SITE VICINITY MAP PLUMBING SYMBOLS HVAC SYMBOLS D CONDENSATE DRAIN SANITARY DRAIN BELOW GRADE RL REFRIGERANT LIQUID SANITARY DRAIN ABOVE GRADE RS REFRIGERANT SUCTION SANITARY VENT RECTANGULAR SUPPLY DUCT UP DOMESTIC COLD WATER RECTANGULAR SUPPLY DUCT DOWN DOMESTIC HOT WATER SHEET INDEX POWER SYMBOLS SINGLE RECEPTACLE GENERAL DUPLEX RECEPTACLE DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE G0 G1 SPECIAL RECEPTACLE # = NEMA CONFIGURATION STRUCTURAL # S0 S1 FLUSH FLOOR DUPLEX RECEPTACLE FLUSH FLOOR MULTI-SERVICE OUTLET SINGLE POLE WALL SWITCH DOMESTIC HOT WATER RECIRC ROUND DUCT UP ROUND DUCT DOWN TEMPERED HOT WATER T RECTANGULAR RETURN DUCT UP NATURAL GAS G SHORT RADIUS 90° ELBOW SQUARE SUPPLY DIFFUSER LONG RADIUS 90° ELBOW SQUARE RETURN DIFFUSER FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK - MAX 5' PIPE TURNED UP RIGID DUCTWORK PIPE TURNED DOWN MANUAL BALANCING DAMPER TEE UP FIRE DAMPER TEE DOWN MOTOR HP RATED SWITCH WITHOUT OVERLOAD PROTECTION TIMECLOCK TC WATER SERVICE W RECTANGULAR RETURN DUCT DOWN m ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 THREE WAY WALL SWITCH 3 P EXTERIOR PHOTOCELL C CONTACTOR R POWER RELAY COVER SHEET PARTIAL PLANS STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES FRAMING PLAN AND DETAILS MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL TWO POLE WALL SWITCH 2 LST Consulting Engineers, PA 1515 10th Street Great Bend, KS MEP MEP MEP MEP SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS DEMOLITION PLANS ROOF PLAN MECHANICAL M1 M2 M3 HVAC PIPING PLANS HVAC PLANS VRFZ PIPING SCHEMATICS CR CONTROL RELAY CS CONTROL SWITCH CT CONTROL TRANSFORMER ELECTRICAL PUSH BUTTON OPERATOR E1 ELECTRICAL PLANS 13396 JUNCTION BOX J 4809 Vue Du Lac Place, Suite 201 Manhattan, Kansas 66503 785.587.8042 FAX 785.587.8039 [email protected] USD 428 Great Bend The use of these instruments of service shall be restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Federal Law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other disposition of these intruments of service without the express written consent of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. All reports, plans, specifications, drawings and other instruments of service contained herein shall remain the property of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. Riley Elementary School HVAC Improvements MOTOR FD MOTORIZED DAMPER D DISCONNECT SWITCH ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER PROJECT LOCATION MAP SD RD FSD SHORT RADIUS 45° ELBOW SMOKE DAMPER 13074 BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD, SURFACE MOUNTED TEE RADIATION DAMPER Project Number: VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE UNIT Date: BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARD, FLUSH MOUNTED COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER CO CLEANOUT February 3, 2014 DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARD US-281/MAIN ST DISTRIBUTION SWITCH GEAR (FLOOR MOUNTED) WALL GRILLE (SUPPLY OR RETURN) PIPE REDUCER T THERMOSTAT (DASHED LINE=GUARD) GATE VALVE T TEMPERATURE SENSOR BALL VALVE CONTROL CABLE, VERIFY TYPE WITH EQUIPMENT STRAINER Drawn By: LST FIRE ALARM SYMBOLS INITIATING CIRCUIT Z US-56/HWY-156/10TH ST CONSULTANTS DUCT MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL MANUFACTURER SMOKE DETECTOR RILEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1515 10TH ST AD CIRCUIT AND RACEWAY SYMBOLS GRILLE/DIFFUSER TAG XX X XX TOP: DEVICE TAG (SEE SCHEDULE) ## ## MIDDLE: NECK SIZE BOTTOM: AIRFLOW CIRCUIT DESIGNATION: TOP INDICATES PANEL OF CIRCUIT ORIGIN BOTTOM INDICATES CIRCUIT NUMBER Great Bend USD 428 HOMERUN - WIRING TO PANEL OF CIRCUIT ORIGIN PARTIAL HOMERUN - WIRING TO PANEL OF CIRCUIT ORIGIN CONDUIT CONCEALED IN WALL OR ABOVE CEILING CONDUIT BELOW GRADE OR EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE GENERAL SYMBOLS CONDUIT EXPOSED OVERHEAD LINE VOLTAGE CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS SHORT = HOT/TRACER/SWITCH LEG CONDUCTOR LONG = NEUTRAL (GROUNDED) CONDUCTOR CURVED = GROUNDING (BONDING) CONDUCTOR DETAIL REFERENCE DETAIL NUMBER # ## CONDUIT STUB OUT WITH NYLON END BUSHING SHEET NUMBER CONDUIT TURNED UP ELEVATION REFERENCE CONDUIT TURNED DOWN DETAIL NUMBER # EMT CONDUIT SLEEVE WITH NYLON END BUSHINGS ## GROUNDING CONNECTION SHEET NUMBER SECTION CUT SYMBOL MODIFYING DESIGNATORS DETAIL NUMBER # CLG CEILING MOUNTED • FLUSH MOUNTED IN SUSPENDED CEILINGS • SURFACE MOUNTED TO STRUCTURE ABOVE IN OPEN CEILINGS CT MOUNT BOTTOM OF DEVICE AT 6" ABOVE COUNTERTOP GFI GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTING DEVICE NL NIGHTLIGHT WIRED TO UNSWITCHED HOT CONDUCTOR WP PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE FOR DEVICE XX" MOUNTING HEIGHT OF DEVICE ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ## SHEET NUMBER KEYED PLAN NOTE # # REVISION NOTE 1515 10th St. Great Bend, KS 67530 BSE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, LLC 9911 PFLUMN ROAD LENEXA, KS 66215 913-492-7400 ACCESS DOOR (AP=ACCESS PANEL) HIETZER ST HUBBARD ST HOLLAND ST BAKER AVE 90° ELBOW WITH TURNING VANES KANSAS AVE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER REMOTE TEST/AUDIBLE ALARM FOR DUCT DETECTOR T Riley Grade School HVAC Improvements 9TH ST ELEVATION CONNECT TO EXISTING. FIELD VERIFY LOCATION & MATERIAL OF EXISTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS A ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ABOVE FINISH GRADE ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE STYRENE PIPE AIR CONDITIONING AIR HANDLING UNIT ALTERNATING CURRENT ALUMINUM AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AMPERE ANALOG INPUT ANALOG OUTPUT ARCHITECT or ARCHITECTURAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION AUTOMATIC TRANSFORMER SWITCH AFF AFG ABS A/C AHU AC AL ANSI ASME AWG ADA AMP or A AI AO ARCH AHJ ATS B BELOW CEILING BELOW GRADE BINARY INPUT BINARY OUTPUT BOOT WASH BRITISH THERMAL UNIT BTUs PER HOUR BUILDING BC BG BI BO BW BTU BTUH BLDG C CABLE TELEVISION CAPACITY CATV CAP CATEGORY CEILING MOUNT CELSIUS CHILLED WATER CHILLED WATER RETURN CHILLED WATER SUPPLY CIRCUIT BREAKER CLEANOUT CLOTHES WASHER CONNECTION BOX COLD WATER (DOMESTIC) COMMON CONCRETE CONDENSING UNIT CONDUIT CONDUIT ONLY (WITH PULL STRING) COPPER COUNTER TOP CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE PIPE CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CUBIC YARD CAT CLG C CHW CHWR CHWS CB CO CCB CW C CONC CU C CO CU CT PEX CFM CU YD D DEPTH or DEEP DIRECT CURRENT DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL DIRECT EXPANSION DISCONNECT SWITCH DISH WASHER DRINKING FOUNTAIN DRY BULB D DC DDC DX DS DW DF DB E ELECTRIC or ELECTRICAL E or ELEC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER ELECTRIC HEATER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE ENTERING WATER TEMPERATURE EQUIPMENT EXHAUST EXHAUST AIR EXHAUST FAN EXHAUST GRILLE EXISTING EXISTING TO REMAIN EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE EWC EH EC EMT EAT EWT EQUIP EXH EA EF EG EXIST ETR ESP F FAHRENHEIT FAN COIL UNIT FEET FEET PER MINUTE FIBER OPTIC CABEL FINISH FLOOR CLEAN OUT FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE CLEAN OUT FIRE ALARM FLEXIBLE METALLIC CONDUIT FLOOR DRAIN FLOOR SINK F FCU FT FPM FOC FFCO FG FGCO FA FMC FD FS GPM GRC G GA GC GPS GFCI GFGI GEC G GFI GFPE H HANDHOLE HEATING HEATING WATER RETURN HEATING WATER SUPPLY HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE CONDUIT HORSEPOWER HOT GAS RE-HEAT HOT WATER (DOMESTIC) HOT WATER HEATER HOT WATER PUMP HOT WATER RECIRC. (DOMESTIC) HOUR HH HTG HR HS HDPE HP HGRH HW HWH HWP HWR HR K G GALLON GALLONS PER FLUSH GALLONS PER HOUR GALLONS PER MINUTE GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT GAS GAUGE GENERAL CONTRACTOR GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM GOVERNMENT FURNISHED/CONTRACTOR INSTALLED GOVERNMENT FURNISHED/GOVERNMENT INSTALLED GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GROUNDING (BONDING) CONDUCTOR GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER GROUND FAULT PROTECTION FOR EQUIPMENT GAL GPF GPH KELVIN KILOWATT K KW L LAUNDRY TUB LAVATORY LEAVING AIR TEMPERATURE LEAVING WATER TEMPERATURE LIGHTING LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT LT LAV LAT LWT LTG LFMC M KCMIL (THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILLS) MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER MAIN LUG ONLY MANHOLE MANUFACTURER MAXIMUM MAXIMUM OVERCURRENT PROTECTION MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MINIMUM MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPACITY NEMA RATED MOTOR STARTER MOUNTED MULTIMODE MCM MCB MLO MH MANUF MAX MOCP MC MIN MCA MS MTD MM NORMALLY CLOSED NORMALLY OPEN NORTH NOT APPLICABLE NOT TO SCALE O ON CENTER OUTDOOR AIR OUTSIDE DIAMETER OUTSIDE PLANT CABLE OVERHEAD O.C. OA OD OSP OH P PASSIVE INFRARED PHASE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CONDUIT POUNDS POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE PULL BOX N NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NFPA 70) NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURER'S ASSOC. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY NATURAL GAS NEUTRAL (GROUNDED) CONDUCTOR NOMINAL NON FUSED NC NO N N/A NTS PIR PH OR Ø PVC PVC LBS PSI PRV PB R NEC RECEPTACLE NEMA REQUIRED NFPA RETURN AIR NRTL RETURN GRILLE G or NAT GAS ROOF TOP UNIT REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE N NOM NF RCPT REQ'D RA RG RTU RPM S SENSIBLE SERVICE ENTRANCE SWITCHBOARD SERVICE SINK SHOWER SINGLE MODE SINGLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW SPECIFICATIONS SQUARE FEET STRAND SUPPLY AIR SUPPLY DIFFUSER SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR SENS SES SS SH SM SPDT SPEC SQ FT or SF ST SA SD SPD T TAMPERPROOF ENCLOSURE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM TELEPHONE TELEVISION TEMPERATURE (CHANGE IN) TEMPERATURE/PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CONTROL CONTRACTOR THOUSAND BTUs PER HOUR TOTAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSION TYPICAL TP TR T TV TEMP ( ∆T) T/P TC MBH TOT TVSS TYP U UNDERGROUND UNDERWRITERS LABRATORIES UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE UG UL UPS UNO UTP V VENT BELOW SLAB VENT THROUGH ROOF VENTILATION FAN VOLT-AMPERES VOLTS VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT VBS VTR VF VA V VAC Revisions: W WALL HYDRANT WASH TUB WATER CLOSET WATER COLUMN (in inches) WATER SERVICE WATT(S) WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURE WET BULB WIRE WAY WITH WH WT WC "WC W W WP WB WW W/ Title: COVER SHEET X TRANSFORMER XFMR Sheet Number: G0 DOWN UP 219 4 4 218 163 4 2 # 4 4 3 ± 44" 2 3 4 161 1. PROVIDE NEW PARTITION TO ENCLOSE DUCTWORK CONSISTING OF HIGH ABUSE 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD OVER 3-5/8" METAL STUDS AT MAXIMUM 16" O.C. FINISH AND PAINT TO MATCH EXISTING CORRIDOR WALL. PROVIDE RUBBER BASE, COLOR SELECTED BY OWNER. EXTEND WALL UP THRU EXISTING CEILING AND ANCHOR TO STRUCTURE ABOVE. 2. 24"X24" ACCESS DOOR FOR FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER. 3. REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL EXISTING FIRE RATED LAY-IN CEILING AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR SCOPE OF WORK. REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL LIGHTS AS NECESSARY. 4. REMOVE AND RE-INSTALL EXISTING LAY-IN CEILING AS REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS FOR SCOPE OF WORK. 5. CONCRETE PAD FOR HEAT PUMP. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS. 6. MINIMUM 3" CRUSHED GRAVEL OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC INSIDE FENCE. 7. 8 FOOT HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH ROUND, GALVANIZED POSTS. PROVIDE 36" LOCKABLE GATE AT LOCATION DIRECTED BY OWNER. 1 ± 32" 4 PLAN NOTES BY SYMBOL 217 215 4 216 4 162 4 18'-0" 214 160 4 213 42" 5 36" 6 13396 159 4 4 42" 16'-0" 36" 4 Project Number: 13074 Date: 12'-6" February 3, 2014 36" Drawn By: 7 4 211 4 LST 4 4 157 3 3 4 4 156 210 4 4 4 4 207 154 18'-0" 36" 42" 12'-6" 5 42" 10'-0" 7 6 205 4 4 153 206 4 104 106 4 4 4 3 4 101 203 Revisions: 4 3 3 ± 22" 4 4 4 4 4 204 152 4 202 DOWN 4 UP 4 4 ± 30" 1 2 151 107 Title: 4 4 4 Partial Floor Plans Sheet Number: 1 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" 2 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" KEY PLAN G1 15050.06 Manufacturer's names are intended to establish type and quality of items to be provided via the contract.The materials, products, and equipment described in the specifications or on the drawings establish a standard of required function, dimension, appearance, and quality to be met by any proposed substitution. Listing of these manufacturers shall in no way be construed as a device intended to limit the bidders to those specifically listed. 15050.07 Electrical Characteristics for Mechanical Equipment: Equipment of higher electrical characteristics may be furnished provided such proposed equipment is approved in writing and connecting electrical services, circuit breakers, and conduit sizes are appropriately modified. If minimum energy ratings or efficiencies are specified, equipment shall comply with requirements. 15050.08 The Drawings are schematic only and are not intended to show the exact routing of piping, ductwork, etc. Final determination of routing shall be made at the jobsite, in coordination with other trades. 15050.09 Install all equipment in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 15050.10 All work under this contract shall conform to the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal code requirements. If compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. 15050.11 All components, accessories, and installation required for a complete mechanical installation shall be provided. Where materials or labor are required for completion of a system, such material or labor shall be included as if fully specified herein. 15050.12 Periodically during construction and prior to Owner acceptance of the building, Contractor shall remove from the premises and dispose of all packing material and debris related to work performed under this Division. 15050.13 Before submitting his bid, the Contractor shall visit the actual location of the job and shall fully understand the scope of the work to be done and the conditions under which it is to be performed. 15050.14 The Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible for locating and setting his own pipe sleeves, and be well aware of the job progress to avoid unnecessary delay for setting of same. 15050.15 The Mechanical Contractor shall do all excavating and backfilling necessary to complete work under this contract. Lines shall be used to lay out the trenches for underground work. Trenches shall be of sufficient width and shall be cribbed or braced to prevent cave in or settlement. Trenches close to walls and columns of the building shall not be excavated without the Architect's prior consent. The bottoms of trenches shall be tamped hard and graded to secure the required fall before laying pipe. Bell holes shall be excavated so the pipe will rest on solid ground for its entire length. Hand backfill and tamp backfill into place at sides of pipes, leaving tops and joints exposed until pipe runs have been tested and approved. 15050.16 Notify the Engineer of errors, discrepancies, or omissions in the drawings and specifications before construction or fabrication of affected work, or failing such notice, be responsible for correction of such work without cost to the Owner, Architect, or Engineer. 15010.17 Provide Shop Drawings for the following equipment. Mechanical equipment listed below shall not be ordered or installed until shop drawings have been submitted and reviewed. Shop Drawings shall include product data indicating performance, dimensions, finish/color and configuration. Include all accessories and installed components. VRFZ System & Components Energy Recovery Units (ERVs) Electric Heaters Air Devices Fire/Smoke Dampers SECTION 15060 PIPE AND FITTINGS 15060.01 Above Grade Condensate Piping: A. Type L hard copper pipe with sweat type fittings and 50/50 solder shall be used for all discharge pipe from relief valves, condensate drain, and non-potable domestic water piping. 15060.02 Gas Piping A. Gas piping shall be installed as shown with all buried piping a minimum of 24" cover. B. Provide a gas valve, union and dirt leg at each equipment connection. C. Gas piping shall be schedule 40 black steel with threaded fittings and jpints for piping 2" and smaller, welded fittings and joints for piping 2-1/2" and larger SECTION 15080 MECHANICAL INSULATION 15080.01 Insulate all condensate piping with ½" thick "Armacell Armaflex" or equivalent pipe insulation 15080.02 Vapor barrier shall be provided on cold water piping. Vapor barrier shall be continuous throughout piping system with all openings sealed. Fitting insulation on pipe requiring same shall receive a 1 mil aluminum foil barrier sandwiched between two coats of #1C501 vapor barrier mastic. 15080.03 Insulation on all ERV supply and exhaust ductwork is not required. 15080.04 Insulate all refrigerant piping per Section 15671. SECTION 15140 PIPING SUPPORTS, ANCHORS AND SEALS 15140.01 Provide pipe sleeves, hangers and supports. 15140.02 Pipe shall be securely supported from structure. Hangers shall be provided where required. No plastic hangers or straps shall be used. 15140.03 Pipe sleeves will be required in all pipe penetrations through exterior walls and floors. Sleeves shall be Schedule 5 steel pipe, field fabricated from minimum 16 gauge steel with 2" overlap at the seam. 15140.04 Space between sleeves and pipes in outside walls shall be filled or tightly caulked with oakum, butyl rubber, link seals or other approved equally effective material to resist the penetration of water. Pipe sleeve shall be sufficient diameter to provide approximately 1/2" clearance around pipe, and in the case of insulated pipe, approximately 1/2" around insulation. 15140.05 Sleeves shall be set no closer than three pipe diameters center to center, be set 3/4" past all wall surfaces, and securely anchored to the wall. 15140.06 Hanger and support spacing for horizontal steel and copper piping shall not exceed the following: PIPE SIZE STEEL PIPE COPPER PIPE 1/2" - 1-1/4" 7' 5' 1-1/2" - 2" 9' 6' 2-1/2" - 3" 11' 10' 15140.07 Soil, waste, vent and drain pipe shall have a minimum of one hanger per pipe section at the joints and at changes in direction and branch connections. 15140.08 Spacing of supports and braces for exposed vertical piping shall not exceed the hanger spacing specified for horizontal pipe, unless otherwise indicated. SECTION 15671 - VARIABLE REFRIGERANT FLOW ZONING SYSTEM (VRFZ) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide labor and equipment, materials and transportation to receive, install and put into operation complete VRFZ equipment and systems as specified, scheduled, shown, detailed or implied in the Project Documents. B. Provide accessories required for the equipment to function properly and safely for the service intended. 1.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: A. The variable capacity, heat pump heat recovery air conditioning system design is a Mitsubishi Electric CITY MULTI VRFZ (Variable Refrigerant Flow Zoning). The CITY MULTI VRFZ systems shall be the R2-Series (simultaneous cooling and heating) split system heat pump. B. The R2-Series system shall consist of a PURY outdoor unit, BC (Branch Circuit) Controller, multiple indoor units, and M-NET DDC (Direct Digital Controls). Each indoor unit or group of indoor units shall be capable of operating in any mode independently of other indoor units or groups. System shall be capable of changing mode (cooling to heating, heating to cooling) with no interruption to system operation. Each indoor unit or group of indoor units shall be independently controlled. The sum of connected capacity of all indoor air handlers shall range from 80% to 110% of outdoor rated heating capacity. 1.03 SYSTEM MANUFACTURER: A. Manufacturer shall be Mitsubishi, as represented by KS Trane/Knipp Equipment of Wichita. Please contact Tim Berends or Ed Lange at 316/265-9655 for information. 1.04 REFRIGERANT AND OIL: A. Furnish an adequate supply of refrigerant and oil, and maintain refrigerant and oil in the system in proper quantities for one year warranty period from the date of acceptance by the Owner. Any source of leakage necessitating addition of refrigerant or oil during warranty period shall be found and corrected. B. Refrigerant or oil lost or contaminated during the warranty period shall be provided without additional charge for both labor and material. 1.05 WARRANTY: A. All systems shall be: 1. Designed by a certified CITY MULTI Diamond Designer. 2. Installed by a contractor that has successfully completed the Mitsubishi Electric three day service course. B. Unit Cabinet: 1. The casing(s) shall be fabricated of galvanized steel, bonderized and finished. Units cabinets shall be able to withstand 960 hours per ASTM B117 criteria for seacoast protected models (-BS models) C. Fan: 1. Each outdoor unit module shall be furnished with direct drive, variable speed propeller type fan(s). The fan shall be factory set for operation under 0 in. WG external static pressure, but capable of normal operation under a maximum of 0.24 in. WG external static pressure via dipswitch. 2. All fan motors shall have inherent protection, have permanently lubricated bearings, and be completely variable speed. 3. All fan motors shall be mounted for quiet operation. 4. All fans shall be provided with a raised guard to prevent contact with moving parts. 5. The outdoor unit shall have vertical discharge airflow. D. Refrigerant 1. R410A refrigerant shall be required for PURY-P-T/Y(S)JMU-A outdoor unit systems. E. Coil: 1. The outdoor coil shall be of nonferrous construction with lanced or corrugated plate fins on copper tubing. 2. The coil fins shall have a factory applied corrosion resistant blue-fin finish. 3. The coil shall be protected with an integral metal guard. 4. Refrigerant flow from the outdoor unit shall be controlled by means of an inverter driven compressor. 5. The outdoor coil shall include 4 circuits with two position valves for each circuit, except for the last stage. 6. Outdoor coils shall be provided with hoods & screens for adequate protection from hail and vandalism. F. Compressor: 1. Each outdoor unit module shall be equipped with one inverter driven scroll hermetic compressor. Non inverter-driven compressors shall not be allowed. 2. A crankcase heater(s) shall be factory mounted on the compressor(s). 3. The outdoor unit compressor shall have an inverter to modulate capacity. The capacity shall be completely variable with a turndown of 19%-5% of rated capacity, depending upon unit size. 4. The compressor will be equipped with an internal thermal overload. 5. The compressor shall be mounted to avoid the transmission of vibration. 6. Field-installed oil equalization lines between modules are not allowed. Prior to bidding, manufacturers requiring equalization must submit oil line sizing calculations specific to each system and module placement for this project. G. Electrical: 1. The outdoor unit shall be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of 414-506V (460V/60Hz). 2. The outdoor unit shall be controlled by integral microprocessors. 3. The control circuit between the indoor units, BC Controller and the outdoor unit shall be 24VDC completed using a 2-conductor, twisted pair shielded cable to provide total integration of the system. H. NOTE to Installing Contractor: Outdoor units will require a field fabricated stand to allow for water draining away from unit. Height of stand is 18 inches above grade. 2.02 BRANCH CIRCUIT (BC) CONTROLLER FOR R2-SERIES SYSTEMS: A. General: The BC (Branch Circuit) Controllers shall be specifically used with R410A R2-Series systems. These units shall be equipped with a circuit board that interfaces to the M-NET controls system and shall perform all functions necessary for operation. The unit shall have a galvanized steel finish. The BC Controller shall be completely factory assembled, piped and wired. Each unit shall be run tested at the factory. This unit shall be mounted indoors, with access and service clearance provided for each controller. The sum of connected capacity of all indoor air handlers shall range from 80% to 110% of rated capacity. B. BC Unit Cabinet: 1. The casing shall be fabricated of galvanized steel. 2. Each cabinet shall house a liquid-gas separator and multiple refrigeration control valves. 3. The unit shall house two tube-in-tube heat exchangers. C. Refrigerant 1. R410A refrigerant shall be required. D. Refrigerant valves: 1. The unit shall be furnished with multiple branch circuits which can individually accommodate up to 54,000 BTUH and up to three indoor units. Branches may be twinned to allow more than 54,000 BTUH. 2. Each branch shall have multiple two-position valves to control refrigerant flow. 3. Service shut-off valves shall be field-provided/installed for each branch to allow service to any indoor unit without field interruption to overall system operation. 4. Linear electronic expansion valves shall be used to control the variable refrigerant flow. E. Integral Drain Pan: 1. An integral condensate pan and drain shall be provided. F. Electrical: 1. The unit electrical power shall be 208/230 volts, 1 phase, 60 hertz. 2. The unit shall be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of 187-228 volts. 3. The BC Controller shall be controlled by integral microprocessors. 4. The control circuit between the indoor units and the outdoor unit shall be 24VDC completed using a 2conductor, twisted pair shielded cable to provide total integration of the system. G. Ball Valves: Ball valves will be provided by the manufacturer and field installed by the mechanical contractor on every port (both occupied & spare ports) H. Line Sets: Manufacturer shall provide soft copper refrigerant line sets from the BC controller to all indoor evaporator units, sized of the appropriate length as detailed on the prints. Line sets shall be premium flexible refrigerant grade copper. 1. Refrigerant Piping sizes shown on the drawings are offered as a guide for pricing only. Verify all refrigerant pipe sizes, and required accessories, double suction risers, traps, etc. with Manufacturer prior to installation. 2. Both tubes shall be separately and fully insulated. Insulation shall be ½ inch thickness, flexible closed cell fire resistant foamed plastic material, 0.10 water vapor permeability per ASTM E96 procedure A,, 0.27 K factor at 75°F per ASTM C177 or C518, 5% water absorption by weight per ASTM D1056, molded in cylindrical form to fit pipe snugly. The insulation shall have a flame spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke developed rating of 50 or less as tested by ASTM E84-91A. The insulation shall be equivalent to AP Armaflex. in a ½” black custom molded UV resistant foam insulation. 3. All four ends shall be flared, including flare nuts, and protected with plastic inserts. 4. NOTE: Installing contractor to provide and install hard drawn copper refrigerant pipe, field insulated, from outdoor unit to BC controller. 2.03 INDOOR EVAPORATORS: PKFY (wall-mounted) INDOOR UNIT A. General: The PKFY shall be a wall-mounted indoor unit section and shall have a modulating linear expansion device and a flat front. The PKFY shall be used with the R2-Series outdoor unit and BC Controller. The PKFY shall support individual control using M-NET DDC controllers. B. Indoor Unit The indoor unit shall be factory assembled, wired and run tested. Contained within the unit shall be all factory wiring, piping, electronic modulating linear expansion device, control circuit board and fan motor. The unit shall have a self-diagnostic function, 3-minute time delay mechanism, an auto restart function, and a test run switch. Indoor unit and refrigerant pipes shall be charged with dehydrated air before shipment from the factory. C. Unit Cabinet: 1. All casings, regardless of model size, shall have the same white finish 2. Multi directional drain and refrigerant piping offering four (4) directions for refrigerant piping and two (2) directions for draining shall be standard. 3. There shall be a separate back plate which secures the unit firmly to the wall. D. Fan: 1. The indoor fan shall be an assembly with one or two line-flow fan(s) direct driven by a single motor. 2. The indoor fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced to run on a motor with permanently lubricated bearings. 3. A manual adjustable guide vane shall be provided with the ability to change the airflow from side to side (left to right). 4. A motorized air sweep louver shall provide an automatic change in airflow by directing the air up and down to provide uniform air distribution. E. Filter: 1. Return air shall be filtered by means of an easily removable, washable filter. F. Coil: G. Electrical: 1. The unit electrical power shall be 208/230 volts, 1-phase, 60 hertz. 2. The system shall be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of 187-228 volts (208V/60Hz) or 207-253 volts (230V/60Hz) H. Controls: 1. This unit shall use controls provided by Mitsubishi Electric to perform functions necessary to operate the system. Please refer to Part 5 of this guide specification for details on controllers and other control options. 2. The unit shall be able to control external backup heat. 3. The unit shall have a factory built in receiver for wireless remote control PMFY (1-WAY CEILING-RECESSED CASSETTE WITH GRILLE) INDOOR UNIT A. General: The PMFY shall be a one-way cassette indoor unit that recesses into the ceiling with a ceiling grille and shall have a modulating linear expansion device. The PMFY shall be used with the R2-Series outdoor unit and BC Controller, Y-Series outdoor unit, or S-Series outdoor unit. The PMFY shall support individual control using M-NET DDC controllers. F. Centralized Controller 1. The Centralized Controller shall be capable of controlling a maximum of 50 indoor units across multiple CITY MULTI outdoor units. The Centralized Controller shall be powered from a Power Supply Unit (PACSC51KUA). The Centralized Controller shall support operation superseding that of the remote controllers, system configuration, daily/weekly scheduling, monitoring of operation status, and malfunction monitoring. The Centralized Controller shall have five basic operation controls which can be applied to an individual indoor unit, a group of indoor units (up to 50 indoor units), or all indoor units (collective batch operation). This basic control set of operation controls for the Centralized Controller shall include on/off, operation mode selection (cool, heat, auto (R2-Series only), dry, and fan), temperature setting, fan speed setting, and airflow direction setting. Since it provides centralized control it shall be able to enable or disable operation of local remote controllers. In terms of scheduling, the Centralized Controller shall allow the user to define both daily and weekly schedules with operations consisting of ON/OFF, mode selection, temperature setting, vane direction, fan speed, and permit/prohibit of remote controllers. The central controller shall have a touch screen for user interface. 2. All Centralized Controllers shall be equipped with one RJ-45 Ethernet port to support interconnection with a network PC via a closed/direct Local Area Network (LAN). G. Power Supply (PAC-SC51KUA) 1. 1. The power supply shall supply 24VDC (TB 3) for the AG-150 centralized controller and 24VDC (TB 2) voltage for the central control transmission. B. Indoor Unit. The indoor unit shall be factory assembled, wired and run tested. Contained within the unit shall be all factory wiring, piping, electronic modulating linear expansion device, control circuit board and fan motor. The unit shall have a self-diagnostic function, 3-minute time delay mechanism, an auto restart function, an emergency operation function and a test run switch. Indoor unit and refrigerant pipes shall be charged with dehydrated air before shipment from the factory. C. Unit Cabinet: 1. The cabinet shall be space-saving ceiling recessed. 2. The cabinet panel shall have provisions for a field installed filtered outside air intake. 3. Branch ducting shall be allowed from cabinet. 4. The one-way grille shall be fixed to bottom of cabinet allowing for one-way airflow. D. Fan: 1. The indoor fan shall be an assembly with one line-flow fan direct driven by a single motor. 2. The indoor fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced to run on a motor with permanently lubricated bearings. 3. The indoor fan shall consist of four (4) speeds, Low, Mid1, Mid2, and High. E. Filter: 1. Return air shall be filtered by means of a long-life washable permanent filter. F. Coil: 1. The indoor coil shall be of nonferrous construction with smooth plate fins on copper tubing. 2. The tubing shall have inner grooves for high efficiency heat exchange. 3. All tube joints shall be brazed with phos-copper or silver alloy. 4. The coils shall be pressure tested at the factory. 5. A condensate pan and drain shall be provided under the coil. 6. The unit shall be provided with an integral condensate lift mechanism able to raise drain water 23 inches above the condensate pan. 7. Both refrigerant lines to the PMFY indoor units shall be insulated. G. Electrical: I. Additional Requirements: The CITY MULTI control system shall provide a network connection to the Greenheck energy recovery units (ERVs). The ERVs will be provided with a LON Works controller. The CITY MULTI controls shall provide enable/disable time of day scheduling with manual over-ride. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: A. Delivery, Storage and Handling - Equipment shall be stored and handled according to the manufacturer's recommendation. B. Install equipment in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements of other Sections. 3.02 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: A. All equipment shall be installed to provide complete access for service, adjustment and filter replacement, as well as complete removal/replacement of unit from building. Coordinate installation with all other trades to ensure that no piping, conduit, ductwork, structure, light fixtures, or other equipment obstruct complete access to the equipment. Coordinate access requirements for equipment actually provided with equipment manufacturer. Equipment installation shall not impede access to room. Equipment installed in violation of these requirements will be removed and re-installed at contractor's expense. B. Manufacturer Representative's Responsibilities: 1. The manufacturer's rep (equipment supplier) shall include & provide the following VRFZ Installation / Startup / Commissioning field services: a. Construction Phase 1) The equipment supplier shall coordinate a jobsite walkthrough with the installing contractor prior to equipment installation and advice on installation, refrigerant piping and control wiring best practices. 2) The equipment supplier shall be responsible for setting up the VFRZ equipment to meet project requirements including setting unit addresses and unit dip switches. b. Startup Services 1) Once refrigerant lines are leak tested, equipment supplier shall evacuate systems and load refrigerant as required (refrigerant provided by equipment supplier). 1. The unit electrical power shall be 208/230 volts, 1-phase, 60 hertz. 2) System startup shall be provided by equipment supplier. 2. The system shall be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of 187-228 volts (208V/60Hz) or 207-253 volts (230V/60Hz). 3) The central control system shall be setup and commissioned by equipment supplier. H. Controls: 1. This unit shall use controls provided by Mitsubishi Electric to perform functions necessary to operate the system. Please refer to Part 5 of this guide specification for details on controllers and other control options. 1) All VRFZ equipment model and serial numbers shall be recorded. 2) Voltage measured and recorded at each unit. 3) Unit address confirmed and recorded for each unit. 4) Inlet / outlet air temperatures at each unit shall be measured and recorded. A. General: 5) Two hour system run test shall be recorded via manufacturer's maintenance hardware / software. The record must be submitted to the manufacture to be eligible for the 5 year extended system parts warranty. B. Indoor Unit The indoor unit shall be factory assembled, wired and run tested. Contained within the unit shall be all factory wiring, piping, electronic modulating linear expansion device, control circuit board and fan motor. The unit shall have a self-diagnostic function, 3-minute time delay mechanism, an auto restart function, and a test run switch. The unit shall have an auto-swing function for the horizontal vane. Indoor unit and refrigerant pipes shall be charged with dehydrated air before shipment from the factory. C. Unit Cabinet: 13396 c. System Commissioning PCFY (CEILING-SUSPENDED) INDOOR UNIT The PCFY shall be ceiling-suspended indoor unit section and have a modulating linear expansion device. The PCFY shall be used with the R2-Series outdoor unit and BC Controller(s). The PCFY shall support individual control using M-NET DDC controllers. The use of these instruments of service shall be restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Federal Law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other disposition of these intruments of service without the express written consent of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. 15050.05 The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Engineer for a decision before proceeding. Where the quality of required material is not specified, the Contractor shall furnish a first class standard item as approved by the Engineer. 6. Both refrigerant lines to the PKFY indoor units shall be insulated. 1) Control the energy recovery ventilator based on system occupied/unoccupied status. 4809 Vue Du Lac Place, Suite 201 Manhattan, Kansas 66503 785.587.8042 FAX 785.587.8039 [email protected] 15050.04 All equipment of one type shall be the products of one manufacturer, unless otherwise specified. A. General: The R2-Series PURY outdoor unit shall be used specifically with CITY MULTI VRFZ components. The PURY outdoor units shall be equipped with multiple circuit boards that interface to the M-NET controls system and shall perform all functions necessary for operation. Each outdoor unit module shall be completely factory assembled, piped and wired and run tested at the factory. 1. The model nomenclature and unit requirements are shown on the plans. All units requiring a factory supplied twinning kits shall be piped together in the field, without the need for equalizing line(s). If an alternate manufacturer is selected, any additional material, cost, and labor to install additional lines shall be incurred by the contractor. 2. Outdoor unit shall have a sound rating no higher than 60 dB(A) individually or 64 dB(A) twinned. Units shall have a sound rating no higher than 50 dB(A) individually or 53 dB(A) twinned while in night mode operation. If an alternate manufacturer is selected, any additional material, cost, and labor to meet published sound levels shall be incurred by the contractor. 3. Both refrigerant lines from the outdoor unit to the BC (Branch Circuit) Controller (Single or Main) shall be insulated. 4. There shall be no more than 3 branch circuit controllers connected to any one outdoor unit. 5. Outdoor unit shall be able to connect to up to 50 indoor units depending upon model. 6. The outdoor unit shall have an accumulator with refrigerant level sensors and controls. 7. The outdoor unit shall have a high pressure safety switch, over-current protection, crankcase heater and DC bus protection. 8. The outdoor unit shall have the ability to operate with a maximum height difference of 164 feet and have total refrigerant tubing length of 1804-2625 feet. The greatest length is not to exceed 541 feet between outdoor unit and the indoor units without the need for line size changes or traps. 9. The outdoor unit shall be capable of operating in heating mode in ambient conditions as noted in the project documents or cooling mode down to 23°F ambient temperature, without additional low ambient controls. If an alternate manufacturer is selected, any additional material, cost, and labor to meet low ambient operating condition and performance shall be incurred by the contractor. 10. The outdoor unit shall not cease operation in any mode based solely on outdoor ambient temperature. 11. The outdoor unit shall have a high efficiency oil separator plus additional logic controls to ensure adequate oil volume in the compressor is maintained. 12. Unit must defrost all circuits simultaneously in order to resume full heating more quickly. Partial defrost which may extend “no or reduced heating” periods shall not be allowed. 5. A condensate pan and drain shall be provided under the coil. Project Number: 13074 Date: 3.03 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING: February 3, 2014 A. Install grade mounted outdoor units on concrete pad. B. Install outdoor units on mounting frame to hold unit 18" above grade. 3.04 REFRIGERANT PIPING: Drawn By: LST A. Install in strict accordance with VRFZ system manufacturer recommendations. DIVISION 15 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 1. The casing shall have a white finish. D. Fan: 1. The indoor unit fan shall be an assembly with two, three, or four Sirocco fan(s) direct driven by a single motor. 2. The indoor fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced to run on a motor with permanently lubricated bearings. 3. The indoor fan shall consist of four (4) speeds, Low, Mid1, Mid2, and High, and Auto fan function. A. Filter: 1. Return air shall be filtered by means of an easily removable, washable filter. B. Coil: 1. The indoor coil shall be of nonferrous construction with smooth plate fins on copper tubing. 2. The tubing shall have inner grooves for high efficiency heat exchange. 3. All tube joints shall be brazed with phos-copper or silver alloy. 4. The coils shall be pressure tested at the factory. 5. A condensate pan and drain shall be provided under the coil. 6. Both refrigerant lines to the PCFY indoor units shall be insulated. C. Electrical: 1. The unit electrical power shall be 208/230 volts, 1 phase, 60 hertz. 2. The system shall be capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of 187-228 volts (208V/60Hz) or 207-253 volts (230V/60Hz) D. Controls: 1. This unit shall use controls provided by Mitsubishi Electric to perform functions necessary to operate the system. Please refer to Part 5 of this guide specification for details on controllers and other control options. 2. Units shall have the ability to control supplemental heat via connector CN24 and a 12 VDC output 2.04 CONTROLS: A. General: The CITY MULTI Controls Network (CMCN) shall support remote controllers, schedule timers, system controllers, centralized controllers, an integrated web based interface. B. Electrical Characteristics 1. General: The CMCN shall operate at 24VDC. Controller power and communications shall be via a common non-polar communications bus. 2. Wiring: a. Control wiring shall be installed in a system daisy chain configuration from indoor unit to ME remote controller to indoor unit, to the BC controller (main and subs) and to the outdoor unit. Control wiring to remote controllers shall be run from the indoor unit terminal block to the controller associated with that unit. b. Control wiring for schedule timers, system controllers, and centralized controllers shall be installed in a daisy chain configuration from outdoor unit to outdoor unit, to system controllers, to the power supply. c. Control wiring for the remote controllers shall be from the remote controller to the first associated indoor unit then to the remaining associated indoor units in a daisy chain configuration... 1515 10th St. Great Bend, KS 67530 15050.03 Each major component of equipment shall have the manufacturer's name; address, model number and rating on a nameplate securely affixed. 4. The coils shall be pressure tested at the factory. Riley Grade School HVAC Improvements 15050.02 The Mechanical Contract includes all labor, materials and equipment required for the complete mechanical systems as shown and herein specified. 2. The tubing shall have inner grooves for high efficiency heat exchange. 3. All tube joints shall be brazed with phos-copper or silver alloy. b. The DIDO IO board shall be capable of receiving a digital input for interlock settings with the CITY MULTI indoor units or digital outputs on the DIDO board. Based on the digital input status the DIDO board shall be capable of setting the following parameter on the indoor unit On/Off, Mode, and Set Temperature to predefined settings. The DIDO board shall also be capable of interlocking the On/Off state of a digital output on the DIDO board based on a digital input status. All reports, plans, specifications, drawings and other instruments of service contained herein shall remain the property of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. 15050.01 The drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, and General Requirements apply to the work specified in DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL. B. With this documentation, the units shall be covered by an extended manufacturer's limited warranty for a period of five (5) years from date of installation. In addition the compressor shall have a manufacturer's limited warranty for a period of seven (7) years from date of installation. 1. If, during this period, any part should fail to function properly due to defects in workmanship or material, it shall be replaced or repaired at the discretion of the manufacturer. This warranty shall not include labor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 R2-SERIES OUTDOOR UNIT: 1. The indoor coil shall be of nonferrous construction with smooth plate fins on copper tubing. LST Consulting Engineers, PA SECTION 15050 - BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 3. Verified with a completed commissioning report submitted to and approved by the Mitsubishi Electric Service Department. Great Bend USD 428 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS d. The system controller shall be capable of being networked with other system controllers for web based control. 3. Wiring type: a. Wiring shall be 2-conductor (16 AWG), twisted shielded pair, stranded wire. b. Network wiring shall be CAT-5e with RJ-45 connection. C. CITY MULTI Controls Network 1. The CITY MULTI Controls Network (CMCN) consists of remote controllers, schedule timers, system controllers, centralized controllers, and/or integrated web based interface communicating over a high-speed communication bus. The CITY MULTI Controls Network shall support operation monitoring, scheduling, error email distribution, and online maintenance support. D. CMCN: Remote Controllers 1. Simple MA Remote Controller (PAC-YT51CRB) a. The Simple MA Remote Controller (PAC-YT51CRB) shall be capable of controlling up to 16 indoor units (defined as 1 group). The Simple MA Remote Controller shall be compact in size, approximately 3” x 5” and have limited user functionality. The Simple MA supports temperature display selection of Fahrenheit or Celsius. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall allow the user to change on/off, mode (cool, heat, auto (R2-Series only), dry, and fan), temperature setting, and fan speed setting. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall be able to limit the set temperature range from the Simple MA The room temperature shall be sensed at either the Simple MA Remote Controller or the Indoor Unit dependent on the indoor unit dipswitch setting. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall display a four-digit error code in the event of system abnormality/error. Revisions: b. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall only be used in same group with PAR-21MAA (Deluxe MA Remote Controllers), Wireless MA (PAR-FL32MA-E / PAR-FA32MA-E), or with other PACYT51CRB (Simple MA Remote Controllers), with up to two remote controllers per group. c. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall require no addressing. The Simple MA Remote Controller shall connect using two-wire, stranded, non-polar control wire to TB15 connection terminal on the indoor unit. The PAC-YT51CRB shall require cross-over wiring for grouping across indoor units. E. Input/Output (IO) Boards (as scheduled) 1. Digital Input Digital Output (DIDO) Board a. The DIDO IO board shall be capable of providing On/Off control for non-Mitsubishi equipment via the Centralized Controller's licensed web browser functions and the TG-2000A software. Each DIDO board shall have two digital inputs and two digital outputs and shall be capable of expanding to a total of six digital inputs and six digital outputs. Each digital output shall be capable of supporting an independent schedule via the Centralized Controller's licensed web browser functions. Status indication of the On/Off state of the non-Mitsubishi equipment shall be either via the On/Off status of the digital output or by receipt of a digital input to the DIDO board. Title: MEP SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Number: ME1 A. ANSI/UL 1995, Heating and Cooling Equipment B. AMCA 211, Certified Ratings Program C. ANSI Z83.8 - 2002/CGA 2.6-2002, Standard for Gas Unit Heaters, Gas Packaged Heaters, Gas Utility Heaters and Gas-Fired Duct Furnaces D. ASTM E84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2010b. E. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. F. NFPA 90A - Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems; 2009. 1. Equip unit with rotation sensor. 2. Equip controller with outdoor air temperature sensor that stops energy recovery wheel during moderate temperature periods. 3. Allow the energy recovery wheel to be operated in stop mode during very low temperature periods to prevent freezing of wheel while still delivering outdoor air through the unit. 1. When frosting is occurring, the supply blower is cycled (30 min ON/5 min OFF, adj.) to allow warm exhaust air to defrost the wheel. Once the pressure drop decreases below the set point, frost mode is de-energized and the supply blower is no longer cycled. Timed frost control shall be triggered by an outdoor air temperature sensor AND a wheel pressure drop sensor. Both sensors are to be satisfied to employ frost control. Frost control strategies employed via outdoor air temperature sensor only are not acceptable. C. Indirect Gas Furnance: 1. Shall be ETL Certified as a component of the unit. H. UL 181 - Standard for Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors; Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 2. Shall have an integral combustion gas blower. I. EPACT, US Department of Energy, Energy Policy Act of 2005 3. Shall have fault sensors to provide fault conditions to digital controller. A. See Administrative Requirements for submittal procedures. B. Product Data: Manufacturer's installation instruction, product data, and engineering calculations. C. Shop Drawings: Show design and assembly of energy recovery unit and installation and connection details. D. Closeout Submittals: Submit manufacturer's operation and maintenance instructions. E. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. Spare Parts: One complete set of replacement filters for each unit. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications: 1. Firm regularly engaged in manufacturing energy recovery units. 2. Products in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than five years. 1.05 WARRANTY 4. 4-pass tubular heat exchangers, constructed of aluminized steel. 5. Furnace shall have a 4:1 modulating control. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that structure is ready for installation of unit, that openings in deck for ductwork, if required, are correctly sized and located, and that mechanical and electrical utilities supplying unit are of correct capacities and are accessible. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Provide openings for suitable ductwork connection. B. Install units level and plumb. Maintain manufacturer's recommended clearances. C. Curb Support: Install roof curb on roof structure, level and secure, according to NRCA's "Low-Slope Membrane Roofing Construction Details Manual," Illustration "Raised Curb Detail for Rooftop Air Handling Units and Ducts." Install and secure rooftop air conditioners on curbs and coordinate roof penetrations and flashing with roof construction. D. Connections A. Warranty ventilator to be free from defects in material and workmanship and of all parts for period of 1 year from date of Substantial Completion. 1. Gas Piping: Comply with applicable requirements in Division 15. Connect gas piping to burner, full size of gas train inlet, and connect with union and shutoff valve with sufficient clearance for burner removal and service. B. Warranty energy recovery wheel to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 5 years under circumstances of normal use. 2. Duct installation requirements are specified in other Division 15 Sections. Drawings indicate the general arrangement of ducts. The following are specific connection requirements: PART 2 PRODUCTS a. Install ducts to termination in roof curb. 2.01 MANUFACTURERS b. Remove roof decking only as required for passage of ducts. Do not cut out decking under entire roof curb. A. Energy Recovery Ventilators: 1. Greenheck: 2. Approved substitution. 2.02 ENERGY RECOVERY DESIGN CRITERIA A. Unit performance shall be as indicated on drawings. 2.03 CASING A. Wall, Floor, and Roof Panels: c. At all areas within perimeter of curb that are not penetrated by ducts, place (2) layers of 5/8" gyp board with 6" batt insulation on top. 3. Electrical System Connections: Comply with applicable requirements in Division 16 Sections for power wiring, switches, and motor controls. 3.03 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Provide services of manufacturer's authorized representative to provide start-up of unit. 3. Interior Wall: Galvanized sheet metal. b. Flame Spread Index: 25, maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. 15890.01 Provide all sheet metal work for supply, return, and exhaust air systems. Provide all grilles, louvers, hand dampers, and all work required to make the job complete as shown on the drawings. 15890.02 All duct construction, gauges, methods of construction, and methods for hanging and supporting shall conform to SMACNA Standards applicable sections of the Mechanical Code. c. Smoke Developed Index: 50, maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. 5. Roof Panel: Weatherproof. 15890.03 All ductwork shall be constructed of galvanized sheet steel to 2" SMACNA pressure class and Class "C" sealing. 6. Seams: Sealed, requiring no caulking at job site. B. Access Panels: Provide access to all components through tightly sealed and easily removable panels or doors. 15890.04 Make joints in rectangular ductwork airtight and patch or solder open corners. C. Weather Hood: Provide on fresh air inlet and exhaust air outlet; removable for access. 1. Fresh Air Weather Hood: Maintain a face velocity less than 340 feet/min (1.6 m/s). 2.04 FANS A. Provide separate fans for exhaust and supply blowers. 15890.05 All round ductwork shall be 26 gauge galvanized "Snap Lock" pipe with all changes in direction made via adjustable elbows. All seams and connections shall be sealed with foil faced pressure sensitive tape. Silver-coated polyethylene cloth tape is not acceptable. All rectangular duct shall be 24 gauge galvanized sheetmetal. Duct sizes shown on drawings are air stream size. B. Fans: 1. Individually driven with a dedicated motor. 2. Forward curved. 15890.06 Provide Ventfabrics, Inc., "Metaledge Ventglass" canvas connections for all duct systems at connections to motorized equipment. 3. Provide with non-overloading characteristics. C. Bearings: 15890.07 Coordinate ductwork installation with other trades and verify the location of all light fixtures, pipes, beams, and other possible obstructions, and adjust routing of ductwork as required to accommodate same. 1. Permanently lubricated sealed ball bearings. D. Motors: E. Drives: 16010.05 Where the quality of required material is not specified, the Contractor shall furnish a first class standard item as approved by the Engineer. 16010.06 The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Engineer for a decision before proceeding. Where the quality of required material is not specified, the Contractor shall furnish a first class standard item as approved by the Engineer. 16130.05 Electrical boxes located in 1-hour fire rated walls shall be installed as follows: A. Boxes shall be U.L. listed for use in fire rated assemblies B. Annular space around listed boxes shall not exceed 1/8". C. Boxes on opposite sides of the fire rated wall shall comply with one of the following: 1. Be separated by the horizontal distance specified in the listing of the electrical box. 2. Be separated by fire blocking material in accordance with IBC section 717.2.1. 3. Protect both boxes with listed fire rated putty pads. 16010.07 Manufacturer's names are intended to establish type and quality of items to be provided via the contract. The materials, products, and equipment described in the specifications or on the drawings establish a standard of required function, dimension, appearance, and quality to be met by any proposed substitution. Listing of these manufacturers shall in no way be construed as a device intended to limit the bidders to those specifically listed. 16010.08 Install all equipment in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the shop drawings approved by the Engineer. 16010.09 All work under this contract shall conform to the requirements of the 2008 National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and all applicable local, state, and federal code requirements. If compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer uncertainties and requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. 16010.10 Periodically during construction and prior to Owner acceptance of the building, Contractor shall remove from the premises and dispose of all packing material and debris associated with the Work specified under this Division. 16010.11 Before submitting bid, the Contractor shall visit the actual location of the job and shall fully understand the scope of the work to be done and the condition under which it is to be performed. 16010.12 Electrical Contractor shall coordinate requirements for electrical service with utility company and Landlord, and facilitate installation of such equipment by providing additional electrical installation where required. 16010.14 Notify the Engineer of errors, discrepancies, or omissions in the drawings and specifications before construction or fabrication of affected work, or failing such notice, be responsible for correction of such work without cost to the Owner, Architect, or Engineer. 16010.15 Where fire rated construction is penetrated by this Work, fire seal at penetrations with UL listed fire sealing system. 16130.06 Electrical boxes located in fire rated ceiling/floor assemblies shall: A. Be steel construction and not exceed 16 square inches in area B. Annular space around ceiling boxes shall not exceed 1/8". C. The aggregate area of ceiling boxes does not exceed 100 square inches for every 100 square feet of ceiling area. SECTION 16140 - WIRING DEVICES 16143.01 Provide the wiring devices and cover plates as specified. 16143.02 Wiring Devices shall be as manufactured by Pass & Seymour, Leviton, Hubbell, Cooper, or approved equal. Devices shall be commercial specification grade, rated at 20 amps, 120 volts, unless specified otherwise. Coordinate device color with Architect. Devices shall be as follows: Switches: 1-Pole (SPST) Switch P&S #PS20AC1_ 2-Pole (DPST) Switch P&S #PS20AC2_ 2-Pole Manual Motor Controller Switch P&S #7812P 3-Pole Manual Motor Controller Switch P&S #7813P Wall Receptacles: Single Receptacle P&S #5361_ Duplex Receptacle P&S #PS5362_ GFCI Duplex Receptacle P&S #2095_ 16143.03 Terminations at wiring devices shall be made using screw terminals only. Use of "stab-in" connections is not acceptable. 15950.01 All testing and balancing work shall be performed in accordance with NEBB National Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems. 15950.02 Adjust all fans and air outlets to within 10% of specified airflow. 16143.05 All flush-mounted wiring devices in finished areas shall be provided with stainless steel cover plates. 16143.06 Cover plates for wiring devices in surface-mounted boxes and unfinished areas shall be galvanized utility box covers, raised 1/4". 16143.08 Devices shall be set at the following elevations from the finished floor to the center of the box, unless otherwise indicated on the plans: Light switches 48" Convenience Receptacles 18" SECTION 16030 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 16412.01 Provide safety switches as specified and indicated on the plans. Safety switches shall be manufactured by Square D, Siemens, General Electric, or Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 16030.01 The Electrical Contractor shall provide all conduit and wiring and shall connect complete and ready for operation all electrical motors and equipment in the other contracts. The other contractors shall furnish to the Electrical Contractor all switches, electrical controls, capacitors and other accessories required. Installation of all motors, equipment, etc., shall be made by the Contractor furnishing the equipment, except where otherwise indicated. 16030.02 The Electrical Contractor shall provide disconnect switches as shown and where otherwise required to comply with applicable electrical codes. 16060.01 The entire electrical system, including all special power systems, shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 16060.02 Equipment grounding conductors shall be installed in all conduits. The conduit system shall not be used as the sole means of grounding. SECTION 16412 - SAFETY SWITCHES 16412.02 Safety switches shall be NEMA Type HD (heavy duty) and Underwriters Laboratories listed. SECTION 16110 - RACEWAYS B. Energy Wheel Media: Cleanable with low temperature steam, hot water or light detergent, without degrading the latent recovery. 16110.01 Provide the conduits and raceways as specified and indicated on the plans. SECTION 16442 - PANELBOARDS C. Wheel Effectiveness: Rated in accordance with ASHRAE Std 84 and AHRI 1060. 16110.02 All exterior above grade raceways shall be Galvanized Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) or Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) with threaded couplings and fittings. 16442.01 Provide Square D, Siemens, General Electric, or Eaton Cutler Hammer, 3-phase, 4-wire panelboards with circuit breakers as scheduled. 16110.03 All exterior below grade conduits and conduits installed below floor slab-on-grade shall be Schedule 40 PVC, Galvanized Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC), or High Density Polyethylene Conduit (HDPE). When utilizing PVC or HDPE, transition to Galvanized RMC before turning up and penetrating finished grade or floor slab. 16442.02 Provide panels with equipment ground bars, surface mounted or recessed cabinets as scheduled, and U.L. label. A. Wheel: Transfer heat and humidity from one air stream to the other with minimum carryover of the exhaust air into the supply air stream. D. Flame Spread Index: 25, maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. E. Smoke Developed Index: 50, maximum, when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255, and UL 723. F. Energy Recovery Wheel Media Face: 1. Conform to NFPA 90A. END OF DIVISION 15 G. Wheel Cassette: Easily removable from the unit. H. Rotor: 1. Type: Segmented wheel. I. Desiccant: 1. Type: Silica gel. 2. Performance: a. Desiccant: Non-dissolving, permanent, and resistant to damage from compressed air, low temperature steam, hot water or by vacuum cleaning. 3. Dessicant shall be permanently bonded to wheel media to retain latent heat capability after cleaning. Wheels with sprayed on desiccant coatings are not acceptable. Wheels with desiccant applied after wheel formation are not acceptable. J. Drive: 1. Drive: Tensioned drive with full perimeter pre-stretched belt. 16110.04 All interior dry location raceways shall be thinwall Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) with compression or setscrew couplings and fittings. 16110.05 Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC) may be used for final connections to light fixtures and vibrating equipment in lengths not to exceed 6'-0" and where fished through existing wall construction. Utilize Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC) where exposed to moisture. 16110.06 Single conduits shall be used for all circuits, but more than one circuit may be carried in each conduit, provided the number of conductors and size of conductors are proportioned in accordance with the rules of the NEC, and conduits are of ample size to allow for removal and replacement of conductors when necessary. Do not exceed 40% fill. 16110.07 Where conduit is carried in walls, it shall be thoroughly bedded and not visible. In placing conduits, they shall be so located as to not weaken or injure the construction of the building in any way, and the installation of these shall be approved by the Architect. 2.06 FILTERS A. Thickness: 2 inch. B. Efficiency: 8 MERV. 16110.08 Joints must be made so the ends of the pipes come together in the center of the coupling. 16110.09 All conduit shall be run parallel or perpendicular to the building surfaces. C. Filters shall be provided in both air streams. D. Filter racks shall be die-formed galvanized steel. 16110.10 All empty conduit systems shall be provided with suitable pull strings. E. Filter Removal Hooks: Provide means to remove filters that are not immediately accessible from exterior of unit 16110.11 Conduit sleeves will be required in all penetrations through exterior walls and floors. Sleeves shall be Schedule 5 steel pipe, EMT conduit, or field fabricated from minimum 16 gauge steel with 2" overlap at the seam. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for locating and setting his own sleeves, and be well aware of the job progress to avoid unnecessary delay for setting of same. Space between sleeves and conduit in outside walls shall be filled or tightly caulked with oakum, butyl rubber, link seals or other approved equally effective material to resist the penetration of water. Sleeves shall be of sufficient diameter to provide approximately 1/2" clearance around pipe. Sleeves shall be set no closer than two pipe diameters center to center and shall be set 3/4" past all wall surfaces, and be securely anchored to the wall. F. Provide spare set of filters. 2.07 DAMPERS A. Motorized Dampers: Provide motorized dampers at outside air inlet and exhaust air outlet. 1. Type: Motorized two position parallel blade damper with blade seals. 2. Motorized Damper: Roll-formed structural hat channels, reinforced at the corners, 3. Formed from single piece of minimum 16 gage (1.5 mm) galvanized steel. 2.08 VIBRATION ISOLATION A. Vibration Isolation: Provide whole unit vibration isolation with the energy recovery unit assembly. 2.09 ROOF CURBS A. Curb shall consist of die formed galvanized steel sections. Curb shall be full perimeter type with gasketing provided for field installation between curb and unit base. 1. Coordinate slope with field conditions. 2.10 UNIT POWER REQUIREMENTS A. Motor Control Panels: UL listed. B. Include necessary motor starters, fuses, transformers and overload protection according to NFPA 70. C. Provide single-point field connection to power supply. SECTION 16120 - BUILDING WIRE AND CABLES 16120.01 Provide the wire and cable as specified and as shown on the drawings. Wire and cable shall be manufactured by Alan Wire, Cerrowire, Encore Wire, General Cable or Southwire. 16120.02 Building wire shall be annealed (soft) copper, #12 AWG minimum, unless noted otherwise. Conductors #10 and smaller shall be solid, #8 and larger shall be stranded. The use of Aluminum conductors is NOT permitted. D. Provide non fused main disconnect integral to control panel. 16120.03 All building wire shall have Code Type THHN/THWN-2 insulation rated for 90°C, 600V, and suitable for use in wet or dry locations. E. Install wiring in accordance with NFPA 70. 16120.04 Install all building wire in conduit, unless noted otherwise. 2.11 UNIT CONTROLS A. Unit shall be provided with microprocessor controls with LON Works interface. Unit shall include 24VAC control transformer and fusing. B. Controller shall be provided with required sensors and programming for energy recovery unit. C. The automatic unit start-up is provided as standard via an external dry contact provided by others (building management system, DDC controller, time clock, etc.) D. This unit can operate stand-alone should communication be lost with the BCS. The unit occupied schedule, operating 16120.05 Wire shall be lubricated with "Polywater," or equally effective cable lubricating material as recommended by wire manufacturer. 16442.03 Circuit breakers shall be Square D Type QOB (bolt-on) thermal-magnetic molded case circuit breakers or equal. Breakers shall be 1, 2 or 3-pole with an integral crossbar to assure simultaneous opening of all poles in multipole circuit breakers. Breakers shall have an overcenter, trip-free, toggle-type operating mechanism with quick-make, quick-break action and positive handle indication. Handles shall have "ON," "OFF" and "TRIPPED" positions. Circuit breakers shall be UL listed in accordance with UL Standard 489 and shall have continuous current ratings as noted on the plans. Interrupting ratings shall be 10,000 rms symmetrical amps maximum at 240 volts ac and 14,000 rms symmetrical amps maximum at 480 volts ac. 16442.04 Panelboard bus structure and main lugs or main circuit breaker shall have current ratings as scheduled. Such ratings shall be established by heat rise tests, conducted in accordance with UL Standard 67. Bus structure shall be insulated. Bus bar connections to the branch circuit breakers shall be the "distributed phase" type. All current carrying parts of the bus structure shall be plated. 16442.05 The panelboard bus assembly shall be enclosed in a steel cabinet. The rigidity and gauge of steel to be as specified in UL Standard 50 for cabinets. Wiring gutter space shall be in accordance with UL Standard 67 for panelboards. The box shall be fabricated from galvanized steel or equivalent rust resistant steel. Each front shall include a door and have a flush, cylinder tumbler-type lock with catch and spring-loaded stainless steel door pull. All panelboard locks shall be keyed alike. Fronts shall have adjustable indicating trim clamps which shall be completely concealed when the doors are closed. Doors shall be mounted with completely concealed steel hinges. Fronts shall not be removable with door in the locked position. A circuit directory frame and card with a clear plastic covering shall be provided on the inside of the door. 13074 Date: February 3, 2014 Drawn By: LST 16442.06 Inside each panel door, provide an approved typewritten schedule card showing what each circuit feeds. SECTION 16851 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 16851.01 Fire alarm work consists of providing all necessary labor, programming and materials, consisting or but not limited to controls, relays, modules, etc to connect new duct detectors to existing system. System installation shall comply with NFPA 72. 16851.02 Contractor shall visit the site prior to submitting his bid to determin exact scope of work required to modify and/or add components to the existing system. 16851.03 Smoke detectors shall be analog addressable, 2-wire, photoelectric type, U.L. 268 listed, operating at 24-Vdc nominal, with integral communications and built-in type identification. Duct smoke detectors shall be UL 268A listed and installed in listed housing assembly with appropriate sampling tubes. Provide remote keyed test station with indicator light for each duct mounted smoke detector. Revisions: 16851.04 Conventional relays for HVAC shut-down shall operate at 24 Vdc, with SPDT contact rated for 7 A at 24 Vdc and 10 A at 120 Vac. Relays shall have red activation LED and shall be installed in NEMA 1 Enclosure with RED cover. Provide appropriate addressable modules for relays as required for connection to signaling line circuit. 16120.06 Machine or power pulling of cables into raceways shall be accomplished such that pulling stresses shall not exceed those recommended by the manufacturer. 16851.05 Signaling line circuits (SLC's) shall be NFPA 72 Class B, Style 4, and shall utilize twisted-pair wire to minimize the effects of electrical interference. Notification appliance circuits (NAC's) shall be NFPA 72 Class B, and of wire size and type as recommended by manufacturer. All power limited fire alarm cabling shall be plenum rated or installed in conduit. 16120.07 MC Cable shall have steel or aluminum interlocked armor, THHN/THWN single insulated copper conductors and a green insulated copper equipment grounding/bonding conductor. 16851.06 Activation of a new duct detector shall send the system into a trouble mode and shut down HVAC rquipment or shut smoke damper. All other functions shall remain "as-is". 16120.08 MC cable may be used ONLY for final connections (whips) to light fixtures in lengths not to exceed 6'-0", and where fished though existing walls. Project Number: 16412.03 All switches shall have switchblades, fully visible in the "OFF" position when the switch door is open. All current carrying parts shall be plated to resist corrosion and promote cool operation. Switches shall have removable arc suppressors where necessary to permit easy access to line side lugs. Lugs shall be front removable and U.L. listed for 75°C aluminum or copper wires. Switches shall be quick-make, quick-break, such that during normal operation of the switch, the operation of the contacts shall not be capable of being restrained by the operating handle after the closing or opening action of the contacts has started. The operating handle shall be an integral part of the box, not the cover. Provisions for padlocking the switch in the "OFF" position shall be provided. Switches shall have a dual cover interlock to prevent unauthorized opening of the switch door when the handle is in the "ON" position, and to prevent closing of the switch mechanism with the door open. The handle position shall indicate whether the switch is "ON" or "OFF." 16412.04 Switches shall be furnished with enclosures as indicated on the Drawings. If NEMA designation is not given, indoor enclosures shall be NEMA 1, outdoor enclosures shall be NEMA 3R. 2.05 TOTAL ENERGY WHEEL 13396 16143.07 Where more than one device is in a single location, a one-piece multigang cover plate shall be used. 16010.16 Provide Shop Drawings for the following electrical equipment. Electrical equipment listed below shall not be ordered or installed until shop drawings have been submitted and reviewed. Shop Drawings shall include product data indicating performance, dimensions, finish/color and configuration. Include all accessories and installed components. Panelboards Wiring Devices Disconnect Switches SECTION 16060 - GROUNDING 1. Fans: Belt driven. 2. Sheaves: Motor sheave shall be adjustable. 16130.03 All outlet boxes for light fixtures, receptacles, and wall switches in dry locations shall be of the Steel City, or equal, galvanized knockout type. Lighting fixture outlet boxes in ceiling shall be not less than 4" square of the knockout type. Gangable type boxes shall be used in all gypboard surfaces. Plug unused openings in all boxes. 16130.04 Install boxes for switch and receptacle outlets at the locations shown on the drawings, allowing for relocation of up to 4 feet in any direction if so directed prior to rough-in, without additional cost to the Owner. Boxes shall be flush mounted on all walls for concealed work in occupied/finished areas. SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING 1. Motors: Open drip proof. 2. Efficiency: High 16130.02 Junction and pull boxes shall be galvanized metal of the knockout type, and shall be provided throughout in accessible locations. 16010.13 Procure and pay for all permits and service charges required as related to this Work. 4. Insulation: a. 1 inch (25 mm) fiberglass. 16010.04 All equipment of one type (such as panelboards, switches, wiring devices, etc.) shall be the product of one manufacturer, unless specified otherwise. SECTION 15890 SHEET METAL WORK 1. Construction: 1 inch (25 mm) thick, double wall box construction with factory sealed seams. 2. Exterior Wall: 18 gauge galvanized steel sheet. 16010.03 Each major component of equipment shall have the manufacturer's name, address, model number, and U.L. label securely affixed in a conspicuous place. B. Frost Control G. NFPA 255 - Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2006 1.03 SUBMITTALS 16010.02 The Electrical Contract includes all labor, material and equipment required for the complete electrical systems as shown and specified. The use of these instruments of service shall be restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Federal Law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other disposition of these intruments of service without the express written consent of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS 16130.01 Provide all electrical pull, junction and outlet boxes as specified and shown on the drawings, as well as those required for a complete and code acceptable installation. 4809 Vue Du Lac Place, Suite 201 Manhattan, Kansas 66503 785.587.8042 FAX 785.587.8039 [email protected] A. Packaged dessicant air-to-air energy recovery units. 16010.01 The drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, and General Requirements apply to the work specified in Division 16 - ELECTRICAL. 1515 10th St. Great Bend, KS 67530 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Rotation Detector: SECTION 16130 - ELECTRICAL BOXES AND FITTINGS Riley Grade School HVAC Improvements PART 1 GENERAL 2.12 ACCESSORIES SECTION 16010 - GENERAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS All reports, plans, specifications, drawings and other instruments of service contained herein shall remain the property of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. SECTION 15776 - PACKAGED AIR-TO-AIR RECOVERY UNITS parameter setpoints, sensed variables and internal alarms shall be available to the BCS operator station through the LonMark interface. Great Bend USD 428 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) LST Consulting Engineers, PA DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Title: END DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL MEP SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Number: 1 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS - CONTINUED NO SCALE 2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS NO SCALE ME2 # MEP DEMOLITION NOTES BY SYMBOL 1. EXISTING ROOF TOP UNIT 'RTU' TO REMAIN. 2. GAS FIRED UNIT HEATER 'UH' TO REMAIN. 3. ELECTRIC SERVICE TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN. 4. 800A, 480V SERVICE ENTRANCE DISCONNECT SWITCH TO REMAIN. 5. 800A, 480V-3PH, 3W DISTRIBUTION PANEL 'DP1' TO REMAIN. 6. 800A, 208Y/120V-3PH, 4W DISTRIBUTION PANEL 'DP2' TO REMAIN. 7. 225KVA STEP DOWN TRANSFORMER TO REMAIN 8. BRANCH CIRCUIT PANEL TO REMAIN. SEE NEW WORK PLANS FOR MODIFICATIONS. 9. 600A, 208Y/120V-3PH, 4W DISTRIBUTION PANEL 'M' TO REMAIN. 10. REMOVE AIR COOLED CHILLER 'ACC' INCLUDING FENCE, CONCRETE PAD AND ALL PIPING, CONTROLS AND ELECTRICAL CIRCUITRY TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 11. COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE LOUVER TO REMAIN. REMOVE ALL INTERIOR DUCT WORK AND BLANK OFF LOUVER WITH 2" RIGID INSULATION AND SHEET METAL. 12. REMOVE BOILER 'BLR' INCLUDING ALL PIPING AND AND CONTROLS IN MECHANICAL ROOM TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. REMOVE FLUE THRU ROOF. INSULATE AND PATCH TO MATCH EXISTING. 13. REMOVE CHILLED WATER PUMPS INCLUDING ALL PIPING AND CONTROLS IN MECHANICAL ROOM TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 31 14. REMOVE SUSPENDED AIR HANDLING UNIT 'AHU' INCLUDING ALL DUCTWORK AND CONTROLS IN MECHANICAL ROOM TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. FCU 15. REMOVE HOT WATER PUMP INCLUDING ALL PIPING AND CONTROLS IN MECHANICAL ROOM TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. FCU UV 163 24 UP 16. REMOVE MOTOR BRANCH CIRCUIT AND DISCONNECT SWITCH TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. CH-1 219 UV 217 28 31 CH-2 24 17. EXISTING DDC CONTROL PANEL(S) TO REMAIN. CO-ODINATE DEMOLITION OF ALL CONTROLS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE AND NECESSARY PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS WITH JOHNSON CONTROLS. 28 218 FCU 29 31 18. DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATER TO REMAIN. 19. ALL FIRE ALARM, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC ADDRESS EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN. PROTECT DURING DEMOLITION. UV 20. IT IS THE INTENT OF THIS PROJECT TO REMOVE ALL PIPING, DUCTWORK, EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT PADS LOCATED WITHIN THE MECHANICAL ROOM TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. ALL EQUIPMENT, PIPING AND DUCTWORK TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE OUTSIDE THE MECHANICAL ROOM SHALL REMAIN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR REMOVAL IS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE NEW WORK. 28 29 161 UV 33 215 28 33 UV 162 216 UV 28 29 28 21. REMOVE CABINET EXHAUST FAN, EXHAUST DUCT AND WALL CAP TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. PATCH EXTERIOR WALL TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL. 22. REMOVE SUPPLY AND RETURN AIR GRILLES IN ADMIN AREA. REMOVE ALL CONTROLS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 29 23. REMOVE SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCT ABOVE CORRIDOR CEILING. CAP DUCT AT CORRIDOR WALL. GENERAL ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION NOTES UV 25. REMOVE EXHAUST DUCT AND GRILLE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. WHERE FEEDERS OR OTHER CIRCUITS ARE ABANDONED AND ARE CONCEALED IN WALLS OR FLOORS, SUCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT BOTH ENDS AND LABELED. ALL EXPOSED CONDUITS, CONDUITS ABOVE LAY-IN CEILINGS, OR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS ABANDONED SHALL BE REMOVED, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. X X X X X X X X 13074 X X X X X X X X X X CH 32 Project Number: CH 32 27 Date: X X X X X 25 CX X X X X 28 X X 29 X 25 X X X X CH 32 26 8 211 X B UV X 8 X X X 28 COORDINATE THE REMOVAL OF MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING EQUIPMENT WITH THE MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT AND REMOVE ELECTRICAL POWER AND CONTROL CIRCUITS FOR EQUIPMENT BEING REMOVED. 33. REMOVE CEILING GRID AND LIGHT FIXTURES IN CORRIDOR AND OTHER ROOMS AS REQUIRED FOR DEMOLITION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NEW WORK PLANS FOR SCOPE OF NEW CONSTRUCTION. 157 X X X 4. UV X 32. REMOVE CEILING MOUNTED CABINET HEATER INCLUDING ALL CONTROLS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 25 X X 31. REMOVE FAN COIL UNIT INCLUDING ALL DUCTWORK, GRILLES AND CONTROLS TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 28 13396 ALL EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, RACEWAY, WIRING AND DEVICES WHICH ARE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE JOB SITE BY THIS CONTRACTOR, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE ARCHITECT OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. CONFORM TO ALL LAWS AND ORDINANCES IN EFFECT CONCERNING THE PROPER DISPOSAL OF LUMINAIRES AND LAMPS. 30. REMOVE WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER AND RETURN TO OWNER. 28 CH 32 February 3, 2014 X 3. UV 213 X X X 28. ABANDON UNIT VENTILATOR 'UV' IN PLACE. REMOVE WALL THERMOSTAT AND CONTROLS. ALT BID: REMOVE UNIT VENTILATOR AND ALL EXPOSED PIPING.EXTERIOR WALL GRILLE TO REMAIN. INSULATE EXTERIOR WALL, PATCH AND PAINT TO MATCH SURROUNDING MATERIAL. 29. STUFF INSULATION IN RELIEF DUCT ABOVE CEILING AND CAP/SEAL AIR TIGHT. 159 X X X 2. 214 28 UV X 27. REMOVE GRAVITY RELIEF HOOD. INSULATE ROOF OPENING WITH 6" BATT AND CAP CURB WEATHER TIGHT. 28 REMOVE ALL ROMEX, BX, AND OTHER FLEXIBLE CONDUIT, CABLE SYSTEMS AND EXPOSED WIRING FOR ALL ABANDONED CIRCUITS. X 1. UV 160 X X X X X X X X 26. REMOVE EXHAUST FAN AND DUCT. INSULATE ROOF OPENING WITH MIN. 6" BATT AND CAP ROOF CURB WEATHER TIGHT. 29 X 24. ABANDON CABINET HEATER 'CH' IN PLACE. REMOVE ANY WALL THERMOSTATS. Drawn By: 29 LST UV 10 154 3 1 1 28 23 26X10 31 WAC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CH-3 24 1 UV 28 23 (TYP.) 151 107 24 CH-4 X X X X X 26X10 23 X X X X X X 33 X X X X X X X X 14 206 UV 28 21 17 33 UV 101 X X X X X X X X 21 205 153 33 16 X X 13 RTU 1 RTU 104 X X X X X X RTU 28 29 UV 28 X X AHU 20 RTU 28 UV 29 X X X X X X X X 19 X X RTU 106 X RTU 1 X 1 RTU 1 18 12 15 16 X X 8 X 8 BLR X X X X 1 X-2 X X 8 X X M A X X X X X X 9 6 X DP2 T1 L1 H1 X DP1 207 8 X 5 156 28 X X X X X X X X X X X X X ACC X X X X UH RTU X X X X X X 11 UV X X X X X 7 2 210 X X X X XFMR X X X X X X 4 28 UV 30 203 FCU UP 204 152 UV 28 UV 28 202 21 X 22 1 FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" 2 SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0" Revisions: Title: Demolition Plans Sheet Number: KEY PLAN ME3 PROVIDE 120V POWER CONNECTION TO DUPLEX OUTLET PROVIDED WITH 'ERV'. CONNECT TO NEAREST 120V BRANCH CIRCUIT INSIDE BUILDING ERV-1 H2 14 2 G G ME4 13396 Project Number: 13074 Date: GAS PIPE ON ROOF. PROVIDE PRE-MANUFACTURED SUPPORT, SEE DETAIL 3:ME4 February 3, 2014 1-1/4" Drawn By: 1-1/2" G G LST 1-1/2" GAS PIPE DOWN EXTERIOR WALL. CONNECT TO EXISTING GAS PIPE AND PROVIDE NEW REGULATOR, 300 CFH @ 7" W.C. OUTLET PRESSURE. G G 1-1/4" ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR SCHEDULE MARK G EXISTING GAS PIPE ON ROOF TO REMAIN 2 ME4 3" RE-ROUTE EXISTING 3" GAS PIPE TO AVOID NEW 'ERV' H2 20 TYPE E.S.P. ("W.C.) SUPPLY EXHAUST OUTDOOR AIR (°F db/°F wb) ROOM AIR (°F db/°RH) SUPPLY AIR (°F db/°F wb) SUPPLY EXHAUST SUMMER WINTER SUMMER WINTER SUMMER WINTER NATURAL GAS HEAT INPUT/ OUTPUT (MBH) ERV-1 GREENHECK ERCH-45-30L ENTHALPY WHEEL 3,050 2,745 1 5 5 101.0/77.0 1.0/-0.7 75.0/50 72.0/35 81.3/67.4 54.7/46.2 150/120 ERV-2 GREENHECK ERCH-45-30L ENTHALPY WHEEL 2,705 2,435 1 3 3 101.0/77.0 1.0/-0.7 75.0/50 72.0/35 81.1/67.2 55.4/46.8 150/120 ERV-3 GREENHECK ERCH-20-30L ENTHALPY WHEEL 1,100 1,000 1 1-1/2 1 1/2 101.0/77.0 1.0/-0.7F 75.0/50 72.0/35 80.6/66.8 56.7/47.5 100/80 FILTERS SA: MERV 8 EA: MERV 8 SA: MERV 8 EA: MERV 8 SA: MERV 8 EA: MERV 8 MCA MOCP VOLTAGE/PHASE WEIGHT (LBS.) 18.2 25/3 480V/3 PH 2,184 11.9 15/3 480V/3 PH 2,163 6.9 15/3 480V/3 PH 1,429 1. Provide integral disconnect switch and single point electrical connection. 2. Provide factory LON Works compatible microprocessor controls, time of day scheduling, frost control and discharge air temperature control. 3. Provide, shipped loose, supply and exhaust duct smoke detectors and convenience outlet. G 1" PROVIDE 120V POWER CONNECTION TO DUPLEX OUTLET PROVIDED WITH 'ERV'. CONNECT TO NEAREST 120V BRANCH CIRCUIT INSIDE BUILDING G 2 3 MODEL NUMBER PERFORMANCE MOTOR (HP) NOTES: ERV-2 3" 3" MANUFATURER AIRFLOW (CFM) 4. Low leakage intake and exhaust dampers Revisions: 5. Constant volume supply and exhaust fans with variable pitch motor sheave. ME4 ERV-3 GAS PIPE 3#12,#12G TO NEW 15/3 CB INSTALLED IN PANEL 'HA'. SEE SHEET ME1 FOR LOCATION OF PANEL BOARD. PROVIDE 120V POWER CONNECTION TO DUPLEX OUTLET PROVIDED WITH 'ERV'. CONNECT TO NEAREST 120V BRANCH CIRCUIT INSIDE BUILDING RETURN AIR TO ERV CONTINUOUS SPRING VIBRATION ISOLATION RAIL (AMBER BOOTH TYPE RTIR) SUPPLY AIR FROM ERV FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS INSULATED ROOF CURB FLASH INTO ROOF AS REQUIRED. ROOFING 14" MIN ROOF INSULATION CADDY PYRAMID EZ ADJUSTABLE ROOF PIPE SUPPORT (OR EQUAL) Title: DECK ROOF STRUCTURE FIELD VERIFY MEP Roof Plan & HVAC VRF Schedules ROOF 6" FIBERGLASS INSULATION BLANKET BY M.C. 1 PARTIAL MEP ROOF PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" 2 LAYERS 5/8" GYP. BOARD BY M.C. Sheet Number: ERV CURB DETAIL GAS PIPE ROOF SUPPORT DETAIL 3 2 NO SCALE NO SCALE KEY PLAN ME4 219 IU-1-11 DOWN UP T 218 163 IU-1-1 7 (TYP) 8 217 IU-1-6 D IU-1-9 T D 7 UP TO 'IU-1-6' D (TYP) 6 T (TYP) UP TO 'IU-1-9' T IU-1-10 T D UP TO 'IU-1-12' IU-1-12 T 13 (TYP) 6 T (TYP) 161 IU-1-3 T 215 IU-1-8 D UP TO 'IU-1-8' UP TO 'IU-1-7' D 216 D 7 IU-1-7 (TYP) IU-1-2 162 T T BC-1 4 T T 13 (TYP) T T 7 (TYP) IU-1-4 160 IU-2-1 214 7 (TYP) 213 IU-1-5 HP-1 (24 TON) IU-2-2 13396 159 2 HP-2 (24 TON) Project Number: 13074 1 (TYP) Date: February 3, 2014 Drawn By: 211 IU-3-9 IU-3-1 LST IU-2-9 IU-2-3 157 11 13 (TYP) 5 D D D 11 T D D T 6 BC-2 IU-3-10 4 IU-2-10 (TYP) # MECHANICAL NOTES BY SYMBOL 1. PROVIDE CONCRETE SLAB AND INSTALL HEAT PUMP ON NEOPRENE VIBRATION ISOLATORS ON 18" HIGH STEEL MOUNTING FRAME ANCHORED TO CONCRETE SLAB. FRAME TO BE EQUIVALENT TO ERICO PYRAMID EQUIPMENT SUPPORT. 2. ROUTE REFRIGERANT PIPING FROM HEAT PUMP UNIT ON GRADE TO BC CONTROLLER IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ROUTE PIPING UP ALONG EXTERIOR WALL AND PENETRATE ABOVE CEILING LEVEL. ROUTE REFRIGERANT PIPING CONCEALED ABOVE CEILINGS TO BC CONTROLLER. 3. INSTALL BC CONTROLLER AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE ABOVE CEILING. PROVIDE 1-1/4" CONDENSATE DRAIN AS INDICATED. PROVIDE AUXILLARY DRAIN PAN FOR BC CONTROLLER AND ROUTE 3/4" DRAIN THROUGH CEILING. PROVIDE ESCUTCHEON PLATE AT CEILING PENETRATION AND TERMINATE 2" BELOW CEILING. 4. ROUTE REFRIGERANT PIPING BETWEEN VRFZ COMPONENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, CONCEALED ABOVE CEILING. SEE SYSTEM SCHEMATICS ON SHEET M3. COORDINATE EXACT ROUTING WITH EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS AND OTHER TRADES. 5. ROUTE CONDENSATE DRAIN PIPING AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE ABOVE CEILING. COORDINATE EXACT ROUTING WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS. 6. PROVIDE 1-1/4" COPPER CONDENSATE DRAIN, ROUTED AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE ABOVE CEILING. TYPICAL FOR EACH INDOOR UNIT. 7. ROUTE CONDENSATE PIPING DOWN IN EXISTING CHASE AND THROUGH EXTERIOR WALL. TERMINATE WITH ELBOW DOWN. EXISTING CONDENSATE PIPING MAY BE RE-USED WHERE SIZED ADEQUATELY. 8. ROUTE CONDENSATE PIPING DOWN ALONG WALL ABOVE DOOR, THEN DOWN TO AND SPILL INTO SERVICE SINK. 9. ROUTE CONDENSATE PIPING DOWN ALONG WALL IN MECHANICAL ROOM TO FLOOR DRAIN. FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION OF FLOOR DRAIN AND EXACT ROUTING WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS. T 6 (TYP) IU-3-2 3 13 (TYP) 4 156 T T 7 (TYP) 5 D IU-2-4 210 IU-2-5 IU-3-4 207 154 7 IU-3-3 6 D (TYP) (TYP) BC-3-1 3 T D HP-3 (20 TON) T T 1 13 (TYP) (TYP) T 4 T 10. ROUTE 3/4" CONDENSATE DRAIN FROM WALL MOUNTED UNITS DOWN IN CORNER TO ABOVE 1ST FLOOR CEILING. (TYP) IU-3-19 205 153 7 7 (TYP) (TYP) 9 206 IU-3-5 12. ROUTE COPPER CONDENSATE DRAIN DOWN IN CORNER AND DISCHARGE THROUGH WALL TO GRADE. TERMINATE WITH ELBOW DOWN AT 6" A.F.G. PROVIDE SPLASH BLOCK WHERE CONDENSATE DRIPS ON SOIL. 13. FIELD LOCATE THERMOSTATS AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER. 104 D 106 IU-2-6 11. PROVIDE 2" TRAPPED OPEN HUB DRAIN AT EXISTING STACK IN CLOSET FOR INDIRECT CONNECTION OF CONDENSATE DRAINAGE. PROVIDE WITH PROSET TRAPGUARD TRAP PROTECTION DEVICE, OR EQUAL. 1-1/4" IU-2-7 D (TYP) 5 3 101 IU-3-15 (TYP) 7 13 (TYP) D T 5 6 D 5 BC-3-2 D D 4 D 203 IU-3-11 D D IU-3-8 IU-3-17 5 107 204 IU-2-8 202 T 151 D T IU-3-6 152 (TYP) IU-3-14 T T UP T 6 (TYP) IU-3-13 T DOWN T T 4 (TYP) T IU-3-16 12 D D T D IU-3-12 IU-2-11 IU-3-18 5 Revisions: D T (TYP) 10 3/4" T T Title: 6 13 (TYP) (TYP) Partial HVAC Plans IU-3-7 Sheet Number: 12 1 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR HVAC PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" 2 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR HVAC PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" KEY PLAN M1 AIR DEVICE SCHEDULE 24x10 UP 24x10 UP SD-B 10"Ø 305 SD-B 10"Ø 305 FSD FSD TITUS PAS-12X12 SD-B TITUS PAS-24x24 EG-A TITUS 350RL EG-B TITUS PAR-24X24 9 2 EWH-1 IU-1-12 6 16x24 UP TO 'ERV' 8x8 ERV-1 (ON ROOF) 215 9 (TYP) IU-1-8 8x8 SD-B 10"Ø 305 4 6 162 MOUNTING DAMPER DESCRIPTION NOTES ● WHITE LAY-IN NO 12x12 Steel, perforated face, square ● WHITE LAY-IN NO 24x24 Steel, perforated face, square ● WHITE SURFACE YES Steel grille with fixed bars @ 35°, 3/4" O.C. ● WHITE LAY-IN NO 24x24 Steel, perforated face, square NOTES: 9 3 ELECTRIC HEATER SCHEDULE 6 (TYP) 216 BC-1-1 FINISH 8x8 8x8 12x10 161 6 8x8 SD-B 10"Ø 305 8x8 IU-1-3 24x10 IU-1-10 9 1 5 (TYP) 24x16 UP TO 'ERV' 1 16X10 24x10 9 TRANSFER SD-A IU-1-6 217 IU-1-9 MODEL EXHAUST 218 MANUFATURER RETURN IU-1-1 163 MARK SUPPLY EWH-2 IU-1-11 APPLICATION DOWN UP 219 IU-1-7 SD-B 10"Ø 305 SD-B 10"Ø 305 MARK MANUF. MODEL MOUNTING WATTS VOLTAGE/PHASE DESCRIPTION NOTES EWH-1, EWH-2, EWH-3, EWH-4 BERKO FRC4020 SURFACE WALL 2,000 208/1 Heavy duty, architectural, fan forced electric wall heater 1,2,3 EUH BERKO HUHAA520 CEILING SUSPENDED 5,000 208/3 Horizontal unit heater 4,5 IU-1-2 9 NOTES: 12x10 1. 16 GA front bar grille 2. Built-in tamper-proof thermostat, thermal cutout, fan delay and electrical disconnect switch 9 3. Provide optional surface mounting frame, model FRSMPB 4. Provide two-stage internal thermostat, model HUHAAMT-2 5. Provide universal wall/ceiling mounting bracket, model HUHAAB-10 9 SD-B 10"Ø 305 IU-1-4 9 IU-2-1 214 160 8x8 SD-B 10"Ø 305 8x8 (B) IU-2-2 8x8 HP-1 213 SD-B 10"Ø 305 159 7 13396 (A) (E) 8x8 IU-1-5 9 WALL SD-B 10"Ø 305 HP-2 Project Number: (A) 7 13074 (C) 8 Date: (F) EG-A 10x10 225 IU-3-1 IU-3-9 10x6 IU-2-9 211 10x6 IU-2-3 14x8 SD-B 10"Ø 305 14x8 14x4 UP 10x6 14x8 EG-A 10x10 225 EG-A 10x10 225 9 EG-A 10x10 225 FSD 9 8x8 IU-3-10 10x8 EG-A 10x10 225 6" MIN. (H) CONTROL WIRING FROM ACTUATOR TO SMOKE DETECTORS 10x6 10x6 EG-A 10x10 225 BC-2-1 9 EG-A 10x10 225 A. RETAINING ANGLES: MINIMUM 1 1/2"X1 1/2"X0.054 (16 GA.) B. CLEARANCE: 1/8" PER LINEAR FOOT BOTH DIMENSIONS. C. STEEL SLEEVE PER SMACNA D. APPROVED FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER E. SECURE RETAINING ANGLES TO SLEEVE ONLY, ON 8" CENTER WITH: E.1. 1/2" LONG WELDS, OR E.2. 1/4" BOLTS & NUTS, OR E.3. #10 STEEL SCREWS, OR E.4. MIN. 3/16" STEEL RIVETS 9 8x10 IU-2-4 210 IU-3-4 SD-B 10"Ø 305 207 8x8 9 2 SD-B 10"Ø 305 6 8x8 HP-3 9 BC-3-1 16x10 9 EUH SD-B 10"Ø 305 101 BC-3-2 IU-2-7 EG-B 10"Ø 300 24x16 UP TO 'ERV' 9 SD-A 6"Ø 25 6"Ø 6"Ø 4 5 (TYP.) (TYP.) 8x8 8x8 2 16x10 16x10 16x10 UP TO 'ERV' 1 # MECHANICAL NOTES BY SYMBOL 1. SUPPLY/EXHAUST DUCT UP TO ROOF MOUNTED 'ERV'. PROVIDE DUCT TRANSITION AND FLEXIBLE CONNECTION. SEE DETAIL 2:ME2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2. OPEN END RETURN DUCT IN CEILING PLENUM SPACE. IU-3-17 SD-A 6"Ø 125 8x8 EWH-4 107 IU-3-14 DROP SUPPLY DUCT DOWN AND PENETRATE CORRIDOR WALL BELOW BOND BEAM. 5. TAP SIDE OF SUPPLY DUCT BETWEEN ROOF/FLOOR JOISTS. PENETRATE CORRIDOR WALL BELOW BOND BEAM. 6. DUCT RUN-OUT THRU EXISTING BAR JOISTS. DUCT SIZE MAY BE REDUCED TO 8"Ø IF NECESSARY. 7. SET HEAT PUMP ON CONCRETE PAD. SEE SHEET G1 AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS. 8. NEW ELECTRICAL PANEL. MAINTAIN 30"W x 36"D DEDICATED WORKING SPACE. DO NOT ROUTE REFRIGERANT PIPING ABOVE OR BELOW PANEL. 9. PROVIDE 24X24, STEEL PERFORATED FACE RETURN AIR GRILL, TITUS MODEL PAR OR EQUAL. FILED LOCATE IN CLASSROOM. 10. MITSUBISHI DDC CENTRAL CONTROLLER. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER. 1 2 IU-3-13 IU-3-12 FSD IU-3-8 SD-A 6"Ø 100 TAP TOP F SUPPLY DUCT BETWEEN EXISTING ROOF/FLOOR JOISTS. 4. IU-2-11 SD-B 8"Ø 240 8x8 SD-A 6"Ø 25 3. Revisions: IU-3-11 6"Ø 3 (TYP.) 4 (TYP.) EWH-3 FOLLOW INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACTUATOR. NO SCALE 203 8x8 SD-A IU-3-6 6"Ø 152 25 151 UP IU-3-18 IU-2-6 ERV-2 (ON ROOF) 1 16x24 UP TO 'ERV' (TYP.) 3 VERTICAL POSITION IS SHOWN, HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION IS SHOWN 204 202 DOWN EG-A 6x6 75 THE FIRE DAMPER MANUFACTURERS' INSTALLATION DETAILS AND INSTRUCTIONS AS TESTED AND APPROVED BY U.L. MUST BE USED IN LIEU OF THE ABOVE DETAILS WHERE APPLICABLE. 16X10 EG-A 6x6 75 16x10 8x8 24x10 6 IU-3-15 ERV-3 (ON ROOF) SD-A 6"Ø 50 206 24x10 6 SD-A 6"Ø 75 IU-3-16 SD-B 10"Ø 305 8x8 104 DDC SD-B 10"Ø 305 153 IU-3-5 16x10 106 10 205 12x10 SD-B 8"Ø 200 SECURE DAMPER TO SLEEVE ON 8" CENTER WITH: F.1. 1/2" LONG WELDS, OR F.2. 1/4" BOLTS & NUTS IN HOLES PROVIDED, OR F.3. #10 STEEL SCREWS, OR F.4. MIN. 3/16" STEEL RIVETS G. CONNECT DUCT TO SLEEVE WITH BREAK-AWAY JOINT AS PER SMACNA. H. INSTALL ACCESS DOOR OR PANEL. FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER INSTALLATION DETAIL 7 IU-3-19 F. IU-2-5 SD-B 10"Ø 305 154 SD-B 10"Ø 275 MANUFACTURERS' INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPICAL INSTALLATION DETAILS: IU-3-2 IU-3-3 (G) (TYPICAL) IU-2-10 9 156 LST 10x6 6 10x6 Drawn By: (G) DUCT EG-A 10x10 225 14x8 16x10 157 February 3, 2014 SD-B 10"Ø 305 IU-2-8 9 Title: SD-A 6"Ø 50 IU-3-7 EG-A 6x6 75 Partial HVAC Plans Sheet Number: 1 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR HVAC PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" 2 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR HVAC PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" KEY PLAN M2 G To SubBC MECHANICAL PIPING RISER DIAGRAM - CENTRAL SYSTEM 2 SCALE: No Scale G To MainBC To SubBC 1515 10th St. Great Bend, KS 67530 4809 Vue Du Lac Place, Suite 201 Manhattan, Kansas 66503 785.587.8042 FAX 785.587.8039 [email protected] G Riley Grade School HVAC Improvements LST Consulting Engineers, PA G Great Bend USD 428 G G 13396 Project Number: 13074 Date: February 3, 2014 Drawn By: LST MECHANICAL PIPING RISER DIAGRAM - CENTRAL SYSTEM 1 1 SCALE: No Scale Revisions: Title: VRF Diagrams Sheet Number: 2 M3 The use of these instruments of service shall be restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. Federal Law prohibits the reproduction, display, sale, or other disposition of these intruments of service without the express written consent of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. All reports, plans, specifications, drawings and other instruments of service contained herein shall remain the property of LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. LST Consulting Engineers, P.A. retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. 219 UP 4 2P EWH-2 IU-1-11 2P 217 T 4 IU-1-9 1 1 7 T C 3 Z 2P IU-1-1 4 # ELECTRICAL NOTES BY SYMBOL 1 2#12, #12G TO NEW 20/2 CB INSTALLED IN EXISTING PANEL INDICATED. CIRCUIT NUMBER IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. UPDATE PANEL DIRECTORY AT COMPLETION OF PROJECT. 2 3#12, #12G TO NEW 30/3 CB INSTALLED IN EXISTING PANEL INDICATED. CIRCUIT NUMBER IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. UPDATE PANEL DIRECTORY AT COMPLETION OF WORK. 3 3#3/0, #6G IN 2"C TO EXISTING FUSIBLE SWITCH PANEL DP1-R'. INSTALL 200A FUSES IN EXISTING CHILLER 400/3 SWITCH TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. PROVIDE FUSE REDUCTION CLIPS. 4 PROVIDE POWER ROUGH-IN FOR NEW HVAC EQUIPMENT. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION/REQUIREMENTS WITH M.C. FIELD LOCATION DISCONNECT SWITCH. 5 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY RELAYS, MODULES, CONTROLS, PROGRAMMING, ETC AS REQUIRED TO MONITOR NEW DUCT MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTORS. 6 SMOKE DETECTORS FOR 'ERV' SHUT-DOWN PROVIDED WITH UNIT. E.C. TO PROVIDE NECESSARY RELAYS, CONTROLS, ETC AS REQUIRED TO DE-ENERGIZE FANS UPON ACTIVATION AND INSTALL. 7 TEST SWITCH FOR COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION WITH OWNER. 8 FIRE ALARM MONITORING CIRCUIT TO EXISTING FIRE ALARM PANEL. VERIFY CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MANUFACTURER. ACTIVATION OF A DUCT MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR SHALL EITHER A. DE-ENERGIZE THE 'ERV'' OR B. CLOSE SMOKE DAMPER AND INITIATE A TROUBLE SIGNAL AT THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL 9 2#12,#12G TO NEAREST 120V RECEPTACLE BRANCH CIRCUIT. IU-1-6 IU-1-12 4 EWH-1 2P Z B 5 163 B 3 218 4 DOWN 2P 6 IU-1-10 2P 4 Z 'ERV' EA Z 8 'ERV' SA 6 T T IU-1-8 IU-1-3 215 161 4 4 2P 2P 2P 2P 216 4 4 162 BC-1-1 IU-1-2 2P IU-1-7 IU-1-4 10 PROVIDE DEDICATED 20A/120V CIRCUIT AND ETHERNET DATA DROP FOR MITSUBISHI CENTRAL CONTROLLER. CO-ODINATE EXACT ROUGH-IN LOCATION WITH M.C. OBTAIN ETHERNET CABLE SOURCE LOCATION FROM OWNER. IU-2-1 214 160 4 4 2P 2P 2P 2P 4 HP-1 4 213 13396 159 H2 1 H2 7 H2 2 H2 8 IU-2-2 IU-1-5 Project Number: 13074 HP-2 WP/GFI H2 Date: 9 February 3, 2014 IU-3-1 3 IU-2-3 2P 4 LST 211 IU-3-9 4 Drawn By: 2P ON 'C-3' 4 157 8 IU-2-9 4 Z 2P 2P C B B 1 C 1 1 1 B 2 T 1 C 2 1 2P 4 2P BC-2-1 2P 4 4 IU-3-10 IU-2-10 IU-3-2 156 4 IU-2-4 2P 2P 4 210 4 2P 4 2P 207 154 IU-2-5 IU-3-4 IU-3-3 4 2P 2P HP-3 BC-3-1 4 WP/GFI M 2P X-2 EUH 9 H2 13 A X A 3 H2 19 IU-3-19 205 2P 153 2 2P 4 DDC IU-2-6 IU-3-5 A 1 1 FACP 104 4 2P 5 ON 'C-3' 101 IU-3-15 2P 2P 4 BC-3-2 4 6 2P EWH-3 4 IU-3-18 1 B 4 203 'ERV' EA Z 8 Z T 'ERV' SA 6 T 4 4 2P Revisions: 2P IU-2-11 IU-3-11 2P Z 106 4 206 IU-2-7 10 IU-3-12 IU-3-13 4 4 2P IU-3-16 IU-3-17 2P 1 EWH-4 IU-3-14 4 2P 4 IU-3-8 2P 4 204 152 4 4 IU-3-6 UP A 2 4 2P 151 2P IU-2-8 T 202 DOWN 2P 7 107 2P Title: IU-3-7 Partial Power Plans 4 Sheet Number: 1 PARTIAL FIRST FLOOR POWER PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" 2 PARTIAL SECOND FLOOR POWER PLAN 1/8 = 1'-0" KEY PLAN E1
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