Document 25468

Social and
and a few Intimate friends witnessing
the ceremony, performed by Dr. II. P.
liamll -'. d ftcv. Eugene B. Jackson.
Mrs. Milton Cuthorcll played the wed¬
ding marches, und Mrs. Wirt Dunlap
sung "Don't Forget Me" before the
entrance of the hrldal party.' The
maid of honor. ..uss Elizabeth Woolwlne, wore'whlto silk, and the matron
of honor, Mrs. Henry B. Pack, the
WEDDING or much Interest
white satin gown- worn at her .own
here took place In Petersburg
wedding lust autumn. The bride, wear¬
on Thursday evening at the First
a beautiful dress of white satin
Baptist Church, when 'Miss Florence
en tralne with brldul veil, was given In
Nellie Young, niece of Mr. and Mrs.
by 1- r brother. Dr. Henry
Walter Irby Scott. Was married to
Pack, and Miss Broderick Cuthcrol
Clement Douglas Barksdalc, BOn of
was the .attractive little ring-bearer.
Clement L. Barksdale. Rev. W. C.
R.UB80II A. Oakley, of the United States
Taylor performed the coremony, asDeportment of Agriculture at Wash¬
6lsted by Rev. D. H. Rolston. The
ington, was best man. Immediately
church was decorated In palms, ferns
uftcr their marriage Professor and
and lighted caudles. The bride's gown the league, and
give u talk at its next Mrs. Carrier left for a wedding trip
was of white satin, with pearl and
weekly meeting, and that matters of; North, and on their return will make
chiffon trimmings, and her veil was Interest
future work would their homo here.
held In place by gardenias, and caught then be regarding
taken up for discussion.
In the train with gardenias. Her bouIn
of Town.
quet "was of Bride roses and lilies ot
Miss Nann'e Pierce, of West Avenue,
the valley, tied with an embroidered has
to attend the germans at
The matron of honor, Mrs. j Blucksbing. Later she will
go to
Harvey Strachau Gill, wore a while Washington
ami Lee .finals.
satin dress, with pearl and chiffon
trlntmliige, and carried white roses.! Mr. and Mrs. Kol ort Dcford have
Misri' Ethel O. Winlleld. maid of honor.', returned to Baltimore after
wore white marquisette. over white the
Defor 1-Drewry nuptials in this
satin, with trimmings of pearls and
Irish lace.\and carried a shower bou¬ city.
quet of white sweelpcas. The brides¬
W. H. Brülle, of Frcderlcksburg, Case of Mistaken
maids. Misses Elizabeth Barksdalc and
.Josephine iucManaway, wore dresses spent seveial days here this week.
of white silk, with crystal and satin
Or. .1.
of this city, was
trimmings, and carried white peonies in LouisaC,forVaughan,
a brief stay th's week.
The ribbon-bearers were little Misses
Juno 0..It has deLucy High Young and Carrie. Poole
Mr. and
II. Owen ot Fred- veloped that Ky..
mistaken Identity was
Barncr and Clalborne Barksdale and erlcksburg, M>s.
are In Richmond.
responsible for the shooting and
Emmet Morrison. The ribbon girls
wounding 'of Miss Hattle Wether¬
wore lingerie frocks. The best m^in
Miss Cay Montague has left for the by,
school teacher of Mlddlewas John Barksdale. and the ushers
University of Virginia.
town. Ky., on the Shelbyville Pike,
were William G. Bnlrd, Frank Hobhs,
Thomas O. West,
Eldnoy Gill, Lew-Is Clarke. Emmen
Patrick, <of Danville, has treasurer of a Kentucky insurance
Hoy and Raleigh Powell. After June returnedLaura
a visit company, charged with the shooting,
25 Sir. and Mrs. Barksdale will be at here.
told the police that he did not remem¬
home in Petersburg.
ber what occurred.
V. M. 1. Finnin.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Peyor are In
The polico say. West called on a
Invitations have been received her9 Newport Sows for several days.
young woman shortly before the
to the flnalB at Virginia Military In¬
and not finding her at home,
stitute. These exercises are always
Miss Virginia Chamberlayne nnd had become enraged.
> Meeting
impreselve, and the balls are pari Miss Louisa Purccll are the guests of Wetherby,
who was driving In an
of Virginia's social history. This year friends In Charlotte, N. C.
open buggy, he opened fire on her
there are to bi many class reunions,
from his automobile! believing her to
which will Increase the spirit and en¬
Miss Waller, of Norfolk. Is the guett be the
woman whom he had
thusiasm of the finals In Lexington. of Miss Eliza Montgomery In this city1. called toyoung
see. West said he had never
Many Richmond boys are at V. M. I.,
seen Miss Wetherby before.
and several will be graduated this
Mrs. Conway Howard, of Staunton,
ts visiting Mrs. A. B. Camm In this
year. '
'Wedding Announcement.
rSpeclal to The Times-Dispatch.]
Mrs. Samuel D. Drewry has Issued
Edgerton, Vi, June 9..An InterestMiss Short, of Wilmington, N- C. Is Ing social event was the marriage, at
announcement cardB of the wedding of
her daughter, Miss Agnes Halrston the guest of Miss Martha Robinson.
Drewry. end John Edward Dcford. of
Baltimore. The ceremony took place
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott are at
in St. PauI'B Church on Tuesday morn
Virginia Beach.
log. June 6.
Vote of Tbnnkn lo Miss Jobunton.
Mrs. J. Hashins Hobson left yester¬
The Equal Suffrage League of Vir¬ day for her home, "Mount Airy," in
ginia held Its weekly meeting Thurs¬ Powhatan county.
day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Chas.
V. Meredith presiding.
Among those who are In Richmond to
Plans for next autumn's work were attend the unvelllnsr of the Joseph Bry¬
statue are Mr. and Mrs. A V.'.:
dltcussed, and a report from Miss an
Withers, of Gloucester: Captain T. C.
Mary Johnston, delcgutc lo the con¬ St.
George Bryant, of Alabama; Dr.
vention of the Virginia Federation of Charles
Pago, of Now York.
Libor, which gave Its indorsement to
the league, was heard with great In¬
terest hnd appreciation.
Miss John¬
ston, after her report, said good-by to
the league, as she was to leave wlih
other members of her family last
right for New York, and to sail next Senator Poluilexter Will Deliver
Alumni AddresM nnd Senntor R. I.,
Tuesday for Holland and France,
Onen CunjinrmeiDtiit Addreaa.
where she will remain until the au¬
tumn. Miss Johnston received a ris¬
The Times-Dispatch.)
[Special to Vai,
June 9..Finals at J
ing vote of thanks from league momhers for her work In their behalf dur¬ Washington and I^e this year promise
to be even more .Interesting and brlling the past winter and spring.
Mrs. Meredith announced that Miss Hanl' than in past years. While the
Lula Bnrbour would be the guest of exercises will begin on Sunday. June
11, the festivities really will be opened
by the senior banquet on Friday night,
final examinations having ended today. On-Saturday night the interfraternlty dance will be given in theskating rink.
Dr. J. M. Farrar. of Brooklyn, will
deliver the baccalaureate sermon In
ih* chapel at 11 o'clock Sunday morn¬
ing, nnd the address before the Young
Men's Christian Association Sunday
evening at 3:30 o'clock.
On Monday morning In the skating
rink the Sigma german will be danced.
Monday afternoon at 6 o'clock the annual regatta between the crews of the
Llg-frett'a Orangeade l! Jtrveri o>!lclous!y Albert
Sidney and the Harry Lee Boat
cold at our fountain. Nothlns ito
Clubs will be rowed. The literary so¬
and refieehlng. Mad* from pure -orange cieties will hold their Joint celebra¬
in Gloves and
tion on Monday night In the chape!.
Juice. Sold for Sc. only at Polk Miller'*. W.
H. R, Campbell, of the Graham
The Rexall Store, SSI East Main Street.
Lee.- will preside at the celebration,
and John A. Bowman, of the Washing¬
ton society, will be chief marshal. The
orators are: From tljfe Washington. W.
Unusual Nice Assortment.
R. L. Taylor and D. B. Straley. from
the Graham-Lee, lC. O. Dunn and C. P.
After the celebration of
the societies will come the senior ball,
At $2.00 up.
glyeh by the members of the senior,
academic, law and engineering classes.
given by P. A. N. and White Friars,
612 E. Main St.
will ta'ke place Tuesday morning at* 10
o'clock. On the morning of Tuesday
the board of trustees will convene in
See the Beautiful New Verite Newcomb
Hall In their annual busi¬
ness meeting.
At the same hour a
band concert will be given on the
Suits Now on
campuso'clock Tuesday after¬
noon tho annual meeting of the Alum¬ S. W: Corner Seventh and Franklin
Corporation will take place. Tho
Streets, Opp. P. O.
address before the alumni will be de¬ Madison 5175.
Monroe 10
livered on Tuesday night at 9 o'clock'
ersonaj Lingerie Dresses
ff Men's
Saturday offering.
Night Robes
Lower high.n<;ck. neatly
trimmed, / guaranteed
full rut and extra we!',
made, for
Wednesday, of Miss
Sue Dunne to Eltcui n. Doyle. Mary
oeiemony took place Ir. .Mr tun Carmol
M. C. Church, the pastor. Rev. C. E.
Joh.i&cn, olllclating. The church was
a: tlstlcally decorated with ferns and
white lOBes. Rev. W. G. McDowell, of
the Episcopal Church, presided at the
organ and rendered the marches.
The ushers were George TV
Jesse Hawkes. Henry BrlgstookDuane,
Jamos Seward. The- miMs were Mls3cs
Mabel V. Duanc, Mamie Bucklus, Wortie Doyle and Florence Ralney. Llttlo
Misses Virginia Brockwell and Lucy
Young, cousins of the
flower girls, and. Charles bride,
and I. T,
Blick wore ring bearers.
The bill"* entered the church with
her sister, Mn. John R. Halllgan, as
ri i.tron of honor, and Dr. John 5. Hal.Itfan, was host man.
After the ceremony a reception was
given In honor of. the bride, nnd the
couple left for a trip to Washington
and other po'nts.
The bride Is the
daughter oV Thomas F. and Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle will
at home
after June 16, Warfield, Va.b9
Infuriated Boarder Kills Infant
After Mashing Its Face
With Fist.
Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 3..Infuri¬
ated by the cries of the baby son of
Mrs. Filomlna Attlzlo, Pasquale Ser¬
rano, a boarder, according to state¬
made to the police, snatch¬
ed the child from
Its mother,
pressed it to his breast until its ribs
cracked and then choked It to death
Efter crushing its face with his fist.
The mother and two other of her
children, Kate, aged eight, and Joseph,
aged six years, witnessed the tragedy,
which occurred In their homo In the
Italian section of this city late last
night. Serrano, who was in trouble
with the police' about a year ago on
suspicion of being Implicated in a
Black Hand explosion, disappeared
after calling In an undertaker, and
has not been arrested. The latter no¬
tified the police officials of the condi¬
tion of the child's body, and the moth¬
er was arrested and held as a witness.
Its Beneficial Effects;
Always Buy the Genuine
Sold by all leading
One She Only, 50t Bottle
graduates' reception, which was large¬
ly attended by the many friends of
graduating class.
Baccalaureate fsunday dawned beau¬
tifully, and was a most Impressive
day for the young graduates. The
G. McDowell.
enjoyed by every one.
The dedication of the class vine by
Miss Anita George was the closing
feature of the exercises.
Monday night the musical depart¬
ment gave Its usual soiree.
Commencement exercises proper took
place Tuesday morning. Miss Normo,
Cuthbert gave the salutatory in a few
well chosen words of welcome; Miss
Sue RIddick, as valedlctoYlan, bore
her honors well. An eloquent address
was del'vered by the Rev.'. Joseph B.
by Miles Polndexter, United States Sen¬
Washington, a member of
Save money and'worry by using
Detroit Jewel Gas Range this
Buy Burrojaps Shoe
F. W.
Third and Broad
fessor Grav.s again.
only by
Rothert & Co.
to The
June 5..Mlss'Clara
BlacksbHrg, Va., Times-Dispatch.!
Allan, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan C. Pack, and L'yman Car¬
rier, professor of agronomy In tho Vir¬
ginia Polytechnic Institute, wore mar¬
ried in the hom> of tho bride's parents
here'this afternoon, only, the family.
Virginia Made
1009 E.
121 E. Broad St.
Second Door from Second.
Dunn. D. D., of Lynchburg.
Two medals were awarded by the
.institute for highest honors In schol¬
arship and deportment. Miss Kate
Wilson and Miss Elizabeth Guerrant
were the winners of these' honors.
The Hurt medal, given by Major
John L. Hurt, of Hurt. Va., for the
best essay, was awarded to Miss Helen
Diplomas were conferred upon the
following young, womon: Miss Norma
Cuthbert, Mi83 Helen Holllday. Miss
Grace Edmunds, Miss Sue RIddick and
Miss Alice Peters, graduates of the
literary course; Miss Anita Ueorge,
normal course; Miss Louise. Porcher,
art conrs
and Miss- Ruth White In
Certificates were given to Miss Alice
Poters In voice culture and Miss Nelüo
Spooner for short normal course.
On account of the crowded condi¬
tion of the school, a handsome new
dormitory Is now being erected, and
will be ready for occupancy with the
opening of tho fall term.
Mayor Cameron
Lady Tells in a Few Well Chosen
Words, the Story of Her
Serious Illness, Finally
Grand Haven, AUch.."I was vary
sick. with dragglng-down feelings,
until I was ready to glve^ up all hope,"
says Mrs. L J. Ryder, of this city, "t
tried all the doctors here, but" could
find no relief, so I used your wonder¬
ful medicine, Cardui, and have had no
return of pain or bad feelings since."
Cardui has relieved or cured 60 many
ladles In a similar manner to "this
during the past fifty years that a letter
like Mrs. Ryder's Is no novelty; such
letters reach us In every mall.
From you, however, who are weak
or sick, it merits special attention and
serious consideration, since it seems
to prove, on certain evidence, that a
cure Is possible In very serious cases
of womanly trouble.
If you suffer from such troubles,
what imaginable reason could thoro bo
for your not at least giving Cardui a
fair trial?
Cardui cannot harm you.
It Is likely to do you good'.
It has helped others who suffered as
you do.
Why should It not help youT
Please try Cardui.
If you need more Information, ask
He knows the Cardui reputation.
N. B..Write to Ladies'' Advisory
Dept., Chattanooga Medlclno Co., Chat¬
tanooga, Tenn., for Special Instruc¬
tions and 6-l-pago book, "Hpme Treat¬
ment for Women," sent In plnln wrapper on
house will pay
tiuiiutts to daniei,
Pettit & Co/s?
Mad. 4220.
Tlmes-Dlspatch Bureau.
109 North Sycamore Street,
Petersburg. Va., Juno 9.
Under the^ auspices of the Ladles'
Memorial Association the annual ex¬
ercises In memory, of the Southern
soldier dead, the remains of 30,000 of
whom rest in beautiful Old Blandford
Cemetery, were held this afternoon.
They were simple In character, but
impressive. All business in the city
was closed, during the afternoon In
respect to the day and its sacred ob¬
servance, and many thousands of peo¬
ple, bearing wreaths and flowers and
went to the ceme¬
tery to pay their tribute. The crowd
was composed In largo measure of
women, whose presence added greatly
to the beauty, and attractiveness of
the scene Owing to the lateness of
the soason, there was a greater pro¬
fusion of flowors than usual this year,
and no Boldlers' square, containing
graves of known or unknown dead,
was neglected In their distribution.
Parade of Veteran»,
The line of parade in honor' of the
day was formod on Sycamore, Tabb
and Bollingbrook Streets, and the
march was up Sycamore to Wythe
Street, where the veterans took cars
to the cemctefy, where they again
formed In line and marched to Memo¬
rial Hill, on the summit of whloh the
exercises were held.. The organiza¬
tions In the parade were uniformed
police, chief marshal and staff, A. P.
Hill Camp Drum Corps. Petersburg
Grays, R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., of Rich¬
mond; George E. Plckett Camp. C. V.,
of Richmond: A. P. Hill Camp. C. v.;
carriages with members of the Ladles'
Memorial Association, Mayor, orator
and guests, A. P. Hill Camp, Sons of
Confederate Veterans; boys and girls
of the Junior Memorial Association.
The veterans turned out with full
ranks, and the parade was a striking
feature of the day.
The exercises were conducted from
the pagoda on Memorial Hill, around
which the large' assemblage of people
song by Misses Titus and
spite of the rain on Monday
morning class day was one of the
notable features of commencement
week. Miss Norma Cuthbert, president
of her class, gave the opening address.
The "History" was given by Miss Alice
Peters; ''Prophecy." Miss Louise Porcher; "Donations," Miss Helen Holllday,
and "Will," Miss Grace Edmunds. Moliere's play, "The Doctor In Spite of
Himself." was well given and greatly
Good as tbe Name.
ator from
the law class of 1S91 at this univer¬
sity. At this meeting the Plnkney
prize cup will be presented to the
crew winning the boat raco on Monclay afternoon. The annual alumni
smoker will take place after the meet¬
ing In the chapel, and will be notable
because of the reunion of the men who
studied law here under Professor
Graves. At C P, M. Tuesday Dr. Denny
will give a reception at his nome on
the campus to the visiting alumni,
parents and friends of the students
and the students.
The commencement exercises will
take place Wednesday morning In the
chapel. vAt 10:60 A. M. the .procession
of the board of'trustee, faculty and
graduates In academic costume will
form In front of Newcomb Hall and
march to the chapel, where Robert
L. Owen. United States Senator from
Oklahoma, will address" the gradu¬
ating class. Senator Owen graduated
from Washington and Lee In 1877,
with the degree of M. A. A H. Hop¬
kins will give the valedictory address
on behalf of the seniors. Tho schol¬
arships and prizes awarded will be
delivered by Dr. Denny, as will the
diplomas to tho graduates.
The crowing event of the finals will
be tho final bajl, which will be danced
on Wednesday night. R. B. Thach, of
the junior law class, president of the
ball, will load tho opening figure.
Finals will be enlivened by the
presence cf an unusually large num¬
ber of visiting girls and many more
alumni than.usual will como back this
year. Special invitations have been
sent to all the alumni, who studied
law under Professor-C. A Graves, and
a. large unmber of these men will be
present at this reunion to meet Pro¬
preached by the Rev. W.
The music for the day
exceptionally good, especially the
sacred duet
M. Goldstein
Baylor-Yarborough Co.
sermon was
Solid Gold Hat Pins
Smith & Webster, Inc.
ture was given.
At s P. M. the graduates' recital
took place, MlsS Ruth graduating In
expression and Miss Alice Peters In
voice. Following this recital was tho
High sSchool
sided, and the Invocation was mado
the Rev. C. Braxton Bryan, D. D. by
Splendid Oration.
The address of the oocaslon was de¬
livered by the Rev. George E. Booker,
D. D. It wan a splendid effort, and
was listened to from beginning to end
with closest attention.
At the conclusion of the address a
salute was flred by the Petersburg
Grays, taps were sounded, this bene¬
Interesting Commencement at Chatham diction was pronounced by Dr. Bryan,
the doxology was sung and the great
Episcopal Institute.
[Special to The
assemblage dispersed.
Chatham. Va., Times-Dispatch.]
June 9..-The com¬
Death of Major Walte.
mencement exercises of the Chatham
Major Harrison Waite, a prominent
Episcopal Institute opened Friday,
June 2, with the presentation of "As
Tou Like It," given on the camP">»:
Saturday at 3 o'clock P. 51. the re¬
cital of expression and physical cul¬
To Get
The Flour
Death of Major Harrison Waite.
Petersburg Suspends
During Interesting
Business in
[Special to The
Washington, D. Times-Dispatch.]
C, June 9..On mo¬
tion of Representative Flood, of Vir¬
ginia, the House to-day adopted a reso¬
lution fixing Juno 21 as the date when
eulogies shall be paid to the memory
of .tho late Senator John W. Danlol.
Music to-night In the presence of an
lmmonso audlenoe. The program was
one of speolal Interest. Twelve grad¬
uates of the school received their di¬
plomas.ten girls and two boys.
whoso names have been announced in
this correspondence. Miss Mary Sterling Smith, In addition to her diploma,
wes also
presented with tho gold
medal as the mark of excellenoy. The
address of tho evening waB delivered
by Dr. Motcalf. of Richmond College.
Tho Appomttttox Cases.
of the grand Jury
to consldor the AppomatImpaneled
tox Trust Company cases yesterda>
afternoon was a surprise to tue com¬
munity, and further delays the dis¬
position of tho oases. The dismissal
of the Jury, however, is Justified by
the desire of- tho oourt to have the
charges against Charles Ball Davis
and Carter R. Bishop oarefully and
a Jury, the
members of which have had no con¬
nection or association whatever with
the bank or Its officers. One or more
members of the discharged Jury had,
It seems, such connection. The cases
will now come before the grand Jury
summoned for the June term of the
court, which convenes next Thursday,
and about which the same car9 will
be' taken. There are 528 counts In
the voluminous new indictment to bp
considered, and. many days may bo
thoroughly Investigated by
consumed in the Investigation.
New« In General.
Mrs. Jessie May Buttonvorth, wife
of Hamilton D. Butterworth, ngod
twenty-three years, died last
night In her home in West Washing¬
Street after
very brief Illness.
Sunday will be observed as Chil¬
Day at the First Baptlai
Church, and a very attractive pro¬
gram Is to be presented. A special
feature will be the processional. In
which all departments of tho school
will be represented. Each depart¬
ment will have a banner.
Miss Kate Spiers and J. D. Wllkerson, both of Carson, Dlnwlddie county,
were married yesterday In tho parlors
of the Jefferson Hotel, Richmond.
The summer normal of the Virginia
Normal and Industrial Institute hero
Is being held, with 1-42 teachers In
Death In DlnTrlddle.
William A Williams, a well-known
citizen of Dlnwlddie, died this morn¬
ing, his ievonty-slxth birthday anni¬
versary, at the residence of his brother,
Alex. Williams, about one mile from
this city. He had been ill for many
months. He Is survived by hla wife
and three' children, and by Bevoral
and sisters.
l)<>nih of Captain Pollard.
Captain Thomas P. Pollard, a na¬
tive and for many years a resident of
Petersburg, died this morning in his
He was
home in Melbourne. Flo.
nbout seventy-six years old, and was
an uncle of Peyton M. Pollard, cashier
of the Petersburg Savings and Insuranoe Company. He was a gallant Con¬
federate soldier, and was commander
of the old Petersburg Grays, Twelfth
Virginia Regiment. Ho resided In
Richmond for a number of, years, and
was commander of R. E. Lee Camp.
He Is survived by his wife and one
son. .Tames H. Pollard, of Melbourne,
The body will be brought to
Petersburg to-morrow afternoon for
for Weddings
appropriate grids
Schwarzschild Bros.
ItR'liiiiotiit'H I.eodlng Jerretera.
Mr. Smythe Is Biased, and
That He Will Win With¬
out a
Smythe, publisher oil
th4 Harrlsonburg Dally News, of hav¬
ing such bias that his statements are
to be taken with allawances. Sena¬
tor George .-B. Keezell makes reply to
the Interview with Mr. Smythe pub".
Ilshcd In The Timos-Dlspatch.' which
was to the effect that tho Rocklngham
Senator would surely bo defeated In his
fight for the treasurershlp of tho'oounty. Senator Koczell asserts that he
will be nominated, and further that
the Democrats of Rookingham will
elect their entire ticket, county and
In a letter. th6 Valley
the following statement: leader,makes
"Tho well known bias of Mr. Smytha
would cause any statement of politi¬
cal conditions in Rocklngham to ba
taken with many allowances, where ho
Is known. If Mr. Smythe IB a Demo¬
crat It has never been known, and he
has not been so considered here. At a
recent meeting of the stockholders of
the Dally News,-. of which he Is tho
largest stockholder, he offered a reso¬
lution declaring the Dally News "an.'
Independent Domooratlc paper."
R. B.
Submits to Party.
"It Is true that his paper and he
have done and aro doing all they can
to defeat me. It Is equally true that
an overwhelming majority of the Demo¬
crats of the courtly are supporting my
candidacy, and "that I have "signified
my entire willingness to submit my
claims to any kind of convention, ot
primers the party authorities may
order, pledging any ticket nominated
my cordial and earnest Bupport. No
one who Is unprejudiced and at nil.,
familiar with party conditions doubtt»
my nomination by any plan proposed
My friends and supporters feel that my
otectlon Is as well assured as the elec¬
tion ot any Democrat ever Is In Rock«
"Unless the established' custom of
making nominations which has brought
years Is changed, my opponent and Mr
Smythe in his Interview concede my
nomination. Mr. Williamson, who la
opposing mo for county treasurer, has
demanded a direct primary., and de¬
clines to state whether he- will be
bound by any other plan. I am willing
for any plan, and will win "by one as
readily as the other. The only dis¬
ruption that Is being made, Is by Mr.
Smythe and those few who refuse to
commit themselves to the support of
such ticket as may bo nominated In
such primary ac may bo ordered by
tho proper party authorities.
"The party will elect Its legislative
ticket and Its county ofucers also. It
will elect the ticket It names. It Is
very well and agreeable to have tho
support of the newspapers, especially
one's homo paper (I have never had
the support of those who now control
Its management), but It Is very much
better to have the support of tho peo¬
ple, and In all my candidacies I have
never had so many assurances; of
earnest and cordial support from vot¬
ers of every political affiliation and
from evory walk of life as «I have In
this oontest.
"I would say to my good friend. The"
Times-Dispatch.wait and see what
happens in the primaries and at the
election, and you will -realize that you
are not so far wrong In your estl-.
mate of -Rookingham politics, as Mr.
Smythe would Have you believe."
Fifty-Cent Rate Asked by Wash¬
OneWay Fare.
In The Tlmes-Dlspatch
ington-Southern in
yesterday, a petition has been filed by
the Washington-Southern Railway be¬
fore the Interstate Commerce Com¬
mission, asking permission to be al¬
lowed to charge a faro of 50 cents
bAtween' Alexandria and Washington.
A technical error was made In refer¬
ring to the 50-cent fare as a "terminal
charge." since 25 centB of the amount
Is for fare at 3 conts a mile (the Inter¬
state rate), and 25 cents Is for termi¬
nal charge, making a total of 50 cents
Trafllo Manager Warron P. Taylor
aaid yesterday that the matter would
work out Just as outlined in The
Times-Dispatch, making a faro of $3.20
to those passengers who buy tickets
to Alexandria and then pay the traJiv
rate Into Washington, na
with the present straight rato of $3.50
between thts city and Washington. In
this way, as stated yesterday, the road
will bo but little injured by the de¬
cision of the Supreme Court that It is
not entitled to a 8-cont rate, provid¬
ing, of course, the Interstate Commerce
Commission grants the petition.
High Terminal Chnryrcs.
It la stated by Mr. Taylor that the
average amount received from each
passonger over tho lino last year was
64 cents, while there was paid an av¬
erage of 47 conts per passengor fot
the use of the tunnels, brklgo nnd sta¬
tion In Washington. This leaves bul
little, it Is calculated, for operating
expenses over the remainder of the
road between Quantlfo and the Poto¬
Present round trip rates between
Richmond and Washington, or between
othjr places en routo, or mlleago
books or commutation rates, will not
be affocted. The orio way Interstate
rate of $3.60 from this city to Wash¬
ington, nnd vice versa.', Is used as the.
base rato for dividing through fares,
The hearing of the petition before
tho Interstate Commerce
has been s"öt for July 2i). It was set
for a hearing on Thursday, but was
Low Heel, Stylish, Well
Ail Sizes/
11 West Broad.
"Spring Tonic."
Long Island
$1.50 Dozen.
Hermann Schmidt
504-6-8 E. Broad St.
EAZ-AKE relieves headache, ex¬
ternally applied; kills alt pain,
where nerves are near the
50c bottle.
Drugftists. 510 E. Broad.
Mad. 319').
Ask Grocers, Druggists Dealers for
Similar eulogies ware held «n tho
Sonato soveral months ago, and there
has been much discussion here as to
why the House should not take simi¬
lar action. Now, however, since the
time has been agreed upon, many for¬
mer trlonds of
the late statesman
500 West Main St doubtless will pay tribute to his mem¬
ory. At a later date Mr. Flood will
announce the list of 'speakers.
P. IL McO.
Withdraws From Fight.
Rev. R. Hunter Beazley, the Neato?
Summer Furniture!
of the Virginia Pross Association, hai
withdrawn from the contest for tho
nomination for tho Houso of Delegates ments
from Halifax county. In a card pub¬
lished in his paper this woek, Mr. Beaz¬
says that for personal reasons ho
will not bo in position to continue tho
701-911-3 E. Broad St.
Entire Stock on
Sale at
5 th and. Broad
architect and well-known citizen, died
thin morning at hla residence -on
Adams Stroot of Brlght's dlseaso. aftor
an Illness of some days'. Major Walto
was ono of tho most accomplished and
careful men of his profession, and
contractors were always pleased to
work aftor his plans. Major Waitu
wn.M about seventy years old. was a
native^ of MartlnavlUe. W. Va., and
had lived in Petersburg for thlrtys-e.vcn years. He was a devoted friend
or General Mahonc's. and woa rit one
time actlvo In municipal and State
politics. Ho served some six or eight
years as stamp deputy in the Internal
revenue office here under the admin¬
istrations of Collectors Brady, Rogers
and Lowery, from which position he
finally resigned to devote his atten¬
tion to his profession. Major Walto
Is survived by his wife, two sons,
Harrison and Frank, and two daugh-'
ters. Misses Bessie and Allle Walto.
High School Commencement.
The commencement and graduating
exorclsos of the Petersburg High
School were held in the Academy of
[Spoclal to Tho
Frederlcksburg, Times-Dispatch.]
Vs., Juno D..Victor
Randolph Pierson, of Caroline, countv,
and Miss Jane Dickinson Yerby\ daugh¬
ter of Mrs. Thomas Pratt.
Spotsylvanta county, were Yorhy
yesterday at the home of the bride's
mother, near this city, Itov. Herbert Hi
Barber, pastor of
Church, of this city,Trinity
performing the
Hot Weather
Bros, k Co., Inc.,
1418-1420 E. Main