SURVEY PACKAGE COVER SHEET Building Information: Survey Type: Reconnaissance Level Characterization Survey Building Type: Type 1 0 Classification: Class 1 I3 Type 2 0 Type 3 class 2 0 Class 3 Contaminants of Concern: Plutonium TvoesofSurvevsReciuired: Alpha El Uranium Beta 0 0 0 0 Unknown Other Gamma Pre-Demolition Survey 0 0 0 ___ Justification for Classification: Area has been decontaminated and surveyed previously, it is not expected that contamination greater than the DCGLw will exist Special Support Requirements: A heated instrument storage location will need to be placed in B707.Natural lighting may not illuminate some areas of survey unit - temperature and/or Lighting set-up required for these areas as needed. IlSpecial Safety Requirements: Isolation Controls: LEVEL10 LEVEL2M No use, storage, or movement of radioactive material, with the exception of N l a instrument check sources, is permitted in this survey unit. /I Comments: TSA and removable measurments are only required where elevated readings are found by scanning or where media samples are obtainec Labeling Requirements:' Survey area surfaces shall be labeled per the attached survey map(s). All areas surveyed will be marked on the surveyed surface with indelible ink pen or equivilant. (PRO-475-RSP-16.01, effective 05/22/01) SURVEY PACKAGE SURVEY/SAMPLING INSTRUCTION FORM I Minimum SurveyISamplingMeasurement Requirements NO-second count time required / a - 4-.”# ignature Date I ’erform scans in accordance with the attached Flow chart. Jote: All locations are denoted on survey package survey map. , lignature (PRO-475-RSP-16.0 1, effective 05/22/01) a Date Page 1 of 2 SCAN AND INVESTIGATION METHODS WITH SELECTED INSTRUMENTS Continue scan Pause over area for 3 seconds 'L: Continue scan Document results, continue scan. Radiological Engineer will evaluate survey data to verify square meter average is less than 100 dpm/ 1OOcm2 \ Page 2 of 2 Investigation Method with DP6 (verify no areas >300 dpm/100cm2) (Alpha) =- 60 gross cpm. _--I NOTE: Area may be sealed and allowed to decay to eliminate shortlived radon daughters or isotopic analysis may be used to identify radionuclide(s) present. Contact Radiological Engineering for specific guidance. I I I i I I NO Investigation Complete. to DOE added I I I I I Investigation Complete. Decon. Required. d p d l 0 0 cm2? Collect additional 60-second measurements grid, if required by Rad Engineering YES Complete. SURVEY PACKAGE CORRECTION/CHANGE HISTORY FORM \ (PRO-475-RSP- 16.0 , effective 05/22/01) ---+-.-br . , L7---++ I$ +;--, RADIOLOGICAL CLOSEOUT SURVEY FOR THE 707 CLUSTER SurveyArea: C survey Unit: 707030A Classification: 2 Building: 707 Survey Unit Description: First floor (B Module walls and ceiling) iI : ; -: RADIOLOGICAL CLOSEOUT SURVEY FOR THE 707 CLUSTER SurveyArea: C Survey Unit: 707030A Classlflcation: 2 Building: 707 Survey Unit Description: First floor (B Module walls and celling) op*l-A”. ILI d . 3 1-ia Random Set 707030 LEGEND: C-NA= UNPAINTED CEILING X-NA=> NUMBER OF SAMPLES REQUIRED REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE ON PAGE 4 Note 1: Moved due to inaccessiblity page 1 12/6/04 ~ ~~ ~ ' Random Set . 707030 LEGEND: C-NA= UNPAINTED CEILING X-NA=> NUMBER OF SAMPLES REQUIRED REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE ON PAGE 4 Note 1: Moved due to inaccessiblity page 2 12/6/04 Random Set 707030 LEGEND: C-NA= UNPAINTED CEILING X-NA=> NUMBER OF SAMPLES REQUIRED REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE ON PAGE 4 Note 1: Moved due to inaccessiblity page 3 12/6/04 Random Set 707030 LEGEND: ' C-NA= UNPAINTED CEILING X-NA=> NUMBER OF SAMPLES REQUIRED REVIEWED B Note 1: Moved due to inaccessiblity page 4 12/6/04 13 I r -- 9 \ 100% survey, Less than Survey Date rz/os/& Instrument Model Inst. Serial # Survey Type' uEc;rRc, 438 s 300 dpm/i00cm2 ( Yes or Block# 3f5 No) Y&5 \ N4 - 1 S I Instrument ,rC" L/ 8 a c RCT Supervision Printed Name - 1 Survev TvDe: s = scan only I = Investigation 7 0 100% survey, Less than 300 dpm/100cm2 ( Yes Survey zoe 5 Employee U L.' Areas greater than 300 dpd100cm2 will be documented on the investigation documentation sheet sheet. RCT Supervision Signature . - , -* 4 P"p*TABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT WORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.014 9 r (Alpha only) INST. TYF'EISERIAL #: PROBES/N: Beta Aipha ELECTRA / CAL.DUE DATE: BLDG. 70 mange, Z ~ t M'd w (INsmmim EFFICIENCY: 2 /, 7 / N/A ) This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional epair or service are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. TIME/ DATE Rev 04/01 IN CAL C:UnstrumentForms\Covers\Ele&ra.doc BATT SAT COUNT TYPE Page 1' BKG (cpm) INSTRUMENT FLUSHIREREADING CHARGE * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form I I =L RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No .); (Circle One) Source (dpm): Range (cpm) f: 15%: 2 I ) U 1 !4/6? SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): Approved by: RS Supervision . Name (print) Range (cpm) f 20%: I 367( (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): NIA J<W* 683/4s-NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle one) NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA N/A %Error= ( I Z Signhue (Net cprn + eff) Date . Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source,count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination suivey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 Page 2 x (100) ]Net corn = Source cDm - Backmound cDm I GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location o Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart s o u z for the instiument being tested. 0 A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * Source dpm I Where * - Source dpm ' Q PQRTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT,nTRFORMANCETEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01 (Alpha only) INST. TYPEBERIAL #: PROBE S/N: ELECTRA I 20 6% Alpha +bf3 BLDG. CAL. DUE DATE: 01-)9-DhSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: (Range, 2 2 b 3- 707 ' 17 &eta I 1.3063 ) repair or servicc are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. TIME1 DATE BATT SAT Yes No IN CAL Yes No COUNT TYPE BKG (cpm) INSTRUMENT FLUSWREREADING CHARGE (Net cpm) (NIA if not gas prop. det.) ioos 12-l/-0y 2000 12-lf -e+ I / Beta NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Alpha I Beta NIA , AlDha ~ ~~~~ Beta N/A . " AlDha Beta NIA Alpha Beta MDha NIA I Beta Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\Covers\Electra.doc Page 1 I I NIA I 4 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the fofm NIA I v Y RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG I SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(SfN)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: 2 Z b Source (dpm): I 227 5 b-a0/3S 3 ' 217 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): N/A N/A / 306 3 ICSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) k 20%: N/A CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A N/A I Approved by: RS Supervision. %Error- (Net cpm +e#) z--@/ez I * * Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 - Page - Source dpm x (100) Source dpm I ' PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG ?3 RSFORMS-02.01-04 (Alpha only) INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: PROBE S/N: ELECTRA I m 3 Alpha 397 7> BLDG. CAL. DUE DATE: (z(2z(o4INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: 70 mange, 2232 / I 2\ 4 Beta I NIA 3O\c\ 3 This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional epair or service a TIME/ IN BATT COUNT BKG INSTRUMENT DATE CAL Yes No SAT Yes No TYPE (cpm) READING (Net cpm) Rev 04101 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 FLUSWRECHARGE (N/A if not gas * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)l(Sn\r)l(Registy No.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) +_ 15%: z?z Source (dpm): \2!x2.5 , .2// SOURCE ISOTOPE @eta) ', I Source(dpm): T S 269Z N/A N/A N/A CertificationDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA N/A NIA %Error= Approved by: Name (print) SigndKuure (Net cpm-ceff) -Source dpm . . Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceppble range (t 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contaminationsurvey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 x (100) Net cpm = Source cpm - Background cpm GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument data and.building location is recorded Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for 0 0 A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as.applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable . Source dpm . Date Where * * ,. 2626 . 30 \? (CSL)/(S/N)/(RegistryNo.): Range (cpm) f 20%: CertificationIDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) . .. . Page 2 RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) Source (dpm): Range (cpm) k 15%: 32s /ys7p 373P 271:2- CerCificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA CertificationDxay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A *t%. SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): N/A N/A (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) +- 20%: N/A N/A %Error= Name (print) Date Signature . .. ,. , . ..._. .. . GUIDANCE: : e The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. .. ' e Obtain an approprjate certified source or decay chart source for the instruinent.peing.tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument €or the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables,and instrument * Instrument batterylpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable , , : ~ Where ... . .. , (Net cpm +.e#) , % * * ., . .. ' Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (5 15%of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 Page 2 Source dprn x (100) 1 (Net cDm = Source cDm - Backmound c ~ r n ' I - Source dpm j I VIN VIN VIN n I ' - VIN VIN VIN VIN VIN I VIN VIN VIN VIN .LLV0 RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG \ \ SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: &tf-31L 3 Source (dpm): L v .F 7p C W P - Y'64c7 CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A 2/7 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): Approved by: RS Supervision: Name (print) * * N/A NIA (CSL)/(S/N)I(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: NIA NIA ,' JT@. /oEy L]OSignaftire . i %Error= (Net cpm+efl) -Source dpm Date .. Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (f 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04101 Page 2 Source dpm x (100) a3 -0 RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG t (Alpha only) INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: PROBE S / N : ,a 79 ELECTRA / Alpha 3 9 77 BLDG. 70 c a .DUE DATE&/>< (Range, 223 3 I 3Oa-O INSTRUMENT ~ m c m c Y r7/: : ~3 Beta / N/A ) This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas detector. Instruments that require additional - proDortiona1 - . Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form \ \ RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(SM)/(Registry No.): Source (dpm): 12; 37s- ' .?/f SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): (Circle One) Range(cpm)+,15%: NIA 2 a33-3030 (CSL)l(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: N/A 7s 2 672 I . NIA N/A CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A ' Approved by: %Error= SigKture Name (print) Date ( N e t cprn + eff) lNet cpm = Source cpm - Background cpm GUIDANCE: The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the foliowing: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument battery/power supply,check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable I * e Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (* 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey'instrument with signature-upon completion. . . Rev 04/01 , Paoe 3. Source dprn ' Where * - Source dpm - bo PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01-04 (Alpha only) INST. TYPE/SERIAL #: PROBE SM: ELECTRA / /o /A6 6 BLDG. 70 c a .D mD A T E : + + mange, J7f3 I m s T R w mEmcmcY: Alpha Beta J A 7 43 N/A 3l7 / This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional / Rev 04/01 C:Unstnunent Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form e, e9 RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) t 15%: 97r7 3/? Range (cpm) Source (dpm): /r's - 7p ..a/? SOURCE iSOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): NIA NIA fl@&b/ NIA . ,I/. NIA . a0- SiGature CertificationtDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA Range (cpm) f 2 0 % @ 3 .L Name (print) NIA Ld (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): ?9 Approved by: RS Supervision CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) %Error= 1 , Date . L Where Rev 04101 (Net cpmt-eff) -Source dpm x (100) Source dprn Page 2 Net cpm = Source cpm - Background cprn ' - PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT D-F;I,RFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.01-~* - 0. Alpha INST. TYPUSERIAL #: ELECTRA / [??o PROBESN: 3r2d BLDG. cK.D m D A m : Y-zs-85 70 2 9 ~ ~ T R U M E NE TF F I C ~ C Y : / .3 'j -La N/A mange, ZLLL/-.Z&-I This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportlond detector. Instruments that requlre additional are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. IN BATT CAL SAT Yes No Yes No COUNT TYPE BKG (cpm) INSTRUMENT READING (Net CPm) N/A Rev 04/01 NIA C:Unstrument Forms\Covers\Electra.doc Page 1 ' * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form YVK'I'ABLESCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02a 0 1-04 4 SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) 3/C\ Source (dpm). Range (cpm) k 15%: . 7( SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) I (b$S? 4 Source (dprn): At5 - 7&7/ Rev 04/01 N/A Certification/Decay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A - ( CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) f 20%: N/A Approved by: Name (print) CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) %Error= , Signature Date Page A (Net cprnGeff) -Source dpm x (100) PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT Dr;l,RFORMANCETEST LOG (Alpha only) INST. TYPEKERIAL #: ELECTRA / ' RSFORMS-02.01-" PClpha 712 d CAL. DUE DATE: Y-Z5/35 INSTRUMENT EFFICIENCY: -2 11 9 L. / N/A This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional Y Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\CoversElectra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): (Circle One) Source (dpm): Range (cpm) f 15%: Iq77 { I SOURCE ISOTOPE @eta) 4 6 B814f TIL\ . 363/ N/A NIA CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) NIA - (bL5-Y ( 3L9 Source (dpm): CertificationIDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) Range (cpm) k 20%: Approved by: Name (pnnt) %Error= Date Signature Where GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument.dataand building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. 0 Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. , A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: . . . . . * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument . .. _. ** Instrument checkas is applicable satisfactoj ,.: . Instrument battery/power audio check is supply satisfactory, ;, ...:.. 0 (Ner cprn t e f f ) - Source dpm x (100) Source dpm - Net cpm = Source cpm Background cpm . ' i' .. * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * * Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count) Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. Rev 04/01 Page ... . A ., * b 3 Pr 'ABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT (Alpha only) 'LFORMANCE TEST LOG RSFORMS-02.014' Alpha ) Beta This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require additional epair or servicc are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. TIME/ DATE IN CAL, Yes No y-3 -8 y Rev 04/01 C:Unstrument Forms\Covers\Electra.doc RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG \ SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(S/N)/(RegistryNo.): (Circle One) Range (cpm) f 15%: a 7 1 Source (dpm): \ &k 7 Ef SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): I N/A N/A L FG I 4 a-3612 (CSL)/(S/N)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) k 15%: CertificationlDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) . NIA N/A CertificationDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested: 0 A general inspection is performed on the instrument.for the following: . * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument battery/power supply check is satisfactory .. * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable 0 . , i . . Instrument background response check is within tolerances of expected vahes (typically 1 minute count) Instrument correctedsource count reading falls within an acceptable range (f- 15% of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. .Page 2 I N/A Net cpm = Source cpm - Background cpm , ' 1 N/A ' Where * .* ' ~ w 4 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG (Alpha only) INST. TYPEISERIAL #: ELECTRA / /o PROBE S f N : Alpha / x6 BLDG. 70 RSFORMS-02.01-04 (Range, 3713 Beta /a) This form is used to record parameters noted during daily performance checks on NE Electra, Bicron Frisk-Tech, Portable instruments with gas proportional detector. Instruments that require addltional repair or service are returned to Instrumentation Repair Facility. I TIME/ IN CAL Yes No Rev 04/01 ~ C:Unstrument Forms\Covers\Electra.doc Page 1 * Guidance for use of this form is located on the back of the form \ . .- % RSFORMS-02.01-04 PORTABLE SCALER CONTAMINATION INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE TEST LOG SOURCE ISOTOPE (Alpha): PU-239 (CSL)/(SM)/(Registry No.): &Au (Circle One) Range(cpm)k 15%: a 7 1 1 - 3 / 9 L - 3G7/ 7) Source (dpm): &?? SOURCE ISOTOPE (Beta) Source (dpm): N/A (CSL)/(SM)/(Registry No.): Range (cpm) k 20%: N/A N/A Certificatioflecay Chart Date: (Circle One) N/A NIA Approved by: RS Supervision: Name (print) CertificatiodDecay Chart Date: (Circle One) YoError= e Signature Date GUIDANCE: 0 The appropriate instrument data and building location is recorded on RSFORMS-02.01-04. 0 Obtain an appropriate certified source or decay chart source for the instrument being tested. 0 A general inspection is performed on the instrument for the following: * Physical condition of the detector, cables, and instrument * Instrument batterytpower supply check is satisfactory * Instrument audio check is satisfactory, as applicable * Instrument light leak check is satisfactory, as applicable * 0 Source dpm ‘-(Net cpm = Source cpm - Background cpm & Instrument background response check,is within tolerances of expected values (typically 1 minute count), Instrument corrected source count reading falls within an acceptable range (k 15%of source value typically using a 1 minute count) Performance test data is recorded (as applicable) to each portable contamination survey instrument with signature upon completion. ”\ Rev 04/01 x (100) I Where * (Net cpm + eff ) - Source dpm Page 2 I . . . 's\4 ' && Le- 0, - 7 G- ir Comments 1 Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-16.01. cffcclivc 05nUOl) ? m- Supervisor (signature) I /lJkb,y. Date .. _ . .. . .. . . &<-,A *e O b .. . .. 49 .. .. . . _ . . . . . . . I ' . . . . . .. . $ . . .. \ 0 7 7 G?/dkZ Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-16.0I , effectiveOSRzlOl) Supervisor (signature) Date . . .. Gr;J 3k . . . . ' -. . ,. - . .. L . . I - e - -.- ---- . . -. .. . . . ... . .. . .. . ! I ’! , P Comments . j - CmdeL Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-I 6.0 I , cffcctivc OShUO I ) /A/&/ Date I - . . .. <y f dp, J i . . . '.._ ::, +Y . . . . J .. . . .. Comments Supervisor (print) (PRO.47S-RSP- I6 0 1, cffczuvc 05/22/0 I) Date . . ... . . . . -* 33 .. a Supervisor (print) CpRO-475-RSP-16.01, effective OSR2/01) .. Comments J-wbA Supervisor (print) pR0-47S-RsP-16.0I , cffcztivc OSf22iU I ) ! Supervisor (signature) .. .. 3 6 lComments /@&LE+ Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-16.01. effective OSRDOI) SupervisorGignature) Date I 0 I I ~K--CrnOO-Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-16 01. effective OSfZZ/Ol) 90- Su wisor (signature) lnst # 1 2 Serial # 439B I 4 4 3 4 (PRO-475-RSP- 16.01. affective 05R2H)I) v Cal Due Date Efficiency Commenrs o//2q 105 210 /./A - hlA 3 h .. . . . I . ' Comments Supervisor (print) (€‘RO-475-RSP-16.01. effcctive 05f2,2/01) Supervisor (signature) Date ... . . . .." lcomnents I -,. - \ ,. Comments J<@dwL Supervisor (print) (PRO-475-RSP-16.0 I , effective osmm) .. .. . . c. . . . ’ . .. .. . . .. -. . . i .. .. . .. b . . lnst # 1 Serial # /uz164(6 3 4 SupervisorTprint) PRO-475-RSP-16.01. cffeclivc OSRZiUI) Cal Due Date - - / -A& SupervisG (signature) Comments Efficiency .f ,2/9 P/!! I \/dk ' I Date E \. Comments I Total Surface Act ivitv 707O30A I Dates Counted: 12/6/04 A riori MDA: Av .LocalBk d I Local Bkgd (cpm) (dpd100cm2) . 2.0 3.0 32 2.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 0 9 32 32 . f.
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