubbies which are part of the building construction and should be securely mounted to the walls. Provide cubbies around perimeter of room with heavy duty hooks for hanging jackets on the wall. The finishes in the gear room should be very durable with the ability to clean the area. The walls will be full height tile. The floor will be terrazzo, similar to the lobby. Past the point of sale, users of the building will move to the food servery area. The servery will have scatter style food service with stations throughout the space. The finishes in the servery are to be appropriate for food service and easy to clean. Finishes may include various sizes and styles of porcelain, decorative, and/or glass tile as well as terrazzo or porcelain tile floors. The ceilings over food service areas will be cleanable and rated for food service use. Areas behind servery stations where food is prepared are to have the same flooring as the kitchen. Service countertops in the servery are to be quartz for durability. Casework and walls on the front sides of serving areas are to have decorative materials that are durable and cleanable. These materials may be porcelain, decorative, and/or glass tile as well as wood visual laminate, metal, glass, and decorative acrylic. Decorative lighting is to be used to highlight food service areas and may include recessed can lighting and pendant style fixtures. All fixtures shall have covered lenses or coated lamps suitable for food service areas. Ceilings are to vary in height to add interest and help define different serving areas. Exposed ceiling and mechanical systems are to be painted. The overall style is to be upscale and transitional in nature. Provide signage and graphics leading diners to the different food servery areas. The kitchen will be directly adjacent to the servery. The kitchen and associated food service and storage spaces will have durable finishes that are easy to maintain. The kitchen will have floor drains. The kitchen will have hand sinks every 25 feet or less, as required by code. Provide a seamless slip resistant epoxy floor. The kitchen walls will have FRP panels on the walls or similar durable, cleanable finish. The ceiling will be scrubbable acoustic tile. Walk in freezers and refrigerators will have insulated concrete under epoxy floors. Delivery corridors will have industrial crash rails for wall protection. There will be an office for four employees adjacent to the kitchen. The office finishes are to be slip resistant epoxy floor, painted walls, and scrubbable acoustic ceiling tiles. Staff restrooms and lockers are to be adjacent to the kitchen and service areas; however the staff restroom cannot open directly into the kitchen. The finishes are to be slip-resistant epoxy, porcelain tile walls, and scrubbable acoustic ceilings. The lockers will be prefinished metal and will be part of the building construction. The loading dock adjacent to the kitchen and service areas is to be sized to receive a full-size tractor trailer. The can wash is to be located in this area for convenience of washing equipment on the dock. It is also desirable to have the refrigerator and freezer open from the dock as well as from the kitchen. Adjacent to the receiving are will be a trash/recycling area for the storage of refuse and recyclable materials. The main dining area will consist of a large open seating area and a smaller VIP seating area for 20 people. The main dining area will be adjacent to the servery, public restrooms, dish scullery, lobby/queue and point of sale spaces. The lobby is to have an upgraded, transitional aesthetic. The main dining area is to have a view of the lake. The VIP room is to be placed to have the clearest view of the lake. The main dining room floor will be resinous terrazzo with a resinous terrazzo base. The resinous terrazzo is to have multiple colors creating interesting designs in the flooring. The ceiling is to be multi-level with a combination of acoustic ceiling tile and painted hard surfaces such as soffits, curved ceilings, and floating “clouds”. Exposed ceiling structure and mechanical systems are to be painted. The ceiling will have a minimum 10’ height allowed. A single flat ceiling at one height is not acceptable. The walls in the main dining room are to be painted. Provide adjustable cable mounted art displays with acrylic sheets for protecting artwork. There is to be no built-in furniture in the main dining room. The dining area will require a motorized projection screen with a projector mount. There will be LCD screens throughout the dining and servery areas. The LCD screens are to be placed so that they can be viewed from all seated locations. Windows are to be large to maximize lake views. The windows will have recess mounted high quality motorized solar shades. Provide a ceiling projector mount that is motorized and recessed into the ceiling so that the projector is out of view when not in use. The motorized projection screen and projector mount are part of the building construction. 17 An outdoor dining space will be provided with access from the main dining room to further capture the views of the lake. The outdoor dining is to be as large as the site and budget will allow, but a minimum of 93 SM (1000 SF). The outdoor dining is to be multi-level to provide an unobstructed view of the Redwing Lake for indoor as well as outdoor dining patrons: also, exterior deck must be handicapped accessible. Adjacent to the main dining room is to be a VIP dining room. This room is to be acoustically separated from the main dining room and have a door to close the room for privacy. The room is to have upgraded finishes, to include carpet tile with wood base, wood chair rail, vinyl wall-covering, and painted drywall ceiling with some acoustic ceiling tile. Provide large windows to maximize lake views. The windows are to have recess mounted high quality motorized solar shades. This room will have one large 20 person conference style table. The table is to have power and data access. The room will have a motorized projection screen, a presentation board and LCD screens. There is to be a ceiling projector mount that is motorized and recessed into the ceiling so that the projector is out of view when not in use. The motorized projection screen and projector mount are to be in the building construction. The room will have a VTC system that is part of the AV package. Adjacent to the main dining room will be public restrooms. The restrooms are to be easily accessible to patrons. Patrons should not be required to exit through the point of sale to reach the restrooms. The restrooms need to have extremely durable finishes and large pre cast quartz or resin vanities with integral sinks for hand washing after coming in from the training field. Above the sinks are to be large mirrors, the full width of the vanity, with frames and decorative lighting. The walls are to be full height porcelain tile with a high end accent tile on wet walls behind and next to toilets and urinals. Remaining walls are to be porcelain tile to wainscot height with a high end accent tile and paint above. The wainscot tile is to have a metal cap at the top of the tile. Toilet partitions are to be solid phenolic plastic. The ceiling is to have moisture resistant acoustical tile. The dish return/wash is to be located near the exit of the facility to maintain a separation between the clean and dirty areas. The finishes within this space are to follow the kitchen design criteria. A trench drain is to be provided to keep water from getting into the dining area. 4.5 Food Service The Project shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Health, Fire Code and Accessibility (applying to aisles within the back-of-house spaces) employing National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certified equipment or equivalent. The food service design objectives are to provide a facility capable of producing and serving a wide variety of nutritious, satisfying and tasty meals while emphasizing the nutritional needs of the patrons. While nutrition and food quality are the overriding goals of the facility it is recognized that much of the appeal of dining is visual and therefore the serving environment shall be pleasing in appearance while remaining functional. A modified scatter serving system offers the opportunity to present a wide variety of foods in a pleasant setting while removing the linear serving line feel of the servery. This style of service is beneficial in reducing crowding and queuing traditionally encountered in the service area. Scatter style service allows for a wide range of décor options as well. Additional considerations shall include designing with sanitation and maintenance in mind. The servery shall be designed with much of the functional equipment mounted on casters to allow easier cleaning as well as flexibility for future changes to the servery. The equipment shall be shielded from public view by a utility knee wall that creates each servery area. The wall shall have a scrubbable, durable surface on the food preparation side and decorative finishes on the patron side. The back of the house (kitchen) shall be designed for efficient flow of food from receiving through storage, preparation, cooking and serving. The kitchen shall incorporate state of the art cooking and ventilation equipment with emphasis on energy and water conservation. A utility service knee or full height wall shall be provided in areas where kitchen equipment is installed back to back. The wall shall have a scrubbable, durable surface using finish materials noted in the room data sheets. 18 The future plans for vertical building expansion shall be considered when selecting ventilating equipment. The goal shall be to reduce grease effluent from the exhausted air stream. The kitchen shall be air conditioned to improve food safety and the working environment. Warewashing shall be located in the direction of egress and shall be capable of absorbing a large quantity of ware in a brief period of time through the use of an accumulator conveyer thereby speeding egress and offering flexibility to the ware wash staff. Special consideration of energy and water conservation shall be required in this energy and water intensive area. The overall goal of the foodservice design shall be to offer the diners a pleasing, relaxing atmosphere to enjoy while nutritionally supporting and refueling their bodies. 19 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) 20 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 5.0 ROOM REQUIREMENTS Abbreviations: AR – as required (by design) Vestibule Function: Main Entry for Staff and Patrons of the facility Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B202002 Storefronts Alum. Storefront 2 pair 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) B2020 Exterior Windows Alum. Storefront AR AR B203008 Exterior Door Hardware Door hardware 2 sets C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Remarks Provide one exterior and one interior pair of storefront doors and windows. Special Dimensions: Acoustics: Occupancy: Access: Patrons and Staff Other: Heating Only. Provide an exterior canopy for those who arrive in advance of the opening of the facility. Provide an aluminum storefront vestibule from floor to ceiling or a combination aluminum storefront and wall construction. C103014 Entrance Floor Mats Recessed Walk Off mat C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls X09 Lockset, full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closers, automatic door opener, card keyed lock (exterior door) Walk off mat approximately 3m (10’) front to back. Aluminum frame with carpeted inserts. Size recessed walk off mat to achieve LEED point. AR AR Various types, styles, and sizes of porcelain, ceramic, and glass tiles on walls. RFP PART 3 21 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Vestibule - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Impact and Moisture Resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo C303002 Gypsum Wallboard Ceiling Finishes GWB Ceiling C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB D304007 Air-Curtain Fans Fly Fans D5020 Lighting Equipment Recessed Downlights D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Quantity Size Remarks 101.6 mm high (4”) Include the use of ceiling soffits in design. Install on second set of entry doors. Install aesthetically pleasing device. Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches at exterior door RFP PART 3 22 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Queue Function: Area immediately adjacent to vestibule and sign in where patrons line up to pay for entry to the servery area Special Dimensions: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B2020 Exterior Windows Alum. Storefront/glazing AR AR C101001 Fixed partitions GWB C103004 Identifying Devices Wayfinding signage AR AR Provide wayfinding signage so that users are directed to features in the facility. C103090 Other Interior Specialties Artwork display system 5 609.6 x 914.4 (24” x 36”) Artwork display system containing cable mounted acrylic panels for display of art and graphics. C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Impact Resistant Gypsum Wall Board Remarks Acoustics: Occupancy: Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Direct adjacency to Sign-In/POS C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel AR 25 mm (1”) wide, Mount from finished floor to 1.21 m (4’) AFF minimum C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls AR AR C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo 101.6 mm high (4”) C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures and recessed cans in drywall soffits AR AR Accent lighting in drywall soffits. E201002 Window Treatments Solar shadecloth roller screens AR AR All exterior windows. Various types, styles, and sizes of porcelain, ceramic, and glass tiles on walls. Command logo or other icon pattern to be included in floor design. Five or more colors. Ceiling height can vary. Include the use of ceiling soffits in design. RFP PART 3 23 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Gear Check Function: Room adjacent to Queue for the open storage of oversized gear. Must be a durable, easy to clean space Special Dimensions: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C103002 Toilet Accessories Heavy duty, wall mounted hooks Quantity Size AR AR Solid plastic open storage units for oversized gear. Tile full height on walls. Acoustics: C103009 C103010 Cabinets and Casework Solid Plastic open storage units AR Located around perimeter of room up to 812.8mm (32”) AFF to top of cubbies. C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile wainscot AR 30 m x .30 m (12” x 12”) minimum C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Impact Resistant Gypsum Wall Board AR 25 mm (1”) wide, Mount from finished floor to 1.21 m (4’) AFF minimum Occupancy: Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Plastic storage cubbies and heavy duty hooks for oversized gear and coats Remarks Place hooks at 1818mm (72”) AFF along perimeter of room. Hooks must be installed so that they are secure and able to handle hanging heavy gear. C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo 101.6 mm high (4”) C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 2’ x 2’ (610 x 610) C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5020 Lighting equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensors D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches Five or more colors. RFP PART 3 24 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Sign-In/POS Function: Point of Sale for all patrons. Each patron must sign in at this point as well. Special Dimensions: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust Fan C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C103004 Identifying Devices Wayfinding signage C103008 Counters Quartz solid surface counter at point of sale Quantity Size AR AR Remarks Provide wayfinding signage so that users are directed to features in the facility. Acoustics: STC-50 Occupancy: 2 U-shape casework to be no less than 1828 W x 1524 L (6’ W x 5’ L) Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Coordinate with equipment (as necessary to accommodate payment style). Point of sale (POS) equipment is GFGI. C103009 C103010 Cabinets and Casework Plastic Laminate point of sale, architectural glass, decorative acrylic, metal C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Impact Resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls U-shape casework point of sale (POS) for 2 staff members to man, one on each side. Casework to be durable wood visual laminate, back lit acrylic panels, or other durable visually appealing material. Solid quartz counter top. Various types, styles, and sizes of porcelain, ceramic, and glass tiles on walls. AR 25 mm (1”) wide, Mount from finished floor to 1.21 m (4’) AFF minimum C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo 101.6 mm high (4”) C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB Five or more colors. Ceiling height can vary. Include the use of ceiling soffits in design. RFP PART 3 25 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Sign-In/POS - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Accent lighting in drywall soffits. D503001 Telecommunications system NIPRNET Outlets 2 AR Floor mounted - Coordinate with POS cabinetry D503001 Telecommunications system Red/Black Telephone 2 AR Floor mounted - Coordinate with POS cabinetry D503001 Telecommunications system SIPRNET Outlets 1 AR Locate at flat screen television E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Wall mounted flat screen television and bracket 1 1066.8 (42”) screen Remarks One wall mounted flat screen displaying menu items with wall mounted bracket. RFP PART 3 26 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dish Wash Function: Area for cleaning and sanitation of patron utensils and dishes. Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-50. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Traffic doors 1 single C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture resistant Ceiling Tile 610 x 1219 mm (24” x 48”) Moisture resistant tile warranted for wet areas. Galvanized ceiling grid. D2090 Plumbing Other D203003 Floor Drains Trench Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D3090 Special Mechanical Systems Provide Heat Stress Monitoring System D5010 Electrical Service and Distribution Disconnects and Enclosed Controllers Occupancy: 1 Access: Staff Other: Direct adjacency to the dining room. Should be located near the front exit so that patrons can easily drop off used dishes prior to exiting the building. Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 1066 x2134 (3’-6”x7’-0”) 20” diameter translucent acrylic vision panel. Laminate faced. Stainless steel kick plates, double acting hinges, jamb guards, 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) Provide systems per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev.) Chapter 3, Plumbing Trench drain shall be ABA compliant Exhaust fan/hood above and connected to dishwasher. AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. RFP PART 3 27 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dish Wash – cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide lighting suitable for a wet environment D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone Outlets 1 AR Provide outlet 1219mm (48”) AFF for wall mounted telephone E109002 Remarks Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, bussing considerations, the food delivery methodology, and the menu. Dish wash accumulator requires an opening between the dining room and the dish room for drop off. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 28 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 VIP Dining/Conference Room Function: VIP room for private dining and conference use. Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-45 Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B2020 Exterior Windows Aluminum windows AR AR C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 pair C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103003 Presentation Boards Wood veneer cabinet with doors, marker board and tack board 1 Remarks Maximize view of lake. Fixed as required to meet LEED and AFTP requirements. Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Occupancy: 20 Lockset, hinges and flush bolts Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Should have direct water view. Adjacent but acoustically separate from the main dining area. Furniture: Wood veneer conference table with power/data accessible in the top. Power/data to be floor mounted under the table. Conference chair with upholstered seat and back and arms. Credenza to match table, will be used for serving food. 1219 x 1219 (48” x 48”) Coordinate finishes with wood veneer conference table. 1828 x 1828 (6’ x 6’) recessed ceiling mounted projection screen Provide one recessed ceiling mounted motorized projection screen with remote control capabilities. Provide one motorized recessed ceiling AV projector mount. Provide two flat screen television mounts. 88.9 mm trim profile (3.5”) Wood trim at wainscot height, 914 mm AFF 914.4 (36”) with stained finish, coordinate wood species and stain color with interior wood doors and conference table. C103090 Other Interior Specialties Motorized projection screen, AV projector mount, flat screen television mounts. C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Regular Gypsum Wall Board C301005 Wall Coverings Vinyl Wall Covering C301090 Wood Trim and Detailing Finishes Wood chair rail trim C302005 Carpeting Carpet Tile C302007 Wall Base Finishes Wood Wall Base 101.6 mm high (4”) Stained wood base, coordinate wood species and stain color with interior wood doors and conference table. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Ceiling heights should have some variation, which may include soffits. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB NIPRNET and SIPRNET required. Secure VTC, government furnished, government installed. Carpet tile to have medium scale graphic pattern. Ceiling heights should have some variation, which may include soffits. RFP PART 3 29 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 VIP Dining/Conference Room - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size Remarks D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide lighting controls to allow dimming. Direct and indirect fixtures for various styles and levels of lighting. Coordinate with projection and VTC system use. D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone Outlets 2 AR Provide floor mounted Red/Black outlets under conference table. D5030 Telecommunication Systems SIPRNET outlets 6 AR Provide 4 floor mounted SIPRNET outets at conference table. Provide one SIPRNET outlet at podium. Provide one SIPRNET outlet at each television. D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches D5030 Telecommunications Systems Public Address Systems AR AR Provide public address/background music system AR Provide empty conduits with pull strings, low voltage junction boxes, etc. and power to support Video Teleconferencing System (VTC). Provide infrastructure for four VTC cameras, wall mounted televisions (scheduled below), and VTC equipment cabinet. D503090 Audio Visual Infrastructure Systems Raceways and power E201002 Window Treatments Solar shadecloth roller screens E202003 Freestanding Furniture and Files Freestanding furniture E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Wall mounted flat screen televisions 2 E202090 Other Movable Furnishings VTC system 1 Provide complete VTC system and rack. E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Clock 1 Wall mounted clock. AR All exterior windows. 1270 (50”) screen Provide two wall mounted flat screens. Provide VTC system. RFP PART 3 30 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dining Room Function: Room with tables in various configurations, 4 person, 2 person, 6 person – for patron dining purposes. Special Dimensions: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B202002 Storefronts Alum. Storefront 1 pair 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) B203008 Exterior Door Hardware Door hardware 1 set B2020 Exterior Windows Aluminum windows AR D304007 Air-Curtain Fans Fly Fans C101001 Fixed partitions GWB Acoustics: Occupancy: Remarks Provide one exterior pair of storefront doors and windows to exit onto the Outdoor dining. X09 Lockset, full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closers, automatic door opener, card keyed lock (exterior door) AR Maximize view of lake. Fixed as required to meet LEED and AFTP requirements. Access: Staff and Patrons Adjacent to servery, dish wash, and VIP dining/conference. Provide Air-Curtain Fan for exterior doors exiting onto the Outdoor dining. Provide direct access to outdoor dining area. Other: Should have view of lake area. Furniture layout to include various size tables (4 person, 2 person, 6 person or have the ability to push together). Chairs with durable seat and back appropriate for dining with the ability to stack. Booth seating is not desired. Space should maintain flexibility in layout. Feature wall to divide space from the servery and head area. Feature wall to have glass display cabinets integrated into the design for the display of command items. Feature wall may be wood veneer, acrylic panels, printed vinyl wallcovering, or other appropriate material for a feature wall. Presentations may be held in this space, so a motorized projection screen is required. NIPRNET and SIPRNET required. C103009 C103010 Cabinets and Casework Wood veneer, architectural glass, decorative acrylic, metal C103090 Other Interior Specialties Motorized projection screen, AV projector mount, flat screen television mount. C103090 Other Interior Specialties Artwork display system C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Regular Gypsum Wall Board AR 5 AR Wood veneer custom display cabinet/feature wall. Glass cabinets should be see through, have glass shelves, lighting on interior to highlight command trophies, etc. Decorative acrylic, metal trim, architectural glass are options to add visual appeal. Minimum 1828 x 1828 (6’ x 6’) recessed ceiling mounted projection screen Provide one recessed ceiling mounted motorized projection screen with remote control capabilities. Provide one motorized recessed ceiling AV projector mount. Provide six flat screen television mounts. 609.6 x 914.4 (24” x 36”) Artwork display system containing cable mounted acrylic panels for display of art and graphics. RFP PART 3 31 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dining Room - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size AR 25 mm (1”) wide, Mount from finished floor to 1.21 m (4’) AFF minimum Remarks C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo 101.6 mm high (4”) C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Ceiling height to be maximized as much as structure will allow, but be no less than 10’ at the lowest point. Ceiling to have multiple heights using various elements such as floating clouds or soffits. C303005 Suspended Ceiling Specialty Trim Acoustic Ceiling Tile Trim Minimum 101.6 mm (4” H) Ceiling to have multiple heights using various elements such as floating clouds or soffits. Use trim to create clouds or other floating elements. C303090 Other Ceiling and Ceiling Finishes Exposed Structure Ceiling Painted exposed structure and mechanical systems above floating clouds or soffits. Ceiling height to be maximized as much as structure will allow, but be no less than 10’ at the lowest point. Ceiling to have multiple heights using various elements such as floating clouds or soffits. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB D3040 Air Distribution Paint Exposed Ductwork Five or more colors to be used. D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide lighting controls to allow dimming. Direct and indirect fixtures for various styles and levels of lighting. Coordinate with use of projector and screen. D5030 Telecommunications Systems Public Address Systems 1 AR Provide public address/background music system RFP PART 3 32 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dining Room - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size Remarks D5030 Telecommunication Systems Telephone Outlets 1 AR Provide red/black phone outlets where directed by NSWDG. D5030 Telecommunications Systems SIPPRNET Outlets 10 AR Provide SIPRNET outlet for each wall mounted television. Provide 4 SIPRNET outlets as directed by NSWDG. D503090 Audio Visual Projector 1 D5030 Security Systems ESS AR E201002 Window Treatments Solar shadecloth roller screens E202003 Freestanding Furniture and Files Freestanding furniture E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Wall mounted flat screen televisions Provide ceiling mount, power receptacle and empty raceway for projector AR Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches at exterior doors All exterior windows. 6 1066.8 (42”) screen Provide wall mounted flat screens located such that all patrons have a view of at least one flat screen monitor. RFP PART 3 33 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Office Function: Office for staff that manages and operates facility Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-45 Occupancy: 4 Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B2020 Exterior Windows Aluminum windows AR AR C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C101005 Interior Windows Aluminum windows 1 C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Regular Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile C303005 Exposed Suspended Acoustical Ceiling Grid Acoustic Ceiling Grid C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone Outlets 4 AR Provide one Red/Black telephone outlet on each wall D5030 Telecommunications Systems SIPRNET Outlets 4 AR Provide one SIPRNET outlet on each wall Adjacent to kitchen Provide a three tumbler cashier’s safe containing individual combination locked compartments for each cashier plus one case collection agent. Fixed as required to meet LEED and AFTP requirements. Full height partition Access: Staff Other: Furniture layout to include appropriate furnishings for an open office environment. Include storage and filing. Remarks 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Stained finish Lockset, hinges 914 x1219 (3’-0”x4’-0”) 152.4 mm high (6”) View into Servery Metal trim cap at top of base. NIRPNET and SIPRNET required. Coordinate with equipment as necessary to accommodate POS computer equipment. POS equipment GFGI. 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Provide 2 level dimming and occupancy sensors. RFP PART 3 34 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Office - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D503001 Telecommunications system NIPRNET Outlets 3 AR E202003 Freestanding Furniture and Files Freestanding furniture E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Wall mounted clock 1 Remarks Refer to UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Electrical Design for coordination details. Provide one wall mounted clock. RFP PART 3 35 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Men’s Head Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 Acoustics: C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set Occupancy: Based on personnel to be served C103001 Compartments, Cubicles, & Toilet Partitions Toilet partitions and urinals AR AR Solid phenolic core, floor mounted Wall mounted for urinals C103002 Toilet and Bath Accessories Toilet paper holder, paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser, mirror, grab bars AR AR Provide framed mirror over sink with decorative lighting above. Mirror to be full width of sink. C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Regular Gypsum Wall Board and Cementitious Backing Units AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) Porcelain tile full height on wet walls and side walls adjacent to toilets and urinals. Tile to wainscot height 1524 mm (60”) minimum on remaining walls. Tile to have decorative glass or ceramic tile accent band at 1219 mm (4’) AFF. Wainscot to have a metal accent trim at the top. Function: Restrooms shall be ABA compliant. Special Dimensions: Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Stained finish Push/pull, hinges, kick plates and closer Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Adjacent to dining room. C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls C302001 Porcelain Tile Floors Porcelain Tile AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) C302007 Tile Base Finishes Porcelain Tile Base AR AR C303002 Gypsum Wall Board Ceiling finishes Painted GWB ceiling C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB RFP PART 3 36 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Men’s Head - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description D2010 Plumbing Urinals D201003 Plumbing Lavatory D2010 Plumbing Water Closets D203003 Floor Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Quantity Size Remarks Provide a minimum of three lavatories. Provide a minimum of four fixtures. Provide a floor drain for every two bathroom stalls. Provide Occupancy Sensors RFP PART 3 37 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Women’s Head Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Mission: C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Function: Restrooms shall be ABA compliant. C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 Special Dimensions: C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103001 Compartments, Cubicles, & Toilet Partitions Toilet partitions AR AR Solid phenolic core, floor mounted C103002 Toilet and Bath Accessories Toilet paper holder, paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser, mirror AR AR Provide framed mirror over sink with decorative lighting above. Mirror to be full width of sink. C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Regular Gypsum Wall Board and Cementitious Backing Units AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) Porcelain tile full height on wet walls and side walls adjacent to toilets and urinals. Tile to wainscot height 1524mm (60”) minimum on remaining walls. Tile to have decorative glass or ceramic tile accent band at 1219 mm (48”) AFF. Wainscot to have a metal accent trim at the top. Acoustics: Occupancy: Based on personnel to be served Access: Staff and Patrons Other: Adjacent to dining room. C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Stained finish Push/pull, hinges, kick plates and closer C302001 Porcelain Tile Floors Porcelain Tile AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) C302007 Tile Base Finishes Porcelain Tile Base AR AR C303002 Gypsum Wall Board Ceiling finishes Painted GWB ceiling C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Painted GWB D201003 Plumbing Lavatory Provide a minimum of two lavatories. RFP PART 3 38 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Women’s Head - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description D2010 Plumbing Water Closets D203003 Floor Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Quantity Size Remarks Provide a minimum of two fixtures. Provide a floor drain for every two bathroom stalls. Provide Occupancy Sensors RFP PART 3 39 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Kitchen Function: Kitchen for preparation of food that is moved to the servery area Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-50. Provide baffles/screens on openings into the dining and servery area. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Traffic doors 1 pair C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103008 Counters Stainless steel AR AR C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board AR 76.2 mm (3”) wide, Mount from finished floor to full height of ceiling Full height of outside corner. 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Occupancy: Access: Staff Adjacent to servery, office, dry storage, Vegetable prep, refrigerator, freezer, receiving, staff toilets and lockers. C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel Corner Guards C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB Other: D201004 Plumbing - Fixtures Sinks D2020 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) 20” diameter translucent acrylic vision panel. Laminate faced. Stainless steel kick plates, double acting hinges, jamb guards, Approved by USDA for food service areas. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shut-off valves. RFP PART 3 40 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Kitchen - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description D2030 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D203003 Floor Drains Floor sinks Quantity Size Remarks Provide trench drains at entry to refrigerator and freezer. Provide trench drains at kitchen equipment with water connections. Trench drain shall be ABA compliant D203003 Floor Drains D2090 Plumbing - Other D2090 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D3090 Special Mechanical Systems Provide Heat Stress Monitoring System D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fans D40 Fire Protection D5010 Electrical Service and Distribution Disconnects and Enclosed Controllers AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide fixtures with a lens suitable for food preparation areas. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Electrical D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone Outlets 1 AR Provide outlet 1219 mm (48”) AFF for wall mounted telephone D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR E109002 Trench Drains Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shut-off valves. Exhaust fan hood above cooking equipment. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Fire Protection and Life Safety Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, bussing considerations, the food delivery methodology, and the menu. Hot and cold pass throughs/roll throughs between kitchen and servery require openings in wall. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 41 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Kitchen - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Wall mounted clock 1 E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Type K Fire Extinguisher AR Size Remarks Provide one wall mounted clock. AR RFP PART 3 42 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Servery Uniformat Level 4# Function: Various stations serving food to patrons. Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size Remarks Provide counters, casework, tray rails, and other interior construction necessary to accommodate the food delivery methodology. C10 Interior Construction Acoustics: C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Occupancy: C103004 Identifying Devices Wayfinding signage AR AR Provide way finding signage so that users are directed to features in the facility. C103008 Counters Stainless steel and Quartz solid surface AR AR Quartz solid surface on the patron side of all food serverys C103009 C103010 Cabinets and casework Plastic laminate servery faces, decorative acrylic, metal AR AR Plastic laminate facing material on server fronts in various styles, colors, and finishes with metal accents. Decorative acrylic to add visual appeal. C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board AR 25 mm (1”) wide, Mount from finished floor to 1.21 m (4’) AFF minimum Special Dimensions: Access: Staff and Patrons Adjacent to kitchen and dining room. Other: The design of the serving area impacts the serving capacity and must be coordinated with the queue and dining area. C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel C301004 Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls C302002 Resinous Terrazzo Resinous Terrazzo C302007 Wall Base Finishes Resinous Terrazzo C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy AR AR Various types, styles, and sizes of porcelain, ceramic, and glass tiles creating themed stations throughout the servery. Provide a minimum of two colors. 101.6 mm high (4”) Epoxy flooring located on the staff side of each servery where food is prepared. RFP PART 3 43 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Servery - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 101.6 mm high (4”) C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 2’ x 2’ (610 x 610) C303090 Other Ceiling and Ceiling Finishes Exposed Structure Ceiling C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D2010 Plumbing Sinks Provide fixtures as necessary to accommodate the food delivery method. D2020 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shut-off valves. E202090 Other Movable Furnishings Type K Fire Extinguisher D2030 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D203003 Floor Drains Trench Drains D2090 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D3040 Air Distribution Paint Exposed Ductwork D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5010 Electrical Service and Distribution Disconnects and Enclosed Controllers AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide fixtures with a lens suitable for food serving areas. D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Quantity Size Remarks Epoxy flooring located on the staff side of each servery where food is prepared. Metal trim cap at top of base. Approved by USDA for food service areas. Ceiling to have multiple heights using various elements such as floating clouds or soffits. Painted exposed structure and mechanical systems above floating clouds or soffits. AR AR Provide trench drains at kitchen equipment with water connections. Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shut-off valves. Exhaust fan/hood above cooking equipment. RFP PART 3 44 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Servery - cont. Uniformat Level 4# E109002 Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size Remarks Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, bussing considerations, the food delivery methodology, and the menu. Hot and cold pass throughs/roll throughs between kitchen and servery require openings in wall. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 45 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Janitor Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Function: Janitors closet C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Special Dimensions: C102001 Standard Interior Doors C102007 Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. Easy access to servery and dining room. Quantity Size Flush Wood Doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103002 Toilet and Bath Accessories Mop Holder C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels D201004 Plumbing D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures Remarks Stained finish Acoustics: Lockset, hinges Occupancy: Other: Janitors sink, mop holders 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Moisture Resistant Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Provide a service sink AR AR Provide occupancy sensor RFP PART 3 46 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Meat Prep Function: Kitchen for preparation of meat that is moved to the kitchen and servery areas Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors C102007 Quantity Size Traffic doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103008 Counters Stainless steel AR C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base C303001 C304006 Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-50. Provide baffles/screens on openings to the dining and servery area. Occupancy: Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. To be an enclosed space. Other: hand sink Space also serves as a cold preparation area. Provide room at a temperature of 65 degrees for cold prep of food. Remarks 20” diameter translucent acrylic vision panel. Laminate faced. Stainless steel kick plates, double acting hinges, jamb guards, AR 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. D2010 Plumbing Fixtures D2020 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D2030 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D2090 Plumbing - Other Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shutoff valves. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing RFP PART 3 47 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Meat Prep - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description D303002 Direct Expansion Systems Provide a dedicated unit to cool room to 65 deg F D40 Fire Protection D5010 Electrical Electrical Service and Distribution AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide fixtures with a lens suitable for food preparation areas. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Electrical D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR E109002 Quantity Size Remarks Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Fire Protection and Life Safety Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 48 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Vegetable Prep Function: Kitchen for preparation of vegetables that is moved to the kitchen and servery areas Special Dimensions: Acoustics: STC-50. Provide baffles/screens on openings into the dining and servery area. Occupancy: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C103008 Counters Stainless steel C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base C303001 C304006 Quantity Other: Sink for vegetable washing. Remarks 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. Can be open to the kitchen. Size Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. D2010 Plumbing Fixtures D2020 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D2030 Plumbing Rough-ins for kitchen equipment D2090 Plumbing - Other Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Plumbing D40 Fire Protection Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Fire Protection and Life Safety D5010 Electrical Electrical Service and Distribution Rough-ins shall consist of flexible quick disconnect hoses and shutoff valves. AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. RFP PART 3 49 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Vegetable Prep – cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR E109002 Food Service Equipment Remarks Provide fixtures with a lens suitable for food preparation areas. Provide fixtures per UFC 4-722-01 (Rev) Chapter 3, Electrical Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capabilities. RFP PART 3 50 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Dry Storage Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Function: Accommodates stocks of subsistence (consumables) and nonsubsistence, e.g. tableware, cleaning supplies. C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Special Dimensions: C102007 Acoustics: Quantity Size Remarks Flush Wood Doors 1 1067 x2134 (3’-6”x7’-0”) Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Stained finish Lockset, hinges, kick plates and closer Occupancy: Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. Other: E109002 Food Service Equipment E202003 Freestanding Furniture Provide fixtures with a lens suitable for food preparation areas. Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Shelving and kitchen support items RFP PART 3 51 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Lockers Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Function: Locker area for kitchen staff C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Special Dimensions: C102001 Standard Interior Doors C102007 Quantity Size Flush Wood Doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103005 Steel Clothing Lockers Lockers 30 C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust Fan Acoustics: Occupancy: Staff Access: Adjacent to kitchen, but must have wall separation. Other: AR Remarks Half glazed vision panel. Stained finish Passage set, hinges, kick plates and closer .30 W x 1.21 H x .45 D (12” W x 48” H x 18” D) AR Provide half height lockers with sloped tops. Lockers on a concrete platform base with epoxy applied to the base. Base shall be 152.4 mm high (6”). Provide occupancy sensors RFP PART 3 52 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Men’s Staff Toilet Function: Toilet for kitchen staff, ABA compliant Special Dimensions: Acoustics: Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C103002 Toilet and Bath Accessories Toilet paper holder, paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser, mirror, grab bars AR Occupancy: Staff Access: Adjacent to kitchen, but must have wall separation. Other: Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Stained finish Privacy set, hinges AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) Provide standard framed mirror over sink. Porcelain tile full height all walls. C301004 Tile Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D201001 Plumbing Provide fixtures as necessary to accommodate the staffing plan D201003 Plumbing Provide fixtures as necessary to accommodate the staffing plan D203003 Floor Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Provide a floor drain for every two bathroom stalls. Exhaust fan RFP PART 3 53 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Men’s Staff Toilet - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Remarks Provide occupancy sensors RFP PART 3 54 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Women’s Staff Toilet Function: Toilet for kitchen staff, ABA compliant Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C103002 Toilet and Bath Accessories Toilet paper holder, paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser, mirror Remarks Stained finish Special Dimensions: Privacy set, hinges Acoustics: Occupancy: Staff Access: Adjacent to kitchen, but must have wall separation. Other: Full height partition AR AR Field Tile .15 m x .15 m (6” x 6”) Minimum Prefer .30 x.30 m (12” x 12”) Provide standard framed mirror over sink. Porcelain tile full height all walls. C301004 Tile Wall Finishes Porcelain Tile Walls C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D201001 Plumbing Provide fixtures as necessary to accommodate the staffing plan RFP PART 3 55 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Women’s Staff Toilet – cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title D201003 Plumbing D203003 Floor Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures Description Quantity Size Remarks Provide fixtures as necessary to accommodate the staffing plan Provide a floor drain for every two bathroom stalls. AR AR Provide occupancy sensors RFP PART 3 56 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Utensils Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Function: Storage for kitchen utensils C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Special Dimensions: C102001 Standard Interior Doors Traffic doors 1 Acoustics: STC-50. Provide baffles/screens on openings into the dining and servery area. C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set Occupancy: C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C301090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP panels C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base C303001 Quantity Other: Remarks Full height partition Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. Size 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) 20” diameter translucent acrylic vision panel. Stainless steel kick plates, double acting hinges, jamb guards, 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5010 Electrical Service and Distribution Disconnects and Enclosed Controllers AR AR Provide Stainless Steel, NEMA 4X. D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR E109002 Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 57 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Refrigerator Uniformat Level 4# Function: Accommodates stocks of cold subsistence. Uniformat Title Description Hollow Metal Doors Quantity Size 1 1372 x2134 (4’-6”x7’-4”) Solid Doors B2023008 Exterior Door Hardware Hardware B1010 Floor Construction Insulated concrete floor C10 Door threshold 12 gauge stainless steel door threshold C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy E109002 Food Service Equipment Refrigerator E202003 Freestanding Furniture Shelving and kitchen support items D5020 Lighting equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensors D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches Acoustics: X09 Lockset, hinges, Full weatherstripping, rain deflector, exit device hardware activated by refrigerator door, lockset, hinges. 1 set Access: Staff. Adjacent to kitchen. Other: See UFC 4-722-01, Appendix B for additional information. Door positioned in exterior wall to accommodate opening of refrigerator door. This is separate from the refrigerator door. B203001 Special Dimensions: Occupancy: Remarks AR 101.6 mm (4”) thick insulated concrete slab in freezer supported by structural slab. Capacity is determined by analysis of the menu, the number of personnel to be served, and the defined delivery cycles. RFP PART 3 58 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Freezer Function: Accommodates stocks of frozen subsistence. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 1372 x2134 (4’-6”x7’-4”) B2023008 Exterior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set B1010 Floor Construction Insulated concrete floor C10 Door threshold 12 gauge stainless steel door threshold C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy E109002 Food Service Equipment Freezer E202003 Freestanding Furniture Shelving and kitchen support items D5020 Lighting equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensors D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches Special Dimensions: Acoustics: Adjacent to kitchen. Other: See UFC 4-722-01, Appendix B for additional information. Door positioned in exterior wall to accommodate opening of freezer door. This is separate from the freezer door. X09 Lockset, hinges, Full weatherstripping, rain deflector, exit device hardware activated by refrigerator door, lockset, hinges. Occupancy: Access: Staff. Remarks AR 101.6 mm (4”) thick insulated concrete slab in freezer supported by structural slab. Capacity is determined by analysis of the menu, the number of personnel to be served, and the defined delivery cycles. RFP PART 3 59 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Non Food Storage Function: Storage area for chemicals and cleaning agents and other non food items. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C102001 Standard Interior Doors C102007 Quantity Size Flush Wood Doors and Hollow Metal Security doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures Special Dimensions: Acoustics: Occupancy: Remarks Stained finish Lockset, hinges, kick plates and closer Access: Staff Adjacent to kitchen. Other: E109002 Food Service Equipment E202003 Freestanding Furniture AR AR Provide occupancy sensors. Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Shelving and kitchen support items Shelving similar to dry storage area. RFP PART 3 60 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Can Wash Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) B203008 Exterior Door Hardware Door hardware 1 set Acoustics: C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Occupancy: C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C103090 Impact Resistant Panel FRP C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base C303001 Function: Provide high temperature water supply near the loading dock for can cleaning. Special Dimensions: Other: Insulated Lockset, hinges, Full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closer Full height partition Access: Staff. Adjacent to kitchen. Remarks 1219 x 2438 sheets (48” x 96”) FRP panels to be full height. Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile 610 x 1219 mm (24” x 48”) Moisture resistant tile warranted for wet areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D201004 Sinks D20 Plumbing D30 HVAC Exhaust Fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures E109002 AR Provide a floor sink for can washing. Provide high temperature water supply and floor drain. AR AR Provide lighting suitable for a wet environment Provide equipment as necessary to accommodate the number of personnel to be served, the food delivery methodology, the menu, the bussing style and the storage capacities. Food Service Equipment RFP PART 3 61 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Can Wash - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description E202003 Freestanding Furniture Shelving and kitchen support items Quantity Size Remarks RFP PART 3 62 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Receiving Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 1219 x2438 (4’ x 8’-0”) B203008 Exterior Door Hardware Door hardware 1 set Occupancy: C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Access: Staff C103014 Entrance Floor Mats Loose lay vinyl floor mat AR AR Adjacent to kitchen and loading dock C301090 Stainless Steel Wall Panels Stainless Steel wall panels full height AR 1524 mm high (60”) Wall protection for extreme abuse area. C301090 Stainless Steel Wall Panels Stainless steel hat channel (bumper rail) AR 50.8 x 152.4 mm (2”D x 6” H) Located 508 mm (20”) AFF to center of hat channel C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board AR 76.2 mm (3”) wide, Mount from finished floor to full height of ceiling Full height of outside corner. Function: Area for receiving food shipments. Special Dimensions: Acoustics: Other: Remarks Insulated. Door to swing out. Door to have small view window. X09 Lockset, hinges, Full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closer Locate at loading dock door. C301005 Corner Guards Stainless Steel Corner Guards C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Acoustic Ceiling Tile 610 x 610 (2’ x 2’) Approved by USDA for food service areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D304007 Air-Curtain Fans Fly Fans D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Provide at all exterior doors. Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches on exterior doors RFP PART 3 63 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Receiving - cont. Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR E202003 Freestanding Furniture Shelving and kitchen support items Remarks RFP PART 3 64 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Mechanical Room Function: Mechanical equipment Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 pair 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) B2023008 Exterior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302010 Hardeners and Sealers Sealed Concrete C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D203003 Floor Drains D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D305005 Electric Heating Electric Unit Heaters D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensor D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone/NIPRNET Outlets AR AR Provide outlet 1219 mm (48”) AFF for wall mounted telephone. Provide data outlet for Energy management system. D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Special Dimensions: AR Acoustics: Occupancy: Access: Staff Other: Heating & Ventilating Only. The Mechanical Room provides crawl space access with required security and safety features. Remarks Insulated Lockset, hinges, flush bolts, full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closer Full height partition Provide a floor drain in the mechanical room. RFP PART 3 65 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Electrical Room Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 1219 x2134 (4’-0”x7’-0”) B2023008 Exterior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set Occupancy: C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Access: Staff C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware Other: C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board C302010 Hardeners and Sealers Sealed Concrete C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D304007 Exhaust Systems Exhaust fan D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensor D5030 Telecommunications Systems Telephone/NIPRNET Outlets AR AR Provide outlet 1219 mm (48”) AFF for wall mounted telephone. Provide data outlet for Energy management system. D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches D5090 Emergency Lighting and Power Emergency Lighting AR AR Function: Electrical equipment Special Dimensions: As required Acoustics: Remarks Insulated Lockset, hinges, Full weatherstripping, rain deflector, overhead closer Full height partition 1 set Lockset, hinges RFP PART 3 66 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Comm Room Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Function: Comm equipment C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Special Dimensions: 2.4 x 3.0 m (8’ x 10’) C102001 Standard Interior Doors Flush Wood Doors and Hollow Metal Security doors 1 C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set Access: Staff C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board Other: C302010 Hardeners and Sealers Sealed Concrete C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D303002 Direct Expansion Systems Dedicated air-cooled direct expansion (DX) ductless split system D5020 Branch Wiring Receptacles AR AR Provide dedicated power to equipment racks/cabinets D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensor D5030 Security Systems ESS AR AR Camera, Card Reader, Balanced Magnetic Switches D5030 Telecommunication Systems Telephone/NiprNet Outlets AR AR Provide outlet 1219 mm (48”) AFF for wall mounted telephone. Provide one NiprNet outlet. Quantity Size Remarks Full height partition 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) Stained finish Acoustics: Lockset, hinges Occupancy: RFP PART 3 67 P-132 SOF Cafeteria RFP NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Trash/Recycling Uniformat Level 4# Uniformat Title Description Quantity Size B203001 Solid Doors Hollow Metal Doors 1 914 x2134 (3’-0”x7’-0”) C102007 Interior Door Hardware Hardware 1 set C101001 Fixed Partitions GWB Access: Staff C301003 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Moisture resistant Gypsum Wall Board Other: C302009 Epoxy Floor System Epoxy C302009 Epoxy Wall Base Epoxy 152.4 mm high (6”) Metal trim cap at top of base. C303001 Acoustical Ceiling Panels Moisture Resistant Ceiling Tile 610 x 1219 mm (24” x 48”) Moisture resistant tile warranted for wet areas. C304006 Gypsum Wall Board Finishes Epoxy Painted GWB D5020 Lighting Equipment Fluorescent Fixtures Function: Trash and recycling Remarks Insulated Special Dimensions: Lockset, hinges, and kick plates. Acoustics: Full height partition Occupancy: AR AR Provide Occupancy Sensor RFP PART 3 68 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS A10 FOUNDATIONS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide the building foundation system in accordance with UFC 3-301-01, Structural Engineering. Foundation shall be designed to suit subsurface conditions, and shall be capable of transmitting all building loads to the ground. See Section B10, Superstructure, for additional loading criteria. A10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROVIDED GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION Subsurface soil information, including a geotechnical report are included in Part 6 of this RFP. Any included subsurface information is only for the Contractor's information and is not guaranteed to fully represent all subsurface conditions. The Government shall not be responsible for any interpretation or conclusion by the Contractor drawn from the data or information. Any geotechnical report accompanying the subsurface information is provided only to better convey data (boring logs, testing, etc.) or to document observed site conditions. The assumptions, analysis, and recommendations of any accompanying report were developed for preliminary planning purposes only and may not reflect present project requirements. The Contractor is required to retain a Geotechnical Engineer experienced and licensed in the geographic region of the project to interpret the Government provided information as related to his design concept and develop geotechnical requirements to support design and construction. Minor variations in subsurface conditions between borings should be anticipated. The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the site preparation, ground improvement and foundations except as allowed by Contract Clause FAR 52.236-2, "Differing Site Conditions". The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer shall perform additional subsurface investigation/testing as required to adequately determine all applicable geotechnical factors including the type and capacity of the project foundations. The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer shall consider the provided information and any additional information obtained and prepare a report as described in other portions of this RFP. The minimum requirements for the subsurface investigation and report are as required by UFC 1-300-09N with associated references. Personnel under the supervision of a registered Professional Engineer shall provide inspection of excavations and soil/groundwater conditions throughout construction. The Engineer shall be responsible for performing pre-construction and periodic site visits throughout construction to assess site conditions. The Engineer, with the concurrence of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer, shall update the excavation, sheeting, shoring and dewatering plans as construction progresses to reflect actual site conditions and shall submit the updated plan and a written report (with professional stamp) at least monthly informing the Contractor and Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of Contractor adherence to the plan; specifically addressing any present or potential problems. The Engineer shall be available to meet with the Contracting Officer at any time throughout the contract duration. The Contractor shall bear all costs of the Engineer. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR A10 - Page 1 69 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 SEISMIC DESIGN The design shall use a seismic site classification D. A1010 STANDARD FOUNDATIONS As determined by the Designer of Record to be applicable, provide a Standard foundation. "Standard Foundations" are shallow or deep foundations as specifically addressed in IBC Chapter 18. Do not use masonry unit footings, steel grillage footings, timber footings or wood foundations. Treated timber piles are not allowed. A1020 SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS As determined by the Designer of Record to be applicable, provide a Special foundation. “Special Foundations” are considered to be a deep foundation system or any foundations that utilize site improvement/ground modification systems. Examples of site improvement/ground modification systems include stone columns, aggregate piers, impact densification, compaction grouting, vibroflotation, etc. As "Special Foundation" techniques or systems typically require the use of specialty contractors, a Professional Engineer shall establish installation and acceptance criteria and supervise the installation. The Designer of Record shall submit justification for use, including acceptable evidence of previous successful installation in similar conditions, methods and equipment used in their installation, proposed testing and inspection to be used, supporting test data, calculations and any other information related to the structural properties and load capacity of such system. Field verification testing to confirm satisfactory construction and system performance shall be performed to verify load capacity for all Special Foundation techniques or systems. A minimum factor of safety of 2 should be applied to all Special Foundation elements, unless a higher factor of safety is warranted. The allowable stresses for piles/piers shall not exceed those limitations specified in UFC 1-200-01. The project structure and ground floor slab shall be entirely supported on a Special Foundation System. A1030 SLAB ON GRADE (Crawl Space) As determined by the Designer of Record to be applicable, provide a standard four inch concrete slab on grade. Where slab on grade is below the existing adjacent exterior grade, provide water/damproofing and a perimeter drainage system to remove ground water from the area immediately adjacent to the buildings. Provide perimeter insulation. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR A10 - Page 2 70 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS A20 BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide the crawl space construction in accordance with UFC 3-301-01, Structural Engineering. A2020 BASEMENT WALLS (CRAWL SPACE) Crawl space walls include exterior walls below the ground floor level of the building, including walls that are below grade. Provide basement walls constructed of cast-in-place concrete or masonry. Provide waterproofing and insulation of basement walls below grade. The depth of the crawl space shall be a minimum of 5 feet. The floor of the crawl space shall be a 4” (minimum) concrete slab with a 10 mil vapor barrier on compacted porous fill. Slope slab toward interior sump pits. Provide crawl space access with required security and safety features from the interior of mechanical room. Where the concrete slab is below the existing adjacent exterior grade, provide water/damproofing and a perimeter drainage system to remove ground water from the area immediately adjacent to the building. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR A20 - Page 1 71 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 72 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS B10 SUPERSTRUCTURE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide the building framing system in accordance with UFC 3-301-01, Structural Engineering. Importance Factors Use Occupancy Category III in Table 1 of UFC 3-301-01 for determining Importance Factors for seismic, snow, and wind design. The corresponding Seismic Design Category is B Wind Exposure Wind design shall be based on Exposure C. B1010 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION The floor construction may include any structural framing system meeting the requirements of this section such as non-composite concrete slabs on form deck on steel joists, non-composite concrete slabs on form deck on steel beams, composite concrete slabs on composite steel deck, cast-in-place concrete slabs on removable forms. The floor deck shall be supported on cast-in place concrete walls, concrete masonry walls, steel columns and steel beams, steel columns and joist girders, concrete columns and concrete beams. Tilt up walls are not permitted. Provide floor drains and slope the floor to drains to ensure proper drainage of water in wet areas. Drop the floor framing for coolers, freezers and trench drains and provide an insulated floor system in areas of refrigerators and freezers, so its finished floor height is level with the adjacent floor. Provide structural isolated reinforced slab with insulation for refrigerators and freezers in accordance with the Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Construct multi-level outdoor patio, the walking surface shall be of recycled plastic patio planking on galvanized steel or cast in place concrete. Treated and un-treated lumber is not allowed. All hardware shall be galvanized steel or stainless steel. The patio construction type shall match the elevated walkway as described in the civil / site sections of this RFP. B1020 ROOF CONSTRUCTION The roof construction may include any structural framing system meeting the requirements of this section such as steel roof deck on steel joists, steel roof deck on steel beams, non-composite concrete slabs on form deck on steel joists, non-composite concrete slabs on form deck on steel beams, cast-in-place concrete slabs on removable forms. The roof deck shall be supported on cast-in place concrete walls, concrete masonry walls, steel columns and steel beams, steel columns and joist girders concrete columns and concrete beams. The roof shall be flat and designed for a future floor; the design live load shall be for future office space. Tilt up walls are not permitted. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B10 - Page 1 73 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 74 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS B20 EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION This system consists of the exterior shell of the facility, which includes all vertical and horizontal exterior closure such as exterior walls, exterior windows, and exterior doors. This system excludes roofing (See System B30, Roofing). Structural frame elements at exterior such as columns, beams, and spandrels are included in Superstructure, with only the applied exterior finishes (e.g., paint, stucco) being included here. Finishes to the inside face of walls which are not an integral part of the wall construction will be included in System C30, Interior finishes. GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS B2010 EXTERIOR WALLS The primary exterior material of the building shall be prefinished insulated metal panels, architectural precast concrete or stone manufactured faced panels to compliment the new P899 Operations Building on the base. The intent is by taking elements from P899, it will form a visual link between the two facilities. Back-up wall system for veneer construction is defined below. B201001 EXTERIOR CLOSURE One of the following systems or combination of may be used: Provide metal prefabricated panel exterior wall closure. Metal shall have concealed fasteners. Provide architectural precast concrete exterior wall closure. Provide horizontal siding or vertical sheet panels of manufactured stone faced panel system exterior wall closure. Provide glass block exterior wall closure. B201002 EXTERIOR WALL BACKUP CONSTRUCTION Provide Exterior Wall Construction System (back-up systems for wall veneer) including cast-in-place concrete, unit masonry or metal framed wall systems with insulation when integral with expansion control as described below: Exterior bearing walls consisting of metal studs as the primary floor or roof supporting structural element are not permitted. Tilt up walls are not permitted. B201003 INSULATION and VAPOR RETARDER Provide insulation to meet the energy savings requirements. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B20 - Page 1 75 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide a continuous air barrier to control air leakage into, or out of, conditioned spaces. The building envelope shall including all elements of the facility that are exposed to the outside environment or outside environmental conditions such as roof, walls, floors, and negatively pressurized spaces. Permanently seal penetrations through the air barrier, joints in the air barrier, adjoining construction, and transitions to different air barrier materials. Confirm air barrier compliance with air barrier performance tests in RFP Part 4. B201004 PARAPETS Do not provide parapets above roof surface, since this will hinder the future second and third floor construction. If parapets are required by design, assure they are easily removed for future work. B201005 EXTERIOR LOUVERS & SCREENS Provide exterior louvers and screens, where required, that match the finish of the existing windows and detailed to integrate with the architecture of the building, as appropriate to the design of the building. Provide storm shutters for all exterior windows and doors. Roll shutter shall be manually operated. B201007 EXTERIOR SOFFITS Provide exterior metal soffit system. B201009 EXTERIOR PAINTING AND COATINGS Provide field applied exterior coatings for all items that are not prefinished, and to prefinished items when required to provide a color other than a standard prefinished color. B201010 EXTERIOR JOINT SEALANTS Provide exterior application of joint sealants to seal joints and prepare for finish material installation. B201011 SUN CONTROL DEVICES (EXTERIOR) Provide fixed horizontal type. Sun control devices shall be detailed to integrate with the architectural wall system. B201012 SCREEN WALL Provide screen walls where required to screen mechanical units, electrical substations, loading docks, and trash receptacles. Screen walls shall be compatible with the building architecture. Rooftop mechanical screens shall be designed to minimize roofing penetrations and should be easily removable. B2020 EXTERIOR WINDOWS As much as practical, windows shall be provided in each area of the building that is regularly PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B20 - Page 2 76 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 occupied, to enhance the working environment, without compromising visual acuity and comfort. Natural daylighting is preferred. Exterior windows shall be prefinished aluminum. Windows shall meet Antiterrorism requirements and provided with counter intelligence films to protect against eavesdropping security threats. Windows shall satisfy the IBC requirements for protection of openings in wind-borne debris regions. If approved by the DOR, the sample window may be installed in an opening in a framed wall, and the mock-up may be left during construction as a cut-away of the installation. B202001 WINDOWS Determine the construction of security windows by evaluating the project program security requirements, using the Mil Hdbk 1013/1A, Design Guidance for Physical Security of Facilities, to define window requirements. Windows shall be aluminum non-operable. Provide a mockup of one combination window unit for the project to be used for a field mockup test of compliance with AAMA 502 Method A and Method B. B202002 STOREFRONTS Storefronts shall be aluminum. B202004 EXTERIOR GLAZING Glazing color shall match existing adjacent buildings. Glazing shall be insulating glass units of laminated glass and or fragment retention sheets. Glazing shall be provided with counter intelligence films to protect against eavesdropping security threats. Glazing shall satisfy the IBC requirements for protection of openings in wind-borne debris regions. B2030 EXTERIOR DOORS Provide solid door assemblies other than at the main entrance. Exterior doors and frames shall be non-corroding galvanized steel. Doors shall be Heavy Duty Doors - ANSI/SDI A250.8, Level 2, physical performance Level B, Model 1. Glazing shall match the window glazing. All exterior doors and door frames shall be pre-fitted for electric door strikes to correspond with access control measures. B203001 SOLID DOORS Provide solid steel door assemblies other than at main storefront/curtain wall entrances including painted galvanized heavy-duty, non-corroding, insulated doors with frames and hardware. Wood doors shall have hardwood veneers, shall be plain sliced veneer on stained doors. Edge bands shall PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B20 - Page 3 77 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 be wood. Also provide louvers and accessories and wall opening elements such as lintels sills and flashings. B203002 GLAZED DOORS Glazed Doors - Provide Exterior Glazed Doors and Entrances System, including factory-finish aluminum framed door assemblies with insulated, tinted glazing, frames, and hardware compatible with other buildings on the base and wall opening elements such as lintels, sills, through-wall flashings, and joint sealers. B203008 EXTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE Provide the services of a certified door hardware consultant to prepare the door hardware schedule. Provide hardware keying compatible with the existing base-wide keying system. Replacement interchangeable cores shall be compatible with the Best Lock system. Provide a card key system. Provide high security X09 locks on all exterior doors that lead into the facility. Provide the services of a certified door hardware consultant to prepare the door hardware schedule. Door hardware finish shall be stainless steel. B203090 OTHER EXTERIOR SPECIALTY DOORS Provide automatic swinging entrance doors at the main entrance to the building. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B20 - Page 4 78 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS B30 ROOFING B30 GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Roof systems shall be watertight and compatible with facility function, construction, and service conditions. Provide complete roof system design and construction services for the entire new facility roof system, including all ancillary and incidental work necessary for a complete, new, watertight roof system installation. Submittal Requirements: Components of a minimum roof submittal shall include the roof plan, method of drainage, standard details and details unique to the project, wind load calculations and requirements. Provide a Pre-Design Roofing Conference and Pre-Roofing Conference to assure roof design and construction is properly coordinated before construction begins. Built-in gutter systems where drainage passes through an interior space or is concealed in the exterior cavity wall shall be prohibited. Refer to UFC 3-110-03, Roofing, and UFC 3-100-10N, Architecture, for additional roofing requirements. B3010 ROOF COVERINGS B301002 LOW SLOPE ROOFING SYSTEMS Wind Uplift - The complete roof covering assembly shall be rated Class 1- 90, or appropriate in accordance with FM P7825, capable of withstanding an uplift pressure of 90 pounds per square foot (with a safety factor of 2), and FM I-49 for perimeter and flashing attachment. Fire Safety - Complete roof covering assembly shall: 1. Be Class A rated in accordance with ASTM E 108, FM 4470 or UL 790; and 2. Be listed as part of Fire-Classified roof deck construction in UL RMSD or Class I roof deck construction in FM P7825c. Use a ventilating base sheet over any materials which may contain moisture which may need to transpire out of the building. Low slope roofing systems that are acceptable include EPDM. B301003 ROOF INSULATION AND FILL For fastening roof insulation on low-slope membrane roofs, fasteners shall be place to withstand and obtain an uplift pressure of 90 pounds per square foot (with a safety factor of 2) in the field of the roof and FM LPDS 1-49 for perimeter component and flashing attachment. Tapered insulation is required to provide proper sloping to gutters and downspout. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B30 - Page 1 79 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 B301004 FLASHINGS AND TRIM Flashing and sheet metal work shall include splash pans, and sheet metal roofing. Flashings shall be Stainless Steel - ASTM A 167, Type 302 or 304. B301005 GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS Provide gutters and downspouts compatible with roofing material and finish. Concealed (interior) gutters and downspouts are prohibited. B301006 ROOF OPENINGS AND SUPPORTS Provide insulated roof hatch, skylights and rails or guards pending mechanical equipment placement. B301090 OTHER ROOFING Provide lightning protection, without penetrating the roof membrane or flashing components. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR B30 - Page 2 80 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS C10 INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Interior construction includes interior partitions, interior doors, and fittings. Provide durable construction appropriate for the building function. Acoustic properties of materials, as well as durability, shall be considered during material selection. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Areas of the Project subject to abuse require that "impact Resistant" systems be provided. See "Room Requirements" for specific requirements on "Partitions", "Interior Doors", and "Fittings". C1010 PARTITIONS All interior partitions shall be either concrete masonry or metal studs with gypsum board each side. Concrete mixture shall provide an average compressive strength of 3000 PSI (20,680 kPa) and meet or exceed ACI 301/301M. C101001 FIXED PARTITIONS Provide fixed interior partitions, except where demountable or retractable partitions are specifically required by the "Room Requirements." Sound-rated partition assemblies shall have a minimum Sound Transmission Coefficient (STC) of 42 in accordance with ASTM E 90 or ASTM E 413 for frequency data unless indicated otherwise. Glass masonry units shall transmit 75 percent light. C101002 DEMOUNTABLE PARTITIONS Not Used. C101005 INTERIOR WINDOWS Provide interior windows of aluminum, fixed or operable. C101006 GLAZED PARTITIONS & STOREFRONTS Provide glazed storefront system. C101007 INTERIOR GLAZING Interior glazing shall be clear glass, wire glass, laminated glass,OR tempered glass as required by code. Provide decorative acrylic sheets as an optional material on casework and room divider wall in dining area. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C10 - Page 1 81 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 C1020 INTERIOR DOORS C102001 STANDARD INTERIOR DOORS All interior doors shall be wood or hollow metal in hollow metal frames pending their use. Flush wood doors shall be WDMA I.S.1A-04, premium grade, extra heavy duty. Flush wood doors shall be WDMA I.S.-97 PC-5 5-ply particleboard core or SCLC-5 5-ply structural composite lumber core. Building standard doors to comply with WDMA I.S.1A Premium Grade. Doors adjacent to paneling or millwork to comply with corresponding AWI millwork grade. Veneer for flush doors shall be plain sliced maple in veneer match. Doors to have clear or stained finish. Doors shall have Factory Finish of AWI Quality Standards Section 1500, specification for catalyzed polyurethane or acrylated UV curable epoxy. Food service traffic doors are to be 19 mm (¾”) thick exterior grade solid wood core; 25.4 mm (1”) total thickness. Laminate finish. Provide spring bumpers and jamb guards. Stainless steel hinges are double action easy swing. Base plate is stainless steel on both sides 457.2 mm (18”) high. Window to have 508mm (20”) diameter view window with black rubber molding. C102002 GLAZED INTERIOR DOORS Provide vision glazing in doors where it is required by the “Room Requirements” portion of this RFP, or it is deemed advantageous to be able to see through the door, either for safety of pedestrian traffic, or other functional reason. C102003 FIRE DOORS Provide interior fire doors. C102004 SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS Not Used. C102005 INTERIOR OVERHEAD DOORS Provide interior overhead doors. C102006 INTERIOR GATES Not Used. C102007 INTERIOR DOOR HARDWARE Provide high security X09 locks on all rooms that serve as hubs for communications and IT. Provide card key type access units for specialized entries. Provide lithium battery powered, magnetic stripe keycard locksets that are ANSI/BHMA A156.13, Series 1000, Grade 1, mortise, tamper PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C10 - Page 2 82 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 resistant, UL listed with 1 inch (25 mm) throw deadbolt, 3/4-inch (19 mm ) throw latch bolt, auxiliary dead-locking latch, and 2-3/4 inch (68.75 mm) backset. Low-current door strike and single gang box is required at each door. All door strikes shall be powered by central power supply. Power for access control shall be on a separate and labeled circuit. Door hardware finish shall be chrome-plated brass or bronze, or stainless steel. C102090 OTHER INTERIOR SPECIALTY DOORS Not Used. C102091 OTHER INTERIOR PERSONNEL DOORS Not Used. C1030 SPECIALTIES C103001 COMPARTMENTS, CUBICLES, & TOILET PARTITIONS Provide phenolic core toilet partitions with laminate face material in all toilet rooms with more than one water closet or urinal. Provide toilet accessories as indicated in Chapter 3, “Room Requirements” portion of this RFP. C103002 TOILET ACCESSORIES Provide curved profile, upgraded toilet accessories with brushed stainless finish; double roll toilet tissue dispenser, combination paper towel dispenser/waste receptacle (large capacity), and sanitary napkin disposal units. Provide grab bars, soap dispensers, robe hooks, and framed mirrors. Provide electric hand dryers. Provide heavy duty, securely mounted double prong hooks for hanging equipment in the Gear Check. Hooks are to attach to the face of the porcelain tile. Blocking must be provided so that hooks are able to support the weight of gear. C103003 MARKER BOARDS AND TACK BOARDS Provide presentation boards with wood veneer doors to match conference room table finish and wood veneer. Presentation board is funded as part of the construction contract. C103004 IDENTIFYING DEVICES Provide all interior signage required for a completely coordinated, code compliant project. Signage to be incorporated as part of the architectural drawings. Interior signage is not collateral equipment. Interior signage shall demonstrate complete coordination with the facility design, SID and FF&E submittals. Provide interior directional signage as required for facility way finding. Provide an identifying device at each interior door. Signs must meet ABA and UFAS requirements. Provide upscale, well designed, colorful architectural signage and graphics that direct diners to the appropriate counters. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C10 - Page 3 83 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 C103005 LOCKERS Provide lockers with special platform base of concrete. Lockers shall be metal construction with factory finished enamel finish. Lockers are funded as part of the construction contract. Concrete base to have material applied to face the same as adjacent flooring. C103006 SHELVING Not Used. C103007 FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETS Provide fire extinguisher cabinets. Cabinet shall be semi-recessed in new construction and surfacemounted in new mechanical/electrical spaces. Cabinets shall be coordinated with interior finishes Fire extinguishers are FF&E. C103008 COUNTERS Provide stainless steel counter tops and back splashes in the kitchen and food preparation areas, including food preparation side of serverys. Provide quartz countertops at the patron side of all food serverys and casework, such as point of sale (POS). Provide solid surface material at window sills. C103009 CABINETS Provide cabinetry and millwork items with associated accessories. Cabinetry shall be AWI premium grade and have concealed hinges with adjustable standards for shelves. All exposed surfaces will be covered with high pressure plastic laminate clad or hardwood veneer with exposed edges of solid hardwood. Wood cabinet finishes to comply with C304005 1.3 item B stained finish. Provide specific cabinetry as noted on the Room Requirements Sheets. C103010 CASEWORK Provide cabinetry and millwork items with associated accessories. Casework shall be AWI premium grade. All exposed surfaces will be covered with high pressure plastic laminate clad or hardwood veneer with exposed edges of solid hardwood. Wood cabinet finishes to comply with C304005 1.3 item B stained finish. Glass shelves and doors shall be tempered glass with polished edges. Provide architectural features to built in casework such as architectural art glass panels, decorative acrylic, and metal panels. Decorative acrylic and architectural glass may be back lit panels with various surface features such as molded, frosted, or colored. Acrylic panels may contain elements such as sticks, leaves, or other 3 dimensional items. Metal panels may be perforated or have etched swirl or other designs. Architectural glass, acrylic panels, and metal panels may be colored. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C10 - Page 4 84 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide heavy duty clothing hooks where noted in the room requirements sheets. Hooks to be securely mounted with appropriate blocking and have the ability to support loads of no less than 100 pounds. Provide specific casework as noted on the Room Requirements Sheets. C103011 CLOSETS Not Used. C103012 FIRESTOPPING PENETRATIONS Provide all sleeves, caulking, and flashing for firestopping penetrations. C103013 SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials to the building’s framework to prevent structural failure if required by design. C103014 ENTRANCE FLOOR GRILLES AND MATS Provide recessed pan floor mats at main building entrances and surface floor mats at secondary entrances. Recessed walk off mat to have carpet inserts and aluminum frame. C103015 ORNAMENTAL METAL WORK Not Used. C103090 OTHER INTERIOR SPECIALTIES Provide above ceiling mounted motorized projection screen as approved by client. Motorized screen to have remote control capabilities. Size to be coordinated with the AV provided projector. Provide motorized recessed ceiling projector mount coordinated with AV provided projector. The ceiling projector mount shall recess into the ceiling so that the projector is out of view when not in use. The mount finish should be coordinated with the surrounding ceiling finishes. Motorized projector mount to have remote control capabilities. Provide adjustable, articulating flat screen television mounts in locations noted in the Room Requirements Sheets. Provide complete art wall display system consisting of adjustable aircraft cables suspended from attachments mounted securely to walls. Clip to attach acrylic sheets securely to cable. Artwork will be displayed between matte finish acrylic sheets. Coordinate artwork to be displayed with client. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C10 - Page 5 85 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 86 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS C20 STAIRS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Stairs, including stair construction and stair finishes, shall be provided as required by the building code to provide egress from the building from above or below grade level floors. Stairs shall be in accordance with UFC 1-200-01, General Building Requirements. GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS C2010 STAIR CONSTRUCTION C201001 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRS Exterior stairs shall be constructed of cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Concrete is an acceptable finish for exterior stairs. Exterior concrete stairs shall have cast aluminum treads with abrasive surface. C201090 HANDRAILS, GUARDRAILS, AND ACCESSORIES Handrails and guardrails shall be prefinished aluminum. Handrails and guardrails shall present a smooth, unbroken surface throughout the length of the stair. Handrails and guardrails shall be finished to withstand extreme wear conditions. Metal ladders and railings complying with OSHA requirements shall be provided for access and protection to any mechanical mezzanines, lofts or other similar spaces. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C20 - Page 1 87 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 88 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS C30 INTERIOR FINISHES SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Interior finishes include wall finishes, floor finishes, wall base finishes, and ceiling finishes. Provide aesthetically pleasing, functional, durable finishes appropriate to a Dining Facility. Acoustic properties of materials, as well as durability and ease of maintenance, shall be considered during material selection. Maximize the use of sustainable materials. Color selections require the use of wall and floor finish material accents to enhance the color and appearance of the interior design. Provide a wall and floor color design that includes a minimum of two different accents colors throughout the facility. Submit pattern drawings of the accents design with the interior design submittal. GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS See "Room Requirements" for specific requirements on "Interior Finishes." C3010 WALL FINISHES All interior wall finishes shall be as indicated in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. C301001 CONCRETE WALL FINISHES Not used. C301002 PLASTER WALL FINISHES Not used. C301003 GYPSUM WALLBOARD FINISHES Provide gypsum wall board with a painted or tile surface as noted in the “Room Requirements” portion of the RFP. For walls in public areas use finish B Institutional Low Odor, finish 1 eggshell. For walls in restrooms use finish A High Performance Architectural Latex, finish 2 eggshell. C301004 TILE AND TERRAZO WALL FINISHES Provide porcelain tile, decorative ceramic and glass tile, and other specialty tile where noted in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. Use metal transition pieces when coordination porcelain, glass, or ceramic tile trims are not available. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C30 - Page 1 89 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 C301005 WALL COVERINGS Provide vinyl wallcovering where noted in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. Provide 1” wide flange, stainless steel corner guards on all outside corners to protect finishes from carts and traffic in public areas. Corner guards to be recessed with fasteners concealed. Provide 3” wide flange, stainless steel corner guards on all outside corners to protect finishes from carts and traffic in kitchen, food preparation and service areas. Corner guards to be recessed with fasteners concealed. C301006 ACOUSTICAL PANELS ADHERED TO WALLS Not used. C301090 OTHER WALL FINISHES Provide decorative panels, chair rail, standing and running trim with a stained finish. Use AWI custom grade solid wood in either maple or cherry. Chair rail shall be a minimum of 3-1/2 inches (89 mm) high. Profile of chair rail shall be a molded shape. Coordinate wood species and stain finish with interior wood doors and wood veneer furniture. Provide Fiberglass Reinforced wall panels with textured surface, full height from floor to ceiling in areas noted in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. Provide all required trims for a complete installation. Provide 22 gauge stainless steel wall panel. Use in receiving and kitchen corridors or other high traffic areas. Provide 14 gauge stainless steel hat channel (bumper rail) on top of sheet steel wall panels. Hat channel (bumper rail) to be .05 x .15 m (2” x 6”) with enclosed, fully welded ends. C3020 FLOOR FINISHES Floor finishes shall be as indicated in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. C302001 TILE FLOOR FINISHES Provide porcelain tile of various sizes where noted in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. C302002 TERRAZZO FLOOR FINISHES Provide resinous terrazzo flooring where noted in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. Resinous terrazzo is to have various sizes and colors of aggregate and resin, creating patterns throughout the areas where resinous terrazzo is location. Provide metal feature strips. Provide command logo or other feature element at building entry point. C302004 RESILIENT FLOOR FINISHES Not used. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C30 - Page 2 90 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 C302005 CARPETING Provide carpet flooring where noted in Chapter 5, "Room Requirements". a. Carpet Requirements Surface Color: Surface Texture: Yarn Weight: Dye Method: Backing: Multi-colored and Patterned Loop, Cut/Loop, Tip-shear, Textured Loop 28oz. Minimum Solution Dyed Industry Standard for carpet tile C302006 MASONRY AND STONE FLOORING Not used. C302007 WALL BASE FINISHES Provide molded wood wall base at carpet installation. Coordinate species and stain finish with interior wood doors and wood veneer furniture. Finish base C304005 1.3 method B, stained finish. Provide resinous terrazzo self cove on walls where there is resinous terrazzo floor. Provide ceramic or porcelain tile wall base in areas with porcelain tile floors. Provide integral epoxy coved base in areas with epoxy floor system, such as kitchen and receiving. C302009 FLOOR TOPPINGS AND TRAFFIC MEMBRANES Provide resinous epoxy floor. Resinous epoxy floor 6mm (1/4”) thick. Floor able to be cleaned with a cotton mop without surface shredding the mop. Floor to be temperature shock resistant. C302010 HARDENERS AND SEALERS Provide hardened and sealed concrete where indicated in the “Room Requirements” portion of this RFP. C3030 CEILING FINISHES Ceiling finishes shall be as indicated in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. Exposed structural systems shall be painted according to PTS Section C3040 INTERIOR COATINGS AND SPECIAL FINISHES. C303001 ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILES AND PANELS Provide acoustical ceiling tiles and panels where noted in Chapter 5, "Room Requirements". Provide acoustical ceiling tile 610 x 610 mm (24 inch by 24) in public spaces with tegular edge. Tile. 12 mm (5/8 inch) minimum thickness suspended acoustical panel ceiling system. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C30 - Page 3 91 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide 610 x 610 mm (24 inch by 24 inch) acoustic tile with square edge, moisture resistant, washable surface meeting USDA requirements for food service areas. Located in kitchen and server areas. Tile .12 mm (5/8 inch) minimum thickness suspended acoustical panel ceiling system Provide 610 x 1219 mm (24 inch x 48 inch) lay in tile with square edge. Lay in tile approved for use in highl moisture areas. Tile surface to be scrubbable. Tile.12 (5/8) inch minimum thickness suspended panel ceiling system. C303002 GYPSUM WALLBOARD CEILING FINISHES Provide painted gypsum wallboard ceilings and soffits as indicated in the "Room Requirements” portion of this RFP. For ceilings in public areas and restrooms use finish A High Performance Architectural Latex, finish 1 flat. C303003 PLASTER CEILING FINISHES Not used. C303005 SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Provide white aluminum or steel non-corroding intermediate-duty standard grid system for lay-in acoustical panels. Provide white composition 302 or 304, condition annealed stainless steel grid system for lay in tile in wet areas where 610 x 1219 (24 x 36 inch) tile is used. See “Room Requirements” portion of the RFP for locations. Provide steel trim in factory white finish, with ability to be painted in the field. Trim to hold acoustic ceiling tile to create floating cloud elements. Trim to be available in various sizes. Minimum size 101.6 mm (4” H). C303090 OTHER CEILING AND CEILING FINISHES Exposed structure ceiling. Provide a painted exposed structure ceiling above any floating ceiling elements. For exposed ceilings in public areas use finish A High Performance Architectural Latex, finish 1 flat. C3040 INTERIOR COATINGS AND SPECIAL FINISHES Paint all interior exposed surfaces including metal items, such as interior grilles, registers, diffusers, access panels, and panel boxes. All finish coatings shall be as indicated in the "Room Requirements" portion of this RFP. C304006 Gypsum Wallboard Finishes Paint all interior gypsum board walls and ceilings. For walls in public areas use finish B Institutional Low Odor, finish 1 eggshell. For walls in restrooms use finish A High Performance Architectural Latex, finish 2 eggshell. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR C30 - Page 4 92 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS D20 PLUMBING Refer to Part 4 Section D20 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the plumbing system. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The plumbing system for the dining facility consists of all fixtures except the kitchen equipment, potable cold and hot water piping and equipment, piping insulation, water heating equipment, sanitary waste and vent piping systems, and other specialty piping and equipment within 5 foot (1.5 meter) of the building. Refer to Building Requirements, Space Tabulations Section of the Project Program for building occupancy levels. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Provide working space around all equipment. Provide concrete pads under all equipment. Provide all required fittings, connections and accessories required for a complete and usable system. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria of PTS section D20 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Design and installation shall be in accordance with IPC and UFC 3-420-01, Plumbing Systems, and UFC 4-722-01, Dining Facilities. Where the word "should" is used in the manufacturer’s recommendations, substitute the word "shall". Include the Domestic Hot Water system to list of systems to be commissioned in accordance with Project Program Section 2.3.3. Natural gas shall be utilized for the generation of domestic hot water not produced by other systems. Provide a commercial natural gas-fired storage tank type water heater located in the Mechanical Room. Provide a thermal expansion tank located in the cold water supply to the water heater. A pumped domestic hot water recirculation system shall be utilized. Provide an in-line circulating pump tested and constructed with materials suitable for domestic hot water service. Size the domestic hot water recirculation pump based on 0.06 L/s for each 20 fixtures using hot water. Provide balancing valves at the connection(s) of recirculation piping to domestic hot water piping. Domestic cold water supply pipe shall enter the building in the Mechanical Room. Provide backflow protection for the building water supply by a reduced pressure principal backflow preventer. Provide with air gap fitting on each test drain connection and pipe to discharge on grade outside of the building. Piping located below a pile-supported building shall be supported from the building floor slab. Domestic piping below the building floor slab is prohibited. Toilet group shut-off valves shall be provided to isolate toilet groups from the main domestic water lines. Individual fixture shut-off valves shall be provided at every fixture. Shut-off valves shall be concealed from view and located for ease of access. Access doors shall be provided for shut-off valves located within walls or above hard ceiling construction. Provide access to all shower valves. All domestic water piping shall be insulated and identified. All domestic distribution water piping shall be located above the corridor ceiling spaces. Passage through electrical, communication and NMCI spaces is prohibited. All domestic water piping shall be concealed above the ceiling or within chases; all piping shall be concealed from view in occupied spaces. Provide floor drains in the Mechanical Room for air conditioning condensate and drainage from the domestic water heater. Condensate and drain piping shall be installed to avoid interference with equipment access and trip hazards. Provide an adequate number of floor drains to avoid running condensate and drain piping across open floor space. Provide deep seal traps for all floor drains. Provide domestic water booster pump as needed to maintain adequate pressure and volume in plumbing system. Sanitary cleanouts shall not be installed within occupied spaces, except for toilet and maintenance areas. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D20 - Page 1 93 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Install as much plumbing as possible in the crawl space under the first floor. If required, provide sump pump with associated piping for the crawl space. Provide rough-ins for all gas, water and drain connections to kitchen equipment. Each rough-in shall consist of a flexible quick disconnect and shut off valve. D2010 PLUMBING FIXTURES Provide quantity and type of plumbing fixtures required for the occupancy, use, and functions described for this facility. Refer to Room Requirements Section for additional specific requirements for spaces with plumbing fixtures. Provide handicapped fixtures in accordance with the referenced criteria in the Project Program. D201001 WATER CLOSETS Refer to Room Requirement Section for the number and type of water closets required. Provide wall mounted flush valve water closets with electronic flush control in all public restroom spaces. Provide floor mounted flush tank water closets in private restroom spaces. D201002 URINALS Refer to Room Requirement Section for the number and type of urinals required. Provide flush valve urinals with electronic flush control in all public restroom spaces. D201003 LAVATORIES Refer to Room Requirement Section for the number and type of lavatories required. Provide countertop lavatories with electronic control in each restroom space. Provide wall mounted lavatories made of vitreous china, with shelf back, with electronic control in the employee area space. In the Men’s Head and the Women’s Head, provide an ABA compliant lavatory system with an elongated basin made from a durable and stain resistant cast natural quartz material. Integral basins to be molded from the cast natural quartz product. Unit is all one piece. D201004 SINKS Refer to Room Requirement Section for the number and type of sinks required. Provide countertop sink with two compartments in the employee break space. disposer unit. Provide waste Provide wall-mounted sink with two compartments in the kitchen space. Provide waste disposer unit. Provide mop sink in the janitor space. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D20 - Page 2 94 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D201005 SHOWERS/TUBS Not used. D201006 DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND COOLERS Refer to Room Requirement Section for the number and type of water coolers required. Provide ABA drinking fountains in the public spaces. D201090 EMERGENCY FIXTURES Provide emergency eyewash space. D2020 DOMESTIC WATER DISTRIBUTION Perform a flow test to determine system requirements. The domestic water supply shall be sized for the facility described in this RFP, including a future second and third floor. The future second and third floors will have office occupancy for utility sizing purposes. D202001 PIPES AND FITTINGS Provide Type L hard copper and fittings for above ground. For buried piping, provide Type K tubing with solder fittings. D202002 VALVES & HYDRANTS Provide isolation valves on the piping supply at each floor. Provide hose bibbs in mechanical rooms and janitors closets. Provide wall hydrants along the building exterior such that all points along the perimeter can be reached with a 100 foot (30 meter) long hose. D202003 DOMESTIC WATER EQUIPMENT Provide backflow preventers of types and at points within domestic water systems as specified by IPC. Locate inside the mechanical room on service entrance lines where not provided exterior to the building. See D301005 for solar domestic hot water systems. Provide water meter. Provide in-line or base mounted circulator for domestic hot water distribution system. Provide domestic water booster system, if required, for domestic water distribution system. D202004 INSULATION & IDENTIFICATION Provide mineral fiber insulation with vapor barrier on domestic hot water supply and recirculation piping. Provide cellular glass or polyisocyanurate insulation with vapor barrier on domestic cold water supply piping. Provide identification for piping and equipment. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D20 - Page 3 95 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D202005 SPECIALTIES A water analysis shall be conducted to determine the hardness of the water supply. If the results conclude that water hardness levels will have an adverse affect on the life expectancy of the system and/or fixtures, appropriate water filtration/conditioning equipment shall be provided. D202090 OTHER DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY Provide piping supports in accordance with the IPC. Provide inspections, disinfection, and testing in accordance with the IPC. D2030 SANITARY WASTE The sanitary waste shall be sized for the facility described in this RFP, including a future second and third floor. The future second and third floors will have office occupancy for utility sizing purposes. D203001 WASTE PIPE & FITTINGS Provide cast iron soil pipe and fittings, hub and spigot, ASTM A74 with compression gaskets, or provide cast iron soil pipe and fitting hubless, CISPI 301 and ASTM A888. Pipe and fittings shall be marked with the CISPI trademark. Hub and spigot, ASTM 74, required below grade. D203002 VENT PIPE & FITTINGS Provide cast iron pipe and fittings, hub and spigot, ASTM A74 with compression gaskets, or provide cast iron soil pipe and fitting hubless, CISPI 301 and ASTM A888. Pipe and fittings shall be marked with the CISPI trademark. Hub and spigot, ASTM 74, required below grade. D203003 FLOOR DRAINS Provide floor drains in mechanical rooms, restrooms, and plumbing chase areas. Provide floor sinks and trench drains in kitchens. D203004 SANITARY & VENT EQUIPMENT Confirm invert elevations to drain waste via gravity and if required, provide sewage ejector pump with grinder. D2040 RAIN WATER DRAINAGE D204001 PIPE & FITTINGS Provide Cast iron hubless pipe and fittings.. D204002 ROOF DRAINS Provide roof drains that are compatible with the roofing system. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D20 - Page 4 96 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D204004 INSULATION & IDENTIFICATION Provide insulation on the horizontal runs. D204090 OTHER RAIN WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM Not used. D2090 OTHER PLUMBING SYSTEMS D209001 SPECIAL PIPING SYSTEMS Obtain natural gas pressures from the local gas utility provider, Virginia Natural Gas. Contractor is responsible for any applications and permits, and shall provide the complete natural gas system from the load side of the utility meter to the heating equipment. The Contractor shall have the local gas utility provider install piping and appurtenances up to the load side of the meter. The Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with providing gas to the facility. The gas supply shall be sized for the facility described in this RFP, including a future second and third floor. The future second and third floors will have office occupancy for utility sizing purposes. Contractor shall be responsible for all coordination of the system with Virginia Natural Gas. D209090 OTHER SPECIAL PLUMBING SYSTEMS Base System: Provide a complete solar domestic hot water system including aesthetically pleasing, easily moveable heating panels, roof supports, piping, pumps, hot water storage tanks, heat exchangers and controls. Provide a system designed to furnish a minimum of 30% of the annual demand for domestic hot water. If the solar domestic hot water system is located on the roof, provide a coordinated design of the roof elements including implementation of LEED requirements and sustainable systems roof mounted equipment. Organize the roof space necessary to accomplish the functions the roof has to provide, minimize roof penetrations, and plan the roof to facilitate future reroofing of the facility. The roof type selection and detailing of roof mounted equipment shall be made to compliment the implementation of the functions that have to take place on the roof and minimize the need for routine maintenance. Accomplish a Pre-Roof Design Conference prior to the design of the roof. Betterment: Provide a complete solar domestic hot water system including aesthetically pleasing, easily moveable heating panels, roof supports, piping, pumps, hot water storage tanks, heat exchangers and controls. Provide a system designed to furnish 50% (or better) of the annual demand for domestic hot water. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D20 - Page 5 97 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 98 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS D30 HVAC Refer to Part 4 Section D30 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the HVAC system. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide a heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system for the dining facility that attains the following objectives: occupant comfort, indoor air quality, acceptable noise levels, energy efficiency, reliable operation, and ease of maintenance. Design and installation shall be in accordance with IMC, UFC 3-400-10N, Mechanical Engineering, UFC 4-722-01, Dining Facilities. Provide thirty (30) air changes per hour in the dishwasher area. Provide heating and ventilating in the crawlspace in accordance with industry standards, ATFP requirements, and all applicable codes. Provide automatic chemical shot feeders, air separators, and diaphragm expansion tanks for hydronic systems. Base mounted centrifugal pumps shall be equipped with inlet suction diffuser, isolation valves, discharge check valves, balancing valve, drain valve, differential pressure gauge, flexible pipe connectors, and coupling guard. Mechanical Room: Mechanical Rooms shall be heated with gas-fired unit heaters and ventilated by a ducted in-line centrifugal supply fan. Maintain a positive pressure in a room containing natural draft combustion equipment. Intake wall louvers shall be provided for combustion air when the supply fan is not required for maintain space temperature conditions. Supply fan shall be thermostatically controlled. Electrical Room: An electric unit heater shall heat the Electrical Room and a thermostatically controlled in-line centrifugal exhaust fan shall ventilate to maintain space conditions. Exhaust shall be ducted directly to the exterior at a wall louver. Economizer cycles shall not be used. Rooftop equipment shall not be used. Meet criteria of UFC 4-010-01 B-4.3 Standard 18, for Emergency Air Distribution Shutoff. Alternative 1 Provide vertical and horizontal water source heat pump units with ducted air distribution and controls to serve the heating and cooling requirements of the facility. A closed circuit cooler shall provide heat rejection for the water source heat pump condenser loop. Two, sequenced, high efficiency, gas-fired boilers, each sized at 60% of the building load, shall provide heat for the condenser water loop. Boilers shall be located in the Mechanical Room. Provide dedicated outside air ventilation air handling unit(s) (DOA) to dehumidify, condition, and deliver outside air (100% outside air) throughout the facility at neutral conditions (maximum humidity ratio of 10 grams moisture per kilogram of dry air under all conditions). Modular, reversible chillers (water-to-water heat pump units or WWHP units) shall provide hot and PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 1 99 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 chilled water to the DOA units. The chillers shall also be configured to pre-heat domestic hot water. Outside air ducts distributing neutral air shall be connected directly to the return air duct of each vertical and horizontal water source heat pump unit. Dedicated outside air ventilation air handling unit(s) and WWHP units shall be located in the Mechanical Room. The condenser water system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a lead-standby configuration. The chilled water pumping system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a leadstandby configuration. The heating hot water pumping system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a leadstandby configuration. Alternative 2: Provide constant volume and variable air volume central station air handling units to dehumidify, condition, and ventilate the facility. Provide constant volume for the kitchen and variable volume with hot water terminal reheat for the rest of the facility. WWHP units shall provide chilled and hot water to air handler and terminal unit hydronic coils. A closed circuit cooler will provide heat rejection for the water source heat pump condenser loop. Two sequenced, high efficiency gas-fired boilers at 60% load each shall provide heat for the condenser water loop. Boilers, WWHP units and central station air handlers shall be located in the Mechanical Room. The condenser water system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a lead-standby configuration. The chilled water pumping system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a leadstandby configuration. The heating hot water pumping system shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a leadstandby configuration. Betterments The following shall apply to Alternative 1 and Alternative 2. Design build contractor shall provide a closed loop geothermal well field that meets the following objectives: The design build contractor shall determine the ground properties by performing a thermal conductivity test and design a geothermal well field that is sized appropriately for the site. The geothermal well field shall not adversely impact the existing Master Plan. The Design Builder shall locate the well field on the site as directed by the Government. Provides condenser water temperatures that are stable over a 50 year period. Complies with the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) Design and Installation Standards, current edition. Provide the closed loop geothermal well field as a substitute for the closed circuit cooler and the two PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 2 100 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 boilers. The ground-coupled heat pump units shall utilize the geothermal well field as a heat source (in heating mode) or a heat sink (in cooling mode). The condenser water system shall consist of a primary/secondary pumping arrangement with the well field (source) side as the primary and the building (load) side as the secondary. Both loops shall consist of two variable speed pumps operating in a lead-standby configuration. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Provide working space around all equipment. Provide all required fittings, connections and accessories required for a complete and usable system. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria in PTS Section D30 and the manufacturer's recommendations. Where the word "should" is used in manufacturer’s instructions, substitute the word "shall". Provide air conditioning and heating for spaces as indicated and for the following Design conditions: Outside Conditions Summer 91 Degrees F dry bulb 32.8 Degrees C dry bulb 76 Degrees F wet bulb 24.4 Degrees C wet bulb Winter 20 Degrees F -6.6 Degrees C Inside Conditions Summer Heating & Ventilating Inside Conditions (Mech Rm/Electrical Room)Summer 75 Degrees F dry bulb 23.8 Degrees C dry bulb 50 %RH Provide 10 air changes per hour or 10 degree F/5.6 degree C rise above ambient (whichever is more stringent). Winter Winter 68 Degrees F 20 Degrees C 55 Degrees F 12.7 Degrees C Provide Ventilation rates and systems per the latest edition of ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. Provide ventilation to all rooms. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 3 101 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Each zone shall have its own limited range of control, as allowed by the control system central workstation. Provide minimum 4-inch (100 mm) thick concrete housekeeping pads and vibration isolators under all floor-mounted equipment. All mechanical equipment shall have painted finishes that pass a salt-spray test conducted per ASTM B117 for duration of at least 500 hours. All outside mechanical equipment, and all coils exposed to outdoor air, shall be provided with a manufacturer applied coating system designed specifically for coastal environments. D3010 ENERGY SUPPLY D301001 OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM Not used. D301002 GAS SUPPLY SYSTEM Refer to D209001 for Gas requirements. D301003 STEAM SUPPLY SYSTEM (FROM CENTRAL PLANT) Not used. D301004 HOT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (FROM CENTRAL PLANT) Not used. D301005 SOLAR ENERGY SUPPLY SYSTEMS Refer to D209090 for solar requirements. D3020 HEAT GENERATING SYSTEMS Not used. D302001 BOILERS Provide a packaged gas fired condensing boiler. Provide boiler controls in compliance with ASHRAE 135 BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks. D302002 FURNACES Not used. D302004 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Not used. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 4 102 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D302005 EQUIPMENT THERMAL INSULATION Provide insulation for steam system equipment, steam to hot water converters, hot water pumps and other associated heating equipment. D3030 COOLING GENERATING SYSTEMS D303001 CHILLED WATER SYSTEMS Modular, reversible chillers: Provide water-to-water heat pumps capable of generating chilled water for cooling and heating hot water for building heating and preconditioning of the domestic hot water. The cooling load for this facility shall be served by a minimum of two (2) modular reversible chillers, each providing 50% of the load. Provide chiller controls in compliance with ASHRAE 135 BACnet - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks. Provide complete start-up and operational testing of chiller equipment. D303002 DIRECT EXPANSION SYSTEMS Provide a dedicated air-cooled direct expansion (DX) ductless split system, cooling only with low ambient controls down to 0 deg. F for each telecom space. Closed loop, vertical and horizontal heat pump units: Provide with ducted air distribution and controls to serve the heating and cooling requirements of the facility. One vertical or horizontal water source heat pump unit shall be provided for each zone. Provide each heat pump with a return filter grille to ease maintenance. If space does not allow for a vertical heat pump unit, provide horizontal heat pump units in the overhead with a means for removal and maintenance of the system through lockable access panels. Install flexible stainless steel piping connections (hose kits) between heat pumps and piping. Install vibration isolators on heat pumps. Provide heat pumps with hot gas reheat. Heat pumps shall be extended range type, compatible with the full temperature range of the condenser water system. D3040 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS D304001 AIR DISTRIBUTION, HEATING & COOLING Provide insulated, galvanized steel ductwork in concealed spaces and double wall, preinsulated ductwork located within the spaces. All ductwork shall be constructed, braced, reinforced, installed, supported, and sealed per the IMC and SMACNA standards. Exposed ductwork shall be painted. Provide volume dampers at all branch connections from the main. Volume dampers shall be manufactured with a nylon bushing. Provide aluminum grilles, registers, and diffusers. Provide registers and diffusers with an opposed blade dampers. D304002 STEAM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Not used. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 5 103 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D304003 HOT WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Provide a variable speed pumping system to serve the HVAC hot water equipment throughout the facility. Provide insulated, steel or copper, hot water supply and return piping to serve the HVAC equipment throughout the facility. Provide air control and chemical treatment equipment for hot water piping system. Provide an expansion tank for the hot water piping system. Provide system flushing and start-up for the hot water piping system. D304004 CHANGEOVER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Provide as specified for Hot Water Distribution Systems see D304003. D304005 GLYCOL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Not used. D304006 CHILLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Provide a variable speed pumping system to serve the HVAC chilled water equipment throughout the facility. Provide insulated, steel chilled water supply and return piping to serve the HVAC equipment throughout the facility. Provide air control and chemical treatment equipment for hot water piping system. Provide an expansion tank for the hot water piping system. Provide system flushing and start-up for the hot water piping system. D304007 EXHAUST SYSTEMS Provide ductwork constructed, braced, reinforced, installed, supported, and sealed per the IMC and SMACNA standards. Provide ducted exhaust ventilation systems and exhaust fans to serve all ventilated zones of the facility. With the exception of kitchen hood and dishwasher exhaust fans, roof mounted exhaust fans are prohibited. All exhaust ducts conveying moisture laden air (dishwasher, dish wash room, can wash room, etc.) shall be constructed of watertight, welded stainless steel and shall be sloped back to the point of exhaust collection for drainage. All grease exhaust duct shall be constructed of watertight, welded carbon steel and shall be sloped back to the point of collection for drainage. Grease exhaust fans shall be UL762 listed. D304008 AIR HANDLING UNITS Dedicate Outdoor Air (“DOA”) units: Provide.with supply and exhaust fans, total enthalpy energy recovery wheel, pre- and final filters, access doors, heating hot water preheat coil, chilled water cooling coil and heating hot water reheat coil. Provide freeze protection for hydronic coils, use of PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 6 104 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 antifreeze is prohibited. Constant volume air handling units: Provide.with supply and return fans, economizer/mixing section, pre- and final filters, access doors, heating hot water preheat coil, chilled water cooling coil and heating hot water reheat coil. Provide freeze protection for hydronic coils, use of antifreeze is prohibited. Variable volume air handling units: Provide.with supply and return fans, economizer/mixing section, pre- and final filters, access doors, heating hot water preheat coil, chilled water cooling coil. Provide freeze protection for hydronic coils, use of antifreeze is prohibited. D304090 OTHER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Provide in-line or base mounted circulating pumps with variable frequency drives. D3050 TERMINAL & PACKAGE UNITS D305002 UNIT HEATERS Not used. D305003 FAN COIL UNITS Not used. D305004 FIN TUBE RADIATORS Not used. D305005 ELECTRIC HEATING Provide electric unit heaters for heating Mechanical Room spaces. D305006 PACKAGE UNITS Not used. D3060 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION D306001 HVAC CONTROLS D306001 1.1 DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROLS (DDC) Provide a complete Direct Digital Control (DDC) system to comply with UFGS 23 09 23.13 20 BACnet Direct Digital Control Systems for HVAC. Provide workstation and complete application software with all licenses. Provide advanced metering, that is – provide meters, monitored by DDC, on all of the building's incoming utilities (gas, water and electric). Set up trend reports to record data daily and store values in the operator workstation DDC computer. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 7 105 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide flow rate meters, monitored by the DDC system, for water flow. Provide water temperature meters, monitored by DDC. Provide air handlers or ground-coupled heat pumps with discharge/supply temperature sensors. Provide a DDC option for automatic operation of building circulating pumps whenever outdoor air temperature is below 35 degrees F or when there is a high potential for freeze damage. Provide control to automatically start back-up pumps (or other HVAC equipment) if the primary device fails. Primary and back-up equipment starter circuits shall be wired to prevent both pieces of equipment from operating at the same time. Rotate primary and back-up HVAC equipment monthly (adjustable) with a lead/lag control routine. Rotate primary and back-up HVAC equipment monthly (adjustable) with a lead/lag control routine. Start/stop pumps via the DDC, not the chiller controller. Provide reset routines (based on outdoor air temperature or zone demand) for hot water loop temperature setpoints and supply air static pressure control. Provide meters, monitored by the DDC, on all of the building's incoming utilities (steam, water, gas and electric utilities). Set up trend reports to record data daily and store values in the front-end DDC computer. Contact Information for Building Automation Systems (BAS) owner - NAVFAC MIDLANT Utilities & Energy Code BMPW-61 DDC Group. Information regarding the BACnet device addressing schemes, BACnet communications media, training needs, along with assistance for technical support during commissioning or performance verification testing, workstation location, and local DDC site conditions are available through the BAS Owner. The BAS Owner and point of contact is Oceana/Damneck; Charlie Johnson (757) 433-3622; Tom Vanderheiden (757) 433-2627; Building 820 DDC Office, Room 116. Provide integration of the new DDC system to the existing BACnet frontend server and existing application software displaying all graphic floor plans, equipment graphics, DDC ladder diagrams, and complete sequence of operations graphic pages and providing all alarming, trend services, and schedules and other BACnet services and configurations as described in the UFGS 23 09 23.13 20. All operator workstation functions requiring BACnet services, i.e., navigating through the graphic displays, trending, alarming and monitoring of the new BACnet controls system must be demonstrated from the existing BACnet front-end server using only the existing application software and without the need to launch other applications or logon to other vendor applications. Integrate all new BACnet points found in the points list tables or sequences by creating new graphics, alarms, trends, schedules, and system reports modeled after existing facilities with similar systems and zone types so that there is a seamless logical flow from the existing facilities to the new facility. Access and technical support for the existing BACnet server and software is available via the BAS owner. Provide the BACnet Building Controllers (B-BC) in the correct quantities plus BACnet/MSTP routers, DSL modems as required at the building site for BACnet/IP and MSTP communications. Communication between the B-BC and the existing server will be the responsibility of the BAS owner. No new front-end desktop workstation is required but a notebook computer shall be provided with all the features and graphic requirements configured as a full front-end workstation in accordance with the UFGS 23 09 23.13 20, BACnet Direct Digital Control Systems for HVAC. D306001 1.2 ELECTRONIC CONTROLS Not used. D3070 SYSTEMS TESTING AND BALANCING Provide complete Testing and Balancing (TAB) of all air and water distribution systems and HVAC equipment. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 8 106 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D307003 HVAC COMMISSIONING Refer to Project Program section 2.3.4 for Building Commissioning requirements. Mechanical systems to be commissioned include HVAC systems and controls, refrigeration systems and controls, renewable energy systems, and domestic hot water systems. Provide enhanced commissioning. D3090 OTHER HVAC SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT D309001 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS Comply with the Force Protection Criteria – UFC 4-010-01.. D309090 OTHER SPECIAL MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Provide air curtains designed as fly fans on all exterior entranceways to food preparation areas, except where the entranceway is to be used only as an emergency exit. Include air curtains for service windows and service entries whenever feasible on the exterior of the entranceway. When air curtains are mounted in locations significantly above normal door heights, verify curtain air velocities and noise levels. Provide a Heat Stress Monitoring System in the Dish Washing room and the Kitchen. Monitor the system through the DDC. -- End of Section -- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D30 - Page 9 107 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 108 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS D40 FIRE PROTECTION Refer to Part 4 Section D40 for performance requirements of the building elements included in the fire protection systems. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide an integrated fire alarm /mass notification system and suppression system capable of notifying building occupants and controlling any fire that may start inside the facility. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Provide working space around all equipment per UFC 3-600-10N. Provide concrete pads under all equipment. Provide all required fittings, connections and accessories required for a complete and usable system. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria of PTS section D40 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word "should" is used in the manufacturer's recommendations, substitute the word "shall". All Design Documents, (i.e. Building Code/Life Safety Analysis, plans, specifications, and calculations) developed for Part 4, Section D40 shall be prepared by, or under the supervision of the design/build contractor's Qualified Fire Protection Engineer, the Fire Protection Designer of Record (FPDOR) per UFC 3-600-01, UFC 4-021-01, and UFC 3-600-10N. FPDOR shall review the location of any new fire hydrants for conformance with UFC 3-600-01. Installation drawings, shop drawings or working plans, calculations, other required pre-construction documentation and as-built drawings shall be prepared by, or under the direct supervision of a NICET engineering technician as specified below. NICET engineering technicians shall hold a current certification as an engineering technician in the field of Fire Protection Engineering Technology with Level IV certification in the appropriate subfield. Individuals responsible for work specified in D4090 shall hold a Level IV certification in the Special Hazards Suppression Systems subfield. Provide training for the active systems consisting of two (2) eight (8)-hour sessions to accommodate both shifts of the base fire department and allow for rescheduling for unforeseen fire department responses. D4010 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS Provide an integrated fire alarm, and mass notification systems capable of notifying building occupants inside the facility. Provide a complete, electrically supervised, addressable intelligent, manual and automatic, annunciated fire alarm and detection system throughout the facility. The system shall be a voice evacuation type system and shall also serve as a mass notification system. These integrated systems shall be capable of notifying building occupants by means of tones, strobes, prerecorded and live voice announcements. The fire reporting portion of the system shall be compatible with the existing base fire reporting system. The fire alarm system shall include manual stations, system smoke detectors, duct smoke detectors, line voltage single-station smoke detectors, heat detectors audio/visual alarms, fire alarm transmitter, electrical supervision of all sprinkler system alarm and supervisory devices. Locate the fire alarm control panel in a room adjacent to the loading dock. Room shall also house the sprinkler riser. The fire alarm control panel shall be capable of handling a minimum of 500 individually identified PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D40 - Page 1 109 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 sensors within the main control panel. Provide Class A Notification Appliance Circuits, Class A] Signaling Line Circuits, and Class A Initiation Device Circuits. Provide back-up amplifiers for combination fire alarm/mass notification systems. Provide lockable red circuit breakers for the fire alarm/mass notification system. Provide a remote annunciator at the main entrance, Local Operator Console (LOC) and a single switch or operating mechanism capable of shutting down all HVAC equipment in the facility. The LOC shall include push button controls for pre-recorded messages and a microphone for live messages. Comply with all requirements for Mass Notification systems per UFC 4-021-01, including exterior speakers outside of entrances/exits. Exterior strobes are not required. Battery calculations shall be in accordance with UFC 4-021-01 for 48 hours of supervisory, and 60 hours of alarm. Text signs are required. Provide strobes with clear lenses and the word “ALERT” for shared used by the fire alarm and mass notification systems. Manual pull stations shall be semi-flush. D4020 FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT Base sprinkler hydraulic calculations on operation of an existing fire pump supplied by a ground level water storage tank. See additional information in section D4040 Sprinkler Systems. The tank and pump house are located adjacent to the compound entrance. Refer to Part 6 C-103 for additional information. The pump is rated 1,000 gpm at 100 psi. All hose stream allowances will be from the potable water system located outside of the compound area. Provide a wall mounted fire department connection that is accessible to the fire department. The fire department connection shall accommodate a 5” Storz type and include a 45 degree discharge angle from the building. Locate the fire alarm control panel and riser in a room adjacent to the loading dock. Water supply shall be connected in this room. The fire department connection shall be located on the exterior of this room. Provide a fire hydrant within a 350’ hose lay of all sides of the building. The fire hydrant must be within 150’ of the fire department connection. The fire hydrant is to be tapped from the potable water system. Refer to Civil Sections for additional information. D4030 STANDPIPE SYSTEMS A standpipe system is not required. D4040 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Provide wet automatic sprinkler protection to provide complete coverage throughout the building. Loading docks, walk in freezers and/or coolers will require dry heads or a separate dry system for coverage. Provide sprinkler coverage for exterior seating areas where required by code. 2 2 For light areas the sprinkler rate of application shall be0.10 gpm/ft , over an area of 3,000 ft with a hose stream allowance of 250 gpm . Provide calculations based on a third floor over an area of 3,000 square feet assuming ordinary group I hazard. The hose stream allowance shall be from the potable water system. The sprinkler system shall be based on the high pressure water system and fire pump. Calculations shall be used to substantiate the riser size. Provide quick-response concealed sprinklers with ordinary temperature rating in areas with finished ceilings. Sprinkler shall be installed in the center of the tile for ceiling grids. Provide UL listed corrosion resistant sprinklers for any locations exposed to the exterior. All dry type sprinklers shall be UL listed. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D40 - Page 2 110 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D4090 OTHER FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Provide a pre-engineered wet chemical fire extinguishing system for protection of cooking equipment including exhaust hoods, ducts, and related work. Provide K type fire extinguishers in the kitchen and servery areas. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D40 - Page 3 111 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 112 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS D50 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Provide an interior electrical system consisting of Service Entrance Wiring and Equipment, Distribution and Lighting Panelboards, Dry Type Transformers, Conduits, Feeder and Branch Circuits, Motor Control Equipment, Lighting and Branch Wiring, Communications, Security and Alarm Systems, A/V and VTC systems wiring, Emergency Generator, Emergency Lighting and Power, Grounding, and Lightning Protection including accessories and devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable system. Requirements of Tri-Service Electrical Working Group (TSEWG) will be included as requirements under this RFP. This section covers installations out to the building 5 foot (1.5 meter) line. The interior distribution system shall consist of insulated conductors in conduit. Renewable Energy Option 1: 1. Provide a photovoltaic (PV) generation system to provide 2.5 percent of the building annual power usage minimum. Roof mounted PV system shall be complete and operable and include solar panels, roof mounts, inverters, metering and supporting infrastructure. Roof mounted equipment shall not void the roof warranty and shall be adaptable such that PV system can be relocated to new roof upon addition of upper floors. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Provide an Electrical System complete in place, tested and approved, as specified throughout this RFP, as needed for a complete, usable and proper installation. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria of PTS Section D50 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word "should" is used in the manufacturer’s recommendations, substitute the word "shall". D5010 ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION D501001 MAIN TRANSFORMERS Main transformer(s) are defined in Part 3, Section G40, Site Electrical Utilities. D501002 SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT All service into the facility shall be underground. Provide a switchboard as service entrance equipment with transient voltage surge suppression device. Provide service entrance equipment sized for future addition of upper floors plus 20% spare. Main switchboard shall include provisions for future feeders to upper floors. Provide each switchboard with digital metering. The digital metering shall consist of a Multi-Function Meter with communication capability to the BAS system. Coordinate metering requirements with activity’s existing systems. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 1 113 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D501003 INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Provide dry type transformers to step down secondary voltages for general purpose outlets and other low voltage equipment. Provide transformers with K-13 K-factor rating for electronic load receptacles and electronic equipment connection. D501004 PANELBOARDS Provide distribution and branch circuit panelboards (Hinged in Hinged) with bolt on type breakers throughout to serve loads as required. Panelboards to include buss sized for 20 percent future load, 10 percent spare breakers and 10 percent additional spaces, minimum. Maximum number of spaces in any one panelboard shall be 42. Feed through panelboards are not allowed. Requirements of Tri-Service Electrical Working Group (TSEWG) will be included as requirements under this RFP. Provide dedicated panelboards within sight of kitchen equipment served. Provide dedicated panelboard with TVSS and 200 percent neutral for telecom room. D501005 ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKERS Provide enclosed circuit breakers as required. D501006 MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS Provide individual motor starters with disconnect switches, combination motor starters, variable speed drives, or manual motor starters for motor controls as required by mechanical equipment. Provide all circuits and connections for motors. Provide stainless steel NEMA4X rated enclosures in the kitchen, meat prep, can and dish wash, utensil, and vegetable prep areas. D501090 OTHER SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION Provide transient voltage surge suppressors (TVSS) at the following locations: service entrance and telecom panelboard. D5020 LIGHTING AND BRANCH WIRING Provide electrical connections for all systems requiring electrical service. Provide lighting and general purpose receptacles throughout all spaces as required. Ensure all spaces are provided with lighting that is the most appropriate for energy use (LED) and aesthetics. LED luminaries may be utilized as appropriate for energy savings. Lamp source technology shall not be mixed within a single space or where viewable by an adjacent space. Provide dedicated circuits and connections for the following: kitchen equipment, copiers, shredders, printers, Projectors and Smart boards, Telecommunication equipment, Audio Visual equipment, VTC equipment, UPS unit, IDS and Security/Alarm equipment, Vending machines, and telecom racks. Any electrical equipment rated 8 amperes and above shall have a dedicated circuit. Power for access control must be on a separate and labelled circuit per UFC 4‐021‐02NF. Provide overhead power drops with integral strain relief for kitchen equipment on dedicated circuits. Coordinate location and size of kitchen equipment power drops and disconnects with final kitchen layout, to maintain accessibility. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 2 114 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D502001 BRANCH WIRING All branch wiring shall be insulated copper conductors in conduit. Voltage drop not to exceed 2 percent on feeders from transformer to last distribution panelboard and 3 percent on branch circuits from final distribution panelboard. Electrical Quad Outlet: Maximum of four (3) 20A quad receptacle outlets on one (1) dedicated power circuit. Wall mounted quad outlets shall be located between Classified Data and Unclassified Data/Voice Outlets and Classified Voice Outlets. See General Requirements under D503001 Telecommunications Systems below for additional information on quad outlet placement. D502002 LIGHTING EQUIPMENT Provide a complete lighting system consisting of exit and emergency lighting and area lighting consisting of fluorescent lighting control system, full cut-off exterior lighting including switches and automatic controls including occupancy sensors, automatic lighting shutoff systems and dimming systems meeting ASHRAE 90.1, IES Lighting Handbook, and UFC 3-530-01. All fluorescent lighting fixtures shall utilize T5, T8 or compact fluorescent lamps, with electronic ballasts. Provide lamps with a minimum CRI of 80 and with mercury levels below levels recommended in IESNA manual. Provide lensed and gasketed lighting fixtures in food preparation areas. Provide decorative architectural fluorescent fixtures in Dining, Servery, Point of Sale, Queue, and Lobby. LED lighting meeting IES LM-79 and LM-80 may be used where appropriate to specific applications. Provide illumination levels, as specified and as required to meet customer needs. Design to conserve energy, meet LEED, and provide a pleasant and comfortable working environment. Lighting levels as follows, minimum: a. Offices Spaces/Work Surfaces b. Computer rooms/Telecom Equip rooms c. Kitchen and food preparation areas d. LobbieslVestibules e. Bathrooms General Mirror & Inside Stalls f. Elec/Mech Equip rooms/Corridors g. Custodial Closets h. Storage Rooms 500 lux (50 footcandles) 500 lux (50 footcandles) 500 lux (50 footcandles) 250 lux (25 footcandles) 200 lux (20 footcandles) 200 lux (20 footcandles) 200 lux (20 footcandles) 200 lux (20 footcandles) 150 lux (15 footcandles) 100 lux (10 footcandles) Provide 1% dimming in spaces as follows: a. VIP Dining room b. Dining room 500 lux (50 footcandles) 500 lux(50 footcandles) Provide exterior lighting to illuminate all entrance areas, the patio and the parking lot. D5030 COMMUNICATIONS AND SECURITY The Room Requirements Section identifies locations for communications and security systems and equipment, unless noted otherwise in the following sub-elements. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 3 115 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D503001 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Provide a complete building entrance facility, backbone distribution system, and horizontal distribution system including, but not necessarily limited to, all wiring, pathway systems, grounding, backboards, connector blocks, protectors for all copper service entrance pairs, patch panels, fiber optic distribution panels, terminators for all fiber optic cables, outlet boxes, telephone jacks, and data jacks cover plates. Provide Category 6 shielded copper cable, plenum rated, for horizontal voice. Provide internal patch panel in the Telecommunications room. Telecommunications systems shall be in accordance with United Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-580-01 and 3-580-10. All communications systems must be installed in conduits or on cable trays. Fiber shall be 24-strand Single Mode Fiber (8.3/125) terminating with LC connectors at the internal patch panel. Contractor shall provide communications racks for the patch panels and terminal equipment in the P132 telecom room. The classified and unclassified telecommunications racks shall be placed on opposite walls. Classified and unclassified fiber shall terminate with LC connectors in their respective racks. From the internal patch panel, the backbone fiber shall run to the existing patch panel in Bldg 302 and terminate with LC connectors. Single Mode backbone fiber shall be color coded blue, and the Multi-mode internal fiber shall be color coded orange. Contractor shall provide unclassified and classified 12 pair Cat6 copper cabling each (classified to be st shielded twisted pair) and shall be home run in separate conduits from P132 to Bldg 302, 1 floor telecom room 124; terminated in 110 block fashion, with circuit protection at each end. The classified and unclassified terminations shall be separated by placing punch down blocks on opposite wall space in respective telecom rooms in both P132 and Bldg 302. Protected Distribution Systems (PDS) will be utilized wherever classified data/voice lines exit a classified controlled space. PDS will not be required if the classified lines are encrypted. Cable separation requirements are as follows: 1. All classified copper cables shall be shielded. If contractor supplies patch cables, they shall be shielded as well. 2. 5 cm separation shall be maintained between any classified line (copper) and: a. Unclassified lines (copper). b. Black power lines that connect to RF transmitters. c. Separation shall be increased to 15 cm for parallel runs that exceed 30 M. 3. Unclassified and classified fiber optic cables can utilize a common distribution vehicle provided they are not mixed within a multi-fiber bundle and contain no metallic stiffeners or metallic sheathing. The color of the jacks and cables for all systems shall be as follows. (The jack color shall match the cable color): Classified Data (JIANT) and Voice – Use cable with red jacket. Unclassified Data (NIPR) and Voice – Use cable with green jacket. The telecommunication systems shall consists of the components listed below. The following outlets are listed in order of orientation on the wall from left to right: Unclassified Voice Outlet: Wall mounted outlet shall contain shielded twisted pair (STP) Cat6 copper cabling that shall be run for unclassified voice with all pairs terminating into a single wall faceplate. The four (4) ports PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 4 116 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 on the faceplate shall terminate with (4) connectors for voice. The unclassified voice faceplate shall be separated from the classified data and classified data/voice quad outlet. Electrical Quad Outlet: Maximum of four (4) 20A quad receptacle outlets on one (1) dedicated power circuit. Wall mounted outlets shall be located between Unclassified Voice and Classified/Unclassified Data Outlet. Classified/Unclassified Data Outlet: Wall mounted outlet shall be a quad faceplate and consist of 4 strands of classified multimode fiber and two strands of unclassified multimode fiber. Both fibers shall be 62.5/125. On the quad faceplate, three (3) ports shall terminate with LC connectors for two (2) classified data ports and one (1) unclassified data port. The remaining port shall terminate with a blank. Classified Voice Outlet: Wall mounted outlet shall contain shielded twisted pair (STP) Cat6 copper cabling that shall be run for classified voice with all pairs terminating into a single wall faceplate. The four (4) ports on the faceplate shall terminate with (4) connectors for voice. The classified voice faceplate shall be separated from the classified data and unclassified data/voice quad outlet. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: For the following room requirements, one “grouping” consists of one (1) Unclassified Voice Outlet, one (1) Electrical Quad Outlet, one (1) Classified/Unclassified Data Outlet and one (1) Classified Voice Outlet: 1. VIP Dining/Conference Room: Provide one grouping in the floor under the conference table, plus an additional grouping on each wall. Also, contractor shall provide a single classified data outlet adjacent to two duplex electrical outlets located behind each monitor. Monitor shall be installed at minimum 65” above finish floor to bottom of monitor To support VTC capability, contractor shall provide the following: a. Provide one (1) additional grouping adjacent to provided VTC equipment rack. Location and size of equipment rack to be determined during design. b. For VTC camera, provide cable pass through wall plate and camera mounting space to accommodate camera being mounted on the wall between the two monitors at minimum height of 70” above finish floor. c. Provide minimum ¾” conduit (radius bent) for VTC video camera cable routing. d. Provide audio wall connector plates and minimum ¾” conduit to support wall mounted speakers and audio feeds. e. Provide minimum ½” conduit above ceiling tiles located above conference table for ceiling mounted microphones and terminating behind the VTC equipment rack. f. Contractor shall provide all necessary AV/VTC cabling and route back to the VTC equipment rack. 2. Office: Provide four groupings spaced in accordance with furniture plan. Also, contractor shall provide an additional data outlet which includes one unclassified data port and one classified data port for printer/copier. Also provide adjacent electrical outlet. 3. Dining Room: Provide one grouping on each wall to facilitate briefing. Also, contractor shall provide a single classified data outlet and adjacent electrical outlet located behind each monitor. 4. Point of Sale (POS): Provide wall mounted and floor mounted outlets as required to support POS terminals in the Sign-In/POS area and additional equipment in the kitchen office as needed for a PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 5 117 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 complete and operational POS system. Co-locate each data outlet with an electrical outlet. Coordinate with POS casework as required. D503002 PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS Provide a Public Address system with speakers in all common spaces. Provide handset type microphone dedicated to speakers in the dining and VIP dining rooms only. Public address system shall be interfaced with the Mass Notification system. D503003 INTERCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Not used. D503004 TELEVISION SYSTEMS Provide a CATV system consisting of empty raceways and outlet boxes to enable system installation by the commercial CATV supplier. D503005 SECURITY SYSTEMS The contractor will provide the design of all Physical Security Equipment (PSE). The Project will provide all backbone conduit and wiring for the PSE. The purchase and installation work for all components of the PSE will be by a planned contract modification, funded by other sources. An Electronic Security System (ESS) is the integrated electronic system that encompasses one or more of the following subsystems; access control system (ACS), intrusion detection system (IDS), and closed circuit television (CCTV) systems for assessment of alarm conditions. The ESS for this project shall consist of an ACS and an IDS and a CCTV system for alarm assessment. Contractor shall provide high security X09 locks on all exterior doors and rooms that serve as hubs for communications and IT. Pathways and Power IDS system, funded by separate sources, will be provided by this project. Provide an ESS consisting of empty raceways with pull strings, outlet boxes, cover plates, and associated power outlets to enable system installation, separately funded. CCTV coverage shall be provided for the entire perimeter of the building including CCTV on each corner of the roof. Meet Requirements of UFC 4-021-02NF; power for access control must be on a separate and labelled circuit. D5090 OTHER ELECTRICAL SERVICES D509001 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS (ELECTRICAL) Provide General Construction Items (Electrical) including, but not necessarily limited to, all connections, fittings, boxes and associated equipment needed by this and other sections of this RFP as required for a complete and usable system. Conduits, cable trays and busways that penetrate fire-rated walls, fire-rated partitions, or fire-rated floors shall be fire stopped in accordance with Section C10, Interior Construction. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 6 118 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 D509002 EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND POWER Provide a Diesel fueled emergency generator meeting NFPA 100, Class 72, Type 10 for power for the entire facility load. The generator shall provide 72 hours of emergency power. Provide stainless steel weatherproof enclosure and base tank. If base tank cannot meet 72 hour requirement provide concrete vault type fuel storage tank. Provide matching 4 pole Automatic Transfer Switch with bypass isolation. Provide remote monitoring in office and provide for secondary remote monitoring at a location designated by NSWDG. Provide emergency lighting as required by NFPA 101. D509003 GROUNDING SYSTEMS Provide a complete grounding system for the facility electrical and telecommunications systems. D509004 LIGHTNING PROTECTION Provide a complete lightning protection system with a UL Lightning Protection Inspection Certificate certified to UL 96A, including, but not necessarily limited to, strike termination devices, conductors, ground terminals, interconnecting conductors, surge suppression devices, counterpoise and other connectors and fittings required for a complete and usable system. Lightning Protection Systems shall not void the roof warranty. D509005 ELECTRIC HEATING Provide power wiring and connections as required for all electric heating systems and equipment. D509006 ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Provide power wiring and connections as required for all systems and equipment. Coordinate connection requirements with switchgear and pad mounted transformer kWH metering. . D509007 BUILDING PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM As part of Renewable Energy Option 1; provide a photovoltaic (PV) generation system to provide 2.5 percent of the building annual power usage minimum. Roof mounted PV system shall be complete and operable and include solar panels, roof mounts, inverters, metering and supporting infrastructure. Roof mounted equipment shall not void the roof warranty and shall be adaptable such that PV system can be relocated to new roof upon addition of upper floors. D509090 OTHER SPECIAL SYSTEMS AND DEVICES Not used. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR D50 - Page 7 119 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 120 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS E10 EQUIPMENT GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS E1010 COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT All specialty equipment will be installed by qualified installers regularly engaged in installing the specialty equipment. E101003 VENDING EQUIPMENT Not used. E1020 INSTITUTIONAL EQUIPMENT E102009 AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT AV infrastructure will be provided by the Contractor. Project will provide all backbone conduit and cabling. AV equipment will be part of the FF&E package, see E202090 and will be funded by other sources. The FF&E including AV will be awarded as a planned contract modification. AV equipment specifier shall carefully coordinate AV equipment requirements and locations with building Contractor. Secure VTC will be part of the AV package. Provide conduit and VTC rack. Provide LCD flat screen television mounts, recessed motorized projection screens, and motorized recessed ceiling mounted projector mounts as part of the building package. E1030 VEHICULAR EQUIPMENT Loading dock shall be provided with dock bumpers, truck-trailer restraining devices, and dock levelers. Minimum performance characteristics for the dock leveler shall be based on the following: a. Service Period: (1) Number of shift operations of 1. (2) Maximum number of trucks per shift opening of 1. (3) Maximum number of days per week of 3. b. Fork Lift Loads: (1) Design levelers to accommodate 4 wheel fork trucks. (2) Design levelers to handle required gross dynamic load. (3) Base load leveler design on number of cycles per loading/unloading operation per truck. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E10 - Page 1 121 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 E1090 OTHER EQUIPMENT E109002 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT A kitchen planning professional consultant is required for the design of this project that is a member of the Foodservice Consultants Society or other equal certifying organization. Rough-in and provide connections for Food Service Equipment such that equipment will operate as intended, including providing miscellaneous items such as plugs, receptacles, wire, cable, conduit, flexible conduit and outlet boxes or fittings. Provide the food service equipment in the Food Service Equipment List in Part 6 Attachments of this RFP that is listed as MILCON as part of the base bid. For all kitchen equipment tagged as CEQ see section E20 of this RFP. Provide the type, quantity and size of equipment necessary and with sufficient redundancy and/or multi-function features to develop meals based on the following requirements: a. The facility's 21-day menu; b. The facility's staffing plan; c. The facility's hours of operation, meal schedule and duration; d. Normal maintenance requirements; e. The standard of quality required in UFGS sections concerning Food Service Equipment; specifically but not limited to the following sections: 1. 11 31 13 2. 11 41 11 3. 11 42 00 4. 11 44 00 5. 11 46 00 6. 11 47 00 7. 11 48 00 The Project shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Health, Fire Code and Accessibility (applying to aisles within the back-of-house spaces) employing National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certified equipment or equivalent. The food service design objectives are to provide a facility capable of producing and serving a wide variety of nutritious, satisfying and tasty meals while emphasizing the nutritional needs of the patrons. While nutrition and food quality are the overriding goals of the facility it is recognized that much of the appeal of dining is visual and therefore the serving environment shall be pleasing in appearance while remaining functional. A modified scatter serving system offers the opportunity to present a wide variety of foods in a pleasant setting while removing the linear serving line feel of the servery. This PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E10 - Page 2 122 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 style of service is beneficial in reducing crowding and queuing traditionally encountered in the service area. Scatter style service allows for a wide range of décor options as well. Additional considerations shall include designing with sanitation and maintenance in mind. The servery shall be designed with much of the functional equipment mounted on casters to allow easier cleaning as well as flexibility for future changes to the servery. The back of the house (kitchen) shall be designed for efficient flow of food from receiving, storage, preparation, cooking and serving. The kitchen shall incorporate state of the art cooking and ventilation equipment with emphasis on energy and water conservation. The future plans for vertical building expansion shall be considered when selecting ventilating equipment. The goal shall be to reduce grease effluent from the exhausted air stream. The kitchen shall be air conditioned to improve food safety and the working environment. Warewashing shall be located in the direction of egress and shall be capable of absorbing a large quantity of ware in a brief period of time through the use of an accumulator conveyer thereby speeding egress and offering flexibility to the ware wash staff. Special consideration of energy and water conservation shall be required in this energy and water intensive area. The overall goal of the foodservice design shall be to offer the diners a pleasing, relaxing atmosphere to enjoy while nutritionally supporting and refueling their bodies. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E10 - Page 3 123 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 124 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS E20 FURNISHINGS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Furnishings shall include fixed furnishings as part of the Structural Interior Design (SID) and the design and documentation of the movable furnishings, the Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E), Movable Kitchen Equipment and Audio/Visual (A/V) Equipment Package. The design and documentation of all of the furnishings identified above shall be funded as part of the construction contract. The purchase and installation of the FF&E Package shall be funded separately as part of Collateral Equipment. The movable furniture and furnishings (FF&E) for this facility may include, but are not limited to movable furniture systems, freestanding furniture, artwork, appliances, flat screen TVs, accessories, specialty equipment (specified by the Activity) and other miscellaneous items to support facility functions. To ensure kitchen design continuity, the movable Kitchen Equipment is to be bid in conjunction with the fixed kitchen equipment. Refer to Part 6 Attachment for the kitchen equipment list. Movable kitchen equipment items are indicated as Collateral Equipment. Fixed furnishings (items that are fixed to the structure), such as specialty equipment, (built-in and /or hard plumbed) steam kettles, scullery, grease traps, overhead vents, walk-in room refrigerators and freezers, lockers, fixed shelving, security cameras, motorized projection screens, blinds/shades, etc. are part of the construction contract. Refer to Part 6 Attachments for the kitchen equipment list. Fixed kitchen equipment items are indicated as MILCON. See section E10 for more information on fixed kitchen equipment. The FF&E, Collateral Equipment (movable kitchen equipment) and A/V are estimated in the following amount: $750,000. It is the Government’s intent to have the furniture and movable kitchen equipment and A/V purchased and installed by the contractor. The estimate above includes the contractor’s Handling and Administration Rate (HAR). GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS Design and provide fixed and movable furnishings for all areas as developed during Activity programming and as indicated in the Room Requirements (refer to Part 3 Section 5 of this RFP) and other portions of this RFP to provide a fully usable and complete facility. Design a complete FF&E, movable Kitchen equipment and A/V package and prepare supporting plans and procurement data. FF&E , Movable Kitchen Equipment and A/V items identified in this RFP are to be used as a guideline to assist in establishing the minimum facility requirements and do not relieve the Contractor's Interior Designer from developing a complete design package that incorporates ALL of the Activities FF&E , Movable Kitchen Equipment and A/V requirements. Design per specific UFC (i.e. Youth center, BEQ, etc) and in conjunction with UFC 03-120-10, Interior Design. The contractor shall have an Interior Designer with a minimum of one of the following credentials: National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) certification or state and/or jurisdiction Interior Design Certification, Registration, or License. This same Interior Designer must prepare both the SID and the FF&E Package, attend and participate in entirety all kick-off meetings, design meetings, to include, but not limited to, design charrettes, concept design workshops, and review PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 1 of 12 125 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 meetings to develop the building design, floor plan, and the FF&E package. When Audio Visual (A/V or other specialty equipment (shop, kitchen, fitness, high density storage, etc.) is required in the project, the Contractor shall obtain services of equipment specialists to specify the specialty equipment and provide separate Best Value Determinations (BVD’s) for this equipment, if required by NAVFAC. NAVFAC will direct the type and quantity of all BVD’s. This process is not at the Contractor’s discretion. The Contractor's Interior Designer and any Specialists shall not have any affiliation with the products specified. The NAVFAC Interior Designer reserves the right to approve/disapprove the qualifications of the Contractor's Interior Designer. All fixed and movable furnishings selections shall be closely coordinated with Parts 3 and 4 Sections C10, Interior Construction, and C30 and E10 of this RFP. The FF&E package shall be fully integrated with the building systems and finishes. The Contractor's Interior Designer and equipment specialists shall be responsible for designing and providing specifications for procurement of all FF&E, A/V and specialty equipment, to include delivery and installation, for the facilities built under this contract as directed by the NAVFAC Interior Designer. FF&E specifications shall be based on NAVSUP Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA's), GSA schedules, and other Federal contracts and complying with priorities found in FAR Part 8.404. A list of current BPA contract holders will be provided at the FF&E Requirements Meeting. The FF&E package shall be fully integrated into the design and construction schedule for the building. All submittal due dates for the SID and FF&E shall be reflected in the contractor’s construction schedule. Changes to the SID or FF&E schedule shall be submitted to the government Interior Designer for approval. The Final FF&E package shall be submitted no later than 9 months prior to building completion. INTERIOR DESIGN SUBMITTAL AND MEETING REQUIREMENTS STRUCTURAL INTERIOR DESIGN (SID) The SID submittal process shall begin following the award of the RFP. The SID submittal shall include Interior Design programming documents, FF&E Floor Plans, and exterior & interior finish/color and material sample boards. Refer to this RFP Part 4 Section Z10 General Performance Technical Specifications and Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 10.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures. Provide the following SID meetings and submittals; a. Concept Design Workshop (CDW) (10%-15%) or Initial Design Meeting: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall meet with the Activity to develop the Interior Design SID programming documents, which will include a preliminary Furniture and Equipment Plan and the FF&E Summary List. The Contractor's Interior Designer shall provide indepth room by room interviews to confirm Activity requirements for the new facility(s). These interviews shall occur during the CDW and will include building walk-thru(s) at the Activity’s current location and similar facilities, if possible. Minutes of this meeting shall be submitted to the NAVFAC Interior Designer within 7 days. b. Design Development (35%-50%) Submittal: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall provide a conceptual Finish Schedule, proposing finish materials to be used in all spaces. The Furniture and Equipment Plan and FF&E Summary List should be further developed and included in this submittal. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 2 of 12 126 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 c. SID "Over the Shoulder" Review: Prior to the Prefinal (100%) Submittal, the Contractor's Interior Designer shall meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "over-theshoulder" review meeting to present a minimum of (2) options for the interior building finishes/colors/materials. Finishes shall display manufacturer's label/specifications and be presented in a "loose" format for preliminary approval prior to the presentation with the Activity. The over-the-shoulder review meeting is to be held at NAVFAC MIDLANT located in Norfolk, Virginia. d. Prefinal (100%) Submittal: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall present a minimum of two (2) NAVFAC-approved interior building finishes/color/material options, to the Activity for approval. Each of these two finish options shall be documented and submitted for review and approval as follows: Submittal to FEAD/ROICC and Activity: 1. Updated Furniture and Equipment Plan 2. Finish Schedule 3. Finish Legend 4. Floor Finish Plan(s) 5. 2 sets of 16"x20" presentation boards Submittal to NAVFAC Project Manager for distribution to the NAVFAC Interior Designer: 1. Updated Furniture and Equipment Plan 2. Finish Schedule 3. Finish Legend 4. Floor Finish Plan(s) 5. Pre-Final Finish Selections and Samples in 8 x 10 binder format in edge reinforced heavy-duty plastic sheet protectors e. Final Submittal: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall incorporate the final approved Furniture and Equipment Plan, Finish Schedule, Floor Finish Plan and Finish Legend into the Contractor's final drawing set. These drawings and all approved finishes shall be submitted in 8-1/2" x 11" binder format, using heavy duty plastic sheet protectors. Three (3) sets of the Final SID Submittal shall be distributed to the NAVFAC Project Manager/Interior Designer, FEAD/ROICC, and the Activity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Updated Furniture and Equipment Plan Floor Finish Plan(s) Finish Legend Finish Schedule Final Finish Selections and Samples in 8 x 10 binder format in edgereinforced heavy-duty plastic sheet protectors SID CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS No substitutions shall be made to the SID finishes once they have been approved by NAVFAC during the design phase. In the event that revisions may be required due to unforeseen conditions such as discontinued product, such revisions must be submitted via the FEAD/ROICC for approval by the NAVFAC Interior Designer before substitutions can be made. INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHY SUBMITTAL Upon completion of the FF&E installation, the contractor shall provide professional photography of the completed interior. The photographer must be in the business of specializing in architectural and PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 3 of 12 127 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 interior photography. The submittal shall be a minimum of 6 photos. Permission for publishing and using the photos by NAVFAC is required. Images to be submitted on a CD as a JPEG or PDF with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi as well as 8x10 matte photographs. The photographs shall be taken prior to occupancy and staged with accessories as needed. Additional lighting may be needed to ensure quality images. FIXTURES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT (FF&E) The FF&E process shall begin at the CDW and develop concurrently with the building design. The submittals shall include fixtures, furnishings, and equipment specifications in accordance with the Activity requirements to produce an optimally functional facility. FF&E are all items that are not fixed to the structure, but are fully integrated with the floor plan, building systems, and finishes. Refer to RFP Part 4 Section Z10 General Performance Technical Specification and Part 2 UFGS Section 01 33 1-.05 20, Design Submittal Procedures. Develop design as described and in accordance with the Activity requirements. Include in the design all loose furnishings required to produce an optimum functional facility, consistent with quality commercial design. This project also includes the preparation of specific detailed information for each selected item. Each submittal shall demonstrate the thorough interaction with the Activity requirements and complete coordination with the facility design and the SID. Five (5) submittals will be required; (1) for the NAVFAC Project Manager/Interior Designer, (3) for the FEAD/ROICC and Base Property, and (1) for the Activity. The Activity will supply the Contractor’s Interior Designer with a complete list of all existing FF&E, to include sizes, utility requirements, weight, etc., to be relocated to the new facility. The Contractor’s Interior Designer shall be responsible for inventorying existing FF&E to be relocated to the new facility and incorporating the existing FF&E into the FF&E plan. For all projects, including fast track projects, the contractor shall be responsible for sufficiently scheduling all SID/FF&E submittals early enough to obtain the required government approvals, and meet all ordering and installation lead times to complete the project by the contract completion date. These are minimum requirements and the Contractor shall be prepared to provide any/all additional meetings and submittals that may be necessary to support the Interior Design effort/FF&E coordination. Provide the following FF&E meetings and submittals: a. FF&E Requirements Meeting (Interior Design Orientation): This meeting shall occur at the CDW MIDLANT, located in Norfolk, VA prior to the Design Development (35%-50%) Submittal and the development of the FF&E package. The NAVFAC Interior Designer will provide the Contractor's Interior Designer a sample format of the FF&E submittal, review the Best Value Determination (BVD) process, discuss the number of Best Value Determinations required and discuss Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPAs), GSA or other mandatory sources to consider. Minutes of this meeting shall be submitted to the NAVFAC Interior Designer within 7 business days. b. FF&E "Over the Shoulder" Review: Prior to the Preliminary FF&E Submittal the Contractor's Interior Designer shall meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "overthe-shoulder" review to present preliminary FF&E options. These can be presented in a "loose" format for preliminary approval prior to the Activity presentation. The "over-theshoulder" review meeting shall be held at NAVFAC MIDLANT, located in Norfolk, VA PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 4 of 12 128 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 c. FF&E Concept Presentation: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall present the NAVFAC approved preliminary FF&E package to the Activity for approval. This presentation shall include loose format samples and catalog cuts. Sample boards are not required. d. Best Value Determination (BVD) Analysis "Over the Shoulder Review": Prior to issuing the BVD Analysis solicitation package, the Contractor's Interior Designer shall meet with the NAVFAC Interior Designer for an "over-the-shoulder" review of all required solicitation packages. The "over-the-shoulder" review meeting shall be held at NAVFAC MIDLANT, located in Norfolk, VA BVD Analysis Solicitation shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. Copy of the BVD Analysis Request for Pricing cover letter BVD Analysis Request for Pricing Spreadsheet/Questionnaire with “basis of design” item product numbers, photos & descriptions Technical Specifications to establish minimum acceptable FF&E requirements. Project Specific Room / Furniture Typicals Furniture Plans with Legends coded to the BVD Analysis RFP (PDF format) BVD Submittal and "Over the Shoulder" Review - The Contractor's Interior Designer shall submit one (1) copy of the BVD package to the NAVFAC Interior Designer An electronic copy shall be sent to the NAVFAC Contracting Officer. The "over-theshoulder" review meeting shall be held at NAVFAC MIDLANT, located in Norfolk, VA to review the results of the solicitation and determine a best value recommendation. Submit the following in a 3-ring binder for review and approval: The BVD Submittal shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. Cover Title Page (project name, project #, location, submittal date, submittal title) Table of Contents Point of Contact List Narrative of Interior Designer Objectives Copy of all information sent to bidders and documentation that all required sources were contacted BVD Analysis Request for Pricing Spreadsheet/Questionnaire completed by all bidders and Questionnaire Back-up Information submitted by each bidder (cut sheets/highlighted pricing sheets/technical specifications, pricing, dealer and manufacturer qualification for each product showing that products meets all requirements.) Responses from UNICOR. BVD Analysis Pricing Evaluation Spreadsheet comparing bidder quotes/responses Contractor’s Interior Designer recommendation for the Best Value vendor and justifications f. The Prime Contractor’s Interior Designer shall coordinate a mock-up for best value review of the typical dining chair proposed by at least the top three (3) BPA vendors submitting the highest rated FF&E proposals, as determined by NAVFAC. The reviewers shall include the NAVFAC Interior Designer, Contracting Officer, and the Activity. g. Preliminary FF&E Submittal: The Preliminary FF&E submittal shall be due at pre-final (100%). It shall be presented to the Activity and NAVFAC Interior Designer. Three (3) submittals will be required; (1) each for the NAVFAC Project Manager, FEAD/ROICC, and the Activity. Submit the following in a 3-ring binder (with the exception of the 16x20 PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 5 of 12 129 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 color boards for the Activity only) for review and approval: The Preliminary FF&E Submittal shall include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cover Title Page (project name, project #, submittal date, submittal title) Table of Contents Point of Contact List (includes contact info for recommended Best Value BPA Holder(s) vendors and subcontractors) Preliminary FF&E list (Cost Summary) to include shipping, freight, handling, professional installation, project management, HAR and applicable sales tax Preliminary Procurement Data Spec Sheets for each product indicating general appearance as well as proposed finish and fabric selections Furniture placement plans coded to the FF&E list and Procurement Data Spec Sheets Technical Specifications used in bid request for all furniture, etc. 16x20 inch color boards of furniture and finishes specified for Activity presentation to indicate overall design intent (1 copy for Activity only) Final Finish/Fabric Selections and Samples in 8 x 10 binder format in edgereinforced heavy-duty plastic sheet protectors 8x10 color photographs of the color boards h. The Prime Contractor and his Interior Designer shall coordinate an on-site mock-up and review of the typical dining chair with the selected, best-valued BPA vendor(s). Building finishes and fixtures shall be installed in the affected area(s) to the greatest extent practicable in order to assess building systems/fixture coordination. The reviewers shall include the NAVFAC Interior Designer and Construction Manager, The Prime Contractor’s Interior Designer, and the Activity. The BPA vendor shall be available onsite to respond to questions. The mock-up exercise shall be completed prior to the submittal of the Final FF&E submittal and award of the modification for turnkey furniture procurement. i. Final FF&E Submittal: The Contractor's Interior Designer shall submit the Final FF&E Package within 90 calendar days following the receipt of review comments on the preliminary FF&E submittal. Three (3) submittals will be required; (1) each for the NAVFAC Project Manager, FEAD/ROICC, and the Activity .The Final submittal shall incorporate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cover Title Page (project name, project #, submittal date, submittal title identified on binder cover and spine) Table of Contents Manufacturer Point of Contact List (includes contact info for recommended Best Value BPA Holder(s), vendors and subcontractors) Final FF&E list (Cost Summary) to include shipping, handling, freight, professional installation, project management, HAR and any applicable sales tax. Final Procurement Data Spec Sheets for each product indicating final finish and fabric selections Final Finish Selections and Memo Samples for the FF&E submitted in 8 x 10 binder format, using heavy-duty plastic sheet protectors. Copy of Final Quote(s)/Response(s) on letterhead from the vendor(s) determined to be the Best Value. Best Value Determination Guidelines sheets (completed and signed by the Contactor's Interior Designer) Final Furniture Placement Plans coded to the FF&E list, Procurement Data Sheets and specifications Technical specification for all specified products CD copy of the final FF&E binder. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 6 of 12 130 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia j WON 871672 Punch List: The Contractor's Interior Designer (and A/V consultant or other specialty consultants, if applicable) shall attend at least two punch list site visit with the installation dealer(s), NAVFAC Interior Designer and the Base Representative/Activity Contact. The first site visit shall identify all punch list items (at installation dealer's 98% completion). The second site visit shall identify all punch list items (at installation dealer's 100% completion). FF&E CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS Submit any revisions or deviations caused by discontinued items to the Contracting Officer for approval by the NAVFAC Interior Designer. SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data List Operation and Maintenance Manuals for seating, systems furniture and keyboard trays. E2010 FIXED FURNISHINGS (SID) Fixed furnishings (SID) are funded as part of the construction project and are not funded as part of FF&E. Each submittal must demonstrate complete coordination with the facility design and with the package for movable furnishings. Develop design as described herein and provide storage shelving, equipment racks, and window treatments. Cross reference C10 Interior Construction, and C30 Interior Finishes, for performance requirements. Each submittal must demonstrate complete coordination with the facility design and with the package for movable furnishings. E201001 FIXED ARTWORK As required, provide wall mosaic, painted mural, graphics and/or logo of activity in appropriate locations. E201002 WINDOW TREATMENTS All windows and other glazed openings to the exterior of the building shall be provided with motorized solar shading system and are considered SID and are funded as part of the construction project. The motorized shading system is to be recessed mount in either drywall or acoustic ceiling system. The fabric is to have an openness factor of no more than 5%. Shade material shall be the same color on both sides, of a single thickness, non PVC, non raveling, 0.762 mm thick or single thickness, non raveling 0.030 inch thick vinyl fabric, woven from 0.018 inch diameter extruded vinyl yarn comprising 21% polyester and 79% reinforced vinyl. Soft window treatments, such as draperies, are considered FF&E and shall be included in the FF&E package, as required. E201003 FIXED SEATING AND TABLES Provide site furniture. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 7 of 12 131 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 E201004 INTERIOR LANDSCAPE (FIXED) E2020 MOVABLE FURNISHINGS The design of the FF&E, movable kitchen equipment and AV package is funded as part of the construction contract base bid. The purchase and installation coordination of FF&E, movable kitchen equipment and AV is a planned modification to the contract and funded separately as part of Collateral Equipment. If a Collateral Equipment list is provided within this RFP, the costs associated with the purchase and installation of these items are NOT to be included in the base bid. The specific process is outlined in PTS E20 in Part 4 of this RFP. Collateral Equipment may also include specialty items specified by the Activity and the Contractor's Interior Designer is responsible for incorporating these into the FF&E, Movable Kitchen Equipment and/or the A/V package. The estimated Collateral Equipment cost(s) are provided for information purposes only. Actual requirements may vary and it is the responsibility of the Contractor’s Interior Designer, Kitchen Consultant and/or Audio Visual Consultant to determine the specific requirements of the End User during the design phase and design to these requirements. The FF&E must include shipping, freight, handling, and professional installation, project management, HAR, and applicable sales tax. A Best Value Determination shall be performed on a minimum of three manufacturers for orders exceeding a total procurement of $3000 from an individual manufacturer/vendor. Multiple BVDs may be required in order to complete the final FF&E package. The required quantity of BVDs to be performed will be determined by the NAVFAC Interior Designer during the design phase and is dependent on the appropriate NAVSUP BPA category(s) to be utilized. Documentation shall be provided to the Government with the final FF&E package. Specific Documentation is indicated in Part 4 of the RFP. The BVD Statement shall be completed and signed by the contractor's interior designer. A sample BVD form and instructions is provided in Part 6 of this RFP. The Contractor, as a planned modification, shall be authorized by the Government Contracting Officer to procure all furniture/furnishings in the approved final FF&E package using predominately negotiated Federal contracts as directed by the Contracting Officer and the NAVFAC Interior Designer. When the modification for turnkey furniture procurement is exercised, the Contractor's proposed Handling and Administrative Rate (HAR) shall not exceed 5% of the total cost of the FF&E, shipping, freight, handling, project management, and installation. The HAR includes all of the prime contractor's effort related to the storage, coordination, handling and administration of subcontractors, and all other associated costs and profit for the procurement of FF&E. No other charges, fees, or markups will be authorized. The contractor shall establish and submit a fixed percentage figure, for the administration effort of this modification (HAR), with the initial project proposal as part of the contractor's Pricing Schedule. E202001 MOVABLE ARTWORK Provide movable artwork as required. E202002 MODULAR PREFABRICATED FURNITURE Provide Workstation systems product or modular freestanding workstations as required. Provide at a minimum, an articulating keyboard tray with left or right handed mouse extension for each computer location. E202003 FREESTANDING FURNITURE AND FILES PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 8 of 12 132 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide ergonomic task seating, storage and filing, safes, dining seating, dining tables, outdoor tables, outdoor seating, outdoor umbrellas, conference table, and mobile kitchen carts, mobile kitchen appliances, and shelving as required. See Part 6 attachments for a full list of Collateral Equipment. The following items will be furnished as Collateral Equipment. Receiving Area: This area shall contain one (1) receiving scale with 300 pound capacity in 0.1 pound increments on a portable stand. Provide transport equipment as required to move food product from the loading dock into the appropriate storage areas Refrigerated and Frozen Walk-in Storage: Walk-ins shall be furnished with shelving. Shelving shall be by the same manufacturer as all other shelving on the project. Shelves shall be constructed of welded type 302 or 304 stainless steel wire. Shelves shall have #9 wire ribs running front to back on 13/16" centers, with #6 wire support ribs located on 8" centers and corrugated reinforcement on all four sides. Welded into each corner shall be a stainless steel tapered collar shaped and sized to fit the post and inner tapered split sleeve. Vertical support posts shall be stainless steel and shall be 1" diameter with rolled circular grooves 1" apart along their length. Shelf shall be mounted to post by means of a 2 piece plastic split sleeve snapped around the post at the desired shelf height, with the resultant tapered surface contacting the matching tapered collar in the shelf corner. Shelving shall be furnished in the lengths not to exceed 60” and widths of 21” – 24”. Each section of shelving shall be five tiers high. Each section of shelving shall have four 74" high posts. Each post shall have a 5" diameter swivel stem caster with polyurethane tire and donut bumper. Shelving shall be installed with the shelves spaced equally and with the bottom of the lowest shelf 6" above floor. Dry Storage Area: Shelving shall be by the same manufacturer as all other shelving on the project. Shelves shall be constructed of welded type 302 or 304 stainless steel wire. Shelves shall have #9 wire ribs running front to back on 13/16" centers, with #6 wire support ribs located on 8" centers and corrugated reinforcement on all four sides. Welded into each corner shall be a stainless steel tapered collar shaped and sized to fit the post and inner tapered split sleeve. Vertical support posts shall be stainless steel and shall be 1" diameter with rolled circular grooves 1" apart along their length. Shelf shall be mounted to post by means of a 2 piece plastic split sleeve snapped around the post at the desired shelf height, with the resultant tapered surface contacting the matching tapered collar in the shelf corner. Shelving shall be furnished in the lengths not to exceed 60” and widths of 21” – 24”. Each section of shelving shall be five tiers high. Each section of shelving shall have four 74" high posts. Each post shall have a 5" diameter swivel stem caster with polyurethane tire and donut bumper. Shelving shall be installed with the shelves spaced equally and with the bottom of the lowest shelf 6" above floor. Dunnage racks shall be constructed of Type 6063-T5 high tensile extruded aluminum tube measuring 1-1/2" x 1-3/4" x .070" wall thickness throughout. Dunnage rack shall measure 24" wide x 36" long x 12" high and shall have 4 lateral tubes. All joints shall be heli-arc welded and the feet shall be capped and welded. Each dunnage rack shall have a minimum weight capacity of 1150 kg. Non Food Storage Area: Shelving shall be by the same manufacturer as all other shelving on the project. Shelves shall be constructed of welded type 302 or 304 stainless steel wire. Shelves shall have #9 wire ribs running front to back on 13/16" centers, with #6 wire support ribs located on 8" centers and corrugated reinforcement on all four sides. Welded into each corner shall be a stainless steel tapered collar shaped and sized to fit the post and inner tapered split sleeve. Vertical support posts shall be stainless steel and shall be 1" diameter with rolled circular grooves 1" apart along their length. Shelf PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 9 of 12 133 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 shall be mounted to post by means of a 2 piece plastic split sleeve snapped around the post at the desired shelf height, with the resultant tapered surface contacting the matching tapered collar in the shelf corner. Shelving shall be furnished in the lengths not to exceed 60” and widths of 21” – 24”. Each section of shelving shall be five tiers high. Each section of shelving shall have four 74" high posts. Each post shall have a 5" diameter swivel stem caster with polyurethane tire and donut bumper. Shelving shall be installed with the shelves spaced equally and with the bottom of the lowest shelf 6" above floor. Can Wash Room: Can wash shall contain dunnage racks. Dunnage racks shall be constructed of Type 6063-T5 high tensile extruded aluminum tube measuring 1-1/2" x 1-3/4" x .070" wall thickness throughout. Dunnage rack shall measure 24" wide x 36" long x 12" high and shall have 4 lateral tubes. All joints shall be heli-arc welded and the feet shall be capped and welded. Each dunnage rack shall have a minimum weight capacity of 1150 kg. Food Preparation (Vegetable and Meat) Area: Equipment stands shall measure overall approximately 24" long x 30" wide x 30" high to working level. The top shall be constructed of 14 gauge stainless steel with all edges formed down 2" square. The top shall be depressed 3/16" with a 3/4" wide rim on all sides. Top shall be mounted to an open tube base with stainless steel legs and an 18 gauge stainless steel full length undershelf. Each table shall be mounted on 5" diameter all swivel casters, all with brakes. Casters shall be mounted on the standard legs so the stands are approximately 30" high. Equipment stands shall be located under the slicer and table top mixer. Slicer shall be a gravity feed two speed automatic slicer measuring overall 29-5/16" wide x 27-1/4" deep x 27-3/4" high. Slicer shall have a one piece seamless burnished aluminum base. The plastic external parts shall have antimicrobial protection. Knife, knife guard, carriage and gauge plate shall be constructed of stainless steel. Slicer shall have a 12" diameter stainless steel hollow ground knife with a sanitary hub. Slicer shall have a built-in two stone knife sharpener mounted on top of the knife. Slicer shall have a removable, tilting, angle feed carriage which will handle food up to 12" in width or 7-1/2" in diameter. The carriage shall have a heavy thermoplastic covered steel feed grip and a stainless steel adjustable fence. Carriage slide mechanism shall be equipped with an oil reservoir. Slicer shall have an adjustable slice thickness of 0" to 1-1/4". Slicer shall be wired 120-60-1 phase and shall have an electrical cord and plug. Slicer shall have a 1/2 horse power totally enclosed motor with permanently lubricated ball bearings and poly V-belt drive system. Slicer shall be furnished with a lift lever to facilitate cleaning. Mixer shall be a 20 quart counter type mixer wired 120-60-1 phase with a cord and plug. Mixer shall measure overall 16-1/2" wide x 22-7/8" deep x 29" high. Mixer shall have a 1/2 horse power motor designed and built by the mixer manufacturer. Mixer shall have a 15 minute timer. Mixer shall have a fixed three speed transmission with heat treated alloy steel constant mesh gears and ball bearings. Mixer shall have a tapered attachment hub mounted on the front of the unit. Mixer shall have a hand lever type spring counter balanced bowl lift mechanism. Mixer shall have a 20 quart stainless steel swing out bowl with a rotating bowl guard. Mixer shall be finished with metallic gray polyurethane enamel. Mixer shall be furnished with one aluminum flat beater one stainless steel wire whip and one ingredient chute to fit on the bowl guard. Food processor shall be a counter model continuous feed unit measuring approximately 8-1/2" wide x 18-1/4" front to back x 20-1/2" high. Unit shall have a motor base unit with the top tilted slightly forward. Unit shall have a hinged metal feed hopper lid with two feed openings with feed pushers. Food processor shall have a wiper arm ejector system to eliminate clogging. Unit shall have a 1/2 horsepower motor and a poly V belt drive transmission. Food processor shall be wired 120-60-1 phase with an electrical cord and plug. The food processor shall be equipped with one (1) 1/8" slicing plate, one (1) 3/16" slicing plate, one (1) 5/16" slicing plate, one (1) 3/8" dicing grid, one (1) 1/8" PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 10 of 12 134 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 grating plate, one (1) 3/16" grating plate and a plate holder shall be provided to hold each cutting plate. Each ingredient bin shall be a mobile stainless steel unit with 75 pound capacity. Each bin shall be approximately 14-1/4" wide x 19-1/4" deep x 27-1/4" high. Bins shall be constructed with 18 gauge stainless steel bottoms, 20 gauge stainless steel sides, coved corners, welded seams and a 16 gauge stainless steel slide off cover. Bins shall have a perimeter rubber bumper and four 4" diameter ball bearing swivel casters. An electric can opener that is NSF listed shall be provided. Serving Area: Each plate dispenser(s) shall be a mobile unheated dispenser with cabinet style base. Each unit shall be 30" x 20" x 40" high overall. The frame shall be constructed of all welded steel with gray baked enamel finish. The top shall be 18 gauge stainless steel. The base of the dispensers shall be constructed of 20 gauge stainless steel. Each dispenser shall have two drop-in adjustable dish dispensing cylinders. Dish dispensers shall be constructed of stainless steel with top flange with die formed outer rim and three plastic dish guides. Dispensing mechanisms shall consist of a complement of springs that attach to the top flange and to a stainless steel wire frame fitted with a stainless steel dish platform. The dispensers shall be adjusted by engaging or disengaging individual springs. Each cylinder shall be sized and calibrated to fit the dishes furnished by the Owner. Each dispenser shall be mounted on four 4" diameter heavy duty double ball bearing swivel casters with polyurethane tires. Each dispenser shall also be fitted with a one piece wrap around non-marking vinyl bumper. All dish, tray and rack dispensers throughout the project shall be by the same manufacturer. Dinner plate dispenser(s) shall be a mobile unheated dispenser with cabinet style base. Each unit shall be 30" x 20" x 40" high overall. The frame shall be constructed of all welded steel with gray baked enamel finish. The top shall be 18 gauge stainless steel. The base of the dispensers shall be constructed of 20 gauge stainless steel. Each dispenser shall have two drop-in adjustable dish dispensing cylinders. Dish dispensers shall be constructed of stainless steel with top flange with die formed outer rim and three plastic dish guides. Dispensing mechanisms shall consist of a complement of springs that attach to the top flange and to a stainless steel wire frame fitted with a stainless steel dish platform. The dispensers shall be adjusted by engaging or disengaging individual springs. Each cylinder shall be sized and calibrated to fit the dishes furnished by the Owner. Each dispenser shall be mounted on four 4" diameter heavy duty double ball bearing swivel casters with polyurethane tires. Each dispenser shall also be fitted with a one piece wrap around non-marking vinyl bumper. All dish, tray and rack dispensers throughout the project shall be by the same manufacturer. Juice dispenser(s) shall be a twin 5 gallon non-carbonated drink dispenser with individual removable transparent Lexan beverage bowls with gallon and liter markings. Juice dispensers shall measure 16" wide x 17" deep x 26-5/8" high. Juice dispensers shall have a plastic and stainless steel cabinet and shall be furnished without the standard removable drip tray and with an extended front panel so that the dispensers can overhang the drain trough built into the counter top. Juice dispensers shall have a single motor to drive both the condensing unit fan blade and a magnetic spray pump which shall constantly circulate the beverage over the cooling surface and up to the top of the bowl. Dispensers shall have a 1/5 horse power hermetically sealed refrigeration system. Each cup/glass dispenser shall be a cantilever style mobile dispenser for 20" x 20" cup and glass racks. Dispenser shall measure overall 23" x 31-1/2" x 36" high. Dispenser frame shall be constructed of heavy gauge steel finished with gray baked enamel over rust resisting undercoat. Frame shall be mounted on a 12 gauge stainless steel "Z" section base with four 4" diameter heavy duty double ball bearing swivel casters with polyurethane tires. The base of the dispenser shall have a one piece, wrap-around, non-marking vinyl bumper. The body of the dispenser shall be 20-gauge stainless steel PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 11 of 12 135 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 and shall have a stainless steel tubular push handle. The front panel shall be removable for adjustment access. The rack carrier shall be constructed of all welded 16 gauge stainless steel. Carrier shall be supported by a series of coil springs attached to the frame. Dispenser shall have ball bearing guides, a stainless steel aircraft type cable and pre-lubricated plated steel pulleys to keep the carrier level in all directions, even with an unbalanced load. The dispensing height of varying weights of racks shall be adjustable by removing the front panel and engaging or disengaging individual springs as required. Springs shall be adjusted to accommodate the Owner's trays. All dish, tray and rack dispensers throughout the project shall be by the same manufacturer. E202004 RUGS & ACCESSORIES Not Used. E202005 MULTIPLE SEATING (MOVABLE) Not Used. E202006 INTERIOR LANDSCAPING (MOVABLE) Provide interior landscaping (live plants, planters, site furnishings, etc.) as required. E202090 OTHER MOVABLE FURNISHINGS Provide waste receptacles, recycling containers, fire extinguishers, and clocks as required. Provide audio visual projectors and wall mounted LCD flat screen televisions as part of the AV package as required. Coordinate projector and flat screen sizes with mounting brackets and projection screens. Provide a video teleconferencing system (VTC) comprised of the following: AV controller, rack mounted amplifier, rack mounted Audio DSP, rack mounted HD version Codec, minimum of 4 overhead speakers with a single wire back to the rack, minimum of 1 camera that can see the room, minimum of two boundary microphones at the conference table (ceiling mounted microphones are not acceptable), and two wall mounted LCD flat screen televisions. VTC rack to be contractor provided. See Electrical section D50. Audio visual projector mounts are to be SID, contractor provided. Projector mounts are to be recessed ceiling mounted. Provide all structure and blocking required for a secure installation. Recessed unit to be motorized, lowering projector into correct position for accurate projection. Recessed unit finish to be coordinated with surrounding ceiling finishes and colors. Articulating wall mounted flat screen television brackets are to be SID, contractor provided. Provide required blocking for secure installation. Coordinate flat screen television size and bracket size. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR E20 Page 12 of 12 136 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS G10 SITE PREPARATIONS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The site preparation system consists of site clearing, demolition, salvage, relocation, earthwork, and hazardous waste remediation necessary to ready the site for other work associated with the project. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Develop the project site and perform all off-site work necessary to meet the requirements of the project, antiterrorism criteria, local codes, reference standards, technical specifications and performance criteria. A topographic survey of the existing site was performed on August 24, 2010 and is included in Part 6. The topographic survey has been provided to show the location of existing facilities, areas of new work required by this RFP and the character of the sites. Prior to starting work, physically verify the location of all existing utilities and obtain all additional survey data required to provide a quality final design. The existence, size and/or location of the utilities are not guaranteed by the surveys provided. Verify the location of all utilities prior to construction. Electronic files of the topographic surveys will be provided to the Contractor only after award of the contract. Unless otherwise noted, provide new facilities at the locations indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Minimize the impact of construction activity on operations and neighboring facilities. Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements associated with this work. Submit a complete Permits Record of Decision (PROD) form with the first design submittal package. A blank PROD form can be obtained at the Download Tab of Part 6 of the NAVFAC Design-Build website at the following link Determine http://www.wbdg.org/ndbm/Download/Down_Additional.html?Section=AdditionalInfo . correct permit fees and pay said fees. Forward copies of all permits, permit applications, and the completed PROD form to the Government’s Civil Reviewer and Environmental Reviewer. Jurisdictional tidal and non-tidal wetlands have been identified on the project site. Perform all tidal and non-tidal wetlands work in accordance with the permits obtained as required by UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering. Coordinate and obtain the Resident Officer In Charge of Construction's (ROICC) approval for proposed haul route(s), work site access point(s), employee parking location(s) and material laydown and storage area(s). Refer to Site Analysis and Building Requirements Sections for additional site preparation functional program information. GOVERNMENT PROVIDED GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION Subsurface soil information, including a geotechnical report and pile driving analysis are included in other portions of this RFP. Any included subsurface information is only for the Contractor's information and is not guaranteed to PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 1 137 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 fully represent all subsurface conditions. The Government shall not be responsible for any interpretation or conclusion by the Contractor drawn from the data or information. Any geotechnical report accompanying the subsurface information is provided only to better convey data (boring logs, testing, etc.) or to document observed site conditions. The assumptions, analysis, and recommendations of any accompanying report were developed for preliminary planning purposes only and may not reflect present project requirements. The Contractor is required to retain a Geotechnical Engineer experienced and licensed in the geographic region of the project to interpret the Government provided information as related to his design concept and develop geotechnical requirements to support design and construction. Minor variations in subsurface conditions between borings should be anticipated. The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the site preparation, ground improvement and foundations except as allowed by Contract Clause FAR 52.236-2, "Differing Site Conditions". The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer shall perform additional subsurface investigation/testing as required to adequately determine all applicable geotechnical factors including the type and capacity of the project foundations. The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer shall consider the provided information and any additional information obtained and prepare a report as described in other portions of this RFP. The minimum requirements for the subsurface investigation and report are as required by UFC 1-300-09N, Design Procedures, with associated references. The soils that will be exposed after completion of stripping and excavation will be soft and at or near the groundwater elevation. The Contractor will anticipate these marginal subgrade support conditions and incorporate measures into his design and construction procedures to obtain required soil support while maintaining progress for completion on schedule. Completed boring logs indicate uncontrolled fill materials. The use of imported satisfactory fill materials should be anticipated if satisfactory materials are not encountered during planned excavations. Personnel under the supervision of a registered Professional Engineer shall provide inspection of excavations and soil/groundwater conditions throughout construction. The Engineer shall be responsible for performing pre-construction and periodic site visits throughout construction to assess site conditions. The Engineer, with the concurrence of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer, shall update the excavation, sheeting, shoring and dewatering plans as construction progresses to reflect actual site conditions and shall submit the updated plan and a written report (with professional stamp) at least monthly informing the Contractor and Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of Contractor adherence to the plan; specifically addressing any present or potential problems. The Engineer shall be available to meet with the Contracting Officer at any time throughout the contract duration. The Contractor shall bear all costs of the Engineer. G1010 SITE CLEARING G101001 CLEARING Preserve trees in the area located to the south of P132 except when necessary to maintain AT/FP setbacks or necessary grading. Clearing operations shall be performed in a manner that will minimize impacts to the surrounding wetlands. The project site does not have saleable timber. Burning will not be allowed. G101002 TREE REMOVAL Remove and dispose of all trees as required for project construction. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 2 138 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G101005 SELECTIVE THINNING Refer to Part 4, Section G10. G101006 DEBRIS DISPOSAL Haul all grubbing and clearing residue, demolished material, rubbish and debris generated by this project off-site and off-station. G1020 SITE DEMOLITION & RELOCATIONS The items to be reused or relocated include dumpsters, light posts, and the Human Performance Turf Tent. The existing Human Performance (HP) Equipment Tent shall be relocated as a part of this project. Contractor shall ensure that relocated HP Equipment Tent is fully operational after its relocation. Items to be newly constructed and/or relocated include but are not limited to the following: concrete pad, adjacent pull-up bars, power, water and phone service, and CMU wall (approx. 10’x12’). The Contractor shall also demolish former HP Equipment Tent location and all appurtenances as a part of this project. The Contractor shall remove the existing heli-pad and all its appurtenances as a part of this project. G102001 BUILDING MASS DEMOLITION Removal of Building 307 (modular structure) occurs prior to construction of the SOF Cafeteria and is not a part of this project. G102002 ABOVEGROUND SITE DEMOLITION Preserve adjoining pavement and walks to remain and base aggregate of areas scheduled to receive pavement where grades will allow. See also Section G1020 for additional demolition requirements. G102003 UNDERGROUND SITE DEMOLITION Preserve all existing utilities required for proposed project. Abandon utility systems in a manner that conforms to applicable codes and regulations, removes their presence from the ground surface and clearly indicates that they have been abandoned. Do not abandon in place utilities under or within 3.0 m (10’) of any new facilities. Remove and relocate existing utility piping, conduits, and utility structures under the proposed building. Remove wiring in all conduits to be abandoned. Abandon all piping in place with a minimum 0.60 m (24”) length plugged with grout at structures. Remove or fill with flowable fill all abandoned piping under pavements subject to potential vehicle loadings. Remove existing utility structures to 0.60 m (3’) below existing or new adjacent grade, whichever is greater. Break up bases to permit drainage. Fill with clean sand. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 3 139 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G102004 BUILDING RELOCATION Relocate the Human Performance Equipment Tent as indicated on sheet C101. See also Section G1020. G102005 UTILITY RELOCATION Comply with the requirements of NAVFAC concerning the relocation of all water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage utilities. G1030 SITE EARTHWORK G103001 GRADING Establish finished floor elevation above the 100-year flood plain elevation as indicated on the latest edition of the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate maps. Provide positive drainage away from the building in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, and UFC 3-100-10, Architecture, paragraph 3-2. Also, provide elevations for mechanical/electrical equipment pads per this requirement. The grading operations shall be performed in a manner that will minimize impacts to the surrounding wetlands. G103003 ROCK EXCAVATION Blasting will not be permitted. G103004 FILL & BORROW Obtain borrow and select fill from off-base, permitted sources. Excavation of an on-site borrow pit is not permitted. G103006 SOIL STABILIZATION Cement, asphalt, and pressure grouting are not allowed for soil stabilization. G103007 SLOPE STABILIZATION Provide slope stabilization through appropriate grading and site design for a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 or slope that does not exceed the maximum slope per local code requirements. Gabions and concrete are not allowed for slope stabilization. G103008 SOIL TREATMENT Treat the area around the entire foundation of each building for termite control in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. G1040 HAZARDOUS WASTE REMEDIATION A contaminated soil/groundwater report is not provided to support this project. See Section 3.1.2, Chapter 3 for additional information. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 4 140 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Prior to starting work, conduct any additional testing that may be needed to provide a final design and comply with all applicable federal, regional, state and local regulations. Refer to UFC 3-800-10N, Environmental Engineering for Facility Construction, for additional requirements and criteria. G1040 1.1 EXCAVATION Employ dewatering methods where excavation extends into groundwater levels on a localized basis to facilitate excavation operations. Collect and test water generated by dewatering during excavation in accordance with: 33 CFR 328, Definitions of Waters of the United States 33 CFR 1344, Authority, Clean Water Act 40 CFR 233, State Program Regulations EPA 600/4-79/020, Contaminant Monitoring, Water and Wastes DOE O 450.1, Environmental Protection Program Non-contaminated water may be disposed of on-site. G1040 1.2 STOCKPILED SOILS Dispose of contaminated stockpiled materials in accordance with: 29 CFR 1926.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 40 CFR 273, Standards for Universal Waste Management Soils that are less than regulatory acceptable levels may be used as clean fill. G1040 1.3 CLEAN FILL Backfill and compact soils that are determined as clean fill via testing in accordance with the requirements listed in this section. G1040 1.4 SPILLS In the event of a spill or release of hazardous substances, pollutant, contaminant or oil, notify the Contracting Officer immediately. Take containment/control actions immediately to minimize the effect of any spill or leak. Perform clean up at the Contractor’s expense in accordance with: 33 CFR 1344, Authority, Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 40 CFR 233, State Program Regulations PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 5 141 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G1040 1.5 DISPOSAL All waste materials are the property of the Contractor. Transport, disposed of or recycled waste materials in accordance with: 40 CFR 241, Guidelines for Disposal of Solid Waste 40 CFR 243, Guidelines for the Storage and Collection of Residential, Commercial and Institutional Solid Waste UFC 1-900-01, Selection of Methods for the Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling of Demolition Waste --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G10 - Page 6 142 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS G20 SITE IMPROVEMENTS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The site improvements consists of pavements and pavement-related features, landscaping and other exterior site development work related to this project. A licensed Professional Engineer familiar with conditions local to the project site shall perform all pavement design. GENERAL SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS Provide site improvements as required to make a usable facility that meets functional and operational requirements, incorporates all applicable anti-terrorism, force protection and physical security requirements and blends into the existing environment. Provide site improvements in conformance with applicable requirements of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements associated with this work. Complete the Permits Record of Decision (PROD) form with the first design submittal package. A blank PROD form can be obtained at the Download Tab of Part 6 of the NAVFAC Design-Build website at the following link http://www.wbdg.org/ndbm/Download/Down_Additional.html?Section=AdditionalInfo . Determine correct permit fees and pay said fees. Forward copies of all permits, permit applications, and the completed PROD form to the Government's Civil Reviewer. Provide improvements as required to conform to all applicable anti-terrorism and physical security requirements. Minimize the impact of construction activity on operations and neighboring facilities. Locate new site improvements at locations indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. If specific locations are not provided, site the improvements to develop appropriate and positive relationships with other facilities and to conform to existing development patterns. Refer to Site Analysis and Building Requirements Sections for additional site improvement functional program information. G2020 PARKING LOTS Provide parking for a minimum of 80 vehicles. Design parking in accordance with UFC 3-210-02, POV Site Circulation and Parking. Take into consideration the anticipated daily traffic of cars, single unit trucks, and H20 loadings over the life of the project (20 years) as well as the existing soil conditions at the site. Provide access and parking areas of bituminous pavement unless noted otherwise. Provide service loading dock area of rigid pavement. Porous pavement may be used only for parking or paved areas between proposed permanent buildings. Porous pavement may only be used in areas on grade, not at sag locations. Provide new parking lot and other pavement sections as required by soil conditions and determined PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G20 - Page 1 143 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 by Designer of Record. Minimum bituminous pavement section is 50 mm (2”) bituminous surface on 200 mm (8") aggregate base over a compacted, stable subgrade. Minimum PCC pavement section is 150 mm (6") PCC on 150 mm (6”) aggregate base over a compacted, stable subgrade. The PCC pavement section shall have adequate reinforcing and expansion/contraction joints. Compact subgrade to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D1557) and proof-roll for stability. Provide other parking improvements including two parking entrances for two-way traffic, new and/or relocated bicycle racks, separate service drive for delivery and waste management vehicles, markings and signage. Provide handicapped parking in accordance with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. G202001 BASES & SUBBASES Crushed concrete meeting specified gradation for aggregate base or subbase courses may be used. G202002 CURBS & GUTTERS Provide curb and gutter as necessary to tie into adjacent facilities. G202003 PAVED SURFACES Provide portland cement concrete with a minimum design flexural strength of 4.48 to 4.83 MPa (650 to 700 psi) in not more than 28 days. Recycled asphalt pavement material may be used for bituminous pavement. Recycled concrete pavement material may be used for rigid pavement as permitted by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Specifications. G202004 MARKING & SIGNAGE Provide permanent and temporary markings (pavement, curb and object), signage (regulatory, warning and guidance) and other traffic control devices as required to facilitate proper utilization of the parking areas. Provide pavement markings, including crosswalks, to match existing. Provide signage to match existing. Provide temporary pavement markings and signage to meet phasing requirements indicated in the project program. Provide temporary signage in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). G202005 GUARDRAILS & BARRIERS Provide guardrails, wheel stops, and bollards in accordance with the UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering. Provide removable bollards and sliding gate as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. G202090 OTHER PARKING LOTS Provide at least 5% of total parking spaces for VIP guests. Combine the location of VIP spaces with PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G20 - Page 2 144 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 handicapped parking and locate as close to Building P132 as possible. G2030 PEDESTRIAN PAVING Provide a network of Portland cement concrete sidewalks separated from, but connected to, vehicular circulation systems to allow pedestrian circulation between various elements of the project. Coordinate and develop the design of the proposed courtyard between the Cafeteria and the HP facility. See Section 3.2, Chapter 3 within this RFP for courtyard design specifics. Minimum concrete sidewalk and courtyard cross section is 115 mm (4.5”) PCC on 115 mm (4.5") aggregate base over a compacted, stable subgrade. The sidewalk and courtyard section shall have adequate reinforcing and expansion/contraction joints. G203004 GUARDRAILS & BARRIERS Provide guardrails along raised boardwalk for pedestrian fall prevention. meet IBC 2009 requirement for exterior guard rails. G203006 Provide guardrails that OTHER WALKS, STEPS & TERRACES Provide a boardwalk to allow pedestrian circulation between various elements of the project, as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. G2040 SITE DEVELOPMENT G204002 RETAINING AND FREESTANDING WALLS Provide screen wall around service area as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Provide sliding ornamental gate for entrance into service yard. The sliding gate may be designed to function as an active barrier meeting the requirements of G204004 Security Structures. G204003 EXTERIOR FURNISHINGS Provide all site furnishings conforming to the Base Exterior Architectural Plan (BEAP) and the Installation and Appearance Plan. At a minimum, provide 6 benches, 2 trash receptacles, 1 outdoor lockable bicycle rack and two exterior ash receptacles in the proposed court yard. Provide outdoor patio area as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Design outdoor dining area to accommodate number of people as specified by NAVFAC. G204004 SECURITY STRUCTURES Provide AT/FP security structures as needed. G204005 SIGNAGE Provide signage in accordance with the Activity's BEAP and the Installation and Appearance Guide. G204009 FLAGPOLES Flagpoles are not required. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G20 - Page 3 145 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G204090 OTHER SITE IMPROVEMENTS Provide dumpster pad and enclosure area as indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Provide double metal gate with self-closing mechanism. G2050 LANDSCAPING Provide complete landscaping consisting of lawn, groundcover, trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses as required to provide a quality, cost-effective, functional and visually appealing environment that will enhance the development, while complying with all applicable anti-terrorism, force protection and physical security requirements. All landscaping shall be guaranteed for a period of one year after final acceptance of the project. Provide complete landscaping maintenance, including routine mowing, throughout the guarantee period. Provide mechanical equipment screening wall on three sides of new equipment. Provide evergreen or broadleaf evergreen shrubs for screening of mechanical equipment/wall, dumpster enclosures, and other obstructions that do not present an aesthetic view from the street. As part of the requirements within part four of this RFP, the following landscaping shall also be provided: A. Shade trees shall be 65 mm (2-1/2”) in caliper and 3.65 m to 4.27 m (12’ to 14’) in height. Flowering trees shall be 45 mm to 50 mm (1 3/4” to 2”) in caliper and 2.44 m to 3.05 m (8’ to 10’) in height. Evergreen trees shall be 65 mm (2 1/2") in caliper and 1.83 m to 2.44 m (6’ to 8’) in height. Shrubs and grasses shall be a minimum of 11.36 liters (3 gal) and ground cover shall be a minimum of 0.95 liters (1 quart). B. All planting beds excluding bio-retention filters shall receive 80 mm (3”) of shredded hardwood mulch over weed control fabric. C. All planting beds shall be encompassed with painted steel edging 4.76 mm (3/16”) thick by 125 mm (5”) height to separate beds from turf. Exception for edging is where beds abut concrete walks and bio-retention filters. D. Provide one shade tree for every 10 parking spaces in parking lot. Due to the temporary nature of the parking lot, contact NAVFAC to determine the required number of trees for the lot. All parking lot trees shall be no more than two species. Minimum median width shall be 2.74 m (9’). E. All sites that adjoin streets shall be planted with street trees the entire frontage of the property. Trees shall be shade or flowering, equally spaced in a straight row and a minimum of 3.05m (10’) from the curb or road edge. Shade trees shall be planted 10.67 m to 12.19 m (35’ to 40’) on center and flowering trees shall be planted 7.62 m (25’) on center. All street trees shall be one species. When possible match existing trees along the street. F. Provide small trees, shrubs and ground cover plantings at all building entrances. G. Provide trees, shrubs and ground cover in and around all bioretention filters. Provide 100 mm (4”) of triple shredded mulch in all bioretention filters. Trees and shrubs shall be planted at the rate of 5 trees and 15 shrubs per 92.9 square meters (1000 square feet) of bioretention filter. If filter fabric is PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G20 - Page 4 146 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 used it shall only be used along the sides of the bioretention. The entire bioretention shall be surrounded by a 1.83 m (6’) wide sod strip. The soil filter mix shall be: 50% sharp sand, 30% topsoil, 15% double shredded hardwood mulch and 5% peat moss thoroughly blended before spreading. Provide a berm around all bioretention filter overflow outlets composed of soil filter mix, topped with 80 mm to 125 mm (3” to 5”) diameter stone such that the stone layer prevents floating mulch from reaching the overflow outlet but allows storm water to pass. Plant the berm with shrubs at 0.90 m (3’) on center. The contractor shall guarantee that the bioretention fitlers are not infiltrated by any site sediment during construction. Bioretention filters shall be installed after all upstream tributary areas to the bioretention filter have been fully stabilized with turf or landscaping. H. All proposed parking lots that can be seen from surrounding roadways or recreational areas shall be screened with an evergreen or broadleaf evergreen shrub. Shrub size at installation shall be a minimum height of 0.75 m by 0.60 m (30” by 24”) in width, planted 0.90 m (3’) on center. I. The proposed tree mixture for the site shall be approximately 60% shade trees, 20% flowering trees and 20% evergreen trees. G205001 FINE GRADING AND SOIL PREPARATION Provide 100 mm (4") of topsoil for all grass areas and other pervious areas disturbed by Contractor operations. G205002 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES Prevent erosion from occurring by providing erosion control measures as required by the City of Virginia Beach, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and federal requirements. G205003 TOPSOIL AND PLANTING BEDS See G2050 Landscaping. G205004 SODDING Sod areas indicated to be turfed in another part of this RFP. Provide Tifway 419 Bermuda Sod for new turf areas and existing turf areas to remain that are disturbed by contractor operations. G205005 PLANTINGS Preserve existing trees to the greatest extent possible. --End of Section-- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G20 - Page 5 147 P-132 SOF Cafeteria NAS Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 (THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK) SOF CAFETERIA - PART THREE – PROJECT PROGRAM 148 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS G30 SITE MECHANICAL UTILITIES SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The site civil/mechanical utility systems include water supply systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm drainage systems, cooling distribution systems, fuel distribution systems, geothermal condenser water system and associated appurtenances which are more than 1.5 m (5’) outside the building. The site mechanical utility system consists of all piping and appurtenances for natural gas and geothermal condenser water, including all accessories and devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable system up to 1.5 m (5’) outside buildings. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Develop the site to provide water, fire protection, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, geothermal condenser water and fuel distribution services that meet the requirements of each applicable regulatory agency that governs and issues permits for the construction and operation of these systems. Provide each system complete and ready for operation. Physically verify the location of existing above and below ground utilities prior to starting work. Identify and obtain all permits to comply with all federal, state, and local regulatory requirements associated with this work. Complete the Permits Record of Decision (PROD) form with the first design submittal package. A blank PROD form can be obtained at the Download Tab of Part 6 of the NAVFAC Design-Build website at the following link http://www.wbdg.org/ndbm/Download/Down_Additional.html?Section=AdditionalInfo . Determine correct permit fees and pay said fees. Forward copies of all permits, permit applications, and the completed PROD form to the Government's Civil/Mechanical Reviewer. Minimize the impact of construction activity on facility operations and neighboring facilities. Utility connection points are indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Obtain final approvals from the Government's Civil/Mechanical Reviewer and the Contracting Officer for all utility connection points associated with this work. Coordinate with the local utility providers and pay any fees or charges required to connect to their utility. Refer to Site Analysis and Building Requirements Sections for additional site civil/mechanical utilities information. Provide all required fittings, connections and accessories required for a complete and usable system. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria of PTS Section G30 and the manufacturer's recommendations. Where the word "should" is used in the manufacturer's recommendations, substitute the word "shall". After installation of the equipment and systems, provide individual training courses for two Government personnel for each of the items listed below, covering items contained in the Operations and Maintenance manuals. Provide one copy of the Operations and Maintenance manuals for each PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G30 - Page 1 149 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 two course attendees. Provide one DVD disc of the training courses to be used as refresher courses and to train additional personnel. Training shall be conducted by the same factory trained engineer that supervised the installation of the system. Training shall include classroom discussion as well as hands on maintenance, replacement of typical components and repair type maintenance training for parts typically replaced or repaired in the field. Submit training plan 30 calendar days prior to training sessions. Training plan shall include scheduling, content, outline, and training material handouts. G3010 WATER SUPPLY The new water system is an extension of the existing water system. The existing water system serving the project site is owned by the federal government, operated and maintained by NAVFAC. Provide the new water system and connections to the existing water system in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, the utility provider’s requirements, and the state waterworks regulations, whichever is more stringent. Notify the utility provider of the additional demand generated by the proposed facility. Provide a copy of all correspondence with the utility provider to the Government’s Civil/Mechanical Reviewer. Provide connection to the existing water distribution system at the point indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Design the new water system so water consumption for each facility is monitored from one meter. Provide the meter in an easily accessible location, but not obvious. G301002 POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION Connect the new potable water distribution system to the distribution system at the point indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. A water meter on each proposed service line is not required. Provide type of meter and remote reading as required by the utility provider. Provide precast concrete vaults of sufficient size to contain fire service valves and equipment, and domestic water service meter. Provide fire hydrants red in color. Backflow preventers are required on all service entrance lines. If not specified in ESR D20 and D40, provide backflow preventers in a belowground vault outside the building. Provide a heated enclosure. G301004 FIRE PROTECTION WATER DISTRIBUTION Water for fire protection will be provided from an existing tank and fire pumps located in the NSWDG compound. Install a new hydrant on the potable water line; the fire protection water for the building will come off the high pressure line. The high pressure line is not potable water; therefore, no backflow preventer is required. G3020 SANITARY SEWER The new sanitary sewer system is an extension of the existing sanitary sewer collection system. The existing sanitary sewer collection system serving the project site is owned by the federal government, operated and maintained by NAVFAC. Provide the new sanitary sewer system and connections to the existing sanitary sewer collection system in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G30 - Page 2 150 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 the utility provider’s requirements, and the state sewerage regulations, whichever is more stringent. Notify the utility provider of the additional wastewater flow generated by the proposed facility. Provide a copy of all correspondence with the utility provider to the Government Civil Reviewer. Provide connection to the existing sanitary sewer collection system at the point indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. In identifying a suitable point of connection, provide consideration of the capacity of the existing collection system. G302002 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES & CLEANOUTS Provide precast concrete manholes only. Provide lockable manhole covers. G302003 LIFT STATIONS AND PUMPING STATIONS A wastewater pump station will not be required. G3030 STORM SEWER The new storm sewer system is an extension of the existing storm sewer system. The existing storm sewer system serving the project site is owned, by the federal government,operated and maintained by NAVFAC. Provide the new storm sewer system and connections to the existing storm sewer system in accordance with UFC 3-200-10N, Civil Engineering, the utility provider's requirements, and the state stormwater management laws and regulations, whichever is more stringent. Provide connection to the existing storm sewer collection system at the point indicated on the drawings in another part of this RFP. Confirm that the existing outfall has adequate capacity to receive the additional stormwater flow generated by the project. Vehicle wash areas are not to be provided. G303001 STORM SEWER PIPING Corrugated aluminum will not be allowed for storm sewer piping. G303002 STORM SEWER STRUCTURES G303004 CULVERTS PVC, corrugated aluminum, or HDPE will not be allowed for culvert piping. G303007 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Comply with UFC 3-210-10N, Low Impact Development. Provide Low Impact Development (LID) to achieve design objectives stated in DoD Policy on Implementing Section 438 of the Energy and Independence and Security Act (EISA), dated 19 January, 2010 and Department of Navy Low Impact Development (LID) Policy for Storm Water Management, dated 16 November, 2007. Minimize the use of conventional pavement. Consider the following LID integrated management practices: bioretention, filter/buffer strips, grassed swales, bioretention swales, wet swales, rain barrels, cisterns, infiltration trenches, rain gardens, permeable pavement/pavers, and tree box filters. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G30 - Page 3 151 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Evaluate the drainage conditions and submit sealed calculations to the Government for civil and environmental review supporting EISA Section 438 and NAVY LID policies have been met in accordance with UFC 3-210-10N. Provide a narrative stating project design goals were achieved or to what extent with the sealed calculations. The NAVFAC FEC Commanding Officer is the final approval authority for NAVY LID waiver requests. Obtain all regulatory permits required for the proposed work. Coordinate all reports, submittals, and permit applications through the Contracting Officer. G3040 GEOTHERMAL CONDENSER WATER DISTRIBUTION Use the following design parameters for buried piping systems: 1. Minimum depth of burial shall be 1.22 m (48 inches) from top of carrier pipe to final ground surface. 2. Earth thermal conductivity of 1.73 W/m-K (1.0 BTU/hr-°F-ft) and earth temperature of 17 degrees C (62 degrees F) to be verified by Formation Thermal Conductivity Test. 3. Coordinate location of geothermal well field with adjacent projects. Contact government for additional information. G304005 PREFABRICATED HEADER VAULTS Provide watertight, weatherproof prefabricated in-ground header vault of sufficient size to contain valves, ports and circuit setters for geothermal condenser water loop. G306006 GAS DISTRIBUTION PIPING (NATURAL GAS) Provide polyethylene (PE) natural gas piping system. Virginia Natural Gas will provide site gas piping up to and including their meter. -- End of Section -- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G30 - Page 4 152 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 6.0 ENGINEERING SYSTEMS REQUIREMENTS G40 SITE ELECTRICAL UTILITIES SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The site electrical utility system consists of all power and telecommunications and fiber optic cabling from the new distribution system point of connection including all connections, accessories and devices as necessary and required for a complete and usable system. Requirements of Tri-Service Electrical Working Group (TSEWG) will be included as requirements under this RFP. This section covers installations up to within 5 feet (1.5 meters) of new (or existing) building location. GENERAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Provide an Electrical System complete in place, tested and approved, as specified throughout this RFP, as needed for a complete, usable and proper installation. All equipment shall be installed per the criteria of PTS Section G40 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where the word "should" is used in the manufacturer's recommendations, substitute the word "shall". G4010 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION Connect to the existing 34.5kV, three phase, four wire, 60Hertz electrical power system. The connection point shall be a spare VFI protected switch way in the existing 34.5kV switch PMS-4, which is located inside the compound near Building 374. Provide #4/0 copper, 35 kV, 133% EPR, individual conductors in duct, from PMS-4 switch way in underground ductbank to a new dead front six way SF6 switch. The SF6 switch shall be 35kV, 600 amp, with not less than 4 VFI protected switch ways and two entrance switch ways. VFIs shall include phase and ground fault current and overload protection. The switch way feeding the new transformer for P-132 shall have VFIs with digital, ground fault detection controls capability. Locate new 6 way SF6 switchgear adjacent to P-132 transformer location and in coordination with planned construction sites for future construction projects P-164 QDR SOF NSWDG Logistic Support Facility, a FY 12 project, and DevGru Human Performance Facility DevGru Human Performance Facility, a FY 14 project. The available fault current at the point of connection shall be provided by MIDLANT Utilities, Kaci Hedjar at 757-341-1172. Provide a pad mounted transformer for P-132. The transformer shall be sized to carry the full load of the planned building, plus future additional floors, plus 20% spare. Consideration shall be given to placement of transformer and switch to avoid viewing from patron gathering areas. Provide secondary service entrance underground ductbank to the main service switchboard in P-132. The secondary ductbank and conductors shall be sized to carry the full load of the planned building, plus future additional floors, plus 20% spare. The service entrance conductors shall consist of individual copper conductors in underground ducts. Provide demolition and relocation of existing power feeders, panels, and branch circuiting as required to remove and relocate the Human Performance Equipment (HPE) Tent. Reconnect power to HPE Tent in new location. Relocate HPE Tent lighting, power, HVAC, and other equipment as required to restore full operation in the new location. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 1 153 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G401001 SUBSTATIONS Not Used. G401002 TRANSFORMERS Provide a three phase pad mounted transformer to feed the facility. Provide the following features: 1. Dead-Front Design 2. Loop feed switch 3. Feed-thru inserts 4. Three surge arresters for loop feed circuits 5. Less-flammable liquid-insulated 6. Enclosures and bases shall be suitable for coastal and high humidity areas (stainless steel). 7. Transformer submittals will be reviewed and approved by NAVFAC MIDLANT. 8. Provide Vacuum Fault Interrupter (VFI) on transformer primary in a separate SF6 switch (6 way minimum) within sight of the transformer, meeting lockout/tagout requirements for electrical safety. G401003 SWITCHES, CONTROLS AND DEVICES Provide 6-way SF6 Insulated Pad Mounted Switchgear configured with the existing underground distribution system as follows: 1. Dead-Front Design 2. Operating mechanisms on opposite side as load break connectors 3. Two entrance way switches 4. Four switch ways with electronic circuit protection 5. Enclosures and bases shall be suitable for coastal and high humidity areas 6. SF6 Insulated Pad Mounted Switchgear submittals will be reviewed and approved by NAVFAC MIDLANT Code OPHRC14. G401004 OVERHEAD ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS Not used. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 2 154 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G401005 TOWERS, POLES, CROSSARMS AND INSULATORS Not used. G401006 UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS Provide a medium voltage and 600 volt secondary underground electrical power distribution systems to meet the connection requirements as indicated in paragraph G4010 "Electrical Distribution". G401007 DUCTBANKS, MANHOLES, HANDHOLES AND RACEWAYS Provide a system of concrete encased ductbanks, handholes and manholes for all underground power wiring. Provide conduit for data transmission from the transformer to the DDC panel in the mechanical room. G401008 GROUNDING SYSTEMS Provide a complete grounding system for the electrical power distribution system. G401009 METERING The Navy will provide an electric meter of the form and class required by the substation to be metered. Typically, the meters will be Class 20 Form 9S for three phase four wire systems and Class 200 Form 2S for single phase. The contractor shall be responsible for providing and installing the CT's (and VT's if above 480V), meter base and wiring. The contractor shall contact the NAVFAC MIDLANT Utilities point of contact 15 days (minimum) before needing the meter, pick up the meter at Naval Station Norfolk and install the meter. POC is Dave Majure, NAVFAC MIDLANT Utilities, Ph. 757-445-8558 ext. 332. G401010 CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Provide cathodic protection for underground utilities as required. G401011 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COASTAL AND HIGH HUMIDITY AREAS Provide exterior equipment designed for coastal and high humidity areas. G4020 SITE LIGHTING Provide site lighting meeting IES Lighting Handbook for exterior, special security, building/facility including, but not limited to, parking areas, sidewalks and egress doors to include underground distribution, handholes, grounding, poles, fixtures and controls as required for a complete and usable system. G402001 EXTERIOR LIGHTING FIXTURES AND CONTROLS Provide high pressure sodium type lighting fixtures, complete with lamps. To comply with Dark Skies and LEED requirements provide full cutoff fixtures and shielded cut-off fixtures if closer than 2.5 times mounting height to property lines. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 3 155 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 Provide an automatic lighting control system for exterior lighting fixtures utilizing lighting contactors, astronomic time clocks, and photocell switches such that lighting will automatically turn "ON" and turn "OFF" at various times. G402002 SPECIAL SECURITY LIGHTING SYSTEMS Provide special security lighting as required for CCTV surveillance of egress doors and parking lot. G402003 OTHER AREA LIGHTING Provide other area lighting as required. G402004 LIGHTING POLES Provide aluminum poles complete with foundations for site lighting. G402005 UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS Provide a complete underground distribution system for all site lighting systems. G402006 DUCTBANKS, MANHOLES AND HANDHOLES Provide a direct buried underground system including conduits and handholes to meet the connection requirements indicated in paragraph G4020 "Site Lighting". G402007 GROUNDING SYSTEMS Provide a complete grounding system for all site lighting systems. G4030 SITE COMMUNICATION AND SECURITY Provide a site communication and security system including, but not necessarily limited to, Voice and Data Telecommunications Systems, Cable Television (CATV) Systems and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems including all conduit and wiring, underground structures, termination equipment, poles and structures, and grounding systems ESS shall be compatible with existing Systems in use by NSWDG and does not report to regional security. The current system is as follows: 1. DMP for IDS 2. UTC Picture Perfect for access control 3. Bosch for CCTV G403001 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS The connection point for the site telecommunications systems shall be underground at the telecom room 124 in building 302 and extended to the project site underground in a system of manholes and ductbank to the telecommunications equipment room. Provide classified and unclassified 12 pair copper cabling each (classified to be shielded) and 24 strands single mode fiber optic cable between the connection point and building entrance facilities. Each cable shall be home run in separate conduit. Provide two additional empty four inch conduits PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 4 156 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 with pull strings and three 1.5 inch innerducts in one spare conduit and pullstring in the other for future Government use between the connection point and building entrance facilities. G403002 CABLE TV SYSTEMS (CATV) Provide two 2 inch conduits with pull strings from communications room to a properly sized fiberglass hand hole with lockable traffic rated cover. Locate hand hole a minimum distance of 5' from exterior wall nearest to communications room. G403003 CABLES AND WIRING Cables and wiring for site telecommunications and security systems shall be as indicated in their respective categories. G403004 DUCTBANKS, MANHOLES AND HANDHOLES Provide a system of ductbanks (minimum four inch/103 mm), innerducts, manholes, and handholes for site telecommunications and security. Provide a minimum 50% spare ductway with innerduct and pull strings. G403005 TOWERS, POLES AND STANDS Not used. G403006 TV CAMERAS AND MONITORS Provide a system of underground cable supporting structures, including cabling, conduits with pull strings, junction boxes, outlet boxes, outlet connectors, and cover plates for exterior TV and security camera system. G403007 ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEMS (ESS) Provide exterior ESS consisting of all conduit and wiring, underground structures, and termination equipment. Requirement is to interface with and report to the watch area and regional security office. The system shall be compatible with the existing LENEL system at the base security office. ESS must be compatible with existing Systems in use by NSWDG; NSWDG ESS does not report to regional security. The current system is as follows: a. DMP for IDS b. UTC Picture Perfect for access control c. Bosch for CCTV G403008 OTHER COMMUNICATION AND ALARM Not used. PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 5 157 P-132 SOF CAFETERIA NAS OCEANA, DAM NECK ANNEX, Virginia Beach, Virginia WON 871672 G403009 GROUNDING SYSTEMS Provide a complete grounding system for all site communications and security systems. G4090 OTHER SITE ELECTRICAL UTILITIES Not used. -- End of Section -- PART 3 - CHAPTER 6 / ESR G40 - Page 6 158
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