Master Course Outline Cover Sheet Department: BIOLOGY Course designation: BIOL 130 Course title: Northwest Ornithology Course description: Intro to biology and ecology of Northwest bird species through readings, experiments and local field study to sites throughout the Pacific Northwest. Course prerequisites: Credits: 5 Previous course designation: BIO 130 Previous course title: Northwest Ornithology EFFECTIVE DATE: APPROVED DATE: REVIEW DATE: SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGES COURSE CODING APPROVAL FORM College No. 63 College Name: NSCC [3J sscc D SCCC 0 Date 12/8/03 Submitted by [3J Add to inventory effective 2004/Spring year/quarter D Delete from inventory effective _ _ year/quarter D Change to another CIP Code List old CIP Code D Title Change only List old title D Change status for AA degree requirements (Academic Transfer courses only. See #5 below) D Other (specify) Div/Dept Math. Science, Social Science Course No. BIO 130 Eleanor Cauldwell Phone # CIP Code 26 • 0101 SVI D 528-4502 Institutional Intent --"--- Course Title Northwest Ornithology Fund Source Administrative Unit Budget 1. Is this course a requirement for an approved Vocational Preparatory program? D Yes [3J No If yes, list Educational Program Code/EPC: _ _ 2. Does this course imply: Limited English Proficiency? 0Yes [3J No 3. Does this course imply: Academic Disadvantaged? 0Yes [3J No D Yes [3J No 4. Does this course contain a workplace training component? 5. Which, if any, AA Degree requirement(s) will this course satisfy?(Academic Transfer Courses only) A. Special Requirements? D D Q Math/Q (Quantitative Reasoning) C Communication (Studies and Applications) Credits§ B. Distribution Areas D D D D Lecture 33 D Lab 44 Originating Administrator Signature Date Course/Changes on-line: [3J The Living World D Science, Tech., & Environment United States Cultures Is this a variable credit class? Student Contact Hours: D Global Studies D The Physical Universe Language and Communication Literature/History of Ideas Music, Art, and Drama Individuals and Societies Yes[3J No Clinical Faculty Contact Hours Other _ System _ z Total 77 Concurring Administrator/SCCC Date Vice President of Instruction Date _ _ _ North Seattle Community C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee NEW COURSE TRANSMITTAL FORM Division: Math, Science, Social Science Course Name: Northwest Ornithology Contact Person: Eleanor Cauldwell Course Number: BIO 130 Phone Number: 528-4502 Comments: (Impact on existing college equipment in inventories and facilities, requirements on new equipment and facilities, information for advising, possible effect on library, media center, computer labs, copy center, and other college operations. Approval by Division: Yes: Approval by TAC: (if professional/technical course) Yes: x Course to be offered as Distance Learning? No: Date: No: Date: Yes: x No: Areas of Knowledge (for transfer courses only): Committee chairs, initial and date) Language & Communication Literature/History of Ideas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Music, Art & Drama Individuals & Societies US Cultures Global Studies ---~---------The Physical Universe The Living World Science, Technology & the Environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Communication "C" Math "Q" Course Attach course outline and route original Advising Center: --''V--'Ci!Cf~""-t--/-P''-F-'-;;;c---r- Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee comments: No: Date: Vice President for Instruction--NSCC Dean/Associate Dean--NSCC Dean/Associate Dean--SSCC Dean/Associate Dean-SCCC New Course Transmittal Document 2002 (pb/le 8/1/02) NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE APPROVAL Please attach a course outline approved by the North Seattle Community College Curriculum and Academic Standards (CAS) Committee Date: 12/1/03 Submitted by: Eleanor Cauldwell Phone #: 528-4502 Division/Department: Math, Science, Social Science Course # BIO 130 Course Title: Northwest Ornithology Effective date Sp/04 Credits: 5 Course Contact Hours a on-campus lecture _3_ a on-campus lab _4_ a e-mail - 0 synchronous web conference a asynchronous web conference _ _ a other (specify mode: online) Delivery method (check all that apply) a Broadcast telecourse a On-line course a Flex-time a Two-way interactive classroom a Videocassette a Other (please specify): x Fees (check all that apply) a Computer a Telecourse a Lab a Other (please specifiy): Reason(s) for offering this course as a Distance Learning Course: In addition to fulfilling the Living World and Laboratory Science degree requirements, Associate Dean Vice President for Instruction NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE APPROVAL AMENDMENT TO EXISTING COURSE *Complete this form if an already approved class is to be taught using a different delivery mode Course number: BIO 130 Course title: Northwest Ornithology Course Requirements (Expectations of Students) - Must reflect the modality change; what purpose will on-campus meetings (if applicable) serve? How will the modality change affect specific course requirements such as labs, peer-to-peer interaction, or group discussion? There will be an on-campus orientation session during the first week of the quarter. At this session the class web site will be demonstrated and techniques for insuring personal safety on field trips will be discussed. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation - Must reflect the modality change; please specifically address how you will ensure the integrity of the evaluation process. How will the methods used to assess the general education outcomes and course outcomes differ from the methods described in the course outline? Students will complete weekly online quizzes, submit weekly field notes and contribute to the class discussion. WebCT courseware provides a secure environment for testing, interpersonal communications and group discussions. Required Materials and Competencies - Please specify any hardware/software requirements, Internet access needs, and prerequisite computer competencies for the class Students must have regular Internet access and enough computer memory to display graphics and photographs. Supplemental Materials and Competencies similar to the above, but purchase or acquisition is optional A camera is a useful tool for recording the details of the habitats the student visits as well as recording any unusual birds or bird behaviors. A digital camera would allow the student to append their photographs to their field trip reports. _ _ _ North Seattle Community C o l l e g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Math, Science, Social Science Course Establishment Form Outline Effective Date: Spring/04 Division: Math, Social Program/Dept: Biology Credits: 5 Variable: N A Science Course Number: BIO 130 Course Title: Northwest Inst. 11 A CIP: Tran sf er x Fee: 01 fee Online: Computing fee Name of Degree/Certificate: Distribution Requirement for s rirJL(J"lt,,U Transfer Status to 4-year institution: IXX please describe: Course length: No: 1 on campus 25 online 77 44 Prerequisite: Clinical: Other: Yes: If yes, please describe: Course Description: Introductory ornithology course that focuses on the biology and ecology of Northwest bird Page 2 NSCC General Education Learning Outcomes and/or Related Instructional Outcomes (for technical courses) Met by Course: Outcome 1: Think critically in reading and writing Outcome 4: Access, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources and a variety of contexts. Outcome 1 O: Identify and understand fundamental concepts of the physical and life sciences and the effects that the uses of these concepts and resulting on the individual, on and on the biosphere. Additional outcome for online class: Outcome 5: to computer education and Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives: successful able to: of the course, 100 birds found in the student's home range and in of their life birds in each and contrast interactions within and between Describe form and function relationships as they relate to environmental I Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions: Week 1: Diversity Life Week Visual clues clues marks Form and function Body plans have Week 4: Internal Bird Anatomy and Physiology Circulation Respiration Digestion Week 5 Communication Brain and senses Visual communication Vocal communication of birds Annual of fl Week 7. Behavior Socia! behavior Sexual behavior Week 8 and eggs, and young Growth and Parental care Week 9. science Academic science E and threatened Page 4 Course Requirements (Expectations of Students) Passing scores on exams and quizzes Successful completion of laboratory and field activities Active participation as exemplified by field notes and class discussion Students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to listed under "Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives." Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Written or online exams and Final laboratory are assigned to field notes, and for this course. Required Text(s) and/or Materials: As determined lab manual: Manual of u Proctor & Patrick Supplemental Text(s) and/or Materials: As instructor. Outline Developed by: Cauldwell Outline Revised by: E 10/1 me F 1 03
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