Document 28162

Try this Letter Generator Activity
Letter Writing
For the month of November and December, the Grade 1’s
and 2 have been focusing on letter writing skills. The
students are learning to start their letter with a
salutation (e.g., Dear Mom), include multiple ideas in
their letter, and end their letter with a closing and a
signature (e.g., Love, Aviva). With the holidays coming
up soon, there are many great opportunities to write
letters at home. Here are some different letter writing
activities that you can try with your child:
or friend in a holiday card. Go out with your child and
buy some special cards together. Try drawing some
lines on the inside of the card to help your child
visually organize his/her information in the card.
Encourage your child to write about what he/she is
doing at school or what he/she hopes to do over the
winter holidays. Mail this card together for a meaningful
writing activity.
-mail to a family
member or friend. E-mails are the modern day letters,
and while many people do not follow letter writing
conventions in an e-mail, there is no reason that you
cannot encourage your child to do so. Not only will
sending an e-mail help your child improve his/her
keyboarding skills and letter writing skills, but e-mails
also tend to produce fast replies, so your child will get a
quick response too.
Your child might need some help reading the instructions,
but he/she can write the letter independently. Your child
will likely enjoy the game format of this activity too. When
writing at home, encourage your child to use familiar
words and letter sounds to complete the writing activity.
Giving your child a picture dictionary to use might help
too. Have fun writing together! Your child can bring their
letters to class to add into their writing folders. We have
presently started procedural writing – to be continued into
Reminder About Indoor Shoes
This is just a reminder that it is now the season for indoor
shoes. If your child does not already have a pair of indoor
shoes at school, please make sure to send one in with your
child. These shoes can be kept at school in their lockers.
Be sure to label your child’s shoes please, as some students
have the same ones. Thank you!
Happy, happy, happy birthday Luca – we will celebrate,
your birthday, when we see again in January.
Show and Tell is a big deal in Grades 1 and 2!
Approximately once a month, your child will be the
classroom “Special Helper”. It will be their job to bring
in “show and tell” that day as well. This is an important
part of the curriculum, and students will be assessed on
their Presentation and Communication skills. There will
be a copy of the instructions in the “blue bag” that your
child will bring home the day before his or her Show and
Tell day. The assignment will be printed on the side or
bottom of the monthly Calendar.
January’s Show and Tell is about “My Favourite Book
or Activity I Did On My Winter Break”. Remember,
that instructions will be in the “Blue Bag”.
Learning Goal # 1
Students will “use one or more appropriate visual aids to
support or enhance oral presentations.”
Success Criteria:
*I brought something to show every-one.
*My item helps people understand what I did last
*I remembered to hold it up (or dis-play it on the board)
so that everyone could see it clearly while I was talking.
Learning Goal # 2
Students will “communicate ideas and information orally
in a clear, coherent manner, using simple but
appropriate organizational patterns.”
Success Criteria:
*I told everyone about something fun I did last summer.
*I spoke clearly and loud enough so everyone could hear
and understand me.
*I used the “W” chart to help me remember who I was
with, what we did, where we went, when it took place,
and why it was so much fun. (See attached sheet)
Mr. Monkey can’t wait to hear your stories!!!
Always applaud your young reader and beginning story
writer! The tips below offer some fun ways you can help
your child become a happy and confident reader. Try a
new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
■ Tell family tales.
Children love to hear stories about their family.
Talk about a funny thing that happened when you were
■ Create a writing toolbox.
Fill a box with drawing and writing materials.
Find opportunities for your child to write, such as the
shopping list, thank you notes, or birthday cards.
■ Be your child’s #1 fan.
Ask your child to read aloud what he or she has written
for school. Be an enthusiastic listener.
■ One more time with feeling.
When your child has sounded out an unfamiliar word,
have him or her re-read that sentence.
Often kids are so busy figuring out a word they lose the
meaning of what they’ve just read.
■ Create a book together.
Fold pieces of paper in half and staple them to make a
book. Ask your child to write sentences on each page and
add his or her own illustrations.
■ Do storytelling on the go.
Take turns adding to a story the two of you make up
while riding in a car or bus. Try making the story funny
or spooky.
Point out the relationship between words.
Explain how related words have similar spellings and
meanings. Show how a word like knowledge, for example,
relates to a word like know.
■ Use a writing checklist.
Have your child create a writing checklist with reminders
such as, “Do all of my sentences start with a
capital? “Yes/No.”