Transportation Planning Grant Application Grant Program: Project Title: Location: General Information Community-Based Transportation Planning Fallen-Bridge Mini-Park San Francisco County; City of San Francisco Organization Applicant SF Recreation and Park Dept. Contact Person Svetlana Karasyova Contact Title Park Planner Mailing Address San Francisco Recreation & Park Department McLaren Lodge 501 Stanyan Street San Francisco City Zip Code E-mail Address Sub-reciprient(s) 1) Mariposa-Utah-18th Street Neighborhood Organization 2) SF Neighborhood Parks Council 1) Jean Bogiages 2) Jeff Condit 1) Committee chair 2) Capital Projects Manager 1) 550 Utah Street 2) 451 Hayes St., 2nd Fl 1) San Francisco 2) San Francisco 94117-1898 1) 94110 2) 94102 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Telephone (415) 831-2769 Fax (415) 666-7130 Funding Information Grant Funds Requested Local Match/In-Kind Identify Match Source Other Funding Source Total Project Cost $11,750 2350 $14,100 1) 2) 1) 2) 415-863-5109 415-621-3260 415-863-8230 415-703-0889. Please Select the Grant Cycle(s) for which you are applying: GRANT CYCLE 2004/2005 only 2005/2006 only BOTH CHECK (9) 9 To the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this proposal is true and correct. ____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Official(Applicant) ____________________________________________________ Title ____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Official(Sub-recipient) ____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Official(Sub-recipient) _______________________________________________ Print Name _______________________________________________ Date _______________________________________________ Print Name _______________________________________________ Print Name Transportation Planning Grant Application 1. Project Summary The Mariposa-Utah-18th Street Neighborhood Association, working with the Neighborhood Parks Council wants to upgrade the area surrounding the 101 Freeway walking Bridge at Utah and 18th Streets. This area included the Fallen Bridge Mini-Park, the Walking Bridge and the Right of Way on the San Bruno side of the walking bridge. The planning grant will be used to survey the neighborhoods on both sides of the freeway to determine how they would like to see the area improved. This survey will augment work that was already done by the Fallen Bridge Park Committee by including residents on the San Bruno Side of the walking bridge as well as the general public who used the bridge to get from Potrero Hill to the Mission district and to connect to the Muni Bus lines and well as established bike paths. Fallen-Bridge Mini-Park was established on the 101 Freeway Right-of-Way in 1970. The park was established and is maintained by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department through an Encroachment Permit. The park is situated at the Utah and 18th street side of the freeway walking bridge which connects the Mission District and the Potrero Hill neighborhood. The walking bridge is a well-used bridge, patrons being bicyclists, adult pedestrians and school children. The park has been neglected and what was once a children’s playground turned into a sand area with weeds and broken bottles. Graffiti covered the concrete walls and homeless folks found places to sleep in the bushes. Recently drug deals have been seen by residents in the park as well as prostitution. The Fallen Bridge freeway crossing bridge enables the community to have easy bike and walking access to businesses and schools. It is used by residents for recreation and business in spite of the dangers and lack of upkeep if the area. With an upgrade to the bridge and surrounding area we believe school children and parents will feel safer crossing the bridge and residents will be proud of this special landmark in the community. The neighborhood association prepared a park upgrade proposal designed to draw people. The design incorporates a variety of micro-environments and activities that will attract a wide range of people for a wide range of reasons. - It will provide a place to sit and rest. - It will provide recreation. - It will provide contemplation. - It will provide a place to exercise the dog. - It will provide a place to let children run free. - It will provide opportunity for socialization. This proposal will be put forth as potentially part of the solution in the focus groups and surveys. In addition to upgrading the park, the grant survey will address the walking bridge and its problems as well as the San Bruno Right of Way which currently is the location of a path used by homeless folks to get to encampments on the edge of the freeway. 2. Project Area and demographics This project will serve the Potrero Hill – Mission District Area. The demographics of the combined neighborhoods include Latino, Black, Asian and White populations. Students attending the public schools on Potrero Hill, the Enola Maxwell School of the Arts middle school and the International Studies Academy high school take the bus to 18th and Potrero and then walk across the freeway to the school. 3. Justification The community surrounding the walking bridge feel that upgrading the park, the bridge and the right of way on San Bruno and creating a space that can be used by then community will reduce crime and increase a sense of pride in community and neighborhood. 4. Scope of Work See Appendix: Proposal Schedule and Funding Chart 5. CalTrans Transportation Planning Grant Goals This project will address the following CalTrans Planning Grant Goals: 6) link housing, transportation and land-use planning. Involving the community in an effort to improve the freeway walking bridge and the park area in the right of way areas on either side of the bridge will make the bridge safer and more attractive and will encourage people to use the bridge to get from Potrero Hill to the Mission and back taking advantage of Muni Service and bike trails. 7) Increase community livability (by creating an attractive, safe and cohesive community). Upgrading the area includes a park which will have areas for walking dogs, a petanque court for neighbors to use and a labyrinth for meditiation. Plans for lighting and open space will increase the safety of the area. On the San Bruno side of the walking bridge there is potential for community gardens or park area. This will make the community more liveable. 6. Specific Community Based Transportation Planning Objectives Grant Specific Objectives that fall in the scope of the Community based Transportation Planning Grants are: • Supports livable community concepts o This grant would provide for focus groups and community surveys to increase the community participation in a project to improve the freeway walking bridge and the surrounding areas. • Addresses a deficiency in coordinating land use and transportation o Currently the land on the San Bruno side and the Mini-Park on the Utah Street side are parcels of land that are not developed or have deteriorated and are not safe. Upgrading these areas would address that deficiency. • Is innovative and has community –based “grassroots” involvement. o There has already been community involvement in creating an innovative plan for upgrading the mini-park. It is our intention to use this grant to increase community involvement and increase the scope of the upgrade. 7. Public Participation Public participation to this point has been restricted to the Maripose-Utah-18th Street neighborhood association. With this grant we will: 1) organize meetings with other existing community groups in the area like Potrero Boosters, the Community Garden, the Potrero Hill Association of Merchants, and the public schools 2) Survey the existing users of the walking bridge and park to find out what improvements they would like. 8. Project Outcomes and Management Milestones 1) Create a Plan for meetings with targeted groups and with general community members 2) Community meetings 3) Meetings with public schools 4) Surveys of bridge walkers/bike riders Interim Products 1) Project Plan 2) Community Meeting Summaries 3) School Meeting summaries 4) Survey Summaries Final Product 1) Summary report and plan for upgrade 9. Supporting Documentation 1) Fallen Bridge Park Proposal 2) Letters of Support Appendix A Budget, Proposal Schedule and Funding Chart Budget includes donated services. Five Month Project to Survey Fallen Bridge Project Coordinator (1/4 of time) Executive Director (1/10 of time $3,400 $2,850 Non-Personnel Telecommunications Materials & Supplies Photocopying & Printing Postage & Distribution Meeting Room Rental (Partially Donated) Architect Services for Planning (ProBono) $500 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,350 $2,000 Total Task Planning Meeting 1 Planning Meeting 2 Survey Distribution and Analysis Focus Groups and Workshops Interviews with bridge users Analysis of Data $13,150 Fund Source Responsible Total Grant Local Party Cost NPC+FBC $500 $500 NPC+FBC $500 $500 Fiscal Year 2005 InKind Feb Mar x x Deliverab April May June le minutes minutes NPC $2,000 $2,000 x NPC $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 x data NPC NPC+FBC $1,150 $2,000 $1,150 $2,000 x Preparation of Plan NPC Meeting to Review Plan by Community NPC Final Report and Plan NPC+FBC Total NPC=Neighborhood Parks Council FBC=Fallen Bridge Park Committee $1,000 $1,000 data analysis prelim plan $500 $1,500 $850 $650 $1,500 $1,500 $13,150 $11,500 $1,000 $2,150 analysis x x x x minutes report Appendix B References 1. Aerial View of Park and part of Fallen Bridge Freeway walking bridge 2. Map showing project location and transportation facilities. Fallen Bridge walking bridge
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