How to Train Student Employees to Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid

How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
How to Train Student
Employees to Shine in
Admissions and Financial Aid
Sarah Coen, Associate Vice President
Jo Hillman, Senior Director of Retention Solutions
Dial-in Number 866-548-7898
Conference code 30959615
All material in this presentation, including text and images, is the property of Noel-Levitz, Inc. Permission is required to reproduce information.
Have students reconsidered college plans
because of the economy?
No, 65%
No, 65%
Will work while attending school
Won’t be able to attend school
Will select a community college
Will commute from home
Avoiding private school options
Expect to have financial issues
Will attend part-time instead of full-time
Reconsidering school choices
Source: E-expectations, Noel-Levitz, 2009
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
Developing the potential of student
Is the interaction with your student
workers helpful or frustrating?
To train
or not to train?
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
Format for student worker training
1 2 3
Critical Top Level Support
Turning student worker jobs into a
position of leadership
Set expectations with staff
Share enrollment goals with staff – get buy-in
Provide evaluations of performance
Hold staff meetings or one-on-ones with student
• Increase responsibility with each passing year
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
Consider the opportunity you have when your students
interact with your customers
Connections NOW
Understanding those we serve
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
Students as customers
Role Play
Positive Communication
Electronic communication
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
The telephone is still our friend!
Being prepared for service recovery
Meaningful work experiences are key
How to Train Student Employees to
Shine in Admissions and Financial Aid
Remember . . .
Learning is not a spectator sport.
Questions and Answers