SESLHD HANDBOOK COVER SHEET NAME OF DOCUMENT Work Health Safety (WHS) Computer Use Guide TYPE OF DOCUMENT Handbook DOCUMENT NUMBER SESLHDHB/362 DATE OF PUBLICATION July 2014 RISK RATING Medium LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Workstation assessments REVIEW DATE July 2017 Documents are to be reviewed a maximum of five years from date of issue FORMER REFERENCE(S) SESLHDPD/81 Documents that are replaced by this one EXECUTIVE SPONSOR or EXECUTIVE CLINICAL SPONSOR AUTHOR POSITION RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DOCUMENT including email address Sharon Litchfield Director Workforce Services Ron Taylor WHS Consultant Health Safety & Wellbeing [email protected] Peggy Pollock Manager, Health Safety & Wellbeing [email protected] KEY TERMS Workstation, Computer, User guide, Stretches. SUMMARY This handbook has been developed to assist workers with correctly setting up their computer workstation. The information in the handbook will assist in reducing the risk of injury. Brief summary of the contents of the document This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. Feedback about this document can be sent to [email protected] SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide 1. HB 362 POLICY STATEMENT The purpose of this handbook is to provide all managers and workers with information and guidance to identify ergonomic risk and by following the risk management process to mitigate the risk within a computer workstation environment. 2. BACKGROUND This guide is designed to promote an appropriate ergonomic working environment. Using this guide will minimise incorrect workstation setup that may lead to pain or discomfort. The WHS Computer User Guide follows the risk management process in a systematic and planned approach to managing all reasonably foreseeable workstation hazards and their associated risks. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES Refer to; Work Health and Safety Risk Management Procedure – SESLHDPR/212 4. PROCEDURE Computer Use Guide A guide for setting up computer workstations and exercises Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 1 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.1 - Step 1: Adjust Your Chair……………………………………………4 Seat Tilt and Backrest Height…………………………….. Backrest Angle……………………………………………… Seat Height…………………………………………………..5 Footrests……………………………………………………..6 4.2 - Step 2: Position your Keyboard and Mouse……………………….7 Keyboard…………………………………………………….. Mouse…………………………………………………………8 4.3 - Step 3: Position your Computer Monitor……………………………9 4.4 - Step 4: Position Documents Used with the Computer……………11 4.5 - Step 5: Position of Telephone……………………………………….11 4.6 - Step 6: Safe Work Practices…………………………………………12 4.7 - Exercises for Office Workers…………………………………………12 Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 2 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 4.1 Step 1: Adjust Your Chair Set Seat Base Tilt * Note - not all office chairs have a seat base tilt feature. They may still meet the Australian standards. • Adjust the seat base so that it tilts slightly forward. • It should be tilted enough to cause the person to sit in a more upright position and promote a downward slope of the thighs. • Tilting the seat base in combination with setting the backrest allows the person to sit right back in the chair and gain the necessary support. Set Backrest Height • Move the backrest up or down so the chair lumbar section is supporting the curve in your lower back. • Lock the backrest into place. Set the Backrest Angle * Note - not all office chairs have an angle adjustable backrest. They may still meet the Australian standards. • Use your body weight to lean back against the backrest. Depress the control lever to enable the backrest to change angle. • Adjust the angle to allow normal upright alignment of the spine. Try to maintain the three natural curves. • Ensure the chair provides a full support to your back. • Use the chair backrest to provide different postures. Whilst changing position is encouraged, it is not recommended to lean forward or backwards in your chair. It is a better option to go for a walk or may be stand up to answer the phone. Note: Frequent posture and position changes encourage blood flow in different muscle groups which helps minimise back fatigue when sitting for prolonged periods. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 3 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 Set the Seat Height Option One: With a non adjustable desk • Raise / lower the seat to enable the desk height to be at or slightly below your elbow height. • There should be a slight downward slope of the forearms and still be able to reach the key board without your elbows leaving the side of your body Note: • If you are a “touch typist” you may sit slightly higher. • If you are not a touch typist, you may sit slightly lower than elbow height. This may help relieve neck fatigue from frequently looking between the keyboard and monitor. Footrests • Use a foot rest if you feel pressure under your thighs from the front edge of the seat or if your feet do not touch the ground. • Ensure there is a slight downward slope of the thighs to promote blood flow. Note: If you find yourself slumping in the chair or your feet are not comfortably positioned on the floor then you may need to consider a footrest. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 4 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 Option Two: With an adjustable height desk • Lower your chair seat to rest your feet on the floor and relieve any pressure on the thighs from the front edge of the chair. • Lower the desk height to your elbow height when you are seated on the chair. Note: • See Notes from Option One. • If your keyboard shelf adjusts separately from the desk, be careful not to create a height difference between your keyboard and mouse. This may create a “mouse shoulder” problem by frequently elevating your arm to use the mouse. • If you prefer to use the keyboard shelf, ensure it is big enough to accommodate the mouse as well. • If “mouse shoulder” is of concern then seek advice from your manager. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 5 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 4.2 Step 2: Position your Keyboard and Mouse Both these items are used frequently and are to be located on the desk in the primary reach envelope (see Fig.1) Keyboard • should be centrally located and comfortable position in front of you. • This position and use of the angle legs may very if a touch typists or non touch typists. Sufficient space for other tasks when not typing When looking between the keyboard and monitor maintain good neck position • The mouse can be positioned on either left or right side or both if required. Note: • Check that your typing technique does not involve: - subtle elevation of your shoulders - holding your hands up with bent wrists - resting your wrists on the desk - “wrist rests/supports” are generally not recommended, however, some users find that “wrist rests/supports” help eliminate bent wrists when typing. In this case, they could be a benefit. For further advice please consult your Sector Manual Handling Coordinator Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 6 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 Mouse • The elbow should remain bent when reaching for the mouse. The mouse should be located in the primary reach sector (inner reach- fig.1 step 2). • Your forearm should rest on the desk when your hand is on the mouse. It should glide over the desk when using the mouse. Note: Your wrist should not be the contact point between your arm and desk when using the mouse. • Try to train yourself to use the mouse with either hand. • Learn keyboard shortcuts for frequent mouse activities and reduce your use of the mouse (keyboard shortcuts available on the intranet manual handling page). • When mainly using the mouse then use a mix of keyboard shortcuts and change hands to reduce repartition. •Rest your hands regularly. Note: There are a number of different options available for tasks involving large amounts of mouse work. Please contact you Sector Manual Handling Coordinator for further assistance. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 7 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 4.3 Step 3: Position your Computer Monitor Option One: Conventional monitor (CRT monitor) If you have a conventional monitor. • locate it at the apex of an L shaped desk parallel with the keyboard location. • Alternatively, locate it on a rectangular desk, as long as the surface is over 900mm deep. • Elevate the monitor until the top of the monitor is approximately the same height as your eye height when seated. • Push the monitor back until the face of the monitor is at least full arms length away from your seated position. Option Two: Laptop If you use a laptop for more than 2 hours per day, you should: • Either, locate the laptop on a stand to elevate the screen to eye height. Use a separate keyboard and mouse. • Or, use the laptop keyboard, separate mouse, and a separate, elevated conventional monitor. • Or, use a full docking station to create Option One arrangements Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 8 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 Option Three: If you have a flat LCD Screen • You can locate the screen on any of the L shaped desk surfaces that are over 750mm deep. • Ensure a symmetrical position is created with the keyboard and LCD screen. • If required, elevate the LCD screen as per Option One. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 9 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 4.4 Step 4: Position Documents Used with the Computer • If you are not a touch typist, place document on angled surface behind the keyboard and in front of the monitor stand. • If you are a touch typist you may prefer an alternative document stand elevated to either side of the monitor. 4.5 Step 5: Position of Telephone • Consider locating the telephone on your non dominant hand and side of the computer or stand up to take calls. This enables you to change position (not sitting) on a regular basis. • If it is frequently used, locate it in the primary reach sector (inner reach see diagram). • If you have frequent or prolonged telephone calls or are required type while conversing on the phone, consider using a headset or hands free phone when accessing computer data. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 10 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 4.6 Step 6: Safe Work Practices • Remember your muscles need regular movement to generate a good blood flow. Sitting for long periods is not good for your health. • Change posture frequently and stand up preferably every 30 minutes. • Short breaks more often are better for your body than longer breaks less often. A task that involves a different posture (Task rotation) for a period of 10 minutes in every hour is ideal. If you’re feeling fatigued, stop the activity and stretching may help. This generates blood flow and can assist in reducing fatigue. 4.7 EXERCISES FOR OFFICE WORKERS STOP, S-T-R-E-T-C-H AND CHECK! Do a few of these exercises a few times every day. Hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Seek medical advice beforehand if you have any existing neurological or muscular problems, particularly in your spine. Dots show the muscles that you are exercising. Make sure you relax and perform them gently, ease in and out of each stretch. Hold the stretch or repeat as indicated on the diagram. Do not over-stretch. Stop if you feel discomfort when performing any of the actions. For further advice contact your treating doctor. Remember to do each (left and right) side. While you are exercising, read the notes alongside each instruction and consider whether your workstation is adjusted to suit you Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 11 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide NECK Exercise 1: Head rolls Gently lower ear to shoulder and hold for 10 seconds. Slowly roll chin to chest and up to other shoulder and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat several times and be careful not to extend your neck back too far. HB 362 Exercise 2: Head turns Turn head slowly to look over left shoulder and hold for 10 seconds. Turn head the other way and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat several times. Exercise 3: Chin tucks SHOULDERS Raise the head to straighten the neck. Tuck the chin in and upwards creating a double chin. This also results in a forward tilt of the head. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times. Check neck posture Exercise 4: Shoulder rolls Circle shoulders forward several times, then backwards. Repeat 3 to 5 times. Position the top of your screen at eye level. Use a document holder directly beside or below the screen – it saves you looking down. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 12 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 Exercise 5: Shoulder stretch Stretch arm above head, cradle elbow with hand and gently pull elbow behind the head. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times. Check shoulder posture Relax your shoulders and rest your hands on your lap. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and check the height of your finger tips against your current work height. If the work (keyboard or desk) is higher than your hands, you may be hunching your shoulders unnecessarily. If so, try and raise your chair height or lower your desk height and try and relax your shoulders while working. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 13 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 WRIST, HANDS AND ARMS Exercise 6: Wrist stretch With one hand grasping the back of the other hand, palms outward, and straighten arms in front. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times. Check hand and wrist posture While keying keep your wrist straight while your fingers are suspended over the keyboard. Keep elbows at keyboard level. This may mean adjusting the desk or chair height. Don’t rest your wrists on the desk or keyboard while keying. Keep hands suspended. Rest on the desk between periods of keying. UPPER AND LOWER BACK Exercise 7: Upper and lower back stretch With one hand grasping the back of the other hand and turn palms upward above head; straighten arms then slowly lean slightly from side to side. Repeat movement several times. Exercise 8: Back arching Stand up. Support lower back with hands and gently arch back. Gently arch back and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat as often as is needed. Check back support Sit well back in your chair - if your feet need support, use a foot rest Adjust the back rest on your chair to support your lower back. Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 14 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide HB 362 EYES Exercise 10: Eye exercise Sit up straight, face forward and repeat this sequence several times without moving head. Look up, then down. Look left, then right. Exercise 11: Visual rest Look up and away from screen; focus on a distant object (more than 3 metres). For example, look out of the window or at a picture on a far wall. Shift vision back to screen and refocus. Check eye comfort 5. Is there enough light falling on your documents? Do windows or light fittings cause glare or reflection on the screen? If so, try turning the screen or blocking the path of the light. Use a screen with a light background when working with text. Software with a light background for text is more comfortable for the eyes. DOCUMENTATION Workstation self assessment form F119 6. AUDIT Not required 7. REFERENCES Work Health and Safety: Better Practice Procedures – PD2013_050 - NSW Ministry of Health Policy Directive Ergonomics Unit WorkSafe Victoria - Victorian WorkCover Authority "Officewise - A Guide to Health and Safety in the Office" (October 2001) Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 15 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated. SESLHD PROCEDURE WHS Computer User Guide 8. HB 362 REVISION AND APPROVAL HISTORY Date Revision No. Author and Approval June 2009 0 Area OHS Manager Approved by Chief Executive at Area Executive Team meeting 9/06/09 April 2011 1 Peter Kuszelyk, OHS Officer, Health Safety and Wellbeing. Amended to reflect change to Local Health Network and Cluster. July 2014 2 Ron Taylor WHS Consultant – Health Safety & Wellbeing SESLHD Revision 1 Trim No. T14/23488 Date: July 2014 Page 16 of 16 This Handbook is intellectual property of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Handbook content cannot be duplicated.
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