Cover Sheet – ZRR Draft Text for Task Force Review – March 20, 2012 Subtitle E This document has been prepared by the DC Office of Planning (DCOP) as part of the Zoning Regulations Review (ZRR). This document is a DRAFT for review by the Zoning Update Task Force. The draft regulations will be subject to several stages of public comment, and eventual review by the Zoning Commission at public hearings. The draft regulations may undergo significant change as a result of public comment, additional research by the Office of Planning, and the Zoning Commission’s decisions. This document is a draft of Subtitle E of the proposed zoning code. Subtitle E includes regulations specific to Apartment (A) and Apartment Transit (AT) zones. This is a reorganization from the earlier proposed framework of the new code, which placed Apartment and Apartment Transit zones in two different subtitles. After careful study of the code organization that resulted from separating these zones into two subtitles, as well as comments from members of the Task Force and the public, OP has determined that combining A and AT zones into one subtitle will make the code easier to use and reduce repetition. A similar reorganization is proposed for the Mixed-Use and Mixed-Use Transit zones. The A and AT zones allow all types of residential development, including apartments, along with other compatible land uses. In the current zoning regulations, these are the R-5 zones. As part of the reorganization of the zoning code, DCOP is proposing that these zones be renamed to better fit the new organization. For ease of reference, this draft includes both the current zone names and the proposed zone names. Information on the system for naming zones can be found in the draft of Subtitle A. This draft, dated March 20, 2012, makes a few changes and corrections to the Task Force draft of the earlier version of Subtitle E released on February 17, 2012. Among the changes: Apartments in the current R-5-A zones (renamed in this draft to A-1-A, AT-1-A, and A-2-A): The conditions for special exception review were poorly organized in the earlier draft. These conditions (and references to them) have been reorganized. Non-residential uses and home occupations: We have added a process to allow certain conditions to be waived by special exception, while clarifying that other conditions (such as the owner-occupation requirement for home occupations) can NOT be waived. Accessory dwellings: The earlier version allowed an accessory dwelling unit in an accessory building in all Apartment zones. Upon review, OP has determined that it would be more consistent to treat this as permission for a full-scale dwelling unit. Section 311 (Conditions for Dwelling Units) has been updated accordingly. OP, the Task Force, and members of the public have identified several other typographical errors and issues needing clarification in the Jan. 31 and Feb. 17 drafts. OP is compiling a list of these, and additional corrections will be made. For more information about the ZRR, please visit ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 Subtitle E Regulations for Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones Subtitle E Regulations for Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones ........................................ 1 Chapter 1 Apartment and Apartment Transit Zone Regulations ................................................ 2 Chapter 2 Zone Reference Tables for Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones ....................... 4 Chapter 3 Purpose Statements and Development Standards for Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones .............................................................................................................................. 7 Chapter 4 Use Categories for Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones .................................. 28 Chapter 5 Development Regulations for Accessory Buildings in Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones ............................................................................................................................ 45 Chapter 6 Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations ..................................................................... 46 Chapter 7 Regulations for Alley Lots in Apartment and Apartment Transit zones.................. 47 Chapter 8 Parking Regulations In Apartment and Apartment Transit Zones ........................... 51 Chapter 9 Planned Development Regulations For Apartment and Apartment Transit zones .. 54 E-1 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 1 APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONE REGULATIONS 100 INTRODUCTION 100.1 The purpose of the Apartment (A) and Apartment Transit (AT) zones is to provide for stable moderate to high density residential areas suitable for multi-family development, and supporting uses. 100.2 The provisions of this subtitle are intended to: (a) Provide regulations for the orderly development and use of land and structures in areas characterized by predominantly moderate to high-density residential uses. (b) Permit flexibility by allowing all types of residential development; (c) Promote stable residential areas while permitting a variety of types of urban residential neighborhoods; (d) Promote a walkable living environment; (e) Allow limited non-residential uses that are compatible with adjoining residential uses; (f) Encourage compatibility between the location of new buildings or construction and the existing neighborhood; and (g) For the Apartment Transit zones, to: (1) Ensure that buildings and site plans, around Metrorail stations, streetcar lines, and high-service bus corridors are oriented to encourage active use of public transportation; and (2) Be mapped generally within one-half (1/2) mile of Metro stations or one-quarter (1/4) mile of streetcar or high service bus corridors. 101 RELATIONSHIP TO GENERAL SUBTITLES 101.1 This subtitle is to be read and applied in addition to, and not instead of, the regulations included as a part of: 101.2 (a) Subtitle A, Administration and Procedures; (b) Subtitle B, General Regulations; and (c) Subtitle C, Review Processes. When a provision of this subtitle modifies or supersedes a provision contained in E-2 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 Subtitle B or Subtitle C, the modifying or superseding provision shall govern. 101.3 Any changes to the regulations regarding A and AT zones shall be made in accordance with Subtitle A, Administration and Procedures. 101.4 Where there is a conflict between this subtitle and the regulations of Subtitle B or Subtitle C regarding the same regulatory topic, this subtitle shall govern. E-3 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 2 ZONE REFERENCE TABLES FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 200 ZONE REFERENCE TABLES 200.1 The zone reference tables of E § 200.7 identify all zoning regulatory topics applicable to A and AT zones. 200.2 Where a cell contains no reference, the regulatory topic does not apply to the zone. 200.3 The general regulations of Subtitle B shall apply to all zones, whether referenced or not within a zone reference table. 200.4 References included within the zone reference table to Subtitle B or C indicate that only the general regulations of a regulatory topic are applicable to a zone. 200.5 A reference included within a zone reference table solely to Subtitle E indicates that both the applicable regulations of Subtitle B and Subtitle E are applicable to a zone. 200.6 If the zone reference table refers to a specific section or subsection within Subtitle E, any general regulations in the chapter containing the section or subsection also apply. 200.7 The tables below reference regulations applicable to A and AT zones: REGULATORY TOPICS Development Standards and Purposes Use Permissions Accessory Buildings Accessory Dwelling Units Alley Lots Inclusionary Zoning Parking, Automobile Bicycle Parking Loading Planned Developments Waterfront Regulations Antenna Regulations A-1-A (R5A) E § 301.1 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E-4 AT-1-A (R5A) E § 301.1 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 ZONES A-2-A A-3-B (NO/R5A) (R5B) E § 301.2 E § 301.3 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 B Ch. 17 E § 901.1 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 B Ch. 24 AT-3-B (R5B) E § 301.3 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review REGULATORY TOPICS Development Standards and Purposes Use Permissions Accessory Buildings Accessory Dwelling Units Alley Lots Inclusionary Zoning Parking, Automobile Bicycle Parking Loading Planned Developments Waterfront Regulations Antenna Regulations March 23, 2012 AT-4-B (DC/R5B) ZONES AT-5-C (CAP/R5B) AT-6-D (RC/R5B) A-7-E (R5C) E § 301.4 E § 301.5 E § 301.6 E § 301.7 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 E Ch. 9 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 ZONES REGULATORY TOPICS Development Standards and Purposes Use Permissions Accessory Buildings Accessory Dwelling Units Alley Lots Inclusionary Zoning Parking, Automobile Bicycle Parking Loading Planned Developments Waterfront Regulations Antenna Regulations AT-7-E (R5C) A-8-F (R5D) AT-8-F (R5D) AT-9-F (DC/R5D) E § 301.7 E § 301.8 E § 301.8 E § 301.9 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 E Ch. 9 B Ch. 24 E-5 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review REGULATORY TOPICS Development Standards and Purposes Use Permissions Accessory Buildings Accessory Dwelling Units Alley Lots Inclusionary Zoning Parking, Automobile Bicycle Parking Loading Planned Developments Waterfront Regulations Antenna Regulations March 23, 2012 A-10-F (R5E) ZONES AT-11-F AT-10-F (R5E) (DC/R5E) E § 301.10 E § 301.10 E § 301.11 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 C Ch. 8 B Ch. 22 B Ch. 24 E Ch. 4 E Ch. 5 E Ch. 6 E Ch. 7 B Ch. 18 E Ch. 8 B Ch. 16 B Ch. 17 E Ch. 9 B Ch. 24 E-6 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 3 PURPOSE STATEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 300 INTRODUCTION 300.1 This chapter provides: (a) Purpose statements for each A and AT zone; (b) Development regulations and standards intended to: (c) 300.2 (1) Control the bulk or volume of structures, including height, floor-area ratio, and lot occupancy; (2) Control the location of building bulk in relation to adjacent lots and streets, by regulating rear setbacks, side setbacks, and the relationship of buildings to street lot lines; (3) Regulate the mixture of uses; and (4) Ensure the environmental performance of development. Rules of measurement and conditions for zone-specific development standards. A development standards table is provided for each A and AT zone. Each table of this section: (a) Identifies regulatory topics; (b) Prescribes development standards in the Standards or Permissions column; (c) Provides references to applicable rules of measurement in the Zone Measurement Rules column; (d) Provides applicable conditions in the Zone Conditions column; and (e) Provide references to applicable general regulations in the Subtitle B General Regulations column. 300.3 Applicable development standards tables are identified in the zone reference tables within Chapter 2 of this subtitle and are listed in this section. 300.4 The development standards of Subtitle B apply to all zones. The development standards for A and AT zones in this subtitle are zone-specific. 300.5 Where no reference is provided in a Zone Measurement Rules column, the general provisions of Subtitle B will apply. E-7 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 300.6 Where no reference is provided in a Zone Conditions column, there are no special conditions pertaining to that regulatory topic applicable to that zone 301 PURPOSE STATEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TABLES FOR RESIDENTIAL TRANSIT (AT) ZONES 301.1 The A and AT-1 zones: (R5A) 301.2 (a) Are intended to provide for areas predominately developed with low to moderate-density development, including detached dwellings, rowhouses, and low-rise apartments; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS See E § 303.1 See E § 305.1 40 ft. max. 40 ft. max. 0.9 max. 1.1 max. See E § 311.2 40% max. 40% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 303.1 E § 305.1 E § 307.1 E § 307.1 E § 309.1 - E § 311.2 E § 313.1 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR – Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. The A-2 zone: (R-5-A/NO) (a) Is intended to provide for areas predominately developed with low to moderate-density development, including detached dwellings, rowhouses, and low-rise apartments in the vicinity of the U.S. Naval Observatory, and to: (1) Promote the public health, safety, and general welfare on land adjacent to or in close proximity to the highly sensitive and historically important Naval Observatory in keeping with the goals and policies of the Federal and District elements of the Comprehensive Plan and the adopted Master Plan for that facility; E-8 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (b) 301.3 March 23, 2012 (2) Ensure that public land within the zone is used in a manner consistent with the historic or ceremonial importance and special mission of the Naval Observatory; (3) Reflect the importance of the Naval Observatory to the District of Columbia and the Nation; (4) Reduce or eliminate any possible harm or restrictions on the mission of the Federal establishment within the zone; and (5) Provide additional controls on private land, in order to protect Federal interest concerns, including the critical scientific mission performed at the Naval Observatory and the security needs of the Vice-President's residence. Shall be developed in accordance with the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR –Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy - with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to See E § 303.1 See E § 305.1 40 ft. max. 40 ft. max. 0.9 max. 1.1 max. See E § 311.2 40% max. 40% max. not applicable not applicable E § 306.1 E § 306.1 - E § 303.1 E § 305.1 E § 307.1 E § 307.1 E § 309.1 E § 311.2 E § 313.1 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 The A-3 and AT-3 zones: (R5B) (a) Are intended provide for areas developed with predominately moderate and medium-density rowhouses and apartments; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with regulations of the following development standards table: E-9 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 301.4 March 23, 2012 ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS not applicable not applicable 50 ft. max. 50 ft. max. 1.8 max. 2.2 max. See E § 311.1 60% max. 60% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 307.2 E § 307.2 E § 309.2 - E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height –with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR – Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. The AT-4 zone: (DC/R5B) (a) Is intended to provide for areas developed with predominately moderate and medium-density rowhouses and apartments, and to: (1) Require a scale of development consistent with the nature and character of the Dupont Circle area in height and bulk and ensure a general compatibility in the scale of new buildings with older, low scale buildings; (2) Enhance the residential character of the area by maintaining existing residential uses and controlling the scale, location, and density of commercial and residential development; (3) Protect the integrity of “contributing buildings”, as that term is defined by the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-144, as amended; D.C. Official Code §§ 6-1101 to 6-1115 (formerly codified at D.C. Code §§ 5-1001 to 5-1015 (1994 and 1999 Supp.))); and (4) Encourage greater use of public transportation and the free circulation of vehicles through public streets and alleys. E-10 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (b) 301.5 March 23, 2012 Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS not applicable not applicable 50 ft. max. 50 ft. max. 1.8 max. 2.2 max. See E § 311.1 60% max. 60% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 307.2 E § 307.2 E § 309.2 - E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height –with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR – Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. The AT-5 zone: (CAP/R5B) (a) Is intended to provide for areas developed with predominately moderate and medium-density rowhouses and apartments, and to; (1) Promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the U.S. Capitol precinct and the area adjacent to this jurisdiction, in a manner consistent with the goals and mandates of the United States Congress in Title V of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1976, and in accordance with the plan submitted to the Congress pursuant to the Act; (2) Ensure that the land use controls embodied in these zones which focus on lands adjacent to the U.S. Capitol reflect the importance of this area to the District and the nation; (3) Control land use, and the height and bulk of buildings, and provide particular regulations adjacent to properties having an obvious and well-recognized general public interest; (4) Provide sufficient regulation for the conservation of the areas south of the U.S. Capitol and the historic residential district to the east of the U.S. Capitol; and (5) Restrict certain permitted uses in the area to protect and reduce the possibility of harming certain sites, areas, or buildings; and E-11 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (b) 301.6 March 23, 2012 Shall be developed in accordance with regulations of the following development standards table: ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS not applicable not applicable 40 ft. max. 40 ft. max. 1.8 max. 2.2 max. not applicable 60% max. 60% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 307.3 E § 307.3 E § 309.2 - E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height –with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR – Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. The AT-6 zone: (RC/R5B) (a) Is intended to: (1) Provide for areas developed with predominately moderate and medium-density rowhouses and apartments; (2) Encourage new residential development and small-scale business development that serve the local community while minimizing the potential traffic, parking, environmental, social, and aesthetic impacts on the adjacent and nearby residential community; (3) Limit permitted heights and densities; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with regulations of the following development standards table: E-12 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 301.7 March 23, 2012 REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height –with IZ FAR – Total w/o IZ FAR – Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not applicable not applicable 50 ft. max. 50 ft. max. 1.8 max. 2.2 max. See E § 311.1 60% max. 60% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 307.2 E § 307.2 E § 309.2 E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.4 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 The A-7 and AT-7 zones: (R5C) (a) Are intended to provide for areas developed with predominately moderate to medium density apartments; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR: Total w/o IZ FAR: Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not regulated not regulated 60 ft. max. 60 ft. max. 3.0 max. 3.6 max. See E § 311.1 75% max. 75% max. not regulated not regulated - E § 307.1 E § 307.1 E § 309.3 E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.3 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 E-13 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 301.8 301.9 March 23, 2012 The A-8 and AT-8 zones: (R5D) (a) Are intended to provide for areas developed with predominately medium to high-density apartments; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR: Total w/o IZ FAR: Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not applicable not applicable 90 ft. max. 90 ft. max. 3.6 max. 4.2 max. See E § 311.1 75% max. 75% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 309.3 E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.3 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 The AT-9 zone: (DC/R5D) (a) Is intended to provide for areas developed with predominately medium/ to high-density apartments, and to: (1) Require a scale of development consistent with the nature and character of the Dupont Circle area in height and bulk and ensure a general compatibility in the scale of new buildings with older, low scale buildings; (2) Enhance the residential character of the area by maintaining existing residential uses and controlling the scale, location, and density of commercial and residential development; (3) Protect the integrity of “contributing buildings”, as that term is defined by the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-144, as amended; D.C. Official Code §§ 6-1101 to 6-1115 (formerly codified at D.C. Code §§ 5-1001 to 5-1015 (1994 and 1999 Supp.))); and E-14 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (4) (b) March 23, 2012 Encourage greater use of public transportation and the free circulation of vehicles through public streets and alleys; and Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR: Total w/o IZ FAR: Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not applicable not applicable 90 ft. max. 90 ft. max. 3.6 max. 4.2 max. See E § 311.1 75% max. 75% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 309.3 E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.3 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 E-15 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 301.10 301.11 March 23, 2012 The A-10 and AT-10 zones: (R5E) (a) Are intended to provide for areas developed with predominately highdensity apartments; and (b) Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR: Total w/o IZ FAR: Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not applicable not applicable 90 ft. max. 90 ft. max. 6.0 max. 7.2 max. not applicable 75% max. 90% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 309.3 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.3 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 The AT-11 zone: (DC/R5E) (a) Is intended to provide for areas developed with predominately highdensity apartments, and to: (1) Require a scale of development consistent with the nature and character of the Dupont Circle area in height and bulk and ensure a general compatibility in the scale of new buildings with older, low scale buildings; (2) Enhance the residential character of the area by maintaining existing residential uses and controlling the scale, location, and density of commercial and residential development; (3) Protect the integrity of “contributing buildings”, as that term is defined by the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-144, as amended; D.C. Official Code §§ 6-1101 to 6-1115 (formerly codified at D.C. Code §§ 5-1001 to 5-1015 (1994 and 1999 Supp.))); and E-16 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (4) (b) March 23, 2012 Encourage greater use of public transportation and the free circulation of vehicles through public streets and alleys. Shall be developed in accordance with the regulations of the following development standards table: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION ZONE MEASUREMENT RULES ZONE CONDITIONS SUBTITLE B GENERAL REGS. Lot area for subdivision Lot width for subdivision Height – w/o IZ Height – with IZ FAR: Total w/o IZ FAR: Total with IZ Dwelling Units Lot Occupancy – w/o IZ Lot Occupancy – with IZ Front Setback Front Build-to not applicable not applicable 90 ft. max. 90 ft. max. 6.0 max. 7.2 max. See E § 311.1 75% max. 90% max. not applicable not applicable - E § 309.3 E § 311.1 E § 313.2 - Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 18 Chapter 9 Chapter 18 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Side Setback not required - E § 319.1 Chapter 5 Rear Setback Courtyards GAR 15 ft. min. see Subtitle B 0.3 - E § 321.1 - Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 302 LOT AREA MEASUREMENT 302.1 Reserved. 303 CONDITIONS ON LOT AREA REGULATIONS 303.1 Lot area for Residential uses permitted by special exception pursuant to E § 403.10 shall be as prescribed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment. 304 LOT WIDTH MEASUREMENT 304.1 Reserved. 305 CONDITIONS ON LOT WIDTH REGULATIONS 305.1 Lot width for Residential uses permitted by special exception pursuant to E § 403.10 shall be as prescribed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment. E-17 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 306 HEIGHT MEASUREMENT 306.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) (b) The starting point for the measurement of height shall be determined by the mean elevation of two points: (1) The first point shall be the middle of any street lot line of the lot. (2) The second point shall be established by drawing a line perpendicular from the point in subparagraph (1) into the lot until it intersects another lot line. This point of intersection shall be the second point; and The height of a building shall be measured to the highest point of the roof or parapet. E-18 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 307 CONDITIONS ON HEIGHT 307.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) A building or other structure shall be permitted a height of ninety feet (90 ft.) maximum, provided, that the building or structure shall be removed from all lot lines of its lot for a distance equal to the height of the building or structure above the existing grade. (b) A building or structure for an Institutional use shall be permitted a height of ninety feet (90 ft.) maximum, provided, that the building or structure shall be removed from all lot lines of its lot a distance of not less than one foot (1 ft.) for each foot of height in excess of that authorized in the district in which it is located. (c) A place of worship shall be permitted a height of sixty feet (60 ft.) maximum. E-19 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 307.2 307.3 March 23, 2012 (d) A building or structure for a Parks and Recreation use shall be permitted a height of forty-five feet (45 ft.) maximum. (e) A public school shall be permitted a height of ninety feet (90 ft.) maximum. If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) All provisions of § 307.1 shall apply. (b) A college or university building or structure covered by an approved campus plan may be erected to a height not exceeding sixty feet (60 ft). If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) (b) The following structures shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height above the roof upon which they are located: (1) Antennas; (2) Skylights; (3) Penthouses fully or partially enclosing utilitarian features, including, but not limited to, mechanical equipment and its housing, elevators, and stairwells; (4) Building appurtenances dedicated to safety, including safety railings; (5) Pergolas and similar structures; (6) Building components or appurtenances, including but not limited to solar panels and wind turbines, dedicated to the environmental sustainability of the building; and (7) Penthouses fully or partially enclosing accessory amenity features, such as communal recreation space, and structures accessory to communal outdoor recreation space. Structures listed in in this subsection shall be subject to the setback requirements of B § 704.2. 308 FLOOR AREA RATIO MEASUREMENT 308.1 Reserved. 309 CONDITIONS ON FLOOR AREA RATIO 309.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) A Local Government use is permitted a floor area ratio of 2.0 maximum. E-20 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 309.2 309.3 March 23, 2012 (b) A public school building is permitted a floor area ratio of 1.8 maximum. (c) A Parks and Recreation use shall be permitted a floor area ratio of 0.9 maximum; except that a Parks and Recreation use may be permitted a floor area ratio of 1.8 maximum if approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment, pursuant to C § 301.3. If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) A Local Government use is permitted a floor area ratio of 2.0. (b) A Parks and Recreation use shall be restricted to a floor area ratio of 1.8. If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) A Parks and Recreation use shall be restricted to a floor area ratio of 1.8. (b) A public school building shall be restricted to a floor area ratio of 3.0. 310 DWELLING UNIT MEASUREMENT 310.1 Reserved. 311 CONDITIONS FOR DWELLING UNITS 311.1 One principal dwelling unit may be located within an accessory building, provided: 311.2 (a) No accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted on the property; and (b) A principal dwelling unit in an accessory building shall be subject to the provisions applied to accessory dwelling units in D § 603.1. Rooming units shall be permitted by-right; provided: (a) Accommodations are not provided to transient guests who stay 90 days or less at the premises; (b) No sign is displayed on the premises; (c) No advertisement is displayed or published on or off the premises holding out the establishment to be a hotel, motel, inn, hostel, bed and breakfast, private club, tourist home, guest house, or other transient accommodation; (d) Cooking facilities are not provided in any individual rooming unit; and (e) No central dining or food preparation area is provided for guests. E-21 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 311.3 March 23, 2012 If a zone is subject to this provision: (a) All new residential developments, except detached or semi-detached buildings with only one dwelling unit, shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as special exceptions under C § 301.3 in accordance with the standards and requirements of E § 403.10. (b) Rooming units may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment; provided that, in addition to the requirements of C § 301.3 and the standards and requirements of E § 403.10, the applicant demonstrates that the proposal conforms to the provisions of E § 311.1 (a) through (e). 312 LOT OCCUPANCY MEASUREMENT 312.1 Reserved. 313 CONDITIONS ON LOT OCCUPANCY 313.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: 313.2 (a) The provisions of E § 313.2 shall apply. (b) A place of worship or a public school shall be permitted a lot occupancy of sixty percent (60%). If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) (b) A public school building is permitted a lot occupancy in excess of that allowed by the zone; provided that: (1) The portion of the building, excluding closed courts, exceeding the lot coverage shall not exceed twenty feet (20 ft.) or two (2) stories in height; and (2) Direct pedestrian access not less than ten feet (10 ft.) in width from at least two (2) public rights-of-way shall be provided to each roof area used for these purposes. The roof area shall be used only for open space, recreation areas, or other athletic and field equipment areas in lieu of similarly used space normally located at ground level. An addition to an existing building containing only one or two residential dwelling units and a new or expanded accessory structure is permitted a building area not to exceed seventy percent (70%) of the lot if approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as a special exception, subject to the general conditions of C § 301.3 and a finding by the Board that the addition or accessory structure, together with the original building, as viewed from the street, alley, and other public way, shall not substantially visually intrude upon the character, scale and pattern of houses along the subject street frontage. E-22 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (c) March 23, 2012 A building devoted to a Parks and Recreation use is limited to a lot occupancy of twenty percent (20%) maximum. A lot occupancy of forty percent (40%) maximum may be permitted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment; provided that, in addition to the requirements of C § 301.3, the Board finds that the increase is consistent with District policies related to the preservation of open space. 314 FRONT SETBACK REGULATION MEASUREMENT 314.1 Reserved. 315 CONDITIONS ON FRONT SETBACK REGULATIONS 315.1 Reserved. 316 FRONT BUILD-TO MEASUREMENT 316.1 Reserved. 317 CONDITIONS ON FRONT BUILD-TO REGULATIONS 317.1 Reserved. 318 SIDE SETBACK MEASUREMENT 318.1 Reserved 319 CONDITIONS ON SIDE SETBACKS 319.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) No side setback is required for the principal building; however, any side setback provided to any portion of the principal building shall be at least three inches (3 in.) per foot of height, and no less than five feet (5 ft.). E-23 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (b) The side yard may be reduced or eliminated for any Local Government use, if the lot abuts or adjoins a public open space, recreation area, or reservation. (c) An addition that cannot comply with the side setback regulations may be granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment through special exception. In addition to complying with the general special exception criteria of C § 301.3, the Board shall find that the addition, together with the existing building, as viewed from the street, alley, and other public way, does not substantially visually intrude upon the character, scale and pattern of houses along the same side of the street, of the square. 320 REAR SETBACK MEASUREMENT 320.1 The required rear setback shall be measured as follows: (a) Measure a horizontal plane, from the mean elevation of the rear lot-line, parallel to the rear lot line, into the lot, the distance of the required minimum setback identified in the development regulations table. E-24 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (b) From the furthest point from the rear lot-line, along the horizontal plane identified in the previous paragraph, measure a vertical plane, up to the maximum height limit of the zone. (c) Measure a plane, from the mean finished grade of the rear lot-line, into the lot, with a vertical rise to horizontal run ratio of three to one (3:1), up to the maximum height limit of the zone. (d) The building or addition shall be contained within the vertical plane of paragraph (b); and, the angular plane of paragraph (c), from the point where it intersects the vertical plane of paragraph (b). (e) The rear setback described in this subsection is portrayed in the following graphic [THIS GRAPHIC NEEDS CORRECTIONS]: E-25 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 321 CONDITIONS ON REAR SETBACKS 321.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) The rear yard may be reduced or eliminated for any Local Government use, if the lot abuts or adjoins a public open space, recreation area, or reservation. (b) An addition that cannot comply with the rear setback regulations may be granted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment through special exception. In addition to complying with the general special exception criteria of C § 301.3, the Board shall find that the addition, together with the original building, as viewed from the street, alley, and other public way, shall not substantially visually intrude upon the character, scale and pattern of buildings along the subject street frontage. 322 COURTYARD MEASUREMENT 322.1 Reserved. 323 CONDITIONS ON COURTYARDS 323.1 Reserved. 324 GREEN AREA RATIO MEASUREMENT 324.1 Reserved. 325 GREEN AREA RATIO CONDITIONS 325.1 Reserved. 326 RELIEF FROM REQUIRED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 326.1 The Board of Zoning Adjustment may special exception relief from the following development standards of this subtitle, subject to the provisions of this section and the general special exception criteria of C § 301.3: 326.2 (a) Lot occupancy; and (b) Setbacks. Special exception relief under this section may only be granted for: (a) An addition to a building with only one or two principal dwelling units; or (b) A new or enlarged accessory structure that is accessory to such a building. E-26 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 326.3 March 23, 2012 The addition or accessory structure shall not have a substantially adverse effect on the use or enjoyment of any abutting or adjacent dwelling or property, in particular: (a) The light and air available to neighboring properties shall not be unduly affected; (b) The privacy of use and enjoyment of neighboring properties shall not be unduly compromised; (c) The addition or accessory structure, together with the original building, as viewed from the street, alley, and other public way, shall not substantially visually intrude upon the character, scale and pattern of houses along the subject street frontage; and (d) In demonstrating compliance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this subsection, the applicant shall use graphical representations such as plans, photographs, or elevation and section drawings sufficient to represent the relationship of the proposed addition or accessory structure to adjacent buildings and views from public ways. (e) The Board may approve a lot occupancy of all new and existing structures on the lot up to a maximum of seventy percent (70%). 326.4 The Board may require special treatment in the way of design, screening, exterior or interior lighting, building materials, or other features for the protection of adjacent and nearby properties. 326.5 This section may not be used to permit the introduction or expansion of a nonconforming use as a special exception. 326.6 Requested relief that does not comply with this section shall be processed as a variance. E-27 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 4 USE CATEGORIES FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 400 INTRODUCTION 400.1 This chapter contains zone-specific information about the regulation of use categories, including permissions, conditions, and exceptions specific to A and AT zones. 400.2 Subtitle B, Chapter 2 contains general guidance about the regulation of use categories, definitions of use categories, how use categories are determined, and rules for how use categories should be codified within Land Use Subtitles. 401 USE CATEGORIES PERMISSION TABLE 401.1 The Use Categories Permissions Table of E § 401.3 indicates: 401.2 (a) Use categories permitted within a zone; (b) Use categories permitted only by special exception; (c) Use categories permitted only as accessory uses; and (d) Any associated conditions of compliance necessary for a use to be permitted. Use categories shall be regulated and presented in the Use Categories Permission Table as follows: (a) Each cell contains a letter representing whether the use category is: (1) Permitted (P); (2) Conditionally Permitted (C) (3) Permitted by Special Exception (S) (4) Permitted as an Accessory Use (A); or (5) Not Permitted (N). (b) A cell may also contain a reference to conditions or criteria related to the permission. (c) Further information on using the use permissions table is located in Subtitle B, Chapter 2. E-28 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 401.3 March 23, 2012 The table below identifies use permissions and citations to regulations applicable to A and AT zones: USE CATEGORIES Agriculture Animal Sales, Care, and Boarding Antennas Arts Design and Creation Basic Utilities Chancery Community-based Institutional Facility Daytime Care Education Emergency Shelter Entertainment, Assembly, and Perf Arts (R5A, NO/R5A) Use Code A (R5B, DC/R5B) Use Code B (R5B/CAP) Use Code C P N C (§ 402.1) S (§ 403.1) C (§ 402.3) S (§ 403.12) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.2) P N C (§ 402.1) S (§ 403.1) P N C (§ 402.1) S (§ 403.1) S (§ 403.13) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.13) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.2) S (§ 403.2) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) C (§ 402.4) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (§ 402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N C (§ 402.4) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N C (§ 402.4) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (§ 402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N Firearm Sales N N N Food and Alcohol Services C (§ 402.3) S (§ 403.13) S (§ 403.13) Government, Large Scale N N N Government, Local P P P Health Care P P P Institutional C (§ 402.9) Lodging A (§ 404.3) Marine N P C (§ 402.9) A (§ 404.3) N P C (§ 402.9) A (§ 404.3) N N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) C (§ 402.10) S (§ 403.9) P N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) C (§ 402.10) S (§ 403.9) P N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) N N P P S (§ 403.13) S (§ 403.13) Sexually-oriented Business N C (§ 402.11) S (§ 403.11) C (§ 402.3) S (§ 403.12) C (§ 402.3) A (§ 401.1) N S (§ 403.12) A (§ 401.1) N S (§ 403.12) A (§ 401.1) N Transportation Infrastructure C (§ 402.12) C (§ 402.12) C (§ 402.12) N N N Motor Vehicle-related Office Parking Parks and Recreation Production, Distribution, and Repair Residential Retail Service Waste-related Services E-29 S (§ 403.10) P ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (R5B/RC) Use Code D (R5C) Use Code E P N C (§ 402.2) S (§ 403.1) S (§ 403.13) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.2) P N C (§ 402.1) S (§ 403.1) S (§ 403.13) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.2) (R5D R5E, DC/R5D, DC/R5E)) Use Code F P N C (§ 402.1) S (§ 403.1) S (§ 403.13) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.2) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) S (§ 403.3) S (§ 403.4) C (§ 402.4) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (§ 402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N C (§ 402.4) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N C (§ 402.5) S (§ 403.5) A (§ 404.2) C (§ 402.6) S (§ 403.6) C (§ 402.7) S (§ 403.7) N Firearm Sales N N N Food and Alcohol Services N S (§ 403.13) S (§ 403.13) Government, Large Scale N N N Government, Local P P P Health Care P P P Institutional P P C (§ 402.9) A (§ 404.3) N P C (§ 402.9) A (§ 404.3) N N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) C (§ 402.10) S (§ 403.9) P USE CATEGORIES Agriculture Animal Sales, Care, and Boarding Antennas Arts Design and Creation Basic Utilities Chancery Community-based Institutional Facility Daytime Care Education Emergency Shelter Entertainment, Assembly, and Perf Arts Lodging A (§ 404.3) Marine N Motor Vehicle-related Parks and Recreation P N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) C (§ 402.10) S (§ 403.9) P Production, Distribution, and Repair N N N Residential P P S (§ 403.13) P S (§ 403.13) N S (§ 403.13) A (§ 401.1) N S (§ 403.13) A (§ 401.1) N C (§ 402.12) C (§ 402.12) C (§ 402.12) N N N Office Parking N S (§ 403.8) A (§ 404.1) S (§ 403.9) Retail S (§ 403.13) Service A (§ 401.1) Sexually-oriented Business Transportation Infrastructure Waste-related Services E-30 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 402 USES PERMITTED BY CONDITION 402.1 Antennas - Ground mounted antennas shall be permitted by-right subject to the requirements and conditions of Subtitle B Chapter 24. 402.2 Antennas - Ground mounted antennas shall be permitted by-right subject to the requirements and conditions of Subtitle B Chapter 24, provided that no antenna tower with a height in excess of twenty feet (20 ft.) is permitted, and no satellite dish with a diameter of greater than fifteen feet (15 ft.) is permitted. 402.3 Arts Design and Creation, Food and Alcohol Service, Retail, and Service uses are permitted by-right if compliant with the following conditions: (a) There shall be no Mixed Use zones within five hundred feet (500 ft.) of the lot. (b) There shall be no more than three other Arts Design and Creation, Retail, or Service uses and no more than one other Food and Alcohol Service use within five hundred feet (500 ft.) of the lot. (c) Except for the uses listed below, the use shall not occupy or use any space above the ground story: (1) Apartment accessory to an artist studio; and (2) Artist live-work space; (d) The use shall not exceed two thousand square feet (2,000 sq.ft.) in total floor area; (e) The use shall not operate between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; (f) The maximum number of employees, including the owner, on site at any time shall be four; (g) Only one external sign may be displayed on the building’s facade, provided that the sign is not illuminated and is flush-mounted; (h) All storage of materials and garbage shall occur indoors; (i) Any parking shall be fully screened from all adjacent properties and streets in a manner consistent with E § 802.1. (j) For any Food and Alcohol Service use, there shall be no sale of liquor for on-site consumption; (k) Gross floor area devoted to the sale of alcohol for off-site consumption shall comprise no more than fifteen percent (15%) of the floor area of the use. E-31 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (n) March 23, 2012 (l) There shall be no on-site cooking of food or installation of grease traps; however, food assembly and reheating is allowed. (m) There shall be no on-site use or storage of dry-cleaning chemicals. The Board of Zoning Adjustment may waive up to three (3) of the conditions of this subsection by special exception, subject to C § 301.3, provided that E 402.3(a) and (c) may not be waived. Arts Design and Creation uses may also be allowed as accessory uses under the conditions of E § 404.1. 402.4 Daytime Care uses are permitted by-right if compliant with the following conditions: (a) The use shall be limited to 16 individuals, not including staff; or (b) The use shall be located in a building originally built and continuously used as an Education, Institutional, Local Government or Parks and Recreation use. Daytime Care uses are also permitted as a matter of right as accessory uses subject to the conditions of E § 404.2. Daytime Care uses not meeting the above conditions may be permitted by special exception pursuant to the criteria of E § 403.5. 402.5 Daytime Care uses are permitted by-right if compliant with the following conditions: (a) The use shall be limited to 25 individuals, not including staff; or (b) The use shall be located in a building originally built and continuously used as an Education, Institutional use, Local Government or Parks and Recreation. Daytime Care uses are also permitted as a matter of right as an accessory uses subject to the conditions of E § 404.2. Daytime Care uses not meeting the above conditions may be permitted by special exception pursuant to the criteria of E § 403.5. 402.6 Education uses are permitted by-right as follows: (a) (1) An education use operated or chartered by the District of Columbia Board of Education or the District of Columbia Public Charter School Board is permitted by right if compliant with the following conditions: Within the AT-1 and AT-2 zones, the use shall be located on a lot with at least nine thousand square feet (9,000 sq.ft.) of area and with a combined total length of all street lot lines of at least eighty feet (80 ft.). E-32 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (2) (b) (c) 402.7 March 23, 2012 Within the AT-3 zone, the use shall be located on a lot with a combined total length of all street lot lines of at least eighty feet (80 ft.). Education uses not meeting the conditions of E § 402.6(a) may be permitted by special exception pursuant to the criteria of E § 403.6. Education uses not covered by E § 402.6(a) or E § 403.6 may be permitted by campus master plan pursuant to the criteria of C § [CAMPUS PLAN CHAPTER]. Emergency Shelter uses are permitted by-right provided that the use shall not house more than four (4) persons, not including resident supervisors or staff and their families. Emergency Shelter uses not meeting this condition may be permitted by special exception pursuant to the criteria of E § 403.7. 402.8 Institutional uses are permitted by-right, provided that the maximum lot occupancy is sixty percent (60%). 402.9 Lodging uses are permitted by-right if the use existed with a valid Certificate of Occupancy prior to May 16, 1980. The existing Lodging use may be repaired, renovated, or altered, but the gross floor area may not be increased and the total area devoted to function rooms, exhibit space, and commercial adjuncts may not be increased. 402.10 Parking as a principal use is permitted by-right as follows: (a) All parking shall meet the conditions of Chapter 8 of this subtitle and of Subtitle B Chapter 15. (b) A private garage on a lot not containing another use shall meet the following conditions: (1) No more than two motor vehicles may be housed on the lot; (2) The building may not exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet; (3) The building shall open directly onto an alley; (4) The building shall be setback at least twelve (12) feet from the centerline of any alley; and (5) The building shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of a street lot line, front setback line, or building restriction line. E-33 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (c) Within the AT-3 zone only, a temporary surface parking lot accessory to the Ballpark shall be permitted on Square 882 in accordance with the conditions of B § 1514.2. In the event that the cumulative parking limit established in B § 1514.2 is met, additional temporary surface parking spaces accessory to the Ballpark on Square 882 shall be permitted as a special exception use if approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustment pursuant to B § 1514.2. (d) 402.11 402.12 March 23, 2012 Parking uses not described in (b) or (c) shall not be permitted. Residential uses are permitted by-right, subject to the following conditions: (a) The use shall be limited to one dwelling unit; and (b) The building shall either be detached or semi-detached. (c) Other Residential uses may be allowed as a special exception subject to E § 403.10. Transportation Infrastructure uses are permitted by right subject to the following condition: (a) The use shall be operated by the District government or the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. 403 USES PERMITTED BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION 403.1 Antennas – A monopole antenna may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the special exception criteria of C § 301.3 and Subtitle B, Chapter 24. 403.2 Basic Utilities may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the general criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) The use shall not be an electronic equipment facility; and (b) Any requirements for setbacks, screening, or other safeguards that the Board deems necessary for the protection of the neighborhood. 403.3 Chancery uses are allowed, subject to disapproval by the Board of Zoning Adjustment in accordance with Subtitle C, Chapter 4. 403.4 Community Based Institutional Facilities may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) The use shall house no more than twenty (20) persons, not including resident supervisors or staff and their families. E-34 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 403.5 March 23, 2012 Daytime Care uses may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) The facility shall be located and designed to create no objectionable traffic condition and no unsafe condition for picking up and dropping off persons in attendance; and (b) Any off-site play area shall be located so as not to endanger individuals traveling between the play area and the center or facility. Daytime Care uses are also permitted by-right as accessory uses provided the uses conform to conditions under E § 404.2. 403.6 403.7 403.8 Education uses may be permitted as a special exception use if the use is a public school that does not meet the lot area or width requirements of E § 402.6, or a private school. Permission is subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) The school shall be located so that it is not likely to become objectionable to adjoining and nearby property because of noise, traffic, number of students, or otherwise objectionable conditions. (b) If the use is a private school, it may not be a trade school. Emergency Shelters may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) There is a maximum limit of twenty five persons, not including resident supervisors or staff and their families; or (b) The applicant demonstrates that the program goals and objectives of the District of Columbia cannot be achieved without a larger facility at the subject location and that there are no other reasonable alternative locations which would meet the program needs for that area of the District. Office use devoted exclusively to use by a nonprofit organization for the purposes of the nonprofit organization may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) The building is either: (1) Listed in the District of Columbia's Inventory of Historic Sites contained in the comprehensive statewide historic preservation survey and plan prepared pursuant to § 101(a) of the National Historic Preservation Act, approved October 15, 1966 (80 Stat. 915, as amended; 16 U.S.C. § 470a), or (2) Located within a district, site, area, or place listed on the District of Columbia's Inventory of Historic Sites; and E-35 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (b) The gross floor area of the building in question, not including other buildings on the lot, is ten thousand square feet (10,000 sq.ft.) or greater; (c) No goods, chattel, wares, or merchandise shall be commercially created, exchanged, or sold in the residential buildings or on the land by a nonprofit organization, except for the sale of publications, materials, or other items related to the purposes of the nonprofit organization. (d) The applicant shall demonstrate that: (e) 403.9 March 23, 2012 (1) Use of existing residential buildings and land by a nonprofit organization shall not adversely affect the use of the neighboring properties. (2) The amount and arrangement of parking spaces shall be adequate and located to minimize traffic impact on the adjacent neighborhood. Any additions to the building or any major modifications to the exterior of the building or to the site shall require the prior approval of the Board. The Board shall refer any proposed additions or modifications to the State Historic Preservation Officer, who, acting with the advice of the D.C. Professional Review Committee for nominations to the National Register of Historic Places, shall provide the Board with a report to determine possible detrimental consequences that the proposed addition or modification may have on the architectural or historical significance of the building or site or district in which the building is located. Parking as a principal use may be permitted by special exception, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) All parking shall meet the conditions of Chapter 8 of this subtitle and of Subtitle B Chapter 15. (b) No commercial advertising signs shall be permitted outside a building, except a sign advertising the rates as required by Chapter 6 of Title 24 DCMR, "Public Space and Safety." (c) The applicant shall demonstrate that: (1) No dangerous or otherwise objectionable traffic conditions will result; (2) The present character and future development of the neighborhood will not be affected adversely; and (3) The parking garage is reasonably necessary and convenient to other uses in the vicinity. E-36 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (d) The application shall be submitted to the D.C. Department of Transportation for review and report. (e) If the parking is provided as a surface parking lot: (1) All parking shall be located in its entirety within two hundred feet (200 ft.) of an existing Mixed-Use, Mixed-Use Transit, Downtown, or PDR zone; (2) The lot shall be contiguous to or separated only by an alley from a Mixed-Use, Mixed-Use Transit, Downtown, or PDR zone; and (3) A majority of the parking spaces shall serve residential uses or shortterm parking needs of retail, service, and public facility uses in the vicinity. (f) 403.10 March 23, 2012 The Board may require that all or a portion of the parking spaces be reserved for the following: (1) Residential parking; (2) Unrestricted commercial parking; (3) Accessory parking for uses within eight hundred feet (800 ft.); and (4) Shared parking for different uses by time of day. Parking as a principal use may be permitted by special exception, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (a) All parking shall meet the conditions of Chapter 8 of this subtitle and of Subtitle B Chapter 15. (b) No commercial advertising signs shall be permitted outside a building, except a sign advertising the rates as required by Chapter 6 of Title 24 DCMR, "Public Space and Safety." (c) The applicant shall demonstrate that: (d) (1) No dangerous or otherwise objectionable traffic conditions will result; (2) The present character and future development of the neighborhood will not be affected adversely; and (3) The parking garage is reasonably necessary and convenient to other uses in the vicinity. The application shall be submitted to the D.C. Department of Transportation for review and report. E-37 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (e) (f) 403.11 March 23, 2012 If the parking is provided as a surface parking lot: (1) A new parking lot may not be established, but a parking lot in existence on [effective date] may continue, subject to the provisions of this subsection; (2) All parking shall be located in its entirety within two hundred feet (200 ft.) of an existing Mixed-Use, Mixed-Use Transit, Downtown, or PDR zone; (3) The lot shall be contiguous to or separated only by an alley from a Mixed-Use, Mixed-Use Transit, Downtown, or PDR zone; and (4) A majority of the parking spaces shall serve residential uses or shortterm parking needs of retail, service, and public facility uses in the vicinity. The Board may require that all or a portion of the parking spaces be reserved for the following: (1) Residential parking; (2) Unrestricted commercial parking; (3) Accessory parking for uses within eight hundred feet (800 ft.); and (4) Shared parking for different uses by time of day. Residential uses, except as provided in E § 402.9, shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment as special exceptions under C § 301.3 and the following standards: (a) The BZA shall review the adequacy of the site plan and other issues cited in paragraph (b); (b) The application shall be referred for comment and recommendation to: (1) The D.C. Department of Public Schools regarding the adequacy of existing and planned area schools to accommodate the numbers of students that can be expected to reside in the project; (2) The D.C. Departments of Transportation and Housing and Community Development regarding the adequacy of public streets, recreation, and other services to accommodate the residents of the project and the relationship of the proposed project to public plans and projects; and (3) The D.C. Office of Planning regarding the site plan, arrangement of buildings and structures, and provision of light, air, parking, E-38 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 recreation, landscaping, and grading as they relate to the future residents of the project and the surrounding neighborhood; and (c) 403.12 Retail and Arts Design and Creation uses may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the special exception criteria of C § 301.3, and the following conditions: (a) 403.13 In addition to other filing requirements, the applicant shall submit four site plans and two sets of typical floor plans and elevations, grading plans (existing and final), landscaping plans, and plans for all new rights-of-way and easements. The use shall derive fifty per cent (50%) minimum of its income from the display and sale of objects of art. If a zone is subject to this provision: (a) Retail and Arts Design and Creation uses may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the special exception criteria of C § 301.3, and the following conditions: (1) (b) The use shall derive fifty per cent (50%) minimum of its income from the display and sale of objects of art. Service, Food and Alcohol Service, and Retail and Arts Design and Creation uses not covered by E § 403.12(a) may be permitted as a special exception use, subject to the special exception criteria of C § 301.3 and the following conditions: (1) The use shall only be permitted when incidental to a building otherwise devoted to Residential uses; (2) The use shall be located on the main floor of the building or below, or in an interior patio or other type of open ground level area. (3) There shall be no Mixed Use or Mixed Use Transit zones within five hundred feet (500 ft.) of the lot. (4) All storage of materials and garbage shall occur indoors; (5) Any parking shall be fully screened from all adjacent properties and streets in a manner consistent with E § 802.1; (6) Only one external sign may be displayed on the building’s facade, provided that the sign is not illuminated and is flush-mounted; (7) For any Food and Alcohol Service use, there shall be no sale of liquor for on-site consumption; E-39 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (8) Gross floor area devoted to the sale of alcohol for off-site consumption shall comprise no more than fifteen percent (15%) of the floor area of the use; and (9) There shall be no on-site use or storage of dry-cleaning chemicals. 404 CONDITIONS FOR ACCESSORY USES 404.1 An Arts Design and Creation, Office, or Service use is permitted by-right as an accessory use to a Residential use, subject to the following conditions: (a) The use shall only be operated and owned by a resident of the dwelling unit; (b) No more than one (1) person who is not a resident of the dwelling unit shall be engaged or employed in an accessory Arts Design and Creation or Service use, and no more than two persons who are not residents of the dwelling unit shall be engaged or employed in the an accessory Office use; (c) No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit, excluding basements or accessory structures, may be devoted to the use; (d) All materials or finished products shall be stored within the accessory use floor area or in a basement or accessory structure on the property; (e) All operations shall be conducted inside the dwelling unit, and no storage or other unsightly condition shall be allowed outside a structure; (f) The use shall not create any visual or audible electrical interference in consumer electronics that receive or send wireless transmissions outside the property, or that cause fluctuations in line voltage outside the property; (g) The use shall not produce any noxious odors, vibrations, glare, or fumes that are detectable to normal sensory perception outside the property; (h) The use shall not produce a level of noise that exceeds the level normally associated with the immediate neighborhood; (i) No more than two (2) vehicles may be used in the practice of the use; (j) Vehicular trips to the premises by visitors, customers, and delivery persons shall not exceed eight (8) trips daily on a regular and continuing basis; (k) No more than eight (8) clients or customers may visit the premises in any one (1) hour period; and (l) The practitioner shall display no more than one (1) exterior sign on the building in which a use is practiced; and if provided, a sign must meet the following conditions: E-40 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (m) 404.2 404.3 March 23, 2012 (1) The sign shall not exceed one hundred forty-four (144) square inches in area; (2) The sign shall be flush-mounted; (3) The sign shall not be illuminated; and (4) The sign may state only the name of the practitioner and the type of use. The Board of Zoning Adjustment may waive up to two (2) of the conditions of this subsection by special exception, subject to C § 301.3, provided that E § 404.1(a) may not be waived. Daytime Care uses are permitted by-right as an accessory use, subject to the following conditions: (a) The one-unit Residential use in which it is located shall be the principal residence of the caregiver; (b) There is used no more than one sign or display, which shall not exceed one hundred forty-four square inches (144 in area; (c) No stock in trade is kept nor any commodity sold upon the premises; (d) No person is employed other than a member of the caregiver's immediate family residing on the premises; and (e) No mechanical equipment is used except such as is permissible for purely domestic or household purposes. (f) The Board of Zoning Adjustment may waive up to two of the conditions of this subsection by special exception, subject to C § 301.3, provided that E § 404.2(a) may not be waived. Lodging uses are permitted by-right as an accessory use, subject to the following conditions: (a) The use shall only be permitted as accessory to a one unit Residential use; (b) The residence shall be owned and occupied as the principal residence of the operator(s); (c) The maximum number of guest sleeping rooms shall be two (2); (d) Breakfast shall be the only meal served and is served only to overnight guests; (e) No cooking facilities shall be permitted in any of the rented rooms; and E-41 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (f) One parking space minimum shall be provided. (g) The BZA may waive E § 404.3(c) by special exception, subject to C § 301.3, provided that the total number of guest sleeping rooms does not exceed four (4) in a house that is not a historic resource or six (6) in a house that is a historic resource. 405 CONDITIONS ON USES IN FORMER PUBLIC SCHOOLS 405.1 Within a building owned by the District of Columbia that formerly served as the location of a public school (“former school building”), the following use provisions shall apply: 405.2 (a) A use permitted by right pursuant to E § 401 shall be permitted by right within a former school building unless otherwise regulated in E § 405.2; (b) A use permitted by special exception pursuant to E § 402 shall be permitted by special exception within a former school building unless otherwise regulated by E § 405.2; (c) A use permitted by right subject to conditions pursuant to E § 403 shall be permitted by right subject to the same conditions within a former school building unless otherwise regulated by E § 405.2; (d) A use permitted as an accessory use pursuant to E § 404 shall be permitted as an accessory use within a former school building unless otherwise regulated by E § 405.2; The following uses are permitted by right within a former school building, irrespective of E §§ 401, 402, 403, 404, and 405.1: (a) Daytime Care uses. (b) Education uses, subject to the following conditions: (c) (1) The use shall be a community college; (2) The use shall not occupy more than 50,000 sq. ft. of building area; (3) There shall be no external activities after 9:00 PM; and (4) There shall be no use of the college space after midnight. (5) An Education use that does not meet one or more of the above conditions may be permitted by special exception subject to the criteria of C § 301.3. Health Care uses, subject to the following conditions: E-42 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (d) (e) March 23, 2012 (1) The use shall be limited to one in which the joint practice of medical or dental professions is conducted in such a manner that all fees for services rendered are established by and paid to a common business office without direct payment of the fees to individual practitioners, and shall not include a building in which the separate and individual practice of the above professions is conducted; (2) The use shall contain a diagnostic center and, in addition, may contain research, educational, minor surgical, or treatment facilities; (3) All the facilities are limited to the treatment and care of out-patients; and (4) The use shall not be a substance abuse treatment facility. (5) A Health Care use that does not meet one or more of the above conditions may be permitted by special exception subject to the criteria of C § 301.3. Institutional uses, subject to the following conditions: (1) The application for a certificate of occupancy include evidence demonstrating that the established mission of the use will serve the community, neighborhood, or District of Columbia population; (2) There is no outdoor storage of materials; and (3) The use shall not be a substance abuse treatment facility. (4) An Institutional use that does not meet one or more of the above conditions may be permitted by special exception subject to the criteria of C § 301.3. Local Government or Office uses, subject to the following conditions: (1) The use shall be limited to administrative offices of District government agencies, provided the agencies are not part of the criminal justice system, (2) The use shall not extend outside the building unless accessory and incidental to the principal administrative use; and (3) Any storage shall be fully enclosed. (4) A Local Government use or Office use that does not meet one or more of the above conditions may be permitted by special exception subject to the criteria of C § 301.3, provided that the use is operated by the District government. E-43 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 405.3 March 23, 2012 Any addition to or expansion of a former school building housing a use permitted by this section shall only be permitted by special exception, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3. The Board of Zoning Adjustment may impose setbacks, screening, lighting requirements, or other safeguards that it deems necessary for the protection of the neighborhood. E-44 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 5 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 500 INTRODUCTION 500.1 Accessory buildings may be permitted within an A or AT zone subject to the following conditions: (a) The accessory building is subordinate to and located on the same lot as a principal building, and shall be used for purposes which are incidental to the use of the principal building; (b) The accessory buildings shall be secondary in size compared to the principal building; and shall comply with all required setbacks for accessory buildings based on the zone in they are located. 500.2 The general chapter regarding accessory buildings, Subtitle B, Chapter 14, provides regulations for accessory buildings that apply in addition to the regulations of this chapter. 501 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 501.1 Applicable accessory building development regulations for each zone can be determined by consulting the subsection where a zone is identified. 501.2 The development regulations, standards, rules of measurement, and conditions identified in the table below shall apply to accessory buildings in all A and AT zones: REGULATORY TOPIC STANDARD OR PERMISSION REFERENCES TO RULES OF MEASUREMENT REFERENCES TO CONDITIONS Height 22 ft. max. B § 1902.8 - Max. Building Area Footprint Per Building 900 sq. ft. max. - - 502 SPECIAL EXCEPTION ALLOWANCES FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 502.1 Relief from the development standards of E § 501 may be granted by special exception, pursuant to C § 301.3. 502.2 Relief from other development standards governing accessory buildings may be granted pursuant to E § 326. E-45 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 6 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT REGULATIONS 600 INTRODUCTION 600.1 Reserved. E-46 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 7 REGULATIONS FOR ALLEY LOTS IN APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 700 INTRODUCTION 700.1 This chapter: (a) Regulates the erection and expansion of buildings on alley lots. (b) Provides regulations that ensure that buildings on alley lots are: (1) An appropriate size and scale; and (2) Adequately separated from neighboring properties. (c) Regulates the use of alley lots. Where dwelling units are permitted, this chapter ensures that impacts on the privacy and light of neighboring properties are minimized. 700.2 For the purpose of this chapter, all alley lots must be recorded on the records of the Surveyor, District of Columbia, as a record lot. 700.3 An alley lot that is only recorded on the records of the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue as an assessment and taxation lot (tax lot) may be recorded by the Surveyor, District of Columbia as a record lot if the tax lot was created on or before November 1, 1957. 701 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR BUILDINGS ON ALLEY LOTS 701.1 The height of a building on an alley lot shall be determined as follows: (a) 701.2 The maximum height of the building shall be 22 feet (22 ft.). A building on an alley lot shall have the following setbacks: (a) The building shall be set back a minimum of five feet (5 ft.) from lot lines of all abutting non-alley lots; and (b) The building shall be set back a minimum of seven and one half feet (7.5 ft.) from the center line of all alleys to which the alley lot abuts. 701.3 There shall be no maximum lot occupancy for buildings on alley lots. 701.4 Any balconies must front on alleys. E-47 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 702 ALLEY LOT USES 702.1 The table below identifies use permissions and citations to regulations applicable to alley lots in A and AT zones. The third character of each A or AT zone code refers to a column in this table: Use Category Agriculture Arts Design Creation Parking PDR Residential Use Code A (R-5-A) Use Code B, C, D (R-5-B) Use Code E, F (R-5-C/R-5-D/R-5-E) P P C (703.1) C (703.2) S (704.2) S (704.3) S (704.4) P C (703.1) C (703.2) S (704.2) S (704.3) S (704.4) C (703.1) C (703.2) S (704.2) S (704.3) S (704.4) 703 CONDITIONS FOR ALLEY LOT USES 703.1 Arts Design and Creation uses are permitted as a matter of right provided the use conforms to following list of conditions: (a) 703.2 The use shall be limited to an artist studio subject to the following criteria: (1) Occupancy of the building shall be limited to one artist and one apprentice for each four hundred and fifty square feet (450 sq. ft.) of gross floor area; (2) All operations and storage of materials shall occur inside the building; (3) Incidental sales of art of the work produced by the occupants of the studio shall be permitted within the studio; and (4) The artist may teach one or more apprentices. Parking uses are permitted as a matter of right provided that the use conforms to the following list of conditions: (a) Any external parking spaces shall be screened from: (1) (b) (1) Any residentially zoned lot that shares a lot line boundary with the lot containing the parking spaces. The screening required by E §703.2(a) shall be either: A solid wall or fence at least forty-two (42) inches high; E-48 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (2) (c) March 23, 2012 Evergreen hedges or evergreen growing trees that are thickly planted and maintained, and that are at least forty-two (42) inches in height when planted. A private parking garage on a lot not containing another use shall meet the following conditions: (1) No more than two (2) motor vehicles may be housed on the lot; (2) The building may not exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet; and (3) The building shall open directly onto an alley; (d) Car-sharing spaces may be provided on alley lots, but not in excess of the maximum parking limits of B § 1503. 704 SPECIAL EXCEPTION ALLOWANCES FOR ALLEY LOTS 704.1 A reduction in the minimum setback requirements of E § 701.2 may be permitted by special exception, subject to the criteria of C § 301.3. 704.2 Parking uses may be approved by the Board as a special exception subject to the general conditions of C § 301.3 as follows: (a) 704.3 Parking lot or public parking garage uses are subject to the following criteria: (1) Any use authorized in this section shall not be likely to become objectionable because of noise, traffic, or number of employees; (2) The hours of active operation shall be arranged so as not to prove disturbing or otherwise objectionable to persons residing around the perimeter of the square in which located. Production, Distribution, & Repair uses may be approved by the Board as a special exception subject to the general conditions of C § 301.3 as follows: (a) The uses shall be limited to storage of wares of goods or public storage garage subject to the following criteria: (1) No storage use authorized in this section shall be located in a building containing more than twenty-five hundred square feet (2,500 sq. ft.) of gross floor area; (2) Any use authorized in this section shall not be likely to become objectionable because of noise, traffic, or number of employees; (3) The alley upon which the use is to be located shall be readily negotiable by any truck necessary for the proposed operation; E-49 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review (4) 704.4 March 23, 2012 The hours of active operation shall be arranged so as not to prove disturbing or otherwise objectionable to persons residing around the perimeter of the square in which located. Residential uses may be approved by the Board as a special exception subject to the general conditions of C § 301.3 in addition to the following: (a) The use shall be limited to one dwelling unit on an alley lot, subject to the following criteria: (1) A building may not be constructed or converted for a dwelling unit unless there is a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet of lot area; and (2) The Board of Zoning Adjustment shall consider seek relevant agency comments: (A) Public safety relating to fire concerns; (B) Water and sewer services; (C) Waste management; and (D) Traffic and parking. 705 SUBDIVISION RULES FOR ALLEY LOTS 705.1 All alley lots created after the adoption of the Title shall be lots recorded on the records of the Surveyor, District of Columbia, and conform to subdivision regulation related to lot area standards for R-16-D zones. E-50 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 8 PARKING REGULATIONS IN APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 800 INTRODUCTION 800.1 This chapter provides: (a) A parking standards table in E § 801.4, which provide ratios for minimum parking requirements for all use categories in A zones; and (b) Conditions and requirements related to parking spaces, including location and access. 800.2 General automobile parking regulations are located in Subtitle B, Chapter 15. 801 PARKING STANDARDS FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 801.1 The minimum parking requirements in the parking standards table of E § 801.4 apply to all A zones. They do not apply to AT zones. 801.2 Parking standards for uses in the Residential use category are calculated in the number of parking spaces per dwelling unit. 801.3 Parking standards for uses in all other use categories are calculated in the number of parking spaces per one thousand square feet (1,000 sq. ft.) of gross floor area. E-51 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review 801.4 March 23, 2012 Parking standards for A zones are in the following table: Minimum number of parking spaces (per sq. ft. of GFA, except Residential) Use Category Agriculture 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft. Animal Sales, Care and Boarding Use not permitted in this subtitle Antennas None Arts Design and Creation 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft., in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Basic Utilities 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft, in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Chancery 0.56 per 1,000 sq.ft, in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Community-Based Institutional Facility 1 per 1,000 sq.ft. Daytime Care 0.25 per 1,000 sq.ft. Education 0.25 per 1,000 sq.ft. Emergency Shelter 1 per 1,000 sq.ft. Entertainment, Assembly, and Performing Arts Use not permitted in this subtitle Firearm Sales Use not permitted in this subtitle Food and Alcohol Services 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft, in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Government, Large-Scale Use not permitted in this subtitle Government, Local 1 per 1,000 sq. ft., in excess of 3,000 sq. ft. Health Care 1 per 1,000 sq. ft., in excess of 3,000 sq. ft. Institutional 1.67 per 1,000 sq. ft., in excess of 2,000 sq. ft. Lodging 0.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. Marine Use not permitted in this subtitle Motor Vehicle-related Use not permitted in this subtitle Office 1.67 per 1,000, in excess of 3,000 sq. ft. Parking None Parks and Recreation 0.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. Production, Distribution, Repair 1 per 1,000 sq.ft. Residential 1 per 4 dwelling units, in excess of 9 units Retail 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft, in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Service 1.67 per 1,000 sq.ft, in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Sexually-based Business Establishment Use not permitted in this subtitle Transportation Infrastructure None Waste-related Services 801.5 Use not permitted in this subtitle Refer to B §1503 for maximum parking limits in A and AT zones. E-52 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 802 PARKING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 802.1 Any external parking spaces shall provide visual screening, except as provided in E § 802.2, in accordance with the following provisions: (a) (b) Screening shall be provided between the lot containing the parking and: (1) Any adjacent public street or sidewalk, except that there may be a gap in screening no more than twenty feet (20 ft.) wide, to allow a driveway; and (2) Any residentially zoned lot that shares a lot line with the lot containing the parking spaces. The screening shall be either: (1) A wall or fence at least forty-two (42) inches high; (2) Evergreen hedges or evergreen growing trees that are thickly planted and maintained, and that are at least forty-two (42) inches in height when planted. 802.2 Residential uses on lots with a maximum of three dwelling units may locate parking spaces in a side yard without providing the screening requirements of E § 802.1. 802.3 A parking garage on a lot not containing another use shall meet the following conditions: 802.4 (a) No more than two (2) motor vehicles may be housed on the lot; (b) The building may not exceed four hundred fifty (450) square feet; (c) The building shall open directly onto an alley; (d) The building shall be setback at least twelve (12) feet from the centerline of any alley; and (e) The building shall not be located within fifty (50) feet of a street lot line, front setback line, or building restriction line. Car-sharing spaces may be provided, as long as the number does not exceed the maximum parking limits of B § 1503. E-53 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 CHAPTER 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR APARTMENT AND APARTMENT TRANSIT ZONES 900 INTRODUCTION 900.1 This chapter provides zone-specific planned development regulations applicable to A and AT zones, including: (a) Limitations on permitted development flexibility; (b) Minimum lot size requirements; and (c) Planned development evaluation criteria for certain mixed use transit zones. 900.2 General regulations regarding planned developments are located in Subtitle C, Chapter 8. 900.3 A reference to this chapter in the zone reference table of E § 200.7 establishes the applicability of planned development regulations to a zone. 901 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 901.1 If a zone is subject to this subsection, the by-right height and floor are ratio limits shall serve as the guidelines for planned developments. 901.2 If a zone is subject to this subsection: (a) The minimum area included within the proposed development shall be one acre. (b) No waiver shall exceed five percent (5%) of the minimum area requirements. If a waiver of the minimum area is granted, the Zoning Commission must find, after public hearing, that the development is of exceptional merit and is in the best interests of the District of Columbia or the country (c) All land within the planned unit development must be contiguous and must neither be separated by a street or alley nor bridge a street or alley. (d) The by-right height and floor area ratio limits shall serve as the maximum permitted height and floor area ratio for a planned development. (e) The Zoning Commission shall utilize the standards found in E § 902 to evaluate all planned development applications within this zone. E-54 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 902 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION STANDARDS 902.1 Planned development applications for sites within the AT-4-B, AT-9-F, and AT-11-F zones shall be evaluated and approved, disapproved, or modified according to the standards in this section, in addition to those found in Subtitle C, Chapter 4. These standards are inclusive, but not exhaustive in nature; it is not expected that an application will exemplify all the standards or achieve all of them in a superior fashion. 902.2 To the extent an application proposes benefits beyond the requirements of this chapter, the relative value of the public benefits offered, the degree of flexibility or other development incentives requested, and the potential adverse impacts, if any, to be accepted or mitigated, shall all be judged, balanced, and reconciled according to the specific circumstances of each case. 902.3 The site plan and design of the project shall provide present and future occupants with a living or working environment and amenities superior to those that can be achieved by applying the other provisions of the Zoning Regulations. Flexibility in the siting, design, type, and location of buildings is encouraged. Superior planning and design include, but are not limited to: (a) Provision of open space, which should preserve original gardens and backyard open spaces and provide light, air, and privacy to adjacent buildings; (b) Effective and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation with: (1) Full use of the alleys as a service area for vehicles; (2) Streets unimpeded by service stops; and (3) Sidewalks and public space inviting to pedestrians and free of vehicular parking; (c) Superior architectural design in the subject building or complex considered in and of itself and in relationship to the surrounding buildings and environment within six hundred feet (600 ft.) within the subject zone; (d) Retention of the entire fabric and scale of historic buildings, to the extent the proposed planned unit development directly affects historic landmarks or contributing historic buildings in the local historic district; (e) Retention of housing, the conversion of residential use of nonresidential uses in the M-1 and M-2 zones and Mixed Use zones, and the provision of low and moderate income housing; (f) Superior landscaping; E-55 ZRR Draft Text for Taskforce Review March 23, 2012 (g) Other project amenities that are demonstrated to contribute to the quality of life in the planned unit development or in the surrounding neighborhood; and (h) Project benefits shall be located on the site of the planned unit development or in the surrounding neighborhood. In some instances, additional benefits may be located in the adjacent or nearby public space; provided, that the public agency responsible for the space concurs with the proposed benefit and has executed a development agreement with the applicant regarding construction and maintenance of the amenity. For the purpose of this zone, "surrounding neighborhood" shall be defined as the subject square or the adjoining square within the following zones: AT-4-B, AT-9-F, AT-11-F, T-4-A, T-9-E, T-46-E, T47-M, T-48-M, T-49-O, T-50-O, and T-51-T. E-56
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