BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAPER – COVER SHEET Meeting Date: 28 July 2010 Agenda Item: 12 Item No: I Title: CONTRACT PERFORMANCE REPORT Purpose: To report on Trust activity and contracted performance to end June 2010. Summary: This report is produced for the first time to supplement the level of contract performance reporting previously provided through the Finance report. The report summarises activity trends previously provided through the Trust Performance report, which will now concentrate upon key performance indicators, and Trust performance against the contracts held with five Primary Care Trusts. The contract for supply of services to each of the five PCT’s within the local consortium was signed on 14th July 2010. The Trust is over performing against non-elective contracted activity targets (4%), including A&E, but underperforming on elective inpatient volumes (-3%). Outpatient activity volumes are below contracted targets generally, specifically for first outpatients, though performance will be skewed by the adjustment to targets proposed by the two Dorset-based PCT’s. The financial value of net overperformance at full tariff is approx £670,000 with most arising from our contract with Dorset PCT. Recommendation: For discussion and noting Prepared by: KATE THOMAS PAUL STEBBINGS Presented by: HEATHER HAUSCHILD Director of Operations This report is relevant to: (Please tick relevant box) Assurance Framework Risk Register I/D No. Healthcare Standards: Please specify which standard Monitor compliance Financial implications YES / NO 9 Human Resources implications YES / NO Internal monitoring 9 Legal implications YES / NO POOLE HOSPITAL NHS FOUNDATION TRUST DIRECTORATE OF OPERATIONS Report to the Board of Directors – 28 July 2010 TRUST CONTRACT PERFORMANCE REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This report is provided for the first time and is intended to supplement the information on contract performance previously provided only through the Finance report. It focuses now upon Trust activity levels in respect of the contract the Trust has agreed with the five members of the local consortium namely Bournemouth & Poole, Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Somerset Primary Care Trusts. 1.2 The report commences with a summary of activity trends as previously reported through the Trust Performance report. 2. ACTIVITY TRENDS 2.1 Appendix 1 provides a summary of activity trends comparing this financial year with the last three. This has previously been reported as part of the Trust Performance Report, but is now presented here to place contract performance in context. 2.2 PbR contract targets for 2010/11 are essentially defined at 2009/10 outturns as estimated by the two Dorset-based PCTs and by Poole Hospital in respect of the associated members of the consortium. An exception is for emergency activity which comprises the largest part of all non-elective activity, for which targets are restricted to a financial valuation based on casemix and activity levels in 2008/09. Whilst non-elective admissions are thus seen to be substantially below last year, they are more appropriately monitored alongside 2008/09 levels rather than last year for contract purposes. Maternity admissions provide the main exception and are shown separately. 2.3 Elective inpatient targets are based on last year estimated outturns with further adjustment for the anticipated full year effect of demand management initiatives introduced last summer/autumn and in recognition of the move from a maximum 13 weeks to 18 weeks RTT target. Actual elective activity is thus planned to remain below 2009/10 levels, particularly in the first half of the year, though a shift from inpatient to day case work is planned within our transformation programme. 2.4 First outpatients will provided the forward demand for our elective volumes and again are expected to fall below last year levels. The largest proportion of these arise from GP referrals and so these are monitored to ensure demand management inititatives continue to operate. 3. CONTRACT NEGOTIATION 3.1 The contract for provision of health services (the contract) was signed with Bournemouth & Poole PCT, as co-ordinating commissioner on behalf of all associate members, on 14th July. 3.2 The respective total values of the five contracts including block funding are shown below: • Bournemouth & Poole £115.9m • Dorset £ 46.4m • Hampshire £3.7m • Wiltshire £451,000 • Somerset £107,000 3.3 Each contract includes a schedule of a range of activity and income targets defined on a cost per case basis for a range of services subject to Payment by Results, including the majority of our inpatient and outpatient activity and all A&E attendances, and those services covered by a block funding allocation. 3.4 A summary of the PbR elements of the five contracts together with year to date performance to end June 2010 is shown in Appendix 2 Table 1. With 97% of our PbR contracted income falling within the two Dorset-based contracts, we will initially concentrate on the relevant performance of these contracts. Summaries for Bouremnouth & Poole nad Dorset PCT’s are included as Appendices 3 and 4. 4. CONTRACT PERFORMANCE FOR PERIOD 1ST APRIL 2010 TO 30TH JUNE 2010 4.1 The total value of activity undertaken across the five contracts exceeds target by £670,000 with the major contributor Dorset PCT who are in excess of £639,000 above contracted value. Each contract is subject to terms for marginal payment/refunds for financial values in excess/below contracted targets. The net effect of this is monitored by the Finance department and will be shown in future reporting. 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Contract Profiles Activity and financial targets are profiled over the twelve months and take into account known variations eg winter/summer pressures, working and calendar days in the month, but in respect of elective activity only, the Dorset-based PCT’s have sought to ‘front-load’ targets to reflect the need to reduce the underlying run-rate of activity in anticipation of a more stringent financial settlement next year. Elective performance during the first quarter needs then to be considered in the context of marginally inflated targets during the first quarter. Elective Activity Total contracted elective activity is 2.9% below target as a result of the 15% underperformance on inpatient admissions. Day case activity remains on target. In financial terms however, the Trust is on target after the first quarter because of casemix differences and some high cost spells arising from excess bed days. Elective activity on behalf of Dorset PCT is only marginally higher than plan, but is generating substantially higher income which balances the underperformance seen in respect of our main contract with Bournemouth & Poole. The disproportionate impact seen here implies excess bed days may be a particular problem in respect of Dorset PCT patients and this will be explored with the PCT. Non Elective Activity Non elective activity targets are summarised in terms of emergency activity, for which financial thresholds have been defined nationally at 2008/09 levels, and other nonelective activity, largely in Obstetrics. Overall, we are already exceeding emergency activity and financial targets by 1.6% and 4.6% respectively. Over performance against contract lines which are essentially defined at historic activity levels represents a major risk this year and this is particularly visible when comparing the relative performance of the two Dorset-based PCT’s. Emergency activity for Dorset PCT patients is 6.3% above target, but this is a target which was set some 5% below last year’s outturn in order to impose the national threshold. This risk was discussed during contract negotiations and the Dorset-based PCT’s have accepted that additional payments, at nationally defined marginal tariffs (30%) will be made. In contrast, Bournemouth & Poole are on target. 4.7 Whilst overperformance of emergency activity is restricted to short stay admissions of 01 days, there is a disproportionate overperformance in income terms arising from increased excess bed days. The problems we have experienced in discharging patients promptly have been raised. It is expected the financial impact upon PCT’s may prompt action to review care services available in the community. 4.8 Other non elective performance is substantially above contracted levels arising from the increase in maternity admissions which is shown the in the activity trends. This increase appears to be in the Bournemouth & Poole PCT catchment area only. Again, this overperformance was anticipated in contract negotiations and a marginal of 70% of valuation above target was agreed. 4.9 4.10 Outpatient Activity Total outpatient activity is around 1.4% below target dictated by underperformance against the Bournemouth & Poole contract in particular and more specifically for all Dorset’s patients in respect of first attendances. With evidence that measures to reduce GP referrals have reduced levels below previous year levels, the contract targets currently fail to reflect the reduction in first outpatients arising in a full year from demand management initiatives and a reduction in access times targets from 13 to 18 weeks. This anomaly is being discussed with the two Dorset-based PCT’s. In contrast, activity targets for follow up attendances were subject to substantial reductions from previous years outturns based on the assumption that follow up to first ratios will be reduced. This is a major plank of our reconfiguration programme for Outpatient services. 4.11 Accident and Emergency attendances A&E attendances are substantially above contracted targets but constitute a relatively small increase in income. 4.12 Contract Performance Summary In financial terms, overperformance against targets across the five contracted PCT’s amounts to £670,000 before the application of marginal tariff rates. • • • Bournemouth & Poole £-56,000 Dorset £ 639,000 Other PCT’s £87,000 HEATHER HAUSCHILD Director of Operations July 2010 KATE THOMAS Analytics and Intelligence Manager PAUL STEBBINGS ADO Information and Performance APPENDIX 1 - ACTIVITY AND REFERRALS SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Details are shown below of the Trust’s activity for 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 and the current year to date for; 1.2 2. • • • • • • • Emergency Department attendances Non Elective admissions (excluding obstetrics and paediatrics) All Elective admissions Day case admissions Maternity Admissions First Outpatient Attendances GP Referrals A&E ATTENDANCES A&E Attendances 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 2.1 Apr May June 2010/11 4837 5489 5152 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 4853 5210 2008/09 4554 5003 5112 5299 5213 4963 4932 4545 4914 4461 4149 4966 4866 5115 5027 4588 4609 4532 4445 4264 4165 2007/08 4996 4906 5098 4883 5033 5150 4826 4649 4269 4443 4395 4224 4692 The analysis shows that there was an increase of 303, (2%) in attendances in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. The year on year increase is due almost entirely to attendances in May 2010. 3. TOTAL NON-ELECTIVE ADMISSIONS Non-Elective Admissions 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 3.1 4. Apr May June 2010/11 2399 2521 2421 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 2635 2669 2008/09 2465 2538 2554 2430 2482 2534 2690 2530 2753 2433 2302 2659 2404 2613 2433 2497 2569 2706 2733 2613 2428 2007/08 2560 2567 2905 2398 2489 2512 2355 2451 2588 2598 2421 2290 2410 The analysis shows that there was a decrease of 517 (7%), in emergency admissions in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. This continues the trend seen in previous months, although the gap between the current and previous year has decreased over the last 3 months. TOTAL ELECTIVE ADMISSIONS Elective Admissions (incl daycases) 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 4.1 Apr May June 2010/11 1759 1763 2048 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 2257 2203 2008/09 1960 1737 2290 2276 2020 2196 2238 2211 1966 1876 1852 2089 1898 2006 1770 1963 2045 1885 1927 2183 2168 2007/08 1523 1734 2521 1619 1812 1664 1691 1920 1874 1458 1999 1965 1775 The analysis shows that there was a decrease in elective admissions of 1180 (17%) in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. The increase in activity seen in June is due mainly to daycase work. 5. TOTAL DAY CASE ADMISSIONS Daycases 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 Apr May June 2010/11 1390 1368 1671 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 1796 1742 2008/09 1448 1338 1743 1749 1538 1706 1790 1768 1552 1464 1449 1658 1440 1507 1354 1481 1560 1417 1513 1722 1683 2007/08 1115 1300 1992 1191 1329 1278 1256 1457 1385 1108 1519 1500 1360 5.1 The analysis shows that there was a decrease of 852 (16%) in day case admissions in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. The increase in day case work is a result of a concerted effort to reduce length of stay, as part of the transformation programme. 6. MATERNITY ADMISSIONS Maternity Admissions 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 2010/11 6.1 Apr May June 1103 1252 1114 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 998 1110 1126 1071 1130 1089 1047 1049 1049 1059 970 1126 2008/09 1029 1155 1060 1124 981 1063 1028 934 988 1106 935 1094 2007/08 992 1011 994 1059 948 1011 1056 995 968 981 998 1026 The analysis shows that there was an increase (235 or 7%) in maternity admissions in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009, and is following the same seasonal trend as the 2 previous years, albeit at a higher level. 7. FIRST OUTPATIENT ATTENDANCES New Outpatient Attendances 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 Apr May June 2010/11 5396 5188 6309 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 6241 6089 2008/09 6131 5685 7106 7049 5871 6551 6588 6027 5502 5493 5325 5899 6122 6434 5536 6350 6491 5635 5773 6168 5609 2007/08 5051 5788 6508 5233 5545 5411 5338 6148 5957 4781 5855 5445 4965 7.1 The analysis shows that there was a decrease (2543 or 13%) in first outpatient appointments admissions in the period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. This continues the trend seen in recent months, in line with elective admissions and referrals. 8. GP/GDP REFERRALS GP Referrals 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 8.1 Apr May June 2010/11 3404 3481 3784 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2009/10 4163 4090 2008/09 3774 3733 4690 4598 3631 4310 4023 3378 3094 3420 3382 4021 4097 4059 3568 4007 4216 3613 3377 4002 3834 2007/08 3212 3370 4423 3288 3619 3454 3252 3791 3896 2809 3879 3426 3387 The analysis shows that there was a decrease (2274 or 18%) in GP Referrals period 1st April 2010 to 30th June 2010 compared to the period 1st April 2009 to 30th June 2009. This continues the trend seen in recent months. APPENDIX 2 – CONTRACT SUMMARY Details are shown below of the Trust’s performance against contract, for the Payment by Results element of the contracts for the 5 PCT’s. Table 1 : Contract Performance for PbR Element of 5 aggregated PCT contracts Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Contract Performance 2010/11 All Contracted PCT's : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) 2010/11 Contract activity Elective Inpatients Day Case £ Year to Date Contract activity £ Actual activity £ over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ 22,312 5,120 17,192 £22,367,296 5,580 £10,255,930 1,281 £12,111,366 4,300 £5,594,211 5,416 £2,565,077 1,084 £3,029,134 4,332 £5,584,774 ‐ 164 £2,391,464 ‐ 197 £3,193,310 32 ‐£9,437 ‐£173,613 £164,176 ‐2.9% ‐15.3% 0.7% ‐0.2% ‐6.8% 5.4% Non Elective 42,792 Emergency 29,174 Other 13,618 £67,317,384 10,582 £53,360,761 7,187 £13,956,623 3,395 £16,624,976 10,968 £13,145,380 7,301 £3,479,596 3,667 £17,429,827 386 £13,746,634 114 £3,683,193 272 £804,851 £601,254 £203,597 3.6% 1.6% 8.0% 4.8% 4.6% 5.9% Outpatients First Followup 168,584 64,200 104,384 £21,342,305 42,164 £11,498,679 16,057 £9,843,626 26,107 £5,337,854 41,566 £2,875,897 14,451 £2,461,957 27,115 £5,161,642 ‐ 598 £2,604,427 ‐ 1,606 £2,557,215 1,008 ‐£176,212 ‐£271,470 £95,258 ‐1.4% ‐10.0% 3.9% ‐3.3% ‐9.4% 3.9% A&E Attds 55,068 £4,701,346 13,729 £1,172,116 14,542 £1,223,005 £50,889 5.9% 4.3% Cost per Case Contract Total £115,728,331 £28,729,158 813 £29,399,248 £670,090 2.3% Notes : excl udes Non contra cted acti vi ty Chart 1 : Contract Performance for ELECTIVE PbR Element of 5 PCT contracts Total Elective 25,000 Contract Target 10/11 Contract Actuals 10/11 20,000 PbR Spells 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan f eb mar Chart 2 : Contract Performance for NON ELECTIVE PbR Element of 5 PCT contracts Total Non Elective 45000 40000 Contract Target 10/11 35000 Contract Actuals 10/11 PbR Spells 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec jan f eb mar DETAILED CONTRACT POSITION The following tables provide detail for the five aggregated PCT contracts expanding each line in Table 1 to HRG chapter level for inpatients or specialty level for outpatients. Appendix 2 (contd) • • • Table 2 : Elective inpatients Table 3 : Daycases Table 4 : Total Elective Inpatients (inpatient plus daycases) • • Table 5 : Non Elective inpatients - Emergency Table 6 : Non Elective inpatients – “other” (this will include maternity and transfers for example) Table 7 : Total Non Elective inpatients (emergency plus “other”) • • Tables 8 & 9 : Outpatient attendances , one table each for new and follow up attendances The following two financial summaries focus on the overall position for the two main local purchasers, who together make up 97% of the Trusts contracted income. Appendix 3 • Bournemouth and Poole PCT Contract Summary (PbR elements) Appendix 4 • Dorset PCT Contract Summary (PbR elements) A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Elective Inpatients £ £351,652 £54,489 £1,954,666 £254,927 £370,517 £2,059,336 £391,900 £2,051,492 £905,119 £155,133 £131,957 £1,088,215 £0 £98,626 £31,813 £279,281 £20,716 £56,091 £10,255,930 IP activity 199 33 1234 127 134 855 243 769 411 91 145 576 0 51 17 190 8 37 5,120 2010/11 Contract Year to Date Contract Actual £ activity £ activity 50 £87,951 38 £60,323 8 £13,628 6 £10,244 309 £488,875 248 £574,841 32 £63,759 27 £50,994 34 £92,669 26 £67,860 214 £515,054 180 £462,943 61 £98,017 47 £88,607 192 £513,092 164 £417,401 103 £226,376 95 £229,773 23 £38,800 28 £48,192 36 £33,003 34 £32,341 144 £272,170 138 £262,983 0 £0 1 £2,539 13 £24,667 15 £15,130 4 £7,957 2 £8,787 48 £69,850 30 £48,954 2 £5,181 9 £14,029 5 £9,552 0 £0 1,281 £2,565,077 1,084 £2,391,464 Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity ‐12 ‐£27,628 ‐24% ‐2 ‐£3,384 ‐27% ‐61 £85,966 ‐20% ‐5 ‐£12,765 ‐15% ‐8 ‐£24,809 ‐22% ‐34 ‐£52,111 ‐16% ‐23% ‐14 ‐£9,410 ‐28 ‐£95,691 ‐15% ‐8 £3,397 ‐8% 5 £9,392 23% ‐2 ‐£662 ‐6% ‐6 ‐£9,187 ‐4% 1 £2,539 2 ‐£9,537 18% ‐2 £830 ‐53% ‐18 ‐£20,896 ‐37% ‐2 ‐£5,181 ‐100% ‐4 ‐£4,477 ‐46% 0 £0 ‐197 ‐£173,613 ‐15% ‐7% ‐39% 10% ‐30% ‐100% ‐32% £ ‐31% ‐25% 18% ‐20% ‐27% ‐10% ‐10% ‐19% 2% 24% ‐2% ‐3% APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 2 : Elective inpatients A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Day Cases £ £1,432,110 £83,554 £2,223,224 £89,516 £281,474 £3,338,125 £225,283 £1,076,326 £1,728,645 £29,917 £306,081 £748,468 £2,695 £79,479 £71,026 £346,500 £0 £48,943 £12,111,366 2282 110 2833 160 255 5817 169 754 2413 49 469 895 3 98 71 716 6 92 17,192 DC 2010/11 Contract Year to Date Contract Actual £ activity £ activity 571 £358,180 632 £394,496 28 £20,897 32 £25,111 709 £556,043 607 £512,183 40 £22,389 55 £29,376 64 £70,399 62 £62,877 1,455 £834,887 1,365 £785,913 42 £56,345 67 £92,807 189 £269,196 286 £431,757 604 £432,346 544 £432,453 12 £7,482 15 £7,559 117 £76,553 121 £74,032 224 £187,197 233 £176,781 1 £674 25 £19,878 48 £37,063 18 £17,764 15 £11,524 179 £86,662 235 £113,524 2 £0 23 £12,241 15 £5,854 0 £0 4,300 £3,029,134 4,332 £3,193,310 Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 32 £164,176 1% over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity 61 £36,316 11% 4 £4,214 16% ‐102 ‐£43,860 ‐14% 15 £6,987 37% ‐2 ‐£7,522 ‐3% ‐90 ‐£48,974 ‐6% 25 £36,462 59% 97 £162,561 52% ‐60 £107 ‐10% 3 £77 22% 4 ‐£2,521 3% 9 ‐£10,416 4% ‐1 ‐£674 ‐100% 23 £17,185 96% ‐3 ‐£6,240 ‐16% 56 £26,862 31% ‐2 £0 ‐100% ‐8 ‐£6,387 ‐35% 5% ‐52% £ 10% 20% ‐8% 31% ‐11% ‐6% 65% 60% 0% 1% ‐3% ‐6% ‐100% 86% ‐35% 31% APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 3 : Daycases A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Total Elective Elective 2,481 143 4,067 287 389 6,672 412 1,523 2,824 140 614 1,471 3 149 88 906 14 129 0 22,312 £ £1,783,762 £138,043 £4,177,890 £344,443 £651,991 £5,397,461 £617,183 £3,127,818 £2,633,764 £185,050 £438,038 £1,836,683 £2,695 £178,105 £102,839 £625,781 £20,716 £105,034 £0 £22,367,296 2010/11 Contract Year to Date Contract Actual activity £ activity £ 621 £446,131 670 £454,819 36 £34,525 38 £35,355 1,017 £1,044,918 855 £1,087,024 72 £86,148 82 £80,370 97 £163,067 88 £130,737 1,669 £1,349,941 1,545 £1,248,856 103 £154,362 114 £181,414 381 £782,288 450 £849,158 706 £658,722 639 £662,226 35 £46,282 43 £55,751 154 £109,556 155 £106,373 368 £459,367 371 £439,764 1 £674 1 £2,539 37 £44,545 63 £52,193 22 £25,721 17 £20,311 227 £156,512 265 £162,478 4 £5,181 0 £0 32 £26,270 20 £15,406 0 £0 0 £0 5,580 £5,594,211 5,416 £5,584,774 Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity 49 £8,688 8% 2 £830 6% ‐162 £42,106 ‐16% 10 ‐£5,778 14% ‐9 ‐£32,330 ‐10% ‐124 ‐£101,085 ‐7% 11 £27,052 11% 69 £66,870 18% ‐67 £3,504 ‐10% 8 £9,469 23% 1 ‐£3,183 1% 3 ‐£19,603 1% 0 £1,865 33% 26 £7,648 69% ‐5 ‐£5,410 ‐23% 38 £5,966 17% ‐4 ‐£5,181 ‐100% ‐12 ‐£10,864 ‐38% 0 £0 ‐164 ‐£9,437 ‐3% 0% 2% 2% 4% ‐7% ‐20% ‐7% 18% 9% 1% 20% ‐3% ‐4% 277% 17% ‐21% 4% ‐100% ‐41% £ APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 4 : All Elective Inpatients A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Non Elective Inpatients Emergency £ £4,100,023 £243,372 £1,823,939 £5,032,510 £5,152,307 £6,622,353 £1,332,351 £13,433,496 £2,050,876 £524,455 £1,891,841 £828,269 £212,660 £4,854,958 £525,656 £982,081 £1,506,107 £2,243,507 £53,360,761 Emerg 1452 84 1346 2230 3495 3208 504 5266 1112 283 829 759 200 6141 142 389 354 1380 29,174 2010/11 Contract activity 358 21 332 549 861 790 124 1,297 274 70 204 187 49 1,513 35 96 87 340 0 7,187 Actual 7,301 activity 375 26 378 498 766 817 116 1,411 335 63 254 180 61 1,389 49 126 82 375 Year to Date £ £1,010,037 £59,954 £449,326 £1,239,755 £1,269,267 £1,631,411 £328,224 £3,309,331 £505,232 £129,199 £466,053 £204,043 £52,389 £1,196,015 £129,495 £241,935 £371,028 £552,686 £0 £13,145,380 Contract Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust £13,746,634 £ 1,026,693 48,141 594,062 1,176,953 1,203,023 1,584,524 313,630 3,685,003 645,253 92,681 524,641 210,748 43,220 1,112,108 147,065 259,725 347,729 731,435 over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity 17 16,656 5% 5 ‐11,813 26% 46 144,736 14% ‐51 ‐62,802 ‐9% ‐95 ‐66,244 ‐11% 27 ‐46,887 ‐8 ‐14,594 ‐7% 114 375,672 9% 61 140,021 22% ‐7 ‐36,518 ‐10% 50 58,588 ‐7 6,705 12 ‐9,169 24% ‐124 ‐83,907 14 17,570 40% 30 17,790 ‐5 ‐23,299 ‐6% 35 178,749 10% 0 0 114 601,254 2% 5% ‐6% 32% 14% ‐18% ‐4% 11% 28% ‐28% £ 2% ‐20% 32% ‐5% ‐5% APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 5 : Non Elective inpatients - Emergency A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Non Elective Inpatients Other £259,218 £0 £62,021 £78,643 £145,860 £95,498 £20,249 £313,808 £52,131 £34,583 £46,231 £67,330 £11,108,785 £1,131,008 £155,156 £99,145 £37,491 £249,466 £13,956,623 13,618 £ 88 0 24 33 48 36 6 85 15 14 17 53 12031 533 24 61 13 537 Other 2010/11 Contract 22 0 6 8 12 9 1 21 4 3 4 13 3,000 133 6 15 3 134 0 3,395 activity Contract £64,627 £0 £15,463 £19,607 £36,365 £23,809 £5,048 £78,237 £12,997 £8,622 £11,526 £16,786 £2,769,587 £281,977 £38,683 £24,718 £9,347 £62,196 £0 £3,479,596 £ £3,683,193 114,303 3,093 5,658 11,740 29,385 2,801,356 258,521 86,739 21,952 10,063 60,700 28 1 3 5 22 3,245 112 16 14 2 127 3,667 £ 139,335 997 15,759 22,389 41,191 60,012 Actual 40 1 8 9 16 18 activity Year to Date Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ 18 74,708 82% 116% 1 997 2 296 34% 2% 1 2,782 9% 14% 4 4,826 34% 13% 9 36,203 ‐1 ‐5,048 ‐100% ‐100% 7 36,066 32% 46% ‐3 ‐9,904 ‐73% ‐76% 0 ‐2,964 ‐14% ‐34% 1 214 9 12,599 245 31,769 8% 1% ‐21 ‐23,456 10 48,056 167% 124% ‐1 ‐2,766 ‐1 716 ‐38% 8% ‐7 ‐1,496 ‐5% ‐2% 0 0 272 203,597 8% 6% APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 6 : Non Elective inpatients – “Other” A ‐ Nervous System B ‐ Eyes and Periorbita C ‐ Mouth Head Neck and Ears D ‐ Respiratory System E ‐ Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery F ‐ Digestive System G ‐ Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic System H ‐ Musculoskeletal System J ‐ Skin, Breast and Burns K ‐ Endocrine and Metabolic System L ‐ Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System M ‐ Female Reproductive System and Assisted Reproduction N ‐ Obstetrics P ‐ Diseases of Childhood and Neonates Q ‐ Vascular System S ‐ Haematology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy V ‐ Multiple Trauma, Emergency and Urgent Care W ‐ Immunology, Infectious Diseases and other contacts U ‐ uncoded Grand Total Non Elective Inpatients Total Nonelec 1,540 84 1,370 2,263 3,543 3,244 510 5,351 1,127 297 846 812 12,231 6,674 166 450 367 1,917 0 42,792 £ £4,359,241 £243,372 £1,885,960 £5,111,153 £5,298,167 £6,717,851 £1,352,600 £13,747,304 £2,103,007 £559,038 £1,938,072 £895,599 £11,321,445 £5,985,966 £680,812 £1,081,226 £1,543,598 £2,492,973 £0 £67,317,384 2010/11 Contract activity 380 21 338 558 873 799 126 1,318 278 73 208 200 3,049 1,646 41 111 90 474 0 10,582 Actual activity 415 27 386 507 782 835 116 1,439 336 66 259 202 3,306 1,501 65 140 84 502 0 10,968 Year to Date £ £1,074,664 £59,954 £464,789 £1,259,362 £1,305,632 £1,655,220 £333,272 £3,387,568 £518,229 £137,821 £477,580 £220,830 £2,821,976 £1,477,992 £168,178 £266,653 £380,375 £614,882 £0 £16,624,976 Contract Contract Performance 2010/11 Analysis by HRG chapter : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust £ £1,166,028 £49,138 £609,821 £1,199,342 £1,244,214 £1,644,536 £313,630 £3,799,306 £648,346 £98,339 £536,381 £240,133 £2,844,576 £1,370,629 £233,804 £281,677 £357,792 £792,135 £0 £17,429,827 over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity 35 91,364 9% 6 ‐10,816 30% 48 145,032 14% ‐51 ‐60,020 ‐9% ‐91 ‐61,418 ‐10% 36 ‐10,684 ‐10 ‐19,642 ‐8% 121 411,738 9% 58 130,117 21% ‐7 ‐39,482 ‐10% 51 58,801 2 19,303 257 22,600 8% ‐145 ‐107,363 24 65,626 59% 29 15,024 ‐7% ‐6 ‐22,583 28 177,253 6% 0 0 386 804,851 4% 5% ‐6% 29% 39% 1% ‐6% 12% 25% ‐29% £ 9% ‐18% 31% ‐5% ‐5% APPENDIX 2 (contd) Table 7 : Total Non Elective inpatients APPENDIX 2 (contd) Tables 8 & 9 : Outpatient attendances Table 8 Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Contract Performance 2010/11 ‐ PbR First Outpatient Attendances by Specialty : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) 2010/11 Contract Treatment Specialty attds £ 100 ‐ General Surgery 6414 £1,316,075 101 ‐ Urology 1134 £220,204 107 ‐ Vascular Surgery 495 £130,719 110 ‐ Trauma & Orthopaed 13089 £1,936,557 120 ‐ ENT 6034 £758,795 130 ‐ Ophthalmology 1421 £176,417 140 ‐ Oral Surgery 5677 £724,685 171 ‐ Paediatric Surgery 203 £41,552 191 ‐ Pain Management 884 £141,465 300 ‐ General Medicine 4603 £1,020,696 301 ‐ Gastroenterology 224 £60,039 303 ‐ Clinical Haematology 637 £196,637 320 ‐ Cardiology 3482 £748,537 321 ‐ Paediatric Cardiology 141 £30,306 330 ‐ Dermatology 423 £54,371 370 ‐ Medical Oncology 313 £87,988 410 ‐ Rheumatology 3752 £942,200 420 ‐ Paediatrics 3670 £865,962 430 ‐ Elderly 2264 £581,776 501 ‐ Obstetrics 2255 £307,435 502 ‐ Gynaecology 4652 £657,436 800 ‐ Clinical Oncology 2433 £498,827 Grand Total 64,200 £11,498,679 Year to Date Contract attds 1,604 284 124 3,274 1,509 355 1,420 51 221 1,151 56 159 871 35 106 78 938 918 566 564 1,163 609 16,057 Actual £ £329,159 £55,075 £32,694 £484,346 £189,780 £44,123 £181,249 £10,392 £35,381 £255,283 £15,016 £49,180 £187,214 £7,580 £13,599 £22,006 £235,651 £216,583 £145,506 £76,892 £164,429 £124,760 £2,875,897 attds £ 1,438 £294,914 140 £27,160 94 £24,816 3,077 £455,284 1,232 £156,547 318 £39,431 1,066 £136,690 57 £11,628 231 £37,002 1,091 £239,014 72 £19,296 154 £47,586 879 £188,825 34 £7,310 77 £9,166 56 £15,792 710 £179,330 973 £229,628 494 £126,876 581 £79,170 1,043 £148,992 634 £129,970 14,451 £2,604,427 over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ ‐166 ‐34,245 ‐10% ‐10% ‐144 ‐27,915 ‐51% ‐51% ‐30 ‐7,878 ‐24% ‐24% ‐197 ‐29,062 ‐6% ‐6% ‐277 ‐33,233 ‐18% ‐18% ‐37 ‐4,692 ‐11% ‐11% ‐354 ‐44,559 ‐25% ‐25% 6 1,236 12% 12% 10 1,621 4% 5% ‐60 ‐16,269 ‐5% ‐6% 16 4,280 29% 29% ‐5 ‐1,594 ‐3% ‐3% 8 1,611 1% 1% ‐1 ‐270 ‐4% ‐4% ‐29 ‐4,433 ‐27% ‐33% ‐22 ‐6,214 ‐28% ‐28% ‐228 ‐56,321 ‐24% ‐24% 55 13,045 6% 6% ‐72 ‐18,630 ‐13% ‐13% 17 2,278 3% 3% ‐120 ‐15,437 ‐10% ‐9% 25 5,210 4% 4% ‐1,606 ‐271,470 ‐10% ‐9% Table 9 Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Contract Performance 2010/11 ‐ PbR Follow up Outpatient Attendances by Specialty : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) 2010/11 Contract attds Treatment Specialty 100 ‐ General Surgery 6354 101 ‐ Urology 1310 107 ‐ Vascular Surgery 277 110 ‐ Trauma & Orthopaed 15068 120 ‐ ENT 9480 130 ‐ Ophthalmology 1389 140 ‐ Oral Surgery 8315 171 ‐ Paediatric Surgery 199 191 ‐ Pain Management 2827 300 ‐ General Medicine 10537 301 ‐ Gastroenterology 2 303 ‐ Clinical Haematology 4363 320 ‐ Cardiology 4281 321 ‐ Paediatric Cardiology 24 330 ‐ Dermatology 2000 370 ‐ Medical Oncology 2712 410 ‐ Rheumatology 7886 420 ‐ Paediatrics 6127 430 ‐ Elderly 1307 501 ‐ Obstetrics 3950 502 ‐ Gynaecology 5625 800 ‐ Clinical Oncology 10351 Grand Total 104,384 £ £614,689 £125,836 £33,251 £1,253,313 £852,815 £95,683 £662,158 £19,881 £237,426 £1,098,312 £209 £497,463 £440,879 £3,205 £268,609 £322,940 £870,892 £735,330 £160,780 £258,189 £505,073 £786,693 £9,843,626 Year to Date Contract attds 1,589 328 69 3,769 2,371 347 2,080 50 707 2,635 1 1,091 1,071 6 500 678 1,972 1,532 327 988 1,407 2,589 26,107 £ £153,738 £31,472 £8,316 £313,462 £213,295 £23,931 £165,610 £4,972 £59,382 £274,695 £52 £124,419 £110,267 £802 £67,181 £80,769 £217,816 £183,911 £40,212 £64,575 £126,322 £196,757 £2,461,957 Actual attds 1,401 167 51 3,822 1,875 400 2,760 49 792 3,445 £ £134,592 £16,032 £6,120 £317,967 £165,881 £26,893 £230,647 £4,900 £67,034 £371,086 1,116 £127,224 1,083 £111,769 7 £931 98 £11,684 644 £76,636 2,145 £234,790 1,818 £218,160 320 £39,360 1,203 £78,250 1,417 £127,107 2,502 £190,152 27,115 £2,557,215 over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ ‐188 ‐19,146 ‐12% ‐12% ‐161 ‐15,440 ‐49% ‐49% ‐18 ‐2,196 ‐26% ‐26% 53 4,505 1% 1% ‐496 ‐47,414 ‐21% ‐22% 53 2,962 15% 12% 680 65,037 33% 39% ‐1 ‐72 ‐2% ‐1% 85 7,652 12% 13% 810 96,391 31% 35% ‐1 ‐52 ‐100% ‐100% 25 2,805 2% 2% 12 1,502 1% 1% 1 129 17% 16% ‐402 ‐55,497 ‐80% ‐83% ‐34 ‐4,133 ‐5% ‐5% 173 16,974 9% 8% 286 34,249 19% 19% ‐7 ‐852 ‐2% ‐2% 215 13,675 22% 21% 10 785 1% 1% ‐87 ‐6,605 ‐3% ‐3% 1,008 95,258 4% 4% 42,455 A&E Attds Notes : Cost per Case Contract Total £15,197,861 29,788 £8,183,739 11,380 £7,014,122 18,408 119,103 45,502 73,601 Outpatients First Followup £82,361,266 £3,571,130 10,585 £48,651,844 7,854 £37,697,723 5,204 £10,954,121 2,649 Non Elective 31,753 Emergency 21,126 Other 10,627 activity £14,940,431 3,894 £6,377,463 806 £8,562,968 3,087 £ activity £3,736,702 3,716 £1,595,046 649 £2,141,656 3,067 £ Year to Date £20,445,957 £890,337 11,138 £3,801,087 28,916 £2,046,808 10,032 £1,754,279 18,884 £12,017,831 8,124 £9,286,803 5,182 £2,731,027 2,942 Contract 15,568 3,224 12,344 Elective Inpatients Day Case activity 2010/11 Contract Actual £20,389,694 £933,002 553 £3,616,837 ‐ 872 £1,821,731 ‐ 1,348 £1,795,106 476 £12,252,963 270 £9,466,584 ‐ 22 £2,786,379 293 £3,586,892 ‐ 178 £1,375,520 ‐ 157 £2,211,372 ‐ 20 £ ‐£56,263 £42,665 ‐£184,250 ‐£225,077 £40,827 £235,132 £179,781 £55,352 ‐£149,810 ‐£219,526 £69,716 ‐0.3% 4.8% ‐4.8% ‐11.0% 2.3% ‐2.9% ‐11.8% 2.6% 5.2% 2.0% 1.9% 2.0% ‐4.0% ‐13.8% 3.3% 3.4% ‐0.4% 11.0% ‐4.6% ‐19.5% ‐0.7% over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ Contract Performance 2010/11 Appendix 3 Bournemouth & Poole PCT Summary : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust APPENDIX 3 11,124 A&E Attds Notes : excl udes Non contra cted a cti vi ty Cost per Case Contract Total £5,585,531 11,162 £3,016,552 4,218 £2,568,979 6,944 44,629 16,863 27,766 Outpatients First Followup £29,983,167 £1,007,287 2,773 £16,656,995 2,446 £13,981,842 1,769 £2,675,153 677 Non Elective 9,895 Emergency 7,181 Other 2,714 activity £6,733,354 1,538 £3,480,555 422 £3,252,799 1,116 £ Contract 6,150 1,689 4,461 Elective Inpatients Day Case activity 2010/11 Contract activity £7,443,539 £251,132 3,022 £1,396,979 11,385 £754,460 3,959 £642,519 7,426 £4,111,371 2,541 £3,444,415 1,881 £666,956 660 £1,684,057 1,564 £870,510 396 £813,547 1,168 £ Year to Date Actual £8,082,776 £258,767 249 £1,398,344 223 £706,744 ‐ 259 £691,600 482 £4,588,013 95 £3,775,993 112 £812,020 ‐ 17 £639,237 £7,635 £1,365 ‐£47,716 £49,081 £476,642 £331,578 £145,064 £153,595 £63,588 £90,007 9.0% 2.0% ‐6.1% 6.9% 3.9% 6.3% ‐2.5% 1.7% ‐6.3% 4.7% 8.6% 3.0% 0.1% ‐6.3% 7.6% 11.6% 9.6% 21.8% 9.1% 7.3% 11.1% over/under performance diff % diff activity £ activity £ £1,837,652 26 £934,098 ‐ 26 £903,554 52 £ Contract Performance 2010/11 Dorset PCT Summary : 2010/11 year to date (month 3) Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Appendix 4
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