02/13/2014 09:53 00000000008577704004 FORT LIARD COMMUHITY PAGE 01/05 Fax Cover Sheet To: Kathleen Graham Company: MVLWB Fax No: 867 873 6610 From: Alan Harris Date: February 13, 2014 Number of pages: 6 (including cover) The Hamlet intends to perform a decant from sewage lagoon #3 starting on February 18, 2014. Please find attached Analytical report from CARO Labs. If there are any problems, concerns or questions, please contact me before that date. Thank you Alan Harris Manager Municipal Operations Hamlet of Fort liard, NT 867 770 4104 ext. 103 [email protected] Cc: AANDC, Yellowknife AANDC, South Mackenzie Sub~District Hamlet of Fort Liard Fort Liard Phone: (867) 770- 4104 Northwest Territories Fax: (867) 770- 4004 General Delivery Fort liard NT XOG OAO 02/13/2014 09:53 FORT LIARD COMMUHITV 00000000008577704004 CAR() PAGE CcRTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS /\i"A!YT!CAL SERVICES REPORTED TO Fort Liard. Hamlet of 174 Valley Main Street Fort Llard. NT XOG OAO TEL FAX (867) 770-4104 (867) 770-4004 ATTENTION Pauline PO NUMBER PROJECT 3900 RECEIVED I TEMP Feb...05"14 15:00 I Sewage Lagoon Fsb-12-14 PROJECT INFO Sewage Lagoon 3 REPORTED COC NUMBER WORK ORDER 4020243 7•c A00961 General Comm!!>nt1:;: CARO Analytical Services employs me1hods which are conducted according to procedures accepted by appropriate regulatory agencies. and/or <lire conducted in accordance with recognized professional .standards using accepted testing methodologies and quality control efforts. except where otherwise agreed to by the client. The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the Chain of Custody or Sample Requisition document This analytical report must be reproduced In its entirety. CARO Is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirnctfy from error or omission in the conduct of testing_ Liability is limited to the cost of analysis . Samples will be disposed of 30 days after the test report has been issued unless otheiwise agreed to In writing_ Issued By: Sara Gulenchyn For Ed Hoppe, BSc, PChom 6uslness Manager Please contact CARO If more information fs needed or to provfd!!> feedback on our sarvlcflS. Locations: #110 4011 Viking Way Richmond, BC VfN 2K9 #102 3677 Highway 97N Kelowrn;i, BC V1X 5C3 Tel: 604-279-1499 Fa:-:: 604-/.79-1599 Tel: 250-765-9646 Fax: 250-765-3893 1722.5 109 Avenue Edmonton, AB TSS 1H7 Tel: 780-489-9100 Fax: 780-499-9700 www.caro.ca CARO Analytlcal Services Rev 12110/13 Page 1of5 02/05 02/13/2014 09:53 00000000008577704004 CARC) REPORTED TO PROJECT FORT LIARD COMMUNITV ANALYSIS INFORMATION Fort Liard. Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon Analysis Description Ammonla-N by !SE SOD, 5-day , BOD, 5-day Carbonaceous Conductivity In Weter Fecal Coliforms (Quant!-Tray} pH In Water Total Dissolved Solids (GRAV) Total Suspended Solids PAGE WORK ORDER REPORTED 4020243 Feb·12· 14 Method Reference (.. :::modified from) Preparation Analysls Location NIA APHA 4500.-NH3 D Edmonton NIA APHA 5210 8 Edmonton N/A APHA5210 B Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton Edmonton NIA APHA2510 8 NIA APHA9223" N/A APHA 4500-H+ El NIA APHA2540 C" NIA APHA2540 D"' Note: ihs numbers In bmckef:!l repre!llen( th~ ye11r that the m11thod W.1$ puf>fl:fh~dlapproved Method Reference Descriptions: APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Publfc Heallh Association Glossary of T9rms: MRL < pH units Method Reporting Limit Less than the Reported Detection Limit (ROI..)" the RDL may be higher than the MRL due ta various factor$ such as dllutlons, limited sample volume, high moisture, or interferences Milligrams per litre Most Probable Number per 100 ml pH < 7 "' acidic, ph ~ 7 = basic uS/cm Microsiemens per centimeter mgll MPN/100mL CARO Analytical Services Rev 12f10/13 Page2 of 5 03/06 02/13/2014 09:53 00000000008677704004 CARC) FORT LIARD COMMUNITY PAGE SAMPLE ANALYTICAL DATA N,JAIYi!CAL SERVICF-S REPORTED TO PROJECT Fort Uard, Hamlet of S@wage Lagoon WORK ORDER REPORTED Result/ Reeovery MR.LI Prepared Analyzed 2 rng/L Feb-06-14 2 Feb-013·i4 NIA Feb-11-14 Feb-11-14 Limit Units 4020243 Feb-12-14 Notes Sample IO: Sewage Lagoon #3 (4020243-01) [Water] Sampled: Feb·04-14 09:05 General Parametttr!S - BOD, 5-day - 600, 5-day Carbonaceous Conductivity (EC) Nitrogen, Ammonia as N, Total pH 14 5 1290 4.35 1.88 Solids, Total Dlssolvad - f:l33 ---- a Solids, Total Suspended mg/L uS/cm 0.05 mg/L 0.05 pH units 10 mgIL 2 mg/L Feb·07-14 NIA Feb-06-14 N/A Feb·06·14 NIA Feb-11-14 NIA Feb·10·14 Feb-05-14 Feb-06·14 HT Mlt:roblologfeaf Pan1m11Jkm; - Cofiforms, Fecal (Q·Tray) 25.4 1.0 MPN/~OOml Sample I Analysis Qualifiers: HT The sample was CARO Analytlcal Services Rt;v 1::i1101rn prepared f analyzed past the recommended holding time. P.age 3 of 5 04/06 02/13/2014 09:53 00000000008577704004 CAR<) FORT LIARD COMMUNITY PAGE 05/05 QUALITY CONTROL DATA ANALYTICAL SERVICE;S REPORTED TO PROJECT Fort l.iard. Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon WORK ORDER 4020243 REPORTED Feb-12-14 The foHowing saciion displays tha quality control (QC) data thet is associated with your semple data. Groups of samples are prepared in "batches" and analyzed in conjunction with QC samples that anaure your data Is of the hfghGst l'.JUSlity, Coml'l1<.ln QC types lnelude: • • Method Blank (Blk): LabOratory reagent waler is carried through sample preparation and analysis steps, Method Blanks Indicate that results are free from contamination. i.e. not biased high from sources such as Iha sample container or the laboratory environment Duplicate (Oup): Preparation and analysis of a replicate aliquot of a sample. Duplicaies provide a measure of the analytioel method's pr@clslon, i.e. how reproducfbh\'J a result ie, D1,1plictites are only reported if they are as!Joclated with your sample data. Blank Spika (BS): A known amount of standard Is carried through sample preparation and analysis steps. Sltink Spikes, also known as laboratory control samples {I.CS), are prepared from a different source of sta!'!dan;i them used for the calibration. They ensure that the calibralion is acceptable (I.e. no! bia$ed high or low) and also provide a measure of the analytical method's accuracy (I.e. closeness of the result to a target value). Standard Reference M3torlal (SRM): A materi?f of similar matrix to the samples, extemi!lly certified for the parameter(s) listed. Standi;m;! Reference Materials ensure that the preparation steps in the metJiod are adequate to achieve acceptable recoveries Of the pararneter(s) tested. Each QC type ie analy~ed at a 5·10% frequency, i.e. one blank/duplicate/spike for every 10 samples. For all typei; of QC, the specified recovery (% Rec) and relative percent difference (RPO) limit:;; are derived from long·terrn method performance avet'$ge~ ahdlor prescribed by the reference method. Analyte f3orionll P~rametl!Jrs, RMult MRL Units "'1),05 O.Q5 mg/I. 0.20 0.05 mg/L Nitrogen. Ammonia as N, Total 7.9S 0.05 PH unlt!l Result %RE:C REC limit RPO RPO l.Jmlt Not.s Prepared: Feb-0$-14, Ali$1yted; Feb-06-14 LCS (B4B0164-SS1) Prepared: Feb-06·14, Analyzed: Feb-06·14 Nltrogon. Ammonia as N, Total Parameters, Source Satch B4B0164 Ellan!< (B4B0164-BL,K1) Gen<ml/ Spike Level 0.200 99 !;1?.-rn Batch B4B0171 Refetence (B4B0171·SRM1) pH Preparer;!: Feb·00-14. Analyzed: Feb-06·14 102 98-102 7.80 General Parameters, Batch 6460172 Blank (B413017M~LK1) BOO, f;;•day Prepared; Feb-06-14. Analyzed: Feb-11-14 <; 2 2 mg/L <; 2 2 mg/L 114 ;;: mg/L <2 2 mgll 2 2 mg/I. mi 2 mg/L Blank {B4£10172·BLK2) BOO. 5-d~y Prepared: Feb-06-14,Analyzad: Feb-11-14 1..CS (B480172-8S1) BOO, 5-day Prepared: Fir;b-06-14, Analy:ted: Feb-11-14 198 88 85-115 Gonera/ Paramet&rs, Batch B4B0113 Prepared; Feb-06·14, Analyzed: Feb-11-14 Blank (B4E10173·BLK1) 600, 5-day Carbonacaoua Blank (B4B017:l-BLK~) BOD, 5-clay C11rb0Meeo~1$ Prepared: Feb-M-14, Analyzed: Feb-11·14 <: I.CS {B4B0173·BS1) BOO, 5-(l>llY Car1:>onac:~o1.1s CARO .Analytlcal Services Rev 12/10113 Preparer;!; Feb-06·14, Analyzed: Feb-11·14 a7 a2.11a 19B Page 4of5 02/13/2014 09:53 PAGE FORT LIARD COMMUNIT'Y' 00000000008577704004 CAR() QUALITY CONTROL DATA 1\NF-,!YTICAL SE:fi!VICES REPORTED TO PROJECT Fort Uard. Hamlet of Sewage Lagoon MRL Unite Result Spike Source Levo I Rer;ult %FlEC WORKOROER 4020243 REPORTED Feb-12-14 REC Limit RPO RPO Limit Notn General Parameters, Batch 84Br1251 Blank (B4S0251 ·SLK1) Conaue~vil;y (l<C) Prepartid: Feb·0/-14, Analyzed; Feb-07·14 <1 1 u$1cm LCS (B4B0251·BS1) Conductivity (!!SC) 1000 Oupllcat11 {B4B0251•0UP1) Conauet!Vlty (EC) 1 uSlem Soutce: 4020243·01 1300 1000 100 97-103 Preparod: Feb-07-14,Analy.a:ed: Feb-07-14 1 uSlcm «1 1290 3 General Parameters, Bst1;h 8480274 Blank (B4B0274-aLK1} Solids, Total SU$P<)l'\ded Prepared: Feb-10·14, Analyzed: Feb-10-14 "':2 2 mgiL "'~ 2 mg/L 50 2 m9/L Prepared: Feb-10-14, Analyzed: Feb-10·14 0-200 50.0 101 47 2 mgll Prepared: Feb-10-14, Analyzed: Fab-10-14 94 0·200 50.0 10 10mg/L Blank (EJ4B0274.SLK2) Solids, Toi~! $uspended f)repareo: Feb-10·14, Analyzed: Feb-10-14 Refersm:::e (B4B0.274..SRM1) $ollds, Tole! Suspended R<fferem:e {B4B0274-SRM2) Solids, Tot"ll suspended Goneral Parameters, Batch B4B()290 Blank (B4B0290•BLK1) Solids, Total Dlssol11md Prepared: Feb·11·14, Analy;i;ed: Feb·11-14 Duplicate {B4BOi90·DUP1) Solids, To111I Oi$Solved Sour~e: t!IJ7 4020243-01 F>repared; Feb-11-14, Analyzed: Feb-11-14 10 mgll Reference (B4902'90·SRM1) S1;1lld~. iota! Dissolved BLK 3 833 i Prepared; Feb·11 ·14. Analyzed": Feb-11-14 1030 10 mgll 1000 103 0-200 Mfcrot;Jlologit:af Parameters, Batch B4B0154 Prepared: Feb-05·14, Analyzed: ~eb-06-14 Slank (B4B0154-BLK 1) Coliforms, Fee~I (Q·Tr!l)I) 1.0 MF'N/1 OOm!.. QC Qualifiers: BLK Analyte concentration in the Method Blank Is above the Method Reporting Limit {MRL). CARO Analyf:k:al Services R~v 12110113 Page 5 of S 06/05
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