Document 25486

One Stop Shop For Educators
The following instructional plan is part of a GaDOE collection of Unit Frameworks, Performance Tasks, examples of Student Work, and
Teacher Commentary. Many more GaDOE approved instructional plans are available by using the Search Standards feature located on
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
End of Unit Performance Task
Grade: First
Title: Santa Letter/ Letter to Parent
Task Annotation:
After first graders have been given many opportunities to read persuasive text as well as to the format
of how to write letters, they are ready to apply what they have learned by writing an original
"persuasive" piece. Students will write a letter to Santa or to a parent asking for a specific item. They
will carry this paper through the entire writing process.
Focus Standards/Elements:
ELA1W2: The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive and
response to literature.
The student produces a persuasive piece that:
a. Captures a reader’s interest by stating a position/opinion.
b. Begins to maintain a focus.
c. Adds details to support an opinion.
d. Begins to use formats appropriate to the genre (letter, list of reasons, poster).
e. May have a sense of closure.
f. May include oral or written prewriting (graphic organizer).
g. May include a draft that is revised and edited.
h. May be published.
ELA1R1 The student demonstrates knowledge of concepts of print. The student
a. Understands that there are correct spellings for words.
c. Demonstrates an understanding that punctuation and capitalization are used in all written
ELA1LSV1 The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. The student
b. Recalls information presented orally.
c. Responds appropriately to orally presented questions.
e. Communicates effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read, heard, or
f. Uses complete sentences when speaking
Description of Task
Teacher Directions
The teacher will explain to students that they will be writing letters to Santa.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 1 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
Note to teacher: The timing for when to best use this task depends on the readiness of the class. A
letter to Santa may not be appropriate at the time your students are ready for the task. The teacher
may alter the assignment by having the students write a letter to a parent, a grandparent, etc.
Stage One: Prewriting
1. The teacher will model writing a position/opinion statement and supporting it. The teacher might
say, “I want a new coat for Christmas.”
2. Each student will think of one item that he or she would like to have. The student will share with
another student what their item would be in the form of a position/opinion statement. The teacher
will record several examples on a chart.
Sample Chart:
I want a new coat for Christmas.
I need a new bike for Christmas.
I really, really want a Wii for Christmas.
3. Next, the teacher will model using the graphic organizer.
Example: I want a new coat for Christmas.
It will keep me warm on cold mornings.
I would take really good care
of my new coat.
My old coat is
too small.
I could take my children outside
to play more.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 2 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
4. Students will complete their prewriting independently.
5. The teacher will monitor the class and provide support to students during formal and informal
conferences. The teacher will choose three students who will share their prewriting during the closing of
the lesson.
Stage Two: Drafting
1. The teacher will refer back to the chart made on the previous day.
2. The teacher will explain to the class that they will use their prewriting to draft their letter to Santa.
He/she will remind students that during the drafting process, it is important to get words on paper. The
students should not be overly concerned with spelling. If the students come to a word they do not
know, they can try one of the following strategies: stretch out the word, use the word wall, or circle the
word. Spelling will be addressed in depth during the editing stage.
3. The teacher will model his/her draft.
Sample letter
Dear Santa,
December 10, 2008
I really want a new black coat for Christmas. I promise I have been really
good this year. I really need a new coat. Santa, my old coat is just too big
and old. If I had a new coat, I would feel so confident when I went to
work. It would keep me warm on those cold Friday mornings when I have
bus duty. Santa, I promise I will take good care of it. I will always hang it
up and be sure not to spill anything on it. Santa, please have a black coat
underneath my Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
Ms. Teacher
4. Students will begin drafting.
5. The teacher will have conferences with the students. This is an appropriate opportunity for
remediation. The teacher may want to form a small group and conduct a guided writing activity. During
this time, the teacher will look for good examples to share during the closing of the lesson.
Stage two may last more than one session.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 3 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
Stage Three: Revision
1. The teacher will explain that the students will be revising their drafts by using the persuasive writing
2. The teacher will show how to use the checklist by modeling this process using his/her writing from the
previous day. As the students use the checklist, they will note evidence of the required elements. The
teacher may want to add another detail to his/her own letter in order to model one example of revision.
3. The teacher will explain that the students will be revising their drafts by using the persuasive writing
My position/opinion is clearly stated.
Facts/Details support my position.
A persuasive strategy is used in my writing.
My closing summarizes my position.
4. The teacher will show how to use the checklist by modeling this process using his/her writing from the
previous day. As the students use the checklist, they will note evidence of the required elements. The
teacher may want to add another detail to his/her own letter in order to model one example of revision.
Persuasive Writing Checklist
Sample Letter
Dear Santa,
December 1, 2008
I really want a new black coat for Christmas. I promise I have been really good
this year. I really need a new coat. Santa, my old coat is just too big and old. If I
had a new coat, I would feel so confident when I went to work. It would keep me
warm on those cold Friday mornings when I have bus duty. Santa, I promise I will
take good care of it. I will always hang it up and be sure not to spill anything on it.
Santa, please have a black coat underneath my Christmas tree on Christmas
Ms. Teacher
1. Provide students with a copy of the persuasive writing checklist.
2. Students may work with a partner.
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 4 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
3. Once students have completed the checklist, they may go back and revise their work.
4. The teacher will have conferences with students during this time. He or she may want to use the
Student name
States position/
Facts/details support
the position/opinion
Focus is
Closure summarizes the
Share examples of types of closure
during a conference.
persuasive class profile to identify the individual needs of the students. The teacher will place a check in
the box if the student has included that element of the standard or leave the box blank if the element is
not present. Under the next steps column, the teacher will write what he or she will do to help the child
add that element to the work.
Sample Class Profile
Sample Editing Checklist
I have checked my spelling with the word wall.
I have capitalized the beginning of each sentence.
I have capitalized all proper nouns, such as names, months, and
I have capitalized the greeting and the closing.
I have punctuation at the end of each sentence.
I have a comma between the day and the year in my date.
I have a comma at the end of the greeting and at the end of the
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 5 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
Stage Four: Editing
1. The teacher will review what is expected of a first grader in reference to editing.
2. The teacher may wish to model editing a piece of writing. Then the teacher could use the piece of
work from the previous lesson as long as there is some editing of mistakes (e.g., inserting a period where
it belongs, correcting a misspelled word, etc.).
3. Students may edit alone or with a partner.
4. A sample editing checklist is provided, but the one used should reflect what the teacher has taught.
5. The teacher will have conferences with students as they work. He or she may want to continue using
the Class Profile for documentation of mastery. The teacher will also choose three students who will
share their writing during the closing.
Stage Five: Publishing
1. Once the students have revised and edited, they will want to publish their writing.
2. The teacher will provide a variety of paper for the students to use to publish their writing. The teacher
will begin preparing students for the process of presenting their papers.
3. The teacher will address the speaking and listening standards.
4. The teacher will analyze the work based on the Persuasive Writing Rubric. A student sample and
commentary are attached.
Materials and Equipment
1. Persuasive Writing Rubric
2. Persuasive Writing Checklist
3. Chart paper and markers
4. Examples of persuasive text in children’s books
5. Writing paper
6. Optional: computers with student publishing programs
Sample Book List of Persuasive Text
I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff
All Pigs are Beautiful by Dick King-Smith
Earrings! By Judith Viorst
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka
My Teacher for President by Kay Winters
Thank you Sarah by Laurie Halse Anderson
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 6 of 7
Copyright 2007 © All Rights Reserved
One Stop Shop For Teachers
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for English Language Arts – 1st grade
Sample Persuasive Writing Rubric
toward the
a. Captures a
reader’s interest opinion/position
by stating an
is not clearly
opinion/position stated.
Meeting the
Exceeding the
The 1st sentence
clearly states the
The 1st sentence
strongly and
clearly states the
c. Adds
The support for
The author
The author
facts/details to
the position is
supports his/her supports his/her
weak or no
position/opinion position/opinion
opinion/position points have been with
facts/details and facts/details and
may use a
uses a
b. Begins to
The details do
The details
The details
maintain a focus not maintain a
strongly support
support the
opinion/position, opinion/position
and the focus is
and the focus is
beginning to be
e. May have a There is no
The author
The author
sense of closure concluding
sentence or
his/her position
his/her position/
reference to the /opinion in the
opinion in the
position/opinion. concluding
The level of
language is
Georgia Department of Education
Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
English Language Arts  GRADE 1  End of Unit Performance Task Persuasive Unit
March 2009  Page 7 of 7
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