To: Rod Collins, DCO Rich Thomas, DCOS

Rod Collins, DCO
Rich Thomas, DCOS
D11N Board & Staff
From: Wally Smith
Subj: DCAPT – Prevention Report
Date: 18 September 2014
Below is my report covering August 2014.
Calendar Recap
01 August – Coast Guard Birthday - Monterey
02-03 August – Santa Cruz OPTREX
08-09 August – Utah OPTREX
12 August – Attended Flotilla 64 Meeting
13 August – Attended Patrol Area Coordinators Meeting
14 August – Attended Coast Guard Appreciation event at the Cliff House
16-17 August – Instructed at PCA
22-24 August – NACON
26 August – Santa Cruz Port District Meeting
The annual Coast Guard Birthday Party was a great success again this year.
Approximately 70 folks representing CG Station Monterey, the CGC Hawksbill,
and CG students from NPS joined 18 “host” Auxiliarists. Sponsored by the Navy
League, the guests were treated to tri-tips, burgers, dogs, and all the trimmings!
Yours truly carved over a dozen terrific marinated tri-tips.
The Santa Cruz OPTREX had seven facilities, seven QEs, and 18 candidates for
initial or re-qualification for crew and coxswain … with a 100% success rate! All
this in the midst of the great anchovy die-off in the Harbor. It made for an
odiferous experience in the Harbor but, luckily, the aroma did not extend to
Monterey Bay where the exercises were conducted. And congratulations to
COMO Mike Maddox who was “signed off” by OTO Matt James as a fully
qualified QE.
Dozens of really great photos were taken during the event and are posted to
a special web site set up by Tracy Schultz. To view the site, go to:
I attended the Utah OPTREX as both a DCAPT and QE. This was a very well run
event held on Jordanelle Reservoir. Again the success rate was 100% with
candidates qualifying and re-qualifying as crew and coxswains. Well Done!
Each year, the Cliff House restaurant sponsors a luncheon for Coast Guard active
duty enlisted personnel. Three representatives from the Auxiliary were invited to
attend as well … Michael Mitchell, Mike Ungersma, and I were the lucky few.
Over 100 attendees enjoyed the food and the fellowship. Thank you Cliff House!
The PCA Fair was again a great success. I facilitated the Flotilla Leadership
Course and thoroughly enjoyed the eight members attending. Hopefully some or
all will move into leadership positions in the Auxiliary. There are some high
quality folks in the group. My thanks go to COMO Vic Connell, DCOS Rich
Thomas, Rob Firehock, George Rogers, Jane Smith, and Tracy Schultz for taking
the lead on several segments. And to PCA President Mary Kirkwood … well
done – again!
It was an absolute honor to attend NACON. I will long remember the
presentation of the Auxiliarist of the Year (AUXOY) Award and will cherish the
memory! I continue to be humbled by it all! Again my sincerest appreciation to
my colleagues who recommended the Award in the first place, and to those who
ran it up the Chain. All I can say is a heartfelt “THANK YOU”.
Support DSOs in the area of Prevention
Support DCDRs of Divisions 1, 7, & 11
Seek methods to minimize costs whenever possible without sacrificing the
efficacy of our missions and/or programs.
Respectfully submitted,
Wally Smith, District Captain – Prevention