COVER SHEET Church Name: St. Francis de Sales, Purcellville, VA Bulletin number: 511515 Date of publication: Auigust 5, 2012 Number of pages transmitted: 8 Special instructions: Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Church Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Staff Rev. Ronald S. Escalante, Pastor Rev. Edwin Thayer Tewes, Parochial Vicar Deacon Larry Hammel Mrs. Diane Morano, Business Manager Mrs. Cathy Mitchell, Director of Liturgy Ms. Susan Khalil, Secretary Mrs. Melissa Gobs, DRE Mrs. Janice Rees, CRE Mrs. Jane Treado, Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Sharon Liddicoatt, Sacristan Contact Info Parish Office - 540-338-6381 email - [email protected] Religious Education Office - 540-338-4497 In case of an emergency - 540-338-6440 Fax - 540-338-6431 37730 St. Francis Court, Purcellville, VA 20132-9600 Welcome! Please register and become part of our parish community. You may fill out a registration form in the parish office during business hours. Office Hours - M-F 8:30am-4:30pm Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil - 5pm Sunday - 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 6pm (Teen Mass) August 5, 2012 Daily Masses Monday and Wednesday - 9am Tuesday and Thursday - 6:30am Friday - 6:30am and 12 noon; Saturday - 9am Check the bulletin for Holy Days of Obligation Adoration/Benediction Adoration is on the 1st Friday of the month, following the 12 noon Mass. Benediction is 8:45am Saturday, followed by the 9am Mass. The Rosary is prayed at 12:30pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3pm. A Holy Hour for Respect Life/Pro-Life is at 7am Saturday. A Scriptural Rosary is prayed at the 7pm Holy Hour. Sacraments Reconciliation: Friday 10:45-11:45am; Saturday 8 -8:30am and 3:30-4:30pm; and anytime by appointment Matrimony: Parish couples planning to be married must make arrangements with the Office at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage. Baptism: The Sacrament is celebrated each month, the second Saturday at 9:30am and the third Sunday at 1:30pm. Baptism class is the last Friday of the month at 7pm. Call the office for details. Anointing of the Sick: We are privileged to bring Holy Communion and administer the Holy Anointing to the sick and homebound upon request. Please call the office to let us know. We must never grow tired doing everything for the love of God. - St. Francis de Sales SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 2012 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life. — John 6:27a THE BREAD OF LIFE Today’s Gospel has the crowd asking Jesus three questions. First, “When did you get here,” to which Jesus responds by rebuking them for their failure to grasp his miracle as a “sign,” an occasion to put faith in him. Their second question about accomplishing the “works of God” has Jesus respond that faith is the “work” that God wishes. Many scholars believe this is John’s answer to the faith-works dichotomy emerging in the early Christian community. Faith is the work of God in the believer, John would have us understand. The third question asked by the crowd is a request for a “sign” that would allow them to put faith in Jesus, as the manna in the desert allowed the Israelites to put faith in the Lord God. Jesus answers by revealing himself as the “bread of life” that “comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Next Week is Share Sunday We serve Catholic Charities Masses for the Week + deceased Sat., August 4 9:00 am Sat., August 4 5:00 pm Sun., August 5 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm Mon., August 6 9:00 am Tue., August 7 6:30 am Wed., August 8 9:00 am Thu., August 9 6:30 am Fri., August 10 6:30 am 12:00 noon Sat., August 11 9:00 am Sat., August 11 5:00 pm Sun., August 12 7:00 am 8:30 am Catholic Charities requests canned meat, i.e. tuna, chicken, ham. There is also a particular need for peanut butter, jelly, pasta, sauce, and small canned fruit, in order to be prepared for when children are home and not getting school lunches this summer. Thank you for your continuing support of Share Sunday!!! Parish Financial Status In-Pew Offertory - July 29 YEAR TO DATE $ $ 13,009 57,487 Electronic Offertory for July $ 19,608 12:30 pm 6:00 pm Weekday + Mary Ellen Marple Vigil: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time +Richard Harrell Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time + Stephen D’Elia + Claudia Bell Helene Englisch People of the Parish +Joan Canan The Transfiguration of the Lord + Doris McCaskill Weekday Lee Floyd Saint Dominic + Eleanor Esposito Weekday + Richard, George and Johnny Surak Saint Lawrence + Souls in Purgatory in honor of St. Joseph Health-The McCaffrey Family Saint Clare + James Bryant Vigil: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time + The deceased members of the D’Elia, Curran, Butts and Sommer Families Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time + Stephen D’Elia + Frank, Ellie and Jeanine McCaffrey + Cory Welti Jennifer Jablonsky People of the Parish This Week Wed., August 8 Charismatic Prayer Group - 7pm Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28 Jer 31:31-34; Mt 16:13-23 2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12:24-26 Hb 1:12 — 2:4; Mt 17:14-20 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34; Eph 4:30 — 5:2; Jn 6:41-51 Shepherd’s Notes Latest update on building our new parish center On Thursday, July 26 representatives from Loudoun County examined our septic drain field area and declared that a certain section was unusable. I was present when a backhoe was brought in to sample the soil areas that were deemed unfit and concur that the section had a high content of “chippy” layers of rock only 18 inches deep (they needed to be at 4 feet). The good news is that they found ample area where the drain field section could be relocated. The only negative side was that section was our projected “overflow parking” that we unfortunately now have to sacrifice. The other good news is that since the drain fields are separately approved from the building facility, so far we have met all the requirements for the 30,000 sq. ft. building and remain on course to get that approved very soon. When that happens we can finally put the building up for bid to the contractors. We are still hoping that this can be done within the next month and a half. Please continue to pray for the success of building our badly needed new parish center. Your shepherd in Christ, Father Escalante Are You Interested in the Catholic Faith? We will soon begin a new journey in faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family. We invite you to learn what the Church teaches, and be introduced to some of our parish members. These sessions also are opportunities for you, and others that you may wish to invite, to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Church. These gatherings are for inquirers and are open to people who are unbaptized, as well as those who are baptized Christians from Protestant or Evangelical backgrounds. Mark your calendar: the first session is Tuesday, September 25 at 7:30pm in the Oratory Room. Please give us a call if you have questions, would like further information at 540-338-4497 or email at [email protected]. Ask the Priest Q. How can God be everywhere when there is only one God? –Angelo Lange A. It is because the whole creation exists around the one God that created it. Q. Who is Mary’s father? – Anonymous A. His name is St. Joachim. Mary’s mother is St. Ann. Q. When priests retire, does the Catholic Church provide them with a home? –Anonymous A. Most of the time, yes. In many parts of the world the home of elderly priests is in the rectory of parishes where pastors offer them a home. Our diocese recently built a retirement home for priests in Annandale. Prior to that priests either lived in rectories, homes of relatives, religious order homes or nursing homes. Some priests who were fortunate to have received an inheritance [I’m not one of those lucky ones!] or saved a good deal of money were able to purchase a home of their choice to retire. Q. The Bible sometimes to refer to Jesus’ “brothers.” Did he have brothers? How could this be if Mary was always a virgin? –John M. A. It is true that Mary was always a virgin and therefore Jesus could not have had siblings. In the language Jesus spoke, Hebrew Aramaic, the word for siblings and close relatives (kin or cousins) is interchangeable. Other theologians have an interesting theory that St. Joseph may have been a widower and had children from a previous marriage who would then be stepbrothers and stepsisters of Jesus. There is no Biblical evidence for this, just a plausible theory. Q. If Jesus spoke Arabic, why is the original language of the church in Latin? –Anonymous A. As mentioned above, Jesus spoke Hebrew Aramaic and not Arabic. The Catholic Church still uses the language Jesus spoke in the liturgy used today by the Maronite Rite Catholics based in Lebanon. There are 7 major rites in the Catholic Church under the pope: Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite and Chaldean . Most of us Catholics belong to the Latin Rite but every rite is equal in dignity and validity. A Catholic may go to Sunday Mass and any of the rites and fulfill the Sunday obligation. The reason Latin became the mother tongue or sacred language was because this was the common language used during the time of the ministry of St. Peter and St. Paul under the Roman Empire. It was the best way to transmit the Gospel teachings of Jesus using the universal language of the time. It wouldn’t have made sense to use Hebrew Aramaic when preaching in Europe where only a small number of Jews could understand the language. The church grew rapidly over the centuries when the liturgy was in Latin even long after it was no longer the spoken language. Keeping the official teachings of the church written in Latin helped preserve the accuracy of Catholic doctrine. The meaning of Latin does not change. This system should not sound strange to us because even scientists today still use Latin when they discover and name new living species. If you want to learn more about the different Catholic Rites visit this website: Traveling? Find Catholic Churches and Mass times at or call 410-676-6000 Below are the names of people along with the date of death from our parish since the time St. Francis de Sales became a parish in 1967. Scripture tells us to pray for the living and the dead. Let us commend to the Lord’s mercy the following: Richard Lynch, August 21, 2011 Sadie Grade Ablard, August 9, 2011 Frances Nelson, August 5, 2011 Judith Ann Lapple, August 10, 2010 Jennie Karsh, August 11, 2010 Elizabeth Ely – August 24, 2009 Joyce Summers – August 11, 2009 Michael Wild – August 2, 2009 John Castellano – August 14, 2005 Muriel O’Brien – August 15, 2005 Barbara Hoye – August 9, 1996 Kyle Kenefick – August 15, 1992 Todd Bohrer – August 14, 1991 Flavilla Fox – August 22, 1991 John Haske – August 22, 1990 Anne McCracken Felton – Aug. 25, 1989 Gerard Rogers – August 19, 1989 Sean Williams – August 20, 1989 Joseph Kiley, Jr. – August 15, 1985 Philip Hilbert – August 30, 1983 Mary Watson – August 14, 1980 Roland Marchand – August 16, 1980 Virginia Noonan – August 18, 1978 Raymond Noonan – August 22, 1978 Our thoughts and prayers are with ... Our Military Members: Capt. Chuck Marshall; PFC Brandon Badura; Spc Edward Regan Jr.; Gunnery Sgt. Robert Warner III; PFC Sean Milam; Lcpl John Owen Patterson; Airman 1st Class Pete Buxton; PFC Tim Marshall; PV2 Sean Zurschmeide; PV2 Ryan Badura; Cdr Bill Balding, USN; 2nd Lt. Patrick Gutierrez The Sick: Sofia Macaraeg The Deceased: Father Tom Cassidy, David Fourney, Marilyn Dueppen, Marian Welsh, Irene Taylor, Ruth Robinson, Joan Canan, James Sullivan, Grant Cain, Capt. Michael Quin, Angelina Orndorff, Ashton Mahnke, Steve D’Elia, Joe Pope, Gerald Harp, Richard Marks, Arline Beckstead, Tatiana Sacoto, Michael Mallen, Mildred Kirkland, Gail Kelley, John Kelly, Clair Fred Olson, Jim Gutierrez Blood Drive Sunday August 19, from 7am -12:30pm and we encourage you to donate. Join us with an Awesome Act of Kindness, your donation of the Gift of Life. Inova Blood Donor Services continues to experience a significant shortage of blood products. The need is urgent and the value priceless. The Sign-up list is posted in the narthex for all who attend Mass at St. Francis de Sales. Call Rachel Brill at 540 338-6313 or register at the Inova eDonor website,, for appointments or scheduling information. Celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary This Year? Were you married in 1962 or 1987? Then join Bishop Loverde for the 2012 Marriage Jubilee Mass to be celebrated on Sunday, October 14 at 2:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. Contact the parish office to register no later than September 14. For more info, visit MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers Join Us! MOPS, mothers of children from newborn to kindergarten, find friendship, community resources, and support. At the meetings moms enjoy breakfast, coffee, fun games, speakers, and arts & crafts. When and Where? We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month during the school year, from 9:30-11:30am at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 711 W Main St. Purcellville, What about Childcare? Childcare is provided through a program called MOPPETS that includes playtime, crafts, and snacks. How do I join? Registration How do I join?has begun for 2012-2013. Becoming a member is easy. Just e-mail Kelly at [email protected] or visit our website: is easy. Registration has begun for 2012-2013. Becoming a member Just e-mail Kelly at [email protected] or visit our website: Small Faith Communities For Families The Christian Family Movement can help you to: • enrich your marriage • put your faith into action in everyday life • find support for raising a Christian family • teach your children the value of serving others • become better connected to your parish • single parent families are welcome Groups of 5-7 families are forming now for monthly meetings, beginning this fall. For more info, contact Dan and Beth McKenna 540-822-5741 or [email protected]. Religious Education Melissa Gobs, DRE 338-4497 or [email protected] Janice Rees, CRE [email protected] FALL REGISTRATION IS UNDERWAY – DON’T DELAY! Please be reminded that registration for our Fall RE programs is now underway! Classes are filling up quickly. Registration deadline is August 31st. A $25 late fee will be charged for any returning families registering after the deadline. If you have not yet registered your child for RE now is your chance! Forms are available to pick up in the Narthex. We have made registration easy this year with our new ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM. Online Registration can be found on the parish website Instructions for online registration include: 1. You must submit one online application for each child you are enrolling into class 2. Completed Student Emergency Release forms must also be completed and returned to the RE office. 3. Payment for classes can be done via Parish Giving thru the parish web site or please send a check payable to St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church. Please do not put RE registration fees in the collection baskets at Mass. These will be counted as weekly collection, not RE Payment. Top Reasons to Become a Catechist or Serve as a Catechist Aide or Substitute 1. You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your relationship with Jesus 2. Your baptism calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry 3. Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus 4. Children, teens, and adults in today’s world, more than ever, need to encounter good role models of faith 5. You have much to share with those you’ll teach and you’ll have opportunities to share faith with other catechists 6. Today’s catechetical textbooks/resources offer outstanding support 7. You’ll be challenged, you’ll have fun, and you’ll make new friends 8. You’ll be helping people deepen their relationship with Jesus (you’ll be evangelizing!) 9. You’ll be handing on a 2000-year-old Tradition that changes lives 10. It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations” TEEN FAITH NEWS TEEN MASS - at 6pm every Sunday. All Teens are welcome. Join us in the front left 3 rows of church as we celebrate the Teen Mass together. Youth Group - Sunday, August 5 - Hiking up to Bear’s Den after Mass to catch the sunset, weather permitting. Wear the right shoes for hiking! Senior Dinner - Wednesday, August 8 at 7:30pm at the home of Chris and Jane Treado for all graduated High School Seniors. Please join us as we share memories and talk about college and your future, whatever that may bring. Please RSVP by August 4. JaneTreado Youth Director 540-338-6381 or [email protected] We need Catechists for the following Sessions/ Grades: Session 1, Sunday, 8:45am: Grades 2, 3, 5 Session 2, Sunday, 10:30am: Grade 5 Monday, 4:15pm: Special Needs Wednesday, 4:15pm: co-teacher Grade 7/8 Classroom aides are needed for all sessions/grades Substitute catechists are needed for all sessions. Special Needs Class We are looking for a new catechist to lead our Special Needs class. The special needs class meets on Monday afternoons at the Church from 4:15-5:15pm. The class already has strong assistants who are dedicated and experienced. Our former teacher, Mrs. Anne Marie Hughes will make herself available to train and assist(if need be). For more information please contact Melissa Gobs at [email protected], 540338-4497. Confirmation Summer Workbooks All rising eighth graders are to be completing a summer workbook based on their seventh grade text as part of their knowledge requirement. Workbooks are available to download online from the parish website www.saintfrancisparish. org/religious-education and follow the link to Confirmation, or can be picked up from the Religious Education Info Center in the hallway outside of the office. We do our very best to ensure delivery of emails regarding registration, upcoming meetings, important Sacrament info, etc. However, email filters will often block these messages due to the large volume of emails we send out. If you are not receiving these our emails please contact the RE office at 338-4497. Do you love music? Do you sing or play an instrument? We would love to have you join us! Youth Christian Worship Rock Camp Wed, Aug 15th – Fri, Aug 17th 9am Leesburg Community Church Worship Concert on Friday night at 7 pm Open to rising 6th graders to seniors! All of the FUN, leadership, music, lunch, charts, tunes, teaching, fellowship, lemonade and snacks provided. For more info about camp fees or to sign up please read our webpage at: or contact Wayne at [email protected] Check out our June ‘12 camp online at: Teaching Position Available St. Theresa Catholic School (K-8) in Ashburn, Virginia has a teaching position and a few part-time openings for the 2012-2013 school year. We are looking for a fourth grade teacher, an Extended Day Director, Extended Day Aides, and a Cafeteria Supervisor. The hours for the Extended Day are 3pm-6pm, Monday through Friday. The hours for the Cafeteria Supervisor are 10:15am-1:45pm, Monday through Friday. Please email your resume to the school office: [email protected] or call the school office (703-729-3577) for more info. Fun Run / Walk for the Unborn Labor Day, Monday September 3rd St John The Apostle Church 101 Oakcrest Manor Dr. Leesburg Running for the Smallest, Weakest….. The Voiceless…. Music, silent auction, raffles, crafts and more Come join the fun!! Gates open at 8am All proceeds benefit Divine Mercy Care and its principal program Tepeyac Family Center, LLC Faithful Families by Barbara Curtis All things for good Sometimes things just don’t go as we planned. Maddy and I had flown to San Diego June 27 to begin a pilgrimage of the Mission Trail – the string of 21 missions begun in 1769 by Father Junipero Serra and stretching north 500 miles to Sonoma and the reason for cities named Santa Barbara, San Miguel, San Gabriel, and so on. During 30 years in California, I visited a few of the missions and found them fascinating. And ever since embracing Catholicism I’ve yearned to see them again through Catholic eyes. With a window of opportunity while our special needs kids went to Easter Seals Camp, but Tripp unable to take off work, I felt inspired to take a mother/ daughter trip with Maddy, who’d left California when she was 9 and has always wanted to return to see more. And since she also is a Catholic convert, this promised to be a unique spiritual/bonding time for the two of us. I planned carefully, researching the missions and places to stay that were cheap but clean and safe, with mapquest directions in between. My two-inch sunshine-yellow notebook charted 14 days of adventure – including a Santa Cruz July 4 fireworks boat ride and a night at the opera in San Francisco. Thanks to a recent book contract, I had some money to splurge. And it would be worth every penny: having already launched seven adult children and wondering where the time went, I was seizing an opportunity to slow down the clock and create a lasting memory. But the memories turned out so differently than I had planned. Just three days and five missions into our trip, stepping off a high ledge onto the rocks at Ventura Beach, I lost my balance, fell and broke my ankle. From that moment on, all control shifted from me to an untested 19-year-old whose summer vacation would turn out to be no vacation at all. Strangers helped her load me into the rental car she was too young to drive and she took me to the ER where they x-rayed, splinted and sent us on our way. She drove us to Santa Barbara, where we stayed five nights waiting to see a doctor, waiting for a wheelchair, waiting for my pain to subside. Then for three days she drove 400 unfamiliar miles, getting our meals and shuffling me and our suitcases in and out of the car, wheelchair, hotels, relatives’ houses, and finally an early flight home. I’ve since had complications and a hospital stay but am recovering, trying to learn what lessons God had for me. But maybe this wasn’t about me at all. One thing I know for sure is that in the past month, my fun-loving and happy-go-lucky daughter had to do some quick growing up – taking care of her broken mother 3000 miles from home and her special needs brothers on her return. I’m proud and grateful to say she never missed a beat. And so despite my disappointment, despite the fact that the mother/ daughter bonding I had planned turned out very differently, I’ll thank God for the unexpected lessons He provided – maybe not so much about our spiritual heritage, but about our spiritual future. We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 JOSHUA A Catholic Scripture Study International Course The Book of Joshua is a historical account of how the Israelites conquered Canaan, the land God promised them in the covenant with Abraham. The book details Joshua's obedience to God, the bloody yet miraculous battles and the division of the land among the 12 tribes. Meets Tuesday mornings, 10am-noon in the Parish Hall and Thursday evenings, 7-8:30pm in the Oratory (Oratory class size limited to 24) ACTS by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer Step Three in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program, Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, builds on The Bible Timeline and Matthew* by showing how Christ's Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. Upcoming Seminars at Catholic Distance University Summer is the perfect time to enrich your knowledge of the Catholic Faith. CDU seminars travel easily as everything you need is online. And the best part is as a member of the Arlington Diocese you can experience these seminars for just $30. Youth Evangelization and Apostolic Formation August 6 – 27 with William Marcote This seminar will provide principles and methods that are based on the New Evangelization for those working with youth. Conscience Formation and Sacrament of Penance Sept.10 – Oct. 1 with Fr. Paul deLadurantaye Join Fr. deLadurantaye for this seminar that looks at the formation of moral conscience, sin and conscience, and the relationship of a person’s moral conscience to the sacrament of Penance. Learn more at index.html or call 888.254.4238 ext. 700. *You need not have taken The Bible Timeline or Matthew to register for this course Meets Tuesday evening, 7-9pm in the Parish Hall. A light supper is served. For more information, please call Dave and Lisa Doseff, 540-822-3026 Please make checks out to ‘St. Francis de Sales’. Confidential SCHOLARSHIPS are available. Please register by August 26th. Fill in the registration form below and place it in the Registration box in the narthex. Thank you! Iwould like to attend (please check) _____Joshua - Tuesday mornings, Parish Hall, 10am – 12 noon, Sept. 4 thru Dec. 11 _____Joshua – Thursday evenings, Oratory Room, 7 – 8:30 pm _____Enclosed is my check for $22 _____ I would like a scholarship to be able to attend _____ Acts -Tuesday evenings, Parish Hall, 7- 9pm, Sept. 4th through April/May 2013 _____ Enclosed is my check for $30 _____ I would like a scholarship to be able to attend _____ I already have the materials from having taken the course before Name (s):____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ E-mail ________________________________ MAC-PAC for all 6th, 7th & 8th Graders! Middle-schoolers And Christ Pray. Act. Charity. Monthly events are held for all 6th, 7th and 8th graders of the parish. Interested? Send Bill and Beth Ann McRoberts an e-mail at [email protected] or call us at 668-7214 for more information about our fun gatherings.
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